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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1924)
Home Seekers Become Home Owners Through Omaha Bee Want Ads ^ BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 19c per line each day, 1 or 1 aaya. 17c per lino oach day, I or 6 day*. 18c per lino tach day, 7 daya. 15c per lino each day. SO daya. Classified Ada accepted at the following office#; Mem Office....ITth and Fa mam 8ta. South Omaha..N. W. Cor. 24th and N 81a. Council Bluffs.1$ Scott St. CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED ADS. Morning Edition ...I p. na. Fvan|ng Edition .11:00 a. m. Sunday Edition.9:00 p. m. Saturday either charge or cash ordere. Telephone ATlantle 1990. THE EVENING BEE. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notices. 1 SUTHERLAND—Connorhte. 3108 W St., died May S. age 83 years, 8 mnntha, 18 daya. Deceased la survived by hia widow, Margaret; one daughter, hfrs. Elisabeth Dennis. Omaha; one son, David Suther land. TjOs Angelea, Cal. Funeral services Wednesday at 2 p. m. at the Hoffman-Crosby funeral home chapel Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. Please omit flowers. BECKMAN—Eugene, passed away at the r^slden* e, 4038 Avenue C. Council Bluffs Eugene I« survived by hia father and mother, three sisters, Erna, Wilma and Vivian; three brothers, Hubert, Roy and Robert. The body will be taken from the Leslie O. Moore Funeral Home. 24th and Wirt Sts, to Odheyedon, la., for interment. JkJALOY—Mrs. Laura, beloved wife of John F. Maloy. She la survived besides her husband, by 1 son, Edward, and her mother, Mrs. Phillip Brady of Dea Moines, ia. Remains will lie in state at John A. Gentleman a mortuary until Wed after noon Ht 2 p. in. Burial will be made at De»' Moines, la. 2 CAHOW—Eva. age 70 years. 7 months, 7 days. Survived by Fanny Cahow, Eater ■ 3U. Jacobi and Roy Cahow. i from F. .1. Stack A Co. parlors, •day at 2 o'clock. at Foiest cemetery. BROWN—Ferry, passed away at a local hospital Saturday, May 81 Funeral arrangements will be announced from the Leslie O. Moore Funeral Home later. STT’NTZ—Bishop Homer C. died June 3. 1«24. Funeral arrangements will he announced larer by Burket chapel, HA. 0090. KICKS—William, died at Ogallnla. Neb.. June 2 at the age of 43 veam Funeral notire later. For further In formation, call JA. 1226. Vault* and Monuments. 2 •’Automatic Sealing” concrete burial vaults recommended by all leading undertakers Mfg. by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co Funeral Directors. 3 HEAFEY A HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmere Phono HA. 0265. Office 2611 Farnarr (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1882) . HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Hedge at 24th. Funeral Director*. JA. 1901 HULSE Ac RIEPEN. Funeral director*. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1129 KORISKO FUNERAL HOME 23d and O Sta. 1250 S. 13th Bt. MA, 0080AT. 1871 JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam St. N P. SWANBON. 17TH AND CUMING Quiet, Dignified 8upervlaion C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOJfE. »92Q X, 24th St.KE. 0217 BRAILKY A PORRANCE. PIS CITMLNO ST.. JA. 9539. DUFFY A .TOHN8TON. 811 S 1 “d. new funeral home. HA. 9417. LESLIE O. MOORE, 24th and Wirt. WR. ML' Fpinetcnes. 4 K* VISIT FOREST LAWN, WEST OF FLORENCE. Call at the greenhouse Orders are being received for flower beda. Offices at the -emetery and 720 Rrandela Theater. Florist*. 5 •luHN HATH. 1SP4 Farnam. JA, HOC Card of Thank*. 6 WJC wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and floral offerings dur ing the recent Illness suid death of our beloved relative and friend. Emanuel Carney. Mrs. Charles Wetdt. Lena Llafcobaky. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, m<«g;t slnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street. 621 N. 33 D ST Just out Wonderful book. “California Sun Parlor." Complete course In marcellng and all branches of beauty culture Special price, $3. Send no mono.. r« v your postman. HA. 4169 FOR SCIENTIFIC massage or nursing by the hour. Call WA. 4401. I>ojit and Found. 10 LOST—A mink choker, between tourist • snap s» Elmwood and Dodge or Happy He How Blvd. Cali AT. 1*67. Reward LOST—Bla'k Walrus traveling bar. near 56th and Farnam S'*, ' all JA. 4190 or AT. 3930. Extension 614. Reward. AlJTOMOBll.KS B , Automobiles for Sale. 11 ” ... ____ ♦ r. J. NASH UP TOWN STORE 2054 Farnam AT. 4292 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Nash Touring ...$300 00 Nash Touring . 350.00 Nash Touring ..$00.00 Nash Roadster .. 425.09 Riilek Touring . 600.00 Htudebaksr Touring . 759.00 Dodge Touring . 169 00 Oakland Roadster .I..*.....,. 299.00 i OAVTT T19RM* MADE nabh up tcwn store. 2064 Farnam AT. 4292 A WONDERFUL OFFER. A new Ford coupe, 1924 model, excellent tires, tire carrier, door lock, fine upholstering, motor In perfect condition, chassis like new. This coupe is only a few weeks old. HANNAN-VAN BRUNT, INC. Farnam at 60th. Ii A 086$. Ussd Car Department. COMB TO MURPHY DID IT'S IT8EO CAR DEPT. 1910 Maxwell Touring .$ 4L 19! M Chevrolet Touring, good top .... to 1921 Rtar Touring, guaranteed . 360 -•922 bold Hedan .. 2<C k *** We liuve others up to $1,000. £ Tsrma that you can afford 'o pay. ANDREW MURPHY" A *UN. AT. 4411. 1410 Jackson 0f SPECIAL fpi 'his week ©nly, brio! si I"x3 and 39x3^4 'Ires. $6.&o and up. KAPi.AN AI TO PART* CO.. 2111 Nicholas Ht. ’ cHmvnmm mkft. 191$, «»* paint, In excellent condition. 1196 eash. balance payments. WE, $17$. _Ai;TOMOniI<KS._ Automobile!* tor Sale. 11 NBW used car* and truck*. Term*. Trade. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 2113 HARNEY ST. AT. 6546. OPEN EVENINGS CHEVROLET Touring, 1923 motor, runs fine. Car looks ami 1* good. $160 rash, balance monthly. WE. 6187. RU1CK eix sedan. 6-naaaenger, late model. In excellent condition. 4708 North 31«t Ave KH. 224H, USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Motor Cb. 2654 Farnam. MURPHY DTD ITS Down town uaed car atore. ! 1410 Jackaon.AT. 4411. GOOD U8ED CARS BUY YOURS AT GUY L. SMITH NASH-VRIE8EMA AUTO CO. USED CAR STORE. 3«F-4 Farnam. AT. 4610. FORD SEDAN, lino. AT. 54M. Trucks for Sale. 12 ALL KINDS OF TRUCKS. Eipeclal, A.l 8-ton on pneumatic tlree. which la being sold at a very attractive price. I INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO., I AT. 0705. 714 South 10th St. USED CARS. AT.I. KIND*. TN EXCELLENT CONDITION’. TERMS AR RANGED. MID CITY GARAGE. 3 701 SOUTH 2 4 T H. MA. 5090. ONE to three-ton used trucks: terms can k« arranged. International Harveater Co. of America. 714-16 8. 10th St. Auto Accessories, Harts. 16 GUARANTEED new and uaed auto oarta at a special cut price. Neoraska Auto Parts. 1016-18 Harney St.. JA. 4981. and -206 Cumin* St.. AT. 1970. i Service Stations, Repairing. 17 1 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. , Bayfield carburetor and Eieemann mag neto service. AT. 1160. P. MKLCHOIP.S * SON. 417 8. 1STH. BUSINESS SERVICE. Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching; buttonholes. Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 808 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb, Telephone JA. 1-926. NEB. PLEATING CO.. Hemstitching. Cbvtred Hutton*. 1804 Farnam. Sei ond Floor. JA. 5670. .Moving—Trucking—Storage 26 GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING, MOVING. SHIPPING, STORING Estimates furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4138. BEK I NS OMAHA VAN Sr 8TORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth St*. Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping. JA. 4162. GORDON’S FIREPROOF WH8E * VAN. 219 North 11th St. Phone JA. 3032; mov ing. packing, storage. shipping FOR short or long diatanc*, light or heavy hauling, call WA. 8016. Tainting: and Tapering. 27 DON'T TAKE A CHANCE Employ a master painter and decorator. Painting and decorating, auecial discount on wall paper. FRED PARKS PAINT STORE. 470> S, 24th. _ AT. 7404. MA. 0101 PAPER hanging, low cost. AT. 3347 Talent Attorneys. 28 J. W. martin" h26 Peters Trust Bldg.J Omaha; also Washington. Double service, tingle fee. Also heiu aell patents. Trinting—Stationery. 29 COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Co.. 212 South 13th 8t. "hone J A. 1048.. Trofessional Service. 30 MAGNETIC baths, violet lay massage. Room 2D. 1802 Farnaiti. A’l tiiiY. Krpairing. 31 USED and new sawing machines. Sew ing machines and Victrolaa repaired Rent machines, fl per week; S3 per mo MICK EL MUSIC HOUSE. 15th an.1 Harney. AT. 484! Itenovating and Dyeing. 32 OMAHA PILLOW CO.—Feat her mat t resaee made from your own feathers. We will call end deliver. 1907 Cuming JA. 5447. EMPLOY M ENT. Help M anted—Female. 36 STUDENT nurses for hospital training School accredited In California. Course two >eara and four months. 1 Ml bed »iess A hospital. Liberal allowance. Ad dress Superintendent of Nurses. Seaside Hospital Long Bench. Cal. WANTED—Hawaiian dancer, experience •inncresaary. Call In person at Klomar hotel. ENROLL at the largest comptometer lionl. non Courtney Bldg. JA. 1493, Help Wanted—Mate! ALL MEN. women, boys, Kiris, 17 to 45, willing to accept government polsflona. $117-1250 (traveling or stationary). Write >lr. Ozment, DC. St Louis. Mo. FIREMEN, brakemen, beginners $140 |25u (which position 7). Railway. Y-2644. Omaha Bee. YOUNG man experienced In operating elevators. Hvnshaw hotel. Salesmen mid Agent*. 39 SALESMEN—SHI coal In carload lots Side ot main line. Experience unne<-««. miry. Earn a week's pay ill an hour Liberal drawing acount arrangemgnt Washington Coal Co., gt>2 Coal Exchange Bldg-. chi< igo Situation* Wanted—4*Vniale. 49 POSITION as housekeeper, cltv or country. Mist Palaraon. Omahi, Nab. General De livery FINANCIAL. Hhmik-ss OpporfuiMtiPn. 43 PARTNER WAV"!-. I > A i ^ «*-• era! business experience and about $1,400 cash c»n make «n opportunity for htns*e|f In manufarturlng business .lust being established here Please efa:e *r* and experience. Address Box H 1301, Omaha Her. CP TO DATE Job printing plant for aslc. fully equipped, established trade; sure to make money. Box C 1415, Omaha Iter SMALL Lunch room. Must sell at once I,ook It over. 407 N. 24th Ht. Investment-—Storks—llonds. 43 LOW RATE on city property, quickly Hosed; no monthly paymeuta. JA. 1431. VV. T. Graham. M. A. ANDERSON CO.. 61 #7~ Real estate. flurctv bonds and klnlred Ids Ural Estate Loiiii*. 44 MON KY TO LOAN Qti J»t end 2d Mortgages. We buy outright for cash Existing mortgage* and lend contracts. Prompt Ai tIon If. A. WOLF CO., 582 Saunders-Kenned) Bldg. AT. $160. OMAHA HOMER -EAST N K B. FA RM H o KEEFE UlIAt, ESTATE CO. 10U Pin. Nwt Bk Bldg .1A $7l|. "IX per cant loans on Omaha residences ' ash on hand promot aervlca. E, u Lou gee, Inc . 436 Kee.'ne Bldg SECOND mortgages or contracts pur •'haaed hr Tukey Company. 620 First Na tlopal Bank. JA. 422$. I WILL bur raortgagea and cabtraeta Corkla, 141 6m. Nat. Bldg.. Omaha. Nab. FINANCIAL. Real Kstate Loans. 44 5H AND e PER CENT—No DEI.AT. GARVIN BROS. <46 Onilhl N»I. Bld«. Farm Loans on west. Nab. and N. E. Colo, farm*. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. Money (o Loan. 45 THIS COMPANY 18 ORGANIZED To supply your money wants In the same way that banka supply the money wanta ■ of the business community. Any amount loaned ud to S600 and you can repay It In easy monthly payments. Our equal pavment plan repays the loan ' and all charges. We have been In business In Omaha over SO years and can assure vou of a quick. _ confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY.. 506 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2285. Southeast corner 15th and Douglas Sts. f*m#ha R*e. _____ DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan i*n. 1514 Dodge M. Established 1884. MONEY to loan op automobile. AT. 6481. Loral Instruction Classes. 48 DAY SCHOOL. NTGHT SCHOOL BOYLES 8CHOOL Oomplets course In all commercial branches, bookkeeping. comptometry, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, secre tarial. banking, salesmanship, civil serv ice, English. You may work for hoard while attending Illustrated catalog free BOYLES SCHOOL, llth and Harney Sts.. Omaha, Neb. JA. 1586 DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping. Weed Bldg. 18th and Farnam. AT. 7416 TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge St. 1306 Douglas St Call or write for Information. EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7776 ar write American college. 1912 Farnam. Dancing Academics 50 Largest dancing classes In Omaha. "There’* a Reason.' KEEP’S. HOTEL HOUR ■Toln Now.JA. 6470. ~ LIVESTOCK. Poultry and .Supplies. 55 FULL-BLOODED Partridge Wyandotte*; all laying pullets; will sacrifice for al most anything. Ralston 61-W. HEN and chicks for canary or what have you? WE. 0371. MERCHANDISE. Business Equipments. 68 WE BUY, sell safes, make deeke. show cases, etc Omaha Fixture Sc Supply Co.. v W. cor, llth and Douglas JA. 272 4. Fuel and Feed. <1 KINDLING—$5 truckload, delivered; saw dust. shavings. Phone 2A 6740. Household Goods. 64 BETTER values In new and need furni ture. Sales made privately or at auc tion. We also buy your 'umlture and pay cash. A trial of our service will con vince you, STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE 1608 CAPITOL AVENUE AT-lanHc '.265 FOR SALE—Furniture. Mahogany day tied, three < hairs, two tables, pictures and lamp*. Celt HA. 4H62 after 6 p. in. l’OR real furniture and rent bargains see The Home Furniture Co.. South Side. HIGH grsfle rugs in very good condlt’on, at a sacrifice, HA. 180a. Swap Column. 65 120 ACRES of land, 80 miles west of Omaha, ail in crop*, to swap for ianif house, flat or small apartment. B-242, (Muaha Bee. COTTAGE, equity to trade for la'a Ford coupe and will take up payment*. Omaha j ore Box 1404. j HO MAN’S suit fur wardrobe'trunk, or I what have you? JIA. 17 55. I Mm-liinrry and Tonis. 67 TRAC'TOK New Aultman Taylor, 22-46. with 10-lnch extension rime. A bargain for some one. Write Lf. M. Kerr, McCook, Neb. NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos, UeBron Klectiical Works. 118-20 So 11th. Seed*, riant* and Flowers. 6H ERIE N DS W E1 A’OM E. All kinds of beet flower p!nrv!» cheap, from Imported seed*, from Old Glory to I’aradiae Hill. 2130 S 4*'th St. Josepn Hoeldobler, landscape gardener. lJailio Kquipiurnt. 71 CUT^prlcae on everything In radio. R. M Shlaee. 218 N. 16th St. Wanted to liny. 73 DESKS. DESKS. DESKS New desks. us*d desks. bought, sold and traded. J, C. Reed. HOT Fa roam 8t. AT 4141 | ROOMS FOR RKNT Room* With Hoard. 74 i 06 * ZITii ST.—Walking distance, eitta large south room for two breakfast if da Hired IIA. (>841. Pf.KASATT south room for 1 men or err. ployed couple; board lf desired; garage I WE. 4 ft* 9. I 2 VERY attractive rooms with or with out board. Close In. HE. 213*. Rooms Without Board. 75 FURNISHED r noma and housekeeping apt*, for rent In all parfa of tho rity. Free Bureau <>f Information, $21 Paxton Rlk . AT. 479*. NICE single room and a double loom, with gHrag**; in private family. Refer « n«ca required. Men only HA 2790 ROOMS—Newly decorated and equipped, very choice, walking distance AT. 3992. 2211 LOCUST ST.—Attractive sleeping rooms, also hskp apttmnt. WE 6741. 213 SO. f|TH ST—2 modern sleeping rooms, also hskping apt. AT. u444. Rooms for IlouafkeepJng. 76 1041 SOUTH 24TH — 2 uni and 1 rrn and kitchenette furnished lu ivoty and in* hogany, lights ana gee 2 couples, JA 0792. _ iTlO FA It NAM. Third Fluor —Nicely fur” 2-room apt. for light hikp and sleeping t outlie. Rea. JA. 4088 214 S. 267*11 hi'—2 and J-routn attractive I Apts: also sleeping rooms walking ItltB in e i'll it KK • lean modern well furnished h'»nm-i< xepitig rooms, compla'e, garage AT. 7027. MODERN light hskp. rooms, also cool outride sleeping roorna. 724 N 18th .St 11 c « n *17 N 1STH—2-rootn hskp. ert. furnished. AT, 0 4 4 2 Kim,tin. 76-A I'll 8. tITH AVB . h«lf bini-h north e( K.rn.m, n-.ll furnl.h.rl room. IT 10. Kooinn, I 77 '4729 HARNKT Ht , 2 t onnrrling rooini in i pr I vat«■, modtu n home. Walnut 3677. Wlirrn In Slnp In Town. 78 HOTEL SAN FOR I>—19th and Fnrnam. MuTUb UJuNSHAW—lull and iarnam. S p n ■ j n 1 r-iles to yfuinaiiciit guests. HEAli l-vi \ i i i OR REN l Apurtinr-nlh— l-'uriiiNlu-il. HO CIIKICKFIU. drrornt.rl two-ruulu »nd klub. hpm tin,ill. j»37 ti. - a ill Ml. IM'NTKH INN HCJ4IW lor th. tr.v.nn* U'nn .ml wlf. AT <110, I'lUi .nil Ilo.l*. A part merit*—rtifnrniHlitMl. HI 104 AINSWORTH 24th and Jones A nice light 1-rooin n part merit with Murphy bed. cabinet i hIIclieti sod private bath, dm new meal hrrv b c If you wish. Kent $36 00. Call IPKAKK'8, JA. 280$, 17th and Howard. a l*A RTM JEMTIt and Data for rent. W. J PALMER CO. AT. *•*• ! R*alFatats Management ftpeiiallata. FOfT”oi>rr. ok DRAKE ft 1,000 APARTMKTNTS Cell Jiekgon 2*0$. DESIRABLE four room*. No. f Harold, mh Ave 4a d JaeVeon Few |H. Call rayna J8 IdUa Co., JA. 1011. REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartment*—Unfurnished. 81 PETERS TRUST COMPANY “WHERE OMAHA RENTS'* AT. 0644. 17th and Farnara Bta FOUR rooms. No. S Ekard Court, avall abla now, choice. Call Payne A Bona Co. JA. 1016. STEAM HEAT. 4-room apts.. $30 and up cloae in. G. P. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago St. 4 ROOMS in Selma Terrace" 680 Park Ays. Janitor or Seybold. AT. 8801. Business Hare* for Rent. 82 BASEMENT store for rent. Suitable for plumber, $60. S. P. Btebbln, 1610 Chicago St. Houses for Rent. 83 StX-ROOM BUNGALOW. 8221 SPENCER STREET. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. “Where Omaha Rents.” AT. 0644 17th and Farnam. 6-.ROOM brick colonial houae In Dundee, never occupied. JOHN R. M'CARVILLE. Realtor. 1002-1003 City Nat’l. AT. 8016. R. APT.. Dunsany, 10th and Pierce, $40. 3-r. apt., 6th and Pierce. $12 r. mod ex ht , 2670 Leavenworth. $2! 60. • unaha Rental Exch JA. 8619. HA. 2608. 2250 N 19TH ST.—6-rootn houae. modern, for rent. Office* ami Desk Room. 85 OFFICE suite In front of elevator, also desirable office auitea with 2 or 3 private <•1 fleet and reception room In First N» tltnal Hunk Bid*. Phone AT. 0721. F II. Grossman. Slimmer I'lace for Krnt. 89 SUMMER cottage, among the plnea on Pelican Lake, Minn. Restful place, $11$ for season. Box D-1613, Omaha Bee. KKAl. KiSTATK—rOK SALK. „ HmiinfAS Property. 81 SIXTY-SIX feet and two houses, near post office. $6.700. Great 'bargain. JA. 0327. Real Estate—Investments. 92 MOST ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX APARTMENT IN OMAHA. Here la one of the flneat du plex houses In the entire city of Omaha; the location It unequaied, high and sightly, dose to • er, yet in a splen did neighborhood. This house was not quickly and cheaply built to sell, but choice, se lected material* were used throughout and woikinanship :» the best; oak floors, hard wood finish. Each aide con* fains living room, with ve« tibuJe entrance, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook and refrigerator room downstair*. The upstairs has three bed i corns and tiled bath. Awn ings on front of bouse. Full basement, high-class separate furnaces Double garage, nice in front of house, large bade yard Leaned «t a very good rental. Let us show wou how much your money can earn here Bee this house today. It is bound to sell quickly. C. T. 8PIER A CO.. Realtora. Bankers Reserve Bldg JA. 4367. Clfy Acreage for Sal* *4 *V4 acre* IN FAIRArREg. FRIER RKDITED 50 PER CENT. The finest building site In all of Omaha It overlooks Happy Hollow golf links and all of west Omaha la close to John L Kennedy’s home and faces on two beauti ful aireeta, with another stree-t to be put hi toon. If you want to build a home don't fall to call on ua to show you this, and tb# price will surprise you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. AT 1949 Gibson, KB. 3227. Newton. KB. 1148 Houses—North. 9ti NO CASH KEOUIrtED. If you have a good job and th# ambition to own a home aa cheaply e« you can ;ent one, here's your chance. Well hunt, six-room concrete block house, tn rapidly improving, ell whit* neighboi hood, m north part of city. Newly decorated, good condition and all modern but gas, cast front, three large Infs, with straw berries, raspberries, other fruit and plenty of room for m«u* garden and chickens. Now ready for occupancy and ow ner »h \ » "Sell!" If your credit la guod you i*u get this attractive home without • ash. on payments of Just $5u par month Thie Is tire best proposition fur the buyar that we have aver i««b. Evenings, cell Mt Hi ngat*. AT l»4* THE FRED I. HEYN CO. Realtor*. AT. 7.16 114 Omaha Nat’l Bank Blag 4sl5 N 47TH AYE —Five rooms, electric light, furnhi’c. full basement Oak floors - years old. Fin* neighborhood. Look at this inij jrpu can have it on practically yotir own term*. JA. 1014, Mr. Cars* COLOR ED- W# have 6 end I room houses f<*r sale with <a*h payment low as 1160. 1-00 and $600 down. No th Side Realty To WE. 1736 or WE 2x21. CLOtlXO ESTATE must sell. 91.400 Go see 411* N. 93d tft.. \s ant. FRANK C. REST t’O, f>. K. BUCK A CO., buy end aell homes House®—South. 97 Teaar A Taear. apeclallete in ». Side home* Houses—West. 9H ' -- BEST VALES TN OMAHA BUNGALOW BARGAINS $4760 FT. a moms and hath, strictly mod . garage lot 60x11b feet, on the paved afreet, cloae to military A>" $i.?60 rash and $40 a month. $4960 Fl\# nlr* large room* and bath with hot water heat. Not new but In fin# shape Choice eouth front lot with paving ell paid, ahfde, gsiage. V* block to car. 91,004 cask will handle. $5264 Handy five-room bungalow with extra room upstairs Lmuble ga rage Jaige lot with paving ell paid. I! voo cash and |4S a month 16164 Pricth ally brand new, extra large five room bungalow lined with flax ieum Beautiful uak finish, large attfe, episridid basement, garage Urge lot. j blocks to car Hair cash j 16000 Big sacrifice. Five room end aun loom hot water heat. b*»tn«d ceil ing £.0x120 -fout south front lot paving paid fins ahsda. owner was Offered $7 :but due to ah Unesa la now «*< » Iflrlng. • ],46o cash 08 BORNE REALTY CO. 7.30 Patera Trust Bldg 1 a. kaon 1212. Evenlnga call Harnev 0521, Webstar 11 oi, Walnut 4466, Harney 1417 - - - FOWLER FIN[>§ FOLK® who buy boni** List your property with ua for reauha. JA 142* BUKI <' F<.»WLElt OQ„ Realtors BRAND NEW 2 WEST SIDE HOMES 4522 WOOLWORTH AVF.. RranH new, I wonderful room*, with fire place. hookcasea. tile hath, built-in tub, pedestal lavatory, wonderful electrle light, ing fixtures, built-in kitchen cabinet with glass doors, flour bin#, cupboards, atc breakfast table, broom closet, nnd eannpy over gas etov*. Large roomy floored attic with spare for another nice room: full cemented basement, floor drain, lots of windows, dust proof coal bin; 2 by 10 inch floor joist, steel posts nnd 7-lnrh steel beam supports the hollar. "Ruck'e Better Built Bungalows" are built right, liring your carpenter when you com* out to Inspect. Kin# location, near school and car. Paved street, south front, extra large lota. Price 96,$60. Terms. Open hy appointment. Ready to occupy today. 1407 SOUTH 46TH AVE. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL Just completing, every built-in feature, f* large rooms ;|nd sun porch. A 19.000 home for $7,960. Open $ a m. tu 4 :S0 p. in. hy appointment See it today. Our rslesmen will gi\e you Information, or phone and we will cell for you any time D. E. Buck & Co. 742 OMAHA NATL JA .454.1 Salesmen i Paul Bog, WF AITSi Iwvgren. KF. OA04 [ Murk. KC 2AU REAL ESTATE—FOR SALK. Houses—West. 98 cathedral district. $7,509. Here la your opportunity to buy a well constructed 1-room noma, one block, to th** car line and 5 blocks to the cathedral. On paved street. Convenient to school. Vary large living room with fireplaca and bookeaxex, dining room with built-in buffet and beamed ceil ings. Very attractive sunroom off from dining room with French doore between. Convenlent kitchen. Two very large bedrooms, bath and plenty of closet space second floor. Full basement, air furnace equipped with oil burner. LkR 60x150 feet Two-car garage. For price and terms call GEORGE .v hu.Ml'ANV, Realtors. Atlantic 3024. FORTY-NINTH AND BURT 8TB. Nearly new kellsstona home; liv ing room across the front, open •lairway; French doors into din ing room, handy kitchen, two large bedrooms and bath on 2d floor, oak and enamel finish, walls newly decorated, paving paid In full, 3 blocks to car. Pries $5,560. $950 cash. Why not live in Dundee? RASP BROS, REALTORS. 110 Keellne Bldg. AT. #711. REA L SACRIFICE. CLASSY HUNG ALOW ANI> GARAGE. A gem of a little home, 6 rooina on one flour, oak floors throughout. Finest plurWb >ng, tiled bath, built-in tub, pedestal lav atory. Full basement, floor drain, gas heater. Built for a home, beat dixtr,. i. ■lose to ■ ar. schools and churches. MOST I4K S<JLL». PUR L CUT To $5,650, very terms. This evening, JA. 013$, or A. 6250. ALFRED THOMAS A SON. Realtors. JA, QQ t.4, 2Q2-I City Nat loos 1 Bank, CLAIRMONT. $60$ CASH. Very attractive 6-room bungalow in fine repair; all rooms on 1 floor with a large sired attic; all oak; plenty 0f closet space and kitchen cabin***. Sow Vacant. Possession at once. Call Ha. 4*26 or KE. 4125. $5,159 BUNGALOW Brand new. Five fine rooms end laiga attic. Oak end enamel finish. Tastily decorated. For full Information call Grant Benson, Walnut 1610, BENSON A CARMICHAEL 641 Patton Block AT. $640 6*2 SOUTH 41ST STREET. 1 room. modern: in best condition: j built about 7 years and always occupied | by owner; wall* ronvaaed; fine east front I :ot- Owner left city and haa priced to sell. Terms J L HIATT COMPANY AT $600. CLAIRMONT ADDITION. Flva roume. all modern, otory end a half, oak floors and finish, garage east front, paved etreet Price only 16.960 Terms. Evening* call KE. 6611 or HA. oiio. ORUBNIQ REALTY CO, 1401 First aNt'l. j A. 1966. FIELD CLUB—HANSCOM PARK Sickness Compels Sale Attractive living room with fireplace end bookcases. sunny dining room. nice kitchen, 8 corner bedrooms, gunroom and tiled bath on 2d floor—garage and drive way. W FARNAM SMITH A CO.. JA 0*6 4 Eve- HA. 2297, HA. 8186 EDGEWOOD Fr~ esle hr owner Esst front five room bungalow. On corner lot. Only one veer old Her* i* a chance to get * reel hum* Call me todey and get full par ticulars. Mr. Sloan. Walnut 2112. ONE BLOCK TO CLAIRMONT. Five-room house, on* year old. oak and pine finish, almost all modem; nn ire mad* »o at amall expense. Price 8 3 tlv, $459 cash GRAHAM PETERS REALTY CO, 7 A, f-'-.tEvening. WA. 7998 818 SC*. 49th Av# Price cut $1,000 Owner leaving city 6 rooms modern. Buy ibis uergaln Crelgh. (09 lie* JA 0299 NEW COLONIAL home. 6 roomi. corner built-in tub, breakfast table, pav *d etreet. close to car. 81.090 eeeh. Eve. WA, 70 50 WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lot* in Fdgeweod; vary easy term* Phone AT. *640 3111 JONES ET.—7 rooms, all modern, convenient location. Make an offer. JA 4867. For Sale—Dundee. 100 *"• DAVENPORT- 7 roam, all modern. In good location, for sale by owner. f '" '■’n ftTJiilit! WimnBtrt’iTwr — v aweilsuiimest iwnle»innwrmmi RRAL ESTATE—FOR SALK. For Sale—Du mice. 100 DUNDEE BUNGALOW Just being completed Five fine rooms and l&igH attic. Excellent arrangement* B< at construction and finish. Purrhasei will have choir# of lighting fixtures and in tenor de.-M, „ t i<m« Price complete |( 409 Shown by appointment. Today call Grant Henson, Walnut 15*9. BENSON A CARMICHAEL, €41 Paxton Block. AT. 3540 DUNDEE BARGAIN NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Built to order, classy and mtnulete. oak throughout, French doors, hs flawy be tween b«»»l too tin and bath, breakfast al < ove. Fine 62-foot lot. surrounded by at tractive new homes. Going into business, must sell at once. Priced from $600 to 3750 below shy five-room home in the district. Nee it if you want to buy a new home right. Tonight phone WA. 6250 or IA 0919. ALFRED THOMAS A SON. Realtors. JA. 9964. 202-1 City National Bank. DUNDEE SPEUIAT^. Brick colonial. Ill N 60th Ave , eight rooms, oak floors throughout: birch, ma hogany and enamel finish; flrepla-e and bookcase*; tiled vestibule and bath; exits iavatorle* in two bedrooms only. This worthwhile 1n vest 1 ga - ing Shown by ap pointment. Phone WA. 4070 evenings. For Sale—Florence. 101 C. L. NETHAWAY, KE. 1404 Sells to whites only._ Lots for Sale. 103 LOT 50x167, on 32d Avenue, facing liana com Park, for sale at an attractive price, c A Grimm el JA 161 C. DUNDEE BUILDING SITES GEORGE A GO. REALTORS. 9th F >or «'it y Nat Hk ksidg AT 3024. FLORENCE FIELD SELLING. Salesmen on ground* every day. c W MARTIN A GO AT. 9187. Real Lstato for Kxrliange. 104 THREE small farms near Ashland Want larger farm In Nebraska. _Foshier Investment Co.. Omaha IF you can’t sell It lat mo trade It. fl. H. Browne Co., 642 Securities Bidg. FARMS. Gibbons Stae1. 41Q Peter* Trust. Wanted Real Estate. 105 WE 77 AVE A CUSTOMER for a si- room modern hr,me located west or northwest lie hsa 1500 cash and can pay ns high as 375 ner month. Eve ning# call Lewis. WA. 1422. R. F CLARY CO Realtor*. 141 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. AT 1471. SERVICE AND RESULTS. Competent sales force. JA. 3154. GLOVER A SPAIN. Realtor* C'HAS W, YOUNG A SON, Real Estar* Rentala, Insurance, tm City Natl. Bank.AT. t<41 CAMPBELL will sava you money on con structing your home. Beat material# and workmanship. 617 Keelln*. AT. 1041. O. T. HAMER, Investment Acreage. 1141 Farnam.AT. 9940 NEW HOMK!»-lOUR TERMS. GROVE-HIBBARD CO.. 221 Barkers Reserve B'dg. AT. 1112 WL to'ELL HOMKS I,HT WITH US. HAMILTON A CO.. 241-4 Naville Block.JA. 9427 LIST your property with u» or. If you are in the market for acreage. "•II Louis Cohn for quick sale*. M A 0143. M A. 3021 SEE ita flrat Need Matings. any lo. atlon. 6 to S room*. Sh open A Co.. Rea Kora JA 4223 236 Keellr.e Bldg. __ •*WE BUILD TO Fur a SC.' TEMPLE M FATDE.V. 1546 Farr*m PtJr AT. 9440 LIST your property with Chri* -Boyar notary public. 23d and Cumleg Sta. - -^ _H| A few acre build* H ing sites are offered at H $1,500 to $3,000 per acre. Terms, rj one-tenth cash, balance 1 per cent |j per month. Fairacres is Omaha’s most desirable suburban residence district—four miles to 16th and Far nam streets. i , ill Restrictions permit modest homes costing $5,000 and upwards. No city taxes. George & Company j City National Bank Building The Hotel Harley Remodeled Completely In trance changed from 20th Street to 2014 Farnam Street. Private baths being installed. Huge electric sign overlook ing Farnam Street entrance. The Hotel Harley Art Bixler, Proprietor REAI. ESTATE—FOR SALK. _ W«nl#A—Real Fatale. 195 „ , „ D. HUTCHINSON CO. ~ Real T>taf. Ins 1121 Farnam. Jo. t4Jt Q. A. HANDEI.L, Real Karat*. AT. 9212 WORLD REALTY CO. Realtora. AT. 1491 Huetta.’maler U»al Eataf. AT. Ilf. CIO OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. To th. owner, of a|| lor,. |»nd». tmrte purr.I* of land* within Street Im prove, h.nt Pletrirt No th. owner* of ell lota, tr*. )» and parcel* or land*, shut*,op 031 or ed.ja<ent to that part of "J" Ktrret from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street, in the City of Omaha. Nebraaka Notice I* hereby * van that there haa loro filed with the City Clerk of the City r Oniehn a petition for the improvement 2fr!pat k«rt of J Stteet from Fifteenth Mreet to Si* teen I h Slreel. by paving end 'urblng, eeltl petition being in word, end figure* a. follow*; (■1*111100 for Improving -J" Sireet from Fifteenth Mieet to Sixteenth Str*#i loth* Honorable City Council of the < ity of Omaha oeAYrke,h0u 'in.'I,r,l*n'd «w"*re of Iota ,nd," a*,“i.".ng uP°n that part of ”J" S,*r*V fr.01? l* jfteenth TO stat.enth Street in Sireet Improvement Datrlrt No. IS6I in the city of Omaha, bang record own erT,l°' f"' frontage on 1. d hart of ealtl aireet, aa ehown hv th* generally recognlaed map. of eald City do hereby petition that the tame be Improved by paving and curbing And we do further petition the Coun f. .* w d*r !utl> improvement and cauee .1 to be made, and that so day. be al Dl'ItVct .I.h" P,°£f rix owo*" In laid Ulstru t *1 bin whirh to designate *he material desired to be used'in the paving or aaid street. • File U Brown. April 24 1124 *11 of ii°n ,*• ,HI“,k 7: K-kl'V * Park Add,con 110 fret front by ;,o feet deep *,r!i vV* Kmraa Snhwartland.r, I ..'5 '• ''0l Bllrtk I. Begley, deei^ Add*t*on- feet front by tt> feet Theodore I. Phelpa. May T, I»n part ? J-*r ' Bloik J. Valley View Addition, II I'l feet front by lo feet deep A ™*d: Ma» 1». >»2«. at 10:10 o'clock r‘n‘ ere further notified that you and ta'h ‘!f rr r'' v* ,f' d*'" from .June - 19.1. t be firat dav of publication here, of. in <vhl< h t . f,|, protrat m tha nff ,c of the city Clerk againat the regulailiy legality or gufficlenry of aaid petition or anv signature t Hereon. v Pui,ilJ',h,"I •ccordance with Rasolution No 3124. .Vs rise lf;*4 Omaha, Nebraska. Jure t. 1924 JAMES P. HOOTCH. T t j 4 City Clerk. NOTICE. To the owners of a,I |ot». lsnds. tracts and paresis of lands within Street 1m provement District Xu G-1171, and to the owners of ail Jots, tracts and par •'aia of Ian.Is. abutting on or adja.ent lo ,h*t t>*rt of a! s between Kortv s^rond and Forty-third Streets from California Street to Putt Street, in the ‘ fty of Omaha. Neb arka Notice is heteby given that there has been filed with the City Clerk of the CRy ?{ Omahg a petition for the Improvement P*rt a°f al,ev between Fort ✓ ^nd 5?i.s^.rtyih,rd.ll,r-‘- from California Street to Burt Street, by changing the grade, grading and raving said petition oeing in words and figure* as follows 4‘haoge Grade anil Pave. Honorable City Council; Gentienibn • Ih* underelgned owner* ef lote or lar ds abutting upon alloy between Kvrtv second and Forty-third atree'a from Cal ifornia* Street to Burt Street in Street Im provement District No ij- J271 ln the City , Dm a ha. being recurd owners *f a ms Jority of the fronfara of taxable property abutting on said alley aa shown by t he generally re. ogalged maps of said city «1«. hereby petition that th* same u* im proved by hanging the grades upon said alley a* a- present fixed and established to correspond with the t-leia-ion* herein xrter ape- tied and set forth and that said alley be paved And we further petition tha Council to order such improvements and rauee same to be made and that 3# da-» be allowed the property owners in said d strict with in which to designate material desired to be used in paving s* d all**' And, in ' onsideration o' aaid grades he lr| so .’hanged a* herein petitioned for. ** nerebv. eesperti valy. waive all darn agss or ris »r» of damages by -9»»nn there of or in any manner hereinafter resulting . from such change of grade as herein pe tit ion ed for: Grad# of alley between Forty-sec end and Forty-third Streets from ('aliforiiia Street to Butt Street; % Elevations .of center n .. tin* *!!•> Point on North In* of California Street, as pa e«l 297.27 Pont 14# feet North of California Street 194 4 Point 144 feet North of California **lr ret 1911 Point 299 feet North of California Street 117 f ! Point 2SS feet South of Burt 1 Street ... ... . 11251 Potrt 219 feet South of Burt _ Street .lit 1 • Point 1*5 feit South o? Burt Street 111 1 Point 1*0 feet ftouth of Burt Street .It* 4 J Point 114 %-et South of Burt - S!rcet .114 | ; Fuint oo South line Burt Street as phved .. . . 17* 7| , *iay i- i.on*y. Wav 21 lil4 South Xv feet of T/Ot S and the North 1© fe*t ut l ot 4. Bunk 6. PuDpieton Park Addition, «’» feet tii.m bv feet deep Todvl W Jobneon May 2 i. It!!, South 4u feet e? I-**t 4 Block « Popp!«twD Park Addition. 4« feet front by 12a f#et deep John P Bannon Mav 21. Ifja South 2© feel of Ix)t 2 and the North it* feet of I#ot 2 Block $ Poppteton Park Addition. 4® feet front hr i;t feet deep Tereaa il Ulnn. ha May 21. i»jl North 40 feet of !.ot 1, Hlo. k 8. Popp -ton Park j 4*1 feet of I.ot 1. Blin k t. Popplrtnn Park Addition 40 f#et front br J1S feet deep Maude C Nagle >e . • 21. Jtf? South 1* feet of I.ot 1 and the North *0 feet #f Txxt 2. Block f Popplefon Park Addition 40 feet front hjr l|t feet deep B H Garrett the North in feet of T,ot 17 and * he South 2© feet of I,*? 1*. Block * pctpleton Pack Addition. 4* feet front br 174 feet deep Jo‘ n 4V mil l.ou'ee T Holanhek Vav 21. 1*21 North 4© fee; of l^»t 1« R’nck Popple ton Tack A dd’S-n, 4© foot front br 17* feet deep Elmer T. and Phe’mda Nf Rcnde*-# Va 21. 1 ®23 North 2© feet of T^»t 14 and -h<* Sotith 2© feet of Jyrt 18. Block 8 Popple ton Park Addition. 4© feet front bv 17* feet deep C* F Wallin, Mar 21 If?* and Vn C P Wall'n. May 21 IfJJ. Lot » and the " e»t 42 feet rf I.ot 1© Block 8 Popple ton Park Addition 4? feet front by ltd feet deep UJrnard Oherg Mgr 24 1122 South 4© feet of Lot if Block 8. Ponpletoa Park Addit on 4© feet front by 121 feet deep “ t. Gentleman May 24. lt?S, North 30 feet of Lot If Block I. and the South 10 feet of 1,0! 20, Block 8 Poppleton Park Addition 4® feet front bv 12* feet deep John Glynn. Hay *4 1f2t South 2® feet of Lot 4 and the North Jg feet of I.ot 7 Block f Poppleton Park Addition, 4v feet front by 111 feet drep Katherine A and John A Rogers Vlax 24. lilt, the South tb feet a# I.ot 7 and tha North 1® feet of Lui 3 Block 8 Pod* rleton Park Add t'on, 4# feet front bf 2* feet deep If A and B E OHn. July 14 1®2* North J© feet of I*»t IS and the South 2® feet of leit 14 HKnk 8 P^ppler^n Pa:k Addition 4*' fret ft >»nt 1 v 17* feet deep Kathryn B .Tulv 7t. 1472 South 10 8 feet Not (h 2© feet wf fe>t < Him k 6 ar.| the N -fh 4® fe. I nf 1 At 8. P m l Popplelon Park AdUitoa. each 4® feel front b** 17* feet deep Ro«e o 8<*holnik- April 14 1S24 the South 1© feet of Let IS and the North 30 feet nf Lot 14. Block 8. Pot.pleten Fark Addition 4© feet front l*v 12* feet deep Par I .T G»'p. April 11. '®T4 N'nr'h 4" fee* of I^ot 70 Bi,»ck 8 Popplaton Park Addition 4© feet front br 1 ?a 'eet deep r cd War l© 1124. at i© j© • dock A M Ton a-i further nattf’*d that eon and each of vou will ha x e 1© diva from June f 1 • ?4 (he firat dar of publication here of »n which file proto#* in »he office of the Cliv Dark agam«t tbe re* itarttr legalttx* or aufftr -ru x nf avid petition or anx* » gnature thereon Pub iehed 'n a. <xi dar • with Reanl’ltton No 322?. Ser e# 1474 imaha N^binaVa June ? 1©*4 JAMES r HOTTER City Cleik. i .M M n.TFT.*»~ rBOpOSATS For STREET lMPftCV K MF.NTS Sealed pmpoaala ate invited and n ill be received by the City Clerk of tbe City «f Omaha, on Tuea.Iav, June 1©. ti24 at 1® o’rlgok A M . In the Council Chamber •»f the City Hall for the following street iraprovementa Pinkney Street from |fth Street to l©th Street within Street Tmprox einenr Pta trie! No 1717, bv paving and curbing to accordance with Ordinance No 1®0®7 Txventx ninth Street from Fort Strert to Ellleon Avenue, within Street Improve ment Platrlet No 1*72 bv paving and curbing Id accordance alth Ordtoame fto imi Maple Street from John A Creighton Bou’evnrd to *Mh Stiret nifb»n St***#t imnrnvenient m«t*Jct V** 717® bx pax in* ai<d cm be* in a.«lan>e with Ouli* n« nee No It2*3 C01 l*x Street, f <>nx ?.©th Street ♦« Citb Street, and ®0th Street. Miami Street to! MllParx Avenue « <h!n ^t»wwt Imorox, | '»'#«* Plain.! No 7*14 l»x p»\ n* au.l « curbing n iwnlint* e.»h «sdTnance No (fi*e Ffftx • • pb 1 b Street Miami b(*eef te Mllitatv lx •* tie tnh'd Street imprax# men* Platrlet Vo 274 * bx eg«mg «a<4 curbing in arpordaneg with *'m nan a v - 1144* Fifty fltfh Straat, ^-nm Vili'irr A«* 1 hue (n North ltra of Tk<ak**av Street j within Straat lusprore-want DorUt h,\^ CITY OFFICIAL* NOTICES. 2336, by paving and curbing In accord ance with Ordinance No. 11634 Twenty ■eventh Avenue from Kllfaon Avenue to Hlmebaugh ^lenue with n Street Improvement Diatrict No 224ft. b*. paving and curbing In accordance with Ordinance No. 11639 Forty eighth Street from Maple Sfr**t to lied fold Avenue, within Street Im provement Diatrict No. 234*. by paring and curbing in accordance with Ordinance No 1 i 6 6 2. Ohio Street from 41et Street to 45th Street, within Street Improvement D»a trict No. 2306. by paving and curbing in accordance with Ordinance No. 1147 4 Forty fourth Avenue. from Bedford Avenue to Spaulding Street, wirtiln Sire*' Improvement Diairif-t No. 2157. by p*\ ing and curbing In accordance with Or dinance Ni*. 11 •> 7 0. Emmet Street from 4?d Street to 44th Avenue, within Street Improvement Dia tr|< t No. 22t».'<, by paving and rutioitf In accordance with Ordinance No 11694 Forty-i bird Str-ei frnn Bedford Ave. non to Kmiu^t Street, within Street Im provement Dletrlct No 2364 by pevirfg and curbing in aroidan-e with ordi nance No. 11695. Forty-ninth Street from Mil 'ary Ave nue to Grant Street, within Street !t« provemeni pigtrict No 2364 hi paving * end curbing'ln anordanc* with Ordinance No. 1H9*. i'hlrti-eighth Street from Amee Ave nue to Grand A\enu*. wiibm Street Im prnvement Diet rut No 2294 by paving end curbing in accordance with Ord» ninr§ No. 11736 Corby Si iee» from 43d Street •* 4?th Street, within Street Improvernen' Dw trlct No 2463, by paving and curbing In accordance with Ordinance No. 1176J. Hlnney Street from 4ftth Street lo 4Ld Avenue, within Street Improvement ph trict No. 24J6. by pas ing and curbing jr accordance with Ordinance No 116 0% Miami Att*et from 43d Street to 45th Street.^ within Street Improsement r>je trict No. 2417. by paving and curbing jn accordance With Ord nance Xe 11*69 ,rbip Street from 4uth Street to 4l»t Street within Street Improvement Di» trirt No. 2425. by paving and curbing ft* accordance with Ordinance No 11425. Krakine Street from 49th Street to 50th Street, within Street Improvement ldatrict .No. 243i, by paving and curbing in a< . ordance with Ordinance No. 11*31 Alania Avenue from 36th Street to 33d Street. Read Street from 36th Street to Mari ill Avenue Van* Sire*-, from 36?h Street to 13d Street: Slat Avenue, from Fla Street to Vane Street, and Whitmore Street from 3lPh Street to 31 at Avenue, within Street Improvement Dletrlct No. - * 53. by paving and curbing in accord an.e with Ordinance No 11*86. Martin Avenue from Minne T.uaa A\e rm# to 36 th Street. Iowa Stree* from Minne T.uaa Boulevard to 30th Street f’iant Street from Minne Lua* Boulevard to 291 h Street, Scott and Ernat Sire»«a from 29th Street to 36th Street and 79-h Street from Plant Street to Iowa Street, within Street Improvement Diarrict No. 2454. by paving and curbing n a -ord aiico with Ordinance No. 11**7. Read Street from Minne Luaa f*oytev vard to 30th Street and 2tth Avenue frond Vane Street to Iowa Street, wifhtn S»ree« Improvement Diatrict No. 2458. by pav;ng arid - urbing in accordance with Ord 'uti<-f No 11*91. Forty eighth Avenue from MapIS Street to R-dford Avenue; Binn*r Street fiop 4*th Street to 4*th Avenue; W’^ Sir-et front Fontenelie Boulevard 'o 49»h Street and Spent er Street from 4«ih Street to 4*fh Avenue within Street Im provement Diatrict No. 2451, by paving and curbing in accordance with Ordi nance No. 11194 Thirty eecond Street from R»fljelt Ave nue »o Ida Street: 23d Street from Peti te Avenue t«» Scott Ftroet and Summit Street from 2!d Street to 13d Avenue, within Street Improvement Diatrict No. 2462. by paving and curbing in acfordr an-- w h ordinance No. 11*45. Ida »t*reef from 26th S'reet te ltd Street, within Street Improvement Dia trict No 2464. by paving and curbing, in accordant e with Ordtnarwe Ne 11197. Maple Street, from 33d Street to J. A Creighton Boulevard within Street Im provement Diatrict No. 2476. by paving and curbing in atcordanca with Orfl!na_o e No 11 41C Bur-let te Straet from Military Avenue to Happy Hollow Boulevard, within S*r*** Improvement I>iatr ct No 2476 hv paring and rurbifig in accordant# with Ordi nance No 1 1437. M •** i"! Avenue, from 11th S?r*e* t*» pent 26-' fe*t Faff with r S’reet Im provement Diatrict Ne. 24** by paving ■ nd curb ng in accordance w:'h Dfd’rane*. No 1144! S'one Avenue f'«m We** bn* *# Avenue South, to 2“d Street within Street Improvement District No 74*2 b- pa g and curbing 1*» a cordanca w-h Ord - nance No. 1 1447. Huntingten Avenue from 16th gt^*»t 'n 31«t Avenue, w'fh'n S’-eet Imp,r'.4 ii.*m Diatriet No 2444 by yevltic ard_ •'urbinr m accordance with Ordinance No Util Thirty ? rat Avonue from T.aere! Ave nue to Belvedere Bou’evard and A^adfi* Avenue from Slat Avenue to ltd S're*t, within Street Improvement DiMrict No 2626. bv paving and curbtnr >n a cord an e Ordinm •# Vo 1?4J4 Wirt Street from 4fttb Street to 47' Afreet 42d, V line Wirt. F.a»’, *o Sou*h line Wirt. We»’ with Street Improve ment Diatrict No 257* by pavirg and us i> ng in a 'ordance with ONHuer.ce No • 2646. Jga-d Street from 46?h S'reet to 46'h *rreef within Street Improvement D'e rift No 2551. by paving ard curbing in kc.’ordapce with Ord'nance No 1 267?. ated cnata a* to principal Item* ■n taring into rompie'ed paverr*e' Material and Claaa Per S<3 Yd laphalt ‘ P 17*' Aaphaltie Generate "B"... 2 ?'• Hone Block and 'K"..... 8 ,f' ritrifled Brick, '*B~ .. J *? iTtrified Brick Block. "V'. 1*5 ritrlf rd Brick Block. *‘K". J .? Vaaotcd Wood Block. **C”........ . I 66 Artificial Sione **A *. . 2 *6 ,ua<auain. a. . * a Artificial 8l«n« Combined Cu»b and Uniter, C • »• \ I' ’0 prr llfi ft Header* . ' «# per Hr fl. Grad,||< . . . * 65 per cu yd Pr.« ea above enumerated to apply to the futiaw itf <11*11 1to S I I> Nu —location 1757 Hiukuex 5#fh to «#th 1«7: ?*th F.-rt to K « n At* •IT# \Imi»ie. John A. Ore fh'en to SMh. 2214 —*'orby. 14th to «*th 2:4#—, ‘ h. Miami to V‘i rare Art 2214—57th W lit ary Avenue to Vnrth Mr* FirVitr 224#—27th Axenue ?!Mwi Areirn to H tnebanirh Avenue ?f 4* —41th. Marla Badferd A. venae 215«—Ohio, iie* to 4»’h Street 2*57—44th Avenue. Bedford Axanu# to fpavMilf 2*«S Bmmef 4“d *• 44th Avenue 2144—*43d Radfo-d A verna to T.rrmet 14# 4*<h Military Avenue to Grar* 7**4— 3*’h Ame* Avenuo to O - d Avenue 74M 'V»M 4M * n 44‘h Sfee* *414 Rtnoov. 4fl-h '« 474 Avertl#. ?«I T Miami. 4X4 *o 4i*h At re#*. •424—Ohio 4f*th to Hat 7**1— Kraklne. 4*th to 7452—Mar* n Avenue. ’Ilh to tr-4 Sath to Mir,<n Avenue Vane **th to J 24: Whitmore >ffh to I1«t Avenue. Slat Axenue. Tda to 3 ane 7444 — \4<»i»n Aver-,* Minn* l.uaa Route vard to 3ldh; Iowa. Minn# !,u«a Boulevard to leth. TMart. Minne T.u** Boulevard to 2#’h Scott a^ d Frnet, 2*th to f#?h; 2#th. Tlant tn Iowa. 2451 Read. Minna T.uea Boulevard to J»th: ?lth Avenue Vane to Iowa 2411—45th Avenue Maple to Bedford Axenue B rner. 45th to 4i’.h Ave nue Wirt. Fontenelle Boulevard *o *»lh; Spencer. 4l!h to 4#th Avenue 2411—Sttd Redick Axenue to Ida *3*1 Redtck Avenue to Scott;1 Summit. 234 tc IJd Axenue. 2414— 14a 20th tu 33d 74*4—Map!* 3*4 !x. J uhn A Crete hi on Bottle \ ard 2474—flu detie Mii tarv Avenue to Happv Hollow Boulevard 7 452 •*tur<r Axoftue "Mt line I * *t Ave nue South to 23*1 2 4 *#• Iluntli.fton Avenue, tCth to lie* A x etiue 7514—Hat Avenue T au»el Avenue to Reived ere H*»ul#x ard A’cad*a 4\e nue 3l*t Axenue to 2 24 Street. 25*4 — Wirt, 40 h to 4 74 :541 I*ar4 4.'ih to 4«<h B 4* mw '■* made under and Ip • eftrdane# with plane anrt #r*- g •’ and in»tr*c* one fo^ ••:«< w«-V p*ena*f’ hv »n<I on fi’e in the Office of *h# C’*-' Fnt neer propoeala mnnt he r*»a*e upon nr4**** h-anh*. fe he ?ur*i*hrd h^ tha oi*y F »>nee who Wtr a'eo 'u*n’»h netmr *' or * to bidder* ‘otether with ar»r^»*a »**•»•• ard fn-roe of eont*-* * and hood *p p!t/-ation at hi« off» « r opnaa'a nun* v'o a1drea**4 fo .Tames r Ho - *%r »* !X ClerV Council r'hamhe C ty Hal Omaha Nobraaka and marked Propoaal for Street Improvement t'a *• rt No K'' inf the n*—oh*' of th* d.strict hid upon » Goun. rr«r' ' <** fh# r fht to r* if *t an\ and all hi«1* Omaha Nebraska luna 2, '#74 JAMKS r H.M'Tx'R . 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