The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 16, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    Chicago Wheat
Drops, Closing at
Bottom Levels
Extreme Strength at Liver
pool and Winnipeg Lifts
Prires, but Heavy Sell
ing Encountered.
Universal Hervice Staff f nrrespondent.
Chicago, July 15.—Extreme strength at
Liverpool and Winnipeg early today lifted
wheat prices here sharply, but tremendous
selling tvaa encountered on the bulge In
the way of profit taking. A s a result,
the market fell back abruptly, closing
lower at bottom levels. A few showers
°ver the Canadian northwest where soak
ing rain is badly needed apparently led
to much of the realizing.
Wheat closed %c to l%c lower, corn
1 %n to 4 % C lower and oats *4c to l%c
•lower, while rye was %c to 11 %c lower.
Seboard houses and firms with foreign
xsinnectlona were credited with taking
he offerings of wheat on the way down,
hut the liquidating load was too much
for the market to shoulder throughout
ihe day.
Corn hit new highs at the outset and
then tumbled badly' with wheat. Sep
tember corn broke Sc from the top level.
Shorts in corn presumably had covered
their line*. Weather conditions over the
corn belt were generally Improved and
this induced selling by local bears in the
December and May.
Oats tumbled with 'Other grains. Bell
lag was credited to leading holders, and
the buying power only tended to regulate
the downturn Cash oata met good de
mand at advanced premiums. Rains
over scattered arena of the belt were not
expected to do the new crop any good,
it betne nil ready for harvest.
Trot fit taking sales in rye featured
the early upturn, and prices gave way
gradually with other grains. Reports that
bye was headed this wav from the north
vest, also, that some had arrived, tended
to unsettle the bulls.
Provisions eased under late protflt tak
ing. Lard closed unchanged to 12 %c
lower and riba 5c to 15c lower.
Pit Notes.
The ranld advance of wheat futures in
ell markets the last two days attracted
free selling by the most ardent bull?
l eading cash Interests also were credited
with offerings on a big scale in the lo
cal market The crop reports thst.
emanated from Canada pictured little
change in the situation. In fact, most
rdvicea said that moisture was atilt badly ,
reeded. Talk of rust In the American j
i orthwest was a sustaining influence at
th« last
Rainfall over the southwest delayed the
movement of new crop wheat from the ,
interior. Wichita getting but 174 cars to
d:,v Cash demand at Kansas Citv was |
ttetive with prices sharply advanced. Re
ceipts here were somewhat improved from
i.\e local territory, being shipped in on
contract and hence did not come out on
1 he market. Deliveries of wheat in the
• nnadinn market were heavy, and tended
to keep cash buyers away.
Rmomhall, the foreign statistician,
cabled that the poor outlook in Canada
would probably cut down the exportable
surplus there about 48.000.000 bushels, i
He inferred that the advance in wheat
lately was so rapid that economics abroad
might be forced, but he did not look for
rnv governmental interference, however. ;
The world's available supnly of wheat
for the week decreased 1.602.000 bushels
compared with a decrease last year of
5,275.©On bushels. The total supply now
is 141.298.000 bushels, compared with 95,
611.000 bushels a year ago. The move
mept of old wheat from the interior of
Canada his increased The last week, and
the visible supply In that country has en- \
• larged 3.160.000 bushels. The cheapness ;
.of United States wheat at this time is l
Attracting most attention, and seaboard |
exporters claim that a big business should
t>c pending.
Chicago Cash firan.
fhleaeo, July 15.-—Wheat—No. 1 hard,
$1.28; No. 2 hard. S1.2*%01.31.
Corn—No. 2 mixed, $1.1301.14; No. 21
^ el low. SI. 14 0*1.14%.
Oats—No. 2 white, 59060c; No. 3 white,
57 % 058 %e.
Rye—No 2. 86*4 0 86 %c.
Harley— 710 86c.
Feed—Timnthv. $6.2508 25; clover
seed, 111.00 (a 19.50. ^
Provisions—Lard. $11.94'; ribs. $10.50;
bellies. $11.12.
Minneapolis Drain.
Minneapolis. July 15. — Wheat—fash
No. 1 northern. $1.27%©1.S2% : No. 1
dark northern spring. choice to janev.
*1 49%© 1 53%: good to < bole* $1 34%#,
1 £•*%’- ordinary to good, II 29% $2)1.33%!
July. SI 27%: September. $1.26%; Decern
her' SI.26%.
t'nrn Vo. 3 vellow, 11 6?©1.03.
«*»t •—No. t white, 50 % © 50 %c.
t>* rlev— *; r.*r- f0r.
H*e—No. 2.‘ ©77He.
Flax—No. 1 ?2 49©2.53.
* -■ ..—
St. Joseph Livestock.
Kt Josetdl. Mo. July 1 5. —H«*s—Re
ceipts. 7.666 hea l - market 10 to 26c high
er tor* $7.*10; bulk nf sales. $7 50©7.55
Cnttle—Receipts. .000 head; market
r *rr,j|v ««t e r* •' • • ' bu 1 ’: of lt*er soles. S'* 25
f a 10; tor 110.00 rows and heifers. $3 25
fr ? 25; i-alvrs. M.50# 9 50; Stockers and
i o * d ( re, s« 2 5 # 7 60.
fheep- T?e< eints. 4 000 head; market,
.♦e- dy lnmh« $13.25©14.25; clipped
e\\ cs, $5.00 ft G. 25.
New York Poultry.
N’pn- Yor’ . 6ulv 15. Live Poultry—
i 'dpii'a- Hrr»il«rs bv freight. 35# 39c,
t c .#4fc; fowls bv freight
‘ ".r ■ by exprfeM 19#23c; roosters bv
f* d*ht. Hr- turkeys bv freight. 2ftc; bv
r'-ry. 25 # 30r
r-e* -.-’■1 Poultry—Urregular; chickens
*2 ©43c. _
v,»v» Yoek ( often Future*.
• >*■ yr | Ju'" 15—I'ofton future*
' r.-nsd steadv: Julv 5A0fic; October,
25 25c; December. 24.50c; January. 24.35c,
Mr- h, 24 02”.
New York. Julv 15— Potion futures
. rh>**d steadv July. 30.03©30.04c: Oe
tr>h*r. 25.04 r„ 25.07- . December, 24 24 #
* 21.25*. Janu-'-ry. 24.11c; March. 24.30c.
New York Metals.
* New York. Julv 15—Copper—Steady;
" rl ctrolvti^ «not and futures. 12%#12Ur
. Tjn Steadv ; spot and nearby. 45 25c;
* f u * iirpH. 4 5 37>
* Trlon—Steadv; prices unchanged.
* T * d.—• m * a d v ; •not. 7 00c.
* Zinc—Steadv Fast St. Louis spot. 5.85c:
- fu*ut-er 6>r. C' r f‘0e.
f Antimony—Snot 8 26c.
sf. I «*u!s < salt Drain.
<;* Louis. Julv i 5—Futures Wheat -
j, V .1 9> • ur,nber 3 1 20 %
."mi* Tulv ft 11%. September $1 f,2%
yaU—July. 5fie.
i - (lar of Kheat Pay • $1.13.
The first car of n.w wheat, shipped
ip Omaha from Brock, sold for $1.13
/( bushel. It tested, but grades
ar No. 2 hard because of the moisture
4t It.
Conquered in 3fl Minutes.
The stubbornest Spring nr Summer
Cnlfl—the most annoying cold of ail—
with all its distinguishing sniffle
snuffle. weeping eyes, dull headache
and general misery, files away usual
ly in 30 minutes, with Ftlnex, a new
remedy which goes direct to the In
ternal cause and clears the whole cold
’.condition right out of your system.
■Complete relief guaranteed In 5 hours
c or no cost.
Free Trial Offer.
•lust now. through s special Intro
ductory arrangement, you ran obtain
a trial treatment entirely FREE,
ifinply go to any of the drug stores
’•amed below and ask for a trial
package of R1NKX. No obligation
at all on your part. But lie sure to
<[nl( for your free treatment within
the next three days—this offer Is
limited. It may ho obtained In this
city at. all good druggists.
(copyright. 1924. bv The t'llnicel I.»bora
tori** Co, Cleveland, O.)
Al> VERT 151: M E \T
The greatest menace on earth to
happiness Is the III health with which
go many women are afflicted. The
young woman Is subject to pain and
• Irregularities, the mother to the tor
tures of displacements with eonse
liuent pains, aehes and nervousness—
'the middle need woman to the uncom
fortable conditions caused by this
• critical age. The one remedy to con
trol these conditions snd restore the
System to a normal, healthy condition
Is l,ydla Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound, which for fifty yearsr has b*rn
restoring sick snd ailing women to
health and happiness.
Omaha Grain
Omaha July 16.
Receipt# of el! kind* of grain were
light today, about in lino with the usual
Tuesday's run. There were 20 cars of
wheat reported In today and sold at un
changed prices to 2 cents higher.
Corn was in good demand at prices
unchanged to cent higher. Receipts.
32 cars.
Oats were in fair demand at prices %
cent lower. Receipts. 18 cart.
Rye sold 1 cent higher. BArley firm.
Omaha Car lot Sales.
No. 2 hard: 1 car $1.20, 1 car, $116;
1 car, $1.18.
No. 3 hard: 1 car. $1.19: 2 ears $115;
3-5 car. $1.13; 1 car, $1.16.
No. 4 hard: 1 car. $1.13.
No. 6 hard: 1 car. $1.08*4 3-6 car. $1.07.
No. 6 mixed: l car, $1.07.
Sample: 1 car, $1.06.
Sample, spring; 2-5 car smutty, $1.06.
No. 2 whits: 2 cars, $1.07.
No. 3 white: 2 ca»-«. $1.05*4.
No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.06**.
No. 2 yellow: 6 cars, $1.08.
No. 3 yellow: 3 cars, $1.«7.
No. 4 ye.low: 3 cars, $1.05.
No. 5 yellow: 1 car. $1.04.
No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.03; 1 car musty
Sample yellow: 2 cars, $1.03.
No. 2 mixed: 3 cars. $1.04*4.
No. 3 mixed: 2 cars, $1.04; S-6 car,
No. 3 white: 7 cars, 63c.
No. 4 white: 1 car, 62 ^c.
Sample: 2-5 car, 61c.
No. 8: 1 car, 81c; 1 car. 80c.
No. 2: 1 car, 81c.
Dally Inspection of (train Received.
Hard; 12 cars No. 1. 24 cars No. 2.
18 cars No. 3. 1 car No. 4. 1 car No. 5
Mixed: 1 car No. 3. 1 car No. 4. 1
car No. 6. 1 car sample.
Durum: 3 cars No. 3.
Total. 6 3 cars.
Yellow 6 cars No. 2 4 cars No. 3.
6 cars No. 4. 2 cars No. 6. 7 cars 9o.
6. 1 car sample.
White- 2 cars No. 2. 1 car No. 3. 1
ca" No. 4. 1 car sample.
.Mixed: 1 car No. 3. 1 car No. 4. 1
car No. 6. 1 car sample.
Total. 37 cars.
White: 5 cars No. 2. 30 cars No. 3.,
2 cars No. 4. 1 car sample.
Mixed: 1 car No. 3.
1 car No. 2. 1 car No. 3.
Total. 2 cars.
1 car No. 2.
Total. 1 car.
Week Year
Receipts— Today. Ago. Ago
Wheat . 20 27 It
Corn . 32 9 0
Oata . 18 1 10
Rye . 2
Barley ... .. 2
Wheat . 47 14 10
Corn . 45 30 22
Oata ... 13 15 16
Rye . 2 2 • • »
Receipts—• Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago
Wheat .1,098.000 1,056,000 924.000
Corn . 497,000 564.000 840,000
Oata . 385.000 672.000 777.000
Wheat ■ . 434.000 642,00*0 580.000
Corn . 398.000 566.000 597.000
Oata . 428.000 490.000 609.000
W’eek Year
Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat . 78 77 161
Corn . $8 136 220
Oats . 37 168 87
Week Year
Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago.
Wheat 419 166
Corn . 17 30 28
Oats .. . . 2 10
Week Year
Carlots—• Today. Ago. Ago
Wheat . 69 32 169
Corn .. 60 40
Oats . 63 20 8b
Week Y»*ar
Carlots— Today. Ago. # >g'»j
Winnipeg .675 1,040 244
._Atlantic <312
. I Cloae. I Yea.
1 22HI 1.21 Vi
1 21% 1.23
1 21% 1 23%
1 24% J 25%
1.25 1 1.26
1.20% 1.30%
( 1.30%
Rye ) ! !
July <6 .36 .86% .33% .85
Sep. .84%. .86 .83 .33 ! .84%
.84% I I .84%
Tec. .37% .89 \ .83% .86% .87
July 110 1.11% 1.05% l.n<|% i 110
1 1.05%,
Sep. 1 06 1 08 % i 1 00% 1 01 I 1.04%
1.06 % I I ! 1 05%
Dec. *7 % .37% .85% .86 | .67 %
I .87% i .86% .67%
May I >9 .89% *7 *7%! -88*
1 .89%
Oats 1 ' I
Tuly ! .55% .56% .54% .54% 55%
Sep. .47% .47% 45% .45% 47%
I .47% .47%
r*ee. 49% .40% .47% .47% .49%
-40% I
; Mav 1 .*51% .51% .50%'. 60% .51%
Lard ! | 1 !
I July 12.07 12 07 1 1 90 11 $n U no
| Sep 1 2 30 12 30 1 2 07 11 2 07 12.17
Riba : I II
July 10 25 |0 25 10 25 10.25 1" 40
Sop ! 10,55 110 55 1Q60 !10.50 110.fin
Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin.
For the 2 4 hour* ending at 8 a m
High I.ow Rain
Ashland, clear .73 61 one
Auburn, clear .81 58 0.00
Broken Bow. clear .80 60 0.00
< olumbus. cloudy .80 32
t'ulbertaon. clear . 82 60 0.00
xFalrbury. clear . 84 61
xFairmont. clear ....It 62 0.00
Grand Island, dear ....82 63 0 00
Harttngton. r>t cloudy ..81 55 0 00
xHaafinga. clear . 80 60 0 00
Holdrege. clear .*2 62 o on
Lincoln, clear . 73 64 o on
xNorfh Loup, clear . 81 60 0 00
North Platte, clear . 80 62 0 on
Oakdale, clear .80 62 0 no
omahn. clear .79 65 non
Red Cloud, dear ..80 61 0 00
Tekanmh. .80 60 o oo
Valentine cloudy . *4 66 o 04
Highest end lowest yesterday during 12
houra ending at 0 a m. 75th merldign
time, except marked thus*.
Kansu** City Grain.
K nsaa City. July !5 —Wheat No. -
hard tl.1461.13. No. 2 red. 91 20# 1.21;
July. flll%. September. $112% asked,*
Decenilnir. II 16 bid
Corn—No. 3 white. $1 11: No 2 yellow.
II 14 No. 3 yellow $1.1201.13; No 2
lit xed $1.03016$; July. $194. Septem
ber. 96 %o asked. December. 79 %c hid
N. Y. Curb Bonds
\< w York, duly 15.— Following Is the
if »l<ial I tat of transactions on the New
ton. Curb exchange, giving all storks
O'! bonds traded in. 2 P M
. alee (in fl.OOO). High. Low. Close.
Domestic Ikm'l"
2 Allied Picker »>s *2% 8 2% 82%
J" Allied Packer Ms 76 76 76 |
.5 Aluminum 7s 1925 103 103 103
2 Aluminum 7a 1933 107% 107 107
8 Am GaSAElec 6s 96% 95% 95%
2 Am Roll Mills 6s 100% 10'* 100
17 Anglo Am oil 7 % * 102% 101% 102%
3 Ass him Hdw 6%s 76% 78% 78%
20 A11 GAVV I 5s- 59% 59 59 %
1 Helgo '’arm P’r 6» '*4% 04* 94 *
5 Beth, steel 7s 1936 103% 103% 103%
.. R eq fa 110% 109% 110%
1 Cities Her 7s ”C ’ 94 91 94
11 Cities Her 7s ‘D’* 94 93% 04
l Con Os* T\ 5 %s ..101% 101% 101%
I Con G Halt 6 % s ..101 108 10*
5 Con Textile Ms ..73% 73 73 %
12 Con P * H 6%S 91% 91% 91%
11 Cud Pack 5 % s ... 86% 8 6% 86%
16 Peere a Co 76s ..101% PH 110%
1 pet Chy Gas 6s . . 10 2 % Pi 2% 102%
19 Detroit Ed I 6m ..107 106 107
6 Pun The a R 7s . 92% 92% 92%
3 Huniifu P 5 %» -102% P>2% 102%
11 Fed Hug t»s, ‘33 99% 99% 09%
2 Fisher R 6a. '25 ..100% 100% 100%
3 Fisher H 6a. 28 ..101% 101% J 01 %
29 Galr. Robert 7s . 07% 98% 07%
« Galena Slg Mil 7a.. 105% P*6* 105%
5 Gen Pet 6a ... 99% 99% 90%
7 Ond Trunk 6%s ..107 107 107
8 Gulf Oil ha . 9 8% 98 0s*
37 Hood Rubber 7a 95% 94% 95
1 Inter R T Ms, 22 .102 % 102% 102%
5 inter Match 6%s .106% 106% |U6%
2 Valley H 5s .101 J n| 101
5 Manitoba 7s .. 97% V7% 97%
3 Morris A Co 7%s . 97% 97 97
20 Motor Prod 6s . . 92 92 »2
1 Nat Leather *■ ..97 97 97
38 N M Put- Her 5s 97% *7% 87 %
a Nor H pnw 6 % s 97% 97% 97%
7 N H P evt 6 % a PH 1»0% 100*
.'5 Ohio Pnw ha ’ n 8«% 60% *9%
i Park A Til 6s .... 95 % 95% 95%
1 Phil F,l 6a .. 10* 106 106
2 Pub H C N .1 7a.. 107% 107% 107%
25 Pure MU 6 % a .. 96 *»(. 9.’.
Hhawahecn 7a . .. 104 104 104
l Ht. Oil N Y 7a 1931 1 07 PM 107
3 Hi Mil N Y 6 % a .. 108% 108% pis %
0 Swift A Co 7s . . . . 9 2 9V % 92*
6 Tidal Man** 7s 104% 101* 104 *
8 Union EII.AP i-%a 97% 97% 97%
1 United Oil Prod sa 4 - % 46% 48%
2 Un Rya Hav 7%s 106 % P'6% 106*
7 Vacuum Mil 7s 107 107 107
Foreign Honda.
7 O A'carea Hug 7%» 96% 96% 96 %
1 iK Nethsrland 6a ‘73 96% 95% 05%
2Mtep Peru 8a 99% 99% 09%
2 Rian 0%a cifs N C 14% 14% 14%
8 Russian !%■ rtfs.. P- 1* 15
7 Swiss 6%s .100% ln0% 100%
1 Swiss 6s .100% 100% 100%
■ - " ’"‘Mi a.
Omaha Livestock
^ - *
Omaha, July 16.
Receipts were:
Cattle Hogs. Sheep
Official Monday _7.H85 17,332 10,704
Estimate Tuesday... 7,500 21.000 11.500
Two dys this wk_ 16.195 38.332 22.204
Same dya last wk..l6.324 36.523 22.909
Same dys 2 wks ago. 15.466 41.806 21.466
Same dya 3 wks ago. 10.979 27.226 22.8*7
Same dys year ago .16829 24.710 33.539
Cattle—Receipts. 7.500 head. Demand
was good for the moderate supply of
beef cattle Tuesday and prices were gen
erally steady, best beeves brought $10.25
©10.50. Both packers and shippers pre
ferred the desirable light, and handy
weight steers. Cow stuff was generally
In good demand at practically steady
levels and the trade In stockers and feed
ers was dull and unchanged.
Quotations on Cattle—Choice to prime
beeves. $9.66 ©10.50: good to choice
beeves, $9.0009.60; fair to good beeves,
$8.35®9.00; common to fair beeves $7.5u
08.25; choice to prime yearlings, $9.15®
10.00; good to choice yearlings. $8.40©
9 00. fair to good yearlings. $7.7508.35;
common to fair yearlings. $6.5007.65;
choice to prime fed heifer*. $8.2509.00;
good to choice fed heifers, $7.4008.25;
fair to good fed heifers. $6.6007.35; com
mon to fair fed heifers. $5.26®6.00; choice
to prime fed cows. $6.6008.1/0; good to
Choce fed rows, $5.0006.50; fair to good
fed cows. $3.25 0 4.75; common to fair fed
cows. $1.5008.00. good to choice feeders,
$7.0007.75; fair to good feeders, $6.00®
6.85; common to fair feeders. $5.0006.00;
good to choice stockers, $6.6007.26; fair
to good stockers. $5.6006.50; common to
fair stockers. $4.50©5.50; trashy stock
era, $3.6004.50, stock heifer*. $3 5005.50;
stock cows, $2.5003.76. stock calves,
$3.5007 25; veal calve*, $4.00010.50;
bulla, stags, etc.. $4.0007.00.
No. Av. Fr. No. Av. Pr.
23. 943 8 75 23.1098 8 75
16.1312 8 23 * 46.1049 8 25
8. 769 8 35 18. 916 8 60
33. 830 8 75 31.1026 8 75
23 . 995 8 75 23.1098 8 75
46.10*6 8 85 41 1096 8 90
50. 855 9 00 19.1202 9 00
48.1091 9 10 1 7. 967 9 15
22. 980 9 25 42. 866 9 25
24 .104H 9 40 21 1035 9 50
14 . 850 9 60 30.1150 9 60 I
22.1061 9 70 .49 920 9 75 !
21 .1124 9 85 36.1241 10 60
18. 751 8 25 20. 740 8 40
15 . 730 8 50 16 781 8 60
I 32. 930 8 75 St.1026 8 75
'll. 744 8 85 22 . $24 9 10
24. 869 9 40 11 971 10 25
21. 898 8 65 4.1120 6 00
2.1060 6 00 3.1150 6 60
! 8.1046 6 75 4 1075 7 25
*.1093 7 75 3.1230 8 00
11 . 642 6 60 12. 858 7 50
1. 620 4 25 1 1F20 4 75
1 . 1970 6 10 1.1S40 6 25
1 . 900 7 00
7. 407 6 00 8 168 10 0C
Hogs—Receipts. 21.000 head Rather
sharp advance at other markets tended to
rtrengfhen local prices this morning and
trade in the sh ip per division got under
way at prices 10© 15c. mostly 15c higher
than Mondav. The packer trade was
active on best butchers at mostly 15c ad
, vance while mixed offerings dragged
Bulk of the sales was at $6.6007.30 with
early top. $7.35
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr
51.. 325 70 $6 60 66..298 .. $4 65
49.. 202 160 6 60 91..207 .. 6 86
4*..294 7 00 60..204 70 1 10
45. .284 7 15 30..182 .
- 213 . 25. .266 . . 7 20
*9. .219 40 ... 67..245 $80 7 25
71 . .248 7 30 25..324
42. .267 . 49. .348 .. 7 35
47.266 . 72. .246 .
Sheep and Lambs—Receipts 11.600
head. Lamb pricea continued to *how a
stronger tendency owing to a broad de
mand from all quarters and trad# de
veloped Into a strong to 25c higher af
fair. Feeders were of only fair number
*nd ruled stronger, with th# same hold
ing true in aged sheep.
Quotations on sheep snd lambs:
Spring lamb*, good to choice . $13.25 ft 14.25
Spring lambs, fair to good.. $11.00013.00
Feeding lambs .$11.00011.76
Wethers, clipped .$ 6 50® 7.50
Yearlings, clipped . in 00®11 35
Clipped ewes . J 3.60® 6 75
No. Av. Trice
110 naUves ...72 $13.75
25 natives . 70 13.50
Receipts and disposition of livestock st
| Union stockyards Omaha. Neb . for 24
houra ending at 2 p. m. Tulv 15, 1924.
, . Hattie Hog* Sheep
Wabash R R . 1
Mo Pr.c Ry . 14 2
U P R R .IS 8 42
C A N W east .... 8 4
CAN W west . 74 91 1
C St P M & O . 21 20
C R A Q east . 11 9
C B A Q west _ 59 39
C Tt I A P east ... 92 13 2
U R I A P west .... 4 4
T C R R . 2
C O W R R .10 8
Total receipts ...329 276 4G
Cattle Hogs Sheen
Armour A C o . 14*6 1151 -517
Oudahv Tack Co .... 1577 3681 2441
Hold Park Co . 444 24*9
Morels Pork Co . 901 1915 1014
Swift A On . 1726 2957 2223
Glnssburr M . 6 .
Higgins Pack Co ... 25 .
I Maverowich A Vail 21
Midwest Park co . .. 27 .
Omaha Pad* C'o ... 12 .
John Roth A Sons . . I .
S O Park Co . 32 .
Murphv J W . 1397 _
I Lincoln Tack Co . 111 ....
Sinclair Park c« . 35 .
Wilson Pack Co .... 145 .
Garner la . 9I .
Swift Tet . _ 5* .
Anderson A Fen . 116 .... ....
Bulla J H . 16 .
f»enni* A Francis .... *1 ..
Ellis A Co . 21 .
Harvev John . . 917 .
Inahram T J . 13 .
Kirkpatrick Bros ... 83 .
Kirkpatrick Bros .. . 53 .... ....
Longman R*-o. . fi8 .... ....
Ltiberger HP .... 251 .... #...
Mo Kan C Sr C Co . K .
Neb Cattle of . 1 ...» ....
.4osen*tock Broa . 26 .... ....
‘-'argent A Finnegan 121 .... ....
Sullivan Bros . 37 .
an Rant W B A Co ... 25 ... . ..
Wertheimer A Degen 163 .... ....
other buyers . 288
Dennis A Murray . 333*
Total . 9139 1*860 10324
Fnnsa* City Livestock.
Kansas City. July 15 -Cattle Receipt*
12.000 head; calves. 3.000 head; desirable
handywelght* and better grades yearling-!
fully steady; other beef steers. slow,
a * e»»d v to weak; odd Iqt handy weights.
I 110 20; full loads. $10.10. early bulk fed
[steers and yearlings. $7 600 9 50 ; few
loads Texas '-a k# feeds. $6.65®8.0O! she
'stork, dull. 10 to 16c lower; spots off
I more; beef rows $.3 7506.26; rannera *nd
I cutter* $2 090 3 25; hull*. 10 to 15c low
• *r bolognas. $4 500 4 76; calves, mostly
j 50c lower; heat \ealer* to packers. $« 60ti
* 75. few up to $9 00; better grades Stock
ers and feeders, steadv; others, dull, be*t
storker*. *7 50 . hulk. $5 0007.15.
Hogs—Receipt*. 9.000 head; *hlpper
market .uneven. 10 to 20c higher; top.
$7 65; one load; bulk of sales. $7,160
7 50. bulk desirable 1*0 to 260-pound av
erages $7.2507 40; big packers not buy
ing, packing sows. $4 6006 76; stock rig*.
25c higher. $6 6004.00
Sheep—Receipt* 4.000 head; lambs
around 28c higher; top native. 11 4 00
better grades largely $11,25 © 1 3 76 . odd
fat native ewes steady at $5 8006 00.
, — ■ — - •
l-ondott Silver.
London. July 15 Bar Silver—14Hd per
ounce; money. 2** per cent.
Discount rat##—-Short bills, 8 *4 © 3 per
cent Thiee month* bill*, 3 Vft © 3 9-16 per
Coal Carriers •
Strongest Group
on Stock Market
Oils, Several of Motors and
Specialties Are Weak Sis
ters in Unusually
Mixed Trading.
Universal Service Hit.inclal Editor.
New York. July 15.—It was an un
usually mixed stork market today. Half
a dozen prominent issues, among them
Interborough Rapid Transit, Brooklyn
Manhattan Transit, New Haven, Erie and
Cast Iron Pipe, scored new highs, while
Horn a securities such as Sinclair and At
lantic Refining mads new lows for the
yea r.
The coal carriers were the strongest
group of the list, Baltimore Ohio,
Chesapeake & Ohio, Lehigh Valley, V. L.
VV.. Wheeling* & Lait- Erie, Delaware
& Hudson, Erie and Norfolk fk Western
all making fair gains, those of D. L. &
VV., B. & O., jyid Delaware & Hudson be
ing the greatest.
The oils, some of the motors and va
rious of the specialties were the weak
sisters. Atlantic Refining lost 3 points.
Reports as to Us immediate prospects
are not cheering. The Texas company,
Sinclair, Pan-American. Cosden, Pacific,
all lost ground. Pan-American common
was off 1%, and the "H" 184.
Persons identified with the oil Indus
try said the situation was not anything
near so bad as the action of the oil
stock would suggest.
One of the latest reports in relation to
the plans of the Van Swerlngen* In that
they will offer to preferred and common
nharesholders of the Erie and Pere Mar
quette to give stock In the Nickel Plate
for the shares surrendered. On what
basis the offer will be made is not stated.
Dealings in American Can were excep
tionally large, being quadruple those in
United States Steel. The busy season for
that corporation la near at hand.
Transactions aggregat’d $68,300 shares.
Rails on an average were up slightly
and Industrials were down slightly.
Money rates unchanged.
Foreign exchange off a little on doubt
of the result of the forthcoming meeting
of the premiers.
Coffee was 25 point* down on July end
from 26 to 43 on later months
Sugar weak end 6 to 7 points lower.
Cotton was fairly strong and higher In
the morning session, but softened later In
the day, closing 25 down for July, and
frogi 27 to 37 for new crop months. The
range for the day was about 60 points
There was e wide opening to the grain
market. September wheat first quotation
running from $1.23 to $1.24ty. while that
of September corn spread from $1.06 to
$1.08. Bullish enthusiasm was unabated
in wheat for a time, but the weakness of
corn, which developed early, soon spread
to the other cereal. Heavy profit taking
was evident throughout the day and
despite periodical flash©* of strength the
tendency was definitely to a lower level
Corn was much weaker than wheat at
all stage* of the proceedings. July closed
at $1.06 Vi. 5*£c down from the high *f
the day. and 3\c down from Monday's
•"lose September closed 7c down from,
ihe high of the day and 3 8*© from Mon
day's close. December was steady, clos
ing lc down from Monday and 1 H c from
the high of the day.
July wheat wound up 184c down from
the hi^i of the day, and 84c down from
Monday • close. September was He down
from $ts high and 1 He from Monday's
close. Decerr^cr finished 4 He down from
its high and l’4c lower than Mondays
r |
New York Quotations
New York stock sxrhange quotations
furnished by J S. Bach# A Co., 224 Oma
ha National Bank building:
High. Low Close. Close.
Agrl Chemical ... ll% 10% ll% !<•%
Ajax Rubber . .. 6% 6
Allied Chemical .. 76% 76% 76% 77%
Allls-Chalmera .... 62% 62% 63 63
Amer Beet Sugar ... .. 41 41
Amer Brk Shoe .... *1% 6 2
American Can ...118% 116% 117% 115%
Amer Car Fdry .. .. .. 170 168%
Amer Hide A L. . .. .. 9% 9%
Amer llida A L pf . . 66% 17%
Amer lnt Corp ..23% 22% 22% 23%
Amer Linseed .... 19% 18% 19% 1*%
Amer Loco . 80% 79 79 % 79%
Amer Snip A Com. . . .. 12%
Amer Smelt . 65% 65 65 65
Amer Smelt pfd.. 102% 102 102 1"2
Amer St Fdra ... 37 (, 36% 26% 37
Amer Sugar . .. 43% 44
Amer Sumatra 9% 6% 8% 7%
Amer TAT .123% 123 12: % 123
Amer WWAEl ...Hi 106% log I0b%
Amer Tob . 1 4 4 143 % 1 44 143 %,
Amer Woolen ....72% 71% 71% 72%
Ana<onda./. 30% 30 30 3"%
A sa>> Dry Good a . . 1C % 94% 94% 9.' „
Asao Oil . .. 27% 28
Atchison .104% 104% !« ♦% 1"4
At Coaet Lina. 12 % 124
At G A VS' I - 21% 2"% 20% 21
Atlaa Tack .. . . 6 6
Atlantic Ref Co .. 67% 8.% 84% 8 *
Autsin-Nichols . .. 2l% 12
Auto Knitter . .. .. 2%
Baldwin .117 116% 116% 116*
B A O . 61 % 60 % fil % *n
Beth Steel . 46% 45% 4 % 46%
Bosch Magneto ..29 27% 27% 3"
Bkyn Man Ry ... 25 24 % ?4% 24%
Bkyn-Man j fd ... 69% 69% 69% a 9%
t alif Packing .... ... . .. h4 13%
' ahf Petroleum ..21% 20% 20% 21%
Cal A Ariz Mining .. 44 4 7%
Canadian Pacific. 148% 148 144 1»«%
•'4-nt 1,earner ... 13% 13% 13% It
Cent l^tther pfd.. 47% 47 47 47
' erro de Pasco... 4'% 46% 46% 4* %
( handler Motors.. 46 % 44% 4 8% 4/
Che* A Ohio. 66% 86 6t % *4
Chi Gt Western. 5%
«• A N W . 69 67% 67 % 65 %
' M A Stp. 14 % 1 « * 14% 14 %
Chi Gt West pfd D% 15% 15% 15%
C M A Sip pfd... 25 2 4 % -4% 25
1 R 1 A P. 31% 31 11% 31
« StP M * O Ry. 38% 36% 3'% 88
Chile Copper . 28% 2«% 28% 2-%
Chino . 17% 16
Ciuett-Peabody ... 62 69% 10% 62%
Ciuett-Peabody pfd.10 1%
Co. a-Cola . 73% 71% 72% 73%
Colo Fuel A iron. 4* 46% 46% 47%
«'ol Carbon . 44% 44% 44% 44%
Columbia Gas _ 47% 41% 4!% 42%
Ccngoleum . 45% 43 44 % 46%
consol Cigars . 16%
continental Can... R5% 64% 66% f'%
Cont Motors . 6% 6%
Corn Prod . 23% 33% 13% 85%
Cosden . 26% 26% 26 26%
ciu-lble . 65% 64% 64% 6 5
Cuba »'ana Sug ... 13% 13%
Cuba C Sug pfd ..11% 61 *1% 61%
Cuba-Am fiuKar .... 30 29%
Cuvamel Fruit .. 66% 66% 66% . ,
Da nisi Boone .... 18 17% 17% 17%
David Chem .... si % 6* % 63% 5»%
Dels A Hud ....12u 117 119% 116%
Dnma Alining . 16 16'*
Dupont De Nsm.127% 126% 1.6% 126%
Fast Kodak. DC % 107%
Krie . 11% »"% 31 3 %
Kite Sior Bat. 67 67 %
Fam Player* _ *«% 7‘»% 79% an ,
Fifth A Bua L .. 12 11% 13 11%
Fl*k Rubber . *> %
Fleishman's Yeast 61% M 69% 68%
Freeport Te* .... 9% t% \ ^ %
Gen Asphalt .... 44% 42% 4.% 43%
Gen Elea . 243 % 241 243 24 %
Gen Motors . 14% 14% 14% 14%
Gold Dust . 17% 88 3 7%
Goodrich ........ .. .. 19
Gt No Ore . 27% 27% 27% ;•: %
Gt N Ry rfd _ 61% 4.1% • % 6i%
Gulf R> Steel - 71 % 70% 71 7 I %
Hartmann Trunk 3*% 87% 89 9«%
Have* Wheel _ 84 15% 8*.% 85%
Hud Motors _ 24% 24% 24% 24%
Horn Min « o. 48 41
Houston Oil . 49% 46% 48% 49%
Hupp Motors .... 13% 13 13% 24 %
III Central .ins 10'% 106% in*
III Pfd .1011% 109% 109 % 109%
Inspiration . 22% 22% 22% 22%
Ini K Com C .... 27% 26% 27 27
Int'l Harveater.... 93 96% 90% 92%
Int'l T. * T. Co. 77% 77%
Int’l M. Marine... 9 6% 9 9 6,
Int'l M. M., pfil... 37% 36% 36% 36-,
lul l Nickel . 17% 17 17% 17%
Int'l Paper . 69 55', 66% 56%
Invincible Oil _ 12 % 11% 12 12%
•Tnnea Tea . 27 26 % 26% 26
Jordan Motor .... . 27% .'6%
K. C. Southern..., 20% 20 20 . 20 %
Kelly-Sprlngfleld. . 13 12% 12% 12%
Kenneco£t . 40% 39% 40 40
Keyaione Tire. 1% 1% Rubber . 9 9
Lehigh Valley. 60 40 % 49% 49%
Lima Locomotive. 63 62% 62% 62
Loose-Wiles . 62% 79% 79% 63
Louisville * N_ 97 96 96% 99
Stack Truck .... 91 90% 90% 91%
M ayDept. Store.. 91 90% 90% 9m
Maxwell Motor A. 61% 60% 50% 61%
Maxwell Motor B. . ... ir%
Marland . 29% 29% 29% 29%
Mexican Seaboard. 20 19% 19% 20%
Miami Copper. 21 20%
Middle Statee OIL 1% 1 a, 1% 1%
M. K. T. 14% 14% 14% 14%
Missouri Pacific... 17% 16% 17 16%
Missouri Par., pfd. 4X 47 49 47
Mmitgomery-W. . . . 30% 29% 29% 30
Mother Lode.. 6% 7
Nosh Motors.7119
National Biscuit.. 60% 59% 59% 69%
National Lead....147% 1 46 1 46 1 46
N. Y. Air Brake.. 43% 43 43 13%
N. Y. Central.106% 106 105 104%
N. Y.. N. H. * H.. 26% 26% 25% 26%
N. Y., C. & St. L.101 100 100 loo
North Ameriean.. 27 26% 27 27
Northern Pacific.. 63% 62’* 63 6:t
N & W Ry .123% 121% 121% 121%
Orpheum .19% * 19 19% 19%
Owens Bottle - 45% 45 45 46%
Pacific OH . 46% 46% 46% 46%
Packard Motor ... 11% 11% 11% 12
Pan-American .... .50% 49% 4%% 51%
Pan-American B . 49% 49% 4« 49%
Penn R R .. 45% 45 45 % 45
Peoplen Gas . 99% 99% 99% 99%
g«;« W*r« . *»’* 53% 63% 63%
„Co .. 62% 62% 52% 63%
Phillips Pet . 33% 33 33 33 %
Pierce-Arrow .... 10% 10% 10% 10%
Poetum Cereal ... 62% 52% 62% 62%
Preseed St Car ..61% 60% 61% 50
Pro Ac Ref . 25 % 24% 24% 25%
Pullman . ., 123%
Punta Alegre Sug. 60% 49% 60 60 %
Phfe OH . 20% 2CM1 20% 2o%
Railway St Spring , 120% 120
Ray Con . 10% 10% 10% 10%
Reading . 5;% 5714 57% s 7
Replogle .12 6, 11 12% 11%
Rep £ A Steel .. 47% 4'% 46% 47%
Royal Dutch N Y 49 49 % 49% 49%
L A S L . 26% 26 * 28% 25 -i
g1.1* * S . 44 44 4h .
Schulte < ik Store*.1234 123 123 4 123
Sear*-Roebuck ... 36 4 9*4 95 4 98 4
ghell Un Oil - 38% 18% 18\ J8%
Simmons Co . 24 "4U
Sinclair Oil . 18% 18 18% j •T'.,
Sloss Sheffield. 59
Sk*!L7 £il . 17% 17h 17% i8
South I\ic . 93% 92% 93 93%
«. 63% 83% 8 %
Stand Oil Cal .... 58% 58% 58% 57
Standard Oil N J. 34 34 34 34 %
St*\vart-Warner .. 59 58% 57 00
Strom berg Carb... 8 3 8 2 % «24 83%
Studebaker . 37% 38% 37 37 ’*
Submarine Boat .. 10% 10% 10% l^u
Texa* Co .28% 3« 4 3*4 3h%
A'n Psf,,fic-• 32% 31% 31% 32
Tinikan Bearing .. 35 34 % 35 35%
Tobacro Product*. 81 60% 60% 014
Tobacco Prod A . 91 904 90% 0.4
Trana Oil . 4% 4% 4% 4%
lie ■137 176% 136% 17..%
United Frutt . 201
CSC Iron Pipe , . 1 02100% 100% 101%
V § IndI Alcohol.. 73% 72% 71 7:t%
U S Rubber. 27% 27% 27% 27%
U S Rubber pfd... 76% 76% 76% 76%
U S Steel .loo% ioo ioo loot,
l. S Steel pfd.1'42 121% 1:1% 122
Utah Copper . 21% :o% 20% 20%
\ anadtum . 22', 22 22 22%
v fvaudou . t 4 t.
Wabash . 14% 14% 14% 14%
Wabash A . 47% 43% 4 % 43%
Western Lnion-111 110 no m
'V *»at Air Brake. 93% 944
Wo*t Electric . . . 82% 82 82 % 82 4
Whlta Kill. OIL. 23% 23% 23% 2 %
White Motors - 5; 66 66 66
S..0nIW°/'h ,C°. HI % 112 112%
W illya-Overland .. 8% g 8% g?
Overland pfd . 17% 074
W ilson . 9 »ji
Wilaon pfd .. . *•}
Wrigley Co . 3c iw 3s i
Wallow Cab Taxi. 484 4'‘V
Yellow Cab Mfg. 52? 54
Monday a atocka. 997 90n.
Monday’* bonds. S11.69S.000.
Today’s stock*. 9HO.200.
Today a Konds. 111.268.00ft.
Chicago Stork*.
Quotation* furnished by j. p. Barhe A
Co., 224 Omaha National Bank building
Phon* J A. 5187-88 89.
_ _ Bid. Asked
Armour A Co 111 rfd .... 75
Armour Co Del pfd. 87 4
Albert Pick . 18 U
Basstck Alemite . 30 31
Carbide . 59 594
Kdfaon Com . 127 127 4
Continental NPutors . 64 664
Cudahy . 88 6^
Daniel Boone .. 17 17 4
Diamond Match .1174 116
Deer* pfd . 62 63
Eddy Paper . 15 18
Ubby . 44* 6
National Leather . 2 24
Quaker Oata . 260 290
Reo Motor* . I64 164
Swift A Co .101 loi «,
Swift lnt'1 . 19 4 20
Thompaon . 47 4 47 4
Wahl . 35 35 4
Wng ley . 354 3 » »
Yellow Mfg Co . 5:4
Yellow Cab . 48’* 484
East St. Tioni* Ure»toek.
F\*t St. Louis. July 15—Hug*. Receipt*
21.1 *0 head. earl;. market mostly 15 c
higher, closed 1 y ?r»c higlyi ; bulk good
butchers, 200 pound* and up, 17.600*50,
few bes? heavies. 87.7007.,5; late good.
140 to 110 pound*. 87 3707 40: 140 to l*'.u
pound*. 86..50' • -<' 120 *3* pounds.
$6 2506.80; parker sow*. 86 S9.
«'a?tle—Reiel) I few na’lw
steers, canners, bulls, light veaiera and
weArn atear* stead) . gra1-* native ateera
15025c lower; light yearlings and heifers
and beef cow* 26c lower, bulk native
■ teera. 17 6509 00 . western steer*. $* lb ft
7-IS; light j sailings snd halfers, 8* •/
8 85. row? 8* Oo. manner#. 82 100
2.50; bologna lull*. 84 25 0 4 75, calves.
19.600 $9.75, top, 110 0 ..
Sheep—Rere-pt* S.ono head; aheep ac
tive, s’ead practically J13 00. market
for gr. -d Iambi, cull*. 86.50. fat e^ves.
83.600 7.00. _
Coffee Futures
New Tork. July 1^ Cm-rtalnty aris
ing from the Brasilian dueturban-e* ***
reflected 1 y cstiemeiy nervou* fluctua
tion* in tha coffee future* marker ngaln
today. After opening 6 point* higher to
6 points lower, the market sold. 5 to 16
points higher on reports of a stiffening
spot situation but broke later under
liquidation. September sold off from
15.05c to 14R5r. the market closing easy
at net decline* of 25 to 42 point*. Sale*
"■•re estimated st 64.000. Closing quota
July. 15 80c; September. 14 51c: October.
14.43c; Dectmber, 14 10c; March. 1170c,
May. 13 65c.
Spot coffta f rm Rio aevena, 16 4c
Santo* four, 10*4®214c.
New York Sugar Quotation*.
Furnished by J 8 Ba- he A fo. 124
Omaha National Bank building. Jackson
| , J j [ Tea'y
I Oren I High f Low I Close I Cloa*
Set 11 4 * 3 49 I j J4 77 40 I . .... .
Deo. 3 43 I 3 44 1 34 ( 3 17 I.
Mar. |3 2I 13 33 l 8 IT I 3.IT I.
M»v I 8.2« f 3 30 I 6 16 ! $ 26 l.
New ^ ork Cot toss.
New Tork July 15—Th. general cot
ton market r|o4ed «te*dy at net decline*
°f ' 10 87 points, *
See more
-pay no more
Chicago to '
So* the Canadian Pacific Rockies
—50 Switzerland* in one... From
open-top observation cars.. .Stop
overs at Banff, Lake Louise and
other famous mountain resorts, at
no extra cost .., For full particu
lars, phone, « rite or call
THUS .1 WAI I. 1. n.,,-1 Ar,nt, 71 F .U.k. j
•on Blvd., Near Michigan, Slriui Bid* , 1
| Chicago, III.
Canadian Pacific tt I
r _ 3
New York Bonds
New York, July 15 With the revival
of Interest in uperulatlvbe railroad oblige
lions, bond price# hardened perceptibly
in to<U»y’s more active trading. Con
spicuous weakness of some of the for
eign issues and oil company Hens gave
the market a spotty appearance, hut Im
provement of the rails and public utilities
sustained its general firmness.
New high records for I'• 24 were estab
lished by some of the Erie railroad is
sues simultaneously with the advance of
the roads shares to the years highest
levels. Some of the buying was at
tributed to reports that the \ an
Sweringens soon would take definite
action consolidate tome of their re
cently acquired railroad interests, includ
ing Erie and Pere Marquette. Seaboard
adjustments fts reached a new top price
and some of the New llaven and St
Paul mortgages moved higher.
Continuation of unfavorable rumors re
garding the Sinclair dividend, on which
action Is due tomorrow, depressed the
company’s 7 per cent bonds. At the
same time the general weakness of the
oil shares, based on additional gasoline
price cuts, unsettled some of tne less
active oil companies bonds.
Aftre an early decline in Brazilian Is
sues to n®w low levels, the republic 8s
and Rto De Janeiro rallied 1*4 to 2
points, on the assumption that they had
been oversold. The Hoa Pkulo issues,
however, continued to drift lower.
Preparations were said to be underway
for refunding the remaining $20,000,000
of the outstanding Argentine short term
loans. Flotations of another six months
issue on a 5 per cent basis is expected,
although it may not be marketed until
next month The new Virginian bond-*,
listed on the New York Stock exchange
today, sold at a fractional premium.
United Slates Bonds.
Sales (In $1,000). High. Low. Close
215 Liberty .1%s _ 101.16 101.13 301.13
138 Liberty 1st 4%#..1A2.2 102.1 102.3
%*>4 Liberty 2d 4 % s . . 101.17 101.15 10115
39 Liberty 3cl 4%s..l02 8 102 4 102.6
1609 Liberty 4th 4%i..l02.7 102.3 102 3
92 U 8 Govt 4 %n. .102.22 104.20 104.22
*5 Anton J M Wks Hs *0% 79 80%
!2 Aigeptine Govt 7s. 102% 102% 102%
102 Argentine Govt 6s. 92% 92 92%
3H Austrian 7s . 92% 9- 9?
3 Bordeaux 6s . *5% 85% 85%
« Copenhagen 5%# .. 93% 92% 9:’%
2 Gr Prague 7%s_ 88% «8% 88%
7 Lyons 6s . .. 85% 85 8 6%
4 Marsef)|r«. 6s .85% 8 5 8 5
.32 Rio de Ian 8a ’47.. 92 % 90 9 2%
26 *’zech Rej. 8s. 96% 96% 9‘. %
28 Dept of Rein® 7s . . *>9% 89% *9%
10 Dominican 6%s ... 90% 90% 9<>%
7 Canada 5%s ’29... 103% 103% 107V,
90 Canada 5s ’52. ...102% 102% 102%
11 Dutch E I 6s *62... 95 % 94% 95
D»8 Dutch E I 5 %s ’53. «9% 89% 89%
9 Frameriean 7%s .. 93 93 95
83 Fremh Rep 8s_102 *4 102% lo_'%
60 French Rep 7%s... 99% 98% 98%
130 .Japanese 6%S. 92 91% 91%
" Japanese 4». 79 79 79
28 K of Belgium 8s 104% 104% 104%
:2 K of Belgium 7 % s . 10 5 % 105% 105%
17 K of Denmark 6s.. 93% 98% 9*%
3 K of Nether 6s ’72 .95% 95% 95%
Ll K of Norway 6s ’43. 97 96% 96%
30 King S C C 8# . “4% 83% *4%
8 K of Sweden 6s_103% 1"3% 103%
5 Oriental Dv deb 6s. 85% 85% 85%
3.' Paris Lvons-M 8s.. 73% 78% 73%
22 Rep of Bolivia 8s .. 9"% 90% 9"%
7 Rep of Chile ss ’41.106 105 106
3 Rep of Chile 7s . 98% 97% 97%
2 R of Columbia 6%s 93 98 98
95 Rep of Cuba 5%s.. 97 98 % 96%
20 Rep of Finland 6s .101% 101% 101 %
24 F of Rio O do S 8s. <*4 92 92
51 S of Ban P s f *a.. 95% 9 4 9 5
5 Swiss i nnfed 8p .112% 112% 112%
Mfl ’45. 96 % 94
1 T KofOBAI 5 %s 29 .109% 169% 1 9%
34 T’KofGBAl 6%s’37.104% 1«4 14
162 V 8 of Brazil is. . . . 92 % 91 92
37 U S of B-C Ry E 7s 78 76 77 %
12 A Agr C 7 % s 83 87 *4 87 %
5 A C s f deb 6s. . 95 94% 96
2 Amer S 6s .105% 105% 105%
12 Amer Smelt 6s ..94 93% 94
6 A Sug is .100% 100% 100%
38 A T A T i % s ..102% 102% 102%
51 A T A T col tr 6s. 101% 100% !•'>%
67 A T A T col tr 4s. 96% 96% 96%
15 A W Wk» A E 6s. 91% 91% 91%
3 An Cop 7s 193$.. 97% 97 97 %
65 An Cop 6B 1953... 96% 96 96
57 A A Co of D 6 % s. . 92% 92% 92%
6 Associated Oil rs.ioo% 100% l n%
2< At T A F Fe g 4«. 90% 89% 90
10 At T A S FadJ4sst. 83% 83% 83%
1 At C L 1st 4s ... 91% 91% 91*t
9 At Ref deb 5s.... 97% 97% 97%
13 Balt A O 6s ...102% in. % 1*2 %
!f» Balt A O cv 4 %s . *3 % 59 % •'• %
22 Bill A O gold 4s.. 87 87 87
19 P. T of Pi * t A rfg 5s 1 no 99% 100
3 4 B S con 6s A .... 95% 96 94
3 Beth S 5 % s . ‘8% 55%
6 Brier H S 5%s . 97% 97% 97 4
22 4 B Man T • f G. . * r» % 8ft % v• 4
31 Cal Pet 6%s .98% 98 98
19 Can N deh 6%s..ll4 113% 11 , %
8 * ’an P deh 4s... . 8ft % sn% ao%
16 Car Clin a y 6s.. 101 % lf*i% 1*1%
15 Cent Leather 6s 99% 99% 99%
123 Che# A O cv 6s 9*% 9*% 98%
45 Che# A O ev 4 % S. 95% 95% 91%
76 Chi A Alton 3 % * 31% 37% 18**
14 r B A Q rf 5s A...106% lft0 lftft%
127 Chi A E 111 5s . 71% 69% 70
20 1’hi Gt West 4s.. 55% 54% R«%
42 C M A St P c 4%b 5 9% 58 fa
20 C M A Ft P rf 4%s C2 52 % ?2 %
70 f M A Bt P 4s 25 79 % 7 9 79
2 2 * hi A N W rf 5s. 95% 95% 95 G
17 Chi Rys 5s . 77% 77% 77%
7 C R I a P gen 4s . . 33 82% 32
88 C R I A P rf 4s.. 81% 51 81 %
6 r T H A F F. 5s... 80*, 8*.% 8 ft % I
22 ' In A W Ind 4s .. 76% 75% 76
6 chile Cop 6s .1«2 * 102% 107 %
103 i* C C A Ft L 6s A.103 103 103
7 Clev I n Tr is .. 99% 99% 99*4
1 Col A Fo rf 4 %s. . . ‘8% 8 8% ••
97 Col GA El 5s st_100 100 jan
6 Com I’ft* 6s . 93% 93% 93%
13 cons Coal Md 6s. * * *7% *|
28 Con Tow 5s . 90 % 90 9 %
1 uh-Am Fug 8s .108 10* lft3
1 Del A Hud rf 4 s 9ft 90 90
$1 I> A R O 6s . _ 44 % 44 44 %
4 D A R G con 4s . 77 77 77
7 Det Ed:son rfg 6s 10$ 105% loc
8 D United Rys 4%s 81% |ft% 91 *4
17* DuP de Nem 7%s . 11% 105% lft*%
- 2 Duquesne Lt f.s ...lft6S 106% 106%
*2 East Cuba R 7‘4s 106% 106% lft«%
' Empire O A F 7%s 92% 92% 9.’%
r! Erie pr ll#n 4s ...70 69% 69s,
* Er.e gen ls«.p 4s . Of % 60% 60%
1 Fisk Rubber *s ...,10| lfti 101
6 Gen KIc deb 5s... 103*4 103 103
:: Goodrich 6%S ... 96% 94% 94%
9 Gdyr Tir# 8* '31...103% 103% 103%
* Gdyr T r# «s ’41..116% 116% 116%
2 Gd T Rv of C 7s 114 114 114
5 Gd T Rv of Can G D* 105% 105%
12 Gt Northern 7s As 11" 1*9% 2*9%
5ft Gt Nor 5%s B ...101% 100% 101%
2 Hersher Choc 6s...l0$% 103% 103%
6ft M A M rfg 5s A 87 86 % 87
1 ■ Hud A- M ad 1 tpr Ss 68% 68% r8%
12 '* «*il A Ref 6 % s 99% 99 99%
60 111 B T rfg 5s .... 97% 98% 9'% .
8 111 Central 6%s...l02 10J 103
11 HI (' C Ft T^ANOrSs 96% 96% 9«%
23 111 Stl deb 4 % s. . . 94% 94% 94%
3 in Ft! 5s .101 % 101 % lot %
9* Inter Rtp Trans 7s 90 % 89% 90
74 Inter Rip T 6B .99 68 68
1 T R T rfg In #tpd . 68 67 % 67%
54 lnte- A Gt N #d1 6s 5j 63*4 6*
? 4 Inter A Of N 1st 6a 97% 97% 97%
6 3 Inter M M s f <l 85% 8 5 65%
6 6 Tnt r* c\t 5s A . 86% t % 66
9 K C Ft 8 A M 4* . 90% 80% 80%
14 K C P A T. 5# . . 93% 93% 9 %
S Kan City F 5s ... 90 90 90
1 Ksn C T 4s _ «4% 64% «4%
30 Ksn G A E «* ... 98 97% 9«
1 Kellv-S T!re 8s... 92% 92% 92%
lft I.lg A M> 6s . 96 97 % 94
4 L A \%sh Ss B *01104% 104% 1*4%
* I A N unif 4s . . 93 92 % V3
4 Lou Gas A F. Is 91% »i% 91%
11 Msg Cop ?B .110*4 HO no
1ft Van Fug 7%s ... 98% 9«% 9**4
18 Mun Rv con 4s. 60% go% #0%
3 Mark St Ry 7s 99% 99 98
1 Marl O 7 % s w. w102% lft|% 10:\
1 Mid R cT Ss *9 89 69 ,
16 M Ft T A FRM 5 % * 88 86 86
—..— - - ■■■ ■■■■■ l
I M K * T prllenfisS 101% 101% 101%
6 M KATo pr.I.SaA. . *6% 86 86
46 M K «v Tn.adj.5aA 61% 61% 61%
28 M I* lat 6s . 96 97% 97%
34 Mo Fae gen 4a .. 6*% t>*» 80%
8 Mon Pow 5s A . . 97% 97% 97%
1 N R T A T lat bn .100% 10*% 100%
H N OTA M I PC 5a 92% 92% 92%
41 N Y C deb 6a_107% 107 707 %
92 N Y C rfg A fit.. 99% 99 99%
3s N Y C A St U 6a A 102% 102% 102%
41 N Y i: rfg *%s .112% 112% 112%
M» NY N’H A H yea 7a 85% 8 5
102 NYNHAH . v 6* 48 7b% 7«% 74%
I h N Y Ry el 6a cf dp 3% t 3%
9 N Y Tel ref 6a 41 .106% 106 106%
2 N Y Te| gen 4%a.. 99% 99% 99%
18 N Y W A Bob 4%b. 51% 51% 57%
12 N A Western cv fia.1 23 122 122%
59 N A Edison a f 6a 96% 95% 96
7 N Ohio T A It 6a A 90% 90% 90%
18 N Pacific ref 6a B.105% 105% 19'*%
16 N Pacific n 5b D. . . 95% 95% 95%
20 N Pacific pr In 4a.. 85% 85% 85%
21 N Sts Pow 1st 5a A. 94 93 % 94
22 N W Bell Tel 7a. .. 109 103% 108%
2 Ore A ‘ aI lat 6s..1*1 100% 101
1 Oregon H D rfg 4a.. 96% 96% 96%
21 Ore W R R A N 4b. 83 83 8.3
25 Pacific G A E 5a.. 93% 93% 93%
8 Pac T A T 5s *52.. 93 % 03 93
15 Penn R R6%a.110% im% !lu%
ft Penn R R gen 5a.. 102% 102% 102%
9 Penn R R gen 4%s 92% 92% 92%
180 Pere Marcj rfg bn... 97% 96% *7 %
3 Phi la Co rfg 6a_102% 102% 102%
19 PA Read «’ A I Bb. 99% 99% 99%
5 Pierce Arrow 8a,... 78% 78% 73%
1 P A. R 3 b w w.... 110 110 110
H Pub Service 5a. 98% 98 93
31 Punta AJeg Sug 7a. 1*7% 106% 1*7
52 Rending gen 4%s.. 93 92% 93
30 Reading gen 4« .. 95 94 % 94%
1 item Arms sf 6a.. 93% 93% 93%
1 Rep IA St 3%s ... 90% 90% 90%
7 Rio Grand* West 4s 7*% 70% 70%
9R I A A !» 4%S .. 80% 80% 80%
37 St It I MAS rf 4s 92% 92 % 92%
102 fit U IMAS 4b RAi 83% 82% 83%
38 St E A S P p 1 4a A 70% 7* 70%
46 St I, A S F ad 6s 77% 77% 77%
65 St Jt & 8 F inc 6m 63% 68 6 8
16 St 1 S W con 4s 84% 83% 84% |
1 St PAK C S 1. 4 % s 79% 79% 79 %
10 St 1’aul I n Dp 6b.100 100 1*0
150 Seaboard A L cn 6s 81% 81 81%
90 Seaboard A L ad 5s 63 61 % 62%
46 Seaboard A D rf 4b 55% 55% 55%
155 Sinclair Con 7s.... 9n% *8% 90 I
37 Sinclair Con <?%* .. 84% 84% M%
30 Sinclair Crude 6%a. 1*0 99% 100
32 Sinclair Pipe fis.. 84% 84% * 4 %
196 South Pac cv 4a... 97 96% 96%
2* South Pac rf 4s.. 90 90 90
22 South Pac ral tr 4s 86% 85 86 %
18 South Ry gn 6%a. 1*6% 106 1* %
64 South Ry gn 6s_101% 101% 1*1%
29 South Ry con 5a...100% 100 100%
41 South Ry gen 4s 74% 74% 74%
6* S W Bell Tel rf 5a 95% 95% 95%
7 Steel Tube 7s *..105 105 105
14 Tenn Elec rf 6s 93% 97% 98
Jo3..8%9% ..ours . . e.. S5
1*9 T Ave adj 5s.. 50% 49% 60%
62 T A rfg 4* . ..... 57 66 50 %
4 T St L A W 4e 62% 82% 62%
4 V E! Lt A P rfg 5s 97% 97% 97%
22 T'n P 1st 4s . ... 93% 93% 93%
24 Un Pa cv 4 s.... 9 6 % 96% 98%
2 U S Rub 7 % s .103 1*2% 1*3
3 U 8 Rub 5s - 82% 62% 32%
38 U 8 8 a f 5a _104% 104 1*4
II Ut P A L 5a ... 92% 92% ?n%
45 Ya.-Car C 7s .... 62% 61% 62%
10 Vlr Ry bn . 9h% 96% 96%
27 Wab 1st as ......100 99% 99%
4 War Sug ref 7a 1*2 1*1 1*2
42 West Ele^ 5s ... 93% 93% 9*%
3 Weat M 1st 4s . 62% 61% 62%
15 Weat Par 5s .... *8% »*% s*%
4 Weat Pn «%s _111 11*% 11*%
H W E 7s .1*8% i*t% 1*5%
2 West Shore 4s .... 83 83 83
7 Wick -Spen S 7s . 68% 66 63
19 Wlllya-O 1st 6%s 96 97 % 98
4 Wi] A Co a f 7%s . 58 56% 58
3* WII A Co 1st 6s . 83% 8 6 s*%
10 Wi! A Co cv 6s .. 52 El 61
31 Y Sh A T 6§ ...96% 95% 95%
Total sales of bonds today were $13.
1 413.000 compared with $11,135,000 pre\i
ous day and $7,454 *90 a year ago.
Omaha Produce
Omaha, July If.
dreamery—Local Jobbing pricea to re
tailer* Extras, 42c, extras In 40-lb. tuba.
41c; standard, 41c; firsts, 40c.
I>airy—Buyers are paying 31c for bea*
table butter In rolls or tubs; 25 0 30c for
packing stock. For beat sweet, unsalted
butte-, 32c.
For So. 1 cream Omaha buyer* are pay
ing 30c p»r lb at country stations; 36c
delivered at Omaha.
$2.00 per ewt f-r fresh milk testing I f
delivered on dairy platform Omaha.
For egg* delivered Omaha, on loss off
basis. 86 75 06.90 per ca>*e. For No 1
fresh egg* graded basis. $7 2007 4*. gen
erally. $7 20 per <a*e; second*, per doxen
-A0l’lc; cracks, 190 26c.
Price* above ar» for eggs received tn
r^w or No. 1 whitewood cases, a dedu'-'
f!on of ?5c will be made for second-hand
case*. No. 1 eggs must be good averarge
size. 41 lbg net. No. 2 egg?, seconds,
consist of small, slightly dirty stained or
washed *g?* irregular shaped, shrunken
or weakhodied egg*
In »onie quarter* a fair premium la
being paid for selected egg*, which must
not be more than 4* hours old uniform in
•ize and color 'meaning all *ol:d color*—
all chalky white or all brown, and oi the
*ame shade). The shell must be clean
and sound and the eggs weigh 25 ounces
p»c dozen or over. Producer* must nei-og
•arily deliver their own egg* to benefit
by the latter classification.
Jobbing price* to retail ra: D. 8. spe
cial*. 30c; U 8 extra*, commonly known
ns select *. 27c; No. 1. small. 23024c;
checks, 22c.
PTlce# quotable tor No. 1 stock, s.tve;
broiler*, around 30c; broiler* over 2 lbs.
:.'0 2Ic; Leghorn broiler*. 22 0 26c; bens I
over 4 Jh» 18fil9c. hen* under 4 lb* ,
Lc; Leghorn hen*, 15016c; roo»ter?
over 4 lbs. 12c; old roosters under 4 lbs
5011c; capon*. 7 lbs. and over. 15c
capon*, under 7 lb*. 24 015c; duck* fff
young. 15c; ©id ducks f f. f 22c; geese,
f* f f 10c; pigeons. $100 per dozer..
Under grade poultry paid for at market
value. Sick or crippled poultry cot want
ed and will not be paid for.
Jobbing prices or dr*«-*»1 poultry Do
retailers): Springs s^ft. 350 3*c; broiler*
36040c; hen*. 240 26c; roofer*. 14018c.
flunks. 22025c: r*M# 150 26c.
Jobbing price* quotab s a* follows
Fancy white fish. 24c: lake trout 25c
halibut. 25c; northern oullneids. -umto
100 22c; catfish. 3 032c of had
dock. 37c; black cod sah’e fish. 1«c; roe
shad. ?Sr; flounders, 2*c; crappl**. ft ft
25c; Mark bass. 32c; Spamsn mackerel
14 to 21 ha.. 2Sc; yellow- nike, 22c: *tripe<1
bass 20<~ white perch, 12c. picker#5 15c
frozen fish. 2 0 4c leas than price* above
ling cod. 12c,
Jobblnr prices lUOtabts on American
cheeae. fancy grade, a* follow* single
daisies, ,24c: double daisies. 22c. square
rrinta. 21c; brick. 22c; limburr*r. l-it
style. $3 65 per dozen: Swiss, domett ~. 1
7<c; Imported Roquefort. «5c; New York i
whits. 22c.
J bb'rg price# qu >t*ble
No 1 ribs, 26c; No. 2. 74c; Kr I. 17c;
No. 1 loins 34c No. 2. 14c. No S 10c • j
No. 1 rourd*. 194'; No 2 14c. No 2.!
lie; No l chucks. 14c, No 2 ’lc No S
16«- No 1 pistes. 3 4c; No, 2. $c. No !
3. 7c.
Jobbing price*:
Strawberries—3Yi*c©ns*n. 16-qt. crates
$3 6603 25. I
Lemons—California, extra fanev, per i
box. $7 00; fancy, rer boa. $6 60; choice
n_. ■ —i- =
per box. 15 50; lime*. 100 count, car- 14
J 2.00.
rears—California Bartlett. per i-ogg t
Gooseberries—Home rrown. 24 pint era 94
$2 50.
Raspberries—Black. 24-plnt crate, f «
© i 75 red. $3.6‘>
Blackberries—Per crate. $3 50.
Peaches—California, box. $1 76 Georg *4
Apricots—4-basket crate. $3 26.
bushel basket. $3.00.
Plums—California, per crats. $2.00®
2 50 . A _
Cherries—Homs grown, msrkst basket^
$1.60. California black. 15-lb. lug b x,
* Loganberries—Per crate. 91.93.
Pineapple—Per crate. 30 size, $ |
last, of the season.
- Grapefruit—Florida, sxtra fancy, I? 9
® 5 00
Orange*—Mediterranean sweets, ax %
fan* v, according to size. S3 75 04 50 per
box;' Valencias, extra fancy, per b x.
$4.0006 60.
Bananas—Per lb . 7Ur
Jobbing price*
Honey Dew Melons—€ 10 12 In era’*,
Watermelons—Crated, • melons. 2 4<3
per lb.
Asparagus—Homs grown, 30c per do/**
cauliflower—Home grown, 11.60 dozer;
California, crates. 12.00.
Cantaloupe—California standard*. Sft-- 0$
pon-eji J r,(i. flat* $1 50.
Eggplant—Per dnz.. $2.00; 20c per lb.
Cabbage—34c per lb.; crate*. 24c p r
Lettuce—Head, per crate, $6 00, \ < r
dozen. $1 75. leaf, per dozen. 40".
Hoots—Beets. carrots and turn!;*,
market basket, 75c.
Onion*—New crystal wax. per era’s,
$2 25; Bermuda yellow, per crate. $1
L00 California red*, in sack*. 34^ per
lb : home grown, dozen bunche*. 30".
Tomatoes — 4-basket crates, about 1ft
lb*. $250
Celery—California, 6 stalks, per*
31-25 01.60.
Pepper*—Green, market basket $1 6*
Cu'umber*—Homegrown, market bas*
ket. $2 00; hot house, dozen 31.50.
Parsley—per dozen bunche* 60075"
Radishes—Home grown. 20® 25c ; etf
dozen bunches.
Beans—Green wav. market basket. 7 r.
Hpinach—Home grown. 50075c per bu.
Potatoes—Minnesota Rural*. $2.5* per
cwt ; Western Russet Ruralr. $2 50 ter
I cwt ; new crop in *a"ka, 24c per lb
Ms? ket cue table per ton. carload *,
f o. b. Omaha
cottonseed Meal -4*1 per cent $48 rf
Hominy Feed —White or yellow. $4*0*.
Digester Feeding Tankag*- -60 per r°r», ^
$ 50.00.
Wheat Feed* — Brin, $21 600 22 r
brown short.-. $25 6* gray fhor’a 127 1 ;
flour middlings, $27 50; reddog. $32 f ^
34 00.
Linseed Meal—34 per cent, $47 10
But’ermilk—Condensed, for feeding '*j
bbl. lot* 3 45" per lb : flake butterrr ,
500 to 3.5*0 lbs, 9c lb.
Eggshell*—Dried and ground. If in.
bag* 125.00 per ton.
Alfalfa Meal — Choice. new Sr op,
prompt, 127 5*. No. 1. old or new "•
prompt, $24 50. No 2. new, $21 5*.
Price* quotable ’d round lots (less *b - n
"arioadaj f. o. b. Omaha follow; F
patents In 9*-!b bag* $7 0*®7.10 :*r
fcb! : fancy, "lear in 4$-Ib hag* $‘ =»
<5? 65 per bbl . white or yellow cornrne1’,
per cwt . $2 35.
Nominal quotation- carload lot*
T.VaM Pra: - e — No 1. $12?**?’’' •
No 2. $10.00 ® 12.00; No. *. $7.9008 '
Midlard Prairie—No. 1, 1115 012; r
No 2. $9 00011.00; No. 3 3«.**®! **
Lowland Prairie—No. 3. $• 6*009.00$
No. 2. $6.0008.0*
Packing Hay—$5.5*07 5*
Alfalfa—Choice $2* **021*''- No !.
918.0*019.00; standard. $14.00017 00$
No 2. $11 *<■ ®! ? r*: No. 3. 39.0* 011*
Straw—Oat. $8 9009.00; wheat. $7,000
Price* ?-e quotable a* follows. d*!!ve-*d
Omaha. dealers' weights and selection-;
Hide*—Feasonable, No 1. $4'': d:*’".
No 2. 6 4c; green. $c and 4c; bull* 60
and 4c: branded fc; glue hide* 3c; caif,
12" and 304c; kip. 10c and 14”; glue
•kins 4": dry nlde* 10c; dry salted. 7c;
dry glue 5c. dearona. $1.09 each, horse
htdea. $2 25 and $2 25 ea"h; pon -a and
glues. $1.25 each; colts, 26c each; fc g
•kin*. 16" each
WqoI—Pelta. $1 *0 to $! 60 each: de
pending on size and length of wool;
lambs. 50c to fl 00 each, depending on
s:ze and length of wool: ahearings 2r-o
to 3*c each, clips, no value; wool. 25
to 30c.
Tallow a«d Greaa-—No 1 tallow 6":
B tallow. 5 4r: No. 2 tallow. Be; A grease
• B grea*\ 5 4c; yellow grease 6c;
brown grease. 4c: pork cracklina. 949.69
per ton: beef, do 320 00 per ton; bees
wax, $20.00 per ton.
Chicago Butter.
Chicago. July 15.—The butter market
today Was weak and unsettled following
a quarter to half cent decline on p-a- -
♦’"ally all score* Trading via qu:*’.
The central zed car market continued
weak, with trading dull.
Fre*h butter: 92 score, 994c: 91
arore. 3Sc; 9* score. 37 4c: 6 9 score, 36 4c7
81 aoore. 36"; 87 score, 35c.
Centra ed car lot*: 90 acora, IS^c;
8 9 score. 37c; 8 8 score. 36c.
Dried Fruits.
New York. J uiv 15.—Txaporated
pies, nominal; rni’-M steady: apricots,
quiet; choice. 120124c: extrm choice,
14 4 0164c; fancy. 17019" Peaces,
air "andard. 8 4c; choice. 9 4 c,
Ra’s-n*. f-.rm.
First Mortgage
6% Bond
Yield over 6V^%
We recommend Cuba North
ern Railways Company First
Mortgage 6^ 50-year Sink
ing Fund Gold Bonds, due
July 1, 1966. For fiscal year
1923, Company reports in
terest charges earned 2.6
Price S9'4 & Int.
Circular on request.
The National City Company
Omaha—First National Bank Bid*
Telephone—Jackson 88 If
W— -a *
When you think of
You think of UPDIKE
Ample finances assure country shippers *f hnms^inte payments el
their drafts and balance due always remitted with returns.
Telephone AT lantic 6311
Updike Grain Corporation
"A Reliable Consignment House**
Established 1991
New York Stock Exchange
Chicago Board of Trad*
^ New York Cotton Exchange
l and other leading Exchange#.
New York 42 Broadway Chicago; 108 S. i.aSalle St.
Branches and correspondent a located in principal cities.
Stocks, Bonds, Grain,
Cotton. Foreign Exchange
Bought and Sold for Cash or
Carried on Conservative Margin 1
224 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bltif . Omaha
TMapkpi,* JAck.aa SI AT-ft*
~T>a Sark. K.m.w* taut an arrlirAtmn -Corra.ponrfrn.-a