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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1924)
GIBBONS-CARPENTIER FIGHT DRAWING LOTS OF ATTENTION FOR BATTLE WITH NO TITLE Demand for Seats so Strong Promoters Had to Add Addi tional Room for Spectators—Expect “Gate'’ to Exceed $400.000—Gibbons in Great Condition, Says Scribe. Tly Kit. \V. SMITH. Michigan city, ind., May '—For a boxing match with no title involved, this affair be tween Tom Gibbons and Georges Car pentier pext Saturday is attracting more attention and stirring up more interest than anything like it in years. The demand for seats has been so strong the promoters had to draw up plans hastily for additional seats. The former capacity of the arena waa 26,000, but by Thursday night, it will have seats for 12,000 more. \n excellent demonstration of Toni Gibbons’ condition was furnished, when lie worked out nine rounds yes terday and did a lot of the side stuff common in training camps. There did not seem to he a single ounce of f*l on him that could he taken off. ’ ' l wish we were boxing tonight,” was his comment when asked if lie felt his condition would carry him through to victory. There was little activity around the Frenchman's camp, though Georges did sneak off and do a few rounds on the back porch of his cottage at Long Beach. That was after lie had Field Golfers Enter Tourney The Omaha Field rlub will have an other large representation in the an nual Nebraska State Goif associa tion's tournament which will be held accepted the Invitation of friends and gone fishing, returning with a dozen fine white fish, which found their way to the training table via the frying pan. Today only the authorized war cor respondents will view George*’ work. Carpentier looks quite a bit heavier than he did at Manliasset and there are opinions expressed b.v some of the experts that the added weight might slow him up some. Trainer (ins Wilson laughs at this and says Georges was never better and will show it Saturday. Newspaper men from all parts of the country are arriving for the big show and over a million words will be filed out of Michigan City the day of tile bout. Eddie Kane and Francois Des rhampa, managers respectively of Gibbons and Carpentier, have 115,000 each on deposit with the Michigan' I’lty Chamber of Commerce as assur ance of the appearnnee of their men. There is little doubt of that, how ever. The advance sales lias passed 000 and the demand continues as strong as ever. The gate may exceed S 100.000. at the T-incoln Country club the week of June 9. Headed by Sam Reynolds, five times state champion, the early list of Field club entries arp Blaine Voting, Jack Hughes, Gillespie M. Swartz, R. Krug and Tom Burtch. Special medal competition with handicap will be played at the Field ■ lub Decoration day and Saturday. FLORSHEIM SHOE In our assortment of Florsheim Shoes, we are showing many smart new styles—the kind that make men proud to say, “They are Florsheims. ’ most styles $10 The Florsheim Men’s Boot Shop 315 So. 16th St. Between Farnam and Harney ip^_il^^-======^—'—-—a | ' 1 BOYS WAMTEB! We want an ambitious boy to sell The Omaha Bee in your town. The Omaha Reo has sales boys in over 500 Nebraska and Iowa towns, but there are still a few towns in which we have not yet established sales boys. Hundreds of boys are earning their spending money and in addition have started a nice bank account from earn ings made selling The Omaha Ree. If you live in a town that does not have a boy selling The Omaha Bee, sit down NOW and write for information on how to make some real money this summer. Address Mr. Shannon, care The Omaha Bee, and he will give you complete details by return mail. j THE OMAHA BEE | -■ EDDIE’S FRIENDS -TOAT WlAG gome TiP ^ou~ 6AME ME NESTEP.DAV= TAAT ' HoGGE iSM’T IM VET - ^E. V UkJAS (SAME AELR\6UT-VAE , CHASED ALL THE. cSWeR Uo££E-» / AEounAD tAe T(?ack ^ r tA/mk WlG 3O0KEV WAG 50ST OOT I ( FOR T^ER'PE |-^ / J\ ■ “ > ' / j iS s 5W / Q 19?4 »y Inr l F«*ru»r Sr^V’Cf. _ INTER-COLLEGIATE TRACK TITLE DUE TO REMAIN IN CALIFORNIA AFTER BIG MEET THIS WEEK-END [.eland Stanford and Not California Bears T« Slated to in Annual Games at Harvard Friday ami Saturday—Glen llarlranft Good for Ten Points for Westerners. By DAMS A. WALSIf. ENV YORK. May 27.—Track and f field sharps this side of the AUeg* 4 ^ today to look with favor up a n other California entry in the inter collegiate A. A. A A. track and field championships at / •) the Harvard stn dlum this week* end. For three \ | | - destitute yearn and long, the enst has seen one of its favorite posses sions carried away over mountain and mesa on a transcontinental trip: to a coast trophy room. For three successive y^ar* the] California Hear has been the winner against the best the east could sum mon. According to the b^st advices, the n due fo the repealed I BASEBALL TODAY I OMAHA DENVER tt celled et 3:30 P. Pd. I.adi.e, 10c. Kid, Free. I ii ■■■» iMMim—rra—i When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome this year, nut by the California Rear, lint by another coast institution, namely Ia-laml Stanford university. Stanford is said to have everything on it« Irifw evrept a circua fat wo man. First off. th# Palfo Alto entry figures to get away running with 10 points in the shot putt and discus throws, that is. unless Glen Hartranft hobs with house maid s lines or the heebie Jeebies. He had tossed the stint within a half Inch of the world's record and the discus a matter of 154 feet. You cant beat these perfor mances with the horse whip and figuratively speaking th# east Is there with a feather duster. Princeton is believed fo he its best bet, largely because of it* slrcnglli in the field events. The Tigers finished second lo Yale In a dual meet hut should score heavily in the weights event* with Hills, Beattie, Emery and several others. Y'al». Pennsylvania. Cornell snd Harvard have a smattering of talent ready to go but sll of them lack composite slrength. All in All, Stanford lookA th# part of a championship array. California has sent east another well rounded team to defend Its title and mav come very close to do Just that. In fact it would not altogether astonish the innocent bystander If both Call forniana finished1 one, two. Kplily to Play Vi ith Norfolk. Norfolk. Neb , May 27.—Announce merit was made here this morning that Chester Kplily, formerly of the Falrbury club of th* Nebraska Stale league, ha# Joined the Norfolk team f Hi, TcState circuit amt wit plnfv ,1 ,1 I,; -e in plai e of Gilpin. _ * -- "Pyorrhea claims ^4 out of 5 <i-X> Can you aflord to takediances with your teeth and health when four idr personsout of every live past 40, and » thousands younper, have Pyorrhea? Far better to play safe apainst such odds. Forhan’s For the Gums is a refreshing tooth paste and a Pyor rhea preventive as well. Use it 'wice daily. frst 3/ore than a tooth haste_ it checks Pyorrhea ^ » 35c and hOc in tulies fbrlian’s fortoe"gum? t Tlie Hare Trark Boys Talk It Over. C . • f * • vm D'vurt Xn WAMT-A yJElTtENi 6UAeAMTErE.T^E'/,LL <—; wim? 1^' JACK LEL1VKLT of Tulsa estab lished a Western league record on April 18 of thi* year, when he scoredj six times in eight Inning*. In six trips to the plate, the Tulsa manager drove out a double, triple and horperun, was hit by a pitched ball and walked twice. Jle scored every time. Williams, Dulantl and Lewis were the Denver pitchers, off who he made this record. While this is a Western league record, It lacks two of being world’s record. July 14, 1902, Clarke, playing with Corsicana against Ennis, drove out eight homerun*. TAYLOR, CURRY FIGHT DRAW Oil-ngo. Mav 26.—Hud Taylor. Tene Haute, 1 nd . and Connie Curry. Sioux City, la. fought a 10-round draw at 118 pound*, and Jo# O'Hara, Fort Podge, fa . won over Anthony Dow ney, Columbus, at 188* pounds In the main event* of a boxing show- st Aurora tonight. In preliminaries Tv* Garvey. former Notie Dame football player, beat Ser geant Jack Lee, Omaha, In four rounds; Willie Ames, Akron. O , beat Frank!# Oar- ;a, Memphis. In eight rounds, and Herbie St ha' ffer. chi rago, end Hilly McCann, Cleveland drew sir rounds. SPALLA ARRIVES IN UNITED STATES New York, May 26—Another for eign boxer-, Erntlnlo Spalla. heavy weight champion of Italy. Joined the contingent of Invading pugilists seek ing fame In America, when h»* ar rived from South America on the liner American I region todav The newcomer Is a well-built heavyweight, weighing 196 pounds, standing • lose to six feet in height ami is 26 }ears old" Spalla will seek bouts with the leading American heaw weights In an endeavor tn earn the right to meet i Ja* k Dempsey In a title match. Se\ -1 era! bouts for him are pending CENTRAL HIGH GOLF FINALS FRIDAY Finals In the Central High golf! tournament will he played over the Elmwood course Friday between Johnny Head end Jack Pollard. The match will he is holes. Head won hi" wav into the finals w-hen he defeated Charles Chadwell 1 up In 19 holes, while Pollard de feared lien Cowdery, 7 and 6. OLDFIELD TO DRIVE IN AUTO CLASSIC Indiana poll#, lml. May 26 Harney Oldfield ha* returned to automobile rating ami will drive a* relief for Cliff Durant in tire annual 000 mile contest «t the Indianapolis motor speedway Friday, it w n announced todav I n.l. llu \\ ins Suillitip < up. I,hll.ut*lphi;i. M«V 2*.— Pit ill < Itlln t,-.<1.-1 > won Iho Philadelphia pold oluillenge nip, emblematic of the world . ainali- soulUnfr ohamplonahip. from \V K Oarrett K.llmore by two end one Imlf length*. The r'rt<e \\»* over the mile ami a quarter course in the S< hu v Ik ill river. Moth oarsmen Nro Phlbidelphlnn*. I'miioUo'n time wns 7:3fi nnd (Sllmme'e. 7:43 2 3. Tliorpr, Mnlrlit'tl. Kl Pneb, Tex., Ma> .'B Kin Kong, welterweight ohiimptnn of the anuth west, nnd llnrvey Thorpe of Kansu* 1’ity, iiPie matched by Ihe .Tourer bull tins fight syndic*Ie for a lf> round bruit In the .lunrer hull ring tune x. for Ihe welterweight rhnm plonshlp oT Ihe emithwrst. 12 Nation* in OK ni|iirs. Parfa, May 26 Fnrt.x two nations have officially entered for the Olym pic athletic events from July 5 to 18. the national entry list for which closed Inst flight Th* Hrimln m ll»»* ball hard In Minnins £u»in l h* vX lids Sue. I lu 1. Buffaloes Make Clean Sweep of Booster Series Herd BiH'lieg Hits Vi ith Bases on Balls to Win Hnal (Aintest liv Score of 9 to 3. __ j Den Moine*. May 'J7.—Omaha made I a clean sweep of the series hy hunch-, ire: hit* with bases on balls today j f<>r a 9 to 3 victory. Score: OMAHA AH K. II. 1*0. A. K. Thompson. 2b. ..... 3 2 I 3 3 n \\ Urol, 3b . ft I I I ft « Robinson, rf ..... 4 0 2 2 o «) llonowiti. rf . ft ** I A O 0 ('allop. If » 2 I 3 0 2 firigg». lb . ft i 2 HI « O; O'Nrtll, •*. ft I 2 2 I «> Wilder, c I I « * ; « kmipai, p . 2 I 1 a a n ; Mark, p I, II O Jl 0 J) Total* 3ft 9 II 27 Til 2 DK8 WHIMS. AH. K H. 1*0. A. K. Maxlikattiprr. »* J •» 0 0 4 0 (iorrldsn. If ft *» <> 3 0 « Hod is, 31* ft I I 2 I 0 Iturkr. rf .4 «» 2 2 II I Helenr>. It* 4 0 (» f» 1 « II tingling, c ... 3 2 2 2 tl « Tanner, rf .3 *♦ l 3 0 I C have*. 2l» 2 O n ft 3 « rUhral • «* « ° 0 Hnrroiigli*. 2h . ft tl « fl II O Brown, p . I ° ® Kng. u. ft ft « « H <» Jones, p . 2 ft 1 *• ' Total* 32 3 J 27 17 2 r Batted for < have* In eighth. Moore by Inning*: Omaha «Wl3 410 0411— 0 Ilf* Moines 010 m»| I00 3 Summary—Home run: C ullup. Twro ha*e hit*.: Tanner. Thompson. Sacrifice lilt*: Wilder. Koupal. stolen ha«e: O'Neill. left on !*a*r«: Omaha. 7: Dr* Mninc*. HI. Ntrurk out: By Kng. I; hy Koupal. 1; hv Mark. 1. Ba*ew on hall*: Off Brown. I; off Jones. 4; off Koupal. 7: off Mark, I. Karned run* and lilt*: Off Brown. 3 and 3 in 2 2-3 Inning*: off Kng. I and 3 In 2-3 Inning: off Jones. 3 and ft Lb -it mwlng*: off KohimI. i and ft In ft inning* (none out In tilth): off Mack none and 2 In 4 Inning*. loosing Ditcher: Brown. Winning pitcher: Koupal. Dou ble play Flashkamner to ( have* to Mr l>arry; W ifcoi to Wilder to Or*«g*. » »n pires: Andermn and Harris. Time: 2:00. COAST ATHLETES DEPART FOR MEET J.op Angeles. May 2<v—Fean From well, roach, snd 10 athletes of the University of Southern Falifornia, to day left for I he east for participation In the Intercollegiate American Asso ciation of Amateur Athletics meet to be liekl on the Harvard university oval on next Friday and Saturday. Accompanying the Trojans was a squad of track and field athletes rep resenting five school- in southern California snd headed by Sid Foster of Manual Art- high school of thi« city. They are hound for the national Interscholastic meet to be held in Fhl rago on th* same dates as the Inter collegiate meet, 'Tdace - Kesults f HKI-MONT. First rscs: l mil# XI s i»i f*r Hand (Burk*) 1-1 3 1 • David II* rum (Obert . : 1 M Belphrixonl* *Hs*tlng«* Time 1 v Aladd<n, Top s*rg*»n*. F\»c H-dd Jn«uUt.> I,i W t'*n- H a ! man, Th* Fort and Wyant wood. aiso r*n. Second »* » S'eeplerha** two m'!t* \nr Prtpull II * M<; Nl ir ) . ...10 l .1 4-1 Pm ant (Hunt) ma i - * r» * * svon Tim*. 1 if Huonor*. Ryr>g K!m*r lohnaot Hsn>y r >a' • n s • 4 nnfshsrt Da • *:.# frtlar.d anti Kn rht of (Jrttntant al*n ran Third rnc# •* ml’# ‘••cjrr* raptr*) 3 1 tv#n 13 Neon Fir# <Burks) 17 «»nf Indian Trail (Barnes) • *! Ti * i II ! V KO’ittid tijpljr King *r>>! Wsmptt. sl*n ran K • i h ra e } * e tight ha ti.! it S ' .»t*a i Kail* * tvtn IS out Maattr Billy (f’ooptr) Whitt Ash (Buri-ti Tim# S3- Arnu Hill l»*)»r snd l“»ree a ! *• • j*n S'if I h i a • t i »nt r ! t Sartnader tMslhtn) 1 1 4 i I 1’r‘nrt * 1'mbria (Hu ic i * Fiigstt i f t'allahaut . . f - Tim*1 1 *7 4 i I*rl<e'na *r. Ttn M n u>* Kevawn Matqutiailo and Flares also ! ran Sitth ra. * Four and out ha.f f ir I to ti g a Ktn indtr <« VdiH#ttil 11 *1 3 & I \rcad» Kumtiitri l i J - Ft at Mail (Turn#r> Time S3 I r. Kodtn. 7e»o Hour «7a’« \ ah! Sumpter lioldbe ater. I'3’? idol I i Hpla nder ,!i»e v( a rronre III M *■ 'Though * su*r Foa and Hsndr * k a'a*. ran. TIIOKM IJMV F «t ra. * Four and onr ba'f furlong* S** Fa •' •sr*\ *n»» yffnrt . V Walli) S 3« ? •*' Koval Pearl Church). 2 ts •fI * 4 s R*rr mand. Sunburn R a u ! a m a o Fadloek and Tr*\an alan ra* Ser.vnd rare Five and one half furlong* Sangegdn tW*l’ar*> !4*» M" !*« Pin Steel I ?t#vtn») Tlfc 41S, Ktllx a Ajue*n tflardall) 4 i ftmt 1 :6| | Dfstiraut • Wolf Cnuntrv Tim**. Roanoke M r*'!* AVn and < »’ Himol'in al*o »an Third rar* Pt furlong* c*>dnn (Walla*#) in 'rt « n.4 ? 4' Puff Pa" (P Wall*' nen 4 * • !>*#dv (iirl f Stirling'. " 4S T(m* 1 04 4 *> A*t •* Atlantida, Oc*an "ree lng!e*td# * lao r*n Fourth »«•* •« mil# Va Hum aila«-*i TAB f«B * »<l • ‘4»* Fr## 4 Mariner) *1i • Ttu* American (Ainbr>i**i Tim* > l • ■* S Hlo#*om Mow** Trek* Mountain IF*# II »Hbbv and T:na» Pan*# *'#•» nn. Fifth t»' « 1 mile T,until* i» halm*t*» a *0 f !0 *0 t m t \t l I l a m| ) « if) * 4n Running will tStetett*) : Tim* 1 41 l a AngPnn Maid and Pf>ri|alnn< * A !»'" ’ an Math ' «• # Mil# and a *t\'*enth \\ ra. k Ka\ iPtnchoni . M tl h * 5 4ft Tra.lanu* iChalm'T*» * 1# " Van Pa trick i Abet) * Time I 4s S#th » Fn»w#i and The F • > t * i k h # r a I • n ran Sexenih ■ .h \t f and an *• i k '' 14u H . u n r \ t V 'Im .••* . k t<*» i 2 11 Ir It <1* • ( Matin* • • 4 50 .'4 c F< - *pa (I I a ng ) 4 1 f> I o><» 1 ; : 4 >r,i* ar», I*. u#u and Th«»t "hedge a nt* ran < III ID Mil I DOW \S F-i -■( rar# *, m e Poland iPaik*) i !« ? ‘B ? 4« Mi*\!im Tn Hinv) < i® 4*o Pun In (Harrington' " 10 Tim* I l 4 * ' l adv Mm an Hurtle1 Sta*- »‘udg#l Flti*'\* and l#man #;*.» ran Second rar# 4'% furlong* Ivnrv (Harvey) 4 bo 4 4n 4 an i Pnnna Santa «I 'He) $ |B f. *o |Buttr**g iHruher) ' Tint* hA Fa>r A i*lon. M *« Fmmeit. Ala Max Kentucky »:**#. Helen Carter at 1 fin*# Cloud *!*•» ran Third race 1 mile \ewmatket (F P.*«*') l !0 4 *n im I Fa nr v Fie# iSlUtt*' 4 SB 4 4 A *'•#« Court (Kli't) I* so Tim* 1 41 4 4 l.mtdn* Tender S*'h I Widgeon arid Piedmont a’*' ran Fourth riel i milt, tSuhatuute, orlg Inal deed a red ■ *ff ) Sa poo • W ood) .1? 5H PH J Send* of P1ea*'ire tCormran) * ?B 4 40 Mat Heth (Hoffman* - Tim* 1 4' 1 • Pine Bird. K<nburn grid Puhv alar* ran Fifth race ’» mile | Prim e** pi*reen (.Stmt*' t m MU 4 no Beautiful Agne* (Parke) 4 4A t no liefuddie C arroll) " *fl Tim* 1 3ft 4■ ft \mliy t'latin a oh-iny and Kittle Pm alao tan I AST API) *111 R1 III! I tfr/r»n » »vi »j ~vtt i Sl*t)* *a*e 4 U furlon* F'alae Face (Huin) t 4® 4 \ 0 ;• M i» ## •» Cut rent (Stutia) 4 SO 1 *« Ihundergod *K Pool) Time- **>4 IS (tip Hearer s,*;h * lUxoaurer and S.iat also * a n Seventh race Mil# and 1 " 1 ntrled 1 • ot rot am 4.10 ? •'?«*’ pnbaon (Kennedy) ‘ *0 ’ SO Slump It' (S nit*) *B| Time I ••(' s nipleton » <<j*. ! a I * and )« Plan* he d# P»i.»n'a * nut NOTES FROM THE BKNC BY^ Y'3 RAIL^ BIRD The veteran Jockey, < h«rle« (iron, wlio h»b been engaged to lid© for the Jone* Hi. nek Farm at *h© forthcoming A" H.« r Hen meeting will no dojb' have 'be • hole© of the mount* that Trainer Be., .ion* h Will >aild!« in the governor'* hand ,4V Groa* will b»\« hi* trouble© selecting the b-’St horn© between Go Fold And Second Thought*. *- ho* h *r© n tip top ahapa and ready to run their fnateat. When William W rant elect* to *end HI* one-tirne grand ©printer. I'op O Tne Morning to the j oat *he fana will na'-© the pleafure of gazing on a hor©e. wno de©plt© hla 11 years of •ervi'*© on rn.>© every track in the country, not counting Havana and Mexico. >© ©till able to hold h:« own with f;af. company. Weant nat 5, ©..ft rpot m hi* hear* for thia ve*ero of it any turf battle* and **Old Top. a* he !© know n on every r.n e track. • ioon to be retired to a l'fe of ©»©e on h.a owner* breeding farm. Among the late*! arrivala 1* the crack jo* key Francis Horn, who « am© here from New York and latter Mini© Height© Horn i© not unknown here, having re ceived hi* ©addle baptlaimal at the a * Shr Ben tra-k !a©t fall. Horn rode w»h much ©'icr©©* ©* TUuana 1a©t winter and ©hould be one of he leading rider* here .1. fi. Buaeey, who formerly trained A dot.!© John S Heardon and othera for th^ in. a! hi or»«tnan William Neaae.hau.. -rived h* - • od . wh*-© he expect* to ..pend a b-.ef holiday before Journeying on to New York io roller* © ©*ab|« or runners to be meed here in * n* .all *nd 'at©r on at Tiajuan© f.. O. “Alim” f^e. who *n the halcyon d* © t,f r.t ■ ng S' Kmery.iile. • '•» . the good home© Blag* and Knight Ue-K. i* here w h a at-'ng of 11 runner*. Jo# Byrne, who ho* an uncanny fac ulty of pi* alp* "II »he long ihnt* that arrive home In front of »h« r fjeMa. • tr* ing t. unearth a * < agle blrie a’ Ak-Bar-Ben field The man who picked Nellie More© and Alodeaf at attracts at the ■•bangtails" • « they .wins away price, so., nut to the lr.-> i' <1»> brssk am h mnrnlne and armed with h. tru, t ■split n-cond" watch Crack, down on a., from tht varinua polea. Davenport Wins Sixth Straight , c P! Joseph. Mo.. May 17.—The Saint* lilt Tesar. s< e of Tulsa * *t»ff. for TO safeties today, making the Oil ers look like Hass Z entrants in a 13 to 2 triumph, it was Big Dave" Davenports sixth siraight win and he trade Tulsa’s Murderers’ row" look tame. Stanley Bewail, Saints’ renter fielder, got his second and third homers of the series, his first today starting Tesar * downfall. The floor#: TCI. IIK BT JOSEPH. \ B II O V 1 AB.H.O A_ P "i,rt rf 3 « J :® 4 * I * «»»“???; i,.., , f 4 1 " a: l.ewan cf 4 -> l I amb i f 4 , • M©r rf & * * • ? Harg • •» 4 *• 1 2 G bert Sh ; - 4 i 4 - Math©* io A 1 * t on a .• "tt Mi»rlr« r ; ! : 1 Tr.Vr P 3 3 0 3 D»v purt p « 1 •_* Tot.1, 31 Toisl. C ** * *. '* lnn,,“* .*• «U MO- 3 It jowDh:::::.... ••• »*•uA—>* Summer) ©uni: Divta Tegr. Tv'"*** IS) -err ..n ■■ l.»w»n <3. Mllle 'it I ipM.crV. Mu h,». Mulct re. hrroi' SirflBt. i rgiby. i, b« harn.d tun. Tui,.. J: ht- Joseph. It Ha-„ en hill* off 1'ivenpnt . - ° - T»«»r. : S*ru* k nut By ftivenpoit. < Tf»t - 4 J.eft on ba©e© Tul*a, •*. V. h»e© h ’« M i !«r •-*>. l,©w©- Throe-baa# h * |>*Vmc!o Horn© run© I.ewan t-’ . ubifl play* w*»hbttr*i «• r PP5® v.>f/ tv- |* tc Nufer to >,*!he© ' «. bit* I^MlIflO. Gilherf S-uact* U-tan. H t by p rrhed be B> T*>wr Nufer S* den b*©e© Nuf-* M 1©- «21 Corr t n Vmpire* pooanue and Shannon Tim©’ 1 33 1LL1N1 NET STARS DEFEAT HAWKEYES Chicago. Mar 2*.—After dropping tile first sff. t'.ot'dwillie and Dllhacli t'niversily of Illinois, todav over wlielined ttie CniversUy of low.i team. Swenst.n atul l.utx. In the finals Of the double* competition of the western (onferenc* tennis champion ship *t the I'nlveraltv of Chicago courts, winning th* title. 2 6. t t 6 2. 6 2. Kd Wilson. Cnlveraltv of Chicago, won the weslern t-onferenc# tennis singles i hamptonship. defeating Saga lowakv. Butler. 3 s. T.r>. S 3, S 6. ’Wil sons "hard driving and wearlngdown tactics great!' sided him. STATE TRAPSH00T TOURNEY OPENS Ke*:n»v. Neh . May IT.—Over 13" shooters were registered for the forty eighth annual Nebraska State Sports men's association's slate shoot, which opened here today for three da> s High head winds promise to keep down the opening day s scores The diamond trophy will he shot for on Thursday. C. C. Tappen defeated .1 ,• Copsev for n position In the line, in a challenge match, S>4 to '6. The shoot is being held al the fair jcTYund*. 4*#or*;# <'nr(#r. *#or#tiirv. #X pr#9##(1 the belief fndftV that sun* would t*e reKiefeieil fur th# a hoot. Murphy Draws Post Position in Indianapolis Race Indianapolis, 'lay —Jimmy 'lui phy will hay r the pole po*ltion at the Mart of the 500 mile automobile race at the Indianapolis motor spcedytay Friday. winning the place when If qualified today at a rate of ill* III mile* an hour It was thr second fastest time ever made (or 10 mile* on the local tra. h. being a fraction more than a mile an hour slower than (lie record established by Tommy Milton last year, Nineteen drivers qiiallfted their rant today. Harry Hart* was close on Murphy « heel* with an asrragr of 10*.05 milts* an hour. Tommy 'III toil, twire winner of the local race, made the third be«l time. I0.Y? miles an hour. .toe Hoy er. Hennie Hill, •lilies Filing hoe and (HIT Ihiranl weir among those who drove their car* better than 11>0 mile* an hour in their qualifying trials Idlin' llearne, l»M driting chant plrai, also qttallfled ten more marhliics will tal«c their; trials either tomorrow ix Wednesday They will not hr placed ahead of those qualifying lixtav however. It respixtlve of lltelr aterage. Coast Star Turns in Card of 72 for Eighteen Holes Harry Hampton of Ohio I urn* in Second Low Score — Jock Hutchinson Score* 7 i. Hr tMocinled I’rfi”. IIK AGO, May 27. —Sjdendid g " I t was played today at the Oak Park Country rluh, in the first 1* holes of the elimination round of western aspirants for the national open golf championship, and it fell In MacDon ald Smith nf San Francisco to lead the field of 146. He finished with a score of 38 34—73. which is par for ’ the 6,164-yard course. Harry Hampton of < anion, 0 . play ing with Smith, was second In the list with a 35 38—73. Third place was alia red hy Richard Unares of Ixing Beach, Cal., who had 38-36—it, and Dewey \Y eber of Chicago, who had a pair of 37s for 74. Four veterans of the links seored 75—lock Hutchison of Chicago, for mer British champion, holding the lead with that figure until half of the players were finished. The other three were George Sargent of < oliyn bus, (>., president of the Professional Golfers' association, who yesterday set a course record of 69; George Bowden nf ( inrinnati and Al YY'alrou* nl Grand Rapids, Mich. Iowa State Leads Valiev Standing Missouri \ slier M«ndl»*c« Won. Lo*t t « P t J .. *> Washington .. * (>klahcma ....... * Kansas Agjrtps . * N>bra«ka * . 5 Kansas . ... 4 Missouri .i Lincoln. May 27.—Ames continues at the top of the Missouri vallev standings In baseball. Washington won Monday from Missouri, 32 to , while the Kan*a« Aggies were blank ing Kansas. 2 to 0, in a game played at I-awrenre. Nebraska has hut two games re maining. They are wtlh Kansas at Lawrence nex* These games are part of the borne coming progr* m > st the .Jayhawker school. Tech May Plav Kearnev Hi<rh c ~ ( Te, i city has.hail champion, may play kt.itncy High of Kearney. N'eh . for tre Nebraska s'.a'e high school championship. Pr.ncipal Dwight P- Por'er of Tc- h is in receipt of a challenge re<-e.\ed from < oarh Kberhart of Kearnev and has accepted the challenge of he out stater*. Tech and Kearney will meet if aat tsfactory arrangement* ran ba made. Kearney has played and wen »ev»n games w hile Tech has played nit » and I c but on# and that by a 3 to 0 Boor# to Abraham IJncoln High of Council ill iff*. SALT LAKE BEES OFFERED FREE PARK bos Angeles. May “S.—Robei: Frown, owner of th# Vancouver (K i > franchise in the old Northwestern Baseball league, today telegraphed llarrv A Williams, president of t e Pacific t oast league, that he had made an offer of a free park for two tears in Vancouver for.the transfr. • the Salt I,ake . nib's game# to that i.ia.e, a, ordihg to *n announcement by Williams. Brown's message said ••Understand clubs offering Sa t l ake 10 per cent additional on m •* if club transferred to coast city. 1 has* made offer to President Lane of ihe Salt T ak* City club of '■** ground* for two years on which to p!s\ tames If T» transfers to Van rout er ’ AUSTRALIAN NET PLAYERS ARRIVE s Francisco May I* —Th* A * l'a'is cup tennis team ar t . ed here today on the liner Ventura. The plater* ate Gerald Patterson. Itobert F Schlessing, l’at O'Hara Wood and Fred Kalnts. They will remain In San Fraint* o for about a week during which the. will play exhibition matches In th * vicinity and then the. will defMrt for tile east to prepare for the Itius c. , competition Fl> nn. Mirkish (.up A ictor**. l.eo Flynn w in from William Stahl. 11.T to as. in the first game of the rotation tournament being staged at the Academy billiard parlor. In the second r< ntest Harry Mirkish was l< turned victor over Harry Hull l-\ t\ scote .if fid to 14S. Four games nr* scheduled for tonight, t ~-V | How They Compare I arpenlirr. Gibbon*. "3 in. Reach 74, |n 5 ft. It'# in Height * fi »4 |n, ll.N pound. Weight 17* pound* 30 tears old \gc M scars old IH'* in Vink lfi, i„. H', in I best i normal I 14 |n, 4 ’>'« ill I bes(4 lespaiHlrdl 41 m. "i W aisi .1 in 13 In. Rirrpt M in. It's i" Forearm .... i;», |n, , m W i ist # ,,, S3 1,1.Thigh .... ;ji, |„ '**• *"• . *'»lf 141, i„ *'a i" ....... Ankle . fs, tll