The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 25, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    Roy Owen Drives Ellen R to Victory in Feature of Thursday’s Ak Harness Race
—-- ... .. - ___ _ ■ 1
Final Heat of
2*J2 Pace Proves
, Thriller to Fans
Several Minutes Required by
Judges to Decide Four
Horses That R an
in Money.
El,I /TIN R., 2-year-old t roller by
Bingem Silk from the Kd Peter
son stables and driven by Roy
Owen, Omaha reinsman. won the Ne
braska Racing Commission 2-year-old
trot, the feature race at Ak-Sar-Ren
field yesterday afternoon, finishing
Brat in the first two heats and second
in the third heat.
A small crowd nf fans and fanettes
turned out to witness thp second
day's program of harness events and
again were treated to thrilling fin
ishes. Especially was this true in the
third and final heat of the 2:12 puce
when the finish was so close that the
Judges required several minutes to
^fci4* on the four horses that came
in the money, and when they did de
cldgettn Eva Rose as winner of the
hewj-the pari-mutuels paid the long
est'-1jrtee of the meeting, 159.40 on
1 her"give J2 tickets that were pur
chased on Eva’s beozrt*.
What They Paid
. lii? : $’*»■'♦ lieat:
l X. .*3.10 *3.40 fl.M
.*13.00 *1.00
T|Cs3rf1M,|° . $3.10
'•e4«n<4 heat:
Tlp.^Tri.n, *i.\.*o *:t.n«
I.T™ 'i..r.'.sn *1.4#
T|Sr! bent: «
T:*a Trhrn *3.80 *1.40 *1.00
r u,# *1.00 *1.40
J%ai| fHoi mi
* A „ SEf OM* R \CK.
Cars: 1 tr-t Neat:
1 rfi Tf'V1 **>.r.n
Him PHtiirfw «•» <A
Worn! bent:
»*-4* *3.00 S3.SO
"fitrdVst: y«"
' fsgn*T«d„ (So betting). *2" 4" I
Rtlfl nttlfTflV . ta (A1
Ao them’ betting.
0 THtftP RACK.
-..^O^or-olcl Trot: Fir*t l.ept:
KteiSi. Jr s-lf.
Xfcshow belting. ..
Seonn.l beat:
. M *n W-Jfl
»hmv betting. 4
ThlM heat:
Ibillworthy * t *»« i
N*v plate nr slum betting
Time r. I tftS *-*; | .18 *-» .* i ;4|
._ i
*t bluege of Washington were a
latter batsmen lie would be vicing
with Joe Dugan of Xew York for the
. honor of being the best third «arkrr
lr the American league. He is every
hit at good a fielder.
Harvard has gone tn the West
aval}* to secure .1 rowing coach, for
the Appointment of Fred Spuhrn. a
n,*H)bfr °f this year's Washington
b*4|Wsity crew, as an assistant coach
for <iiext years has been announced.
Spufifii, who rowed at seven, was
swarded a yearly cup for the person
"n the rowing ervv that proved the
n.nst.-Inspiration to: that group. He
will .probably hav charge of the 150
pou&d class at II; rvard.
National league umpires say tlinl
if IStchcr Tony Kaufnmnn had a
good ‘ dispos fion li» would be twice
*r good a pitcher. According to the
um|M, Kaufmnnn labors under the
dflu*|on that he throws nothing but
The newest "iron man'* of baseball
I* ' pea Ridge” Doy, ihe big mirier
of tfis Muskogee Western association
Recently Day pitched a dou
bia-hatnier victory against Joplin, si
lowlQg only cne hit in the second
l eading all of flic amateurs in Hie
rccefft Pacific Northwest golf chain
P on-sjtfp. Dr- O. M illing of port
lnndrjuoveil btd medicine for the rest
of tjie competitive field. Hast year
the fcood doctor was runner-up in th*
Dresf^n state chompionshlps. He la
In Ije remembered nationally for his
fine, play with the American cup lean
r.broad last year.
t.'larhe tirilfith, president of lit'
■Washington liasrball club, has 1 (Ternt
the use of his baseball park for the
Msrines-Thlrd cortis football game!
which is to be pls.ved 111 December.
Baltimore and Philadelphia also wont
the big game.
The impending transfer of (lie Salt
T^ike City franchise may enable Hpo
kune to realize her long standing am
bition to get into the Pacific Coast
Detroit Free Press: The Vlautirs
of Brooklyn, winners of the baseball'
championship In 1HH4 and ISfl."., went i
through two seasons without sustain
ipg a defeat.
Tha speedy Maurice \rrhdearnn
1 haa been going so well of late that he
will probably continue as s fixture in
the Chicago White Hox outfield.
Mary K. Browne, former national
singles champion, will be seen in the
Kastern tennis tournament and titu
lar play tills fall.
Chief Moses \ allow horse, formerly
with the Pittsburgh National league
club, is now without a place to play
baseball. He was sent to Fort Worth
of the Texas league a couple of weeks
ago, but could not play. He was re
lessed. Yellowhoree attracted the al
tentlon Of National league scouts a
few years ago while with Dlttle Rock.
Since then he has been sblnped all
over the country, alter having failed
with Pittsburgh.
Tevlslon, Fleanor K„ Tip Frisco.
flerond rare: I:t4 trof, Marla Dale,
• Marvin Dale. Trllee. Dr. T. F
Third rare: i:J0 pare, Teddy, jr.,
' l arkspur. Utile Biinnlr. Russia Milk.
Pence, in Rare Form, Turns Back Omaha Without Hit or Run
- -- - - ■ ■ ■■■ - ■ ■ ■■ ■ - ■ - - — ■ "—-- ---—■
EDDIE’S FRIENDS Mn| that Hm Winner lHtn’t Get Away with Anything.
,S „, EOD fe-\
^ T>*> ^«eciE»c
/I fcfosw, movj o ] (-- ppw ms siwa
^ Bt ^ 600fc TiWE /~-----r~ ^OESS OM Tv^ATr
I fo M.CK rtM Foe )
v/ TVb£E FivJE ' *n \ FEED 1ACSE
\ WToms Me owes/ / C0W1M6 '—\ |
4 _• m4 /—^
j(1*& ^rs
Win City Net
Doubles Title
.OS I NO the J2d
annual city tennis
! n n r nament. Hie
most suer • s s f h 1
ever held. David
Da v I a, singles
c Ii a m p i n n, and
I! a I p h Newell,
runne r-u p i n
f ii u n M * as time
neys. hut whn has
ne\er won a
rhampionahtp be
fore, defeated Art
Serlhner, for ni e r
champ. and T.
Spike” Kernedy.
the "daddy of (hem „||, ,;r|pp|nc
three «et affair fo the double, chsm
pionship on the Omaha Kl Id ,-iuli
ccurt* yesterday, f t, t; 4, *.}.
The match was far superior from
point of form displayed and slashing
fighting powers^ exhibited than sny
match in the tourney.
Tlte teams were battling for every
point. Titeir stroking was awesome,
while the masterful net play of the
winners left the small gallery gasping
time and again.
Scribner and Kennedy attempted tn
play tlie lull game against Hie cham
pions. Tills game had won fur them
against I'owell and Koch, hut before
the slashing drives of the champion*
yesterday they w.-re forced to aban
don this style.
The work of Newell and Dtivja at
the net was by far the best display
of net work seen In Die tournament,
while their liackcoiirt work was on
a par with that of Scribner aed Ken
Vankor (ivclistn Kail In Show
Wrll in Olympic Competition
By Associated Press.
Paris, July 23.—France today cap
tried ledh team and individual honors
ir. Hie Olympic "cycling marathon,”
a gruelling grind of 1SS kilometer*,
at proxlmately 117 miles, over a roail
course slatting and ending in the
Colomhea stadium
The best of the Americana \v a -
John HoullcauU, who covered the
distance in 7:15 IS” To The other
Americans were (ins llentscliel and
Ignatius C,fnnknwski. The fourth
loan, victor Hopbine. the Davenport
lla.) star and holder of the world'
distance record, who had been counted
ot to do well, met with an accident,
sinaelliug id* wheel. Although he was
hopelessly out of the running, lie
finished Hie race.
Yesterday's Home Run
y >
Player and Club— No. Tot.
Fournier, Brooklyn I
Hornsby, St. Iduil* I 12
Williams. Philadelphia I II
Maranville. Pittsburgh I I
Kanfnrnnu. Chicago I I
Buth, New York . I 2!)
Burns. Cleveland . 2 1
Mantish, lletrolt I 2
llassler, llelroll I I
Totals: National, 284: American. 218.
! American Association I
*♦ Paul. .Tilly U- ^ H K
Tnladn .. . . 0 < n
'4. ".Ul .17 1
M»* tarfaa- Naylor ami HpIiiiH#, Kaath
and I)l*«n
Kanaaa Olv. July .’4 I1M !•*
• d-nlav »l|a ... 4 S *
Kanaa* <*lty .* 1 :t
MaMarl** Holla' and Htnllam: W||
klnvnn and Kklff
\f Inna* pnl|«, .TiiIy’ ?4 TV II K.
f’oliirnhtja .. ..7 1JI ?
Aftnnaa pnlla * 11 1
BatlniJaa Northrop Ainbrnaa Pal
matfi. fnulk and Hart lay. Burner ami
Via var
VIHwaiikaa July '4 I nd la im pnlla VI11
waukat faint poatponad f'.cowfit tain.
t--- t -'
How the Buffaloes Are Hitting
Name Alt. K. H. TB. 3R. SB. IIR. SH. SR. At*.
Oh horn. If.731 83 84 139 19 3 14 l 3 .380
('llHop, lb.318 79 IIR 333 39 5 3* 13 1 .385
Robinson, if. ..3H8 79 131 301 38 4 IS 13 4 .356
Wileox, 3b. . .».3S5 33 84 110 17 3 1 R 3 .339
Ronmvitz, if.384 RR 13R 304 19 7 18 18 13 .338
Thompson, 3b.399 93 175 1R7 SI 5 5 13 19 .313
(•rice*. 1b.167 3 3 48 66 1 5 0 1 5 0 .387
la>iuilian. utility. ...195 34 55 64 14 0 0 5 1 .783
O’Neil, hr. 354 31 99 171 19 3 1 18 4 .779
Wilder, r.396 47 78 115 17 1 6 9 3 .384
Bailey, p.79 R 17 31 3 0 0 6 0 .315
Club hatting average .317.
Club batting average against Tulsa .330.
Tulsa hattinc average against Omaha .339.
John Dennison* famous Pie Mold
ers will lock horns with A he Kal
man's Insurance team of the Junior
Omaha league tonight at 6 at Thirty
second and Dewey avenue. Alphle
Kline, 16-year old hurler. who several
weeks aco while on the mound for
the William Street Merchants hand
ed the Pie Molders their flrst defeat
of the season, will he on the firing
line for the insurant r men.
Kline who is home on a vacation
from an eastern school is one of the
best "kid** pitchers seen on the sand
lot^1 for many moons. A good crowd
is expected to witness tonight s con
1 |
Klrai r*r»: Purse. H.OOO. c laiming : 3
*e*»r old*. furlongs
xSot |ln« .1"0 x Ron Bon ... #7
Bolivar Bond .117 > Bad I.urk 100
Ssm M**ng#l .11- \\ tnrork .*\ .109
x<'h*»*»a ,ft7 xMray (in .I On
x.N>si (iirl ... 109 A bet r art .117
l'Arn*ll 117 xKoarnan . ItJ
JJt 1 la Jimmy .. 1o?»
Mamnd r»r« Puree. 11.000; claim rg
I vMr-oMi nd up. 5»j furlongs:
Pu* A- Taka III \Corto _ 10«
x^anrper .. 93 Rig Happ . . .11'
xAlli* <*i hi. 10' xSun Mari . . . . 104
Mena Protf fi ll' l.snoH ... 109
Madina 104 x Pa I tli ful (11r I. . 10'
xKufdt® 4. Si Mi
Third fair: Puis*. $1,000. claiming,
3 year-olds and up. i*‘a furlongs
x* rear ant ...9* f.outaa Wagner *9
xP«»rp\a 10' xMav Britan . . . 1 *•'
MfUerte .Hi Ink . 1 «>4
f'U'uax .... ...IftS xTonters .......1"'
I'u.atgd .<.116 Koeliia .1 u
x K\ • ¥1 id* ... 59
Vi e#d*' Purae. ft.000; claiming
.1 - > »*ar old* and up U '* furlong*
x Ml Angelina l"' c I tnpoasible . .104
xKn\al Charlie ill * H<*»* I, ... 1 • *»
Alav Buddy ...lift x.So 99
> Hi ix 1 M*r*«-t 99 Sijiitra At < M I era I “9
Traninla . .. II' Harold K ... It*
A Pel .4-1 ill
Klfif r <* II 00ft I ha 1! I Mon
< l.'iminx tuinn-Mp: ?. old* ami up. i
fm longs \
' Pi lin e TtfjTiis.jpf The Roll »'all 1*4
flrmrawh 7 All Msrloneite 1*5
J H. Hrardou. 106
Ml \ I h rxo llmae 11000; Mainlng.
4 pip* -*M i>9i K1 '*'b
vfVtyl I fii#l*r> .51; el-*l> lug Prim a.. It*
\Vha lehona ..lit Weal worn! .. 117
Alienee .112 x Hilly VNatla . . 1 *' 7
Clivnr . . . .lljL \ Alisa C|alr« ...102
Round Rohm . .11“ Tan < m .. M
Hoy . ill * York k ...... 107
A I Stabler .1 1 2 \|«omal' leaves 103
9 A|»im #n»n f*. sllliwao. a rial in ad. him*
ai v . sjpw.
Piisl ra.a claiming 2 v»xr nld*. A'*
Wll.'r (• W'hlRpJ «»ov»ah ... lift
Kumonln ^^7 Hendrick* 110
1141 flam a# \ jf*To 7 1 'hampianol ... I 1" I
Tall TeannJf. I l& Thar, fiv l|.:
Ak hat ,4S\k»" Oolng Wild .. >06
Hold c’rtimo To&
.■second in> 1 claiming. 3 vaar olds and
ut. rniir and 70 yards:
Fix 11 9' x Ken nan . ...10*
\ Valor .PI (Iriy Hahlra ..IIS
ftlmple . 9 *i Honraal .*'
l.ouvernn ..... 110 High (’om’nder IIS
tr»*0i Sf»mu . . i IIS Hxvxrwyik It'
Cuba Bella. . _J 01 Delxala *'
<N*1 W In. Mr o 4 IjOS xHcara Crow ..III
.14iweH irilna ... 9*
Third ffdk: High vvfigtit Handicap. I
year old* and up, shout S furlongs;
II T Water# UH xWeil Kinder .114
Bona pari a 127 Mu l.nn I’J
koitflh 0*'% f v‘rxi ulrlx anil up. 1 I I'
re'las: I J V
1 m Ida n /T 11 it l*rlw« ilia Rulev 111
A1< AullffJ^ I .111*
rlfih r**V V i*4 mi I n a. * * ear-olds and
At a It .. I ft 4 Brlgga Hrh nil re i
Vrix 'anno* lift K-. nh« |i‘Or# .110
Si V a Ian (ina . lib Wood l.aka , 114
xCsnyon . . f,.* Ilk panatve 11a
I'aihsn lift »i‘ork Klin .ms
aMgiidy .' i * 1 • h 112 Inaitial* .... Mb
srtlh I»*s4 SlRldru nil.a*. J vear olda
\:!ir:uw.u.n 11 i Klrth of Knrlh 113
W*»l Bib* 111 Brown Bailv ..112
F »eva , HI Nobility _..,111
Um ",,M 112 Mon ns Vaunt 112
BnSna visit 112 Ksttilean M
riertrude |l, 112 Hrtiillhap 111
Whila Wlnga 112 Polly MaWgles HJ
Wax J.adl' II!
f Ahi< «#>fl«-a alinwRiii x i-lalm»d.
1 R g*lhgtJ rlear, track, faat.
Knights, WOWS
! Play Tie Game
On* of those ball gam** that a per
son »>ften r*a»1* about in bonki, wal
staged at Fo ntenelle park 1a*t night
when the Woodmen of the World and
Knight* of Columbus battled to *
nine inning tie. 1 to 1. For eight in
nings Krnpskl. of th* W oodmen and
Tommy Shanahan of the Knight*,
pitched shoutout ball.
Th* contest was originally carded
to go seven inning*, but with tlie
scorn tied n to 0 at the end of the
seventh. Umpire Knapp allowed the
team* to battle until draknesa made
it necessary to quit.
After the Knight* bail scored a
marker In th* last round on Nick's
long tripled to rigid field and J. F.
Mlrasky's sacrifice. Manager Kudla*/.
of tlie Woodmen tied th* count when
he socked the old apple a mighty wal
lop and sent It on it* way to deep
• enter field and scored a moment
Inter on Donatin'* wild throw to third
ha se.
A* a result of last night's game the
question of who will be the fourth
team In the first division of th Metro
politan league still remains unsolved.
Manager Greene of the Knight* wants
to flip a coin to decide the winner of
jesterday's twilight contest while Qua
Kudlacx. bon* of tha Woodmen crew.
I* in favor of playing the game nut.
The manager* of the two teams will
cmne to a deeiaion by D this morning.
Should the team* play the contest out
it will be staged tonight at Fontenelle
New York, July 2.1 -—Jack Kern
stein, former world* Junior light
weight champion, received the Judges’
decision over J»ck Zivie of Pittsburgh
In their 12 round bout tonight at
llenderson'a bowl, Hrooklyn.
Tlie bout was one of a set lea of
elimination affairs to produce a con
tender for the lightweight title, held
by Kenny T«ennsrd. It was a fact and
furhaia encounter all the way.
Decisions on Olympic Bouts Almost
Disheartening, Says Coach Spike Webb
Coach of llif \mrrhan Olympic Hol
ing Tram.
/UHB. July 55. —
Whllr i-ompotl.
lion «n* keener
than ovrc before
In the Olympic
honing wherein
the flitted Sutra
Itniera won the
crown. the de
elalona weia at
tlmaa liewlldri Ing.
elmnat dlahearlrn
log. Our nearaat
rival*. (I riat
Mi Haiti Hint At
aentlna. atiffered
with u*.
Aigatitlnft loat arvrral vrrdlda
after th# mrn appai rntly had won all
the wav, vet they finished third In
the official acorlng with all point*
althmigr they brought a tram of only
II mrn, whllr wa and tha Hi Utah rath
hart entered 24 men In the eight
The vlrtonea of these three team*
la attributable tn the phvaieal condi
tion of the competitor* ami their
loyalty to their country, with theh
nevei aa v die aplrlt.
The Argentinian* were In such
splendid phvaieal and mental trim
that aa individual* they flniahed
stronger than their rival* in prar
tlmlly ever bout. Such rendition and
capable bundling of the men at the
ringside speak* volume* of prolae f«»t
the Argentine coach, manage! and
The I'nllrd Slate* and Hiltlahj
j hotter* muat beware unlea* Argentina,
t'hlle or thoguav capline the laurel*
In the next Olympic.
New \nrh, .luh 14.—Jack Her a* t el n n(
Y n n U »t ft *••»» ft Judge » declaim) nvei la*k
f.lvlf ef Plttabursh »n n 1“ round bent tn
UriMiki' n Mernatein weighed 130\ uml
SSI Vic 13*.
New Terk.—l.wla Ansel Ftrpn. trgentlne
heavyweight, roufarreti with Tn ftl< Ward,
promoter, but no ante nan *ci fnt the
rorthcomtag Fir go Harry Will* bout
Ladies Admitted
Free to Ak Race
Meet Today
Charlie Trimble, secretary of the Ak
•Sar-Ben harness races -which opened
a four day meeting at Ak field yes
terday, announced this morning that
ladies will he admitted free of charge
to the races Friday afternoon, third
day of the meeting.
Two trots and a pace will feature
T.adiea' day with the 2:12 trot the
opening event and the 2:20 pace for
the Nebraska Racing Commission
purse the closing race on ths pro
I.atge fields are entered in each
race and close finishes are bound to
crop up in each event.
The first day's racing Wednesday
brought out a small crowd, but
mighty close and interesting finishes.
The pari-mutuels didn't rlidk so
rapidly as when the runners are
pounding the mile Ak oval, hut when
they did some good prices were paid
on the harness horse winners.
Ths second day's program will be
raced this afternoon.
f* Says “Bugs'
Special Series of Five Ar
ticle* Instructing Athletes
How to Run a Win
ning Last.
Nurmi, the ankle joggler, 1* tlie
man who gave America the gasping
He Is llte first athlete to carry an
alarm clock with him tu wake liim up
In case any rompetllnr get* danger-,
lie could make 7.ev look like a
grazing cow.
Nurmi could make Harney Oldfield
pull in his neck and steer for a lake
of smelling sails.
The crest Finn will come over here
and run against our best. He will
have them dizzier than a color blind
engineer trying to catch fireflies In
the daytime.
All Finns are crest runners They
live on bread and cheese.
That may sound like a laugh in the
stovepipe. Rut did you ever consider
that antelopes eat nothing hut hay?
Although Nurmi is a wonderful to*
jockey, hi* hc*t friend on his uncle's
side Is a greater runner than he is.
tie also eats nottiing hut bread and
Nurmi's uncle is a man by (lie
■tame of Nurmi. Ilis friend is named
Nurmi too. lie will Instruct young
\merican* how to run marathons any
lime they are needed.
Anybody can tun a marathon. Rut
the Important thing I* to have one
in your shoes when you need It.
We have secured the exclusive fer
ryboat rights to Nurmi's friend's ar
ticles. If yon can't run a marathon
after reading these articles you
should have >our eye* examined hy a
different laundry.
The first article will he on the care
of arch supporters.
I til these articles will he oroleeled Is
the I . * of X. h* Ihe Steed llreeert at
('Tpres* HO)
The Omaha Sporting floods com j
pany grasped a tighter hold on sec ,
nnd place In the American league !<> |
defeating the Sam F.llaa las* nighti
at Muny l>ea< h by the score of 3 to «
Dent, on the mound for the Sport
tug floods men. allowed the Ames'
avenue barbers but two safe ldows.
The bespectacled hurler for the j
Sporting Goods men had hla stow
lull working to perfection and at no
time did Rascal's men look dangerous
"t'lilrk" Black, with three safe blows
out of three times at liat. carried off
the hitting Illinois for the winners.
(tamlatul. third.-cicker for the win
pel*, handled 1» chance* perfectly at
the hot corner. Burns, first sack ar for
Ihe aportsinen. h 1*o starred in the
field. Shook, former State leaguer,
on the mound for the Kllas, was
nicked for 10 safe hits.
Amateur Federation Eliminates .
| Three Events From Future Olympics
ARIH, July 24 —
The 10 000 • meter
walk, the cross
rountry run of
the same distance,
• h e pentathlon
and the 3 000
meter team race
were eliminated
from future
Olympic track and
and fir Id meets
l<y the congress
of the Interna
national Federa
tion of Amateur
Athletes in ses
sion here.
1-ack of Interest In the walk and
the cross - country races, and the
opinion that the pentathlon was not
a real all around test and that the
3,OOOmetcr race made the distance
events top heavy, led to the conclu
Several world’s records were con
firmed by the federation as official.
Robert la><»endre, formerly of
firorgelnwn, now of the Newark Ath
letic club, was credited with leaping
7 meters ifi'j centimeters, (25 feet 5'/*
incites) for the running broad Jump
in the pentathlon at Ihe recent
The tlmp of 41 second* for the
Olympic 400-meter relay, made by
the American array of Louis Clark,
Francis Htiasey, Loren Murchison and
Alfred LcConey, was approved. They
did this on July 13.
The federation also confirmed as a
world's record the mark made by
Charley Brookins of Iowa, of 23 1-5
second* for Ihe 220-yard hurdle* on
July 6, 1923, In America, and the time
of 7 minutes 47 3-3 seconds, made by
the American team of McKillop, Ma
honey, Cavanaugh and Welch, In
America, on April 26 last.
The Illinois relay team rtf Crogh,
Baker, Watson and Kay was officially
recorded as doing 17 minutes 21 1-5
seconds for four miles in America ou
June 23, 1023. The mark of 3 min
utes 16 seconds for tiny 1,600-meter
made by the American leant of Coch
ran. Ilelffricli, McDonald and Steten
son, in the Olympic games on July 13,
and llaruld Osborne's decathlon ret -
ord of *70 7-75 points, made on July
10 and II in the Olympics, were also
approved as world's figure*.
I Fayette National If ins First $10,000
Purse of Season on Grand Circuit
I __ft
TW bwK'iHlffl Press.
Kalamazoo. Mich.. July I* -Kayette
National, owned hy fluttenstein
I Brothers of Milwaukee, wort the first
I *10,001) purse of the season on the
Iftrand Circuit hv annexing the Kala
.mazno Exchange club event for 2:0*
Itrottera in straight heats over the
' Hecreational park track this after
neon. The winner, a top heavy favor
ite, driven by McKay, was no* driven
out to win. but was aide to take the
lead and hold it to ihe finish In each
mile without being seriously chaJ
b nged liy the other 10 stactera in
the, event.
.'lean Axwortliy ran away In the
third heat, throwing her driver. Harry
Stokes. from the sulky, but bis in
I Juries w e re not serious. The Ohio
a Are, after leaving driver and sulky
.near the half pcs', finished up with
the winners in the event.
Bessie MeKyln. the favorite, won
the 2:04 Columbia Hotel purse, taking
the first and third heats in clever
fnehion. but finishing behind Iva I.on
in the second mile, after a whipping
(drive down the stretch.
Jean Worthy, the favorite, took
ihe 2:17 trot in straight heats, with
Ksrnal In for second money.
In the 5;is pa* e It became necea
■ary under the two-heat plan for
Dan Finch and the Great Chance to
t * an extra mile to decide ;be win
ner. the former winning In a driv^
Francis ,T. won the first heat, but distanced in the second.
Another large crowd was present
to witness the sport. Thursday
Pop ’ Geers will drive peter Man
ning against the worlds trotting
Kigonlut Finishes First
In Olyinpir Wright l ifting
Ity AtMt-ialfd I’rfM.
Paris July 23. fBy A. P.V— Rig
uu lot of France finished first in the
Olympic weight lifting competition
for light heavyw eights contested to
day and tonight. 1 leanenherger of
Switzerland was second. Freidrich of
Austria, third Freidberg of Austria,
fourth; Ur. Bergara of Argentina,
fifth, and Ur. Scharerer. Switzerland,
sixth. Uigolout scored 1.605 points.
Htnnsnberg broke the world record
In the one hand dean and jerk event, j
shouldering and lifting up 107.5 kilo
grams (237 pounds i He exceeded by i
more than 25 jvounds the old .record
held by He Hop of Ksthnnla._
j Beatrice, Neb, July IS,—Pr. T. K
i Thomas nf Hehron auc'-»“sfully de
! funded hi* title as champion of the
I lay I lusher Golf association here to
I day when he defeated K. Huntsman,
ialso of lirbron. 3 up and 3 in the 36 final round of the 19'-’4 tourna
! ntent,
Tlie 1 hntnpion went Into the lead
early in the match, maintaining his
advantage throughout the 31 played
hides by playing a careful and con
sistent brand of golf, llis adversary,
however, although stronger in driv
ing. was erratic and dubbed Several
of hi* shot* at crucial moment*.
Both were handicapped by the In
tense heat and a *trong wind that
several time* carried their drives far
into the rough.
_ ___
The MMiron
--—g- ■ ■ — ■■ THK |»!;»* ins “(
* — ^ ~Cj — — — ? the n ulir- n i* self
should 1"* done
*3»»_v1g2«5?T* «"h great -are,
<•.tut n thing t<>
Hi «void is turning
— - " T"" “ the toe (if the
\ i clubhead in. So
WliB many p 1 » > e f
the club in or
A'*'rtilii?T?r d-"»n until it to
C fuck CtuBNtAO not that of .*
| T-Muis THt 1IlMlrol| but of a
|_LL‘ driving Iron. l 'V
the < lubheatl flat on the ground. The
blade must He naturally, teady to
send the ball a.voiding to Its loft.
Itcfore lieginnlng the stroke Imagine
a tine running up from the center of
the ball. In making a golf swing one
must know nhat he is going to do
segments ahead of the lime to do it.
Of primary Importance is the < are
taken In getting the right angle form
ed by the cliibfuce and an Imaginary
line, lieginnlng a few Inches behind
ihs twll and passing through It to
the hole,
A good thing think »f «hnn hitting
ihs halt t* ihet vau will file nr fitch the
f-htbhead 'hrnush Where rhythm r-uinis
meet Is st ihr luyil. smt It you srl s
rhrthnur motion there yon srs welt re
sariir.l You sill r -n lesrn tbs' you
vouraelf cannot fnrr* 1 he chib IBro'if"
the b»U The motion of »he pwtng must
ha <nntimmup anti ehould Iffln with
aandpapermt, * vibratory moxament, ami
then with the weight of the body thrown
hat k on the right leg and th" heel alight
ly preae forward on the club until
the hun'l* ere a little In advaneg of Ihe
t lubhrwd Then him* them back behind
Ii. « lubhea.l Ptill on th. Hound, and let
the motion flew Into ihe tept cf t h*
atrokr You will Tind t hat the I it I !• e.-xnd
pa pet atunl la a very fine one indeed 1
remember having an argument with •
l*ieminent golfer about life *»' I '**
my mldiran Made lie advised me to
allow the Made to lie out a little an that
It would moxe the ball upwaida mare
•aptly * agreed with him to an titrat.
Thla forward and baikward prena (hat
t have mentioned I* very Important ant!
mi acme day* you will ft ml that xou muat
u«e more of II than on uth.-ra. Some
people think that when the club and ball
meat that the elbow* .»n»1 wrlata aM'Uht
ha *tlff, when a* a mu Me of fa t a
aort of broken condition i* beat. Man*
golfer* awing well until •* clubhead
)iaa nmt the ball, ihen th** think the*
ta all there tp to do when .** a matter
•»f fa. f but half the w >»i k In don* There
are time* when it ta beef to divide x out
uniat action tn two You muat u«# that
llttla vibratory movement to <dgrt wi h
even though 4:, p» , vent of thg golfer*
put then i hilt with mot ion lea* dignity
behind the ball tuat before thev take ihr
• luhiieod off the g>otu>d To anno
an Important Infinitive when the ball *
hit. Try to gi>| the weight of the ateei
on »he hall It behave In ke«t<ii * tltr
left hand down
iCnpyright, 1124 )
qjACE> -
V r»t rare. Five and one-half fur|nnfa
Note of j.ove <P Walla* I®.*® a.2k 3 ®i
>l>ai »h .Name tz.loone>>.11 2k * 2®
Luuable (J*< obis!. . ik
Time 1 •* Bell® Wood. Tod R»n*aor.
I.liile Gil *»>. Sea Tide. Wha? la It, Aunt
Aggie and R**ri*ni also ran.
He* un«i r®< •• Fiv® and onc-baif for
Thornton -Shaffer*. ft® 4*® 3 »®
Pali {h ..r«J» .SI® 2.ft# ;
Sevan ooaki t Hanka)......... I. k# |
Tim® 1 *•: 4 k. Meddhng mplh. Pug I p,
Henry J, /.emner and Arabian alao its
Third ra*e Sav-®n furlong*
Pi> i Fran< ia) .]««® 4 1® J 2®
Fehrah tAb®l> .Ill 1M
Hanker Brown (Uroea)..J a® 1
Time- 1 .'7 3-1. I>r Chat. Wella. fW*n
ni*> Kirk Dr®**. Ferguson. T«*ung .
Adam. Tule, i-a<1> Ai bott and Malthas
also ran
Fourth r*r* Seven furlonga:
Heput> (Bullmanl 11.1k 1® 41 l ift
Polly NVale i Mi Ivor) . 44 3® 2® 3®
Van Patrick <An»bro<-e) .. ... . . . IS ®k
Time 1 J® 1-1. H'ight Tomorrow.
T.leutenanf II. Habv Grand. Will Hand.
I’n n K4* r of Truce ®l»o ran
Fifth tar? >4 Me *»»d a snieenth:
llalluemat on {,P Walla) .2 *0 3 3® €.lk
• ‘Morin * W allace) ..2 1® J *1
king* Court ( Wl!®*»n) .2 ®i
Time: Hill Vranna Fast Mark
Flowet ful. Greyhourne and Thorndjrke also
Firs! R»r« 4 furlongs
<*r*ctUI if.iHyl i-\ 71 *>*n
Balboa (ColIUii l .l-l 4-»
Mark Ma***r i Wood i .
Tim* 1 >' 1 ! ■ i ldl* Sath. St Chari**.
Fourcroas. Sj.abdor, Brilliant and Pillager
also ran.
Hfiond Kara—kill* and l-!4th:
Sakah <MrI»armot»> .1S-1 7-1 M
.Unison (PlftaMlI©) . . ;s-i 4 7
Khaa O iFronk! 4-1
Tmr 1:4?. Th* For *1 guar. Sunny l»u
' row, Chi\a. C»un*l. pratait. Ann M
SaddufN a law ran.
Third H«i*—S:* furlongs
B«na Yarn iKronk) .|-1 l J f-i*
Kvarglad* (Jonas) .. *-lf |-4
Kxtra K«1i lion <Y*lfr»n) 4.1
T»ma 1 U1 i S*(It's ABM. Wong Bok.
1 lavar Sath and Kbony Ball* also ran.
Fourth taco- una mil*
Bourbon Hm Oartitri IS 1 7 I 3,4
(•laatn# (Ysl'onl . . .. ?S 1 4-4
Cannon Shot iK. Fatoi) ... 7.1 §
Tim* 1-4*5 4 l.a\r*n lb* Bunt
King % »• a Its. Ill aid Snuok.* Hradlsi also
Fifth raca 1 Sir furlong*
l(run»*itk itlnrnar) If 4 *\»n 1 •
K*\k A c k 1* y (Krtttvinol H4.1 g-S
Parana Mar all.n iiitoaai .3.5
Tima; I 11 14. Kluaiva F ft*-Fifty,
Pluch>. Black Urackla and Kov k Bui
lom ale* run
Sixth rae* M I* and an eighth:
•M Siablar W, Kwll . |».| M ?.jf
Hatnkln iBarraut .. ..2 1 *»*n
Th* H*ar*r ((irrri'y 1 4 g
Tim* 1 4:4 Pa war. IN m oods. Bun*
fir*. War tv nnar, Itish Pat, tlait Ford,
Sanda of Plaaaurw and i’\prrnt* also ran
F *.t r*-f Fix# amt on# half fusions*
M > > i ia Belle ilMawaoitl e-1 *.| run
F*. olane ft'ollti p> . I 4 k
Bill Dw vs- t Matthew*' . (, k
Time; 1 hi J-.. Oippy Flyer. l.o|ita.
ratnp.fnrxl Unwnli, l.’i;>e N Rlacksmtfh
lMxr,| \ a.41 a\ e. Tru# Rot k. Triniwav alto
Serend rare; Mil* and *• rard*
War Maak I'*erc e 1 Jl exen 1“
'nti*-ipation *kra*nerl Six .
Sword (Harxexl ... J.|
Time' I 4k 4 ■■ Keenan, t'«l Whalen.
lh negal l^agoon. Meadow 1 awn Klo|*
ment. Jim lam. t'armen Vantage* and
Mumh » .! k.x eleo *an
Third ra* e One mile.
No*# l»lxe (kf»ll*en| . ... II T-It 1-1
Vtladnr {Brother*! ... exen 11
Shamrock iMIlatr) *-k
Time 1 II M. Rejection. Wilfcea
Rktre and Roland also ran.
Fourth rat-* Ml# and a alxteenth
l.itefcv IV: v If* Kummai) tl-10 \ 4 nut
Venn tl.egeiel .. .M out
Van Khan (Field*'. out
Time l 4'• 4 k. Blind Flax a!»o an
Fifth ra* e » ftarlonga.
)lu« k Bond 1 1 1 'aBahanl T 1 IV" * :
.«xe W.uijan . it nr ve» ... Til 1 t
0*«*nl (M«<Hi#x I . ..» #xen
T irr t ■»'!» 4 s. \t,.* i H-unea! Bo*
firm W amn*e Ran Plwx* Invlrhta
O' K ell x. S', riittph The World OVtuia
ami \e«<«et»*e .**•*» 1 an
Sixth ».*«* f tar ton * a
Quern* Token (HuikeJ 1" I 4 It
Faet Mail. « M* AteeJ .13 I k
It'olnie Barter I . 14
Time t on 3 ' BtNM’i,-* I'owaslee. Mad
denatnwn Mar *n» Wildlane Fix of A3
llaxtxatd and Meat al*o ran.
Mil Hit. \N 4l\T\Rl«» IMI.IK.
Flint 4 Hav t'lty, 4
I < a m ‘ 11 o n It Hiamt Rapid a. 4.
l.ntjdon at vtn»k#*cn n.r
No other nh*«ittle*l
Oilers Amass
22 Runs Off Trio
of Omaha Hurlei>
‘Yank- Davis Clouts Two Cir
ruit Drives — Washburn
Obtains 30th Homer of
Seas' n.
Tulsa. July 24.—Russ«dl P»r<c
right-handed pitcher for the Till*
Oilers, stepped Into the baseball h
of fame here Thursday afternoc
when he pitched a no-hit, no-rur
game against the Omaha Ruffal"'
The lubricators scored 22 runs off
three Herd pitchers. Tank Davis h t
two home runs and Roy Washburn
failed his SOth home run of the
son. Score:
iiMtin (Hi
All K H. O. A >
Thompson tb . I " « S 5 I
KoMnsnn rf * It H *.<> <
Cullop Ib-p . 4 b « 4 S l
Osborn If 4 » ll 3 «
flanomili rf . 4 ft ft w ft *
Wilcox 3b . 2 ft « » 4 i
O'Neil ft*.2 n ft i I i
l.oehbf e .t *• ft 2 I i
Mark |» ft « <» « ft «
l.enihan p-lb 3 ft ft 4 1 <
' Total* . . 23 ft ft 24 IS
Tl l>A fW)
AH. K. H. O A. F
A vatin If . 5 4 3 I « •
raafr 3b . 5 4 2 » i •
liavU rf . 4 5 2 ft « *»
lamh rf 4 3 3 2ft
lellvrlt lb .3 3 1 I* ft 1
Waahhurn 2b 4 I 3 4 ft
frnahv r . 4 I 1 2 ft «
Flippln aa ..... . 1 ft ft I 7 «
Penee p . 3 1 « 1 X J
Total* 35 32 15 ?7 J« 3
kwnre by inninr*
Omaha fmA ftftft— ft
TuUa . 3ftft 144 Mi—??
Summary—»f hit*: lamb (2 .
AA'a*hhurn. Austin. Home ntni: Davie
(X». Austin. fa*>er. AAa-hburn. Stolen
b«sa»: Felivelt 121. F-amh. Davie.’ «ar
rlfl«e*: Pence. Wa«hham. FH»uhle pla«*
Flippln to Washharn to I>eltrelt (2i.
Thompson to Cnllnp. O'Neil tn Thnmp»*>'i
tn Cullop. Wilcox to Thompson to lent -
ban. left on h»*e«*: Omaha. 5; Tub*
ft. IAa*e* «>n haila: Off Pence. 4: off
Mark. 2; off I.ennltan. 7: off Cullop. 3.
struck out: B» Penr*. 2: hy Cullop.
Hit hr ptteheif hall: Flippln hy fen.4
han. F»H»i* and Faelivelt hy l ollop 1A ild
pltrhe*: l^mthan and ( tillup.
hall: F.uehlte.
McDaniel's Homer
^ ins for Solons
33 h • t a. Kan. Ju1- 24 Tt * «
1« inninr battle featuring M'T»ar • •
timely home run that won for T n'-c r
and the *-•*! pitching of Rot ■ I r - ■
hurler. wher he filled »h* h»*-e in the
ninth *nd *b#n let Wichita down »■ c *
lea*, ♦ h* I.Ink* mad- a clean «wp •>*
the ■« -*a here, wtohirg tha final gci*
5 t o 4 Score
ab b po.a e ih h p
Moore '* 4 'ana»rs«hr# t 1
Pr y if-3h 3 ft 4 1 * Butler 3b 4 1 2 1
<l*t her 2b £ 1 ! ft ft T>u*n r r? S • 1 a -*
Sktn'er rf 4 2 1 o ft Berk lb 4 111
I a'i 3b •* 4 1 1 1 f Hal-' •• 3 ! .2
XTFVta lb 4 112 1 1 rt -«ri# If 4 J 1 a
Umb e % a c 1 ft Rott 2b 4 " * 5
Chave* nil!! e M'M'Ien e 4 a • n
Pa?la« p 2 a 1 1 » Kellev* p 2 1*1
BeoV p 2 • • 1 1 Hovl k p 1 • • !
xCoo per ft ft 0 ft ft x Beall 1 a a ft *
—--— xWafna * ft ft a -
T»*a?a 14 I I* 17 2 -—
Tot® I* ?a f Jft 32 •
i H> t * —d for Ch*\ef - e-r^th
r Rafted for McMullen n t*th
-Batted for Hovp.k :n lftth
e by Inning*
I.ineoln .2ftft ftft* *?• 1 >
Wichita . ftftft ftftft *_ 4
Nummary—Run* M tore Oun?**r.
Skinner f2), McDaniel*. Busier. T»u*r rx
Reck. Hal-' Two-baaa h •• Dvnn c
Skinnee Home r«"» Skinner.
lei*. Be^k Sa r;f»re.* Butler, F
Pt-udv <:>. Hit by pitched hail M Ml
!en by Beck Cooper by Ifovllk. B.*«eji
on ball* Off Seltera. «; ftff Hovl .
off Pella*. t off Beck. 4 Struck on
Bv Seiler*. 4: bv H«vltk. 4: bv Pa!|a* ’
by Beck 1 Double play: Coop*
!«amb. Stoien bane Smith VA' d p
Seller* Hu* and run* Off S* ‘ era
and 4 In *even and one-third Inning* *:
HeeDk. 1 and 1 In two and two tb - 1*
innine* off Pallaa. 7 and 4 in four a*d
one-third 'nr ng* off Be^k : and -
in fit« *nd two-third a nrlni* J ft
base*. Wtrkifa. 15: Lincoln. ift.
*• TftOtph Jy!» *4 —Dr- #- *
th* last can* of ?h# •#r1a« from «
Joanph tod**. f •<* ! Th* Ra n-p
ttrabl* »<* h.* « r*fmin in thr j»;n »-#*
blow*. ’ i ?hr M- nntf rmsv * * • *
for pnnvar and fw" mor# warn addrd !r
tba rirfh. *h#i Xuf*r overthrow f:-«
Rco**n; *
DEN’VKR, i W\ 5T. JO#rrR <* *
»b h # ab w r-" * *
lb M 1 J ovvifpr ?b 4 in - *
R-rgn. — * T 7 4 • *' * can <« ; * • !
rVI*r*!l if • 1 1 a *kt*thp* 1b 4 * 4 •
Kn.fht jh <43? R.MMlfr rf 4 • •
O’R-fm cf ’ ’ t 4 ftT> \t gin «f - a 4 *
**alk rf 4 * 1 * «4?t?tor? Jh 4 • f 7
Rnrb# lb * *1?1 4n<Mj;hi| rf 1 i J
TVhaMn r S t 4 t - * * f
fr*»min *41*4 *!*•»♦ ap t p s p • •
▼olat* 35 4 fT 1* * Total* If i 77 ' ’
^r-nr# by fnn ng«
^n* »r .. . at* *«• a*f
*t. .T<t*»rh . .5** **# *•*
Su*wm*rv—Run* Gormin <Sb. K*
Whalen Freemaa VuNr, Ma‘h*>«
»-«ra- IVatn i: Sr Tovph ? Rmm
ball** Off P#rannort. I: off FVow\»n
Rtro.'k owt R> Dav****H * hr F—
rnan 4 l.*ft on K» *** IV«v»r 4 ■»*
Irparh 4 r**o bap* h(i» \fp »n» \f »
RarrOl* * bit*- I'orrlfa*
Boosters Blank Indian*.
Oklahoma July ?4 ■ .»r vv
e«>n !*♦» Mihum a a and "Rip' Ha*.'
»i»an rt’rmi from tha * Oklahoma .*• .-< *•
Uagua hooi.a.t t* in a wtfh nr »t^*
Ihta aftamoon flaaarrmn walked iw.
in tha eighth wn:h tha ha*e* Mini and
two owt Klvmi 1W >4. me a 1 to • ^
tpry in the final game of the anna* “? a
»b h p» » * ihRpvii t
Pt’k par *• 4 I f 4 a 1t«v fc . f 4 *» a
O'rldan rf 4 ? 1 • • M»t«»e ’f 4*1*
tvCaa r rf * 1 : • fFedar *f 4 • ? <“
M ' Ha . f : 1 • • a i.t,ru« lb 4 * «
Knawytp “h * a ? 1 4T»-. *b 4 1 1 t
«frht lb 1 a 11 a a K’ car ?b 1 7 * 4
H ium* lb 4 1 J * 1 rkhedot * * *
VV haat r I ? } * a V Vi* M 4 * * 4
IfrtHm p 1)414 Hula r 4**4
Mara- a p ? • * «
Total* :» 1 77 11 1 Johaeoa r 1 1 " '
Tot*’a n T :: 11
tR»n for Krn#f«r ,n a:* fc
lb-ere by Jnn>ng«
lva-4 Mivrae a a# *a* *r* *
Oklahoma Oil' *** *0* *
Ssmtnary- •H»m F »«lt*tnt^r
ridaw Twa Kate felt Hamilton
r»< a hit* Fiaahamiwr. knaup; s
**** Falbar. Kiti*-|e B*-** - *
off Ha carman ,1 Strwk out H
llafemtn. } ha W.laon. 1 Run* awd
htta. (»ff llatarman ? and 7 * ****
and iw* third* Inning* I'auh’a r'**•
Tata t** Kmager t** l odoru* M*-\a‘ »
Krueger to l.ndaru* Magr<man V'
Na . \ to I.uda ha 1* f» on base* *
Maine* T Oklahoma %'ttjr. * l’»rv **
TowaU and Ibwiohne r me 1 is
Italian Irnccr Harrcl From
Kulurr Olympic t onlf»t«
Faria, July Si—Vreate rulitl, O'
Kalian fewer, a ho w.u cnnatdeto,! a
at i one ounton.tei for the Otynifx,'
*al*er title, haa hce„ harmt f, •. >*r
ftttm olympu < oiupetitimt b\
eve, utiva rommitiee of the I-or
’h'nal Olympic rommr (•', ,, »
hta attempt to prnvtvie th, llui . i’ian
fenrer, Judge Ka\a,» to a duel
»»a M Kovar*' protest that brought
about Fullttia dtaqualinaatloa.