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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1924)
Alleden Noses Out Victory Over Go Foin On Muddy Track in Lions Handicap — ____ - ■■ ■ ■ — Jack Ledi Finds Track to Liking, "Winning With Ease Golden Cup Stage? Nice Race in Fifth. Overtaking Rajah Who Seeks Good Going. Alleden. under the skilirul handling of Jockey o. Clark, managed to slip up on Go Fciin and takp the first honors of the Lions Handicap, the fifth event on the program for Tues day. by a whisker. The horses got away well and, a sixteenth out, it looked very much as though Go Foin just about had things on ice. Then Jockey C. Gross forgot his business and let the flying Alleden come up and just nose him' out in the final stride. MyJJaddy was easily third best. A track, hard beaten by the storm, yet dried sufficiently to be only slow, greeted the thoroughbreds at the Ak-Sar-Ben field Tuesday afternoon. Silent Pardner, game son of James T. Clark-MIss La Rue M., brought the eariy customers to their feet in excitement when he fought a victor ious fight in the stretch and came home a winner. The jet black colt fought gamely and won by a scant margin, with Karenza, a favorite, coining in for third money, and Par nell Lad, Ben Jones' entry, taking second money. Silent Pardner paid $6.80 to win. $3.80 to place and $2.60 to show. Par nell Lad paid $6.60 to place and $2.80 5 to show. Karonga paid $2.40 to show. Jack Ledi Easy Winner. ; The second event was equally ex i citing. Jack Ledi found his track made to order and. superbly ridden by Jockey F. Weiner, came down the stretch to win with ease but by a small margin. Hazel Dale, after lead ing for most of the way round, gave way when the winner challenged her j! and barely succeeded in saving sec ond place, while Zoona was closing fast at the end and would have nosed out Hazel Dale in another stride. Jack Ledi paid $4.60 to win, $3.00 to place and $2.60 to show. Hazel Dale paid $3.20 to place and $2.60 to show. 1 Zoona paid $3.40 to show, i Nan McKinney tool: the third event with strategy. Porter Lila had set the pace from the start and was sim ply running away from her field. Nan McKinney, close to the rail, fol lowed at a distance. On the final turn Porter Ella swung wild and Nan McKinney, watching for her oppor tunity, swung into the lead. Colonel Hapsburg closed with an astounding burst of speed but could not quite get up to win. Nan McKinney paid $6.80 to win $4.20 o place and $4 to show. vCol onel Hapsburg paid $20 80 to place and $14 to show. Porter Ella paid j $8 to show. : The customers had an unsuai op portunity tto check tlie racers In the fourth. The program carried them Golden Cup. Rajah, Yalta. Clever i ' Base Eail Tomorrow OMAHA vs. DENVER Game Called at 3:30 P. M. . LADIES, 10c—KIDS, FREE ! » EDDIE’S FRIENDS_**-• Seth and Tooters and that was just the way they finished. Rajah led around the course, but gave wav to seek good going and thereby lost the race. Golden Cup ran her usual hangup race and won nicely under a mild drive. Yalta was closing strong. The winner paid $9.80 to win, $3.20 to place and $2.40 to show. Rajah paid $2.60 to place and $2.20 to show. Yalta paid $2.40 to show. Praise, away slowly, waited until rounding the turn for home to close. He then camf with a rush and was running a race of his own'at the end. Lavinia, Colonel Bakers entry, was saved until the stretch was reached and tried hard but she could not match the speed of the winner in the Anal rush. Whiff ran a good race and showed. Feodor met hard luck In his ef fort. He set the pace from the bar rier to the final turn, then tired and was forced out of the money. The winner paid $6.60 to win, $3 20 to place and $2.40 to show. Lavinia paid $3.60 to place and $2.40 to show. Whiff paid $2.40 to show. Power barely managed to ease over the Anlsh line to win the seventh event. She was just a nose ahead of Manokin and that bangtail was just a nose ahead of Double Van. It was a finish to remember and the closing event of the spring racing meeting could not have been better had It been planned in advance. Every visitor who saw that finish went away with a thrill In his heart and Is ready for the opening of the next series of races at the Ak oval. Praise paid $5 to win, $3 to place and $2.SO to show. Manokin paid $5 to place and $3.60 to show. Double Van paid $3.40 to show. Suzanne Lenglen Says British Tennis Championship Open'Affair This Year By MLLE. SUZANNE LENGLEN. International Woman’, Trnnia Champion. (Copyright. 1924.) >NDON, June 24.—I am ho sorry William M. Johnson Is not defending his ten nis singles tide. He was so nice—that capable little man with the close crop of red hair. In the firs* quar ter we will see J. Washer, champion of Belgium: J. B. Gilbert and R. Ly cett of England. R LaCoste of France, Manuel Alonzo of Spain. S. Okanzelo of Japan and F. T. Hunter of the United States. I think Alonso will have It, but he will have to fight hard. In the second quarter there will be >1. Fiikuda of Japan, S. M. Jacob of India. A. F. Kingsrnfe of England, R. N. Williams of America, M. Mishit of Rumania and I. Richardson of South Africa. The Issue should be between Wil liams and KiugM'ute, with the chanceo favoring the American. There will be in the third quarter, M. Skene of India, P. D. B. Spenre of South Africa, J. Borotra of France, Max Woosnatn and F. G. I-owe of England, T. Harada and Vincent Richards. I would like to see Borotra defeat Richards, but am afraid he will not do so. In the last quarter will be AVash burn of the United States, H. G. Mayes. F. R. L. Crawford and A. H. Fyzee of India, H. Tlminer of Hol land. L. Raymond of South Africa, J. D. P. AVheatley of England and J. Brugnon. Burgnnn plays his best at Wimble don, but I think that Raymond is likely to heat both he and Washburn. Last year we praetirally knew that Johnson would be rhamplon. This year It Is open. No one would care to select a winner nr even name the last four. Of course, you will say the women's singles title Is mine, hut I want to tell you one ne\cr knows. There is always a chance of defeat, no matter who it Is pla.vlug. I have had good matches wlih Miss Kathleen McKane of England and TOP SIRLOIN 4Er STEAK, Htthfd Brown Potatoes, Bordelaiie Sauce Rome Cafeteria Open 24 Honrs Every Day See the Newest Light Six Feel Bloated After Meals? Acidity hinders Digestion— makes a Gassy .Bloated Stom ach. Belching. Heartburn. Sour Taste, and other Discomforts i™. th® Results. For Quick Belief taka one or two Estonia tablets after meals. FATONIC ■®(IK3®Ot6R«HX5AgD Casts Only Cant or Two a Day . AT ALL DRUGGISTS. SOo equally good matches with Miss Ryan of California. Mrs. Covell has Improved a great deal. Mrs. Molla BJurnstedt Mallory played wonderfully well against Mrs. Covell last w$ek. Norris Williams Beats McGuire Wimbledon. England. June 24.—R. Norris WIHIaVns of the United States defeated A. E. McGuire, the Irish champion. In the first round of the British lawn tennis championships this afternoon, 41, 6-4, 6-2. Mies Helen Wills of California, American woman tennla champion, and Mile. Suzanne Lenglen. French woman champion, were to make their firat appearance this afternoon. Francla T Hunter, America, de feated G. W. Hlllyard, England, 4 1. 4 .1. U M. J. G. Richie defeated C. E. Von Braun, 4 1, 4 0, retired. The promlae of performances by both Mile. Suzanne Lenglen and Miss Helen Wills, the two star attractions among the women, served to pack the Wimbledon stands with fashionable crnwda for the second day's play. Per fect tennis weather prevailed. Watson M. Washburn, America, de feated Col. H. G. Mayes, England, 4-6, 6- 4, 6 0, 5-7, 6-4. Carl Fischer defeated V. Rudolf, 7- 5, 6-2, 6 4. Muny Body to Act on Protests The Board of Directors of the Munlclpaj Baseball asosclatlon will meet Thursday night In room 206 of the city hall at 8, whsn action will be taken on the Schnelder-Carter Lake protest and the First M. E Hanscom park squabble which re suited from a twilight game played by the two teems last Tussday ava iling Several other Important mat krs will be taken up by the board. Center Street Juniors \Tin The Center Street Juniors, a team composed of boya under 1* years of age. defeated the Eleventh Street Juniors hy the score of 5 to 4. I,ongo and Solo did the battery work for the winners, while Kalman and Epstein featured with the stick. For games with the Center Street team call Jackson 410.8. Bernstein Coses Decision. New Haven, Conn., June 28 — Cuddy Demarco of rittshurgh was given ths referee's decision In a 12 round bout here tonight over Jaok F>rneteln of Yonkers, N. Y. Both are lightweights. The Indians made a big tump forward when they won both game* from the White Soy 4 to 3 and 4 to t. the vic tories placing them la a tie with the Browne for f'fth plara. /- V Kansas City Auto Classic to Be Hard Fought Kansas City, Mo., June 23—The hardest hattls ever fought at the Speedway Is predicted when ths star racing pilots of the United .States face the starter at the Kan sas City Speedway July 4. Up to now the little 122 Inch, one man cars have broken all speed records, having done an average of 116 miles an hour for 260 miles This mean* that at many limes during the race at which this rec ord was made these little cars were traveling helter than 120 miles per hour, or more than two miles per minute. There wilt he a number of favor ite* In the July 4 classic. Harlan bungler, thn Kansas City driver, who hnlda the world's speed rec ord, Is expected to break hla own record even though lie has been out of racing since an accident that sent him to the hoapltsl pre vloua to the Indianapolis Memorial Day classic. P'engler Is now In Kansas City gelling his rsr ready snd will he the first of the drivers to gel Into practice on the local race course. - . i . . W I On your trip Sast Visit CHICAGO Stop-over permitted in the great metropolitan sum mer resort on an inland sea, Lake Michigan. From Chicago continue your tour east to the cool north land of Michigan or to Seaside or Mountain | retreats and historic cities of the East. Low summer fares via Illinois Central to Michigan, Canada, and the East. Also, lower fares to Michigan with shorter limits. Circle tours. On sale daily to September 30th. Final limit October 31st. Liberal stop-overs. Fast Steel Trains Daily to Chicago Hawkeye Limited leaves Omaha 5:26 p. m. Chicago Express leaves Omaha 7:15 a. m. Illinois Central trains which mean spic and span all-steel equip ment, on-time arrivals, unsurpassed dining service , and courteous personnel. Convenient connections at Chicago for all North ern and Eastern resorts. ! Tichtls and information at City Tick* Office, 1416 Dodge St., Phone ATIentie 9214 C. Haydock, Division Passenger Agent 31J Ctty National Bank Bldg., l*b <md Harney Sts.. Hii>Lr . V TOURNEY WILL BE STAGED ON FIELD CLUB OR HAPPY HOLLOW COURTS; EXPECT LARGE ENTRY Contestants From All Courts in City Will Be Eligible to Compete—City Net Meet Scheduled for Field Club Courts Week of July 15—Weather Conditions Hold Up Work on Centralized Muny Courts. HK Omaha Munici pal Tennis associa tion will sponsor muny tennis tour nament some time In August for men, women, boys and girls, who are now playing on the municipal tennU? courts of the city, N. K. Harman, secretary of the as sociation, announced this morning. The tourney will be staged on the Field club or Happy Hollow courts. Contestant* from all court* In the city will be eligible to compete. The association Is also sponsoring the city net meet, which starts July 15 over the Field club courts. Work on the proposed centralized municipal tennis courts has been de layed by Omaha's rainy June weather, hut Mr. Harman believes work will he stalled some time In August. The association has not decided on a site for the centralized courts, but the tennis body is expected to make Its decision some time this week. GUTZMER PLACES HIGH IN SHOOT Columbus, Neb., June 24.—Joe Gutzmer led (he field with 141 breaks out of 150 targets in a registered trap shoot today at the Columbus Gun club's traps on the south bank of th# Loup— the third of the series of monthly registered programs be ing run off by the cluh this summer. Will Kaufmann, who shares hon ors with Gutzmer as the club's most consistently high scorer, finished second, with 139 breaks chalked up to his credit. H. A. Phillips shot his way Into third place, with a score of 135. George L. Carter, of J,In col n, broke 138, but being a profes . .. — —' sional, he had no standing in an ama teur shot. FLOYD JOHNSON LOSES DECISION Boston. June 23.—Jack Sharkey, Roxbury heavyweight, earned the de cision over Floyd Johneon of Iowa In a 10-round bout here tonight Sharttey weighted 131 pounds and Johnson 193. In the second round (Sharkey knocked Johnson down for a short count and twice In the fourth lie shook the Iowan with hard rights to the jaw. Boston—Jark Shirker. Roibnrr heavy weight. earned the derision over Floyd Johnson of Iowa In 10 round*. "" ~ . ' I Omaha Bee Race Chart Compiled by George W. Schilling. Presiding Judge—Dr. F. W. Ashe. Starter—Arthur McKnlght. Aeeociate Judge—William Shelly. Racing Sacretary—Charlta L. Trimbla. OMAHA, Neb., June 24.—Twenty-first dey, summer meeting. AW-Ssr-B«n Racing association. WEATHER THREATENING, TRACK MUDDY. C7Q£A—FIRST RACE—Four end one-half furlongs. Purss $V>0. Nst value to f)77DlJ Winner. $400; second, *70; third, *30. Two-year-olds. _ Index Horsa and Owner. WtTst. I I i S'r Fin. Joekey_0ds. St'. *6#* Silent Pardner I (Holly.) 12# l 1|' U I) U Weiner 2 40-1 - Parnell I-ad 2 (Jones) 115 3 24 24’ 2" 2” Gross 7.10-1 #904 Karonga 2 (Irwin) M10 & 4* 8* 3" 8' Gerritty 1.20-1 #04# J. B. Parker 2 (Sells) 109 4 SB 4'* 4“ McCorkle #20-1 - Dust Brush 2 (Volland) 112 2 S4 44 5 B Horn «.S0-1 At post 2 minutes; off 2 20; time :2S 2-S--.S1. :5* 1-5. 12 mutuels paid Silent Pardner 16.80 to win, $8.80 place. $2.60 «how; Parnell Led $6.60 place, $2 80 show; Karonga $2.40 show. Start good; won all three driving. Winner, blk. g. 2. Jas. T. Clark-Miss La Rue M. Trainer. T. J. Ogle. Silent Pardner, fit and ready, showed the most speed from the start and standing a hard drive held Parnell Lad safe at the end Karonga, away slowly, was in close quarters on the rail when a sixteenth out or might have won. J. B. Parker finished with a rush. Dust Brush bolted to the outside rounding the turn. 47QC1 —SECOND RACE—Fire end one-half furlongs. Purse $500. Net value to winner $44)0 second, $70; third. $30. Three-year-olds up Index • Horse and Owner. Wt 5t. 4 4 i Str. Fin. Jockey Ods. St's *982 Jack Ledi 6 (Gray) 114 4 4‘ S* 24 2:4 Weinef ' 130-1 6947 Haxel lisle 11 (Randall) *104 1 2> J* 1« 24 Rodriguex 3 10-1 6907 Zoona 4 (Eiswirth) 109 2 1" l4 2* 3'4 Frogette 5.59-1 6921 St. Angelina 4 (F.mery) *104 8 , S4 44 44 4f Penderg 9O0-I 6926 Expressive 8 (Bernard) *101 6 64 8« 5* 5* Hicks 19 40-1 6942 Innovation 11 (Spicer) 109 3 7* 73 6* 6’ Spicer 23.80-1 6793 Galway 8 (Hum) 11 4 5 34 6’ 7'4 7’ Clements 128.89.1 6938 Ray Atkin 7 (Padue ) 11 4 9 9* 9* 6> 8* Clark 81.60.1 6835 View 9 (Sawyer) *109 10 *4 s4 9’ 9* Gerritty m 00-1 6774 Chrome 7 (Conners) 114 7 11 11 10* in’4 Fator (17*0-1 6906 Senella Belle 7 (Frey) 109 11 104 10* 11 11 Clower f17.60-l At post 1 minute4 off 2:51; time ■> I 3-5 50 2-5, 1 09 2-5. $2 mu4uela paid Jack Ledi $4 60 to win. $3 00 place. $2 60 show Hatel Lale $3 20 place $2.60 show; Zoona $3.40 show Start good: won easily; second and third driving. Winner, h g 6 J H. Houghton-M vrtle I,edi; trainer, A M Gray. Jack I,*di moved up stoutly while parsing the three-eighth pole and finishing with a rush on the outside passed Haiel Dale quickly and won with ease Hatel Dale forced the rac# from the s'art hut when challenged by Jack Ledi readily gave way. Zoona mida a game finish. St. Angelina ran well Expressive lacked early speed. CQ/7(J—THIRD RACE—Flea furlongs. Pursa $500 Net value to winner, $400; U* Use second. $70; third, $30. Thrse-yssrolds up.____ Index Horae and Owner. Wt. St 4 4 1 S'r Fin. Jockey Ods. flt'a *$4I Km McKinney I (Drum.) lit 2 M 8 I1 14 Gormley 2.40.1 6911 Colonel Hepshurg 8 (At.) 106 8 >| P (' 1| C|ower 20.60-1 6948 Porter Ella $ (Hollywood!* 97 8 14 H 2' 81 Gerritty 12 40-1 6942 Lucky Haya 8 (Tarn) 114 1 2" 34 34 4>« McCorkle 11 09-1 6935 Little Lesa 5 (Mark ) *110 6 5'| 4’4 5= 5'4 Clark 2.10-1 6947 Mouxla 9 (Campbell) *104 10 7* 8! #4 64 Penderg 44 90-1 6958 Freecutter 9 (McConnell)• 107 11 II 11 11 71 Rodrigues 11.81M 6928 Ella Waldo « (Kern) * 99 8 64‘ 6* 8' 6=4 Zarelll fl0.00-l 6938 May Bruen 4 (Baker) 106 4 10* 10* 104 9' Weiner 11 80-1 6942 Ask Jessie 8 (Hum) 108 ( 94 9*4 94 10* Fator fl0.00-l 8939 Menaga I (Roger*) 108 7 44 8s 74 11 Spleer 29 80-1 At post i-| minute; off 9 23; time 24 19 8-5. 1 02 12 mutuels paid Nan McKinney $8.30 to win; It 20 place. 14 00 show; Colonel Hapshurg $20.«0 place. $14.00 show. Porter F.lla $«.0I) show Start good; won easily, second and third driving Winner, ch m 8. Leonld-Katc Dorman; trainer. D. F. Cannon. Nan McKinney, forwardly placed, raced into the lead when Porter Ella Sore out and won easily. Colonel Hapshurg closed a big gap in an extremely fast finish. Porter F.lla showed good speed hut went wide turning for heme and lost much ground. I.urky Haya tired. Little less had no excuses. May Bruen was lame going to the post. jiQ|in—FOURTH RACE—Five end one-half furlongs Purse $700. Net value to Oil Do winner, *560; eecond. *100; third. $40. Threr-yeer olds up Index Horse and Owner. Wt St. 4 4 1 Sir. 18$. Jockey Ods. St's «*$* Golden Cup "I fBernitd7~104~4 24~2'4 2’i ~1 “Weiner " 8 90-1 6948 Rajah 8 (Puducah) 104 1 l| 14 11 2‘ Rodrigues 80-1 6948 Yalta 4 (Weantl 102 3 84 34 8' 31 Clark 8 70-1 6948 Clever Seth 8 (Jon*#) 105 2 4*4 4* 4* 4* Grots 8 60-1 6928 Tooters 6 (Irwin) 101 5 8 5 5 5 Gerritty 18 90-1 At Post 1-4 minute: off 3 53: time 28 ; 3 (8 4.8. 1 08 J-B. 12 mutuels paid Gulden Cup $9 «0 to win. IS 20 place. $2 j.l show Rajah $2.60 place. $2 20 show; Yalta $2.40 show Start good: won all three driving. Winner, h. f. 3 Juaqu *au Bout-Ethelhert: trainer. J. Bernard. Golden Cup. showing much speed raced In closest attendance upon the pace maker, saved ground turning for home aid finished courageously outstaying Itajah The latter set the pace hut was taken wide In search of fast going on the last turn, which probably cost him the rare. Yalta was hard ridden and Hid her best. Clever Seth went well for s half. j'Ar' I—FIFTH RACE —I lona Club Hand'rap Five and one hall furlongs Pursa D, 1) 4 |80o. Net value to winner, $(440; second, $100; third, $60. Three-year olda up* India Horse and Owner. _ Wt. St 4 4 I Str. Fin. Jockey Ods. St'a «9«» Alleden 5 (Lovell) 115 3 :• 2' l44 Clark .90-1 6923 Go Foin 3 (Jones) 105 4 1*4 1 l1 24 Gross 2 10-1 8949 My Paddy * (Thompson) 108 2 34 3* S4 ST McCorkla 5.80-1 6796 Elias O 5 (Weant) 100 1 4 4 4 4 Rodrigues 8 20-1 * At post 1-2 minute; off 4 27 ; time 23 2-8- 48 3-5. 1 ;97 3-5. 2 mutual# paid Alleden *3 80 to win. I! ID plare. no show betting Go Foln 12 60 place. Start good, won all three driving. Winner, h g 8. Goldle-Dakota G|rl; trainer, R. E. Lovell. Alleden, hard ridden from tha start, rame with a rush In the final sixteenth and got up to win In the last stride Go Foin set a good race hut faltered near the end. My Daddy did h|a best. Ellas O quickly dropped out of It and wants a route. c?Q/2r—SIXTH RACE—On# mil*. Purs# 9300 Net value to winner, $400; VJ.rOtJ Mcond, $70 third, $30. Three-year-olds up. Index Horse and Owner. Wt. St. 4 4! Str Fin. Jorkey Ods. St's —6951 Praise 4 (Godfrey) *11$ * 6 4~ 4i 4= 14 Gormley 7 30-1 6948 l-nvlnla 4 (Baker) 104 1 3' S’ 24 14 2’4 AVelner 3 80-1 694« Whiff 3 (McConnell) • 98 2 24 3 4 5' 3) Rodriguei 1 0-1 6935 Feodor 7 (Overby) *107 5 I4 lj 1! ?4 4* Fender# 8 20-1 6940 Hindoostan 8 iRogere) 106 3 44 5* 5 5 5 Clark 1 4 70-1 #933 Woodle Montgomery iO)4101 4 5’4 6 Pulled up Gerritty 19 90-1 At post 1- (minute; off 4 58. time 25- 50. 1.1 5 2-5. 1:43 2-5. $2 mutuels raid Praise $6 80 to win. $8 20 place. $2 40 show. Lsvinia $3 60 place. $2 40 .how . Whiff $2 40 .how Start good, won cleverly, .econd and third driving Winner, hr. g 4 Martinet-May Weasmer, trainer. A. Schwarts. Praia*, away elowly, ««sved ground on all of the turn, and moving up gradually came fast through the final furlong to win going clear laivini* was saved lo (he .trelrh where she wa. called on hut could not with.tand the win ner1. rush. Whiff ran forwardly and gamely. Feodor tired after setting the pace 4.0 tha stretch. /tQi'd—One mile and a slmteenth. Pursa $500. Net value Is winner, $400; O.rOO second, $701 third, $30. Three-year olds up. Index Horse and Owner. Wt. St. 4 4 ! Str. Fin. Jockey Ods. St'a ■#940 Tower 4 (Baker) *101 4 S'4 24* 7’4 1' l44 Clark t 50.1 6956 Manokln 10 lllalll 4106 7 64 44 8’4 T 744 Rodrigue. 4 20 I 6956 Double Van 7 1 Johnson! *106 6 2' 3| 4" 3| 3| Penderg "50 t . 695$ Gen. Wyng 6 (Spicer) 111 3 6| 6" (j 4" Spiral 9 70 l 6944 Clip 8 (Hulnicr) 111 8 5’ 54 54 5' 5*4* Valor 49 80 1 6947 Vcvper Bells 4 tPanerll 111 5 14 1’ 'I *1 * Weiner .50 1 6914 Seven Seas 6 (Hmlthl 111 2 6'* 7* 7* 7"* Schafer 81 (0 I 6947 Bengali It (Brown) * 1 0(8 I 44 74 S’4 84 64 Comdex 9 20 I 6959 Hlllv Gibson 4 (Sawyer) *1 11 9 9 9 9 9 9 Gerritty 56 0 1 AS post 2 minutes off 5:83. lime 75 3 V 81. I ll 4-5. 1:45 1 52 I? mutuels paid Power $5 00 to win, IS 00 place. $3 80 show s- Manokln $5 00 place. $3 60 show: Double Van $3 40 show Stan good: won all three drtrtnt Winner, hr. f 4 Rapid Wafers Sure Come trainer. George Antn Power was saved to the last fvirn where she wa. urged Into a commanding lead hut tired In the final drive and barely lasted to win MsnnVin finished with a rvi.h and would have won In another stride Double Van made a (oat finish. Vesper Bell* tired after selling the early pace. ■ 1 IH» ■- ’ y msi i" ■ ■ ' 1 ii,m#»piiJ NATIONAL. Player and flub. G. AH. R. H. Prf, flornaby. St. IsOiili. 54 214 35 8H .388 Kelly, New York 54 208 35 79 .380 Snyder, New York 48 143 12 54 .378 Wheat. Brooklyn .66 228 32 88.377 Fourirter, Brooklyn 57 124 41 II .880 AMERICAN. Archdeacon, fhlcairo 38 111 24 4 . 378 Jamieson, Cleveland 58 234 35 88 .388 Falk. Chicago 43 ISA 22 54 .380 Ruth. New York 58 184 51 88 .359 Cobb. Detroit 8? 25? 48 90 .357 Yanks for Change in Scoring System Bv DA ATS .1. WALSH On Board S. S. America, With American Olympic Team. June 24 — (Via. Radio.)—At a meeting of th* American Olympic official* It was de elded to requestathe Olympic fedora Hon to revise the scoring system as follows: To limit the srnrfng to the number of entries permitted in each event, namely four. The scoring to he on the basis of 5 for a first, 3 for a second, 2 for a third and 1 for a fourth. . The American request will he brought up at a meeting of the feder ation Friday. There Is still some uncertainty ahnut placing Watson and Watters. Some officials favor running Wat=on in both the gfln and 1.500 meters, Watters In the shorter race. The team will have its final work out aboard ship todav. S0L0NS RELEASE, ACQUIRE PLAYERS Lincoln, June 23.—Manager Clarke of the Lincoln Western league club announced tonight that Outfielder Caffev had heen turned bach to Den ver. Pitcher Prau! of last season's State league, was given his release Pitcher Nick Carter of the Birming ham (Ala.) club will report to the Lin coln team at Des Moines, the man ager said. Jones Defeats Hines. Ed defeated Maurice Hines 12S to 50 in last night s game of the snooker tournament now in progress at the Holmes' recreation parlor. Jones meets Hoye tonight 'Tdace - RESULTS] \QI Knt CT. First Race— Mm Par# (Burn* 4-1 J-l even Wilbur C. Whitehead (Burke) 4-11 1-5 Kum-nm (Alien).even Catherine Douglas. Lord Vargrave. Hop Along. Lydia D-ew. Clique Valentine. Tailtann and Muguet also ran Second Race- - Desperate <''. Rummer). 4-5 1-4 out Suburban (J Callahan)..3-5 1-2 Mom s Boy (L. Fator) .. S-fc Dolomite Lady I.ongridge. Haxy Dawn. Philosopher. Moon Dream. Rimple and Louverne aeo ran. Third race Rival <L. Fator) 2’a 1 *ven .4 Repara,:--«i 'ihnmtlli) 4 1 3-5 Lucky PUjr fC. Hummer) .. .2-5 Billy Warren, I.aniua and Infinite also ran. Fourth race te*dkln (C Hummer) . T-l even 1-5 Klondike (VlcAteei ... . 2-1 even I-aura no (Thurber). even Afad Pla>. Worthmore. Bracadale. ftamaratln and Priscilla Ruler alto ran Fifth Rare— The Poe * (Dawson) 1-1 J-l even Prince Hamlet (Legere) 4 1 2-5 Gov Smith (Conneily) even T'appean. Malt. and Ed LoV« also ran Sixth race SuperleMe Handel J-l g-5 2.5 Goldbeater (MrAteei . 2-1 even Rigolelto (Turner) .3-5 Edlato, Arbitration. Cloudland. Em.11 •ary, S’ampdale. Chas d* Marco Gua R . Antiquarian. Retire and Saratoga Mate aleo ran. IATOMA. First race Florence (Therndyke). 22 1© 1? *© 111© Klaxon (Gray) .1© 3© 1-10 By# By# < Meyers >. 12 4© Competitor. Lady Jane Breechloader. Ruch Buck. Miaa America. Gianmore. Star Cudgel. Mexican Maid also ran Second rare Deceitful (Lilly). . . .51 ft© J© 2© f 3© First L.ght «M-l>ermott) 4 4© 4 1© Bac kbiter (Keleayl . .S2 3© Bit of Honey, Loretta Broke. Mfghtv Stayon. Wah Keens. Pa’rirk Sarsf;eid Baaeorah. Res stance and Fred Taral also ran Third race Ten S xty (Jcnea) 1 * 3© T 5© 43 Duat Flower (Wood) ..3 5© f 3© , Guvnor (Hum) .5.50 Auntie May Pleasure Hughes Graham. Sakah Bygone Days. Coyne. Vanishing Bov and Lugs also ran. pnurth race Raffling (Blind) .. 3 40 4 tft 2 *ft Better Luck • Wood > .5 3© *50 Sun Flag (Horn) : b’ Blotter. T S Jordan Muldraugh. J O ftenny and Renown also ran. Amateur Games This Week-End V_/ > \TI Rl» AY Thlrtx-*ei «»n«l and Dewer. 2 ©ft First ehr-M ian-H*n*< om Tark Wt Meats Sund*' School 4 Oft-^FirM ciu *(ians First M. F Miller lark. 2 o©- Westminster-Wheeler Greek* Fun ds v School 4 ©0—Baker Ice-Nehraska Power Co. Fnntenelle Park 2 ©©- City Miss;on-Diets M F ftundav ( School. 4 ©©—Cudab.v racklnr -norland Tire East Flmnood Park 4 ©ft—Beihanv ('hare’ Tati \ ale Freahr tertan. West F.lmwod Park 1 ©©- North rresbvterlan • Wanscom Park 4 ©ft—Float Baptist Tearl M E Wnnv Brach. j ©a_D r R R K n Printing Co 4 ©ft—First National Guarantee Fund HU rnifM 2 ft©—C’tfton Hi)’ turf* Memorial 4 ft©—Harding Cream-Its*) Biscuit Athletic 2 ©#—Oalvarx Baptist ft SMe Chris tlars 4 oft—Omsha Nat l Omaha Printing M NBA A Thldi second and Dew ex Axenne. 1 X© A lax Tire Frost Ratterv 3 *©—Vinton Merchant* Holmes Jrs Miller 1 3ft—Brown Ta i k Merchants Swift In dependents S.Sft--i*am El’a* Tost Office Pontenrlle 1 JO—Omaha Sport* Konev Shoe*. 3 3©- Murphs Schneiders fast I limumd 1 3ft—William St Metrhatlte-T M H A it) W *st Leavenworth Verchf's Polish Athleies AA'rst l'1mxx*w*d. 2 3ft Kalman Ir.Mirat * Gthson Ram bler# Atuns Reach 1 3ft- -Clark Nebraxk-v National Guards 3 ,3ft Standard Laudnrv V P Fng*ne men Hlv erv less 1 3 ft- Vint bn Cube T went' fovirlh and Ame* at i *#1 Merchant* 1 Id T R A M« k nnex Dentists. A 1 hlH Ii 1,Sft — South Omaha Booster# Diet© club 3 Sft tT ft Tatde Paxton RtlHerda 1 bristle Hrtahf# t Sft ft'uth omsha »• * orr Electric 3 Sft Mtohka Ur.',#iv s P A tarter laks Clwb v 3 Sft K ( I'artar lake « tub Fort Omaha 1 sft—W e»t ii.) lmpio\ement-Jand* | funeral Horn#. | Schlaifer to Meet His Efjual in Kid Herman Mexican Boxer in His Work outs Displays Abundance of Ring Grace With Hitting Power. - OP.RIE SCHLAIF ERS friends, who have been eon tending that it |f i l . R will take more HI | Ij than a boxer to I win over the Oma | han, have been 1 slttingup and I taking notice since I 'TUlle” Kid Her | man began traln I Ing here for his r" | match with 'he '__J local battler next Thursday night at the Auditorium. Herman has proved an unlooked for sensation since his initial workout here Sunday. He is one of the fast »st welterweights ever seen in Omahs In addition to that accomplishment he combines ring grace and hitting pow tr. This much has been conveyed to the anxious ears of Schlaifer by hi* ’table mate, Ace Hudkins, who wot? •d five rounds with Herman Sunday. Tes'erday "Ttllle" worked foie rounds with “One-Btep" Wj'sn* rocking the latter almost at will. After watching the workouts sev. “ral close followers of the ring sport predicted that Herman stands a be* ter chance to win over the Omahan han any man who has appeared here n some months. Herman is reputed to be able to stand plenty of punish ment which Schlaifer hopes to give him. But from his showing in 3maha during the last two days the little Mexican can hit just as hard as Morrie. Herman has taken part In more than 200 fights. He is 20 years of age. Among his recent victories are those over Panama Joe Gans and AI»x Trambitls. Herman lost to Jo, k Malone on a foul, but only after knocking Malone to the mat seven limes. He has two sensational draws with Bert Colima and decisively de feated "Tiger" Johnny Cline, for rnerly of Omaha. In his match wrh Soldier BartfleM Herman knocked the army veteran to the mat four In the ISth round He ksyoed Jimmy 3111 in the third round of a match at Sioux City. Reddy Blanchard returns from Sioux City this morning to complete training for his match with Ace Hud kins of Omaha, This pair of light weights are "gunning" for each other and a fitter match is looked for. The opening event on the card will be & 10-round bout between Sailor Liston of Council Bluffs and A! Van Ryan of St. Paul. The Omaha Eagles » are. sponsoring the affair tinder the hrection of Matchmaker George Hill JACK ZIVIC LOSLS ' TECHNICAL KAYO New Tork, June IS-—Pal M'-ran New Orleans lightweight, won from Jack Zivic of Pittsburgh to night when Referee Johnny Gal lagher disqualified Zivic for fou! hitting after one minute and 43 seconds in the third round of a scheduled 10-round bout. V___/ COLLEGIATE NET TOURNEY OPENS Philadelphia. June !S —Only four teen players on the field of the 55 contestant* who started today in the national intercollegia;* tennis tou r.ament at tha Mercer Cricket club survived the opening rounds, which were marked bv the defea* of Jr Howard, of Princeton, one of t) seeded players, in the first round. Tv« east had tshl represents?:-, es * maining. the Pacific coast three, aoi Chicago. Texas and McGill universi;v of Toronto, one each. All of the first and second rounds and part of the third were completed Amateur Team* Play Off Tie Games Soon "Publicity ' Permison, secretary of the •Municipal Amateur Raseball as soclation of Omaha, announced tha morning that the Paxtons and McKln nev Pentists and the Schneiders and Standard Ijundrys will play a double, header at League park July 4 in th* afternoon. The Paxtons and McKinneys ir 1 the Schneiders and Standard* each placed to tie scores In 11 innings re cently. 'With the!'■ KNIGHTS1 of the GLOVES1 Nfw A nrk —Pal Moran. \#*w Orl#t»< cht w#'cht. won from J»*k Zwk of K ttiburjh w h#n rh* Utf*r v«i d-*^ua ?'•»<! for foul htttlnc on* rtvnuta and wocitdi *ft*r th* ficht *t*rt*d Aorli —Hrr*u*f of an in .In rod «?* rnul F*r!rnbi»*h u r. • *\pa« cad ’o b* - > *o fipp m* Yount s-r-M n* so on* of ib* four alar mi?k fund bout* r ' .. 1 '“N Manager Sisler Protests Suspension Chicago, 111.. June 13.—George Sisler, manager of the St. f <sni* \merlcatts, who. with two of hi* 1*1 a*era, was suspended as a result of an altercation with I mpire llcwaid Holme*, a*ho was the oh « jert of a pop bottle shower from ’ enraged fans at S« loins Satnr da*, lias telegraphed a protest to l’i osldent Ban Johnson of the \mrnean league It was **id thai M*lei vlgoroii*!,* protested against the arfion barring him, t'atehei I’at Collins and t oach .llmm* Au» Uu.