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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1924)
Council Bluffs Society ^ ___/ Visiting Girls Feted. Affairs for visiting girls have kept the social calendar of the younger set full for the last few weeks, and numerous other parties are scheduled throughout the month. Miss June Davis entertained on Monday for Miss Louise Harned of Davenport, house guest of Miss Jane Schoentgen, and Miss Elizabeth Mor gan of Newton, who was a recent visitor at the Eldon Lougee home. The guests of Miss Davis number ed 23, for whom luncheon covers were laid at the Country club, with bridge later at her home. Miss Irene JCintz had high score and Miss Nancy Stillman won In the cut-for-all. On Tuesday, Miss Margaret Au gustlne had 12 guests for luncheon at her home honoring Miss Harned and Miss Dorothy Toy, who arrived that day from Sioux City with her mother, Mrs. Marie Beck Toy, to visit at the \V. L. Douglas home. To compliment these visitors Miss Charlotte Zurmuehlen had a bridge breakfast Wednesday morning, and Miss Dorothy Hurd entertained In a like manner Thursday, six tables of guests being present on each oc casion. A dinner for seven couples was giv en by Miss Nancy Stillman Wednes day honoring Miss Toy, and Friday Miss Elizabeth Douglas entertained them at a small luncheon at the Coun try club. Misses Katherine and Ellnnore Bax ter had a dinner-dance at the Omaha Country club Saturday for these pop ular girls, and on next Tuesday Mrs. Donald Macrae, Jr., will entertain for them. This hostess has planned a “morning dance,” which is an Innova tion in Council Bluffs this summer. Her guests will afterwards lunch at the Country club. From her home In Detroit, Mich., on Saturday came Miss Lillian John ston for a stny of at least a fortnight with Miss Elizabeth Woodbury. Miss Johnston Is a niece of Edgar Guest and several lovely affairs are being planned In her honor. Her hostess had two tables of guests In for n brldge-Rupper Saturday evening, and will entertain her at luncheon on Tuesday. An anticipated visitor for the last two weeks of July Is Mias Jeannette Shepard of Evanston. 111., who has formed a host of friends here during frequent summer visits at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. F. O. Glea son. Vacationing In Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. George Van Brunt and their children, Barbara, Eleanor and Hannan, departed Thursday on a motor trip to Plquot, Minn. They will be Joined by Mrs. Charles K. Hannan, Jr., who left Friday on the train with her children, Charles, Kelley and Jessann and their nurse. Mrs. Macrae Entertains. Mrs. Donald Macrae, Jr., was a luncheon hostess of the last week en tertaining 24 guests at the Country club on Thursday In honor of Mrs. i Walker Corbin of Worcester, Mass,, j who is visaing her mother, Mrs. j Ernest Eldred Hart and Mrs. Marie Beck Toy of Sioux City, house guest of Mrs. W. I,. Doug’as. For Mrs. Hodge. On Saturday Mrs. E’don Lougee assembled at iter home for luncheon a few Intimate friends of Mrs. S. Evans Hodge who Is visiting her brother Donald and Grover Beno. Wedding Anniversary. Next Tuesday will be the 64th wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. j B. 8. Terwllbger who plighted their ' troths In Minneapolis and have since resided in Council Bluffs. The Terwllligers are not planning any celebration but will spend the lay quietly at the home of their niece, Mrs. Fred Davis. Bridge-Luncheon. At her home on Lafayette avenue Mrs. Clarence Empltie entertained on Friday at a luncheon followed by , bridge. For a July Bride. Honoring Miss Claire McTnnerney, i who on July 22d Is to wed Edward M. I Heflin of Spokane. Wash., Mrs. J. | Philip Cogley had a bridge-breakfast at her home Saturday morning. Affairs for Mrs. Shepard. Mrs. Grace Shepard entertained In formally at her home last Wednes day In compliment to her sister, Mrs. Guy Shepard, who has been here from Evanston. 111., for a short visit ; and returned on Friday to her home. | Luncheon preceded the bridge game. On Tuesday evening Wood Allen bad a dinner of seven covers at the | Country club for this matron. Mrs. Annis Feted. Mrs. Robert Lindsay and Mrs. Donald Annis were co-hostesses on Tuesday, entertaining at the Coun try club In honor of Mrs. A. D. Annis, who recently returned from a Euro pean honeymoon. Breakfast was served at half-after ten with bridge the diversion for the early hours of the afternoon. Tea. A lovely event of the week was the tea over which Mrs. J. R. Reed and her daughter, Miss Rosanna, presided on Thursday in compliment to Mrs. Heed's sister, Mrs. Anna Goodwin, and her niece, Mrs. M. M. Pomeroy, who recently moved here from Avora. About 100 guests called during the afternoon and the drawing room In which they were greeted was a bower of roses and garden flowers. Assisting the hostesses were Mrs dames L. C. Squire, F, A. Gruver, F. W. Dean, W. E. McConnell and F H. Hill, Misses Marlon Hinckley, Ber dlna Snyder, Margaret Groneweg, Nell and Hope Koecker and Kather ine Beardsley. Mrs. Heed and ber daughter enter tained In a similar manner a week ago. Bridge-Tea. The bridge ten planned by Mrs. Jack Wilcox and Mrs. Eugene Porter for Tuesday was postponed until Fri day, when they entertained about a dozen guests at the home of Mrs. Por ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Searle, sr. To Entertain. Invitations have been extended by Miss Virginia Fair to afternoon bridge pnrtles on Thursday and Fri day of this week at her home on Gra ham avenue. Three tables of guests will be pres •nt on each occasion. A (Tail's for Visitors. Entertaining together on Thursday were Miss Katherine Ouren and Miss Amy Hoblnson, who Invited 2H guests to the home of the former to meet and lunch with Mias Mildred MerU of -— Miss Douglas and Guest __—-'I liomuy 'ioy anil £.i>zabetll l/ouytiis. Kimcnley l'huio. A visitor who has had much social attention since her arrival last Tues day to visit Miss Elizabeth Douglas is Miss Dorothy Toy ot Sioux City. She was accompanied by her mother, ! Mrs. Marie Beck Toy, and several In- | terestlng affalra have been given In their honor. LaGrange, 111., and Miss Fayetta Wright of Glenwood, with whom Miss Robinson attended college at Linden wood at St. Charles, Mo, Another classmate who was In cluded In the guest list was Miss Alice Holvershelmer of Omaha. Miss Robinson entertained at din ner for these visitors Friday, her guests later attending the semi weekly dance at the Country club. Bridge-Breakfast. Mrs. J. Phillip Cogley and Mrs. A. W. Oard extended their hospitality to 42 guests when they entertained at the Country club last Thursday at a breakfast followed by bridge. Quantities of nasturtiums were used In decorating. High score at the gams was made by Mrs. Horace Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Annls Entertain. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Annls, who have Just returned from their honeymoon invited the employes of Mr. Annls' of flee and their wives to their home Wednesday evening at which time they related some of their experiences traveling In foreign lands and pre sented each guest with a gift pur chased while In Europe. Country Club Reservations. Among those who made reserva tions at the Country club cafe last week were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stephen, who had 12 on Tuesday eve ning; Wood Allen, 7; John Coppock. 10; Mrs. Langdon, 10; Mrs. Nichols, 4, and Mr. Ross, 8. On Friday evening Albert Faul had 10 and C. T. Officer, six. Leaving Wednesday. For the remainder of the summer Mr. and Mrs. George Mayne and their children will be registered at the "Mlnnesourl club,” Lake Miltona, Minn. Mrs. Dudley Entertains. Mrs. Allen Dudley arranged a "golf luncheon” for Friday at her attractive suburban home, the guests playing 18 holes on the Dudley golf course after a picnlo luncheon aerved on the veranda. Mrs. Walter Silver of Omaha made low score and Mrs. B. O. Bruington of this city received the second prize. Additional guests Included Mes damej Mark Levlngs. Robert Craig, Blalna Young, Ed Jewell, J. J. Mc Mahon, A1 NgJsted, Carl Linlnger, E. V. Arnold, all of Omaha, and Mrs. Dudley's sister, Mrs. J. T. Stringer of Chicago, for whom the affair was jdanned. Celebrates on 10th Birthday. Frederic Empkle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Empkle Is 10 years old to day, but the event waa celebrated on Saturday with a dinner to which about a dozen of his boy friends were Invited. They later went to sea ‘'Strong heart" at the Broadway. Mrs. Douglas Hostess. Mrs. W. L. Douglas gavs a lunch eon of eight covers on Tuesday for Mrs. Maria Beck Toy of Sioux City, her guest. Set* Wedding Date. Miss Nell Roecker, whose engage ment to John Wadsworth was an nounced last winter, has set August 30 as the date of her wedding. Miss Hope Roecker will give a bridge breakfast at the Country club on Saturday for the bride to be. Personals. Miss Gertrude Harlan Is visiting In Des Moines. A eon was born recently at Mercy hospital to Dr. and Mrs. 8 D. Malden. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foreman an nounce the birth of a son, who will be named Robert Harlan. Mrs. John P. Organ plans to leave late In the month for a visit with relatives In California. Mrs. Daniel Sheehan, who on July 4 was badly burned with fireworks, Is now recovering satisfactorily. Dr. and Mrs. F. W, Dean have as their guests for the summer their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ab bott Dean of Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Garrett are expected home thla week from New York, where they attended the demo cratic convention. Miss Cora Quick plans to leave dur ing the coming week for Chicago, where she will take soma special work In dancing. Miss Harriett Walker left Thurs day on a six weeks’ trip to New Or leons. En route she will visit In Lit tle Roek, Arfi^, and 8t. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. George Wickham and daughter, Mnry Virginia, left Friday on an overland trip to Des Moines. They were aceompanled by Mrs. Owen 1’. Wickham, who will remain there for a. couple of weeks visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Quinn had as guests from Wayne, Neb., last week Mr. and Mrs. A. A. A’Hearn and their children, Sarah Jane, William and James. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohllng, ac companied by their children, Henry, .ir., and Ellen Beth, and their nurse, left Friday for a two months' sojourn at Estes Park. Mrs. Ida Herr Drake, who has been In San Francisco for the last year, Is | now vlBltlng relatives here and In the j near future will take an apartment j in Omaha. Miss Claire Mclnnerney will have ■ ns her guest this week from Du buque, la., Miss Florence Glrdorff, \ vho will remain until after the Hef lln-McInnerney nuptials on July 22. Miss June Davis will spend the week at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Perkins while her parents, Mr. >nd Mrs. John P. Davis, are enjoying t holiday with the W. A. Maurers at their summer home on Lake Okobojl. Miss Edith Flieklnger, who Is home from New Tork for the summer, left Friday with her sister, Miss Margaret, for points In Colorado, where they plan to spend about three weeks. I'pon their return they will go with their mother to Clear Lake, la., for a short stay. Mrs. W. S. Stillman has returned ! from Lake Forrest, HI., where she lias bean visiting her daughter and i son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John H. 1 Hroeksmlt, and will leave today with j her husband and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. [ Quinn and Mr. and Mrs. John P. Da vis for Lake Okobojl to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maurer. Miss Nan Murphy left Saturday for a two weeks' holiday In the east. --* Benson Society V - Haver-Mohr. Richard Haver, aon of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Haver, and Mias Anna Mohr of Omaha, were married Thursday evenm*. July 10, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Mohr, 4232 Pinkney street. Rev F. W. Seesko reading the marriage lines. Mr. and Mrs. Haver will re side In their new home at Forty sec ond and Bedford avenue. Benson Woman's Club. Mrs. Paul Wilcox, president of the Benson Woman's club, will be hostess Wednesday, July 16, to the members of the program committee of the club Owing to the absence of Mrs. M. Feierman, leader of the music depart ment, Mrs. W. O. Yale, assistant, will represent the department at this meeting. Other members of tbe com mittee are Mesdames Roy Marshall, C. C. Beavers, J. F. Barton, N. H. Tyson, Mervln Ross and F. B. Oliver. Reception to Pastor. The ladlea of the Presbyterinn church will entertain at a reception Tuesday evening, July 15, In the church parlor, complimentary to their new pastor. Rev. K. C. llano, and family, who hnvo recently como from Wisconsin to take charge of the Hen son church. Following a musical nnd literary program, punch anil wafers will be served by the refreshment committee. Announce Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Leggo nnnotince the engagement of their daughter, Fenella Pearl, to Rudolph Carl Muel ler of Omaha. The wedding will tnke place th# mlddlo of August. Miss I-egge la a graduate of the Benson high school. Patriotic Rang Rervlec. A unique patriotic sung service, In terspersed with historical reminis cences by tho pastor, Rev. Arthur II. Adams, was given Sunday evening, July 6, by the choir of the Methodist church, led by Harold Thom, director. A drum corps on the outside of the church played an interesting part In th# program. Luncheon nnd Rhower. Mrs. Walter C. Oehft entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon and shower at her homo Thursday In honor of Mrs. A. Kastran, Jr. Presbyterian l bnlr Plrnle. Members of the Henson Preobyter Inn choir nnd their families, with their director, I,ee <1 Kratz, nnd Mr# Kratz, enjoyed a, real "old fashioned" plcnlo Tuesday evening, July 1. The party met at 6;30 at the church wl ere five cars were waiting to drive Ihcn) to the plcnlo grounds located five miles west of Benson, where the cool . clear water of a spring bubbled forth || % and the follag# of the tree* and the green grass was moat attractive. A fire was built and coffee "boiled.” Af ter the bounteous "eate,” the party fat around the fire and Bang tne old time aonge. An Indian war dance fol lowed by a kangaroo court ecene end ed thle well planned picnic affnlr. An Afternoon at Cherry Croft. A few of Mra. J. J. Mershon’s many friends from the First Christian church of Omaha were entertained at a social afternoon Thursday, July 10, by Mrs. J. W. Welch at her home at Cherry Croft. Mrs. Welch’s father, J. J. Mershon, and Mrs. Mershon of Long Beach, Cal., who have been visiting nt Cherry Croft for the past month, expect to leave soon for Penn sylvania for a visit with relatives and friends. During their residence In Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Mershon were active In the work of the First church, Mrs. Mershon being, at one time, president of the Karnest Workers’ so ciety. Dinner fluesls. Mrs. D. ,T. Fluke and daughter, Vir ginia. of Illverside, Cal., were Satur day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stafford. Vacationists. Mr. and Mrs. M. Feierman leave today for a two weeks' outing in Yellowstone park. Masters Barton and Frederick Hamilton, eons of Mr. and Mrs. Q. N. Hamilton, accompanied by their aunt. Miss Hamilton, left Satur day for Yellowstone park, where they will spend two weeks In sight-seeing. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Carroll of Daurel. Neb., who will arrive the early part of the week for a short visit with Mrs. Carroll's mother. Mrs. James Maney, are en route to Butte, Mont., for a visit with Dr. Carroll's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Barton expect to leave the middle of the week for Min nesota. Mr. W. O. Yale Is home from a vacation with his parents In Mis sourl. Queen Esther Party. Mrs. P. A. Eegge entertained at a party at her home Tuesday evening complimentary to the members of the Queen Esther society of the Methodist church, at which time Mrs. Eegge's daughter, Mias Fenella Pearl, who Is a member of this society, an nounced to her friends her engage ment to Rudolph Carl Mueller of Omaha. Swfmmlng Party. Members of the Eoyalty club of the Presbyterian church enjoyed a swim ming party Thursday at Krug park. This society Is composed of Junior girls of the church and meets every two weeks «t tbs homes of Its respec tlve members. Grace Choir Picnic. Members of the Grace Lutheran choir, with their director. G. W. Uhler, and Mrs. Uhler. will picnic Saturday evening, July 19, at Oak Grove, north of Florence. Sunday School Party. Miss Eloise Burford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Burford. entertained at a lawn party at her home Thurs day evening complimentary to her Sunday school class of the Methodist church. Baker-Brown. Miss Lillian Baker, sister of Mrs. Walter Yuenger of Benson, and J. Arlington Brown were married Satur day evening, July 6, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Yuenger. After a sum mer spent In travel, Mr. and Mrs. Brown will reside In Denver, Colo. Community Picnic and Barbecue. Member* of Benson community will celebrate Benson day at Krug park Wednesday, July 16. Tickets for free admission, some of the rides, and other concessions are being given out by the Benson merchants. One thousand pounds of choice beef will be barbecued, serving* to begin at 5 p. m. Over 100 prizes, furnished by Benson business men, will be given away during the day. W. N. Weston, physical director at ths T. M. C. A., Is in charge of the games and ath letic stunts. Vacatlonal Church School Close*. The Methodist church vacatlonal school closed Friday with a picnic at Krug park. Ninety-five students were enrolled In this school and much In terest has been shown In every line of study. A display of some of the work done In this school will be put on Sunday evening at the regular church service. Wins Tony In Garden Confest. Arthur Schmadelewsky of Benson Acres won the Shetland pony In the garden contest conducted by the real estate board of Omaha. The prizes were awarded Tuesday. July 9, at a Picnic at Elmwood park. Summer Class In Expression. Mrs. Pearl-Stephens Whistler opened a summer class In expression, public speaking and dramatic art at her home. 2712 North Sixty-fourth street Monday morning. July 9, at 9:30 o’clock. Special attention Is to be given to grouping students accord lng to their age. A public recital will be given at the close of the sum mer term, Friday, August 26. Personals. Rev. F. W. Seesko and wife left Friday by motor for St. Paul, Minn.. where they will attend the Weither league convention and enjoy a vaca tion. Gorton Roth made a bualneae trip to Herman. Neb., Wedneaday. Mrs. N. Dow and daughter. Rachel, motored to Lincoln Thursday. Mr. and Mra B. H. Rolfson are vis iting relatives at Cedar Bluffs, Neb. Rev. John Calvert of York, Neb , visited In Benson the early part of the week. Mlsa Mlrlum Hallock of Spring view, Neb.. Is a gueat of her aunt. Mrs. C. N. Wolfe. Mlsa Hallock ws# a luncheon guest of her aunt at Car ter lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wulff and daughter, Dorothy, who have re turned to Benson after residing In Colorado Springs for the last five years, have taken the Butler home on Sixtieth street. Mr. Wulff was a Benson merchant for over JO years before going to Colorado. Messrs, and Mesdames M. J. and George Hedelund spent the week end at Llnoma lake near Ashland, Neb Mrs. Lavina Woodring and daugh ter, Mrs. Lillian Drew, and son of Ashland and Mrs .Woodring's grand daughter, Thelma Woodring, of South Dakota, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beavers. --- The Druggists listed below are Registered by Law to serve you. Buy all of your drug store needs of these druggists and know that you I are getting the benefit of recognized training, exper ience and service. ARMSTRONG’S PHARMACY 2201 Military Ava. WA. 0508. AUXIER’S PARK VALE PHARMACY 3024 S. 32d Ava. HA. B807 BEATON DRUG CO. ISth and Farnam. JA. 00S1 BENSON PHARMACY 6105 Military Ava. WA. 4300 BENSON-WILLI AMS DRUG CO 3S24 Leavenworth St. HA. 3406 BERANEK A SON 1402 S. 16th St. JA. 3350 BLAKE DRUG CO. 101 S. 18th St. AT. S2SS BURT-WAY-BURT 2016 Cuming St. HA 0418 CALIFORNIA PHARMACY 3227 California St. HA. 049S CASTELLAR DRUG CO. 2332 S. 20th St. AT. BUS CENTRAL PARK PHARMACY 4138 Grand Ava.. KE. 2244. CLAIRMONT PHARMACY 4737 Military Ava. WA. 8180 CLIFTON HILL PHARMACY 2213 Military Ava. WA 2883 CREIGHTON PHARMACY 824 N. 24th St. JA. 124S CROSSTOWN DRUG STORE 1223 S. 24th St. AT. 0402 DUNDEE PHARMACY 4923 Undrewood Ava. WA. 0483 FONTENELLE PARK PHARMACY 3624 Amtt Ava. KE. 8660 GORRELL’S PHARMACY 40th and Farnam. HA 3216 GREEN’S PHARMACY 40th and Farnam Sta. HA. 1876 GREEN’S PHARMACY 60th and Military Av*. WA. 8411 HAINES DRUG CO. 16th and Howard Sta. JA 0148 HANSON PHARMACY 4667 Dodga St. WA. 1130 JOHANSON DRUG CO. 3819 N. 24th St. WE. 0642 KF.NWOOD DRUG CO. 4506 N. 30th St. KE. 8300 KNUDSEN’S DRUG CO. 24th and Cuming LAKEV1EW PHARMACY 2825 N. 18th St. WE. 0422 LATHROP PHARMACY 8002 N. 24th St. WE. 0877 LEE’S RIALTO DRUG STORE 117 S. 18th St. JA. 1614 LOCKWOOD PHARMACY 8203 Leavenworth St. WA. S470 MARSH PHARMACY 2001 l4ha St. WE. 0269 MINNF. LUSA PHARMACY 6716 N. 30th St. KE. 6177 NOYES PHARMACY 101 N. 40th St. HA. 0821 OHIO STREET PHARMACY 2601 N. 45th St. WA. 1125 PATTY’ PHARMACY 1848 N. 16th St. WE. 8833 PRETTIFST MIT E PHARMACY 4430 Florence Blvd. KE. 1784 REID DUFFY PHARMACY 24th and Lake Sta. WE. 0609 F. A. SCHILLER 62d and Maple Sta. WA. 4704 ROLLIN C. SHERMAN 16th and Cuming. JA. 0841 sherman tt McConnell DRUG CO. I SHERMAN AVF.NUF. PHARMACY 3808 N. 16th St. WE 2626 SUN DRUG CO. 1401 Farnam St. JA. 4813 TECH HIGH PHARMACY 33d and Cuming THOMPSON DRUG CO. 424 N. 20th St. AT 8144 WEST SIDE PHARMACY 811 S. 48th St. WA. 2087 South Omaha Druggists CITY DRUG STORE 4B02 S. 24th St. MA. 017S MELCHF.R DRUG COMPANY 4628 S. 24th St. MA. 060T PUBLIC DRUG CO. 4104 S. 24th St. MA. 0110 COUNCIL BLUFFS CLARK DRUG CO. Broadway and Main Sta.—Phona 41S GEO. S. DAVIS I tOO W. Broadway. Phona 286 A. W. OAP.D 701 16th Ava. Phona 403 PUBLIC DRUG CO. B33 W. Broadway. Phone 73J S. E. WHALEY 804 W. Broadway. Phona 2S97 '4 Your baby! What a world of love and affection is wrapped in its warm little body! Zealously you guard its health through incessant care and watchfulness. To you, as to every other mother, your child’s health and care is of the greatest importance. Only a mother knows the responsibility of a baby’s care. Every nursery need, every toilet and clothing need must be selected with a knowl edge bom of experience and instruction. To buy preparations of a doubtful or unknown character at a "price” is to imperil the health of your baby; to buy articles unsuited to each particular need is to invite discomfort and dissatisfaction. This week has been designated “Baby Health Week.” Every Reg istered Druggist whose name appears in this advertisement will devote this week to the instruction and use of baby drug and toilet needs. It will be a time when your druggist, with his broad experience and knowledge, will gladly acquaint you with the newest and best in every drug store need for baby's health and comfort. Visit your druggist this week. His experience and knowledge will save you money and discomforts—and possibly the health of your baby. His service to you is measured only by your wishes for his help. The following articles and preparations are sold and guaranteed by your druggist. Buy your baby health needs of your druggist and “know” that you are getting standard quality products. Baby Foods Pacifiers Hot Water Bottles Medicated Talcum Powder Zinc Stearate Baby Castile Soap Boric Acid Baby Powder Puffs Baby Wash Cloths Infant Syringes Bath Thermometers Thermos Bottles Bottle Sterilizers Nipples Sponges Teething Rings BABY GIFTS AND NOVELTIES Baby Rattles Baby Dolls Infants' Sets Baby Toys