The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 01, 1924, Page 6, Image 44

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    Park’s Big Private Picnic Grove
In Demand by Various Churches;
Many Outings Booked This Year
Picnic Grounds Enlarged to Handle Increas
ing Picnic Business—Picni<5 Super
intendent Serves Guests.
INDICATIONS- point to a record breaking picnic sea
son at Krug Park which this season is making a spe
cialty of catering to big picnics such as are held by !
churches, lodges, clubs and business organizations.
Although the picnic season is in its infancy, hundreds
of picnics already have been booked.
With several thousand feet of
new picnic tables in addition to
the three thousand feet installed in
previous seasons, with acres and
acres of luxuriously shaded picnic
groves, fully equipped with char
coal and gas stoves, indoor and
outdoor kitchens, Krug Park is a
veritable picnicker’s paradise.
Krug Park is equipped to han
dle a crowd of 15,000 picnickers
at one time. New picnic grounds
have been installed and a picnic
superintendent gives excursion
ists and picnickers his personal
Krug Park’s picnic grounds arc ;
kept spotlessly clean and are pic-I
torinlly healthful. A large private i
picnic grove has been installed to :
take care of crowds that desire pri-!
vacy in their picnics. It is situ- j
ated in a beautiful spot in the
park that overlook the swimming
pool and sand beach.
Singers at Park, Thursday.
The German Singers of Omaha j
will give a concert at Krug Park
Thursday, June 5, before leaving
for Chicago where the local Saen- j
gerfest will be this city’s repre
sentation in the national Jubilee i
, Over one hundred trained voices j
make up the Omaha German sing- i
ers, directed by Theodore R.
The program at Krug Park will
include several of the numbers i
which the verein has been prac- j
ticing this winter in preparation
for the national conclave.
Swimming Classes at
Krug Proving Popular
More than 200 persons are en
rolled in the life saving and swim
ming classes at Kurg Park in ad
dition to several hundred more
swimming enthusiasts who are
registered in park classes or are
taking private lessons.
Classes are conducted daily at
the pool, both morning and eve
There are classes for men, wo
men and children.
Nurses Enjoy a Dip
These are some of the Nicholas
Senn nurses, expert swimmers,
who enjoyed the Krug Park pool
at its opening recently. Their
hospital has one of the finest in
door pools of the city. Though
water is water, the nurses declare
they enjoy a dip with the sky as
a roof. Krug Park has the finest
out door pool in the middle west.
Pool Water so
Pure Chemists
Say Drink It
When the water has been fil
tered and ozonated it is again
sterilized by liquid chlorine just
before it is returned to the pool.
Chlorinating is the most effi
cient method of water steriliza
tion known to modern science. It
is the only method considered suf
ficiently reliable for sterilizing
municipal drinking water supplies.
Nearly every large city in Amer
ica uses it. Omaha’s water sup
ply is chlorinated and thereby ren
dered pure enough for drinking
purposes and the pool chemists
actually drink it in preference to
other water.
Aside from the fact that chlo
rine destroys bacteria it also im
parts germicidal properties to the
water, which properties the water
retains for an extended period of
time. By treating the water con
tinually with chlorine, as is done
at Krug Park swimming pool, the
water in the pool is at all times
charged with chlorine, so that any
contamination that might be car
ried into the pool by swimmers is
instantly destroyed and rendered
iOnly the Best
Sold at Park'
' “Best of Everything” Is Slo
gan of Buyer for Park
“The Best of Everything’’ is
| the Krug Park motto in making
1 purchases for its patrons. This
policy, under which Fred Inger
soll has operated parks for many
seasons applies to the buying of
amusements and attractions and
also beverages and commodities
j dispensed at the soft drink coun
ters and the lunch room.
I People of discriminating taste
need but glance at the firms
| whose advertising is telling Krug
1 Park visitors that they sell the
park their goods, to see that goods
of quality are handled there.
Fairmount Creamery sells thou
1 sands of gallons of Delieia ice
1 cream to patrons there each year,
j At the lunch counter there are
; made tempting sandwiches with
: bread from Peterson-Pegau and
| from the Schultz Baking com.
! panies, and the finest cuts of meat
from Buehler Brothers.
Good coffee is the mainstay and
the cause of worry on the mind of
any one who feeds the public. Cof
' fee will bring customers back
J again for another lunch, ilrug
! Park buys a special brand of cof
I fee from the Douglas Coffee com
pany that measures up well to the
| Douglas slogan of “genuine satis
; factiop and coffee contentment.
Thfe^-eal figures on the amount
| of candy that is sold each year at
| Krug Park arc astounding. Gordon
Rainalter, an Omaha concern,'and
| Chase Candy Co. of St. Louis,
Mo., have the lion's share of the
business. Their candies have held
thier popularity for several sea
Popcorn in Boxe».
Selling popcorn used to be con
sidered a small business. But it has
gotten to be such'a big affair at
amusement parks that nowadays
they put it up fresh and sweet in
specially made cartons in place of
the old paper bag. And they use
Nebraska grown pcpcorn to a
great extent.
Swanee River Ride
Thru Tropical Scenes
The Swanee River ride is one of
| the popular attractions at the
park. In 10 minutes’ ride down
“Swanee River” the riders float
through all sorts of entrancing
tropical scenes.
Public Invited to
Inspect Treating Plant
This season the park manage
j ment announced that the public
is invited to see its big water puri
fying plant in operation. It also
invites inspection of its bathhouse,
which is equipped with a steam
All suits and towels are first
washed in hot soap and water,
rinsed in glean water, removed
1 from the washer and allowed to
soak for 20 minutes in a disinfect
ing solution, freed from surplus
I water by centrifugal machines,
and finally dried and sterilized for*^
thirty minutes in a large steam
heated revolving dryer and steril
1 izer.
you Can Keep
Cool and Happy
Krug Park
By Eating
|| Makes you feel “full of pep” and |
| ready to join the happy crowds,
|» I enjoying the dancing and other ji
|; | amusements. i|
|| / Delicia is an everyday cooler ij
<j | and palate tickler. Made from
11 / the choicest and finest materi
tl als and frozen just right.
EE FairmontCreameryCo.^
Established 1884- Delicia Ice Cream
I ( #
i[ Real Enjoyment- ;>
II Genuine Satisfaction - '!
11 Coffee Contentment- $
: • |
I; in every cup of .|
i! |
i i ;5
I i served at the refreshment stand at ; |
i! KRUG PARK i| ,
j! i:
!• 1618 Chicago St. Omaha, Neb. !j
{I Ctterinf Exclusively to Particular Restaurants and Hotels ||
' .v$