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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1924)
Chicago Wheat Opens Well, but Falls Off Later tiering by Shorts Rririg* \bout Recovery at Bell— (iorn Advances in I Price. Br CHARI** .1, l*TDEN, InlterMl BauJre Staff Torrespnndent Chicago .ills 3—Swinging circularly, wheat, prices emerged with further lossar today. The start, a* as higher, hut liquida tion was readily resumed. On the ex treme break it looked as though Iqngs were about sold out and covering by shorts brought about a good recovery a» the bell. There was little change In the news. Th» fact that the world situation Is. be ing well adjusted hv the declines of late was again emphasized to the trade There was some buying at the last for ••aboard account, all of which reflected sales to Europe. News of the decisive defeat of the McNary-Haugen price fixing hill In the house came after the close. Wheat finished % to %c lower, corn. % to %e higher; oats. %< higher to %e lower and rye unchanged. Apparently many in the trade ere awaiting foreign demand for the new crop of hard winter wheat before com mitting themselves to the buying side in a speculative way While it is rea lized that supplies actually and prospec tive are far from burdensome, it. la also a fact that public trade Is absent. The conclusion is that foreign buyers will have to absorb at least part of the hedging pressure that is sure to come against the new crop presently. Corn advanced despite Ihe action of wheat. Locals sold at times, but. all of ferings were well taken by commission bouses The demand for tlte speculative showed more life, and crop reports were more pessimistic. The persistent rainfall in Ohio and Indiana and the lank of It In Iowa and in the northwest has attracted better buying of the futures. Also the movement of corn from Ihe interior has not enlarged as many expected it would Rye was irregular a the close Most of the session the market a> ted stubborn to pressure The cash demand was active, and premiums advanced %• Southwest markets told of the best spot Inquiry in months. Primary receipts <>f oats totaled 50.090 bushels compared with 417,000 bushels a year ago. Rye showed no change at the clc#-e A little buying which looked like removal of hedges against experts sales steadied the undertone Locally rye was firm. Provisions were steady to firm. PH Notes. Crow news from, th« winter wheat belt w«s generally favorable today. Some ap. fTrehenslon was h«ard over conditions in the northwest. The lack of rainfall Is complained of and the immediate outlook Is for fair weather. Some experts told of great need of ra*n In scattered sections. The presence of black rust In the north west aroused little comment. It being sea sonal. The worlds available supply of wheat at this time is decreasing more rapidiv. the loss for the week being 8,062,000 bushels, compared with a decrease of 6.241.000 bushels last year. The total available is now 84.889,nno bushels. ■ gainst 35,501.000 bushels last y*ar. An accepted foreign statistician sajd that liberal shipments of wheat from North America and the Argentine satis fied the demand in Europe for the last week. But he also declared that the course of prices would be determined soon by the extent of selling In the United States southwest wheat belt. Tha relative strength that, prevailed at Minneapolis today was partly responsible for th# early strength in the local pit. It appeared later, however, that the upturn was due to technical conditions and proven by a subsequent decline Never theless, cash wheat of good milling qual ity is In ready demand at Minneapolis and sells as much as 20 cents over the July delivery. t ash wheat In all markets met. fair buying st steady premiums. Millers re main consistent buyers of domestic wheat. The Canadian visible showed another re ductlon for the week and is now sharply below last year’s amount. CHICAGO CASH PRICKS. Br Updike <»ra1n company. Atlantic 6312 Art 1 Open I High. I Low. I Close. 1 Mon Wht. I I I I July 1 04 ll 04 % 1 1 02 u,! j 03%l 1 03% 1.03% I 1 Pert. 1 06 % I 1.0*%! 1 04%! 1 05 % ! 1.05% 11.06 I ! | 1 05% Dec. I 1 08 I 108%: 1 07 % 1 07% 1 07% I 1 08 Vi, I I I 1 "7% Ry. Illi luly I .66%! 67%' .66% .66% .66% Sept. ! .67% 4S%! 67% 67% *7% Dee I I I I .71 orn I 1 I I 1 July I .76 I 7 6 %! .75% 76% 76 ! .76til 1 76% -76% Sept. I .76% 76% 76% 76% .75% I I 76%' Dec I .69 69%' 68% 49 .48% I I i I .68% ■ Data I'll July i 43*i 43% 43% 43% .43% Ser i .39% .39% 39 I .39% .39% Dec | 40 % .40% I 40% 40% 40% Lard l i 1 I I Tulv iio.56 |0 67 110 52 110.61 '10.45 Sspt. :io.*2 19 85 '10 82 <10 83 '10 82 Ribs ! I ! I I July | 9 90 l 9 95 i 9 90 | 9 95 I 9 93 S#pt 10.02 10,03 10.02 110.02 HO 03 Torn and Wheat Bulletin Corn end wheat region bulletin for . the 24 hours ending at 8 a m. Tuesday. , High Low Bain Ashland .. R7 49 9 57 , Auburn ..*..7 4 47 0 33 Broken -Bow . 7 1 4:' « 04 ■ Volumbtis .78 «.u” Vulbertion .70 42 0 03 t Fairbury .7»* "in iFalrmon .73 4 7 " oj ftirand Island . 7 4 4*; 0 02 Partington . .78 4 '. won • Hastings .74 il «.22 Holdrege. 69 47 on*; Lincoln . 75 .‘.2 o.on xNorth Loup . 78 45 o on North Tiatt* . .70 46 n on <takdala .76 44 0 00 Omaha . 75 64 o.on Bed Cloud .72 4 6 0 00 Teksmgh .76 46 ft n| Valentine ......72 46 002 Highest and lowest yesterday during 12 hours ending at 8 a m 76th meridian time, except marked thus*. Chicago Cash (iftln and Produce. Chicago. Juno 3. Wheat No. 3 red. $103%; No. 2 hard. $1040111%. t'orn—No. 2 mixed. 74%77%r; No. 2 ? el low. 77%077%c. Oata—No. 2 white. 47%0 4*%c; No 3 white. 44% 047c. Rye—No. 2. 47%06S%c. Barley—76077c Timothy S*>ed -$R «O0 7 26 • 'lover Seed — $10100 010.86. r.ard—$10 4«. Riba—$10.00. n*lliea—10.25. Mi n nea t»ol la (train. Minneapolis, June 3 Win ■ « rh No. 1 northern. $1.09%l 14 *4 . 1 i^ik northern spring, choice to fan* , (• ' 29%. good to choice. $t \W\f‘i 1 or dinary to good, $1.1 1 \ 01 I . July. $1 09%; September, $1 10. Corn—No. 3 yellow, 70% ©71 Oats—No. 3 white. 43%044 % • Barley—R6 ©73c. Rye—No 2. $2 62%©? 42%. Flex—No. 1, $2.37 02 41 W. IjoiiIh Cash (train. f9f. T«oul*. June 3.—Close Wtie*.t July. $1.02 H 0 1.02 % ; September $1 "i Corn—July, 76%c; September. 74’« '■/ 74 %c. Oata—July. 46a. Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis, Minn . .Tune 3 Flour Market urn-hanged to 20o lower, family pntsnts. $4.6004 70 Bran—$17.no0 l« 00. New York Rugar New York. June A fin her decline of %c occurred In the raw markm loday under more liberal off»ii-<gs, spot price# now being quoted at 5 09< duly l• a id. Salea included 46,000 hag:0 Porl> Ricans at fi 16c. 1 2,000 hag* Cubrin »* 6.12c, also 22 600 baga Cuban and 26.00 1 l ag* Porto Rican at 6 nfle, all for June shipment to local refinera Raw sugar futures were easier iindet scattered liquidation and hedge selling, promoted by tbs decline in the spot mar k«t Final prices were within a few points of the lowest an1 from 10 to 14 point* below yesterday’s final* July closed 3 8$c: September, 3 64o; December, 3 31c; M*rch, 3.10c, all hid. Refined wa* easier and unehanged to r point* lowar, Hat prion now ranging from 4 70c to 6 40r for fin* granulated Refined futures were nominal. Coffee Future*. New York. Tune 3 —Coffee futures opened at a de-lire of 3 to 17 points to day. July selling off to 12.40c and T»c • •ember to 11 64c. under small offering In spired by easier Brazilian cable*. The dcline was checked by covering and there wart ralli-a to l?.70« for Julv *md 11 40« for December but tb* market •lo**d d net dfcllne* n‘f I to 7 points. Sale* were estimated at 29.000 bag Closing quotation*: July. 12 70c. kep 1tmb*r. 11.Bc; October, 11 *6c Decem ber. 11.40c; March, 11.36c: May. 11 16c. Spot coffee dull; Rio* 7*. 11%c; Panto* 4a. ll%C to 19» Tloston Wool. Boston. June 3 Several line*, both of fleece and territory wool, are being of fared at slightly lower figure* Wools atmilar to Ohio and Pennsylvania fine l>elane* and one half hf<»od here been a\albab|* at 62r. with three eighths ) lood at f>0c and on* half blood at about 47c Clothing wool* aie also slightly lower Carpet w.iol has been offered at Jr to 2c pei pound lean Vontltm kilter. 7y»ndon. June 3 Bar Stl\*r 36d r*r •tine* Money—1% par cent Discount Rates—khort bill* 8 per cant; th/e# month* bills. ^1-1$ per cent. r~ Omaha Grain V-/ Omaha. June I. t a'h wheat *old generally *4 0 Ic lower. Downward tendency of future* and a alack demand made a weak market for • ash wheat today. Receipts were 26 rare. Dorn sold unchanged to higher. The demand was only fair with *tip pltea more than adequate. Receipts were eg cars Oats sold **c0*ic lower with only a fair demand at the decline. Receipts were 16 care. Rye arid barley quoted nominally un changed. Omaha Car lot Kale*. WHEAT. N« ? hard 1 car. 97c, «£ car. 11 on; s cars. J»«’4c.; 3 cars. 971-ic; 1 car. $1.01, I car. $1 no No 3 hard 1 ear, 95tyc; *4 car. 9514c; ‘4 *'ar. 97c; 3 cars. 96c; 3 car*. 96>jc; 3 • ars. 96.-. l car. $1.03; 4 cars. 95 4c. I car, 94 4 c. No. 4 hard: 1 car. 9,1c. N’n 2 spring 1 rar. smutty, P3c No 3 mixed. 2 cars durum. POc No. 1 mixed l car. 90c. very smutty. Nu. 5 mixed; 3-6 car. 88c. CORN No. .1 white: 1 car. 7.9r; 4 cars. 72Uc. No. 4 white: 2 cars. 71c. NT*. 6 white: 1 car. 69c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car. 7 3!4r. N<» .9 yellow 4 cars, 72 4< No. 4 yellow: 2 cars. 71c; 4 cars 71 4r No. 6 yellow: 2 cars. lOifcr; 2 carp, 70c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. 71 Uc. OATS No 3 white: 6 cars. 464c. No. 6 white: 2 cars. 4 4$»r f Sample: l car, 43 4c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. 46c. Daily Inspection of (train Received. WHEAfr. Hard: 1 car No. I. 22 cars No. 2. 19 cars No. 3, 2 cars No 5. 2 cats sample. Mixed; ( cars No. 3. 1 car No. 4. 2 cars No. 6. 1 car sample. Sample: 1 car No. 1. 2 cars No. 5. Durum 1 car No. 3. Total. 68 cars. CORN. Yellow’: 4 cars No. 2. 26 cars No. 3. in cars No. 4. 6 cars No. 5, 2 cars No. 6 White: 19 cars No. 3. 4 cars No. 4. 1 car No. 5. I car No. 6. Mixed: .1 cars No. 2. 3 car* No. 3. 3 cars No. 4. I .■ ir No. 6. 2 cars sample. Total. 76 cars. < > ATS. White: 4 cars No. 2. 26 carr. No 3. 7 cars No. 4 4 cars sample. Total, 4 1 cars. BARLEY. 1 car No 4. Total, 1 car. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlots.» Receipts: Today. Wk Ago Y’r Ago. Wheat . _’h :* 7 Corn . 2 6 I ,39 Oats . 16 12 7 Rye . n 0 n Barley . n 0 t) Shipments: Wheat . 28 40 3 Corn . 4.3 4 4 2» Oats . 18 3 4 11 Rye . 9 2 0 Bailey . 0 2 0 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushels ) Receipts: Today Wk Ag« Y’r Ago Wheat . 483.000 451,noo 639.000 Dorn . 867.000 609.000 604,000 Oats . 601,000 583,000 447,000 Shipments: Wheat . 667.0OO 690,000 1..929.000 Corn . 519.000 1,951.000 616.000 (.•ats . 927.0OO 511.000 516.000 EXPORT CLEARINGS. Bushels Today. Y r Ago. Wheat and flour .... 2-.000- 88*-5»? < ’orn . . 129,000 Oat* . . CANADIAN VISIBLE. Bushel* Today. Wk Ago Y r Ago Wheat . . 20.646.000 20,898.000 26.996.000 Oata . . 7.902,000 7.650.000 6.985,000 WORLD’S VISIBLE Bushels: Today W’k Ago Y’r Ago. Wheat ,184,885.000 197.947.OO0 1,15.601.000 Dorn . 13.480,000 14.618.000 8,698.000 Oata .... 31.216.000 33.415,000 27.088,00# CHICAGO RECEIPTS Week Year Uarlota— Today. Ago. Ago Wheat . 7 2 36 19 Com . .31 6 221 oata . 7 1 M3 97 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS Week Tear Carlots— Today. Ago. Ago Wheat . 60 6 4 30 Corn . 55 96 29 Oat* .... 3 4 71 27 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Winnipeg ... Winnipeg ' ME SHSH W*ek Yea 1 Uarlot*— Today. Ago. Ago Minneapolis . 1 42 76 107 Duluth .191 *6 121 Winnipeg .16 6 1480 330, i hicugo Livestock. Chicago. June 3 -Hogs—Receipts, 30. nm» head: market uneven, good and choir* grades .“caling 20n pounds and more, mostly steady 1 lightweight, 5 to 10f off. lees desirable kind show maxi mum decline, ligb* light and pigs. 10 to 25r inner, shipping demand, light, bulk, good and rhotr# 2-^0 to 326-pound butch ers. $7.(007.50; top. $7 60; hulk bettor grades, 160 m 226 pound weight. $7 00 0 7 35; desirable 1 4 0 to 150. pound over age* largely $6500690; bulk packing “ovvs $6 450 6 60; good and choice strong weight killing pigf- $5.7606.00; heavy weight hogs. $7 200 7 50; medium. $7 100. 7 45. light. $6.7007 40; light, light. $5,66 0 7 10. packing sows. smooth, $6 500 6 65; packing sows, rough. $6 3506.50; alaugh ter pigs. $5 000 6,00. Datlje Receipt*. 1 1 000 head: beef steers and vearling*. very uneven; rnm naratlvelv little don?; few earl} sales, $8.25 4/ 10.00; look a ateady to weak with Monday’s extreme decline, shipping de mand narrow; comparatively small out let for good to choice heavies, some choice Houth Dakotas bid above $11.00; other heavy steers held around $11 50; killing quality medium to good, more good to <hoi< •* weighty steers included in run; hulk fed sieers end yearlings of quality and condition to sell at $8 250 10 26 mostly: Yearlings comparatively scare*; fat she stork, steady with Mon. days 25-cert downturn ranners. cutter* and bulla fully steady; latter class strong In spots, bulk bolognas. $4.750 5 15, stock era and feeders, dull, bidding $8.60 on choice \ #o I era on pa- k**r account. Sheep—Receipts. 11,000 head; market, slow. few early ealea native spring Iambs around steady, dipped Iambs weak to 25c lower, sheep, scarce; steady to weak, native spring Iambs, $16.00016.76. good 90-pound clipped lambs, $14 00; few heavy ewes. $5.00. East Nf. Louis Mvestock. East St Louis. III., June 3 Cattle • Receipts, 4,000 head; na’iv* beef ste.r.H. yearlings, ranners and bulls, steady; beef cow* steady to flow buvers; early Texan steer sales steady; bidding lower on late arrivals, light vealera opened, $9 on6i 9 26; dosing. $8 2608 60, bulk native* s/eers. $9.1009 -o. Texan*. <6.5007 40; yearling* and heifers, $8 2509.26; cows. $5 0006 25; ranners. $2 2502.75; bulls. $4 00 0 5 wo. Ifog* Receipts. 25.000 head; market opened Hfc to 15c lower to butcher* and shipper*; earlv «<ales good butchers. $7 7007.36; top, $7.40; later market to packers 20-: to 25c lower with bulk late •fferlngs, $7.2507.30; soma unsold; pigs ■ - c lower; llo to 140 pounds averages, 16.0006.75 largely; bulk packer sows, D- 20 06 40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 head, fat lainba mostly 60c lower; run mostly 'fringe!*; bulk $15.60; part load*. $15.75, II r h r tic n | top. $15.50: culls mostly $9 00. hulk clipped lambs $12.75013.-70; quality inedljpni to good: she* p mont'y 60r- lower; fat clipped ewes, $4.$006.60, bc.'-v light ewes, $6.00, Kansas Cllf livestock. Kansas Uitv, .Dine 3- (I S Depart ment of Agriculture ) -Cattle- Receipts, T.ono head; calves. 1.600 hend; market fairly active; fed steeia and yearlings sturdy to strong. Tex** graaaora slow, barely steady; long yearlings. $1160. best heavy ateeis fin 10; bulk fed steer* and yearlings. $7.50^9 75 ; sh* *tn< k, bulla and calves steady; beef rows snd heifers, $4 5007.60. practical tdp veal-, $8 50. few up to $9 00; medium* snd hesvles. $ 4 00 ■?) 7.00 . Stockers and feeders slow, around steady, bulk. $5,7607 60. Hogs- Receipts. 8.000 head. market pened fully alesdy to shippers with some light light 10, hlghei , butchers 5 0 I Or: ower lute, mostly 1 Or lower; shipper top, $7.15; packer top, $7 00. bulk of sales, $6.7007 10. (lacking sows and pig" were steady, packing sown mostly $< 400 6.50, best feeder fig- $5 7606 00 Sheep Receipts, 8.000 head; market for lamb* mostly f.Or lower, native eprlngeis, 116.60. early sales* otliei grades latgely $16 00016 25; clipped. $13 26. sheep were around 26n lower. Texas wethers, $7.26 Sinui ( tty l ive Mock Sioux city, Inns 2 rattle Receipts. 3.000 head; market alow; killers steady; 25c lower; stockers steady. weak fat steers and yearlings, $7.00010.60; hulk. $7 600 9 26. fat row* snd heifers, $4 60<f/r 8 60. ranners and cuttei-, $2 5004 on veals, $8 00012 00; hull*. 14 26 0 5 76'. feeder*. $6.6009,00, ■tockers. $5 000 7 76. stock yearlings and calves. $4 6007 60; feeding rows and heifers. $ { 6005.00 Hog*--Receipt*. 13.000 head, market 6 t o in.- lower; top. $6 95. hulk of sale $6 7006.96; light. *6 6006.76; butchers $6.6606.96; mixed. $6.5006 80 heavy pa divers. $fih,0«3o; stnga $6.OO0<, 25 H'"*‘l fig*. $5 0005 $6 Sheep and Lsmba- Receipts. 100 head market unchanged. MIDDLE STATES OIL What are the future proa 5 perta of thia company? Fully covered in our mar ket, review. A free ropy nil request P. G. STAMM & CO. Dealer* In Stock* and Bond* 35 S. William St. Now York f-—-N Omaha Livestock V-/ Junj 3. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday ... 7,752 9.647 10,064 Estimate Tuesuay .. 7.00'* 16.000 8,000 Two days this wk...l4,758 26,547 16,054 Same dajs last wk .18,740 22,504 11.332 Same 2 wka. ago... 19.954 23,484 12,01 1 Same 3 wka. ago. .. 21,283 23,741 1 1,222 Same year ago. 20,047 31,034 18,255 Receipts ami disposition of livestock at the Union stock yards, Cmaha, Neb , for 24 hours ending at 3 p. m., June 3. R ECEIPTS—CA R LOT * Hri A Cattle. Hogs Shp. Mia Mo Far. Ry .. . 10 U F R R . 92 4* 2T t' &. N \V east ... a 2 F & N W w eat . . 60 62 1 F St P IVf A O . . 25 21 0 B A. Q east ... 29 9 C B A Q west... 63 27 4 C 11 1 & P east. . . 10 6 . . 1 C R 1 A. P west. 2 4 1 C R R. 1 1 C G W R R. 2 Total receipts .280 201 32 1 PIoPOSITlON—H E A D Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Armour & Co . 1321 408 2 173 4 Cudahy Pa< k Co. . .. 1601 3672 1856 Hold Packing Co. 673 1 847 Morris Parking Co.. 897 1761 1 135 Swift A Co .7. 12**4 3021 2470 Hoffman Bros . 21 . Ma.verowich A A ail ... 25 . Midwest Parking Co... 7 . Omaha Packing Fo ... 22 . John Roth A Sons ... 31 . Murphy .M\ ... !. 755 .... Lincoln Parking Co 5 4 .... .... Naglo Packing Co ... 40 . Sinclair Paok Co ... 19 . Wilson Packing Co . . . 408 . Kenneth-Murray . 1138 .... Anderson A Son. 96 . Bulla J H .. Dennis A Francis. 11 . Harvey John . 818 . Inghram T J . n .. Kellogg F G . 10 . Longman Rios . 206 . l.ubergftr Henry S ... 69 . Root J B A <o ... 20 . Rosenetock Bros . ... 119 . Sargent A Finnegan .. 84 .... .... Sullivan Bros . HH . Van Sant W B Ar Co . 2 5 .... .... Wertheimer A Degen . 7*5 . Other buyers . 464 .... 832 Total . 8281 16176 8027 Cattle- Receipts, 7.**oo head. Allhough receipts of rattle were moderate the «le mand whs narrow and trade dull with I he trend of values lower. Tl$e best of the be**f cattle sold nround 810.00010.50. but the general market was dull and weak to lOfa’IAc lower than Monday. Cows find heifers were in much Hie same con dition find all kinds of she stork sold lower except the best shipping cowl. In stoekers and feeders business was very •pilot with price* weak all along the line. Quotations On Cattle—Choice to prime beeves. $10.00010.75; good to choice beeves. $9.1509.90: fair to good beeves, $8.5009.10; common to fsir beeves. $8 00 08.50; choice to prime yearlings, $9,000 $1**00; good to choice yearlings. $8 350 9 00; fair to good yearlings, $7.5008 35; common to fair yearlings. $7.5008.35; good to choice fed heifers, $7.6008.60; fair to good fed heifers, $6.5007.60; com mon to fair fed heifers. $6.6006.50; choice to prime fed cows, $7.2608 25 ; good to choice fed rows. $6.7507.00; fair to good fed cows, $4.2505.50; common to fair fed cows. $1 7604 00; good 1o choice feeders. $7,85 0* 50; fair to good feeders, $7.0007.76; common *o fair feeders, $5 550 6 76; go<^l to choice stoekers. $7 40 0 8.00; fair to good stoekers. $6 2507.25; common to fair stoekers, $5 0006 25; trashv Mockers, $5 5006.00; stock heifers, $4 00 05.50; stork rows. $3.0004 25; stock calves, 83.5007.75; \eal calves. $4 000 10.00, hulls, stags, etc . 14 0007.00. BEEF STEERS. No Av. Pr. No. Av Pr 23 9«6 $ 7 75 21. 1207 $ 8 40 32 . . 1098 8 40 12 798 8 60 24. 1007 8 75 20.1079 8 90 If, .1 1 66 9 35 24 . 833 9 40 19 1 287 9 60 50. 960 9 60 43 .1040 9 76 22. 1 177 9 90 44 . 1 047 9 90 19 . 1204 10 26 31.1571 10 75 FAT HEIFERP 37. 671 4 75 BEEF COWS. 1 .... 1 1 20 5 To 1 ... 1016 6 6ft 8 .... . 66ft 6 76 1 .1 260 6 00 2 .1 220 6 6ft 1.12S0 7 Oft "9 691 7 26 3 1440 7 50 PTEERK AND HF:TFERc' H. 666 7 75 1 6 . 901 9 00 26 . . 76ft 8 1 6 6 4**8 8 75 BULLS. STAGS. FT C 4 .... 1 40? 4 6ft 1 . .1 720 4 60 1 .... 670 5 25 1 1120 « 25 1 . 720 7 00 * "ALVES. J. 100 7 00 1 , . ..130 * 60 1 . 210 9 60 Hogs - - Receipts. I6.oon head A mod erate jnrrease in supplies snd s slight touch of easiness at other centers tended to weaken local prices in this morning's session Movement to shippers was under way early st prices mostly 6c lower than Monday, while th* packer market waa of a fairly active character at moatjy 5c decline Bulk of *at*a wag at $6 700 7 0ft. with tnp for the da' . $7.95. HOOF No. Av. Ph Pr No? Av, Fb Pr 12. 245 40 } 6 *6 20 258 140 $ 6 85 15. . 344 6 16 6 2, 227 40 6 90 60 247 120 6 95 Sheep arid Lambs Receipts 8 oft ft head Lambs carrying killer flesh again suffered a moderate down swing Owing to con tinued large supplies and pessimistic ad vice* from other market* initial sales Mere on a weak to 26c lower basis Aged sheep also underwent a substantial set back, amounting to fully 26c and in some case* more Quotations on sheep and lambs Spring lambs. good to chore 11 5 :.ft0 1 6.76 ; spring lambs fair to go-»d. f 1 3 00 fa 1 r-.*)0. clipped lambs. $ 11.500 1 4 Oft . wethers, clipped. I* OOfa * :.o. vearlinga. dipped, $l*i 50011 50 cl tuned ewes $5.5006 75. STRING I. A MBS 26 natives . . . 64 $18 00 16 natives . .70 1675 FLIPPED EWES 18 fed 111 6 76 12 mils . 91 2 6ft 270 mils 88 7 Oft 29 Colorado .96 6 ftft CLIPPED I,A MBS ft Colorado . 14 18 60 St .Joseph Livestock. St Joseph, June 3 Hoga -Receipt* f. ftftft head; market opening generally steady, top, $7 10; bulk of aalea, $6 800 7 06 Faille Receipts 8.000 head. market rlnw ate;..! t.» 25' lowei ; bulk early •eer*. $8ftOfaio.Oft; top. 10 3$; rows and heifera $3 75 0 9 00; calves $4 0008 60; stoekers and feedara. $4.6008 ft** Sheep—Receipts 2.60ft head; market 26 0 50c lower; lambs. $14.50015 60, clipped ew e* $ 00 06 60. I. ■ 1 ...'.I. ■■■■.—■ i . Wolfe Oil Corporation Location of Properties Then#* properties are located In the heart of one of the greatest nil fields in the United States, in the Counties of Creek, Seminole, Pottawatome and Marshall. Oklahoma. A pamphlet descriptive of this com i pan will be sent upon request. A/e eider/ ^ N.Y Stik Emihmngt 11 Wall St., New York Whitehall 61 JO □ Suggestions More than 75 attrac tive investments in our June circular. This list of bonds will be sent on request. The National City Company Omaha -First National Bank Bid* Telephone Aft 1 A Jackann mT7.-* Stock Trading Picks Up After Monday’s Slump Signing of Tax Rill Held Responsible for Renewed Activity—Metal Issues M|rket Leaders. Bv RI'IIAHii SPIM.ANE. I’nlvemal Service t'innnHnl Idttor New Cork. June 7 From the d® pression of Monday, when only 309,600 share* were handled on the dock e\ change, and Wall street generally was in clined to gloomy forebodings, the sfiret turned today to a fair degree of con fidenc* and activity. Having no better explantlon for the abrupt ahlft of senti ment, brokers aacrlbed it to the signing of the tax bill The fact is that the decline In security ’ allies had gone too far. A reaction was due. It did not take any vigorous buying today (o send prieea up. Phe old favorite-* cgiue bark to view Transactions in Baldwin. Studebaker and United State* Steel led In volume. One of the spectacular features of the day was an adva.ire of 10’* points Jn American Water Works. Another good feature of today’s market wsa the sharp demand for International Nickel, ordinarily a very quiet security and moving within narrow limit® From an opening at 12 it went to 17%. and Hosed af 17 with 7.3AA »bar's dealt in. Improvement In demand for in'Ini was given as the basis for the sudden activity in the stock. There wif a better tone In the cop pers also This may be ascribed In part to tWe optimistic report of John P. B>sn as to the outlook abroad. The whole street, perk 1 up with the market. A few more days like today and som» of the gloom accumulated in ih® last fi\c months will disappear. Transactions aggregat'd 651.700 ahares Balls were up 1’ 5 o" a point and In dus! ria Is 11-5. Uotton. as usual, was periijar The < lose was near the lop Hu.gnr was slow and depressed, closing 9 to 17 points down. (’of fee also was lower, closing 7 to 9 point* down Foreign exchange was moderately active and strong Slot ling nt 4 7'S was up a < ent : franc* at 5.17 wa* tip t r» points and Hie at 4 76 were up ? points Fall money was at 2% and 8 per rent. Time money was 4 per cent. | New York Quotations | New Tork Stock exchange quotation*, furnished by .1. 8. Bache A Co, 22 4 Omaha National Bank building. Mon. High. Low. close. Clone Agriculture Chem.*. 7% Ajax Rubber. 6 6% 6 6% Allied Chemical.. 72% 71% 71% 72 Allla-Chalmer*. 43 Am Beet Sugar. 39 A. Brake S Fdy. 92 «*!% 92 92 % American Can .104% 103% 104% 10.1% Am. Car A pdf 19® 190% Ain. Hide A L. 9 9% Am. H. A L. pfd. 66% 6.:. Am. Int i Corp_ 21% 21 21% 2«% Am. Linseed Oil. 16% Am. Locomotive 72% 72% 72** 7 2 Am. F A « om 11 % 11 % 11 % 11 % Am. Smelting . 62% 01% 62% * 1 % Am. Smelt, pfd. . 9®% Am. Steel Fdry. . 34% 34% 34% 34 Am. Sugar. 4 3 42 % 42% 42% Am. Sumatra. .12 Am. T. A Tel .126% 126% 12*% 1C % Am. T. A- T Rite*. 3 A» 3 A American Tnb .141% 141 141% 140% Am Woolen. 6H% 67% **% 67 Anaconda .. 30% 23% 3f> 79% A us'd I»ry (looda. 99% 6 7 Associated Oil.... .. . 29 Atchison .102% 102% 102% 103% At .. C, A W. 1. 16 16 Atlas Tack. . . 7 % Austin Nlrhola ... .. 19% 2n% Auto Knitter. 3 Baldwin .Ill % 109% 111 % Haiti X- O . 66% 64% 4% 64% Beth Steel 46% 47% 4®% 47% BOS' h Magneto 26% % Brook Man Ry ..16% 16 |ft 1 •■ % Brook-Man pfd ...... *°% 6'*% Calif Pack. t? «'alif Pet 22% 22% 22% 22% Cal A Ails 4' Canadian Tee 1 47 1 46 % 1<*% 147% cent l*ea»h 12% 17% 12% 12% cent Le»th pfd 43 41 % 4.% 41 cerro de Pasco ... 4 4 ** 4 4 % Chandler Motor*. 47% 46% 47% 4'% Chesa A Ohio . 77% 77 77 % 79 Chicago A N W 62% 63 3% M% c M A 8t P . 12% 12% 12% 12% C M A Ft P pfd 22% 21% 23% 22 C R I A P .24% C Ft P M A c: Ry ... 34 chile Copper 27% 27% 27% .7 i hlno ... 17% 17% < lueft-Peabody a? • luett peabodv pfd 1n?> t’oca-Cola * 7 % 6*;% 67% *' % c Fuel A Iron . 41% 4*>% 4’ 4«s Columbian C . 4r. % 4 4 % 4 4% Colutn Oaa ... 37% 6% r*% V* % Congoleum .. 4^% 39% 4"% ""j Consolidated C ... 1*% 14% 14% 14 * Cont| Can ... 4®% 4® 4P% 47% Conti Motor* ... 6% ** % 6% t> % Corn Prod .. 3*• 2'*% 3»* ‘'. % Cosden .. 2 ® % 2®% 2*% "* Crucible . 62% 61% -2% 61% Cuba C Fugar 12% l~ % 12% 13% I’uba C Rug pfd . M% 67% 6% '7% Cub* Ain Sugar . 30 % 3ft% 30% *9% • uyamel Fruit ...62 k|% 67 61% Daniel Boone . 23% 72% ” % 22% P»\td*nn Ch*m 4®% 47% 4t 47% ?»•!■ & Hudson. . .114% 113% 114 113% Home Mining . 16 I Mi poll t I»e N. 120% 118% 120% 118% Kastman Kodak . .106% lfts 106 108% Kri* .25% 2.* 26% 24% Klee Storage Bat.. 56 6f»% 56 56 Famous Players . 76% 75R 76% 76% Fifth Ave Hus. .... 11 Fisk Rubber 6% 6% 6% 6 I leischman Yeast. 60 49% go 49 Freeport Tex . 8% r •% 8% v% Ken Asphalt . 36% 36% 36% 36 Ken Klertric .222 % 219 222% 218% Kon Motors . 13% 13% 13% 13% Gold I’list . ,36 % 35% 36% 35% Goodrich . . 20% 19% Gt North Ore ... 26% 26% 26% 26% Gt North Rv pfd.. 58 % 57% 6R% 67 Gillf States Steel . 67 66 66% 64% Hartmann Trunk.. . ... 34% Hayes Wheel ... 34% 34% 34% 34% Hudson Motors . . 23% 2 % 22% 23% Homestake Min .. 46% 46 46 *8% Houston 011 65 64 64% 6.3% Hupp Motors . 12% 12 Illinois Central.103% 103 Inapt ation .23% 23 22 % 22% Int Rng Com .... 23% 23 2.3 % 23% Inti Ha rvest er 84 % Int Mere Marine . 8 Int. M Marine pfd. 34% 32% 33% 33% Iht Nickel .13% 12 13% 12 Int Pa r f1 IS % 1 - % Invincible Oil .... 13 12% 12% 12% Jones Tea . 20 % Iordan .Motor .... 2 4% 24% 24% 24% K 1' South*™. . 15 I*-', !<’. !l?i Kelly Springfield 14 13% 14% 1.3% Kennecott .3R% 38 % 38% 38% Keystone Tire. lf, 1% he* Rubber .. 8% he high Valley. 43% 42% 5.3% 63% l.ehigh Rites . 28% 28 28% 27% Lima Locomotive. 57 66% Loose Wiles..5 Louis A- Nashville 9.3 9'!% 93 92 Mack Truck . S3 SJ % 83 *0% May l*ept store 84 Maxwell Motor A. 44% 42% 44% 42% Maxwell Motor R. -0% in% 10% 10% Marland ... 32 ::i % 317, :;i% Mexican Seaboard 21% 20% 20% 20% Miami Copper .. . 20% 20% 20% 26% Middle States Dll 2% 1% 2%’ 2 % Midvale Siee| . 26% Missouri Pair ..13% 13 13% 12% Missouri Par pfd 4 2 46% 417, 40 % Montgomeiw Ward 23% 22% 23% 22 % Mother Lode .... 7% 7 7% 7% Nash Motors .101 J02 Nat Biscuit . 52% Nat Kttamel . 24% 23% 24% 23 Nat Lead . . ... 132 130% N Y Air Brake .. 4«i 39% 40 40 N Y Central ., .162% 162 1 62 102 N Y Chi ,y Si *0% 80% 8(tx: so N Y \ H A If. . . 1 9 % 1 R % 19% 18 % North American.. 27 26 % 26% # 26% Northern Pac .... 53 52 % 53 52 % n * 'v Ry .1: .% i2,% ,23«4 121 • trphettm . 18 % 1 * % Owens Bottle. 40% 40% Pacific <n| ,48% 47% 4» % 47% Packard Mot01 ... . 10% Pan-American . . . 52% 51% 52% 51% Pan. Amerb an B . 50 % 49% 60% 56% ePnn R R ...43% 4.3% 43% 43% Peoples Gas. 95 96 Per* Mato . 60 49 % 49% 56 Phillips Pet - 36 % 35% 36% 35 I Perce Arrow .... 7% 7% 7% 7% Postum Cereal ...61% 61 fii % 51 Pressed Ktee| Car., 47 47 Per Sr Ref 27 2 % 27 26 % Pullman .123% 1:2% 122% 122% Puot a A leg Sugar. 62 51 % Pure C MI 22 21 % 22 21 % Railway Steel Spg 111 111% Ray Con . 16% jot4 10% |o% Reading . 53 62% 63 52 % Reading Rites .... 21% 20% 21% 21 Replogl* . 8 8 Rep | A* Steel . 44% 43% Royal I't. ,1 N Y.. .. .. 51% 61% St l, A S F . 20% St I, t S \\ . 36% 36% Schljlte Cjg Stores . . 102 S'-h re - Roebuck , 83% 82 83% 82% Shell I'n Oil . 17% 17% 17% 17 Simmons Co . 23% 22% 22% 22% Sinclair Oil . 19% 19% 19% 19% Sloss Sheffield ... . 55 64 % Skeliy Oil . 2'»% 26 20% 20 South Pacific ....>*% RR% *8% 8814 South Railway .. 56% 4% '4% 64% Stand o«| Cal . .. 67% 66% 67% 56% Si and Oil N J ... 35% 4% r, 34% Stewart Warner .. 63 61% 02% 60% Siromberg < arb .. i2 60% Studebaker . ... 34% 3'% 34 % Submarine Boat . 9 8% 9 8% Texas Co.39% 39 29 % 5 8% Texas Sr Pacific . 28% 2«% 28% 28% Timken Kooer . ::4% .34 24% :. % Tobacco Products, ft 5 8% 69 58 Tobacco Prod A . . 8 8% 8R 86% S8 Transcon <»11 4 2% 4 4 Union Pacific . ..130% 130 J3<. % 123% United Fruit . . 1R9 IT S Cast I Pipe.. 91 59% 81* *9% U s Ind Alcohol., f.6 65% 6:,% 65 U S Rubber . 26% 25% 26 % 25% U S Rubber pfd. 73% «9% 72% 69% u S steel .96% 55% 96% 96% IT S Steel pfd.119% 119% 119 * 119% Utah Copper . .... 6R 68 vanadium .. . . 22% 21% Ynaudou . 7 6% 6% 6% Wabash . 14% 1t% 14% 1«% Wabash A . 44% 44% 44% 4*% "M'ern Union . . 107% !«?% Wetting A ir B . . . . 87 Westing Flee 66% 56% 6f % 56% White Fagla Oil . 23% 2?,% White Motors 83’* 61% V.oolworth new R t % «* % *4*4 R"% VVoolworth Co .... 33a Willys » erland 8% 7% 7% 7% W Iliya Over pfd fi% 6:% fR% 66% Wilson . 5% 6 S 6 Wilson pfd. 16% Worthing Pump.. 34% 24'. Wrlgley Co . 37% 37 Yellow C laxl t:o 34% J7 Yellow Mfg Co 48 47 47 % 46% Monday's total sales 32 ..7<m shares Mondav'a total brnd«. |9 oi«.coq Total stotka 650.4c.. F.-I»lx idends Chesapeake A fihto pfd 3% per cent ' h«*a peaks A- Ohio com . 2 psr cent. Chicago Potatoes Phleggo tun- 2 —Potatnea—Trading f»ir market slighMy weaker on n*w stoek: steadv op old. re ejpta. 82 mr. tots! 1 S shipments 4 8 7 .are W|»con sin sacked round whites. SI 4001 66. Ida bo sacked russets f: -■0. Alabama ea- k*d bl «•» triumphs 12 2502 49 fancy shade higher Louisiana aacked bliss triumphs. 92 25 0 2 35. New ^ork lotion. New York. June 3. The general catton mi'ket . lo-ed stead>, net jo points higher to 5 points lower. I I * s n AN EMPIRE of play. Wonder trails • —foot, motor and bridle—lead to the highest summits and through tha deepest canyons — to trout streams, lakes, waterfalls and glaciers and tha haunts of the bighorn sheep, deer and beaver. Mile-high golf. Tennis, with a mountain thrill. Bright, sunny days; cool, starry nights. JO/JCA Round-trip from • - Omaha THRF.R DAILY TRAINS TO DRNVP.R I.v. Omaha 8:10 a.m. 4:2J p.m. 12:2S Ar. Denver 8:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. ua ahow you how to taka a glorioua two weeke* vacation in Colorado for $100.00 to $120.00, covering all expenaes. Write Our illuatratad booklets, with maps for Free and hotel liata will halo you And Just Booklota tha place you are keeking. For Information, art— f. *• oCU:"' City Pa«. Agent, U. P. Syetem. 1416 Dodge 81.. Omaha, Phone Jaekion 5822 Coneolldated Ticket 0«oe. 1416 Dodge St . Phone Atlantlo 9214, or ____ Union Station. 10th and Marov Slreete Union Pacific 24H-X1 f-%1 New York Bonds V-/\ New York, .tuns 2—A combination of favorable Washington developments and easy money today contributed to moder ate Improvement in bond price*. The ef fect of the president's action in signing the tsx bill and promising further relief at the next congressional session was most noticeable In the Liberty bond list, with one Issue selling a new 1924 top price and ntljers aelltng around the best levels of the year. Prfre flurtafions of domestic corpora tlon liens generally were narrow and un important Virginia Carolina. 7s with an advance of two points, and Wilson con vertible 6s. which gained fractionally, however responded to elimination of the uncertainty regarding interest payments Under the leadership of Norfolk A Western convertihye 6s, which jumped 3 % points in line with the strength of the stock, most railrosd liens pointed higher Hudson A Manhattan income 5s rallied briskly and substantial gains were recovered by St. Paul,* Frisco and New Haven Mortgage* Steady invest ment buying buoyed up the high grade list. | Sale of New York city's $67,400,000 cor porate stocks snd bonds today at a pre mium which netted the city $*00,000 com manded Interest of investment circle* The award was made 10 a banking syndi cate h*aded by the National City company of New York on a bid of 101 1*61. Public offeripg of the bonds will be made tomorrow ai prices ranging from 100.731, Including 3.50 per cent for short maturities, to 102 *00. yielding 4 per cent for the long term Issues The stock will be sold st 102% and interest yielding about 4.15 per cent. I . H. Rend*. <U. 8 bonds in dollars snd thirty seconds of dollars.) .Sales I in $ 1 ,000. High. Low. Close 262 Liberty 3%r.100.2 99.30 100.1 64 Liberty lei 4%*.. 100.24 100 20 100.-4 .766 Liberty :d 4%*..100.17 100 13 309 Liberty 3d 4%* ..KM.3 101.2 101.3 1620 Liberty 4th 4%s..101.00 100.29 100 31 157 U. S. Gov. 4 %s 102 17 102.14 102.16 Foreign. 2 A Jurgen M W 6s 77% V7% 17% I 4 Argentina Gov 7s.. 101% jo 1% lou% ,.11 Argentina Gov 6s.. 90% 90 9b % 10 A us gov gtd In 7s. 90% 5,0 #n . . •* U of Bordeaux fis 61% *1*4 *1% 6 C of ('open 5%* 90% 90% 90*4 II ('of Gr Prague 7%* 64% 6 1% 6 4% 7* Uitv of Lyons 6s 6 ’’ 61 % 61% 3 C of Marseilles 6s . 62 61 % 61 % 16 C of R de .1 6s |7 91 % 91 % 91 % 6 t'zeebo s Hep 6s 96% 96% 96% 23 T»ept of Seine 7s . *7% 67% 67% 9 l> of (* 5%s 'tt. . 102 102 in: 66 |> of u r.s 'f*2 ...100% J00% 100% 1 hutch K 1,6s '62 .91 93 93 9 hutch K 1 5 % S 'f.3 . *6 >4 66 6 6 I Frameroan 7%s 69% 69% *9% 50 French Rep »• 99% 99% *3 French Rep 7%f 95% 95% 96% *3 Japanese 6%s , 90 % 90 90% 20 Japanese 1st 4%s 97% 97% 37% 13 Japanese 4s 77% 77 77 % 11 Belgium *s .102% 102% 1 ('2 % 46 Belgium 7 % a . ... in: % 103 103 4 Denmark 6s 94% 94% 94% 1 ltal\ 6 % s 10n% 1 On % loo% 9 Netherlands 6s 92 91 % 92 1* Norway 6s 43 . 9 4 9.3% 95% 4 5 Serb Croats 6s . 62 *1% 62 16 Sweden 6* .10.3% 103 10.3 % 19 Oriental d 6s *2% 61 «1 % 6 0 Paris Ly-Med 6s... 75% 74% 74% 23 Bolivia *s . 91 % 91 91 % 74 Chile 6* H.I 06 % 1 06 % 10«% 11 Chile 7s . 96 % 9' % 95% 63 Colombia 6%s . ... 97 96% 96% 170 Cuba 5%* : . 94% 94% 94% 1 K! Salvador *s _101% JOJ % mi % 16 Finland 6s . 69 6*% 69 Haiti 6. A 52 . . 69% 69', «9% •5 Queensland 6s 99% 99% 99% 69 Rso Grande ‘s 97% 97% 97 % 3 San Paulo *■ . ..102% m: 1°2% 4 Swiss Con »* 112% 112% 112% 2 K G R A f 5 % a 29 10*% 1"*% 1*6% 74 K G B A 1 5%s 37.101% jft|% jot 11 u S Brazil 6c 96% 96% 96% It IT 8 Bra/, CRB 7s 11% *1% 81 % Domestic. 16 Am A gr Cfam 7%^ *6% *6 *4 3 Am Chain deb 6* 92% 92% 9. % 2 Araer Smelt 6a ...104% lr>4 304% 20 Amer Smelt 5s 9“. % 95% 93 % "•3 Amer Sug 6s . 99% 99% 99% 0 Am TAT 5 % a .ini% joi% 1< 1 % 73 Am TAT col tr 5a.. 99% 99% 99% 10 Am TAT col 4s.. 93% 95 95% 19 * in WAWKi 5s 6 6 *7% *6 IS Anacon Cop 7* “« 95% 94% 95% r 4 Anacon Cop r* 53 95% 94% 9.’% 10 Armour Del 5%* Sf% sf% *6% 2 \ on 011 6a 99 % 96 6, 99 % j ii Investments I Our new* offering list, just out, con tains a selected list of Municipal and Corporate Bonds and First Farm Mortgage Loans We will «pnd yon a copy on application. ^Qhaha Trust Gnmanr Omaha \Okmal Bank _ H* T R r gn 4- .. 8* «7H J7 * ? a r*si *.i 4- «i % »i % % 5 At Ref d 6* . *‘% »* ,’*% 33 Balt A Ohio ft# 101 *v 1"' '« *7 Balt * Ohio rv 4,%a 8*’, * * ** •* 69 Ball A- l) gold 4s .. 84'* *4*4 >4% 5 Bell Tel Pa f,a 99', 99 »» 19 Belli Bt coin 8» A 9ft', 96 96], I Belli St 6%e ■ ... 8 8V, »;J4 »« « I l Brier HIM St «H* 9.,«, 9S>* »5 % 3 Bk In Kd m 7» n.ij; l"!* 1 5f 23 Bkln Afan Tr «» . 78 76% 76% 3 Cal Pel 6%e . 97% 97 17 19 Cat. North .1 6>*, .11274 IDS >,!;% 18 Can Par d 4s . SO 79% .9% 4 i C A Ohio 6. 9, V 97% 9, % 9 Cant Death 6s .... 9,% 9.% 9iS 36 Cent Pa. gld 4* . 86% *8% ee^* 122 Che, A- O rv 6. ... 9 3', 98 95 21 Che# A, O rv 4%a 93V, 9» 9 0, 19 , l,| A Alton .8',a. 33', 33', ; J .1 c H Q rf 6a. A . 99 96% 96’, 14 Chi A K HI 6a t.3’4 69% 69% 16 l hi lit 8V..I 4s 52 51 % % 36 CM*. St P rv 4',a 56% 56 66*4 20 c '1 A- St P Xt 4%, 2 . 61', 52 60 C M A St P 4, 26 .. 7k % 77;* 78 12 Ch! A N W ifg 6, 93', 93 * 93H 6 Chi Hys 5a . .. 74', .4'* <4% II If 71 I A P gen 4, S I '* 81 * ?!’-* "1 C 1! I A P rf 4- 79 78 % ,1% 28 Chile I op 6, .100’, 100% 100% 7 CCCglSt I, rf *• A 103 102% 1 r>3 1 Clev In Tr 6%, 104', 104'* 1"4% 3 Col A- Mouth rf 4%a 67'* 87 87 ’; 9 Col OAK! 5a el 99 % 99% 99% 24 • e,m row 6. . 91 % 9! % 91 H 1 Con Coal Md 5. . SS% 8 6% 66% 7 Con Potv 6a ..86% 8ft', 8 8% 11 Cuba Cane d fie . 98 97 ', 97], 10 Cub Am Rug 6, - .107', 107 8, 107% 3 Del A Hud if 4s. . . 68 8* 88 2 D A R O ron 4, .. 7"% 70% 70% 7 Del Kd ref 6a . . 103% 106', ]06% 12 Tie! Utd Rye 4%e . 50% 69% 90% 16 Dpnt N'eni 7',* 106% 106 108 16 Duouea I.t 6» . 103 104% 1"4N 16 Kat' Cuba 7',a ..104% 104% 104% ft Knip V A O 7 % a . . 89% 89 89% 8 Krjr pr lien I ft6% 1.6 66% 26 Krle gen Hen 4a ... 6ft 65% 56 It Kiek Rubber 8a .. *'% 98% 99 6 Onodlirh *%, .. 96% 96 96 % 37 lloodyear T 8a 31. .102% 102% 102% I flood veer T *s 41.. 118% lifts* 11»% 1 find Tnk Rv C Ta.112% 112% 112% 14 Onn Tnk Ry C 6" 104% 104% 104% 16 Ort Nnr 7a A.106% 106% 106% 8 Ort Nnr 51, a U ... 99% 99% 99% 10 Herehey 6a .102 101% 10|% 118 Hud a' M rf 6a A 84 83 % 8.3% Hud iv M ad Inr 5s f& % f4% f * 20 Humble O&R 5%.*.. '•*% 9* j 4 111 Bell Tel rf Is.. 95% 95% f III l ent .10] Vb 10 III <‘«»ni 4s 53. *2\ H2\ *2%, 5 HISt d 4»,s . 92% 9j% 5 Ind Fieri’.',* .101 % H'IS 101S 15 1 ri i R T rf bn .... 19 7+ 59% f'« lnt U N f« .*47 ■'Si 47 47% 7 Int A <1 N 1st fis 9f% 9f % 9f% 11 Ul M M 6i .. .. M M 14 Inter Pap rvt 6* A R5 *4% Mty I K C Kl S A M 4s 7* % 7R% 7»% 15 Kan <'i»v PA 1* 5s 92% 92 92V* .37 Kan <‘i»v FoQ 5s... 59% 59 *9 13 Kan «*l» v Term 4s R3% *2% 92% JO Kan Hat* A KJec *s 9'% 9 5 95 22 K e 11 v Spring T *« h7% Rf % *7% 4 Bar- <i A .S' B 1st 5s 94% *4% 9< % f Blggrtt A Mvers 5s tf % 95% 95% ] 1 BA Na-h 5s B 03 101% 1 1 N, 1"1% 7 Boui» A- N 'll*if in 91% 91 % 91% f Bo *1* <i A, Klee 5s R3% R9 % *9% 1 Magma Cop 7s. 11014 110% J10% R Manatl Sue 7%»f 9R 97% 97V* 20 Marl Oil 7%* w w 1«1% loju, )oi% f Midvale St rv 6s.., **% RR% RR% JO M A- S» B ref 4« . 17% 17% 17% 14 M St PASSM f%s 102% 701% H*2% 3 M K A T pr II f* C 99% $9% 99% 47 RKAT ne pr II 5s A *4% *4% **% 154 M K A T n a 5s A 5R% b%\ 55% 12 Mn Par 1s fs ... 97 9f% 9f% 164 Mn Par gen 4s.... 5* 57*4 54 4 Mont Pow 5s A... 90% 95% 95% .34 N K TAT 1st fs 99% 99 93 % f V n T A- M In'* 5s 90% ♦'I’s 4 2 N T <>nt dfb fs .104% J0^ 104% f-3 N V K rfgAlin fs 91*4 9«% 6 N r C A St 6a A '61% 1*1% 1" i 6 N Y Edl raf 6%*.llt% 111% 111% 277 N Y N II A HKil. <»% 7»% "• % 4 NYSIIAH'%1 '**•• 61% 69% h4 . 2 N Y R adl Sa c d 2% 7% « 16 N Y T ref 6a '41 |6n% 1"5% l»a , 19 N V T gen *%4. 95 94 ', H , 2* N 11 W 4 9 4,i«. 47% 47% I , 96 N A Weal cv 6a..123% 122 1. , 7 N Atn Edl a 1 6a 92% 92% 9 , !« Nor i > T A I. *a A 91 % 9(1 9 . 16 Nor Par raf 6a B 1n3% 1»3% I" . 29 Nor Pac pr Kan 4a 62% 92% % 2 Nor S P 6a B 193 1"2% ' 17 Nor B T 7a ...169% 1"9 *1"' 5 Ora A O lat Sa ..106% inn% 1 i 13 Ora S I. raf 4a 95% 16% a 26 Ore-W R R 4 N 4a II *'% > 7 Pat O A E 4a .. 92% 92% 92 % 6 Par T A. T Sa SJ.. 92 92 9 14 Ta R R «%• ...11" 169% I'" 11 Pi R R gap Sa ..161% 161% I*' 4 27 Pa R R gen 4 % a. . 92% 92', 92% 44 Pr* Mar ref Sa... 95% 95% 95 , 19 Phlla Co ref 6a-161% 1""% 1*1 6 Phlla Co 5%a 91% 91% 9’% 7 Phlla A R (' A 1 6a 9S% 95 9?. . 3 Pierre .Arrow 6a . . 7 % 73% a 2 P A- Ref Re vr w...169% 169% 169% 31 Pllhllr Rervlre 5a.. 92% 92% *''% 2 Puma Alegre S 7a. . 1 "9 1n4 % '2* % 44 Read’ng gen 4%a.. 91% 91 ’: a 5 Rem Arma a f 6a. . . 9. sRepIronAH5%a..*9% 93% *3% 14 R I A A b 4 % a 79 77 % 7. 10 PI I, T M A 8 ref 4a 99% 99 99 46 Sir, IMAS 4a RAO dv 92 91 % 9 % 39 SI l.A SE pr In 4aA 69% 69% 49% 12 St I. A S E adl 6a. . 74% 74% 74% 16 S' I. A- 8 K Inr 6a 64 6«% 6« 2 S' 1.8 55* ' on 4* . *2% *7 % *' % 26 St 1’ Union D 6a 9*% 94 9* % 31 Seaboard A 1, rn 6a 77% 77 7 % 27 Shd Air It adl Sa. . 65% 11 5 2 Rhd Air I. ref 4‘ S2% 62% S3 , r Slnrlalr C Oil rol 7a »9% 99-, *9% 4 Sinclair C Oil 6%a 94% 94% 4* 29 Sinclair < d Oil E%a 44 92 % • 9 Sinclair Pipe 5a.. . 44 *3% B* 33 So Pacific cv «e... 95% 9: 9 22 So Pacific ref 4a. . . 97** 4, % ■ > H 14 So Ry gen 6 %a 166 1*5% 166 79 So Ry geo 6..106% 100% 166% 31 So Ry con Sa ... 99% 99% 99 , 32 Sou Ry gen 4a..... 72% 71% 72% <3 S 55- Bell Tel rfg Se 94% 93% 94 , 15 Std O A- E cv 6%c. . 96 94*. f , 17 Steel Tub* 7f ..164% !"4% 1*1 , 7 Sugar Eat of O 7a.. 95% 95% 9 % 16 Tenn Elec ref 6a... 96 96 9 26 Th rd Ave adj 5a. 42% 42% t. . 3 Third Ave ref 4a.. 54% 54 54 % 6 Toledo Edlenn 7a 167% 1"? 1»'% 5 Toledo Si I, A 55’ 4e «"% •"% • ' % 2 Un Pac ref 6a...16’% 1"2% 1"2% 5 Un Par let 4a.. .. 96% f"% 9"% 15 l'n Par rv 4a .... 97% 97% 97% 1 United n ... 113% 113% 16 U S Ruh 7%a . 166% )6n 11 r. . 16 u S Rubber Sa . . «"% 7 J- s Steel e f SB .167% 1»7% 1 % 1 Utah Pow A T.t Sa. »n 9" 1 9 5a-C C 7%a w w. 29% 29 2 9 % 54 Va-Car t'beni 7a. ' * % ' * '• % 26 Va Ry Sa . 96% 96 4 % 7 55'abaah lal Sa .99% 99% 99 * 3 Warner S Ref 7a l«2% 1*2% !<•:% 5 AVeal Md lat 4a 62 61 % 6; 1SS 55 aet Par Sa. S*% 9f 96% 3 55 e,t Un 6 %e .11"% 11*9-, 116% 13 Weating Elec 7a 16*% |6i U-%^^ 16 Kirk Span Stl 7a 54% 55% 7 55 H A Co a f 7 %a 51% SI '% 26 55‘llaon A Co lat 6a *2% ‘1% '• % 11 Wtiaon A Co rv 6a. 5" 46% *s% 1* Y S A T «a 94% 94% 94 , Total Bonda 116 547,666 f hlrago Produce. Chicago Tune 2.—Butter—Righer| rreamerv extrae 34%r: etandarda 34% j extra firata. 36%®37%c, firata. J5836"; aeronda, 31®34r. Egga—bower: reretpta. 26 7S7 caae«, flrs'a, 22% ® 23c; ordinary ftrata, 21 % © 39c-; ardraga pack enraa. 24%8'5 firata, 24%r. ! J. S. BACHE CO. Eetablfched 1892 fNtw York Stock Exchar** aa L -J Chicago Board of Trade MemberrS New- York Cotton Exchange Land other leading Exchange*. New York: 42 Broadway Chicago: 108 S. LaSalle St. Branches and correspondents located ia principal citlea Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold for Cash or Carried on Conservative Margin 224 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Omaha Telephones JA ckeon 1187-88 "The Bache Review** sent on application—Correspondence lartted. r " j W hen you think of GRAIN, CONSIGNMENTS, j " SERVICE You think of UPDIKE at OMAHA—KANSAS CITY—CHICAGO—MILWAUKEE — • •nple finances assure country shippers of immediate payments af i '.1 crafts and balance due always remitted with returns. Telephone AT lantfe €311 Updike Grain Corporation "A Reliable Coneiffnment House" I "wy nr ur— An Extension Telephone Brings the Calls to You An extension telephone upstairs makes housework easier. It brings the calls to you and saves stair-climbing. The cost of an extension is but a few cents i! a day. Just call our Business Office. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY u BELL SYSTEM ^ One Policy • One Syttem - Vnicertal Sercice T