The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, July 13, 1924, PART TWO, Page 7-B, Image 15
I KMPIjOYMKXT. Salesmen and Agents. 39 SALESMAN to *e11 deliciously fresh At lantic ocean sea food direct from the reducers to local hotels, hospitals, cafe terias and Institutions. Dressed ready to cook, packed in in pound unit* and ship ped In novel Insulated containers. No ire. no dirt, no smell. Satisfaction guaranteed. Liberal commissions Sale* Department. Atlantic Const Fisheries Corp. (Largest handlers of sea foods on the Atlantic), Of Water St . New fork City. SALESMEN selling lobbing and retail trade To cariy staple line Infants’ shoes a** sideline. Big repeater. References re quired. commission basis. M. I>. Adams Co. Inc.. 29 Broadway. New York, AGENTS—$7,600 yearly selling latest novelty handkerchiefs; men and women buy dozens; $2 brings you four dozen on new selling plan. Stern Handkerchief Co., 104 Fifth Ave.. New York City. -VGENTS—$50 a week taking orders for Thomas Guaranteed Hosiery—27 different kinds—newest colors and finest silks. Your size in free outfit. Thom a a Alfg. Co.. Mill 3937. Dayton. P. AGENTS Attractive sample outfit Big demand makes selling easy. Arch sup port shoes. Popular prices. Comfort plus style. Admired hjr every wearer. Style Arch Shoes. Cincinnati. SALESMEN earn |15-$30 dally selling Manchester twill garments, made to measure, $12.50. Write for particulars. Chicago milty Garment Corporation, 1 132-38 Alt gold, Chicago. AGENTS—Chewing gum and mints. Be our a’-rent. We make the best. spear mint and novelty packages. Sell direct from factory to storekeepers. Helmet Company. Cincinnati. AG ENTS—S. II Nu-Way Mending fluid. Patches hosiery and all fabrics. Will stand washing, boiling, ironing. Write Ni " Wa> Laboratories, Mt. Healthy, c ne'nnn11 « » NEW YN UNDERFED SELLER—96c profit every dollar sales Deliver on spot. Li cense unnecessary. No compel it ion. Sam ple free. Mission Co., $19 N. Halstead, Chicago 111. AGENTS Make big money selling new auto Invention. B. C. Hall cleared $3,125 in one month. For particulara write Stansky Co.. Dept. 2070. Pukwana, S. 1». f AGENTS—Latest novelty sign. Ready sell er to all stores. Over 300 pet cent profit. Send for free sample and particulars. Na thnal Signs, 41 East 28th. New York. AGENTS- Wonderful seller. $1.40 profit, every $1.50 sale, applying monograms on automobiles: ft ce samples Worcester Monogram Co.. Worcester. Mass 4GENTR- $5 daily. Newest kitchen tool. Every woman uses 20 times daily. Easy seller. Big profits. Sample free. Thomas Mfp. Co., Desk 4 537. Dayton, O. SALESMEN—$20 day from two sales our $4$ radio trade extension ■ amaign. Prof its guarantee makes It big summer sel ler. Box 497. Iowa City, la. SALESMEN Powerful specialty. Will furnish positive evidence salesmen mak ing $25 to $.50 daily. Box 518. Cedar Rapid*, la. SALESMEN—Men with sales ability can make $100 to $360 weekly selling new specialty. Appleton Co., Cedar Rapids, 1 a. —— -# AGENTS-—Bottle Life Tonic Free Wonder ful medicine. Big repeater. Big profits. Lacasaia Co., Dept. 47. St. Louis. Mo. !■ 1 Situations Wanted—Female. 40 WIDOW wishes position Immediately. Full charge widower'® home, rooming house or hotel. References exchanged. Go any place. Box D-1’528, Omaha Bee WANTED—A position as buyer and clerk in a dry good* store. Fifteen years' ex perience. Best of reference*. Y-2693, Oma ha Bee. T.ADY will make home for acme one financing same. Have daughter 10 years old. Best references. JA. 6978. Situations Wanted—Male. 41 INSCRANCE STATE AGENT "WANTS position with bank or corporation requir ing ability. Banking, realty, advertising, seles experience ,36, Married, energetic, excellent reputation, reasonable salary; Box <1 434, Omaha Ree. , / FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities. 42 HARDWARE STORK FOR SALE A CLEAN. UP-TO-DATE STOCK, IN VOICE $1 1,000, NO STALE STOCK LO CATED IN REST GENERAL FARMING COUNTRY IN N. E. NED ONE HUN DRED AND TWENTY FIVE MILES NORTH OF OMAHA. SEVENTY FIVE MILES WEST OF SIOUX CITY. JA Oiiiili TOWN OF 1,600 INHABITANTS ON U. A N W. AND C . B A Q 1C It ADDRESS P. O. BOX 33 2, PLAIN VIEW. NEB. MAGNESITE. We have one of the large.*!, a* well a* the purest deposit a in U. S Mining op erations already started. Magnesite sur passes cement, it Is the building material of 1 he future. An uniiaual opportunity Is now offered to invest in this project, which should bring vrm larger and surer returns in the near future than mr other] industrial proposition toda>. For fill! particular* address 1*. O. Box 175. Holly-! wood, Cal. HIGH .as* driggiyr wanted for o*»e of the i>egt outlving drug locations in Oma ha Rlsht at turn of car line and en trance to Elmwood park BURT c FOWLER - JA. 1426. 1120 City Nat'!. Bk. Bldg. MOVIE fur sale in southwestern Iowa, county seat town of 1.26b population. Crops look fine. Runs 6 nights per week. Sloping floor. -'75 opera chairs. 2 power machine*, dandy cooling system, in fa« t everything In first-class shape. A real money makei Receipts run abc»ut $46b per month. Price. $2,750. Term* if de sired. Lester L. Forneys Thurnmn, la. FOR SALE—Aulo spring manufacturing j.nd repair works. Established 50 years In business district of :; Complete modern e(|iiipnient. large ttinck of spring*. Northwest lerrlory. A bargain. Address Si Paul Automobile Spring Co., J5t> W. 4th St., St. Paul, Minn THEATER—Three-story, modern, 2.00b seats, swimming pool, dance floor, roof garden. 24.000 population. Oklahoma, large pay roll. Refineries, glass factories. Iron works, coal mine*. B, Peterson, Johnson City. III. MuXEY In grain—$12.6b buys guarantees 1 o.OOO bu. w'heai : no furthci risk, move ment of opportunity. 1500. 4c:. $400. Partlculats Market leifer fr***. Investors’ Guid*»f* 322 A. A R Bldg . Kanras City. Mo. ICE CREAM parlor and confectionery ^ also luncheonette Must be iold account poor health Live town 2.20b. N E Nebraska corner location. First reason able offer take* »t. Cash. Y 2695, Omaha Be. _ "ABC” business economy. Avoid "blue sky” corporation securities, wills, heritage, multiple* taxation. Exemption ethical. Legal everywhere. Hulberl Estates, 36 N. Dearborn. Chicago MUST sell general country store, first class going business, chant e of a life time Address owner, 312 Quincy Bldg, De n ver, Colo. WHY work fop aomsons? Burl a bull ness: $100 sufficient. Information Dept. 14. Paul Kaye. 14!) Broadway. New York. ELECTRICAL Contracting and Retailing Business For Sale, reasonable, in good low a town. Box Y-2692. Omaha Bee. FOR 8A LE Grot orlsfl and n ea I market In amall town in western Iowa. Y-2694, < )maha Bee. GROCERY. New! Nice. A bargain for cHHh. KE. 1795 Investment—Storks—Bonds. 43 $12,000 1st mortgage for $10,000. secured by 1.25b acre# Holt county. Neb. In vestigate. COB KIN. 94 4 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Omaha. N*h. WILL aell good $1,000 2d mortgage on Omaha Income property for $500. COR KIN, 94* Omaha Nat. Bldg, Omaha. N*h. M. A ANDERSON CO. JA. 6107. Real estate. Surety bonds a nd kindred Ina. Real Fntate I/Oans. 44 MONEY TO LOAN On firs) and second rnortgsgea. We buy outright for cssh Existing mortgage* and land contracts. Prompt Action. II. A WOLFE CO., 182 Saunders - K ennedy Bldg AT 3160. f.»,i AND ii I’KIt CENT MONEY. Loan* on Omaha Improved property at lowest rates. FRANK H. BINDER, $23 City National. JA. 2661. OMAHA "jloMEM — EAST NEB. FARMS UKEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. JA. 2716. MIX per cent loan* on Omaha residences. Cash on hand Prompt service. E. ii. X.ougee, Inc., r.34 Keellns Bldg. SECOND mortgage* or contracts pur * based by Tukey Company, 620 First Ns* * tin tin I Bank. JA. 4223. LnW KATE on idly property, quickly closed; no monthly payments. JA. 163$. W T. Graham. 1(T~TND « F'ER f'KNT—NO DELAY" OAHVIN BROS. *45 Omaha Nat 1 Bldg. I M ILL buy mortgages and contra* is. Corkin. 944 Om Nat I Bldg . Omaha, Neh. Farm Loans on Weal Neh and N. K Colo, satins. KInks Investment Co., Omaha. 6 1 J FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. 45 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply your money warn* in the same way ihni hanks supply ihn money want* of th*» business comtnunfiy. Any amount loaned up to $500 and you can repay It In easy monthly pay men is. Our equal payment plan repay* the loan and all charges. We have been in business in Omaha over 30 years and nn assure you of a quick confidential and square d^ai OMAHA I .«»AS COMPANY. 506 Karbach Block Tel. .1 \. 2295. Southeast Corner 11th and Douglas Sts. DIAMOND loans i«t lowest rates, business strlctlv confidential The Diamond Loan Co., 1514 Dodge St. Established 1894 MONEY to loan on automobiles. AT. 548 1. _E1>I C ATIONAiTj_ Correspondence Course*. 47 EARN $110 to $250 monthly, expenses paid as Railway Traffic ln*pect4»r. Po sition guaranteed after completion of 3 meriths' home study course or tnonev re funded Excellent opportunities. Write for Free Booklet, K 271. Stand. Business Training 1 nut., Buffalo. N. Y. __ # Local Instruction Classes. 48 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES make the best operalors. A six weeks* course In our school will lift you from the Inexperi enced class to the position of an expert worker. Can and investigate. COM 1*1 U METER SCHOOL. JA. 1 493 390 Courtney Bldg ■ The School That Graduates Experts. ’ DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In all commercial branches. Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy. salesmanship, civil service. Phone JA. 1565. Complete catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE 18th and Harney St.**. Omaha. Neb. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Day arid Evening School*. 29 4 S 191 h Si..1 5399 EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position Call AT. 7774 or write American rollege. 1912 Farnam. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge St 1308 Douglas St. Call or write for information. DVVORAK BUSINESS t OLLKGE. Stenography and Bookkeeping. | We ad Bldg. 18th and AT 7418 i - .. . —1ILL 1L\ L- “ Musical—Dramatic. 49 SUMMER classes In popular music. E. M. Kahn, piano. Mick*i Bldg. AT. 4361. LIVESTOCK. Dork, Cats and I’ets. 53 PCRBBRBD i.lswellyn Better pupa for sale. $15 for male, $10 for female. Ad dress c W. Campbell. CumminsvlUe. Neb. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 54 CLOSING out sale of 4. 5 and 6-qt. milk goata. M. M. Tueplcer. Hebron. Neb. Poultry and Supplies. 55 PC REBRED chicks. Postpaid, per 1UI>. Redr. Rocks, Anconas, $9; Orpington*. W ' Hndoiips, $11; Leghorn*. $8; assorted, $8.50. Prompt delivery, live arrival guar anteed. Order front ad. Capa Hatchery. Capa Girardeau, Mo. QUALITY chicks, postpaid. 100; Leghorns. Anconas. Urge assorted. $8; Rocks. Red*. $9. Orpingtons. Wyandotte*. $10; Lt. Brahma*. $15; assorted. $n Catalog free. Missouri Poult* y Farm. Columbia. Mo. "J-A--J Articles for Sale. 57 3.000 FEET, hoard measure, dry. black walnut lumber; hulk 1x6; small propor tion dlmensicn stuff, 2x4. 2x6. Box C-14.10 Omaha Bee ^———— MERCHANDISE. Rusinrv' Equipment*. 58 K BI T, ?*1! safos, make 4f«ik», show rase*, etc. Omaha Fixture <fc Supply Co., H W. Cor. 11th and Douglas ,IA. 2724 FOR SALE L. C. Smith typewriter with swinging (leak, of a bargain. 300 Mickei Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Fuel and Feed. <1 KINDI. 1N4I— $5 I rtirk load, dsllvertd. saw ‘Ilist, shaving*. Phone JA. 5740. Good Thine* to Edit. 6? KINKRT riilCRRIKS • on ever saw. Pick I hem > ourself at IS. 50 .1 bushel. Klnrn's < >i • har«l. Fori ('n lhoun. Household Good*. 54 YOU ARK LOSING, every day that you fall to tako advantage of the furnltum bargains at. Stephenson's. 1;»4>ft Capitol A VC Pri \ a I <■ m,« |« u qpJ 14 'Jetion. .Swap Column. 6.» BUICK. 1923—49 mode!, excellent condi tion. low mileage. also brand new 4-room co bungalow, for stock, good lot or what ? Mack, JA. *.0*^ ONE LARGE dining room table. 1 new 50-pound tee chest 1 new- electric iron. 1 electric dresaer lamp. for Ford ' hasaig. at. -mm. MOTOR BOAT—Sell or trade, Carter lake K I-; 144 7 Machinery and Tonla. 67 NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos, l.-M.on Elect ri i a I Works. 31* 20 Si. 12th Munical Instruments. 78 i:\i i:pti<ivw. pininodrapii vai.iiks N'eurly every standard make to select from. Instruments we have taken in ex change and some new’ discounted models all in f!m- condition. 61 Down I* All We Ask. $ n, oak 40.00 i-M Ison, mah. . 44,00 Put he. oak 4* 00 ColuTTtbia. muh . 4* 00 Mandel, mah. 65.00 Broadcastcr. n.iih.. (,x oO Brunswick, muh . .. 70.00 Sohnioller A Mueller, w«tl. 70 00 Vic' roili m 'h. . ?• 'in Columbia electric. mah. *5.00 v ' mi. niah 11 * mm SCH.MOLLER A MUELLER PIANO to.. 15111*1* I »odge St Phone AT 1*5* Do Not Neglect Your Piano !,e' r>ur expert* do vour tuning TV* guar antee mjr work and furnish FRF.E estt ti.ates on Repairing *nd RefinShlng. Tele phone your order in AT. 1*5*. SCH MOLLER * MUELLER PIANO CO. 1514 1*-D< Dodge St TWO USED <’ Mel, saxophones. Vega trombone. Mor< ello B Clarinet. Jt. Henry CO* Arlington Blk, Wanted to Buy. 7S i • EHK H, DESKS. DESKS New desks, owed desks, hni’ght. sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam Ht. AT. 4 I 1 BOOMS FOB RENT. Room* With Hoard. 74 Room and Hoard \ Well (urni*hed room 'n w-Gklng dt* 'unrit. modern fireproof building—private hath reasonable i«n*r<1, b*«* nf food t all JA. 2*«6. HA. 1714 Lovely 2 room *ulfe with private bath, modern home clnaa in Meals that please. Ref. Alan large room for two BRISTOL. 2413—Room, board and garage with prlvste family for 2 ir-ntiemen. JA 6124—Room with board for ernplgyrd couple or gentleman. 623 S. 19th. PMSUtMi Hoorn* 75 Furnished Rooms Well furnished room In walking distance In modem fireproof building, pn.aU* bath. 447 60. Call JA. 2*05. FARNAM, 39-S Apt 4 . coni. lib e|y fur nlshed rootn in apt . vest Fat natii uii car line, reasonanle. HA 2*36 AT 7 17 9 -Cool rooms, hot and cold run nlng water, private home. 14 week 1 \ND 2 mod rooms, everything fur nished. 3910 Spring Ht. AT. MM. 3*TH ST, 411 8 Living room, bedroom, prlvste hath, garage if A. 60,0 304 8 .3 • T H *T, nlcelv furnished loom Farnam car line. UA 1450, v-'l... ROOMS FOR RKNT FuitiUIipiI Knonis 75 GOOD rooms and board, clot* In, reason - aide H,\. 27 24. Rooms for IfiHiKPliPcpint:. 7fi TWENTY-FIFTH A\ K . T75 So. -Clun,' modern. newly decorated hskp. and sleeping rooms Homelike place. Large veranda Reas. rent. AT. 3473. 211 X 2 ST It ST -3 and 4 room imfur. apts . private bath, mod . also l a>ul 2 rm. apt a. Everything fur, -IA. 067 4. DELIGHTFUL 2 room ant . kitchenette, hack and front porch, private entrances. Furn. or unfurn. HA. 81 S3. TWO laice cool rooms and kitchenette; everything furnished. WE. 0381. JA. .'1758. THE LAX DON—511 So. 24th St House keeping or sleeping rooms, summer rates 1922 CHICAGO—-2 large front rooms, cotn letely furnished. $6 and $7. JA. 3767. HA 0604- PARLOR bedroom with use of kitchen, furn. or^unfurn.. also garage. TWO nicely furnished hskp. rohms, Jh a week. 1821 Btnney. WE. 6511. 28TK ST., 1126 SO. Two clean rooms In large, cool house; reasonable TWO rooms for light hakp.. cool. Newly decorated. WA. 6853. Room*. I nfnrnislipd. *7 WE 4955 (Tel.)—Two unfurnished rooms, newly papered, reasonable. Where to Stop in Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HENSHAW—16th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. lti:\I. I.ST.\TK—K)l{ RKNT. Apni'tiiipnts—Furmslipil. 80 IT IS NOT NECESSARY 1i tell you ,11 about all the Drake Apartments in sll the papers .lust m line to remind you now and then of Drake Service—once tried you will not be satisfied with any other Con sult our list today. Meal service In ail down town apartments. Drake Rental Agency, CALL I S. W E WILL TAKE YOU OUT. I7ih and Howard. JA. 2806. ATTENTION. Three-room furnished apartment, home convenience*: light, phone, gas furnished. 707 S 291 h St. HUNTER INN HOME for the travllng man and wife, AT. 6960. 24th and Dodge. NEWLY dec. mod airy 3-rrn. apt. 3837 S. 23d St. Heat, light, water 1 ree. Apa r< inputs— U nf urnishrd. 81 NO. :n roNAMORE. nti Cull fornia St.. 2 rooms .. 36.00 No 10 Kingsborough. 2538 Dodge St.. .1 rooms . 60.00 No. 3 Troy, 3009 Harney St . 4 rooms ... 62 60 No 4 Webster. Lincoln Blvd. and Webster St.. 4 rooms .60.00 No. 2 Georgia. 104» S 29 th St.. 6 rooms . . . .■. 65 00 No. 11 Joyce. 27th Av# and Cali fornia Sc. 4 rooms .72.50 No. 15 Conamore. 2763 California St . 4 room* . . 85.00 No 9 Potter, 33d and Farnam Sts., 5 rooms .. . 85 00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Rents." AT 054 4. 17th and Farnam S'i. i UNDINE COURT 2652 Dewey Avenue. Three rooms and bath with five room «* > ommndations, $50 summer and $60 winter. TRACER BROS INC AT *.*«*■ 819 Fir«t Nat j Rank Bldg THREE-ROOM apartment !n the Sterling. 18th and St. Mary. Rental $40 per mo FIRST TRUST CO., 400 First Nat l Bk. AT. 0729. FIVE BOOM ait modern downtown apartment. Staam heat and water fur. niahed. Only $12 50 per month. Meyers & Rainbolt Co. 424 Omaha National Hank. JA. ET46 — HAWTHORNE 2205 7 Howard. New. all modern 3-room apt*. None better in Omaha $5<>. summer. See janitor < FOR ONE OF DRAKE'S 1.000 APARTMENTS fall JAckaon 2S05. j PETERS TRUST COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS' AT o;.4 4 17th and Farnam Sts. A PA R7 M KNTH 7nd flats for rent. Ian j. PALMER CO. AT «9S0. Real Relate Mansgment Specialists. STEAM HEAT, .-room apt« $3n and up; close m. G P. Stebbttis. 1610 Chicago Kt. 1762 JACK80N J-room *pts with 4 rn. in a< . ommodaUons Call AT. 4154. SIX-ROOM modern, fine rendition, cho-ce )p> 11too HA 7124. or HA *994 -301 DEWEY A\ E—5-room unfurniahed flat, $!*> KE 0*8 4 Business Plare* tor Rent. 82 ’ flat!ron~hotel BUILDING 17TH AND ST. MARY AVK. Several very desirable locations. Two corner at ore rooms, the on* fa mg *i<at having full length plate glues show windows on both side- Center loc ation e«pe< tally HilHpted f<*r a restaurant. One of 'i fast business da |ri« ts in the rlfv. FIRST TRUST CO., 400 First Nat. Rank. AT. 0729. FARNAM HT.. 1 *07 3.'»V. mi ti. Thoinaa F. Hall. 1906 Harney Ht. AT 7409. 18TII ST corner basement store: low rent. .<1 P Stebblna. 1*10 Chicago HotlttC f«*r 10 III 8S * It. mod. «'ucr., garage, 312 N 43d. $78. r.-r apt . Dunaany, loth and Pierce, $40 5-r. apt . 2612 N. 16th. $25. •r *p». 2613 N 1 nrD. $1H. ?-r. apt . 2613 N 16th, $11 7-r. mud. garage. 832 N. 4.",d $45 *» * r I * i ! A«e. ...!t . 25» ' tones $15 G.M REN EX JA 1519 11\ "60* F'»R HAlt—BKNT'iN Beautiful half acre. 4 room hou-e. fruit •re**, garden planted close to stores end school, half block from pavement. $i.52n, $175 .ash FRED V BAILEY. *015 Military Ave WA. 4104 1411 s JOTH HT—7-room brick house; hall, living room, dmlng room, kitchen, three bedrooms, bath, $6.: Phone owner, JA 4H70. AT 7186 8 - ROOM house, nil mod. except heat, on paved street. Real btirgain for rol ored people. $1,200 and $300 down. Call KE, 0237 BRICK duplex for rent excellent loca tion. Rent reasonably JOHN R. Mi CAKV1LLK. AT. 5025. 1614 GRAND AVE—For rent. 6-room mod. furnlahed house. Can he seen be tween noon and ti p ni 219 FRANCIS HT Six rooms, partly mod ern. Cheap rani toi the right pai > AT. 195 4. 9-ROOM strictly modern; double garage, 2012 No, 19th Ht inquire 2611 No, JOth FIVE ROOM modern bungalow, adults,' no clogs or cats 1916 Willis Ave. FINE 8 rrn. Home, Pathedrai district. GatHgr $1 fin WA 6 381 ne eeggn rooms unni* 3*65 f’apitol avenue. Ilnusm, I*'... nfsli. .1 81 THREE rooms completely furnished, half bloc k north Kountz.e Park Garage, $ is. 3718 N. 21st St-. WILL shitr* modern home, Millar patk dial rl« f, with c oupe KE 052* Offices nnil Desk Room. 85 houses and duplexes. CENTRALLY LOCATED. 6 rooms. 21S Paxton Court, near 28th and Dougin* MIm $52 50 8 rooms. 917 South 26th Mi 46 00 II rooms. N"8 Mouth 22d Mt . ftn i>0 10 looms, 1129 South 29th Ml.75 00 North. 4 rooms, flat, 212*. N |f,th Ht 15 On t loom* house. 2439 Ktnniat Ht . in no 7 rooms. hou*«. 1327 Fowler Ave 45.00 1* tooms bungalow, 1209 N 24th St 60 00 7 room house and gnrage 4 331 A nit s A ib 40 go W KMT 4 loom duplex. 3.! | 2 .lifkann St 45 00 6 i until duplex. 2H2 IImiibV Ml. .. 8*00 7-rooftl duplex III* H 12rt gt 80 00 6 room duplex. 28*9 Hurt M' or. oo 6 room duplex. *14 Mouth 18th Ht DUNDEE ft room hnnaalct* 4404 Wehtte* Mt t on * no mi *l 111* t *sl Ufll pa « enrol t * • n f i»c*»in hcnix% gflg Mta.'xe it ri ruu* 1 "'in \ \\ htrt OMt Rents | AT 9544. ITU and t'arnsrn Sta ( RK \L I ST \TK—FOK HI NT. OfllrPH hlid l>rs|i Rnmn. 85 SEVER \L desirable offices In Gardner Block at very reasonable * entals. FIRST TRUST CO., t 4<»0 First Nai l Bk. AT. 0729. OFFICE in front of elevator and desira ble office suit*' in First Nat. Bunk Bldg. Call AT. 0729. F. 11 Gioastnan. FOR SAl^B^ Itusiness Property. 91 BUR. property, 66 foet, 2 house ; mar P. U. $6,700. Great bargain. .IA. 0327. Heal Kslato—Investments. 92 Certainly a Snap Drastic Price Cut Apartment. between Farnain and JLtfa venworih, bringing in $90 per week gross. Don’t pass this by. \V. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., JA. 0064. .Sunday. HA. 2297. JIA. 2086. II PER CENT INCOME. 12 APTS.. PRESSED BRICK, 4 ROOMS AND BATH EACH. RIGHT 1*1’ To SNUFF. BIG CORNER J,oT. INCOME $7,200 PER YE\R. TENANTS FI RNf8ll i »\V N H EAT. ET*'. PHIC E A N1J T ER M S GIVEN MY REQUEST. JOHNSTON REALTY COMPANY. AY. >813, _ 25 ROOMS $J 2.750.00. LARGE. OLD BRICK FLAT BUILDING ON CLOSE IN CORNER LOT. INCOME $200 PER MONTH. THIS IS OVER 17 PER CENT ON INVESTMENT. CAN MAKE TERMS JOHNSTON REALTY COMPANY. AT. PS 13. NEAR M»TH AND FARNAM. FINE BRICK DUPLEX, $14<i TER MONTH INCOME A REAL BARGAIN AT $13,001 ON TERMS. JOHNSTON REALTY COMPANY. AT. 9x13. Farms and Lands lor 8ale. 93 PRICE only $125 an acre for choice 480 acre farm 70 ml lea east of Omaha. Han two nets of buildings. Will sell in 160 acre farms If desired. All In cron. This i-4 high das* and worth $250 an sere, but it must be sold at once. Terms b* cash. CORKIN, 948 Omaha Nat. Bldg, i irnaha. Neb. _ CITRUS LANDS that produce the finest quality of grapefruit and the most deli cious oranges, on easiest possible terms; one man reports gross profits of over $1. 600 per acre. Also finest lands for berry anti truck farming. Railroad Farm Dept., Box lit'.", San Antonio, Texan. FARM FOR SALE. 126 acres Improved land, Fremont county, Iowa The price Is right end any reason able terms < an t>e arranged. M. F Good body. A21* Brandeia Theater Bldg JA. 1671. IMPROVED form for sale. About 600 acre stork and nraln farm, well Unproved, dose to town. Write owner for price and •.arms. John AI hers. < >rd. Nek, 600-ACRE, central Neb. ranch. Price $3 per acre *■ cash. CORKIN, 948 Omaha Nat. Bldg.. (Uriahs. Neb Houses for hale. 95 (LOSE IN’. WALKING DISTANCE. ST. JOHN PARISH P*srl of a six-room bungalow, floored attic, strictly modern with a 60x160-foot lot. double parag*. A wonderful bargain at $6,260. $1 00it cash. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 530 Peters Trust Bldg.JA. 2282. 7-ROOM, all modern, house for sale; garage; 1 block, to car line Price, $3,ftoO —$1,500 down, rest In monthly payments. Cohn. MA. 2546. BRANT* new modern 6-room bungalow- at 4223 Grand. Paving all paid. Right price and terms Campbell. WA. 5704 Houses—North. 06 No 6". OWNER LEAVING CITY MUST SACRIFICE S large room* on on* floor, oak floor* throughout, built-in bookcases; panel din ing room, built-iti kitchen and refrigera tor with outside !cer; full cement base ment, floor drain; gas water heater; Ga llon* ry laundry lubs, large floored attic with ample spare to finish several rnor* dandy rooms, on nice paved street; pav ing paid; near ear. schools and churches. Priced to Nell at $ .760; ll.OuO c,a*h will handle, t'ali today D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors 7 4 2 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg .1A 2 -0. Salesmen: J.ovgren. KK. oji»4; Paul Box, WK, *>372; Baker. \VA. 36#;:. FL(IRENCE FIELD* A beaut> ! 6 extra large room* end breakfast nook You can fin ish a dandy room on sr« ond floor. Kirepla* • . tiled bath and floor. ■*d beams end posts. pergola, cemfnt porch and step* Guaran teed furnace t'reo-Uipt shingle construction <*orn**r lot 6^x136. See the «'Oftvtruc.f ton and finish on til's hou"*- We invite your inspection Th* typa other* a*k $7,500 for. Our prh# I*.7t0; $1,000 cash Another Sam* construction only a trifle smaller, at $8,250. fl.onn 'ash. Tall Fred Kirkland. KK. 1 202: Mr Ilojsington KF 3 472. or Mr. I.angtellner, KK -'832 Charles W. Martin & Co., Retailor* 717 Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg __AT. 0187, 2 ACRES AND FINE HOM E MIGHT TRADE FOR CLOSE IN Strawberries, graje*. « herrb *, raspberries, .■ pplcs. pears, in fact t h f farm Is stocked wi h everything that you could ask for; i wonderful garden 7 room home, mod ern except bath, chicken house. 12x4**; garage, and worth B 001 Price for a quick sale or trade at $7,000. You can have terms. Let u* show you this, Close to 42d and Nebraska V\* Payne Investment Co., AT f.96 0 Newlnn. KF 11 4* Gibson KF ".227 1 LET YOUR RENT PAY FOR ONE OF THESE Two new modern bungalow*; well! located. n»ar Fontonell* Park Thev h*'e | ntanv bull'-in feature In-hiding kitchen cabinet^. ref-:gerator -*pace p'R re fori fruit full cemented steel coal | chtit»; dust proof coal bin. oa * finish in main rooms select »>ak floor* throughout, pur- h. xer may have choice of electric light fixtur*s end window *hnrt*s. could use a good vacant lot as part of down payment The price is les* than $5 and on term* to suit Lewi*. IVA. 14 2 R. F. Clary Co., Realtors 601 Omaha Net'I Hank Bldg AT 167$ $500 CASH BUYS IT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Located on beautiful Saratoga street wUli oak floors and finish, new decorations, and ell modern, good garng-' south front and vacant; > ou < *n move right In Let u* ah ow you this we have the key. priced I Ml $4 750 and worth B Payne Investment Co., AT. M*rt. Vewlnn. KF 11 4« Gibson. KF 3227 5 ROOM house. $1,800, rinse in. Great bargain .1A 0177. 5]/2% ■ .. ■■■■ 6% We Have Money to Loan on Omaha dwelling houses, apartments or business property at 5 y2 to 6% Frank H. Binder 823 City National Bank Phone JA 2561 gg VVMKN IN' NF.I I) OF lIF.I.r TRY OMAHA Id i: WANT AOS l REAII KSTATK—FOR »\LE. llntisni—North. 9(» Ready to 'Occupy A brand now '. room modern bunga low. Extra large rooms Heavy oak floors. »**k and ivory enameled trim . Back band moulding D*cora*ed This home is 24x40 and rhe |ot is .> '-'x 12 K. on pav ing which Is paid ill full. Close to car and school. Not far from North High, and also near Fontenelle park You can get ihia from owner nt only $5,200, and on t< rti a H a a buy for some one. WA. 6704 BRAND NEW BUNGALOW In a homelike location. Level lot with large ir-r« House has five fine moms, well arranged, well built, and finely finished in oak and enamel. Price complete with shades, lighting fixtures, interior decorations, err. Only $6,600. For full information call Walnut 1580. _ 6~r7, NORTHWEST, $3,800 $500 Good hone in good repair and nice wall paper. varnish, etc. Fine big level lot with shade and fruit. Good district, S35 per month, at 6 per cent. Lovejay, HA. 4747. GLOS15-IN bargain. Buy this large house at 1011 Cass street. The rent of the extra rooms will more than pay all the expenses of the house and give you your rent free. The owner* price is reasonable and lie will sell on payment* Jf you want a hour* that will pay you a good Income buy this on*. CRF1GH. SONS & COMPANY. 60S Bee J4|«|g. JA. 0200. 2747 CAMDEN AVE. A real home, new and cozy, built for a horn*; lias never been occupied; one block to car, and an evceptlonal value for th* money. Will sell on easy terms to a re liable party. Will **ll with or without garage. Owner, HA. 8044 Sunday; JA. 1014 day*. Cars*. --- ■ ■ .. 4012 NICHOLAS ST. This house in the Cathedral district t* now vacant. It is a 7-room all modern houae that the owner ha* Just put in good repair inside and outside. You will] make no mistake by buying this hftuse for your home The terms are right and tha price is low. t'RElGH. SONS A COMPANY. 604 Bee Bldg._ JA. 0200. CLOSE IN—NORTH SIDE. DANDY OAK FINISHED BUNGALOW. Five gooa sized rooms and bath all on one floor, screened-in front, porch, choice south front lot on paved street, close to Sherman Ave. Price only $ 1,760. Reason able terms. Call. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 6.40 Peters True; BldgJA. 224 2. LOOK THIS OVER. 6306 NO. 32ND AVE. Owner want* <%sh offer on this nearlv new, strictly modern. six-room semi bungalow; large living room; oak floors throughout; tiled bath, bulit-in tub; ped estal lavatory; large kitchen cabinet, etc. Beautiful Miller Park location. Call H. E. Pedersen. HA. 64 66. NEAR SHERMAN AVE AND EMMET CHOICE SEMI BUNGALOW. Six room* and sleeping porch, entire house finished in oak and birch. Hot water heat, full brick foundation, large lot with trees n *nd * fine garage Sure a bar gain for 16,000. $1,600 rash. Cal! OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 510 Peter* Trust Bldg JA 2282. NEW BUNGALOW. NORTH. Dnly $5 Roo. Five rooms Oak and en amel finish. T.evel lot, on paved street. Close to car. Just what yon want. For full particulars call Mr. Sloan. WAlnut 2412. SACRIFICE SALE New 6-’-oom dwelling with oak finish, beautifully decorated, well worth $6,600. In order to raise money have reduced1 price to $ .760. Arrange to th s house at one* Call WA. 2#04. '.to; HARTMAN Ave—One acre 4-room house Prtc* $2,500, easy terms D. E. BUCK Ai CO., buy and sell homes. House*—South. 91 New Bungalow JfANSCOM PARK DISTRICT, 232* SO. 31ST STREET. Now ready to occupy. Extra fine work mane nip. Extra fine plumbing end lighting fixture.*, oak floor* and finish Special tax la paid. Terms arranged. W EAR NAM SMITH d CO. JA. or,64 Sun H \ rm. I!A. 25t*. YOUNG man. 22 >ear* of age, single, to handle mail files and other office nork. Dne with college training preferred but must be a high a- hoot graduate This position offer* excellent opportunity for idvancement in a national orgiiri zaf\on Apply by letter only, gtvnff qua iiflc-jM* m *nd **xperienr e If sn> P. < >, Box 11*7 GOOD. new. modern 5 room house f r *sle or terms on Dinner :^t . r^ar 4;-'h t'lnse to s< hool and car line. Util hold. AT *"01 > ROOM house with atore building Cor lot Make offer 125* cash 3*ft2 Valley. Frank r Rest Co. AT *135. Hntiaen—Wpm. 98 | An Exceptionally Desirable Home lr> 05 Davenport Street. Two story comparatively new house of sit rooms First floor contains living room across full depth of house. (duel sue dining room and ktt< hen. Second floor contains »hree good alee sleeping chambers and bathroom. Mouse la in good condition, aland log on s corner lot which, you will HKree with us, ta one of the prettiest lota to be found. There !e also a garage for one car Ground is Improved with shrubs, flow ers, etc. Ary one that ran use this houss '•an buy It at s very reasonable figure and terms. H. A. Wolf Company, 5*2 Fsunder* Kennedy Bldg Atlantic 11**. Sunday e*p h H Auerbach tr*!*iut Mil BRICK BUNGALOW ~ NEW HAPPY HOULOW ADDITION Five fnnma and tun room on fnain floor Fireplace. F’ench doors breakfast nook Large bedroom on second floor Double garage. Sunday cal! JA. 67*4 A. P. TUKEY & SON, I Tttkey Bold It " •SO Slot Nat. Bank, JA. 4”l. 'VILE build to vnur hrder on our brnuti- i ful 1<»«* in Kdgewood; % cry ea*v terms ~ GARAGES, $100 Our special price* on complete garage* during July and August will interest you. Phone for salesman to call. MORRISON Lumber *nd Coal Company 22d and Paul St a. WF. (t!Hll DO YOU WANT RESULTS? Behind un nr« 40 years of ex perience in obtaining QUICK RESULTS in selling Omaha property. Jake Murphy, Manager Real Eatale Dept. C. D. Hutchinson Co. KitaMiihsd 1888 1828 Farnam St. JA 0419 .... ... i -----I REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Houwa—West. 9* (Vo »A) BRAND NEW CATHEDRAL ' DISTRICT 7 WONDERFUL ROOMS ONLY $7,950 Five nire larg*- rooms <>n first floor with riled hath and two bedroom* and hall up* < rs. U's a beauty. Kelln* on - and hrli k « instruction; It will pica- > >u Fireplace. bookcases, wonderful built-in kit< hen. large refrigerator room, beautiful <>ik floors and finish. Full lemant base ment, good furnace. Corn» r lot with naxtng all paid *1.750 each w ill handle bon'1 fait to »•'« this I). E. Buck & Co.. Realtors Salesmen. 742 Omaha Nat'!. JA. 2000. COME TO 1008 SO. 55TH ST. Brand new east front. 6-rrom bungalow all modern, on paved street; well built and neatly finished with many feature* such as large kt*« hen cabinet with flour bin, also linen closet, clothes chute, tncdl Hnn cabinet, hallway connecting bed rooms, large attic* with space for extra looms; house decorated throughout; coal bin. sere<ns. shade* and fixtures. 1750 cash and 150 per month Owner will be there from 2 to f» p. in Sunday. SIX ROOMS, GARAGE ?*;.i»5o. Oxvner n contractor built till* for hi* home full two-story six rooms ea'sge and drive. Sightly east front in excellent dlstrirt, You went vour money's worth. HERE IT IS. Today, JA. 0833, ALFRED THOMAS & SON, JA. «o*4 202-3 City Nat Bk Real Bungalow Home On a south front lot In beautiful Edge wood 55-foot front. House is frame with press brick foundation Has five dandy rooms finely finished and complete in every detail. Beau tiful lawns and shrub** Shown by ap pointment Today tall Grant Benson, WA. 1580. BENSON A CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxt ,n BlockAT. 3540. West Farnam Home Price, $5,750—$1,000 Cash Two-story type. four room* down xxith large pantry, three bedrooms upstair*, bath; cement basementj completely modern, newlv painted . • n corner: paving all paid, only one blook to '-sir line The Byron Reed Co., JA. 2911. 1*12 Farnam Street NEAR CATHEDRAL Stone hou*« of 8 rooms Including wouder ful sleeping porch, quarter sawed r»«k downstairs, canvassed wall*, hot water heat well finished basement, garage, and large south front lot. For pries and term* call O’Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors. 1615 Omaha Nafl Bock Bldg JA 2715 CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. California, east of 46th; 8-room roMern stucro residence, with garage; south front; has bedroom and bath on first floor; 4 bedroom* and hath tip; Idea' :n arrangement and location for renting rooms. 8HEDD INVESTMENT CD. Realtors JA. 4214. Sunday TV A. 6195 NEAR STANDARD PLACE 15,966 New r-rt*om eolonlal bungalow at 1618 S 4fith S' all room* on 1 floor, with a large sized attic. All oak. nicely decorated, good basement. 56.foot lot. paved street. ' an arrange good terms. Call Mr. Hamer, KE 4 125 or AT 9959 BENSON BUNGALOW Attractive modern 5-rooin bungalow on 79th, near Pinkney. Beautiful south front lot. Shed r Investment Co., Realtors, 631 Sunderland Bldg. JA. 4254, Sunday TV A 6136. ** EDOEWOOU DUTCH COLONIAL.' 7 elegant rooms Enamel and blrrh ma hogany finish Garage to match the hous * Sighiy location overlooking Elm wood Talk Owner is leaving the city end mils* sell »t m-» TVlre 117.560. Cull P M Sloan. W AI nut 2*1.* NEW DUPLEX Just completed new- duplex of f rooms e*rh strictly modern located In the we« ern Pfert of city which e,n b« bought • gh? Will make splendid Investment or owner fould live tn one and rent *be other Price |7,56®. eisv terms Call WA 2861 COZY modern 4 room stucco well located, full • ement basement. n*r< car. paved. «hadv street level tot fruit free* garage, drive way. 91,460 cash. bal«noe like rent. Write LAM PM ANN, Elks Club. FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy home* f ist your property w*th us for results I A 1426 BURT C FOWLER CO , Realtors .in II JONES ST — 7 rooms, all modern. ■ rnveftient locution. Make an offer. JA 4557.. Iloiisr*—Benson. FOR 8AI.K-UKNS« 'N New 4 room house, oak floors, lights, bath full l cmtnt. Buyer may select fixture* I? r.5n 1256 cash FRED A BAILEY, C615 Military A\* WA 4S6« BUS! V KSH CH A NCES*. Drug store A good nexx clean stock of drug* new fixture*, new fountain, 1n good location In Omaha, is offered for sale on account of Ill-health Will invoice with future*, about 47,006 Call WA 4 804 WE SOLD THIS WEEK 10 HOMES AT PRICES THAT WERE SATISFACTORY TO THF. SELLER AS WELL AS THE BUYER IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE, CALL US FOP IN SPECTION. Payne Investment Co., AT lantic 5960 Newton, KE 1148. Gibson. KF. S227; Helntce. TIA 6617 Open for Inspection 3 to 6 P. M. Tod«y 4.210 Maple Ft. New 5-room bungalow, near public end pero rhiel school*. French door?. Brcekfaet nook. 26IS North 56th street. New 5-room huntralow, facinp Country club, built-in feature?, oak and enamel finish. .Sunday Call HA logg ot HA .3072. C. D. Hutchison Co. EitabliitirH 1885 1623 Farnam St. JA 0419 asaMBwaawaBSBWHaaaHBawaaaHaHMHaBa*v 4209 Decatur St. Open for Inspection Today, 2 to 5 P. M. It land new extra large 1 room* and bath, b room ac commodation, well built, con veniently arranged, modern and complete; your choice of light fixtures and window shades. One block to ear line, nice neighborhood. Terms to suit. A good vacant lot will also he accepted the same as cash on first payment. See I this today, the price is right. I REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Fur Saif*—►Dundee. 100 i DUNDEE ('< >RNER HOME * room* JncJud ns d*-i, la-ga living room with flfep;afe, dining from and Kitchen «*n 1st fioor; 4 bedroom® *»n 2nd. auto matic thermostat controlled oil burner ar.4 Ruud automatic iot water hf-ater Large *>a*t front lot with double garage Located Gflth Ave. at Kirnim; reasonable term® , O’Keefe Real Estate Co., Re«': r-r» 1 t>l 5 onrht X>t 1 U.>:.k Rldg JA 2715. Dundee Lafayette Ave. Bungalow. Five large rooms. living room 13 4x19, all other* in proportion, built-in fireplace, breakfast table ami cabinet a, canopy over stove, tile floor hath, built-in linen closet. splendid floor plan, corner lot $0x135 feet. One ! « «r g iruge Ideal location, high and fine view. Inquire of WOULD REALTY CO. AT. 349? Realtors World Theater Bide DUNDEE BUNGALOW BARGAIN Ohrtlr#, oak finished, etrlctly modern stucco bungalow: splendid lot: 2 blocks to car. |7Go cash, balance like rent Call Osborne Realty Co., j '39 I'etnrs Trust Bldg Jackson 22*2. l-'or Sail-—Kinrenr**. 101 S’KTHAWAY s-Us In whiter 'only R»ad Com asion, a Klu Kluxer for all. KE. I U9 Lots for Sal “why not build in" FAIRACRES We have the finest building site in this! addition that ran be bought at about half price if you ire looking for a pla'-e to build, don’t f.iM to ask us about thla. Payne Investment Co., ! AT. G'J«0 Gibson KE 3227 Newlon, KE. 114* | DUNDEE BUILDING PTTF1S G EORGE A- CO . R E A LTORS. °th Floor Cj»y Nat Bk Rldg AT 3024 IjOT $0x167. on ?2d Avenue, facing Hans ' om Park, for aaie ar an attractive price. A Grimmel JA 1616 Real Estate for Exchange. 104 3 HOMES PRICED RIGHT. UPON WHICH 1 WILL TAKE ONE-HALF IN MORTGAGE PAPER 9 rooms Cathedral district, nearly new. Price f l 2. &ftn. 6 rooms on 45th near Wirt. new. price II rooms at 629 9 31§t, a big invest ment Pries $12,500. CORKIN' 94* Omaha Nat Bldg. KAR.V- Gibbons Steel. 419 Peters Trua*. OPEN TODAY 3 TO 6 P. M. Brand new. clever homes, very latest features, ready to occupy at once. 5 and 6 rooms each. Fireplace, tile bath, etc. Fine locations at: 4692 PIERCE ST. 5 ROOMS 1407 S. 46TH AVE. 6-ROOM COLONIAL. 4522 WOOLWORTH, 5 RMS. Drive out. or phone and we will call for you, easy terms, reasonable price'. D. E. BUCK A CO., B uck *s-Bet ter-Bu lit-Bungalow* 742 Omaha Nat’l BW. JA 2000 Sunday: Paul. Box. ,WE A372; Raker. WA 3S93; Lovgren, KE 0304 [Attractive Homes Priced Right I4.S00 buy* excellent B-room modern bungalow with garage, one, half block from car line, near Miller park ; reasonable terms. $7,000 buy® a dandy two-*t©rr. 6-mom modern home-, nearly rev. on Lincoln Blvd., near ?l§t; good term*. ’ ^ $7,250 buys attractive well-built 7-room. 2-story frame houae, I near 36th and Marry «treef*. corner Ij lot 5 5 ft. wide, exceptional value. I. $".250 buys brand new 6-room I modern Ke!la»tone and stucco bun- g gafow on Huntington Ave.. near l‘ 31 st. garage, handy location. $1,000 I cash will handle. 3 Call WA 3350 ; HA 6440: KE j 2212; JA 1424. I Burt C. Fowler Co., REALTORS 1 JA I42S 1120 City N.fl Bk. Bid*. ■ BEE \V \ST MIS RKING KFSl ITs — REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. WANT mer'-Hindi** #tf»ck. incom# prop* rrfv or mortgage pap** in •*r’ mg* for nO.OHO c»*h end IlM&O **qul* ’ in w*!l naprov-d Iowa faim. K P. Lu< »y, Btorm Lake, la. WIPH to etching* 72* acre* go^-1 level ind in Chs*« county, N*b for city or own Inrom* property Anyone lnfer*«te*l liiv writ* F T H ighee. Gretna Neh -—-! Wanted—Heal Estate. 105 WE NEED HOMES FOR SALE. GRtTENIO REALTY CO. Realtor# .Tii'-kfinn 196 6, 14QQ First Nat l Rank. LIST your property with us or. if yot ar* in the market for acreage, call Louia i’i hn for quick nal*r. MA f*H3 MA 3ft29. SERVICE AND RESULTS. Competent ial*e for ,TA 23FA GLOVER .V 8BAIN Realtors. (HAS W. YOUNG Xu SON. Rea! Estate Rental#. lnaurance. ie02Cltv Nat! Hank.AT 2663. SEE ua first Need Rating*, any location, r. to * rooms. Shopen Xz Co . Realtors, ' \ 422w 'j ;*' K^-iir,. Hl»lg (» T. HAMER. Investment Acreage. ir,nr. Fa rn m ______ AT 9 9 6 0. NEW HfiMRS—TOTH TERMS. •iRoVJ'MU BEARD CO. 222 Hur-f * Rf-wi-i%.» I’MgAT. I?6?. V> ). SELL H* I - LIST WITH US. HAMILTON & CO.. 303-1 Neville Block JA. 0637. * P HUTCHINSON CO., Real Em a** In* 1 623 Fitnati! .TA 0419 LIST your property with Chr a Royer, notary ublir. . Gl fuming St*. G A SANPEf.E Real Kfatr At. 9232. WORLL> REALTY CO. R-aitr,r». AT. 3493 LESS THAN 6% REAL ESTATE LOANS 1 51/2% Interest RATE EASY PAYMENTS W. Farnam Smith & Co. “Company of Quick Action** 1320 Farnam St. JA. 0564 LESS THAN 6% Low Homeseekers EXCURSIONS July 15th, Aug. 5th and 19th, Sept. 2d and 16th, Oct. 7th and 21»t, Nor. 4th and 18th. To Minneiata. North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Wathington and Oregon. One Fare Plus $2.00 for the Round Trip Tickets will be sold through from all stations in Iowa and from Omaha, Nebraska, but not from other Nebraska eta- : tions. Write for Free books describ ing farmirg opportunities and low priced land along the Great Northern Railway. WM. BLONDER, Agricultural Development Agent GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. 622 Paxton Block, 16th Sc Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Telephone At. 9599. "