Swimming Classes Being Organized at Park _________—-—--vi Expert Women * ; Instructors to 1 Conduct Course Owing to Big Staff of Teach ers, Individual Instructions Can Be Given Every Pu pil-—Special Rates. Krug Park has engaged four ex pert women swimmers to teach its patrons the finer points of swimming and will be on hand at the pool throughout the day. Classes are being organized at which special rutes will be made for bathing privileges and the in structions. Enrollment in those classes may be made at Krug Park business office, Walnut 5580. Owing to the large staff of instructors, members of the swim ming classes will receive individual instructions, which is impossible for one instructor to do with a large class. More instructors probably will be employed us the classes increase in number. Krug Park is conducting the classes 'as a public service and not as a money making proposition. Nuns Play Like Girls at Park Pope's Dispensation Permits Staid Sisters to Give One Day in Year to Child ish Enjoyments. With black veils flying in the breeze, laughing merrily and struggling to keep their stiffly starched guimpe.s in position of perfect decorum, nuns from all over the United States frolic an nually at Krug Park and have the time of their lives. The occasion is the picnic for sisters and chil dren of St. James’ orphanage, given for them hv the manage ment of Krug Park and the Knights of Columbus. Every nun of St. James’ orphan age is given a string of free rides, and from noon until dark they give themselves over to enjoy ment. Through special dispensa tion of the Pone, the Sisters are at Liberty for the only time of the year to play in a worldly fashion. (Women Throng P to Pool for Mornings Dip W** Every morning, long before 8 o’clock, you can see score* of women and children waiting eagerly for the bathhouse to open so they may enjoy the pleasures of the pool and beach. The mornings, excepting Satur days and Sundays, are reserved exclusively for women and chil dren, with free admission to the beach. Every morning from 8 to 12 finds the pool crowded. How often do they inspect the roller coaster and other amuse ment devices? N'ever less than once a day—on busy days never less than three times. 11 Better Suits | !; to Order jj $39.50 | | j Reduced from $55.00 jij ' i Fine worsteds. The best *K I of all foods for lonf, hard v I | wear. J 1! Tweed Suits to Order | ^ $29.50 | Reduced from $40.00 ^ Good work and perfect fit A fuaranteed. MacCarthy-Wilson i S. E. Cor. I 5th and Harasf a . v-.v.v.v.",w .v.vrv s \f m I A Spacious Ballroom, Polite Dancing and the Best Music. J Dancing, one of the most popular amusements of the many park attractions of today, means the construction of an out door floor that must compare favorably with the finest en closed ballrooms of the city. Krug park built and constructed an outdoor floor for its patrons that one seems to be able to float on. It is made in the manner that is known as “full floating construction/* and is topped with the finest selected stock of hardwood that ^ gleams like a polished mirror as the lights are flashed on each ^ Thousands of Sq. Ft of Mirror Like Dance Floor in Krug Park Ballroom Dancing nightly in the spacious ballroom, with its 150 by 260 feet of mirror-like floor, is one of the most popular diversions at the park, and its large patronage each night is traceable to the fact that it appeals to a large clientele that demands a recreational place that is properly supervised. Krug Park ballroom is more than an ordinary amusement place, for it is a ballroom for the public into which has been incorporated an ideal, financed and managed by men of prominence—conceived as a place where every facility would be offered for clean, wholesome amusement. Omaha’s dancing public has wel comed such a policy. The approval is evidenced by its select patron age. Around the spacious ballroom is a large veranda, with ample space to accommodate over flowing crowds. And in constructing its magnifi cent ballroom, Krug Park has not forgotten those who enjoy watch ing the dancing and listening to the refreshing music, and has pro vided comfortable chairs and seats. _ - si If It’s Safety ! You Want f 2 Jl jl <; The Bank of Benson offers you the sure !■; p ]>rotection of the Depositors’ Guaranty ■; Si Law of Nebraska. £ I$ £ p This law requires, first, that a bank to \ p come under its protection, must pass a £ p rigid examination to show that it is £ lawfully operated, has ample resources, £ p sound policies and experienced man- £ £ agement. £ S , £ »• The Bank of Benson has met all these ;• *;» requirements. Its operation under this £ P law is a guaranty to depositors of the £ P safetv of every dollar deposited with us. £ i * 3 | And If It’s | I Service- I || j c We offer you that, too — the liberal ser ,^t vice permitted bv our state charter, 2 I and through our correspondent banks. d I | • Bank of Benson f I ! Deposits in this bank am pralKltd bp tka STATE GUARANTY FUND !> jit *7 £ N. H. TYSON, President O. C. KINDIG, Cashier !| J. T. PICKARD, Viee-Pre*. C A BYARS. Asst. Cashier £ 1 ■ .7.' .7# .T.'-.'aVT.' 7.'.7.' .7,' ."V .7,* .7.* .7.' .7." .7,' .7iH7”.V7V.7. .7.’ .7.'-.7.*.7,* .7, 1 Ballroom Decorated in \lah Jong Designs — Visitors to the ballroom will be struck by the beauty and artistry of the new decorations, into which has crept Mah Jong designs, which seem to domi nate many things this season. The ballroom will vie with any dancing pavilion for beauty in the country. Electric Driers Relieve If omen Bathers of If'et Hair If orries C-' The women’s department com prises the entire east wing of the bathing pavilion. The ladies dress ing room is supplied with electric hair driers, combs and brushes, together with many other conven iences that add to its complete j ness. I ENTERPRISE NOXALL 1 | FAST COLOR PAINT f •; All Shades Including Outside White !> $3*50 Per Gallon ;♦ m y An exceptionally high quality pre- Jj’ Ji pared paint, gives the greatest meas- f | p ure of beauty and protection. Covers 'j well and is easily spread, unusually *■ w. durable. Every can bears a label »• J* that guarantees absolute satisfaction, d£ vj Made in 24 beautiful colors that posi- .5 ji- tively will not fade. Also white and i; i* blaclL Thirty-one years’ experience j i jj it back of it. Call for color card. «j i! COUPON |i !• j—^-1 i | * Worth 45 Cents ' t I I i I I ' When presented te C. C. Johnson Hardware, 6068 Military j j J I Avenue,- Benton. | , ! . Enterprise Paint and Varnish Products | J 1 ■ Better Paint Valuer. , 1 ji I I j 1 On presentation of this coupon you may have a 4oe H- 1 I 1 . I pint can of Enter-Ijtc Varnish stain Free. I J ji I * . !' . Name. Address. . j 1-J \ ! C. C. JOHNSON | i . Benton’s Modern Hardware Store j| i Walnut 0141. BENSON