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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1924)
Corn Develops Early Strength; Sets New Highs A&hcat Rallies Briskly From Initial Setback and Fin ishes in Better Ground. By CH VJU.E8 J. IJCTIXEN. tTnlVpr*al Service Slnff ('orrenpondent. Chicago. June 24—-Bull fever was ap preciably revived In the grain pits to day Corn developed early strength end advanced to new highs for all deliveries, then wheat rallied briskly from the in itial setback, and finished in higher ground. Oats and rye were helped along by the general awing upward. Wheat closed He higher; corn was 1 to I c advanced; oats were % to He up, ami rve ruled He higher to He lower. First analysis of the Canadian crop re port gave the wheat bulla little encour agement. In fact, there was selling on this report becauee It did not specifically state that Canadian wheat was in a had way. also because no mention was made as to acreage and probable production. But it did infer, and rather pointedly toe, that rain waa lacking A bigger trade was on in corn. Com mission houses were aggressive buyers. Investment demand was noted, especially in the December delivery. The heavy rains over wide areas of the belt delayed cultivation, and also the movement of grain to market Cash corn here was up much as 4c. No. 2 yellow bringing 93c and No. 2 white. 93He. Oats met a little better buying power and advanced well. Cash oats were in light offering, and premiums were up H to lc at the last. Rye was higher In sympathy with other grains. Little news "broke. * but com mission house trade waa livelier, and of ferings wero scarce Provisions were firm generally. Lard and ribs were f> to 7He higher. Pit Note*. Generally nil grains are having a tough time of it with the weather this year. In the soft wheat territory, heavy rains have done more harm than, good the last few days. The crop at this stage needs sunshine and normal temperatures. In Canada today many sections reported temperatures ranging from 30 to o9 de grees al><^% zero With rain lacking also in Canada and the crop already late, it is easy to see where the best of condi tions must prevail later on. Aside from the southwest winter belt, conditions are most unfavorable. The spring wheat crop is backward, although rainfall has been experienced recently. •Foreign statisticians today cabled that the outlook is for only a moderate mar gin in the world supply and demand this * year, and this is still contingent upon the outcome of the Argentine and Canadian crops. It is likely that speculative trade In grains today would have been broader and prices stonger had not wire service been crippled in many directions, es pecially south and southwest. At that time markets had little trouble In moving forward Much of the buying after the advance was well under way was in the nature of short covering "The world's available supply of wheat and flour registered another good decrease for the week, totaling 6.291,000 bushels, compared with a reduction of 4.645,000 bushels for the same week a year ago. The total supply now is 159. #41,000 bushels, against 124.228,000 bush els It looks at the moment as though speculative enthusiasm will be drawn» back in the wheat market with but little encouragement. Despits the favorable threshing returns from the far southwest, there is little if any hedging pressure felt on the markets to date. and the trade is beginning to feel that prices are still cheap, and that the swing Is In evitably upward. Chicago cash prices. py Updike Grain company, Atlantic 6312. jXr tJ I Open. I High. I Loyr. I Cloee. Tea. IVhi. I I I July I 1 13% 1 14%' 1.12% 1.14*4 1.13% I 1.13%! 1 1.14% 1.1*% Sep. ! 1.16V 1.11*41 1.14* 1.16% 1.16% I 1.15% I 1.16% 1.16* Pec. I 1.18V 1 18 %1 1.17 1.18* 1.17% I 1.17*41 I 1.18% 1.17% Rye I July I .76*1 .78*41 .74% .76% .76% Sep. i .76*1 .76% .75% .76 * .76 * .76% Dee. .76* .78 % I 78 .71% .78% | Corn I | July .84*1 .88% l ,88* 69% .97% .88%! . I Hep. .88%! .88% ,8C% .87% .86% 1.87 i .87 % I Dec. .77 .79*1 .71* .78%! .77% .76% I I .77* Oats I July .47 .47% .47 .47%! .46% Dec. .43* .43% 43 43*' .42% Dec .14% .45% (t* .44% 44% Lard i f I .lulv 10 73 110 72 110.72 10.721 10.67 Si; 1L00 111.02 10 97 10.97 10.92 1 Illbs I I I I I Julv' ' 6 70 9.77 : 9.70 I 6 77 9 70 Sun. I 9 87 | 9 92 9.87 1 9 87 I 9 82 Chicago Stock*. Furnished by J. C. Bache A Co., 224 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone JA 5187-88-89. Armour A Co., 111 . pfd . 75 75% Armour Co., Del. pfd .... 82% 83% Albert Pick . IS}* 18% Bassick Alemlte . 30 30% Carbide . 57 % 57% Edison Com. .12b % 127 Con’t Motors . 6% 6% CuAtffiy . 56 68 l)aPt»*l Boone j*. 24% 24% Diamond Match .116% 117 1 >ekre, pfd. .. 62 63 * Eddy Paper . 10 16 Libby . 4 % 6 National Leather . 2% 6 Quaker Oats .260 240% Reo Motors . 15 15% Swift &■ Co.100% JOj Swift Inti . 20 20% Thompson . 46% 47% ■Wahl . 34% 35 Wrigley . 38 3 8% Yellow Mfg. Co. 49 49% Yellow Cab . 45% 45% New York Goncrml. New York. Juno 24—Rye—Steady; No 2 western. S7c. f o. b , New York, and 85c. c. 1. f . export Wheat—Spot, firm; No. 1 dark north ern spring, c !. f., New York, lake and rail, $1.63; No. 2 hard winter, f o. b., lake and rail, $1.30%; No 1 Manitoba, do. $1.31. and No. 2 mixed durum. $1 22% Corn—Spot, strong; No. 2 yellow, c. 1 f, track. New York, domestic, all by ’•ail, $1.11%; No 2 white, do, 1.12%, and No 2 mixed, do, $1 10% Oats—Spot, isteady; No. 2 white, 60% & 61c. Lard—- Firm; mlddlewest, $11.20011 80 Tallow-—Firm; special loose, 6% 07c; extra. 7%c. Flour—Steady; spring patents. $4.85© 7.40-; soft winter straights, $5.2506.60, hard winter straights $6.2506.65. Rye Flour—Quiet; fair to good, $4,760 6 00, choice to fancy, $5.0505.26. Cornmeal—Firm, fine while and yellow ' granulated, $2.500 2.60. Barley—Steady; malting. 90095c, c. 1 f, New York Feed—Steady; city bran, 100-pound sacks. $28.50, western bran, do. $28.0U ©28 50. Hav—Steady; No. 1. $30.00031 00; No 2, $?*.000 29.00; No 3. $23 00026 00, shipping. $19 00020.00 Hops 8teady, state, 192$, 50064c, 1922. 23027c, Pacific coast, 1923, 83© 37c; 1922, 230 28c. Pork—Quiet; mess, $26.00 027.00; fam Uy, $27.00 © 28.00. Lard—Steady; mlddlewest, $11 100 1120 Tallow—Steady; special loose. 6%© 67*« , extrs, 7<. Rice—Firm; fancy head. 7% 06c. Dry Goods New York, June 24.—Cotton goods were again quiet today, a very limited business being done in grain cloths and finished v jods showing little change in the staples Wash fabrics sold a little more freely Ready-to-wear traders reported a moder ate hand-to-inouth business. Haw silk was unchanged here with sales of fair volume abroad. Burlapa steady with the demand light. Jobbers are doing a very light business New York Produce. New York. June 24.—Butter—Steady, receipt*, 22,670 tubs, oreamery, 41 %© 4 3 % a. Eggs—Firm: fresh gathered extra firsts, regular packed, 29029 %c. New York Poultry New York June 24 .—Poultry— Live, steady: no freight quotations Broilers, by express. 260 43c. fowls, by expreee, 200 i 264 Poultry—Dressed. week; prlres un changed. New York Metals. New York. June 24—Copper - Easy; electrolytic, spot and nearby, Iz%0l2%c, futures, 12 % c. Lead— Steady; spot, 7 00c. Zinc—fitesdy; East fit. Louis spot and futures, 5 76c New Yo^c Cotton Futures. New York. June 24.—Cotton—Futures opened steady; July. 28 20c; October,; 26.10c; December, 24 63c; January. 24 21c, March, 24.45r. Chicago Produce. phlcsgo. June 24. Butter— Lower; creamery extras, 39%c. Eggs—Lower, firsts, 26%026%e. New \ ork Silver New York. June I—Bar Silver 66c; Mexican dollars. 60%'. Now York Cull Money, New York. June —Call Money H eady: high 2 tier crfnt; low. 2 per cent; ruling rate. J per cent, closing bid. 2 per c»ni. offered at 2% per cent; last loan, 2 p*-r rent. Time Loans—Esslsr; mixed collateral. 6" - 90 days. 1 per cent, 4-6 months. >0 «% per cent * I'rfine Commercial Paper—$% 08% psr cent. • > f-—-X Omaha Grain V j Omlh*. June 24 Cash wheat was In good demand h prices generally lc higher. Light receipt! and firmer future market, after a weal atart. strengthened the cash market am tables were well cleared of samples. Re ceipts were 12 cars corn was in excellent demand at pricei ranging from 1 Hr to 2c higher. Receipt! of corn were 7 cars Oats were in gooc demand at unchanged prices. Receipts o oata were 7 cars Rye and bailey nominally strong. Omaha Carlnt Sales. WHEAT. No. 1 hard: 1 car. $1 09. No. 2 hard: 1 car, $1.10; 4 cara, $1.08 2 cara. $l.08H No. 3 hard: 2 cars, $1.09; 1 rar, $1.09 No. 4 hard: 1 car. $1.08; 1 car, $1.06 1 car, $1.03. No. 5 hard: 1 car (musty). $1.00. No. 5 spring: 1 car. $1 02. No. 6 durum, 1 car, $1.01. No. 4 mixed; 1 car (durum), 98c. CORN. No. .9 white: 1 car, 90c. No. 2 yellow: 2 cars, 91c. No. 3 yellow: 2 cars. 90c. Sample yellow’. 1 car (heating), 72c; 1 rar, 78c. No. 2 mixed: 3 cars, 89c; \ car, 88c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. 89c; 1 car, 88c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car (aour), 83c. OATS. No. 3 white: 6 cars, 49c. Sample: l car. 47c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 48Ho. RYE. No. 2: 1 car, 69He. Dally Inspection of Grain Received. WHEAT, Hard: 1 car No. 1 18 cars No 2, 17 oars No 3. 5 cara No. 4. 3 cara No. 5, 3 cars sample. Mixed: 1 -car No. 2, 1 car No. 4. S cars, No. 6. Spring: 1 car No. 2. 1 car No. 5. Durum: 1 car No. 6. Total 64 cara. CORN. Yellow: 6 cars No 2, 16 cars No. 3. 7 car* No. 4. 3 cars No. 6, 2 cars No 6. 2 cars sample. White. 2 cars No. 2, 2 cars No. 8, 2 cars No 4. 1 car No. 6. 1 car sample. Mixed: 7 cara No. 2, 4 cars No. 3, 1 car No. 6. 3 cars No. 6. 2 cars sample. Total 62 cars. OATS. White: 24 cars No. 3, 5 cars No. 4, 3 cars cample. Total 32 cara. Barley—2 cars sample Total 2 cara. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlots.) Week Year Receipts— Today. Ago. Ago. Wheat . 12 15 9 Corn . 7 43 84 Dats . 7 2 8 Rye . 1 Barley . . . 1 Shipments— Wheat . 29 18 27 Dorn . 36 46 12 Dats . 16 34 11 Rye . 1 1 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS (Bushels. > Receipts— Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago| Wheat . 669.000 620.000 813,000 "orn . 508.000 823.000 430,000 Dats . 472.000 767,000 474,000 Shipments— Wheat . 717.000 620.000 366,000 "orn . 406,000 700.000 339,000 Dats . 481.000 647,000 609.000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Bushels— Today. Year Ago Wheat and flour. 32.000 419.000 Dorn . 36.000 Data . 110,000 WORLD’S TOTAL Bushels— Today Wk. Ago. *Tr. Ago. Wheat . .159.941,000 166.132.000 124,228,000 "orn ... 11.490,000 12.234.000 4.312,000 Data . 27.469,000 27.772.000 18.519.000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week. Year Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago Wheat . 66 14 20 Dorn . 94 ? 13 ' 147 Dats . 66 177 69 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Week. Year Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago Wheat .. . 76 39 l6o Dorn . 27 31 33 Data . 2 10 3a ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Week. Year Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago Wheat .46 49 61 ['orn . 6 5 49 62 Oats . 38 44 30 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Week. Year Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago Minneapolis . 60 17 132 Duluth . 123 167 14l Winnipeg . 1260 1083 853 Chicago Cash Grain Chicago. June 24.—Wheat—No. 2 hard. $1.14 H Corn—No. 2 white. 51H®62c. Rve—No. 2. 76 *«*c. Lard—$10.72. Kansas City Cash Grain. Kansas City. Mo . June 24.—Wheat— Nc>. J hard. $1.0711126. Corn—No. 3 white. 91®96c. Hay—Unchanged. Minneapolis Cash Grain Minneapolis. Minn . June 24. — Wheat— Cash No 1 northern. $1 22*4 1*1 27H De cember. $1.22 Flodr—Unchanged Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. For the 24 hours ending it 8 a. m Tuea day: Station. H L. Pre. Ashland, cloudy. .... 82 44 0 16 Auburn, cloudy 87 64 n 09 Broken Bow, clear...8! 67 0 09 Columbus, part cloudy.89 46 0 55 Culbertson, clear . .. 90 62 0 0(» Fairbury, part cloudy.90 46 0 00 Fairmont, part cloudy.84 64 0.00 Grand Island, part cloudy ...95 62 0.00 Hartington, cloudy . 79 60 0.88 Hastings, cloudy . *4 62 0 00 Holdrege, clear . 96 63 0.00 Lincoln, cloudy ... .82 65 n «» North Loup, part cloudy.85 63 0 63 North Platte, clear . 82 60 0 00 Omaha, part cloudy.83 9,2 0 22 Red Cloud, part cloudy. .97 65 0 00 Tekamah. cloudy . 79 62 0 H6 —-f' — ‘ St. I»iils (.ruin Futures St. Louis, .Funs 24 - Wheat—Close July $113 September. $114*41*114%. • orn—July. 91 He, September. 88Hc Oats—July 4 8 *4 < Chicago ( ash Grain , (’hl^sgo, June 24.—Wheat—No 2 hard. $1.14*4 Cnrn—No 2 mixed. #1 H(I92Hc Oats—No 2 white. 5lHff52c. Rye—No 2. 76%e. Lard—$ 1 0 72. | N. Y. Curb Bonds | New York. June 24—Following It the official Hat of tran*a< tton* on the New York Curb exchange, giving all bond* traded In Domestic Bonds High T.ow Close 11 Allied Packer 6s 63*, 63*4 63% 19 Allied Packer Hr.. 76 76% 76 1 Aluminum 7s, 1925.103 in* mi 11 Aluminum 7s. 1933.106% jor,% 1 or,% 18 Am fias A Klee 6s 96 % 96 96 * Am Roll Mills «s . 1 Of# 100 100 1 Am Sum Tob 7%* 84 84 64 4 An Am 011 7%*.. 102*; 102% 102'* 3 As 81m Hdwe 6*4* 79% 78% 70 % 1 Heaver RBoard 8s 71% 717* 71% 6 Beth St 7*. 1935. 103% 103 103 M C R I A p 6*4* .100*4 100% 100% 19 Cities Rerv 7s 'TV . 92% 92% 9?% 9 Cities Rerv In "C* 94 93% 93% Con Has Halt 6s , 105 10R 105 14 Con fla* Halt «% .108*4 J08 108 % 2 Con Pap A Hob 6 % 92 92 92 6 Deere A Co 7%» .103% 103 103 12 Dunlap Tl-e A U 7s 02 92% 93 13 Dun TJght 6*4* .10?% Hi? % 102 : F*d Sugar 6*. 193 3 99 99 99 11 flair, Robert 7*.. .. 96% 96% 96% 1 Con Pet 6* .. 97% 97% 97*% 1 f Irand Trk 6%s. 107% 107% 107% l Hood Rubber 7s .101% 101*; 101 i, -* Inter Mtch 6*4* 94% 94% 94% ' Ken Copper 7s .. 106% 105% 105% 6 I«*hlgh Val H 6* 100 100 inn - I.A McN A L 7* 96% 96% 96% Morris A Co 76* 96 *1 96 96 % 4 Nat leather 8* 96% 96% 96% 1 N o Pub HRs 86*4 86 *4 86*4 4 N 8 Pow 6 % * 97 *4 97 97 4 Ohio Po 6* "B" 8f 88% 89 41 Pen P A T,t 6* 92% 92% 92*1 1 Phil PI 5 % * '63 .102 % 102% 102% 1 Phil K 5%s ’47 102 % 102% 102% 1 P 8 C of N .1 7*. 107% 107% 107 * J 10 Pure fill 6%* 95% 9f,% 06% 1 Rhawsheen 7* 104 ' 104 104 26 80 Cal Rd 6s 93% 92% 92% 2 8 O N V 7* *26 101% 101% 107% 3 8 0 N Y 7s. *31 107% 107 8* 1 07% 2 St f) S Y 6%s . 100% 108% in*% 16 Swift A Co 6s . . 02% 92% 92% 27 I' R T, A P 6 % a . . 97% 97% 07% 1 t'nlted f> P 8s f,l 61 R| 1 Vacuum 011 7* . 107% 107% 107% 1 Webster M 6%* 102% 102% 102% Foreign Itnnds 1 King Net her* Is 6* 928; 92% 02% 5 R. 6 %* rtf* N r 12% 12 % 12' 4 Rep Peru 8s 99% 90% 99% 16 Sol vs y A Co 6s 100% jnn% ion*; 32 Swiss 6 *4 *.100 09% 99% 7 Swiss 5s . 100*4 100 100 • • • • Chicago flutter Chicago. .Tuns 24 - Following a decline of *4 to *tc on all scores, the butter market today appeared steady, with trad Ing quiet. Dealers were free sellers on the medium and lower score* Buyer* were operating conservatively, and were not anticipating their future require ment* to any extent The centralized car market wa* sfendv. with trading quiet. Offering* were liberal, but buyers were showing little Interest Fresh butter. 92 score, :«9%c 01 a-nr# 30c J 00 score 30c; 89 M. ore, 37 %r 8*1 score, 3 6 % r ; 87 S' or**. 3«« Centralized cat lots 00 score 30%c; 80 score 37 V. 88 score. 37r. Host on 33 mil Boston June 24 The wool market Is quiet In both domestic and foreign lines Rome territory wool Is moving regular Iv but the amount la small Fleers wools are being picked up at a somewhat lower figure In the went Home decline* hn\s moved cp the local market at r orient price* Th* element of uncertainty i« gsrding Ui* future la aUll a big fAdor. r ' ' —\ Omaha Livestock V/ Receipts were— Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday .. 6.093 13.61 1 12.438 Estimate Tuesday .. 4.600 12.600 10,000 2 davs this Wk. ...10.683 26.011 22.438 Same last wk. 20.848 29.561 28.463 Same 2 wks ago .16.074 26.246 14.869 ; Same 3 wks. ago.16.444 25.467 18.632 Same yr. ago. 16.890 21.646 13.665 Receipts and disposition of livestock at the Union stockyards, Omaha. Neb , for 24 hours ending at 3 p. m. June 24. 1924 RECEIPTS—C A RLOT. Railroad. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Missouri Pacific. 53 ... ... Union Pacific. 39 61 31 C. A N. W., east. 3 5 C. A N. W. west. 47 66 ... C. St. P . M. A C.. 29 8 C, B. A Q.. east. 13 6 4 U, B. A Q.. west. 31 27 1 C, R. T. A P., east. 8 2 ... C . R. I A P., west. 4 3 Illinois Central. 1 1 Chi**ag-Great Western. 2 ... Total receipts. 181 174 37 DISPOSITION—HEAD. Ovttlo. flogs Sheep. Armour A Co. 190 2,615 1,882 Cudahv Packing Co.... 1,230 2.937 2,416 Dohl Packing Co. 470 1.622 .... Morris Parking Co. 332 1,342 982 Swift A Co. 9"1 2.244 1,620 Hoffman Bros . 26 . Mayerowich A Vail... 20 . Mldwast Parking Co... 5 . Omaha Parking Co. 20 219 .... Murphy, J. W. 718 .... Lincoln Packing Co.... 28 Naglo Packing Co. 133 . Sinclair Packing Co.... 53 . Wilson Packing Co. 114 . Anderson A Son. 67 . Bulla. J H. 1 . Dennis A Francis. 49 . Harvey, John . 454 . Inghrani. T. J. 1 . Kirkpatrick Bros. 88 . Longman Bros. 1 Luberger, Henry S. 106 .... .... Mo.-Kan. C. A C. Co. . 15 . Nebraska Cattle Co.... 8 . Root. J. B. A Co. 11 . Rosenstock , Bros. 16 . Sargent A Finnegan.,. 2 .... .... Smiley Bros. 16 . Sullivan Bros. . 3 . Van Sant, W. B. A Co. . 16 . Wertheimer A Degan.. 121 . Other buyers. 273 . Kenneth A Murray. 218 .... Lion 11 A Keefer. 10 . Total . 4,850 11,697 9.290 Cattle—Receipts. 4.500 heart. Another moderate run of rattle today served to check the downward trend of the mar ket and prices were generally about steady with Monday. In some oases pos sibly a shade stronger, fleet weighty cat tle here brought $10.15. The market for rows and heifers was also about steady with choice shipping grades possibly a shade firmer than Monday. Stockers and feeders were in very limited supply. In different demand and alow sale at steady to lower figures. Quotations on Cattle—Choice to prime beeves. $9.40010.00; good to choice beeves $3.6509.26: fair to good beeves. $8.0008.60; common to fair beeves. $7.26 'if8.00: choice to prime yearlings. $8.60® 0 50: good to choice vearllngs, $7 60 ® 8.50: fair to good yearlings. $7 0007.50; common to fair yearlings. $6.0007.00; good to choice fed heifers. $7.0008.00; fair to good fed heifers. $6.26 0 7.00; com mon to fair fed heifers. $5.000 6.26; choice to prime fed cows. $6.7508 00; good to choice fed cows. $5.6006.50; fair to good fed cows. $3.7605.25; common to fair fed cows. $1.6003.76: good to choice feeders. $7.0007.75 fair to good feeders. *6 0007.00 common to fair feed ers. $5 000 6.00; good to choice stoekers. $6.6007.50. fair to gr^f stoekers. $5,600 6 50: common to fair stoekers. $4 500 5 50 trashy stoekers. $3.500 4 50: stock heifers $3.5005.50; stock cows. $3.00® 4 00; stock calves. $6.5007.60; veal calves. 14 0009.50; bulls, stags. etc, $4 25 ® 7.Q0. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr No. Av Pr. 22. 769 $ 7 25 27 . 319 $ 7 40 44. 969 7 50 25.1105 9 00 19 .1280 9 15 1 5.1084 9 25 25 . 756 7 85 19.. 909 8 00 5 . *96 n 16 $3 . 1042 9 60 26 . 1070 8 26 28 . 905 8 35 16.1089 8 50 62 . 1045 * 65 13 . 1060 8 70 81 . 1324 10 15 14 . 1305 8 75 8TEBRS AND HEIFERS 10 . 790 8 25 14 852 8 25 1 4 . 632 7 00 9 702 7 50 1*. 803 7 90 23 8*9 8 86 21 . 807 8 00 COW* 4.1016 8 25 2 960 5 70 4 .*87 4 *0 2 . 1075 6 60 4 .1016 5 25 2 1176 7 25 6 . ! 1 f 1 7 15 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 41 . 437 2 76 6 . 61 2 6 25 11 . 625 6 50 25. 868 7 85 BULLS 1.1400 4 25 1. 130 4 $0 1.1170 « 76 , CALVES. 1 . 70 6 00 1 ISO 7 60 1 . 200 8 60 1 200 9 00 Hpga— Receipts. 12.500 head. Weaker trends elsewhere tended to make local trade a trifle druggy on the initial rounds this morning Shipper demand was fair for a fpw of the best butcher hogs at price* looking around 5c lower than Mon day, The pucker market was a alow af fair early with bids around a olme lower, but nuyers met with little success up to a late hour Bulk of the aales was at $6.25® * 70 with top $«75. No. Av. Sh Pr. No Av. Sh. Pr. 34 . .206 ... 6 60 62. . .215 40 .... 35. . .270 ... 6 46 66. . .238 . 31 . . .290 6 70 33. . .188 200 6 35 i>9 . .240 40 6 50 Sheep—Receipts. 10.000 head Senti ment waa again Just a trifle bearish In the local barns with packers making an effort to lower their mats further, while selling Interests were unwilling to concede a rut and trade dragged on the early rounds Aged sheep wtr# not far from steady with offerings limited Quotations on sheep and lambs Spring lambs, good to choice. $18.76014.00; spring lambs fair to good. $11,00 0 IS.60, feeding lambs $11.00011 50. wether*, clipped 97.5008.26. ■ * arllnge clipped, $11000 12 25 ewe* clipped $3 0005.15 SPRING LA MRS. No Av. Pr 68 natives .. 64 $1.3 4«> *7 natives 42 13 40 Mmi c it* Llfirtwl Rloux City. Is June 24.—Cattle- Re ceipts, 3.001 he«d market slow, killers. 6c lower, Stocker* wreak, fat *teers and yearling* $7 000 10 60; bulk. $7 5009 25; i fat rows and hofers 15 00®* 6ft; canners nnd ruttera $2.0002.60; grata row* 13 60 0 4 60 jem Is. $6 00011 00; bulls. $4 26 0 6 25: feeders $6 0007 80. storkers. $5 00 ®7 50 ytnek yearling* snd calves. |4 50® 7 50. feeding cows snd heifers. 12 00 ® 6.00. Huge—Receipts 1 1.000 head market, sfendv 6r lower; *op lf 70. bulk of sale* $4.0004 45. lights $4.2608.55; butfhers. $8.5008.70* mixed $6 1008.60 heavy packers, $6 8606 00; s'ags. $5 00; pigs. $5 2 5 Sheep—Receipt* 200 head market steady spring lamb*. 113 60 clipped ewes $5 26. Fust M. lentil* Livestock. East St Louis. June 2« Cattle—Re celpts, 5.000 head; native beef steer* and Texas steers and yearling* and heifers. 150 26c lower, beef rows and bulla, T5« lower; canners. steady; light vealera. 19 Ofl ... . ...... Texans. $6 no® & 50; yearling* snd heif er*. $9 0008 60; row*, $4 0006 00; can ners. $1.7602 25; bulls $ 4 00 0 4 50 lings- Receipts. 21 ooo head; market. 15c lower, choice heavies $7 05 few car* bulk good and choice 210 to 240 pound* $7, good desirable 160 to 190 pound kinds $6 2606 95; 120 to 130-pound pigs. $4 0006 15; packer sows. $6 0004 10 Sheep snd Lamb* Re> elpta. 3.000 head; lambs. 2&c lower sheen, steady; top lamb* $13, bulk. $12 60012 76 Chicago Livestock. Chicago June 24 —Hog* Receipts. 1? OOO head, mostly 1 Or lower than Mon day's average weighty butcher*. 5 f«» 10c off; bulk good and choice 2£<* to 360 pound but ber««. $7.0007 10; top $7 16 rattle—Receipts, head: most kill Ing classes very alow at Monday’s <•» frame decline or 35 to 40c under Inst week's fed steers nnd yearling* $7,6001.50, she stock, dull, hull* weak steady; bulk. $9 00 downward; bulk storker* and feeders. $6 6008 00 Rheep—Receipts 18 00ft head cull 1/imbs and sheep stead v, hulk fat na tive lambs. $13 50013.76; good bandy weight fat ewe* $5 26 Knnaas Tit? Livestock. Kansas City, Mo . June 24 fat tie Receipt* 8.500 head; calves, 2.000 head, market, beef steer* and vearllngs dull ateadv to weak, top matured steers, $10 00, bulk fed steer*. $7 7609 60. href rows moatlv, $15006 60; stoekers a ml feeder*, around steady bulk $5 5007 on. Hogs—Receipts. If. non head; market, uneven opened. 6®J0r lower. closing steady to fip lower. tn|> $6 85. bulk. $t>60 in $6 80 Rheep Receipt*, 4.000 hesd msrket lambs mostly f»0r lower Idaho*. $1.1 75. top native* $13.2$ better grade mostly. $12 500 JS 00 81 .loscplt Live* fork. R» Joseph. Mo. June 2 Hogs Re celpts. 8,600 head; markst. 5r to 10c lower: top. $6 85. bulk. $6.60®f 75 Cattle—Receipts. 1,900 bead market generally steady, bulk steer* $7 40 ® 9 25; top. $$35. cows nnd heifer* $160® 9.00 Sheep—Receipts, 3.600 head: market 2r.0f.Oc lower. lamb*. $12 60011.76. clipped ewe*. $4 2606 00 ( nffee Futures. V*w York. June 24 The market for • ■offee futures opened at n decline of 5 to 14 point s todnv under further realising and a little selling on reports of s less coed spot kmulry snd rather nn easier tone In July »olrt off to 1.1 HOr rind December to 12 7$; but later rallied to 11.90c snd 12 86c op covering The close tt'ns PM unchanged to 7 points lower Naim iv* re estimated at 44 000, Closing ountnlfon* July, M 9$c. Rept.'mber. IS 27, October, 11.18c December, II * ’r. March. 12 67c Mev 1 2 36c Rpot r offee steady; Rio 7s. 16c; Rants* 4", 13 ff 11 ifc r New York Coffin*. Nsw fn-ii June 74 Tha general ten market rinsed steady at net udvgncss of lo to 21 jfeinta. Tobacco Products Stock Drops Under Persistent Sale Schulte Stores Also Declines; Favorites Fairly Strong, Majority Recovering From Previous Day. Hi ItICtlAKI) SPILLANE t’nl versa I Service Financial Kditor. New York. June 24.—In the afternoor sossion of the stock exchange today ther# was persistent selling of Tobacco Prod ucts and Schulte Stores. Under this liqui dation Products declined from 62% to til1* and Schulte from 114% to 112. Within 12 days Schulte had been rmn up about 10 points. Aside from the Schulte-Tobacco Prod utp affair, the market was pleasant for a bull. The favorites were reasonably strong and most of them recovered nearly all of the loss of the day before. Chesa [ peake & Ohio was in demand all day and again made a new high, this time going to 82%. and closing at that figure. Nickel Plate likewise advanced, this time to 81. and closing at 89%. At the same time Erie went to 29%. the highest In many years. Along with C. & O. and Erl® most of the rails were strong today. The mall order shares were In high demand. Bethlehem Steel was conspicuous bv Its weakness A f‘*nture of the bond market was the strength of Erie bonds. This gives color to the report of the Van Sweringen con trol. “rensactlons for the day amounted to 632.000 shares. Ralls advanced on an average nearly one-third of a point, and Industrials nearly one-half point. Sterling ami French francs were slight ly lower and llres slightly higher. Cotton vias active and moderately high er. The advance was technical, all the news being bearish. At the close prices were up from 10 to 21 points. The grain markets also were active. Wheat advanced %c a bushel and corn from lc to l%c a bushel. Coffee was rather dull and closed from uftohanjc®4 to 7 points down. Sugar was featureless and from 1 down to 4 up at the close. Copper Is stiffening. New York Quotations i __> New York stock exchange quotations furnmhed by J. S. Baohe & Co., 224 Oma ha National Bank building. Mon. High. Low. Close. Clone Agri Chem . • * .. <[ V* Ajax Rubber . 6 6% 6% 6 Allied Chemical ... 72% 71% Allis-Chem . 48 47 % 4b 4b Amur Beet bug .... .. 39 Am Brk Shoe . .. 80% uu% Ain tan .107% 106 107% lot* Am Car Fdry . 160 Am Hid* At L . . . . • • * 9 Am H tde & L pfd 66% oo% 6b 66 Am ini Corp ... 21% 21 21 21 Am Linseed . .. • ■ l‘% Am Loco . •• 7 2 72% Am Ship Si Com.. .. ■ • • 11% Am Smell . 64% h3% 64% *>3'% Am Smelt pfd . .100% luu% 100% 100 Am Steel FUrs ..34% 34-* 34% 34% Am Sugar . 43% 42% 42% Am Sumatra. 6% »% Am TAT Rites ... 3A 3% 1% Am TAT .121% 121% 121% 121% Am Tobacco . H < Am W W A LI .. 13% 82% 81 82% Am Woo Is n . 71 69% 7 0% <0 Anaconda . 29% 26% 26% 29 Anso Dry Goods .... .. 91% 91 Amo Oil . •• 2s% Atchison .103% 103% lu3% I03 % At Coast Lin* ...120% 120 120 120* At G A W 1. 17 17% Atlas Tack . • • * At Kef Co . 87% 8a % 66 k-% AUSt.lOwM' hois ... 22 20 % 22 30** Auto TCnitter .... .. , * % Baldwin .111% 110% 111% 110-4 Balt <v Ohio . :>b% *6% i/6% “*> % Beth St . 4b % 46 4a % 4b % Bosch Magneto ... . ■ • If* Lrklo-Manhat Ky. 21% 19% 21% 19% Bkln-Man pfd .... t>7 6b * b7 tb% Cal Tacking. 82% 62% 62% i at Petroleum . 21 a i .tl At AlilX MID. • • • • . 4f Can Pacilic .147% 146% 14. 146 Central Leather. .. 13 12 i-% 12 ■* Central Lea'.h pfd. 44% 42% 44% 42'* Cerro d* 1'asco. 4o-* 4-* Chandler Motors.. 46% 44% 4- 46% Ches At Ohio • %*• % »V% »2% *0% Chi Gt West 6 % 5% 6% 6% Chicago At N W... 64% 6 4% 64% 64% C M & St P ..14 13% 1ft % C M At Ht I’ pfd. . 22 22 % 22% 22% C R 1 A F. 23% 2 8* C 8t P >1 A O. . 3* Chile Copper .... 28% 27% 28 2ft Cnlno . 17% lc% 1»% l»% ciueti Peabody . »4 Ciueu Peab pfd. 1*1% Coca Cola .. 73 72% 71 *3% Colo Fuel At 1 47% 48 46% 4-% Columbian Carb. 43% Columbia Gas •• .89 28% 38% 38% Congoleum . 40 % 39% 40% 33 * Consol Cigars ...... . • •. • 18 Contint Can . b) % 50 * 61% o0% Contint Motors ... b% t> * 6* 6% turn Products . .. 14 % 33% .>4 4 34 Cosden . 2b * 26 24% 2ft Crucible . 61% -0% 60% al C C Sugar. . .. 13 1 2 % 1 2 % 1 - % C C Sug^r pfd .67% 67% 6 7% 67 Cubs.Am Sugar. .29% 29% Coyamel Fruit .. 6c % 6'2% 63% 66 * Daniel Boone 2 4% 24 24 % 24% Davidson Chem... 48% 4t% 47% 47 1 >el At Hudson.llft% 117 Dom* Mining . 17% Dupont I>e Nem 119% 119% 119% 118% Kastman Kodak 107% 1^7% 108 Erl*.29% 28% 29% 21% Klee Storage Hat. 66 64% Famous players ..75% 74% 75% 74% Fifth Av Bus Lin* 12 11% 11% 11% Fisk Rubbei 6% Flelschmans Yeast 62% 61% 62% *2 « Freeport Tex . ft % Gen Asphalt . 40% 4u 4 % 40% Gen Klectno .232% 2-9% 2:n % 2 * Gen Motors . 1:« 12% 13 13 Gold Dust .. 3- % 34 * 24 % 36% Goodrich . .. 18 Gt No Or# . 37% 37 27 27% Gt N <f Ry pfd... bl% »■,.% f,| «••% Gulf States Steel.. 46 66 % h7% 67% Hartmann Trunk 34 35 % Ha yea Wheel ....34 33 % 22% 34 Hudson Motors 23 22 % 22% 23 Hornestake Min Co .. 42% Houston Mil . 66% (8 61 6 7% ilupp Motors . 13 111 central _105% 104 10(% 106% 111 Central pfd_-107% 107 107% 107% Inspiration ... 23 23 % Int F; C Corp. . 12% 22% .2% 22% Int Harvester. 86% ftb% Int T 46 T . 76% 7» 7ft 7ft % Int MM 8% «% Int M M pfd . 84% 24% Int Nickel ... 14% 14% 14% 4 » Int Paper . ... 4 7% 45% 46% 4b % Invincible Oil _ 12 12 Jones Tea . 20 19% 19% ;0 Jordan Motor . 26 24 % K C Southern .... 19% 19% 19% 16 * Kelley-Spring ... 11 10% 11 1"% Kennecolt . 39% 39% 39% ’* % Keystone Tlr* . 1% 1% !*«•» Rubber . 8% *% Lehigh \ alley - 43% 41 43 43 Lima Loro . 68% 60 Loose-Wiles . 89% ft7% 69 61 Lou At Nash ....... 93% Mack Truck . 63% May Dept Store ..ft* 87% R9 8ft Maxwell Motor A 10 49% 49% 49% Maxwell Motor H 12% 1J % 12% 18 Marland . 30% 3- % 3<*% .iu% M ex Seaboard 20 19% 19% 20 Miami Copper . 20% Mid states Oil. .. 2 1% 1% 2 Mid Steel . 26% M K A T. U% 12% 11% I2> Mo Pao . 16 15% 14 16% Mo Par pfd . 47% 4 * 47% 4b-* Mont War,1 . . 21 % .'6% 27% 2* « M of h*r Lod*. 6 % Nash Motors. 1"4 103 % Nat Hie, utt . 63% 6.1 * Nat Enamel . 22 21 % 21% Nat Lead ... 142 >4 141% 141 % 1« \ v ah Brake. . , 12% 82% N Y Central .104% l«r% i«i4% 1"4 N Y C A St 1. 90% 89% 89% 8 9 N Y N H St 11 . . . . 2 % l% 22% JI % Nor Arner . 2b % 2 6% 26% 2*- % North Par . 66% 6:, % 58 56% N A W R f .11 9 % 118 1 1 9 % 1 1 8 % C»rph*uin . 1 * % 18% ‘‘wens Bottel.. 42 42 Pacific Oil ... 47% 47 % 4. % 47 % Pa-kard Motor.. 10% 10 % io%- i<»% Pan American .61% 61 51% bl Pan Am H. f>u% 49% 4'*% 60 Penn R. It . 44% 44% 44% 44% People's Gas . 97% 9.'* Per* Marquett*.. 61% 61 61 61% Phil Co.48% 4,% 4*% 4,* Phillip* Petroleum 34 33% 33% 14 Pierre Arrow. 9 8 * 9 Dostum Cereal .61% 51% 61% f I % Pte**e<l Steel Car. 47% Prod Si Refiner* *36% 26 26% 5 % Pullman 13; 12 2% 122% 1*2% Puma A legs# 8., 60% 50 10% .0% fur. Oil. !01* 2i>H 21 It) St*n| Spring 111 Ray Consolidated. l‘>% lo% 10% lo% Reading . 56% 65% 56% 66% Reading Rite* .. 22% 22% 22% 22% Replug In .... . 7 % Ren Iron * Steel. 45% 44% 4!. % 44% Ituyal Dutch. N Y 47% 47<* 47% 47% Royal Dutch Rite*. t% 6% *% 6 Ht. L. A H F. .. *3% 21% 21% 23% Ht Lntlls A H W 41% 40% 4‘»% 40% H, hull* C|g Store* 114% 112 112 lib Sent* Roebuck . .. 90% 87 89% 87 Shell Union Oil... 17% 17% 17% 17% Mirmnona Co. 33% Sinc lair Oil. 1*% 1ft % 18% 18% Sloe* Sheffield ... .88% Hkelly ‘Ml. 19% 19 It 19% He Paelflr . 92% »l% 9 2 9 % Hu Railway. 61% 80% 81% 60 % Hid ‘Ml Of Cal . . 6b % 56% 56% 67 Std. of N J.34% .14% 3 4% 34% Stewart-Warner . f.ft% 66 fth Hitumberg Carb bo% StUdelNiker ... *3% 23% 33% 33 tSubmarln* Boat *% 8% Texas Co . 39 3 8% 18% 36% Texas A Periflr 3«'% 29% '»% ?'•% Timken Roller 33% 34 Tolmrrn Product* 62% 61% 1.1 % 61% I Tobacco Prod A 89% s'* a•* 89% 'Tram on Oil < N 4% 4% 4% Pnlon Pa Iflo . .. 133% 133% 13 1% 133% Polled Fruit ,193% P S Cast Iron r 9;,% 92% 91% 91% 1 f, ln« Alcohol ASM, 70 «9< 0 « K'ibh.i . s 7.14 j., v5 1 > Rubber nfd if, % '4% 76% .4 t • tat* nit oi» •»# oj^ IT S Steel pfd.121% 121 Vi 121% 121% Utah Copper . 49% 49 49% 48% Vanadium . 21% Vivaudou . 6% Wabash . 14% 13% 13% 14% Wabash A . 44% 43% 43% 44% Western Union ...109% 109% 109% 109% Westing Air B.... 93% 93% 93% 93% Westing Elec .... 60% 60 60 60*4 White Eagle Oil. 23% White Motors . 52% f>2% , Woolworth Co .. 101% 100 100% 99% , Willys Overland.. 7% 7% 7% 7% Willya Over pfd.. 6' % Wilson . 6 5 Wilson pfd .. in Worthing Pump ., 2.'i% Wrlgley Co . 38% 38 38 38 % Yellow Mfg Co.... 49% 4*% 49% 49 Yellow Cab Taxi.. 4'.% 44 45 % 4;:% Monday’s total sales. 673.500 shares. Monday’s total bonds. $11,972,000. Total stocks. 669,600 shares. [ New York Bonds V- - v New York, June 24.—Bond prices re sumed their forward movent In today's trading session which was featured by sharp rallies in virtually all of the Erie railroad bonds. Reports that the Van Rwerlngen Inter ests. through stock purchases, had ac quired control of the road and eventually would consolidate It along with the Ches apeake A Ohio into a mammoth "Nickel Plate" system brought a wave of buying orders for the Erie liens The conver tible issues achieved the year's highest levels, with the General and prior lien fours moving up brisky. Scries I) of the convertible fours led the list with a fotir point gain but later reacted slightly on profit taking. Activities of the Erie mortgages over shadowed trading in other railroad bonds Both "Nickel Plate" and Chesapeake A Ohio liens enjoyed large turnovers al though price changes were not pro nounced. A good demand in Missouri Pacific 4s. Illinois Central 4s tnd Norfolk A Western convertible sixes was noted Interest was revived in Chinese rail way 5s which reached the year’s top price at 48%. Other frolgh^bonde were firm, with British and French municipal issue* registering moderate improvement Banks announce that $12.000.not) Mia sourl Pacific 3-year 6 per cent notes were being placed at 99% to yield over 5 37 pet cent. Proceeds will he used to reimburse the company for Improvement expendl tlures Offering also will be made of 14.000.060 Rhubert theater corporation debentures at 99 United State*. Bonds. 'Rales In $1 000) High. I/ow Close 249 Liberty 3%s 101.8 101.6 101 5 149 Liberty 1st 4%a..102.3 102.00 102 on 241 Liberty 2d 4%s..101.5 1013 1013 283 Liberty 3d 4%s .102.2 102 102.2 787 Liberty 4th 4%a. . 102.6 102 2 102 4 180 U S Gov 4 % s ..105.1 104 30 104.SI Foreign. 17 Anton Jurgen 8s... 78% 78% 78% 40 Argentine 7s ......102% 102% 102% 499 Argentine Gov 8a.. 94 93 % 94 16 Austrian Gov 7a .. 92% 92 92% 7 Bordeaux: 8s . 85% 8 5 Rf,% 75 Copenhagen 6%s . . 94 93% 93% 14 Great Prague 7%a. *«% 8R 7 Lyons 8s . . R'% R.'% 85% 10 Marseilles 6s .85% S4% 85% 2 Rio Janeiro 8§ 47. 9'. 91% 94% 20 Czerho Rep 8a .... 97% 97 97 19 T*ept Seine 7s . . 89% 89 «9% 7 Pom '’an 5%* 29.. 102 % 102% 102% 38 Dnm Can 5a 52 . .102% 102 10?% 32 Dtch K Ind 8s 82 94 % 94% 94% 72 Dtch F. Tnd 5%a 53 R8% 87% R7% 1 Fram 7U* ... 91 % 91% 91% 71 French tfep 8s 102% 101% 10) % 97 French Rep 7%a . . 99% 98% 9«% 6 2 Japanese 8 % a ...96% 91 91 18 Japaneae 1st 4%s . 97% 97% 97% 18 Japanese 4s . 7R % 78% 7»% 4 Belgium 8s .10"% 103% 103% 29 Belgium 7 % a ...105% jn.5 105 18 Denmark 8a . 98% 98% 98% 18 Daly 6%a 100% 100% 100% 1 Netherlands ** .... 93% 92% 93% 34 Norway 6fl 42 ; 97% 97% 97% 102 Serbs Croats 8a .. 84% 84% «4% 12 Sweden 6s .104% 104% 104% 1.7 Oriental Dev d 4a.. 84% *4% 84% 16 Paris Ly-Med 6s ..78% 77 % 78 40 H»p Bolivia ** . . 92% 92 92 1 Rep Chile 8- 41.... 106% 106% 1»6% 21 Rep Chile 7 a . 97% 97% 97% 10 Rep Tolom 8 % s 97% 97% 97% 54 Rep Cuba 96% 95% 95% 6 Rep Salvador »s .101% 10) ij 101% 75 Rep Finland 6* 91 90% 91 3 Rep Haiti 6« A 62 90% 90% 90% 11 Queensland 8* _1 r» 1 aZ ]0l% 101% 2 Rio Grande 8# . . . 98% 9« % «8% 6 Swiss Con 8s . .117% 113 111% 6 KG BA T % s 29 1 os % 1 *• * % D* • \ 7 2 K G H A T 6% a 37.107% 1«1 3^ 49 U S Brasil -• . 9R% 98 9t ' 67 U S Bra* CRE 7s. 87% 67% *7% Donee tie 4 Am Ag Chem 7%a 88 aa 86 1 Am Chain sf d 6a 94 94 94 1 Am Cot 011 5a .... sl% 88% I 19 Am Smelt 6a ...106% 105% 1 . 39 Am Smelt fa . 93% 91% 93% 4 An» Sugar 6a . 100 99 % 99% 66 Am TAT 6%s . . .102 D»l% 1 0j % 3 5 Am TAT col tr 6a. 1^0% 100% D-o% 176 Am TAT col 4a 96% 98 % 96% 6 Am WWAE1 f.» 90% 90% 90% 15 Anacnn Cop 7a 38 97 9*" % 96% 28 Anaron Cop 6s 53. 96% 98 96% 16 Armour Del 6%a Rl% *7% *R% 3 Aaso Oil 6a 10n% loo 1-0% $0 A T A S F gen 4s 90% 90 *0 12 A T.A P F ad 4a st 43% *3% »^% 4 At Ref dab 6a. 9«% 98% 9* % 21 Halt A O 6a lo_% 102% 1 *• _• % 40 Ba|t A O cv 4 % • 89% »-% 99% 20 Balt A O gold 4a 66% 86% if % 32 Bell Tel Pa 5s .100% l-o% 3 % • Beth St con 6a A 96% 96 96 2 Beth St 5 % a _ *8% 8 8 *• 20 Brier Hill St *%*.. 96% 94 96 5 Bkln Ed gen 7a D.109% 109% 1 *9 % 241 Bkln -M Tr 6*. 79% 79 7 *% 6 T a I Pet 6%s 9 T % 97% 97% 26 Can North d 6%*.1U% 112% 112% 21 Can Pac d 4a ...80% 80% 80% 9 C C A O 6a. 102 % 102% 3 >%.% 1 Cent Oa 6a ....102% 102% 1 r> v % 6 Tent Leath 5a . . 99% 99 99 1 Cent Pec gtd 4* 8€% 86 \ *>*% 71 <'h«*s A O cv 5a._ '>6% 96% 96% M 4 O cv ♦%» . . )5 94 % 94% 1 Chi A Alton 3 %s .. 3r % 35% 3 , 29 < B A Q rf 5s A 9?% 99% 94 18 Chi A E III 5a ;3 71 72 117 «'hi Gt West 4s 6 % 54% 56% 19 T M A P P c v 4%a. 58 67 % fia • « C M A 8 P rf 4 % a 62 6! % 6 2 : Chi A N W rfg ?» 9f % 04% 96% 14 Thi Rya 6a ..77% 76% 77 1 • H I A P gen 4t 8 2 8 2 * I J 02 r H I A P ref 4s t’% 51% «]% 11 Chtla Copper fa 101% 101 lrtl% 2 1 VC A S t. rf 6a A 10! ]0« % Id 6 Col * 80 rf 4%a . |k% <h% 88% 6 ' 'olum G A El 5a 9«% 99% 99% 24 ( nm Pow «s 9 \ ■*:% 9. % I 8 Ton Coal Md fa 88% 8* % * < % 2 2 Ton I ’• w s 9 % * 9 ’% • ’oh 1 1 • ■ I * • 99 80% 99 • Da 1A Hud ref 4s. . 8* % «•« % “ % 9 • e. it *# M*r t>* 44 % 43 % 4 4 % 2 D A It G con s 71 7 8 78 18 Detroit " Rss 4 % a 91 91 91 11 Dupont de N 7 la D ■ • % ’' % 1 * % 1 Duqueane Lt 6a 105% 10S% i \ 12 E Tube Sug 7 % a 10'% 10: % 1 % 19 Empire O A F 7%a 92 91 % 91 % 4f*4 Erl# gen lien 4a ... 81 6* % ■% 294 Erie pr Hen 4s . 71 47% *9% 2 Flak Rubber la 10o% lon% j, „ % 6 Goodrich «%* .. 96 % 96% 95% 21 Goodyear T 9a $1 13% 1*1% D3% 2 Goodyear T 8a 41.116% 116% ll»% • Od Tryr.k Can 7a.. 112% 112% 11. 4 Gd Trunk Can 61 106% 106% 1 ? % 94 «#t Northern 7* A .109% 109 19% 14 lit North % a B 1>1% 101 101% 9 Herahey Choc »a 12% 102 102% 52HudA Man ref 6aA 84 8!-% *6 4 4 Hud A M adj 1nc 6a *6% *R % g; % 1 Humble <» A R 6%» 99% 99% 99% 5 0 Hi pen Tel ref 5a •»' % 94% 9*% 74 111 Central 4e 61 84 R’% 64 41 111 S?e*>l deb 4%a 9«% 9 4 •»« % 4 Ind Steel 5* . 10J lo:% 1«:% f88C~t~ - ^ 21 Interboro R T 7s.. 87 87 17 3 Interboro R T 6a 65% 65% 65% 33 Int R T M f uaatpd 62% 62% 62% 18 lnt A Ot Nor ftdj 6s 62% 62% 52% 9 Int A Ot Nor 1st 6a 9h% 97% 97% 6 lnt M Marine af 6a 84% 84% 84% 8 lnt Paper « vt 6a A 86% 8U% 86% ,7 KCFtS&M 4a . 80% 80% 80% 1 K CPA I. 5a. 93 % 93% 93% 22 K C Terminal 4h.. 85% 85 86 % !2 Kansas O A E Ga 97% 97% 97% 62 Kelly. Sp Tire 8a... 90 88 % 90 1 Leclede St L 1st Ga 96 96 96 12 L8AM8 deb 4a *31 . 95% 95% 95% 7 Liggett A Myers bn. 98 97% 98 2 L A N 6a B 2003... 103 103 103 2 L A N unified 4s.. 92% #2% 92% 3 Lnuievill'* CAE 6a.. 91 90% 91 1 Magma Copper 7s .109% 109% 109% 2 Manatl Sugar 7%s 98 98 98 6 Mar Oil 5 % a w w.102% 102% 102% 1 Mil KLAL In '61... 87% 87% 87% 7 M A StL ref 4s .163 163 163 8 MKAT pr In 6s C.101% 101 101% GO MKAT n pr In f.a A 86% 85% 86% 111 MKAT new aril 5a A 59% 59% 69% 36 Mo Pacific 1st 6s.. 98% 98% 98% 102 Mo Par gen 4a. 61 60% 61 1 Mont Power 6s A.. 97% 97% 97% ::H N E TAT 1st 5.«... 99% 99% 99% 4 8 N O T A M Inc 5s. 91% 91% 91% 7 NY Cent deb G8...106 106% 106 1 .7 NY Cent rfg imp 5a 99 98% 99 1 N Y (’ A St L Ga A. 101 % 101 % 101 % 8 N Y K re/ '6 % s 111 % 111 % 111 % '8 NYNHAIIF 7s .84 *3% 84 58 NYNIIAH rv 6a '48 73 % 73% 73% 32 N Y T ref 6s ’41 105% 105% 105% 3 4 N Y T gen 4 %s. 96% 96% 96% 27 N Y W A B 4%s 50% 50 50 <0 Nor A W cv 6s .120 119% 120 11 N Am Edi n f 6h. 94% 94% 94% 3 N O T A I. 6a A. 91% 91% 91% 18 Nor Par ref 6s B.105% 105% 105% 12 Nor Par- new £a T> 94% 94% 94% 77 Nor Par pr lien 4s 84% 84% 84% 3 Nor S Pow 6s B.102% 107% 107% 28 North B T 7s_108% 108% 108% 33 Ore A Cali 1st 5a..100% 105% H»5% 2 Ore S Lino ref 4s. 96% 96% 96% 1 Ore-W R R A N 4a 82% 82% 82% 7 Pac O A E Bs . .. 93% 93% 93% 6 Pao T A T 5s ’52 . 93 % 93% 93% 10 Pa R R 6 %s_110% 110% 110% 11 Pa R R gen 5a... 102% 102 1 f*2 7 Pa R It gen 4%s . 93% 93% 93% Pere Mar ref 5s 96% 96% 96% 13 Phlla c0 ref 6a...102% l'*7% 107% 6 Phlla Co 6%s. . 93% 95% 93% 14 PA Read C A I 6s. 99 % 99% 99% 7 Pl»rce Arrow 8s . 78% 78% 78% 6 Prod A R w w .109% 1"9% U'9% 59 Pub Service 5s 94% 94 94 4 Punta A Sug 7s 108 107 % 1«7% 38 Reading gen 4%s . 92% 92% 92% 6 Rernlng Arms sf Ga 95 94 % 95 1 Republic I A S 4%a 89% 89% 89 4 7 R 1 A A L 4%s . . 80% 80% 80% 30 S I- I M A S ref 4s 91% 01% 91% 10 KLJMAS 4a RAC... 83 87% 82% 56 SLA SF pr lien 4s A 50% 50% 50% 63 SI.ASF ad 4 6s.. .. 76% 76% 76% 102 SI.ASF Inc Gs ... 6r,% 65% GG % 5 S L S W con 4s 84% 84% M % 4 St Paul C Dep T>s 100 99 % 99% 2 Seabd Air L c*n 6a 80 79% 80 23 Seabd Air L adj 5s 6* 57% 58 28 Seabd Air T. ref 4s 53% 53% 53% 11 Sinclair Con col 7a 92% 92% 92% 66 Sinclair C Oil 6%s.l66 99% lfto 116 South Pac cv 4s... 96% 96% 9G% 10 South Pac ref 4s 90 89% ‘&% 7 South Pac col tr 4s 8 5 *4% *5 11 South Rv gen 6 %e . 107 106% 106% South Rv gen 6« ..102 101% 1*1% 43 South Ry on 5e . 99% 99% 99% 55 S W Pel Tel rfg 5a 95% 95% 95% 18 St C A E cv 6%s 98% 98% 98% 8 Steel Tube 7» . . )04 1 104 22 Tern Flee ref 6a./ 97% 97% 97% 21 Third Ave adj 5s.. 47% 47% 47% 6 Third Ave ref 4s.. 55% 55% 55% 7 Tblevvafer Oj| 6 % a . 1 03 % 103% 103% 18 Toledo Edison 7a..l0«% 108% 108% 4 T StL A W 4#. 8 3 83% 83% 5 U P ref -8 .104% 1*4% 104% 51 IT P 1st 4s. 92% 92% 92% 152 U P cv 4s.. 98% 98% 98% 11 United Drug *s 113% 113% 113% 11 U S Rubber 7%a .101 ino% j01 15 IT S Rubber 5a_ 80% so% 8 0% 22 U S Step] s f 5a. . L *. 104% U4% 4 Utah P A I. 6a 93% 97% 97% 18 Va-Car Ch 7%a ww 31% 31 31 19 rhem 7s 62% 62 g; 1*6 Virginian Rv 5s 96% 95% 96 13 Wabash 1st 5a ..100 99% loo 1 Warner Sug Ref ?s.l01 U1 U'l 4 Western Md 1st 4s 63% 6?, % 63% 23 West Par 5s . . *«% 88% ««% 26 West Elec 7a ...lo«% 108 1«*% 1 West Shore *• .... 82% 82% 82% 17 Wlck-Sp S' 7s . 69 68 % r e 2 W|] A Co s f 7 % a 4* 47% 4« 26 Wilson A Co 1st. 6s *4% *’% »4% 5 Wilson A Co cv Gs 4f 44% 44% 6 Ygsfn C A T Gs 96% >5% 9r % Total bond". |l4 4S*.oon New York Sugar. N*w Tork »ug*r nuotatlons fumfshsd hv J S Rarh° A Co 224 Omaha Na tlonwl bank building JA 5187-88-89. I Jill Open ’ H'eh > Low I Close I Close July '5 - 0 3 45 3 4 4 ' 3 4 4 ~ 3~4 i~ f 3 41 I I 8tp. ' 3 6 2 ' 7 6 4 % It 1 3 63 *G9 .8 12 3-3 3 51 ' J.fl Is ?2 Mar f 3 to 1 8 32 f 3 79 ' 3 31 ' 3 79 New York Cotton. New Tork Cottor exchange quotations furnished bv .T S Bach* A Co . 224 [>maha National Rank building. Phones Jackson 518T-M-89: 7Z J 7 ' I T ea. > Orsn I Tfjrh I Low i Close 1 C]n«c Julr 12* 20 7* 55 7* ?n fa 30 *§ Hot. 125 16 25 4 6 25 1 3 25 86 25.15 Dec |24 5 3 24 7* 74 49 74 *4 24 53 J%n. 2 4 2 1 : 4 51 2 4 20 74 40 2 4 34 Mar ?4 4 8 74 70 2 4 42 24 55 24 45 Mav 24 4 * 7 4 To 24 4 * 24 58 124 47 Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, June 24 - Produc# ur. ohiUced -IK Diversified Investments We have prepared a special circular show ing the attractive yield of Foreign Dollar Bonds. They will increase the average yield of your invest ment holdings. Ask for circular on Foreign Dollar Bonds The National City Company Omaha—Fir«t National Bank Bid*. Tolophone—3S1S Jaokaon - _r». 1 _...■ ■ 1 1 ii J. S. BACHE & CO. Established 1891 1 ___ fNew York Stock Exchange -- « ' Chicago Board of Trade memDern Ntv York Cotton Exchange land other leading Exchangee. New York: 42 Broadway Chicago! 108 S. LaSalle St, Branches and correspondents located in principal cities Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Foreign Exchange e Bought and Sold for Cash or Carried on Conservative Margin 224 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Omaha Telephone* JA «k*oa SI87 AA "The Bach* Review” sent on application —Correspondence lnvtt*d , ■ ■ - i - . _ _ I - ' ... ——i Omaha Produce I V__' Omaha. June *4.. BUTTER. Creamary—Local Jobbing prices to re tailers Extras. 42c; extras In 40-lb. tubs, 41r; standard. 41c; firsts. 40c Dairy—Buyers are paying lie for best table butter In rolls or tubs; 27©29c for packing stock. For best sweet, unsalted butter. 32c. RUTTEPFAT. For No. 1 cream Omi'ha buyers sre pay Ing Xlc per |b at country stations; 37c delivered Omaha. FRE.SII MILK. 12.00 per cut for fresh milk testing 1.6 delivered on dairy platform Omaha. EGGS. Egg" delivered Oma ha: > Fresh No. 1. $7.20©7.80. generally $7.i»0 case; seconds, per dozen, S0@21c; cracks. 19®21c; Prices abu'o ere for eggs received In new or No. 1 white wood cases; a deduction of 2f>c will be made tor second-hand cases. No. 1 eggs must be good average size. 44 lbs. net. No. 2 eggs, seconds, consists of small slightly dirty, stained or washed ♦•ggs. Irregular shaped, shrunken or weak bo-lied g gs. -4n suimc quarterr a fair premium Is being paid fc r "hennery" eggs, which eggs mutt rot be more than 4s houra old. uniform In size and color (meaning all solid colora—all chalky white or ell brown, and of the tame ahade). The shell must be clean and sound and the eggs weigh 25 ounces per dozen or over. Producers must t freasarily deliver their own eggs to benefit by the latter classi fication. Jobbing prices to retailers: U. S. spe cials. 30c ; U. S extras, commonly known as select*, 28c; No. 1 small, 28c; checks, -'4 c. POULTRY. Prices quotable for No. 1 e’oek, alive: 1924 broilers. 30© 32c; broilers under 2 lbs., 25 0 27c; Leghorn broil .-ra. 22© 27c; hens ovc*r 4 lbs , 20©21c; hens under 4 lbs., 1 9c; Leghorn hens 37c; old roosters, over 4 lbs.. 12; old roosters, under 4 lbs., 8© 10c; capons. 7 lbs. and over. 28c; capons, under 7 lbs . 24©2sc; ducks f f. young. 16c; old ducks, f f f , 3 2c; geese, f. 1. f.. 12c; pigeons. $1.00 per dozen. Under grade poultry paid for at market value. Hick or erlpplied poultry not wont ed and will not be paid for. Jobbing prices of dressed poultry (to retailers): Springs, eoft, 36c; broilers, 40©42c; hens. 2*>©28c; roosters. 16© 18c; ducks. 22©25c; geese, 22© 26c: turkeys. 32<f; No. 2 turkeys considerable less. FRESH FX5H. Jobbing prices quotable as follows. Fancy white fish, 22- . J.-i e trout. 23c; halibut, 25c; non hern bullheads, Jumbo, 21 . catfish, so®32c; filet of haddock, 27c, blaAJ: cod sable Lsh. 18c; roe shad, 29c; flounders, 20c crappies, 10®25c; black bass. 32« . Spanish mackerel ; 4 to 2 lbs. 25c; yellow pike. l*c; ptrip^H base, 20c; blue pike. 16c; white perch. 12c; pickerel 15c- frozen fish, 2® 4c less than prices above; ling cod, 12c. CHEESE. Jobbing prices quotable on American cheese, fancy grade, as follows: Single daisies, 22 4c; doubie daisies. 22c; Young American*. 23c; longhorns. 22c; square prints. 23c; brick. 22c; limburger. l-lb. style. $3 65 per dozen Swsa, domea'lc, 38c; imported Roquefort. 68c; New York white. 32c. BEEF CUTS. Jobbing quotable No 1 riba. 27c; No. 2. 2 6c: No. 8, 17c; No. 1 loins. 26c. No. 2. 3 4c. No. 3. 31c; No. 1 rounds, 194c; No. 2. 19c; No. 3. 14c; No 1 <hucks 13c; No 12c; No 3. i4r; No. 1 plates, 84c, No. 2, 8c; No 3 "c. FRUITS. Jobbing prices Blackberries—Per crate $9 56. Peaches—Per box. $1 4*1 AprlcoCs—California. 4-basket crates $2 09. Pluma—California, per crate. $2 00© 1 50. Cherries—Homegrown. 24-quart crate. 12 50; bing. 16-ib. lug. $4.00. Loganberries—Per crate. $3 66. Pineappi' »— Per crate. 30 size, $5 6*. Apples—In barre.s of 140 lb#.. M.^sourl Winesap* fancy. $6 60. in boxes: Wash ington Wln^aps, extra fan y, $» 56 Lemons—Cal:? rnia. extra fancy, per box. $7 00: fancy, per box. 86.66; choice, per box, $5 60; limes. ICO count, carton. $2 66. Grapefruit—Florida, extra fancy. $4 60 ©4.75. Oifrc'**— Med :iu sweets extra fancy, ng to size. Vaicn .as. extra far y. per box, $4 00 ©6.50. L'ananaa--Per lb . 7c VEGETABLES. Jobbing price-: H- ney Due M»'on»— Due Jure 2*. Watermelons—Crated, 6 melons, t4e per lb. Asparagus—Homegrown. SGq per doxen bun-'h -u Usu1 f wer—11- -r.egrown. II 59 dezen Cantaloupe—Ua':forn:a standards. $3 56, ponies. $2 50: fiats. $1 .6. Eggplant—Per dot, $2 80; 10c per lb. Cabbage—3 4c per lb.; cratea, 3c per lb Lettuce—H*ad per crate. 14 per dozen. $1 25; its? per do»#r.. 59 ©46c. New Roota—Beefs, carrots and turnips, I dozen bunches. 99c. Onions—New crystal wax. per crate : It 25 Bermuda yellow, per era**. $1 ‘5 © 2 06; California reds. In packs. 34c per pb homegrown, dozen bun-'h * 3*> Toma’oe#—Miss'ssippl. 4 basket crates. about 14 lbs. S1 2b. Celery—California. 6 sta ks. per bunch.' »i v © : 75 Peas—Market basket. 75»®$?O0. Peppers—Green Mango, per lb.. 28c. Cucumber*—Homegrown, market b-k\. f2 00. Parsley—Per dozen bunches, 60®7 5c. Radishes—Home grown. 20©-'tc per doz hunches. Beans—Per hamper, 28 lbs, green, IS 00; wax. $3.00. Spina- h— grown. 60©r6c per ou. Potato^*—Minnesota Rurals, $2.60 j,*r cwt.; Western Ruasef Rural*. $2-50 per cwt. ; n**w crop, in sacks. 3c per lb Nuts—Soft shelled walnuts, *a«~k lo's per lb. 31c; soft shelled almonds, sa^k: lots, per lb., 23c; medium soft shell al monds. sack lots. 16c; raw peanuts, sac* lots. 9H012c per lb,; roasted peanuts, sark lots. 1 m 015c pNr lb; roasted pea nuts, less than saek lota. 13016c; salttd peanuta. per lb., 20c. FEED. Market quotable per ton, carload lota, f o h. Omaha. Cottonseed Meal—43 per cent. $4* 86. Hoininv Feed—White or yellow. $21 60. Digester Feeding Tankage—60 per cent $45.00. Wheat Feeds—Brrr, $20 00021.00; brown shorts. $23.5ft. gray shorta. $25 5ft; flour middlings. $25.60; reddog. $31.00© 12.00. Linseed Meal—34 per r-ent, $47.60. Buttermilk—Condensed, for feeding, in bbl. lots. 3 45c per It- ; flake buttermilk, 500 to 1.600 lbs.. 9c lb. Eggshells—Dried and ground, 100-lb bags. $25.00 per ton Alfalfa Meal — Choice, prompt, June, $3" oo, |Co. 1, new crop. June and July, 123.50. FLOUR. Prl-es quotable in round lots fleas tnsn carloads), f o b. Omaha, follow Firat patent in 98-lb bags $6.6fc®6 16, per obi ; fan-y. clear. Sr 48-lb bags. $5.50©> 6 60 per bbl ; white or yellow commeal, per cwt.. $2 05. HAY. Nominal quotations, carlots: Upland Prairie— No. 1. $12 5ft® ’$ 56; No 2. $9 5001150; No 2 $7 0**08.00. Midland prairie— Ng 1. $ 11.60 © 12.50; No. 2. $8 59* 10.55; N ■ • 2 16.0008.00. Lowland Prairie—No. 1. th 0009.00; No. 2. $£ oft® 8.ftf' Packing Hay—$6.5ft®7.60. Alfalfa—Choice 129.00© 21.00; No. 1, $18 0ft© 19.00; s-andard, fl4 00017.99; No. 2. $11.00013.00; No $9 0001100. Ft raw— Oat, $8.0009.00; wheat. $7.00© 8.00. HIDES WOOL. TALLOW Pr'^-e* quotable «•* follows, delivered Omaha, dealers' weights and selections. Wool—Pelts. $] 00 01 75 each; Iambs, 7fr®1.50 each; clips, no value; wool, n © Tallow and Grease—No. 1 tallow, 6Hc; B Tallow. 6c; No. 2 tallow, 4Vjc; a gr*ass, C’-ic; B grease. 5c: yellow grease, t^r; brown gr* ase 4c, r^rk crinkling* $5ft 00 per ton; beef cracklings. $39.00 per ton; beeswax. $20 09 per ton. Hides—Seasonable. No. !. 6c; No. 2, 6He; g^een. 5^ and 4c; bulls, 5^ and ir ; branded, 6c; giue akins. 6c; dry f!nt, lie; dry 8r : dry glue. r,r; d»a^ons. 7; c m each; horse hide*. $7 - . and $2f pomes ** and glue-. $1.50 each; colts, 25e etch; r hog skins, 15c each. New York fturar. New York, June 14 —The raw sugar market remained firm and unchanged to day at 6 28c duty paid. No sales were reported, but there were buyers at quoted prices, while holders a.-ked higher. Raw sugar future* declined 1 to 6 points early under scattered liquidation, prompted hv the issue of 240 July notice*. They were promptly taken care of and the market rallied on trade and commission house support reflecting tie steadiness of the §-, • -nark*’ T: * c •<. was 1 point lo»e- to 2 ret higher July closed. ' 44c; S«r*ernber. 3 63c; December. 3.61c; March. 2 31c. No change* v *made in refined prvM wh'ch are lis’sd at f 70 to 7c for fine granulated. Continued good Inquiry is reported. - Refined futures were nominal Oils and Ro*ln Savannah Ga , Jure 24—Turpentine— Firm. 77c; sales. 412 bbls . receipts, 3 679 bbls ; shipments. 1 €39 bbls . stock, 1.551 bbls Rcg‘n—Firm- Fait# 1.090 casks; receipt*. 4 4M casks; ahlpmenta 8 2€9 casks; stock 87 918 casks Quote B $4 26*4 25; D, $4 2*© 4 40t F $4 45*4' F. $4 © 4 66; GH $4 61 L 4 8r.: I KM. $4 524 © 4 ft ; X. $4 70 0 4 7 5; WG. t « 'l. WWX. $*■ 25 Dried Fruit* New York, June 24 —Evapora*»d ar ples prunes slow, apricots and pes.-hes. 5u;et ra sms. steady Chicago Poultry. Chicago, June 24—Poultry—Alive. h'.gh tr. fow a. 29© 2Jc. Breeders Offer Prizes for Boys’ and Girls’ Club Work Atlantic, la.. June 14.—Impetus sill h» eiven th« Bovs’ and Girls’ Calf ind P.g club -work In Case eounty by the Cass Omnty Breeders’ associ ation. The organisation will begin a Irive to raise one-fourth of the oremlum money to be given as priies U the Cass county fair. Joh« Knnp ’ tvts selected to succeed Carl Zeilmer. r!uh leader of the Breeders’ associa tion. - A \ THERE’S a bit of all the world in California—the scenery', the dimate, the people—sunny Spain, Switz erland, Norway, the Riviera. Capri, the Valley of the Nile, the Orient. It gives you Bmakes a perfect vacation. eles limited er trains direct California ins for Denver with vn ifbmia. ound Trip from Omaha V ~itv on the way Float like a Salt Lake. Include Den vet io without additional coat. — only overnight from Sail u. fic Northwest about $18 morw i>aaAJa*a #.d —mmj Imt ae m With —r S.MI. ifortnettnn, ,,l ~ Peea. Agent, U. P. System, 1416 Dodga St 0— *k,» PS'->» .la.-keon s.e-j * N Cenwiidalnd Ticket 0*«*. atf 1416 Dndga St PArna Atlantta^921«. er ~ lM M u*le* Station. 10iA and Mkray Straata Union Pacific