The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, June 01, 1924, PART THREE, Page 3-C, Image 23

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Graduates From School of Individual Instruction
v V _ ^
• v ' 1
^ f ■■iwijmh-i i i 11 „ • ^-44-—-— - 4
$Gh*aJ>etk Dorothy. Kite ' Jludtev™^ UsUtx. Me/yn. **%%% &*3*bet.k fir on
f- Dou.gla ss tfarstieJson JyaxujS/l Ph 0 H/osS PMor« Notating Sticrgprrg- Hastings
I .
At 10 o'clock Tuesday morning the.-e Twenty one students .will be graduated Longman; Evelyn Hotaling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Saruuelson; 1
young students will be graduated a • from the eighth. Dr. Ralph E. Bailey of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hotaling; Elizabeth Jane Stumpfig, daughter of
the senior class from the School of of the Unita,ian ('hur('h will give the Elizabeth Douglass, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad P. Stumpfig, of
individual Instruction 4rv> s„„th afl'lresf' and Mrs- w- Douglass of Council Detroit. Mich.; Byron L. Hastings.
Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Bluffs; Helen Elizabeth Bloss, daugh son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron R. Hast
I'hirty-aixth street, under the direc- Mrs. Hal H. Roberts, is the class ter of Mr. and Mra. W. S. Bloss; Ra ings; Robert Hansen, brother of J. W.
imn of Mrs. Christel II. Kay Pratt, president. .Others who are completing mona Rj^ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen; George Menagh. son of Mr.
I’here are 15 seniors, George Menagh. (heir course are: Lois Finck, daugh- C. R. Root; Janet Gertrude Norris, and Mrs. Caries Menagh. and Joseph
■mil of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Menagh, ter of A. C. Finck; Mildred Long- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. R. Van Butfkirk, aon of Mr. and Mra.
Il|lf being shiuvn hi th*» pictures, man. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilt Norris; Dorothv Samuelson, daughter Georg# Van Buaklrk.
Nebraska Women
at “Biennial”
Nebraska women who will Attend
the biennial convention of the Gen
< J >1 Federation of Women's Blubs in
-Lc.s Angeles, beginning: tomorrow, de
D.rted on various days this last week.
Jjrs. John W. (lillm, first vice presi
•Tent of the Omaha Woman's club;
Mis. Isaac Poughlas, Miss Katherine
Worley, Mrs. C. L. I lent pel, Mrs. Ed
gsr H. Allen, Mrs. L. M. Lord, will
bo in attendance from Omaha.
Among Nebraska dub officers and
chairmen of committees there arc
•'Mrs. Paul C. Perryman. Ord.. state
president; Mrs. John Slaker, Hast
ings. director for Nebraska in the
general federation; Mrs. 10. B. Penney,
t. noral federation director-elect' and
p t state president: Mrs. A. J. Jen
nison of Harvard, state corresponding
>r> i-'Mary, and Mrs. Addison E. Sheb
d«»n. Lincoln, a former state president
end director. Ollier Lincoln delegates
:»■,* Mcsclatnes K. F. Bell, J. H. John
st»ii. L. L. Marty. H. C. I.uilo-v B. L.
Hh.II, Maude De Friedt, II. T. Guinn,
Ibcliard Wilkinson. L. c. Babcock. .1.
N. Girard. Miss Helen Tuttle and Mies
Anne Miller.
From other towns Nebraska will be
represented by Mrs. M. L. Scott,
North Platte; Mrs. William Erickson,
Valentine; Mrs. M. R. Byrnes, Crete;
Mrs Emma O'Bannon. Alliance; Mrs.
W. M. Stebbins. Gothenburg; Mrs H.
B. Bampbell, Clary Center, tin. *K. J.
Burke, Imperial; Mrs. Alice R. Rus
cll, Albion; Airs. Edwin Steele, Kails
Bity; Airs. Bert Pracher, Madison;
Mis;; Isabe] Benpison, Im|jerial, and
Alisa Bora Oleson, Schuyler.
A new president for the federated
' ubs will be elected ibis year to suc
ceed Mrs. Thomas G. Winter, who
lias tilled the office for the constitu
tional possibility, four years. Ne
braska delegates, in some instances,
predict the election of Mrs. John I).
Sherman of Chicago and Estes Park.
Final Parent-Teachers
Meet at Carfiehl
Garfield Pa rent-Tea ••hers’ associa
tion will hold the last meetjng of the
y'\>r at the school Monday at -:4u
p. hi. v
The association ha- gained 60 mom
ly i - this year. Mrs Anna Knop
Slater is president and Mbs Edith
Fuksnn is principal of the school.
Th«* following program will be
gi\ rn;
' ora! unto. l.pry HIP Rhyno
(leading. fbl.’n Kno;irnb#rg.
' Piano soln, Marian ilea
‘ Story, Alberta Barrrtt Knight,
j '‘oral aolo, Ann.i Knvi Slitcr.
Hostesses will be Mesdames .Tames
|\ out sky. Edgar Jackson, Thomas
Mullaly, Frank Klebair s and Anna
v » _
Catholic Daughters.
The annual breakfast of the
Catholic Daughters will he held at
the Omaha Athletic flub, JPttO o'clock,
. ^ feund;iy, Jtitte s. Pre<*eding the break
fast, the n*embers will attend mass fti
» body and receive communion at 8
o'clock in St. Cecelia cathedral.
Miss Mildred Hein will have
charge of the breakfast, assisted by
Mrs. John Shields, Misses Eva Korn
fns.yer ami Sophia Haulier.
; Readings by Miss Margaret
41'Grady and vocal selections by Mrs.
Janies II. Hanley will make up the
Reservation' f«u the breakfast will
b° received b> J. .., I b in at the
Omaha Athletic dub.
Prollira Mile KnIiVr-.
Prettleat Mil.' I,.i'i . i;..1 f ,|ub will
pi\. a rnuoinil ..t 111 liiiiii' of M isx
I .llllan Paul. ti.'Tjr, Kloreiioe I,nut,
vsird, Tues.lin .linu I S m. ,\y
minting liosp :■. ■ Mi. . p. ,|.
Creedon, Mrs \ uinl. i f,>i. 1. \|i . I.II
non Call.
Ivy (.iiiiij) Memorial.
' Ivy Camp. No. 3. |{ N. or A . a III
Mold Memorial aerviri-s on tlulr next
regular meeting n.ylil. .Imo ]o. M|
1 lie Hwedluh uiiilll,ilium, for their
members rln oaKeil during the past
year. All nieinbeix Invite,I.
The Om.ilia Walking .1111 > will -tart
nt 3:?b loday from K.irinvlew ijiion
on the Km i Crook Inlnrhurbaii and
v ill travel an,I south.
I Christ Child Society
rhe rhlldren and thru paratita
vnlerfsitiBd with ;« moving plcturs alios
i i hr i >nier on I • i • I m > < veiling
Confirmation will !>•“ (riven on tuna II
JKiiM i onmwjnlOM will hr held on .lunr *
The Holnn I do Hull is planning a danr
ii a parly, to h«* given ;•• lliinsrnm park
in 'hr near fid tin*. This club, under th»
l< adarahip of MInm NHIIr* Ituaso, hiked f<
t'liarl#* Point I« h t Sunday.
\ dancing port s sv.. ; , - n on Mmidav
• glit h • I hr Houdi SliJr- ('niter :»^0.". C,
net. hy the da ticing • I;***, which In*
it* i • lowed il.a set. .t.u under the dlrgi-llin
if Mo Mhi> '‘nil Quisle* N i„,x *»
• wwdv was pr r r pled | o Aire. Quigley b
J ■ i pupils
Mon Sal Ma club will give a tunual
dinner dance at Lakonin Country
club on June 2. Mivs Helen Rooney
of Greeley. Nch.. guest c»f Mis* Mary
Flynn will bp an out-of-town vixitor,
as will Mixx Pauline 11olmere, gucsl
of Mirs Fnmcoa Fodrca, Japaneve
decorations will be used One hun
dred invitations have been issued.
Miss Agnes Fitzgerald is |u evident
of the club. Other members are
Mi axe* Gertrude Miller, Hilda Heinz,
Isabel Sullivan. Mary Russell. Flor
ence Shaw. Mary Flynn, Frances
Fodrea, Genevieve Muliok and Agnes
Chautauqua Circle
Graduation, June 6
, Graduation for the chautaugua tur
cica will be preceded at Prettiest Mile
club June 6 by a dinner.
Women who will hold toe floral
arches representing history, litera
ture, science and art. will be juniors
in the circles, including Dr. Jennie
Cailfas. Mrs. W. T. Graham, Mrs. R.
C. Hoyt, Miw. H. L, McGrew, Mrs. R.
Gridley, Mrs. Catherine Smith,
Mrs. F. R. Griffon and Mrs. William
PI l ie.
Glara Mercer Fowler, slater of Con
gretmman Mercer, ns I Iona I president
of the class of 1222 will ho a guest of
honor at the graduation. There »p
H") members of Mall ln tile Grove, the
alumnae hody.
Reservations should he made by
Wednesday evening with Mis. J. H.
Osborne, Mrs. W. B Howard or Mrs.
B. A. Waugh.
Twelve circles me taking the reg
ular ehautamju* course, Tennyson.
1-oomls, Mlnne Eusa. Hellenic, Me,
rer park. Dundee, Aloha, Bishop Vln
cent. Round Table. Alice R. Howard,
Roosevelt and Clio club.
Next year will he devoted largely
to a study of Europe. "World history
! from 181 "> to 1H2U" by Professor Ed
ward Fouler of the S diversity of
Missouri, will he read; also. "From
Tangier to Tripoli" by Frank I 'arp
enter; "Eminent Europeans of To
day" by George M. Bagger, and
"Keeping Up With Science" by Ed
uard Hlossnn. All these hooks ars
lllust rated.
Clan (Gordon Auxiliary.
Lndiejp Auxiliary to Flan Gordon,
No. 68, O. S. will meet with Mix.
Robert Fhrixtee, 2200 North Nine
teenth afreet, on Wednesday, June 4
at 2 o'clock. HogtrrxpH nre Mrs.
< 'hrivt iiia Lender. Mi> . Kent Withnell
and Mr*. Julia Ahlrjnist.
(ihapter B. I\. P. K. O.
Chapter B P. of the P E. t>
Sisterhood will meet with Mrs. M.
Goldsmith, 3222 Webster street, for a
1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday. .Iuri»•
I. Assisting hostess will tie Mr*. J
W. llnzlett.
chapter K.. P. II. O.
Fhapfer K, P. K. o. nlxterhood wil
! have a 1 o'clock luncheon at Happ.v
Hollow club June 5. Mr*. Edward
I'pdike will hr opr of the hoxtexerx
Report of the recent vtate conventlor
will be given.
(chapter (!. K.. P. K. 11.
P. E O. chapter C. R. will me*
! Wednenday. June 4, at I o'clock. Witt
| Mrs. M. H. Jackson. 2117 I' slreel
Mrs. William Barclay arid Mrs. A. I>
Majors assisting.
Chapter B. S., P. K. < I.
P. E O, Sisterhood chapi' i B S
I "111 meet with Mrs. Paul Rlvett, 2221
1 N’orlh Sixty first street, Monday
| June 2 at 2:2n p. m.
Ths Omaha Rockford College clul
will hold Its lncf meeting of the year
Siitnidtiy June 7. 1:2" p. in at Mu
M’t ’ ' Ml I! le nixby, K«\ a|o|i<
Park. Seventy eighth and Maple,
linn", lumh will be terted.
Business Women
Give Closing
Dinner, June 3
The next meeting of the Omaha
Business Woman's cluh will he held
at the T. W. C. A. Tuesday June 3.
with dinner at 6:15 p. m. This is the
close of the fiscal year. Miss Carrio
Segeike, leader of the June group,
assisted by her committee, Misses
Belle Bliss, M. E. Bunch. Lillian
Crossley, Helen Eaton. Esther Hen
rirkson. Rugh Irene Hilton, Myrta
Jones. Adalyn Keller, Eva Norton,
Kay Rasmussen, Sallie Sender, Dr.
Kraneis Turner. Rose, Wind, Mrs.
Carrie Ada Camphell. Mrs. Ellen
Elise Davis, Mrs. D. If. Hawk, and
l Mrs. Clara. Mead, has srranged a spe
cial program, including, "That Some
thing" by W oodridge, given by Mr. J.
Sinunons Davis, and a \oca| solo by
Miss Clara Karrell. Installation of
I lie officers will fellow. During the
summer months the club member*
will go on hikes and picnics. June It
there will he a week end party al
Camp Brewster.
Social Settlement Notes
The May festival held last week
netted over $50 for’th* Young Men's
Radio club. Tills group plans to build
a. radio for the settlement in the fall
and have enlisted help or all the other
settlement clubs in making money for
this purpose.
A community entertainment for
grownup* will be belli Monday eve
ning. June 9. The program will l-e
folk dancing by the little girls of the
afternoon folk dancing class. The
public is cordially invited. The dances
on this program were one of the fea
tures of the May festival.
A girls' gl»e eluh was organized
Tuesday evening. It includes IS of
the senior members. Miss Ivy Kvi.
lias been elected president.
Many of tlie settlement dubs have
discontinued tlipir winter progian*
and are now playing hikes, plonk-:
and special outdoor features f< r t i; * *
. ■" lTrv't
Tea for Press Club.
Mi*. Myron Reamed will entertain
the Omaha Woman'* Press club at
tea at her country place, Walden
Wood, north of Florence, on Tuesday
afternoon. Automobile* will leave
from Seventeenth and Dodge streets
at 3:30 o'clock.
A short business session will he
held, and Mrs. Martin Harris will read
a manuscript.
Presbyterian Aid Luncheon.
The Women's Aid society of the
First Presbyterian church will hold
its regular monthly meeting June 6
12:30. This is the last meeting
of the season end will be preceded
by a luncheon, served by circle 4.
Mrs. Tt. Jj. Frantz, leader, Harney
6864, has charge of the reservations.
Washington Girls’ Glub
Washington Oirls’ Flub of Nebraska
will be entertained Wednesday night.
.Tuna 4. at 3 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Jam»* W. William*. 1315 Man
derson street. Reservation* for bridge
must Tie mad* with Mrs. Williams not
Inter than Tuesday night. T.ydia 7,ahn
is assistant hostess.
Ahamo Auxiliary.
Ahamo auxiliary will meet Tuesday
afternoon, June 3. at 2 o'clock at the
horn* of Mrs. Ernest Montgomery.
3523 North Twenty eighth street
Mrs. Hurry Small will h* assistant
Ross Party Complete for
European Tour.
Mis* Anna 7.. Ross of Council
Bluff* has completed her summer
touring party to Europe. They sail
from Montreal on June 20 on the
steamship Montclare. Sixteen are In
cluded In the personnel. Mr. and
Mrs. Walter J. Hunsaeker of Saginaw,
Mich., will join the party in Paris.
Going from Omaha will ba Mrs. A.
S. Pinto, Sherman and Harvey S.
Pinto: Mrs. George A. Roberts and
daughter, Elizabeth:. Miss Carrie E.
Nelson and Miss Edith L. Kinsman;
Misses Jessie and Helen C. Nason.
Miss Margaret Rutherford of Burling
ton, la., will go; Mfss Sue Badollet
of Eugene, Ore.; Mrs. Emma C.
Voswinkel, Seattle, Wash.: Mrs.
Scott F Evans and Miss Eleanor
Evans of Baltimore.
Ak-Sar-Ben K ensinglon.
Ak Bar Ben O. E. S Kensington
club will entertain at the home of
Mrs. N. Miller, 3029 Arcadlo avenu<\
at 2 o'clock on June 4.,
Helenic Circle.
Hellenic Chautauqua circle will
meet with Mr*. A. P. Holt, 25BO
Fowler avenue, Monday at 9 s m.
Major Isaac Sadler. I). A. R.
Major Isaac Sadler chapter. D. A.
R. will hold It* last regular meeting,
Saturday, June 7, with Mrs. Frank
W. Raker, 4833 Farnam. Reports on
the national congress of recent date
will he given at that time.
Doctors’ Wives Club.
Regular monthly luncheon of the
Do'otors’ Wives eluh will be held
June 4 at 12:30 at the Field eluh.
Hostesses are Mesdnnies R. Rllss, A,
P. Overgaard, A. Shalek, VV. 1,.
Shearer, W. F. Mllroy andC. Il.Bal
C. S. Grant Corps.
U. S. Grant Women's Relief corps
regular meeting Tuesday, 1:30 p. m.
Memorial hall, courthouse. Arrange !
inenta will he made for Flag day. Old
Guard post Invited.
L. Ot. E. Club Meets.
Tj. O. E. No. 1 will hold its l'egu
lar business meeting at Elks club
Wednesday night at 8 o’clock.
Rummage Sale.
Altrusa club will hold a rummage
| rale all day Saturday, June 7 at 219
South Fourteenth street, in the Al
I bert. Cahn building
Oitl People’* Home.
The OM People * home, 3323 Font*
nell# bo’ulevard. »ervlre* at 3:30 p. m..
In charge of Rev. M. Allen Keith, paa
tor of the Pearl Memorial Methodlet
church. Tha member* of the church
choir will furnish music.
War Mothers* Kensington.
American War Mother* have post
poned their kenslngton from June 4
to Jun* 11, The »tat* convention
will *be held here during the first
week of June.
The service* on Sunday afternoon
at the House of Hope, 7915 North
Thirtieth street, will be In cheig- <»f
MaJ. F. A. McCormick of the Venn
teers of America, at * p. m M * I .
A. McCormick will sing several ii*
elal number*.
Peake Pupil*.
Intermediate and advanced pii|
of Florence E. Peake will gt%e r*
cltal at the Burgeas-N'ash auditorium
Tuesday evening, with the followiu
liking part: Inea Hernan, Grace Fuw
ler, Beth Baker, Haael .lohnson, Chai
lr.tte Doomls, Boyd Relt*. Doroth,'
Boylea, Earl Humpert, Elinor Evan
Ruth Schwager, June Barber, M*I1>.'
Burke. Thelma Burke.
Beds, Mattresses,
Springs, f)a Beds
Monday Special
Simmon* Windsor Bed, hand
rubbed Walnut finish. Complete
with 25-year guaranteed spring
and genuine Cotton Felt Mattress
High Grade Tick
for $27
I* , the Jewela of ] i
, 1 Romance i '
A wonderful opportunity W * .
a- ailable thi» week to ob
tain i *trand of Richelieu * ,
pearl* at ’* off daring our ^ *
Hoeing out *ale, of the ,
Richelieu line. I ,
Hundred* of beautiful l '
*trand* from which to «e
lect arr Hill on h.«nd. The I '
*al« will la*t only one j 1
more week. i 1
\ j
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Headache Colds Neuralgia lumbago
Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
^ ^0*^ Accept only “Raycr” package
///(✓ which contains proven directions.
f 1 l«n<lT "Uajrt" lioxra of Id taldiU
* Vl»rt Wtlo* of "1 and 100 UlUgJjIkt*
I A.optrLa to Uie ukU initk of But< Mtuuftcluti of kfouotcoUctcldottr of SiUcjUctdd j
gsssimcvNMKB to.
Paxton Block—"The Store of Individual Shops—16th & Farnam
Another Shipment of
Just Received
DMade of colored linene and rf* ^0
stamped for embroidery. In ■ I II R
rose. Copenhagen, peach, • ■ \J
brown, lavender and gold. ■
Special, Monday, at— I
See Windows
Children’s Stamped Dresses
Attractive models, requiring simple work, in sizes 8, 10
and 12 years. Of linene, in rose, lavender, gold 7Q_
and blue. Special Monday at. » a/C
Art Needlework Shop—Second Floor.
Walnut Bed
Walnut -
V anity
“Good Furniture”
1809 Douglas Street Opposite Hotel Fontcnclle