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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1924)
Today ft all Street Better Again. How Publicity Hurts. Used Cars for Europe. Bye — 500 Gallons an Hour. ^By ARTHUR BRISBANE^ Stock crept upward a little far ther today. Speculators are getting over the dreadful thoughts that paying a few hundreds of millions to soldiers may ruin the United States—a country that so easily found thousands of millions for patriot-grafters. Washington predicts that Mr. ( oolidge will sign the tax bill. That will cheer everybody in Wall street except the financial dozen that con sider it most un-American and dan gerous to let the people know how much income tax they have been paying- _. If income tax returns were made public it is clear that many pros perous gentlemen would be con siderably worried. Perhaps they are afraid to have the public know how generous and conscientious they are and how fully they pay their income tax. At all events, you know that they are worried and that they object to publicity when you find so many of them anxious *o see the proposed tax bill changed, sacrificing the great tax saving that it would give them, rather than have the publicity clause go through. When the automobile arrived, ^ v-id-fasiiioned carriages, victorias, ” broughams, etc., became worthless here, and a market was found for them in South America where they did not give up horses and carriages so easily. Lately the American problem has been *"how to get rid of second hand automobiles.” Europe, it seems, will help solve that problem. A company, formed to ship sec ond-hand cars to Europe, sends over bargains by the shipload. Money is not as plentiful there as it is here. The “used car,” at a whit tled down price, is attractive. Unloading of used cars abroad "ill be a good thing for Europe,! which needs economy, and a good I thing for the United States, where millions need “a bigger or better car.” Prohibition in America spells profit elsewhere, especially in Scot land and the British West Indies. The lord chief justice of the Bahamas,. Sir Sydney Nettleton, ar rives with the information that Bahaman citizens on Hog island in tend to supply the United States demand for rye whisky. Englishmen don't care for it, they like smoky Scotch. Neverthe less they have built on Hog island a distillery that will turn out 600 gallons of rye whisky an hour. They will sell it on English soil, and it will be the job of law abiding American bootleggers to put it within reach of whisky drinking Americans. The Royal Dutch Shell company of Amsterdam, powerful and effi cient, abandoned efforts to invade 'lie United State oil territory and sells its California oil fields to American interests. The Dutch Shell got $30,000,000 for its oil wells, probably didn’t lose anything and will invest the money in Rus sian oil fields. W hen you go against private oil concerns in the United States you come in contact with real competi tion. Our friends from Amster dam should have tried old Uncle Sam, that would have been easier. ' Getting oil away from him is like taking a stick of peppermint candy from a sick child. In 1923 fires cost the United States more than $500,000,000. Of this wasteful loss at least $350, 000,000 could have been prevented and saved by ordinary precautions. This is a wasteful country from every point of view. Rust need lessly wastes hundreds of millions a year. Carelessness of property owners, encouraged by reckless com petition among gigantically profit able fire insurance companies, costs the country other hundreds of millions. One of these days we shall not be so rich, perhaps, and shall have to economize. It will not be easy to learn. Most important news, to the greatest number of people, is the *•*description of President Coolidge sitting in an air tight chamber, breathing in chlorine gas and air mixed, to cure his cold. British doctors laugh at the “cure.” But that isn’t important. They also laughed at Jenner when he talked about preventing smallpox by vac cination. They wouldn’t laugh now at that idea. If the chlorine gas treatment does what it may reasonably be ex pected to do, there will he an in haling room in every school, big business building and hotel. The time saved by curing colds in a few hours would irake up for the loss caused by fire and rust. (Copyright. 19:4.) 3 DEAD, I HURT, ' IN SHOOTING FRAY Kdmonton, Alta., May 23.—Three men were dead and a fourth mortally wounded a* a result of a. shoot ing affray yesterday on the Saddle Lake Indian reaervatlon near St. Paul I>e Metla. about 100 miles from here, according to brief reports re ceived here. The slayer Is at large. It la thought that the shooting was the result of a quarrel between Indians and Illicit liquor aellera. VOLCANO HURLS ROCKS 2 MILES Honolulu May *3—Rocks wsre hurled two miles In the latest out burst of Kllaueaii volcano. The latest violent eruption was preceded by earthquakes and accom panied by heavy ahowera. •Sightseers continue to flock as close aa they are permitted to go by rangers on duty about ths mountain.] ~ To..ted Veils and Bands Marshmallow. Each, 69c Pound 49C Vain*# From Me to $1.35 ! Fresh marshmallows, rolled Va"t*. Carter and Tiny Tot in sweet toasted cocoanut, makes; silk and wool, or cot prepared in our own kitchen. ,on and wocl* slzee, to Main Floor—Wrst ® yean. Third Floor—East 10c Single Mesh 1.75 Hair Clippers 59c Women’s Humanet Hair Nets « QQ Mercerised Vests t for 25c r l’-* . 39c AB .h.d.. ta or frlnt. F°r b»bbed b»‘f- Full bleach; bodice or hand I | a^y]a> bize UU. top; regular and extra sizes. Mala Floor—South Mala Floor—West Mala Floor—Wo»t Salted Children'* Mixed Nuts Half Hose Pound 59c 1 j Pair, 25c Almonds pecans, filberts. Whit* and colors, with pret Jumbo blanched peanuts and ty, itriped topi. Site* 4 to ! cashaw nuts. M.ln Floor—W«»l 6H. Third FU*r E.*t 4.98 Values Real Lace Gimps and Camisettes A most attractive assortment in real filet, real Irish and real Venice lace; Peggy collars and Tuxedo collars. Just the accessory for dress or suit. The Brandei* Store—Main Floor Newest Styles in Kaysers Long Silk Gloves Another shipment of silk gloves from Julius Kayser & Co., in a wide variety of styles and every favored shade. Long Gloves Tucks Slip-Ons Gauntlets Puffs Fancy Embroideries 2.00 1.65 Long glove! In 16-button gloves Milanese silk; neavv - . ... ... two-toned e m b r o i- of 8P,<fnd,d Quality dered backs or Paris tricot ailk; Paris point stitching. point stitching. Saturday Glove Special 2.00 to 3.00 Values, Silk 1 fA Gauntlet Gloves, Pair, l.JU Extreme novelties in wanted colors. All sizes in the lot, but not every size in every color. Main Floor—North Saturday-^ A One-Day Sale of 155 Sold up to 55.00 2522 Twills Tricoshams Camels Hair English Mixtures Scotch Plaids Checks This is not a purchase made for a special sale, these are coats from our regular stock—coats that have been priced never lower than 35.00 and some of them to 55.00. - They are of light and dark materials, handsomely tailored and finished, and all beautifully lined with silks. Some have trim mings of summer furs, others with braid and fancy bandings. Misses' Sizes Extra Sizes, 44 to 52 Women's Sizes 14 to 20 The Brandeie Store—Second Floor 36 to 44 Summer Hats Values to 13,50 4§0 050 750 Canton Crepe ' Hair Braid Georgette Leghorn Milan Silk and Straw Sport Hats An unusual opportunity to purchase a mid 2J>0 to 5.00 summer hat at a most moderate price, it Felt and hemp combi- is a beautiful selection, and in style to wear sand, and new blue. with summer dresses. ■raidih Stor*—3««*a4 Flaor Sunbeam Apron Frocks 2.29 Made of imported Jacquelin, Ren frew, Braelock, and tissue ging hams, Flaxon, and barred swisses; daintly trimmed with hand em broidery, ruffles, hemstitching, pipings and pockets. A large as sortment of colors and white. Sizes 36 to 54. Tbo BrandaU Stora—Third Floor—South A Special Sale of Mesh Bags Values 5.00 to 7.50 21* This is a special purchase from the famous manufacturer, the Whiting & Davis Co. Styles in Opera, Pouch, Envelope, Gothic Exceptional values In gold and silver-plated bags in a pleasing variety of shapes, with solid, one piece frame and chain, or pan nier handles. Really beautiful • and serviceable bags and at un questionably the lowest possible price. Tho Brandol* Store—Main Floor—Eat! Saturday—Specially Priced Hosiery 2,00 Values 2,SO Values 2,25 Values Fine Chiffon Hose Pure Silk Hose Pair 1.95 Silk Hose Pair 1 QQ Silk from top to toe in the clear- Q_• 1 C? A X est, sheerest chiffon. Nude, gun- rtMlT ^ metal, sunset, dawn and the new * Chiffon and thread silk; all shade, peau, made especially to be Hoary, medium, light weight hose, full fashioned and reinforced. worn with white shoes. Also linen and clear, delicate chiffon. Color*: Dawn, fawn, peach, apricot, dr*SB *nd ('port ^“des—Chines* naturelle, nude, sand, brown, rpd- springtime, Nile, crab apple, beige, gunmetal, eiredale, wood, sunset, airedale, tanbark. Illusion, poudre blue, green, i0K cabin, tanbark, and peach, gunmetal, black and soft Yuchi red. ,si*M to 10. brown tone.. Sizes 8 to The Brandeis store—Main Floor—North See our colored out sizes in beige, , _ nude, and dawn. A Special Showing of Our Munsingwear Hosiery A Brand Made by the Famous Makers of Munsing Underwear and Sold Exclusively by The Brandeis Store--A Stocking Made for Service All oilk rrom lop to loe 2.95 Reinforced; good weight; black only. Silk With Ribbed Top Semi-fashioned; well rein forced ; mercerized lisle rib bed W»p; mock seam; black only. Fine Mercerized Lisle Semi-fashioned; mock seam: black and white. Thread Silk and Fiber Blend 1.00 Semi-fashioned; mercerized lisle top ; mock seam ; in fawn, log cabin and black. Ribbed to the Toe 85c Women’s mercerized lisle sport hose; medium weight; derby rib; seamless; in black, French tan, beaver, piping rock, cordovan, bobolink and and sponge. All Silk, With Fine Lisle Tops 2.00 Reinforced at all points of wear; in black, gun metal, gold, African, a i r e d a 1 e, French nude, polo, beige, sil ver cloth and atmosphere. Silk Mercerized Lisle 1.00 Light weight; flare tops; full fashioned in out sizes and regular sizes; black and white. . 1 ■ ■■ ■ ■■ - —-a. ■■■■■■ 3B3Mr| Saturday=New Novelty Slippers Many new spring styles in ladies’ slippers are arriving daily. You will find them beautiful bodels and popu larly priced. Brandeis Joy Girl” 6.50 In patent leather with Span ish or covered Cuban heel. Very special. 8.50 to 15.00 Pair 300 remaining pairs of our better grades of slippers. Suedes, kid, calf and satins; all sizes. Third Floor—East i * I "Brandeis Sextette" In allover patent leather with Spanish heels, A AA pair, •/•Uv In black satin, trimmed with black kid, Spanish or O PA Cuban block heel, pr., tJ.DU Saturday=Specially Priced Toiletries »1.00 LIQUID ARVOX— At .85c 60c MILK OF MAGNESIA —At.33c BOp GLOSTORIA _33c $1.60 KOLOR-BAC . . 1.19 26p SODIPHENE _l»c 26c W’OODBURY SOAP At .19c BAY RUM—8 o*.29c 25c ANTOINETTE DON ELLY SOAP.17c 15c LUX—Pkft.10c 25c CUTICURA SOAP 19c B5c NUJOI.44c $1.00 BONCILLA_69c BO R * R. CREAM— At .37c BOc FORHAN'S DENTAL CREAM .42c $1.00 COTY'S POWDER At.79c $1.00 GEM OR EVER READY RAZOR_69c 4711 WHITE ROSE GLY CERINE SOAP_19c 50c LASHLUX.49c $1.50 AYERS’ SKIN AND TISSUE BUILDER 1.19 50c MASCARA .29c 25c LIP STICK.15c The Drug Section at the Brandeis Store is recognised by Omaha women as gieing the highest class of toilet ries at unquestionably the lowest prices. $1.00 AUBKY BKAUTl FIER .69c 9S.M MINERALAV.v 98c $1.50 COTY’S NEW MET AL COMPACT .89c 4.50 AMBRE ROYAL EX TRACT—0*.2.98 50c PEPS O D ENT TOOTH PASTE.. 33c *4 00 L'ORIGIN TOILET WATER .2 25 50c SQUIBB’S DENTAL CREAM . 39c 25c HINKLE TABLETS— At .15c 15c MAY BREATH—Pkc «t . ..9c $2.00 AMBRE ROY \L POWDER ..: 98c 25e LILY STOVE POLISH —At . 5c L’OREAL HENNA—Genu ine, *1'. ftlimle*. 98c 4711 EAU DE COLOGNE - At . 49c 4711 BATH SALT 49c Main Fin *1.50 ORIENTAL CREAM —At .1.1* 25c MAVIS TALCUM TOWDER — Special at.He 60c SEMPRAV JOVENAY At .49c 76c FITCH’S SHAMPOO— ! At .49c ■ 60c PANDKR1NE_44c j $2 50 F A U I. T L E S S WEAR EVER WA TER BOTTLE — 2 quart .69c $1.75 BOURJOIS MAN DERINE OR ASH OF ROSE ROUGE — Urge sine .. . 98c PJFR KISS DOUBLE COMPACT POWDER AND ROUGE_$1.29 $1.25 PIVER PERFUME; Per pi.98c 65c ONE POUND THE ATRICAL CREAM . 49c *1.00 PINAUD LILAC VEGETALE . *9. j »r Waal 11.00 MAVIS TOILET WATFR 69c | 11.6ft HAIR CLIPPERS \ —00 sir*.91.39 1 6ftc HOSPITAL COTTON —On* pound.49« 60r KOTEX—On* dosen, •t.49c GAUZE—Medicated ft Td*. lor.S9c 60c AM AMI BATH [fij P O WPER — Special at .39c f 10c CREME OIL SOAP— ! Special at 6c. do*.. . .69c I lftc SAYMAVS SOAP— Special at.9c I 60c POMPEIAN PAY OR {; NIGHT C R E A M— 1 Special at .42c | 60c POMPEIAN FACE POWDER — Special * at.39c I ftftc POND'S COLD OR || vanishing cream— Special at. 24c \ 25c and 35c TOOTH 1 BRUSHES—Special 12c