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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1924)
Marriage Ruling Meets Approval of M. E. Clergv Cv Omaha Pastor* Favor Plan to Give Ministers Discre tion on Divorced Couples. Melhodist ministers of Omaha art emphatically in accord with the pro posed ruling of the general confer ence of the church to allow them to use their judgment in the second marriage of divorced parties. Some ministers state that the new ruling will fix definitely the responsibility ihe minister must assume when he marries the divorced parties, knowing ail the circumstances of the divorce. "Hereafter the minister will be liable If It ia proved he has performed such a wedding without proper “in quiry.” said Kev. Arthur A. Alack, pastor of the Hanscom Park Metho dist church. “The proposed ruling will not alter the judgment on di vorce which the church already has. Minister Takes Burden. “It will just place the burden of the marriage of divorced parties more upon the minister. He might, he sub ject to trial by the conference if he did not comply with the request. Judgment of the minister means within the bounds of reason.” Rev. N. C. Hanson, pastor of the Clifton Hill Methodist church, de rlares he is not in favor of marrying divorced persons hut thinks the con ference would rule judiciously if the _remarriage of such parties was left to the judgment of the minister. He has only performed one marriage of a div orced person in 39 v ears. "The action of the conference is good.” said Rev. Edgar Merrill Brown, pastor of the Dietz Memorial church. “It will let down the ba'r6 n little.” No Iron-Clad Rule. Rev. C. N. Dawson of Walnut Hill Methodist church believes an iron Had rule on the marriage of divorced persona could hardly be made. "But t good many cases of divorce are justified, so the minister must judge." he Said. Approval w as expressed by Rev. W. B Bliss of the Hirst Memorial church. "If the divorced are innocent and the couple to be married has tlie right conception of marriage who is belter able to judge than the min ister?'' he asked. Rev, Garrett Janssen of the Oak Street Methodist church and Rev. C. <Wilson of the Grace Methodist church said they approve the mea sure. Bankers Hold Banquet. York. May 23.— York county bank ers were guests of the hankers of the city of York at a banquet at Hotel McCloud. Sixteen of the 17 banks In the county were represented. Plates were laid for 70 guests. The hankers plan to meet every three months for discussions. The next meeting will be in August at Bradshaw. DIPLOMAS GIVEN TO 34 AT WYMORE: AVymore, Neb., May 23.—Commence ment exercises ot the Wymore gradu ating class were held in the Method ist church before a large audience. The class is the second largest in the history of the Wymore schools, num bering 31, as against 34 last year. The graduates are George Norton, president: Eugene Brown, vice presi dent; Esther Cuetln, secretary; Mel vin Beverage, Bessie Bingham, Eydla Calkins, Maxine Campbell, Dorothy Cooper. Georgia Coulter. Donald Cut shall. Katherine V’ullwood, Vera Grif ♦ fin, Evelyn Gustafson, Doris Green. .John Helmrlchs, Robert K. Jackson. Dale Lawrence, Alma Lipscomb, Frances Lons, l.ela Marshall. Robert. Mavis. Cecil Mnrek. William Marples. Ellen McBride, Elizabeth Munyan. Katheryn McMaken, Irene Parrish, Edsrnr Pearl, John Plrle, Mildred Polak and Alice Werner. Commence ment address was »?iven by Rev. C. B. Hankins, of the Beatrice Centen nary church. Presentation of the class was by Superintendent E. M. Shont of the Wymore schools and presentation of diplomas by W. L. Jones, president of the Wymore board of education^ Rec Want Ads Produce Results. 400 Hanging Porch Baskets Already Filled for Delivery and a Large Variety of Bedding Plant* DIRECT FROM US YOUR FLORISTS VF.RY MODERATELY PRICED Prospect Hill Florists Janousek Bros., Props. 33d and Parker t>here9f a Difference in Dread Your Family Needs This Bread GROWING CHILDREN and their elders both need bread that furnishes real nutrition, and is appetizing to the taste as well. BETSY ROSS is just that kind of bread. It is packed full of solid food value. Within its tender, gplden brown crusts is a mine of health-sustaining nourish ment, stored there by the scientific methods and choice ingredients used in its making. Milk and honey —two of nature’s richest foods—make BETSY ROSS a loaf of remarkable goodness, both in taste and in genuine food value. You always get BETSY ROSS Bread FRESH, because we deliver it twice each day to your grocer. THE JAY BURNS BAKING COMPANY / i r* m BurgessNash Gompahy. s - "EVERYBODY^ STORE Annual Spring Clearance Sales Throughout the Store Saturday Sale of Blouses ^ O QC Regular 9 dll $3.95 Values Strictly tailored blouses as well as dainty hand made blouses are included in this low-price offering. Of English broadcloth or dimities, with bobbin and mid: . die collars, and French voiles in the newest of stylet an dattractive colors. Th Floor Jersey Silk Undergarments 1/2 Price Regular $2JO to $10.00 Values Vesta, bloomers, step-ins and envelope chemise of jersey silk, daintily trimmed with filet laces, tucks or hand embroidery. In flesh and orchid. Jersey Silk Vests Regularly ^ -| nr $2.95, at $ 1.^0 Extra heavy quality jersey' silk vests in good lengths. Bodice top styles with straps of self-material. Flesh and orchid; sizes to 42. Lisle Union Suits QCr if"r OOC $im Fine quality white lisle sleeveless suits, "Columbine” and “Valora" makes. Fitted shoulders, loose and tight knees, and closed styles. Sizes 34 to 50, but not all sizes in each style. Regular 49c and 59c values. Second Fleer Candy and Jvuts Cream Patties Spice Strings Our candy kitchen offers these Old-fashioned spice string' in rich cream patties in assorted assorted flavors, OQ_ flavors at, OQ. pound . P°und.Pecan Kisses r_n:— A Fresh chopped pecan meat Cream-Uipped dipped in vanilla and PA Caramelettes maple cream, pound.. OUC Pure rream caramels, dipped .Salted Nuts rich fondant in maple and ^ gh vanilla flavors. gQ pM„u,,. pfiuml . C Pound. Salted .Iordan O C i T" *»• •» almond', pound *■ Creamed lea niscuits Salted cashews, qa Fresh cocoanut lea biscuits, pound Ol/C dipped in vanilla fon- _ Salted blanched A fk — dant, pound . VJCFC peanuts, pound ‘TVV Main Floor “La Tausca” Pearls At About V2 Regular Price Appropriate as wedding or graduation gifts. $11.80 18-inch strand, solid white gold, spring d*(? A C ring clasp . spaJ.'TsJ $18.00 30-ineh strand, solid IS 'cOROd white gold, spring d»*7 QC !' iS> Vv 1 riflg clasp . & • ■*' d ] r >{•* xj d ?20.00 2 4-inch strand diamond s • > ^ . $9.95;':? i ll $31.80 80-inch endlesv Js T*. $14.95 M $32.80 18-inch strand, diamond tfOP QC clasp. * Main Floor - —-—————————————— BARGAIN BASEMENT Sports and Outing Garments Men’s Lightweight Children’s Khaki Knickers Outing Suits $1.95 $2.48 (ut in the latent approved - . , , ... i I t- i t * i * . 4U Knickers and middle*, nice* F.iifflmh styIor to si\r the ut- , . . , . . .. f . ...... ly trimmed and complete with Vj10' rVr th* n ui»» Hark tie, comprise these auita. 30 to 42 in the Kffhtsr Sj „ u ' |3 .,5 va,u„. colors. Men’s Golf Hose Men’* Khaki Pant* $1.29 $1.29 Imported Golf Hose V#rv well nistl** Sir.rj -2!t Sizes 9 U to II'a to 42. Regular $1.95 \aUK>». Men’s Riding and Hiking Breeches Of firm klinki drill, faultlessly tai- /*> •* (\r* Inred. Waist sizes 32 to 42. *p _ Jj Annual Clearance Sale of Shoes j $095 a Pair Values to $10.00 Patent strap pumps, black satin and patent opera pumps; black and brown kid or calf oxfords; white kid one-straps; beige sport sandals; beige suede sport one-straps; colonial pumps in patent, black mat kid, airedale suede, black satin, gray suede, low heels. Spanish, French, Cuban, military, low walking heels. Every Sale Final—Broken Size*. Our Entire Stock of La France Shoes Black Boarded Call rf* Q £ Brown Viei Tan Rum... Calf J) OD Patent Leather Black Viei Kid Toney Brown Kid Sixea AAA to D, ^ Sixca AAA to D, 3 to 9. A U 3 to 9. Regular $8.50 nnd $9 Values m *■?.*.i . Maui Floor Lingerie Specials For Saturday Only Step-In Chemise At $2.45 Step in chemise of erepe dr rhn tr'mmeH with lace edges, medallion" and tailored hemstitched bodice tops. Sites 36 to 44. Petticoats At $1.00 Double paneled white sateen petti coat* with hemstitched hem* or seal loped bottom*. Length* 32 to S6 j Shadow proof and amply cut. Princess Slips At $1.95 Excellent quality English sateen, striped or plain, fashion these slips Made with shirring at hips, hemstitched bodice tops and self, non-slip shoulder straps. 20-inch hems. Full length. Sites 36 to 44. Second ! loor Crane’s Stationery Marked at V2 Price Crane’* ream goods, put up in cartons with 120 sheets and 100 envelopes. The highest grade Crane's paper, in white only. Odd Lota of Pound Paper* Pound, 39c. Envelope*, 20c a Package. Good quality nhttc and colored paper*, regularly 75c and j *1.00 a pound, specially priced for clearance. Main I l*m ■ Garden Needs Special ! Lawn Mower* Hoe "Dundee" quality, hall "3 With "id* bearing, self-adjusting, 4- fS i blade and knife machine. V '7 .« « ni o o t h 1 4 inch size . . 912.95 V • jL 1 - * handle - 1 6.inch size. 913.95 c J i A 18-inch size .... $11.95 - *- ^li/C Garden Hose "C.i'odyar Wmgfoot" garde '■**’ ^Spading hose. %.(nrh *i*e, fully g ■> • " *■" ^ F«rL« anteed. 60-foot £7 QCs ! * * OrK* lengths Special. 4> / s^O-|YnTTn p Shovel* ea 95c Reconditioned shovels with a« • l ci r» rotmd points and metal D Metftl l lower Boxe* handles Convenient ^4Q Calvarued iron flower in sue. F.aoh at. *TSeC boxes w i t h self irrigating Wood Flower Boxe* troUKh- r",n,<"1 Krw" Flower boxes, painted green, - 1 ,nch 1<v'8,h - $1.65 30 and 7Q , OQ ^ inch length $1.95 36-inch . . . • JeC» Ol/C 86 inch length. $2.95 frtlll ill I htOI —