1 * s ✓ ) Ge\rge Angell Was the Good Friend of All Dumb Animals f_ —NK IltTNDRRD AND ONE years I 1 mm a very, very long time If on# has only a few years be hind and the rest ahead, ss have all of you. It was just that many years ago, on June 6, a baby boy was born who many years later was to prove himself one of the most wonderful friends In all the world to dumb anl fnsls. His name was George Angell and It was he who founded the Mas saohusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelly to Animals, In 1868. Two years before such a society had been formed In New York, and earlier still one In England. Since part of oun Go Hawk pledge is to he kind to all dumb animals, each one of you will want to read more about Mr. Angell, whose work for dumb animals became known >11 over the world. Do you wonder how It started? Mr. Angell was a lawyer In Boston In 1S6S. It was the morning after Washington's birthday when he happened to read In the paper of the horse race the day before, between Boston and pit* Worcester. The two fine horses forced to run that winter day both lost their lives. Mr. Angell, filled with horror at the thought of such cruelty, at once Issued a call to all others Interested In the welfare of dumb animals to join with him to form an organization to stop such cruelty. Pnomlnent men, who felt as he did, answered and In March their society was Incorporated. On April 15 the city of Boston assigned 17 policemen, dressed in their best Uniforms, to canvass the city and raise money to help carry on the work. Afteti awhile, Mr. Angell gave up his law that he might spend his whole time In carrying on his work for dumb jinlmals. He traveled all over the United States and In other countries working for them, lie started the little magazine, “Our Dumb Animals,” the first of the kind in the world. In those early days there wene no laws to protect dumb animals, and now there are many. In 1882 bands of mercy were formed among the children and they bavs been of much help. Nowhere In the world Is greater kindness shown to horses than In Boston. In the country nearby a place Is provided where many tired horses are sent every summer for a two weeks' vacation. Isn't that a wonderful thing to know and think about? You will wish that every city In this great land of ours might provide the same sort of place In the pearhy country for tired horses to have a little vacation each year. And now, wherever you may be on June 5, why not make an extra Effort to be kind to all dumb animals near you, your own and your nelgli bor’s? Give a few lumps of sugar to the horses you . _ pass. No better thing could he done in memory of who devoted his life to proving himself M of all dumb animals. * * ^ POLLY'S COOK BOOK Saturday morning I made some :hlng for breakfast that mail* a big lit with Peter and he anld: "Sav, folly, you can’t make this too often o suit me." KfiKWH TOAST. ^ Six slices stale bread, two t egs, one fourth teaspoon salt, one tablespoon mgar, two thirds cup milk, three lablespoons bacon fat. Beat eggs •Ughtlv, add salt, milk and sugar. Place In a shallow dish. Trip bread Into mixture and cook on hot. well greased gi iddle, browning on one aide, then turning and browning on the *ther. Serve hot with maple syrup. Fresh bread may ba used, but then ^ou must toast your bread a little *n either side before dipping It Into Iho egg mixture. Be careful not to leave vonr bread fn the egg mixture too long or you Kouldn’t have enough milk. ^ POI.LY. I,eon .Taeohsnn of Clinton, Ky.. *epa rated two boys who were fight |ng and with hla wagon tries to fur bish his mother *nd grandmother Ivlth coal and wood. SjfTfNY r TAD Stales Edward had been climbing a tree when he caught hi* pants on a branch *■ and made quite a large rent In them. Running into his mother, he ex claimed: "Mother, won't you please glue my pants together.'' ^ Betty had a very hard fall out on tha airiawalk. She was telling a neigh bor about It and aatd: "I cried a little, but I didn't cry «!1 over." ••Build a little fencs of trust around today. Fill the apace with loving deeds and therein slay." It 1* always good to hear how many Go-Hawks ara working to make tha birds about them more comfortable all the year around. James Worth, an Iowa boy, who lives near Davenport, has sent to me the picture of a food house he has just finished building for the birds and of which he is very proud. He has made it to last throughout the year with a solid roof and glass | \y H on one or more sides so that h» wlU be able to watch and study ths birds. The food travs it contains are pet fectly sheltered from the weather. Remember, everything you can do to make life easy and comfortable for birds the more eager they ara to live near your home. So ita well Ito build food houses as well as bird houses for them. PETHR. Doris Mason of Columbus, O., Is writing to an Italian girl whose ad dress was In Happyland and hopes aha receives a letter from her. Ths shortest way to do many things Is lo do only one thing at a time.- Cecil, I : S NEWS THE PROM NURSERY! —.'...,m.m,J Pat, the policeman wooden doll, who wn born In Prnvlneetown on Cape Cod, waa awinglng hi* cltth Jauntily a* he pailed the doll houac yeaterday afternoon. Pat, let me tell you, haa a great admlratloA for Sarah Sue, the pretty maid doll, and al waya hopes ehe'll come to the kitchen window aa he goea by. Sure enough, Just aa he reached the limp poit, there was Sarah 8u» at the window be hind th* little bright red geranium. An Pat took off hla cap, he atopped Jn •nmotifnt. Where were all the pretty golden ondla of Sarah Sue? She looked almost like a boy. l’at waa ao dlaturhed that he just had to atep up on tha hack porch a minute. When Sarah Sue opened the door he Cried' "Why, Mies Sarah Sue, where are jrnur beautiful curia?" “Oh," she replied, “Mr. Pat. T have Jutd a ahlngle hob. All the dnlle are bobbing their hair, you know. Jt la ghe very ln'»*t fsehlon” Altar % law minute*' yUM, £*t walked sadly sway. Ha saw several of the other dolls returning to the doll house, every one of them with bobbed head. "Well, we men folka don't like It, that's one thing sure." said rat ns he Stopped Bill's toy automobile from speeding round the corner. My, oh my, such excitement In the nursery last Wednesday! The Noeh s Ark snlmals came out of the ark si midnight and decided to give a seren ade In the square before the book Shelves. Did you ever hear of such a thing? The cows began to moo, the cocks ‘to crow, and It was the most awful din. Of course the Book People were all sound asleep. .lack and ./III were the first to wake up and then Cinderella poked h»r head nut the Window. Mother Hubbard tbought her dog )i*d allnpsd out the bark door and she rushed Into the street to find him. The Book people were eertalnlv mad and you rao t blame them But the Noah a Ark ani nigia vhjjuflH It was a big joke! ______—--- - ■■■-' ■" -.. ■■■■■ ■ Letters From Little Folks of Happyland l _______' Prize. • SHEP. Dear Cousin FI: Your letter sur i prised me very much, ns I did not expect an answer so soon. Indeed, I did not hardly expect sn answer at all, for I know you must be very busy, winning blue ribbons at dog shows, etc. I had a very narrow escape last night and as a result am in exile today until my mistress Joan musters courage to give me a hath, as she expressed It. You see, I was bringing the cows up from the lower meadow and was coming rather fast as It was getting dark. Well, I head ed them into the feed lot and then tl.ought I would take a short cut through a patch of limber to the house, as it was almost supper time and I was hungry. I was running along when something warned me to stop. I did. but couldn't se« or hear anything, so I started on. Well, believe you me, In a few minutes I stopped again, and mighty sudden, too. There, Just a few paces ahead of me. Ills eyes blazing in the dark, was Old White Streak. Who was Old IVhite Streak? Well, I’ll tell you. He was a skunk, polecat or whatever you want to call him, and had been In that timber for several years, Jim r.or Mr. Grey had been able to catch him, although he had been In their traps several times, always managing to escape. Now, I didn't care for a tussle with him, being hungry and not ■ arlng for the brand of perfume he uses, hut I thought It my duty to get him. If possible. Well, I don't know how It happened, but a few minutea lat»r I felt as Boh must have felt when he was fighting Germans In France and they let loose a lot of that poison gas. Oh, man! But, anyway, I got Old White Streak and tcok him home. The cat had eaten most of my supper, but I didn't care, as I didn’t feel In the mood for eat ing and don't feel much better yet. Mother Grey almost fainted when she found Old White Streak on the door step this morning; but, boy! I had steak, mashed potatoes and gravy for breakfast and Jim slipped me a piece of pie. So I felt amply reward ed. What on earth la this queer crea ttire coming down the walk? Ha! It's Joan, and she has Bob's gas mask on! So I suppose I am to have a hath. Write me another letter and te|| me about that strange place where you live. Your country cousin. SHEP GREY. Seven Pines Farm. Mill FIERI BODY LAI T. IIKD. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Gilpen were entertaining a number of their friends one evening. As it was get ting quite late for thetr son, Bobby; he was put to bed by hts daddy. Bobby was taught to say his prayers every evening before going to bed. I his Is what they heard: "God bless Aunt Susie, God bless Undo Peter, God bless sister Annie. God bless mama,. Amen." Ills daddy rath»r surprised nt not hearing his name mentioned Inquired, "Bobby, where does Daddy ennie In?" After a moment's thought Bobby answered, "Through the front door." HAROLD KOI "TIN K. A THIRD (.RIDER. Dear Happy: I a in aending you e ? cent stamp for which please send me \nur Go Mavvk button My friend, Louis Blanty, is sending for one too. I am 11 years oldl and have one brother. I have e dog which chases cattle for me. I have, a pet rat ton. I go to school and am In the third grade and my friend is in the eighth grade. So don’t forget to aend me e badge for which l send you a ? cent stamp. Send it as soon as possible. Tours truly, ALBERT J. CHERNY, Lincoln. Neb. H ANTS LETTERS. Dear Happy: I am Inclosing a C cent stamp for my button^ I am 9 year* old and In the fourth grade My teacher's name Is Miss Shnrklock. I have one pet hen, her name la Bantam. I wish some of the other members would write to me My ielter is getting long so must (lose, A friend of Ibifr s MARSHALL P LAW ELL, mu West Seventh St,, Grand Is land, Neb. A FIRST GRADER. pear Happy: This is mv first letter to you. I would like to Join the Go Hawks very much. Inclosed you will find e J cent etamp for which please eend me e button I em 7 years old end am In the first grsde In school. I have three slefers and on» brother, 1 hope Mr Wastebasket la taking a nap when my letter gets there, Your friend. BEULAH BLAIR. Spencer, Neb. WRITE TO ME. Dear llappy: This Is my second letter to you. I received my pin and like It very much. I have written to several Go Hawks and they have an swered my letters. I w ish some (In Hawks would write to me. I would gladly answer their letters. I love to get letters snd snswer them. As my letter Is getting long, I will r|osr. Your friend. NORMA MEDIA’Ml), f'eresen, Neb. A N EII ME ll HER. Dear Happy: 1 vs got the measles no It |a very hard for hie to write In lied, that ta why my 'wilting Is so had. I am In tile first grade A ? cent stamp Is enclosed for mv pin. I will h» s good On Hawk. So good by. Tour friend FRANCIS OUNZIN'OER. MAY DAT. Pear Happy: Betty Mae wa* very busy making May baskets. She had a Hat of all she wa* going to hang baskets to. though she wouldn't hang any to Arllne or Mahel, the new neighbor. Her mother made a basket to hang to her teacher. Some of the girls wero going to hang their baskets the last of April but Betty decided not to hang her baskets until May 1. The last evening In April brought many basket* to Betty's door. The next to the last basket wa* a very pretty one from Arllne and the In.-H was from Mabel. Betty looked Into the small basket, from Mahel and In the very bottom underneath everything else wa* • Go-Hawk pin. The next night Betty went up to Mabel's door and hung the basket she had intended to give to her teacher. A few days later Mabel called a meeting of all the girls and boya who wanted to Join the Go-Hawk club. Betty Mae was elected president of the club. Your friend, ALMA VINCENT. Callaway, Neb. BELLE. Pear Happy: Enclosed you will find a 2-rsnt stamp for my pin. For pets I have a dog named Teddy. He is a good dog. He knows lots of tricks. I have three kittens. The mother Is very wild. She has two legs cut off. H»r name la Belle. I also have e pony named Queen Beauty, She la black. I go to school every day and I like It very well. My teacher * name Is Mis* Rosalln Mar tinson. I hop# Mr. Wastebasket Is out when you receive my letter. Tour new Go-Hawk. CAROL ANDERSON, Age I Ceresco, Neb. MY RETS. Pear Happy : I would like to Join your tribe very much. I Ilk# to go to school. My teacher's name Is Miss Bernice Ault. I like her very much. I have five pet*. They are three cats, named Spot, Blackle and Grey. I have a colli# dog named Pash and a roan calf named Silver. They are all good pets. The dog helps me get the cows every night. Enclosed you \ will find a 2 cent stamp and a coupon j for a button. I will promla# to be I kind to all dumb animals. Your j friend. HERBERT MEtSINGER, I Cedar Creek, Neb. WANTS TO JOIN. pear Happy, I want to Join your Go-Hawk*. I am aending a 2 cent atamp for my pin. I am 7 year* old and I am In the third grade at achopl. j 1 go to parish school. I have * half i mtle to go to school. My teacher'* | name is Miss Nellie Vos*. I hav* a j tiog, its name Is Tiny, a cat whose name la Beautiful, a pony whoae ! name la Bell. I wish some Go-Hawk would w rite to me. I will cine# Your friend. ARLENE. JENSEN, Weaton, I*. FIRST LETTER. Pear Happy: This Is my first letter to you. I read your Happyland page every Sunday. I am sending s 2 cent stamp for a badge. I will try and he good to all dumb animal*. I am 13 y ear* old anil In the fifth grade at school. My teacher s name Is Miss Parker and I love her very much Well as my lettsr Is getting long 1 I « ill close. Goodby. ESTHER MAY JOHNSON. Plalnvlew, Neb. \ NEW MEMBER. pear Happy: This Is my first.letter to you. I would Ilk* to Join the Go Hawks very much. I sm enclna Ing a 2 cent stamp for which pleas# send me a button. I am X year* old and am In the first grade at school I have three sisters and one brother. I hope Mr Wastebasket Is busy wh»n my letter arrives. Your friend. ADELINE BLAIR, Spencer, Neh. WRITE TO ME. pear Happy : I have no pots at all, hut I want a dog most of sll. I have no brothers or sisters either. I was 11’ year* old the Oh day of March. I would he very glad If some of the members would writs to ms, and I would gladly answer. MABEL ROBERTS, Ag« 1f. Box 1*4. Rl'erton. I*. t - Coupon for HAPPY TRIRF I Fvsrjt hoy and girl rsader ot fill* paper who wlslie* lo Join the of which .lame* Whit comb Riley was the Hrat Big Chief, can so cure hi* official button by tend \ ^ Ing * S rent w"h your name, age and addreas with thla coupon. Addrea* your letter to "Happy,” care thla paper Over 12(1,000 member*; MOTTO "To Make the M nrld a Happier Place." PLEDGE ”! will honor and protect my country'* flag ." "1 promise to help some one every day. I will try to protect the birds, *11 dumb animals, trsee and plant*." - - J i THE PARTY. Dear Happy: I would like you to send me my button, for I want to join the Happy Hand. Iam wrltting a story about a little boy and his dog. One* upon a time there was a lit tle boy, whose name was Roy. One day while he was playing out in the yard, his mother railed to him and, asked if he wanted to have a birth day party. The little hoy said yes. He asked hie mother when It was going to be. His mother said the 4th of October. The little hoy could hardly wait until the 4th of October for the days seemed like weeks, and the weeks like months. Rut the day finally came, # Before the party they were eating dinner. He could hardly wait until they were through with dinner. In a little while after dinner a knock came to the door. And the little boy rushed to see who It was. It was one of his little friends who came to the party. He had a great big present in his hand. It was a big, big box of candy. More of hi."* friends came, soon there were *o many presents that he didn't know which one to open first. He had opened all but one. And the last one was a great big box, he could hardly wait to open it. At last he got it open. And it was a dog. They had lot* of fun. when the clock struck five and all Ids friend* had to go home. They iaPd him that they had a nice time. Roy thanked them all for his presents, and bid them goodbye. After they had gone he showed his mother sll hi* presents, and *aid, "He liked the dog best." Hi* mother asked him what he was going to name the dog. Roy said he was go ing to name it Rover. They had lot* of fun together, until on* day Rover got sick and died. Roy felt very sorry snd wept for the rest of the day. Rut it wa* soon forgotten in a week or eo. Roy was happy again. A* my story is getting long. I will close. CHARLOTTE RIPP. Age li. Cedar Rapid*, Neb. PRrNCE. I *m a whit# dog. I hare brown velvet ear*. I also have big brown eye*. I was raised by a boy. When my master was older he was going to Chicago. He cave me away to hi* cousin. She was a girl. I am now staying wi^h my new mistress Her name is IAhby. Well. I will go on with my story. I am getting dirty. My misers* told me (hat her brother was going to wash me. hut it I* too cold. When It gets warmer T will be very clean. My mistress' j father always playe with m». I like him. Do you know what I like? Try i to guess Cocoa. Oh. I forget, I have a long nose, My mistress like* me very well. Do you know my misttes* is a Go-Hawk? She said she wishes some GoHawk would write to her| whose birthday come* February 27. i I close.—"Prince." LI PRY ARRAMRON, | 2049 North Nineteenth St., Omaha. Neb. A SECOND C.RVHER D#*r Happy: Thl* I* my first letter to you, I would like to Join the Go Hawk’s Tribe. I like to re*d the stories. For pet* I have a little puppv. bis name Is Buster, snd a o*t, its name tf Tom. I am Inclosing two 2 cent stamps for two buttons. I want on# for my little sister. T *m ■ s vests old and my eiater is (1 tears 1 old. Mv teacher * name 1s Miss ■ Rust I like her very much. Tour ; little Go Hawks. KVF.LTN PRCHAL. ELEFREDTA TRCHAL, Spencer, Neb. FIRST LETTER Dear Happy: I would like to Join j the Go,Ma*vk tribe. You will find j enclosed a J rent stamp for * Go i Hawk button, for I promise to be i kind to dumb creatures. I ant In the : fifth A. My teacher s name I* Miss j Harries. I go to Franklin school. | I am S year* old end will be 10 the . 20th of August. I guses I will clue*. | as my letter Is getting long Your I friend, FILL OLIVER, 3717 Franklin SI., Omaha, Neb. WILL RE KIND. Dear Haprv. I wish to join youi | Go-Hawk tribe I will promise to be kind to all animals. I am 10 years eld Mv birthday Is May 17. I like school vary much. My teacher's name Is Amy Carlson. I »m In th* fifth grade. T ha*s three kitten* and two dog* *nd a pony. T am sending you the 2 esnf stamp and coupon. Pleas* •end in* the badge, Mv letter t* get ting long. I will close for this time. Yours truly, EDWARD REIVERS. WILL IlK KIM) Dear Happy: I em sending * Scent stamp for a Go-Hawk pin. I promise to he kind to nil dumb animals. For lists I have a kitten and a bulldog that belonga to my cousin. I am tak ing care of him until school I* out. The kitten's name Is Krazycat. The dog's nnme is Rob, I will close. JIMMIE DA VOLT, Age «, Berwyn, Neb, mle Dnvnlt, age fi, Berwyn, Neb. LIKES VMM \I At. * Dear Unpin ■ This Is my first lei ter to you. t am 7 tears old and in tb* second grade Mv teacher * name Is Mis* Mansfeld I Ilk* the birds and other animate I have on" brother and no sister. 1 ant a good little girl With this letter you will find a stamp for n hich please send me a GoHawk pin Mv address ts 636 W*»t Fifth *tr*et. York, Neb. Attention. Go-Hawks Go-Hawk buttons have been sent to the following but have been re turned unclaimed. Write again, en close a 2-cent stamp, give your cor rect nddress and buttons will be sent to you: Henderson Wallace. Eva and Eunice Mier. Lloyd J. Reed. Francis and Julia Gunzinger. Eleanor Peterson. Dorothy Larson. Ruby Nelson, Wayne, N»b , wrote l for a Go-Hawk button, but forgot h»r stamp. Write again. Ruby, give name and address, enclose a stamp and you will receive your but ton. TOPSY’8 CHICKENS. Dear Happy: Aunt Mary started to the barn with a basket of eggs. , "What are you going to do with those eggs, Aunt Mary?" asked Helen. "I am going to set Topsy on them,” said Aunt Mary. "Why do you set her on them?" "She will set on them three weeks j and then she will hatch some chick-, ens." So Aunt Mary set Topsy on the eggs and so Topsy sat on the eggs three weeks. Then the »ggs hatched and Topsy had some rhlrkens. Well 1 will close, hoping to hear from some of the Go Hawks. , IRENE E. RADTFELDT, Lebanon, Neb. —-. FIRST LETTER Dear Happy: I would like to be a Go-Haw k, I have three sisters, | Mildred is T years, Alice is 5 years ! and Neva is .1 years, and I am 9 v ears old. I have a pet rabbit, its name la Flopsy. I will try to be kind to all dump animals. I am in the fourth grade at school. I am en closing a 2-cent stamp for a button. I sm Just getting over pneumonia. I sm sitting up In bed writtlng. This Is my first letter. I wlU close as my letter 1« getting long. DOROTHY MAE MIHILLS. Lindsay, Neb. A NEW GO-HAWK. Dear Happy: I would like to join your Go-Hawk club. Enclosed you ) will find a 2-cent stamp and a cou pon for a button. I am 19 years old and in the fourth grade My teach er s name is Miss Haufner. I have a pet cat that is black and I call it Smut. We also have a dog and his name Is Snlp; I will he kind to all dumb animals'. Well, as my letter is getting long. I will close. Tours truly. MARY CLARK, Broadwater, Neh. \ NEW GO-HAWK. "Dear "Happy:” 1 wish to join the l Go Hawks. 1 am sending a 2 rent ' stamp and the coupon for my pin. T am lft years old and am in the | fifth A. My teacher's name is Miss : Moran. My birthday is on the firft of May. If some of the Go-Hawks ( my age wteh to write to me, I would j he glad to hear from them. I must close now. Your new friend, STELLA FMITH. Ace 10 years. Nebraska City. Neb. \ NEW CM B Dear Happy: We have organized a rluh of four and are sending S cents for the buttons. I hope Mr. Waste I paper Basket la out walking when this reaches you. I wish some of the Go-Hawks would writ# to me. Well, I will close, hoping to receive* the buttons noon. IOLA NAPIER. Age 12. Bellwood, Neb. SECOND LETTER Dear Happy: This Is my second | letter to you. I have lost mv button and would like to get another one; for I like the button vary much. Four j of my school mates are Joining the Happy tribe. I had my button In | school and lost it; and could not find it, so I am Inclosing a 2-cent stamp. Your Go Hawk. BESSIE CIZEK. Ags It. Spencer, Neb. WRITE TO MS, Dear Happy: 1 wish very murh to he a Go Hawk I am sending In a ' cent stamp and the coupon for my , pin I promise to obey all of your | rules I am 9 years old snd In the fourth grade it school. I wish some ; of the Itttls Go Hawks would wrlta to me. I would gladly answer them TOMMY HOWERTER Box No. 24. Route B. Lodge Pole, j Neh. WANTS TO .RUN. Dear Happy: I would like to Join the Go Hawk*. I am 19 years old and am in the fifth grade I have one sister, she le 12 years old My birth dav la In Ootober I enclose a 2-cent stamp and a coupon. Hoping to re reive my button, t will close. IRENE EVERHART, Hancock, la, THE GUIDE POST to Good Hooks for Chrildrcn Choose one of these books to read each week. Perhaps you had better cut the list out each time and take It with you to your city tlhrary. It la prepared for the Ilappyland hove and glila by Miae Alice M. Jordan, supervisor of childrens work. Boston public library. Thl* week she sue tests The Hook of Saint*." A F Brown Han* Hrlnker," M M Dodge Katrlnka," H. H Haskell. Blue Fain Book Andrew Ijvng "Snow Baby.” J p Peary Eskimo Twins, L F. Pat kina. i—ryamn . " —~~**3 j ]g|| THE 5CPV UW |[f| SYNOP1S. Editor Shirley wtohee to make a trip with a friend, hut hesitates to leave his mother alonr. .Jark CarrolJ rome* in and Mr. Shirley tell* him his trouble. Jark later rail* a meeting of the Go Hawk* and It I* derided that they will look after Mr*. Shirley during the ed itor's absence. Mrs. Shirley I* delighted with the plan and the editor depart* feel ing ltl» mother will not be lonely. Jack spends a week at the Shirley home, nest lions Id and then Pigm. Thankgiving rome* during Piggy’s week and Mrs. shir lev suggest* the* hase a * o'elork din ner and Invite the Go-Hawk* and three or four otlirr gue»t*. Piggy tell* the glad news to the tribe and that they may ask three estra guest*. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. (Continued from Last Sunday). "Why not invite folks who won't have a good chance at a Thanks giving dinner?’’ asked Patience Tre vellyn. and her sister. Prudence, nodded her approval. • "All the kids we know’ll get filled up at noon, unless we could find some way of shutting them off be fore they get clear filled." Tinker'* tone suggested that he felt equal to inventing gome kind of a human stopper. Piggy hastened to ensure them that the Squaw Lady did not caxe whether they Invited children or not, and that they might ask grown ups If they wished. "Let us think hard." advised jack. “Who is the dreariest one any ct you know?" "I guees the undertaker la the drearlst one I know, and he hasn't any wife to cook him a dinner. "How do you know, Pat?" "Because wh»n we tried to get Aunt Bailie some beaux there wasn't anyone gave us a dollar quicker for her, ao, of course, he must have wanted a girl. I don't think an un dertaker would make a very cheer ful beau, only I hated to disappoint him, and he looks so mourmful. If w* asksd him to dinner it would eort of square that up, for this dinner will be worth a dollar, and then most Ukely he could forget about auntie. Don't you thing so. Jack?" "If that Is the reason we ask the undertaker, then I think we ought to ask the minister. He gave us a dol lar, too. That Aunt Bailie business seemed to have discouraged him, too, for he ha# stopped going with girls and he just boards around. Hasn t any wife either." "I think those two will be about enough of Aunt Bailie's old beaux for a Thanksgiving dinner, but I would like to even up that dollar business with them. I wish we could find a cripple or somebody starving for the other one.” Pa tience was much In earnest. "tVhen we see the undertaker, we might ask him If he know* of a crip pie, Rnd then he could bring him.” • The Squaw Lady expects us moEt likely to invite kids, and she will be surprised when the minister and the undertaker walk in, won’t she? ' Tinker addressed his question to no one in particular. "I’m going to try to Invent something for that dinner. You wait and see’” Just then the Squaw Lady entered the room, hearing ». great plate of cookies. "Perhaps these will taste good to you, dearies So one can h»lp being hungry after a long af ternoon In school." If she had doubt ed the fact, see would have needed no greater proof than the manner In Which the plate waa emptied. "Have you made your plans, and when are you going to invite your guests?" "Anybody w» ask will be all right with you?" Jack thought he might as well have this point settled first as last. "Whoever you can make happy and will make you happy Is all that I ask. Let us try to have this Thanksgiving dinner one always to be remembered. We may never all be together again.” "Anyway, well make this the thankfulleet dinner anybody ever had." Patience slipped her arm around the Squaw Lady: "Were going to put-our things on now and go invite our guest*, and, oh, I can hardly wait.” "Oh, Jack!” began Prudence a* soon as they had left the house, “what fun It would be to dree* up as Indians. Since this dinner Is to he given In honor of the Go-Hawks, let’s all meet at your house and dress up, and you know It will be about dark when we go over, and well paint our faces, and it will be such fun. When the others come we II give a regular war whoop. Will you?” "We can wear our Indian blankets, and I still have the old feathers we us-3 to put on.” Before Jack could add mor* Tinker Interrupted him. (CopyTight. i»:« > (Continued Next Sunday. 1 Another Way to Be a Good Go-Haick A good Go-Hawk never forgets to feed and care for his pets. Even if in a great hurry to go some place or get out to play, he does not neglect his animal friends that live at his home and love him. Bo, remember this »av to be a good Go-Haw k Mary Doris Macedo of Xew Bed ford. Mass . sends u* some nuts that we will enjoy cracking I know. What has a face but has no mouth? Answer—A clock. What has a head but no face? Answer—A pin. What has an eve but can't se*' Anew-er—A needle. What has a trunk that needs no key? Answer—An elerhant. What has tw0 hands but no fin gers? Answer—A watch. What has teeth but can t bite? Answer—A saw. / Field and Forest V_ No better time could be found in which to »tudy the leaves of trees | than in the early summer when they are fresh and green. Tou have noticed that every spring the trees ars busy putting out their young shoots with row* of leaves along the sides These branches are held as far aj possible from the trunk. Leaf stems and twigs kend so that the leaf blades may ha turned toward the sun. They do this because the life of the tr»e is in the green layer that may be seen on th# surface of all green shoots and inside the black hark of twigs that has turned brown. If you follow the twig hack from th* tip you will find that all the leafy part is green and behind it the smooth twig is no longer green The further hack you go tha thicker ‘s the outer bark. When tha friendly sun cannot reach th* green layer the color fades cut. That soft, juicy layer between th* hark and wood is the Using part of th# trunk of a tree. It is through this portion of the tree that the sap rises from the roots and f finally reaches the leaves Before a tree finds th# sap useful for food it has to he changed and it is in the leaves where this charge takes place. Aa the air passe* through the tiny doorways in the underside of the leaf it takes the needed carbonic acid gas with it. On these lovely, sunshiny day*, when you are playing out of doors, the soft green leaf pulp is very busy making starch. This is the food for the branches and twigs. This starch i* in the sugar sap that flows stead 11V from tha leaves to the farthest root tips Remember it is mads in the leaves out of the sap brought up from the roots and the carbonic aoid gas that th# leaves absorb from tb* air. Next Sunday I will tell you a little more of the busy life of tho leaves. T*NCLE JOHN. ' 11 ' "* ■ * — —i ^ THE SINGING DELL FRIENDS By II A r P T. WE ARE th* h**t of frl*nd*, th!» pu»*r o*t »nd I, Ph* purr* «nd purr* wh*r.*v*r t rows* round. A* though *h» trt** to toil m* th»t *h* » fount How vwry muoh sh* '.)k** to h»\* m* *t*v olo** hy. It I* h*e*u»* I tn kind »nd n»v*r t**«* th* d*gr; At * plgy *nd rh**» Mob oth*r In th* »un. And run iround. *nd oh n* h*\* *uch fun, Ph» know* th*r* » not * *lnst* thing from m* to f*».r. -' \