The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 01, 1924, PART THREE, Page 4-C, Image 24

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    Council Bluffs
v V- j
Announcement is being made to
day by Mr. end Mrs. H. J. XTnder
uo'od of Dumfries of the marriage of
ilielr daughter, Katheryn, and Jack
Peregoy, ton of Mr. and Mrs. K. C.
Peregoy. The ceremony took place
on December 23, 1W23.
Mrs. Peregoy has Just returned
home from Stevens college in Oolum
‘ phi. Mo. She Is a member of the Kta
, V Epsilon Gamma aororlty.
Replete with honors for brides elect
v as the past week with Its round of
’ - lietles ami pleasure.
On Friday Miss Mildred Sears and
Miss Melissa Stevenson, both of whom
Will lie married In June, shared hon
ors at an artistically arranged break
fast at which Miss Hazel Long and
Miss Mignon Maynard were co-host
esses at the home of the latter. The
after-breakfast hours were devoted to
hemming tea towels for the honor
guests, who were also showered with
Kitchen utensils.
The Mothers' elub of Oak Street
school, where Miss Sears has been
teaching, gave her * party and show
er of miscellaneous gifts last Teusday.
On Friday evening at. a dinner
given by Miss Esther Terry, Miss
Dorris Rosch announced June 26 as
ihe date of her marriage to J. Carroll
■ r-< Anderson.
' Another bride of this month to' be
complimented last week was Miss
Virginia Winslow, who was honor
guest on Saturday at u kitchen show
er arranged bv Miss Clara Nelson, a
sister of her fiance.
Miss Dodge Entertains.
At a luncheon given on Wednesday
by Miss Anne Dodge the following
guests were present: Mrs. John N.
Baldwin and Mrs. Arthur Ciuiou of
Omaha, Mrs. Drayto'n Bushnell. Mrs.
George Phelps and Mrs. Kate Met the.
For Des Moines Guests.
Mr. ahd Mrs. Garland Rounds have
as their guests from Des Moines Mrs.
Rounds' sister and her husband, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Wallace, in whose
honor Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hendricks
of Omaha entertained at dinner Sat
urday evening.
Mr. Wallace is the son of Secretary
of Agriculture and Mrs. Wallace.
California Visitor Feted.
An extremely popular visitor from
. , cthe Pacific coast is Miss Helen Henry
of Pasadena, who arrived Friday for ,
n stay of several weeks with Junei
Davis, who visited her In California ‘
at Just this time last year. t
Tlie evening of her arrival Miss
I fenry and her hostess attended the ,
dinner-dance at he Country club and ‘
Juii Saturday Miss Davis honored her |
^jvitli a luncheon there of 36 covers,
followed by bridge.
Mias Elizabeth Douglas will give a
bridge-luncheon Monday for this vis- |
itor, and Miss Dorris Ross, who re
cently returned from St. Charles, Mo.,
where she attends "Lindenwood,” will
entertain her at a luncheon, followed
by bridge, on Tuesday.
Miss Davis lias asked elx couples I
lo the semi-weekly 'dinner-dance at ;
the Country club Tuesday, In compll- *
.oiwnent to Miss Henry, who will be
"f honor guest at a bridge-tea when Miss
(* *;iizubeth Woodbury entertains the 1
** following day.
A bridge-luncheon has been planned
i for this popular girl on Thursday by
Miss Nancy Stillman, and on Friday
evening Miss Louise Voss and her
toother, Harry Voss, will have dinner
for her at the Brandeis tea room,
i followed by dancing at the Country
{ i lub.
Next SaturdaS' Miss Charlotte Zur
t uehlen will have a bridge-tea for
J Miss Henry.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Filbert had
» dinner guests at their home on
tiesday evening Rev. and Mrs. Paul
--‘rtlhmie Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hill
Jtil Mr. find Mrs. Joe W. Smith.
I imi heon.
Mrs. Frank Garrett entertained at
incheon on Thursday, honoring Miss
/jlMaggie Garrett of Washington. D. C.,
Ann cousin of Mr. Garrett, who was ■ n
nute to her home from a visit In
For Mrs. Ht-iser
A hostess of the past week was
Jw\lrs, Elmer Shugart who entertained
' - m Monday in honor of Mrs. W—J.
v Helaer, who soon leaves with ner
., niily to reside in Chicago.
Luncheon preceded the bridge
• -rame at which prizes were awarded
Mrs. W. T. Wilson and Mrs. Living
->ton of Omaha and Mr*. E. E. Evans.
'' \ favor was also presented to Mrs.
, >! lelser.
Mrs. William Replngle of Shenan
• ah was numbered among the guests.
Mrs. Hetser and her husband were
■i-entiy honored with a dinner at
lie Brandeis restaurant, given by
!r. and Mrs. Walter Stephan.
Birthday Celebration
On the occasion of the seventh
irfhday anniversary of Donald Wal
•r. jr., his mother planned a gay
■lehratlon for some of his young
iilends on Saturday from 4 until 1.
, The guest list included Mary Louise
•'utler, Barbara Wilcox, Betty Mayne,
lubette and Dorothy Daniels, Flor
,iu e Day. Mary Virginia Wickham,
•eggy Rounds, Hetty Reed and
Gladys Stokes, Charles and Kelly
‘-.l-innon, Winfield Mayne, Junior
b-nnesy, llnnnan Van Brunt. Donald
• -'ilbert, Buddie Day, Tom Klk-klnger,
•* -,to>d Paulson, Buddie Reed und
r iiiiinle Waller.
Receives Message from Paris
Miss Anna Z. Ross had the unusual
2,perience last week of receiving at
-wr:iu Thursday, a message which had
e„ sent (jer from Purls, France,
■ Jiat same afternoon at 3.
»* * Mian Ross annually conduct* tour
J’.Ji* through Europe and to insure
Jelr every comfort makes sll reserva
— »<nns on boats, trains, hotels and su
*#juiiotilles several weeks before the)
*,‘;ifl. In planning with one transpor
rtion company fnr their motor trip
Jirough the liattle field* there was
\pe point on which they wanted to
aake definite arrangements for her
l>nrtv *nd fearing that a letter at
i bat late date might not reach her
, iefore she left Council Bluffs on June
lllor Montreal, from whence she sails,
‘ '*nt to New York a rsdlo message
which was immediately telegraphed
>n here, making the complete rils
{ ance in one nnd one-half hours.
To Attend Class Reunions.
* Mrs. Folsom Everest left last Mon
1 ,!hv for the cast to attend the com
■ mencement exercises st Vaasar, from
whleh college she received her de
J t:e», snd while away will be a mem
' |*r of s house party of one of her
Bli* will he joined In e short while
A 1
Graduates to Enter Same School in Fall
V__—— -'
v.- m mm'_P^5
cAtiSi Douglas ~ tMt4i jo** Vcko<Tvtyiv^->
Two popular Council Bluffs young ladles to receive their diplomas this
week are Miss Elizabeth Douglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. i.. Douglas,
who will be graduated with honors from Mrs. Pratt's School if individual
Instruction in Omaha on Tuesday morning and Miss Jane Schoentgen.
daughter of Mr. and Mis. Edward P. Schoentgen who, two days later, will
complete her studies at. St. Katherine sehool in Davenport, la.
From early chlldhor.l these girls have been close friends, as were also
(heir parents, and Miss Douglas plans to attend the graduation exercises
if Miss Schoentgen on Thursday next. Their' meeting w ill he doubly en
joyable ns Miss Schoentgen recently returned from Europe and will have
much Ilf interest to relate of her trip which extended over a period of
three months.
Ill the autumn Miss Douglas and Miss Schoentgen leave together for!
Virginia to enter Sweet Briar college,
by her husband, Who leaves on
Wednesday next with his mother for
l'ightstown, X. .1 . to attend the 10th
reunion of lhs class from Reddle in
stitute. >
Mr. Everest's brother, Charles, now
attends this school and he will return
to Council Bluffs with his mother to
spend the summer lu re.
For a Bloomington Guest.
Miss Laura Stine Marquis of
Bloomington, III., was the Compli
mented guest when Mrs. E. L. Moore
entertained at a luncheon of 1R cov
ers at her home on Saturday.
Miss Marquis arrived Thursday for
o, visit with the Moores and in her
honor they will give a bridge dinner
for 20 guests Monday evening.
f Garrett* Entertain.
One of the largest dinners at the
Country club since the opening on
May 23 was the one on Friday night
aver which Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gar
rett presided.
The following guests were included
3* this affair: Messrs and Mesdames
IV. S. Stillman, Fred Hurd. E. H.
Ijoolittle, Waiter Stephan, X. W. Kvn
sett, James Keliher, R lj. M. Turner,
Dillon Ross, Elmer Shujfatt, J. A.
Chirk. Dr. and Mrs. A. V. -Ilennesy.
Dr. and Mrs. M. Ilennesy, Dr. and
Mrs. I'liilip f'ogley and Fred Kenney.
Activities of Alumnae.
The annual reception for members
af St. Francis alumnae will he held
In the academy parlors Wednesday
jfternoon, followed by a banquet at 7
o’clock that evening.
Surprise for Mrs. Mullis.
Mrs. Robert Mullis was pleasantly
surprised on Thursday evening by a
number of Ivr musical friends, who
came to bid her farewell before she
leaves for California to spend ji
Xearly all of the guest« contributed
musical numbers to the impromptu
Mr*. Corbin Arrive*
Mrs. Walker Corbin of Worcester.
Mass., arrived quite unexpectedly Frl
day morning to visit for two months
with her mother, Mr*. Ernest Eldrefl
Mr*. Corbin had not arranged t ■
come until later In the month. Inn
Mrs. Henry Hart, who haa for several
wedts been visiting in the east, per
suuded h»r to change her plans and
they came on together.
Country Club Reservation
Dinner reservation* at the Coin,
Iry club tin Friday night Included !
tin sc «,f G. r.. Rounds. 3: Mrs. la)rig !
don, 7: J. E. Mulqueen, 4: C. G.
Saunder*. 3. and K. II. Garrett, 3U.
Mrs. W. E. Flynn and Mrs. W. .1.
liurke are planning a luncheon a
the club next Thursday.
Luncheon and Bridge
Mr*. William Keenan entertalnei.
20 guest* at her home Monday.
Luncheon waa served from attrac.
tlvely adorned tablea which were
afterward* used for bridge, the high
score oeing made by Mrs. Eugene
Other prize winner* were Mrs.
John Mulqueen *nd Mr*. Walter
Galvin* I^ave
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Galvin leave
today for Xew York and on Saturday
noxl. expect to Rail from there on
the s s, Adriatic for three months in
t " "**' ' ' ** ' ■' ■' ' ■ i
Donald .Senile Is convalescing from
t recenj illness.
Mrs. Frank Binder underwent »|
(inh'ii operation last Monday.
Mrs. Julius Cngar and son, Deo
I'ngnr, departed Thursday for Cali
Mr. and Mrs. E. T,. Moore returned
a short while ago from Excelsior
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Squires depart
ed Thursday for a visit in Middle
bury, Vt.
Mrs. Georg* Wlrkham Is con
valeseing at her hom» from a rerent
Alfred Beardsley returned home,
Friday from Champagne, 111., where!
be Is a student at the university. ;
Mrs. B. X. Waller of Des Moines i
(pending the week-end with'her son |
Donald, and his wife.
Miss Betty Fowler of Des Molne*j
aill arrive next Friday to visit Miss'
Virginia Cnpell.
Mrs. Ellen O'Donnell and her dattgh
er. Miss Margaret, returned recently
rout a visit In Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gates will li.iv, |
is guests from Chicago this week Mr
ind Mrs. Kay Barker.
Mrs. D. J. Gales and hi r house
jueat, Mrs. J. C. Ilancoi-k of Chicago,
ire spending the week-end In Des
Moines. ,
Miss Margaret Tlnley. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Tlnley. who
-ins been seriously ill. Is now great!*
Mrs. Henry Halt returned Friday
from the east, where for several
weeks she has been visiting her
.Mrs. Wood Allen leaves In about a
fortnight for Wisra'ssrt, Me., where
File will spend the summer.
Mrs. Hilbert Tinley is planning to
attend the graduation exercises of.
her daughter, Mary Eouise. front
Trinity college In Washington, D. C.
J. K. Pay, who recently motored
east on business, will be joined about
the middle of June by bis mother.
Mrs. Hattie Day, with whom he will
return In July.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Schoent
gen will he in Davenport, la., this
week for the graduation exercises of
their daughter, Miss Jane, front St.
Catherine's school.
Mrs. W. I,. Douglas has abattlloned j
l her plan to Journey .to California this
'month to attend tlie graduation exer- ,
(ises uf her qun, Wilson, from Stan
ford university on June 2.1.
Mrs. Jack Wilcox left Friday for
De* Moines to visit her parents, Mr.
apd Mis. J. J. Hughes. While away
she will attend the graduation exer
cises oil Tuesday of her sister,
Beatrice, from St. Joseph's academy.
Stephen Wollman, son of Mr. and
.Mis. M. Wollman, will be among the
Council Bluffs students to be grad
uated tip's week front the State uni
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ouren have
gone to Iowa City for the graduation
exercises of their daughter. Miss
Frances, from the university. They
made the trip overland and on their
return will be accompanied by Miss
Gretchen Entpkle.
Mr..and Mrs. Dillon Ross, accom
panied by their daughter, Miss
Dorris, leave this week on an over
land trip to Champagne, 111., to at-,
tend the graduation exercises of their
son, Dillon, from the university.
Mrs. F. ,Armstrong, accompanied
by Miss Alberta P.rovvn and Miss
! Marie Merrill, departed Wednesday
livening fur Pilling*, Mont., where
Mrs. Armstrong will meet relatives
with whom she will go to Great Falls
for the summer. Miss Brown and
Miss Merrill plan to spend a month
on the Pacific coast and will con
tinue their journey west via the
Canadian Kni kies.
Mr and Mrs, W. A. Miner, who
[have heen in Chicago and New York
for the past two weeks, returned
home Friday morning. a
Mrs. Frank Pusey will arrive from
New York about the middle of June
to visit her sister, Miss Anne Dodge.
Mrs. John Fhngart *nd children
i Rav e today for a week's visit w ith
relatives in Ames, la.
Miss Kopietz \\ etl.
J. >1. Kopietz annon - t
' i :age of his daughter, Miss Teresa,
I to Joseph 1’. Schema*'i ut
;S. I)., Saturday morning at St. Agne*
| church. Rev. Father James Aherne
[performed the ceremony. The bride
: Is a leachrr in the home economics
department of South High school.
Hanscom Missionary.
The Woman’s Home Misfcionary
society will meet Thursday, June 5,
at 2:3U p. m., at the Hajiscom Park
Methodist church. Mrs. V. M. Tre
main will have charge of the devo
4lulls. Mis. Arthur E. Dunbar the
Junior League Klection.
Junior league election will be held
on Thursday at the last regular meet
ing of the year.
r ' a
Benson Society
State War Mothers Convene.
Mrs. IV. A. Wilcox, president of the
State War .Mothers of Nebraska. Is
active with her .committee making
final nrrangemrnls for the annual
convention to he held in Omaha on
Thursday and Friday, June S «nd H.
Mrs. 11. II. Mi ClDer of K mss* Oil
the national president, Is expected to
be in attendance. The first day a
session will lie held at the Ron.c
hotel. A banquet at fitkt will be fi 1
lowed by an X o'clock musical pro
gram in the ball room. On Fridaj
the Omaha Chamber of Commerce
will furnish cars In which the War
Mothers will bp taken to Bellevue to
visit the vocational Achool. Luncheon
will lie served st the college for
mothers and sons. After the lunch
eon a view of the grounds will he
enjoyed. Tlie rinsing part of the pro
giam will be an entertainment put
on In the school gymnasium by the
men in training. Through the same
courtesy of the chamber of Com
merce, the convention party will be
conveyed bark to the city.
War Mothers’ Annual Concert.
The annual concert of the Omaha
chapter of War Mothers will be put
on Monday and Tuesday evenlrfgs,
June 2 and 3, In the ball room of the
Fontenelle hotel. The programs will
he furnished by some of the best out
of town talent that the commlitee
was able to procure. Tickets on sale
at the door.
Birthday Luncheon.
Mrs. .1. W. Welch and Mrs. K, A.
Mason were hostesses Tuesday at
Mrs. .Welch’s country home to the
members of the Tricity Birthday club
A 1 o'clock luncheon was served.
Spanish- American Memot%il Services.
Rev. Mr. Rettlg of the First Re
form church at Twenty-third and
1 Ter Bark boulevard, conducted sp*
dal memorial services Sunday, May
25, In honor of the Spanish-American
war veterans. Members of I>ee Forby
camp and the women's auxiliary were
in attendance. On Thursday the
ladies’ auxiliary met at the home ol
Mrs B. Polly and made bouquets,
which were used Friday In the decor
ation at West Lawn park. The LcP
Forby drum corps Nnd a group ot
soloists furnished the music at the
3 p. m. service in the park.
Midland Assembly Meet
O. AV. tThler of Benson and hi*
Grace Lutheran choir, will go tc
Fremont Sunday. June S. when they
furnish music for the special Sun
day service at Midland college. The
Midland assembly Is In session at this
Guests From "Merry England."
Mrs. George Shields and Mr
Shields have as their guests Mrs
Shield's fattier, Mr. Henry Kvans, and
also Mr. Harry Kvans of Southamp
ton, Kngland. After a montVa visit
with relatives In Omaha the two will
go to California, where they will
visit Mrs. Shield's two sisters, Me*
dames Walter Hopkins and Robin
Jay. before returning to their 'is
land home.”
Entertain for f’. K. club.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch enter
talned at dinner at the Happy Hdllnw
club Tuesday complimentary to the
C. 1C. club, of which their daughhter.
Gertrude Irene, Is a member. Covers
were spread for 22. The dancing
party which followed the dinner was
enjoyed by 44 of the younger social
Home Musical \ffair.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hhler enter"
Joined, at their home, Monday eve with a program of old songs
ml other musical selections. Guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Larsen and
daughter, Helen Elizabeth; Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Nelson and daughter,
Marcia; Mr. aid Mrs. William L.
Smith and Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Over
baugh. A dainty luncheon was
served by the hostess.
Walther League to Entertain. |
Members of the Walther league ofl
the Immanuel Lutheran church will i
entertain Friday evening. June (5, in
the church parlors complimentary to
the newly confirmed members of tbe
church. A special social program Is
being planned by league members.
To Kill Pulpit at Iinmanuel Lutheran.
During the absence today of Rev.
Seeskb, pastor of the Immanuel Luth
eran church, who was called to
Pleasant Dale, Neb., to deliver the
2f,th' anniversary address of the
Lutheran church at that place, the
Rev. Mappeg will deliver the morn
ing sermon while the evening ser
vice will be conducted by Rev. Kupke
of Florence.
B. S. Chapter, P. E. 0. Sisterhood.
Mrs. Paul Rivett, 2225 North Sixty
first street, will be hostess Monday,
June 2, to the B. S. chapter of the P.
E. O. sisterhood. Convention reports
will be given by the president, Mrs.
N. H. Tyson, and delegate, Mrs. If.
W. Wendiand, recently returned from
the state meeting at St. Paul ,Neb.
Narcissus Chapter, 0. E. S.
The regular business session of the
Narcissus chapter of the O. E. S. will
be held Thursday evening, June 5, In
the I. O. O. F. hall. Following the
business program, a playlet will he
staged. Refreshments will be served.
Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Watson enter
tained at bridge Wednesday evening
at their home on Sixtieth avenue and
Miami street. Guests Included Messrs,
and Mesdames George Remington, B
C. Ranz, Bert Ds Grotte, Paul Zim
merman, Ned Hovt, Bert Reavl* and
Newton Clark.
Allend Owaissa Chapter Luncheon.
Twenty-five ladies, members of
Narcissus chapter of the O. E. S., at
tended the luncheon Wednesday at
Florence given by the Owaissa chap
ter of the order of Eastern Star.
Home From I'nirersity of California.
Mershon Welch, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Welch, 1* home from
Berkeley, Cal., where he attended the
l’nlverslty of California during the
! past year. Mr. Welch expects to
(enter Cornell university at the open-j
1 ing of tbe fall term, when he will be
In his junior year.
O. E. S. Kensington.
Mrs. George A Remington, 5923
Ftensonhurst, will be hostess Tues
ley evening, June 10, to the mem
bers of Narcissus chapter of the
J. E. S. kenslngton.
D. Htnfford left Thursday for
'edur Rapids, Neb, there he spent
Uecoration day.
.Mr. and Mrs. O. W. fhler were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Stelk of Fremont.
Mr. and Mrs. George Remington
ire home from a trip through South
'arolina and Florida.
Mrs. H. II. Rolfson and son. Jack,
tnd Mrs. A Kastran spent the past
week with reialltes in Fremont.
Mr. and Mrs. James Thatcher of
Chnaha hate taken a house on Six
lietli street during the summer
Mrs. flora Magee of Fieinont Is
spending the week end at the h mn
of her brother, Mr. Chester Hendrick
son. and Mrs. Hendrickson on North
Sixtieth street.
Mr. and Mrs. .T. J. .lessen end
daughter, Margaret, who motored
from Oshkosh. WIs.. left So turd: v
for Kansas City, after a visit witil
their cousin, Mrs. W H. Boechner,
and Dr. l>o#*c*hner.
Mrs. H. F. Taylor and two rhildr-n
and Miss Jessie Biles arrived Tues
day from Bus Angeles to he guest* >f
Hr. and Mrs. F. J. Murray. Mrs.
Taylor and Miss Biles are sister* of
.Mrs. Murray. Accompanied by He.
and Mrs. Murray, they motored to
Pender to spend the week-end with
their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Bi'ee.
Community Service.
The group of girls whcih formerly
composed the Girls' Community Serv
ice league, will meet at the Y. W . C.
A . next W ednesday at 6 p. m., for
dinner. A good attendance is desued.
Finds Way to Test
Reliability of Goods
"Garment Will Dry Clean"
Carries Same Assurance as
"Sterling,” Dreshers
“This garment will dry dean"
give* the same assurance a* the
mark “sterling.”
I’ure materials, without
counterfeit thread in them, dry
clean beautifully and are guar
anteed to last.
But, thorough dry cleaning is
essential. That’* why Dresher
Brothers, with nine of the most,
progressive cleaners in the
country, *pend $15,000 every
year for research work. Every
process, every appliance, every
method used in their main
plant, 2211, 2218, 2215, 2217
Farnam street, is accurately
Dreshers are not only dyers
and cleaner*, but hatters, tai
lors, furriers, rug cleaning ex
perts, and maintain a cold stor
age plant for fur*, rugs and
For convenience of customer*
their branches are located at
Brandeis, Burgess-Nash, Dresher
the Tailor, 1515 Farnam street,
and, on the South Ride, at 4635
South Twenty-fourth street.
('all Atlantic 0845 or Market
/Its easy to pay for a Themfo/
Pictures Speak in All Languages
Good pictures speak and record for all time the story
of men and industries in the wake of progress; their
message is seared indelibly into the mentality of all
races and creeds to instruct, inspire and direct all
people to a higher standard of living and civilization.
Let pictures tell the story of your organization, prod
ucts or service. Our “deeper-etched” engravings
drive home your sales message in a sincere, convinc
ing manner, teaching and persuading people in all
walks of life in the use and need of the things you
have to sell. Phone AT. 1000 and let us tell you how
you can use profitably our “deeper-etched ’
* ' 4k