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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1924)
j I Prominent Club Woman Leaves I lMrs. H. B. Whttehouse entertained It luncheon Wednesday for Mrs. John B. Haarmann, who leaves soon with ltr. Haarmann to make her home In Seattle. Thursday the matrons of the East frn Btar chapters of Omaha will give a luncheon at Aqulla court for Mrs. Haarmann, and Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cunningham will be dinner hosts In honor of Mr. and ^ Mrs, Haarmann. Mrs. Haarmann hps held a prom lnent place In the woman's club life of the city. She has been both secretary and organist for Fontenelle chapter, O. E. S., and In the Omaha Woman's club, she was leader of the music department for five years, and leader of the parliamentary law de- I partment for the past season. j Mrs. Haarmann's daughter. Mrs. L William Locke is following In her mother’s footsteps, having been presi dent of the College club for the past year. The Haarmann's son, John Haar mann, Jr., will follow his parents to Seattle in the fall to make hts home there. i-■ —-:-: Mrs. John Haarmann. Mrs. A. Brandeis 1, Here With Son, f - E. J. Brandeis I Mrs. Arthur Brandeis, who hat been In Paris the last year with her daughter, Ruth, Is In Omaha as guest of her son, E. John Brandeis, until Thursday when she will leave for San Francisco, where she will visit her daughter, Eeola. Mrs. Brandeis while In the city Is stopping at the Fontenelle. She will return in October. Additional Affairs for Mi ss Stout’s Guest. Mf. and Mrs. Henry Luberger gavw a dinner last evening for Mies Mary Thatcher of Swarthmore, Pa., guest of Miss Gertrude Stout. Thurs day Mrs. Milo Gates will give an In formal luncheon for Miss Thatcher, and Friday Mrs. Amos Thomas will entertain at luncheon. That evening Miss Emily Keller will give a picnic for the guest, and Saturday Miss Erna Reed will give a dinner. The Gaines to Have New Haven Guests July 19. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watson of New Haven, Conn., will arrive July 1* m visit Mr/ and Mr*. Francis Games. The Gaines were with Mr. and Mrs. Watson for a Yale football game last fall on their honeymoon. Mr. Gaines and Mr. Watson were roommates at Yale. Former Y. W. C. A. Worker Here. Miss Mary Jewell, former physical director In the Young Women's Christian association, and now physl cal director In the association at AVhlchita, Kan., will spend Saturday and Sunday, July 12 and 13, in Omaha. The Athletic club of the Y. W. C. A. gymnasium department are plan ning a supper and slumber party. Saturday night at Camp Brewster in her honor. The Beldens Entertain for the William Newton?. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Belden will enteitain 25 guests at dinner at Aquila Court tea room on Thursday evening, when their honor guests will he Mr. and Mrs. William Newton, who returned In June from extended Kuropean travels. Highland Country Cluh Opens Saturday. Highland Country club will hold Its informal opening at the new country club house on Saturday evening with a reception and dance. The club Is situated at One Hundred and Twenty fifth and Pacific streets. Southern Guest Leaves. Mrs. F. H. Moore of Rome, Ga., who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Churchill, and Maj. Lawrence Churchill, left Wednesday for her home. Tuesday evening Mrs. K. S. Westbrook entertained at dinner for Mrs. Moore. % Churchill, left today for her home. Tuesday evening Mrs. K. S. West brook entertained at dinner for Mrs. Moore. Betsy Ross Tent No. 1. Members of Betsy Ross Tent No. 1, Daughters of ITnlon Veterans, will hold thplr monthly kenslngton and party Thursday afternoon, July lb. from 2 to 5 o’clock on the lawn of Ora K. Johnson, J018 South Thirty first street. Any daughter or grand daughter of a civil war veteran Is Invited. Members of Odd Guard post. No. 7, will be honor guests. Kappa Alpha Theta. Members of Kappa Alpha Theta Alumjjas will motor to Fremont on Saturday, where they will meet mem bers from Lincoln to hold a "rush ing” party and luncheon at the Fre mont Country club. Housewife’s Idea Rox || An Aid to Darning Storking* Instead of using the ordinary storking darner try a flashlight like t the one shown In the Illustration, place It inside the stocking Turn «n the light It will readily show you the worn spots Besides you can I darn over the top of it. ^ THE HOUSE WIFE._ [ Your Problems ) I'nfortunate Love Affairs. Dear Martha Allen: I seem to be a regular "hard luck merchant" when it comes to love affairs.- I am always unlucky ns to sny beau. One of my first beaus went to South America and then stopped writing to me. an other changed his mind about his love for me after an acquaintance of a year, and still another died quite suddenly. As soon as I become fond of a man something happens to spoil every happiness I might find. I am discouraged. CYNTHIA. You may have been singularly un fortunate In your love Rffalrs, but that is no reason to think that happi ness doesn’t He ahead of you. Begin to assume the attitude that your chance Is just around the corner and you will he smiling before you know it. Consider past love affairs real ex perience by which you can profit. Never think that the end is near, for such gloom is sure to drive away any admirer. The bright and happy girl with a ready smile is the one to attract admiration. Cultivate a bet ter frame of mind and you will be more ready to accept good fortune or bad fortune more graciously so that It will leave no mark. Dear Martha Allen: I love the man whom I Intend to marry so very much that sometimes I just hate him. Now, Martha Allen, this \Vorries me. Shouldn’t 1 get over this feeling be fore I marry him? It is all my fault. JANE BLACK. It Is certain that jealousy has such a firm hold on your heart that It has become warped Into hatred. You have let your heart muscles get to such a tension or pitch that you will destroy all love you might have for the man. You will have to be a little more gen erous in your feelings toward him If you expect to keep his love. As you probably know, jealousy Is blinding and is only based on selfish notions. Everyone likes variety, and If your man didn't seek a little relaxation from his devotion to you, he would be tireso’me. The best way In which lo kill this feeling of jealousy that creeps upon you unawares Is to be come Interested In something outside your love affair. Try It. ^ 10.00 and 12.50 ^ LINEN KNICKER SUITS 7.98 White Natural Jasper F.W. Thorne Co. ^ 1812 Farnam St. Adele Garrison “My Husband’s Love” V_1___' How Harry Underwood Arrived at IJist. "Yes. there might be a dozen rea sons for Harry's not getting back at the time he stipulated,” Lillian re peated dubiously. "But usually Harry doesn't let anything like a reason stand in his way. However, there's nothing we can do except wait. In deed, I am glad to have the chance to emphasize again that it is most vital for me to know whether Harry real ly is criminally engaged in this boot legging business, or whether he Is doing the detective stunt he managed before when he helped us out so gloriously. RememBer?’’ Remember Should I ever forget the relief from torturing suspense, and the thrill of the moment when Harry Underwood, his disguise aban doned, made it possible for the gov ernment to stamp out the slimy con spiracy against the country which the man Smith had engineered? But remorseless logic told me Harry Un derwood was now playing a far less exalted role. "Do you think it is incompatible with his nature for him to be ranged on one side of the law then and on another now?" I asked quietly. "Indeed, no," she returned with emphasis "That is Just the reason why I am afraid of what he Is do ing now. Harry Is the typical New York-man-of-the-world, than whom there is nothing more Insular and provincial, and he cannot get it through his noodle that there Is any other opinion In this nation of ours thnn that represented by Forty-sec ond and Broadway. To him bootleg ging la a high adventure a awash buckling revolt against what he con siders tyranny. He would exult In rum running, while, as happened a while ago, he wrould revolt at a slimy conspiracy against the government and do his best to expose It.” Harry Returns. "I know,” I assented, for she had voiced my own opinion better than I could have expressed it. “But—” I was glad that the ring of the doorbell kept me from finishing the sentence, for it was a question which had sprung to my lips Inadvertently, and which I should have been sorry indeed to have uttered. I was anx ious to find out why Lillian deemed it vital for her to know Harry Under wood's real connection with the boot legging gang that I almost had clothed my curiosity in words, some thing which I knew would have been most distasteful to Lillian. But the query lingered with me. Could it be possible that she would carry her feeling of responsibility for him to the point— Mrs. Marks’ high-pitched voice rose from the hall, punctuated by giggles. “Oh! I beg your pardon. I didn’t know there was anybody at the door. I was just going out. Who was it you wanted? Mis’ Graham? She’s right in here. I'll call her.” “Please do not take the trouble,” '— -:—= 1 : ——: — Harry Underwood's deep voice re plied, end there was In the almost burlesqued Impressiveness which he used when .he addresses a woman of Mrs. Marks' type. "Mrs. Graham Is expecting me. I only have to knock. But thank you so much." "Oh, don’t mention it!" Mrs. Marks' giggle crescendoed again. "I’m only too glad to do anything for Mis’ Gra ham.” "I can imagine how' much Mrs. Graham appreciates your solicitude,” he replied, and I could visualize the killing bow with which he accom panied the ambiguous little speech. Lillian and I grinned appreciative ly at each othPr, while Mrs. Marks’ retreating giggle and Mr. Under wood's knock upon the living room door sounded simultaneously. "Trust Harry to make a killing In a direction like that," the woman who knew Harry Underwood best commented with an amusement from which time had drained the bitter ness. "Can't you imagine the tumult her fluttering vanity Is in?" “('nine Along, Then.” “I probably shall hear It," I return ed a bit grimly, "She Is not particu larly reticent, you know, and she Isn’t likely to overlook a topic like this when next she sees me.” "You have my sympathy," Lillian gibed, and then In a brisk, business like tone, she added: "I want to apeak to Harry, un heard by that weeping chimpanzee In there, for about 20 seconda. Will you take her down to the kitchen until I auntmon you.” "Of course," I returned. "Come along, then,” she said, sweeping back Into the living room, “or Harry will be thinking we've flown away." Mamie with swollen eyes and tear stained cheeks, had raised her head at the knocking, but she had not ventured toward the door. Evidently, the "animal taming" of her aunt had been most effective. And when Lil lian opened the door to admit Harry Underwood the gill's head went down on the chair back again, with the natural feminine reluctance to dis play her distorted face to any mascu line gaze. I think any woman would have been pardoned for sending an admir ing little gaze In Mr. Underwood’s direction. Middle age had not robbed him of his litheness, nor thickened his tall, magnificent figure. His hair Is al most entirely white now. It is true, but his color Is as ruddy, his black eyes as brilliant and piercing as when his admirers were wont to dub him "the handsomest man on Broad way.” As he stood smiling a greeting at us from the doorway I told myself grimly that I had no right to sneer at Mrs. Marks. Trinity Chapter, O. E. S. Trinity chapter. Order of the East ern Star, will hold a special meeting and Initiation on Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, at Masonic temple. _ Keen, sparkling eyes, vigorous bodies and crispy Kellogg’s just naturally go together. Flakes filled with flavor and health •—serve with milk or cream. CORN FLAKES Inner-aealed waxtite wrapper —-exclusive Kellogg feature. USE BEE WANT ADS—THEY BRING RESULTS - —- - .- - — - = || ‘Rennfi£e 4 . i 1 ( nour **r )~ 4 S! ENJOY % GOOD B“ HEALTH 9 Renulife Violet Ray ami 29 8.J Ozone treatments will OK hrinp relief to sufferers jig ** M of many ailments. S i If You . I 4 Suffer From ||| LUMBAGO H NEURITIS K I HEADACHE 11 RHEUMATISM 0! COLDS m NEURALGIA |jj If you are suffering from Kl any of these ailments you should own a Renulife set. (M n Merely attach this to your lamp socket, turn on the current. Why deny yourself relief—now that it can be obtained so easily. Com* in tomorrow and let us explain the wonderful result* obtainable with thi* generator. Demonstrations Gladly Given Nebfdskd S Power C 9 I •J Cpwest Prices ‘-"" " _ ; H-Q03 South^M-thr Ca Bluffs Specials for Thursday and Friday Choice Iref I Choice.t Cat I Choice Cut I Sugar Cured | Pot Romt Chuck Steak Round Steak Picnic Ham. 10c 14c 17c 12c Pure Rendered lOl- Evaporated Milk, OC. Lard .i^2C 3 ta„ can| .60C BEEF CUTS SMOKED MEATS Choice Rib Boiling Beef, Sugar Cured Strip per lb.Bacon .15c4 Choice Beef Chuck Sugar Cured Bacon, Roast .12Vaper lb.18<* Fresh Made Hamburger, Sugar Cured Breakfast per lb.10<* Bacon .200 Choice Corned Beef, Sugar Cured Skinned per lb.12,/aCt Ham .18<* PORK CUTS „ tCuTP,MEATS _ , c Fra.h Mada Bologna ...15* Fre.h Sp.rerib. .• • »* Fre.h Mad. Wienie, end , Fre.h Le.f L.rd .10'** Fr.nkfurt. .20* Fre.h P.g He.rt.j>* Fre.h Liver S.u.ege, Fre.h Pig Liver .n* per jj,.20#* Choice Bo.ton Butt... 10* Choice Pr....d Hem '. . .20* Smell Lean Pork Shoulder JO* Choice Minced Ham ...20* Choice Pork Loin. .1«C Fancy Sweet Pickle., do*. 10* Fancy Summer Sau.age.,22* CANNED GOODS * Ideal Malt end Hop..f»7* BUTTF.RINE F'ancy Sweet Corn .lO* -ucky Boy OI«o. 20t* II Campbell's Pork and Beans, Liberty Nut Oleo . 22<* per cen.11* 9 1b..$1.05 Pure Cane Sugnr, 10 lb.. 70* Evergood Oleo, 2 lb.. . *4H* Peeherry Coffee .35* ® lh..••■•.$1,20 Mail and Expree. Order. Filled Promptly M„,her, who w„h D,|DrrCr UAQU rAUDAMY I wiii find it to I a I Ilf If r H M\ An 1^1 IPIrZili I *" i their girls to attend our Den- UIWIWJ HAWlI Vvl II Mil 1« nison classes, Thursday and Sat- «B.ICnvtannvc ctado11 ehandise during this sale. urday, 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. EVERYBODYS STORE || July Clearance Sale Every department is represented during our i great July Clearance Sale, with merchandise that is fresh and clean, right from our stocks. See our window displays and visit every Bargain Square for items not ad vertised. " Housefurnishings at Clear anceSalePrices Table Top White porcelain table tops, 25x II Vi -inch size, to fit over your kitchen d*0 QC table_>__ Fruit Jar* Kerr mason fruit jars, self sealing, 1-quart OQ | size, doz. . wc/ve 0 Brooms 5-tie broom* with j full v a r n i * hed handle, . 59c O’Cedar Floor Brush Chemically treated floor brush of i black yarn, 12-inch spread with I varnished block and long han | .$1.39 Bread Boxe. White Japanned bread boxes with round cor I - ners and hinged covers, in two sizes. Values to QCf* $1.25 . JiJC Mop Sticks U v Common mop sticks ^ '• with strong spring p. w*k : K‘":.15c f'i, 1 Refrigerator t Pans 1—— Extra heavy large size refrigera tor pan—18 inches in diameter, and 7 inches deep, with QC. drop handles.&*J\* LI.awn Mower 16-inch Dundee quality lawn mower, with four blades. Self ad justing and fully guaranteed, $12.50 caae Pans Wear Ever aluminum rake pans. Kg1'."!1:. 29c ' _ Pudding Pans Two-quart Wear-Ever deep pud ding pan*. Regu larly 86e. *T»/C $6.25 Garden Hose H-lneh molded hose, ‘‘Good year” quality, In d» .4 QC 50-ft. lengths .... j I ..til th I Inn, Attractive Silk and Wool Dresses Formerly Priced $33.50 to $119.00 Now £ $_ k50 to (\1 Frocks for every occasion; smart lines and sil- j houettes; frocks that are tailored and others ornate I fi with embroidery, beading, novelties and laces. Every / M woman and miss should anticipate her needs for the . coming season with one of these smart, low-priced j JR dresses. |Jk|| The materials— Canton Crepe Flat Crepe Roshanara Crepe Satin Georgette Crepe Romain Chiffon ^ The colors— tmxl! Cocoa Pouder Blue Navy Green & Gray Black Sizes 14 to 44. 1 Third Floor « Novelty Low Shoes $2-00 $2^0 Hose Sizes $8JO to $1475 V ^ • I U • A A to D l'alue8 “Triple A” and “Mojud" chiffon hose, full J ] fashioned, with lisle garter tops and lisle or reinforced silk feet. In black, fal low, sunset, nude, beige, sand, tor- j oise, gray. Slightly irregular. Main Floor Art Needlework | Doll Boudoir Lamps Tuscan Net Spreads The Style, The Material, $1.25 $2.95 -$4.95 Sandals Step-In Pumps Patent Gray Suede 'r T Strap Pumps S-Eye Ties Airedale Suede Boudoir lamps complete Bedspreads stamped on tus 0 .• ni.-i, with head, cord and plug. can net. to be worked with Thr Black Satin Black Suede Heads have white, black, au- yarn. In three-quarter and 1 flC mmCCIS rhftmpapne Kid White ( nit burn, brown or blonde hair. double bed 5i7.e. Scarfs and Military Low White Nile Cloth Priced for one day only. pillows to match, each 50c. Spanish French Cuban Gray Kid White Kid ‘ Second Floor | Extra Special Bedding Choice of our entire stock of “La France” Oxfords C QC ^ S and Tumps. $8.50 to $12.00 values.*PO,Z/%J ^ Loll' Prices / f /-a •», jp , • rt81x90-inch Sheets Bleached Sheeting rr OTYl€f\ S \£llllteci dCltin LJ ursays Fine quality sheets, d> 1 OQ 81-inch sheeting of a quality . . each .«P 1 eJ suitable for lunch cloths, rap $3*65 Fancy Outing Flannel spreads. Yard . b'd 59c j Painty and comfortable, quilted satin P'Orsays for the Heavy quality outing flannel Cotton Blankets boudoir. In powder blue, old rose, black with green lining. Ve- ‘ Full sire blankets with values Baby Spanish heels. Values to *6.00. to * customer. | C c (o ?2 60 a- p-q Ku,n F,oor 'ar<1 . rair .JM./y 1 — 1 ' 9*cond Floor C] t r» i Notion Specials bale or Blouses K^rjzsir....7c » 30c 7-yard bolts S:lk Finished j $295 and $395 fz&EZ. 29c $1.95, all silk, flesh color Sani- • t tarv Belt*, all d*1 OQ Fashioned of pussy willow, radium, canton crepe and sixes silk English broadcloth. Made with Tuxedo, Peter Pan or 4!V Kleinert’s Pure 07_ Bobbie collars, trimmed with tucks and hemstitching*. Sizes !>an,*1 , • 11 to 44. \ allies to $15.00. faced Hospital $1 29 j Hand-made blouses of batiste, voile and linen, trimmed 49"’'ancy 'pattern KubC -cd with hand-drawn work, embroidery and real laces. Peter Household \'r, • s. o — } Pan. Bobbie and long collars. Sizes II I to 52. Values to at O / C 5 $18 50. SI. 09 K'einert's Pro** 8hieM lj Third Floor (>impe. while | ^ I Maid K loot | l H