The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 14, 1924, Page 12, Image 12

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    Meusel, Hit by
Pitched Ball.
. /
Swings on Cole
Babe Ruth, Cobb and Specta
tors Participate in Melee—
\ank Outfielder Has
Fighting Clothes on.
—I KTROIT, .1 imp 13.—
The Hiiimosity which
has prevailed between
. . New York Yankees
anil the Detroit Tigers
since tile start of the
present series readied
a climax this afternoon
_ when i minature riot
was staged on tile field in which play
ers of belli teams and irate fans par
tieipated in a general free-for-all
fight. Bcbor** order could be restored
Empire Evans bad forfeited the game
to the Yankees, 9 to 0.
It suited in the ninth inning when
Meusel was hit in the back hy a ball
thrown by Pitcher Cole. , The Yan
kee's right fielder throw down his
bat and dashing to the pitcher’s box
made a pas* at Cole, but missed. I'm
piles Evans and Ormsby grabbed
Meusel ami held him.
Manager Cobb then run in and he
and “Habe” Ruth had a few words.
Ruth charged that Detroit pitchers
were trying to “bean" the Yankees.
Ruth had just barely escaped being
kit with a ball when lit* batted in the
ninth inning.
Meusel and Cole were banished
from the game. Meusel then walked
to the Detroit dugout and swung at
a Detroit player. Three of his tram
mates grabbed him and pulled the
i ightfielder away, throwinb him dow n
and sitting upon him.
Meanwhile several hundred fan*
swarmed upon the field. Police
lushed from all corners but they ap
peared to be unable to cope with the
situation.- Innumerable fist fight*
were precipitated and before ord?r
could be restored, Umpire Evans for
feited the game to New Y’ork.
ab.h.po.a.e. ab.h.po a e.
K. .T’h'n 2b 3 1 1 i I Blue lb - 1 h l «»
McN’ly 2b 1 0 0 0 0 Cobb « f 1 " 2 " "
Combs cf ft 2 3 o o Mar ugh Jf 4 1 " " 0
Ku h If 3 0 2 0 o H-il'nn rf I " « •»
Meusel rf 3 2"'** Pratt 2b 4 2 . «• "
j»ipp lb 4 0 14 0 o Kigr.ey 4 1 '2 . o
S< hang r 3 2 1 1 o P» .1 non 3b 1 " 1 o
I mil-;*n 3b 4 " 1 " '* Ha uler c 2 2 4 1"
Si n t gg 4 2 2 ** 1 Stol el" p 1 o *i 1 "
S. Jones p 2 2 - S l Cole p 3 0 10 0
li .1 oil p 2 10 0 0
--Tot a is 32 1:425 It 0
•t eta la 3 1 10 24 1 2 2
Kiln* out in i nlh whan riot started
aim game wan forfmlfd, 0 to U.
(Gama forfeited •
S. ore by innings;
Summary—Runs: I! 1 tin1' : M Nal
Combs (2), Kuth. Meus*J. P'pp '-*•
S<hang. Gaston, Frail I2i. Rign *> ' - •. R
.1 on eg. Basselr. 'Pwo-ba1** hug i **ii hs,
Meusel. Schang. Piatt. K Toit* Sa<n
foe hits: Hchang. H .Times. Imubb
Idavs: Scott to Pipp; Passler i «> Pratt.
I.pft on bases: New York, S: Boll oil,
Bases on baits: Off S .!«»'•- v. 1 . ' ff
Caston. 2: off Stoner, T: off rnle. t.
Struck out: By Gaston, t, b> Stoner. 1:
* by Cole, ; Hits Off S Jones, 7 n ft
innings. off Gaston. 1 *n innings, off
Stoner. 6 in 2 inning*: off Colo, 4 in ♦» 1
innings Hit b.v pitched ball By • alo,
Mor'f-I. Winning pitch* Gastnn I
Im'X pitcher: Cole empires: Evans ami
Ormsby. Time: 2:f*S.
Dean’s Wild Throw, With Bases Full, Enables Reds to Defeat Giants
* * _* • ——
---• >
Breaks Record at Olympic Trials
/A* ft* ,
Jackson ScIiol* of flic New York Athletic clnli. after conquering Charlie
| Paddock and etiinlliilS Olympic record time at inn meters, came bark with
a smashing 200-metcr performance In the new world's record time of 21
seconds. The former 2011 meter record was 21 1-10 seconds. Scholl' time
first was announced as 21 I-III seconds hut after a eouferenre it was found
tiiat four of the six watches clocked him in 21 flat. The other twn
| were 21 l td.
Danfortli Driven From Box.
St. Louis. .June 13.— Danfortli weakened
in the third inning ami the Washington
Si nalor-t d< frat-d the Browne to.lav.
to 4. The visitor!* scored four runs in
Dint frame amt drove Danfort h out of
the Imix. Score:
WASHINGTON (A) ST. LOtlS (A) • ab h.pu n.«.
I Dice rf It 2 It 0 Bennett rf 5 I 1 «» *»
| Matt'wj* if 2 U tt ti Boi»'non :tb a (l 3 1 1
Karris 2b t 0 S i i Slslei i b B 0 110 |
Dunlin if 4 - 3 " <» WU'me If 2 It 2 » »'
Hue| . 4 II A 1 tlJai aon rf S 2 2 •» "
I Bluege 3b t ‘2 3 2 I'M. MTn Lb 2 1 f» L* 3
peck sh l! 1 it " Severe id . 1 2 »‘ *•
Shirley lb 4 1 10 u mlerber as 4 ! H •»
.lobnhon p l* 1 n 1 itltanforthp *» <• •» 1 it
speei e p 0 ti tt ti 0 Davis p 2 I' 1 3 0
Marbet ry p o ‘t o 3 n
-■--—■ Total** 3.1 7 27 13 3
Tola I a 3 4/ 27 8 1
Score b\ | |0ii i M K s
Washington . . . uni 001 nni c,
St Louis.""n 101 -n" 4
) Summary - Kuna Ko*v M . 11 bow a. Har
ris. Shirley (Jt. Johnson, Williams. D
cobson (2). McMillan. Two-base In'
Matthews. Go**! in. \ »• • id Sa.-if .*
Harris, Davis Marberry <2» Double
plays Da via to Sutler, Berber 4n MeVlii
fan to Staler. Left on banes- Washing*
» • mmtxr* • mmmm • mmmm • mmmm m
mn. • St I.Oulu. 10. Base* on ball*
off .lohnaon. •«. off Danforth. 1. ofl
l»i.vis j off Spec •*. 2: off Marberry. 1
Struck out: By Johnson. 2. by Davis
1. by Marberrj. 1 Hits: off Johnson
l m’ four and two thirds innings; ofl
Spec ♦*, 1 In one third inning; off Mar
berry. 2 in four innings, off Danforth. ?
in iv\o o nd two-thirds Innings, off Davis
in six and on** third innings Hit hj
pin to .j ball lb Johnson. McMillan
Winning idlchor Johnson. Lo*in|
pitohn Danforth. t'mptrea: Jnneer
iind t’onnoll: . Time: 2;H*
Norfolk Blanks
Sioux Citv Cards
Norfolk. N»!».. June 13.—Norfolk
defeated Sioux City hers* this after
tioon by n scute of 1 to ft. It was a
_icat pitchers' bntlie between Andor
j son and Barry. The winning score
was brought in as a result of Me
faffertyjs sacrifice fly in the second
The score:
ah h po * • ab b. po • »
t '«'d win 2o 4 1 2 2 a Pad'on rf 1 0 0 2 *
Dougan 4 0 ft ft 0 Kp.dv 2n 4 0 1 T <
MeD’tt : f 3 l i • «»Job on lb j ft 11 o (
Ellt* iii ■ • § <» Bruakie ef S 1 H I
P 4
Light f » 1 0 OWetd*! If 3 l 2 ft (
Mir ft > " \| ,p tv ;|, 2 0 2 1 <
Ai tot* a .1 o ft 1 0 Clark r 2 9 7 9 1
HiiTV p 2 ft I 4 •» And *on p 3 1 0 1 t
xHorn ft i l ft ft o
Total* 22327111
Total** 2K \ 2 4 10 ft
x Bu'tcd fur Maris in ninth.
neo oil 00# t
Norfolk .ulu ftftft
Huuiiii it \ filin' Hi uak if Twu-ba*
bit M« i-ki»* Shi rlficM Atherton, >1 •
t'affeit) WeidH Buses on ball* t »f
An.tenon, I off Harry. 2 Struck out
R\ And**r*on. •.. by Harry, t Hit b;
pj*t< h* d on II LIU* ’ bv Anderson: tMarl
fliui .Pip riun, i > B»rr> Doubt** playa
Harry to KIM*. Bool to Dougsn AtheiAol
to I’.pplj »'» Johnson Darned run*: Nor
fidk 1 Time of game. 1.3b I'm pi re
Mey et a.
Beatrice ^X ins Slugfct.
Beatrice Neb. Jun* 13.—I4**atrb * wm
a dogging match from Sinus Full* to
.t,i b\ fit nil re of 9 •«» 4 Plirdv and Mr
i*o/ of Be.m . ** and Snow of Sioux Kali
h i »he hontcr* The score:
ab.ii po » o ab.h po.a *
\ rf 4 112 ft Plirdv If 4 4
'.tilt/. If ,31ft " Sugga 2b 4111
lb 1 111 ft 0 Beall rf 4 I ft ft
i*f».ve 'b : 2 2 2 ft McCoy lb 4X41
Snow . 4 2 2 1 ftRbchle *f 1 t t ft
Thom'n r n ft ft ft ftS'eefer 3b 2 2 2 1
Mcnnrd *a 1 1 I ftR'urant *a 1 I f* 1
'Tland ,1b 4 ft l 2 <> Kng*r c 114 0
Loeppe i f 4 11 0 ft Zink p 4 0 ft
Berk p 20ft 2 ft
Free an p 2 0ft I 0 Total® 31 132712
Total* 17 1 2 24 1 1 0
Sio«\ Kalla . _ • n04 ftll 000
Refitrice 122 010 30*—
Summir.' Run* Noll 12), SchulU
4’leve Snow 4 2 ) Purdy. Sugg* (3) H**mI
(.). .llci'ny Mlechle. Schaefer Hour
rung: McCoy, PUfdy. Snow. Two*bftl
Uhle Weakens;
Red Sox Win, 84
i level.!ml, June 13.— l hie weaRent'd
in the eighth Inning today and Howton
defeated Cleveland, X to 3. I ntil then
1 hie had out pitched Khmke. Veach
and J. Sewell made home runs. Score:
ah li po » e ab.h po.a e.
Flags''d rf .1 <* 4 ft I MrN’ulty rf R 1 J ft "
W*tobv 2b 4 2 7 5 1 Jahi'son If 4 I 2ft 1
Vouch If 4 2 ft ft ft Speaker cf 4 I 4 1 ft
Bonne rf 4 2 ft ft ft Sewell «a 5 "321
Tnrlt In R 2 It ft ft Burns 1b 4 1 Jft 2 ft
rii » o t o Myttt i 4 i 4 *• ft
o Neill < 3 ft .2 ft o Fewster 2b 3 1 ft i t s« 4 ft ft ? 1 Wfll’rs 2h o ft ft ft ft
Ehmke p 4 H2 fl Ellerhe jb 4 ft ft 1 ft
-t’hte p 3 ft 2 1 ft
Totals 36 11 27 1ft 3 Shaute p ft ft 6 ft ft
zGardner 1 ft ft 0 ft
ztumma l ft ft ft ft
Totals 31 11 27 11 3
zBatted for Fewster in eighth.
zBatted for Shaute in ninth
Boston . .. 1 Aft ftftl 033—*
Cleveland .. 002 ftlft ftftft—3
Summary—Runs Wamby (3). Vearh
<3). Ehmke i-‘). Speaker. Sewell (2) Two
base hits. Wamby. Veach. Sewell Home
runs- Veach. Sewell. Siolen base: Wam
by. Sact iflees: Flagstead (2). Speaker.
Double play: to Wambv to Tndt. Left
<»n bases: Boston. 7; Cleveland. I <» lias**
on ball a: Off Uhle, 4, off Ehmke, 1.
Struck out: Hv- 1’hle. 3. bv Shaute, 1; bv
Ehmke. .{ Hits: * ff fhle. 9 in H 1 3
Inning* off Shaute. j In 2-3 Inning. Wild
pitch: fhle Losing pitcher: fhle. Em
pire*. Holmes and Hildebrand. Time,
2 U.
Allilelirs Hit Mall to Win.
Chicago. June 13 A triple. three
sinej.s, h sacrifice and an error cave
Philadelphia four runs in the seventh In
ning todav enabline them to defeat the
Sox 7 to ti. a- the Sox ninth inning rally
net cl only thtee runs. Baumgartne*
nitched one hall n the ninth for the
final oit. a flv Empire Rowland bench
ed Barrett. Sox shortstop, for questioning
h derision S< ore.
ab.h po.a e ab.h pn.n e
T>vke* ?h . ! 4 0 <» Arc’on «f n 1 .3 0 <>
Rt nda 3b 3 2 ft 1 ft Collins 2b 4 2 .3 2 ft
Welch rf .3 1 2 0 0 Most 11 rf h 2 % ft ft
Hauser lb 4 2 ft 1 ft Sheely lb 3 2 8 ft ft
Si mons rf 4 1 1 ft ft Falk It 4 ’ 0 1 ft
Miller If 4 2 3 0ft Kamtn 3b 3 1 1 2 -
Osl’ay. ss 4 ft 2 R ft Barrett es 2 1 1 2 ft
Perkins r 3 16 1 French, ss l ft 2 2 ft
Meeker p 4 1 ft 3 0 Crouse c 4 ft h 2 '* ,
Ba'ta'er p A ft ft ft ft M’W"nv n 1 ft ft 2 ft
-Con’Hy p 1 ft ft 1 1
Totals 34 11 27 12 1 zBurns 1 ft ft ft n
Total* 34 1ft 27 14 1
zBatt*d for Connallv in ninth
Philadelphia . ‘too 201 4ftft—7
Chicago 003 ftftft ftft3—6
Summary—Runs Dykes Rlrnnda (2).
Welch. Hauser. Perkins. Meeker Arch
deacon, Collins (2) Mostll. Sheely. Mc
Weeny Two-base hit Mostll. Three^base
hit Perkins Stolen bases: McWeenv.
Millar. Sacrifices Welch (2). Double
plays QsJIoway to Hauser to Perkins
Meeker to Perkins to Hauser. I.eft on
bases: Philadelphia R Chicago 1C
Bases on halls off M*^r, 7: off Mr
Weeny. 2. off Connallv. 1 Strut k out’ Bv '
Meeker 4 bv _M< \\ » n\ hv Connallv
Hits 'iff Meeker 10 n 4 ;:-S rinmgs.
off Baumgartner, none In 1-3 inning, off
McWeeny. 7 In & 2 Innings off Connal
lv. 4 in 3 1-1 innings. Wild pitch: Mc
Weeny. Winning pit. her Meeker. Lor
ing Ditcher fnnnally. Empires Rowland
Moriariv and Nallin. Time 1.66.
Cubs Move Into League Lead.
Boston. June 13 -Chi. ago went in-o
f|e„t plate in the National league today
I*. defeating Boston b ‘O 1. W'tils N’eW
York was loaing »o Cincinnati. Tony
Kaufman was hit hard but ineffectively
nv Boston Padgett got three double*,
one of which drove in 'he Boston run
S< ore
a b h.po x e ab. n po.a e
i Fla'a cf 4 1 ;» J " BV*oft *e 4 1 * ’ I
H’orher **312 3 “Felix of 0 t. o “
ti'tham 2b 3 * ' ? 1 Foe- her if ? *. "
Cotter Jh 4 1 1« « 0 M’l n.., 1b 4 17 “
F herg 3b 4 0 3ft ftTI rney 4111ft
Gr gsby If 4 I 3 ft “Ster/ei rf 4 3 2 “''
MVote rf 4 1 1 ft OPa’gett 3b ♦ 3 1 ft ft
H tnett . 3 1? <» OO’Nml r 3ft* "
Kn’man p 4 2 <» 2 OGibaon c i o o } o
-- ■ Stryker p ? ft 1 s •
Tnf als 33 1ft 27 9 In K Smith 1 “ft“n
M’Na’ra p ft ft « 1 “
xPowell 1 ft ft ft ft
Total* lx • 27 14 1
xBa'ted for Ftr>> ?r in gtxth
\Batted for M Neman in rnn*h
Chicago . .. . . 7 ft ft nj ft ftftl — 5
Boston . . ftftft lftft ftftft—1
Summary Runs Stata (2). Grantham.
Heathcftte. Kaufman. S*engel. Two base
hits: cotter, Bancroft. Ftengel. Grantham.
I’m <1 get t (3) Fa.riflcc* Ilolloeber. Oran
thaut. L»nuble play Hollochar to Cotter
I .eft on base- Chicago. ;». Boston, 1“
Ban's on balls: Off Kaufman. 3. off
Stryker. 1. Struck out By Kaufman .
by Stryker. 1. by NFNamara. 1 Hite
Off Strvker. ft in ft innings, off M> Sa
mara. 4 n 3 Innings Hu by pitched ball
B> McNamara. Hartnett le**ing pitcher
Strykei l inpiic* Hlgler and Moron
! Time, i f>9.
' bit- S hultx, Schaefer McCov. Sacri
fice 1ms Kiecldr Bondorant. 1 nger
Stolen hue Nolf Struck out- Berk.
Naught Freeman Gb /-ink (4» Base
balls Off Reck. I ofr Freeman. 4 off
’/ink S flit by pit. bed ball .Menard to
/ink losing pllchei Freeman Hit*
Off Be k, 7 .n 1 inning*, "ff Kreet sin.
s In » Inntng* l inplre liatktna
Time. 115.
I 'landers Defeat Halting?.
(Hand Isiand .Neb June 1,3 .lohnnje
i Maples, formerly of 'he Sioux Falls i Ini'
pitched the Third City to a 1 to ft victor?
. in « mound duel with Fwick. Hatting*
i her* today
H u** hs first appearance w h the
Grand Island club A base on halls tnM
pl'-h and Quinn s double to left * ■ . uttt
1 ed for 'hrt only run of tb* game Score
l ab h pon e ab h pn a e
Rev n'ds e* 4 ft ft ? ft r’nndon 7b ft 1 4 '*
\ Hess* , f 4 1 i ft ft Ruaer 3h 3 1 ft 1 ft
’ (lllllapla 2h 4 1 2 f» ft Quinn *a 3 14 "
Kenton 1b 4 ft 7 ft 2 llnwm'n rf 4 ft
Tome* If 13 1'* Rt.wa «f 4 « ft '
4 'as tie rf 3 ft 1 ft 0 Hinkle lb 3 . 13 ft ft
. Nea.k <b 3 11ft ft Brook * If 3 1 1 ft "
Stout c 2 1 3 3 •» Kran’ger c . (13 0 1
Swlck p i o ft n ft Ms plea p ft 1 1 ft
Walter* p 1 ft ft ft ft
- Totala 2 7 6 27 13 1
Totals 3ft h 24 15 2
i Hasting* . ftftft “Oft ftftft—ft
■ Grand l*lan»l . .001 604 00i—-l
■ Summary Run Condon Twn4ias* hit
Quinn Kiolen hair* Tmnw, ten
don. Sat rlfl« • 1»M ft uni Doubt* p!a>
Huner to t'ontlon ♦<> Hinkle I.eft «»n
hn ai'M } I a * 11 n * * Inland. 7 Mia*
nn ball- Off Hwo-k. * ■ ff Wallen. 1
off Maple*. I Struck nut: Rv Hw 1« b
t»> Maple" - Mil* Off Hwpk, a In 7
inning* Wild pit* b Hwlnk
I. — '
TIIRKT 14 4 mm
Kxanaviilc. 4, T«*rt**;.
l>«»rt*. a ; HI nomine ton 4
!»«•< at ur. 2 . Danville. n
I K\ \N It u,i *
P*lli4 ?. San Antonm I
Port Worth. 4 ll.iunor rt.
Stir»\ .‘pui i 7 tSalvraton, 3
-- ii
!l Wonder Values Saturday in ||
It Men’s and Young Men’s *2
The sort of clothes for ||
which you are arcus- II
tomed to paying from f#
$35 to $40. All the ••
... ........ |j
Men of every size ran 2|
be exactingly fitted. Ij
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trente models. !•
|| It’s Time to Slip Into a !|
ij Palm Beach Suit |
®| And every suit bears Cfj ||
I* the genuine Palm Beach I M 1»
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l| every size. All sizes. ™ j|
• B Same suits with two Trousers, $15. • •
|l — |l
It Piles of Style in these smart fj
|| Two Pairs of Pants ||
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|| Fashioned from lively ^ ^ j- z\ ||
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II comparable.values at JL f|
|» Site* 15 to 20 Ye.r. J]
j| Store Open Saturday Till 9 P. M. *j
l! Ij
|. We Give S. A H. Green Trading Stamp* I'
7 *— • mmmm • mmmm • mmmm •mmmm* mmmm • saaw • mmmm •« t
I^QTH EN G I ! . fliAFl C(!iMP^Ny|
J |
'4$uSk* _
I&3 It’s a Pact!
||| No better.rilder
m or sweeter cigar
1 canbeoadeat
J anyprice
i||tt'm 10c -* 2 for 25c - 15c
|n| •«. c4Hor de
If Valentine
Unvarying High Quality Since 1848
I l . i » scmi’gys "tiuiAPi e&MfrAuu
11 m #
Omaha Bee Race Chart
Compiled by George W. Schilling.
Preaiding Judge—Dr. F. W. Asha. Starter--Arthur McKnight.
Associate Judge—William Shelly. Racing Secretary -Charles L. Trimbla.
OMAHA, Neb , June 13.—Twelfth day, summer meetin. Ak-Sar-Ben Racing
/*OQf7—FIRST RACE—Five and one-half furlongs. Purse $500. Net value to
Oo»7 I winner. $400, second. $70; third, $30. Three-year-olds up.
Index Horse and Owner. Wt. St. f J S»r. Kin. Jockey Ods. St'a
6870 Fernnndos 4 (Conley) 104 2 * 2‘ 24 1* McCorkle 5.80-1
6848 Neg 9 (Barnett) 109 2 ;>i 4f 81| 2ak Fator 17.40-1
6854 Hazel Dale 11 (Randall I *102 3 I 1* P Gormley 2.00-1
6886 Boh by Allen 7 (Markh.) *110 t 41 F.1 5l 4* (lark 1.80-1
6877 Spinaway 7 (Sterett *104 6 6 6 6 .VJ Rodriguez 6.40-1
6-7* Spicebti h : (Paducah) 115 1 3| 8” 41 6 Horn 10*1
It | I minute; off 2:17; time :24 4-5- 12 mutual* raid
Fernandoa *12 60 t,, win. $7 oo place. 98.80 low ; N*-g 818 18 place. $7.26 show.
Hazel Pale 83.40 «how. Start good for si! hut -ipinawi'. . won all driving.
Winner, hr. f. 4. ( ruzados-Fernanda; trainer, C. K. Conley.
Fernaodos forced Hazel Pale at top *peed and catching her faltering when
an eighth out forced to the front and. under Veen pres tire. barely lasted to win
Neg ram* wide in the b*st going and finished fash, just failing to get up to
win. Hazel Pale tired after making all of the early par®. Bobby Alien made up
ground. Spinaway stumbled at the start. Spicebush rared as if he disliked
the going.
/2Q(40—SECOND RACE—Five and one-half furlongs. Purse $500. Net value to
70.70 winner, $400; second, $70; third, $30 Three-year-olds up.
Index Horst and Owner. Wt. St. \ h i Sir. Fin. Jockey Ods. St’s
6803 Miss Kmma (J 5 (Durkee) 113 2 1" 1| If 1 Horn 1 7 0-1
68,88 May Bruen 4 (Baker) •!«'. 6 2‘ 3* 3-.J 2"« Hark 5.50-1
6872 Settee 3 (Thompson) 101 3 9 6* 4: 3f McCorkle 3 60-1
6864 Finis Glorioaus 3 (Green.) 102 J 3h 2 ’ 2 4'* Weiner ' 6.00-1
6880 Caveat Kmptor 1 (Irwin) *107 5 4' 4h i '1 Gerritty 12.10-1
6885 Hindoootan 8 (Rogers) 11'. 1 • > 5-A 6‘ 6 J Varley 13.20-1
6800 Noonhotir 4 (Buhrer) *99 - 8- 8’ 7 7 \ Rodriguez 15.40-1
6H7 0 Robbie Brown 5 (Kenw.l *10 1 7 7" 9 »'i 85J Doty 66.90-1
6863 Rey Hindoo II 5 (Kunh.) 109 9 6'1 71 9 9 Lindsay 74.80-1
A* post 1-4 minute; off 2:46. time : 2 4 - : * 8 4-5. 1.09 1-5 $2 mutuels paid
Miss Kmma G. $5.10 to win. $3.40 place. $2.>0 show; May Bruen $5.00 place.
$3.60 show ; Settee $3.20 show. Start good; won ra iiy second driving. Winner
ch. m. 5. Malamont-Bessie Latimer. Trainer. A. P. Yeoman.
Miss Emma G. «et the par® from the fart and landing off repeated chal
lenge* came away from her opposition in the final drive. May Bruen raced
forwardly and gamely hut had to he driven out to the la*t ounce to save
d place Settee, after being shuffled rearward, closed a big gap and
finished fastens of all. Finis Glorio-us, after showing -peed, gave way in the
last eighth. The others were never prominent.
COQQ—THIRD RACE—Five and one-half furlongs Purse $500. Net value to
* winner, $400; second, $70, third. $30. Three-year-olds up.
Index Horsi and Owner. Wt St. i \ Str. I'm. Jockey Ods.St'a
"880*4 Litlle Leas ' 1 " * l la|’"l,| 1*J 1‘ Clark < #0-1
6863 A*lc Jessie 8 (Hum) 107 3 Sh 2" 2J 27 Hum 1.70-1
6830 The Almoner 5 (Sawyer) 112 2 V 3] 3- r* Neal 5.10-1
6*50 Plippery Smile 3 (Black.) 1 07 4 4-* 4* 4” 4h Clower 9.00-1
6**6 Aryanna 6 (McClain) 110 5 5* | 6* 5* Garner 5 20-1
6*43 Fox's Choice 9 (Huff) 115 6 6 6 6 6 Clements 7.20-1
At post 1 minute off 3:22; time 23 4-5- :49. 1:09 1-5. $2 mutuels paid
little Le«* 310.00 to win *n 80 plac« $2 *0 how \sk T®z»ie $3.00 place, 82.40
• how; The Almoner $3.40 ^ho*. S*art trood. won ridden out. «e«*ond driving.
Winner b. g. 5. Stem Wind®r-Young Bell®, trainer. L. T Whifehill.
Little Less decisively out-broke, outpaced and out-stayed his opponents
and was needlessly ridden out a» the end Ask Je«*ie wi> prominent from the start
and made a game finish. The Almoner was hard ridden and had no excuses.
Slippery Smile and Aryanna stopped.
000—FOURTH RACE—Six Furlongs. Purse $600. Net value to winner, $450;
'* w second, $85; third. $35. Three-year-olds up.
Index Horse and Owner. Wt. St. 1 i f Str. Fin. Jockey Ods. St's
68 80 Worth man 1 (James) 112 1 ~ ~11 I 1- 1’i Weiner ~~ 3.10-1
6858 Stroller 3 fCalwell) *190 3 2 21 2* 2* Clark 2 20-1
6s 1 Whifr Mr( mndl) l".1 I 5* " 1 • Hum "30-1
-- Clever Seth 3 (Jones) 10' 2 3’ 4 4 44 ( | Gross 8.10-1
6*67 Tubby A 6 (Irwin) *1 1 0 6 4* 3 * 3’ 5- Gherritty 3.20-1
6846 Nebraska Lad 6 (Durkee) *113 7 7 6j 6* 6* Penderg. 16.40-1
6840 White Haven 8 (Borl.) *102 4 61 7 7 7 Rodrigue/ 24.80-1
A’ post 1 1-2 minutes: off 3 time, ' 4-7--4* 4- 1 14 1-7 12
mutuels paid Worlhmari $8.20 ’ • win $1.40 place. ‘0 shov. 5: roller $1.00
b. c. 4. F’ireman-Eel. Trainer, J. M. Guichon.
Wortbman away fa*t and capably ridden wa* rated in front and when
called upon cleverly held Stroller -afe through the final furlong Stroller, after
raring in closest but unavailing pursuit of ?h® winner, tired after making a
threatening challenge Whiff finished fast and out-gamed (’lever Seth. Tubb A.
away slowly raced up into a prominent position rounding the last turn, then
gave way.
(!<)(}]—FIFTH RACE- One mile and seventy yards Purse $500 Net value to
winner, $400; second. $70. third. $30 Three-year-olds up.
Index Horse and Owner. Wt. St. 4 4 1 Str. F’in. Jockey Ods. St’s
0889 Raft dal ’• Royal fJottes) 109 . , , . $.99-1
6-67 Nan McKinney 5 (Drum.) * 162 2 l‘J r 1* r 2 Gormley 1.80-1
0875 Pembroke 6 (Orates) *119 i 5 t « t * Clark 3(y>-?
6837 Queen Catherine 3 t Tr ) *9’ 3 3J 3' 3H 4* 4* Gerritty 2.00-1
6 * 91 All Bright 9 (Sole) 100 t 1t "• 5 Rodritvei 14.40-1
At post 1-2 minute off 4 ? 4 time .’4 1-5- 48 3-5, 1 16 1 it 1-5, 1:4 9 7-5.
$7 mutuels pnid Rande’"* R- va $15 *0 to win $6 20 place $3 00 •how Nan
McKinney || 6n place, $2 60 *hr>» , Pembroke, 02.00 show. Start good, waa
a'l driving W nner. ch g 3, O era Gla*«-f>rr «ra Trainer, B A. Jones
Rat,dais Rojal. herd ridden from the s»ar» moved up fa*t after turning for
home and after racing into a clear lead tired and barely lasted to win. Nan
McKinney opened up a big cap on the back stretch and a'ter being pas-ed in
the home stretch by the winner came again and ran a good game race. Pembroke
fell he r to the .how when the other qu'*. Queen Catherine wa« climbing badly
in the going and ran a poor race
(590^~^IX™ RACE—One mile Purse $500 Net value to winner, $400.
w aecond, $70; third. $30. Fillies and mares three-year-olds up.
Index Boris and Owner. Wt. St, J j j Str. Fin. Jockey Ods St's
6*46 Winner Take All 4 fJop.) 109 4 * k 44 4k 2: 1n* Gros* 1 60-1
6-33 Mary Jane Raker 4 (Va.) 112 *• 6 . •;Fat«r 2 60-1
68J0 Power 4 (Baker* * 1 04 2 2h . If 1J 3* Clark 2.70-1
6888 Orleans Girl ( K.nds.) 109 3 4f k i, 4- 4* Horn 13 40-1
6*82 Mis® Paige 4 ( Rees* • 1 <» 4 l j .* Rodriguez 10 20-1
6*-:. Res * Welch 4 (A-K-SI 1 12 1 1| lh -S 5 6 Garner 40-1
A* post 1-2 minute, off 4 '■ time. i * 4-'- »1 3- | t 2*7 1 44 $f
mutuels paid W nner Take All $fi !0 to win. 88 _u place. $2 (0 show. Mtr|
Jan® Baler §3.20 place $2.60 show Power $2.49 -h.-v R««rt good; was
three driving Kinner. h m. 6 Wraek-KIlcrslie Tramer W Ormes.
Winner Take All was -aved t« the lead turn where she was taken wide in
the he* 1 going and finished with deteym(netion at strong handling g».t
up to win in the !a*t stride Mary June Baker came fast on the rail through the
stretch ami w. ;!d have won in another jump Power after alternating in
forcing at. I setting (he pace, fought it out stubbornly and made a game finish.
Haas Welch and Miss Paige quit.
fiQflO—SEVENTH RACE—One mile Purse $500 Net value to winner. $400
' ’ second. $70: thiid. $30 Threc-year-olds up
Index Horse and Owner Wt St. \ * f Str. Fin Jockey Od* St’s
••9 i a Weod f Gain**) *• :’i r' u c’a 3.00-1
6««1 Tom Owens 4 1 MirmtD 11*1 5 7 7 5f %■ ?' Horn 7 60-1
4891 Star Cloudy 3 (Thomp.) 102 S 1 ** 1 *• 11 2$ 3* McCorkle 6.40-1
6*59 Felix M 4 (Muth) 113 6 6' 6* 6* ('| l* Frogctte 4.00-1
6*93 s»-a Mint 7 (Irwin* *10i t 4* 3* 2f 5! Gerritty 7.30-1
6-63 Blue Van (Buhrer) *10 * ' 0' 3 ) 6« 6' Rodrigue* 12 10-!
6*91 Nlornlrg Face 6 (Sneed) 1 (U 1 Sf 4** T 7 7 Garner 22.40-1
\t pn*t 1-2 minute, off <0 lime ? • 0 ] K, 1 4(. $2 mutuels
pa 1 1 % u ' ; I ■•* • a * 80 place, 1 10 how rag Ovvai $3 40 place.
$.3 00 Hum! Sla > Itirt good won coolly, second driving.
Winner, ch m 6 Peering-Nen*ho Pale Trainer. \5 P. Gaines.
Ella Wood wa* out-pnc#d early *hcn moved up fa*t after leaving the hack
'stretchc and racing into the lead on the turn for home drew out decisively in the
final eighth Tom Owen* rlo*eil a hnr gap in a fast fini-h Star Cloudy set the
pace hut readily gave way to the winner’s challenge. Sea Mint showed speed
hut fsi!«d to stay. Blue Van and Morning Face quit.
Enjoy the Races
Get a Pair of f 01*
Field Glasses or Binoculars
Priced at $5
to $33.50 |
For the great outdoors,
on a hike, drive or
sight-seeing tour, there
is nothing that adds
so much pleasure to
the trip. I
\ 6-power Rinorula..
n genuine leather
carrying case, with
leather neck strap,
spring catch and shoul
der strap. Regular
price 11 4.95—Special I \
Price for the Races.
' it nt Glasses • «*c $1 00 Per Day
First rAce Five furlongs:
Sweei Ann (K Barnes) 6 1 ?-1 e ®rt
Mine 81% (McAfee) . 7 j
Fxlra Dry (C Kumrner) 4 5
Time. 58 2 5. N'ew Hope Julie
(•Hater. Sing tin and Witchbroom also
Second ra« e 8teepl®rhsse. two miles
Bethany (Collins i ..24-1 e.*n I
The Sag* ( Smoot ) .... . . . . 17-1 A -1
Sea Name (Logan) 2-1
Time; 2:56 ]--. Verboten. A1 Krea*’o.
Abydoa. Brown Pom and Prickle al»n
■ tan
Third tare; Mn* mile;
Bill) Warren (Mai;»eo| I'j! t - 1-3
lady Belle (J. Callahan) . Ml-'
Thunderclap (Sandei ..'1-6
Time 1.17 1-8 High Prince. Dream
Maker and Blind Play aiao ran.
Fourth race: Mile a fixreenth
Princess Doreen (Stutta) .4-1 4-6 4
Relent lees (Sand*) . 4 b *
Pr'a'-dJa RuU' iM» hen i . 4-5
Time : i 5» 1-5 Sun*', r Inina*®. Para
aol. Treetop. Ohone and Sophy also ran
Fit h rt: e n furlongs
Lilly ,< Me Ate* ■ .12-1 H 2 a -1
Exalted Kul®r < L. Fa to:). ..7-6 3 ‘
Lady Boss (Harvey) -3-1
Tim*: 1 12. Reprisal. Valor* All In
All. Buck Pond, Folymp H mor Man,
Mis* Domino, Wildrake. Lad.. Au1r*>,
Roman Girl. Director, Good Times and
t urns also ran
Sixth race 4 furlong®
Nedana (k. Fat or).4 1 6 5 3 8
Blue Ridge (Stutta) ..6-5 1-2
Peanut* (Thnrbert .. - 1
Time: 1:06 3 6 Highbinder, Swnpe
end Reminder, also ran
| First ra. e: Mile and a sixteenth:
Fwav t Hast ings) 13 10 7 (0 2 90
Flying I'r tn e (O’Br en) ’5 To 14*0
Lug® (Lyke) . . . 270
Time 1.46 • Runnuoi Repeater.
Rob, Pogo. Lucidus. John Hoahor.
Suva km and Mr Kid also ran.
Second Five furlongs
Battle Field (Burn) . 19.20 12 1° « 1 f’
Tilka (McDermott) . 6.70 6*0
P% root (Taylor) '..->0
Time: 1:00 2-5. Barrage Burr.. Inn.
Brave Bob, Mt BUtmore, Shady Brook
Fuslleer. Boone's Knoll. Return alio ian.
Third ra-® », furlongs
Bright Tomorrow- (Lyke).. 4 90 3 °0 2 *0
Tegasua (Kennedy) .4 10 3 60
Rocket (Corcoran) .. ••
Time- 1:114-5. Kas’ar Bel®, Rocky
Mountain. Dust Flow*". Billy Kl»ir.
Eulalia. Muidrough and J. G DOnny. also
Fourth ract * furlong*
p, * • r e r Lurk (Wood) . 1 96 6..>n ?*o
Great Jaz .'Fronk) . ?i 4° ; JJ
Braedalbane (<Hutn»
Tirr® 1:12 2 5. ( om.xa and Gorges,
clao ran *
F,fth race 5 furieng*
Mi tie \ isjror « F. Pod) . 2 s* 2 4* 7 10
''r*lm Puff (Long) .2 to 2 5°
Donna Santa < Hurn 1 . 2 60
Time *9 3-5 Brunh'ide. Av:e**e and
Frances \ ictoria also ran
S.xth ra1 e : Mile and a sixteenth
Opulent (Wood) . 5 70 3 20 7 7<»
Lieut, Color*! (Eiliat .4.10
Westwood (Corcoran) .2.80
Time ' 45 4-.' Sands of Pleasure. Sea
• Court. Tender Seth Huonec. Miss Maal*.
i Tulsa. Roldgold. and The Archer also ran.
! Se%enth race Mile and 7 0 yards
| l'rt,U% Politician (William*) 1 1.30 5.30 2 9*•)
J Post-Dlspalch (Elliai .20 69-1°
I Fane j Frit 1 i! a r - e> » l.M
Time: 1:42 4-5. Bi,*i% Guard. Nulli
IS®'undue • »ff Spring Mistress Mar). Swift
JWaier and Asapah also ran
x ■ - \
Today’s Ak Entries
FIRST RACK-—heir and one-half fur
Jong* Puree f.,e© Two >ear-olds and up
• ■• ’ . • ■ * g'
i 6*4* Trevardr . * **
4113 Maria Virginia . 10
♦-*69 Fncle Seth .
*•.*' )Hapaburg Miss
Karonga **'•.
SECOND R ACM—Five and one half fur
l rg« For three-year-olds and up Purse
I claiming
451* Furor ”
-- Gleramtrira Ma d .. #D>fi
6*99 Ho*.- Atkin ■ . "I**1'
— Jennie Mack 11r"
A * 3 t » "a Wad ’10
a»'7 Innovation Ill
4*14 San Stefano J. Ilk
4 s a 4 Buklad Its
ۥ94 R#> H ndoo n ilf
6*96 John J Riley . ’IS
- Black Top .v- I**
6*7: Kirkwood 11a
Also eligible
a *97 Hazel I tale *165
- — Bt) Ten* •ill
6 477 F O. Corley 11S
THIRD R \ 1 e de-half ful
Jongs Purs- 1500. Three year-olds and
up Claiming.
6154 I-fmon Seth • m\Ql
6l»: Alice Ryan . *}g
-Margaret Etnora . *10:
6*10 Bookworm ."Itc
6964 Fullantl HI
♦.*94 I.Ink nf Gold . ID1
6*27 Bengali *11
€912 Sen**ll* Belle . 111’
6457 Miss Hebert . ID*
4*7.' Hasten On ... - 1
6*54 clip .. • ;; •*
j 46. S Mont jo v ... •*
' Also eligible
€977 Ponza Kay . Hf
|j-Bond . 11 1
[I A%9» I.lltle l.eae "ID*
! 4*79 Fair Trial *1*1
KUt RAt F. Five and or.e half fur
ongs Th;ee ,rir oida and up P *• J t'
I 6 9 5II < on PA ..
69 00 Foul Weather . li©
69*2 Kiirgeorgt
*99* Runny*) . .116
**957 Harr> k Thaw . .116
».99(i Kltre .11&
€«70 Mom e . .
The tub . *110
6 79 4 Mountaineer Ilf
Kimberly .lli>
A * 4 9 Edgar B.1H
6*0 Edgar P Ilk
Also eligible
6 97 1 Emily Waite . 116
4420 1 Gentry •111
a**.' Faywood .... ill
FIFTH RACE Purse $] C • hsrvr
of Commerce handicap Three ' ear-oida
and up
6**7 ^Treasurer . 91
6994 V - ( Ti t VS ..
Route A . 102
•*94l V Dadd* .4
(hi: ) Dorothy Buckner .. Df
6*4f- \The Araucanlan .11"
Al«* y - All Over .116
(♦*45> >-Abadane .... ... 117
| 'Baker entry v-Irwin entry.
SIXTH R ACK Mile and ‘ vgrdt Turae
17 yo Idairatng 3 vear-old*
, 6*9f T f Seth . 99
! 6 9*6 Ftl II Again
61-10 Hardman 102
s t Angelina .... •
* *9*i Barley Belle . 16 5
fc'.9 Oronoest . .... .Mas
'96 Bill Herd .•1*5
(Ml l.otta G .; .16*
i.'**6 John Arbor • 1 ft*
»' 17 Roroaa 11©
I SEVENTH lln'K M e and 7«. \*
j Purse J “0 Claimtn* Thtee > ea i oida
a nil up
\tan<>k,n • 1 ft*
49 95 Me;, heir . ..165
I 6*. 9 > uk* n * ios
j 6**1 Tael e Hr n . 105
I* * 9*. i 'aatttHnn • *
6*99 Max Rose 16*
6*7* Mad son 110
69*1 Pi net rest It
*90.1 Sea Mint no
,699. Silent Sam . ... lit
! Weather, cloud'; Hack tnuddi
| American Association
Coltimbua. ic June 1 *.. K H E
9f 11 *9 aukre )\ \
• ohimbua . * l
BaMeries Walbcg and Young North
| rop Kelt hum and Hart|e>
Toledo. O June IS R 14, K
K an • a • C119 ...... \ i
Toledo i* .s o
Fitter,rs u s n»,>n and HMlng*,
S Otl and Schtil -
t.otilsvtile, K\ June It: Tt It F
Minneapolis 12 1
I oulavllle * l J 6
Batteries Malone and Gtahowski. Pe
berr> and >®e\e
lndtarapolis. June 1" It If K
St Paul *14 4
I ndtanapolla ...12 17 2
Batteries Faeth. Merritt and Platon.
But "r 11 and Krueger.
Cubs Move Into
First Place in
League Stand inn
V >
I’rcvimi- to \rv* Yorker" -
Fatal Heave. Lame Was
Pilchers" Battle—Bress
ler. Liiwrly Hit Homer*.
K\\ tONK, June is.—
N>» York surrender* -I
fir«t piste to the Cub'
(■wtaj hy losing to (in
cinnati in 10 limine-.
♦ to 1, »' Chicago besi
Boston. With the ha'i"
full in the 10th, Dean
threw wild and Kou-h.
halting for Fow ler. singled for tin
winning run*. Previously to thi*
frarne the game had been a pitching
duel with Bive>, Watson and Dean
receiving splendid support. Bres-hr
and (iondy hit home Iuns. Score:
al> b.po a e. ab-h.po -
But a f 4 ' i * • Ti»ijn| rf 6 # <> t
VS tkr • f 5 J 4 « ft Kno h 2b ft 1 . 4
B • : V 4 1 S § 0 Wilson f 4 1
I»un *n H ft 1 3 <• <» Kc||>. j „ 4 2 12 »•
Rhortm If M M 4 M ■• ! t * ' ;
Bonne- 3b ft ft ft ft 0 Groh 7b i ft 2
!b 4 1 7 7 A VVauon p 2 1ft"
Wlnjro r 4 ft '• ft ft } o
Rlx* ;i 4 ft ft ft ft zL'dairom f* ft ft ft
xRo*j"h 1 1 ft ft ** Desn p a © ft o
jXcj.«! ft 0 ft A ft zAinsmah lift** •
Tnt*fl» 4n ! ft 2ft 11 0 Te x’. 3* ? v
x Betted for Fowl*r In Jft’h.
xRan for Roush in lftin
*iB*rted for Watson in ® ghth. for Snyder in e *b h
r Batted for Dean in ;*ih.
Score by Inning*:
ft’lncinnat .lftft «ftft •*© *
Now York Oft© 00© ft!f
Summary—Run Bu-rs. Walks*
Breaaltr «2». Gowdv Tvo-pis* h
Kr]|y. Thre* base h” : W'|*jj -
run* Rr--*>- Gou d Double r ? *
Uri* * to Oaveney to F’»e?!*r; Gowd
Groh Left on bases New York. 7 <
cinnati. * Bases on balls: Off W?**o
J off Dean. 1 Struck cut- Bv w**•
1 by Dean, 1 by Rxey, 4 Hit* rvf
"'vb.n 7 n » irnlrtc rff p»a*i 3
li nlng* I s ng p--- he-. I*»a:
tirn Ff rman,' O Day and Q’j g '
Time: 1 52
O-licirite Blow* I p; Card* W in
Brooklyn. Jura 13—After hold1-* *
I*ou‘s t* four h *a '0 seven inn r,g
borr * blew ur- :n th* eighth when
t'ardlnal* made alx run* off h •
Henry to win by * to 3 So*h
v uu Id h»\e had a shut-out but for -
Pt Louis error*. Fournier made -n
doubles. Jim Rottomley left for
Louis .da* to fca*e his ?ons*le cut ra i* -
ir.g * shift in the St Louis line .
Sc-4>* *
ahhpna* abhp
: Fla* ?f •* ft ft High 2b * ■ ’ r
! Smith If f. 2 ft • John* n ■* & 2 «
Hnr'aby 2b 4 2 1 3 1 Wheat If fc 1 .
Fr'tau 3b 4 « 1 Z !Kourn> !b 4 3! ,
Mu'Hr lb l 111 0 ©Stock 21 to]
Douth? ■ f 4 l b ft ft Brown rf j
Gxale# *• 3 ft 3 0 « G'flth rf 40 2 * •
j Fooney s* 4313 1 Deter'v .• 4 © : •
, h”boron p 4 1 ft .3 fto'borne p 3 ft p 4
Tod • iui::n i*n* .5 p : : * J.
Total# 2f 4 .;
\R*ft*»d fne- itenry in ninth
Se-nre by innings
St. Louis .. Aft ft ftftt Ml—I
Brooklyn . 11© aee ii« 3
Summary—Rons Flack. Smith i.
Hornabj Fretgau Mn*!ier. Cooney. « -
Io-r-r, Johnator- Fnurni#’ Deberc*. T«
has* hita Homsbv. Coonev, Mhori r,
Fournier <3»- Stolen base: Homs»"
Sa,-'”ifSr* S*o'V Left hates S*
l.oiii* *. Brooklyn $ Fa*e* on ^ali*
Hff Sothornn .. off Chiborne. * S’-u
ftut By S^thoror. 7. bv Osbome. 4
Kerry 1. Hit* Off r»*bo**r* » r .
innings (none out .r. * g'.tfcL of? H» *
b in two Innings Hit bv p-*rh»d ba
By Oal*ft>rne Gonxa e« I.osirg pt*rh*'
•‘•borne Umpire* K>m *-.l W. «
Time: 1:43.
Amateur Games
This Week-End
1 hlrt % -second ami iRary
t • - First Baptist against I t
I Maiuortel
4 #$—First National Bark m« rs: S*
bra»*» Po**r
v -Hansc. n f'a » i|i mt a
R* p'. itt
B- '.ar • Chapa! aga'rst >
- * N"r'h Presbyterian against *
I >..;•* t'hr.atian*
4 00 Overland T re aga’nst l'. P R
U m w nod
- I'I’fton H 1! P etv>** A *-* *
|'•chon acafn«t Hirst M F
* ■> - vx alruf Hi; Sunday •
iaga.nst S* Sunday srher
XX e>*« Mme-wl
f ftA— Pen Hill Freafc' :*r;ia i|i -?
Pr* rI V K
4 of Kir*- •‘'hr • .in CtHjrch ip
Parkxale church
Munt Bmch
4 ty Mission agains' Pa-*
Patk XX Id ate Sunday school.
e >—, in P amends aga'rst v. •
minister Sunday »rhw»l.
Rix frritw
2 tv—f •• ■*** * I’eshy ter'a* sg* -*
N- -h Presh> tenan Sunday school
4 • ---liar l.r.g aga pe: fv. it i - it.
- of- Omaha P: • • sg* -** Bike- ’
* Guarantee Fund against Om
National bark
4 hrietie Height*
Pie'i y. against
I Greeks.
* v -Cudahy* against Pen B scu t.
M N1>AY.
Thirty-seennd and T>e**ev
n XX'-l.iam Street Merchants act ■*
Polish Athletic*
i0—Clarks i{.< nst Froat Batter e*.
1 * *1—4*i b*on Ramble: s at a nst Y
1! x
3 -C R A Q against Sam Y .**
1 *o X inten Merchants aga' A . \
| Tires
M I »
Kiivl 1 Imw in.»l
1 if XI ssou. Pacific Mt. h nr x *•
at Ion
! South Omaha B. -etem
XX .*S| I I in wood
S to -Tafstv-f urth and Ames S <*
N ants against Houtb 4RnaJia . *
Xlim* tiearh
1 so X nton taga’-st ft PR
• ndei s
3 «*r .>.% Sport* aga'nst l
k X a de
Klx *n ion
1 *«' lloltree against Nbraaka N*
al <1 tietbe
»■ Poet .fr e age **«t K nufv Pe
• s • :*' Mi -i • *»'•
double heade*
4 bristle Height*.
lb ' ■ 1 • k Mi are 5*
3"- > R A in nst Tanda F ns**
Hon e
Tarter lok* Club
3 ‘ ar ter 1«m r.ub *** n*
Fort Omalia.
1 3 0 Ka man Insurance aga r.«- TX r«
f ..e** rnw.-rth Minhant*
■' 10 XX 4) \\ aga ret \‘ F Krg ee
I rec oe Park.
*0 Paxton R.liianli ■ <*; k ■ r t
Murphys aca nst Knights of •
11 1 .
All C aranteed as Represented I
No Finance Charge
J. M. Opper Motor Co.
HA rney 0635 2558 Farnam St.