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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1924)
Pittsburgh Pirates Stage Late Rally to Defeat Cincinnati in 4 to 3 Contest k. - ®________ r Eppa Rixev Hurls Invincible Ball for Seven Innings Rods’ Hurler Retires First 23 Pirate Batsmen With out Runner Reaching First Base. IMI.WATI, .liini* ?4.—llisey retired (lie first 2.4 Pirates who fared him to day without a run ner rearliine first hasp, hut two ain bIps and a stolen 4 hase gave Pitts nurgli a run In the rlehlh, t.vinc the seorn and tile visitors seored three more In the ninlh on four hits and won from Cincinnati, 4t a 3. Score: PITTSBUHOH (SI CINCINNATI (N) ■ Jloore 3b 4 112 0 CritK 2b 4 12 2' < srev rf 4 12 0 0 Welker rf S 2 2 <1 ' ' u.vler rf 4 12 0 1 Roush cf 4 2 r. (I ' "rikht ee 4 13 4 0 Duncan If 4 2 2 0 ' Drlmm lb 4 0 12 0 0 Huivt r 4 1 1 0 ( Muller If 3 110 OUreeslerlb 4 2 10 0 f DIkUec II 10 0 10 Bohn, 3t> 4 1111 Mir’n’v 2b 3 t 1 3 0 I’aven'y ns 3 0 4 4 ( Schmidt c 10 10 0 Rlxey d :> o 0 3 < Gooch c 2 0 2 0 0 May p 0 0 0 0 C burner p 3 0 0 3 0 xPinelli 1 1 0 0 C Total# 33 6 27 15 1 Totals 36 1 2 27 1 0 t /Batted for May In ninth. .Score by inning#: Pittsburgh .000 000 013—4 Cincinnati .000 001 002—3 Summary—Runs: Moure, (’srev. Cuvier Rig bee. Walks r. Roush. Pinelli. Two-base hits: Walker. Duncan. Carey. Stolen base: Bigbee. Sacrifices: Roush and Duncan. Left. on bases: Pittsburgh. 2: Cincinnati. 10. Bases on balls: Off Kremer. 3. Sfruch out: Rv Rixev. l. Hits: Off Rlxey. 6 in eight and one tb'rd innings; off May. none in two ihlrris inning Losing pitcher; Rixev Vmnfres: Moran and Rigler. Time: 3 .54 Giants Continue Winning Streak Brooklyn, .Tun© 24.—Th© Giant©’ winning ©tr©ak rollid©d today with that of Dazzy Vane©, leading hurler of th© major league©, and McGraw's team won their 10th ©traight game, B to 3. The Giant© drove Vance from the box. Osborne, who relieved him, checked the Giants. Score: NEW YORK (N) BROOKLYN (N) ab h po a e. ab.h.po.n.e. Young rf 4 1 4 0 0 High ss 3 14 2 0 Frisch 2b 3 14 3 I'KI'min 2b 5 1 I 3 i Wilson cf 3 13 0 1 Wheat If 4 2 2 1 n Kelly lb 4 17 0 u Loftus If 1110 0 Meusel If 3 12 0 lF'nler lb 4 0 3 0 0 Jackson ss 5 1 5 3 1 Brown cf 4 15 0 0 Groh 3b 4 2 1 0 0 Stock 3h 4 112 0 Snyder c 4 10 1 OGriTth rf 4 12 12 Bentley p 4 2 1 3 0 Deberry c 4 2X20 -Vance p 0 o n n n Totals 34 1 1 27 10 3 /Taylor l fl 0 n n Osborne p o 0 n o o gHatgves 1 0 0 o n Total# 35 10 27 11 3 /Raffed fo- Vanr» in seventh. ’Railed for Osborns in ninth. ©core by innings: New York .612 020 100—6 Brooklyn .11 o oon oni—-j Summary—Runs: Young (!), Wilson < - 1 Jackson Bentley. High Kingman. Griffith. Two-base hits Young. ©nv de- Brown. Three base hit Oroh Stolen ha«es Frisch. Meusel. Grnh. K Kelly • Sacrifices Frisch. Wilson. Mew s®1 Fournier. Vance Double plays: Griffith to Deberry. Frisch to Jackson to Kelly. Left on bases: New York. 10; Brooklyn. 10 Bases on balls Off Vance. 6; off Bentley, " Struck out; B\ Vance. 5. Hits: Off A am e. 1 in seven innings; off Osborne, 2 In two In nings. Passed ball: Snyder. 1 Losing pitcher: Vance. empires: Klem and Wilson. Time: 2:00. Braves Defeat Phils in Ninth. Philadelphia. June 24.—Boaton defeated Philadelphia today when the visitors scored two runs on one hit in the last inning, winning 4 to 2. Carlson and North engaged in a pitching battle for ■the flrat eight innings. Score: BOSTON (N) PHILADELPHIA fN) ab.h.po.n e ah.h.po.a.a Banc’ft ** 4 2 2 2 0 Sand as 4 2 1 4 (1 Powell rf 4 1 4 0 0 Harper rf 4 0 4 0 0 V Wil'n If 4 1 3 0 0 Wlll'nia rf 3 IS 0 i M’Inn is lb 4 l 7 t» 0 Schuitx if 4 1 4 0 I xCooney 0 0 ft 0 0 Woehrs 3b 3 1 1 3 ti Gibson 1b 0 0 3 0 0 r.M itch el I 10 u i» (] Tieriif' 2It 4 1 0 K 0 \\ stone 2b 4 1 4 0 II Stengel rf 3 0 4 1 0 Hoik*- lb 3 0 7 « »i Padgett 3b 3 1 1 0 0 .1 Wil'n C 5 H I 1 Smith .* 3 13 1 o Carlson u l (• o l o North u 4 o o o 0 Totals 32 7 27 * 1 Totals 33 X 27 10 0 xRau for Meinriia in ninth. /Batted for Woehrs in ninth. Score by innings: Boston ...011 000 ()02 4 Philadelphia . 200 000 000—3 Summary — Runs Bancroft. Coonev. Tierney, ©fan gel. ©and Sehult/e fwn base hits: Bancroft. F. Wilson. J Wil son (2). Stolen base Tierney. ©aeri fies*. Padgett. Smith Double plav« ©tenrel to Mclnnla Left on base*: Bos ton. 5; ’Philadelphia. 6 Bases on hall". Dff North, 2; off Carlson. 1. Struck out; By North. 2 by Carlson, i Wild pitch: North. empires Hart. McCormick and pfirmann. Tim*: 1:41 Ander*on Defeat* Weinstein in Collegiate Net Play Philadelphia. June 24.—F. P. Ander son of Columbia furnished a. surprise BH today In the competition for the na tional Intercollegiate tennis singles championship at the Merlon Cricket club by defeating Ifvlng Weinstein, captain of the University of California team and a former mixed doubles partner of Helen Wills, national wo man's champion, In the third round. The. scores were 0 2, 6 3. Five American Pro Golfers Qualify in British Open By Associated Cress. Houlake, June 24.—Five of the American professional golfers whs came over to compete In tha Rritlsh open championship qualified today for that competition. They sra Gene Raraaen, MacDonald Smith, Walter Hagen. .Jim Rarnes and Gilbert Ntrh nils. Of the American starters only A1 Kspinosa of California failed. Card* of 1B# and under qualified the entrants. Outfielder Neun Still Cling* to Batting Lead Outfielder Neun of St. Paul ia giv ing nn indication of passing nut as the hatting leader of tha Atnerican association Tndav he Is rejoicing In an average of .432, with Hrlef of Kansas City second with .404, and Dressen, also of the Saints, third with .400. r ——--^ Pacific Coast League | 1.09 A nf nlf-9. June 54: R. Jf. ft Portland.. 2 a „ w Varnon.1 a 3 Battarlaa ftrhroadar and Daly; Thoms* ^ and It. Murphy B Half l.ak** L'ity, Juna 54: It. || ft ip" Anicalaa . 4% 19 j Halt Laka .ia 19 n Haltarl**: DumovDh, Rhidmv, Hoot and ,l**nklna Bylar* Ponder. Thnmi", « on mb#, o'Nail. Mrf!|N and Conk, Mjh rtmmlo, Jun» 14 R If ft Oakland , 1 7 t H*e• mmanto. I ] I n B^ttariaa; Kun* and Dakar; Ball and hung Sun Frinrliro, Juna ?4 n H. K. Hi * t»I# 2 l it f»n n Kranr iarn 412 I BftMarlf • OrtfJK and r.. Baldwin, mid Aurtfrt, Haseball feil(s and'Standings WESTERN LRAGl'K. Stand inns. VV. 1.. Pet. Win. Lose. Denver .. 42 24 .636 .642 .627 Omaha . Sft 25 .590 .597 .Ml Tulsa . 39 2X .582 588 .574 St. Jossph . 36 29 .554 .561 .545 Wlablta . 35 31 .530 .537 .522 Oklahoma Cily .. 32 51 .492 .500 4K5 Lincoln . 18 42 .300 .111 J95 De* Moines . 17 43 .283 .295 .271 Yesterday's Result a. Omaha, 14; Denver. 8. Oklahoma City. 7; St Joseph. I Wichita. 12; Tulsa. 11. Das Moines Lincoln, postponed. (iamei Today. St. Joseph at Oklahoma City. Wichita at Tulsa. Denver at Omaha. Lincoln at Des Moines. NATIONAL LEAGUE Standings. VV. L. Pet. Win Lose N*w York . 40 * 20 .667 672 656 Chicago ... ".6 21 .632 .63* 621 Rrooklvn . 31 27 534 542 .526 Pittsburgh .?* 29 401 500 4*3 Cincinnati .2* 32 .467 .475 451 Boston . 24 „32 .429 .439 .421 Philadelphia .... 25 32 .4 1* 429 .41 1 St. Louis . 21 36 ,36* 379 .1*2 Result*. New York. *. Brooklyn. 3. Pittsburgh. 4. Cincinnati. 3 Bo&Jon. 4: Philadelphia. 2. Only gsmes scheduled. Games Today. St Louis at Cincinnati. Chicago at Pittsburgh. New York at Brooklyn. Boston at Philadelphia. AMERICAN LEAGUE standings. VV. L. Pet. Win Lose Washington .32 26 .652 .569 .542 New York .30 26 .536 .544 .526 Detroit . 31 27 .534 .642 .525 Boston . 29 27 .518 .126 .5®9 St. Louis .10 28 .517 .525 .508 Cleveland .29 29 .500 .50.1 .483 Chicago . 27 30 .474 .483 .466 Philadelphia . 21 36 .368 .179 .162 Results. Boston. 4 Philadelphia. 1. St. Pouis. 7-6; Detroit. 6-1. Washington. 4; N%w York. I. Cleveland-Chicago, postponed, rain. Games Today. Detroit at St. Louis. Cleveland at Chicago. Washington at Nt*v York. Philadelphia at Boston ttwo gsmss). AMERICAN^ ASSOCIATION, standings. W. J,. Prt. Wtn Lose Louisville . 15 22 «14 *21 663 Indianapolis . 37 24 .607 *13 597 St Prul .37 29 561 567 .862 Columbus . 29 33 .46* 47* 460 Minneapolis .29 33 .46* 476 .4*0 KaneAs City .. .29 34 .460 469 451 Toledo . 2* 36 .42* .435 ,41 9 Milwaukee . 24 37 .39* 403 .383 Yesterday's Results. Milwaukee. *: Louisville, 4. Toledo, 14; .8t Paul. 5. Minneapolis. 12; Columbus. « Indianapolis. 6. Kansas City, 2. Games Today. St. Paul at Toledo. Minneapolis at Columbus. Kansas City at Indianapolis. Milwaukee at Louisville. TRI9TATB LEAGUE. Standings. VV. L. Pet. Win. Lose. Beatrice . 28 16 .636 .644 .623 Grand Island .23 20 .515 .645 .522 Sioux Falls . 20 21 .488 .600 .476 Hastings . 18 22 .450 461 .439 Sioux City . 18 23 .439 452 .429 Norfolk . 17 22 .436 .460 .425 Yesterday's Results. Beatrice. 2; Grand Island. 1. Hastings. 7; dlnux Falls. 6 Norfolk-Sioux City, postponsd, rain. (tomes Today. Norfolk at Sioux City. Grand Island at Httanira. Sioux Falls at Hastings. TEXAS I.E A GTE. Beaumont. 1; Dallas. 3 Galveston. 8. Fort Worth. 7 Sun An'onlo. 2. Fhrsvspnrt, 3 11 in nings Houston, 9. Wichita Falls, * MIC If If 5.4 S'-ONTARIO TEACH' E. London-Kalamazoo, rain. Hamilton, 4; Flint, ft Rav City. 16; Grand Rapids. T. Saginaw-Muskegon. rain THREE-EYE LEAGUE. Decatur. 4: Bloomington. 12 Terre Haute, ?,; Peoria. 4 Kvansvllla-Pan ville, wet grounds ROI THERN ASSOCIATION Allanla. 9; Chattanooga. 4. Hpbtle. 2; Memphis. 1. New Orlans. 4 Little Rock. f. Birmingham. ©: Nashville. 6 INTERNATIONAL LEACH K Buffalo. 7: Newark. 8. Reading. * Rochester. 12. Syracuse. 0 and 1: Baltimore. IK and 8. MISSISSIPPI VAT.LET. Bock Island, 8; Moline. 7. Ottumwa. 7; Marshalltown, I. Burlington. 4; Waterloo, ft. Cedar Raplda-Dubuque, rain. Beatrice Blues Beat Islanders. <*aI rice. Neb . June 24—In a hard fought game here this afternoon Beatrh** defeated Grand Island 2 to 1. In th»* seventh, o win mo of Grand Island hit r !«/ig fiy which struck a telephone pole and bounded ba«k into the field. Vni tdre an Hoskirk allowed a Itvo-base hit. but lated rhanged IPs decision and gave Bowman a borne* In i h« *evanth when the umpire railed Brnokhaus* safe on ae» ond the crowd dashed into the field, th^fsiening Van Roakirk. who was murk •everal times Tha nollra were railed on to dear tha field alnd Van Boekirk finished the game. Fang think it a ihima that Beatrice has been seven dava without an official urn pi re The score GRAND ISLAND BE A TRIGS abhpnae ah h no a a Fair’d ae 4 17 4 0 Purdav aa 4 o 2 2 2 Ruser Jh 3 0 l n ft Sugga 1b 10 14ft Hinkla 1h 4 o ft n ft Beall rf 2 ft ft ft ft Bowm’n rf 4 1 ft o ft Rafrhla rf 1 l 2 ft ft Quinn ** 4 n 3 6 ft McCoy 1b 1 ft II ft ft Rr'kh’a 1f 1 o 1 ft ft Dan la If 1 ft ft ft ft Rowe rf 3 2 3 ft ft Bond'r't as 1 1 4 8 ft WJlIeta r iftgftftl'ngerr 1 ft ft ft f F Shupe o 1 # ft u ft Ander'n n 7 ft ft 1 ft xCondon 1 ft ft o o Houtg p i ft n ft ft Totals 12 4 2990 Totals 28 2 27 17 3 Score hv innings: Grand Island .ftftft ftftft 1ftfl—1 Beatrice . 000 100 10*—2 Summary Runs: Bowman. Sugga Denis. Home tun Bowman Two-base hit: Rondurant. Sacrifice hit: Ruser. Stolen base; Rowe Double play: Suggs to Bondurant to MeCoy. Struck out: By Anderson. 1; hv Hout/, 1. hv Hhnpe. 8 Bases on halla: Off Anderson. 2: off Hotifg. none, off Shupe. 7 Hit hv pitched ball By Shupe (Suggs). Um pire: Van Boaklrk Time. 2:00. Kuropean Lightweight Lhamp Scores Technical K. O. P»rl*. June 24.—Fred Rrcttoncl. IlKhtwcinht champion of Knrope, de feated r>anny Frush In the clKhth round of a 20 round match toni*rht. Fruah was unable to respond to the hell and Rrcttoncl therefore arored a technical knockout. [ American Association I AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Columbus. June 24. B H E Minneapolis . .12 17 2 Columbus . . 8 112 Batteries Hamilton and Ma.ver Mac Quill** Damaree. Ambrose Ketchum and Urban Toledo, June 24. R If V. Rl Paul ...J. . n 1» l Toledo . ' 14 If* 2 Batteries HoUhauser Faeth Napier. .VI * Qua Id and Dixon: Bradshaw and Fchglte, Gaston and M.i ^Jenfriu i ndiana oolia, June 24 R H r Kansas <Mty . , . . i * o Indianapolis ...... >1112 IPttieneft A< hupp, Dawson and Skiff; Kllar. Hill and Ktncger, Lniilavlile, June 24. R II. K Milwaukee . « it | Louisvilla ... 414ft Baiter'* a Pott. Winn and Yount. Holley. Estelle and Mavet. ?" 'hay*fever sufferers : • Rend ita your name and address We • • want in tell you about "HAT RKM" • • a nawly discovered simple and • • wholly effective remedy. Not taken . • Internally. Not a serum. Inexpen m • alvet A nos* wash that heals the • mucous membrane Prevents aiisax- * • ln« Tou need n>» Innaer suffer or * . travel t» escape suffering from ibis • m dleeaac Kqiiallv effe* live for hssd • (olds and catarrh Results guar- • " anle*d Tour friend who ha* hav • • fevar may not see thia. so send hia • • name a* a favor. . • NO MONEY NO OBLIGATION " Just Sand Name and Address fa • . AMERICAN DRUG CORP • Ccntr.l N.i'l Rk RMf.. Si. Lent., Mo. I • ■ ■ I I ■ I • ' I ■ I I . 9 Browns Defeat Tigers Two Games St. J.ojula, June 24.—With Georgre Sigler back on first base, the St. liOuie Americans pot the jump on the Detroit Tigers today, taking both games of the double header opening the series here today. The scores were 7 to 5 and 5 to 1. The defeats dropped Cobb's men from first to third place In the American league. Flrat |im*: DKTHOI1 (A) ST. LOPIS (A) ah h v»o ;i *» t n Burke 2b 8 2 4 3 0 Tnhln rf 3 l I 0 it «'nbb cf 4 2 3 0 0 Sinter lb 4 010 0 0 F’h'e'gl If 3 i» o n Wili'm* If 4 2 1 <1 ft I|)elltn'n rf 2 0 0 0 0 M’.Yf’n'a 2b 4 0 2 2 0 W'go tf-lf 3 11 0 0 .|*i h'an cf 4 4 8 0 0 Blue lb .1 it 8 1 it M'MTn ;b 4 114ft RIgney *ft 4 2 3 4 ft SevVM e 3 14 0ft Jones 3b 3 I 2 ’ A Gerber r* 3 2 2 1 ft Rxs’ler r 4 n 3 2 0 Pavia p 1 ft 0 2 0 Wh’teh'l p 1 ft ft L. o Shocker p ft 0 ft ft ft Dole p ft 0 ftftft* Evan* 11000 Stoner p ft ft ft 0 ft - — xHanev i ft ft ft 0 Totala St 1 2 27 9 ft xManush | ft ft ft ft xKerr ft ft ft ft ft Totals 84 * 24 1R n « xBatted for Whitehill «n *fh. xBatted for Stoner in 9th. ' xRan for Cobb In 9th. xBatted for Pavia in *th. Detroit .... .noo ftftft 080—8 St. Lotila .010 010 f»6x—7 Summary—Run* Rurke. Cobb, Wingo, Blue. Williams. McManus, Jacobson (2t. Severeid. Gerber. Evans. Two*ba>«c hits; Willlama. Rigney. Home rum: Jacobson i'l), Rigney. Sacrifices: Davis and Jones. Double plays: Rigney to Burke Left on l.aaaa: Detroit, 7; St. Louis. 2 Struck ovt: By Whitehill. 1; by Davis 2. Hits: Off Whitehill. 7 in 7 innings; off Dole. 3 in “ Inning (none out lit 8th t; off Stoner, 2 in 1 Inning off Davis, 0 in a innings: off Shocker, 2 m 1 inning. Winning pitcher Davis. Lcsiitg pitcher: Stoner. I mplies: Holinc^ II allin and Rowland. Time or game: 2:33. Score, second game: DETROIT (A ) ST. LOT TS (A) ah.h.po.a.e. ah h pn s e. Rurke 2b 2 1 1 “ •» Tobin rf 4 2 3 <• «' Pratt 7b 3:11 0 Sisler 1b f. ft I 0 « Cobb cf 8 0 3 0 0 Wil ma If 3 2 A 0 0 Ma'h If rf 1 1 ft 0 ft M' M's. 2h 4 1 8 2 « Win go rf 0 0 ft 0 ftjs'aon cf 4 1 A 0 0 Hlus lh 3 18 2 1 M’M'an 8b 2 2 2 2 9 Rigney as 3 0 2 1 ‘'Severeid e 3 2 10ft Jones 3b 2 0 1 2 ft Gerber sa 3 0 1 8 ft Hanev 2b 2 ft ft ft '» Lynns p n ft ft ft 0 W odall e 3 2 3 1 1 D forth p H " M Welle p 2 112 0 Holly p ft ft 1 3 ft Totals 32 11 27 10 ft S J'naon p ft ft ft 1 ft Fnth'1 If 3 ft 2 ft ft He'ann rf 2 « 1 o ft xKerr 1 ft ft ft ft x Man Inn 1 ft ft ft ft Total* 33 8 24 13 l xBatted fnr Jnhnaon in seven‘h. xBatted for Hollows' tn ninth Detroit .lftft ftftft ftftft l Ft Louis .ftlft 310 ftftx — Summary- Runs. Burke. Willlame, Mc Manus. McMillan. Severeid. Danforth. I Two-baae hits: Manuah. Danforth, Tohin < 2». McMillan. Stolen bases. Williams (2). Sacrifice: Severeid Double plays: McManua to Sisler. Blue to Rigney to Blue. Gerber to M< Manus to Staler Left on bases: Detroit. 11; St Louie. 9 Rase* on balle Off Lyona, 1; off Dan forth. 6; off Welle, 3. off Johnson. 2. I Struck out: Fly Danforth, 3. by Welle. 3. Hits: Off Wells. » in five inning*, off Johnson, 1 In one Inning; off Holloway, 1 in two Innings; off Lyons. 2 in one third Inning: off Danforth. 8 in eight and two-thirds innings Winning pitcher: Danforth Losing pitch a* Wells em pires: Nallin, Rowland snd Holntea. Time 1:14. Red Sox Trim Athletics. Boston. June 24. — Pastes bv Naylor snd Gray and timely hitting bv Todt. Wamby. Lee and Ferguson enabled Button to score •arlv in todav'e cams snd eventually to defeat Ph'ladHphis 4 to 1 The acors; - INSERT Omaha-Denver Game J’HILA (A) BOSTON (Al abh.poae abhpoae B.abep 2b 2 0 4 2 ft Flag d rf 3 14 0ft, Miller If 3 1 3 0 ft M mhv 7h 8 2 110 Strand rf 4020 l> \ each If 3 0 4 1ft 1 Hauser lb 4 1 * t 0 folUne rf 4 1 I ft ft Sim one rf 4 2 2ft ft Todt 1h 4 1 8 ft \ F'r'ndi 3b 3 1 1 1 ftojark 3* 1 n ft n ft G* wav ns 4 ft t * ft EaseII 3h '111ft Perkina r 1 ft 2 ft ft Heving r 1 ft 8 1 ft Bruggy r 2 ft n ft ft ■ • 2 * 4 3 1 Naylor p ft ftftft!' Ferg *on p 4 1 0 ft ft { xHeimach 1 ft ft 0 ft Gray p 1. n 0 n ft Totala J» 7 27 7 2 i Meeker p I ft 1 1 0 Totals 3ft 8 24 9 " x Ba *»ed for Naylor In th rd Philadelphia . l"ft ftf»ft ftftft t Boston . . . ... . . 022 000 ©Ox——4 I Summary—Runs: Miller. Todt, «*iark. Heving. Lee. Two-baae hits. Hauser, Todt. Wamby. Stolen base Simmons. Sacrifice hit* Bishop. Lee. Double plays; Riconda to Hauser. Lee to Todt. to Wamby to Todt. Left on base* Phila delphia. 8; Boston, 10. Bases on ball* Off Naylor. 4; off Gray. 2. off Meeker, 2; off Ferguson, 3. Struck out By Naylor, 1; by Ferguson. 4 Hite: Off Naylor. 2 In two Innings; off Gray. 3 in two-thlrda Inning; off Meeker. 2 tn five and one-third inning*. Passed ball Hev ing Losing pitcher: Naylor. Umpires: Morlarty and Din*en Time 1 44. Uits^d Misses ix)"*' Buffaloes DENVER <VV) Ml R II PO.A.K. Gorman. th . 2 0 ft (i ft ft O'Brien. rf . 3 2 * I ft « llergcr. «... i I 3 A 3 ft Ginglardi. If .4 I I I ft ft Falk. rf. 2I» 3 I I I 4 ft Knight, ll> . H ft I I ft ft ft VV ha ling, r . A ft ft A ft ft •lone*. rf .A ft « I « I II * itdiev . 3h .... ..411011 William*. i» .2 I ft ft 4 ft Vorhe*. p .ft ft ft ft ft ft X Roche 1 1 1 ft « ft Total*.3« ~5 17 57 |5 ”5 OMAHA (\V> All. R. II. PO.A.K Thompson. 2I» ....A 3 3 ft 3 6 KohitiMon. rf .4 2 3 A ft ft < tillnp. Ih .A 2 I II ft 1 Oithorn. If .A 3 A I « « Honovvltr. rf . 4 1 1 « « 0 O’Neil. »* A ft 2 I 4 ft Lenaban. 3h . A 2 3 o 4 ft Wilder, o .A 1 I 3 ft ft Mack, it .3 ft ft ft 2 « Total* 41 14 75 27 13 I i Ha tied for William* In eighth. fiiimnmrv — Home run*: Kohin*on. O* Defiver 003 ftftft 1 4ft— M ftmnlm Irtft 122 7flx—II hom. Berger. Falk Three-b«*e hit*: Kohiu«op. OslMirn. Two-b*»r hit*: Thomp son. riillop. Lwunban (2), O’Brien, ftaerlflre*: Berger. Wilder. Double olnv*: Mark to i Immptnn to C'ttllnn: Wil liam* to Berger to Knight; Berger to Falk to Knight. Left on ha*e*: Omaha,< A; Denver. H. Ba*e* on hall*: Off Mark, ft; off William*. 3 in *even Inning*; off Vorlie*. none In one inning. Struck out: llv Mack, 3: by William*. 4 In seven Inning*; bv Vorhe*. none In one inning, lilt*: Off Mack. II; off Williams. 18 In seven inning*; off Vorlie*. I In one inning l’a**ed boll*: Whaling Winning pitcher: Mark. loosing pitcher: William*. em pire*: Donohue and Powell. Time: I :A«. Indians Defeat Saints, 7 to 2 Oklahoma City, Jun« 24.—Don Hunger won hi* fifth ronserutiva vic tory today, when he held St. Joaeph to two hit*. The genre was. Okla homa City, 7; St. Joseph, 2. Kufer’a two error* in attempting to complete double plays were costly. Score: ST. JOSEPH MV) OKTjA. CITT <W) ab h.po a * *b h p« at Nuf*r 2b 3 t 2 f 2 Hock rf * 2 2 ft ft Morgan **4012 ftSwt'ney 3 ft 3 ft ft Math** lb 3 ft * 2 ftFelber rf 3 ft 1 ft ft Miller rf 4 ft 4 ft OT/derus lb 3 ftlft ft ft P M gin If : 1 3 ft OKr'ger 3b 4 3 * 4 ft O'bert 9b 4 ft 1 ft ftT*»e 3b 3 1 ft 2 ft I.ew*n rf 1 ft ft ft ftKhsdot •» 3 n 1 3 ft Brooks e 1 ft 4 ft ft Hale c 3 2 8 ft *> xLov# 1 ft ft 0 ft.Songer p 4 1 ft 2 0| M'tree e ft o ft ft ft -- - — ■ — McColl p 3 ft 1 ft ft Totals 37 » 27 11 0 xFar’ton l ft ft ft m Total* 29 2 24 3J 2 x Baited for Brooke In seventh. xBatted for McColl In ninth Sf Joseph .ftftft ft2ft ftftft —2 Oklahoma City . 103 001 02x—7 Summary—Run*: Brooke. Hock, Sweeney, Felber, Luderu*. Khadot, Hale, Songer Tv* o-ba** hit* De.Maggio. Hock, Krueger. Three-baa* hit: Song»-r Bases on balls Off Songer. 7; off McColl, 4. Hit by pitched ball: Sweeney; by McColl. Wild pitch: Songer. Passed ball Brook* Struck out: By Songer, 6. by McColl, 2. Double pis v Khadot to Krueger to Luderu*; Nufer to M&thes, to Gilbert. Left on b**e*: Oklahoma City. 9; 8t. Jo sept, 7 Cmplree Collin* and Held. | Time: 1 . B fi. LOUP CITY WINS IN MEDAL PLAY Kearney. N*b., .Tun* 24—Loup City carried off th* honor* for m»d*l play to*m competition 1n th* qualifying round* of th* Ontral Nebraska Golf a.anolatton tournament today, O, L. ! Swanson. Chris Johansen and Harry! and Kd Lewandowskl, four low men! from Iyiup City, receiving th* allv*r lovintr cup. A. L. Rradstreet of Grand Island, m*dali*t. «.i» elected pr*»ld*nt of th* association at th* annual huain**a m**Ung today. J. F. Webster of St. Paul was i hosen aorrotarv. O. I* Swanson, Loup City; Ray Harrison. Grand Island; D. P. Ran kin, Ijoxington, and A. If. Held, Hold res*, wrra chosen director*. Selection of the next tournament city was left to th* directors. The finals of the various flights are scheduled for Friday. BookofHistoiy -comes to life See the places where the dramatic story of our Nation’s birth and growth was enacted. Through the East via Baltimore & Ohio, pleasure and ed ucation go hand in hand. Washington, Harper’s Ferry, Mt. Vernon, the Potomac River, the Shenandoah Valley, Baltimore, Phil adelphia,New York, Boston, Atlantic Seaboard, Mountain, Lake and Spring Resorts, the cities of the Great rlow Farei Fan Lnke8 an^ Canada may be included. Choice of many circle tours, East of Chicago and St. Louis, with a wide variety of routes. Combination rail and water trips. Low fares. - A,k ^illustrated booklets containing Tht Capitol maps, description of tours, list of hotels Limitrd and boarding houses. L«n?tT°!jd*’ Di,'i F,rt ,nd p“* R-P 14,1 807 Woodmen of th. Weld Bldg 14th .nd F.m.m St, Phon, ATI.m.c 2490 Om.h«, N»b. BALTIMORE & OHIO io»o America's First Railroad EATAItl ISMED 1U7 flMBi ———— - ■ iirrf ■ ™ " .■Inn I Omaha Defeats Denver in Series Opener. 14 to 8 K\cry Man on Buffalo Tram, VI ith Exception of “Stubby" Mark, Con nects With Ball. ARN'EV Burch', h a r d hitting Omaha Buf faloes lived up to their reputation 'a. apple c In n ter. yesterday aft ernoon on the home lot before a fair-sized croud •*" socking the deliv eries of "MuHl1 Will iams, Denver hurling are, for a If to ft win, in the first game of the series. The herd had on ita full dress hit ting togs yesterday afternoon, and every man In a Buffalo suit connected with the ball exrept Pitcher Mack. The fans that braved the threaten ing elements were treated to a sight of hard hitting mixed liberally with sensational fielding, and stirred with hut three errors, two of them by Denver. After the Bears had been retired in their first half of the first frame, the Rucolas opened up on I’ltcher Williams for three hits and two runs. Thompson doubled sharply over short. Itohlnson and Cullop were re tired, hut Osborn ramet hrough with a single, scoring Thompson with the. first marker. Osborn counted on O Neil's single. "Mutt” Williams, first man up In the third for the Rocky Mountain lads, worked Mark for a free trip to first. Garmon fanned, and Berger filed out to Robinson. Glnglardl took a walk, and Falk scored both men and himselw with a homer over the right field hoards. Omaha counted once In the mourth. and twtee In the fifth and sixth stanzas. Denver scored in the sev enth on O'Brien's singles. Berger's one-hase Jolt, and a pair of walks. The lucky seventh proved more than lucky for Omaha, The Herd batted around In this frame, and Os borne and Bonowitz faced Williams twice In the fatal seventh. Oaborn led off the Inning with a terrific smash to right field that cleared the boards by a good 60 feet. Bonowitz singled over second. O'N’eill popped out to Jones. Renahan lined out a double to left, scoring Bono witz, and scored a moment later on Wilder's single over third. Mack fanned for the second out. Thomp son rapped out a one-base blow. Wil der scored on Jones' wild heave to third and Thompson galloped to third on the play. Robinson poled out a smashing three bagger to the fence, scoring Thompson. Piillnp. who had failed to connect In the early Innings, took hold of one of Williams’ shoots and laid It against the left field board*. Osborn tripled for hi* second hit of the inning, while Rnnowus ended the assault by grounding out, Falk to Knight. LATOM.V First r« e Puree 11.490; claiming. 4 year-nlds and up; ft furlong* Kpoda .102 Pellon .109 High Value . ..I"4 Royal Palm . 102 Pyx .llo xRompg Home 97 Carpenter .. Colored Bov . . 1 *»« McIntosh .107 Rapid Day ...106 ■ Last (,*na .••..197 Sandalwood ...107 xAlodna .1 •* - Brunawirk . ..115 RoUl Gold .. 97 xHakab . 97 Alias Alazie ...193 AfaBeth .Ill Second race; Purse, $1,409; maiden 2 >e»r-oid colt* and, geldings; a V* fur longs a Saar .....115 h.Moorehead ...lift Brave Rob ....115 <■ Down town ....116 Barrage .11a KSon of John, llo Thundering ....11.5 Letter F.lift l.*d O’Aline ....lift St. Charles .. .11$ Elector . ......lift aTangara .11 a Romany Rya . . 1 i.» Star Sweeper ..115 r Return .116 Almade] .IIS Special^ .lia Mr. Biltmore Iij aJ. V Camden entry; hYoung and Scott entry; eFarriah and Ferguson en try. Th>rd race: Ptirs**, $1,509; claiming. 3 year old*; mile and 70 yards; Niagara .1 Rambler .109 xOverfire .106 xSwift Water .. 97 xNiinrnd .-log Klaxon .107 Billy Klair -110 xThe Reaper . . 97 ^Quotation _107 Climax .107 x Bona Vera ...196 xPetai Afaloney 107 Fourth race Pt^rae. $1,600; claiming. 3- vear-olda and up ft furlongs: xNoel .115 Brigh* Tom'ow 119 xPoland . 37 Hav No .19.7 • Rocket .lift Granite Ware .114 Hraedelbane ...123 Boya Helve Me.112 Centimeter ....114 Clarence . . . 10* Belle of K'bt'n 10$ xPickpocket; xDuaty Mary . .I»»0 x Energy .107 Huonpine .l«ft x Valley Light 191 xSanola . IS Fifth ra< **: Purse, $1,799; allowancea; The Clevee,*' 4-year-olds and up; mile June Cirasa ....10a Hopeieaa .196 United Verde ..19* Bustti . 119 .Mara t Windsor 199 Sixth race: Purse. $1,540; ‘The Tay lor's Mill; allowances; 2-year-old fillies; 6 Ve furlong* °h Susanna ...193 Lfttte Visitor ..195 Burk Bitar ... 100 aTimelv Tho ta 197 aSo^ke Bite ...107 Bridesmaid ...196 ■Coe and Chinn an try. Seventh race: Purs* $1.$99; claiming. 4- year-okla and up. IV* mile*: xBl'w'g Bubble* 104 Raider .1*6 count*** Pl 1 Ramkin . 9) V amoeba ...log War Prize 99 xSmut* -- n xPequot .191 Brotherly Love 101 xApprentlre allowance claimed. Clear, fa** Oilers IX in 11-Inning Game. Tuli». Ok! Jan. ?« —Th» OlI.rj tcor.4 f ve run* in the ninth to tie the score after the Witches had acored aix m the Jr*™* •"'* then in the 11th Teaar walked AifrMullen and Smi’b and. a her Butler had fanned. Dunning for a single to < enter to srore %ha winning rue The score WICHITA (W> TULSA fW) ... . ab h.po.a • ab.h po a.a Smith cf ft 1 ft 1 1 A atin If 5 2 10 9 Butler 3b 7 9 11 «N*ey, \{ 3 19 0 0 li ning rf 7 3 2 0 OW'burn 2b ft 3 4 7 1 Beck, lb f. 3 p 0 0Daria rf 7 3 0 0 1 Haley a* 5 2 4 1 1!.amb cf ft 3 5 0 0 1*11 Pie If 6 2 10 OSt'jsrt lb 6 z 11 0 0 Bott 2b * 1 3 2 OS"gent 3b 5 2 13 9 M Al len c ft 3 7 0 nCroaby c 9 2 5 1 9 G gortr P 6 2 0 2 0 F11p’ 1 n s* 9 16 7 0 Hovfllk p 0000 i' Hr India p 41921 Jolly p 19 9 2 0 Black p 9 9 9 1 0 —---Te.ear p 9 9 9 9 9 Total* 54 21 22 IS 2xLeiive!t 119 9 9 x Voigt 9 9 9 9 9 c , Total* 53 21 $3 21 3 *S ngled for Black In ninth ■ Ran for Lelivalt in ninth. Score by innings. Wichita .919 039 194 01—11 Tulaa.199 0«2 3*5 99—11 Summary—Rune Smith, Butler (2). Punmrg (21, Be, k (2i Ha'ev. Gllleapie Af^Mullen (31. Gregory. Austin, W*»h hurn <2). Pavla <3». Lamb (2). Etuart. Flippln. Biindza T«o-ba«e hit*. Waah burn Lamb Austin, Crceby. Dunning (2). Sargent Butter, Cgaey Home run*. Berk Butler (2), Austin. Davi* «J> S*o. rifi^* Hales Cagey Double plax* Washburn to Flippm to Stuart. Bott to Halev to B-ck Lef* o* base Wjphtta. 13 Tula* 13 Base «n ball* Off Brlndaa off Joll> 3. off Teair 2 Struck ©u» By Bnndxa. 2 by Gregory. 4 by Jolly. 1: by T*aar 3 Hit* and run* Off B’-irdxa 15 ard • in eight inning* (none out in ninth), off Gregory 14 and * n eight in nmg* (none out tn ninth), off Horlik. 2 and 1 in t»o-th4rda inning; off Bfa-'k. 6 and 2 tn one inning Hit by pitched ball Sargent bv Gregory Winning pitcher:' JolL Loaing pitcher. Tfaar ntpire. Gaffney Time; 2.25. ir---> Manager Sisler Returns to Game St. Louis. June 24. — Manager 1 George Sisler of the St. I,ouis Browns, was given a great ovation when he went on (lie Held today following the lifting of his suspen sion for his recent dispute with Umpire Holmes The crowd booed Holmes when he took his place he ! hind the bat. ! Catcher Pat Collins of the Browns and Coach Jimmy Austin still are under suspension. Presi dent Johnson has not determined upon their punishment. The shower of pop bottles came in the sixtli inning of the Chicago St. Louis game on Saturday after ('mire Holmes had banished Sister and the others from the game for protesting his decision on strikes and halls. Sisler protested his suspension, rlahning that Holmes lias misrep resented the situation to Johnson. V _/ Hastings Wins j c Sories Opener Hastings, }Teb.', June 21.—Hastings hit Beck and Ulrich today and won the first game of the scries from Sioux Falls by 7-6. Ulrich forced in the winning run on a walk. Waiters relieved Wright in the eighth with a man on third base rewdy to tie the score and then struck out two men, SIOCX FALLS (Tl HASTINGS (Tl ib h po a.a. aKb po a • Volt. rf 40300 Hhm rf " 1 S « 0 Schultz* If S 1 0 0 a r,?,*! rf 1110 1 Cleve’d 3b 4 2 0 1 n Xoack 2h 2 0 110 Snow c 4 10 0 1 Gll’pl* 2b 4 2 3 7 0 Ftuvo'n lb 5 2 7 3 0 Tom** '.f 4 12 0 0 Menard m 7 0 4 2 0 Fenton lb 3 2 7 0 0 CUvt 2b 4 14 11 Moll* m 4 0 2 1 2 Thom n rf 4 1 0 1 0 rh**k c 3 0 3 1 0 Reck p 3 0 0 5 0 Wrlfht p 30030 Ulrich p 10 0 1 0 Walter* r 00000 Fremin p 00000 - - Tottl* 27 7 27 8 3 To**!* 37 8 24 14 3 Flour Fall* . '00 *"0 "20—0 Hftitiiigt . . imia ©ix—7 Summary—Base* on ha”* Off B*ck 2. off Ulrjrh 1 nff Wr *ht. Tb-»* h*’* hit Thomson. Homo run* Fen ton Sacrifice hit* C*M*i. 2. N'oarkp 2 Hit by ball By rh«v Ulrirh P****d hr ^*h**k Earned run Fall*. 1; Haatinf*. * I>eft on ha«*« Sioux Fall*. 4 Hmtmii 3 Struck out By Berk. 2: by Ulrich. 1; by Walter*. 2. F'ts »nd run*; 4 and R. in SI 1 innlnr off Ulrich, 3 and 1 In 1 inning; off Wrlxh* 7 and 0 In 7 1-3 Inning* Bun* Molt. Srhult* Cleveland Fnow. Stuvcn f*n, Clova. H**s*. C****l (2>. G1H«y*pla 12). Kenton. Umpire. Harkins. Tima of I am*: 1:18. -X Kamm Benched at Own Request; in Batting Slump Chlesgo. June 24.—M illie Kamm, Chicago American league Slhfl, (WK> third baseman, has been benched at his own request in the hope that the rest will enable him to recover from a hatting slump Kamm told Manager Johnny Evers whenever he slumped in the Coast league, from which he came, he was taken out of the lineup for a few days. Bill Bsrrett will replace him. and Ray French will perform at short, taking Kamtn'a place in the batting order. V J Fluke Collision Aids Senators •y" to Defeat Yanks Peckiupaugh, Washington Shortstop, Connects -for Circuit Drive Following Dropping of Foul Fly. KW YORK. June 24.— After Pipp and Schang rollided and lost Peck inpaugh's easy foul In' the ninth inning today, the batter hit a home run which tied the scorn and permitted Wash' ington to score agaim in the tenth and defeat New York 4 to. 3. It was the third game lost toy the Yankee* to Washington within two days. WASHINGTON’ f At NEW YORK I At «b h po ft • ab h po Rice ft 2 l l 0 ? hn n 2b 5 9 110 Mat w, rf 4 ? ft ft nHM'ks If MUM* Hirrii 2b 4 ft 2 5 ORuth rf 2 18 9 9 Qoslin Ih 5 14 0 OMeuto! cf 0 0 2 9 1 lb 4 012 2 Opipp lb 4 111 1 1 Ruel c 4 12 1 ORrhanp c 4 .3 S 2 9 Pfc'p'h 4 2 4 3 9 Dugan 3b 4 0 2 2-0 Blu*f«* 3b 4 1^2 O.Scott H* 4 o 3 .2 9 Zah>r p 1 o 0 ft OPen’clc p 1 0 0 3 9 xH'rr'v* j ft ft 0 ft -«—-*• Hus p 2 0 0 3 0 Total* 35 8 30 13 2 Total* 36 9 3ft 1* ft xBfttted for Zahnisor !n fifth. Score by inn.ngi: ✓ «* Washington .11* l«ft ftftft l-~4 New York . 100 200 000 0~r3. Sumroarv—Runs- Rl^e, Forkinpaugh (2}. Russell, Johnion, Ruth, P!pp. Two base hit* Matthew*. fc'-hang Rict Thrao ba*o hit* Johnson. P:pp. Goalie Homa run: Pocklnpiugh Stolen hito# Rutbj R««l Sacrlfic** Harris ’Jatthawt Dou ble plavi Blu*g* to Harris to JtJdr* ?rhang to Johr.aon Left on bat** >«'ew • York " Washington n Pas* on ba’1* Off F*nn^k 1 off Zibnisar. 1 off Rw toll. 4 Ftru**k out By Pennock. a by Rr**»iF ? | Hit* Off Zahni»4»r, 5 in 4 irnings- off P-i***!!. S in s innings Wi!d pitch P«nr»»v'k Winning ritch*- Ruraall urrfplro*: Evans and r*rm»by. Time 1-20. Veteran Golfer Dies. Troon, Scotland, June 24 —Willi* Ferme. 7S one of the oldest and best known golf professionals In the Brit ish isles, died today. He won the British open once and was th* only man to tie for second place en fiy*» occasions. His two sons were entered at Hoylake, but scratched to to* at the bedside of their father. Feri>if had been a Troon professional for 30 years. - ..oc*C Free Lecturesj Tonight at 8:05 The Principles of Financial Success * By Herbert Monroe Linch of Lot Angeles Mr Linch not onlr toll* you what you can do, but ha »eiU f : you how to do It. HOTEL CASTLE \ 16th «nd Jones ,1 ..—■■■ 1 1 .• / ** .. ■ (' ■ " - • J* ,*^1 For Safer Brakes ' Insist On Made XI i Asbestos J OlinS j “ Manville | Brake Lining For Sale By AH Praters I _Distributors _• S T O R Z WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. NEBRASKA B II IC K AUTO CO. II