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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1924)
Legion Editor Raps Radicals Miles Says Third Party Advo cates Are “Blushing Reds.” "Moat of the new third political party advocates are blushing reds posing as working men or laborers," said Frank F. Miles, editor of the Iowa Legionnaire, in sounding a warning of the radical menace before a joint meeting of the American legion, Spanish-American war veter ans and three service clubs in Coun cil Bluffs, Thursday evening. "If you would look these men over, you would find that most of them I have their callouses on- their feet from tramping,’’ said Miles. He read a bulletin containing a copy of an inflammatory circular re cently broadcast by the communist party, in which laboring persons are urged to train themselves in the use of arms and prepare for a revolution. "In the latter part of 1922 and early in 1923, $25,000,000 was spent to sov ietize and propagandize this country,” Isald the speaker. Miles detailed an interview with a paid representative of the Russian government in the east, to explain ■why the people of Iowa do not ap preciate the radical menace. Iowa for Legion. “I’ll tell you about Iowa,” said the radical leader, "There are nothing but a bunch of ignorant farmers there and the whole state Is nuts about the American Legion.” The legion editor pointed out the ■widespread use of dope and the in crease In the number of murders and other crimes as other menaces re quiring the attention of the American people. He said there has been a 38.5 per cent gain In the number of persons in penal institutions during the last five years, as compared with only a 17.5 per cent increase in popu lation. “The world is sick and it is the duty of the American Legion to arouse the people In this crisis,” he said. I “Our best remedies are more old fashioned Christianity and education.” Short talks were made by William McLean, superintendent of the Belle vue Vocational school; Charles E. Swanson, president of the Khvanis club, and Sam Greene, new depart ment commander of the Spanlsh American War Veterans of Iowa. Before the meeting at the Grand hotel Miles was guest of honor at a dinner attended by Leon Morse, Terry Black, John DeWitt, Charles Miller, Alfred Anderson, Fred Heuwinkle, Paul Flaxbeard, C. L. Smith and Ned E. Williams. ' “ Deaf “See” Sound With Invention | _ New Instrument Literally Turns Sound Into Light hy Vibration. By CHARLES A. SMITH. International Nona Staff Correspondent. London, July 13.—Dr. E. E. Four nier d’Albe, eminent scientist and world famous for his work on seleno Ism and his Invention of the octo Phone, the Instrument by which the blind are enabled to read ordinary print, has announced the Invention of an apparatus which by Its develop ment may mean that the deaf will "hear” by seeing. Styled by Dr. d'Albe as an acoustic spectroscope, the apparatus may be said to turn sound Into light. It consists of a series fo resonating boxes provided with minute mirrors attached to mica reeds. Each of these reeds Is turned to correspond to the fundamental note of Its own resona tor. When this note Is sounded with sufficient volume In the room where the apparatus Is placed the reed, and therefore the mirror on It vibrates. A beam of light Is directed down ward on these mirrors, and vibrating spots of light are reflected on to 'a ground-glass screen. Dr. d'Albe. demonstrating his In vention, said that It was only pro vided with 20 resonators, covering Just over an octlve of sound, hut when a phonograph record was play ed about four feet from the ap paratus the spots of light on the screen danced Incessantly to the tune, indicating notes coming within the scope of the octave provided for. After a short time It was possible for the people witnessing the demonstra tion to recognize the recurrence of certain notes by these vibrations. Dr. d'Albe then demonstrated that speech would cause vibrations. "I see no reason,” he declared, “why speech should not ultimately become visible to the deaf in this way. Music presents a comparatively easy prob lem. "Even though the pitch and tone of every human voice varies,” d’Albe added, "there are funda mental tones which occur in every pronouncement of the same vowel, for example: The ear can distinguish a word no matter how It Is spoken, which la really a very wonderful thing. ”1 believe it will he quite possible for the trained eye to 'see' speech owing to these fundamental tones, which will give some chart eristic form to the medley of vibrations produced by a word, no matter who speaks it.” ___ BLUFFS RIFLE SQUAD HIGHEST The Council Bluffs R- O. T. C. rifle ssuad ranked highest in the Seventh corps area in the recent R. O. T. C. national indoor rifle matches. The University of Minnesota took first place. _ _ Bluffs Man to Hospital. The Council Bluffs police ambu lance was called to 1425 North Eighth street Thursday night where /} E Smith was removed to Jennie —Edmundson hospital suffering with severe stomach trouble._ Bluffs Woman Asks Divorce. Cora Darnell has filed a petition for a divorce from Ben Darnell in distrlet court at. Council Bluffs, cruelty is charged. They were mar -led at I’apillion December 24, 19.1. 9 Accolade of West” to Cross-Country Flyer m-1-K I.ieut. Russell I>. Maughan, en route on lii.s trnnsco ntinental dawn-to-dusk flight, stopped at Cheyenne, VVyo., to refuel. While there ho received a "four-gallon” hat as a sy'mbol of the west's recognition of him as a he-man. Maughan on right being greeted by Joe Cahill, secretary of frontier days committee. Exiled Senators Turn to Baseball Games r 1 - U. S. Balloonists in Bennett Cup Race . : —> rfr^‘ ■ --■* To while away time while In exile at Rutland, Mass., where he and 20 other Rhode Island senators have gone, Senator Arthur A. Sherman turns to baseball. Mountain Climber Is Killed in Long Fall r—-—-1 ! I._:_+ 41 Major I'eik (left) and Captain Gray, the United States array balloonists, | standing before their balloon just before making the start from Brussels, Belgium. , « Political Styles in England lr—1—•-'-: 1 Two members of the Mount Everest expedition were killed recently as they were nearing the top during their perilous climb. "Mallory and Irvine killed on last attempt. Rest of party at base camp. All well.” Such was the brief mes sage received in London the other day. This photo is the most recent taken ; of A. C. Irvine, one of the two Mount Everest climbers who were killed. WIFE ASKS COURT FOR PROTECTION Charging cruel and inhuman treat I ment and asking an injunction to re | strain him from a repetition of al- ! leged attacks upon her. Coral Darnell Friday filed suit for divorce in dis trct court at Council Bluffs against Ben Darnell. They were married at Papilllon, Neb., on November 17, 1921, and sep- | arated December 24, 1922, according to her petition. Water Board Executive Addresses Rotary Club "With Coolidge heading the republl can ticket and Davis the democrat!.• ticket this fall, I can see no reason for worry,” declared Thomas Ma loney, head of the Council Bluffs wat er board and a delegate to the recent democratic convention in New York, in addressing the Bluffs Rotary club Thursday noon at Grand Hotel. r Maloney also praised Senator T. J. Walsh of Montana, chairman of the convention, for the way in which he * handled the balloting and for his 1 opening address to the delegates. < I I I I ■ I Women politicians of the I nited States may lie able to pick up a number of useful style hints front the alone extremely successful llritish vote getter. Councillor I,ury llill (left) is all fixed up in the robes of her office, in cluding the neat little badge she wears as a necklace, the abbreviated fire man's lint and an air of sincerity, while she accompanies his honor the mayor of Harwich (right) in white gloves, spats, and a sweater vest, Newest Navy Giant on Test Cruise The West Virginia, mightiest of superdreadnauglits—nmf newest—Is on Its wav from Brooklyn, <N. V ) na\y yard to Hampton Koads, Va., on test cruise. It’s show n leaving, i I I South Omaha l --——' Vets Fis^ht for Bellevue School Will Be Need for Vocational Center for Years, Say a Commander. The Omaha chapter of the Disabled Veterans of the World War is stag ing a fight for the continuance of the Bellevue vocational school term until the government decides to close vocational schools indefinitely, accord ing to John M. AVatt, commander. ‘‘The vocational school at Bellevue has proved eminently successful In rehabilitating and restoring to nor mal mental conditions and good health and in training for useful civil occupations, more than 800 disabled war veterans of the world," he says. Eight schools of similar character ' have recently been discontinued or are about to be discontinued at an early date in other parts of the United States. The Bellevue school is show ing a steadily lncresing attendance so that it now has an attendance 20 per cent larger than a year ago. The Omaha chapter of the Disabled War A’eterans is now trying to co operate with the Veterans of For I eign AVars, the American Legion, the ! Omaha Chamber of Commerce and ot^ber civic bodies Interested in the work dona at the Bellevue vocational school. At the recent convention, the senators and representatives in con gress from the states of Iowa, Kan sas, Nebraska and Missouri were urged to assist in procuring the per manent establishment of the training school. Victim of Diphtheria. John Szimowicz, 3, son of Joseph Szimowicz, 4538 South Thirty-eighth street, died Saturday morning of diphtheria. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 4, with burial in St. Mary cemetery. /""■ . South Omaha Brevities J BRHWER AMBULANCE SERVICE. PHONE MA. 1234. ^ Papillion News ^ Mr*. Oui Cord** was taken to th* South Omaha hospital Thursday morning where It la probable she will have to un dergo an operation. The Ladies' Auxiliary met Thursday af ternoon at the high school auditorium. Mrs. A. A Horn, Mrs. Wm. Eaton and Mrs John Schobert were hostesses. Mrs ] H. A. Sander gave a paper on household j hints. At the conclusion of the program a nice lunch was served. A recital will be given by the pupils of Mesdamcs C. F King, F P Morrison and J Miss Irene Trumtle Friday evening at the Presbyterion rhurch. The program will consist of readings and vocal and pi ano selections. Lieut. Clarence Welch was the princt Hk- r at the Brot herhood IBMtiBI Monday evening He Is connected with the United States a!r service. County Attorney H. A Collin* filed a complaint in county court Wednesday against My Id red Meyers and Alma Els felder of Bellevue, charged with, assault and battery on Beta Palmer. The county commissioner* and County Clerk J. E Strawn attended to business matters In Lincoln Thursday pertaining to tubercular testing of cattle. The members of the Altar Society of ths Catholic church will hold an Ice croam social on the old court house lawn Saturday evening July 19. Albert B»ll of Denver is visiting at the homo of his brothers. Edwin and Fred Bell, and his sister. Mrs. Cora Pflug. Bids f : grading and graveling the roads in Paplilion and Gilmore j rennets i will be opened by the county commies.on ers at the'r meeting next Wednesday, then the work will begin at once (jporge McKuiskv who sustained a frac tured skull 6 weeks ago returned to his home from St. Joseph hospital Sunday. Dave Rosencrat z of S*. Paul. Minn, was calling on Papillion friends Sunday Mr and Mrs. Karl Slothower and two children of Elmwood. Mr and Mrs Rob ert Slothower of Lincoln, spent Sunday with Papillion relatives. They formerly lived In Papillion._ CLASSIFICATION. Funeral Notices . 1, Vault* and Monament* . t Funeral Directors . * Cemeteries . * Florists . .... ft Card of Thanks .... 6 lodge Notices . 7! C oming Events . J| lost and Found .. 10 < Al TOMOBII.ES. Automobiles for Sale . 11 Truck* tor Sale . Jt ! An to mob He Agencies . 18, Motorcycles nnd Bicycles . 14 ; Automobiles for Exchange . 1ft j Auto Accessories. Part* . 16 i service Station*—Repairing . 17 * \uto Livery. Garages . 1* XV anted—Automobile# . 19 Garages for Rent ......... *0 Bl SINES* SERVICE. Business Service* Offered .II Building Contractor* . 12. IG-ating and Plumbing .18, Insurance . . 14 Millinery—Dressmaking . IV Moving—Trucking—Storage . 26 Painting ami Papering .I] Latent Attorney* . I* Printing Stationery . 19. Professional Service .. Id R.'imlrln» . ..JP llenoiatlig and Dyeing .I-; laundries .. VC, Tailoring and Pre**»ng . |4 1 1 XX anted— Business Service ...*ft EMPLOYMENT. Help XX’anted—Female .. 16 Help XXanreiA—Male .. . . j Help XX anted—Male and Female .... 38' salesmen and Xg.uts . 39 Situation* XX anted—Female .. 40 Situation* XX anted—Male .. 41 FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities .41 Investment—Stocks—Bonds .. 48 Real E*tnte loans . 44 'loner to Lost . 4ft < XX anted to Borrow .. 46 EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Courses .. 47 laical Instruction C lasses .46 Musical—Dramatic .. 49 Dancing Academies .... ft1* Private Instruction . *1 XX unft d InsWiirtlon . 52 i ix rstock. Dogs Cats and Pets .....AS Horse*. * altl* Vehicles . ft* Poultry and Supplies .. ftft XX anted—Livestock .• 56 MERC IIANDIAB. Xrtlrles for ^ale .. ft7 llnGne** Equipment ... 6* Building Material* ....ft1* ■ I arm and Dairy Product* .6" Feel nod Eerd .... 61 (.o44d Thing* to Eat .. 6 Home-Xlii'G 1 kings . 6( Household (ImiiU . 64 Swap Column .••••••••••. 6ft (nielr am. XX atohes .. 6»l X'a.-hiio r« nod Tools ............ 67 Seeds, Plant* and Flowers ..•••••... 68 Kaer lul* at the stores .69 Xliisleal Instruments . * * * ' Radio Equipment . 71 *X earing Apparel . . • 72 Wanted to Bib «*» ROOMS FDR RENT. Room* XX it It ll*>ard .. 74 Furnished Rooms . "ft Knunix for Holm, keeping . 7»» Rooms. I nfurnl*h«d .. . .. . •' XX here to Mop in lo»n .. 7h XX anted — Rm m*> and llonrd .... *9 Rl XL ESTATE— VhK RENT. Xpartment*—Furnished .. 39 Xpartmenl* I ofurnKhcd . 61 Dustins* Plnee* for Relit . 6' House* for Rent . 6 , Houses—~I iivuished 61 Offices and Desk IG»oin . 6> Out ef-Ti wn Property ... 66 Suburban for Rent . 67 Farm laud* for Rent . 66 summer 1'ine* for Rent . 39 XX ant. .I to IGnt .W lit XI ESTATE—rOB RALE. Business Property 31 Ileal Estate—Investments .. 3? Faini* and Lands for Kale . 38' <11% Aereuge for Kale . IO ll.nine* for Kale .. 3ft II oases— - North . 34 Bouses—South .97 lloiisea—IX'est W I louses—Henson .. 39 For Sale—Dundee .... 14M4 For Kale I lorenee ........101 I or Sal* < 4»uni II Bluffs . . 1»» ' lot* for Kale j<‘8 Ileal I state for F.tchange ..I'd XX anted--Heal Estate 10ft Al CTIONn. Xnetloo .106 lira! Estate for Auction . IU7 1__ i rmm ^ Out of the Records ---j Births and Deaths. Birth*. Ralph and Lena Plckeral, 428 Valley street, boy t ^ Harry and E!*!e Cusack, hospital, boy. Chester and Ellen Kepllnger. 6906 North Fortieth *treet, boy. Peter and Bessi* Zolovlch, hospital, boy. Armllfo and Jovlta Nuno. Gib*on. Neb . Clarenc* and Floreno* Buach. 4163 J street, girl. Death*. Gustave C. Kuenne. 63. hospital. Herman J. Lund. 49. hospital. Eleta Rowland, infant, hospital. Carstan A. Nielsen, 85, 3031 Emmet street. Ounnard J. Carlson, 26, hospital. Mrs. Elizabeth Louis Maloy. 60, hos pital. Airs. Louise Summitt, 67, hospital. Married in Council Bluffs. The following person? obtained mar riage licenses In Council Bluffs yesterday: Name and Address. Ago. jOmer Glenn Gates. Falrbury, N*b.... 31 j Katheryn Fraln, Brighton, la. 32 [Charles W. Howe, Grimes, la. 31 l Hazel Church. Des Alolnes, la. -'6 Allan L. Allckkelson. Omaha. 21 Gladys M. Applegate. Omaha. 20 Clarence Hawk, Omaha.. .• •• 3t Mary E. MoLein. Omaha. 29 Lyle W Haas, Council Bluffs. 22 Doris Hanks, Omaha . ^0 Joe White, Lincoln. Neb . 23 Pauline Achziger. Lincoln. Neb. 18 George Canaday, Council Bluffs. 2 Helen F. Merritnan, Council Bluffs ... 17 In Divorce Court. Petit Ions. Guy Grayhlll against Alargaret G»ay blll, desertion. John L. Holmes against Louise Holmes, desert ion. Edith Green against Wade Green, cruelty. Building Permits. W. C. Berry. 6502 North Thirty-first avenue, brie k beneer dwelling. $8,000. O. H. Peterson, 2887 Titus avenue, $5,000. J. P Shipley. 5337 North Twenty-fifth avenue, frame dwelling, $3,200. John C. Launer. 361s South Twentieth street, frame- dwelling. $2,5^0. J B Hicks. 6819 North Thirtieth street, stucco dwelling $6.000. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 19c per line each day. 1 or 2 days. 17c per line each day. 3 or 6 day*. 16c per line each day, 7 day*. i5c per line each day. 30 days. CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED ADS. Morning Edition .* p.m. Evening Edition .11 00 am. Sunday Edition .... 9 00 p. m. Saturday either charge or cash orders. Classified Ads accepted at the following offices Main offp *.17th and Farnam Sta. South Omaha N W. Cor. 24th and N Sta Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone ATIant - 1*00 THE EVENING BEE THE OMAHA MORNING BEE A N N 01 NX FME.M8. Funeral Notices. I MALLON—Elizabeth Louis*. aged 50 veara, beloved with of Justin Mallon. pass ed away July 10. 1924 Survived beaidea her husband by one daughter. Mrs. Charles Brubark*r. and one sister, Mrs. S I Gordon, of Omaha Funeral servh *a v ill be held Monday afternoon at 2 30 from family residence. 1461 Spender stre*’ Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends are welcome. Vaults and Monuments. Z "Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertaken. M'f'd by omah*. Concrete Burla! Vault C< Funeral Directors. 3 HEAFET & HEAFET Undertakers and Embalmera Phone HA 0265 Office 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1852) HR A I LET * DORRA.M'E. 1«23 CUMING ST JA 0526. DUFFY A JOHNSTON. .311 S 3 .Id n-w funeral h tn»-. HA. Q417. LESLIE O. MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WrF. QQ47. HOFFMAN CROSBY ambulance. Dodge and 24th KuryrSl dr* tors JA. 59^1 IIULSE A RIEPEN. Funeral d re tors 2222 Cuming. JA. 1226. John a gi:ntlemax 3411 Farnam St. N. p SWANSON 1 ri! AND CUMING. <jui** 1 n go if led Supervision C f\ HAYNES FUNERAL HOME 3920 N 2 4'h '•HE *257 Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN West of Florence Omaha * Most B*s itlfui Cemetery 320 Acre* Perpetual Care. Offices at the Cemetery *rd 720 Brand*!* ' Personals. 9 THE SALVATI- N Army industrial home soliclta ' our old >-lo:1 n« furniture, nvga z > r *»«• We r U l W* dw ,te Phor JA 4135 and our wagon will call. Cal! and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-111 < Dodge street gray HAIR CURED Positively no dyes nor application* The secret free " Bradley. Box 1035. N*w Orleans. La 32(7 CHARLES*—Will board and care for hi id re n I>nst and Found. 10 I.OST — Purse Thursday evening on Burlington train change and valuable payers Liberal reward Mrs Nettie Loren * Red .367 2 Co Bluffs STRAYED or stolen from 1701 S. 33d. pup. box Terrier, white with black spots over each eye and one on back. Liberal reward HA. 6036 POST—A gold ring Initials L. H . rhureday night on Farnam car line. $l-> reward ’ WUkaon, 4423 So 27th. WILL party who called Tuesday about oat cap* kindly cal! again? $25 reward for return KE 21:7. LOST <>R STRAYED—I-are yellow collie log. female Reward Call WF. 6556. DOG—Lost. English bull pup. has collar. Reward Floyd Becker, AT 5071. A l TO MOmi.KS. | Automobiles for Sale. 11 USED BUT NOT ABUSED \ \RE THE CARS WE SELECT FOR OUR | USED • AR PEl’AHTMENT rhat is why we can give our customers -cal Nalue for their money. 'ustomers satisfaction means success to us TODAYS SPECIALS. I9J0 Ford Sedan Hss s-*en but little lervlc# and run* like a 24. Refinlshed, {cod rubber. 1923 Ford Sedan Has been In the hands >f a \*ry careful driver. Priced low. 1923 Nash Touring Rebuilt and refln l*hed Fully equipped. A car you can :»# proud to omi 1921 Huirk Touring. In beautiful cnndl Ion Priced low. 1920 Nash Good mechanically Fair rubber. Priced below its real value ,Ve Have a Number of Others All Stand ard Makes. Prlcea to Sell. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS CASH TERMS TRADE. mash uptown store 054 Farnam. AT. 4292 U>ED CARS O N lb ' N N F V M« 'TOR CO . 4 Vn'nam OOuD USED cvna HUY Yul RS AT Ul V L MM mi J AUTOMOBILES__ Automobiles for Sale. 11 DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1 »23 Ford Touring. SAD. JPotor goo4 FIvo good tiro*. 1260.00 Late 1922 Ford Touring One-man top. New paint, motor overhauled, today 122.. 00 Late model Ford Touring. 8 4 D. Good paint, large lock wheel. A good running car . .*660 00 Two Ford Tourings with starter, earh .$125.00 Late 1923 Ford Roadster, t>«w .P»ln'r motor good .• • • ■ • Lots 1923 Ford Roadster. 8. 4 D. New patnt .$Z76.oo Two Ford Roadster*. $70 00 and $76.00 1922 Ford Sedan, new paint. In c.°": dltion .. $•*•■ 1922 Ford Sedan, new paint, new aeat cove ra . ..$»s5..v Ford Limousine, a new type body, quickly converted Into Bleeping car. Ha* TCi9-l tress and gcreens for doors Just right for your vacation trip. Come In and *ee !light Six Sedan, five wire wheel*, five good cnrd tires, paint and upholstering extra good. Motor A-l. Will consider a Ford In exchange . . Late 1923 Chevrolet Coupe five good cord tu ea. New paint, motor fine. *?: dav ..- • • • f,y HANNAN-VAN BRUNT, INC. MrU ‘.rnLFarr,'‘m Vft-1 rir' If'.‘pt COME TO MURPHY DID ITS’ USED CAR DEPT. HERE 64 YEARS. 1921 Ford Roadster, overhauled.J130 192ft Ford Tour, starter . 1918 Ford Truck . . 1922 Chevrolet Tour , very good. Z25 192 4 Ford Coupe, like new. 4ft 192.3 Ptae Sedan, balloon tires. 1921 Essex Tour. Reo top. very good 4_o 1922 Durant Tour, fine shape.. & *5 Wo Will Make You Easy Terms Mwavg Opon ANDREW MURPHY & SON, AT 4411. 1410 Jackson ATTENTION, CAR BUYERS RELIABLE FACTORY REBUILT CARS Mechanically guaranteed. cash. '™* trade. 60 cars, all late models. Ford* Dodge. Durant. Stare and other model*, look them over. _ COLD8TROM AUTO SALES CO.. 2112 Harney St AT 6546. Open evenings—Sunday. 6pm BIO bargain In all etajldard make* of tiree Ford tires $5 and up. Kaplan Auto Parts Co. 2111 Nicholas. DETROIT ELECTRIC, run only J.000 mllea. will sell at a sacrifice. Address p O. Box 573. Omaha HUDSON Super-Six eeven-Paesenger tour ing. In fine condition, at a bargain. HA T922 MURPHY DID IT. Downtown Used Car Store 1410 Jackson. AT. 4411. NASH-VRIESFIMA AUTO CO. USED CAR STORE 2054 FarnamAT 4292 FORD COUPE, fine condition. 1620 So. ’.nth St, 3rd floor■ Trucks for Sale. 12 USED trucks, attractive price*. Interna tional Harvester Co. AT 0105. Auto Accessories, Tarts. 16 GUARANTEED new and u«»d auto parte I at a special cut price. Nebraska Auto ' Parts. 1014-11 Harr.ey Ft JA. 4931. and Service Stations, Repairing. INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS Rayfield carburetor and Eisemann mag neto service AT 2 .'5 0. \ M F. LCH1 j! F. c -v 41? S. LTH Wanted—Automobiles. 19 Wanted, Cars Have residence properties will take cars a ; • •, -i-■■ ■ •• r,; K 17 ~ 3 2 r r AT 4 1 i > Garages for Rent. 20 GARAGE—Steam heated fireproof. 311 S. 31st HA 712 4 or HA €99 4 Business Sen ices Offered. 21 VI.'IT 1 Jf ■. Beaut V Sgfon Expert operators Pbrne AT. STih Burbon A: _______ m SINE8S NKKMCF. Millinery—Dressmaking 25 ACCORDION, s de knife, box pleating, covered button1 all styles, hemstitching, buttonholes Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co. 305 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb Telephone JA 192£. NEB. PLEATING CO. Hetnatitching Co1'■red Button*. It A 4 Fa mam. Second Floor. JA. 5670. ■— i ■■■ ■ ■ - Moving—Trucking—Storage !6 GI.OBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING, STORING Estimate* furnished AT 023fl or JA 43“' 1 HEKINS OMAHA VAN A- STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth S*# Packing, raov- j ing. storage, shipping: J A 416 2j Gordon > fireproof whse a van j 2 4 9 North 11th St Phone JA 3*32: raov ng r #» rag- Pt- : ' !' t 2 iMl PaiM f inf*. 27 DONT TAKE A CHANCE Employ a master painter and decorator Painting ard decorating. apegial discount on wall paper FRED DARKS PAINT STORE. COS S. .4?h AT 7404. MA. *1*1 PAPERH ANCtING. 20c roll. 64 50 room up Painting, paper cleaning Hawley. HA M' ■ * Patent Attorneys. 28 FATENT LAVVERS. STURGES A- STURGES. I’nted State* and foreign patents and trade-mark# ob- ' ta’nod. infringement sear. he#. In%'estiga tion*. etc 914 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg J \V MARTIN L?* Peter# fru#t Bldg Omaha also Wnahlngton Double aervKe. I single ter- Ai* help sell patent# rrintinc—Stationery. ft COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Co . : 12 s -iith 17th St Phore JA 5 .' Professional Service. SO OSTEJOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS NIEMANN ,v MERRITT Adjust ive oateopathy. Electro-Therapy op tometry 471 M >cdman Bldg. AT 2 574 Repairing. 31 USED and new sewing machine* Sew ing machines and vletrolaa repaired Rent machine*. 61 per week; >S per mo. MICK EL MUSIC HOUSE. 15th and Harney. AT. 4361 FMTFOYMKNT. Help \\ anted—Female. S6 LADIES—We teach beauty culture quick-I ly. Position* at splendid wages open everywhere »Jur short course—day or evening qualifies you for *n independent!' career Call or w rite for catalog Moier ! College. l'*9 S 15th St. | WANTED—Women to paint lamp aharir* j for us at home Easy, pleasant work j Who’# or part t me Avldress Nileart coin ! panv, 3405. Ft. Way no. lnd j ENROLL at the largest comptometer •< h. oi J ’* Couitnev >4 As JA 1 493 |. -r Hcl|> \\ anlt d—Male. 31 I.m'AI. MANAiilH \\ ANTEP At onvc. by largest > on» ern of ts ktnd in tile world, to develop and handle local busmes* Experience «r >ai u»: unneco sar> 62.5<*tl to ID .-HO profit# first year, a vordms to population Wonderful fu ture possibilities Staple rommodity with ..instant unlimited demand \N e under ’| a• 1 companion Red Seal Coal Co. Sit Coal Ext hang* Bldg . Cblcxio RELIABLE men wanted everywhere to durlbute samples, booklet*. etc for Na ' tional Advertise! * No selling Year around work No experience or capital ’ ne. esaary Permanent bust nee# Write J quickly, enclosing stamps for contract and detail* National Distributer* Association. MM N Clark St. Chicago. l RAI.CSM4N WANTED—One with auto ’ preferred to represent reliable and well J sstahliahed .hinaware manufacturer. The L.’tuogea China Co Sabring. Ohio. « dFN* wanted everywhere to make ronfi lentlal investigation* and collection* for redlt and installment houses 'earl,' nound w*»rk, reliability more ne.-easa % han ixpitiMfi Writ# Immediate)!) »n t losing stamps for full details National *r •’it Kx. liana a. 12.3 Wilaon Avenue ;v ,'huago r.tlrJl^^1 ^ _ Help Wanted—Male. S' WA.n’TKD—M«n, n»»t »pp»»rlnf, ov»r 21. to take ordere, worklnr with [<}«! »»» • aer Must be satisfied with $26 weakly »t start; poeltlon permarant with oppor tunitv for advancement. Apply Mr. eny man, $01 Baird Bldg , 17th and Dougias Sf. .. ... - MAN to present our transportation cost saving systems locally. (Est. 30 >#ar»> Recommended by lergeat manufacturers Com. $10 to $60 Experience unnecessary. Outfit free National Freight Bureau. Rochester. N Y. RE a barber. It pays. Have your own shop or good salary when competent. Dav or evening Call or write for free catalog. Moler Barber College. 109 3. 15th St. ALL MEN women, boys, gtrla. 17 to 66. willing to accept government positions *117-$250 (traveling or etatlonary). write Mr. Ozment 166. Ft Louis. Mo. RE a detective. $50-1100 weekly; travel over world; experience unnecessary. American Detective Agency, 799 Columbia, St Louis. MEN umting forest ranger, postal clerk and oth-r v vt. pos Mons. wr;t* for par t'ruiars. Mokane, Dept. H-35, Denver, ‘‘olo_______ EARN s'-10 weekly. copying names and riddr^-ss^s F*rd stamped envelope for r<a rtk ul.'i rs Palace Mfg Co.. Toledo. O FIREMEN, br^ •'■men r^enners ll Sr’ *25 ft (which position?; Railway Y-2584, Omaha Bf-e, ■ , ' 1 - - Help Wanted—Male and Female. 33 TYPISTS—Add materially to your In come by typing cuthors’ manuscript*, spare time Easy work. H'gh rate WrRe P. .T Garne-s. Tallapoosa. Ga . for details Salesmen and Agents. 39 i WE WANT SALESMEN We will pay high grade experi enced automobile salesmen a good salary. Only high grade ex perienced m*n need apply. This is a permanent connection. Call for Mr. Dalton Willys-Overland, Inc., 2562 Farnara St. w ANTED— EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY SALESMAN of proven ability to travel, on “alary, expenses advanced, bonus basi*. iMust be over 26. intelligent, ambitious, energetic, with much endurance. Oppor tunity, only, for hard working, real pro ducer. desiring permanent. profitable connection Prefer ex "direct t<y con sumer" salesman State fully the lines you have handled, give age. address, phone number Addresa by letter only, Mr Chae. H. Stevenson. Hotel Jefferson, Omaha. SALESMEN—Only one sale daily mean 1200 p*-r month' Five sales, 11.000 monthly! Main or side-line Marvelous new 3-pound adding machine Beta s lla Work equals 1300 machine. Adis, subtracts, multiplies divides, automatic ally Speedy, accurate, durable, hand some. Five-year guarantee. Tremend ous demand Amazing profits. Writs quick for liberal trial offer and protected territory Lightning Calculator Co, Dept. 29. Grand Rapids. Mich. Agents Robt. H Ingersoii. originator of dollar watch, wants good men to sell h;s Dollar Stropper, an ingenious invention for sharpening safety razor blades; con structed ©n an entirely new principle, it insure* hundreds of shaves from one blade; patent stropper and fine leather strop, II Great economic value; fc;g re. peat business, ager.’s having remarkable success R bt. E Ingersoil. 476 Broad wav. New York City. FREE CORPSE IN SALESMANSHIP Beautiful 10 page book and other l-te-s ture without cost. Teach you how to be successful :n direct selling Stock of coo s furnished on credit when ready to star f you r» reliable Information on f.r.e :oca' on Stop working for others, ro n business for yourself, make 13.000 a year and up Send your request today The W T Rawleixh Company. Dept N B 5454. Freeport. III. AGENTS—WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES Sell Madison "Better-Made Shirts for lar^» Manufacturer direct to wearer. No capi tal or experience required Many *>ttrn 1100 we* 1 y and 1 nu‘ Madison M;lls. 560 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN New York Manufacturer has opening ? r salesmen to carry convenient side hne. few numbers infants shirts to retail at 25c, ; $c, and 75c on 10 per cent com mission, Reply stating references and territory covered Box A 221, W. 4-<l St N»w dork City MEN out of work, agents, canvasser spe-,.a:*y men earn b:g money handling the Crstal knife and Neverstain Steel Knives new household specialties, s*ll , ke v ’dfire; no competition, copyright rUn gets the business, free fe’der ex plan v cet exclusive rights Winchester c “ Co Market Arcade Buffalo. N Y. AGENTS—Mil ors of auto owners need auto pro toe tors In*rease resais value Retails II 5 Big profits Bacon :n front of garage made 115 m one hour. Other* doing as well. Absolute neres s.• Writ*6 quick for exclusive territory ar.d demonstrat ng outfit. Address, Auto Top Protector Co . Th^rr.astcn. Ala 7 A!POKING SAT.E5MAN —Share 11*0 bonus Big advance commissions taking c'iers for snappiest direct-to-wearer line on earth. %:rg.n wool custom tailored iuits. overcoats. 72? Representatives fur nished high-grads tailor ng shop in one • av rate f*asc House of Campbell, 456 > ?tate. Chicago. SALESMAN—Excellent opportunity for live salesman to represent manufacturer of high class portable phonograph, now biggest seller in the east. Wholesale on’> Attractive commission; permanent irge.-.*r*. ay be ca-ried aa a s he line. 4<idress B W. 1220 Longacre Bldg . New York T A !! RING h.Al.ESME V —Experienced *o *eI: Br idwiy Better Clothea ' diruct-to wearer at 129 50 Values unequalled Satisfaction or money bark Liberal com missions 150 samples, size 6x9 Pro '■•ted territory At quick Broadway fa ring Co, Dept, p. Cincinnati, Q IVAN El' -Salesman arquair-^4 with the peneral « - and dry goods trade terthwestern Iowa. Must be experienced ir 1 of good standing. Not over 45 ears of age with high grade references. net reply unless you can fit th.s de .crlntior 1-2691 Omaha Bee. SALESMAN WANTED—Experienced lltho e uh salesman to sell popular lire of graphed bank stationery. Exclusive M bramka tart lory also other slates Commission onlv. The Gas: Bank Note M 'rear. >t . >» L--»ui». V c 40ENT? Maks |? month and free lUtomobile with new st\.e written guar intee hosiery. Part time and evenings vring you 12 hour Experience or capi al unnecessary We furnsh 25 samples, lennings Mfg. Co, Trial ESS7, Dayton. O ILAILORING salesmen Why work for ■mall commission? You can #et your own refit Our Nre the biggest, over S00 ail voel suitings and overcoatings Satiefac ion guaranteed. Write f«>r details Sales rtanager H B Locke. Box 4<9, Chicago. 4GENTS—Our wonderful new plan will 'ut you in the I5.C0O class 950 products ,ow price* Supreme quality. Complete •utfit free. We furnish automobile Vnte quick American Products Co, 2693 4 motif* n Bldg. Cincinnati, O SALESMEN—Inexper enced or expert r f.i. 'r tr.ivt rs W- ** for f-es v-'k 1 Modern Salesmanship Big de nan, 1 for men Earn ft 5-0 to IIP. earl' Address. National Salesmen a Pr Ass n . Dept 40|. Chicago * A ’ ESVEVS greatest money making cp • tumt v $25 daily taking order* for Valton-Duplex shirts New creation ;.'es double "ear factory t' wearer Fay ulvanced We deliver Walton-Duplex V Brooks Bldg Chicago _ Gl'SMl —Men wanted Whole or part '■ Kvtrytn* buya th.s ’*te*t New i>rk vogue No competition Sell* on sight, yopeat business Commission In advanc*. : r \ f. r samplsa bupergraphic Co, <*l t h A \ e N e w > rk C: t > VO ENTs Earn f. 25 an hour Easy ' erk Full or part time Distribute 176 Ktpular household articles and food « Free If \ \ r*D**r* Hea’thO Products, Duane S’, mcinnatl. Ohio A1LORINO bAl.ESMFN -Profits ;ti ad an*e, bigger wminlw and bonus America's fastest selling line, union, made 0 measure all w ool su.ts. overcoata, . \ W D Smith A Co Established 495 Chicago IQKXTk-Packard quaiitv »h'rt* direct om our own factor) to wearer. Facto v *ri fs Automobile furnished rmi-vif • * i’Ti ; non Ft ee TlTTij |t| > a e e.xd> Packard Mfg Co 6 0 West N A 4x e . Chi. ag > ' Alt' 'RING SALES V IN n~tfTr oa 7 ■ommtss'.ons Greatest three price Pre k t * ' ute satisfaoti-m gua'anteed f ' $ ' e e k 1 v r ;i s' Wrtfe for deta's F M ! * r> A Co. Dept 9 .*», 4? 6 S Mark '\ * 1 1 me *>-* • # m r ♦ 1 ’* ft Tremendous demand B * ■eat i «ire-s |U iKV yearli, M:' • * n /*■' Dtpl. K ill, 109 BoyuuMk Bcktbu. lasa. l