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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1924)
EDITOR ENJOINED1 Court Orders William B. Daly to Refrain From Issuing Holiday Edition. William B. Daly, former owner nnd editor ol the Midwest Labor News, was enjoined from Issuing a; Labor day publication *in Omaha by a decision of District Judge Hastings I Wednesday. Suit was brought by Joseph A. Lochray, who bought the News from Daly in J920 and testified that Daly, at that time, agreed not to enter into a . competing business In Omaha. Judge Hastings held that Daly’s proposed Labor day publication containing ad- t vertisements would be a competing, business, as Lochray intends to issue a special Labor day edition of his newspaper. Daly contended that he still retains the official recognition of Central l abor union which he acquired sev eral years ago, as well as of the state federation. It Is part of a fight between two factions which has been going on for a long time. Daly may appeal to the supreme court, but can get no de cision in time for this year’s intended publication. N. W. Stewart, president of the Nebraska Ptate Federation of Labor, r Issued a statement as follows: Tho derision nf Judge Hastings enjoins William It. Paly from promoting the Year Pook of the Slate Federation of Isthor In the City of Omaha only. The decision Is based on a contract between Lochrav and Paly entered Into at the time of the sale of the Mid-West Labor | News by Paly to Lochray. Tho decision In Is way prevents the State Federation of Labor from preceding with the publication of the Year mtnk. and this will be done by arrangement with other parties than Mr. Paly. The Mid-West News is not the official organ of either the State Federation nf Labor , nor the Omaha Central Labor union, and la not recognised In any manner what soever bv these two organizations. Tho Mid-West News will not have any part In the nr, paratlon or publication of the Year Pook. VETERAN ROAD EMPLOYE DIES George A. Lawrence,’73, died Tues j day afternoon at a local hospital fol lowing a long Illness. He had lived In Omaha more than BO years, first coming to the city when the Union Pacific began building Its road. Ever since his arrival he has been employed ns a tinsmith for the Union Pacific and was active in pension work and old-timers’ organizations Funeral services will be held at 2 Thursday from Jackson’s undertak ing parlors. Burial will be In Pros pect View cemetery. CATHOLIC WOMEN IN SESSION HERE The Omaha diocesan of the Mis v- sionary Association of Catholic wo men held its one-day convention Wed nesday at Duchesne college, Thirty sixth and Burt streets, with the na tional president from Milwaukee at tending. High mass was held at 9, after which Passior.iPt Father Cyril of! Chicago tidked. They then assembled !;i the hall of the college and Father! Healey of Omaha addressed them Business meeting and election of of-, ficers was to follow. Mrs. P. E. Peters, Randolph, Neb , is retiring president of the local j diocesan. Miss Mary Gockel, na j tlonal president from Milwaukee gave, an address. I Out of the Records V -/ Births and Deaths. Births. I.e Grande and Lydia Osmsted. hospital. boy. furl and iln « Riekes. hospital, girl. Golden and Minnie Ryan, hospital, girl. Grant and Georgia Gantz. hospital, boy. K&lnh nnd Helen Boder. hospital, bov. Ralph and l uu Holt, hospital, boy. John and Oretchen Hussey, hospital, boy. James nnd Grace Dunn, hospital, girl. Verie Paul and Marie Smith, hospital. b°Paul nnd Anna Kelley. 2424 Bristol street, girl. , , , Kudoip-i snd Mory Kruplnsky. Forty thud und H streets, girl. Mlkalav and Marie Sidarawlcs, 4315 South Thirty-third street, girl. John und lone Wilke, hospital, girl. Charles and Winifred Alexander, hos I,!yU' g and Irene Larsen. 4029 Miami atBdwardr and Rosie Taylor. La Platte. ^Jo’hn* and Barbara Mayhan. hospital. ** Dallas nnd Laura Garfield. 4393 I street, girl. Deaths. Dorothy Llehr. 1. hospital. Frances Mancuso 61. 1245 South Slx k nth street. l.yda Anna Drake. 35. hospital, labv Sage, Infant, hospital. Buel Case Hubbell. 76, hospital. Harney Leutenegger. hospital. George A. Lawrence. 71. hospital. Married in Council Bluffs. The following persona obtained mar rlage licenses in Council Bluffs yesterday: Itav Hill. Thurston, Neb . 25 Mu Wriedt, Pender. Neb. 22 H H. Luke, Norfolk, Neb....... «« Minnie Wleaeman. Norfolk, Neb. 6J William Garlach. Omaha . ‘J Lulu Folsom, Omaha . ei Huel Bl* Lo. Omaha.. ... 83 PrlscLla Coltraln. Omaha . ** Peter Barblllf. Omaha .-... ..... 45 Elizabeth Hantzlcrlsloctulu, Havelock Neb. 26 In Divorce Court. Petitions. riuth Mysrs a*aln«t James C- Mysrs, • rLoV»y Ulvsstad acaln.t Earl C. Ulvestail, ' r Ja'mss E. Lon* aaalnat Basal# C. Lon*. Crn*o#«' Harmon aaalnat Ralph C. Har mon, cruelty.__ Building Permits. T H. Rabba. 1216 South Twenty-sixth / i-et. brick veneer dwelling 15.000. In lor Pacific R. K.. 301 South Six teenth street, alterations to front of office building. $5,000. Nobraska Power Co . 6030 South Thirty no vent h atreet. brick substation. $27,000. r>avld Kalberg, 1024 North Forty-first str.-et orick veneer apartment. $16 000. K A Carlston. 1*04-06 Hurt etreot. brick veneer two-family dwelling. $10,000 W If Beverldg'*. 6106 Western avenue, brick vender dwelling. $*.500. Road Conditions. (Furnished by the Omaha Auto Club) Roads in all directions leading out of nm»»ha good : HAY FEVER SUFFERERS : • Bend us your name and address We • want to tell vou about “llAY-REM" " • —a newly discovered simple and * • wholly effective remedy Nut taken * „ internally. Not a serum. Inexpen- *■ m Hive! A nose wash that heals the • mucous membrane. Prevents snees-» " log You need no longer suffer or • " travel to escape suffering from this* " disease- Equally effective for head .. • r-oldt. Your friend who has hay fever . “ may not see thla, ao aend his name m - as a favor _ 2 NO MONEY NO OBLIGATION • Just Send Name and Address to l AMERICAN DRUG CORP. - m Central Nat’l Hk. Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. ' *' .".. t-----\ Omaha Produce V_/ Omaha. July f. BUTTER. Dreamery—Local Jobbing prices to re tailer*: Extra*, 42c; extras 1n 60-lb. tubs, 41 . standard, 41c; firsts, 40c. Dairy—Buyers are paying 31c for best table butter In rolls or tubs; 2?®29c for parking stock. For best sweet, unsalted butter, 32c. BUTTER FAT. For No. 1 cream Omaha buyers ar* pay ing 31c per lb. at country stations; 3<c delivered at Omaha. FRESH MILK. • 2.00 per cwt for fresh milk testing 3.6 delivered on dairy platform Omaha. EGGS Eggs delivered Omaha; Fresh No. 1. • 7.2b per case; seconds or No. 2. per dozen, 20®2lc; crack*, 19®20c. Price* above are for eggs received In new or No 1 white wood caHcs; a deduratlo* of 25c will be made for Becond-hnnd capes. No. 1 eggs must be good average a»x«, 44 lbs. net. No. 2 eggs, seconds, consist of small, slightly dirty, stained or washed eggs, irregular shaped, shrunken or w oan bodied eggs. In most quarters $' 90 being quoted for fresh eggs, cases included, loss de ducted. in pome quarter* a fair premium Is being paid for selected eggs, which must not be more than 48 hours old. uniform in size and color (meaning all solid colors— all chalky white «• r all brown, and oi the same shade). The shell rrus*. be clean and sound and the eggs weigh 26 ounces per dozen or over. I’l .'duej.s must iit« • s* ssrily deliver their own eggs to benefit by the latter classification. Jobbing price* to retailers: U. d. spe lain. ;pii ; u. S extras, commonly known hs selects. 27c; No. 1, small, 23024c; checks, 22c. POULTRY. Prices quotable ror No. I atock, ndve: 1924 broilers, 30098c; broilers over 2 lbs., I 27(o 3tV, Leghorn broilers. 2602Sc- hen*' over 4 lbs, 20021c; he is i ndor 4 lbs. 17®19c; Leghorn hen*. 150172: roosters, over 4 lbs , 11c; old roasters, under 4 lbs . 8011c; capon*. 7 lbs. and over, 28c, capons, amder 7 lbs.. 24028c; ducks, f. f. f , young. 15c.. old duck*, f f. f . 12c: g» ese, r. f. f., 12c; pigeons, $1.00 per dozen. Under-grade poultry paid for at market value. Sick or crippled poultry not want ed and will not he inild for. Jobbing prices or poultry (lo retailors): Springs, soft. 33c; broilera, 39 ®4<)c; hens, 26 0 28c; roosters, 16 018c; d.ucks, 22®25c; gee*e, 22023c. FRESH FISH. Jobbing prices .juotabJ 3 as follows: Fancy white fish, 22c; lake trout. 23c; halibut, 26c; northern oullneuls, jumLo, 20®22c; catfish, 30® 32c; fillet of had dock, 27c; black cod sable fish. 18c; roe shad, 28c; flounder*, 20c; crappies, ?G® 25c; black bass, 32c; Spanish mackerel. 14 to 2 lbs., 25c; yellow plks. 18c; striped bans, 20c; blue pike. 15c: white perch, 12c; pickerel. 16c; frozen fish, v®4c lens than prices above; ling cod, 12c. CHEESE. Jobbing prices tuotable on American chee*e, fancy grade, as follows: Single daisies, 224c: double daisies. 22c; square prints, 23c; brick, 22c; limburgor. l*)b. style, $3.65 per dozen; Swiss, domestic, 28c; imported Roquefort, 65C; New York white, 32c. BEEF CUTS. Jobbing prices quotable: No 1 ribs, 2Gc; No. 2, 24c; No. 3. 17c; No. 1 loin*. 36c; No. 2, 34c, No. 3. 20c ; No. 1 round*. 19 4:; No. 2. 19c; No. 2, 13c; No. 1 chucks. Me; No. 2. 12c; No. 3, 9c; No. 1 plates, 8 4c; No. 2, ?c; No. 3, 7c. FRUIT8. Jobbing prDe*: Pears—California Bartlett, per box, $4 75. Gooseberries—Home grown. 24-pint crate, $2 50. Raspberries—Black, 24-pint’ crate, mar ket; red. $4.60. Blackberries—Per crate, $3.50. Peache*—Per box. $1.40. Apricots—4 -basket crate. 32 25. Plums — California, per crate, $160® $2.25. Cherries—Home grown, 24-quart crate. $2.50; California black, 15-lb. lug box, $3.60. Loganberries—Per crate, $3.61. Pineapples—Per crate, 30 alze, $460; last of the season. Lemon*—California, extra fancy, per box, $7.00; fancy, per box. $6 00, choice, per box, $5.50; limes, 100 count, carton, • 2 O0. Grapefruit—Florida, extra fancy, 13.25 05.00. Oranges—Mediterranean aweets, extra fancy, according to site, $3 7504 50 per box; Valencias, extra fancy, per box, $4.0006 60. Bananas—Per lb.. 7c. VEGETABLES. Jobbing price*: Honey Dew Melons—6 10 J2 In crate, $3.50. Watermelons — Crated, 6 melon*. 8c per lb. Asparagus—Home grown, 80c per dozen buncher. Daullflower—Home grown, II 50 dozen; California, crates, $2 00. Cantaloupe—California standards, 13.50; ponies. $2 50; flats. $1.25. Eggplant—Per doz.. $2 00; 20e per lb. Cabbage—3 4o per lb.; crates, 3c per lb. Lettuce—Head, per crate, |4 00; per Jo n, $1.25; leaf per dozen, hot house, GOc. Roots—Beets. carrot* and turnips, market basket, 75c. Onions— New crystal wax. per crate. $2 35; Bermuda yellow, per crate $1 75'; 00; California red*. In Barks. 34^ P«-*r lb : home grown. duz*»n bunches. 30c. rnatnes — 4-basket crates, about 16 lbs . $1 2501 60. • b rv—California, 6 stalks, per bunch. $1 25 01,60. P'-pper -Green, market basket, $1.60 CU' umber*—Homegrown, market bas ket. $2.00. Parsley—Per dozen bunches. 50® 75c. Radishes—Home grown, 20@25c per dozen bunche*. Beans—Per hamper 28 lb*., green*. $.'5.00: market basket. $1.25. Splnneh—Home grown 60®76e per bu Potatoes—Minnesota Rural*, $2 50 per cwt.; Western Russet Rurals, $2 50 per cwt.; new crop. In sacks, .7c per lb. Nuta—Soft shelled walnuts, sack lots, per !b.. 31c; soft shelled almond*. aaek lot* per lb. 23c; medium soft shell al mond*. sack lots. 16c. raw peanuts. *a<k lot*. 9 4 012c per lb.; roa*fed peanuts, nark lot*, 114015c p**r lb.; roasted pea nut*. less than sack lota, 13 0160. FEED. Matket quotable per tarn, carload lota. f o. b. Omaha < .ttonseed Meal 47 per cent, $48 00. Hominy Feed—-White or yellow, $3fl.oo Digester P’eding Tankage—60 per cent, $45.00. Wheat Feeds—Bran. $20 00020 80, brown short*. $24.00; gray aborts. $26 00; 'lour middlings, $26.00; reddog. $31,000 32.00. Linseed Meal—31 per cent $46.60. Buttermilk—Condensed, for feeding. In bbl. lot*. 146c per lb ; flake buttermilk. 800 to 1.500 lbs, 9c lb Eggshells—Dried and ground, 300-lb, bag*. $25.00 per ton. Alfalfa Meal — Choice, new crop, prompt. $27.00; No. 1. old or new crop, prompt, $27.00. No. 2. new. $-1.00. FLOUR. Prices quotable In r ■ cfl lot- Gees than '■arloads) fob. Omaha, follow First patent* in 98-lb. hag*. $60t/i ( 15 per bbl ; fancy, clear. In 48-lb bagea. 15 50 05.80 per bbl ; white or yellow cornmeal, per cwt., $2.05. HAY Some new crop uUIafA I* coming on the market, but nearly all of If !» *r‘ riving in a heating condition: end con sequently 1« hard to dispose of advuntag ously. Producers aud country shippers are advised to hold new alflafa until it ha# gone through the sweating stage, before loading. If it contains even very little moisture the chances are that It will be in a heated condition when it arrive# on the terminal market. The ulfalfa market 1s generally quiet, with receipts light; and prices steady Scarce ly any demand for new crop alflftfn. and not much more demand for old alfalfa, at the present time. The prairie hay market is also quiet; receipts a fid demand light. There is some demand for good old prairie. No new prairie on the maiket. l’rbes are un changed. so far as published quotations are concerned, but the market is a little easier for the reason that it is difficult to move offerings without shading pub lished prices somewhat. Nominal quotations, carload lots: Upland Prairie — No. 1, $13.00014 00; No. 2. $10.00® 12.00; No. 3. $7.0008.00. Midland Prairie—No. 1, $12.00018 00; No. 2. $9.00© 11 00*, No. 3. $6.0008.00. Lowland Prairie—No. 1, $8.0009.00; No. 2, $00008.00. Packing Hay—$6.5007.50. Alfalfa—Choice. $20.00® 21.00; No. 1, $18.00® 19.00; standurd, $14.00017.00; No. 2. $11.00® 13.00; No. 3. $9.00011.00. Straw—Oat, $8.000 9.00; wheat. $7.00® 8.00. HIDES. WOOL, TALLOW. Prices nre quotable ns follow#, delivered Omaha, dealers' weights and selections; Hides Seasonable, No. 1. 6 4c; ditto, No. 2, 5 4c; green. 6c and 4c; bulls, 6c and 4c: branded 5c; glue hides. 3c; calf. 12c and luVfcc; kip. 10e and 8 4c; ghie .skins, 4c; dry Hides. 10c; dry suited ic; dry glue 6c; deacons, $1.00 each; horse hides, $3.25 ami $2.25 each; ponies and glues, $1.26 each; colts, 25c each; hog !aklns, 16c each. . . Wool—Pelts. V .00 to $150 each; de fending on size and length of wool; lambs, 60c to $l.ou each, depending on size und length of wool; shearings. 20c to 30c eaf-h, clips, no value; wool, 25 to 30c. ... * Tallow and Grease—No. 1 tallow. 6c; | B tallow, 5 4c; No. 2 tallow, 6c. A grsase i 6c; H grease, 6%c; yellow Kre.n 6c; frown grease. 4c; pork crackuns, $40.001 1 per ton. beef. do. $20.00 per ton; bees wax, $20.0U per ton. New York General. New York, July 8.—Flour—Easy; spring ! patents, $6.9007.40; spring clears. $5 50® 6.00; soft winter straights. $536 © 5.65 ; hard Winter snalghts, $6.2500.75. live—Fasy; No. 2 western. 864c, f o. b. New York, and 844c. c. i. f.. export. Wheat—Spot, easy; No. 1 dark north ern spring, $1,63 4; No. 2 red winter. $1 301.., both c. 1. f.. New York, lake and rail; No. 2 hard winter. $1.2K4; No. 1 Manitoba. $1.32%; No. 2 mixed durum, $1 23 >4, all f. o. b . lake and rail. Corn—Spot, strong; No. 2 yellow. $1 -l1.*. No. 2 white, $1,224: No. 2 rr.ixqd, $1,204. all c. I. f., track, New Yorlt, domestic, all rail Oats—Steady; No. 2 w-hlte, 63c. Lard—Firm; middle west, $11.50® 11.60. Tallow—Steady; special loose, 7 4c; ex tra loose, 74c. Rye Flour—Quiet; fair to good. $6.00© 5.25; choice to fancy. $5.3006 60. Cornmeal—Firm; fine white granu lated, $2.8002.90; fine yellow, $2.16© 2.86, Harley—Firm; malting, 93 4 0 97 4c, c. 1. f , New York. Feed -Steady; city bran, $30.00; west ern, $29.50, in 100-pound sacks. Hav—Sternly; No 1, $30.00031.00: No. 2, $28.00© 29.00: No. 3, $23.00025.00; shipping. $19.0*1020.00. Hops—Steady; state. 1923, 60®64e; 1922 23 027c, Pacific. 1923, 33 0 37c; 1922, 23®28c. Pork—Steady, mess. $25 25026.78; fam ily, $28.00. Rice—Firm; fancy head, 74 ©8c. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. July *.—Potatoes—Trading fn;r. market steady, receipts, 44 cars; total United States shipments. 826 cars; Missouri and Kansas sa-’ked early Ohio.*, best, $1.9*i4ttM0; dirty and decayed, 11.65 Vi 3 80 ; Hacked Irish cobblers, $1.9002 20; poor etc $ 1 1© 1.HO; Illinois sacked earlv t ihios. $! 9002.16; Arkansas ami Oklahoma sacked bliss triumphs. $1 90y 2:20 Virginia barrel cobblers. $4 25; \ . ?h * ima barrel cobblers, $3.75® 4.16. Chicago Produce, Chicago. July 9—Butter — Lower; creamery extra firsts. 380384c. Kggs—Unchanged. Real Estate Transfers. Sarah Clmlno et al., to John Jj. Franco, Tierce st 132 ft. e. of 1< th at., n. 66x147 . I 1 Frances Amato et al., to John Franco, n. w. cor. 9th and Pierce st3., 66x132 .. 1 Georgia Al. Castle and husband to the Benson & Garrett Co., n. w. cor. f»7th xt. and Elmwood blvd , irrogulnr . 4,06*0 Charley Wash* ao<l wife to Sarah F. Sutton and husband, Pine at., 2?« ft. w. of 56th st., s * . 123 24 8051.4 . 2,000 Emil Krause and wife to Emma Gustafson and husband. Mat tha st., 216«* ft. w. of 29th st., n. s . . 4 000 Mary Niesmann to Prudence H. Reese. 60th ave., 262 ft. s. of Far nam st , w. s . t&xl35 . 4.600 A I) *’E KTINKMKN T. Free to Asthma and Hay Fever Sufferers Free Trial of Method That Anyone Can Uie Without Discomfort or Loaa of Time. Wa hava a method for the control of Asthma, and we want you to try It at our expense. So matter whether your case Is of lone standing or recent develop rrtent. whether It Is present »s Chronic Asthma or Hay Fever, vou should send fur k free Trial of our method No matter In what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation, if you are troubled with Asthma or Hflv F'ever. our method should relieve vou promptly. We especially want to send It to those apparently horeless case*, w 1i*th all form* of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations fumes, 'patent smokes” etc. have failed We want to show evervone at our expense that our method is designed to end aii difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms This free offer Is too Important to neg lect a single day Write now and begin the method nt once Pend no monev Sirnnly mall coupon below. I)o it Today —you even do not pay postage. FREE TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 17P-B, Niagara and Hudson Sts„ Buffalo. N.Y Send free trial of your method to; .... 98 OUT OF EVERY 100 WOMEN BENEFITED An Absolutely Reliable Statement Important to Every Woman Remarkable Results Shown by a Nation Wide Canvass of Women Purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. 50,000 Women Answer For some time r circular has been enclosed with each bottle of our medicine bearing this question: “Have you received benefit from taking Lydia E. I’inkham’s Veg etable Compound ? " Replies, to date, have been re ceived from over 60,000 women answering that question OS per cent of which say YES. That means that 08 out of every lOO women wiio take the medicine for the ailments for which it is rec ommended an: benefited by It. This is a most remarkable record of efficiency. We doubt if any other medicine in the world equals it. Think of it—only two women out of 100 received no benefit—OH suc cesses out of a possible 100. Did you ever hear anything like It? We must admit that we, our selves, are astonished. Of course we know that our medi cine does benefit the large majority of women who take it. But that only two out of 100 received no benefit ll most astonishing. It only goes to prove, however, that a medicine specialized for cer tain definite ailments— not a euro all — one that is made by the most scientific process ; not from drugs, but from a combination of naturo’s roots and herbs, can and does do more good tliun hastily prepared prescriptions. You see, we have been making, Improving and refining this medi cine for over 60 years until it is so perfect and so well adapted to wo men’s needs that it actually has tho virtue to benefit 98 out of every 100 women who take it. Its reliability and recognized effi ciency has gained for it a sale in almost every country In the world — leading all others. Such evidence should induce every woman suffering from any ailment peculiar to her sex to try Lydia K. I’ink liain’s Vegetable Compound and see if she can’t lie one of UlO Ua, Xke Lydia L. I'lnklmin Medicine Co., Lyuu, Mass, George T Morton and wife to Em mett Shaffer and wife, Popple ton ave.. 60 ft. e. of 44th at., A. a., 60x128 800 Frank Haas and wife to Antonie Krejcl, Martha at., 10') ft. w. of 14th M . n. t* , 67x66 . 4.300 Walter R. Zink and wife to Votal Coupnl, jr.. 40th st.. 150 ft. a. of Grand ave., e. a., 50x127... 8,100 John Kurcz arid wife to Kathryn Wisniewski, Bancroft at., 40 It. e. of 29th st . a, a., 40x76. 1.000 St Peters <htirch to Anna Laux, 83d at., 90 ft. n. of Pacific at.. e. a.. 40x183.7 . 1.600 Anna Howell to James Dvorak. 1 Casa at., 160 ft. e. of 30th at., n. ... 50x139.4 . 7.160 John H. Parry and wife to Anna M. Torrell, Pinkney at.. 290 ft w. of 4 L’(l at, n. f, 40x128 . 875 John 11. Parry and wife to Marie E. Torrell, Pinkney at., 330 ft. W. of 42d at., n 8, 40x128 .... 875 John A. Anderson to Vinnle Hu atad, 8. w. cor. of 33d and Fow ler ave., 17x128 . 900 Ethel H. Ij. Pett and husband to Maude Compton et a!., Howard st., 158 ft. w. of 6Gth at., a a.. 62x122.4 . 6.500 Joy S Meyer et nl. to James G. Martin, Nicholas st.. 200 ft. e. of Slat at. n. e, 60x136.10,000 Adolph Kuhr and wife to William J. Sullivan, 16th 8t.. 115 ft. n. of H at., w. e. 50x1 30 . 1.680 M L. Endrea, sheriff, to Fred M. Penney, 39th at.. 8 ft. n. of Chi cago st.. e. b, 49x130 . ... 8,200 Charles W. Martin and wife to Jena C. Taulborg and wife, n. w. cor. Slat and Redick ave , 65x120. . . 1.050 BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 19c per line each day, 1 or 2 aays. 17c per line each day. 3 or 6 daya. 16c per lire each day, 7 daya. 15o per line each day. SO daya CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED ADS. Morning Edition .8 p. is Evening Edition .11:00 a. m. Sunday Edition.9:00 p. m. Saturday eithei charge or ceah order*. Classified Ads accepted at the following office*: Main Office.17th and Faraam Bts South Omaha. .N. W. Cor. 24th and N St? Council Bluff*.15 Scott Si Telephone ATlantlc 1000. THE EVENING BEE. THE OMAHA MORNING BE*. A X NUL NtKMKNla. Funeral Notices. 1 WESTROM—Mrs. Lena. June 8 at resi dence, 4511 Jonea Street. Deceased Is survived by her husband Julius, two daughters, Mrs. Amelia Johnson, Mrs. Clara Kohacek; two aoni, Chris of Stuart, Neb., and Benny of Plalnvlew, Neb.; five Bisters and two brothers. Funeral service from residence Friday, June 11, at 2 p. in. Interment Forest Lnw n. HOFF—Raymond Mills, passed away at local hospital Tuesday. Raymond is sur vived by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Itoff; two sisters, Helen and Harriett. Funeral services from the Leslie O. Moore funeral home, 24th and Wirt Sta.. Thurs day, July 10, at 2:30 p. m. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. DRAKE—Mrs. Lida Anna, nge 85 year*, died at local hospital, July 7. fills Is survived by her husband. 2 daughters Arietta and Vivian; one son, James, and her mother, Mrs. Mary Horan. Funeral services will be held the residence, 2453 No. 46th Ave . Wed , at 2 p. m. Burial In Forest Lawn cemetery. LAWRENCE—Georg*? A., age 7 3 years, member Douglas County Association of Pioneers, also Union Pacific Pensioners' association. Survived by daughter, Mrs. Zoro D. Clark of Omaha. Funeral Thursday at 2:30 p. m from A J. J * kaon undertaking pallors, 17th and Lea\ eriw orth Sts. Kindly omit flow ers. ACHATZ—Anton. July "th, at 6Sth and Grover. Deceased la survived by his w .fe, Maria, one daughter, Mrs. W. T. Daughty, one son. Fd\v.*rd, and four grandchildren Funeral service on Thurlsay from lioff ri’in < r isby Funeral Home at 8 p. m Interment West Lawn. 'I he funeral of Oliver Piper, age 72. who died Monday, will be held Wednesday fiom th>* J.arkln ' Impel at * d. in. Inter ment Walnut Hill iVmetery; Rev. Robert L. Wheeler officiating. PRIVATE funeral service for Ralph Law rence Sag* infant son of Mr. and Mrs Raymond W. Sage was hold at Burkett * hapel, Tu*'». afternoon at 4 o'clock with urial at Forest Lawn. WATTS—('harl' r H , aged 61 years. from Cole Me Kay Co Mortuary, "fill Fa mam St . Wedn* sday at 2 p. rn. PI—SS omit f! owe IS. Vaults and Monument*. 2 "Automatic Healing" concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertakers Mfg. by uinaha Concrete Burial Vault t o. - -- Funeral Directors. 3 HEAFEY A HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmers Phone HA. 0265. Office 2811 Karoam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882) KCKISKU FUNERAL HOAfiK 23d and O Sts. 1250 fi. 13th fi' At A. 0640,AT. 1873 BRA ILLY A DORRANCE. 1S?8 Cl'MlNU ST.. JA. » Jl. I1LJKY * JOHNSTON, 311 fi 83d n*-w funeral hum* HA 0417 LESLIE O. MOURE. 24th and Wirt. WE "04/. __ I HoFFAl AN-CRdSBY ambulance Dodg* and 24th St Funeral d:rei tors. JA. 3iR>l HULSE & HIE PEN. Funeral directors 2224 Cuming JA ltJe JOHN A GENTLEMAN 8411 Farnam fit. PT j*. SWANSON 1 Till AM) CUMIN'. ! Quiet. Dignified Supervision C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOifE. 3120 N 24th StKE C 267 | Cemeteriea. 4 VISIT FlKI HT lawn West of Florence Omaha's Afoet Beautiful Cemetery 3.0 Acres Perpetual Care. Offices ut the Cemetery and 72u Brsndei* The,,ter Bldg. _ Card of Thanks. fi j WE WISH to extend our ultirere thank** | to the many friend* for the respect and klndnen* ihown during the illness and dentil of our Daur* l.oulee t’ourtney.- j (Signed) J I> Courtney and Family. IVraatiniJi. 9 THE SALVATION Army industrial home aollclta your old ciothtng furniture, runga lines. \V e collect. We dlatrlbuie. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagor will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street. j . 7 CHARLES—Will board and care for children. and l-ound. 10 AIREDALE LOST—Rlack and tan. male. I year old Answers to name of I’ap. Reward. 5902 Casa. Phone WA. 3 3v 4 LOST OR STRAYED I ire rill w ■ ' dog; female Reward. Call WE. 6•'»St*. PIG—*Lo*»t <>r strayed, about 250 lbs., black and white spotted WA -r ♦'* IS GOLD link bracelet, lost Friday night; reward 1H\. 2152____ LOST—Mink cape Call KF 2157 for liberal i wa i 1 __ \» TOMOHIU 8 _ AtifninuhileH for Rule. 11 USED RUT NOT ARUSED the quality of these cars WILL PLEASE YOU. 192,1 Ford Roadster. UU3 Ford Sedan 1923 Ford Turning. 1920 Ford Sedan. 1924 Nash Spot t 1 924 Nash lluiineM Coupe. 1924 Nash 4 louring 1921 Nash with Cal. Top 1919 .Nash Touring. 1920 Nash Touring 1921 Hub k Touring. 19 19 Hodge Touring. 1921 Olds 4 Touring flt’A R A NTEFP CONDITION. —CASH-TERMS-TRADE— Open Evenings and Sundays NASH UP-TOWN STORE, I0H Fimnni. AT. ttll. j AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Sale. 11 UR ED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Cm 2664 Farnam. GOOD USED CARS BUY YOURS AT GUY T- SMITH BIG bargain in all standard makes of tires, Ford tire* f!> and up. KaplAn Auto Parts Co, 2111 Nicholas. MURPHY DID IT. Downtown Used Car Store. 1410 Jarkson.AT 4411 NASH-VRIESKMA AUTO CO., USED CAR STORE, 2054 Farnam. AT. 4292. Trucks for SalJ. 12 USED trunks, attractive prices Interna tional Harvester Co. AT. 0705. Auto Accessories, Tarts. 16 GUARANTEED new and uaed auto oarta at a soeclal cut price. Nenraaka Auto Parts. 1016 18 Harnev St.. JA. 4931. and -206 Cumins St.. AT. 1970. Service Stations, Repairing. 17 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. Ra> field carburetor and Eisemann mac netu s**r ice. AT. 2650. P. MELCHOIR8 A 8CN. 417 8. 12TH BUSINESS SERVICE. Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, side, knife, bo* pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 308 Brown Block, Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA 1926. NEB. PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttona. 1804 Farnam, Second Floor JA. 6670 Moving—Trucking—Storage 26 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING, STORING Estimates furnished. AT 0230 or JA. 4388. BUKINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sts Packing, mov Jng. storage, shipping. JA 4161 GORDON'S El REPROOF WH8E. A VAN 219 North 11th St. Phone JA. 3032; mov ing, packing, storage, shipping. Tainting and Papering. 27 DON’T TAKE A CHANCE Employ a master painter and decorator. Painting and decorating special discount on wall paper. FRED PARKS PAINT STORE. 4708 S. 24th. AT. 7404. MA. 0101 Patent Attorneys. 28 PATENT LAWYERS. STUROES U HTLRGEH, United States and foriign patents and trade-mark* ob tained. Infringement searches, Investiga tion.*, etc. 914 Omaha Nat. Rank lildg. J W. MARTIN, 526 Peter* Trust Bldg . Omaha; also Washington. Double service. • ingle fee Also heio eell patents. Printing—Stationery. 29 !COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Co.. 212 Boulb lith 8i. “hone J A. 605' Professional Service. 30 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DUS. NIEMANN A MERRITT Adjustlve osteopathy, Electro-Therapy op mmetry. 821 Woodman Bldg., AT. 2874. Repairing. 31 U8ED and new sewing machines. Bew lng machines sod Vlctroiae repaired Rent machines. )1 per week, IS per mo MICK EL MUSIC HuUSE. 15th and Harney AT. 4111 FMPLO \ MKXT. Help \\ anted—Female. 36 BE a Lenuty s; iallxt. It pays b.g WHgea, mean* ind-pendency; positions waning oi have war own shop, day' or evening classes Cali or writ#. Moler Col lege, U'9 8 loth St. _ WANTED—Women to paint lamp snade* for us at home. Easy, pleasant work. Whole Or pari time. Address N'ileart Com pany. *06. 1 ; Wayne, ind. COMPETENT white girl for general housework. References required. Tei W A «>77 ^ 10s North 65th Bt. ENROLL at the largest' comptometer school. 300 Courtney D.dg J A 1483. Ht ii> \santed—Mafe, 82 WANTED—Night tierk, 160-rooin com mercial hotel, 6 hrs., f luu.Ou month Must have ability and ben of referent** State age. experience and reference# In flret letter. Manager. Lindell Hotel. Lin coln. Neb ADDITIONAL district managers to ap point lady dtstr.butois No lanvasslng. Rcmsrkab.e opening, will pay more than liou wccaly. Exclusive, iHinanent tern tury. Tuttle, Greensboro, N. C. MEN—Learn barber trade. It pays big wages and off-'i a steady work, short course; day or evening, earn while you learn. Call or write. Moier Barber Col lege. 109 S. 15th. AI I. V.EN women, boys. girl*. 17 to 45. willlcg to accept government positions. I 17-$25o (traveling or stationary). Write Mr Gainent. 18>» Bt Louis. Mo. Wui.’LD RK« to hits a reliable man with on« or two boy* old enough to plow corn Live in separata house Phone 166 or write Pat Hasxelt, Denison, Iowa. ffolp Wanted—MMs ami Fundi, 88 HUSTLING organiser, business social so le .. bookkeepera, lerks. Give reference In detail. Box Y-2t>69, Omaha Dee. Salesmen and Agents. 39 BA L KB MAN. Our Mr. W. L Pritchard will be at the Hotel Fonfenelle on July 7th. ana 8th, ■ to se’e- t a representative to *eil the Encyclopedia Itritannica. New Korin. The man we want must be over 2 a years «'f Ago. and cun qualify to care for our i-ads in Omaha Permanent position , Phone for appoint inenl. WANTED—.Salesman acquainted with the . gen-ral store and dry goods trade of northwestern Iowa. Must be experienced , ind of good standing Not ovof 4j ■are of age with high grade references Do not reply unli M you « an fit this de scription \ 2691 Omaha lire. AGENTh—Clear $15 to $3v a day selling Darn E cold patch f r atm kings Wheaton Laboratories, La Crosse. Wla. , MAN an! wife want w-tk of any kind WA tin? _1 IWSdAI,._ IliixiiiPM Oiiportiinltip*. 42 L JSIRinuTon. t’hlcago concern will make ext luslve fon tract v I;.h responaib’.e individual or con u rn w;ih pi. ii saiee r*-i ..rd for thetr produ* in in Nri i-ka territory, first year s *|ee will n. r- ..mate with very . profile ami repeat business I- ir> I Appl • ant* mutt bn financially i*np..nal!'|e, nominal working capital ii.• ni' Ti ll i'li. W J. Ulynn. llotel Fontenelle for appointment. i <'AS|{ m.l do It Huy auto re ps Ir shop. n« • •■asorlot g*« sts , long lease, receipt* *17, nf 00. Bo* 134, Buhl. Id ihi ln\ 4Hf tiicnL—.Stock*—Iktrid*. 43 M A AMiKHSoN CO.. JA MOT. Real • <*’«»• Surety bond* rind kindred Ins Kcnl K*tnt(* Iionn*. 41 M"NFV TO LOAN on 1 t siid 2d Mortgage* We buy outright for sail Existing ini ■ CH.u and i iml contract*. I’rompt Action II A WOLF CO., Saunders Kuntudy Bldg. AT 1160 AM f PI it CENT MONET. Loan < on < -aha mp roved property at lowest fate* KMAMK II BINDER alJA, IMI EACH NEB FARMS O’KFI.F It LAI F STATE CO. 101 (Mn Nat Ilk Bldg J A »TIB SIX per tent loans on omnh* residences Cash on hand I'romnt service. E II I • iu «• Ihc i 'll Ke#i!oe_Hid*_ Mi:co\’D mortgages or contract* our . bns#*d bv Tuk t < mpanv €10 Flrat Ns t mm i %. €111 ___ __ i.oW RATI n city proparty, quiehu . 1 «.m1 , no monthly payment* JA. 1611 w t 4Ira ham f S AND « PEI1 CENT No DELAY tl A It V1N HI. S €4 f* omaha Nat Bid* I WILL buy mortgage* and contracts M N,,, Bldg . Omaha Neb Farm Loans on west Neb md N K Colo i moRt < 'o Olilbfe Mom. ) to I turn. 43 DIAMOND b iiis at lowest raie* bustaess strictly confidential The Diamond L«*sn On., I f.t 4 l»od*»# M Established IHI ' loan on atiuimofcila. at. 64*i _FI N AX Cl AI_ Money to Loan. 4.'i THIB COMTANT IS ORGANIZED To supply vo'** money wants in ths asm# wav that banks supply tbu monuy wants of the business community. Anv amount loaned up to 1600 and you ran repay it Jn easy monthly payments Our eoual payment plan repays the ioap and all charges. We have been in business In Omaha over 30 venrs and can assure vou of a Quick confidential and souare deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. f0« Karbuch Block. Tel. JA 2296 South'-a«t corner 15th and Douglas Sts Omaha Bee. EDUCATIONAL I .otaI Instruction Classes. 48 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES make the best operators. A si* weeks’ course In our school will lift you fr in the inexperi enced dais to the position of an expert worker. Can and investigate. CO YlPl O AIET K K SCHOOL. JA. 1493. 300 Courtney Bldg “The School That Graduates Experts ’ DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses in all commercial 'branches. Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy, Hulesmanshlp, civil service. Phone JA. 1565. Complete catalog free. BOYLES COLLEGE. 1 s t h and Harney Si.*- Omaha. Neb. EIGHT to 32 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT 7774 or write American college, 1912 Farnam. VAN Sa.NT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Day and Evening Schools 201 S 19th fit_ JA 6190 TRI-CITY BAP.BKR COLLEGE 1403 Dodge St. 1306 Douglas Ft _Call or write for tnformafow. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping Wead Bldg tfrth and Farnatn AT 7416 __ Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 54 HORSE and harness for eaie cheap. Phone JA. 5441. _MERCIIANPI8E._ Business Equipments. 58 WE BUY. sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc Omaha I .xture A Sunplv Co S. VV oor 31th and Douglas ) A 2V1 » I FOR SALE—L. C. Smith typewrit^- with swinging desk, at a bargain. 300 Mickel1 Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Fuel and Feed. •! KINDLING—15 truckload, delivered, saw dust shavings Phone JA 6740 Household Goods. 64 - _ i YOU ARC LOSING, every day that you fall to take advantage of the furniture bargain# at Stephenson'#. 1509 Capitol Ave Private sale* and auction. DINING suite, solid oak. colonial, rich brown finish. f>4-ln. table, buffet, genu ine leather chalra, $ts5; no dealers. MA. 3033. Ur. 12 HR*’ >LL rug. Si2 60. 2"#et# of drapes 6436 Emmet 8t. .Swap Column. 65 FIVE rooms cf furr ure. flat for rent, for let# modi'! Ford roadster. Omaha Bee R..x A-123Q. TO aoll or trade, catcher protector, for field glasses. or what have you? Benson Station. Box 41. Sd AH? It ion on I or t room residence, HA. 4993. Marliinery and Tools. 67 NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos, f.eRron E1erfMe#t Work# 8!S-20 So 12th Radio Equipment. 71 RADIOLO Super. Heterodyne—Trade your old set In on one of th*4e latest inode D.i good allowance term* f desired. Radio' A;paratus «... . I ^4#a Farram j Wanted to Buy. DESKS. DESKS. DESKS New desks u»**d d**«ka bought, #o!d and traded. J C. Reed. 1297 Karnara SL AT 4144 ROOMS l OR RENT. Rooms With Board. 71 NICELY furnished loom wph » porch, private. home. Rea. for 2. II a. 4 l a 1,__ Furnished Boom* 75 LOTHRi 'P 8T , 2114—Nt« * iy furnished j fr-.rt room, new home, suitable f r 1 or 2 IV K 4 >42 j ROOM for rent. Harney line, prefer gen- 1 tlemsn. ref- recce# exchanged. WA. $'"■ 3224 I ' . F Cv'R U rg dfs* 2 gentlemen, pm ate home Rea# HA 129^ 831 PARK AVE—N’^ely furnished: con venient to two car line a HA. 1096. Rooms for HouseUerpinc. HA 4173 — 4 or l room, second flv>r. clean. I comfortable, go.-d r.etnk oorhood. garage, j r of.Tern ce t". nangeil, .4" a mo HA fltl—PARLOR bedroom with use of j kitch*n furn or ur.furn . a so 1522 CH JCAGO— 2 *!*rae front rooms, com-! lcfely f urri i vticd J ti.I J 7 JA 3 7 5'. 5 ROOMS for s!e r*ng or housekeeping j n pri.,i-e h< WA 04f’ 1 j \\ lirrp to Stop In Town. 7,v | HOTEL SAN!' HD—19th «nd Karrwtm I Hi.rKL, III NSHAW— n th »• ! Farn«m | -peclal rates to p<*rmanent gu*5ta UK A I, I SI \l I — i OR RENT. Apartments—Furnished. Ho 1 1«» SO. UTM ST —Nicely fir . I: k horns. Large, a:ry. 4 re ms prlva'e butu. I cast por h. lawn, laundry, walking die 'll e V. r 5S4 . 1st Hu. r Ainu 4 t - unfurnished Hl'.NTKK INN HUME for the tratetr.g • an h -id wife aT *94 0 . 41 h a n J l od gt NEWLY dec. mod airy J-rm, apt. liS. “4. 23d St. Heat, light, water free, %pft« 1 me nt" — i hi in iiifihi il s 1 V CHOICE apartment of 4 rooms in one of Omaha a in. *t beautiful apartment homes No 10 Kkard Court. GI7 Slat St Has just been i*d' ora'ed and is in pink of < ml or You must ace It Rental Is r *«.« nnhle (>11 PAYNE .V SUNS CO "Om-'iha a Rental Men” 16 Omaha Nat Iiu Bid* JA. 1016 or 1 WA. 6897. 1-room apartment in the Sterling. 18th and 8! Mari FIRST TRUST CO. AT. *729. FIVE ROOM all modern. dnwnt« «n apartment Steam heat and water fur nished t'nly 13 2 5o per month Meyers Kalnlolt Cu. 4T4 Omaha Nations! Hank JA. ©746 FOR ONE OF DRAKES 1.000 APARTMENTS __Cal' Jackson 2*Pu. I’KTRHH TRUST POMI’ANY •Wlll.KE OMAHA It t NTS*' AT 0*44 17th and Farnam His aPaRTMENTj* arm flats for tent VV J PA I MfCK Ct» AT *890 Real I atate Management Specialist* ThorwaM will HblMM 1 rtn Apt Refer , em*ea required Rents * b In summer ! HA. 86 IP._ STEAM HEAT. 5-room apt* I and up '•lose In d I* Stehhlns If. 10 Chicago S SIX ROOM modern, fine r n I't'-m. choice I location. 11 A. 7 1.4, or I1A 6t*?4 ?30i DEWKT AVK.—8-room unfurnished{ Eat. 14" KE *tv4 IIiikIiiohk riam for Knit h;* EARN AM ST. 1 s n 7 -J.i . ft. Thomas I* Hi!. 190H Uwrnei 81 . AT. 7409. 16T1I MV corner luts.-ment store low rent «: U >; e n I > i n s 11> l o Chic a so 11 nil AO* for K« nl 88 t* R mod. Stticco. garage, 312 N 43d. 170 6 r. iM't , lHim-rint, l th and Pierce. $4 5-r. apt., 2M2 N H: h, I 5, 3-r. apt., 8612 N. IMh. $16. 2 r. apt. MIS N ltd It, $13 7-r. mod .kata*. > N 4 d $45 ti-r m.'d unrage, c©tt i. Jones $45 DM. URN. EX. JA 8518; HA * BRICK Ovplia foi •'.’.ant locn t .on Rent reasonable H H M 4R\ 11 M ^ ' 1 '% I J A C KI Id low. w alking d'etanre. $55 pet mo It A ♦810. FIVE Rtn >M modem cottage adults pre f<»rrad. $3 6. 2604 Wirt f»t M-mis, v | titnlmlitd Ki Wil l, aheie modern home. Miller park | diet i let w th coupe KF 0886. Office* svti) I>«*wK linum <)ff!<51 In f? ■ of it and dealtn tde office sttlfe In First Nat Rank Bldg , Call AT. 07.9 E 11. Uh'»llll6B. I ^RFAj^FSTATE—roH^SALK^^ farms and Lands for Sale. 93 HEAL FARM BARGAINS. SO acres close to frouth Omaha, a real snap 120 >4 mile of town. Crawford Co. Iowa, and n real burg.tin. FOSHIER INVESTMENT CO.. OMAHA. Houses—North. 96 ~VICTOR AVE7~ BARGAIN. MIGHT TRADE FOR SMALL HOUSE. 6 wonderful rooms, every one Is extra size. house whs completed three year* ago and is newly decorated throughout. Has all oak floors and finish with tile bath, built-in tub. pedestal lavatory, hot water heating plant, an extra large base ment. large attic, a good garage, and half block west of ltith street; would trade for a cheaper place farther out or will sell for cash at a bargain price. | Kev at our office. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., AT. 5960. j New Ion, KE. IMS. Gibson. KF, $227. ! MOVING TO NEWARK*, NEW JERSEY. MUST SELL AT ONCE. Right close to Kountze Park on 21st street, I 'viift screened front porch, a nice large I living room, dining kjiim. a mother s I kitchen, with two extra size bedrooms , and bath, a dandy aitlc, n full basement,! wath furnace, hot water heater, good ga-j rage and beautiful lot; the price Is riot so much rif an object :i; I must haw) some money at once; am willing to cut the price ll.uOO. Let us show you thru PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., AT. 5960. Qlbaow, Kl . ... . £ •: 1141. [ A CHANCE TO TURN YOUR VACANT LOTS INTO CASH If you ha. •. gt-.d ant lot* on which you are r.r-d of pa} .g taxes, why ; not turn them in on on- of these new l room, all modern bungalows They adjoin Fontentte park, have fill cemented bare ment, with steel coal chute, dust-proof coal pin, floor drain; ice box space, built in kitchen cabinets, etc.; large lot. You may have your own choice of electric light f.xtures and window shades. They j are already to oeapy. Call Lewis, WA. i R. F. Clary Co., Realtors, ■t.uha * 1 Bank J - . AT. .".'U BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR COLORED MAN Ft one construction. 7 !arg-» room*, oak floor* and finish, built-in features. Large **a*t front lot. Hot wa'*r heat. Pr'ce. $7,500—11,500 cash to handle. A. P. Tukey & Son, "Tukey Soid It." <10 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA 4223. _ » __ VACANT MUST BE SOLD. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $500 CASH. V* hy i . r* • t. i n > , j an secure a thill? Is new* de oral- : inside ar : out, has oak , floors and finish, a full basement, ar.d ;s < *.| :..vVrn. a so a good garage, south . fr i* rn S -RTL*, *tre*r, price just redu d to $4 '50. Get into a home of your PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., AT. 5960. ; -r- t; . M * - m, KK. 3227 GETTHIS WORKINGMAN’S OPPORTUNITY $2,100 ONLY $2,100 Four ni e room.*, tartly modern, neatly d» c d :.;»rcc Jr,? south front, nice garde?,, free . chf- .rn h etc ; close in "w.o r ;» called to Mi blgan. Sure j worth tl.c • ney Take* ll 9 ash Bsl- I nr.'* r>a!y |. ; • r nmnth Cali Schmrx, I F «• XT A Week day* AT 167*.* JUST COMPLETED BRAND NEW Large 4-r ard ‘uth. 5-: u < ommodatlons, extra well built, rr. tern in every re- ■ street, dost to earline, nice level lot. v l cholc-- ,»f ; ght fixture* and window * hades. On terms to suit responsible , A i be ac- j - ; *f<1 as • r f;r»t payment. Call earn er. W A 12"? - , HAVE v; u * :d your home lately and are v,,u l, .In: a < : ' a. t for the balance | rf vour ** If you have I can take that contra * as f • ~t isvment on a *-5 1 or 6-room home, all In good locations t JA. : 14 Mr c'arse. 3iS S. llth St. J -■ TOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET A HOME 11 $9 Down—$.’3 per Month. Three-rn • • ".ig*. J Kk is car line: la good cofidit on: two tike i south of Carter I i e club Fun HA. 1*66 j _ J L HI V, T * Wl’ANY AT 9»00 N A' bur*** xr S down Built-In fea-, fr a oak itaved s’reets. near <-*r! * h .1 f l« * ,'Tuha Nat PAYNE A soys Co, JA 1^16_ I K a CO buy and aell bomse House*—South. 9! r-Hi” i ». h tut ,1m*. C,>r. :«t N.fckr oft.r I. 1 carh . fc , r V»ll*y Krnnk C Best Co AT «lSf Houses—\\ ost. 9F CATHEDRAL DISTRICT California. *a*t of 4 ih. * om mtvj'rn g g ' I front, hns badroom and lath on fret floor, 4 badrroma an 1 t »rh u> p, Ideal }n arrangement and lo.alloa for rooiua. SHFDD INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor* T A 4-4. Fun flga. \V A «lt* -- NEAR STANDARD PLACE. 1 4 S»$l N '-w f -■ cm cn! i bungalow a? }>". * * South 4^th St. m'.I room* on 1 floor, with ‘ * ' I Ke » * .1 at \ . ,1«K. n: r \ d- - 1 tod* good btoenttiit; Urga l( f* lot i itn » ■ * • ,»ll Mr llamer KKN 4135 or AT. >*.t. t >'WLl’K KIND** SULK.1* wno puj nornei I »l your it' petty with j* for rvult* JA WS* lU Kf C FuWLKK t*u . Kegltor* « i i t i i i i i « i i i • i i . i i i i i i i I Open For Inspection ; • 5 to 8 tonight ’ . 4316 Marl* street, row .8 * - room bungalow, rear public and - "parochial school?. oak and enamel ~ • finish, 2618 North 56th street, I • new 6 room bungalow, facing * I Country club, oak .nd enamel" ■finish. Evening* call HA. 1086 - "or HA. 3072. * C. D. Hutchinson Co. I [ Fatabliebrd 1885. 2 i • 1623 Farnam 8t. JA. 0419; * real estate—for sale IIouh*a—Weil. ¥8 GIFFORD PARK BARGAIN. 7 ROOMS—$1,600 DOWN. I'lUCE. lo.scn. Fieeptlonal home, flrrt time of fered—hum large living room way across. yrcttv dining room, Urge K t. hen with built In feature*, down: 2 corner bedroom.* and heated *un room, up Hardwood floor* throughout, and e>.er>thing in excellent condition Cioae to cor, Yatea school, Tech high and atores. Let us show you. Call Jackson 2282. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 130 Peters Trust Building. MONTCLAIR—BEMIS PARK. TV#) lavite inspection .f s candy 6-room mod# rn bon e at 3131 La fa vet t# ftvanue Corner iot. I block fi< Harney ff>r. 2-car gar rr- i’rlce now t'j >'<). Term* arranged GLOVER A SPAIN. JA. 2850. EDGE WOOD DUTHI COLONIAL. 7 elegant rooms Knun el and birch •unh' i r f • • 1 ruin# to mstcl the hour- Hightlv 1 * <*n overlook* ■ k wn . .,-# leaving i. ’ \ i. ! j at r * -*e Price $1. 500. cu.l L* M 8i i. Walnut 2U2. OWNE R LEAVING CITY <' rooms and br-akftet nook: best lot !n West Lea venworfh Dial largo giving room w ith fire] 1 ,. mod -J kitchen, 3 bearoorna, n#? hae fireplace and French doors open ing *n balcony, oak and birch finish. AT 4066 1722. My Tenant Has Moved it 'he price on my nearly t: l : ro $5,508. Lara- living room, or k throughout Will r**ot for $55 month. Bushman, JI HA. . office. .* A. i :r, 4 “PLEASE LOOK! At th# hr nti n* •’ r fty * • room burgs 10's *♦ 11 Hid :j3J5 N. 53d. 1500 cash. $4 7 50 montblv. WILLIAMS. JA. 0420. 3411 JONES bT. — 1 rooms all modern, etilent location. Maks an offer. JA. 48ST. WILL bu!ld to your order on our beauti ful lots to Edge-wood; very easy term* Phone AT S54* Housps—Itpnson. 99 FOR SALE—l acre. 4-room houae, large ^hick-n bouse. 83rd Grant Bt Will con sider good Ford sedan as part payment. JA *5?® from 8 20 to R p. m. F or Sale—Dundee*. JOO IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. DUNDEE PAHOA IN 4S60 BURT ST. Almost new KMlaston# bungalow Living r om r.tom front of house, comfortable dining room convenient kitchen on first floor bedrooms unusually larr*-. very' large clog*.-*; ne« decoration*. 9cu*h fr* rt lo'. /lot rather small) but well k a ted. Only 2 blks from car. Prme 5 160: ITS'1 cash After office hours < -ill Mr. Carnaby, KE. <572. IV ST BROS., Realtors :i: K>^; -- Bldg.AT. 0721. For Sate—Florence. 10i NETHAWAY sells to whites only P.exd «'aucaslor., a Klu Kluxer for alL KE. I4CV Ik»t* for Sale. 103 DUNDEE BUILDING BITES. GJk-RGE at CO. KKALTuP.S Mh T ' City Nat Bk Bldg AT 1024 LOT ‘ -r: 7, on 32d Avenue, facing Har.s ccm Park, for sale at an attractive price. C A Grimmel. JA. 1616. Heal hstate lor Exchange. 104 FARMS GiV ns Ste*- 410 Peter* True* Wanted—Krai F>tate. 105 FOR bargains In well built homes csll Campbell. 23S Keellne Bidg. aT. <©4i. WE NEED HOMES FOR SALE G RUE MG REALTY CO. Realtor*. Jackson liri.14if> F rit Nat’l Bank. LIST your property with us or If yo* .'■re In the market for acreage, -all Louis 1 onr. for quick saes MA 4 3. M A. 162 9. ti KVJCF. AND RESULTS. Competent sales fores. JA 2ISO GL* iVER at SPAIN Realtor* CHA? W YOUNG A S ON, Real E*ta e Rental* Insurano* 1<"2 C:’y Natl Bank AT. 211*. SEE us first Need livings, any location S to s room*. Shopen & Co, Realtors, JA 422*. 256 Keei-ne Bldg O T H AKER. Investment Acreag* il/'S Far-am. AT INI. NEW H ‘U'-t < ‘UP. TERM A GRl'YEHlBBAHD CO.. Barker* B dg AT. 1*12 WE SELL H1 MRS I. j 87 WITH US HAMILTON A CO.. 502 - 4 Neville PVck JA. MIT c D HUTCHINSON CO . Rea! T?«'at* Ir* 142 3 F»-rsro Ja #413 LIWT your property » -n Cferi* Boyar r. -*-v public. 23d and Cumirg St* G \ SaV!»EI.L. Peal EatatV AT »Tt? U°RIP REALTY CO Resitora AT H»S $1,800.00 REAL BARGAIN 5-ROOM HOUSE Hanscom Park District This house is located at 11 OS South ,'sth s*reet. partly modern. Needs con siderable repair ng. but at this price it's a snap. Can be fixed up for a <irall amount and rented for 120 or more per month 4 0-fov t lot. Non resident owner is in the city and says <ell Get hu.-v at once Evenings ea3S L. C Sholes, HA. $02S. We Have Money to Loan on Omaha dwelling I houses, apartments or business property at 512 to 6% Frank H. Birder 823 City National Bank I Phone JA 2561 6f... " ' 5 Straight 5-Year Loans on Omaha Real Estate Promptly Made Peters Trust Co.