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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1924)
\\ heat Deliveries Reach New Highs in Short Session July and May Sell at New Top for Season; Corn Scores Good Advance. By CHARLES J. LEYDEN' I nherhuI .Service Staff Correspondent. Chicago, July 12.—Wheat developed Rfertt strength today and moved forward under the best class of buying orders in w»*eks. Dad crop news from Canada, strength at Liverpool and Winnipeg, and indications that Kurope was becoming alive to the North American crop situa tion, were the .stimulating influences. The July and May deliveries reached new highs on the crop. Wheat closed 2 to 2%c higher; corn v hs ^ to 3 *4c higher; oats were to l^c up, and rye ruled to lftc ad vanced. Export sales of wheat were confirmed at l.'iOO.OOU bushels. The demand for i-.ight room was reported as quite active. Liverpool futures finished 1 to 1 >„ pence advanced as a result of the ppor crop out iouk In Canada. Cables from abroad ‘gain stated that the condition of crops in the various European countries was un favorable. July and September corn hit new high I* * els on the crop, and incidentally the highest prices in over four years. The late months met a good class of commis sion house selling, largely profit taking, and gained only moderately. Cash corn premiums took a tumble late In the day, the best bid being two cents over the* July at the last. A house with country connections was a heavy buyer of September and December oats, while northwest interests bought the May. Kye advanced with other grains. There wis buying early, credited to foreign ac count, anil the selling was mostly in the wav of profit taking. Provisions moved forward to new highs as the result of a broad investment do mand. Lard was 7 to 12 Vie higher ami ribs were 22Mi to 25o higher. Pit Notes. Scattered showers fell over western Canada today, and the fcre« sst was for probable continuation or same, but all re >*rta from the Canadian northwest agree that rainfall has been entirely insufficient, ami that unless general precipitation is had soon prospects will deteriorate ma terially. The fact that Europe is becom ing aware that the Canadian crop :s likely to bo greatly reduced this year ap peared significant to the trade and crys tallized bullish sentiment. A local crop expert traveling through • anada sent a wire to the effect that in his opinion Manitoba and Saskatchewan would not raise more than 150,000.000 tiushels wheat this year. Last year these two provinces harvested 2s5.000.O00 • shels. This report caused much, buy ing early in the day as tjie authority who sent it Is well accepted in the local mar ket. With conditions In Alberta also poor it is possible that Canada will raise about half th»* amount of 1923. Threshing returns from the southwest were again favorable, and receipts at those points were in excess of last year, hut the domestic demand for the cash article was brisk, and premiums were firm all around. Hedging pressure in the local pit has been light so far, and it is this pressure that the wary bulla were fearing just a short time back. Wheat is certainly enjoying s bull ses sion. and the significant feature is that the new crop season has just begun. July wheat is selling at the best levels so far. and there ie little indication that i he present or prospective movement of new crop grain will not be taken. It Is i rue that Europe is behind In its pur < bases, but this does not mean it will not have to come into the market. If • orn prospects do not Improve soon it undoubtedly will develop that Europe has "overstayed" Its market. CHICAGO CASH PRICES. r.v Updike Grain company. Atlantic 8112. AH._I Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Tee. WhtT ..ulv 1.17 1.18% 1.17 I 1.18 »4 1.16% Sept. 1.16% 1.18% 1-16% i 1.18% 1.16% 1.17 1 118% 1.18% Dec. 1.19% 1.21% 1.19% I 1.21% 1.19 I 1 20 % ! 1.21% 1.19% May 1 1.24** 1.28%- 1.24%' 1.25% 1.28% 1.23% live i ! I I civ .80% .81 >4! .80%: .41% .80% Sent. ' .80% 81% .80% .81% .80 I ! -81 % Pec. .83% .84*.! .83% 84',. .83% Corn 1 ! 1 | I .,'uly I 1.07 1.08% 1.05%' 1 07%' 1.04% 1.07%' 1.04% Scot. .88 % 1 1.01 %1 .98% 1 "1 I .98% 90 % I 1.00% 1 .pc. .85%' .85%* .85% .85% .85% ' .85% I ! .85% .*5% May .87% .88% .87% .88% ,«7% ;. .87% rial* 111' July .53% 54% .53 % .54% .53% Srpl. .45 40%' .45 .40%' ,4c l.r. I .40%' .48 .40 % .48 ! .40% M.IV 49%' .50 I .49% .49% .49% I ard t ,1 ulv 11 1.77 11.77 11.75 U.77 ill.70 N**»t. 11.90 112 00 '11.90 '11.97 '11.85 Riba ! ' 1 ’ .’ ul v 10.40 10.40 10.30 '10.4ft 10.17 SVpi 10.67 110.67 ! 10.40 110.60 ,10 35 Foreign Exchange. New York. July 12.— Foreign Exchanges — Finn Quotations in cents: Great Britain, demand. 437%: cable®, 437 1-,; 60-day bills on banks. 4343m* France, demand. 5.15; cables. 5.18. Italy, demand. 4.31* cables. 4.3174 Belgium, demand. 4 .54; cables, 4.55. Germany, demand fper trillion', .2374 Holland, demand. 37.74. Norway, demand, 13 42. Sweden, demand. 26.62. Denmark, demand. 16.09. Switzerland, demand. 18.24. Spain, demand. 13.34. Greece, demand. 1.73. Poland, demand, 19.14 • 'zecho-Slovakia, demand. 2.95% J'ign-Slavla. demand. 1.187*. Austria, demand, .0014 AW. Rumania, demand. .44 Argentina, demand. 32.75. Brazil, demand. 9 :;7. Toklo, demand. 41%. Montreal, 99 5-16. »w York Cotton. New York Cotton exchange Quotations, furnished by J. S Bache & Co.. -24 Omaha National Bank building. Phones Jackson, 6187, 5188, 5189. . I Yes'y i Open t High 1 Low 1 Close ' Close .Inly 29.75 129.98 29 62 .'9.94 129.65 Oc. . '24 90 125.42 24 73 -25.26 24.90 per 124 38 24 80 24 10 '24.57 124.30 » i. n J H 24.40 23 9ft .'4 47 24,19 Mar. 24 33 '24 85 24 23 .'4.64 '24.38 May 2 4 4 3 2 4 90 24 4.3 24 76 . 4 50 Potatoes. Chicago. .Tul v 12—Potatoes—Trading, slow, market, unsettled and very weak; '■•celpts. 107 cars, 215 cars on irar-k; to tal United State® shipments. 1.028 cars; sacked Irish cobblera. $1.6001.70 an»l a few verv fancy. *1.75 01.80; poor stock selling down. $1.25: sacked early Ohms. *1 59®1 60; barreled Virginia Irish cob blers, $3.75, London Bar Wtver. London. July 12—Bar silwer—34%d per ounce. Money—2 per cent. Discount Rates—Short bills, If Pi per cent; three months’ bills, 3>4G3 9-16 per cent. New York Poultry. New York. July 12 —Poultry—Live steady: no freight quotations; prices un changed. Dressed steady; prices un r hsnged. Bar Silver. New York. July 12 Bar silver. 6. He: Mexican dollars, 618i*c. ADVERTISEMENT. Sugar Coated Cod Liver Oil Tablets For Thin Kids .'orget the horrible tasting Cod Giver Oil and give the thin, puny, un developed children McCoy’s Cod Giver Oil Tablets If you want to give them a good appetite and put pounds of good healthy flesh on their hones. Doctors know all about them and so does Hherman & McConnell Drug Co., Beaton Drug Co., Brand* Is Store and all good pharmacists, for they are in great demand, because , they are not laggards but show re sults In a few days. They sre rot expensive either—B0 tablets 60 cents, and children take them like randy. One skinny woman gained 9 pounds In 24 days. ■ ■ if McCoy's, the original and genuine Cod Giver Oil Tablet.* 1 i ' '~'N Omaha Grain V-_/ Omaha. July 12. Caah wheat aold generally 1%©2%c higher, following the advance In the fu turer. Trading wna alow, however, and OUiet. a few cars were carried over unsold. Receipts were 7* cars. Cash corn sold l©2c higher. Owing to the early market dosing, only a small part of the receipts were sold. Cash corn did not fo'low the sensational ad vance in the futurea. buyers refusing to follow the full advance. Receipts were 46 cars. Oats were a rather slow sale at un changed prices. Receipts were 17 cars. Hye and barley quoted nominally strong and higher. Omaha Carlot Sales. WHEAT. No. 1 hard: 1 car, $1.11%. No. 2 hard: 1 car, $1.13%; * cars, $1.10%; 2 .-am, $1.11. No. 3 hard; 1 car, $111; 1 car. $1.13. No. 4 hard: 1 car. $1.10; % car, 31.07%. No. 5 hard: 1 car. $1.06: 1 car, $1.05. No. 1 spring; % car. $1.22. No. 3 spring: 1 car. $1.20. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1.05. No. 2 durum; 1 car, $1.12. CORN. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.03. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. $1.00. No. 2 yellow: 3 cars, $1.06%; 1 car, $1.06. No. 3 yellow: 4 earn, $1.04%; 1 car, $1.04%. No. 4 yellow: 5 cars, $1 03%. No. 5 yellow: 3-5 car, $1.02. Special yellow: 2-5 car. musty, 92c; 1 car, heating, 90c; 1 car, musty, 93c. OATS. No. 3 white: 3 cars. 54c. Hally Inspection of drain Received. WHEAT. Hard1 5 tars No. 1, 20 cars N*\ 2, 17 ca-s N » 2 cars No. 4. 4 cars No. a. Mi*e«l: 1 car sample. Sot Ira i car No. 1. Total 61 curs. C< >BN. Yellow; 2 cars No. 2. 10 cars No. 3. 2 car.-' No. 4. .‘J tars No 5, 1 car No. (V White cate No. 3. 2 cara No. 4. Mixed- 2 cars No. 3. 1 tar No. 4, 2 cars sample. OATS. White: 21 cars, No. 3. 4 cars No. 4. 1 car sample Total 26 ca s RYE. Total 3 care. BARLEY. ^ car No. 4. Total 1 car. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlota.) Receipts— Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago. Wheat . 78 • 14 Corn . 4 5 • 20 Oats . 17 • 17 Rye . 2 • Barley .. • 2 Shipments— Wheat . SI • 31 Corn . 44 • 54 Oats . 10 • 26 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushels.) Receipts— Today Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago Wheat . 1.171.000 • 879.000 Corn . 305.000 • 409.000 Oats . 336.000 • 452.000 Shipments— Wheal . 448.000 • 496.000 Corn . 445.000 • 369.000 Oats . 347.000 • 727.000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushels Today Wk. Ago. Y’r. Ago. Wheat and flour 91.000 • 406.000 Corn . • 7.000 Oata . 8.000 • _ CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Carlots: Today. W k Ago. Y'r Ago. Wheat . SO • 17 Corn . 37 • 77 Oata . . 46 • 84 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS Carlots; Today. Wk Ago. Y'r Ago Wheat . 4 80 • 211 Corn .. 38 • 13 Oata 2 • 15 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Carlots; Today. Wk Ago. Y'r Ago. Wheat . 59 • 1*3 Corn . 34 • 58 Oata 46 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Carlots: Today. Wk Ago. Y'r Ago. Minneapolis .150 • 14o Duluth . 41 • <0 Winnipeg . 412 459 156 •Holiday. Cora and Wheat Bulletin. Corn and wheat region bulletin for the 24 hour* ending at & a m., Saturday. High. Low. Rain Ashland, clear ..84 62 0.77 Auburn, clear .89 61 0.90 Broken Bow, clear .94 56 0.00 Columbus, part cloudy ..92 3.8 0.69 Culbertson, clear .98 57 0.00 Falrbury, clear .91 62 0.86 Fairmont, clear .91 60 0.75 Grand Island, clear .93 .'8 0.04 Hartlngton, clear .89 «•! 0.00 Hastings, clear .94 62 0.67 Holdrege, clear .95 fiO u.OO Lincoln, clear .*9 t .2 0.45 North Loup, clear ..... 95 60 M.00 North Platte, clear .94 0.00 i>akdale, clear . 92 60 0.23 Dmaha, clear ....A.*6 64 0.79 O'Neill, clear . 91 i.x 0.00 Red (’loud, elear . 93 61 0.71 Tekamah. clear . 86 62 0.05 Valentins, raining .to 58 0.00 Chicago drain. Chicago. July 12.—Wheal — No. 2 hard. $1.20 © 1.20 %. Corn—Sr 2 mixed, $1.09%; No. 2 yel low. $l.l'i© 1.13. Oata—No. 2 white, 5*©58%c; No. 3 white. 57©57%c. Rye—No. 2. 82 %c. Barley—79 © 8 4c. Timothy— $6.00©* r\o Clover seed—$11.00© 19 50. Lard—$11.77. Ribs — $10 50 Bellies—$10.75. Minneapolis (train Minneapolis, Minn., July 12 —Wheat — Receipts, 150 cars, compared with 1(5 ars a year ago Cash. No. I northern. $125*0129*; No. 1 dark northern spring, choice to fancy. 11 40*01 51*. good to choice. $1.31*01.39*; ordinary to good, $ 1 27*01.30* . July. $124*. September. $1.23*; December, $1 24* < 'orii—No. 3 yellow. $1.03*01.04*. (»ats—No 3 white, 52*053*s. Barley—«3©77c Rye—No. 2. 75 ft 76 *c. Flax—No. 1. 12.4502 44 ^ MinncHpnlia Flour. Minneapolis. July 12. — Flour — 10c higher; quoted at $7.4507.50. Bran—121.000 22-00. New York Flour and (iraljr. New York. July 1 2 —Flour—Firmer; spring patents, $7.1007.60, aoft winter straights, $6,45 0 7.00. Rye—Firmer; No. 2 weatern, 90 *c, f. o b., New York, and 83*c, c. 1. f, ex port. Wheat—Spot, strong; No. 1 dark north ern spring. $1 58*. No. 2 red, $1 35 V both « i f. New York, lake and rail; No. 2 hard winter, $1 43*; No. 1 Mani toba, $1.39*; No. 2 mixed durum, $1.30‘4, all f. •< b . lake and rail. I’orn Hpm, strong, No 2 yellow $1 26; No 2 mixed, $1.22. c. 1. f, track, New York, lake and rail • iata Spot, firm; No. 2 white, 66ft 6ft * c. lard—Firm; middle west. $12.40012.60, other articles unchanged. Tallow—Steady; special loose. 8*c. Corn meal Fine white granulated, $2.90 0 5 00; fine yellow. $2 8502.90. Lard—Strong, mlddlaweat, $12 05012.15 Feed—Easy; city hran. $29.oo; weatern 129 00, both in 100 pound sacks Hay—Firm, No 1, $31.00 0 32.00. Rye Flour—Quiet; fair to good. $6 000 5.25; choice to fancy. 15.3005.60. Barley—Firm; malting, 93*097*, c. I. f. New York. . Hops Steady. state. 1923. 60064c; 1922. 23027, Pacific, 1923, 33037c; 1922, 23028c. Pork Steady; mess, $26.250 26.75; fam ily. $26.00. Rice—Firm; fancy head. 7* 08c. C hicago flutter. Chicago. July 12.—Buying Interest was fair while the butter market today con tinued siedy with an unsettled undertone. Today’s demand centered on 36 and 37c goods, the supply of butter ranging from 88 to 91 score Is comparatively llgh* '/fferlngs. however, of ton scores were liberal at 38*039c. Dealers were free Hellers, but were unwilling to shade prices on goods The centralized car market was unsettled with trading dull Fresh Hut ter—92 score 38 *c; 91 score 3$*e; 90 score, 38c; 89 score, 37c; 88 ■core, 36r; 87 genre, 35c fentraliaed (’arlota—90 score, 29c; 81 score. 37 * < ; 8* score, 36*c. Turpenttlne and Rosin. kvinnnh. July 12—Turpentine—Firm, 77 *e; sales, 72 barrels; receipts. 498 bar rels; sani'im-nts. 219 barrels; stock, 12, 722 barrels. Rosin—Firm: sales. 1,610 casks, receipts. 2,310 ranks, shipments, 514 casks; stock, 93.264 casks. Quote: B. $4 40; D, $4 66 ; K to M. 94.62 *; N. $4 80. W. <1, $5.76; W, W, X. 66.26. Produce. Kansas City, Mo, July 12 --Produce— Unchanged. Hpot ( otton. New York, July 12.—Cotton Spot Steady; middling, 30 95c. Chicago Poultry. Chicago. July 12 — Poultry Alive. low er fowls. JM02lc; broilers. 28032c roosters. 14c. New York Produce. New York Julv 12.— Butter—Firm; re ceipts, 1“ 639 tubs; creamery extras (92 score* 40*c. < renmery firsts (88 to 91 score). 99 0 40 *r Bags—Unsettled: receipts. 1 4.879 c**e«. freah gathered seconds and poorer. 260 ft**h gathered econd and poorer. 2fcft I6*c; Pacific coast whits* exirss. 18 >4 4i39r; Pacific coast, white*, firsts. 110 31 * c. Cheese ftteadv. receipts 334 060 pounds. New York Dried Fruit New York* 11j 1 > 12 Evaporated apples, quiet; prunes, steady; apricots, firm, rulsins, steady. \.-----\ Omaha Livestock v-/ Omaha, July 12. Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday.1 1,287 17,312 11,383 official Tuesday_ 5.037 19,on 11,62* Official Wednesday.. 6.758 26,311 3,944 Official Thursday... 6.398 22.520 6,049 Official Friday. 2.096 21,661 3,7.3 7 Hstimate Saturday. 100 14.500 2,600 Six days this week. .30.674 121,405 40,169 Same last week. 22,969 76,739 39,040 Same two w'ks ago. 22,182 88.051 40,546 Same three w'ke ago. 36,390 103,157 46,903 Same days year ago.32,223 88,330 35,391 Receipts and disposition of livestock at the Union stockyards, Omaha. Neb , fur 24 hours, ending at 3 p. m. .July 12: RECEIPTS- -UARLOT. Cattle Hogs Sheep Horses A Mules Mo. Pac. Ry. 1 |IT. P. K. R. 1 49 6 C A N. W.f east .. 5 .. I Cl. A- N. W., west .. 8 2 ., ,. C. St. P. M. & O. .. 24 C . B. A Q.. west . . 20 C. R. T A- P , east . . 9 C. R. I. A P . west . . 1 I. C. R. R. 2 Total receipts 2 193 6 2 DISPOSITION—HKA IV t atl’e Hugs Armour A Co. 4696 Cudahy Pack Co. 4225 I)oId Packing Co. 1235 Morris Packing Co. 1968 Swift A Co. 3579 Murphy. J. W. 238 Kenneth A Murray . 162 Total . 18103 Cattle—Receipts 100 head. Cattle sup plies have been of rather liberal size lhis week, over 30.600 heud, and the market on most steers has shown an unevenly lower trend Rest and heaviest steers are off most, losing 25040c, with medium grades 15025c lower, and yearlings nearly steady. Top for the week was $10.40. Most grades of she ftock held steady, though the in-between classes were dull fanners and cutters advanced fully 250 60r. Stockers were firm, but feeding cat tle to go into the lot ai once are in poor demand. Today’s market was nominally steady on all classes. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves. $9 60010.25; good to choice beeves, $9.000 9.60; fair to good beeves, $8,350 9 00; common to fair beeves, $7.7506.35; chol-e to prime yearlings. $9.0009.75; good to choice yearlings, $8.40 09.00; fair to good yearlings, $7.75@8.35; common to fair yearlings. $6.5007.86; choice to prime fed heifers, $7.4o@s.26; fair to good fed heifers, $6.5007.35; common to fair fed heifers, $5.2506.60; choice to prime fed cows. $6.5008.00; good to choice fed cows, $6.0005.50; fair to good fed cows, $3.25^ 4.75; common to fHir fed cows. $1,600 3.00. good to choice feeders. $7.0007.76; fair to good feeders. $6.00 0 6.85; common to fair feeders, $5.0006*00; good to choice stockers, 86.6007.25; fair to good Stock ers, $5.5006 60; common to fair stockers, $4.5005.50; trashy stockers, $3.6004.60; stock heifers. $3.5005.50; stock cows. $2.5003.75: stork calves. $3.5007.26; veal calves, $4.00010.50; bulls, stags, etc., $4.00 0 7.00, Hog*—Receipts, 14.500 head Continued strength elsewhere again resulted in a slight upturn in local price*. Shippers wore fairly good buyers of the nest butcher grades at 5 010c higher prices, while the packer market was a little slow, but showed about the same advance as shlpppr trade. Bulk of the sales was at $6.6007.30, with extreme top fur one load of $7.40. Offerings found a ready outlet during the entire week and show an advance of 35040c. HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr No. Av. Sh. Pr. 69.. 296 250 6 50 79..204 40 6 60 60 . .363 70 6 70 66 . . 274 80 ... 65. .312 70 6 7s 79..224 80 _ 73. .233 . . 6 85 64. .263 70 76.. 46 80 64..303 210 6 95 45 ..250 ... 7 00 58. . 225 . 40.. 254 ... 7 0 5 52..200 ... 59.. 279 7 1 0 88. . 200 . 59.. 269 ... 7 1 5 66. . 245 . 84.. 222 ... .. 63..238 ... 7 20 59.. 278 ... 7 25 35..241 ... _ 61 • .297 . 56. .319 ... 7 30 60. .292 . 41 . .241 63.. 266 ... 7 35 66.-336 . Sheep—Receipts. 2.500 head Ths few iAmbs at hand today were dire'-f*. and the market nominally steady. Lamb prices displayed a slightly weaker tendency during the greater part of the week and closing levels ars around 60c lower. A broad inquiry and Just fair supplies resulted In a 26050c upturn in feeders, with sheep showing the same Advance. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Spring Ismbs. good to choice. $13.00013.75: fair to good. $11 00012 50. feeding lamb*. $10.75011.26; wethers, clipped. $6.Ln@ 7 60; yearling* 'lipped. $10.000 11.00: clipped ewes, $3 000 5 50. Chicago Livestock. Chicago, July ]'!—(United .Slate* De partment of Agriculture.)—Cattle—Re * iept*. *00 head Compared with h week «g'i Fed Btesra. steady to weak; yearlings, strong to 2 5c higher; early decline* re gained n most instances, additional up turns scored by yearlings, demand broad from all killing Interest?; extreme top matured steer* *11 00; best yearling-. $10.25. part load. $10 60; yearling heifers, $0.60 grain fed cows and bologna hulls. 35c to 50c higher- grassy cows. 2 5 c up; -anners and < utter* showing lighter ad \nn«e beef heifers. 50 to 7 .'»< higher; vealer* 75c higher; Mocker* and feeders, nominally steady, week* bulk price- fol low beef steer* *nd yearling*. $« 10.00; storker- anil feeder* 15.250*. 76; fat cow*. $4.50© 6.75. beef heifer- $0.85 ©ft 50: fanner* and - utters, $2.5002.50, veal calves. $10.25tf 11.60 Sheep and Lamb*—Receipts. 2 000 head, receipts mostly direct, today1* market steady; two load* fat native lamb* $13.50; «ull* $9,00: For week around $10 50 di rect. 199 tar* feed lot*; compared with week ago: fat range lamb* fully $1 lower: fat native*, 25 to 50c lower, fed year lings and wethers, around 75c lower, cull native* steady: sheep 25 to 60c higher; moat advance on heavy ewes; feeding lambs ateadv. lop -anae lambs, $14*5, native* $13.85; yearling* $12.25. Week bulk price* follow; Fat range lamb*. $ 1 3 750 1 4 2 5- fat native lamb* $13 26© 13.75; fed yearling*. $10.50012.25: fat ewe* ft 250 5 75. feeder lamb*. $11,500 11.00. Chicago. July 12 —Hog*—Receipt*. 9.000 head, fairly active, strong to 10r higher; than Friday’s best time: packing sow showed 100 15c advance; top weightv butcher*. $7 70: bulk good *nd choice 160 to 200-pound offerings. $7.460 7 65 desirable 140 0150-pound weight. $7.00© 7.30; packing aow*. $6.8507 16. smooth handywelght* up to 7$.35; highest for cur rent veer, better *trong weight killing pig*. $* 4006.75. Kansa* City livestock. Kansa- City, Mo., July 12 -Cattle—Re leipts. 600 head: calve*. 100 head, for week: Desirable handywelght native fed Nteers. fully ateadv; < ther*. w-eak to 16c lower: Texas cake fid. steady; grasser*. 15025c high*/ , top handywelght steers. $10.25, beat heavier $10 00; yearling*. 15 ©25' higher; top. $9*5; beef row* anti heifers, 16©i&C higher; other »he ato-k utrong tf» 16c higher; bulls unevenly higher: calve*. $1.0002.00 higher *tock rr* in-1 feeder- 150 25c higher; bulk price* follow Meaty fed steer*. $8 00© 9 40; f-ake fed, $7.2609.00. gunner*. $5.60 ©* '0; beef row*. $4,000 6.25: fed heifer*. 17.600 8 25; «t*nn*rs- and - utter*. $2 25© 3.40; bologna bull* $4 '.004 65; vealer* in packer* $9 00010.00, *to-Her* and feed er*", $5.5007 25. Hog*—Receipt*. 3.500 he*d. moatly. 5010c h1gh*i packer top $ ..->6: shipper top, $7 *0; hulk of -sics, $7 40fi7 50; bulk leslra ble, $1.90 t * * $2.$0; pound average*. 17 2007.50; parking sown, $6.6006.75; itork pig*, strong. Sheep—Receipt*. 500 head; for week Native lamb*, *trong to 15c higher; no westerns offered at week’s high time top range lambs. $1 3 75. other*, largely $13 1)0 © 13 65, top native*, $13 40, bulk better grad*-. $12 500 1 3 00; sheep *. arc* and 10025c higher, wether*. $6.7507 *0; brat ewe*. $5.8 5. St. lonli livestock. East 9tt Loul*. duly 12—Hog* Re ceipt*. 6.500 head; very slow, barely steady; top. $7*5 for best heavy butch er* bulk good and choice 170 to 190 pound average* $ 7 4 0-77 7 60 strong weights largely $7.5507 60; little doing on pig*; nominally steady, packer sow* largely $6 50. Cattle—Receipts, 600 head. compared with week ago, beef steer- afrong. light yearlings and heifer*. 25060c higher, cows, cannera and cutter*. 25c higher ; bologna hull*, steady; light vealer*. $1 60 © 2 00 higher; top* for week, matured steer*. $10 10: yearling*. $9 50; light inlet! yearling* $10 00; hulk* for week, native steer*. $7.60© 9 50 light yearling *teer* and heifer*. $“ 25 0 9 26; cow*. $4 00 © 5 50; cannera. $2 2508.50; bologna bull*, $4 2305.00; Tea* steer*. $5 8507 00. Sheep—Receipt*. 160 head, for week, lamb*, 50c lower; sheep, steady; topi lamb*. $12 26; hulk wile- $13 on. cull*, moatly $6 60. fat ewes, $; 500 5.00, Mom 4’ltjr livestock. .Sioux t’lty. la, July 12 -faille Re celpta. 700 head; market compared with » week ago: fat steer* and yearling* 25c higher; bulk. $* 0009 26; top. $10 60; fat row* and heifer*. 26c hlghei, cannera and cutters. 26 c higher; gras# cows *tendv. veal- strong: bull*. 25 0.16c higher, f rr«| era steady, atocker* ateadv; atock year ling* and calve* steady. feeding cowa and heifer*. 26c higher. Hog* Receipt*. 16,600 head; market ateady. 10c higher, top. $7.35. bulk of sale* $6.6107 30. . holee light*. $7 200 7 26. butcher*, 07 2007.30; mixed. $6 860 7 16: heavy packet*. $8 6006 $5. atag*. $6 26 Sheen and Lamb* Receipt* 100 head market compared with « week *g" lambs *!6r lower; ewe* -tesdy, Spring lamb*. $13 50. yearling*. $110*. St ,|«Mepli 1,lve*toc|i. SI Joseph July l :: Cattle Receipt*. 200 head nominal, hulk of aieet -ale- for the week, f* 26© 9 50; top. $10 2- -owe and heifer* $3 2509.00. calve- $4 -00 9 60; -t(i< Uer* and feeder# $4 280 7 50 Hog* -Receipt*. 5 600 head, ateadv to 6c hlghei. top. $7*0, hulk of **le*. $7 on07 60 Sheep Receipt* 1 Oflft head ateadv. latnh*. $12 250 14 00, clipped ewr*. $4 50© 6 U0 4 Conflicting Trends Mark Trading on p Stock Exchange Daxison Chemical ami Inter national Paper Make Cooil Cains; Baidu in Makes Early Spurt. H.v RICHARD 8PIIXANK, I nltenul Service Financial Eiiihir. ! New York. July 12.—Today's market was a mixed affair. If there was any leadership to it. Davison Chemical and International Taper were ihe banner hearers. Davison, on very heavy deal ings for ho short a session, made a gain of 3% points, a very good showing In view of its Jump yesterday. Interna tional Paper was up 3%. The new mpn agement is expected to introduce various economies together with broadening the waterpower facilities of this romparv. Baldwin and American Can made quite a splurge early In the day. moving up In unison, as is not Infrequent with them. Then Baldwin turned soft and laler Can did likewise Baldwin closed % down for the day, and Can % up. «if the sugars Gre;,i Western was < onspii -uous wi n an ad vance of 3 points. Columbia Gas and Electric did fair!y well and American Express, which is do ing a remarkably good business, added 2% to Its recent gain-* United Railway Investment common was up 2 7 r.nd the preferred 2%. The rails w ere mixed. C. O . St. Paul, B. & O.. Rock Island, Erie, Great North ern. Union 'Pacific, and a f- w otfu-is made fractional gains, while New York Central. New Haven. Reading. Southern and others made fractional losses. Some of the motors. Mack Truck end Maxwell ‘"A,’' for exampU, were fairly strong. News n* the oil companies wss not re assuring. In some aenriors of the coun try the stocks of gaxniino are excessive and there are reports of more trouble about midcontinent crude and prophesies of more price cutting. Transactions totalled 42R.2-10 shares. Rails advanced one-elev ch of a point, i Industrials advanced one-fifth of a point. AM the exchanges were strong Ster ling at 4.37%. acorns to be c*i its way to confirm the predictions it foreign exchange students. The appreciation in French francs, which advanced 8% points, and lire, which rose 5 poin s. Is ascribed to the improved political outlook. Cotton allowed n sagging tendency early In the session, but it didn’t lest long. Again the grains went on a record breaking trip. In most instances the opening price was the lowest of the day. Again corn was stronger than wheat, but that is only a relative term for, from $1.16%, July wheat; went vaulting to $1.18%, while September * rose from $1.16% to $1.1R%, and December from $1 19% to $1.21%. July corn, which closed on Friday at $104%. opened today at $1.07. Only in dreams or In war days do such things happen in corn prices, as a rule. And. as if that Jump overnight of 2%r a bushel was not sufficient, July went cloud climbing until It reached $1 08%. Then It wearjed a bit owing to its exertions, the altitude, or some realizing and It re reded to $1 07%, at which It closed, 3%c a bushel up for the dav. 1-ard again was up by reaani of the rise in corn. AM pork product! are affected by the corn situation. New York Quotations | N*\r Tork Stock txrhiinf# quotation* furnished by .f. H Bach* A Co. 22* Omaha National Bank building: Friday , High. Low. Close. Close Agri Chemical.. 10% in% Ala* Rubber .... f. % «% r, % 6% Allied Chemical .. 7b7* 74% 76% 73% Allis Chalmers , 6J>* &js? Am Rget Sugar . 41 40% 41 40% Ain Br Shoe Fdry .... y American Can .117% 116 ' lUS 116 Am Car A Fdry.j*.; Am H A I. Am H Ac L pfd. 66% 66% Am Int Corp. . . 22% 22 22% 21% Ain Linseed Oil... . . 19% Am Locomotive .. S0% 79% 73% 79% Vni .Ship A Com. .. 12 Am Smelting . .... 65% Ain Smelting pfd.302% Am Steel Fdry... 37% 36% 2 7% 36% American Sugar .. . . .. 4’% Am .Sumatra ... 7 f> % % 7% Am T A T.12 i% 123 123% 12,1 Am W W A >7 Co. .. . .. 3 9 6% 106 Am Tobacco . .144 Am Woolen . 7:% ?i% 71% 71% Anaconda .. 3j% au% 304 20% Assd l>ry Good*.. *6'* Awed Oil . 29% 2 J 29 * _*§ Atchison . ... 104 % 14 At Coast I.lne.] 4 17 1% A G A W I. ] 9 % 19% Atla* Ta. k.. 6 At Lef Co . 87 *H ft« AustIn-.M'hoi* ... 2-% 22!* 2 2% 1“* Auto Knltter .... . . . ”2 it Baldwin.117% n*% Jib H6% H Ac O . fi<i 59% go 9% Beth «t**e| - 4.;% 46% 44% 4Ft Roach Magneto,. 29 Brook-Man Ity . . 1 % ::% 23% :.% Brook.-Man pfd .... .. *9-, Calif Pa ■ king 8 4 * 4 Calif Petrol ,. 22 2 1 % 21% 21% Cal * Arli Win 4• r«ri Pan .1 41 % 149% !4?% 14 9 » >nt Lea t h . .. .. .. ! : % Cent L*ath pfd .. .. .. 4fi% Cerro de Pr.scn ... 4A% 4*1% Chandler Motor* . 4 % 47% 47% 47% Chea A Ohio .... 8 % 8% g*,% f'hl * N W . S', 5 >4 :.'! s'! ' htr * N W . .. M S.». '' M 1 SI P. 14 >* 14'! i hi 01 \v i" f- n .. i.'T i.i* <1 m * st p pH .... :<»! -41, C R I A P .. 30% 20% ; 1% ;:()% C Ft P \f ,v O Ry .. .. 38 * Chile Copper . .. 2*% *% < ’hino . ,. * m j jj Cluett-Peabody .. .. ** 55 Cluett-Peab pfd .. .. ., .. Jni% Coca-Cola ....... 75 73% Colo Fuel & Ron 44% 47% 47% 4 7 Colurn Carbon ... 44% Col urn Gas . 4.% 41%, 4:% 41% Congolcum . 41 47 4% 4>. % ( onsol Cigar* .... 16% font In Can . £4% £4% 6»% ,4% Contm Motor* ... 6% 6% 6% 6% Corn Products .. 34% 34% 24 4 !H % . :7>, \ 27 /"'•Ible.&S’* s»«. I’'. f,«s '"ha 1 in, S11. .. ijt, urj ‘."ha <■ * PM tl». si'* si'. sm>, < ul.a Am Sugar. . . 1‘9% 39% i uysmel FruTt ... 67% f.6% £7% |,h% I»aniel Boone ... 16% 16 16% 16 % Davidson t’hern .. £9% 57 9% n Dela A llud ..116 J 1 * Dome Mining . 16% 16% Dupont De \>m ..127% 126% 1.6% 1?6% Eastman Kodak . .. . J07% 107% Kn* .30 29 % 3 0 *9% Flee trie S Hat ... . f,7% Famous Play . . T97* 79% 79% 79% Fifth Ave H is I.. 1* 11% Fisk Rubber . . 6% 6% Vlelsihnmn* V .9% 58% £9% £8% Freeport Teg . .. .. 4% Gen Asphalt .. . 44% 4 1 4 4 4 2 Gen Fie .... 2 44 % 241 :«4% 2 4.7% Gen Motors .14% 14% 14% 14% Gold Duet ... 37 % Goodrich .. .. .. 19 Gt North Ore ... . .. . .. 27% Gt Nor Rv pfd .«1** 61% 618* *1% Gulf State* Htl .. 71% 71 71 7«% Hartman Trunk . . 4 7 47 Hives Wheel ..... 38% 81% 7 7% 34 Hudson Motor* . 24% 24% Mornestnke M Co . 42 Mouaton oil . 69% 64% 69% 6«% Hupp Motors . 13% 11% 19% 17% llllnota central . .. lot 308 Inspiration ....... ... 22% 2 2% Int Fng Com Cnrp ?6% "6 "6% 26 Interna Harvester. *«% 87% **% 97% Int Tel * TM Co. 786* 76% Tnt Merc Mar.... . 8 % Int Mer Mar pfd. 3F»4 34% 36 74% Inter Nickel _ 17% 1«% 17% 16% Interns Paner_ 62% RA% 67% HU Invincible Oil. 1J AnVBKTI.Ar.MKNT Pyorrhea Grows While You Delay Few people ran detect the atari of pyorrhea, so Hint by the tint* thin stubborn disease becomes noticeahly uncomfortable, )t hnn alio become stubborn and dangerous. Every additional day * delay means ninr# suffering, more danger of lo«* of health and more effort In treat In* It. That la the danger of fake ‘‘cure*," while they are In use, pyorrhea be rnmes all the harder to dislodge. If you have pyorrhea, nr if you arc | not auto whether you have it or not, thero ia no time to lose. (lot a hot tl* of 'Tyros" from your (IniKKtst TODAY and start uaing It. If ha floea not hav#* It send this Ad and 25 ernta in st.iinps to th* Hhcu < 'hamlral to.. I ' 71 Oirtia Ft , Petivn I'olo., foi a loutfi) trial «llt. .1 one* Tea 24% 22% 23% 22% .Iordan Motor. 27 K C South....... .. .. 20 20 Kelly-Spring . 12% 12% Kennecott . . 4 0% 4')% 40% 40 V* Keystone Tire. 1% 1% Uee Rubber. 93% i.ehlgh Valley.... 4v% ts% 48% 4s % 1,o. omo. 61% 63% 63% 61 Hoose-Wiles. 62% 6 3 Lcuis A Nash. '.49 99 Mack Truck. . 91% 89% 91% 90% May Dept St ...... . 89 % Maxwell Motor A. 51% 6<i% 51% 50% Maxwell Motel B. . . 12% Marland. 30% 30% 30% .10% Mexican S**a . 20% 20% Miami Copper. .. 20% Middle State Oil. . . 2 2 % M K T. J 4 % 14 14% 14% Missouri Par. 16% 10% Mis Phi; pfd.. 46% 46% 46% 46% Montgomery-Ward 10% .10 3')% 30% Mother Lodt. .. 7 6% Nash Motor. . . 2 09 National Biscuit . .. .. 59 60 National Enamel. .. .. .. 22% National Head .. 14 4V, N Y Air Brake. 42% 42% 42% 4 3 N Y Cent..105 104 ’, 104% 104% N Y N H A 11... 24% 24 4 24 % N Ch A St I.. 98% 98% North Atner. 26% 26% 26% 26% North Par. 61% 62% 61 % '-2% N X W Ry.121% 121 121 121 < irpheum. • 9 ’» Owens Bottle.... 46% 4 5 46 4 4 % Pacific (-Ml . 47% 47% 4.% 4 , ■% Packard Motor. • ••• 12 11% Pan-American ••• .61% 51% Pan-American B . 60% 5o 60 5" % Penn. It. It. 45 4 4 % 46 46 People's Ohs. . 9* % I’ere Marquette. 62% Phil. Co.52% 52% 62% 62 Phillips Petroleum 14% 14 34 34 Pierce Arrow. 10% 10% 10% 1'• % Pnsturn Cerpal. 3'2% 53 Pressed Steel t'.ir. 60% 50% 60% 60% Prod. A Kef. 26% 26% 26% 26% Pullman .184% 124% Punt a. Alegre Sug. 50 49% 60 49% Pure Oil . 20% 20% Ry. Steel Spring.120 121% Kay Consolidated. • 10% 11 Heading . 66% 56% 56% 6 7 Replogle . 11% 11% llep. iron X Steel. 47% 47 47 46 % Royal Dutch N. Y. 49% 49% 49% 49% St. 1 .ouIs A S. E . 24% 24 24 ?4 St. Eouis & S. W.. 44% 44% 44% 44% Schulte ('. Stores.. 124% 122% 122% 124% Sears-ltoebuck . 93% 96% Shell Union Oil. 16% Simmons Co.. 23% 23% Sinclair Oil ..... 17% 17% 17% 17% Sloss-Shef field . ... 69 % Skelly Oil. 18% 18% So. Pacific. 93% 91 93% 93% Southern Ry.64% 63% 63% 6 3 •. Std. on of Cal. 57 67 Std. Oil of N. .I . . 34% 14% 14% 34% Stewart-Warner .. 64% 64 64 % 64% Strorr berg Carb .... 64% Studebaker . 18% 37% ;7% 37% Texas Co . 10 9% 9% 9% 'lex & Pacific.. 39 39 Tex A Par. 31% Timken Roller . . . . . 33 Tobacco Product* .61% 61 61 61% Tob Products A .. .. .. 90% Transcont OH . . . 4% 4% 4% 4 % Union Pacific _137 116% 137 116% United Fruit .* 205 % U S Cast Iron Pipe 96% 96 96 % 96 IT 8 Ind Alcohol ..72% 71% 72% 72% U S Rubber. 27% U S Rubber pfd .. 80 79% 81 80 U S Steel .101 100% 101 100% IT S Steel pfd. 122% 122% Utah Copper . 70% Vanadium .22% 21% 22% 22% Vlvaudou .. 4% 5% Wabash.. . . 14 Wabash A . 4 3 4 : Western 1’nlon . 110% Westing Air Brk . .. 94% 95% Westing Elec .... 62% 62 62 % 62 White Eagl« OH. 21% 23% White o M tors ... 55% 56% 5 5% 55% Woolworth Co _112% 111% 111% 112% Willya-Overland ..8% * s% 8% Willya-Overland pf 68% 68% 68% 68 Wilson. .. 9 8% Wilson pfd. .. 21 Worthington Pump .. .. 26% 26% Wrigley Co. 38% 18% Yellow Cab Taxi.. .. .. 50 Yellow Cab Mfg.. .. .. .. 54% Friday’* stocks, 811.100 share*. Friday’s bond* 111.700.000. Saturday’* stocks, 405.400 share*. Saturday’* bonds. S'.454.000. M eekly itnr k*. 4 867.600 share* Weekly bonds, $68 307,00(1. f 3 New York Bonds V.y New York, July 12—Heavy selling of Brazilian bonds, based on report* that the Sao Paulo revolution was assuming h more serious aspect, was the outstand ing feature of today's quiet trading The main price trend was downward, with the reaction most marked in the foreign list. Losses ranging from 1 to 3 point* were recorded by Brazilian Government. Cen tral Railway. Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro issues. The sharpest re< easion took place in the Central 7at todftj * •lump • arrying the price about 9 points below last week's close. Domestic bond* today moved within narrow and Irregular limits Through an ex hange of Income bond bankers have obtained 11.060,000 New Or leans Texas A Mexi-o Railway 6s which will be offered for subscription at 5% to y ield about 6 65 per «ent. New York, July 12—Following are to day's high, low ar.d closing t>r,«es of bonds on the New York Slock Exchange, and the tots! sales of each bond: it’nlted Slates bonds In dollars and thirty-seconds of dollar* > l lilted Mate* Honda. f.8a’*g *n Si 000.) High Low Close 25 l iberty .14*.101.12 ini.ii mi ii 2 I,iberfv l«i 44* .101.30 1 01.30 101 3® 81 Liberty .1 44*..101.14 mill 101.14 151 Liberty 3d 44* 102 5 102.3 JO.' 4 102 Liberty 4th 4 4 *. .102 6 102.0 10.1 2 I' 8 Gov 44" 104 21 1U4.19 104.19 Foreign. 35 Anton .lur M W *.* 794 794 79 4: 1 Argentina Govt 7*. 1024 102', 1024 75 Argentine Govt 6* 91 924 91 i If Auat GOV gt lo 7* 9 2 914 9 2 1 • ‘ of Bordeaux 6*.'. 9 5 *4 86 4 864, 7 C of Gr Prag ?4» M% »*4 2 city of Lyons 6*. . 85 4 *3 4 85 4 5 f of Marseille* 6* 854 86 4 854 7 C of R de Ja 8a '47 98 4 *>4 93 4 4 Czecho-Slov Re 8s 97 96 4 96% 14 Depart of Seme 7s 894 89 4 *9 4 10 D of C 54% n '29 10:4 1034 1024 35 T» of Can 5s '52 1024 1"4 102 4 36 Du East Ind 6a 62 954 9b 95 4 | 145 Du Km Ind 64" '63 fo 194 894: 1 Kramerican 74s . 934 934 934' 51 French Rep 8s ...1024 1°2 1'24: 3* French Rep 7 4" 99 4 99 99 4 23 Japanese «4a ... 97 914 92 35 Japanese 4e ...... 79 79 .9 2 Belgium 9* .1044 1044 104 4 9 Belgium 7 4a .1‘ 4 1' 4 1' 4 6 Denmark. 6a . 98 4 **4 9" 4 « Netherlands 6a . . 864 95 4 9^4 13 Norway 6* 41.... 97 96 4 96 4 49 Serbs Croats 8s ... 84 8.3 4 h 4 4 Sweden fa .1034 101 103 17 Paris Ly - Med 6a .. 78\ 784 7«4 19 Bolivia 8s . 914 904 91 2 Chile Se 41.I-144 104\ H-4 \ 10 Chile 7s . 984 98 69 Cuba 5 4a . 97 4 *7 97 4 1 Rep Finland ta . 87 87 8 7 3 Rep Haiti 6a A 62.. 914 91 4 91 4 6 Queensland ft* ...101 l<t2 102 11 Rio Grande Sul 8*.. 9» 95 96 22 San Paulo 8* . . 98 98 9* 6 K G B A I 6 U* 79 1094 10ft, 109 4 1" K G H A I 54* J7104 1 "4 104 ».S f S Hraxll 8s .96 "4 95 4 37 1 S Brazil CRE 7s |0 7 9 80 Domestic. H Am Ag Chem 7 4" 87 4 8« 1 8 m t "hn s f del* *s. 9«4 944 944 1 Am Smelting <**...! ns 10 5 105 8 Am Smelting 6a... 94 "4 94 13 Ant Sugar 6s .too4 1004 100% 18 Am TAT 64a rets 1074 10‘ 1024 7 9 Am TAT ml tr la. 101 1004 3n 1 8 Am TAT rnl *• .. 96 4 96 4 96 4 11 Am W W A V, 6a.. 914 914 914 70 Ana Cop 7* '3».... 97% 97 "4 97 4 36 Ana Cop 6s *51 964 06 96 4 110 Arm A Co Del 5 4" 97 104 •: in as«d on 6*.lon'i 1004 1004 2 ATASF gen 4- ... 90 4 8| 4 *01, 2 At Coatt Lin* 4a 66 86 86 91 B A o 6* .107S lo:4 ]024 15 B A O rv 44s 69 4 89 4 894 When i/ou think of GRAIN, CONSIGNMENTS, SERVICE You think of UPDIKE at OMAHA—KANSAS CITY CHICAGO Ample finance* as sura country shippers of Immediate payments of their drafts and balance due always ramified with returns. v (Private Wire Department) (Cfcitago Board of Trad# MEMBERS and 'All Other Leading Exchanges Orders for grain for future delivery in the prin cipal markets given careful and prompt attention. OMAHA OFFICE. LINCOLN OFFICE. Phone ATlantic 6312 724-26 Terminal Building <118-26 Omaha Grain 1’honc B-1233 Exchange. Long Distance 120 TELEPHONE AT-I.ANTIC Mil Updike Grain Corporation OMAHA Kansas Cl«v I v s V . a. A A ' V 4 11 R A 4*.. .. «7 *«% 87 14 Hell Tel of T\i 6*. inn 49% 1 mi 25 Tleth Si 6a Ser A 96% 9* 96% JO tleth Sfe*'| 88% P*, 83% 9 >tr :»r Hill S’ I • f7 % •«% 97 % l Tlkyn Ed gnn 7 a D.109% 109% 109% 101 Bkjn-Man Tr *f 6a 80% 80 80% 1 Calif Pet «%* . ... 98% 98% 98% 6 Can No del. 6%*..114 113% 113% 7 Can Pan deh 4a. .. k% *0% 80% ■J Ca Clinch * O 6*101% 101% 1M% 14 Central Loath 5* . 99% 99% 99% 5 Cent P gtd 4a. 88% 8h% 88% 4 1 Che* A G nv 5a .. 97% »7 % 97% 11 Che* A O rv 4%a.. 95% 95 95% 30 C B A Q ref 5* A. 100% 100% 100% 11 C A K 111 5a . 71 % 71 % 71 % 4 Chin Gt \\ 4a.4 % 5 4% 54 % 30 C M A St P nv 4%a 58% 58% 58% 1 C M A StPrfg4%* 53 55 53 6 C M A St P 4a ’25 73 % 79% 79% SC A North rfg 5a 95% 95 95% 15 Chin Hail « . 77% 77 77 2 C It I A P gen 4*. 82 % 8 2% 82% 43 C H 1 A P ref 4a . 81% 81% 81% 13 Chin A \V Jnd 4a. 76 7 5% 76 9 Chile Copper 6a .102 101% 102 30 C C CASr Lref«*A 103% 103% 103% 15 (’lev p T 5%a. . .105% 105% 105% 7 Col (1 A K 5* «rpd H 0% 100 100 1 4’Otn Pott 6a . . . 9'; % 93 % f| % 11 Cons C of M 5a ... 88 87 % 87%, 4 Conaum Pow ,»a 90% 9«i% 90% 33 C C S deb 8* gtpd 99% 49 99 1 Cub A Sug 8a.107% 107% 107% « Den A Rio G ref 5s 43 4 3 4 3 6 I>et Edl ref 6a . ..l^tC* 106 lfi« 4 l>et Cn Rya 4' , a 90% 90% 90% 5 DuP de Neni 7%a. 108% 108% 108% 2 Duque flight 6a,.. 105% 105% 105% 45 Emti G A F 7 % a . 9 3 92% 93 76 Erie pr 1 i4* . . . . 69% 68% 69 72 Erie gen lien 4a... 59% 59% 59% 1 Flak Rub 8*.loi 101 101 io 1 leu Klee . loa i n_■ % ios 4 Goodyear Ti 8* '31.103% 103 103% 2 Good Ti 8a 11 .116% 1 16 % 1 16 % 2 (!r Tr Rv of C 7a 114 114 114 Or Tr Hs of C 105% 106 24 Great North 7a A . . 110 109 % 110 12 Gt North 6%a B...101% 101 mi % 6 Iferahnv Choi- 6a. ..102% 102% 102% 18 H A- .Man ref 5« A 86% 86% 9», % 78 Hud A M nd In 5s 68% »;7% 68% 2 Humble O K 6%s. 09 '•'« 99 2 Illinois i< T ref 5b 91 . 1 5 I llinola Cent 6%a 1«2% 101% 101% 3 I llinola Cent 4a '.,3 84% 84% 84% 1 I llinola Sr 4%*.... 93% 93 93% 2 Indiana Steel 5a... 101% 101% 101% 8 Inter R Tr 7a. . 89% 89b, 89% 12 Inter R T ref 5a at 66% 66% Mi*. 14 Int A G Nor ad fa 53% 53% 4 In A Gt Nor let 6a &7% 97% 97% 1 Int Mer Mar a f 6m 84% 84% 841 Z Int Paper 5a A..,. 86 86 % 85% 4 K C PAL 6a . 93% 93% 93% 10 K C South 6a . 89% 89% 89% 2 K C Term 4a ... 85% 85% 85% 1 Kan G A El b* . 97 % 97% 97% 1 Kell-Sprlng T a* 92% 92% 92% 5 L S A M S d 4s 31 95% 95% 95% 7 Lig A My 5a . 9a 98 98 2 Lou A -V Da B 02.103% 103% 103% 3 L A N unified 4a.. 93 9.3 93 3 6 Lou Gas A El 5a.. 92 91 % 92 7 M h nat i Sug 7%e . 9 * % 98% 9874, 1 Mar Oil 7%* .104% 104% 104% 1 M A 8t L rf 4* .. 18 18 18 5 M K A T p 1 6a C.199% 100% 100% 8 M K A T n pi 5a A. 86 % 85% 86 3 1 M K A T n h d 5 a A 61 % 61% 61% 23 Mo Pan lat f,s. 98 97 % 98 59 Mo Pan gn 4a. ... . 60 % 60 60 1 N K TAT lat 5a. .100% 100% P*0% 75 X O TAM inn 5a. 92% 92% 92% 6 N Y «>nt d 6a... 107 3 07 107 39 N Y C i*I 5*. 99% 99% 99% 6 N Y C A St i. 6a A. 102% 102% 102% 4 N Y Ed r f 6 % a .112% 112 112 % 7 N Y NIIAU 1 ha 4S -4 73% 74 2 N Y Rv ad 5a .... 3% 3% 3% 2 N Y Tel rf 6a 4 1.106% 106 »4 10«% 5 X Y W A Bo* 4 % a 51 50% 80 7* 28 Nor Am Ed 6a ... 9*.% 96% 96% 6 Nor Pan rf 6a B,. 105% 3 05 % 105% 33 Nor Pac p 1 4a.. 85% 85% *5% 1 Nor Sta P 6a B....1t»3 103 103 6 N W Bell Tel 7a. 109 108% 108% 11 Or A Cal lat 5a_100% 100% 1«>0% . 20 t)r-Wash BRAN 4a. 8.3 83 83 24 Pan GAE! 5a . 9.7% 93% 93% II Par: TAT 5a 52_ 9.3% 93% 93% 11 Pr nn UR 6%a ...110% 110% 110% 3 Penn RR gen 5a .102 102 102 8 Penn RR K-n 4%s. 93% 93% 9 % 7 4 Pere Slarq rf 5a 97% 97 97 % 4 Phi la C0 ref 6a .103 102% 1»*2% 29 Phila Co 5%* . 94 937, 5,37, 7 Phil A P.d CA I 5a. 100 99% 99% 3 Pro A Ref 8a.110 110 110 39 Pub Serv 5- .98% 97% 98 % 1 Kem Arms af 6s... 93% 97% 93% 1 Rep 1A Sr 5%a ... 90% 90% 90% 8 K I A AL 4%* 80% 80% 80% 9 St L 1 MAS rf 4a.. 92% 92% 92% in St L I MAS 4a 8 i % 8 3 8 . % T St J.AS E p 1 4a A 70% 7<» 70 29 St LAS F ad 6».. 77% 77% 77% 13 St LAS E Inn 6a .. 67% 6 7 67 % 2 8 St I. S W < on 4s 84% 84% 84% 4 St Paul Dpi 5a ..100 100 100 9 Seaboard A L nn 6a 81 8 0% 80% 1 Seaboard A L ad 5* 6“% 60% 60% 6 Seaboard A L rf 4a 55% 55% 51% 9 Sinclair Con 7a ..92 91 % 91% < Sin, lair Con 6%a 8. % k % 85% 6 Sinclair Crude %* .100% 100 1"<'% 10 Sinclair Pipe 5a . 84% 84% 84% 2 2 South Pa< tv 4a 9* % 96% 96% 46 South Pac rf 4a.. 9»'% 90 90 15 South Pan col tr 4a 86% *5% 54% .1 South Rv gen fa. 104% 10 4% P»4% 24 South Ry non 5* K'f>% 100% D'O % 4 1 South R>’ gen 4a.. 74% 74% 74% 2: S V. Bell Tel T f 6a **f, 8 5 % 98 13 S’fand GA El 6 % a 59’i 99 99% '* Steel Tub- 7- i 7 1-4% 105 v T-nn Elen rf 6* 98 97% 98 - Third Ave ad 5a 49% 49 49 % . Third Ave rd b , %, * 7. % 2 Tidewater < y j I f%s.m:i 1 "3 2" Toledo l.dlaon 7a U«9 ]'<•% 109 . Toledo S» LAW 4a 82% '2% >:% 21 In Pan lat 4a ... 93% 9 3 4 '* , % 6 I'D Pirn (V 4a ..•♦*% 98% 9k% ' r s Rubber 7 % a. Hr; 3 2 % 103 P S Rubber 5 s 82% *2% *2% • . 4*14. 9 I 'h i PA L 5a 1*. % 4 « % Chm 7 % a . a 2 3 1 3 2’ 1 6 a-Car chm 7a 67 €2 62 20 \ .J Ry 5* .... 96 % 96 98 % 1 n Weat Md lat 4a . . if % 6 2 6 2 % 1 5 Weat Pan 5a . . k? 89 89 , 1 Weat In i % a . ...11? % *.13% 113% 4 W eating El 7a .1»«% 1*8% 3« 8%j 5 Meat Shore 4» 8- «S *3 Wilgon A « o lat 6a *» 4 u % 8*% 2 WiJgon A Co . \ 6e 62 52 52 I 6 Young SAT 6a % 95% 95% Total aalea of t on,la today were IR.5M. "f' • • ■•rnpared r h $ 11, k 8 6.1.. pre\..j* day and 1 4 4 6 4.n00 h year ago. 4 hicagn Stork*. Qlinta'Iona furr -died h\ T * Ranh* A Co. 214 «»maha National Bank building, phone* .la 1 Kaon 5167, 5169. 51 89. Bid. Afked Armour A Co. Ill, pfd .... 75% 76 Armour Co . Del. pfd...... . 87% AI her r Pick . "«% 7»% Carbide . .... 59% 59% Ediaon. Coni . 12’ * % 128% Continental Motor*. 6 », % Cudahy .. . 5• 69 Daniel Boone . 16% 1». % 1 •' • "H.1 Slat h . .’ ■ 4 • • Deere, pfd .. 6 2 63 Eddy Taper . 15 j:. % i'it>br 4% 5 National Leather . 2% Quaker Oata .. 285 290 1 Reo Motor* . 16 % 1, Swift A Co.101% 302 | Swift lnt‘1 . 2f* % 21 Thompson . 47% 4 % "'ah’ . . ..35 36 ' Wrlgley . 38% 38% Yellow Mfg Co. 64% 84% Yellow C*b .... .. 49% 60 KEEP POSTED Important development* contained in thi* week'* market re\iew regarding the following securities General Motor* InternatM Nickel Mexican Seaboard New Haven j Pacific Oil Ajax Rubber Superior Oil Seaboard Air Line International Paper Mark Truck International Petrol. Studebaker Write for Free Copy P.G.STAMM & CO. Dealer* in Stocks and Bond* 35 So. William St. New York —-! | N. Y. Curb Bonds New York July 12—Following is the t fflclal Hat of transaction* on the New York Curb exchange, giving all Honda traded in: (T«dal sale of bonds, $216,000.) Ihinrdlt- Honda. Sale* High. J*ow. Close. 7 Allied Packer 6*.. 6l 6)% 63 11 Allied I'xrkar 6s.. 7*. 75% 76% 5 Am GAE 6a . ... 97% 85 *6 2 Ana Popper fa.10 % 102% 102% 1 A <; A \Y X 6a. ..59 59 68 6 Hath Steel 7s ‘35 ..103% 103% 103% 3 Pan Nat Ry eq 7a. 110 110 110 1 Pities .Service Is D. 83% 9 3% 9.5% 9 Con Ghh Halt 6%a.l0H 107% 10K 2 Pon Textile fcs..... 72% 72% 72% 2 Cun P * H 6%a . 91% 91% 91% 1 Cudahy Pack 5%s 86% 86% 8*> % 1 I >et Pity Gas 6m ,.lU2% 1 "2 % l‘*2% II Det Edison 6s. 106 105% 106 15 Hum Light 6%*. . . .102% 102% 102% 6 Fed SUg 6a ‘ iU .. 99% 99% 99% 2 Fisher Body 6s '27.101% 101% 1“1% 4 Fisher Body 6s '38.101% 101 101% 4 Galena Sgl Oil 7a..105% 105% 105% 14 (Jen Pet 6a.99% 99 99 % l Grand Trunk o%» 107% 107% 1<»7% 6 Gulf 011 5m.98 9K 98 1 Gulf Oil 5 % a ' 2 8 ... 1 ft 1 % 101% 1«1% .3 1 n f .Match 6 % a... . 9.7 9 4 % 9 5 2 K C Term 5%s .. 102% 102% 102% 1 Kenn Copper 7a... 106% 106% 106% 2 Libby 7a . 99% 99% 99% 1 Manitoba 7a . 97% 97% 97% 4 Nat J .eat her Ss . . 97 9 7 97 1 N O Pub Ser 5»... 8 7% 67% 87% 9 No St Pow 6 % a. .100% 100% 100% 7 Park X Tilford 6*.. 97% 95% 97% 22 P»nn P Xc L 5*... 92% 92% 92% 1 Phil, El t.s.lot, 106 106 2 Phil El 6 % a '5? .108% 103% 103*4 4 Public Serv N J 7*.107% 107% 107% 1 Pure oil 6 % a. . . . 9* % 95% 95% 1 Shawaheep 7s 1<> % 103% 103% 1 Mt (ill N V 7s ’30. .100% 106% 106% . St Oil N V 6%a... 108% 108% 108% 5 Vacuum 011 7a.... 107 107 107 6 Web Mills 6%s .J(!.;% 103 103% Foreign Honda. .1 Russian 6 % * .... 1 5 3 8 1 3 1 Runs G%s ctfa N C. 14 14 14 2 Russian 6%* . 13 13 1" 6 Russian 5%s ct!a.. 13 13 13 I Solvay A Co 6s. ..100% 100% 100% lu Swiss 5a .100% 100% 100% | Omaha Produce V/ Omaha, July 12. BUTTER. Urea njery—Local Jobbing price* to re tailers: Extras, 42c; extras In 60-lb. tubs. 41c; standard. 41c; firsts, 40c. Dairy—Buyers are paying 31c for best table butter in rolls or tubs; 27#29c for narking stock. For beat sweet, unsailed butte-, 32c. BUTTERFAT. For No. I crearn Omaha buyers ars pay ing 31c per lb. at country stations; 37c delivered at Omaha. FRESH MILK. $2.00 r«r cut for fresh milk testing 3.6 delivered on dairy platform Omaha. EGGS. Most buyer* are quoting on loes-off basis, although many buyer* are quoting on graded basis Jn some quarters quota lion* aie issued on both los* off and graded basis, shippers choosing the basis they prefer. For egg* delivered Omaha, on loss-off basis, $6 76# 6.90 per case For No. 1 ireeh eggs, graded basis 17 20# 7 35, gen erally. $7 20 per case; seconds, per dozen 2'*#21c; cracks. 19#20c. In on“-quarter, 30c per dozen u being quoted for selected, or "hennery ’ eggs, described below: Prices above <»re for eggs received in new or No 1 white wood <-ase>; a deduc tion of 25c will be made for second-hand cases. No. 1 eggs must be good averarge size. 4 4 lb*, net. No. 2 eggs, seconds, consist of small, slightly dirty s’amed or washed egg*, irregular shaped, shrunken or weakbodied egg*. In re quarters a fair premium 1s being paid f< r selected eggs, which must not he more than 4* hours old. uniform in size and color (meaning ah solid colors— all chalky white or all brown, and ox the; same shade) The shell m ;**. re clean and sound and the eggs weigh 25 oun -es per dozen or over. Pr:>duc;rs must ne«-M sarilv deliver their own eggs to benefit by the latter ciaesificatlo*i. Jobbing prices to retailors: U. fl. spe- i dais. To . I*, j* extras, commonly known a* selects. 27c; No. 1, small, 23# 24c, checks, 22c. POULTRY. Prices quotable for No. I stock, a Jve: broilers, around 20c; broilers over 2 lbs., 25# 26c, Leghorn broiler-?. 23# 27c; bens 0 v *■ - 4 lb* 14# 19' her* under 4 lbs 17 n l > Leghorn hen*. J»#16c. roosters, over 4 ib* . l i ; old roosters, under 4 lbs . • v 7 ib- and ever, •; ns, under 7 lb*.. 24#2sc. ducks, f. f. f . : cung, 1 ■ ; old du^ke f f. f , l.< ; geese, f. f f 12c; pigeon*. $1.00 per dozen. Under grade poultry paid for at market valu** Si--k or cr.ppled poultry not want ed and will not be paid for. Jo* ing pr.-es r dr:-***l poultry (to reta lera): Spring*, *oft. 35# 36r; broilers, "*4»40< h-n*. 24# 26c; roosters, l€#18c. duck*. 23#25c; geese. IS©20c. FRESH FISH. as ( ■>« F:»- white fish. 24c; lake trout. 25c: ha'ibut, 25r; horthern ouJlneide, umto. :0#22»; catfish. t0#32c; fiilet of had dock, 27c; black col •able fish. l*c. roe shad. 26c; flounders, .Oc; ermppies. 26f# 17 bla. k ba«*. 3.. : Spanish mackerel 1 4 to -lb*. 27c; \ ellow t ike, 22c; striped »•*** 20c whT* perch. 12’< . pickerel 15c., frozen fish 2#4- less than prices shove, ling cod. 12c. CHEESE. Jobbing pr es juotable cn American) heese. fancy grade, as follow*. Single !ais;e«, l.4<-. double daisies, 32c; square prints, 22r; brick. 22c; limburger. 1-lt. style. $3 65 pe- dozen; Swim, domestic, .ir lr: ’ rted Roquefort, 66c. New York white. 32c. BEEF CUTS. J-'bbnr prices quttable '• Vo. 74c; Vo. J. 17c: No 1 Jo >r* 36r; Vo. 3 $4r. Vo 3 -jOr No 1 rmirde. 1*4 No 2. ilc; No. I. 13< . No. 1 rhurks. 1: N2. i?c: No 1. j 9c No. 1 p ates, T*c; No. 2, *c Ns. i. 7c. FRUITS. Jobbing pr<ce* • iw • • " * n*in. 7€-q* erates. (3 AO# " 1’5 Pear#—Ca’.’f rnla Bartlett, per boz. f' G©©*eberrlee—Horn# grown. 24-pint crate, 12 50, Raspberrit" - Black, 24-pint * rate. 13 69 ©3 75. red. 13 &'1 B!a'kberries- Per crate $3.S3. Peaches—California, b-ix, $1 76, Apricot*—-4-baaket crate, $2 .25. Plume—California, per crate. $2 90® 2.f>o. Cherries— Home grown, market basket, 11.50; California black, 15 lb. lug box, $3 00. Loganberries—Per crate, S3.59. Pineapple—Per crate, 39 * ze, *5.00; last of the season Lemons—California, extra fancy. pel I box, 17.00: fancy, per box. 10 00; choice, box. 15.50; limes, luO count, carton* $2.00. Grapefruit—Florida, extra fancy, 13.73 ® r. 00. Orange* — Mediterranean sweet*, ertrg fan y, according to s xe. 13.750 4 60 peg box; Valencia!, extra fancy, per box, 14.0008.50. Bananas—Per lb.. 7c. VEGETABLES. Jobbing prices Honey Dew Melon*—6 io J2 in crate, n oo. Watermelon#—Crated, 6 melons. 2*4e oer lb. Asparagus—Home grown, 80c per dorer buncher. Cauliflower—Hon:* grown, $1 50 dozenf, California, ©raves. 12 00. Cantaloup©—<’aliforma standard*. $4 00$ pftnje- l l.OD; f 1 h t s. 11.60. Eggplant—Per doz. 12.00; 20c per lb. Cabbage—>V»u per lb.; crates. 2V*c pel lb. Lettuce—Mead. per crate. $.'..00; per ci-izen $1 25: leaf per dozen 40c Root#—Beets, carrota and turnlpa market basket, 75c. ' Onions—New crystal wax. per crate %l'i Bermuda yellow per crate SL75 69 .00 California reds, in sack#. 3Uc pel lb . home grown doz«-n bun' he*. 30c. Tomatoes — 4-banket crates, about II lb.*. $1.2-0159 Celery—California, 6 stalks, per bunch* 11.2501 50. Pepper*—Green market basket, $1.69 Cucumber#—Homegrown, market has ket. $2.00. Parsley—Per dozen bunche*. 5n075c. Radishes—-Hum* grown. 20025c pel dozen bunches Bean*—Green war. market basket. 76a. Spinach—Home grown. 50®75c per bu« Potatoes—Mlnneao’a Rural*, $2 50 pel cwt : Western Russet Rural*. $2 60 per i .u . new crop, in sack* 2**c per lb. N r*—Soft shelled walnut*, sack lots, per lb. 31c; soft shelled almonds. sack I lota, per lb.. 23c; medium soft shell al mond.<. sack lot* 36©; raw peanuts, sack lots, ft V* 03 2© per lb.: roasted peanut#, sack lot*. 11 *4 ®15© per lb. roasted pea nut*. less than sack lota. 13016c. FEED. Market ©notable per ton. carload lota, f. o. b. Omaha. Cottonseed Meal 43 per vent. $48 09. Hominy Feed—White or yellow*. $36.09. Digester Feeding Tankage—60 per cent, $50.00. Wheat Feeds—Bran. brown shorts, $.4 00; gray shorts. 126.00; flour middlings, S J6.00 ; reddog, 131.00® 32.09. Linseed Meal — 84 per cent. $46 CO. Buttermilk—Condensed, for feeding. in bbl. lot* 3 45c per lb., flake buttermilk, 500 to 1.300 Iba, Sc lb. Egg*h< lls—Dried arid ground, 100-lb. bag*. $25.00 per ton. Alfalfa Meal — Choice, new crop, prompt. $27.00; No. 3. old or new crop, prompt, $-4.00; No 2. new. $21.0u. FLOUR. Pric*»* quotable in round lot# Gets than carloads), f. ©* b. Omaha, follow: First in 9w -lb. bag!-. $6.6506.15 per bbl fancy • lear. n 4B-!b. bege*. $6 69 0 6.60 per bbl ; white or yellow cornmeal, per cwt., $-.25. HAT. The Omaha prairie hay market i* easier, influenced somewhat by the move ment of new crop hay In the southwest. The firs*, new crop Nebraska prairie • expected to arrive on this market la*© next week Old prairie receipts have been ver> light this week; but the demand even for top grades, is also light. Lower grades hard to move Alfalfa trads con tinue* very light. Too early for well cured new* crop alfalfa; but very little of any kind or Quality is corn r.g. Most arrival* of new a falfa 4n heating cond* tion Prices are generally unchanged and steady. Nominal quotation#, carload lota: Upland Prairie—• No 1, 812.50 © 12.50; No 2. *19 ' 0012.00; No. 3. $7 0908.00 Midland Prairie—No. 1, $11 50012.50; Nr 2. $8 00011 00; No. 3. |6.00 0 8.09. Lowland Prairie—No. 1, $8.CO® 0.00; No 2. $6 000 8 00. Parking Ha?—15.500 7 56. Alfalfa—Choice. *20.00021 *9; No. I. ID .‘>001*.». standard, 114 90017 00; No. 2. $1100013 00: No. 2. |9.09011.00. Straw—Oat, $8.00 0 9.00; wheat, 87.00® 1.00. HIDES. WOOL, TALLOW. Price# sre quotable as follows, delivered Omaha, dealers* weights and selections: Hides—Seasonable, No. l, 8lac; ditto. No. 2. C^c; gresn. 5c and 4c; culls. 6c and 4c- branded 5c; glue hide* 3c; calf, 12 r and 10*4c; kip. Jo<: and glue skin*. 4c; dry ft ides. 10c; dry salted, 7c; dry glue lc; dearors. $1.06 each; horse hide*, ft 25 and 26 -ach; per es ar.d cum 81.35 each; colts, 25 c each; beg #k r*. lir e#-h Wro!—Pelt« $1 On to II 59 each: de pending cn elze and length of wool; iamb*. 60© to $1.09 ea^h, depending ©a *:xe and length of wool; shearings. 20a to 3‘*c each, clips, no value; wool, 25 to 30c. Tallow ard Gr*#**—No. 1 tallow. €c; B tallow. Hjc; No. 2 tallow, 5c; A grease 60; B grease. i\c: yellow greaae. *c; browi. greas© 4 p'k crackTina, $4000 per ton: beef. do. $20.00 per ton; teta wax, 120.09 per ton. Clearing House Statement. New York. July 12—The actual con dition ©r clearing house banks aud trust - |pa• eg f - the week show* an fv**i reserve ©f l2s.64J.210. Th.s ;s a decrease of 920,496,140 No Market. ChDages J tv 12 —No bn*t©r s-4 ega markets on Saturdays during July ana August MONEY IN GRAIN $12.50 buys guarantee option on 10,009 bu«hel» of wheat or corn. No further risk. A movement of 5a from option price give* you an opportunity to take $500. 4C. 8400; 8c. $SO0. etc. WRITE TODAY FOR PARTICULARS and FREE MARKET LETTER Investors Daily Guide. S. W Branch Dept. S-2, 1016 Baltimore Ave . K. C-, Mo. ' - ■ — " * 1 ■■■—. HI J. S. BACHE & CO. Established 1902 fNew York Stock Exchange j ii.^i ... Chicago Board of Trade r New York Cotton Exchange | k«nd other leading Exchange*. New York: 42 Broadway Chicago: 108 S. LaSalle St. Branches snd correspondent* located in principal cities. . Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold for Cash or Carried on Conservative Margin * £24 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bldg., Omaha Telephone JA ckson 8197-98 "The Parhe Review** sent on application—Correspondence invited. WHAT SCHOOL OR COLLEGE? The School and College Bureau of The Omaha Bee will help you in the selection of a school, col- u lege or university. Information about the best insti- : tutions of any classification will be furnished upon your filling out the blank below: —Accountancy —Girls* Boarding School •—Advertising School —Girls' School "—Art School —Journalism — Ranking and Finance - Kindergarten Training Stboo‘ —L.W Schoo, —Boy* School — Business Administration —Medicine — Business College (Co-edm ational) —Military Academy For Gitla and Women ■—Music — Business College —Normal School — Catholic Schools for Bov* —Nurses* School —Catholic Schools for Girls —Pharmacy —College for Young Women —Physical Education Svhool — College or University - Retail Management — Dentiatry —School of Commerce — Elocution. Oratory end Dramatic —Sales Manager —Comptometer School s Location preferred .... Protestant .Catkolic... Naina ... Address... Enclose 2c Stamp and Mail to School and College Bureau THE OMAHA BF.E Omaha, Nob. % 4