The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 25, 1924, Image 11
BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES l»c per line each day. 1 or 2 aaya 17c per lino ®a> h day, 1 or 6 daya 16c r*r lino each day. 7 day*. 15o per lino each day. 26 daya CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED ADS Sfornlng Edition ...* P- ** Evening Edition .11:00 a. rn. Sunday Edition. 9 00 p. m. Saturday | lither charge or caoh order*. I Classified Ad* accepted at th* following office*: Main Office.17th and Finura St a. South Omaha..N. W. Cor. 24th and N St*. Council Bluffs.IB Scott St. Telephone ATl»ntle 1060. THE EVENING REE. j THE OMAHA MORNING BE*. ~ CLASSIFICATION. Funeral Notice* . 1 vault* and Monument* . • Funeral Director* . J Cemeteries . T Florist* . J turd of Thank* .. ” j Lodge Notice* ... 2 Coming Event* .*. 6 Personals . 9 Jx>*t and Found . 10 AUTOMOBILES. A utoinobile* for Sale . ]J Trucks tor Sole . .•••••<• A utoinobile Agencies . 13 | Motorcycle* umi Bicycle* . 14 Automobile* for Exchange . 16 i Auto Accessories, Purts . J” Service Stntion*—Repairing . J* Auto Livery. t.aruge* . 16 Hunted—Automobile* . 19 Oarage* for Rent . -0 BUSINESS SERVICE. Business Services Offered .21 a Building Contractor* ...2 Jlcuting and lMuiuhing . Insurance . *4 Millinery—Dressmaking . -• Moving—Trucking—Storage . ~6 Painting and Tapering ... latent Attorney* .2® Printing Stationery .... Professional Service .....» 30 Repairing . 31 Renovating and Dyeing .1* Laundries .3.1 Tailoring and Pressing . 34 H anted—Business Service .. 3o fl KMPLOYMKNT. S Help Hauled — Female ... 36 | Help W Hiired—Male .. 3* | Help Wanted—Mal*\ and Female .... 36 l| Salesmen ami Agent! . 39 l Situation* H anted—Female .40 Hk^fMtuationt Wanted—.Male . 41 g|K2 Fl N AN Cl A L. Hf^^^jluslneip Opportunities . 42 ^ Investment—Stocks—Bond* ..43 Real F.state I.oun* .44 Money to Jxuit< ...Jj i Wanted to liorrow ..4n ! EDUCATIONAL. i Correspondem-e Cour*e* .. 47 )xical Instruction Classee ..43 I Musical—Drama tie . 49 Dancing Academies .j® Private Instruction ...fl Wanted Instruction ...62 LIVESTOCK. Dog* Cats am' Pet* . *...f* j Horses, tattle. Vehicle* . 64 Poultry and Supplies .. fj> Wanted-— Livestock ... 66 MERCHANDISE. Article* for Sale .....67 Business Equipment . 66 ! Building Material* .69 Farm and Dairy Product* .40 Fuel and Feed .. fl ttood Things to Fat .6*. [ Home-Made Thing* . 63 Household Crods ...64 Swap Column . 66 devvelr.*- unit Wntche* . 66 Machinery ami Tool* .67 i Seed*. P.ani* and Flower* .fa Special* nt the Store* .. 69 Musical Instruments . 79 Radio Equipment ...71 Hearing Apparel ......* Hauled to Buy . 73 ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With Board . 24 Room* Without Board . 76 ! Ronm** for Housekeeping ..*76 Furnished Room* ..7B-A Rooms. 1 nfiirnishfd . ... 77 H here to Stop in Town . 76 M anted — Km ins and Board .. 79 REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Anartmeats—Furnished .. t0 .Apartment*—1 nfurnislied . 61 Ililflinf-Hs Place* for Kent .6 1 It u“es for Kent . Houses—Furnished .. 84 Office* and Desk Room . 86 OuNif-Tcwn Property . 89 j Suburban for Rent . 87 ) Farm I .amis for Kent . 88 Summer Place for Kent . 89 H aided to Rent . 99 REAL ESTATE—FOR BALE. Business Property . 91 ! Real lNtate—Investment* . 9 Fanns and Lund* for Sale . 93 4 its Acreage for Sale . 94 . Douses for Sale . 96 Houses—North . N Hk. House*—Sooth . 9 i IInu*es—West. . 98 For Sale—-Dundee .JjJ6 f or Sale—Florence .DM lor Sale—Council Bluff* .192 lot* for Sale .D»3 Real Estate for F.vrhang* ...104 H anted—Fteal Estate ..,,.196 AUCTIONS. Anrtlon **les .•••••??? Real Estate for Auetlon .lfl7 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notices. I K n a A ATZ- victor H . aged 29, pa**ed away at resident o Monday, June 23. 19-4 Victor 1* survived by hi* father and mother, Mr, and Mrs L. D. Smith; a fister. Mrs. S. H. Roc keford, Omaha, and two brother*, Randall JI. and Theodore I., Omaha. Funeral service* will b* held Wednesday Irma St Paul Lutheran church, Twent) fifth and Kvana atreet*. Wednesday. June :J, 19 j 4. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. For Information uall Leslie o. Moore funeral home. W E. at.46. ItKDA1A-N—Martha A, 4437 Dec atui 4ii,*et. June L'4. aged 64 yearn 10 month* 14 days, wife of the late George L Red man Deceased Is survived by one daugh tr. Mrs II T. Sloltenbtfrg of Florence; ihiVe Hon*. B. A, George F and II H Redman of (JinahH; one brother. William i ('instead, ami eight g r u rid - it i hi i en. Funtea! service* Thursday at 2 u. in from St Mark Lutheran church, l'wen tl.-ih and Burdette *trests. Intsrinerit Forest Lawn cemetery. IVANS Henry, .rune It. at Hereford. Teg. age 6S year*, 7 month*. 23 Is survived by one *on, Harry, t^roaha, and four daughter*. Mr*. Mildred Shield*, c >ninha Mrs. Florence Haakin*. Han ford, Cal. : Mr*. Lillian Jay. Oakland. « al. and Slater Amelia Francis of New York city Al*n three brother* and one sister in England. Funeral aervicea will ha held Wednes day. June 26. nr 2:30 p. m *t the Sr Rarnaba* 'hurch. Interment Forest Lawn c*metery. _ MEM HERS of Reach Damn. No, 1464 Modern Woodmen, arc requested to at tend the funeral of our late neighbor Henry Evan*, which will ba held at S'. Rama has « hurch. Wednesday. June 26th at 2:30 n. m. Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery. W. D. WOOD. Clerk. Vaults and Monuments. 2 ‘ Automatic Sealing ’ concrete burial vault# recommended by all leading undertakers. Mfg. by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co. —f— Funeral Directors. 3 HLA FEY A HEAFKT Undertakers and Embalrnsre phone HA. 0265. Office 2611 Farusm ( E.STA BLISH ED SINCE 16321 KOIilSKO FUN ERA L HOIPE 234 and O St*. 1260 8 llth St MA. 0640.__AT_13 73 Bit A ILLY A hORRANCE. 1X23 CUM TNG HT.. JA. 3S21. '' HUFFY A JOHNSTON. 311 S. 33d. new funeral home. ITA. 0417 LESLIE-O. MOORE, 24th and Wirt. WE. P»'4L ~ HOFFMANN AMBULANCE p. dge at 24th. Funeral Director*. JA. 2991 HULSK A RlfcPFN Funeral director* 2224 Cuming JA. 1224 JOHN A. ( ', RNTLEM A N 3411 Farnam St. N P. rtVANHON 17TH AND CUMING | Quiet. Dignified Supervision r. ha'vSkh FUNERAL Home. 3320 N -11 h St.KK. 02 57 Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST I,AWN West of Florence Omaha’s Ufost Beautiful Cematery 320 Acre* Perpetual far**. Office* at the Cemetery and 720 Brandale Theater Bldg. FloriNts. 5 JOHN RATH in»4 Farnam. JA 1104 IVt'HunalH. ¥ ^ Tliu BALVAT1UN Army mduetrlal horn# aullclta your old clothing, furniture, iiiiiga ■Pr ones. We collect W* distribute. Phone JA. 4135 end our wagon will call Call nnd iriapecl our new home. 1110 111 2-1114 *< 11 «»*t Initio • w ■ come home al om »___ Jjost nnd Found. 10 LOST - German police dog puppy In vlrln Itv of llth and Howard Grav body. <nn fast wh te throat, tall marked with black Re" aid. No Question# aaked. Call AT 4in i ANNOrTVCEMENTS. l/ost add Found. 10 PTRSPl Inst contain* IS cash. lady'* wat. h. Initials Inelde A. S., between Bur lington station ami 4219 8. 3ith. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles lor Sale. II BARGAINS 1923 Star, touring . 1923 Ford, ro*d»t*r. like new. 1923 Chevrolet, • oupe .jJ*2* 1921 Ford, touring .....,.Ji&0 \\t> have other*. 350 up to $1,000, Term*. Open always. ANDREW MURPHY St SON, Inc. AT. 4411. 1410 Jaekaon St. GOOD roup* body to exchange for good roadster or touring body. Call Mr. Ola**. H. 0383. SPF.i’LAU f«»r this week only. Ford top cover*, complete. $4.75. New Ford fenders P*r "* KAPLAN AUTO PARTS CO.. 2111 Nil holaa St.-IA- 3410 NEW uned cars and 1 rucks. Term*. Trad*. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 2112 HARNEY ST „ Al. 654*. OPEN EVENINGS CHARM WHS sedan, good condition, used truck* from 1 to 3-ton. .... International llarvruter Co._AT, 0i05. NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO.. USED OAK STORE. .... 2054 Farnam._ AT. 429 USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor 4^. 2654 F«rnana. MUST aril our 1923 Chevrolet touring Need tha money Pun leaa than 6,QUO mile* Call Loughlln. AT. 4411._. GOOD USED CARS BUY YOURS AT GUT L. 8MITH Auto Accessories, Farts.16 GUARANTEED new and used auto Darts at a auecial cut Dries. NeDraaka Auto Part*. 1016-11 Hamer St.. JA. 4911. and 2206 Cuming St.. AT. 1970. Service Stations. Repairing. It INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. Rayfleld carburetor and Bieemann mag neto eervlc-e. AT. 1569. P, MEIA1HOIR9 A SON. O^^S^^IITH. BI SINKS.S SKBV’ICK. Millinery—Dressmaking. 16 ACCORDION. *ld*. knits, box bleating, covered button*, all otylea; hemstitching; buttonhole*. Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 10s Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. 192*. NEB. PLEATING CO.. Hemstitching. Covered Button* 1804 Farnam, Second Floor. JA. o67C Moving—Trucking—Storage 16 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE._ PACKING, MOVING, SHIPPING, STORINO Faiimatea fnrnl*had. AT. 0230 or JA. 4133. REKINS OMAHA VAN * STORAGE. 16th end Leavenworth St*. Pecking, mov ing, storage, shipping. JA. *1*1. GORDON'S FIREPROOF WHSE. * VAN. 219 North 11th St. Phone JA. 1012; mov ing. recking, storage, shipping. Fainting and Papering. 27 DON'T TAKE A CHANCE Employ a maeter palntor and docorator. Painting and decorating, medal dlacoumt °n FREDDmpARKS PAINT STORE. 4701 S, 24th. AT. 7404 MA. 0101 PAINTING—A-l work.Outlid* or lnald*. new or old. KK. <288. PAPKR^Jianglng^low^co*L^AT^Jil47. Patent Attorneys. s» PATENT LAWYERS. STUROE8 A STUROBS, United State* and foreign patents and trademark* ob tained, Infringement search*-.* Jnveeiiga tlon*. etc. $14 Omaha .Nat. H:uik HI«1k J. W. MARTIN. 626 Peters Truet Bldg., Omaha; also Washington. Double service, single fee. Alao hell* sell patent*. frintine—Ststionery. 29 UOMMKKC1AL. PRINTING. Kddy I»rlntln* i o.. in yputb lath at. °fcw» J*- n>s» Professional Servir*. 30 OSTEOPATHIC rHYSICIANB HRS NIEMANN A MERRITT Adjti.t • n.f .np;lthy, El.rtro-Th.r. py .p tometry. 8 21 Woodman PM. . AT. Repalrinic. 31 USED «nd new, m.cnluM. S.w Ing machine# and vlctrolae repaired Rent machines. |i per week; 12 per mo MICKEL MUSIC HOUSE 16th and Harney ^AT.__4MF _I Help Wanted—Female. 36 WOMEN -Paint lamp shades for us at home Experience unnecessary. Address The Ait.san Shad* Co., Kurt Wayne, Ind_________ KNKuLI. at the largeat comptometer ». houl. 300 l'QUflii«y Bldg. JA. 1463. Hl.lilASA.NT remunerative work for jadiee Pleasing personality, high school educa tion and character very essential. Apply in person out-of-town appllratca ante. Suite 3-V Ago.Ha. Court. _ _ BE X BEAUTY SPECIALIST. Means In dependence Hood positions waiting or >our own shop Day or evening. Call or w i i l» Moler College. IP* ^ 16th llrlp Wanted—Male. 37 BAKUKKINU pay. I.lf Our tr.lnlim .n aide* you to have piofltahle business or good lob In short time bay or evening. Inquire Moler Barber College, 10$ S. 16th, ALL MEN. women, boys, glrla, 17 to 6 6. willirg to accept government position* S1 17*1760 (traveling or stationary), writ# Mr Ozment. 146. Sf Louie. Mo.___ FIREMEN hrskernen, beginner* 1160-6260 (which position?). Railway, T-266^. bmaha^R<**v^^****** Salesmen and Agents. 39 SALESMAN - - KXl'KItlNNCKb magaxlne crew manager* end organiser*. to handle i-rew on biggest thing ever 1 ar fm ti>shed if you ider.’ f'. youtseif m a pro. du-cr. Full pmtectbin. work anywhere Writ** or wire, M. A. Hieele, Worth Bulld I n f. Fort Worth, Trt.___ SALESMEN—Hell coal In carlots Hide or main line Experience unn»- easary. Earn a weeks pay In an hour Liberal draw lng account arrangement. Washington «i,al Co, M4 Coal Exchange Hid , < Til* ago. i l NANCIAL. Iltisiiiesn Opportunities. 42 FOR SALE The third beat summer i esort In the stale of \flnr Fusaeaaiwn at once Write a Robertson. Lake Park. Iowa, for prb e and terms. COLORADO drug store only one 1«> (own of 400. Sale* averaging 636 per day Kent, 615 per month Small Investment Address Seibert Drug Co. Methen, Colo._ DRUG BUSINESS -only store, live town, population 660. two good dociois, new fixtures, clean eto* k Must he eetn to !-e appreciated T-267 6, Omaha H*e _ WANTED— Third vear medical student to take over general practice, while doc tor is away doing post-graduate work Address V .‘47 1. A minx Bee_ OROt'KRY for sale Clean stock, new budding Well located. 61,000. KB. 17 9 o Til S. 1 XT 11 ST Quilting done. Alao pieced quilts foi nil". .1A Investment •Slocks—Bonds* 43 M A. ANDERSQN CO.. JA 6107. Heal Faints l.oans. 41 MONET TO LOAN On 1st and 2d Mortgages. We buy outright for cash Existing mortgage* and land contract*. Prompt Action H. A. WOLF CO., 6X2 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. _ AT. >110. AND 6 PKK CENT MONEY. Loan** on Omaha improved properly at | lowest rates _ _ .... FRANK II. BINDER. 123 City National. JA. 2611. Farm Loans on west Neb. and N. K. Colo f.iiiiii Kioko Investment Co., Omaha. OMAHA HOMES— EAST NEB. FARMS O’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 101 f> 01,1 Njft lik. Bldg JA 1711. SIX per cent loans on Onisha residence* ( ash on hand Prompt service. B. H Lougee. Inc. 636 Kee.'.ne Bldg SECOND mortgage* or contract* pur * baaed by Ttikev Company. 420 I* irst Na tional Rank. JA 4221 __ ___________ LOW FIATS on city proparty, quick!* * (need; no monthly payment#. J A. 1621 W. T. Qraham. FINANCIAL. _ Real Fstate Loans. 44 WANTED—Steady work, monument let taring References furnished. Y’-2t*.9 < mu ha Bee. Tie AND 6 PER CKNTtNo DELAY. GARVIN BROS. <46 Omaha Nat. Bide I WILL buv mortgage* and contracts Dortem. 94$ Otn. Nat Bldg.. Omaha. Neb Money to Loan. 43 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply your money wants in the earns way that banka supply the money wauli of the business community. Anv amount loaned ud to 1500 and you an re pa v It In eaay monthly Davmenti Our eaual oavinent plan repave the loao aril all c har gea. We have been In busineaa In Omaha over 30 years and ran niaur# »ou of a aulek. confidential and aauara deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANT.. 5I>« Kurbiuh Block. T.l. JA. l!»l Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Sta Omaha Bae.____ D1AMOND loans at ioweat rates, buelaeai ■trlctlv confidential. The Diamond Loan Co.. 1614 Dodge St. Eat abllahed 1S94 MONEY to loan on automobile. AT. 6461 FIILLATION AL Local Instruction Classes. 48 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES make the heat operator* A six week*' course In our *chool will lift you from the Inexperi enced r|aa* to the position of an expert worker, ' all anil Investigate. cu\l PIOMRTKH SCHOOL. JA 1 493 300 Courrney Bldg. ••The School That Graduate* Experts. ’ DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete course* 1n all commercial branches. Shorthand, typewriting, teleg raphy. salesmanship civil aervlca. Phons JA. 1665. BOYLES COLLEOE. lith and Harney Sta_Omaha. Neb. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or wr 1 fe American college. 1912 Farnam. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1403 Dodge At. 1306 Douglas 8t Call or writs for information._ DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping. Wead Bldg.. Uth and Farnam. AT. T416 Dancing Academies 50 Largest dancing Hasses In Omaha. •‘There* a Keaton. KEEP S. HOTEL ROME. Join Now. JA. 6470. livestock. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 54 HORSE for sala. Inqutra At 6643 No. 22nd It. MERCHANDISE. < Articles (or Sale. (7 ENCYCLOPEDIA-AMERICAN A. Coraplata now ,at. Will aall for half prlco If taken thio waek. HA. 1304 THREE good wagona for a*lt. WE. 1140 Bnslnrss Equipments. 68 WE RUT. SOU oofei. makk dvaka show ranea. ttc Omaha Flxtura A Sunuly Co.. 3. W. oor. 11th and Douxlaa JA. 1724. Fuel and Feed. (1 KINDLING—IS truckload, dallv.r.d; aaw duot. ahavtngs. Phono JA 1744. Household Gondg. (4 BETTER valuro m now and used furnl (uro. Sain made privately or at am tlon. TVe also buv your furnlturo and pay cash. A trial of our atrvlca will con vinca you. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE 1609 CAPITOL AVENUE A'l-lanHc 1216 Swap Column. 6.5 TYPEWRITER, almost new. also alack rover, nearly new, for what have you. JA. 1047.____ 9660 PLAYER piano for Ford coup* or sedan In good condition. JA fl7» WOLF and fox fur coat, six* 21, for neckp!*ce Call KK, <232. Machinery and Toola. 67 NEW and aecond-hand moiora. dynarnua. IrcBron Electihal Works. 118-20 Ho. 11th Mimical Instrument*. 70 R FLAT Rat* Miophune Nearly new. lag, than half pr!<*e. Musical Instrument Repair Co., 1121 “O" fcL, Lincoln. Ne braska. _ Wanted to Buy. 78 DKFKP. DESKS. DESKS. New desks, used rieaka. bought, en'd and t^sded. J. C. Reed. 120T Farnam fit, AT 4144_ - WANTED to purchase, controlling Inter est In a country bank; communication treated In confidence. Harvey D. Barnett, La Grange, Illinois. ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With Hoard. 74 ROOM ond hoard for omployod couple Would taka care of children. Home privileges. WA. vfl5. GOOD sleeping ror.m for 1 or X people (’lose Id board If desired, reasonable ilA 1724___ 4 H 26TH AVK -Boom and board In a private 1m,.h.» Ren^inMr_ REFINED home for young business wo m*n. wuh or without board, near Far naiu cai, reasonable, 11* 6>7ll Ruoiiih VVitliout Hoard. 76 401, FALIFIJMNIA- Lkrgn. rool 2 rouiiia for ladv or couple. Re fe ran tea required. WA. 7116. BLEEPING room and dressing room for 1 or 2 nice gentlemen. WA. 287 5 NICE large downstairs front room, suita ble for two. AT. 3673. Rooms for IlouM’kwpInc. 76 2441 JVOI’G f, Vs ST—Walking distance, newly deroratad hakpg. room. Also sleep ing roonr_ TWO front rooms in modern home Everything furnished. On carline 152" South 24tli J4l _ _ TWO nicely furnished hank, rooms in private home. Working couple JA. 0742. 12 4 M. siht AVK Newly dec. rm. with 3 windows, moil , kitchen priv. 11 A. 371* TWO i in,ms fur light hskp Everything fnrnlshe.l H h wk. AT. 0311. Imi in I ft lied Rooms. 76-A NICE room for lady or gentleman da siroua of permanent home WA, J*00 TEN— .NICELY furnished no. in private family {loin* privileges for 1 or 2_HA. 7 422. DEMIS PARK —Nice cool front room for gentleman or couple. IlA *460 NICE furnished room for rent Id pilvate home, on car line, HA, 104*._ 511 PA R K AVK Large furnished room Private family._ Wlirro to Stop in Town. 78 HOTEL SANFORD- l*th and Farnam HOTEL HKNHHAW— 14th and I arnam Special rates to permanent guests REAL l MM I -FOR RENT. Apartment*—Furnlfthad. 80 HUNTER INN HOME for the traveling man and Wtf* AT •MO. -4th and 1 t LA FA LKT IK Al'T 1-room snil bath lose li R*ai R*f*i am« ft 1 4■ 1 NEWLY dec. tnod. aliy 3 rm. apt. 3137 M. 2 3 nl S» Apart niffils—t ’ «f nrnlfthed. Hi f. room apartmant, Dunaany, loth and Fierce $40. 6-r. at unco, garage. Ill N. 43d. 170 Omaha Itenlal Exchange, JA 3614, HA. 2601 ___ i IOHT Mini baaertiant, ■ i ■ merit, available July I The Normandl*. at 1103 Park Ava. l’hona AT. «30l, or Nca Janitor _ 1561 NO. 1»TH HT - 3 rm. fur. mod. apt . with private hath and entrance Adults only. 1160 per wk or $36 pei int». Wlu. 0430.____ APARTMNNT* and fl»U for Mil.,, \V. J. PALMER GO AT. Ill# lt.,1 Kami. Hanagamant Spaclkllata. Full ON III Of DHAKDH 1,0011 APARTMENTS GbI* Jm kauri ho. PEI KIIH I I! US r < •( IMPAN » "W44HHW OMAIIA RENTS" AT. 0144. li *i"l I ■.1 " ‘ KIVR larga rontna gnd i.bih, IWn porcha, rantral. varv ilBahalil* 31A t* 77lh A\a 11V, A M III ' I 4 rnnm a 1'* a . 1*0 an* III rtnaa In. O P. Plahhlna. 1*10 i hl> atm S' SIX ROOMS mniltin. Rna rnn^iunn j c hoteploca Hob. Ha. 1124, nr HA. 4114. REAL ESTATE—FOR RF.NT. Apart merits—I iitnrnished. 81 Ct»OD, comfortable 3 room apartment. M hi [ill,v l-e.1 Apply N. 12.1 S’. LiKM 1S l’AHK » room modem flat. R®a mo liable. WA. 1599. IJusiiicNH IMares for Kent. 8 FOR RENT—Extremely low rentals In (j rain Exchange building. Attractive utore* anil office aim*.® available. Apply secretary, Room 830, phone AT. 6723. STORE rooms and offices Desirable loca lion. Call Bankers Mortgage J.oan Co. ■IA, 1014c 16TH ST. corner basement store: low rent. G. P. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago. House** for Kent. H3 FOUR-ROOM FUAT—2124 Sherman avenue (N. 16th St ).125 00 8 mom*. 8 17 S. 26th St. . . 4 5.00 7 room*, duplex, 11 i> S. 30th St . .. 4 room*, duplex ( 8312 Jackson St.. 60.00 f. room*, duplex. 2912 Hartley St.... 65.00 19 rooms, duplex, 1128 S. 29tn St.... 75.00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha eRnts." ' AT. 0544. 17th and Farnain Street!. WEST FARNAM PUNGAI.OW. 5 fine rooms, fireplace, tiled bath, lfomea like this to rent me scarce. AT.FRED THOMAS .* SON. JA. 0064. 202-3 City Nat. Bank. NEW 6-room brick colonial in Dundee, 3100 per month JOHN K. M’CARVILEE, Realtor. 1002 Citv Ner.AT, 6028. ATTRACTIVE six-room duplex, excellent ly located. 614 S. 36th St. FIVE-ROOM strictly moderri; garage; :tdti 11* 2611 North 20th FIVE rooms and sun porch, garage, 160. WE. 1127. Houses, Furnished. 84 OWNER going t'hroad. wishes to rent her furnished home. I rooms. References required. WA. 1004. Offices and Desk Kootn. 85 OFFICE In front of elevator and desira ble office suite in First Nat. Hank Bldg Call AT. 07 2 9. S. H. Grossman. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. liiihinrt* Property. #1 6f FEET, and two houses. 94,790. Bar* gain. Near P. o. JA. 0327. Farm* and Lands for Sale. 93 CASH FOR YOUH PROPERTY Salas mada In sixty counties of Ne braska. Mark Carrahar, raal eatata auc tlonaar. Central City, Neb. Houses—North. 96 • ROOM BUNGALOW. 4 Ix> ts. Chickens. Fruit and Garden. If you want to live In town, close to a good school. five blocks to a afreet • ar and would like to raise chicken* fruit and garden see thia property at once. 13.500.00 with $500.00 in cagh and 135.oo ner month. Call Mr. I.araon. J A. 07*4. or Mr. Paterson. JA. 4672. A. P TUKEY it SOM. "Tukey Sold It.” • 2t lat Nat’i Bk Bldg. JA. 422$. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BUN GJ* LO W BARGAIN IN OMAHA. Naw • room, all modern bungalow, ready to occupy. A real homy home with large comfortable room*, plenty of cloaet apace and all those little conveniences found n modern construction, oak floors and finish, of course. Large floored attic with spate for additional room. Full cement basement. Nesblt Standard furnace- south front lot; only one block to Fort St. « ar. This home has been i educed In price for •julck sale a' $5,600. with easy terma, and you can move In tomorrow If you wish, others ask up to I •, >j 0 for 'he same v*!ue Evenings phone Mr Uehrls, K E. 503V. or Mi Rowlev, KE 206; HA. 764 0. METCALFE COMPANY. Ground floor 2<*3 « Ittb St, AT »«H UJAJBINO ESTATE. must sell. $1,400 Go see 4114 N. 31d St. va. ant FRANK f _ BE ST CO. LOT—Five-room house, t- loo. LOT—10-room house. SS.500 ('lose In Bargain J* 0327 D E MUCK A CO., buy and sell homes. . . ■ll-1.”_ Houses—South. 97 FIELD CLUB—HANfM'Oftf PABH 81k Rooms and Sleeping Por^h A Splendid Value. Living room with firtpiaea end hook cases, built In kitchen cahineie. tiled hath, oak floors and f nish garage and drive W. FARNANf SMITH A Cf» . Real" s 1120 Firrsm 8t. JA 0514. Fve HA 22t7 Tesar A Teaar, apeclgljfs In 8 8 home*. HouMA-Weit. 98 BUNGALOW BARGAIN! WHY PAY RENT? 14.710—Five rooms an*l bath. strictly modern, with garage, pice level lot, cio*e to ear. Splendid value • 5,000 Mix-room atu< o bungalow, etrlct ly modern, with 2 car garage, fine lot. Lux 140. fru.t trees, garden, etc. Very eaey term* See tbs I $5,250 Nearly new five room strictly model it oak f.nlahed bungalow, east front; 2 blocks tw car $1 000 tash Will handle $5 750 iilg aacriflce; hot wstar beat five rooms bath and i inruom , oak fin ish beamed ceilings etc.; choice Lux 120 south ftont lot; paving paid. Must he aold L I-1 hand) atuice bungalow in Dun •1ee it large tooti)* and hath, oak finish; large Jot, amw vacant. Call MSHORNE REALTY CO 530 Peters Trust Bldg Jackson 2212 OVKRI/>OK1NO HAPPY HOLLOW BLVD 14* " ABOUT $260 CASH North Dundee, nearly new I room bungs low. all modern except gas gsage Com j ing n»w improvement* will greatly add to the value ».f thl* properly Re# this be-l for* buying, ‘ all « arnaby evening*. KE 617$ RAPP FRO* 212 Keel In* Bldg AT. 072! _f TRANSFERRED TH TEXAS MUST HELL FRICK BUNGALOW 0 rooms, oil burner, metal weather strips, two be* ut if u i level ln*a; best district. Price $7*60. Think It oves. 6-room hrh k bungalow, two lot*, only $7 *60 Tonight phone JA. <;!*«. W V 071*. IN A. 1359 A I.FRED THOM A 8 A SON. JA. 0044 202-1 City Nut Bank 1021 LINCOLN BOULKARO Three room* flmt floor. 2 bedrooms and bath second floor, nearly new; ground 4.*120 specials paid, garage and drive wav. convenient to both Cuming and Harney car Can atiange terms J U HIATT CO. AT mu READY TO OCCUPY 4 brand new l room ri >d*rn bungalow i .1 foot living loom. itl« elv decorated 1 heavy oak floors, oak and Ivory enamel trim, beck band molding Complete In every reanert. East front Luge lot «n I paving fixated at 140; * f»Mh. «Vn ibis evening Owner selling at $4.8 " a i h I .<iu down. W A. 6 7 04. BUY A HUNG A L‘ *W O.N $14 PER MONTH For leas than tour rent \ * • t» < an huv tht* home 6 rooms, brand new, near &.*d and Sprague all In oak and enamel, fine ha sain *nt. Roger* furnace !e\*| lor. $f*0fl null required t'all If. 444". JA. I * - k. WA 43 69. KE 4: : « HURT r KOtVI.l 5 C(» Realtor* Jackson 1426 1 1 .0 Cit v Nat l Hk Bldg BEAUTIFUL five-room atrlrflv modern j home; oak floors and in feature* Lived *f<eet. etc (Joed Henson Incatinn Trims Huv from nwnet C^l HA 4' NKW tit tLON I AI. home R rooms corner built In tub, breakfast 'able, pav-d street, t ■» • ' '' ' who boy homes List your property with ua for results J \ 1 4 ;• >. Itr lit <’ K- *\V I.ER (V) . Rea I tor a WILL build to yOOI Ofiff OB beawil ful lota In Edgewood; vety easy term# Phone AT. $$48. 3911 JONBR RT.—7 rooraa convenient location. Make an offer. JA 4467________ llouar*—llenaon. 911 HOME AND GARDEN Lois of Fruit On# hundred foot fronts** n* block to pa vlng. fuui t o i a t line . f.. i miuu ■ i.le « do w oats iru, two room* paftlallv to lahed upstairs, water in l»«u* electric lights furt»a<e sewer In street. One <1S nd > hat gain for null It «00 on payman,s ('all lit* today 8 i> I ewl* IV A 14 I-or SalP— Klorrm r. I Of M r M A IN AT ae I la In • $»!»#* OBl‘ ‘hltf adltor a so of the Caucasian K L. 14ftl. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. For Sale—Dundee. . 100 DUNDEE BUNG ALOW .Fust being tumplHed Five fine rooim Mfid large attic Excellent arrangement Heal ot COMtruction mid finish Pur chaser will have . holt e of lighting fi\ lures and Inlermr dei oration* Price coin pletc, $6,400 Shown by appulntment. To day call Grant Henson, Walnut 1580. Lots for Sale. 103 DUNDEE m'li.DlNil SITES. GEORGE A GO. REALTORS. 9fh Floor « Ity Nut. Hk, lildg AT. $024 I LOT r,or 117, on 32d Avenue, faring liana i i om Park, for salt at an attractive price IC. A. Grimmel. JA. lilt. Ural Estate for Exchange. 104 SPLENDID Income property consisting nl an apartment house *-ontaln1ng nln« •'mall separate apartments; price $16,000, Will exi bang" • lear for city property. ♦•riHtern Nebraska farm or a stock ot general merchandise. Gua Hyers, Have lock. Nebraska __ WESTERN IOWA 160; want a larger Neb mock and gram farm Write EOS HIE R 1 N V ESI M ENT Qi, OMA IT A. FARMS. Gibbons Sleet. 410 Peters Trust. Wanted—Real Estate. 105 FOR bargains In well built homes call Campbell, 239 Keellue Lildg. AT. 8048. WE NEED HUMES EUR SALE. URUENIO REALTY CO., Realtors. Jackson 1966, 1400 First NatT Bank. SERVICE AND RESULTS. Competent sales force. JA. 2650. GLOVER ft SPAIN, Realtors CHAS W. YOUNG ft BON, Real Estate Rental*. Insurance. 1602 City Natl. Bank.AT. 2161 O T. HAMER, Investment Acreage. 1505 Ftrnam. _ AT. >960. NEW HOMES—^ OUR TERMS. GROVE-HIBBARD CO.. 222 Bankers Reserve Bldg_AT. 1111. WE HELL HOMES. LiST WVTTH US. HAMILTON A CO.. 102-4 Neville Block.__ JA. t<17. LIST your property with u* ®r, « 1“ are In the market for acreage, call Lout# Cohn for quick sales. MA. 0141. M A. JO. 9 SEE us first. Need Hating*, any l<K*tlon. 5 to 8 rooms. Shopen A Co- naauora JA. 422$. 236 Keellne Bldg. __ 1,1 ST your property with Cbrla Boyer notary public, 2id and Cuming Bte. C. D. HUTCHINSON CO.. Real Estate. Ina. 1623 Farnam. Ja~ 1411. Q. A. BANDELL, Real Estate. AT. 9213. WORLD REALTY -CO. Realtors. AT. I4>3 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 122##. An Urdlnnm * creating 8tr»et I“>,I>r°Y*: ment Dietrlct No s*0« In tb» oiy ornehg for the purpuee of Improving Alley between 43rd Avenue and 46lh from tUrli.r Avenue to Maeon 8treet by paving and »"“.?*■ fining the boundariee of aatd dlltrli.t, and dlrertlng the City■ < lerk to adver t tie for hide upon aaphell, ■ ton*. vili - fied brick, vitrified brick block, irln filial macadam, creoaoted wood blo.k and ..phallic concrete BK IT ORDAINED 14Y COrvril, OK THE CITY OK oMAHA Section 1. That Street Improvement Dlatrirt No i«u4 oe, and >e hereby, creel ed In the ‘‘Ity of Omeha for the itr>Pro¥'‘ inert of Alley between 43rd Avenue end 4f>rh Street from Barker Avenue to Maaon "‘KM TVhit* SlEit Improvement Dlatrirt No 2404 ahall comprlae Alley t.etween 43rd Avenue and 4Mh Street from Barkar Avenue to Maaon Strati in aaia city, and shall ircludt. - leots 170. 17i, 1.2. 173. 174. lj1, lH nt. 17 9 II". 1*1. H-2. 1X.1. 1*4. 1*5. ] *«• 197. IBs. 1 *»", 190. 191. 192. 191, 194. 196. ]»* and rj ;, latsvenworih The outer boundary of said dliirici shu|)l be ’h* outer boundary of aa.<l lota hf:'’7,oVt.,0rTSa. th. Ctty Clerk cf the City of Omaha be. and he la hereby, at t ec tad to advert:., for and ♦•*•'''• f),d* upon n.phalt. »ton», vltrlf ed brick, vllrt fled brl. k blot k. artlflrlal atone, macad dam craoanted wood block and eephaitic ...terete for the pa ,ng "f laM It lUM, bid. to ■« tned. under Ionian, e « th plan, and apectf tretlona prepared by. »nd on file In tha Office of, ^Sect. m ^ Vk That (hi* ordinance .hall tab* effect an 1 be la fort* after fifteen days from and after its passage I'.a.ed jun.j IT^.24, 0AHL||A1| t SEA 1,1_City 4-lerk. ORDINANCE 12202. An Ordlnan.. • -ating straet Improve ment Dlatrirt No 24#» In tha < ity of Omaha for rh« pn’poaa of Improving Aliev between 14th Street and 3-» » St-eet from Hickory Hire*# to *>nt*r Street by changing the existing gtanes or par’s thereof t* such grides and • legation* m may he petitioned f«r sn<1 e*iabllshed and to pave eatd a *r ms* therefor such kind o’- k nds wr rnat#riRi a* may be raquagted h> pen • on nf the Oerter* of • m«Jn-'v or rh* foot frontage of taxable rropertv within aa d d'ltr trf and abutting upon aaid slie and fixing and defining ’he boundaries of said diet tt. and direct Ing th* City Clerk to advertise for bids upon asphalt stone, vitrified brick, vtt rtfied iii j* k block. artif si *'"*'*• macadam, creoaoted wood block, asphai t*c concrete, and appo ntlng ’hree mem bers 4.f the « ity * ‘ouiic i I ea appraisers li> asses* and determine the damage*. 1f anv to property ownera whi< h may be idutfil Ly the change of gtede of Nad allev or SUV put thereof BK IT i > K1 >A IN K D BY TH K t l TT COl N i ll. OF THIS CITY OK OMAHA Sectiof, i That Street improvement XMa tr14 r .Nv- '.tux bv an the aan.e la hereby, created In the City of Omaha for the lii.pluv Vii.ent of Alley between 14th Street and ]6th Street fiom Ilnkory Street to ( enter Street, in sal.l City of Onuhi by i the eatabliahvd g'ade# t .ere* f to such grades and elevation* hs :«a> be petitioned for, and to pave sa d a.iey Section 2 That Street 1 mprot eiuent District No 3401 *ba i*>n prise Alley be tween 14th Street and Uth Street from Hi. Kory Street to 4 *Mf Street, la the f it y- of Omaha, and shall include Lola 1 t. 2. 4 6. ®. 7. I 9. 1" 11. 1* 15 14 16 U 17 end It. Block 14 Kountaa ■ Third Addition The outer boundary of s» <1 district ahall be th* outer boun«lary of said lots herein set forth: Section 5 That the Oty Clark of the City of Omaha be, and ha Is hereby, directed fn advertise fnr and receive bids upon asphalt, atone vitrified brick, vitri fied brick block, artif* a! etona. macadam, creoaoted wood block and asphlltiC con cre»e fer the paving of aald alley within said district, a* d bid* • ■ » he made under end m * f-oritance * 'h* plant and *pec|f |ra t Iona prepared bv, and on file i) th# c.ffi* «* f Ik# Unfit)•* Section 4 That t 'om m laaionera Knut *k •. ittimmel and Hopk r* he and are he* r h > j»pi«nted appra **r* to appraia* a *«r *» and determine the damage*, if any. to property ownera which may he <**i.«ed bv the change of grade taking into con* delation In making such op pralsement the entii* Improvement con tcnvjdafed aid aei forth n thia ordinance Section ' i hat tin* ordlnan * ahall take effect and be in force after fifteen days fiom and after ta passage. Kissed June 1. 1924. J a Ml S o DA HI M AN Major and President of City Council. At i ear .1 AM KS F IfOCTOK. tSKA I, >_ City Clerk. • An Ordinance creating Street Improve ment District No L'tOf in the City uf omaha f*<r th»- purpose of improving alley between Chicago and Ca** firavta from 24th Street to 27lhe Avenue I' < hanging th* existing grade, or part thereof to sin It giatle anil elevations a* may he pxtitlonail for and by paving • .‘il ali- u- t therefore aurli kind <.i kind* **f materials a* may tie requested bv petition of the owners m a majority or th* foot frontage nf taxable propet t v* within *ald district an*! abutting upon *. I alley, fixing and defining the boundaries of said district, dlrectng the • * • *i * *e f ■ I •* • lie C|ty Clerk t" advertiaa for bids asphalt stone vitrified htt*k. vltri* fed hr!.' block artificial S'one macadam, f*nanted wood block and a* phsl'n 4oniret*. and appointing three m.MMtiera of th# y*llv Council «• ap I't.i *e i * in an**** *nd determine 'be •Ismsgea, f anv. to pronertj* nxntu whit it mav he * Mined bv the • hang* of ytade of said alln or any part thereof m I I nilDA INKD BT m • CtTl i'DI'M II OF IMF Cl I V CiF OMAHA St, m,,ii J l ha t %r r eef Improvement District \\* *S"t be and th* same I* hr»sin ,sealed 'n the city of Omaha for i he impro '-ment nf alley between Chi ■hko and Os** Streets from .'sih Stirat to . t h Avenue b\ changing the established itle thereof to such grade ami elova tb*n* as mav be petitioned for, and by paving the same Section 7 That Street Improvement District \*i ft*,"! ahall comprise all*\ be tween Chicago and Casa Streets from •th street to 27th Avenue and ahall In elude l itta 1 J. 1 t 9.4 7 and I. Block 9 Sweety's Addition l ota 1 4 9. 7 and I Block f Re*d a Kirst Addition The outer boundary of sa'd district ahsll he the nine, boundary of aant bits herein eel forth Sect Inn 7 That the city r*|#rk of the Cltv of Omnha to*, amt he I* hetebv. dl i *t led to lutvertlae f,»t sml t *4 el\* hlda Upon ii *> i > 11 :i 11, *t"l»e. 'l|r|fird liloK, Vitri fied Ith k Ido, I, a»i If I* ml atone me *d u m. < rruaoled wood him k h ml n*phalf!c 4 om rate fet the povlrig of awid all*' Section 4 rhat t'otnin1**louet * tvoiit • 1. v, Hotiimeil *ml Hupkina !■*. and at* lie i el, v appointed appialaer* to appraise. H*«e«a and determine the damage* if act to proper t' nwneta winch mav Pa caused h\ h* hang* Of g'*de '*King •*'•» on • 'delation in making aileh appra’*e»v)4Mit th* erttra ImProiement ' ontemplatsd and a*f forth In tfii* ordlnan# e gertmw ) t ha' thi« m d n*nr# shall aka • Ife* t and hs in fot-e after fifsan CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. _ dav« from end after Ha passage. Passed. June 17. 1124. JAMES O. DAHLMAX. Mayor and Fiesident of City Council. Attest : JAMES I\ HOCT<»K. ISKA Li_City Clerk URPINANCB NO. 12207. An Ordinance (hanging the name of Cal houu Street between L'Hth Avenue mu) i,lb Street to be hereafter known as HuikI^bnoii Stieet. In tl»e City of Omaha IS E IT oRDAlNKD HY THE CITY COUNCIL UP THE CITY OF OMAHA: S e» 11 ou ) That the name of Calhoun Street between 24th Avenue and 3 u t li Street be hereafter known and (hanged | m« Hondesaon Street; and that It be au deslgnai ed. Section 2. That this ordinance shall true effect and be In for* e after fifteen d a > * from and after its passage. Passed: Jun- 17. If24. JAMES c DAHTiMAN, Mivor sod President of City Council. A Heat: JAMES P. DOCTOR. < SE A L)City Clerk. NOTICE. To the owners of lota, parts of lots and of real estate hereinafter de scribed : You ate herebv notified that by Resolu tion No. .3757, now pending before the City Council It is proposed to surface Leaven worth Street from 13th Street to West Lme of 14th Street by laying a aurfare of asphalt, on the part of said Street now paved to a depth approximately but not exceeding three inches arid au* h «ur i f .■«f * ii c will be done as proposed in ’he manner provided bylaw, unless prevented b> proper protest. You h ' e further notified that unless the record owners representing 40 pei « ent of the real estate abutting upon said part of said street, make protest against such auTr facing on or before July 23, 1 924. thirty (lavs from the fltst date of publl. . allon, t he City Council will surface said Street as proposed. Published In accordance with Resolu tion No ”7 57. Herlea 19.4 Omaha, Nebraska. June 23. 1*24 JAMES P. HOCTOJt. City Clerk. J-23 24-2S._______ ORDINANCE NO. 1 2201. An Ordinance creating Street Improve ment District No. 0-114 In the City of Omaha, for the purpose of Improving North and South Alley between 15th and ]t;th Streets from Center to Dorcas H'leets, by changing the establlsh-d grades thereof to *ur h grades and ele vations a a may be pet it ton-il for, and by working and grading aatd Alley to the grade thus petitioned for on the aaine and fixing and defining ’be boundaries of said district end direct ing the City Clerk to advertise for b da and proposals for the grading, and appointing thiee members of the Citj Council a* appraisers to assess and de termine the damages. )f any, to prop «rty owners which may be caused by the change of grade or grading of said Alley. HE IT ORDAINED BT THE CITY COUN CIL OK THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section J. That Street Improvement Dis trict No. 0-1*4 be and la hereby, creat ed In the City of Omaha for the Im provement of Alley, between l&th and I «th Street* from Center Street to Dor < ai Street, by changing the established grads thereef to such grade and eleva tion* as may be petitioned for. and to work and grade eald Alley to the grade thus petitioned for on a aid Alley. Section 2 That Street Improvement Dis trict No 0-184 shall comprise Alley be tween J 5th and 1 ft H Btreeta from t enter Street to Dorcaa Street, and shall In clude : Lore 1, 2. J 4. 4. 8. 7 I ». 10. 11. 12 13. 14 15. 14. 17 \nd 11. Block 9. Kountzee Fourth Supplementary Add; I lion. Lots 1 and 2. Block It. S. * Rogera1 Addition. The outer boundary of eald district shsll be he outer boundary of sard lots herein set forth. Section 3. That the Pit/ rlerk of the Pity of Omaha be. and 1s hereby, d rected to advertise for and receive bids on the grading and working to the grade peti tioned for on said Alley, said blda made under and In eccordan. e wltn the plans and specifications prepared by. and on In the office of, the City Engineer Section 4 That Commissioners Koutaky. Hummel and Hopkins be. and hereby are appointed appraisers to appraise, assess and determine the damages, if any, to property owners which may be caused by change of grade or the griding, or by the change of grade and the grading of said Alley, taking Into consideration in making such appraisement, the entire Im provement contemplated ana set forth In this ordinance Section 5. That this ordinance ehall take effe( t and be In force after fifteen <3a>s from and after It* passage. Fussed June I" 1824. JAMES C. DAHT.MAN, Mavor and Preeldent of City Council. A : ’ear: JAMES P. HOCTOR «BKA I. )_ ( My «’ierk. 10 *h# owner* of the aaveray plecea of r*ai ca;*»a hereinafter (!*»■' i.*d You end each of you are hereby notified that on t ha 2nd. duy of June 1*24 the • 'My Count!! of the City of Omaha, adopted Resolution No. 24*4, whkh ;i .n :n* words and figures following on the West Side nf 42nd Street of ar* flrlai atone Ciaae A 4 feet wide I,ot# 1 and I* Blo< k 4. Lot# 1 and * Block ] Ineiltute Plar# Addition, Lota 1, : I 2" . 1 and Parry'* Rev i!nn nf Fire Add mn to Institute P.». • Add inn Tut Lot 11 Section 4 15-13 l.< s 1 7 k. ITT. It© 111. 1*4, 1*8, 1 ■«. 1**. 1*:. l*i. 201. 202. 2oi. ;«*. ?«fc. ;n*. ?*7. ?*« 11 - 317. 1t « *'V 52© ip4 121. F«h t#n*l !• Park Addition. On he Kaat Sid* ef 4Jrd Street ef A-i S’on» C!a*a * A 4 fa** w de Lot# 17© 1 © 1* 1*" !*« 117 1*8 2 2io. :n, :u 211. 211 10* *©*. 11©. 311 and 21? Fontenei!# Park Ad dr on ©n the Weat Side nf 4*rd Street of Ar? flrlai Stone Cl*1** ' A ' 4 fe#t 't ide l.ota 14* 14r 14* 151. 15f 15? IR© 141 and ] f * The North 5 feet and the Mouth 15 f*et nf Lot 117 Lota 314 21* 220. 2?1. -22. 301 102. lo| and S07. Fon tenella Park Addition tin the Kant Side of 44th Street of At flrfai Stone Ciaaa "A" 4 feet wide: Lot a 111 He 147. 150. 151. 154 155. 153. 15** Ul 143 and 223. Fontenelle Park Addition un the \\ "at Hide of 44ih Street of Ar tlficial Stom- Clan* A 4 feet wide Lota 112 113. 11« 117. 12# 121. 1-4 12s 12*. .JO 231. -52. iii. rn. 2 3-. : Jt> ?*> 23* 20 29k and 2*1 The South H of Iait 21: Fonteriella Park Addition <*t the Kent Side of 4 4th Avenue of Artificial Mion** Ciaaa A 4 feet vide Lora let 114. 115. Ill and 11* Funie nella Pj*rk Addition, l.ota » and Ik. lJIm k i. Inatitu'e Place Addition On the Weal Side of 44?h Avenue of Artlfh .al Stone C1«m A 4 feel wide Ufa 3 4 4 7. lo. 11. 15. 14. 19. M. 73 • *, 102 and 194 Font an e • Park Ad. dh (on tin the South Sid# of Mandeteon Street of prick 4 feet wide. >n relay ! ..!• j and 3. Block ? L. !’ Hammond a Add t on «ui 'he F.»i* •,<** of 45:h S'eet nf Ar ♦Iftrial Stone C)aa« K 4 f»et wide: Lot 7 4 the Smith 1.4 fee’. ar -1 the North 1* 4 feet rf l.o? ‘7. I.nte 71 7* *o 91. r it 4i « til |fi Ml. ? 42. 2*3 .44 2*8 24 *. 24 7 and J«*. rcntinMIt Ta^k Addition On the South S de of Sprague S?’-*** of Artificial Stone Ciaaa "A ’ 4 fee: w d* Lot* 741 24* 272. ITS 274. 2 7 7, 2*© *« -44 ?*!> and ?93. Fon*enel1a Tark Addition. (»n the North S 1e of Sprag e St-**t of Artlfh a I Stone Cl# a* "A * 4 *e#t wide h-’i * 3 8 r. 18 7. and 3 55 For te noli# Pa’k Addition On the North all of Rugg’.ea Site#’ of Artificial St on a «'*•* MA. 4 feet will: l.ota 74. :7o. .7 1 17 4. 275 2?*. 7© 23 11 211 and 117, Fentenell# Park A <4*1 It Ion • *11 the North Sid# of Spaulding Street of Artlfh lai Stone, Ciaaa * A 4 fe#t wide l.ota 141 and 241 Fontenall# Park Ad d Itlon. Un tha South Rid# of Spaulding Street of Artificial Stone. Ciaaa "A. 4 feet w ide l :» 111 112 and 131. Fontaneila Park Addition tin the North S!d# ct Pratt Street of Artificial Stone Ciaaa V. 4 feet wide ix»ta IOC, lo 7. 104 in. Ilf 141 144 14a UK 1*4 1 :o. 1 :i 1 :?. 1 .1. 174, 1 .*. l'ont#neil# Park Addition (Ip the Mouth Side uf Piatt Street of Artificial S uni flea# V 4 lee: Wide Lot tin Kuntenelie Path Addition y >ii the North Side of Spencer Street nf Artificial Stone Ciaaa 4 4 Fee \\ Id i ,oi a 24 27 and II. Block 1. Revert Fife# Addition On the Wear S 1# af 17th Stt#ef. ef Brick 4 F-#t W de to Repair Lot 14 Block I. Myera Richard A T 1 d»M Addition On the North S d# #f Rpragtt# R'r*#t nf Artificial S'ona. Ciaaa A 4 F*> V\ Ide The Rnuttl 45 feet of To* « R:ock 2J, I.o’a 5 and 4 Block Jl Bnxd • Addition. On the Smith Side of Sprague St*e#t. nf Artlf> :*! S’one. Ciaaa 4 4 Fee’ Wide Lola « 4 1 © 11. 1? 1? 14 15. 14 and 17 Block 4 1 »t Ilirl 14111 Addition On the North Mid# of Manderaon Street, nf \rt|fi<(al Stone, flea* 4 F*»l B de Lot 14 Block * Build Mdl Addition * »n the Weat '(Hi* of Hat Street nf A r 11 f i > I a 1 Slone, Ciaaa "A." 4 Feet Wide, to Repair l ot 1. Block "0,** Proapect Plac# Add! (ton. Mtu h aldewalUa to he ronatrueted un der : he atipervlalon of t h# 1 lly Kngineer and In accordatlr# with th# plana and aperlfh atlona and requirement* aa pre pared hv the City F7nglne*r and adopted and approved by th# Mayor and City Council of aa id City; Provided that th* owner or owners of the premia#* herein dea< ribe<1 shall have twenty da'a from and afier th# Hat mihllcat ion <*f notice hereof in which to lav or construct said ■ n1e'*alU* or tv i ommem r the laying ot ■ • onatruction of said aldewalUa aa provided herein act provided, furfhet that the' ■aid itwnet or «*wn*ra at* hereby notified j and wainri that If ikiy fall, nen*»i »" tefua# in Hv m vonatruot aald Bldewalk o* lo #nt#* upon the lav’lBR *>r lonotm • of aa d aldewalUa ea bei# n t.rdered within Iwrnlv d*\« after 'he Hat publ' i of t auch not >• that than and thereafter the iTlv of nmOlt w adver • t*e for renlnripia' hut* on all waH# »• main nf tir<nn*tr ’ed «*'d ii*AM the award nf co»vttact ••rrv»d'oa,T and *h* cnnxp'atlnn of the work the aeH coa' • til ha theteaftat |»< >*4 and aaaeaaed hv ha 51 av or and Cl' Ccuin*U a^ a ape. ai CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. '#t xKKini' thair said premiaea. ornnha, Nebraska. June 24 1924 JAMES P HOi’TOR. City Clerk. Pul. abed June 21 ? 5 and -6. 1924_ .NOTICE. To the owned of ail lota lands and real «■*(»'• l ik-l tided within Street Improve* invnl District Noa. 17 H7 1*72. 2179. 2214, 224H £ . if. 2240. 23411. 23b#. *267, 2346. Sit}.,. i*.ib9. j;94 -403. 241b. 24 1 7. 24.26. ■41 .-4... 31-4 H'j' 2441. 2 442. 2464. 24.0. 24;#. 3 482. 2 4 9 9. 2b 2«. I5*l, and 2661. you are hereby notified that tba follow ing bids have been received and accepted L,t the Citv Council ae the lowest blda un the reape<ii>e materials designated ta lie used In tht improvement of thu re. *nect, vi streets. a\enti»»* and allevs. with in said districts as follows H1HKET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 17*7. Pinkney Street from 69th S'reet to *0th Street Asphalt Class B .*2 •] Asohaltir Concrete, Class F 2 44 Vitrified Brink Block. I'letfs K •••••»■ Vitrified Brick Block. Class K ' .2 b* STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1*7 2 2 o * h Street from Fort S'reet to Fill I son Avenue Asphalt. Class ‘ B“ .--,.•- “? Aauhaltic Concrete. Cla*s B . ... 2 -a Vitrified Brick Block. Claaa R vitrified Brick Block. Class "K ... I-3* Artificial Stone. Class ‘’A‘‘ ........ 2-4J STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 217? Maple Street from John A, Creighton Boulevard to ilth Street; Asphalt t ’lass ' H” . *■ J] Asphaltic Concrete. Class B ._,,, ■ * ?’ Vit rifled Brick Block. Class E .. i .»3 Vitrified Brick Block. Class "K .. •» Artificial Stone class "A' ........ *.49 STREET IMPROVKMBM DIBTRICX NO. 2214 Corby Street from 5«th Street to 40th Street 40»h .Street from Miami Street to Military Avenue Asphalt. Class B . Asphaltic concrete, f lass B - - - - ■ • * Vitrified Brick Block. Class ® ... jj-JJ Vitrified Brick Block. Class K .. 3.™ VtRKBT "iMPhOVKMENT ‘ DISTRICT* NO. 2249 Fifty-eighth Street from Miami Street to Military Avenue Asphalt. Class B *.. 12 ?? Asphaltic Concrete. C»»»« *R •; Vitrified P..i< k Block. « lass E ... J 63 Vitrified Brick Block. K. JJJ in 1ft. ml H1 fin., i'll,.. A . . * *• KTKEKT 1 Ml ltOVrM ENT DISIRIcr SO. 2-3.. Kifiy-fifth S’!.,,- f -m, MlUto^y Ay.nue I„ N.irlh TmUney Ulret-L, ci.«. "« A.ilh.ltic Concr.t. < I... » • ■ ; :J Vii i ifi.,1 Brn-k Blois, Cl... J- J” Vitrified Wilck Blm-i. ' *** b J ” Arttflcl.l Sion., it... '-A . - >» ,\o. :.m - - ■ • STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Twenty-i.v.ntb Annul from KIM.oo to Mun.o.iifb Cl... D .■ . Concr.t., Cl... B ,-•;•••• Jr! Vltrlfl.d Bile. Block. Ci.m W- * ** Vltrlfl.d Brick Block, Cl... A * J! Artlflcl.l Bton. Cl... ' A . ....... STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1341. Forty .Ifhth Strut from itr.«t t. B.dford ,, Artlflcl.l Stoo«. Cl... A . A.pbalt, C... ; Aepheltle fobcr.i., CI.M a - -* Vlirlfl.rl Be k Block. Cl... * * J* Vitrified Brick Block, ci... K .... 5 >> STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3366. Ohio street from Eorty-flrit l<r..t to Forty-fifth Street , t. Club * S' - ■ • •• . tl* Concrete. CIm> B .. J " Vit rifted Brick Block, t l.» E . . • » »* Vltrlfl.d Bock BlO' k. tlm K . . » »» ; Artlflcl.l Stone Cl... A ... STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT] NO. 2161. . . Forty-fourth tmm Bedford to Spauldin. Street "B .. Concrete, t l»l ! l! vitrified Bee. Block. (I... R " } }j Vitrified Brick Block. Cite. K -•** Artill' 1*1 Stone, C)»*. A . STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3165. Emmett Street from Forty*, cond Street to Forty-fourth Avenue A.j halt, ci... "B " _ ;. J'!: Aepheltle t;oncr.te, Cine. B J \ tr fled Brick Block, t 1... * - - »•*» Vltrlfl.d Br;ck Block. Clin k ■ J A t M f ' el Sion., ‘ I... .A • . ^ 3 -- STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3365. 1 Forty-third Street from Bedford Avenue to Emmet Stre.c _ C»»* B ’ ..•.,* ;i Concrete Cl**. B ; *; \ 11rifled Be k BIO. k. ' •»• ;-K •• J ; vitrified Rr ,k Block. I !**« 5- *•” Artiflrl.l S- r.e Clan "A " STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT > 1363. Forty-ninth Street from Military Avenue ta Grant Street. Aaphalt. « laaa B*’ .. * Aaphaltic CftBcrrr iaa» H ■■,••*:* \ itr f H- ■ * Blork Cla»a * 9 J ;* Vitr.i ad H- 'W Block. Claaa K Arhflr »i Claaa “A” . 7 60 STRKKT 1MPRGVKMKNT DISTRICT NO 2394. Thlru A Ebrh .-;ra* from Amav .nu. tn <7r*r,1 Avt»U«. Aapha » «T»«a B" J J* AaphaF’C i>nrr.'». oi#** P a -a \ 'irjm* Bri- k Bl«^k • "»aa K v, f r ' at P- ' N P’rirV l'l»M K” 3 ** A Ft fir i n t Sroit" Claaa A" ■■■ 8TRFF.T IWPRFV T. M EKT DI#TFI'T NO 24#S C** hr «*!■••• F«rty-th’-d •*v’ tn Forty-fifth I Aaphal' Claaa P * Aapha It‘c Com rata ^!»«a F : Vi-r f .d B' ck B’ock. Claaa E Vi-r fad Br-rk Block Claaa K Ar' f 1ria Ston*. "A STHKKT IMPROVEMENT DI9TBI-T NO 2 416 P.nnay gtrtat from Fortieth atraat ta Forty aarond Av#nua: Aaphalt. ('laaa B- .... . ? 6* Aaphaltic «'om rata * mi F •• If \ tr f ad Rritk Biut'k. « iaaa K J »3 Vitrified Brick » <> s 1 iaaa K STHKKT UlPH'iVKMKXT DISTRICT NO 2417 Mam! S:ra*t from Forty-third Street to Forty-fifth Street: Art!ft» al Stone. » iaaa ' A ' 1*4 Aaphalt. (Taae “B”. Aaphaltic Concrete Claaa B . 7 2* j \ 11 r iftrd V I k Block. Ciaaa t 5 ; Vltrlf etl hi ii k Block. Ciaaa *‘K 3 X9 HTRKET 1MPKOVKMKNT DISTRICT j NO 24 36 Ohio S'reet from Fortieth S'teet to Furt > .f rat Straat Aaphalt. Claaa ‘ B ’ . 2 67 j Aaphaltic Cone ret**. Claaa B . 2 17 V if ed Bri< k Block »*laaa K *46 Vitrified B Blc< k Ciaae “F 8TRKFT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT i NO 3431 ». ire a ree* from Forty ninth Street to f -ft'eth Street Aaphalt Claaa B’ .J *# Aarha t c Octnerete Claaa P 2 711 Vitrified Br'ck Block. Claaa “Sf' 3 M Vitrified Brick B.ock, A'laaa “K 3 39 STREET IMPROVEMENT N#TR!<T NO 746? Martin Avenue from Thirtieth S*ree* to j Thinly -h r,1 a— eat f?e»i S’reet from! Thirneth Street to Marnn Avenue. Vane: S trss* from ‘Thlrtlath Street to Thirtv thlrd S ie*- ThiU' firat Street frem Ida Street ’o Vane Stree* Whitmore Street from Thirtieth Street to Thirty-f rat Ave rt ue: Aaphalt. Cleaa ' B ...... 1 6* Aaphaltic Concrete data R : ^ Vitr f ed Pi ■ U Blofk n««i “1C . . i Vitrified Bt .ck Bloc* t'laaa ‘ K. ’ 3# Artificial Stone Claaa A . . l STRUCT 1MPROVKMKNT DISTRICT NO. ? 4 f 4 Martin Ar»nu» from kflnne t.uaa Boulevard to Thirtieth Street low* Stieet fiuni MSune l.uaa Boulavard to Thirtieth Street. Scan and Krnat Street from T«ent>-ninth Street to Thirtieth Street Twent>-ninth Straet from 1‘lant Street to luwa Street. Aaphalt Ciaaa H . . $7 6S Aaphaltic Concrete. Claaa ' B 2.21 trifled Rrl.k Block i'laa» “k . s . Vitrified Brick Block. Claaa “K". . 39 A t f. 1 rl Si»iiie. » laaa A . 4' .STHKKT IMPItOVKMKNT DISTRICT NO 2458 Read SfEeet f nr Minna T.uaa Roule 'a »l to Thirtieth Street. Twont r *etg h; h Avenue from Vane Street to Iowa S.reep Aaphalt. Claaa H Aaphaltic Concrete Claa* “If ;■ ?4 V‘it lifted Hi rk Black Claaa F Vitrified Brick Bin *. CUae K * 29 A111f ■ al Ston* < laa« A «A STHKKT IM PRO V KMK N T PTSTR l«’T NO 74*1 Km *x eighth A ni:» r-otw Maple • '»#! to Bedford Avenue Biao*' and Spen e^ git#.# * from F'ortx a'ghtli St-oet to F ■■ m e'ghth t'»nue VAlrt S*reai from' Fonienelle Boulevard to Farty*n nth to Forty-ninth Sr»eei A epba11 claaa B . 7 A 3 Aaphaltic i‘fln re-* cia«« B 7 *t \ T ed B- k Bio- k t'iaaa F \ 11 r f-e.t Hi ■ k B‘n. k. « iaaa K Art1fl«*iikl lit one »iaa* a SiRM * IMPROVKMENT riSTR NO 7 4«? Th'itv xe.'ond Stroc froiw Red»ck ! Avenue to Ma Street. Th ■ t v thud Siren, from Redirk Avenue *o Hiitturf S:**ei Summit Si - *et from Thirty-thud Stieet| to Thirty thud Avenue Aaphalt. t’iaaa 'TV' 5 6*1 Aaphaltic Concrete Claaa "p .. 7 ?3| Vitrified Brick Bltvck. A'laaa ' K" 1 6*1 Vitrified Brick Block. Claaa K ^ Artificial Stone CU»a A .. *' STHKKT 1MPRCVKMKNT DlSTRK'T, Nt> 2 4 # 4 Ida Street from Thirtieth Street to Thirty third Street Artificial Stone, t'iaaa “A** .......... * 47 Aaphalt. Cla*a "If . 7 66 ! Aaphaltic Concrete, Cla«e * B“ . 7 261 Vitrified Brick Block, Claaa ,,K“ .. 9.FS Vitrified Brick Block Ciaaa K* * 39! STHKKT 1MPHOVKM KNT DISTRICT i \4» j 4 :<i Maple Street from Th'rty Third Slreet to John A i'rel|inon Ikuib er«l A f -. 6 a a A 1**9 Aaphalt, t'laaa “It ' ,,., . 2 6 7] Aaphaltic %'opcfete Cla** It 1.7>j N itrified lti •* Block Claea K * tj Red I Hkvk. !'(•>• I M‘RI >T |MPRAt\ MMKNT DlSTRIl r, NO *4:4 Bird* te s eat from Military Avenue to Hamo Hollow B ri• v ar»t Atphah Claaa R **■ Aaphalttr <'oni*r* « t'iaaa H A ttrlflad B* ck Block Cleat F .... Artificial Siena Ciaaa a CITY OFFICIAL. NOTICES. 8TREET IMPROVEMENT * DISTRICT NO 2412 Alone Avenue. West I.In# Thirty-first 4 \ e n u e South '« Thirty-third Street Asphalt, i'iaas "B". ..•** ’ Asphaltic t uncrete. Cta*« B 2 Vitrified Brick Block, Class 3 Y it rifted Brick Block. ci#«# "K ", - .. 3 STKKKT J MPHOv KMRNT DIITRl* l NO. 2499. Huntington Avenu# from Thlrilett Street to Thirty-ftr#t Avenu# Asphalt, Cl#*# "H‘. 12' Aapbaltlc Conor* e. Class ' H . 2 Vltrlf'ed Brick Block, ' Its# K . 3 Vitrified Brick Block. Class "K". 3 Artificial Stone. « 'la»« "A" • - • 3 STREET JMrR'iVlfMKNT DIS1R1' 1 SO. 2S20 Thirty firat A enue from laurel A\* hue to Belvedere Boulevard. Ar.-adia A* nu# from Thirty-fit at Avtnu# to Thirty bird Street: Asphalt, i la*a Tt ' ‘ Asphaltic Concrete, Claaa "tt". .... 2 V'ltrlfled Brick Block, '’Uas *K * V itrified Brick Blot k. Claes K '. 3 • Artificial Stott#, ' 'la sa "A” . 2 C. STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2521. Wirt Street from Fortieth Str#e? Forty-second Street. Fort} second S*ree' from North Line of Wirt Street East ip South Line of Wirt Street W«*»: Asphalt. Cla*# **B f? Asphal'lc Concrete, class B’.2.25 v :i i fie<t B: k Block. CLaaa E' . ... I.l3 vitrified B' If k l;iofk. Class ' K”- 2 ' Art iff i »*1 S e Cla-e 'A .2 STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRIC r NO. 2551 Ixar-I S '<•»' f i <»m Forty f'f’.h Str#et »o i Fort y-aixth Street ; ! Artlfu •* yton*, ' ■ 'A .• Asphalt, Cla«* "TV'. ? fin Asphaltic Concrete. Class "B" ...... 2 3# l Vitrified Brltk Block, C|«a« E .... I \ trifled Bri* k Block. Claes K - ? O You are further notified that you w|!J huve thirty da>s from .June i“. 1324. 'he 'first day of publication of this noth* within whi< ti to designate by petition to be filed with the city Clerk, the specifk materials sejerted from those designates for paving etc., which yon desire used in the improvement of th# respcctD** districts, above specified Published in a'cordanc# with Re#olu tion No. 3754. Series 1124. Omaha. Nebraska June 23. l#2t JAMES P. HOCTOR. Jure 24-24-25. City Clerk. NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR SIDEWALK CON STRUCTION. Sealed proposals are invited and wli! he roe. »d by the Uiiy ' ierk of ’he City of urrthH. until Tu-aday, July l*4. 1 • -4. at 1 o o'clock a m for the oonerm* - fitm ' Widening of sidewalks In Sidewalk District No 4 2. ijescribed and located a* follows, town • Ml >t)e La*' Sid# of 14 th Avenue, of Artificial Siune. Class A," 4 Feet Wide. i.ot 24. Mara Sun • in the West S da of ICth Avenue, of Artificial Stone Claee ‘'A" 4 Feet WM* Loia 1, z. 2. 4. 5. 6, 7. t. 9. 1# and 11. Packard Place Addition Oi. i he East Side of *7th I?r#et. of Artificial Sfon#. Class "A." 4 Fe#t Wide. Lota IS. ] 4. 11. 14. 17. II. 1», 1C. 21. 22. 21 and 24, Block 2, Madison ■<jua.' Adfdt ion. On the East Side of Ifth 8tr#er. c.f Artificial Store Clan# A," 4 F#et Wide i.ois 11, i 4. Ij. II. 17, II. 1#, 20 an-; 21 Block 2. Lain aster Place Addition On' lb# East Sid# of F!or#ne# Bouie vard. of Artificial Stone Class **A.'* - Fen Wide. Lot l Block 4 Kirkwood Addition: The Nor’h #>* feet of that part of Ta * I.ot 2* Section 1-16-1*. adjoining Lot 1. Block 4. Kirkwood Adjtion On th- East of 3#th Street, of artificial Stone, Class A,’ 4 Feet Wide. Lota €, 7, * and f. Waverly Replat Ad dition. On ’ha North Side of Caas Street. «f Artificial Stone. Class A." 4 Feet Wide to repair; The East 7? feet and tha W##t 44 fe» o' Lot * The West V* of Lot 7, Block 23. •'itr of Omaha 0 r the West Side of llth Street of Artificial Sion# Class “A," 4 F*e* Wide. I-ot 1, Black 1. Lot# 7. 5. 4. 7. I. I. 11 and 17 Block 2 Loomi* 2nd Suh. Th* N or’h 4',7 fe#t • * Lot 2# TuLlea Sul On the East Sid# of 4#?h Avenu# of Artificial Ston«. Class "A," 4 F*ef W*d* Lot 17 The West 44 J* '##t of Lo's ’ and 22, Lo i 22 -4. 25 end 21. la*. Add tion to Druid Hill Addition On the Was* bid# of 40th Avenue of Artificial Stone Class **A,’* 4 F*e* W de That part of I.ot 71. Tuttle a Suh South of Boulevard. On the Weat Side of 3!e? Ar#nue of ArMf ial Sfon# Class "A 4 Fest Wide Th* north and aou'h of Lot , v Blork 2 Belvedere Addition ••n the North S d* of Maher S?r»ef of At firlal Stone Ciaas A" 4 Feat Wide > -uth 15#', fee- rt* I.ot 6 the er 172’, ’eat of Lot €. Block 221. th# »a« 164 feat and east l?ft faat of *h# sorb westerly part of Block 223. Forence A*l diDon. On t i* Wes* S da of Fon’ere a Bou * vsrd • * Artificial P*ona Class "A 4 Feet Wide « and 2 4 B ock 1 Gat# Cltv Pa-k Addition ' "i ' e East Sids of Foc’er.e a Bo , * vf t f>f Anflclhl #*ona las# a 4 Feat w da Lots Ji and 14. B ock 2 Prura Tar* • * - Or r- hru’h S de of Frrm** Sir*»' Stnn* Class ’ ’ A" 4 Fee? WM Lot 7 Fonfana’la Pa-k Add^ron. r La north *n feet of tha was' 17# fea? f •ha aou'h 71# fea? of Tax Lot # tto On • h» Sr h S <* • r. * Ames A'er a r, f Art - ' a! r a*» * * Faa* W d* Let if, Block 5. Iso he I Add'.n'-r f'n th# Es«* * de of a: st S-reat of A * a J ctp» ««s A 4 Feet F 4. Loig * 17 1 * and 14, ‘he Wa»* i ‘' faa* of L*or Lo* 1*. ’h* Wa*r of Lot I. ot I* n* Radford He:gh** Add - tier I.ot - Ande-eor a Firat Add or ?>'a Ea*t Sid# of 42d 5-reat of Art - fb a! S*on# • xsa A 4 Fea* W;d» Lo*a '% 2r 2*. 17. 2J and 74 B ock 1 G-#\aa Park Addition the North f»e* of th# Weat 122V, faet of I>o: 9 Tuttle* Suh «»n »h# South Side of Boyd Stree- of Artificial Stone CTa#« A 4 F#e* W d I•<'ia 34 14*. 14 4 IS#. 151. 36? 3 ■ . aT> l%& and 1*1 Fontan#ll# Park *dd • !. n; 1^ -S 11 and 12. Block 4. Portland Pia> • Addition « n th# Was* S!d# of 42d S'ra#? #f Art;* f 1«. Ston# ilaas A 4 Feet W)4# t.cia :77 31# 311 334 335 13* 32#. 34 . 342 344 II J 34' F^n an# • Pi t A4 d 11 Ion on th# Eat; of 4LI Stre#t #f At. - ? .Nil Stone «"ia»« A 4 >e*t w de Lo:a 3?l S'i. 231 117 34#. 8i5 and J’-?. Fonteneil# Park Addition Or he W#nt Side of tilth St met of Art.f, ial Stone Class 6 4 Feet W'idv, to R*I#v to th# F> »b shed fl ed#* Tax Lma *3 and 24. ;h# St-‘i h 11 fe«T of Tax I^>t 25 Section 22-16-13 1 f Brick f Feet Wide *• Repair The E»• II feet of Ta* I^»t 23. Sac tion 22-15*15 Or. 'he Weat # «1e ef 43d * rw< of Artiflclkl Stone Clas# A 4 Feei w>4» Lot .164 3*7 3<* 5*7, 371. 374, XT *-« ard 17#. Font ere a Tack Ad dition. Or 'he We*t « *a o^ 3*th #»?••• r* ArMf a! A’ore rIaa« A.” 4 Fear W ■<* I.on ■ 7 t and 4. F'ordc 44. Ftorap-a Field Add it on CV ih* Fast S da ef list Ave« »• ed Am? ia' Stone CUss ' * * Fe»* W'd* Th« 5 4h 4 • '*•' s-d t*re N#rth ** *ae* o* * he Sc ,’h •* f*«t of Lot *. ,K# South 144 fee af Let * F’*ck * '»:• • de • Addition ■ I,» f!*«* < *a of 14th Au" * A? A' .' -.a! S■ one Class v 4 »••• W->*e 1 ot 13 Block :. renman Place Addi tloo . On the Wast S*de r' 47 h S ee* At t: f !• Ial Stone ' »»» 6 4 Fee* w ;de Lota 6 « ard 7. Firat Addition to Dru-d Hill Addition I >e Hr;, k 4 Fee* Wld# to Re ay to the Established Grade: The Last 4 4 feet o* T^ta « and 9 Firat Addition to Druid Hill Addition. on the West Side of 4iet 8tr##L «v Artificial Stone i a*» 4 4 Feet Lots 1 2. * I# 11 snd 12. Block 1. Graxes Park Addition. On tha South of Corby S'reet 7 Artlfi Store x'lxsa 4 4 Feat \4 ide Lola 4 . : « 4 ard id. Block II. t.'b.Ovk .a First Addition On the North > de of Corby Street, of 4r .flcial Stone •'la»a 4 4 Feet W..1 - !^>t* 1# and 11. Block 1C. Hitchcock a First Addition Lots 1* 14 3 5 II 17. II ?•.?:. 23 and *4 Hlo« k 1 C1 e 1 ghton )1* *hts Ad* dit ion On the Feat « d# c* 44’h S • aef Artif <* S.< nt 4'l*»a 4 4 Feet Fil 4 ih Lot : of Tst Lot 4 Se-tton 7-15*1 Lota 1 r 1 4 and * fb# South 4' ?err ef Lai if Bssma) at * *d Si; h aidenrslks ' be rona?rt»ete 3 m * ooidan**# a h the plans ard ape, f; .»ne and le.-u em#n?a *• p-epa*-ed •" the C Fra near aa* adopted end es proved hr the tlimr and ':’v i'snSrH fft be r> rpe»* of "C • •-matrxjrHow * • In as d r tv dur’**g *he '**’ ’4*4 a ->d *0 he t one? rp. t ed UP.let tbs I.r#u * on O* be Ctr Fng rear Fa r’opoaa V a - 'W#4* ad L' a r ' e l •. • « . n of 11M a • a |\ie*ar « 'f good fa !h and to Na fo-Sei *•,« • > the a* I'qu 'a »d dan-a#*a • \ent of fa lure t ' et-te- — • # centract a ho 11 id award b* made there -n Proposa'a must be made upon printed blarke pr.u »ded »" the Cttr Fngtnee rni.1 '■ %** o ” be onaulered, f d • • f’o-u the pa sage »p which It w«a N. up .1 b, •‘.e r r I *e pa Vac* muat # unbroken and !r good order when the proposal ta depca ted I' toe# must be Mated th words and ft# urea in the reaoe.tlxe celumni provided ;n the pnnthd blank# Propomala P'uat be sealed, marked fre poeale fur S dewalk and ad.1 rewawd to James P He.-tor Oily Ciei k Omhbn Neb and will be rreeented to th# City Council unopened at the regxaUv meet n« to ?*e held on Tuewflay, Jtttv l«t. 1 ♦ ?4 at 1# o'clock A 34 The Cou» . 1 reeerve# the right te m.iect anv and all Hide rubinhed m aocerdsm-e with th# pro* \ t* 'P# i-f i''.1ln»P.* N o 1 # 14 S um«hi Nebraska June ft i#24 J4MKS P tDV'TCR JH.M.!kfUT r'lty Ci#»h n III N IN NKKD or IIKI P TKY OMVHV BFK \Y YNT AOX