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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1924)
.| The Omaha Sunday Bee I 1 »- , „ -r-i _____l ' - - VOL. 64—NO. 6 PART THREE OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1924. 1—C_ _FIVE CENTS | Select ^Uazrbei^acks'o^^t ---—---® Stockingless Golf Players Seen on Local Links LL'fli Marjorie Pancoast ontl Alice Kastle Wimke Wells of Amarillo. le/as'- Aucjufla cJolman of BoslonS^ THEY’RE playing golf without stockings. It’s an economy move, and since the manufac turers have made such a wonderful imitation of bare legs with chiffon hose In nude shades the girls have de cided they can get away w'.th going without them and some are doing it without detection. Gabby wondered since It was pure ly a mater of economy whether ’’they" were doing It on the muny r links, but found to her surprise that stockingless golf only flourished at the Country club, with a venturesome foursome or two et Happy Hollow. EVERT woman, It Is said, cher ishes In her heart of hearts the Idea that she has talents as an Interior decorator, lying dormant, waiting th* spark of necessity to he kindled into flames of artist’s genius An Innocent enough delusion, and on# which has a masculine parallel, for Gabby wonders If there Is a sin gle man or rather a single married man who doesn’t helleve that, given a chance, he could out mllllner the milliner, selecting fascinating femi nine headgear? John U. Loomis but amplified the proof on Monday last, when he pre sented Mrs. Loomis with a brown felt cloche trimmed In ribbon clr# at a picnic given at Valley In honor of her birthday. He had bought It according to the best scientific methods, keeping In mind the color of his wife’s hair, her eyes and th# oval of her face. His methods were found to be of the soundest, for when the %at was ap piled to th# head for which it was Intended It proved to be enormouely becoming. Such Judge* of gladsome raiment as Mre. Francis Gaines and Mrs. Fred Daugherty, who were among the guests, pronounced It an "unmitigated success." ROMANCE that Is often dreamed about at weddings In regard to the maid of honor and best man Is to be realised with the announce ment to be made aeon of an engage ment of a well known Omaha girl and an Iowa man. This brunette was maid of honor at the wedding of her older slater two year* ago and the men whom she is to marry was beet man. They had never met before the arrival of the attendant* for th* wed ding ceremony. The man In question Is a fraternity brother of the Bister's hushand and his closest friend. Hlnce the wedding the former best rnan has been a fre quent visitor here. Although the sister moved to the enst with her husband, he still carne to Omaha to eoe th* maid of honor. Now the wed ding of this young couple Is to take place, end perhaps th# situation will be reversed, the older slater and her husband being the attendants Instead of principal*. On the same day that the announce ment of this Omaha girl la to be made i sorority sister, a brunette, will also announce her engagement. Both Slrls attended the University of Ne braska. The first Omaha girl also attended a college for women In the south, HOW would you like to be re ferred to as a lemon rinse. Not very well, Gabby opines, but nevertheless If you've ever had one you're Just as liable to be called one as not. Some of us who fancy ourselves the pets of the beauty dsns will bs rudely surprised when the truth gets out. What one of us doesn't enter tain the harmless fancy that the operator will remember the long, slender Angers Into which she Is so deftly coercing a lotion following a manicure, and that the one who gave our facial won't sigh enviously after we leave over the lovely long curling lashes that almost got In her way as shs worked. Tea, those are pretty fancies, but they’re doomed, for Gabby overheard two workers at the end of a busy afternoon the other day. And what did she ha&r? No cooing ecstasies over the lovely complexion which Mrs. 8. Is hiding under ths conventional rouge. No comments on Mrs. B.’s wealth of hair, you may bs aura. In their little chat Mrs. B. la not only denied these tribute*, but sven her Identity. All ehs can possibly get le dishon orable mention. "flay did you ess my Arst wavs today? Fussy? I'll say. lisa Ats about whether I'd burn'sr. And wig gled till I wanted to." "Well, that's nothing," ths ether countered, "I had a whtny Clay to day, 8ha never had one before. Just knew It would do her good when she came In, but kept wanting to get It off it was drawing so after I'd started. Of course It cracked all up before It was time.” "How was your Egg Shampoo?” "Mean as anything. I had tc, give the Lemon Rinas that came next all kinds of taffy or I wouldn't have mads a cent all morning." ATOUNO man of our town, with a New Tork and Parisian past, took to the “trams" re cently as a convenient means of loco motion. Ths poor fellow had ridden In so few of them himself that he probably regarded them as a negli gible factor In others lives. At any rats, after several trips Dundeeward at the night rush hour, he expressed amazement at the crowd* who appar ently had a taele for street cere. Haying with Ihe air of discovery: “I bail no Idea ths beastly things ware so popular. Mrs J. K. Ebereole la ths guest of Miss Anna Donelan of Glenwood, la, Comings, Goings of People You Know V____' Robert Elltck left Bnturday end la spending the week end In Idnooln. Mr. end Mre. E. Vf. Julian will motor to Kansas City thl« week. Mr. and Mre. George Blssonett have gone to San Francisco to apend July. Mr. and Mra. Buech have motored to Duluth end will apend eome time at tha Minnesota lakes. MUa Janot Nolan la convalescing from an operation undergone at Tk>rd I.leter hospital a week ago. Mr. and Mre. A. F. Wldenor, eon Howard and daughter Maragaret, ere motoring to Yellnwatone park. Mlaa Marie Kleny and mother, Mre Joseph Kleny, will leave the last of tho week for Grand Island and Btir moll. Neb., to rlalt relative*. Mlaa Minnie AlpiriTof St. Ik>ul* will arrive thl* week to be the guest of Mr. and Mra. B. Bhatne# Dave Ravttr will entartaln at tha Hotel Fontenelle for Mlos Alplrn. Reverend and Mra. Mareden of Kearney have been In the city the peat week. Mr*. H. K. Gunner en tertalned rti guesla at luncheon for them Tuesday. Mrs. J V Ragg (Mabel Etrhlsnn) of Rochester, N. Y., Is the guest of hsr parents, Mr. snd Mrs W. H Etch Ison Mrs. II. Ijiuh'ngurg entertained for Mr*. Ragg at dinner Wednesday evening. Miss Latta Hostess at Omaha Club Miss Edith Eatta of Tekamah re turned Tuesday from New York City. Miss Eatta, who Is rated ons of Nebraska's wealthiest heiresses, spent the past winter as assistant bacteri ologist In the research laboratories of the Willard Parker hospital. Her plans for the coming year are unde cided but she may continue her work in the east. On Wednesday Miss Eatta will give a luncheon at the Omaha club for the younger set. ®-—-— Tom Findley Guest at Mayowood Dr. Mayo*# Fftate One of Most Interesting in America. Tnm Findley, eon of Dr and Mr*. Palmer Findley hn* returned to Minneapolis where he l« studying In the medical college of the University of Minnesota following a visit over July 4 with Joeeph Mayo. *on of Dr. C'harles Mayo of Rochester, Minn. Mayowood te one of the most-Inter esting of the mid-western oountry estates, for It combines, a luxurious home, with formal garden*, Japanese gardens, a nstursl woods, and an enormous farm on on* tract of land Through the woods, flit white tailed deer, and through th# garden* fly hrflllant birds, whose scarlet, Jade and saffron plumage attest their rarity. Thesa Mrda Dr. Mayo brought from South America. Dr Mayo la especially fond of these feathered stranger*, and eat* hi* prenkfast with, a favorite macaw, Shattering beside him a tall stand rd. In th* Japanese garden, on* finds a pagoda end a small lake which hna a tiny Island, a faithful replica of the oriental garden which I* Its proto type. Joseph Mayo ITnrold flippy of Uhlcago and Mr. Findley, who had been In Princeton In June for their first reunion, were *1 Mayowood to get her. Miss IMnkcs-fnn lloslesa, Miss Doris Pinkerton will enlsilaln at luncheon and bridge wn Tue#c’*jt Mr*. Kennedy Give* Tea for Daughter Betty. Mrs. Howard Kennedy has Issued Invitations for a tea to be given be tween the hours of 4 and 6 on Satur day for her daughter, Mlsrf Betty, who returned recently from Boston, where she has been In school the last year. To Visit* Miss Sherman. Miss Marian ^atrous of Des Moines will visit Miss Dorothy Sher man the latter part of July. Miss Watrous and Miss Sherman will room together at Smith college In the fall, their sophomore year. The Davise* Give Picnic. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Davis will give a plcnle this evening for Misses Vir ginia Lee and Dorothy Van Meter, who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson. Miss Mary and Betty Blackwell have gone to the Underwood ranch In Wyo ming. They will tour Yellowstone park and Estss park before their return. t> Miss Burke Wells of Amar illo, Tex., and Miss Augusta Tolman of Boston arrived last week to take part in the many pre-nuptial affairs for Miss Anna Porter, whose marriage to J. Wilhur Haynes will take place on July 23. Miss Wells and Miss Tolman are to he wedding attendants. Miss Marjorie Paucoust 'I —- - ' Omaha’s Smartest Worries Vie in Shawl Styles L _ __ —.-* Merely to wear a Spanish shawl Is no longer sufficient, since they are no longer a rarity. Now one must wear one with distinction, or one will go unmarked, no matter what the pattern of the lovely silken garment. Mrs. Ella Cotton Magee, who has a shawl in canary tones, wears hers across her right shoulder and under her left arm, aa she clasps It with her left hand at the waistline. Mrs. Allan Tukey, who wears a black shawl with great crimson flowers, wears hers unfolded so that the long fringe hangs to the heels of her slippers. It Is wound closely about her and held together In front. Mrs. Robert Garrett also wears hers wrap fashion. Shawls are worn Roman toga fashion, tossed around both shoulders, with one end hanging down In the back. Miss Josephine Schurman has found this most becoming with her cream and pink shawl, which she brought home from Virginia last month. Mrs. E. N. Benson also wears a fragile cherry-tinted shawl In this manner. Mrs. George Brandels favors the Cuban folded square shawl, without points. Hers Is beige with creamy rose embroideries, Mrs. William Ritchie, Jr., Is another to sponsor this. Mrs. Ritchie says that those who follow the mode closely have the shawls shirred on great silken tasselled cords to form a slight ruchlng across the back of the neck, when tied on cape style. Miss Elisabeth Barker and Miss Betty Paxton wear theirs, despite fash ion’s whim, shawl fashion. For Mrs. H. T. Sellers. Mr*. W. A. Seller* entertained at dinner Friday evening at her home for Mr. and Mr*. H. T. Seller* of Berkley, and for Mrs. C. C. Marshall, and daughter*, Eva and Leta, of Ar lington, who are their guest*. D—— Miss Ruth Grimmol and had as her guest the past week, Miss Alice Kastle of North Bend, Neb. Mias Pan coast and Miss Knstle were classmates at Kemper Hall, Kenosha. Win. Miss Pancoast will return to Wellesley col lege to enter her second year in September. The younger set Is welcom ing the return of Vir Wagners at Okoboji Mr and Mrs. Ray C. Wagner and son, Dick, are motoring to Lake Oko boji to open their cottage home on Eagle Point, where they will epend the Bummer. ii' ■ Miss Virginia Heyden. pint* Heyden of Hollywood with numerous affairs. Miss Hevdon left four years ago to make her home in the west. Miss Ruth Grimmel is hostess to Miss Heyden and pave a bridge party in her honor yes terday. Miss Grimmel pradu ated in June from Central Hiph school. Miss Helen Rogers brought Edgar Guest’s Niece Visits Her Uncle Not the Ragged Poet of Tradition, Haa Huge Home and Motor Cart. The poets of tradition, may starve in a garret If they chooee. but eradi cated rhymesters, prefer gorgeous homes, opulent motors, and ready cash, to the slender rations of the art for art's sake genius*# of yagter year. Edgar Oueet is on# of those who prefer, and can afford the latter state, and he haa a magnificent reeldenee in Detroit, shys hie niece, Mis# Milan Johnston who Is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Woodbury of Council Bluffs. Miss Johnston’s mother and Mrs. Guest are cousins and were brought up aa sisters. Miss Johnston was graduated In June from Ward Belmont school In Tennessee where Mies Woodbury was graduated the year before. She Is on her way to her home and Is widely entertained In both Omaha and Council Bluffs. "The Guest home Is located near the new Detroit Golf dub.” said Mla# Johnston. "Mr. Guest Is an ardent golfer eo he had te build near the clubhouse,” she went on. "The home 1* beautiful ly decorated. There are many oil palntlnge hung In the living rooms. The Guests also hay# a lovely sum mer home in a fashionable colony at Points-Aux Barques on Lake Michi gan. They have two large motor cars. Mr. Guest Is very popular wherever he goee. He la Jolly and adore* chil dren especially hla own. They are Buddy. IS, and Janet, 1, and have been Included In hie poems many times. Mr. Gueet le an Englishman. His mother live# In Detroit with an sthpr brothpr. The poet has hta office at the De troit Free Free* newspaper and writ*# there when not on lecture toura He doesn’t seem Hk# a celeb rity for he Is so democratic. He Is a slender man of about 40 years, has coal black hair and large brown eyes. His sense of humor Is very keen. Mrs. Guest is one of the most beau tiful women in Detroit. She has re cently bobbed her hair which Is black." ' Mis* Johnston baa many books of Edgar Guest's poems which are. of course, autographed. She expect* to go to the Guest summer home before ihe summer ts out. Her mother and father are guest# at the Oueet home this week. To Be Menolds* Guest. ' Miss Selma McGlrr of Bole*. Idaho, will arrive the first of August to visit Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Menold. The Menold's daughter, Mrs. John Stocker of Nebraska City, will be with them at that time, and Miss McGlrr win visit her later. Mrs. Marne Wright of Chicago will also visit Mrs Menold In August. Bridal Shower. Mr and Mrs J. A Bradley and her mother. Mrs. E. L. Quttman enter tained 15 guesta at a ehower Friday for Mis* Inure Gorman, who la to 1 wed Frank Flambeck on Monday. | July 14. Miss Harriett Jackson, her classmate at Vassar. homa with her from Cambridge. Mass., where the latter re sides. Miss Rogers will re turn to college in the fall, for her senior year. This summer she will try her executive tal ents in business, under the tutelage of her father Her bert Rogers.