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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1924)
V egetables Are Lower in Priee (.aiming Season for Berries jf Is at Height With Reason * t able Product Here. f 481} • ■ __ v'< By MARKET BASKET The time for canning ami preserv ing strawberries Is at hand. All housewives who plan to put up ■ berries this year, should purchase t x them now* while they aie in abundance "ami cheap. «« . This point Is stressed strongly by J;' all die Omaha markets. Tennessee. •^-Arkansas and Missouri are the lead i Skiing berries on the market, and can * he purrhased as low as 16 cents to ’ 3--" cents a M'Wmt. According to the | ^different markets, they have about * 11 ached their cheapest point. The next t c trend 1n berries is expected to lie an advance in juice. Missouri herrlps J.ire the largest and sweetest on dls I “ play today. J * The markets also advise that the j <7 ■ ~ ~ —~T canning season for pineapple is now. The price of pineapples hns dropped sharply within the last week and they are now selling at 12'i cents each for the large and fancy, or $1.(0 a dozen. Royal Anne cherries, the first of the season, are selling at 50 cents a pound; black cherries range from 35 cents to SO cents a pound. The patient housewife will soon he rewarded. Only another week or so will it be necessary to depend on shipped greens. A full line of home grown vegetables is expected very shortly, in fact, before June 1. New potatoes have declined in price and those shown are larger in size, selling four pounds for 35 cents. Home-grown mustard gitens are sell ing now for 10 cents a pound. Rad ishes are in great abundance and cheap. Cucumbers can lie had at two for 35 cents; green peppers, two for 15 cents; asparagus, two or three bunches for 35 cents; new home-grown turnips are 5 cents a bunch; leaf let. tuce, 5 cents a bunch; scallions are now five bunches for 10 cents; beets, 10 cents a bunch. A little California celery is still seen, but it is high. Texas silver skin onion retail at four pounds for 35 rents. Tomatoes are few as yet and sell for 33V4 cents a pound. For those who long for a cup of coffee but are not permitted to drink i,t because of resultant nervous ness, one market handles Kaffee Hag coffee from whh it the harmful habit forming drug called caffeine lias been removed. This coffee will not keep anyone awake nfir cause nervousness. This same market carries Battle Creek Sanitoriurn foods. The bakery departments continue to add new delicacies to their lines of goods. Strawberry marshmallow rolls covered with ground nuts may lie put based at 35 cents each. One bakery department carries a full line L,f home-made foods, including Farnamade bread, with h sells at two and three loaves for 35 esnts. For the breakfast, hard rolls can he had for 30 cents a dozen, poppy seed rolls at 30 cents, and Danish coffee cake, filled with figs, equally reasonable. Eggs have dropped somewhat with in the last few weeks. Fancy Pabst roquefort cheese, in pound rolls, were seen at one market for 90 cents. There Is little difference in the price of but ter, home-churned being featured. Fresh fish continue in popularity. Lake Erie white fish, excellent when baked, sells at 40 cents a pound. Striped bass, also a lake fish, especially suited for frying, can be had for 35 cents a pound. Home-made salad deissing is sold at one large market where it is made fresh daily by an electric, machine. Mayonnaise and thousand island dress ing were on display and attracted many shoppers. -- Adele Garrison “My Husband's Love*’ V---r——-—' Why Madge Struggled to \\ in a I.aui[h From Dicky. "I hate to have you go, Madge.” Leila Durkec’s arms released me with reluctance as I kissed her good by. 1 knew that lies-s Dean was In the back of h*-' mind and that she counted on me to stand uetween iter and the unwelcome machinations of my former school colleague. "I'll be back soon,” 1 told her significantly. '“And in the mean time,'’ playfully, "remember nothin' can get you while Kdith's around.” "I know it.” she returned, smil ing fondly at iter sister, then added loyally: "Or Alfred, cither." "Of course not,” I assented, al though t commented that her hus band would be a much less efflca ctotts protection from Hess Dean's unwelcome presence than would her sister. •f.oodby, old rienj\" Dicky's voice held the amused, caressing Intona tion that always tinges his tone when he speaks to Leila. "Take care, of yourself and mind what Kdle tells you. She's dying to boss somebody and it might as well be you.” He hummed the last words pro vokingly, as he turned to Edith. A Narrow Escape. “So long. Edle!" he said carelessly, a little bit too carelessly, I said to n- /self. “I'll probably drop In with mother on our way to Michigan; she'll want to see Mrs. Durkee before IleV Fluffinewt starts for North Carolina.” “That will be splendid." Edith as sented with just, the right amount of perfunctory cordiality. "I’d love to see your mother, floodby, Madge. Don't forget to come to see J«eila and me while we’re housekeeping." “Never fear," I replied, forcing my voice to gaiety. Then we were in the car and moving toward the gate, with the consciousness In iny mln.l at least that the two sisters were still stand ing on the veranda looking after us. I was driving, with my eyes watch ing the road, but I knew that Dicky looked back, waving his hat as we turned Into the main road and the knowledge did not increase my com posure. "Eook out!’’ Dicky shouted hoarse ly, and I swerved the car just In time to avoid striking a telegraph pole. “What In time happened?" he de manded. “Here! I'll take the wheel if you're going to do any more stunts like that.” “You'll do nothing of the kind'!” I I snapped, giving my frayed r.erves the relaxation of irritated words. ' The rnr skidded a hit, that's all hut j I righted It in time." • I'll \n| Speak." It was a lame excuse, but I could hardly tell him the truth that his last words to Kdith Fairfax, with their promise of seeing her soon again and his turning for a last glimpse of her, ns my inflamed Imag ination Interpreted it, had momen tarily rohhed rue of volition. ' Skidded, my e^e! That's a good i one!" Dicky jeered. "Tt skidded about as much as 1 did. You weren't thinking or paying alicntion to what you were doing, and you relaxed your grip on the wheel." "And I'll probably do the same thing again.” I retorted spiritedly, "if you don't stop nagging me. I don't criticise you when you're drD ing, so please he sportsmanlike, if you can. * I added the last words for good measure—there was nothing pleas ant about my mood ami Dicky snort ed. “Ml not speak to you again if you climb every tree on I-egg Island," he said, slamming himself back against the seat and folding his arms tightly across his chest ns if to keep his rebellious speech down by main fore® AYe drove for half an hour In this ridiculous silence, with my con science pricking me harder at every mile the speedometer registered. After all, niy common sense told me, there really had been nothing ut all In Dicky's demeanor to Indi cate any more interest of his In Kdith Fairfax than In any other friend of long standing. His Irrita ; tion at my swerving of the car wasj not only natural but Justified, my] mental Inquisition went on and my: Jast retort had ls*en unnecessarily hasty. 1 shot a furtive look at Dicky from beneath my eyelashes, and something in the uncomfortable rigidity of his pose aroused my sense of the ludicrous, never buried very deep beneath niy temper. "But there are so many trees on Long Island." 1 murmured de murely." knights (Jive Banquet. David City, Neb.. May 23.—Knights rr=— :"J== of Columbus held a banquet and Ini tiation at the opera house here! About 300 were present at the ban-j quet, served by the Catholic Daugh- - ter* of America. Twenty-six new, members were initiated, the worjc be | ing done by a team from J-dncoln. A program followed the Iranquet pre sided over by lion. K. A. Coufal. Dean Speaks at Denison. Denison, la.. May 34.—The gradu a ting exen lees of the Denison high school were held Thursday evening Ht the opera house. The class num her* 53. Address fo the graduates was made by Dean Kay of the State uni versity. Former Mayor Buried. irenison. la.. May 33.—Funeral services were held at Schleswig for1 John Lorenzen, who was mayor of ihat city for a number of terms. His death resulted from causes which produced sleeping sickness. __ f——;--— -' Train nf 115 Cars Hauled bv One Engine l_— Wymore, Neb., May 23.—The long* eet train ever handled out of m* local railway yards waa aent fr* ra Wymore to Red cloud Thursday, engine hauling 115 empty stock car* to the western part of Nebraska ai d Kansas for Sunday market loading ot livestock. This train eclipsed ths record-breaker train sent out last week by 15 cars. The train yesterday weighed 2 f|0# tons, covered a total length of 4 1 feet, only stopped three times on th* run of 10* miles from Wymore '4 Red Cloud, and made the trip In severf hour*. It was handled by one of th* new heavy type engines, and was hi charge of Conductor Dobbs and Engw neer c. W. llarpster of Wymore. We are to have another filling »t»a tlon in town, and just how many doe* this make to a car?—Decatur P.-Tiew, , : Hi I delivers the famous | / I I- ... — » j: j Washer to your home Wash day is wash hour when you own this washer. ?2.50 delivers it, and you pay the • balance in 24 equal payments | I !1 Nebrdskd ® Power £ •1 S M All, ORDER SPEC I YE; 100 I.BS. BEST REFINED SUGAR, R m 738 shipped Willi every ••III. bug «f our FAMOUS VALUE ■ I ■*. BLEND COFFEE for 1.75 «»*1 l-***- PA«- of No. 1 GUN POM • ■ • 2 li EK TEA at 60*. Total, $9.73. t Aetna I *11.25 value.) j \ SUGAR Best Refined ijtf£tT::::98ilt S! i - I ,'IILK. CAIIN AT ION, Gill lb-ounce cans, per can. 9'.s* { s AN KOI. A AYONDER COFFEE, 45c value; 3 Ills, for.$1 10 «i 1 f BUTTEH, Dairy Maid, host creamery; pound . . 39* 2 j J. AA ISCO.NSIN l i I I. CIIK.AM CHEESE, very fine, pound. 24* 1 SIJ.VEK NUT OI.EOMAKG AMINE, pound 20* ■ • H BEI.l'L AB SAVAXSROAA N’-CAkE Fl.OI II, large package.. 2$* H j H IIAsKINS HBOS. PAI.M OIL TOII.EI SOAP. I DOZEN 45* HP I FREE SHOPPING IS AG with FRUIT COMBIN' A I ION; I large can ■ M each of PE.Af HES. APRICOTS and PE ARS in rich syrup, *1.15 |j* 79* B K WHITE 1 IIEHHIES. Heutitlfiil frnll In rlrh ayru|>. Me rnn 35c UK B] COHN. HI'S I IOWA III K north I.Vr rnn. :! run. 39C MS H TOVIATOES. SEI.Ht'TKlJ SOI.ID IIVND I’AI K. 3 rnn. 35C MB PH PEAS. H CD ROSE'. BH AND. 3 ram. 39C. DOZ. 81.15 ||l .MONARCH PORK AND BEAN'S, 3 (nil ran.. 39f H - urEI-:N OGIVES, larisr nlr.r, Ii3r quart Jarn 15C J “ MONAHCII ' V'ISI P. north 30r. evtra nprrlHl, larcr botllr ‘JOr © ! “ III.D SALMON. Illuhr.t jtrndi- Alnnltn, 35c arllrr. mil rnn 35c Z VIAZOI.V, Jusl recelmd, uhllr they Innt. <IT. rnnn •! 7 C " 3 t.IM.Ell VI.E SPLIIVL. ndtrrtHInu olfrr. 1(1. BOTTLE 39C r | JEI.I.V In T-niin.-r It III nark, rvlrn afieetlll. 3 for 35<* T 7 i VINEOAH nilli unllon glnaa lull, irry nprrlal. HAL. I9C J , ; III Vs I'tool's t.INKER SNIPS, rrr.h l.ilkrd, 1 lbs. 35C “ I ' Oil Dll. IN UU III \ Ns „r I V M V Hl< E. 3 Ilia. ... 3.*{C 2 J y. Ill IN/ mi N lllhlll hlllNIt Hi: A N S. 3 lull rnna |ly I Cl HI I l: HI It IIO N < Itr.PE TOII.I.I PAPI:IL I rolla, 17<> ilui (He Hf) I H SI Ns\Nl:i:i PHI Nl:s. um.d «l/r. g-lh. Ilka 39c IgQ I Al NT SVI.LVS I K I .MI tl t III'. Pill mil or l AIIIIAI.E SALAD B ; & Al NT S t l.l.v S IIO VIE M \IIE I.MOfl ISI.E or tl A V ON N AISK, PT. :t5c B s';T tour I holer IIHII II tl'llllllis „r MIDI.OS HAISINS, II. 1‘3 c K |^1 M ATI HO, full ruunl, II lararr bmra . •39C |g ! 1 STRAWBERRIES .’i-sy;:. 17>/2c I H PINEAPPLE. 3 FOR 25c. Per ease. $3.25 Ei J 3 GRAPEFRUIT, DIG PHILLIPS, 3 halls of Julco.25* pS 1 { * ORANGES. SWEET AND JUICY, 2 DOZ.35* © ! I , HKAI) IiETTl’l'F<( 3 rkgnnt solid heads .25# ® • v RADISHES. X Hunrhea for .lO# I w l • w (.REK> OHIOXS, DOZR5T VIUXCHES only .10# f} I ! . IIIM II AItl). luritc liberal Imnrhpa, 4 for.10# J ft I • " Xri\ \f ll» freath, young? anil lender, l.B. .12'a# 1 I » 2 l,EMO\8, extra larce plrr. full of Julre, DO A.25# "H 2 I'llESII I’KAJk,. (.IIEKN or WAX HKAtfS, very nlee, LR. . 25# ' * ! I CHICKENS F jpiiim.s LB. 52 c ■ 1 STEWING CHICKENS, FRESH DRESSED, LB ,. 21 VI* ■ i CUDAHY S ARMOUR S STAR OR PURITAN Qff) M BACON IN 1-lb. PACKERS' CARTON. Oj£L M PI RF. RENDERED I.AHD; 2 LBS. FOR . ii.iO ■ LEAN PORK SHOULDER ROAST, LB.93i* Q I a LEAN PORK LOIN ROAST, LB. . 16H* ■ ! i. • EXTRA 1AM Y PORTERHOUSE STEAK, LR. 35* 2j ; ; I II01CE STEER POT ROAST, LR. ..12'a* © - BEST ( ITS CHUUK OR SHOULDER ROAST, LR.16’ic z\ | u I GENUINE SPRING LAMB LEGS, LB.32 Hr 2 ' 5 j GENUINE SPRING LAMB STEW. LB. . 12'4* se p YOUNG YE AL BOAST AT, I B.15* and 17»*f ; I | “* HOLDS NIAGARA Sugar cored liacnn, nr tthnle, III . 26H(' 3 H SUGAR IT RED Skinned llama, Vj or tthnle, I .It .19V4* ! H SUGAR Cl RED PICNICTl AM, 1,11. I2'4* |j| I YE 01. IAME SOI III ERN IIARRECI Ell IIAH. Sliced, l.B. 55* pi j y I RISH BEEF TONGI Es, PER l.B. ..19* [3| ' 1 YOUiTPHOTO““ENLARGED Aq7 1 |i IN SEPIA BROWN, $2.00 VALUE, ANY SIZE*" K AI)VKHTISI>(» Oi l 1 11, no frame purrhnxea nrreaianry. BrliiK your K f v photo ii t ii nl a % If poiRlhlf. 1 IiIm ehnriee merely rot era aelual ro«t ‘ i of material. Wnlrli our arlixt in window. 'I'hia offer good nit •• j • — next week. Ilriou "mall photo of friend or relative. g j \ ADVO JELL 3 Pkgs. for 25c ! I SKINNERSjSHS3 p^s. 25c | I SUNKIST FLOUR,48 Lb.Sack$1.64 | ! I PEARL WHITE SOAP, io 8ar.39c I ! H QGV I * C, 3 eana ’J5f i HI II III TI II l I.KtHIRR, 3 rnna 25C HR ; I PURITAN MALT, "Tv.,,,. | | \ BLATZ MALT SYRUP, Can 55c I 2 Dhnlesalc — 0 ran ha** largest Cut Price Market IGtnil llead<|tiarferx for Hattie t reek Aanltarlum KomU ^ i f000 ttlAltR \ ■ THE TABLE SUPPLY W 17th and Douglas_._All Phones AT. 3807 tsi, * hoi i. 111 ri v:h fimHHHHHI i most coMjjSSHl^ Iten’s Family Caddie Graham ^ Crackers _ S. & H. Cane Sugar, $8.48 Fine Granulated Sugar, $8.29 100-lb. sacks. Best Prunes, 3 lbs. for 1»5C Fancy Dried Peaches, lb. for-15C Dried Apricots, per lb. U21 jC Shredded Wheal per pkg. 11C Simm’s Malt o’ Wheat, per pkg-,_171 if-' COFFEE Our ('enlral Spe cial. lb., 35c4 3 lbs. $1.00. Quart jars Sweet Pickles, 3<)c Crystal White j Soap, 10 bars for .43C Electric Spark Soap, 10 bars for .38C Our Deli c ions I Home Made Salad Dress ing. pint 40C i ■> pint . 20C I IMf«—»WM— i~> Omaha’s Best Food Markets The Home of Quality Products Come Once and You Will Come Always Fancy Fresh Dressed Young Hens, lb. 29'2^ Fancy Fresh Killed Stewing Chickens, per lb.19'2<* Fancy Pot Roast, per lb.121 i Best Cuts Beef Shoulder Roast, lb . . X€>1L* Fancy Young Veal Roast, lb.. . 15<*. 12'2<* Pig Pork Roast, young and lean, lb.. .12'2^ Morrell’s Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb. 23'2<^ Hold’s Sunflower Skinned Hams, half or whole, lb.19' Native Steer Round Steak, tender and juicy, per lb.271 -it BUTTER and EGG DEPT. Central Extra Quality Cry. pkg. Rutter, per lb.4V:t Fancy Tub Butter, per lb.37'24 Buy your Whipping Cream already whipped, 1 2 Pint 18c; 1 pint.30£ Now is the time for canning Pineapples; ,-pc cial price, each, 121 >c; per dozen . $1.25 Per crate .$3-50 Large size Sunkist Oranges, dozen . . . 20C Dr. Phillips’ Grape Fruit, 3 for.25<* 4 lbs. New Potatoes for. 25£ lbs. Cooking Apples. 25c* We have an unlimited amount of fancy Berries, full quarts. Special price per crate. ■ Saturday Special 1 lb. Iten’a As sorted Cakes _ 48-lb. sack Pills bury Best Flour, SI.78 Durkie’s Sa 1 a d Dressing, per bottle .. 32<^ Lea & Perrin’s ? Sauce, bottle. for.:joc Yacht Club Cat sup, bottle, for.20c4 Monarch Baked Beans, ioc E 3 cans, 27C Standard Corn, per can, 10^ I 3 cans, 27C Kamo Midget ! Corn, 17m 6 can- $1.00 Kamo Midget Peas, c’n 25c Dozes $2.90 , Del Monte Peaches,in halves, per can.25c Del Monte Pears, per can .... 28c Quart jar? of Queen Olives for.48C ----- Pearl White Soapg|35ESj RE AMY The Big’ NeW Bar Makes ’ Delicious Salads ADIT© MAYONNAISE THE ECONOMY SPREAD FOR BREAD --- T R O C O TS®" NUT MARGARINE SV«UP Aluminum Ware Free, A»k Your Dealer *TK ani * iuurr Cowest Prices QmcKservjCg 2/? f \ North Cum'ng 1 I j 16th Prime Rolled Choice Cut Small Lean Choice Lean Sugar Cured Beef Rib Beef Chuck Pork Shoulder Boston Butts Picnic Hams Roast Roast per lb. pe-- lb. per lb. 20c12c8c15c11c SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Fancy Fresh Spare Ribs . Choice Rib Boiling Beef . Choice Beef Pot Roast.' Pure Rendered Lard. Fresh Cut Hamburger Steak.1(K? | PORK CUTS Fresh Leaf Lard .101 Choice Pork Loin Roast.16(* Fresh Pig Hearts .5C Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs. for.25(* Fresh Pig Liver . oC Choice Salt Pork. t8c Choice Spring Lamb Hindquarters, 22<* VEAL CUTS Choicest Shoulder Roast .12 1 jC* Choicest Veal Stew. IOC Choicest Veal Chops .1(>C Choice Round Steak.20C Choice Sirloin Steak .20c Pure Pork Sausage .I5t* Fresh Made Wienies.1 8C Fresh Made Bologna .18^ 5N1UKLD MLA 1 3 Sugar Cured Strip Bacon.15C Sugar Sured Fancy Bacon .*• • 48<* Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon . . -f. ■ 20c Armour Star Hams.2Of* Armour Star Bacon.2<C Sugar Cured Skinned Hams . ■ ...» ■ 18C Fancy Young Hens. BUTTERINE Liberty Nut Oleo.. ■ • -20^ Evergood Butterine, 2lb. pkg.48** Evergood Butterine, 5-lb. pkg. . . .JgJ .20 Danish Pioneer Creamery Butter. , 39f Evaporated Milk, 3 cans.28^ Fancy Sweet Corn.IOC* Buehler Bros. Royal Coffee.45f Buehler Bros. Peaberry Coffee.I5i)* Gesundheit Malt, can.oOc* I Expressan^Mail Urdcri hilled M DillCADDI C Ripe Fmcy Fruit Each 10c I riUCArrLC -cin ’em Now- I JELLO Assorted Flavors PKg. 10c Milk Pit or Carnation Can 10c SUGAR G'V:!fd 10 Lbs. 84c LUX CANNED FRUIT ^ PRUNES " 2 Lbs. 37c SALAD DRESSING Premier' 39c SANI-FLUSH 2 Cans 39c POST TOASTIES 3 for 25c CORN FLAKES 3 for 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables COOKING APPLES—10 lb*. 55c GRAPEFRUIT—Indian River, thin skin, juicy, aeedless, 4 for.wUC NEW POTATOES—4 Iba. Og for .&DC GREEN BEANS—Extra fancy, stringless, lb.;... « • C CUCUMBERS—Choice Southern, 1 A slender, each .... 1UC BANANAS—3 iba. 25c HEAD LETTUCE—Ice- -J O 1 and -I g* berg, extra large . JLdZIOC CARROTS—Nice French Carrot*. Og ^ 2 bunches . d£OC STRAWBERRIES -Red. delicious. ONIONS—Homegrown, fg RADISHES — Homegrown, jg • ASPARAGUS—Homegrown, Og POP “Whistle." per rase Af\ (40c rebate on returned empties!. O 1 •<TV/ COFFEE asrra: $1.31|MAlT-“Purilan"-Can 63c BUTTER “Seward” “Idlewilde” Lb. 43e FLOUR Blue Bell «Lb. saS $1.59 __DUNDEE AND WEST- -CENTRAL—CUMING TO LEAVENWORTH — W'A 6*75 Newman, Ren 5203 Leavenworth HA 07*2 t alifornia Croc. A Meats .... .1228 California WA 0286—Knudsan, H. .1.*8*7 Cumin* AT OSAR—Rosen, J. .. .... 27*9 Da>*«|w>it W A IRS2 Clifton Hill Grocery. 2211 Military Are. IA 39JS —Rosenberg A Ca _.. 402 N. 24th W A 420*-Wolf*. C. N. A Son. . *111 Mayla JA 1098- Wesin. C. P. Grocery lo. 2001 Cumin* AT *2*2 Kosenblum. L. Grot, to. *0* N l*ih - NORTH—CUMING TO AMES AVE. ~ IIA 01*8 Sommr. Bros . 2*01 Taman, WT. 1021 Moeller Bros. .170* Clarb HA 3*8*—Jacbaon Street Grocery 3424 Jackson WE 1902 -Flnbensteln, A.2002 N. *«th HA 0420 Albsrt, Louis . 3*22 Leo.enwo'tb WE 2141 - Eionnmjf Grot A MmIi . 27th and J* anl I HA 4t#l Meyer's Leavenwoith l.roi . 2*1* l savr nws1 'k H WE t«7S- Ki.s.nblstt A Son. 2*0* N t*th SOUTH LEAVENWORTH TO SOUTH OMAHA- - WE 2437 — Hughes. D. J. ... .3*0* N. 1*th JA 1667 Nielsen's Grocery end Merits.. 1002 S. 24th EE 0*0*- Pankrals, Otto A Co.390* N. *4th St. HA 0648 Newman Julius *342 Ptik Ave, NORTH—AMES All TO FLORENCE "A ll*» C.isbsm. J R A Son ISAS S 29tN hi 0988 < ollas 4*02 N, 30lh HA 0661 Ronsn, Wm A Son ... 3701 (.old KT 0082 K nppig, J H 4702 N 30th JA 3863 Asorin, Han > .. .. *330 S *0tn M 031* Myoroon, Myei . 4104 Grand Arc JA 3844 -Stshmer Bros. . *702 S yoth HI 0*60- Kelley, Cbss. F . *720 V 2«th MA 0334 Hsvllh A Fish*. 8014 S. 20ib ! KF 7078 I’c.lmsn Bros 8970 N SOlb MA 0490 United Pincision Stole nil S 24th KT *714 Latimer's t ash Gioceiv *809 N 30lh MA 3*7* Newman. A 141b and l’