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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1924)
Eppa Rixey’s Masterful Hurling Enables Cincinnati to Defeat Boston, 5 to 1 -— --__ . • __ K Vi ild Throw by Fowler Gives Braves Lone Run Hud*' Hurler Lets Opposition Down With Five Hits, No Passes—Genewich Hit Hard. OSTON, June 3.—(In ; rlnnmti hunched i hits off (ienewich 1 in the second, fourth and fifth innings, knocked him out of the box and defeated Boston, 5 to 1, to day. Kppa Rlxey pitched inasterful hall throughout. He held Boston lo five hits and did not give a base on balls. But for a wild Ihrnw by Fowler. Which allowed Sten gel to score from second, Rlxey would have had a shutout. Score: CINCINNATI. I BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.! aB.UPA mu rim, rf 5 J i 01 Felix, rf 4 l s o IM)(*rl, lb 5 on 0 B'c-roft. ms 4 n ] 3 4 2 5 OjC’ham, If 4 2 3 1 r n' '-it A 1 3 ^M’ln’s. lb 4 010 0 *?r *• 3b 4 - 1 -1 P rney, 2b 4013 l'*' ler, ms 4 3 2 % Steng’l, i f Situ “b 4 1 1 -1 P’lrett. 3b 3 0 2 1 c 2 0 3 0. O'Neil, c 3 1 8 0 Kixey, p 3 10 4| Gsn'ich, p 1 0 0 3 fedM* --Stryk’r, p 2 0 0 0 Totals 34 11 27 1 1, v JL_ZJi pi i ., I Totals 32 5 27 11 rincinnatl .020 210 000—6 Boston . 000 010 000—l Summary—Run*: Bressler, Walker. Pinelll, Fowler, Grit* Stengel. Errors: f”vW,er^* ^e,,xv Two-bag# hits: Fowler Stply-i base: Plualll. Sacrifices: Rlxey, Walker. Double plays: Genewich to Bancroft to Mclnnis, F'owler to Daub ert Cunningham to Bancroft to Tiernev Left on bases: Cincinnati, fi; Boston. 4. Ha sea on balls: Off Genewich. 2. Struck out: By Rlxey. 2; by Genewich. 2; by Srrvker 3. Hits: Off Genewich. 9 in four and one-third Inning.; off Strvker - in fnur and two-thirds Inning*: Losing rilfher: Genewich. Umpire*: H«r(. Quigley and Sweeney. Time: 1:40. t.iants ’W in Double-Header. New York, June 3.—New York in creased its season’s successes over Brooklyn in nine victories in 11 games by winning both sections of a double header today by-scores of 9 to 2 and 3 to 2. In the first game Nehf lasted 9 innings for first time this season uhile New York knocked Ruether out in the first frame. Splendid support saved Jlentley in the second game which Jackson won by bitting a home run with Kelly on base. The score; Score, first game: BROOKLYN. NEW YORK. .. . , AB.H.O.A ' A B.H.O A. N'Im rf 2 0 10i Young rf 5201 V'iflh rf a ft 1 01 FVh 2b-*„ 5336 J^-bri n M* 5 2 3 1 W'ilann cf 1 1 1 0 Whaat If O l 3 oi South'h rf 4 1 2 o l.n'1r Lb 3 l 8 0! Meusel If 3 1 1 0 stork 3b 4 3 2 3 Kelly lb 3 0 12 0 Bailey rf 4 13 OjJarksnn ms 4 2 1 2 lliKh -b 4 2 o 4 r/atrom 2b 0 n o 2 Haylor c 4 0 3 2! Groh 3b 3 110 Ruether P o 0 o o Snyder e 4 3 5 0 3tI>eberryP \ !! o 2j’N>hf 0 _1.1 >_3 Total. 37*16*24^1 T0,S'’ 58 1 "7 1 < \ Ratted for Dickerman in ninth. Brooklyn . 000 002 000—2 New York .410 3no lOx—3 Summary—Runs. Johnston Fournier »fun? (2). Frisch <3t Wilson. .Souih ^ * T1 b. MeUNel, Lindstrom. Ertors: Tavlot, finch. Jackson Two-base hit*: W'h»=at. vxiieon, Jackson <2>. Southworth. High 1 hrre-ba?e hit: Meusel. Home run sounder Sacrifice hit* Meusel, r.rnh Double play .Iack«on lo Frisch to K»l!y Left on base.. New York. 7- Brooklyn.. 10 Bases on balls; Off Nehf 2: off nirkerman, 2. struck out: Bv Nehf 4 hy Dickerman. 2 Hit. Off Ruether, 6 In one-third Inning: off Yuckerman 3 In •esen and two-third* Inning. Wild pifrh Dickerman Ta.sed ball: Tavlo-. j.o« in* ?!JiC.h'r: J?u',her Umpire. Kleni and WIlKon. Time: 1:43. Second came: Brooklyn i new fork AB.H.O.A AB.H.O.A Balley.rf 5)20 Young,rf 33-0 .loh'lon.*, 4 3 5 4 Frl*rh,2b 4-74 Wheat.If 4 12 1 Wilson.,f 3 1 ft ll lornler,lb 3 ft 7 1 i B’th w't h.rf 2 0 2 0 Stuck.3b -.7 ft 1 ft: Meusel.If 4 0 3ft U.tif’lh.rt 4 1 » m Kelly l h 2 16 0 31Igh.Sh 4 1 4 2' JTka'n.aa 4 12 3 I'ebey.c 4 2 11 Groh.21. 3 12 1 Greene.p l 0 ft l| Snvdei c 3 ft 2 ft * Taylor. 1 ft n ll| Bentlej p 3 ft ft ft Om borne, p 10 0 1' _. i.WlM 1 rt 0 «• Totals 31 9 27 Total* 36 9 2411 x Hatted for Green* in fourth. . x Hatted for Osborn* In ninth Brooklyn.noo oio 001—2 New York ..I«i2 noo oox 3 Summary—Runs: Hailcv. High. Young. Kelly. Jackson. Errors: Jackson. Snyder, two-base hits; Kellv. Groh Home runs: Jatkson. Bailey. High Double plays: Frisch to Jackson to Kellv; Jackson »o Frisch: Frisch to Kelly. Left on bases New York, 7; Brooklyn, x. Rase* on balls: Off Bentley. 2; off Greene. 2; off "•born*. 1. St ruck out: By Bentlev, 1; by Osborne. 1. Hits: Off Greene. 5 In 3 In nings; off Osbotne. 3 in 5 inning*. Passed balls: Snyder Losing pitcher Green*. Empires: Kl*m and W'ilson Time, 1:30. British Davig Net Team Eliminates Spaniards By Associated Tress Birmingham, England, June 3.— Oreat Britain's Davis cup team today eliminated the Spanish team and won k ,, the right to meet South Africa at ' ' Scarborough next week in the third round of European play for the ten nis trophy, by virtue of the victory "f J. B. Gilbert of the British team 4iver J. M. Alonso of Spain, 6 0; 6-4. • Ineaking the two-all tie lausrrt by Manuel Alonso's victory over J. D. B. Wheatley. Omaha Bee Race Chart Compiled by George W. Schilling. Presiding Judge—Dr. F. W. Ache. Sorter—Arthur MrKnlght. Associate Judge—William Shelly. Racing Secretary—Charles L. Trimbla. OMAHA. Nab.. June 3.—Third day. Summer meeting. Ak-Sar-Ben Racing Association. WEATHER, CLEAR. TRACK, FAST. ' fi834—F,RST "ACE—Four furlongs. Purse *500. Net value to winner, *400; _ _ aacond. *70; third. *30. Two-year-olds- Claiming. Index Horae and Owner._~Wt. St. t~ j | Str. FtnT Jockey” OdaTsfa - Recover 2 (f’.J.William,) 107 2 2ajP l1' i ’ lieupel 2.60-1 -- Hapaburg Mias 2 (B.M.) 107 3 3* 3s 2} H. Garner 23.40-1 67*6 Runpreserve 2 (C.B.Ir'n) "105 l 2‘ 3* Gerrity 1.90-1 --- Bill’s Hope 2 (R.A.Jones) 110 5 4= 4" 4* Gross 8.90-1 6709 Intaka 2 (C. B. Heath)*105 7 Si 5» 5» Clark 2.80-1 - Red Carter 2 (J. T. Sells) 1 15 4 7 6 6 Deilow 27.60-1 -- Viven O’Dell 2 (C.P.Od'i) 107 6 5IJ Fell Maskred 20.00-1 At post one-half minute; oft 2:20; time. :2S 2-B, 48 2-5 ; *2 mutuels paid Recover $7.20 to win, $4.40 place, $3.00 show; Hapsburg Mias, *16.60 place, $5.40 show; Runpreserve, $2.80 show. Start good. Won easily, second and third driving. Winner ch. f. 2. Iron Cross II.-Lance; trainer, P. Williams. Recover came fast rounding the las-t turn and taking the lead turning fot home won easing up. Hapsburg Miss finished fast and outgamed the tiring Runpreserve. Latter showed much speed in pace making but bore out badly turning for home and lost much ground. Rill’s Hope was going fast at the end. —SECOND RACE—Five and one-half furlongs. Purse $500. Net value to winner, $400; second, $70; third, $30. Threp-year-olds and up Claiming. Ind£x HI Horse and Owner.” Wt~ St, | | f SfcrTlTnl Jockpy“Ods" St'a 6800 Pay Off 9 (A. L. Val’t’e)M05 3 14 l"* 1' Clark 1.20-1 6774 Sea Beach 11 (A. Neal) 115 1 44 24 2"" Weiner 18.40-1 6748 Isphan 7 (R. E. Neal) 110 6 6* 5h 3l 34 Neal 35.20-1 6964 Star Cloudy .3 < D. Ho’ell) 108 7 7 * J 7'4 4" 4h Horn 2.40-1 -Velvet 10 (H. E. Cassity) 1 10 5 5" 61 5'4 5$ Sutton 9.10-1 - Emily Waite 4 < W. K’er) 1 10 9 9 9 8' 63 McCorkle 15.00-1 6355 View 9 (T. Holloway) 1 15 8 8* 82 7“ 7'4 Slaughter 38.60-1 -• Evening Idle 4 (J. H. B.) 1 15 4 2"k 24 6| 83 Zander 12.80-1 - Crest 6 (R. Warfield) 1 16 2 34 3" 9 9 Jarvis 43.60-#l At post 3 minutes; off 2:55; time :24-4S3-5. 1:084-5; $2 mutuela paid $4.40 Pay Off to win. $3.20 place, $3.00 show; Sea Beach $10.10 place. $6.20 show: Isphan $10.40 show. Start good. Won all three driving. Winner ch. m. g. Meelick-Hyacinth; trainer, A. V. Valentine. Pay Off set the pace under slight restraint and standing a sharp drive held her opposition safe through the final eighth. Sea Beach made a game finish and barely outstayed Isphan. Latter raced surprisingly well. Star Cloudy was in close quarters in the stretch and with a clear path might have won. Emily Waite away slowly closed a big gap and was going extremely fast at the end. AfiQfJ—THIRD RACE—Five and one-half furlongs. Purse $500. Net value to winner, $400; second, $70; third, $30. Three-year-olds. Claiming. Index Horse and Owner. Wt. St. 1 4_* Str. Kin. Jockoy Ods. St’s - The Colonel 4 (W. A. F.) 115 5 6*» 5l 4*1 1^ E7 Neal ~~F20.60 ~ - Deer trail 7 (J. White) 115 1 1"* 3* 24 2h Clower 6.80-1 - Fernandos 4 (C. E. C.) 1 10 3 44 24 3h 34 Zander 3.30-1 - Bengali 11 (H. E. Brown) 1 15 6 8* 8' 5'| 4’| Meehan 12.20-1 - Bucklaide 7 (G. W. T.) 115 2 2| 1h 1| 5* Wright 36.40-1 -—- Foxy Joe 5 (F. Lovell) 115 8 S' 6h 6h 6h Clevinger F20.60 6800 Little Smile 4 (A. Wiek.)Mt0 4 3* 414 7* 7* Gormley 2.70-1 5886 Queencup II 4 (J. W’ker)#105 7 74 74 8« 3* Clark 6.60-1 --Voorin 6 (W. Gunnels) 115 9 91ft 920 P2ft 9-5 Frogett 4.80-1 669? Jean Corey 6 (I. B. K’ch) 110 10 10 10 10 10 Jarvis 20.40-1 At pos-t 1 minute; off 3:27; time. :23 4-5-:48 4-5, 1:07 3-5 ; $2 mutuels paid The Colonel $43.20 to win. $14.60 place, $6.20 show; Deer Trail. $10.20 place. $5.60 show: Fernandos. $3.80 show. Start good: won all three driving. Winner b. g, 4. Bryn Mawr-Toastrack; trainer, W. Fight. The Colonel moved up fast rounding the last turn and slipping through a small opening next to the rail came fast under determined riding and passed the • leaders in the final seventy yards. Deer Trail after alternating in setting and forcing the pace outgamed Fernandos. Latter showed good speed and had no excuses. Bengali finished fast coming from far back. Bucklaide tired after dominating the running to the last sixteenth. Little Smile quit early. Voorin was never a contender. f?QQ7—FOURTH RACE—Six furlong*. Purs** $550. Net value to winner, $400; ? second, $70; third, $30. Three-year-olds. _Ind«_ Hem end Owner. Wt St, ; 4 [1 Sir. Kin. Jockoy Ods. St*s Alleden 5 (R. E. Lovell) 115 3 1 ’4 1-4 l’| l'| J.~Henpel 3.60-1 6822 Top O’ Th’ M. 12 (We.)MOS 2 2" 2'4 21 2'4 Clark 1.60-1 6817 Qu’n Cath’ine 3 (C. B. I.) *95 l 44 4' 3h 3-4 Gerrity 8.20-1 6814 Al Hotfoot 3 (A. Neal)*104 6 5s 5* 41 4‘ Neal 4.10-1 6696 Whiff 3 (H. C. McCon.) 104 5 S' 3nk f»« BT J\ Hum 6.40-1 - - Precision 11 (G. W. T.) 1 10 4 6* 6* 6 4 6-4 Wright 30 30-1 6724 Reap 4 (D. Y. Ellander) 1177 7 7 7 7 J. Murray 25.60-1 At post 3 minutes; off 3:56; time. :23 2-5-:47 3-5. 1:12 8-5; Mutuels paid Allenden $9.20 to win. $3.80 place. $3.20 show : Top O’ Th' Morning. $3.40 place, | $2.60 show; Queen Catherine, $3.80 show. Start good. Won all three driving. Winner, b. g. 6. Goldie-Dakota Girl AHeden showing high speed set a fast pace and always held the race safe. Top O* The Morning was hard ridden but. could never get within striking dis tance of the winner. Queen Catherine finished stoutly and easily disposed of AI Hotfoot. Latter probably needed this race and will improve. Whiff showed a flash of early speed. —FIFTH RACE—Six furlongs. Purse $500. Net value to winner, $640; _ second, $100; third, $60. Three-year-olds and up. _ _Horse and Owner. WtTstT _ * *Mr. Fin.T Jockey 6d»7st'w 6794 Lady Gorham 4 (G.Dr.) 103 l 1* 1* 11 i«fc~fWeiner 2.10-1 - Korhly 9 (F. Borland) 108 3 3* 3* 3« 24 P. Hum 14.30-1 -Go Foin 3 (B. A. Jones) 103 2 2:4 2* 2’J 37 Gross .*0-1 6*24 My Daddy 3 (C.E.T.Co.) 100 5. 5* 5' 4 4' Maskred 13.40-1 6»25 The Falconer 5 (C.B-I.) 108 4 4l 4" 5* h" Horn 17.90-1 6818 Louis A 7 (L. T. Wh’ill) 108 6 6 6 8 6 Dark 15 60-1 At post 1 minute: off 4:26. time. 22 .3-5- 46 1-5. 1:11 3-5. $2 mutuels paid Lady Gorham $6.20 to win. $3.40 place. $2.60 show: Korhly. $7.60 place. $3.20 show: Go Foin. $2.40 show. Start good. Won all driving. Winner, ch. f. 4. Frixxle-Mexilow; trainer. D. Cannon. Ladv Gorham racing under slight restraint set a great pace and then when hard ridden through the stretch finished gamely and cleverly stalled off the closing rush of Korbly. The latter ran a smart race and was going faster than the winner at the end. Go Foin under hard riding finished courageously. The others were always far back. —SIXTH RACE—Five and one-half furlongs. Purse $500. Net value to _ . J^inner’ •4400;^Sf»cond, $70; third, $30. Three-year-olds and up. Index Hoff# and Owner. Wt. S* ; I Str. Kir,. Jockey Ods. St's Quota 3 ( P. J. Williams) 103 $ 1„k ]it J. Het>»*l 190-1 Miriam Wood 3 (C.B.B.) 103 5 2] 21 24 2f J*. Hurn 2.90-1 5955 Perch 9 (O. Harding) 110 4 4? 44 3"« Dellnw 3* 30-1 - • Gen. Petain 7 (L.R.Case) 1 15 6 3h 3' 3' 4'4 If. Garner 21.60-1 Randal’* Royal 3 (B.A.J.) 108 3 4" 5h 5' r.h Gross 5.40-1 6M20 Sea Mint 7 (C. B. Irwin) 115 * 8’ 74 6‘4 gs Horn 8.40-1 Lucille J 4 < W. Foy) *105 12 llj 92 74 7h McDonald 22.60-1 - Innovation 11 (R. L. S.) 110 l 64 6] 824 8' Spicer SI.70-1 Lady Preston 9 (W.M.R.) 110 11 10 J10* 9' 9" McCorkle 23.40-1 Harley Belle 6 (J.H.G.) 110 ‘.e 12 12 102|10* Ryan F13.40 - - Floater 9 (J.H.Stoekdale) 115 10 9h lift 114 II3 Clevinger FI 3.40 Col. Murphy 7 (R. Barnet) 115 7 7h 84 12 12 Dawson FI 3.4 0 At post 1 minute; off 4:57. Time, :23 4-5-:48 4-6. 1:07 4-5. $2 mutual; paid Quota $5.80 to win. $3.60 place. $3.40 show : Miriam Wood. $3.40 place. $3.60 ahow: Perch. $14.20 show. Start good. Won all three driving. Winner br. f. 3. Hilarious-Marie T; trainer, P. William*. Quota had the speed of her opposition and setting a good pare easily he'd pway to the ladt eighth where upon being challenged by Miriam Wood stood a hard drive and held on with bull dog tenacity. Miriam Wood made a game fini'h and just barely failef) to get up. Perch raced surprisingly well and wa* right there all the way. Gen. Fetain made a threatening challenge nearing th# finish then faltered. Randall's Royal ran a good race. RQ/jQ—SEVENTH RACE—One mile. Purse $500. Net value to winner, $400; second. $70; third. $30._ Four-year-old* and up. Claiming. Mu Hors# and Owner. Wt St | i Str Fin J t . od« St’s white Haven « (V. Ror.)*105 o p* fi* 5* 1»* 1'4 Rodrigu#r F 7.90 6808 Woodie Mont. 11 (C.BI.)*106 2 If 1'4 T 2* 2* Gerrity 11.20-1 6319 Missouri Boy 6 IH.C.M.) 110 7 44 4' 3» 3‘ 3* P Hum 4.20-1 6828 Madrono 7 (Z. Barnett 110 1111 10 4 7' 64 44 McCorkle 15 30-1 6821 Virgo 7 (Tam O'Chanter) 1 10 3 24 2nk 21k 44 6h F Kator 10 60 1 6520 Encrinite 7 (C. Vail) *105 5 91 9k 8" 61 6* Clark 1.50-1 6832 WilHgan 8 (A. Gray) 105 101W H 91 714 714 Zander 25.40-1 6719 Ella Wood 6 (W V. G.) 105 I 3h 8” 11 U 8* Dawson F 7.90 6833 Felix M 6 (B. Muth) 110 8 7" 71 10' 10J 94 Froggette 5.40-t 6823 Mayrose 7 (PJ’r^h Stable) 105 4 6‘ 6* F,\ 91 109 Horn 61.30-1 - Morning Face 6 (J.Sneed)• 1 Oft 6 6h 34 4' s' 11 Gormley F At. post 1-2 minute: off 6:24; time :24 1-5-:48 2-5. 1:14 3-5, 1:40 2-5 $2 mutuels paid White Haven $17.80 to win. *9.40 place. $3 60 show; Woodie Montgomery $10.20 place, $4.40 show; Missouri Boy. $3.00 show Start good Won cleverly, second and third driving. Winner b. g. m. 8. Bourbon Beau Misa Thompson: trainer. F. Borland. White Haven moved up ateadily after passing the half and racing to the fore after turning for home won with con*umate ease. Woodie Montgomery set the pace to the last eighth where he readily succumbed to the winner's rush. Missouri Boy went well for the first time out. Madrono closed m big gap. Virgo ired. 30 Chicago pi Limited Lounge Car Train Now Arrives Chicago 7:50 A. M. Giving Full Business Day —All Eastern Connections WESTBOUND Central Standard Time Leave Chicago 5:30 P. M. 6:15 P. M. Arrive Omaha 7:00 A. M. 8:10 A.M. Travel Bureau and Ticket Office i 16th and Farnam AT lantic 5578 or 6831 , . _ > Red Sox Defeat Browns; Shocker Batted From Box Came Finished in Succession of Batting Rallies hy Both Teams—Trio of Home Runs Hit. T. 1.01 IS, June 3.— I'rban Shocker »si halted from file ho* in the fourth inninc and St. I-ouis dropped the first game of the series here today to Boston. Th* score was 8 to 7. The game was finished in a succession of hat ting rallies hy both teams, which held the result in douht. Boone, Harris and Sisler pounded home runs. Man ager I,ee Folil of the Red So*, former manager of the Browns, was pre sented with a diamond ring hy friends prior to tile opening of the game. Scorr: • BOSTON. ST. I.OtHS. AB.H.O.A AUIIOA .LC’lins rf 4 1 3 <>, Tobin rf 5 2 2 0 W in mi 2b 4 0 4 3 Hob’on 3b 4 1 2 ft Vfsc h Jf 4 3 2 411 Slater lb 4 1 H 0 Hafris 1b ti 4 9 OjWIIams If 4 ft 1 ft Boone rf 5 14 OjJa.rob’n rf 4 1 ft 0 < lark Sb 2 ft ft 2| M< M n 2b & 2 1 5 S’k* 3b-ms 2 0ft « Severeid c 4 3 7 2 O’Neill c 3 1 4 0] Crrber as 4 1 2 1 sa 4 0 11 ^hooker pi o n 0 Ezzell 3b ft ft 0 2j Ha> ns p 2 10 1 Quinn p 3 2 0 2' Pruett p 0 ft ft 2 Khmke p 0 0 .0 0, zKvans 1 1 ft 0 Murray p 1 1 ft ft r.P Collins o ft ft ft Fuhr p ft ft ft 0i zBennett ft ft (I ft Ferg’on p 0 ft ft ft' •— — xFlagst d llftft; Totala 33112711 xConnolly 1 ft ft 0! Totals 40 14 27 1ft: xRatted for Khmke In eighth. xHatted for Lee In eighth zBatted for Fruett In ninth zBatted for Robertson In ninth. zHan for P. Collins in ninth. Scot* by innings: Boston . 1 lftft 031—3 St. Louis . 010 ft02 202—7 Summary—Rune: .T Collin* f2>. Veach f3), Harris Boone, Tobin. Robertson. &ln ler. Jacobson. S*vereid. Bayne, Evans Errors: O’Neill. Gerber. Two-base hits: Veach. Gerber Tobin Three-bate hit: McMillan Home runs. Boone. Sisler, Harris. Stolen base: Wambsganss. Sacri fice hits: Wambsganss, Sisler. Jacobson. Left on bases: Boston. 15; St. Louis, 7. Bases on balls: Off Payne, ft; off Pruett. 1; off Fuhr. 1; off Ferguson. 1. Struck out: Bv Quinn. 2; by Shocker, 5; hy Bayne. 2; by Khmke, 1; by Murray. 1 Hits: Off Quinn. * in five and i\vn-thlr<is Innings; off Mtirrjr % In nn« inning (none out in ninth); off Ferguson, none In two third* inning; off Boyne 2 In four in nings; off Khntke, 2 in one and one.third inning*; off Fuhr. non* in one-third in ning off Shocker. !" In three and two »hir<l* Inning*; off J’-uett. 2 in one and one-third inninga. Hit by pitched ball; It' Ha.vne .1. Oolllns; by Krueft, Vearh. Wild pitch: Khinkc W^iPUng pitcher: Murray. l.oainr pitcher: Bayne. l'm plres; Nallin and Evan* Time: 2:34. . — , Detroit Timers C Detroit, June 3.—Zachary, Wash ington’s veteran left hander, held De troit to two hits and the .Senators defeated Detroit, 11 to 1. Haney was the only Tiger to get to Zachary’s delivery, hitting a single in the fifth and getting another in the eighth. Score: WASHINGTON | DETROIT A B H O A A15 H O A. Rire.rf 4 2 3 0 Haney,Jth .3201 4030 .3 n 2 ft Goslln.lf 4 2 10 Wingo < f onto Judge, lb 4 1 * 1 ForgG.lf 5 0 5 0 Ruel.c 4 2 7 0 Hellmn rf 2 0 3 2 P'k'p.hM R 2 .3 :t Pratt.2b 4 0 12 Protho.Sb 5 •> " F!igne\,** 4 0 0 4 Rliiege,2b 4 2 2 0 4 A 9 3 Z'hary.p 3 0 ft 5; Woods 11, c 3 0 4! — —. . - — <*nle p 0 0 13 Total* 37 1 4 27 9!J'hnaon.p 2 0 10 Total* 24 2 27 16 Washington . 221 30ft 012—11 Detroit ...100 ooo ooo—1 Summary Kuna: Hire, Leibold. Goal In <2), Judge. Rue|, P.m k (2), Prothro 4 2), Zachary, ilar ry Error*: Peck. Heil niann. Two-bane hiin: Judge. Pack In pa ugh. Prothro (2). Bluage. Three-baae bit: Prothro. Sacrifice*. RuH. Fothergill, Heilmann. T.pft on bane*: Washington. Detroit. 7. Base* 011 bn IS*: Off Zachary. f>; off Pole. 2: off Johnson. 1. Struck out: By Zachary, u: by Johnson. 3. Hili: Off 1 'ole. 7 in 2 J 3 innings; off Johnaon. 7 in 6 2-3 inning* Hit by pitcher: By Johnaon iGoslin, Rice). Paaaed bail: Woodall. loosing pitcher: foie. empire* Holmes, Owen* and Morlarltv. Time, 2:01. MADDEN, WILLS TO FIGHT MONDAY New York. Jun* 3.—Harry Wills and Bartley Midden, heavyweight*, will meet In a 15,round match at the Queensboro A. C.t in I^onc Island City next Monday night aa a result of a temporary permit granted today by the board of standard* and ap peal*. The permit wa* issued following the promoter * appeal from a derision by th» fire department rondemnlna the club * wooden stadium as a fire hazard. ppc S] JL\ cr> — BELMONT. First i*<e: Five-eighth# mil#: Durouf «.1. Callahan) .1*4-11.6 4-6 Har (Cooper) ..2'a-l a-6 4 ■ i I • «y Flyer (Rails) ..2-1 Time: J:ftO. Blight Idea. Sea Tide. Miaa Babe. Longing. Gloom Girl and Sweet Ann also ran. Second ra« e: S' eeplecli**«, 1 mllea fa rbabinier (McNair) .7 6 1.3 1 6 l.oyterer (Vfergler) . .1-1 7-5 Pirai* Gobi (Bel hell ..1-1 Time; .7:54 1 6. Si Lawrence. Black Fox. Kale O'Dey. The Sage and A1 Fresco also ran. Third race: one mUe Plough Boy (Thurber) . 12-1 4 t 8-.* Eaglet (I. Fa tor) ... . .. 2-6 l-*> Maclean (.1. Callahan) 2-5 Time: 1 36 4-6 Abu Ben Ahdem. Nancy Langhorne. Maxi*. Suburban and Fllomar also nn. Fourth race; One mile: Relentieaa (Maibftn) jo-l lo l 4-1 outline (L Fator) . 4-6 2-1# Sunyar (Doyle) . . . 4-1 Time: 1:38. Anna Marrone II. Lady Belle. Margin. Salari#. Parasol. Yankee I*i ;n'»M and Dot also ran. Dot an added starter. Fifth race: One mile: Aladdin (HtiKKin*) .412,1 e\en Yanks Bunch Hits to Defeat Chisox Chicago. June 3.—New York bunched it* hit* with Chicago’s er ror* ancf defeated Chicago, b to 3, in the first game of the series here to day. Pennock, backed with perfect support, pitched well, having only one had inning when the locals made all their runs. Score: NEW YORK ! CHICAGO. AB.H.OA AB.H.OA Witt, rf 6 3 4 n Moatfl. cf 6 1 1 ft Dugan, 3b .1 1 1 Si Hoftper, rf 6 2 2 1 Ruth. If 3 2 4 0 Colima, 2b 4 I l V Meuse!, rf 6 1 1 ft Sheely, lb 2 1 11 1 Pipp. lb 6 ft 3 ft Falk. If 4 12 0 Jonn'n. 2b 4 2 3 -< kamm, 2b 4 ft P ft Scott, «s 4 1 4 .1 B'rett, as 4 ft 3 4 Schang. r 4 2 2 ft Srhalk. c 2 ft 4 ft P'nork, p 4 1 0 2 Thura . p 4 2 13 Total# 87 13 27 1ft' Total# 86 I 27 1? Score by Inning*. New York .?ftt «01 J61—6 Chicago . .00ft pH ftjft— Z Summary—Runt. W|tA (2). Ruth. Meuse!. Johnaon. Moatil. Hooper. Collin* Error# Falk Barrett Two-baae hit: Col 1. ni. Tb’-ce-baee hit: ftehang Stolen bate* Witt, MetifAI. Sacrifices Dugin. 2. Double play: Sheely to Barrett. Left on baxea: New York, 8; Chicago, 8. B**ea on balla: Off Thuraton. 2; off Pen nyick. T. Struck out: Bv Thuraton 2; by Pennock. 2 Umpire*. Dinneen and Con. nnlly. Time: 1:67 ■ ■ wmm ... ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ —. - I.ily M , (Baker). 6-124-1 inaulate ( n Mahon) .. Time: 1:40. Ho? a I Duck, Orcua, Hel rroea. fork Elm, Trapatlck, Trite. Fifty Fifty, Tiday ami Rock Hottom alao ran Sixth rare: Kiva-eighta ml!#: Joe Marrone. Ilf. Ifarter) . . 1 - 6 out out Sennacherib ID. Kator). * l 4 Mighbinder <f. Kummer). 2-5 Time: 1:0ft 1-6. Swope Silver Fox, Edin burgh. Queen's Token, Maddenatown an I Profit also ran. latom \ 4 Firat race. One mile and seventy yards. Wrangler tPevic).4ft.70 Ik 1" if*.on Queaada (K. Mori met) .&.40 ism Sway (Thorndyke) .6 -’0 Tun# 1:4ft Opulent, Tan Son. Blowin* Bubbles. Mies Mazie, Stump. Jr.. Red Foot, Repeater and Counteaa alao ran. Second rare: Fiva-eighth mile «#eorge De Mar (Corcoran 5.60 3 20 2.10 Kublai Khan (E. Pool) 6.10 3 10 Son of Tromp (McDermott) . . .. 2 30 Time. 1:03. Mighty and saar alao ran. Third rao: Three-fourth mile ('attain (Kennecy) . 5 20 2 S') 2.3ft fllyn (Harvey) . . 2 60 2-10 Dual Flower (Williams) . 5.4)0 Time. 1:15 Easter Bells Will Land. Climax and Be More alao ran. Fourth ra<e: Three-fourth mile Clarence (McDermett) ..12 20 *0 2.4<t (Oshawk (Hurn) . 2 40 1'* fomlxa (Park*-) .... 2 SO lime: 1:14. Hatter lip and Pearl Meata also i an. fifth race: Mile and a sixteenth: Moonraker tCorcoran) 17.20 5 »»ft 3 1ft Audacious (E Pool) ... i 6# . :•* Gild** (Fronk) . . 2.70 Time: i 4r Chilhowee. Ha t j «u u<1r and Rinkey a so tan Sixth race: S mile: Flyatfl. <1.. McDermott) ..11*0 4.10 3.5ft Blue W arbler, fl.yke l . 5 * 0 2 *" Elizabeth K., (Taylor) . ...... 5.00 Time: 1:01 3 5. Ivory, Higuonia, Fann> de fours?'. Hubb and Pudd, Mweetum ani Cross Village also ran. Seventh race: 1 1-16 miles: Triumph. (L McDermott),.!! 40 4 5ft 3 40 Make t‘p, i E. Pool) .3 50 2 70 Untried, (Corcoran) . ....3.60 Time: 1:4ft :!-6. King Tut, Fantoche. and Net* Gold alao ran. MOONRAKER WINS LAT0NIA OPENER Latonia, Ky., June 3.—Moonraker scored an easy victory in the In augural handicap, the feature of the opening day of the Latoma meeting today, when he won eased up hv four open length* from Audaciou* and Glide. The race was worth 13.700 to th wlnning owner. Chilhowee, Hlnkey and Barracuda al*o started. Mitchell Blanks St. Louis Cards ladelphia, June 3,—Mitchell held St. Louis to two scratch hits today and Philadelphia shut out St. Louie, f* to 0. Hunched hit^enabled the home tearp to score* runs when needed, while Sand * nome run in the fifth added to the Phillies total. The score: FT. LOUIS PHILADELPHIA A H H « • A h.l *•» 4 111' Pout hit rf 1 1 2 ft Harper rf 2 o 1 •» Myera If 3 0 11 Lee rf 10 0 •» H'nsby 2b 2 ft 3 4 U"umi rf 4 2 * » Bot ley lb 4 0 * 1 Mokan If 4 2 J * Sr hull z >f :? 0 1 <» Ford 2b 4 l 2 4 V Fr’gau 3b ft J 2 llolke lb 4 1 li *» * lionx’lee c 3 13 2 W'tone 3b 1 0 1 1 . Xie'gall < n i n it \v!|*r*n 12 4 1 C'oonev *h ft 1 Mitchell p 1 net Haines p 1 ft 1 1 — x Holm 1 n ft ft Totals 3ft *17 10 Sherdel p 1 ft ft 2 Total* 27 2 2414 • x Batted for Haines in f .fih. Score by innings St. Louis .. . ft'ift ftftQ ftftO- ft Philadelphia . 2“0 71ft t'2x—$ Summary—Hum* .Sand Harper. Wil liam*, Mpkftn Ford. Wrightgtonv. Error: Cooney. Two base hit Mokan. Home run: Band. Fa»-riflce hit: Mitchell. Dou ble plays, (junznlea to Hornsby, Hornsby to Cooney to ftottnmlex Left on ban*5?: St Louie. Phtlade ?»hia. 4 Ba»‘*e on halls Off Haines : off Mitchell, i. Btru« k out By Haines. 1 by Sherdel, 1; by Mitchell. 2. Hi’s: Off Hainea. 4. in four inning?: off Sherdel 5 In five in ning? Wild pitch: Maine? Passed l»sll; Hmtxale? Losing j*it»h*r Haines Um pire? Rlgler, J’firmann and Moran. Tim?: 1 .12 Iowan In Pilot Crimson Track Team Next Season Cambridge. Mans.. .June 3.—Henry T. Dunker of Davenport, Ja., a junior wan elected captain of t.he Harvard track team today. Dunker beside* his activities a® n shot-putter, is a mem ber of the varsity football team and of the Phi Beta Kappa. /-;-;—;-\ American Association Milwaukee. June 3 — R H E Ft. Paul . . 7 1J 1 Milwaukee . 112 ’ Batteries—M •rritt HeOzhaueer end Dixon; Pott. Schaak and Young. Fhtn au!f. Kar«ai City. Jane S — R H E. Minneapolis . . . 14 « Knnsas City .S * 1 B.itteriS*—Mangum and Hrabow-ekL Caldwell, Dawson Baladna and Skiff. Caiumbue. O June 3—Louiavllla Columbua game postponed; rain. Toledo. O . June 3 —To'edo-Ind'anapoHa W*rnm r^o'poned rain t • / Hi Are You Getting Your Share of the S Business in Nebraska / In Nebraska there is a per capita wealth of —— HI panasMBaM $4004. And that Nebraska's wealth is evenly |8MB I • divided is indicated by the number of auto- Jw i|B|f I mobiles, compared to the number of families. Aw HH 1 There are 290,946 automobiles to 303,496 jnl 2|9® I - families in the state—almost one to every family. dill SB I r 3 In 1923 Nebraska increased its income by mil- kjMj iKjHj IT 4 lions of dollars. In 1923 Nebraska harvested „ It * its second largest com crop which was valued |H "* nearly $40,000,000 more than the 1922 corn jgfl iBaasaaoBwi The per capita value of all agricultural and live- 4 j 3H III stock products in Nebraska for 1928 was ap proximately $400 while for the United States ^ IpR » m These facts indicate in a small way the sales ****** ■ jffijai Al ■ I opportunities that exist in Nebrsaka. Are you '• M SpB ^■7 II getting your shate of this business? kwJluJlLw The Moat Economical Way to Reach Sh|| the Great Nebraska Market sfnd for book MM j -- Daily newspaper advertising in Nebraska will *o”nrri .. sell to the last cent's worth. Consumers, dealers. "•> you », 'i r».-r f. f§§f§ (tomV^a'cM.w jobbers, salesmen—everybody in Nebraska pre- ,*«oI!r*ilkV.‘n4;»bTr«' 'Upf Bureau rrpor11, n»- fers to read a NebrB.-ka daily newspaper. k* 11 d,,» n X‘kVuH.','n.'n,V.*„rd How the 16 leading Nebraska daily newspapers. ‘‘Sr "ifEvLi* |3HP Omaha chamber o( comprising the Nebraska I»aily Newspaper As- b» *,i kX| < ..minarc# r*co><w. sociation will reach nil of Nebraska, both rural iMd* IJ a ** — — - and urban, at a surprisingrly low cost, is explained • s • r d for igi§|j in a book which will be sent you on request, H THE NEBRASKA DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION • COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA KH . Baattie# Sun Crand Inland lndrp»nd«nt 1 iaotl* Star Omaha Bm W|K| < oltimhua T#l#fram Haatinf* Trtbuna Ntkraaka City Praa* Omaha Wot Id-H*r aid J I all* City Journal Kaarnay Hub Norfolk N#»$ VottaMull Trtbuna I ramonl Tribune Lincoln Journal North Platt# f*le graph Yark Ntwi-Timtt Hi I Total Circulation 309,090 Total Rate, 954c Per Line Ml RICH in Farm Production IMPORTANT in Industry | gj ^bbbbbhbbhsiihbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbps^^5^a^sbbbbbbbh[|