The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 01, 1924, PART THREE, Page 10-C, Image 30

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    Optical Company in Athletic Club
Location Provides Restful Fitting
Rooms for Patients
THE FLITTON OPTICAL COMPANY, next door to the Athletic
club, has much to offer those who are fitted for glasses
for the first time, as well as services for those who have worn the
"aids-to-slglit" for some time. Softly neutral In Color are the restfully ar
ranged fitting rooms with the most modern instruments known to the eye
testing science In the operating room, the instruments and knowledge that
enter Into a successful fitting of glasses to the eyes for the skill of E. H.
Flitton needs no introduction. Interesting indeed are the new
stylings offered in the shell glasses. The new style featured Is the
“Rosebud", frame, a cnystal and black rSmbination with a slight uneven
ness In the ovals which hold the glass—an unevenness most becoming.
Hosiery' lor Every Kiddie in the City
of Omaha in, Short and Three
Quarter Lengths.
THE Children’s Shop, Aqulla Court,
16th and. Howard, has hundreds
of pairs of hosiery, every size and
length in every desired texture and
ititchery. Mercerized cotton lisle
with fiber silk tops, two pairs for 76c;
fiber silk, 50c; imported mercerized
lialc. fancy jacquard tops, 50c; pure
heavy silk in wonderful colorings,
$1.13—these in sizes 4 to 7 1-2. Three
quarter length hose in a full range
of plain colors, derby ribbed, to be
worn with equal smartness by either
l»oya or girls, 50c a pair; fancy tops,
63c: fiber silk in the same ribbing. $1;
fancy tops, $1.25—these in sizes 7 to
0 1-2. In the long hose there is shown
4 complete line in all colors and sizes
at popular prices. All hosiery needs
will be met at the Children’s Shop.
* * •
Bridgepads in decorated slip cov
ers, black with the English garden
flowers, $1.23.
Massage for Beauty—New Operator
in Beauty Shop Spent Last Eight
Years in Sanitarium Work.
THE Le Bron Beauty Shop, second
floor Aquilla Court, Sixteenth
and Howard, At. 4029, is fortu
nate indeed In securing the services of
Mrs. Klotz, whose work in a sanitari
um for the last'eight years Is invalu
able In the scientific building of beauty
by masage. Margaret Le Bron’s mar
celling skill needs no telling—but
thought you might be glad to hear
of the "Helen” wave, offered for 80c,
with a turnunder curl for ?6o.
• • •
June bride* will be glad to know
that pillow cases to be embroidered
,i:c hemstitched, ready for their cro
cheted edgings, $1.25 a pair. A 64
inch luncheon cloth, prepared in the
came way is {LEO. Bright craft cloth
ch esses to be ’broldered' are $1.60, ths
bright little aprons, 60c. Three-piece
buffet sets are 65c, three piece ovals
to be used In different parts of the
room are TOe for the set.
A Fault? Certainly Not! That Tendency
to Low Prices Which Makes It Im
possible to Pay as Much as We Had
Expected on Purchases in This Shop
THE KARGES HOSIERY SHOP, 303 South Sixteenth street, Is "differ
ent"—it is simply impossible to pay ns much for the hosiery one buys
here as one expected to pay. Time after time Polly has taken in her
orders expecting to pay a princely sum for that especially nice pair of hose
for gift offerings or the hosiery to slip into the white satin slippers which
will lead Milady to the altar on her wedding day only to find that the fin
est obtainable hosiery is sold at the Karges Hosiery Shop nt prices from $1
to $3 less than one might reasonably expect to pay. A special Invitation
is extended to visitors to the races to visit this shop for a little "get-ac
quainted meeting. You'll find it quite to your advantage!
Well-Known Marceller Opens a Shop
on Sixteenth Street.
Margaret Johnson has
opened a shop of beauty cul
ture, the Margarite Shoppe, 217
City National bank building, Sixteenth
and Harney, Atlantic 1488, where she
will give personal attention to all
processes which make Lady Beautiful
yet more lovely; marcelling, hair
dressing, scalp treatments, facials
and Inecto hair dyeing. Scott's toilet
ties are featured In.this new shop.
• • •
Chinese punch work makes very
lovely a line linen pillow case set
specially priced at $12.50.
Visitor* in the Beautiful Aquila Court
Will Find Well-known Finn of Cor
setierres in New Shop.
SCHAEFER and AViker, well
known eorsetlerres, exclusive rep
resentatives in Omaha for the
famous Emma E. Goodwin corset*
have opened an exquisitely decorated
shop at 255 Aquila Court, Sixteenth
and Howard. The reception and fit
ting rooms are attractive Indeed In
gayly blue hand-blocked linen on Ivory
wicker furniture. A shop of corset
specialists who will surely please you
In their skilled modeling of styleful
Pretty Little Tub Silk Frocks Use the
Pleated Panels to Soften the
Severity of Straight Lines
Block, Sixteenth and Douglas, are having a busy time of It this year
for the severely tailored little frocks of printed crepe and tub silk
need Just the relief that Is afforded <by the gracefully pleated panels. A
navy and sand printed crepe has solidly pleated panels of navy georgette
at each side from neck to hem, these held in place by buttoned Baps
W'ith rounded edges. Smart!
Omaha Store Make* Rig Purchase
From W holesale Stock Merchandise
lo Be Placed on Sale Throughout
tlie Week.
HAYDEN BROF, have mads a
large purchase of merchandise
from the sale offered by the M.
E. Smith & company wholesale house,
i’ottob goods, sheets and pillow cases.
Beau Brummel shirts, Mina Taylor
dresses are but a few of the Items
which will be placed on sal* each day
beginning Monday—every day some
thing different. An opportunity for
the one who Is thriftily inclined.
While the lord of the family 1»
"following the racee, the feminine
members of the family will as
auredly be following faehlon In the
Omaha shop*.
Summer etyle ahowlnge are at
their peak of lovellnete and there’s
everything In beautiful apparel to
be found In any city of the world
now offered In our own shops.
Polly'* aervleea at your disposal.
—wwsi i in ii .m——Hr
Diamonds Unusually Mounted tor
Gifting in the Month of June.
HE Reese Jewel Shop, Sixteenth
find lfmney, offers lovely dla
monds In mountings of unusual
loveliness for June gifting purposes.
If one (a unable to find the ring of
one’* choice among the exquisite
pieces shown, the experts in this shop
will suggest quaint mountings to be
made to order. Rings with feathery
fronds of platinum holding contrast
Ing stones, supremely lovely back
ground for the diamond to seal the
engagement with a bit of rnre senti
ment expressed In terms of Jewels.
• • *
One of the loveliest gift conceits
shown In the (lower shops Is a little
Droaden china lady atop a wire lamp
shads which Is to he covered by tiny
rosebuds, forget me nets or pansies.
Endurable—for 'tie a framework that
may be covered by silk for Milady’s
dressing table lamps after the bios
some have faded.
• * •
Relaxation Facials Assurance of
Headache Hire.
MARY B A GUARD in her beauty
shop, 278 Aqulla Court, Six
teenth and Howard, Atlantic
9261, gives a relaxation facial with a
foot massage which Is a sure headache
cure. News to Intereat I he wornout
shopper! Just one of "Mary's” little
beauty tricks! You will enjoy a
demonstration of the excellent quali
ties In the selected exqulaltrles for
Milady's dressing table. Interesting
is a new powder and rouge which
takes the exact coloring of one's skin
\ I \
Spring makes ready her trousseau,
Spins a gown from blossom-snow—
Peach-bloom pink, cornelian-tree,
Hyacinth, anemone—
’Twined with threads of daffodils
March has smuggled from the hills;
Girdle stitched with primrose-faces
Spring has spidti in snowy places;
Slippers green, and molded thin
From each grass-blade mannikin,
She will wear; with violets tied,
Velvet-blue, and free from pride,
l'or her hair a ribbon rolled
From the cowslip's dripping gold.
Every wood-pool will allow
Spring to wreath her lovely brow
With the frailest lily-blooms,
Fit to flaunt through bridal-rooms.
A pril, too, is fashioning
Ripe rosemary to a ring,
So that lissome Spring may he
Summer’s bride most properly.
Robin, bluebird, blackbird, thrush,
These will come, and break the hush
Forest-aisles knew winter-long,
With a blissful bridal-song.
Every breeze that roams the brook,
Where the alders downward look,
Every oak and pine that towers
Far above the tulip-flowers,
With expectant senses wait
For the bright, stupendous date,
When the Spring and Summer mate.
Night and day Spring’s humming low,
Making ready her trousseau.
—Spring-Bridal, By .1, Corson Mttiei.
Smart Crowds Attend Opening Day at
the Races—An Exhibition
of Swagger Style Creation
OPENING day at the horse races with an exposition of swagger style creations—a representation of Omaha's clever fashion followers—a forecast 01
what’s smart in sports wear for our new season’s appareling. Hundreds of out-of-town visitors in the city v ill find beaut i u co es s own
smart shops wThose entire pensonnel is atlptoe to serve them. At your sendee!
Sale of Richlieu Pearls Affords Many Gift Seekers
the Opportunity to Buy
Several Gifts for the Price of One
THE C. B. BROWN JEWEL SHOP, 220 South Sixteenth street. have a large line of different size, and price, in the well known Richelieu pearl* ant
these they have placed upon sale in clearance for the Navarre pearls for which rtiey have secured the exclusive agency in Omaha. . o lntrni uc
tion Is needed for the beauty that la Richelieu—it* creamy translucence suggests the strands of graduated sizing as gifts of excellence for
every gift occasion. The prices quoted on the Richelieu creations have made the first week of the sale a very active one seekers of gifts are n ee
delighted to procure several gifts, for the price they had planned to pay for on*.
_ _— — ————— ...
Milady Promises Much of Loveliness on Summer
Club Verandas and Dance Floors for
• Her-Frocks Will Be the Soft Silken “Washables”
in Models Novelly Styled
LA BOSOHIN, Hotel Fontenelle, Eighteenth and Farnam, promise* that Milady will be a graciously gowned person this eeaeop, gowned In the aoft
silken "washables'’ which have so taken the eastern world hy storm. Purest white is a little model with crocheted lace In lines from snou er
to hem down the front on each side of a solid line of crocheted buttons. The shoulder sleeves, ttnv bandings of the same iniinltih y ort >
lace in width corresponding to the boyish cut collar. Another while model, unrelieved by color has tiny tucks from shoulder to hem. t •'*** al!?rI'a,
ing with lace to give the slenderizing lines so much desired. A bit Russian Is the heavy white crepe, its wide hem embroidered In black, go.d an tan
gerine with a banding pound each tlgy cap sleeve—a truly dashing affair. Others of the silken models which will do much to make our ladies >eaut u
are outlined In color, some of them printed In quaint all over designs In colors dear to sports toggery wearers. Much might be said of the as ng op
coats of summer coloring for wean over the "washables" but neither space nor time permit—another time—more.
A Silver Tea Set Is a Lovely Gift—-Especially
If It’s a Grouping of the
_Newly Designed Silver Plate of Quality_
» SILVER TEA SET is a lovely wedding gift—especially when it’* a gr ouping of the newly designed pieces which the Reed ft Barton company are
/\ sending out this year. The John Henrickson Jewel Shop. Sixteenth and Capitol, are showing with pardonable pride a three piece set. large and
-s-A. improssive in weight with unusual^ grace In the curving U*es of the different pieces. The Reed A Barton standard of quality plate has
lieen maintained In every detail of this three piece set at *45. Many other sets are offered at a price range of *15 up. Of equally tine quality of material
and jvorkmanship are the Reed ft Barton plated flatware pieces, the Sierra design, "built for service, a sturdy appearing flatware design which assures
years of pleasure to their ownerf and the Pompeian which 1* a bit more decorative, this also s Reed ft Barton product. A Jewel shop which specializes
In silver and where you will find every standard make of silver, both In sterling and plated ware. Mall order buying l»-« feature of the Henrickson Shop.
For One Week—Mah Jong Sets in Both the American
and Chinese Manufactured Products at
Prices Reduced Forty Per Cent—The Racks Are Priced
at a Twenty Per Cent Reduction
THE MATTHEWS BOOK STOKE, 1620 Harney Imve [.laced on aale their entire stock of both American and Chinese manufactured Mah Jong seta
at a reduction of 40 per cent for ona week with a 20 per cent reduction on the racks. The sale will last for on# week only and is a splendid
opportunity for the seeker of gifts to mnrk the many gift occasions of the month of June. Summer vacation days present the leisure hour* neces
sary for the learning of this fascinating game. Your opportunity.
Portrait Achievements by Omaha Artist Represent
_Worthwhile Beauty of Great Productions_
PORTRAIT BY MATSUO” engraved on a picture taken by Matsuo, Omaha's art photographer. Twenty-fourth and Farnam. is a very aloquant
explanation of the beautiful result of this artist's efforts. Not only an adept In posing hla subjects, Matsuo, who Is an accomplished artist In oils
and engravings, uses the Ingeniously arranged lights as a painter uses his paints and brushes to get the desired high lights. \ ery lovely an
ihe portraits using diffused lighting, their effect being most artistically "different,” catching the prettiest line of throat, chin, mouth or head, a gugges
tlon of expression. Charming! Matsuo will make Sunday appointments to your convenience. Telephone, Atlantic 40,9.
A Good Swimmer Swims Better If Her Suit Is One of
the Beautifully Fitting Affairs
Known the World Over for Service _
. — ' is... .... I ■ - ■— ' ■" ! — —— ' —'1 ■— .. 1 n
THOMPSON BEl.niCN'H have started Ihe swimming season—for this week their window display of
“Jnntaen" bathing suits was worthy of note. Delighted pssaersby were greeted by an artistic grouping of
bathers charmingly suited figures, both large and small ".lanUen” suited to be sure who frolicked
against a realistically pictured backdrop of ocean waves, their stockinged feet—"Janie*" stockinged to be sure
vivid against the sparkling grains of.really truly sand. "Jantsen” suits are the ones recommended by all o\|>e-!
swimmers, for a good swimmer Is even letter If her suit la rightly fashioned If Its knitting Is of the conform
lug quality so much to l.c desired In any sport. ’Tla Internsting to note that In one of the "Jantien" suits there
are 4 1-3 miles or yarn with 1,356,000 stitches of 2 ply he«t Australian yarn. Large also suits, 17; cadet sire.
*5 75, and the kiddies slr.e, $3. Note the gay little cap in the picture In colors to match the suits, they're 49.
and ire to be worn over the little rubber skull caps, 75c. Hose of "Jantien" make are $1 65. Be a "Jantien"
bathing git* this year.
I. ^
A Tailored Hipline Achievement by
New Corset Model Introduced for
First Time in Omaha
THE MARIE CORSET SHOP, second floor, Aqulla Court, Sixteenth
and Howard streets, introduces for the first time in Omaha the beau
tiful “Howd” corset models—the tailoned corsets which achieve the
much to be desired tailored hipline. A full line of other corsets is shown
with brassieres in keeping. If unable to find a brassiere to your liking
the clever corsetierre, in this shop, who has for years been an experienced
dressmaker, will make one to your order. True service this:
• • •
Irish linen, “plus four,” in checked designs, has been used by the Lon
don tailors for the knickers on sale in a smart Omaha shop, $8.50.
• • • • • •
Marcel and Bobbed Curl Absolute Xe
cessify in Milady’s \Voll-Groomed
Life, Offered at Price Unusual.
THE Delft Beauty Shop, second
floor, City National Bank build
ing, Sixteenth and Harney, of
fers the services of "Esther” on a
marcel and bobbed curl at 75c—this
because she has but recently achieved
the skill of the marcel, though she
has a list of patrons who immensely
enjoy her'ministrations in other lines
of beauty work. JA. 1795.
• • •
Embroidery and Hemstitching Shop
Does Excellent Work at Quick
X’otlce—Excellent IJne of Stamped
Gift Offerings on Display.
THE Embroidery and Hemstitching
Shop. 2d floor Aquila Court, Fix
teenth and Howard, does really
fine work on short notice. An exten
sive line of stamped gift pieces is on
display in this shop with threads for
their decoration. Aprons and dresses
for embroidering are shown at priee.
to surprise. The hemstitching is very
reasonable in price, 8c for the cotton,
10c for silk.
Gayly Worded Greeting Cards One of
the Rewards to the Visitor to This
Gift Shop.
GAYLY worded are the card* of
greeting to be found by the visi
tor to The Gift Shop, Aquila
Court, Sixteenth and Howard, in
which one will find Jessye L. Clark,
who is herself noted for an unquench
ahly gay spirit. Gifts of ail kinds
one will find on display in this at
tractively decorated shop—the email
remembrance for the child who is
having a first birthday, the dear little
old lady of lavendar and lace dainti
neS* who will be delighted with a
dainty little vase, a pretty '‘pull" for
her curtain, one of those gayly
painted butterfly affairs which do
ouch in the way of beauty. A shop
.n which to find the unusual.
• • •
How gay and sweet! Butterflies
• nd birds of brilliant hue wkly: ar
■ •unted on sticks and wires mo b*
-tuck Into the favored notted
r flower bed. Ona will want at,'-.
least a dozen at the prices they're of-* v
fered, BOe.
Opening Upon the Court Within Sight
of the Sparkling Fountain the
Pretty Pool of Aquila Court
Picture Shop Attracts Many. Visitors
■' --- - -i
and Howard afreets, was one of the most Interesting show place*
this week. Opening upon the court and Into the hall at the foot of
the colonial stairway, 'tis Indeed an Interesting shop for the walls are cov
ered from ceiling to floor with exquisitely colored reproductions of
famous paintings, many of them framed for companion pictures or to be
placed at either side of a fireplace, davenport or window. Mis# Sim
plicity and the Age of Innocence framed In hand carved squares are but
one of the many gift suggestions In companion picture# which shar# In
Importance with the lovely Maxfleld Parrish product# so delightedly re
ceived uport all gift occasions. Standard frames In varying sizes, little
“one piece" frames of hand-carved loveliness, are exhibited to advantage
while the mouldings which are shown In such an excellently varied show
ing In this shop are displayed against a wallpapered surface In whit ii
they're stocked. Unusual to a degree. A shop In which to find every gift
Downtown Dining Room Serves
Excellent Noonday Luncheon Menus
t ( yv AUL'S" METROPOLITAN DINING ROOM, Hotel Keen. Eighteent i
and Harney streets, serves a deliciously varied noonday luncheon
menu—all of the truculent spring delicacies In fruits and vegetables
that go far to making spring a so delightful time. Soup, salads and relishes
vegetables, fish and meat, bed tea, coffee or milk, 'tls an excellent offer c
at 45c.
Reporting a Bit of Conversation Over
the Tea Cups the Other Afternoon.
JStiU upon Investigating
Vy condition* I decided to pi!'
’ ' my fur* In the storage
vault at Dresher Bros ," stated a
pretty little creature notably well
dressed and the possessor of many
lovely fur garments. "So many pro
pi# who say they have cold storage
vaults do not have them," continued
thl* fashion follower, "but I've been
through the vault at Dresher a and
know Just whgt It 'a like—l knou
where my furs are going to be this
summer." A satisfaction you'll agree.
Dresher Bros, have a storage vault for
furs that has won recognition from
many soientl/ic cleaners throughout
the United States. Visit the great
establishment at Twenty second and
Karnam, or call for prompt delivery
servlc*. AT. 0145.
• • •
Scarlet to add a gey touch to the
club veranda Is th« tlnv chapeau with
chlo shaping a# to crown—Its almost
brlmlets effect enhanced hy stripped
quills which give heights to the back
or Milady # head,
• • •
Spring a Time of Frequent Rain
storms Spell* Ruin To Many a
Chapeau Creation.
rnllK KHL'til.R 11A1 SHOP. JO
I Barker Block, Fifteenth and
Knrnant, Is an excellent place to
know during the spring season when
frequent rain storms spell ruin for
the chic chspeau creations. Work on
f settlers, furs and marabou also
done here. Closed at S on Saturdays.
• • •
Summer fun sr# Just ns "foxy" es
In former seasons, perhaps one might
la* permitted to say they 're "foxier
for certainly the now dress models
scent Just made for the silky loyelB
ness that Is fox.
• « •
New .lenrl shop Open* With \t
tractile l ine of Seleeletl t»if 1~
rp 111-: Kick A Herbert Jewel Shop.
I Peters Trust Bldg . jbvMdmtk
and Karnam, has opened Its doors
with s very attractive showing of
■elected gift*. An easy solving of
spring's gift problems Is assured In
thl# n#w chop
• • »
Spring Winds Have Whipped Milady 's
Skin Into a State of l n sightly
THE I.e Bijou Beauty Shop .
South Eighteenth St , AT. 099'.
Is doing very successful work
In softening the texture of Milady s
skin roughened by the hard-blowinc
winds of spring. "Tis the time to
have the experts in this shop do a
hit of Inecto hair dyeing. They’ll do
a rarely artistic hit of work whether
one has her "white threads" colore 1
to match the rest of the head i■
leaves It to the skilled dyers to rerc
the color of her entire coiffure.
• • •
F- th- woman who p!a> «
bridge for “Just small stakes, n
dear." a smart shop shows a tiny
wrist bag, envelope style, of ci
son mohair studded In rhinestone*.
Imported French Art Crepe# In VII
of the New Sports Shades nn As
surance of Swagger Cnstnmes foe
Club Wear.
THE SILK SHOP. lSl? Douglas,
lntroducs for swagger little co*
tumes of vivid coloring for gen
eral country club wear the Imported
French Art crepes. Forty Inches
wide, they're 1169. rather In the
way of styleful economy you'll agree.
Decidedly lovely the colorings. Chi
nese and Foudr# blue, gold and
orange, green, orchid and gray. OOlee. P *