The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 01, 1924, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 33

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old song goes, is recalled
as these thirteen winsome
maids in gingham, all chil
dren members of the Hoff
man Hoskins dancers,
form this attractive tab
leau on a picturesque old /
wall in Rock Creek Park,
Washington, D. C.
“ i
Right — AT “WHITE
stein Club, the twenty- a
first annual, held rec- I i
rntly ill N. Y. at the 1
Waldorf-Astoria and at
tended by more than 1,200 J
women. Left to right,
p Florence Isabel Storer, ||
Mrs. Marshall O. Terry, m
honorary vice-president.' I
who, in the principal
speech, indorsed Dr. But
ler’s attitude toward pro- 9
hibition; Major General S
Hunter Liggett, Mrs. Wil- 9
liam Rogers Chapman, S
president; General M. O. 9
Terry, Mrs. Hunter Lig- m
gett and Lillaberth Edna 9
Maag. The girls at either 9
end were ushers. 9
Donna Rachele Musso
lini. wife of the Italian
Premier and one of tfie
prettiest women of her
<5 by Kcyntom- Vl.-w <•„
' i
ELOPES AGAIN. Miss Margaret
Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Willard A. Walsh, of New York, it,
married again, this time to Charles
M. Warner, son of Grove E. War
ner, vice-president of Warner Sugar
Refining Company, an heir to large
fortune. Although “Peggy” is only
twenty, this is her second marriage.
Now ia the Time to Get Rid of
Theae Ugly Spots
There'* no longer the slightest need of
feeling ashamed of your freckles, as
Othine double strength is guaranteed
to remove these homely spots
Simply get an ounce of iDthine from any
druggist and apply a little of it night
and morning and you should soon see
that even the worst freckles have begun
to disappear, while the I ghter ones have
vanished entirely. It is seldom that more
than an ounce is needed to completely
clear the skin and gain a beautiful, clear
com pies ion.
He sure to ask for the double strength
Othine, as this is sold uncer guarantee of
money back if u fails to remove freckles
the Norwegian Polar explorer, who
will make a second attempt this
summer to accomplish his long
planned trans-Polar flight, pictured
in Berlin critically examining a
shipment of whisky with which he
intends stocking his plane as in
surance against the rigors of Arctic
weather. Knntmmr
Story & Claris
is a truly PERSONAL ReDrvducuw Piano
Your home can enjoy the pleasure that good
music brings, even if no one in the family has
technical musical knowledge.
The Repro-Phraso enables you to play any
music with all the expression and personality
that would be yours if you played by hand.
oA *Demonstration •will be a ct(rvelation
Price only
' Freight added —
$4 Crt antl Convenient Term*
OJv up arranged il desired
1 Coil, Write or Phone AT 1856 for Cutdiorur
a Sdimoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1514-16-18 Dodge St.f Omaha
A CENTURY behind him.
One Mr. Goodyear, of
Rickmansworth, seventy
five years young, is still a
regular Donoghue. Our
photograph, taken at the
recent meet of the Old
Berkeley Hounds, at . . __
"Elmcote/’Croxley Green, ax'*! ..
England, shows the sep
tuagenarian horseman
mounted on Royal Star
taking a five-rail hurdle
in accomplished style and'
with plenty to spare.
Wide World.
An indoor Photograph Load your camera with
«Airpij N an AGFA FlLN4 — note
its superiority in speed
and clearness.
at your dealers.
****** '^9/u4EMsUr?t^nA '
___H—imi11 Mil \ 1/111 HI Nil lilllilP
and the -
"Charmed Land”
WHEN the heat of the dty
sends your blood throb
bing headwards, dose your
desk and home ind come
to the witchery of snow-cap
ped mountains, evergreen
forests and blue landlocked seas
—bring the wife and children to
Seattle and the Charmed Land.
Mid-summer is like Springtime
in this cool, green vacation land.
In the high mountain meadows
gorgeous Alpine flowers are
peeping through the snow. In
the lush green valleys below the
sparkling rivers are brim full
and ice cold, fed by the eternal
glaciers of snow-capped peaks.
Cool days are always followed
by restful nights. You will enjoy
sleep under blankets. A mid-day
temperature of eighty degrees
is unusual and the average June,
July and August temperature is
sixty-two degrees.
Nowhere in the world is there such
a vacation land or such a diversity
of attractions, and all so accessible to
the metropolitan cities and modem
travel conveniences. Paved roads,
steamers, trains and tnterurbaro take
you to mountain resorts or along
picturesque Puget Sound.
Golf on evergreen fairways, surf
bathing, mountain climbing, yacht
ing, and world-famed fishing in Lake,
stream or salt water.
Visit Mount Rainier, the incompar
able; the San Juan Islands, gemmed
in a sapphire inland sea; the Cascade
and Olympic Mountain ranges,
with innumerable lakes and never
to-be-forgotten beauty spots made
more alluring by a splendid system
of resort hotels.
Get away from the heat this sum
mer. Come to the cool, green scenic
Charmed Land
Reduced Fares
Round-trip Omaha to Seattle
May 15 to September \0,fT a
See that your ticket to any part
of the Pacific Coaat reads "via
Make SEATTLE your head
quarters •while •vacationing
in the Pacific Northwest
TH«m iiKwihiriiiki pwd tint K nftmu
•rtw* IM* rnu to «K* Warmad l +md~
ai A* JVvtv Nwtliwwt