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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1924)
Jimmy O’Neil’s Home Run in Ninth With iwo on Bases Wins for Buffaloes -<• Omaha Defeats Oklahoma City by 8-6 Score Visitors Lead Herd 6 to 5 When O'Neil Parks Ball Outside of Lot for Four Bases. Jimmy O'Neil surprised himself as well as all the rest of Omaha in the ninth inning Wednesday, when he knocked the ball over the right field fence for a home run with Robinson and Osborn on base, which gave the Buffaloes an 8 to 6 victory over Oklahoma City, in( the first game of the series. Up to the time O'Neil clouted the ball over tlie timber in right garden, the Indians from Oklahoma City, held a 6 to S lead over the Buffaloes. Robinson started the inning with a double to right field. Cullop—he of the home run ability, was called out on the third strike, Osborn, also a player of no mean ability with the sttek Walked. Bonowitz sent a high fly out to Hock in left field and the fans started to go home. With two down. O'Neil came to bat. For a time Man ager Griggs was half decided whether to go in an pinch hit himself or let O'Neil take his turn. He decided in favor of the popular Omaha short stop. O’Neil took his place at the rub ber. The ‘ump," yelled "strike one," and then" strike two." With the call two strikes and no balls Jimmy caught one of Roy Johnson's curves in the grove and sent the ball sail ing over the right field fence for a home run. it was O'Neil's first home run of the season and maybe you think he wasn't one proud ball player when his teammates gave him the glad hand as he planted both dogs on the home plate, after Robinson and Osborne had scored. BUNCHED HITS WIN CORRIDEN’S CREW Des Moines. July 9.—Des Moines bunch ed hits off Love In the first and fourth innings today and defeated St. Joseph, 2 to 1, In the aeries’ opener. St. Joseph went hitless after the second inning, but Stokes, local pitcher, was jerked <iDer walking two men in the ninth inning. The score: ST. JOSEPH (W) DES MOINES (W) abh.po.a.e. abh.po.a.e. Nufer 2b 4 0 4 2 OFla’per *s 4 13 3 0 Cor’gan ss 2 10 3 OCor’den If 4 3 10 0 Mathes lb 2 010 2 0 Kna pp 2b 2 1 1 3 0 Miller cf 3 0 2 0 OBodie cf 3 14 0 0 DeM'gio If 4 1 1 0 0Burke rf 3 13 0 0 G'bert 3b 3 0 3 2 OCart’ht lb 3 111 0 ft Po’thitt rf 2 0 2 0 OHam’n 3b 3 0 1 2 0 Brooks c 3 0 11 0 Dougan c 3 0 4 2 1 Love p 3 0 1 4 0 Stokes p 3 0 0 2 0 - ■ - Ed m* son p 0 0 0 o 0 Totals 26 2 24 14 0 - Totals 28 8 27 12 1 Scots by innings: St Joseph . 000 000 100—1 Des Moines . 100 100 OOx—2 Summary—Runs: Mathes, Corriden, Bodie. Two-base hits Corriden, Cart wright. Knaupp. Sacrifice hits: Knaupp (2). Burke. Stolen base: Mathes. Left on bases; St. Joseph, 4; Des Moines, 6. Struck out: By Stokes, 3; by Love. 1. Bases on balls: Off Stokes. 6, off Love* 1 Wild pitches: Love (2i. Runs ana hifs: off S.wkes, none ami 2, in eight and one-third innings. Winning pit* her: Stokes. Double plays: Flsskamper to . Cartwright, Gilbert to Nufer. Corrigan to Nufer to Mathes. empires; Donohue and1 PowelL Time; 1:46. TULSA OILERS WIN 10 INNING GAME Lincoln. Neb, July 9—Singles by Washburn, tosby nml Flippin. rouj'Ifd with an error, scored two runs in the 10th and Tuba won the first game of the series, I to i. here today, asey had < .r cled the bases on a hit wh>< h bounded off the right field fence In th- first in ning. Until the 10th. Carter had held the Oilers to three scattered hits. Score. TULSA. (W). LINCOLN <W). ab.h.po.a.e. ab h po ■ * Austin rf 4 12 1 0 Moore cf 2 12 0 0 Sargent 3b 3 0 3 0 nCole'n If 3 14 0 1 Casey If 4 14 0 Wither 2b 3 0 3 0 0 Lamb cf 4 10 0 OSklnner rf 4 110 0 L’velt lb 4 0 9 1 OHnyder c 4 0 10 1 W burn 2b 4 1 5 3 OMcD'l lb 4 1 16 0 0 t'rosby < 4 14 1 OM'D'ld 8b 3 0 3 1 0 Flippin ss 3 1 3 3 0Chaves 4 10 6 0 Tesar p 4004 OCarter p 31030 Biak p 0 0 0 0 OzCooper 1 0 0 0 0 —-zConkey 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 6 30 13 0 -— Totals 33 7 30 15 2 /Batted for Carter in ninth. /Batted for Gunther in ninth. /Batted for Skinner in ninth. Score by innings: Tulsa .100 000 000 2—3 Lincoln .000 000 010 0—1 Summary—Runs: Casey. Washlmrn. Crosby. Moore. Home run: Casey. Two base hit: Grover. Sacrif.ce hits Sargent, Coleman, M-Donald, liases on balls: Off Tesar, 5: off Carter, 1. Struck out: 14y Tesar. 4. by Carter, 2. Runs and hits: Off Tesar, 1 and 7 in 9 2-3 innings; of/ Black, none and none In 2-3 Inning. Winning pitcher: Tesar. Left on bases Tulsa, 3; Lincoln. 9 Earned runs: Tulsa. 2; Lin coln, 1 Double plays: Flippin to Wash burn to Lellvelt; McDonald to McDaniel. Time: 1:15. Umpires: O'Brien and Shan non. Witches Defeat Bears. Denver. July 9. — Wichita hunched hits In the fourth innin* and together with a base on balls, a ored four runs, more than enough today to defeat Denver, 5 to 1. Score: WICHITA (W'). DENVER (W) ab h po a * 11 h h po a e Smith cf 3 13 0 OOorman 2b 3 2 2 4 0 Butler 3b 6 1 2 5 0B*rg*r ss 4 0 0 3 1 Dunning rf 6 1 11 Oo'Brlen cf 2 1 1 0 0 Beck lb 2 0 110 OO'lardi If 3 12 0 1 Haley ss 4 0 1 3 OKnlght lb 4 1112 1 Gillespie If 4 1 0 0 0Floyd rf 2 0 3 0 0 Bott 2b 3 0 3 2 0Whaling c 3 0 7 0 1 tVaI*a c 2 0 6 0 opigg p 10 10 0 Hovlik p 4 10 2 OFrneman p 2 0 0 2 0 Totals 38 6x26 13 0 Totals 28 7 27 13 4 xO'Brlen out . hit by batted ball. Score by innings. Wichita .100 040 000- 6 Denver .000 000 010—1 Summary—Runs: Smith (2), Butler, Dunning. Gillespie. Gorman. Two-bas** hits: Dunning. Gillespie. Three-baa* hit Gorman. Stfd*n bases: Gorman. Smith Sacrifice hlt:*Hmlfh. Dns**» on balls: Off Pig. 6; off Hovlik. 6. Struck out. By rigg, 3; by Freeman. 2; by Hovlik, 6. Left on bases: Denver. 7; Wlrhlfs, 7 In nings pitched* By I'.gg. 4 Runs: 4 Hits 4 Double plays: Butter to B*»k (2); Butler to Be* k. Time. 1*66. Umpires: Heald and olllns MACDONALD NOT ENTERED IN MEET Iloslyn, N. Y., July 9.—In the ab sence of Boh MacDonald of Chicago, last year's Metropolitan Golf aaao clntlon champion, and several other 1923 contestants, a new title holder is hound to emerge from the field of HO entrants, who will open the tournament on the links of the Engi neers' Country club today. r " " \ American Association | Minneapolis, July 9.— it 11 B Indianapoll" . 12 16 2 MInneanoll* . -.. . . 4 ft 2 Batteries: Petty and Kru*ger. Lynch. Harris. Sc* and Mayer St Paul. July 9 — R If E Louisville ..9 14 1 St Paul . f 12 3 Batteries Kooh. Estell, Deberry and Mcv*r; Rocttger, Merritt. McQuuld and A Her. Kansas City, M»> . July 9 — R If. K. Toledo .6 II 2 Kansas f'lty .... 4 9 2 Batteries Baldwin McCullough and F Millie, Zlnn and Billings Milwaukee. July 9-—Columbus at Mll waukee postponed. wet grounds. „ _. — -----7—-'j Hits Homer in Ninth Inning for Omaha i-——-' Jimmy O'Neil, Omaha shortstop, yesterday made it possible for the Buffaloes to defeat Oklahoma City in the first game of the series when he knocked the ball over right field fence for a home run in the ninth in ning. Robinson and JOsborn were on bases at the time. The above photo of O’Neil was snapped when the Omaha shortstop played with the Washington Senators. Hits ^Hisses ^(|)e Buffaloes OKLAHOMA CITY <W). AH K 11 Til 811 811 HI) PO A E Hook of . . 5 U U 0 o O 0 8 o U Menzy If ft O 0 0 0 O 0 4 0 «) I elber rf .4 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 Ludertl* lb 2 2 0 0 0 O 2 t» O 0 'McNally 2b 2 1 0 0 0 O 2 3 3 0 Tate 8b .4 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 4 0 Khadot •* 82 1 100 1220 Half c .4 O 2 8 0 0 0 3 O 0 Allen p 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 0 Julmon p .looooooooo Totals . 33 ft 3 4 O 1 7x26 12 0 xTwo out when winning run scored In ninth. BUFFALOES <W). T’pson 2b 4 2 3 3 1 1 0 1 4 1 , iiubinson rf 4 1 1 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 i ullop lb 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 7 0 0 i Osborn If 4 3 2 ft o 0 1 0 0 0 ih.nn wit/, rf ft O 1 2 0 0 0 1 O 0 O’Neil sft 5 1 2 ft 0 0 0 2 1 2 I enahan 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 \\ ildrr c .... 4 1 1 l 0 0 0 10 0 o »-.alley p 1 O 0 o 0 0 O 0 0 O Lee p .2 l 2 3 0 u 0 1 1 0 Koupal p 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 37 8 13 22 1 1 3 27 8 3 score by Innings: oi.lahoma City . 033 000 000— 6 lilts .01-. OOl 010— 3 Buffaloes .102 oil 003— h llitft .202 02a 202—13 Nummary—Home runs: Osborn, O'Neil. Hit by pitched bull: Lee, by Jo..n on. ’Iwo hase nit*: Hale,, ISoiioWitz, Kobinson. i>oiitile play: Lee to ( ullop. Kuns uiui hits: Ofi Alien, ft and 0 in o Innings; • It •Johnson, 4 mid 4 in 2 2-3 Inning*; «.if Hailey, 6 and 1 In 3 2-3 innifUf*; '»*f J-ee. a und 2 in ft 1-3 innings. Bale* mi hulls: Oft Allen. 2; off Julius* n, 1; off lioiley, ♦i; otr, 1. 8truek out: Ity Allen, 1; by Johnson. 1; by Halley, 4; by lee, ft. \% inning pitcher: rioupul. Losing pit* iter: Johnson. empires: Ouffnry ami lluze. lime: 2:1ft. i.eft on bases: Oklutionm City, 6; Omaha, 8. CLEVELAND TAKES DOUBLE-HEADER Philadelphia, July 9—Cleveland took both enua of a doublsheuder from Phil adelphia today, winning the first game. 3 to 1. and the second. 6 to 3. The score: First game: CLEVELAND (A) PHILA. (A) ab h.po a e ab.h po.a e. Summa rf 6 3 2 10 Dykes 2b 4 12 4 0 J ieson if 4i" 0 0 Lamar If 4 0 4 0 0 Sp'aker f 4 2 3 0 0 WeD n rf 4 13 0 0 J. Se ll SM 5 12 4 OH'uner lb 3 0 10 0 " Lutske 3b 5 0 1 2 0 Simons rf 3 1 1 0 0 Hums lb 4 2 1 1 0 0 Rho'da 3b 3 0 2 2 1 Fe ster 2b 3 2 3 4 o GaU’ay m 3 111 0 Waltsrt c 1 0 0 • 0 Psrkiafl c 114 19 xlJhlo 1 0 0 0 0 B’g’tner p 3 10 2 1 Myalt ,c 1 1 4 0 0 - Smith p 4 0 1 2 0 Totals 30 6 27 10 2 Totals 37 1 1 27 13 0 xHatted for Walters In sixth. Score by Innings: Cleveland .000 ('01 Oil—a Philadelphia .010 000 000—l Summary—Runs Summa, S Jpwtll, Hums, Hauser. Double plays: Sewell to Fewster to Hums; Smith to Sewell to Burns, Summa to Burns, Rleonda to Dykes to Hauser Left on bases Clrve land. 12. Philadelphia, 3. liases on ball« off Smith, 1; off Baumgartner. 4. Struck out: By Smith. 3; by Buumgartner, 3 Hit by pitched ball By Baumgartner. I Aims. Umpires. Nallln and Dineen. Alme: 1:54 Second gams: CLEVELAND (A) PHILA (A) ab b po.a e ab h.po s e M N'ty rf 5 3 0 0 0 Bishop 2b 2 13 5 0 J'ieson If 4 1 2 0 0 Lamur If 3 0 2 2ft Sp aker « f 4 3 4 ft ft Welch rf 3 12 0 0 Sewell ks 4 2 2 2 OILiu^r lb 3 (>12 1 ft .M>att c 3 0 5 0 0 Slm'ons cf 3 1 1 0 0 Brower tb :i l • '< o Hals tb till $ Fe ster 2b 2 13 5 1 Gall’y p 4 12 10 Lutzk* 3b 4 0 3 2 0 Druggy c 2 0 3 0 0 Dawson p 4 0 0 4 0 Perkins c 2 0 0 1 0 Roy p ft ft 0 0 0 Homrnel p 1 0 0 2 1 Clark p 0 0 0 0 0 Duma p 3 10 10 Metevler p 0 0 0 0 ft .... -- Totals 31 6 27 14 1 Totals 33 11 27 13 1 Score by Innings; Dlevelsnd .101 010 000—6 Philadelphia .y . .000 100 101—3 Hummary—Runs. McNulty. Jamelson 12), Speaker (2i. Pew II, Bishop (2), Hauser. Two base hits: Speaker, M< Nulty, Sewell. Sacrifice lilts. Myatt, h'ewster. Hauser Double plays: Wewster to L. Sewell; Lutzk* to Brower. Left on bases: Cleveland. 7; Philadelphia. 12 Haws on balls: Off Dawson, 3, off Roy, I; off t'L.rk I, off Romiml, 3; off Burns, 2. Struck out: By Dttwron, 6; by Rom • riel, 1. Hits: Off Dawson, 6 In eight Inning" (none out In ninth); off Roy. run*- In no Innings (none out In Ith); off • lark, oe In three Innings, off M«*»*»vhr, none In two-thirds Innings, "ff Romiml. i In four Innings (none cut in fifth), off Burns, 3 in five Innings. Passed ball. Myatt Winning pitcher: Dawson, Los in * pitcher: Rommel. Umpires: Dineen ami Nallln. Time. 2.12. M’CORMACK AFTER DAKOTA NET TITLE Hloux Kail*. H. D., July 6—John Barton of Sioux Fall*, ranking tennla player of South Dakota and holder of the Mate title nine different time*, will find hlmaelf In the unwonted poaltlon of aeekhiK the title ln*taad of defending: It when tennla player* of the state trather here the week of July 14 for the annual Htate tournament. Bee Want Ada produce reeult*. Pirates Stopped After 4 Straight Pittsburgh, July 8—Boston checked Pittsburgh** winning streak of four straight Karnes by taking today's game, 6 to 3. Score: BOSTON (N) PITTSBURGH (N) ab.h.po.a e. ah h.po a e Felix cf 4 13 1 o M'villa 2b 3 0 7 3 0 Cun'am If 5 4 2 0 ©Carey cf 4 2 2 0 0 Steng’l rf 1 0 1 0 OCuyler If 4 0 10 0 Maun rf 2 0 10 OWright as 4 2 2 7 0 Minis 1b 4 2 9 1 OB'hart rf 4 2 3 0 0 P’gett 2b 4 2 6 6 ©Tr'nor ?b 4 12 10 Tierney 3b 3 2 2 3 OGrlmm lb 4 110 1 0 R S itn «s 3 0 1 4 0Gooch c 3 10 0 0 O’Neil c 4 1 2 0 0 Kre’er p 1 0 0 0 0 G’wlch p 2 0 0 1 ©Stone p 1 0 0 2 0 — -xVde 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 12 27 16 0 Cooper p 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 23 8 27 15 0 xRatte-1 for Stone in seventh. Score by innings. Boston .020 210 001 — * Pittsburgh . 201 000 000—3 Summary—Run* Felix, Stengel. Mcln nis. Tlernev, O’Neil, Carey (2), Wright. Two-base hits: Cunningham Barnhart. Carey, Mrlnnls Three-base hit: Wright. Home run. Tierney. base: Tier ney. Sacrifice hits: Smith. Genewtrh. Double plays Smith to Padgett to Mr Innis. Maranvllle to Grimm; Stone to Maranvllle to Grimm. Mrlnnls to R. Smith. Left on bases: Boston, 6: Pitts burgh. 5 Bases on balls Off K>-emer, 1: off Stone, 2, off Qenewich. 1 Struck out: Jlv Genewlch, 2 Hit* Off Kremer. in A Inning*, off Stone. 3 In 4 In nings- off Cooper, 3 In 2 Inning* Hit by nitrhed ball: By Genewlch. Gooch Los .ng pit her: Kremer Umpire*. Klem and Wilson. Time 1 36. Cardinals Win Twin Dill. Sioux Oty. I*. July 9 -Tbt cardinal* made It four atraight from the rubs bv winning both end* of today's twin b’ll. ih« first by a more of 12 to 7. and the second by a score of 12 to 3 The feature of the first game was the hitting of Kills Sioux City first baseman, who rot a triple a double and three single* out of fi\e «rlp*» to the plate Moth team* pre v *nted matched up Jlneur« A decision ii a fly ball that Umpire Harkins ruled i eaft caused acting Manager Walter* to protest the second contest. The score first game HASTINGS i T) SIOUX rTTT fT) ah h po * e nb h po a e W*fM rf 5 2 0 2 OOood'n 2b 5 0 0 2 0 3folle 2b 6 2 11 OM'b'od c 5 213 0 0 I’astle cf 6 110 OR'ds 3b-rf 5 3 0 0 0 Walter* h 6 2 2 1 JKIlls lb 6 5 6 0 0 ; Tnmet If 6 12 1 ORentop ** 2 0 6 0 0 i Gil-pie lb 4 19 0 n Horkena If 4 2 1 0 l Noack 3b 3 10 l ONorerk cf 4 0 10 0 Stout C 2 0 6 1 0 A Iter* p 2 1110 I Heck p-lf 3 0 11 2 K bell rf 0 0 0 0 0 -Ma'ion rf 1 0 0 0 1 Total* SM2 24 8 4I’eZ rtj: jb ; ft ft 1 o Hoelker p ft 0 0 1 o| Total* 26 13 27 6 2 Score by Innings: Hastings . . 004 012 000— 7 8oo Ultjr .6ftft 024 01 x 12 Summary—Run*. Mo’Ie. Castle, Wal ter*. Gillespie, Noark Stout. Heck. Mc Dermott (2). Richards. Kill* <3>, Hen son (4), Horklna. Noreck Two-base bits Kills (2). Walters (2). Richards. Usstl* Tomes, Molle. Three base hit: Kills Stolen base* Kills. Stout. Noack. rta« - TlfIce hits: Horklna. Mout, Nor* * k Double play: Altera t«> Walters to MollJe to Gilllsple. Left on base* Hasting* s. Sioux City. * Hn*e* on ball* Off Heck 2; off Alter*. 2. off Hoetker. 1; off Tome*. f> Struck out: By Beck. 4; by Alter*, 7; by Hoetker. 6; by Tomes. 1 lilt*; Off Alter*. 0 in five Innings, off Be* k. 12 In five Inning*; off Hoetker. 4 In four Innings; off Tomes. 1 In three Inning* Hit by pitched ball; By Hoetker. Back. Wild pitch Tomes 1‘aaaed halU Htout 12) Winning pitcher. Hoetker Dosing pitcher: Beck. Umpire*; Harkins Time 154. Score, second game: HASTINGS (T) SIOUX CTTV (T) ab.h po i e ah h po n <• Heeaa rf 4 2 1 »» OG'dwIn 2b 4 3 6 2 1 Molle 2b 3 13 4 1 McD'ott r 4 1 R 1 0 Gaatla cf 2 0 2 " 1 Klrh'd* rf 3 1 0 0 « Were e*-p 3 0 11 0 Kills lb 3 1 R 1 0 To'e* If-ss 3 0 2 0 Ol’ezri'tz fb 41111 G'llsple 1b 3 3 8 I 0 Benson *s 4 2 ft 3 0 Noack 3b 2 0 10 ONorerk rf 4-210 Stout c 3 10 o 0 llarkln* If o 2 0 ft Swlck p 1 ft 0 1 ft Kitt'blel p 2 2 o 3 0 Beck If 0 ft 0 rt o — -- ■-.- Total* 31 13 21 It 2 Totals 24 7 IK i 2 Score by inning* Hustings . 300 000 0— 3 Sioux f’lty O00 67ii x —12 Summary—Run* Hesse. Molle. Walter*. Goodwin. McDermott. 1‘egdert* f 2). Ben son (2). Noreck (2> Harkins <2). Kltten blel (2) Two has** hits Noreck. M< Her motf. Klttenoiel. Benson IVxdrrtx Stolen base*. He*|*. Goodwin. Sacrifices: Waller. Swlck. Kills Double plays Benson to Kills to M* Hermott ; Noreck to Kill*: Walters to Molle t<» Gilllsple. Deft on bases Hnstlnr*. 4 Sioux City. 4 Bases *>n ball* off Mwl« k. off Klttenbell. 3. Struck out: By KlHenhlet. 5 Hits: off Hwlck. 6 In 4 13 Innings. *>ff Walters, b In I 2 3 Innings Wild pitches Swlck. Walters 2 Dosing pitcher. Swlck. Um pire: Harkins. Tim* 1 30. Iowa’s Annual Iron Shoe Tourney Dales Announced Don Moines, la., July R—lowa’a fifth annual stole horseshoe pitching tournament will lie held In conlunr tlon with the state fair th!s yenr, opening at the fair grounds. August 27 and cloaliiK August 29. Cnah prize* amount to $rt7D. Special medals will nlso ho offorod. The tournament this year |s open to any peraon living In the state and will ho for Indlvlduata Instead of teams. Kntries ore to be nmlleil to secretary A. R. Corey on or before August 27. Senators Drop First to Tigers; Capture Second Tight Contests in Both Stanzas of Double-Header— League Leaders Re trieve Selves, 4-2. Washington I) C. July 9—Washington broke even with Detroit In today's double header. losing tho fir«t game. 5 to 2. and winning the .second 4 to 2. Score: Score: First game: DETROIT (A). WASHINGTON (A) ab.h.po.a.e ab.h.po.a.e. Haney 3b 4 2 4 4 0 Rice rf 4 12 0 0 Man'sh If 5 2 1 0 0 Mat'ws cf 3 0 2 0 0 Cobb cf 4 110 0 Harris 2b 4 16 2 0 Heil'n rf 4 15 0 Olos'inn If 4 2 0 0 0 Hollins 2b 0 0 0 0 OJudge lb 4 0 7 0 0 Pratt 2b 4 0 3 1 1 Ruel c 4 16 2 0 Plus* lb 4 1 11 0 Prc'gh as 4 13 3 1 Rigney as 4 1 0 4 0 Hluega 3b 3 0 13 0 Woodall c 4 1 2 0 0 Mer ge p 2 0 0 1 0 Wells p 4 2 0 4 1 Russel l p 0 0 0 0 0 — -• Speeee p 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 37 11 27 14 2 zTaylor 110 0 0 Totals 33 7 27 11 1 * Bat ted for Russell In 8 th. Score by innings; Detroit .*. 000 120 200—5 Washington . 000 000 020—2 Summary—Runs: Haney (2), Manush, Blue. Wells, Harris, Taylor Two base hit: Haney. Three base hits: Blue, Goslin. Sacrifice Matthews Double plays: Mog ridge to Ruel to Judge. Pratt to Blue. Rett on bases: Detroit. 6; Washington,6. liases on balls: Off Weils. 1 off Mogridge, 1.struck out: By Mogridge, 1. by Russell. 2; by Speeee. 1 Hits; off Mogridge, 11 in 7 Innings, oft Russell, 0 In 1 inning; off Speeee. 0 in 1 inning Rosing pitcher; Mogridge Umpires. Mortality and Hilde brand. Time: 2:07. Second game: DETROIT (A) WASHINGTON (A) ab b po.a e ab h po.a.e. Bui ke 2b 4 117 1 Rice rf 4 110 0 Manush If 4 1 2 0 0 Ma'ews cf 4 13 0 0 Cobb cf 2 110 0 Harris 2b 2 0 3 2 0 lieil nn rf 4 1 0 o 1 Goslin If 4 2 3 0 0 Blue ib 3 116 1 0 Judge lb 4 0 13 1 0 Rlgney ss 3 0 1 2 0 Pec.'ugh ss 3 0 1 2 0 Jones 2b 2 0 1 3 0 Bluege 3b 4 10 3 0 j-fussier c 3 1 2 2 0 Tate C 3 0 3 1 1 Collins p 2 0 0 0 0 Ruel c 0 0 0 0 0 Joh'on p 0 0 0 0 0 Odgen p 3 10 5 0 xllaney 1(I(O0 Russell p 0 0 0 0 0 xWingo 1 0 0 0 0 - -Totals 31 6 27 14 1 Totals 29 6 24 15 2 xBaited for Collins in eighth. xBatted for Jones in ninth. Score by innings: Detroit . 100 000 001—2 Washington .200 200 QOx—4 Summary—Runs: Manush. Cobb. Rice, Matthews. Petkinpaugh, Blunge. Two base hits. Burke. Goslin. Matthews, Heil mann. Three-base hits: Blue. Goslin. Blunge. Home run: Manush. Stolen base Cobb. Sacrifices: Harris. Blue. Doi Me plavs: Harris to Judge; Judge to Harris to Tate. Left on bases Detroit. 5: Wash ington. 6. Bases on balls: Off Collins, 2; off Ogden. 4. Struck out: By Coillns. 1: by Johnson. 1; by Ogden. 2. Hits; Off Collins. 6 in 7 Inning-; off Johnson. 0 in 1 inning, off Ogden. 6 in 8 Inning.*; none out in ninth; off Russell. 0 In 2 innings Wild pitch: Collins Winning pitcher Ogden. Losing pitcher: Collins. Umpires; Hildebrand and MorUrity. Time 1.59. Pitchers Fail; Yankees Lose Now York. July 9 — Ineffective pitching by Mar kle nd Gaston gave the Chicago Americans another victory from New York today, 8 to 6. Score; CHICAGO (A). NEW YORK <A) . ab.h po.a e ab.h po ? * Moatll cf 4 2 :> 0 0Wltt cf 5 2 4 o u Hooper rf 4 12 0 ©Dugan 3b 2 0 12 0 Collins 2b 4 2 0 2 OH'dnrk cf 4 2 5 0 0 Sheelv lb 5 3 12 <» OMeusel rf 4 0 2 0 o Falk If f. o 2 o opipp ib 4 2 • J Kainm 3b 5 2 0 1 OSchang c 3 2 3 1 2 0 Barrett *a 2 113 ©Ward 2t> 4 1 1 2 0 Sc ha Ik c 3 0 4 0 0 Scott M 3 0 2 4 0 Kat-r p 3 0*5 "Markle p 2 0 0 0 1 Con ally p 0 0 1 1 ©OaMon P 1 0 0 o 0 _— —z.Iohrmon 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 11 27 12 OxRuth 1 I 0 J J zMcN'lljf 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 10 27 • 1 sBatted for Gaston In seventh. sBatted for Dugan in nintn. sHan for Ruth In ninth. Score by innings; Chicago ..7*5 *7 4 0*0—8 New York .020 001 ©03—® Summary—Run*: Mostll (2). Hooper (2). Kamrn. Barrett. Schalk. Faber. Hendrick. I Ipp. Schang (2), Scott. Johnson. Two bale hit Schang. Horn*- rune Plpp. Mos ul (2). Ka nun. Sacrifice hits: Dugan. Schana. Double plays: S'ott to Plpp; TMpp (unaselstted 1 . Connally to Shcly. I.-ft on base*; New York. 7; Chicago, 7 Bases on holla Off Markle. 4; off Gaston. ?,■ off Faber. 3. off Connally. 1. Struck out; By Gaston. 1. by Faber. 3. Hi's: (iff Markle 7 n 7 1-3 Inn rigs; rf G««- n. 4 in 3 2-3 inning*, off Faber. 10 in 8 1-3 innrigs; off Connolly, rone in 2-1 inning Balk Gaston Winning pitcher: Faber l.o#me pit. her Mark!* Umpires: Evans anti Owens. Time. 2:03. Shape's Home Run Win#. Norfolk. Neh , July 9—K. Shupe’a pitch ing and hi* home run won the game to day from Norfolk. 9 to «. breaking the }dkhorns’ long list of straight victories. The score. GD. ISLAND <T) NORFOLK fT) ab.h P" a **. ab h po.a e Buser Sb * 1 1 1 0 Pedera’n c 4 112 1 Condon 2b 5 2 4 4 OAth’tOn si 4 12 4 1 Hlnkel lb 5 0 9 n 0V g uat lb 5 21® 0 1 Boa u n If il " « OB kle r-cf S 2 1 0 0 Quinn ss 4 4 2 2 O'Vdel r rf 4 1 2 0 0 F’chlhl rf 4 0 3 0 0( lark If 4 2*00 Rr’haui cf 4 1 5 0 0M<C*ty 2b 4 12 3* I.uebbe c 4 13 3 lJohn’n 2b a 1 2 4 o E Shun* n 4 1 0 5 OLane P S 1 0 4 0 Total* 39 12 27 14 1 Total* S4 12 27 17 S Score by Inning*: Grand Island . 020 410 2*0—9 Norfolk . 211 110 00©—6 Summary—Run*: Buser. Condon. Bow man. Quinn < 2). Fairchild. Hrookhous. I.uebbe. E Shupe. Pederson. Vlgerust 12 L Clark (3), MoCafferty. Two-t'ang hit* Vlgerust. Wei del. Atherton. Three-base hit. Quinn Home run F Shupe. Sacrifice hits: Atherton, Bruskla, Lane, II Ink *1. Bowman Stolen bates Ather ton. Quinn Base* on balls Off Lane, none; off E. Shupe. 3. Struck out: By l.nnc, 2. by E. Shupe, 3 Bussed ball: I.uebbe Time 2 on Umpire Snyder How to build up your Weight TO be under weight often prove* low fighting-power in the body. It often means you ars minus nerve-power, minus red cells in your blood, minus health, minus vitality. It is serious to bo minus, but the moment you increase the number of your red blood-cells, you begin to become plus. That's why S. S. S., since 1826, has meant to thousands of underweight men and women, a plus in their strength. Your body fills to the point of power, your flesh becomes firmer, the age lines that come from thinness disap pear. You look younger, firmer, happier, and you feel it, too, all over your body. More rcd-blood cellsl S. S. S. will build them. w 8. 8. S. Is sold St ill gang B drug stores (n two sllss. Thu M| Isrgcr sis* Is more economics!, C C ^Worlds Best ^113.3,13, /flood Mrillcinc Al>\ KHTISI MI NT Good for Weak Eyes The ciul<k fution of ulmplf* cmn phor, hydrant!*. wltchhnn^l, rtf. n» mill'd In l«nvnpllk *y«« wmh n* tonlnhrM ppoplr One unmll hot tie help** nnv on*# weak, *ore or nt mined eye*. Aluminum rye cup free. Slier* I mun tk M-Connell Drug Stores, ftaselwll feiljs and Standings WESTERN LEAGUE. Standings. W. L. Pet. Win Lose. Omaha . 58 27 .ittM .«*» .050 Denver .,.50 33 .602 .607 .696 St Joheph .45 36 .566 .661 .549 Tulsa .46 37 .614 .560 .618 Wichita . 12 40 .612 .514 .500 Oklahoma City .41 40 .506 .512 .600 Pea Moines . . 24 63 .312 .321 .308 Lincoln .22 56 .28.6 .295 .282 Yesterday’* Result*. Omaha. H; Oklahoma ( it). ♦». Dpb Moines. 3: St Joseph, 1. Tulsa. 3; Lincoln. I. Wichita, 5; Denver. 1. Game* Today. Oklahoma City at Omaha. Tulsa at Lincoln. St Joseph at Oes Moines. Wichita at Denver. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Stundlng*. W L. Pet. Win Lose New York .49 25 .662 .667 .653 Chicago .42 29 .59!! .697 .582 Pittsburgh .38 34 .528 .634 •»2. Brooklyn .'» 34 .534 .641 .-27 Cincinnati . 38 4 1 481 .488 .475 Boston . 21 43 4 19 427 .413 Philadelphia . ...30 42 .411 .419 .406 St. Louis . 28- 46 .378 .387 .373 Yewterday’» Results. Boston. 6; Pittsburgh. 3. Cincinnati ,6; Philadelphia, 3. Other games postponed, rain. Games Today. New York at St. Louis. Philadelphia at Cincinnati. Brooklyn nt Chicago. Boston nt Pittsburgh. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Standing*. U L ret Win. Lose Washington ..... 43 33 .666 .671 .558 New York . 4 1 3 4 .547 .553 .639 Detroit . 41 37 .526 532 519 Chicago ......... 39 36 .514 .520 .507 St Louis . 37 36 .607 .514 .500 Cleveland . 36 39 4*n 4«7 .474 Boston . 36 40 .474 .491 .468 Philadelphia _ 30 47 .890 .397 .385 Y><*terda.v’*4 Results. Chicago. 8; New York. 6 Cleveland. 3-6: Philadelphia, 1-3. Boston. 6-6; St. Louis. 4 -0. Washington, 2-4; Detroit. 5-2. Game* Today. St. Louis at Boston. Cleveland at Philadelphia. Detroit at Washington. Chicago at New York. AMERIC AN ASSOCIATION. Standing*. W. J* Pet. Win Lose Lnulavllle .. 46 30 605 .610 .'97 Indianapolis .4 4 3 2 .579 .58 4 .571 St. Paul .45 35 .563 588 .556 Columbus . 38 39 .494 .500 .4*7 Toledo .3 5 40 .467 .474 461 Kansas City . 35 43 449 .456 .44.7 Minneapolis .... I 44 .429 .436 .427 Milwaukee .51 44 41 3 .421 .408 Yesterday '* Results. Indlanannlls. 12; Minneapolis, 4. Louisville. 9: Sr. Paul. 8. Toledo. 5; Kansas City. 4 ColumbUH at Milwaukee, wet grounds. Game* Today. Toledo nt Kansas City. Columbus at Milwaukee Indianapolis nt Minneapolis. Louisville at St. Paul. TRIsTATE league. Standing*. AV. L r<t Won. Loss. Beatrice ..3 4 25 .576 .5*3 567 Grand Inland ....31 26 .644 .552 .534 Norfolk .26 28 4*1 491 .473 Sioux Falls .27 30 .474 .4*3 .466 Sioux City . 28 31 .475 .4*3 .467 Hastings ....25 31 446 .456 .439 Yesterday’s Result*. Sioux City. 12-12. Hastings, 7-3. Grand Island, 9; Norfolk, 6. Beatrice, e. Si ux F alls. 5. Game* Today. Hastings at Sioux City Grand Island it N-' f 1c. Beatrice at Sioux Falls. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. New Orleans 3. Chattanooga. 1. Mobile. 2. Nashville, 11 Birmingham. 4; Memphis. 1; Jl innings Atlanta. 5; Little Rock, 2. INTER NATION AL LEAGUE. Reading. 3-7; Jersey City. 0-8. Newark. 4 S Baltimore. 12-2. Buffalo, 4. Rochester, 9. Toronto, 6. Syracuse, 9. TIIKEE-LA K LEAGUE. pe<~R*ur. 0-2. Terre Haute, 7-7. Peoria. *. Evansville, j Blooming ton-Danvilie. called in first, rain. I Resinol does wonders for chafed or imitated shins “My doctor told me about It and if I couldn’t get another jar 1 wouldn't give this one up for anything." That is how many people regard Resinol Ointment It is specially recommended lor eczema and other itching skin troubles, but it is also ex eellent as a general household remedy for bums, scalds, chafing*, cold sores, pimples, boils, insect bites, etc. Retinol So*p end Retinol Stick conte.n the Retinol pr ;>ertie* end no home thouid be without these product* A t all dr%zzi:tt, \ I * \ I.KTIM- MINT MY DAUGHTER WOULD CRY AY EVERYTHING Nervous and irritable. ByTaking LydiaE.Pinkham’sVegetableCom pound Became Entirely Normal Clinton, Wisconsin.—‘‘My daughter was in a very run-down condition, and wus irritable, and would cry at every little thing she was so weak and nervous. As Lydia E l’inkhnm's Veg etable Compound had helped me when 1 was a girl I gave it to her to build her up, and the results were all that wo could wish for. I wish that every mother with growing girls would try it for these troubles girls often have. I had taken it myself before my girl was born, and she waa one of the nicest babtea any one could wish to haye. I recommend the Vege table Compound to women nnd girls and cannot praise it too highly." — Mrs. 1. A. IIOLFOHD, Box 48, Clinton, Wisconsin. Mothers can depend upon Lydia E. I’inkham'sVege table Compound to re lievo their daughters of those troubles they so often have. They know from experieneo the value of the V egeta ble Compound in the treatment of these complaints and many, like Mrs. llolford, give it to their daughter*. I Browns Skid at Boston; Drop Two Boston. July 9—Boston took both game from St. Louts today, 6 to 4 and 6 to o. In th** second game Fuhr back In the game after an attack of Jundlce, pitched admirably. Score First game: ST. LOUIS <A). BOSTON (A). ab.h.po.a e Tobin rf 4 0 0 0 0 Clark 3b 4 2 10 0 Me’Ian 2b 2 A 3 2 0 bxsell 3b 1 o 0 0 0 xKob’on 110 0 OWamby 2b 3 0 3 6 1 ] Staler lb 5 2 7 1 0 Veach If 6 2 10 0 Wil'atna If 5 0 3 0 1.1 t o ns rf 4 2 3 " 0 Jacson cf 4 3 2 0 OFla'ead cf 4 u l o 0 Rio 3b 3 112 ITodt lb 2 1 11 3 01 If. Co ni c 3 0 5 2 OlMclch c 3 2 3 2 0 Berber as 3 2 111 Lee s» 2 12 3 0 Vati der p2 1 2 4 0 Shanks as 10 2 0 O' Pruett p 0 0 0 0 0 Piercy p 1 0 0 2 0 x Be n ett 10 0 0 OaO’.W ll 1 0 0 0 0 ———--Quinn p 10 0 2 0 Totals 33 10 24 12 3 Per son p 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 10 27 17 1 xBatted for Pruett In Otb. xBatted for McMillan In 9th. xBatted for Piercy in 6th. Score by innings: St. Iaouis . 003 0O0 O0l—4 Boston . 000 003 llx—-f> Gerber, Vangilder, Vea* h. J Collins. Todt, Quinn Two base hit. Jacobson. Thice base bit; SlsJer, Clark. Stolen bases. J Collin*. Sacrifices: Tooin. Beit<'r, Rue, Wamby. Piercy. Lee Double play- Berber to McMillan to S.sler. L^ft on imses: St Louis b. BoHton, 12 Bases on balls Off Vangilder. 5; i ff Pruett. 1. • .ff Piercy, 2. Struck out: By Vangilder. by Pruett. 1; by Piercy, 2; by Wuinn, 1 Hits; Off Vangilder, 9 in 6 2-3 Innings off Pruett, 1 in .13 inning*, off Piercy. 6 in b inning*, off Quinn, 4 in 2 2-3 In nings. olf Ferguson, o in 1-3 inning Hit bp pitched ball:: By Piercy. Mi Mlllanjl) Winning pitcher. Quinn. Lotting pitcher. Vangilder Umpires; Connolly and Urmeby. Time: 2:14. Score, second game: ST. LOUIS (A) BOSTON (A) ab.h.po a e ab.h.po a.e Tobin rf 3 0 10 OClark 3b 4 112 0 McM'n 2b 3 14 3 Ai;**ell 3b 0 0 0 0 0 Staler lb 4 0 0 1 OWsmby 2b 4 0 l 2 0 W’liama if 4 1 3 u 0Veach If 3 110 0 Jacob n cf 4 2 0 0 0J.CT.ns rf 4 110 0 Rice 3b 2 0 10 IFlagd cf 4 12 0 0 xLvans 0 0 0 0 t»Todt lb 4 19 0 0 Rob'on 3b 10 0 1 OHeving c 4 2 7 0 0 Severeid c 4 1 4 1 OLee sa 2 116 0 Berber as 3 14 1 OFuhr p 3 10 2 0 Daws p 2 0 1 2 0 -■ * ' xSimon l o o o 0 Totals 32 3 It 12 0 Bayne p 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 6 24 9 1 xBatted for Rice in seventh xBatted for Davis in seventh. Score by innings: St Louis . 000 000 000—-0 Boston . 300 101 00x—5 Summary—Runs: Clark. Veach. Flag slfciiu, Heving (2). Tuo-baso hits. Jacob son. Veach, Flaystead. Heving Stolen bases- Ve«< h. J. Collin? Sacrifk^ hR‘ Lee. Doubia plays: Lee to \Va#iby to Todt (3). i-ert on bas»*? St. Liuia. 7. Boston, 6. Bases on bads. Off Davis, 1; off Fuhr. 3. Struck out: By Davis 1. by Bayne, 2; by Fuhr, 4 II * Off Dav:a. 9 in six inr.mgs; off Ba>ne, none in two innings Lo*:og pitcher Davis Umpires; Ormsby and Connolly. Time. 1:42 Win Fontenelle Prizes. R. M. Londorf and W. A. Scovillc won prizes in the golf competition at Fontenelle park Sunday. Scveay Hudson, Dr. R. Peterson, W. B. Craighead, R. E. Swanson. S. E. Vuight, Frank Andrews. I.. H. Buz :rd, Walter Hitch and M. G. Rogers, Fontenelle g> Ifers, have entered the 13th annual city golf tournament, which atarts over the Happy Hollow course Monday. . Here’s Buffaloes* Pitching Records Name. G. W. I- I’rt. Hailey, R.1.1 II 2 .R»« Maek, R.18 1<» 3 .789 Koupal, R.18 8 3 .72* 1.22 12 7 .632 Bailey, L.23 9 8 .529 __—--' Reds Overtake Phillies to Win Cincinnati July 9—After Philadelphia had taken a two-run lead in their briif of the eighth inning today on singles bv if nline and Mitchell and a triple bv Harper, the Reds came back in thejr half of their round and *ro-ed five •■'•rn* 1 i runs on seven hit* off Mitchell. Bette nn l Pinto, winning the game $ to 3 Score I PH I LAD'PH! A <N) CINCINNATI (N) ab.h po.u e ab h po a e I Sand ** 4 0 2 3 0 Crltz 2b 3 10 4 o Harper rf 4 110 0 D’bert lb 4 1 D 1 0 WJ’ams cf 4 1 4 0 " Roush of 4 13 0 (< Schultz If 4 10 0 0 Duncan If 4 2 2 0 0 Wr'one 3b 4 1 ZM « Harr've c 3 13 2 0 Holke !h t 1 f M Burns rf 4 10 0 0 Ford 2b 3 1^1 OPine’U 3b 4 3 0 2 0 Henline c 3 1 1 0 Cav’ey ss 3 2 2 4 0 Wendell c ooooo Mava P 40120 Mltell p 3 10 4 0 - Betts n ooooo Totals 33 12 27 1 6 0 Pinto p 0 0 0 0 0 Total* 33 8 24 9 0 Scoie by Innings: Philadelphia .010 ooa 020—3 Cincinnati . 100 00« 05a—6 Summary—Run*: Schultz. Henline. Mitchell CrJtz. Dauber*. Rpush (2) Dun ran. Burns Two-bane hit3: Hums. Plnelll. Three-t>a»e hit*: Rouzh Duncan. Harr>tr Stolen bases: Roush. Ptnelli. Sacrifice: Herarave D ruble play*. Cav-ney to Diu-i bert Ford to Sand to Holke. I.eft on bases. Philadelphia, 4 Cincinnati. 5 Bases on bail*: Off Mitchell. D Struck out: By May*. 3: bv Mitchell. 3. Hit*: I off Mitchell, s in 7 innings- none out in e.rrhth Off Betts. 2 In 1-2 innine off Pinto. 2 in Z-% inning Hit by pitched ball By Mitchell. Caveney. Umoiiu** Hart, McCormick and Pfirrnan. Time: 1:40._ Entry List for Net Meet Grows The entry lint for the annual city tennis tournament which opens Sat urday on the Field club courts haa grown to 5S contestant*. Ralph Newell, in charge of the meet, an nounced. Prospective contestants have until Friday night to register. A foe of $1.50 will he required of all entering. Registrations can Ire phoned In to Ralph Newell. Atlantic 08S6, or -to the Omaha Field club, Harney 0240. Vernon Releases Cadore. Los Angeles, July lb— Leon Cadflre, pitcher obtained by the Vernon club of the Pacific Coast Baseball Inirvrue from the Chicago White Rotr la*t spring, was unconditionally released yesterday. It was said Cadore failed to round into form. | Pacific Coast League V__/ Scattl*. July 9 £ K H E. San Krp.nfiaro . . 5 4 1 beatt |e ... .. S T 3 Batterles. She* Griffin and Afne* ; Sutherland and Tobin. T.ob Angeles. July 9 — K H- X> Sail Lake City.4 9 2 Vernon . . 7 11 -2 Batterk*.*- Ponder, Thom a* McCabe, C' .imbe and Peter*, P- i.ner and I Mar shy. _ Borland. Ore , July 9 ! R H E I.ob Angeles . *14 2 Portland .7 16 l I Batteries: Hugh**. Ramsay, NVeine.t and Jones. Eckert, Bedient and Cochran* Oakland. Cal . July • £ R H E. Sa ram-nto .. .... 4 9 0 Oa kland .. 6161 Batterie*. Hughe* and Koehler Mali** land Bak*r. RANDALL IS EIGHTY-FIVE BUT IN GOOD HEALTH _ Nebraska Man Sticks on Job Every Day. "That I am enjoying such good health at S5 I can attribute for the most part to this medicine called Tan lac,’’ recently Btat“d K- J- Randall, dealer in wall paper, paints, etc., 713 Court St , Beatrice, Neb. “Yes," said Mr. Randall, who does not look to be over 63, "I am still as active in business as I ever was and since taking TanLic I fee-1 as strong and good as I did 20 years ago. I have used Tanlac off and on for the pest four years and it has kept me tit and strong. “When I 1/ega.i taking Tanlae I Just seemed to be facing a com ple'te failure of health on account of stom ach trouble, bad digestion and low ef appetite. But Tanlae soon put a Mop to my troubles and has kept say health and strength up to the highest etate. Tanlae has my strongest en dorsement." --- Tanlae is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 Million bottles sold. . r 1 ■" ft Tan! ’ Vegetable Pills for corsti l>atlon. made and lecommendad by thfe n-.anufa( turers of TANLAC.—Adswnr* tisemer.t. ~ I ■ ■ =^=== 1 —1 ■ " * '"" ~=^ggr*|! * This Week’s Choice Value r Real Estate Page I ' * I .*V> Which Runs Every Sunday in the Want Ad Section Is the Short z Road Toward Home Ownership . ' - % s ” * V *. EVERY ADVERTISER Chooses His BEST Bargain for the Week and Offers it on Sunday If you are at all interested in Omaha’s Real Estate vaiues it will pay you to read the page each Sunday. The following Real Estate Dealers are regular users of the page: Rasp Rros. Srhroeder Investment Co. Chas. W. Martin it Co. Stuht-Red/ord Co. The Reason & Garrett Co. Hamilton & Co. Shuler & Cary Reason <t Carmirheal Gallagher it Kelson George it Co. Gruenig Co. Shopen <t Co. T. II. Marnner Co. Glover & S/xun First Trust Co. Sent ry Hudson Co. Edtc. F. If illiams Co. ^ P. J. Tehhens Co. Metcalfe Co. Harrison X Horton J. J. MulvihiU J. L. Hiatt Co. R. F. Cl,try Co. Grote-Hihhard Co. J. H. Kopietz i HanInvestment Co. C. T. Spier Co. K. H Renner Co. Pa\ no X Sons Co. The Omaha Morning Bee THE EVENING BEE ATlantic 1000 i