The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 11, 1924, Page 10, Image 10

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    Slump in Crop
Estimate Causes
Wheat to Soar
Five-Cent-a-Bushcl Raise Fol
lows Government Report;
Speculation Broadens
During Day.
Y nlvereal Staff Correspondent.
Chicago. June 10.—Wheat soared nearly
5c a buahel today as a result of the gov
ernment report, issued late Monday, con
firming sensational crop deterioration
during May. Speculation entered the pit
With a bang and broadened as the session
progressed. There was an absolute lack
of selling orders at the opening bell and
prices were marked up 4c on the outside
figures. Best levels were reached at the
finish Wheat closed 4 @ 4 »4 c higher,
■ •orn was 1%®2*4c higher, oats were 1 '»
®l%c advanced and rye ruled 2©2V|Cup.
Support came from various directions.
The buying that stayed the advance came
from the east, it being credited to stock
and cotton traders, who apparently have
the confidence to Interest themselves in
the grain market now that political agi
tation for farm relief la over with, until
December at least.
A big trade was on in corn, especially
In the latter part of the session, interest
n tlm September and December corn was
the feature, the latter delivery getting
into new high ground. Cash demand for
corn was nothing extraordinary. but
premiums were well held, and country
offerings were light.
Oats received heavier buying. The gov
ernment crop report was construed as
bullish. ,
Rve bulged with other grains^ Bit
traders said the character of tne
. buying was the best ever. Export busi
ness In this grain was fair.
Provisions were fairly active and
strong. Lard n. 7H#12V4c higher and
rib« were 2He lower.
Pit Notes.
Th- grain trade »ni greatly cheered by
Ihe day's .levelripmenta The character or
Ihe trading In the wheat nit plainly Indl
• ated the return of outside or public in
terest In the market. The lack of same
haa heen the distressing feature for well
over a year The world supply and de
mand situatl#n for 19'_’4 sized un B "h JTJ
markahly stanng aa a result of the shan>
losses over The winter belt, f a hies from
ahrond told of European huyera being
dceplv Impressed by the newa.
Cash demand for wheat In all TnRrJi^!.
waa active, and In the southwest offer
1 nga were well cleaned up. Hedging sal's
were noted In lhte local wheat pit and
protfit taking on .he advance* waa ex
tensive, hut all offerings were we I ah
aorhed. The Winnipeg market fa led to
follow the local advance in full. hut
showed more strength at the last than
early, an encouraging aign 'h'1*®”- .
Liverpool will reopen today and'
doubt export business v/ill °rolS
broader scale. I tildes from London tola
of serious cron losses in Russia esn
< iallv 'n the Vkralne I! was pointed out
that'India has no mentionahle surplus for
■ale a'-o that the Argentine haa shipped
mat of Its surplus. With the Canadian
surplus alworbed it looks 'Ike the t.nited
Stare.- will dictate world wheat prices for
several months to come
The Kansas state hoard of BIJT‘C
In confirming a drop of in to -0 coin's
in Wheat condition during May B'B0 *“
,Pitted the fact that rains during June
halted deterioration. But It waa Jfui’Iier
emphasized that most of ,he ,7ht' "
counties will need more rain within a
reek If present prospects are to to be
maintained. It Is readily deducted that
ihe winter wheat harvest Is far from as
sured In nil probability unleaa weather
conditions remain constantly fa'0..ihl
from now until harvest cron losses may
ssaume greater proportions ,h"n Jld' at d
In the government report on Monday.
By tied ike Crain company, Atlantlc_*31j^
JTri:— IQpen. I High" Low. I clone. \ Tr,._
■•pt. fsi,; .iaH «»3
Dec Ml i 115 41 1104 1154 > 07 ■*
in j. . . .
?ui® .** i .704' ■«*.! -7«i;
S :?* i -Ml :i«s; **
J u^y .7|4 »04| .-S' ;TJ»
Hept. '.704! «04| .7*4] ;-4
Dec. :]5V- .7441 ".7 = 4 .744]
B I :d :8t!,;8»
Dec. .424 - 43 4 424 • «**») •«*
; -‘is,.j.I.i.
Sent. liS:ll 10 75 1":S7 110 76 10 60
a. I;;ia i”
Corn nnd When* Region Bulletin.
for the 2* houre ending at 8 a. m.
Tueadny: High. Low. Rain.
Station! J, si 0,00
Ashland, clear .S3 0.00
Auburn, clear . ■ .‘I .e 0 07
Broken Bow cloudy -«* 003
Columbus. clear • • ■ • • ' "l™ n m
Culbertson, part cloudy -.i- n‘oo
Palrbury. part cloudy -<} „ 00
Fairmont. 1 "ft .r.lo“d,s..„ 0 00
Grand Island, p t c oudy. .1 - Jh
Itartlngton, part cloudy. . ss 4“ JJ
Hastings, part cloudy-0 no
Holdrege. part cloudy -' J2 p op
Lincoln, part Cloudy -71 J- „
North I.oup. clear .<J ,s n 00
North Platte, cloudy ••••«« ” n00
Oakdale, clear .. 5 n 00
Omaha, part cloudy n no
O’Neill, clear ....... •••••‘J 50 n 00
Tekamah. part cloudy. .. * 0 Q(l
Valentine, clear .88 44
Chicago Cash Orain.
Chicago June 10 *i \ »h*\o
I10»®1.13'i: No. 2 hard. Il.084il.l-,
3 t&oV^-No07^ mixed. IO^®80Vo; No
" mixed 80c; No. 4 ?nixed. 794 © *98i«
No « mixed.’ 7.7 4 Z
;,1 follow':' 7 7 ", ®47ByHc“WNo 2 °whUe? ’ 71 9
si\r No 5 white, 804<*»80%c; No. 4
white. 79 4 fr 80; No 5 whiN°
6 white. 76c sample grades < - ® 75c.
Oats—No 2 white. al4lJ5l4c. No. 3
white. 604 G 51c . No ♦ white, 60 4c.
Rye—No. 3. *18 84 c.
Barley—68 ©7 If.
Timothy Seed *■>•#'1®
Clover Seed—tll.OOSi IS..11.
Lard—tin 20.
Rlha— $10.12.
Minneapolis Cash Ora In.
Minneapolis, June 10.—Wheat—Oirn,
So 1. northern |1 17 1, HI.20%: No. * f!”r,k
northern spring eh^ce t° tancy IJ.aOV
*91 good to choice $1.22^01 29% •
ordinary to good. •I:1?®! “l ?,i„.mher
; fl.141*; September, $1.16Hi December,
* V'orn—No. 3 y w 1)o w. 7 5 '4, «''
Data—No 3 white. 47>,4@47V
Flarlcy—67 ®74c.
It ye—No. 2. 6«'.®46>j.r.
Flax — No. 1. «2 27X08 '■ "‘r
Ksnsna Cl*T < »«h
v,.,m rity, Mo Juno 1 o.— w heat—No
9 hard II OlOl.M; No. 2 red. 11.03®
106 July. »%r; September. 11.00V, bid;
'Jr^-N0,13°4whlte. 82c; Ns. » yellow
444086c: No 3 yellow, 63 44 084c: 2fO. -
nixed. 81440820: July. a.ked; (bep
ember. 76'4c hid: December. 6 9 84 c eeked.
St. Iexile C'sah 4iraln.
St I.oule. Mo. June in.-Futures: Wheat
—July 11.07 44 : September, II o»
Torn—July. 8084. : September. SO'tc.
Oate—July. 4814c; September. not
quoted. _ _
Minneapolis Flour.
Minneapolis. June 10.—Flour—Market
Br%n—$17 00® 1
4 _
J New York Sugar.
New York. Juno 10—Raw iug«r ad
vanced 3-16 cents early today to the basis
of 6 w for Cuban duty paid bu moating
Increased of tarings reacted to 6 16c. Total
isles-Included about 81,000 bags Porto
Tltcalf and 21.000 haga Cuba for June
ah lenient to local refiner, and operators
It fron" 6.16 to 6.28c duty paid.
I An opening advance of 9 to v> polnta In
raw sugar futures on covering and
t'ubau buying prompted by th*. upturn i*
• pots and the higher .ondnn market,
encountered active liquidation end wee
eubatglltlally loet Final prices were 1to
6 polnte net lower. July closing « 40. .
Septcfnbor. 3 66c; December. ! 42c;
f March. 3.17c. _
Hefin^d sugnr was firmer and un
changed to 25 point* higher with Hat quo
tation* ranging from 6 30 to * 66c for
fine granulated
Refined futures were nominal.
Coffee Fill urea.
Ner York. June lo — Coffee futures
were higher today on report* of a slight
ly batter spot demand and firmer ton*
- in tlw* coat and freight market. rhe
* opening WHS 5 to 9 polnta higher and
the rfiarket closed at net advances of in
to 22 polnta. **uly selling up to 13 Z«c
I i and December to 12.20c. Hales were es
I 1 Minuted at 13.000 hag* t'loalng quota
Uona: July. 1323c; September. 12 69c:
MM October. 12.46c: December. 12.20c: March.
11.87a; May. 11.70c.
i Spot coffee wa* reported In good de
■ ■ inand- at 14 44 to 16 He for Rio 7* an l
■ V 18 to lt’4c for Huntoa 4*
! | New York Poultry.
X#w York. June 10— Uve Poilllry —
1 Rasy. broilers by freight. 34® 40c; by
® express. 26® 4 3c, fowls, by fi eight, 2*‘.< .
,3 pv express. 2G0 27i . roosters by freight.
H. 16c; turkeys by freight, 20026c; by *x
pr*as. 260 30c.
fl Dressed Poultry—La ay. chicken*. 28®
|J 46c; fowl*, 22031*
| Omaha Grain
June 10.
Cash wheat sold on the tables today
about Sc higher than yesterday’s spot
prices. The advance was attributed en
tirely to the bullish government report
issued after the close yesterday. Futures
were very rtrong. closing practically 4c
higher than yesttrday s closing quota
tions. Only 7 cars of wheat were report
ed In. ,
Corn sold from 14c©2c higher .In
sympathy with the higher wheat quota
ttons. Receipts of corn were 24 cars
oats followed wheat and corn and sold
1Uc up Heceipta were 15 cars.
Rye and barley nominally higher.
Omaha < arlnt Sales
No. 1 hard; 1 car. $1.12
No. 2 hard: * cars, $1.01: 3 cars. *1 00.
No. 3 hard. 1 car, 98 4c. 1 car, 99 4c;
1 car. $1.00.
No. t hard: 1 car. $1.00; 2 cars. 97c.
No. 6 hard: 1 tar, 9Sc.
No. 6 mixed. 1 car (durum), 96c.
No. 4 white: 3 cars. 76 4c*
No. 2 ye low: 2 cars. 80c.
No. 3 yellow: 2 cars, 79c; 2 cars. 78c.
No. 4 yellow. 1 car, 77c, 1 car, 764c;
1 far. 76c.
No. 5 yellow: 1 car. 754c; 1 car, 75c.
No. 2 white: 2 cars. 47 4c.
No. 5 white; 3 cars, 47c; 1 car, 47 4c.
Sample white. 1 car, 46c.
No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 47c.
Daily Inspection of Grain Received.
Hard: 16 care No. 2, 13 cars No. 3; 3
cars No. 4. 2 cars No. 3. 1 car. special.
Mixed: 1 car No. 3. 1 car No 4, 4 cars
No. 5.
Spring: 1 car No. 5. 1 car special.
Durum: l car No. 4.
Total, 4 4 cars. H 4
Yellow’: 6 cars No. 2. 19 cars No. 3, 13
cars No. 4, 6 cars No. 6, 3 cars No. 6, 1
car special.
White: 2 cars No. 2, 10 cara No. 3; 4
cars No. 4. 3 cars No. 5.
Mixed: 4 cars No. 2, 7 cars No. 3.
Total, 79 cars.
White: 4 cars No. 2. 30 iari No. 3, 6
cars No. 4; 7 cars special.
Total, 47 cars.
3 cars No. 4.
Total. 3 cars.
(Carlots. >
Receipts— Today Wk Ago. Yr. Ago.
Wheat . 7 26 1©
Corn . 24 28
Oats . 16 16 11
Barley . . . 1
Wheat .. 24 28 18
Corn . 55 43 2*
Oats . 41 1H 17
Rye . 9 5
Barley .
( Bushels >
Receipts— Today Wk. Ago Yr Ago
Wheat . 592.000 493.0*0 568.000
Corn . 939.000 861.000 601.000
Oats . 215.00 501.000 651.000
Wheat . 370.000 557.000 684.000
Corn .1.113.000 519.000 557.000
Oats 5S8.000 927.000 600.000
Bushels— Today Yr Ago
Wheat and Flour . 63.000 51 1.000
Corn . 26.000 111.000
Bushels— Today Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago
Wheat . . 20.445.000 20.646.000 22.337.000
Oats .. 7.438.000 7.902.000 5.494.000
Week Year
Carlots— Today. Ag*>. Ago.
Wheat . 43 3 2 26
Corn .234 316 1 40
Oats .161 71 154
Wheat . 48 • «2
Corn . 20 • 25
Mats 2 * 4
Wheat . 59 50
Corn .. 90 63 • 7
Oata . 86 34 55
Minneapolis .. 146 1 42 146
Duluth . 100 191 118
Winnipeg . 1.475 1,636 548
New York General
New York, June 10.—Flour—Firm,
spring patents. $6.35 ft 6.85; hard winter
straights, $5.80©6.35.
Rye Flour—Firmer, fair to good, $4 25
©4.36; choice to fancy. $4 40©4.70.
Cornmeal—Firm; fine white and yel
low granulated. $2.35©2.45.
Rye—Firm; No 2 western. 83 lie, f o
b. New York, and 81*«c. c. i. f. export.
Wheat—Spot, strong; No. 1 dark north
ern spring, c. 1. f, New York, lake and
rail, $1.44*4 ; No. 2 hard w inter, f o. b .
lake and rail, $1.23; No. 1 Manitoba, do,
$1 22*4; No. 2 mixed durum, do, $1.19
Corn—Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow and No.
2 white, c. 1. f track New York, do
mestic, all by rail. $1.00; No. 2 mixed,
do. 99c.
Oats—Spot, firm; No. 2 white, Me
Lard—Firm; middle wear. $10.80© 10.90.
Barley -Firm, malting, 87 ©94c, c I f.
New York.
Feed—Steady; city bran. 100-pound
sacks, $26.00, western bran, do. $25.40©
25.7 5.
Hay—Firm; No. 1. $32.00 ft 33.00; No. 2.
$29 00©30 00; No 3, $24.00© 26.00; ship
ping. $20.00© 21.00.
Hops—Steady; state. 1923 crop, 60ft
54c; 1923 crop. 23ft 27c; Pacific coast,
1923 crop. 33ft37c; 1923 crop, 23©28c.
Pork—Steady; mesa. $27.00; family,
$27.00 © 28.00.
Tallow—Quiet, special loose, 6l»ft6*ic;
extra, 6!4c.
Kn*t St. 1-oul* IJ restock
East St. Louis. Juno 10.—Cattle—Re
ceipts, 4,500 head; beef cows, steady to
strong; light vealers. 60 to 75c higher at
$9.2509.75; other classes, steady top
steers and yearlings, $10.50; bulk natlvs
steers. $ Texans. $6.2506.76;
yearlings and heif.ra, $7.8509.25; cows.
$4.5005.50; i anners, $2.250 2.76, bologna
bulla. $4.25 05.00.
Hogs—Receipts. 20.000 head; butcher
hogs, opened 10 to 15c lower; closed. 25
to lOe lower; early sales, good 190 to
220 pounds averages $7.23 n 7 ;0, few’
choh-e heavies. $7.3507.40; mostly, $7 15;
market late; big packers takings about
7.00ft, best offerings, $7 15 late; light
lights andl pigs. 25 to 50c lower; spots
175r lower on pigs and many unsold; bulk
14OT to 1 60 pounds. $6 6007.00; good 120
Ito 130 pound pigs, $6 0006.25; packer
sows, 6.3006.35,
Sheep and f^ambs—Receipt* 6,000 head:
steady to strong; top spring lainbt to
butchers. $16.25; practical top and bulk,
$16.00; culls $*1.50. one load medium to
good clipped lambs $13 00; sheep, afrndy
at $4 5005.50, for fat ewes.
Foreign Exchange.
New York. June 1»>—Foreign Ex
hanges—Steady. Quotation* In cent*
Great Britain. demand, 430%; cables,
31: 60-day bills on bank*. 424%.
France, demand 5.06; ♦•aide* 5 07.
Italy demand. 4 34. cable*. 4 24%.
Helglum, demand. 4 40%. cables, 4 41%.
Germany, demand (per trillion), .2*1*.
Holland. 37.37.
Norway. 13.46.
Sweden. 26 51
Denmark. 16.61
Switzerland. 1 7 56.
Spain. 13.44
Greece. 1.69
Poland. 00001 2
Czechoslovakia 2 91'
Jugoslavia, 1 19.
Austria. .0014%
Rumania. .43%
Argentina. 32.62.
lira all, 10 85.
Toklo. 41%.
Montreal. 98 11 -22
New York Cotton.
New York Cotton F' change quotation*]
furnished by J S. Pache & Co . 224
Omaha National bank building. Phono
Ja«k*on 51X7-8H-^9
! Yes'y
I Open ' High I T,ow ! Close I Clo-•>
July 127.95 24 20 27 76 *27 55 27.6*;
I.1.27.66 127,90
Oct. 126.45 25.79 26.46 2 5 60 25 36
.'. .25.61 *25.40
Dec. 24 63 25 06 .4 75 2 4 27 M.«.
I ../...!. 24.64 24.67
Jan 24.56 124 60 24 55 24 65 24.55
Mat "4 66H 124 66 24 65 24 66 24 5 3
May '34.72 24 90 4 72 '24 13 "4 56
l. I.| .. . '.124.40
Chicago flutter.
Chicago. June 10—Following a decline
of half cent of top scorea, the butter
market today ruled steady. Buyers were
operating ennserva 11 vely however, some
dealers reported n little shipping htisiness
hut trading on the whole waa quiet. po
rnanda centered on the medium and under
grades with 92 score selling slow. The
centralized car market was no more than
steady Offerings were principally on 66
and 69 score
Fresh hotter 92 score. 39- 91 a* ore.
36hjr; 90 score, 36c; «9 score, 37c; 66
score. 36Vfcr; 67 score.
Centralized ca riots 90 score. 39c; 69
score. 3 7 •% r; 66 score. 36'.ii'
New York Sugar.
New York sugar quotation* furnished
by J. H. Ma» li«- A Co., 224 Omaha National
Ilank building, JA 5187 WM Up
I Ye*'y
I Open I High I T,ow T rinse I rio-<
July l 3.63 ' 3.60 j" g 40 3 40 3 45
5 85 1
8l«p. I .1 74 I 8.78 ] 8 68 1 8.68 I 8.68
I 5.76 I I 1
r>«e. I 8 65 I 8 67 8 4! 8 4! 15 48
I 5.65 I I I I
Mur 1 5 25 t 8 78 | 8 17 18 17 ■ 8 25
Mo-ton Wool.
Hoaton, June in.-Wool was slightly
easleat today Both fleers end territory
have been offered lower, and sale- have
been made on th«- new baals. Ohio de
lainea were nvailshfn at 50 to r»| rent*
at\d Michigan delaine- nt 46 to 43 ie»itr.
Home original good -tuple territory wools,
bslf blood and above, end old Stork have
moved si fl 20 per scoured pound.
Pried Fruit-.
New York, June in Kvapnreted *t>
pies. qul» t Prunes, bnrelv steady At*
rlrot*. nulet pouches, steady. raisins,
fair damaiuL
f- - ■ ■ ,
Omaha Livestock
Receipt* were: Cattl*. Hog*, fihtep
Official Monday. *,,810 12,54b 6.126
Estimate Tuesday.. 8,600 14.500 7,500
Two day* this week.15,210 27,046 14.326
Same day* last week.16,444 25,457 18.622
Same dys 2 wk* ago.18,740 S2.50< 11.232
Same dys 3 wks ago.19.U56 23.484 11.923
Same days year ago. 12,614 21,361 S.721
Receipts and disposition of livestock
at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha. Neb .
for 24 hours ending at 3 p. m., June 10,
Cattl* Hogs Sheep
Mo Pac. Ry. 14 3 .1
U P R. R. 101 60 27
O. & N. W . east. 2 1 1
C. A N. W.. we*t . . . . 67 66 .. 1
C . St. P.. M A O.. . 44 II
(\. B. A Q.. east.... 20 6
C . B. A Q weat 64 S9
C., R. 1. A P. east.. 2> 8
C R. I. A P . W’er.t. 6 1
T C R. R . 3
C., G. W. R. R. 6 2
Total receipts ... 343 1S7 29
Caltle. Hogs Sheep.
Armour A Co. 1,555 3,795 1,099
jCudahv Pack Co.1,3*8 2.679 2,752
I Dold Pack Co. 422 1,787 -
Morris Pack. Co...... 1.025 1.S06 249
Swift A Co. 1,901 1,800 1,682
Hoftnnn -Bros. 3 .... ....
Maycrowbh A Vail... 20 .... ....
Midwest Pack. Co. 30 ... ....
Omaha Pack. Co. 27 ... ....
John Roth A Sons..., 64 .. . ....
Murphy. J W. 610 -
Kenneth A Murry . 1 776 ....
Lincoln Pack. Co. 238 .... ....
Nagle Pack. Co. 59 .... ....
Wilson Pack. Co. 325 .... ....
Anderson A Son. 30 .... ....
Bulla, J H. 10 .
Dennis & Francis.... 33 .
Harvey, John . 742 .
Inghram T. J. 3 .
Kellogg. F. G. 8 .
Kirkpatrick Bros ... 32 .... ....
Longman Bros. 122 .
Luerger, Henry S.. . . 207 .... ..••
Root, J. H. A Co. 15 .
Rosenstock Bros ... 26 .... ....
Sargent A Finnegan. 138 ..
Smiley Bros. €8 .... ....
Wertheimer A Degen 109 .... •••
Other buyers . 261 .186
Total .8.854 15.313 7.950
Cattle—Receipts, 8,600 head. Some
prime heavy beeves brought $11.00 Tues
dav. hut outside of these the market was
alow and 10015c lower than Monday. Re*
ceipts were not excessive, but the demand
lacked urgency and th- movement was
sluggish from start to finish. It was the
same way with cows and heifers,
stock holding steady with a top of $8.7o
for heifers and ordinary butcher and beef
stock going at unevenly lower figures.
Trade in stockers and feeders was quite
with the trend of vulufcs somewhat
low er
Quotation* on cattle:
Good to prime beeves. lift 15010 85:
top, $11 00; good to choice beev »s $9,350
10 np; fair to good beeves. $9.7509.35;
common to fair beeves. $? 250 8 75: choice
to prime yearlings. 19 250 10.30; good to
choice yearlings. $8.5009.25; fair to good
yearling'*, $7.7508,50; common to fair
vearlings. 86 5007 75: good to choice fed
heifers. $7 7508 75; fair to good heifers,
$6 7507.75; common to fair fed heifers.
$6 0006.75: choice to prime COTV"'
0 8 35; good to choice cow*. $6.0007..a;
fair to good fed rows. $4 500 5.75; cutters.
$3 0004.00. canners. $1.750 2.75; veal
calves, $5 0009.50; heavy and
calves. $4 00*18.00; bologna hulls. $4 000
4 60. barf bulls $4 500 5 25. but. her bulls
$5 5007.00: good to chol-e feeders. $7^50
0R 25: fair to good feeders. $6 9O0D.oO:
common to fair feeders. $5,2506.75. good
to choir- stockers. $7 0007.75; fair to
pood stockers. $6.00 0 7 00; common to
fair stockers. $5.0006.00; trashy
8" 50 0 4 50; stock heifers *3 50 0 5.50:
stock cows. tZ 0004.00; stock calves, $6 a0
0 7.80.
No. Av Pr No Av Pr
10 _ 911 $ 8 50 32 . « J
50.1196 0 3 5 4 . . . . 9->? J 5?
10.1 110 9 65 23. 92a 9,5
22 .1 0H3 9 85 24 1061 10 00
i* 1286 10 1ft 9.1026 10 15
- - 1 2 8 2 1 0 2 5 18.12 59 10 80
77.14X4 1 0 75 58 1275 11 00
;n . 61 2 7 60 21 . 668 . ,5
4 ....1085 475 5. <48 5 50
? 885 5 75 7 ... 8.8 J JJ
j 1 1 8 5 6 ? 5 7 . , , 4 6 35
5 1020 6 60 * . 121 1 8 * a
? .... 1 175 7 25 17. *58 ^ 40
*» | ** - 5 77 5 5....1068 7 8 o
15. 6n3 7 25 1 1 . 761 ■ J*
34 ... . 693 R on 32 . 773 J 0
9 *34 835 3. • 63 9 00
45 . 499 6 00 8 . 646 6
6 793 7 90 22. 1 093 9 85
1.155 0 4 GO 1 . 1 7,0 5 00
1 . 650 5 25 1 . 1290 , 00
1 . 650 7 2 5
CALVES . . ^
1 .... 100 8 no 1. * 22
3 . 1*X 700 f>.... . 312 725
1 . . ... 160 8 00 2. 1 50 8 60
Hogs—Receipts* 14.GOO haad Weakness
elsewhere and moderate supplies locally
weighed a trifle heavy on trade at the
.iut*et this morning. A fair demand was
apparent from fchippers for some of tne
best butcher grades and movement was
noted at .r 010c lower figure*. The
packer market was fairly sctlve on choice
butchers and these classes Clyrert on a
G010v lower scale of prices, while mixed
and light offerings mad* a
Bulk of sale* were *t $6 4006 90; top.
$6 95.
63..273 190 6 50 48..Jl{ ••• J JJ
r,l ijo 675 ,4. -33 ... 680
s«;:5is ::: « •* ••• • »°
Sheep and Latnba— Recelp-s, 7.500 head,
lamb pries scored further upturns In to
day's s-ss.on owing to Just moderate ar
rivals and favorable advic-s from other
cent ere initial transaction* being on *
15c and In some case* to s« *" 2n„
higher bn.<la. A|« d sheep ruled fLm on
fair suppliea.
Chicago l,l\ eetock.
Chicago. June 10.—(L* 8. Department
of Agriculture )—Cattle—Receipt* 11.000
head. • market for beef steer* and year
lings rather alow, steady to weak, bid
ding lower In instances; yearlings num
erous. shipping demand comparatively
narrow; early top matured steers. 111.#,
few choice heavies here; bulk of,QUa 1 ty
and condition to sell a $* 25 # 10 50; bet -
ter grades fat cows and beef heifers r* r
Iv active, steady with Monday a •<* vance;
light yearling heifer*, upward
grain fed weighty cows. $8.25 and better,
cannet*. cutter* ind bulls, steady; heavy
bolognas. $.10©' 25; vealers moHlJT
to $1 "0 higher, bulk. 19 00# 10.00 to
packer* according to weight and condi
tion. few choice light. $1 0 25 and better;
shippers paying upward to $11.00 • ^ °#rK‘
ers and feeders slightly mors active; f.n
leher* taking thln-fleshed kind mostly
flogs—Receipt*. 3J.000 head; market
uneven, mostly 10c lower than Monday's
average, spot* 10015c off; large receipts;
medium weight butchers and light
weight* show most declines; bulk good
and choice 2 7*. to 325-lb. butchers $7.25
a 7.35; top. $7 40. bulk desirable 170 to
. o ih averages. $7 00ft 7 20; bulk better
grades 140 to lo0 lb. weights. If lOf tji;
bulk packing sows. $4 2&#4 55; killing
pigs steady to 25c lower, bulk good and
bone strong weight*. $6.0006 15. heavy
weight/ 97.1007.40; medium weight, 17 00
ft 7.25; light weight. 96,60# 7.25; light
light*. $' •;507 00. packing hoga. smooth,
$6 45# 6.65; packing hog*, rough, . 4 25
ft 0 45. slaughter pigs. $5 0004 25.
Sheep—Receipt*. K.OOO head. market
active; lambs mostly 25c higher; cull
springers 50c higher, sheep steady; bulk
desirable native spring lambs. $16 70ft
17.00 sorting light, few to city butchers..
$17 15 good to choice range springers,
117 25; handy weight clipped lamb*.
114 50; choice handy weight native ews*.
$0.00: few loads jesrling breeding swsa,
$10 50#y 00.
knn«it« 4 Itjr l.lvcst4wk
Kansas City. June 10—(!' F P*r*rt
tnent of Agriculture.)—Cattle- Receipts.
S.000 head, reives. 1.500; market fairly
active; fed steers and yearlings strong to
I ,"r higher; early top handy weight
910.60; matured steers held higher; bulk
fed steers and yearlings. $7 506*9 75; she
stork nearly to strong, neef rows snd
heifer a. $4.500 7 50. fed heifers up to
99.65: hulls steady; bologna*, mostly 94 50
•f**4 45; calves steady to strong, bulk
veals to packers. $k nn*.50; mediums
and henvlea, $ 4 0005 7 00; stackers snd
feeders, fully steady; heavy meaty feed
ers, $6.75; hulk. $5 500)7 60.
Hogs Receipts. head market
alow. 6010 lower, mostly Be lower; pack
er and shipper top $d 95; hulk of sales
96.7<’0>6 65;bulk 1*0 to 125 Ihe . $4 754/!
6 65; HO to 140 |b $4 15 tf 4 50, packing
sows, 90.35694.40, slock pigs. weak to
lower, 95 25 «t 5 75
Hhrep Receipts 4,000 bead; market
for native spring lambs 26040c higher,
top. $15.75; others largely $15On01R4O;
sheep around 25c higher, Texas wethers.
Sioni City l,lTP»t«cli.
filou* City, In June 10 Cattle Re
'elpta. 2.500 h**rid : market alow, klllera
etromr ato< kera atendy; fat ateera and
\earin?Vfe. 17 &O011 00: hulk M 0009 50;
fat cow a and helfara. 15.500100: manner*
and cutteia 12 0003.75; arna* row* and
holfera, 94.0007,50. vaala. 90.0001150;
bulla 94 2 5 'n ‘.f.o feeders. IO5O09OO:
atnrkera. *5 500 7 50: ato« k vearJ1n*a and
i alvea $4 f.O07 f.o. ferdinn row* and helf
era. 91.50 0 6 00
IfoRn -Receipt*. 11 000 bead; market
mnatlv 5n lower: tor 60 90 hulk of
an lea 90 0000 90; llirhta *0 9500.70:
butcher*, 90000090: mixed, to.400. or.
heavy packer* 90 0000 16, *t*ea. 96 00
05.96: Rood plR*. 95 25.
Sheep and l.nmba Hecelpta 1 •• he*d.
market ateady.
Liberty Itoml*. _
N'fW York. June f 0,—-Liberty Hnnda—At
1 p tn liberty IVj*. 100 11; ftr*t 4'*a.
10110 ae-MMid 4»«a. 10091; third 4’.a
101 10. fourth 4't a. J0| I*; lT. S (lo\ern
ment 4 ', a, 109 9
I >m Till la IIhi.
Duluth June 10 Fin* cine* fu v.
:r.*4 September. *2 12. October. I. 0,'a
Sew York Sllift.
New York June 10 Bar allver. 67c.
Mexican dollar*. 61 Via
Stock Market
Better, Despite
Steel Report
United States and Independ
ent Issues Advance—Rails,
as Usual, Behave
Very Well.
Universal Serrrlc© Financial Editor.
New fork. June 10.—With the report
of the United States Steel corporation
showing a reduction of 580.31# tona in un
filled ordera in the last month, bringing
ths total down to the lowest In 10 years,
the stock market should have been de
pressed today. So it would aeern. But
instead there was prompt if not pro
nounced Improvement. United States
Steel advanced. The Independent steels
did likewise. Various of the industrials
perked up. Of course, the rails behaved
verv well They have a habit of doing j
so these days. And then, as If to makej
it unanimous, the olla and the motors
<oined the procession.
There was no heavy buying at any j
time during the day There was not a
pronounced advance In any group. but |
there was what the atreet terms "good ';
Whl e tha industrials commanded moat
attention, some of the rail* were making
the best advances.
And. to add to the impressiveness of
the market. American Sugar went to 42*.
closing at 42. which meant a net gain of
1* for the day. Apparently those on
the inside see no further trouble in rela
tion to the sugar situation.
Transactions for the day aggregated
4P0.200 shares.
The rails made an average advance of
2-7 of a point and the industrials *.
Tail money again ruled at 2 per rent
Foreign exchange waa quiet and with
out Important change.
Coffee was up on average about 20
Sugar was unchanged to 6 noitita down.
Grains were strong and higher.
Nature 1a taking a hand in settling the
wheat problem. The government forecast
Indicates a winter wheat crop of "
000 bushels and a spring cron of 1*4.000.
onn bushels, or a total of 693.000.000
bushels. . ...
One of the agricultural authorities
*° * These figures bring us closer to a do
mestic basis than the trade realizes
Analyzing the details, one finds such sen
sational losses as 21.000.000 in Kansas
5 000.000 in Nebraska, and equally* heavy
losses in the Pacific toast territory*.
"The spring wheat figures are about
as anticipated. The report taken In ex
junction with the known bullish situation
abroad suggests higher prices as *
condition develops. The corn- situation a
moderately bullish Warm weather lj
urgently needed at once The nits report
is bullish, a crop of bushels
being IndlcatetL”
From present prospects, it would seem
reasonably certain that the
g^t considerably* more per bushel for h s
wheat, corn and oats than he did for
1 923 cron, but It remains to be seen
whether with the reduced production, be
actually set* anv more money.
| New York Quotations J
New York Stock ax-'hang# Quotation*
furnished by J. S. Bach* * Co..
Omaha National Bank building. n
High. Low Cloae Cloae.
Agriculture Chem. ‘ V» f
Allied <'hem . JJ,*
Am* Beet* Sug^r ” 5 £ H ’ *
is SS1"..8"?' ::mi .5;i mi mi
Am Car A Fdry. .1 ,
Am Hide A Heath . »
Am Hide * L pfd.... 52/
Am Internat Corp 20S .O'* 4 r"?*
Am Hlmeed OH .. . . • ■ i.J*
Am Hocomotlve 33 » 3 s ;3 * J r J*
Am Ship A Com.. • ‘J* ”2
Am Smelting *3H *’• •*-'»
Am Smelt pfd. .. .
Am Steel F*drtee.. . •••■ \V
Am Sugar . «-S ♦' *- "J*
is A HI1 V 5 2 ik
Am Woolen «»S 5»H ”H 5*2
Anaconda . 38H 38 38-, J22
Aaaoc Hry (Jooda. ... ■ • • *JV * **
Aasoclated Oil ... -*'e 33H _ “ ® ',** .pt,
Atl Coaat Hlne .124 l-3’* }:} Id*
Atl Oulf A W I.>»* “J
Ali**nTNickho..-::: :::: :::: i»*;
bSI!, st«,hl°:: Hi Ki S
Boech Magneto .. • , r$J
Brook Man Ry . ■ 1« '* !•** >*V >*»
Brook-Man pfd . ■ • J1**
Calif Pack .8;H »1S *;> 5 i,,
Calif Petro . ... 2-*t 3-H t:J»
r:’n Vc'vM!n ' mij
Central Leather U1* \V*
r>nt Leath pM * JJ };Ta
i>rro de Paaro . . 4j* 44\ J*
jiJ * «i II*
gV*VV:::::«s “f >
c M i St P pfd.. 22 44 31 J. :iv tlW
C R I * P •„ :8H -tW ,.u
CltP J»Olf L 2=2
Chile Copper ... 3'H J'1* -7H Ti,?
Chino • • • * $»
Cluett-Peabod jr .. iniu
Cluett - Peabody pfd • ■ • ••
Coca-Cola i. !* 55 r» Jt?
Colo Fuel A Iron 3*4 J*H 39 * a
Columbian Carbon. . ■ ,
Coiumbla Oae 9 • .* •Ar- woV4 \ a T«
Congoleum . »*** 3,V 3» * 3 ■
Con Clean ••• ■ ' . 471,
Coot can . <» *• 4 *2
font Mnlore . ■ . t -JJ* 771.
Corn Prod .3J> iJS ;!,» ”2
Coeden . r5 * * .ei’
; . Cane du.jr . J . J {I* J*|
V-UAm ' S,,h- < c > Si
arVoosr: j u hi r:
Da'ldeon ' hem 44*. 44 , 46 . «
Delaware A Hud I S 1 JS 1 *5*
Dome Mining }3 J* * ,{52
Dup de Nem.11'V l” 1,7V 4 Kodak . !7S j, i, ;7H
Kler Stor Bat 44 Hit »« ***•
Famous Playera ’> • '• »
Fifth Ave n Hlne ... •• „.
Fl-^nubh-r ;■ . ,«**
Freeport Tex . ,14»a"s4 »
Urn Aaphill * • • e I a 1 ■ a 5 j t1 *
Oeneral Klee ....»*» s *,*J * 7 2,‘
Oen Motora . 13 l-*4 ■» 11,2
Gold Duet . ;?? *»2
Goodrich .. -6 44 24 W
ot Nor Ore , «
Gt Nor Rv pfd • 5;,4 £4 M»,
Oulf Slate. A'H. ««'4 M*4 ”" *
Hartmann Trunk • ■ . ^,4 ,
14avee Wheel 33V I34. 3»J, ♦
Hudtnn Motora .
vnmeeteke Min ‘ ..
Houeton Oil . . ,,s4
Hupp Motor. .ins'. 102’>
III Cent . tiu .s4, 23
Ki^mforpU* 33 H%
ns »jji
Int M M. ■. ,7'4 .12 v, * 51 <£
Int M M pfd .... >3 3j2 ,,
Int Nickel . 1JS '* » 47 S
Tnvinclnle Oil - 13 4 13 * * 5«>,
Jnnee Tee .. ;4,, ;4i^
Jordan Motor .••• ■■ , 20 S
K C Southern ... jJS M
Kelly Spring . — j7i/ 3*S
Kenneeott . 37 V ,T » *{ 2 1 44
Her Rubber . 441,
T'*hieh Rl*e.r " "44. 3,*» 3**. ‘ * ‘4
I..high RHe. . - 4 .. it 5jt 14
I.lma f.neo . JJS <5iJ 6iti
Hooeo Wlle. . - 64*4 54V * “*
I.oul.vlUe * Nash. _ _ , Truck **’* ”
Mav Dept Rtora . 43,4
Maxwell Motor A 43V 4f». 4 . cj*
Maxwell Motor P !•;;
Merland . .. J8*J .-V ijij -0i*
Vex Seahnard .. 20«4 4JS
Miami Copper .... , w 'Jw *2 >'
Middle Wtelee Oil • * » • » 3 » .J,}
Midvale Steel - • ..,, ;.,J
M K * T J3> ill 4'l
Mo Pacific ■■ IJS '*** '5> 15^
Mo Pacific pfd 4« V *5 J* 5 j J*.*4
ilonl Ward. 33*. 33> 33!» -i,*
M other Ia>da .... 3'* '» 14
! Nat Blarult . .. 2*. ^
Nat Knamel .i‘n
National l-ead ..1 '9
n TA<>n"r.*k* "ijjii ijjj; ijjii H'-;
N T N H A* H : . - 3 0 S !ij
North Pacific*n. OH [IS »•> [JS,
N * W Ry.I33'4 11*% 1 * 7-J 4
orph*m . . I .
Owen* Bottle • • . ,
Pacific oil 4,,‘ 4,H f‘V OH
Tackard Motor I[ 4 •
Pan American 51S 381 51:’ 51s.
Pan Amarlran R J»H 4J 4»tJ 49V
P.nn It R 43*» 42'* 43 4i 4 ',
Panplae Oae . ** H 5* s
pare Marquette .. ■••• ■ • J* Jl,,
rhll.delphle fa 4»t* 44J* 44 V 4, .
Philip. Patent 14 4, J53 4 S 34
Plate. Arrow « .. I*. ■ 'e J « ' *
Poatlint cVreal 38’* Jr'J*
r re seed steel Car 44', 44'. 44', 45 ,
Prod A Refine ra 55’. .[ -[ :' * •
Punt■ Alegre S'lg. 61 }s *[V 38 , J?8*
Pure OH 51't 3< 31H
By Steel Spring. 1,1
Rey Cnngolldated. 1° 18 t
Beading ,‘3'< 5JH 5JV 5* -
Reading Rl'e, -I', J • -' s 1 '
Reploale ■ t.H [M , •
rtepnhllc I * S 4.1V 45 V «’’e 45*.
liny.I Dutch NS ... i!8* 15 4
It. Loula I I In II HU II II
St L A 8 W 40% 39 39% 59%
Schulte Cigar St.. . • : • l^l*
Sears Roebuck ... 83 » 63 83% 83%
Shell Union Oil . IT I S >7 16*
simmone Co .... 23 22 % 21 23
Sinclair Oil . 19% 18% 19% l*»*
Sloes Sheffield ... .53 53
Skelly Oil . 18% 18% 18* 13%
South Pacific _ 89% 88% v9% 88*
Southern Ry . 39% 58% 58% 9%
Stand Oil Cal_ 56% 56% 56% 56%
Stand Oil N 1 ... 34% 2* 34 -“4%
Stewart-Warner .. 62% 61% 62% *»1%
Stromberg Carb... 69% 6fl 61
Studebaker . 33% 32% 32% 32*
Submarine Boat.. 8% 8 «% 8%
Texas Co . 29 3«% 2*% 28%
Tex * Paeifir ... 31% 29% .1% 2*%
Timken Roller .... 33*
Tnb Products 58* 68% 58% 68%
Tob Prod A 87% 87% 87% 87
Transcont 011 4 3* 4 3%
Union Pacific ..131 130% 131 120%.
Utd Fruit . . . 186*
u s Cst Trn Pire 882 % 84* 88% 87
IT S Ind Alcohol . 65 64 65 64*
U S Rubber . . . . 25% 25% 5% 25%
U S Rubber pfd.. 72% 72 72 % 71
U S Steel . 95* 94% 95* 94 *
U S Steel pfd _119* 119% 119% 119%
Utah Copper . 6« 67* 67 * *»8%
Vanadium .19* 19% 19* 20
Vlvaudou . 7% 6% 7% 6*
Wabash .15% 14% 15% 15
Wabash A . 45% 44 % 45% 45%
West Union . 107*
Westing Air Brk.. 90 89%
Westing Klee .. . 57% »7t* 57% 57*
White Fagle Oil . 23% 2'.%
White Motors . 52 51%. 81% 51 %
Wool worth Co < new t 86% «5% 8 4 85%
Willys-Overland 7% 7% 7* 7 %
Willys-Over pfd 46% 65 * 66 % 66
Wilson. 4% tfc
Wilson pfd. 13% 15 16 16
Worthing Pump .... 23%
Wrlgley Co .. 37% 3<%
Yellow Mfg «‘o .. 47 44 * 4 7 4 6
Yellow Cab Co.. 41% 40% 41% 41%
Monday total sales 493.300 shares
Monday total bonds. $17,616,000.
Total stocks. 596.060 shares.
Ex-I>i vidends.
Stromberg Carb .$2 00
A T Ac T ex rites .
New York Bonds
New York. June 10 Rond prices raHied
vigorously today as Wall street's flood of
surplus funds found employment in the
investment market. spirited trading in
the final dealings carried the average
price of dovne3ti< issues into new high
ground for the >ear and sent several for
eign and United States government obli
gations. as well as numerous popular
railroad liens, to new 1924 t<.p prices
Although profit-taking tendencies crop
ped out at times, the prevailing rate of
2 per cent for call money and the drop
in short tints loans to 3% per cent im
parted a strong undertone to the market
from the start. Reports that 117.000.000
was being offered on the stock exchange
at 2 per 'cent, without finding taker*,
was given color bv the brisk activity in
the final hour of bond trading, when all
types of investment securities were snap
ped up at rising .price*-. Total sales ex
ceeded $ 1 $,000,000. one of ths largest
volumes of any day this jear.
The high levels attained by government
issues diverted n large portion of today's
buying orders Into ths railroad list. The
treasury 4%s. however. e«tablished a new
record high price of 103 1* and th^ liberty
first and third 4%h sold at 1024 top
prices Other issues hovered around re
certt high levels.
Broad buying of railroad mortgagee,
moatly of a speculative character, brought
a variety of the • issues to peak price*
for the year There included Western
Pacific first -7s. t’entral Pacific 4a, St.
LtuIh A Southwestern 4a. Northern Pa
cific 3s. Ft Louis. Iron Mountain A- South
ern 5 s and New York. Westchester A
Boston 4 % • Substantial g* ns a so were
recorded by New York Central. New
Haven. Seaboard. Kansas City Southern,
Missouri Pacific. Erie *rtd "Katy issues
Negotiations for financing by the
New York, ''hicago A: St Louis railroad
"Nickel Plate" have been completed,
hankers announced todav As »he f.rst
step In a large refunding program offer
Ing will be made tomorrow «if 126.068,000
50-year 5% P»r cent bonds at 94% to
yield about 5 Ml per *cnt.
United Ftatea Bonds.
(Falea In *1 000 > II gh Low riose
1 M2 Liberty M%s 100 14 10"? 114
231 Labertv 1st 4%s 101 20 101 15 101 17
1690 Liberty 2d 4%a.]0l.l 10 :0 101
342 Liberty d 4%S 101.20 101.13 1u. IT
2207 Libertv 4th 4%* 101 21 101 17 101 20
351 U S Govt 4 % §. .10314 1016 10114
Foreign Bonds.
11 Ant Jurg M W 4s 78% 7* »
47 Argentine Govt 7a.l0l’% H'2% 1" - %
m2 Argent Govt **a 90% ?■' *0
1.1 Au*r Govt gtd lo 7e 90% 90 90
15 C of Bordeaux 6a v*
* C of ‘‘openha 5%* 91 ?< 91
4 r of Gr Prag 7%s 44% 84% " 4%
15 City of Lyone 6a 4 2% M2 % v-'%
* Cl of Marseilles 6s *2% *2% *- v
7 C of R (Is Ja Ms 47 92 91 % 9 1 %
9 Crecho-Slov Ren Ms 96% 96% 96%
4 Peut of Heine 7a 47% 47% 67%
» D of C &%e% -9 10. % 102 1 -
41 Hutch E Ind 6a -62 97. % 92% 9.%
8 I) East Ind 5%s 63 * % 45% 85%
2 Framerlcnn 7%s "9 4*% *'%
38 French Krp 8a 99% 9?% 99%
227 Japanese 6%s 89 89 % 89
5 Japanese 4s . 76% 76% 76%
1 K of Belgium *s 102% 102% 1 - »
11 King of Re! 7%a H'3% 1 i * 1 %
4 King of Hen 6s 9% > % ? \
5 King of Italy 6%s 100% 100% l«n %
16 King of NVrh 6a 92% '-* % -* - %
11 King of Nor 6a '43 9 4 % 94% 94%
:« King S C S 8« *2 % 82 M2
I King of Sweden 6* l* ? K3 1"
22 Ori Dev deb 6* ..87% 82% m.%
.'6 Parle Lyons -M 6a . . 7 % 75 7 %
68 Ren of B 8s . . ?! % 9 % 91
15 Rep of C 4* 41.. 10 % 10 4% 1 %
21 Rep of Chile 7s 96% 96 96
147 Rep of «’uba 5% a 95% ' ? %
6 Ren Of El SmIv a f 101% 101% 1 '• ' %
13 Rep of Finland *-a 49 kM% 8?
1 S of R O do S 8s 95% 9 7 % ? T*
1 S of F P a f 8a.. 102% 102% 1ft2%
4 Swiss Confed Ma. 112% 112% 1 1 -’■«
: UK of a it a r%a :9 iot% h»t t 10. %
58 rKofOlU i:%B ’ 3 7 1 02 % 101% 102 '♦
14 r s or Brazil 8« 97 96% 96%
21 U s of B-C R E 7a 82% 81% s:%
Romes tie
14 Am Ac Che mi 7 % a * 7 % «5 * %
*.'« Am Smelting 6- 1<»4% l'*4% *
l’it Am Smeltiig ** 94 '* • ‘
14 Am Such: 6s 94% '* • 9 %
1-n Am TAr i 5*,a t a 1"1% l"1% 1 *
12 Am TAT cof t r 5a 10n ‘9% 99%
34 Am TA r ol 4 *■ 96 * % 9h
7 Am W W A Kl. a 49 % «9 % ' * •
1 Anaconda Cop 7* 38 9*. % 9* % 9* »
'I Anaconda cop 6a '3 9*. % a *• ;«
2 4 Armour of !>• 1 5%* 4 7 * f > k ‘ "*
53 ASfcoc Oil fs l'O ?9-«. ?'•%
52 A T A S V gen 4s *«% *'% *•%
10 A T A S 8* an! 4s 8 3 82 % *
27 At Coa«t L A N 4s M% *4 *»
18 Atlantic Ref deb 5s ?4% «*t ?'%
2 4 Balt A c»hlo 6a 1" ’• % 1"’.% 1
125 Balt A Ohio rv4%* *9% *"» % 49 *
2 4 BaP A- (thio goldle d v • y
18 Bell Pa IstAtfg 5a 94% '9% ?‘%
3 R.>f h St 1 cm, *a A 96% 9*. . • .
7 Beth St I 5 % a 48% *8 88 %
11 Brier Hill 5 % * 9:.% *•»!$
9 Rkln K l gen 7sH 1 '% 1'.*'*» 1. * J*
147 Bkln-Man af o* . 76% •' > •',»
23 Cal Pet 6 %s 97 9 'a 9' %
11 «*an Nor deg 6%s 112% 11% 11-%
46 v an Pac deb 4* 80% *• .
li Carolina c A ( 4s 9« % 0,1 • R ‘
10 Cent Leath 5* 98 98 94
113 Cent Pac gtd 4a 87% 8 7 8 .%
54 CThesa A o . v 5s 9 % 95% *» *
93 Che'S A- O tv 4%a ?» » *3% 9*%
4 9 Chic A Alton 3%« • % ~ %
16 CHAQ ref 5a A 99% 99% 99%
8.3 Chic A East 111 5*.. 73% 73% 7 1%
87 Chic Gt West 4a 52% 61% %
27 r Nf A- St P cv 4 % a 58 % H
38 C M A Ft P rfg 4 % a 52% M% %
38 C M A St P 4s 2 6. 78 % 7a % s%
1*2 C A N W t f g fs. 94% iC* "*%
8 Chic Rys a .75% 74% %
111 C R I A P ref 4a . 80% R0 MO
1* c A West Ind 4s 75% 7 .% ’%
0 i htle Cep 6a .101 1 % 10n\
2R i i’i'aSiL ref 6a A 103 107% 1' N
11C In Term 5%s«J05% 105 1°’
1 Colo A- F ref 4 % a 88%
12 Col Goa A hi 5» Stpd 99 1, *»<»% 99%
32 Com Pow 6" 92% 91% 9 1%
13 Cotta C of Md Ma R8*t hHt^ **%
1 Cons Pow 5a '9% '9% 89%
1 t* < Fug d *>a stpd 9 7 97 °7
" Hub Am Sug 4s 107% 107% 107%
1 He I a A II ref 4a ... 8* 88 88
1 pen A- R G ref 6« 38% " v % '8%
.3 Pen A Rio G * on 4a 7". 72%
2 DC Kdl ref 8* 108 1 ’• \ 10«
1 Potrolt U Rya 4%s °0 n"
3M buPnnt de N 7%a 108«; 10H H*4%
23 r»UOMiesne l.iaht 6a 105% 105% 10 •%
32 Em Gas A F 7%a 90% '9% 90 %
5* Erie pr. Hen 4s 8.8 07 % *^%
23 Erie gen Isln 4* M7 % 56% ' %
1 Flak Rubber 8a 09% 0*% ''9%
. Gen Elect deb (a 101% l"' \ 100%
10 Goodrich 6%a 96% 96 9»1
f,l Good v ear T 8a 31103% 102% 103
8 Goodyear T 8* '4 1.116% 116% 115%
5 G. T Hy of C 7a 112 8* 112% 112%
R O T Hy of C 0» 104% 104 % 104%
*0 ('.rent No 7a. A . . 1'• 106% 10a %
78 Great No 5%a. M I'M 100% 100%
12 Merahey ‘ hoc 0g 102*4 |0? 10?
?3 Hud A M * 6s. A M% 84% 4 4*4
40 I hid A M a I 5a 0 5 6 4 *4 '
0 Hum • » A R : %s 90 06 % 9 614
4 7 111 Bell T*d r 5a !» • *« » •% 9 5 8*
40 ill Central 5%a 107% ini*, 101%
5 9 111 H«n*ral 4a '63. d\ st% 84%
".6 HI Steel d 4 % a 94%. 03% 94%
43 Inf Rap. Trans 7a "5% 84", 85**
in Inf Hap. Trans G or** 6- % j
m i
^Today- after
- "eating take
^ tOatonic. Small, pleas
ant tasting Tablet*.
Relieve Gas Bloat,
Heartburn, Sourness.
Food Repeating and
Stomach Discomfort.
4«f I. R T. ref 5a at.. €1% 99% *}}*
321 1 Ac Gt. No. a 6s.. 51 * 58 “t 51 «
il I A Of. No. 1st *»s •* MV H% ,
7 Inter Mei* Mar 9b hi *;•%
3 7 Int Pan cvt Da A . *6 > -4 >K
95 KCTtSAM 4a . 80% ?•% JOj.
19 K C PAL 5s . 92% 92% 92%
81 K C Southern 5a "9% *9 J®‘a
52 Kan GAB 6s.96% 9->% 9*>V*
11 Kelly-Spr Tire Ha.. 87% JJJa * ‘ >
g L«- G of 8lL Is* CB 94 % 93% *< '•
31 L8AB4S deb 4a ‘3! .. 94% 94% 8
1* Liggett A Myers 5s. 9*.% 96% I*
11 L ft N h b 2002... 102 101 % 102
]] L ft N unified 4s.. 92 91 % 92
1 Louisville GAE ta. . 69% **% 89%
2 Magma Copper 7s.. 110% 110% 110%
6 Manatl Hug 7%“ . 98 97% JJ
r.5 Mar Oil 76s w \v..l«3 ln2 % 102%
2 Midvale Ht rv 's .. *8% HR M
2 Mil ER&L 6s *4 HI 84
0 At & StI. ref 4s 17% 17% 1%
24 MKftT pr In 6s « .100% l’'i% 1^ %
105 M K AT n pr In s A 8*, % 56 S*»-j
5"9 MKAT n adj .fs A 6H% •% D’,%
23 Mo Pac 1st 6s. 9*% 98% 98%
284 Mo Pac gen 4s.... 59% 9% 69%
82 Mont i’ow. 5s A.... 96% 96% 8 *
:;u n »; tat i*. ... •, ' '■* * • -*
528 N O TAM Inc Ts... 91% 90 91%
473 N Y Cent deb 6s .106% 1«5% 106 v*
318 N Y Cent rfg Im 5s 99 98 % 99
33 N Y C & 8t L 6s A. 1 *• I % 11 % 1 ‘»1 4 \
15 N Y Edison rf 6 %s 1 11 % 1.1% 1 11 %
53 NY KHAH cv Cs 48 69% 6H% 69%
1 N Y Tel ref 6s ’41.. 105% 105% 105%
95 N Y TH gen 4%e . 96 95 95 %
121 N Y W Ad U 4 % s. . 4H% 47% 4-4
21 N A Edison s f 6s. 93% 93% 93%
6 N Ohio T A 1, * s A . 91 90% 91
16 No Pacific ref 6s 11.1 "4% J«»4% 104%
35 No Pac new Da D... 93 92 % 93
15 No Par pr In 4* H3% 83% "2%
1 No States I’w 6s R 102% 102% 102%
3 N W Hell Tel 7s... 108% 16*% 108%
3 • -re A Cal 1st Da. . ..loot, 100% 100%
20 Oregon S ref 4s . . 96% 96 96 4
24 ore \V R R A N 4s 82% 82% "2%
76 Pacific i i A E 5s 93 9 7 93
28 Pacific T & T 5s '52 92 % 92% 92%
20 Penn R R 6%s .110 109% 110
69 Penn R R gen Ds .102 101% 102
25 Penn R R gen 4%a 93% 93 93%
89 P Marquette ref $s 97% 9'.% 9,
2 Phfla Co ref 6s.. .101% 101% lf,l%
8 Phfla Co 5 %s. . 92% 92 92%
12 Phfla A R C A I 6s. 96 96 96
10 Pierce Arrow 8s .72% 72% <2%
63 Pub Service Ds. . . 93% 92% 93%
15 Punta A leg Hu 7s. 108 los log
l Reading gen 4%s. 91% 914 91%
1 Read gen 4s 92% 92% 92%
4 Rent Arms s f 6s 92% f‘2 'C M 1
5 Ken Iron A St 5%s %♦ % *9% «9%
42 R I A A L 4%' 79% 7s% 79
H6 S T, I M A S ref 4s 9‘»% 90% 90%
53 KLIMAH 4a RAG d *3% Hl*% 83
199 SLASF nr It 4* A 71% 70% 714
24 St L A H F art i -s "5% 7. 4 73'.
114 St L H F Inc 6s 65 64 % 65 4
5* Ht T# Sou con 4s.. *5 M 6 3
27 Ht P l'n pen 5s 99% 9k % 99%
116 Sea Air Line con 6s .9 78 U 79
2 8 Sea Air Line ad 3s 5 8 57 4 5 8
101 Sea Air Line ref 4s 54 52 5 %
I in*1 Con Oil col 7s “9 S« k9
4 Sincl (’on « *ll 6 4s 84% “4% *4 %
14 Sine Pipe Line Ds * 4 85% 84
37 South Pac cv 4a . 95% 96% 9 5%
125 Sou’ll Pac ref 4.« 8«% £,% Hk"«
40 South Par col tr 4s 84% M *4%
41 Sou Rai^gen 65 .106% 106 7004
72 S»uth Roll gen Cs 101% l'*l% lf‘l%
21 Sou Rail con 5s .100%|100% 1204
158 Soith Rail g'-n 4s 75% 7 75 *
23 2 Sou Pell Tel rfg 3s 94% 94% 94%
10 S? r.aa & El cv 6%s 97% 97% 9.4
7 Steel Tube 7s .104 105% K‘34
8 Hug E*t of One 5s 97% 9 % • 4
19 Term Elec ref 6s.. 96 9.,% 96
14 Third Ave ad I 5a . 44% 44% 44%
7 Third Ave ref 4s 55% 5% J5%
1 Toledo Edi 7s 1°7% I "7% 107%
4 Toledo Ht L A- W 4s 92 HI % *2
53 L'n Pac ref 3s .103 102% 1JJ
59 L’n Pac 1st 4s. 91% 91* 83 “»
40 l'n Pa' cv 4s . 96 97% 98
2 1’nlted r>rug "a 114 114
14 U S Rubber 7%s .100 99% l'jo
36 I* S Rubber 3s .. 79% 79% .o%
r s S'l » f '« i % l' » 3 ’ "
10 irtah Pow A Lt Da . 91% 91 91%
20 Va -C C 7 % s w \t. 30% 30 0 %
CO Va-Ch 7s. 02% 61 62%
40 Ya Ry Ds.96% 96 96%
4 Wabash let *s 99% 99% 99%
10 Warner S Ref 7« . L’1% 1n1% lr*l %
49 West Md lit 48 92% «2
26 West Pac 5s HH Hi * *
3 West l'n 6 %s .110% 1 4 11 • -«
4 West Elec 7a ln8% lra 1'*“
2 \\-«* 8 4s ’ \
2 Wbk-Hpen H»l 7s. . 59 '• ;•*
9 WII A Co s f 7 %s 50% 50 50%
16 Wii A Co 1st 6s «2% *1% H.%
41 WII ft i'o CV Hr 47% 4 6 46
21 Y Sheet A T 6*. 95 94% 94%
Total bend- 119.48' 000. % %
j N. Y. Curb Bonds |
Now York. Jura 1« -Folio* in* '* J2'“
Yotk Cur!, Enhanga. gmlng all bond*
,r*'1,d ,n- High I.osr.CloM.
, .. ...
I Alumi :« - 1 ; S 1' :In; 3
* Alumi “a -J I*; * >$: ,*
* Am Hull M t* 10»
l Am Sum Tob .'>a 01 ,i7
17 An. Cop 4. '‘7 "IS >•*
l A Am (III IH* >I;-» 1L;*
45 A**o 3 Hdw e 64* ■ • Jf r'7
1 au a z w i - . * .b * „
3 Beth Steel 7.-. 75 1©3S 1°3 »
t> fit 7* "C . ... 93'e *3‘* •*
4 fit Her 7» “I> ' 91 \ 9
5 f on Oak Balt 5*,- 1 *• 1 1*" % J«•*
3 Con <la* Balt ♦>* 104 104 104
12 Con Oast Balt 7a.. 107 4 P’i1* la* *
2 Con Textile if 7" ** f*
f, 1 >e*»re *V Co 7’(g s 99 ■* 091* i
3 Pet Citv via* 6* 1 - '* 1“- * •
3 I*et Edison *.e 1n * ln4 P'4
« Hun T(ra & It 7a.. 02 S «S
3 Hu<i t.irhl 6t»a 1 - 'J'?*
14 Fed Sun r> 1*33 *»■*
1 y,h ltody ' - 1*2” H . 11 .*
in Fish ltody *>. 1*24 l » I'l'.'S l»'i
5 tiair. Robt 7e 9a fS -a
3 Hoed Rubber 7? l‘*! % 1' 1 ’•* 1 1 *
10 Ini Match €4* 9*\ 94’* *4 *
10 K C Tern. 5 4« 101 S lnl » } *'! >
9 Ken frtJ'per 7* .. B’55* 1"■■'i
If Heh Val Mar 5* *94 J0|*
2 L McN A L 7v C 94 *J »*
1 Morris A Co I kt . . *3 *3 * •
4 Nail lA4tll«r Is 9* r*. '* ‘
2 N O Tub knr ba . . 9 I'a 4*s M.4
lg No Sts Pour H'bs *7 '. 97 ‘s s' .
11 Prr.n P A I.t 2* dk '1 . *'Vi
12 Phil El S'.K, ‘S3. l"2 1'2
29 P S C N J 7«. lilt1, in;', in. 4.
3 Tura Oil *4,... !l‘, 90's *'S
1 ShnwsNasn I".'1, 103‘s m •
1 Floss Shalflabg *s .!»» 1"" l*»,
2 S Csl Edison S» *1 ‘4 91’s *14
4 sc Oil n t 7s, ■;» mi*. i“ <* i»i's
1 S', Oil N Y 7s a 1 ■ I "S'. 1“' k
1 St ml N Y 7s. '2‘a -lM*( .n*- 1A"
* S( Oil NT 7«. *31 .1 n 7's 1 o” *s 107'.
3 St Oil N Y 4>-,« lr,7 (, 10 7 107'.
in Swift A Co *1*. *1
42 f El I, A P 2 ■ 07 S i‘S n ■ S-'
1 V OH Csl «« 3 !»I 1*1. 1*1
2 f Oil Csl «a 24 2* n ;.n
1" Vnruun* 011 7a I"'1, i '7'« 1*
« tt.» Mill" “n4 1A2 '* 1°3 1*7’.
l'nroicn Montis.
4 Com At Sms id. 04 . 44 "*
3 RdS «>,s rtfs N C . 11k, II
2 SWISS M,s 90', *0's **W
14 Swiss bs . »k 90S »*
Chlonro (*,,wk..
Quotstlons ftjrntaliad nv J S Ha. ha A
o 224 Omshs Nstlonsl Hank buddm*
Phonos JA 5UT. bill, bill wa A>kp
Armour A Co , IB . pfd.. s 4 ■
Armour A Co , Pel. pf<l • **
Albert rieK .17
Baxalrk Alemlte .*
'nrbiita .,h
Bdlaop. Corn 1 *^S *-•
r'ontinentai Motor* . ^
Cudahy .
P« met Tloone .. ..\ .
PlamovKl Mfttch ’ •
Bear#, pfd ‘ ‘ *
K'ld) Paper . 1:> -•
Libby .. * J*
National Leather *
Quaker Oat* .*}f.
R#-o Motor* . * ■
swift ,* co. i«;h p;>
Swift Inti . J
Thnmpaon . 4 .
w.hl . {5,0
\\ (Islay .. • • ■ 4'
3 allow Mfs Co. *« J’ i
Tellow Cab 41 H 4
Wolfe Oil
This company produces hich
gravity (hip pasoline content)
Mid-Continent oil.
1 ft
An analyaia will He
on roquaat.
_ J
Umiw & Ifyjre & (Eta
AItmktri of S. Y Stot k /
11 Wall St., New York
lihitehatl 6170
Important developmenta
contained in thi* week'*
market review reward inn
thr ft* How m u *eruritir«:
Continental Motoi • Butte A Superior
Stromberg Carb. N. Y. Cential
Erie Railroad Columbia tia*
! Weatlnt bonne Elec S O of Indiana
| Pacific Oil Readlnf Coal
Me*. Seaboard Teaaa Co.
Write for Free Copy
Draleia In Stock* and Bond*
35 S. William St. New York
Omaha Produce
N . —--— ■ -—
Omaha, Juna 16
Creamery—L a I JobWna Pr'c»lh,0,ur*
■ .Here Katrae, *0c; eatraa In «0-lb. tube,
atidardf. 39c. firsts, 3Sc.
Dalr Baybra are paying 90C "S2
fa bio butter in rolls «.r tubs; for
packing stock. For beat sweat, unsalted
butler, 2*c. bI’TTERFAT.
For No. 1 cream Omaha buyers are ray
ing 30c per lb at country stations; *$c
delivered Omaha.
12 00 per cwt f«r fresh milk testing i s
delivered on dairy platform Omaha.
EGOS. , t .. ,
Eggs delivered Omaha, fresh No l.
$6 9007.20. generally $ case, second*.
i,(p do/.en. 19 1 ac; cracks, ltc; quotations
above **r« for eggs received m new or
%o l wrhftewood cases; a deduction of
will be made for secondhand cases.
No. l eggs must by good average size.
...ghing not lees than 36 lbs gross, or
4 4 lbs. net. No. 2 eggs, seconds, consists
of small, slightly dirty, stained or washed
eggs, irregular shaped, shrunken or weak
bodied eggs. . _ .
In a< me quarters a fair premium is
being paid for * hennery’* eggs, which
pmtr must not be more than 48 hours old.
uniform in size and color (meaning all
solid colors—nil chalky white or al
brown, and of the st^me shade*. The shed
must be clfan and aound and the eggs
weigh 25 ounces per doz*n or o»«r.
Producers must r *re*sar!ly deliver their
i.wn rggs to benefit by this latter classi
fication. ,,
Jobbing trices to retailers: IT. P spe
cials 28c l*. S extras, commonly known
a, aelecti. :«c. So. 1 amali, check*.
Price* quotable for No. 1 atock. alive:
15.4 .o' ... : broiler*, under It*
11,. 256 3-0 ; hene ami ;,ulleia. - ver 4 ll-a ,
1 1 sat 1 pullets, 4 lbs. and under,
2Cm : Leghorn hens, 17c; old roosters, over
t lbs !-•' . old •'oosteis, under 4 lbs.,
JO- /aions, 7 lbs and over. 28c; capons,
undor 7 lbs. 2 4ft-*' ; ducks, f f. f . young.
16c; old ducks i t. f . J 2c, geese, f. f. I ,
12'-; pigeons. $1 00 per dozen
Under grade poultry paid for at market
value. Sick or crippled poultry not want
ed and will not be paid for.
Jobbing prices of dressed poultry (to
re'ailerst: Spring soft. 35c; broilers. 45 n
56 ; frozen. 4"c; hens. 28c; rooster*. 16 0
lie; ducks. 2 K^se. 3003*0; tur
ke s. 32c. No. 2 turkeys considerably
Jobbing pri'-es quotable as follows:
Fan*-v white fish. 28c; lake trout, --c
halibut 2 ' . northern bullhead*. Jumbo.
riifiah. SOHi'r: fll't of haddock.
2 7c’- black - od sable fish, lfcc; roe shad,
28c ; flounders, 20- ; crapplee. 20 025c;
hla'-k bn*s. 22c; Spanish mackerel .It* to
- ibs 26c; yellow pike. 25c; striped bass.
20c: blue p'ike, 15'-; white perch 12c;
pickerel. 15018c; frozen fish. w2 0 4c less
than prices above; ling cod. l*c. *
Jobbing prices quotable on American
rheese, fancy grade, as follows: hing.e
< aisies. 22>-r; double da «les. 22**c; Young
Americans.' 22c; longhorns. 22 Ho; square
prints, 23c; brick. 22c; limberger. 1-lb.
style. $3 65 per dozen; Swiss, domestic.
:*' t Imported Roquefort, 6s ; New Yortc
white, 32c.
Veal p-ices quotable, delivered at com
mission houses, Urnsha Fancy. 96 to 115
lbs. 12' per lb; h* > y. not o\er 149 lbs.
ir»o per lb Liver, heart and lungs must
be left In veal
Jobbing prices quotable
No 1 ribs. 27c; No. 2. 26c; No. *. Ur.
No 1 loins Stc No -. .4- No. 3. 26c.
No. 1 round* 19'-. N»* 2. 18,jc: No. 3.
13'^c; No. 1 chucks. 13«,r; No. 2. 11c; No.
3. 9r; No. 1 plates, S^c; No !c; No.
3. 7c.
Jobbing prices ,
Black' - rr:« '- Arkansas 24 cra»e*
j $ 2 b n su 2 :* *
Pe*rhe> — Per Box. $2
^ Plums—Ca’iforns Clyman and Beauty,
n*>r crate. $2.5602.75
('berries — Tart?' - 14 lb*. 13 60.
I.'gunberrie*—1" ro 0 3 75 per era* *
Apples—In b -xe- Washington v/‘ne
snrs ex*ra fat $1:7'. r!l *‘ze $2.5 6
bite winter rearmaln extra fancy I. -c
ft 2 56
p r f-apple* Ter crate. 1*7505 66. ac
cordine to size _ _
A • r.ies—In ■ "c’n of T 4o Jh* . lews
n»saps fan $5.66; Ban Davis, fancy
|4 i’*p* •»« extra fan cr f*
Lemons—Call for* * *ra fancy, per
11„.y j7 r*f- far - ■ . per box I* 66;
s’* ra k • ' • • — V s»' : l* $4,560
; SO r,er crate,
- -apef: K -is. eva far~y, *4 *60
4 75
'•ranges—California ^t-a fancy. *
cord1 n g to Size. $j£6<j5sA per box;
,• r :*v., Florida V*.!enc;as
pc- box. $4 66ft 5 75. _
Bananas—I*er lb . 7c
Jobbing prices
«• ;< f! - .*.% er — H cn *frow n $ - ■ cozen
t'antalo',- rai* etandar-Js. $4 s . .
$3 50; flats. $
Eggplant - Per do* . $2 66; 80c per In.
1 .e11u e— Head, per crate. $4 *0; psr
dnxen. $’35 leaf, per dozen. «6c.
New 1 '*■—Bee’s carrots and turnip*.
doren bun he*, 96r
Onion* Nt w cr: stal wax. per crate.
I *
hrirv grown. ilnjrer, bunches. 36c.
T • .11• -• Texas. 4-basket crate*, about
19 1b* .$175 ....
Ur tv - Florida $1 7 13 3* do*.
Pc**—per hamper. $2 5003,76.
Tepper**—Green Mango, per lb. -6c
Cucumber*—Texas. n rket btiktt
$: 1 uahel basket $2 60
| Parslev — Per dozen bunch**. 66c.
I Had - - e«—Homo gr wn, T"C:Sc per
dor Tunches.
BeKps — Pe- ' amper. 21 lb*., green.
$ 2 o (t; vax, $3 5A
S• • < h- H megrowu. 56»4 75c pe- bu
1' -1 a * - - ej.—Msnresota Rural* $2 26 per
^w» Western Russet Rural*. $2 66 p»r
<«rt new crop- Texas Triumph*, in
sacks. per 1b. ,
Nuts—S‘>fr shell* d w alnuts, sack mta.
pt lb. -ft shelled alrnonda. sack
lots per lb,. 2*r. medium soft shell *1
rnoiids sack lots lo. r*w peanut* sa-k
!n;■ f Nj ft 12c per H- roasted peanut*,
sack lot* per lb roasted pea
ru’s I*ss than m- k lot*. 15 u 15c, salted
peanuts, per lb. 26c,
Market qu-'able per ton. car lead lota.
*. o b Omaha
Got t Meal —42 per cent. $44 nP
Coming to Omaha?
Rooms: $1.50 to $3.50
“Opfn 24 Hour* Every Day**
When you think of
You think of UPDIKE
• t
AmpU financaa a**urs country •hippo* a of Immediate p*»men!a of
thoil draft* and balanc# du# always rornlttod with ratura*.
Talaphons AT lantte 6312
Updike Grain Corporation
i ** A Roltahla Con**(tn«no*»t Houaa’*
Established 1992
(Sew York Stock Fxcharg*
m| , ' Chicago Hoard of Trade
MemberN,w yorK Cotton Exchange
land other leading Exchanges.
New York: 42 Broadway Chicago: 108 S. LaSalle St.
Branch** Mid correspondents located In principal cities
Stock*, Bonds, Grain,
Cotton, Foreign Exchange
Bought and Sold for Cash or
Carried on Conservative Margin
224 Omaha Nafl BW Bldg . Omaha
Tvlcphenes JA chaw* SI 17 M
“The Bach a Review*' sent on application -Correvpotuience looted
__- r- - ■
Hominy K»»<1--'Vhlt« or wallow. (.
" »••«<!'"* Tankafr 50 per -r •.
,4Wh.a< UJiMBi* ; :
brown shorts, $19.00. giay *bor • $- •
reddog. $27 50 ,*
Linseed Maal—24 per cent, 944 lft
Buttermilk—Condansed. for feeding t
bbl lot. 3 46c per lb. flake butter.,
50* to 1.5*0 lbs. 9C lb . , .
Kggshells—Dried and ground i0.
bag* $-5 00 per ton
Alfalfa M -
$30 00; No. 1. new crop. Juna arid Ju
*UM FLOUR. , „
prices quotabla in round lo»a flesa •• n
carload. >. t ° #b Omaha foil F_*
patent in 9«-lb bags M..*6©'4 .}> ;
bbl fancy, clear, in 44 lb. bag*. I -
5 3* per bbl ; whit* or yellow corn in C #*
par cwt. M.T*. „AT
Nominal quotation., car •°‘»i ,
Upland Prairie—No. 1. $1- 5' »
No P2. $9 50© 11.50; No. 3. $*0*® *_rr.
Midland Prairie—No. 1. $11 -0© 1- t .
N’O 2 $1.60© 1*50. No 3. $€.0*@jl
Lowland Prairie—No. 1 $1.00© 9.00. . .
2 $6 0* © 4.00.
Packing Hay—$6.50®7.60
Mfalfa—Choice $2p.O*®21 00; No .
$19 00 ©*9.0*; standard. »1 4 -'<117"' N. .
$11.00©13.00; No. 3. $9.00©1100.
1 straw—Oat. $4.0©»00. wheat. $<11®
*00 ' hides, wool, tallow
Price, quotabla ax follow., q.livarc-a
Omaha, tlealrra' walghla and .election#
Wool—Pelt. II Man: each; lamf.
;75- <& $1.90 each: clips, no talue. woo,.
"tjTallow and Grease—No. 1 tallow It,
n tallow. 5' , No. 2 tall - v ,4 ' kr'a •
(14r; II ere.-e 6(. : '.11 >•■ «•-,
brown grease. 4«-; pork
per ton. 1 f •? 4 rackl r gs, $U9 < 0 per tor.,
beeswax. $29.00 per ton. _
Hides—Seasonable. No. 1, 6 c. 2.
6t5c; green. 5* an<l 4r; bulls, o<: and 4
branded. 3c; glue skins. 6- ; dry *ltnt. 1 j_
dry salted. h . dry glue. «c; deacon.. .
Vach; horaa hide.. »3 and If »«; pot, >
and gluey. $1.5* each, colts, - jC earn.
hog. skins. 15c each.
»w York Produce.
New York. Jure 10.—Butler— Market
barely ateadv. receipts. 1*,63 • tubs
Kggs Mai ket firm; re- "'p?». 44
rases, fresh gathered extra firata. rafuU
packed. 28©w8V»c; storage packed, .3
21)1,0; firsts regular packed.
storage packed. -T ^ ^ ' seconds an
poorer, !E',82U>,<-; nearby henna
white#, cloaaly »eleeted extra#, "4 'l
nearby and rmarby wee'ern hern#-”
white#, fir.te to a-.erace extra#
53#; nearby hennery brown#, extra#, v
",i |i,,,e— Market firm receipt#, ff’
pounds s'ate whole milk fats fre«
fancy to fancy specials. 19©3f*c. a’.erag*1
run. 15l4©18^4'_
OUa and Rosin.
Savannah *ia Jure !'• —'Turpenti -
firm. 77c; sales. 2*2 bbls receipts,
hbis . shipment., 130 bb:. . .to-*. l.**4— Firm : sales. 1*9* r*
relprs. 3.457 casks: shipment., *-** +■
casks' stock, 7s t»’5 1 ask*
Quote—R. $115 D. 14 SJ; U »4 44,
FOH. *4 • 0 ; 1. «4 6 - 1 z KM $4'».
f4.9#; WG. $5.75; MMUX. $»' ■<>
Pry 4»oo«l*.
New Tork. Juna 1*—Cotton good, and
yams were quiet and w!*b'*ut spe -
change today. Raw si k held about stea
with import'iw. but th»re was a *
disparity of price* prevalent in the *ra
ing markets w ;b \alups g»nerally as
as they have been in eight ears Wli»« -n
i arpet and Rug stocks were so d free
at. low prices. The Silk Association
American has adopted the name 'Rayon
for artificial silk "
ihbaro Potatoes.
Chicago Tune 1* --Potato*. »v
steady on old stock, weaker on new •'
< elpta rew. 113 cars; old. 2* cars: to’ ,
United State* sh!r>n:en»«. n^w. 392 ca
nid. 147 cars; Wisconsin and Michigan
sacked and bulk round white $1 7*®
Alabama snd Louisiana sacked
triumphs. 12 35* 2.5*; North -
Carolina barrel cobblers. $4 .5€a.ft*
New York 4 all Money.
New York. June to—Cal! money ess'*'
hirh. 2 per rent; low. 2 per cent: ru!,re
ra'c.* 2 r»r cent: closing bid .- r**r
offered St 7% per cent, las' Man. - per
cent; call Mans agslnst arcep'snee*
per cent; tim' Man* ea*#:er, mixed cr
lateral. «0-9* da>s 3 H © $ ** r^r cent <
4 rncnfhs. l\&\ per cent: prsme com
mercial paper. 4®4’4 per cent.
New York Metal*
New York Jure 1*—<>pr»f—Ra*
ele. trol»” sre* and rearbi 12l*r. fu
tures. 17% ® 1 2 T»c ,
T‘n — F,rm spe* sod <--"r
Iren—Steady, prices unchanged
T.ead—Fmrr spot. 7 0*® 7.26c
Zinc—Bteadv. Fast St Lou$a. ??• * ' s
f i»ur*s 5.*« . ' ? '
Antimony—Spo*. « 4*'
( hirago Prr»dnce.
rhicagc. lure 10.-Bitter- LOW* •
»x"f 3$c; ••ar.-'f*-'4*
• xtra frs*« '* • 4 Sc. fire's. Cf‘— -t:
*e 'ords. :3®35Wc
Kgga— Unchanged receipt.. 47 i
New York r$*tton.
New York Jure The genera!
ten market closed quiet at net aavar.ctfi
of 2 to ^4 p >lrts
( hiraco Poultry
OiMagc June ; —r i.'ry— Alive
Kan*s« City Poultry
Kansas $ •>- Jure j* B- .-*• 7
rr • • and Other pr# jure urr ra"C» :.
Pipe Line Company
(>old Bonds
Due 1941
These bonds constitute the
sole funded debt of this
Company, which operates
one of the most comprehen
sive and modern pip# line
systems in the world.
We offer these bonds to
yield about
Circular on requeat
The National City Company
Omaha—Firat National Ranh Bldg.
Telephone—*31$ Jackaon