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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1924)
^orld Peace Meeting Urged on Methodists * _ Proposal for Gathering I.aid Before Church Heads at General Con ference. By Aymiclatril Fred*. Springfield, Mass., May 13.—A pro posal that a. world conference of re ligious forces he railed to consider plans and methods against war was introduced before the Methodist Epis copal gpneral conference here today. The proposal was Incorporated tn a resolution reported tn the confer ence by a special committee of 13. The world conference would he railed by a special commission of the church m he appointed by tha conference be fore final adjournment. The resolution stated: "We sel ourselves to create the will to peace. . . . The glorifica tion of war must end.” The report urged the president to summon another conference of na tions for a more drastic reduction of armaments. ^ Springfield, Mass., May 23.—The following resolution on war was pre sented to the Methodist Episcopal general conference today by a special committee: ‘Millions of our fellownten have died heroically in ‘a war to end war.' What ihey undertook we must finish by methods of peace. War is not inevitable. It is the supipme enemy of mankind. Its futility is beyond question. Its continuance is the sui "i-ide of civilization. We are deter P mined to outlaw the whole war 8>'a Item. ‘‘The patriotism of the Methodiat Episcopal church has never been challenged. Neither our motivea nor our loyalty must be impugned when we insist on the fulfillment of the pledges made to the dead and assert our Christian ideals for the living. Clovernments which ignore the Chris tian conscience of men to peace can not justly claim the lives of men in time of war. Secret diplomacy and political partisanship must not draw men into the dilemma of country and loyalty to Christ.” Tech Festival at Elmwood May 20 p (t>nrcn of May to Bo Crowned at Annual Classic and Pirnic. The annual Technical High school i ,u-in& festival will bs held May 21' in Elmwood park. At the picnic and festival the school will crowrx Its tiueen of the May. The following girls are to take part: Dutch: Burnett** l each, Lola William*, ■yililn-il Dohner. Krnily B***x*k. 1\ at h**ry n Whip BeaUlae, Lucille Ki»h. It,, ton. Mary JlnrUm. Marie »t«ney. i. mii-' Tin*itto. Mareler Mallaln. Ituth iuloiK. Mari** Pollrei*. Florence Palme*. Louis*1 Bermatcr, Grate Pelerteen, Dlai>e fc‘h;*n«ly. Gertruda Haven*, Helene 'Ira n i’vrolean trio: Sylvia Kiiedel, Vivian -lilitum. Mollie Stfrn. eSpphla. W.i *•*-«. * Marian Rkborg, <Mara LouUn. Isabel .loluu, Ltiith Wallan. Florence Mulbene. KeM'-r Itiiinstp-dt. La Orelta L**rrh, Arliim < II. ion Dlnkrl. Katherine Weber, 11 tierb. Christensen. »J\ |»s 1 *** Klale Ambroit, I.avaun Urtirer. L>i It* «;hapen, Kva » ohe*. Lena Co 'aim. I iiirui h '■ llathawa;. Kva Hook, Then*;* ,Ur!i«k Belle Gohlbarf G». rmle <.«..*’ j, er a. Susan .Tnhnion, Dorothy tlrlven. Lillian Levy, Josephine MrCo . Msn.n Morsan. Hazel Lin dee. Pearl '' i Helen Marks. Maxine Peek. Mary Phan • lie**-* Smith. Feld a. Weiner. lle*nl \Y~n\pr, Marian Taylor, Mario Llanken . '".Spanish: Adelle Ms gen. K»br Hop' ! Lila Barker. Rose Jefisep, Mildred John ion. Ruth Carnes. Katherine r»avi». Gra»e Murphy. Marguerite Kuhn June * ombe Ha Babinr, Albertina CarUon Maypole: Magdalen* BohDen. Norma Tooser, Lillian Zaleman, Hose Hhanberg. il il. Iren Sullevan. Grace Wohlford, Avis Plowman. Ruth Sloltodlsky, Jri« Miller. Uulh Jacobsen. Lottie Allen. Beetle ' «'* n ifauaen. Carolyn DmiiioniL Mma Green w a' . Vera Larsen, lv*iaah«th Mills, Nellie ].araeti, Grace BeeUman. \ erna Hilger. Marguret Reed. Anna Shalander *i.l - J erst*'. Fiamcs Hutchison. Kuk* nia Rainey. Alice Soraen. I.ucelle Weldon. Lose Corine. Lillian Lins 11 era Ids : Bonnie Ke line. Martha Krenek ! Crown bearer. Annette Riklm. HERBERTA BARKER TO WED IN EAST Miss Herberta Barker, formerly of Omaha, will he married Alay 29 ot Washington, D. C„ to William A. Wilkinson, Jr., of Philadelphia at the home of her mother, Mrs. Tiara D. Barker. Matron of honor *111 *e Mrs. Haw thorne Daniel of New York, formerly Miss Nelle Ryan of Omaha. Miss Barker s sister. Miss Ethel D. Barker, t Is secretary to Congressman Line * larger of California. Rev. James Nobis Pierce, Firs! Congregational church, Washington, will perform the ceremony. Wilkin son lived in Omaha for a short tirnf MYSTERY TRIPS OF AUTO CLEARED The car of M, Freiden, 1114 South Thirty-fifth avenue, has been disap pearing from his garage nights, hut turning up again In the morning, dust covered and much the worse for D avel, Thursday night It disappeared enr jj,M than usual and Frleden hid in the garage and waited for Its return. Bruce, IS, and Mark Patterson, IB. 1H14 Nicholas street, presently drove up the machine. They were jailed and later Thursday night implicated Edward Jacobsen, IS, same address, who was also arrested. DAVIDSON CHOSEN N. E. L. A. OFFICER Atlantic City, N. J.. May 23 — Franklin T. Griffith, president of the Portland Klectric Power company, Portland, Ore , today was unanimous j»/ elected president of the National Electric Light association In conven tion here. Other officers elected in cluded James E. Davidson, Omaha, second vice prealdent. Tuberculosis Victim. Agdentina Grace, 32, wife of Victor H. Grace, died Thursday at ttie home. JO It) Pacific street, of tuberculosis. Airs, Grace Is survived by her hue hand, thrpe sons, her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Tony De Stephann; two sis tent and a brother. Funeral services will he held Satin day, 1 30 p. m., si the home, and at •k. Ann ch«reh at !, I ' r~ Men Who Are Making Omaha i- - - - - , ___/ s • \ ; \ . L - A canny Hcotcnmnn is .John M. Gil christ, prrsid nt of the John SI. Gil chlist company, certified public nr fountains and federal tax consultants. He \va*s one of the first in this pro fession in this part of the country, coming here 22 years ago and hang !ng put his shingle. It was large ly through his efforts that the certi fied public accountant law was passed in Nebraska in 1909. He was the first president of the Nebraska state board of examiners and he has certi ficate No. 1 hanging on tig1 walls of his office in the Rankers Reserve Rife building. lie is "the man who checks Omaha's business affairs.” More than any other individual, he knows the inside history, financial condition and fed eral tax problems of the large corpor ations and business enterprises of this section >f the country. But. like the proverbial Scot, he is "close mouthed.” He says "my clients pay me to keep my mouth shut on their business affairs to out siders.'' lie was born in Glasgow, usually pronounced “Glesgi.” At an early .age lie oust his eyes across the west * in sen ami then boarded one of the numerous ships in the harbor of his native tgwn and came to the t\ S. A. in 1882. After trying out other sec tions, he decided that Omaha was the best. His chief public work in building up Omaha has been in the develop ment of Happy Hollow club. Oolf is his hobby, particularly Happy Hollow golf. He has been sec retary of that club for the last 10 years and i«» now chairman of the finance committee, whooh is con structing Omaha's first 27-hole golf course. The club has already put $170,000 into this new Hite through the efforts of Its own members, and work on the new 1580,000 clubhouse will he started this fall. timing the nine years that he has been chairman of the finance commit tee the club’s income has exceeded its expenditure every year but one, an exceptional record for a country club. Jlc is honorary chairman of the executive committee for the middle west convention of the American In stituta of Accountants’ which meets here beginning today. Judge Goss Upheld Personal Rights in Recent Engine Quarrel at Blair A decision, which if attracting un usual interest among Nebraska citiis, is that given recently bv District Judge (Joss in fhe case of John II. Aye. mayor of Blair, who sought an injunction to stop the citizens from calling a referendum election to de cide whether th‘ city should spend 12.4.000 for a new engine for the uci* nh ipal light, power and water plant. Tim cylinder of one of the two ■team engines used had become badly ■cored and the city council on Apiii 12 voted to buy the new engine from Fairhnnks,, Morse A t'o., Omaha. While referendum petitions were being circulated the mayor, who had just lmen defeated for reflection hut was still in office, filed the injunction suit. Judge floss found that the resolu tion, under which the city council 'voted to buy the new engine, pin vided that the council could, in an emergency, order "the repair or restoration of any improvement/* Purchase of a new engine was neither "repair” nor "restoration” he decided. The scored cylinder could have been rebored or a new cylinder could have been installed, ins opinion said. ‘T find no reason in fact or in law to prevent tlie electors from saying whether they will buy a new unit or will require their servants to repair tile old,” nays the opinion. "In these days, when purchasing power of money is not increasing, ea* h lias a light to decide fur himself whether lie will get his old shoes half'-soled or buy a new pair. The right to decide an issue bv vote is just as d*ar.” The injunction was denied. The election was held and the voters de cided by a vote of 775 to 1*0 against buying the new engine. PURSE IS FOUND; 2 ARE ARRESTED The purse of Mrs. Maggie lYmey, 23:12 North Kightecnth street, whidi w«im lost recently, has been recovered hv police who have arrested William (Reason. 3301 Howard street, and Louis Williams, 1219 12 South Six tecnth street. In connection with the rase. The purse, containing $83 in government postal rei t iflcalts Is al le: to have hern found in posses sion of the pair. officers are now seeking a woman who called Mrs. I’rmey and offered to ieturn the purse for n $10 reward, which Mrs. Irmey decline*! to pay. The purse and certificates were lost in the postoffice. SPANISH CAPTIVE STILL IN PRISON The Spanish captive is still in jail. Hurry Kavich, *22 North Sixteenth meet, received a letter Thursday in • i « eat confidence from the captive, who, according to the I’ostoffire de partment, has written to at least 000,000 persons in the lulled States in tlie last 23 year*. Many of them prove to he "suckers," sending by cable the "expenses of trial and stor age charges on my portmanteau." The portinautean, be it known, has a secret pocket in which ato con cealed $3(10,000. One-third of this is offered to the "sucker." MAX RUBIN TECH CLASS PRESIDENT Max Rubin has been chosen presi dent of the summer class of Tech niral High school graduates. Other • fficers are John Doarn, 'tee preal dept; Margaret Margolin, treasurer; Lillian Pelican, secretary; Kugene Truax, reporter. The representatives In the welfare council of the school are firetrhen Heine and Harold Gray. There are 11 hoys and 40 girls in the class. WIFE ASKS THIRD DIVORCE DECREE Her third strike In the divorce court will be "out" Mrs. Leila <'tinnlugham indicated on the witness eland Friday in her suit against Hiram Cunning ham, former policeman. Twice heretofore she obtained a dl vorce and then they were reconciled ■ ml had the decree set aside. Thev w m e married in lintl and separated the last time in January, lit2 3. He draws n police pension of $82.30. Nothing so much prevents our be Ing natural as the dean* of appear ing eo.—Miami Beach Tribune, ELOPERS’ NUPTIAL. VESSEL ON ROCKS The elopincnt of Catherine ami Lawrence amt their mat nape in Coun «il Bluff* was not a success, she testi fied in domestic relations court befm « Judge (Jos* Friday in lit-r suit for di vorce against J-awrence i,afferty. Catherine is 20 now, pretty amt wore a toque down over her dark, bobbed hair. She lives in the Drake court, lh* turned out to be a drunk.ud and came borne and beat me," jdi« said. ‘'The last HTpe was the night of Fein uqry 27, 192-5. I haven't heard of him since. He never supported me.” "Why did you go to Council Fluffs to be married?” asked the judge. "Because we didn't want our pat ients to stop ii*. 1 was only 19.” Leah Kilkenny, Drake court, testi fieri that the husband was "drunken and worthies.*.” BOY TAKEN FROM RIVER VIEW DIES Alfonso Hawkins, 1 4. 3301 Burdette street, died within an hour after lie was taken from Hiverview home this morning. Thu boy was confined to the home for Incorrigibility two week* ago. Mis. Lather Johnson of the welfaie board called Ids mother, Mrs. Klla Hawkins, and advised iter that the lad was sick and that she was having him taken home. When Alfonsos father visited him nt the home Thursday, the son was In best of health. The body hss been turned over to the coroner. No investigation will )*» held. MOTORIST FINED TO “TELL WORLD” K. M. Ockner. Sioux City, lined $23 and < osts In municipal court here Fri day for speeding, on leaving the court room angrily declared he would give his story to every newspaper In Iowa for the benefit of motorists. "If he cuiiics here again and the evidence is as good as it was in this case 1 11 givti him 30 days in jail," said Judge Hlutu lnird. DAMAGES ASKED FOR COLLISION Suit for fkttJ damages was tiled Fri day by Daniel Butler In beluilf of bis son, Matvey, a minor, against Charles (Jrccr and llalph L ( a-on. The amount is for damages done to his ear and Injuries his "on suffered >vhen his n»a« hint Has struck by that of Cason May 16 near Crescent, la Roads Here Say * •/ Business Good Traffic Heavier Than Year Ago; Slump in Hast. Western railroads, at least the principal ones which pass through or make Omaha their terminal, are not contemplating cutting down forces be cause of decreased business, accord I ing to local officials. In contrast to reports that eastern! roads are cutting forces or working hours because of decreased traffic, Burlington officials here cited figures to prove that Burlington lines west! of the Missouri river are doing more business than during the same period a year ago. For example, on Thursday 196 cars of grain were loaded in Nebraska on Burlington lines, compared to 65 cars on the same day a year ago. In May, 8,900 more cars were moved on Burlington lines west than during the corresponding month of 1923. This Increase is largely due to grain and livestock business in Nebraska, according to f*. E. Gray, chief clerk to the general manager of Burling ton lines west. "W$ are maintaining a normal force in our shops at Havelock and Blattsmouth,” said Gray. “The in creased business has made It neces sary to keep our forces going six •lays a week now, and during the last two weeks they have been working on the regular schedule." Officials of jthe I’nlon Pacific also declared that no general decrease In forces has been necessary, hut said that it is probable that a two day layoff will he given the men in the local shops, probably beginning May 29. Sunday School to Study Nature Groups at First Methodist Church to \ isit Fon teneile Forest. I. eaons for the day will he learned from nature and not from a text book Sunday when students in the primary, junior and intermediate sec tions of the First Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday school take a hike through Fontenelle forest, Rev. Peter Jacob* has announced. The students in these sections are to he ready to leave the church at 2 Hunday afternoon. Approximately 100 automobiles are to he ready to transport them to Camp Brewster and from the camp they are to walk to the forest. J. H. Ready, superintendent of the Sunday school, is to be in charge of the children. Parents have also been invited. Hr. H. Gifford, nature student, la to address the group at Camp Brewster and give tlie children final instructions. l>rs. William F. and Jennie M will drive a first aid auto inobile. Three nurses are to care for anyone who is taken ill or injured. John Fitzroberts, president of the Audubon society, is to speak to the students in Fontenelle forest of the birds and woods flowers * of Ne braska. Everyone who goes on the trip is to carry a bird and flower guide. Each group is to keep track of all the birds and flowers seen. Supper is to he served in the woods. The Boy Scout, troop of the church will prepare the camp fire. T1EUP OF BANK ACCOUNTS ENDS Grand Island. Neb , May 23.—More rapid than ever Its stockholder* dared to hope for ha* been the return to normal condition* of the a fa firs of the Grand Inland National hank which announce* the complete release to all depositors of all checking ac counts. The batik Was dosed on January 19 because of a temporary run on the preceding day. Death of the bank * president some months previous; difficulties in re organizing because of the tieing up of.-stock in the estate; a quantity of frozen paper and unwarranted gossip, were various factors But the stock of the Mile* estate was finally obtain ed by others, voluntary aettlenifnt and sacrifices were made hv other dire* tors and stockholders and the hank on April 4 reopened with J F Gonte.s ns president. The hank was able. 10 day* after the reopening, to release all of the first year’s de ferrod payments. It i* r\ow* 4’0 days after the reopening, releasing all the checking account* making 1400,000 mote Immediately available for Hr dilation. These accounts were not to have been released until the end of two years. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES I9i* per line rirh day, 1 nr I day* 1 7• • i*t l»n»» eh( h tiny, S or t* day*. Ific per tins each day. 7 day*. I fu* per line <•«' h day. dava. <Ma*« fird Ad# m-cnifd at tha following office* Main Off Ira.17th and Fa main ^owfh Omaha . N \v. Cor. Mth and N H « t’nnncll H uff* .. If* ott St 11'* par llna **< h day. I or I day* 15r par lina aa< h day, I or I dava lfo per line each day. 7 dajra or longer et-ORINQ HOUni FOR Cf .AB8JF! J6B APR Aliening Fdltlon . * P m Fvenlng Kdtnon . Ilfl" * m Sunday Kdltlon. • t'o p m. Saturday either rharga or caah order a. Telephone ATlantlr I0GG Til F F! V 1C NT It Cl MFIF TTIF. m.MAIIA MOilMMi HER _ VN’NIM^MT.MI- VI S. Funeral Notices. 1 him !S< HJtilT Ou 1.1 v t pa • ad on. local hospital, Thu rail ay. 'In'- J J Its la am \ jv«*<l l>\* his father, broth*” William: i lire•• elatere, Marina, Kllaabeth and Kipitia. Tip* body will hr forwarded from tic* 1<eallo i» MiintA l<'nneral ll<*im. Twenty fourth .* ml \V Irt atieeta. to I* yh Ncl*. when* funeral a**rvlcea will l»« . oiulu* led Sunday a ft er noon. -- --- -. ’ ■ 1 1 Vnulls mill Monument.. "Automatic Heating" Ton* re to ImrUtl \ tulf* i • com iiit*?i(|eil l»y all IradtcK under 1.1 her a. | St f k hv tunalin (*0111 rrt# Hiii'tnl Vault t'o. j ■--- 1 -- 1 l iineiMl Director*. T M At V v HI M I'ndertakera and rmhilmiu Phono HA t.ifflr# Ml I irmm (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1IID | Funeral Directors. M BRA I LEY & DOHRANCB. 1423 (’I’M I.Nl> ST.. JA. 6526 KORISKO FUNERAL HOME 22d and O Sts 1260 8 iSth St MA. 06.10. AT. 1478 JOHN A UKNTLKMAN 3 4 11 l-'jrn.i in St H V.) F F M ANN A M BIT LA N C K I>dge at 24th. Kunere! Directors. .1A^ 2901 N. 1'. SWANSON. 17T1! AND CUMING Ouiet. Dignified Supervision PUFFY A* JOHNSTON. 311 3. 8,'id. new funeral home. HA. 0417 O. O. HAYNK8 FUNERAL HOAFE. 292 0 N. J 41 >i St.KK. 0257. HUI„SH IUKFEN. Funeral directors. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1229 LESLIE O. MOORE. .'4th and Wirt. WE. 00 4 L • (cmetciics. 4 VISIT FOREST 1-AWN WEST OF FLORENCE Fo rent I .awn Cemetery »" a Plate nf peace • here beautiful green lawns and manv tr.-oe delight, the <»y* and afford pleaaant memories of the last resting place of the departed. Lot owners should place th*'*r orders for flower heda at the green hou«*e now. Office at the Cemetery (North of City I.units) and 720 Hrandeia Theater Bldg. jjb Florist*. 5 ROGERS. Florist, 24th Farnam. JA. 840C JOHN PATH i> j F.iriiam. JA. 1900 Personals, 91 TJiE SALVATION Army Induatrial home solicits your old clothing furniture, m a ga sifies. \\u collact. N\ e distribute. Phone JA. 4136 and our wagon will call. Cull and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 1 o-dge ancet.___ I RANCAIFK Beauty Parlor. dreeatnak-j ing. nhingle bobbing, pcalp treatment and1 ail kinds of facials (live us a call. HA. and Cuming SMa. ti. JACOBS. MASSAGES. 119 Arthur Bldg. WILL give good home to 1 or 2 rhil .1 r n W i: 71 4 !| I#ost and Found. 10 DOG—Lost, Collie, near I.nkonu Country club. Had new rolled leather collar. Year old. Reward. Tom Kelly, AT. 0861, or Ralston 4 1. LOST—About 8 o'clock Thursday p. m., a bead necklace insula gteen fheet of W. - If. Finder call WA. 0662 or WA. 0608. Reward LOST—Brown leather card case contain ing membership and visiting cards. Cal] HA. 1728 for reward. PIN—T.ost. gold Crescent with Indy's head, 3 clovers anil pearls. HA. IOO'j. _AI^TOMOIULKS._ Automobiles for 8a!o. 11 DEPENDABLE USED CARS. 1922 Ford Medan, motor good, \ery good rubber •. 1235 Ford sedan, starter and demountable rim* * motor very good....|15Q A good clean laie 192 2 Ford coup**; just overhauled; good tires, finish and upholstery good. . . 1300 Ford touring, good serviceable con dition . 360 192ft Ford touring; starter. motor good, new* t ip. upholstery good $125 1923 Ford roadster, starter, new paint, rubber good, motor Juat overhauled. . Special bargain at . $2'6 TV B. Chevrolet sedan, in good run ning condition. Best buy in Omaha 1 | HANNA N-VAN BRUNT. INC. Farnam at Boulevard HA. OS*14. Used (Tar Department. CHEVROLET REDAN. 1923. In fine shape, looks and runs like new A bargain at $o.'-U. Terms. WE. 6147 NEW and used auto parts for all makes of cara nr special reduced prices. KAPLAN AUTO PARTS. 2111 Nicholas JA. 8410 NEW used cars ana trucks. Terms Trade. CJOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 2113 HARNEY ST AT. 6 S 46 OPEN EVENINGS USED CAKI O. N. Bonney Motor C«. 2164 Farnam. MURPHY 1HD ITS Down town used car store. 1410 Jsckwon, AT. 4411 GOOD USED OARS HUY YOURS AT GUY L. SMITH l« litD Tt »t RING New too Hit»k|era, a good tunning motor, >:- we n;r AIRPLANE f<»r sale cheap for cash N•*w engine 0*5. in perfect rendition. Write a p t a i n D Ft• 11 c r • • FOR SALK -192! Dodr»- coiipi. A-l con dIt Ion. Phone H.V aa + r._ FORD 1 ii li mi d - Ifaaatera, In fne shape $19', term* WP 9479 N A S H V Ft I K S K M A AFT* * CO USED CAR STORE. I V 4 Farnam AT 4 ’ 8r’ FOR I )S—DODG ES— HUU_K S t 01 S 24th Tel yrA 5090 'I mi l.s for Sale. 12 ONE to three-?on used trucks terms can 9m arranged. International Harvester Co of America 714-16 S. 1 ©t h St \uto \tTt'worlf4, I’art*. 16 GUARANTEED new arid uged auto parts at a *D»* ial cut uric- Nebraska Ante* Parts. 1016 1* ltarnev St JA. 4931. and 1*2ti6 t’uniinn St . AT. 1t~0 Senlce Stations, Kcpn’tim;. I# INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS Rayflejd carburetor arid h.avinann mag Heiu service AT. 3660 P MLLCHOIRS A SON 417 N 1.VTH -,- — -- ^ "ISIV* S1SI5UN I _ litihiupH* Sersirr* Offered. ?l NEW CLEANERS with attachments d II \ e i ^d 61 pet da;. Mr Bones, At 101 1. I OWN a new 1-tcin truck will contract monthlv or tonnage, J*15 North 24th. WEB 3 473. GAS at oven, water hen * era con nested and pipe fitting hv contract. JA 1774 Millinery—OrnsHmnkinc 25 ACCORDION. aide, knife, hot pleating, 4lvf>re«i buttons, all atvles; hcmaGfchlrtg buttonhole*. Write Ideal Buttou and Pleating Co., 30k Drown Block, Omaha, Neb Telephone .1A 1926 NEB PLEATING CO Herfiatili hhtg Cover ’d Huttons. IR64 i . nd I rA. lift Mot lug—Tnirkliip—Storage 36 FI HE LIT) HTUKAUK A- VAN *CU. MOVING PACKING 8T< Ht AGE 9tHIPPINO llonfli-tiold goods, office furniture, autoe 1107 ii Howard ht. ja «2»i. * PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING, HToRTNO h-nr fur nisi u t t .1 \ BEK INS OMAHA \ A N Jk STORAGE ICih and Leaven worth Sta Pn king, mov in) at or 21 pe, shipping. JA. 4162 GORDON'S FIREPROOF WIISL A VAN 219 North 11th St. Phone .1A 1032; mov ing. i »■ king a- nr n . ehlpp ng l*a ini ini: and PapcrltiR, 37 Dtt.NT TAKF. A CHANCE f mpl«>\ m maner painter and decorator Painting and decorating, special discount on wall paper FRED PARKS TAINT STORK. 47Q4 S, 84th IT | if | If A '’ftt PAIN' 6««lai. Ca WA 4 9 9 h .—.— ' —... Patent \tttiriiry». 2H 634 Patera Trust Bldg., Omaha, also Washington Double service. • eg 1 f«e Also halo aeil patents rrintitiB—Slal lottery. I "MMKIU IAL PRINTING Eddy Prlntifip lo. 211 Hunt It 18th Ht 9*ho«ta JA 60&9 ICrpniring. 31 i SI D and new Sewing Iii4<ntnc« S*|H ing tnachinca and vlrtrolaa repatrad Rent machines. |i per week. I.i per mo MICK EL MUSIC HOUSE IUh and Herne) AT. 43|l Kotiov:iting and l)>t*ltiK. M2 • III.-'do fl .mi veil! mvn |< it lie, l. We will ' *1 t d- • ! PI# < .1 \ I-. I Mi l n\ MIM lli'lp \\ anted Frmulr M6 I.NRoLL at the larg’Sl » crap* <'Uiatei i bool, IQO Courtney Bldg JA 1 499. EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female. 3fi WANTKU- M i:.V Tn MURN BA IIHKH l'RAPK. Good money-making ttade. Our j well known mur?>; qua:if * * you for best job* ami big wages I jv and evening class#* I'ai! .<r write Me' UK HAKU.UK1, ut i|,i.i-:<;k( 169 Bout to Street, i l.AMKS- ».VK TK'i'll KUAUTV CUL , ri’KU Onr practitwl cum*#.- qualifies you |, for top notch vagr* Position* wuitinr ! Can earn more moo. v than Mt any other . trade. Day or evening t laaaei Call <-r write. Mol.Kit COLLEGE. loj» >• i5fh .St. WANTED I.tidies jit‘this locality to em broider limn* for is at home during their leisure moment* Write at once. Fashion Embroideries. 601 I,lina. O. ( WOMEN to travel, $ u: .< inofitn and ex pensea guaranteed, no selling KK. 07 44 " ANTED—-V. aitreas. Hooper Inn. Hooper, Neb. Ileip Wanted—Male, 81 WANTED Plasterer* at J.inroln, N^b. Wage* $10 per d.i\. Work on the Amcr '• nil plan. •| address (Ino " right. 27 17 Htratford Ave , Lincoln. phone K-2744. or Waiter Stewart. 4140 A St.. Lincoln. Neb., phone K-2 19. ALL MEN. worivu. onvtt. girl*. 17 in 45, willing to aropi government position*. $117-1250 (traveling or stationary > Write Mr. Ozment. 1S6. St. Louis. Mo., im mediately. 2 «»lt g-M.d Milf-smen. •■olored, to make to $10 a day (.'all 3139 Farnam. Ilflp Wanted—.Male anil Female. 3* C’fiKKKS for government position# Wash ington and \our *!att I1.4U0 00 year ly. Experience unruo.e*ary. Full particu lar* frc« kv writing G. W Bobbins. »*ivil S.-rvico Export. 171 Bun hell Hide . Wash ington. I«' MILS' AND WOMEN wanted to read and *eii .\ cl ha way Cau casian Cash prize* offered for next Mon day. Copy 25c. (’. I. Nethaway (FLOR ENCE i, Omaha. Neb. KK. 1409. Salesmen anil Agent*. 39 WB desire «al*MTnnn "hi has an e»t.ib i shed trade 'with '.he clothing and gen et al stores in the slate of Nebraska, to carry our line in (un.ip< lion with kin dred line, only those w(< h ab-ive quail fit ntion* ri' - d aiiply. (»ur line consist* nf So.-pcod-rK* it.-. \* u Il udker chi«fj Garters, etc The Mini" •«» be sold on strictly comin ission basis Give pres ent line referen I o ML iff <n t»*n (ory, and oilier neccss.irv Informxtion tn first Inter Non h\>. •• tern Suspender Company. Dea Moines. la.. WANTED—Salesman to represent our. lug gage line in Nebraska and part of we«t •*ni Idaho. Apply Herbert & Meisel Trunk Co. St. Louis. Mo. AGENTS clear $15 to $30 a day selling Darn K-Z. cold patch for stockings. Wheaton Laboratories. La Crosse. Wis. HKnUmi WuM—Mato. 41 MARRIED man wishes change in posi tion; garage and storage experience. Can take full charge a* foreman where high c la as trade is li and led. Day work. E-1 1 25, Omaha Be#*. 11 vwci \i.. Invrslmrnt—Slwk«—llnnils. 4,1 LOW HATK on city property, quickly closed; no monthly payment*. JA. 1533 W. T. Graham. M A ANDERSON CO. 5107 IG * ' -*■ ,1 • Si ~ •1 • '. cl > and kindred In* lloal Lai ate Loans. 41 MONEY TO LOAN . On J »t a rnl 2d Mortgages. We buy outright lor ■ #»h Existing mortgagm, and land contracts. Prompt Action II A WOLF i’O., *>2 Saunders- Kerin* d B;dg. AT. 3160. ’ 0 M A H A HOMES —EAST NKR FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. Om Nat. Bk. B!Jg JA 2715 SIX D*r tent loans on Omaha residence* Cash on hand Prompt service. J£ H Lcucee In- :. 34 K • #*.' n <* 14idr SECOND mortgages or contract* pur ' dared hv Tukev Company. 620 First Na 1'hi.t! Rank JA 4222 T AVILL bu • in rtgages and contract* Cork n 94H Om Nat B dc . Omaha Neb -'? AND *5 PER CENT—No DEI AY* CAlt VI.N I1HOS. 6 4 5 Omaha Nat H'dff Farm Lu.m * on west Neh. and N E. Colo •* l - -<• 1 \ <■-•no n’ Ci» . Omaha. Money to Loan. 45 THIS COMPANY 1 S < > H (*, A.S’IZKI) To su;piy voui money wants In the same ** a> Hal ban * * ipplv the in«Ocy wane, nf the busln- * community Anv amount imined up to $5 00 and you , (an repay It *n ea»v monthly travmsnt* (»ur eauai La m*-nt p’an reus v s the loan at «J ad « barges. •• h..'.* be- n In bu** in Omaha over v**. rs and tan —sure \ou of a Quick jnfidentiai and suuare deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY.. * f« K. it’.nik Tei JA ??*5 Southeas' corner 15th and Doug'** St* Omaha Hss. 1 -1 * M( |M) ins st low «i rat*i busts*-** *tr, .. c inf don* • Th- I>lsmon-1 Loan! ■> r ’ t 1 -r. - - T> i * ■ -i : - pt _Emr.YTIONAU Local Instruction ( lasses. 48 DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL Complete course in all commercial branches. bookkeeping. comp?urnetry, ! shorthand. t> pew > :tin(, telegraphy, secre tarial. bunking. *a**snino-hlp. civil serv e. Eugi sh. You : av work fur board while atti riding IKu- i«t«d tataiog free HOYLES SiHOul. 1 St h and li a m . Sts utu.Gia. Keb. _ JA. 1565 v an ban r h> HMOi, > ■*■' m sin lbs I*ay and Lveidng School* S .s J A MM JWCltAK BUSINESS COLLEGE StermgraLhv and Bookkeeping. 1 B 'ff D'h ind Kmnam AT. T4U TP. I-CITY BARBER COLLEGE I 402 Lodge St 1 306 Douglas St < ut > nr writ* for 'nfurnial'o* LIGHT to i2 wr*a* pre-are you for * f - office position all AT 7774 *r •'.ri’e Anurli xn < ul ge. ItiT i'trnim me \< a«l('lilies 50 I^srge*t dancing «'U*aes in Omaha. There * a Reason ’ K KI R HOTEL ROME T tn Now « JA $479 ■ .. MKK< II WIHSL. Hu.qine»» Kunipnuiits. 5H \i*nut **rnrff and durab'.e oak f'on-,, legal dfuui.ien! files D' 1nv hea * ■ * : AT i 4 l 4 * * »f i«« « clo Omaha Fixture A Supply Cw W fflaa j A. J754 BARGAIN oak typewriter d«‘*k anti chair, v • i Fuel nntl Feed. 61 KINDLING—tru> Uiotd. delivered, saw ■ ! • -:, ska ^ n».!- Rhone JA 574u Household UoihIh. 64 HIT rut xaiucs in new and uaed furni oiie. Hale* made privately or at auc t on. AN e «aa buy your frcnitute * d j.rj •■ash. A trial of our M>me« will ton vine- you. BTEIM1ENSOV AUCTION HOUSE 1 «9 C AKIToL AN ENUE A i -1a n J * e '245 v I V T FI R \ I n it I*; A l - T|| >N r.N\Tn\ Ai rrin , rooms 31 x SOI Til 14TH HTRFKT. Mondav Ev-m-u 7 . t ■ I ■ * u* sell yttur furniture AT *7*4. \ tW lt*»>\ (rand piano Entire furnish |r?*£* 7-rnmn home, inriudinw ChamW-x flirlea* stove, o|ect rjc washer, xa.uum * -nitpr and otlo-r extra* Url\r-K ng . b ■* i or <-t, ng i >1\ 74ffl AV N | NUT dining bia- k r-rd net# ■ in room *«-t. ► n t a r c»u ami pad While Ffi .1 N\ N i ■ 'll i-'a! furttituie *nd rent barf. « n* *<•«< ‘I ho Homo I’ui nit ure t'o , .soilth Hide. A i rit N' i IVL fui Slung t» i email apt Ni AT .n 7 4 Sivap ( oliiiiiu. (m I I'A 111 loom hutpidort. now two \. n* old yd in.illy modern, to snap. NNliit ha\e you? AV til accept good *4*4*0 nil non 1 gage. go,»d automobile, old house «r equal \Hiiio «it good lot* pat t payment Box It ***,_'. Oniiha Hbc II NNL brand i.vw ga* etuve worth about I"" >N ill Ccnudei trading f, 1 that! amount of rquitv in a vat ant lot, . t wb.» ,l«\o you? Call Mr llungaiv, AT. ;TU». day* AT X34x « \ nnius ‘•*>t'D e q 11 it I •* a to xt ha tiff r- for IliUMoM'it n • our Kox B 1 ?ot. Gmnha 141 e. tv * • in \ 1 bin 1 in good condition, f. . * Mi ll «4k buffet N\ N D - • IHADE tu cquitv in .oil;,g,. gnd two tots j r 1 -i d V-l-lrv Alt' t »m «ha Bee : — M.ii liincn mid Toni-. 1 W end second hand pouot ■ ill IIIIIVI* : Left on Elect!b si Work% 114 .1 Fo \3ih \ I ' MKK<_H4NpjSF. . , Srrrts, Plant* and Mower*. BR It cost, blue grn«s, 2' '*'• : white clover. 5c, 75c; seed i *•«* and lean*, 16c lb. All .1 x .\ • ' ..!•- them over vhv j ay mar#*. Store 7 i h anti Martha. Itadio Kqulpmrnt. 71 ( . prices In radio. R. M. 'h!ne<. 21h n i».th 8t _ \\ in ted to Huy 7S DESK*. ~i.'LSKS. UEHKH Sew desks used deal* bought, told and :rn4ed. J. C Rtfl. l.’OI Fainain 8t AT. i i 41 _rUiOMMFOHHKNT._ Kooins Willi Hoard. 74 I.AHOK front T .m v lth 4 window*, suit n!|4 for two. Will *»rve breakfast and dinner, $. 3 per iitnn'h KK. 2577. ATTRACTIVE summer room for employed "upl# or gentlemen, board anti garage • n:RY R'tiM' five room: must lie assn to - a t*P i• • . «ted KK 6162 Board. IIAN'Si'UM Park di-PlcT, new large room with hoartl; garage HA. 316*. Hooms Without Hoard. 75 KHRNFSHKD room* and housekeeping rpte. for rent In ail parta of the city •'roe Bureau of Information, 525 Paxton 31k . AT. 4796. IIA. 1711 Beautifully furnished room, cntr.'lly imui-U. Pleasant surroundings. rxcHlenr iiicuIn very it-.t-onable, WEHT KARNAM Large front room, private home, near car. _IIA 0343._ 2219 HT. MAHY AVK.—Modern, clean, con venient. $3 30 up. Uefa. required. JA. *133. 209 Hu. 26TH AVK—-Neat, well furnished room, $3.5o per week. JA. Oink 529 N. 40TII ST Two furnished roorna. private horn**. WA. 8162 '127 SPKNEHIl l-'runt room, $4.50 for 1. $ 5 for 2. WK. IDS 4, LAliCE afry io.*ni In .uivatg family f»»r gentleman WA nfl39 21 x S 2 5TH ST -.Wwly furnished rooms, private hiiine, * lose in. I'« Ht RKNT—.’i i • torus 1613 Boreas Si Kooins for Housekeepine. <6 WANTED—2 lad es or Z men to take room together, • los«* in. nicely furnished. Reaennabb* Available .June 1 Fr*-e Bureau of Jaformation. 525 Paxton IWo< k. AT 479* HA. 417 i (Tf*!.) — Priv. home, modern 4 fur. rooms, clean, light, heat, telephone. $4'i per rii o. lief. No children. . WO i eht housekeeping room* every thing f jrr ‘he<! employed toupla. Ref. ■ cm<! K i: -jCL* 7 S 2•>T11 WK —l* room, modern house keeping apis AT 223$. 1..; s. :3TH ST — Furnished room. light. g;;x. hut water, $6 oft per wk. to reaponrl blo couple. AT 9712 2417 JONES—Barge room. 1 room with kitchenette, modern. ’72 KARNAM ST 2 room*, everything f urn is inti 123 bo per month. . 'x DOt’OBAF—-Bight haskp. and sleep ing rttonu). newly decorated, $1 30 up. W here to Stop In Town. 78 HOT KB SANFORD—!$th and Fsrram HOTEL HKNHH \W—l%th and Karnam Special rates to permanent guest x U VI. ESTATE—FOR BENT. Apartments—Furnished. SO HOWAttP ST .—tCl-sun' - room aparinierr - • uzy horn* fur married couple everything furnixhed. ilot water at all times. _ II AVK several* 7-room housekeeping ent« every thing fumlahed, c law I . ail-1 pr.ced right Free Bureau of In fo rmatjum^5231jAXtowlEovH^^AT\4^9V TW»i RO'IM ;m • furnished or ur.fur n.-h-d WK ■ VQ, • TlLKRKl 1. ' • de. ..rated two-room and «.:!• avn-ite - ; u: ’: tent. ' C'T ? -afd 8t I.LNTI.i; INN HOME for -he traveling w * AT «.9CCv ,4th and Lodge \|iMi1iiientv—| nfuri inhed. 81 7 THABIAN. s ?;-t s* a dandy 4-room a par* i prr in.u'h *;»i: DRAKES. JA. 2193 II h and Howard. Pi:TER> TKEST COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS" AT. P244 17th and Karnam Pta -TEAM HEAT 4 room ants. ISP and ue x'* in. *» l*. S'ebbin*. 161*1 Chicago R* APARTMENTS awl flats for* rent W J PALMER CO. AT »»*9 ’’"ill r **3te Management J*pe'~iaH»ta FOR ONE Of DRAKE? 1 noo APARTMENTS Cal’ Jack ton 2S0-. 41 1 sOFTH 23d, 7 room duplex, garage n.\ r.sAj 4 ROOMS S*»|i ta Terrace. <29 Park \\e -Irthitt.f S- vlmh! AT x*i.; Ummm tor l!<hi M I t lit i \ t. hous* f v e lot a tmb k - dot* fruit trees. «»H Frank Ln Sr WA Jfcwv U*T i • . - > . • ■ ii » I Pierce, $49 ■ • apt 6th -nd Pierce. $1.. . r mad ex ht,, 2319 l^ivenwaflfc, $22 ’0 to the P. ntal KxV-h. J t Sail. HA 260* x K» u.»M house 4 bedrooms near Cretgh . »« ui! loci Two iota, $73 per month ■ at v- -: :4*x PASS ST —For anie by owner 14 n-iins. all 1 ght house.* '•p ng w :lh K«Hk1 .416 S' 19th Sr . 5 room houae. in title m. J i* AT 49 7 2 _ . 4' :" K1 N K nTTy ThTp X. $ki WK. 167 7 " —11 1. llmiscs. Finiii»llo<l. tl • HunM n a artmsnt, excellent !«• Mtion. $i: WKB 10X8 unit . - ind IRoom. H •( d*’s rat s office suites w.ih S or l pfivaH offtreg a: d r* option room In First N» uoiutl Hank Bldg Phono AT ttHf K H ilroasman. —M - - HI \l^» S I H K-KOK S \1K. Fartnw and frauds for Sale. 1 « *K "Al.i: • ho Minn »• \* Bake front |1 net »« re and up S«hw»t* Hr»» t".x l’|\luovith Bldg. M i nni ttnolls. .Minn l amia and l ands for Sale. 9J A BEAL H 1 EC AIN 4*©-arre ranch in heart o( dairy country five mihts fti>m flourishing town $17 et !»•!' mi f 0u . jt-h. tertn** t«* sub I. uver Write for parto ulara P O. Bui II. ‘, Rapid '.it S |» IIiMImhi for Sale. iB 41001* 4-ROOM HOV«« W* l.’ivr * t -''I * t. ic Mtu,;i h' tise, mod un in Wall Hill, lot I T3i*. on xeri • it a •’ turns • ottag* and 4 tc»a 01 S.iiBh * i with b«u of bearing fruit ’111'v $ >! \ ety eaay terma, call W’ Pi •' kr VOSH1KR lNKSVMKNT CO. *T *.ll t«€ Wnrlrt lt-r,U B'l* \\ \\TJt to *e!l dsx'-alila $ rm and ha*h Hxisg* lie«t '.-*,-ation. 0*11 and gtva ar offer 17 7 N .17th St T. ms Peal will h« na'n*r, llotieew—Norfli. 94 Mil.1 KB rtRK MW Rl AtUlOW brm. all m.ulrrn hungnlow ni«r car Hoe readv to t»cv vipv < *n > $ *.:.r Kmi l#t mi. E von mgs Ml »• ■ 1 1 v K 1 i $1» 14' v LEE COMP \NY, Oround » * * *, s t9ih si AT Ml 5 real estatk-kik * M E _ _ Houhos—North. 9<? ' ONBT 14.419—EASY TBRMS ' New .' rin all modern bunf»b<«. tend ’* occupy Kontenelle Park dietrp ■ Evening* phone Mr. Gchrla. KE •‘HJ* „ METCALFE '•HIHI'ANT, Ground flout, -*• • s iu'•sil •' 1 IIoiihph—South. 97 BRICK HOME $’. •-«« ‘ A HI I CLOSE TO OMAHA UNIVERSITY. This place ha* been about 14 year*, and bee bail fairly good care, n»ed* aoine decorating, la all brick, east fioot and good garage, haa « extra large room* and bath, th* price ha- .loaf been i*du<*-d to |.i >oi*. (Tbla la positively a anap ) AT. Gteo. .NVw Ion. K E. 1141. PRICK REDUCED TO A BARGAIN. 7-room brick houa*. modern; large base ment and large .t room frame houae on 50-foot lot; garage, paved afreet. ex>-ellem re pap near J7ih and «*#ate!;» ftJ.OOty caah. balance to guit. AT 4 oce. KE 1712, RMS PINE STREET New 5 room stucco <«ittage and ” Ion priced at 14.500. $.snn , aeh Couldn’t bo duplicated for anj where near thie price. Let ua ihnw von through .r j. HIATT Ct»MPA\T. AT t*"* 1919 BIN N KV ST.—Owner moves feo new Home 1 rat of m mth and mini *s . this f i■ o 6 niM.t house A < ban ** for a ba rgain JOHN R. M fXKVlLLE. REALTOR 1 ftq 2-1 t ’iiy Xat’l.AJ 5026. Ix2« PARKER ST —7-rm moil.. barn. $750 caah tal mo Hxtr.. Inf f garden, i relgh ».0K Bch JA. 0200 __ 10-ROOM modern houin- 13,506. Great bargain. JA, 02,27. V) i: BUCK A- CO l.uv and a«H homer Tenar A- Tenar. specialist* in 3. Hide homu Hoof—Wot IS A REAL SNAP. Six-room two-story houae Modern egr-*pt furnace In fir** elaga «ondlti«*n Kp > 1* » lent location Convenient lit ' sr and • he Paved atr»-et w fh paving paid Tv., full lor* Hearing fruit PK- b*rre I'Unhef. ah rube ; n«l gar*ie.t i'hi« «»n v»r«l end }m i n Pri o i.nlv $4.75t» *1 non r-**h. It « :!i pay vou In m eetigai* thia. For lull Information call Walnut 1 5fc«» VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN WEST FAR NAM DISTRICT. 'i’ll* own*-- of th » home on 42nd ard California St*, w.t* It* beautiful o*k f'wri and finish e%ery room nice si** nee 1* some d< roi *. ting but juet like new and i ' re hat 1urt been placed on It for a Quick vale at M.S44, terms 11.000 cash AT. 5910. Gibson. KE. 3227. Houses—Weal* 9# BUILD TOUR HOME. I can build you a modern home of f'v* rooms and bath, full bamipnt. attic, oak floor* hitch*-n cabinet. linen cloaeT. vhade* light fixture* • ement work reedy to move into, and finance aame with a email payment down Further Informa tion g adlv furnished LICK’tV KE ? 4 -9 14 150 BUNGALOW. Mrge a'tir < *a tc and enamel f ni#h T«*tPv decorated- For full information call Walnut 2912. A BRICK HOME. | .on DOWN On a paved street no* far *rom "ar, * • i hoo! and churchea. la a »tr’c» v Trnder>v ht k lone with garage. Only 14 4 7.a $40 per month HA. 35 5 4 STANDARD PI.A« K BARGAIN New 5-rm ail m ml era bungalow. ready ’r» ocrupv-. Only II see Easy tenra. Call Mr. Row *v KF. M0I METCALFE COMPANY • '.round f-oor. .1 H 19th S- AT 5413 •111 JONES ST—7 rooms, all modern, convenient location. Maks an offer. JA. ; 4937___ FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy home*. I. it vnur property with us for results. JA 1424 BUP.T C r-GVI-FR CO . p.ea ors 1 WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots n FJgfcWcod; very eaay terms Phore AT 134% NEW COLONIAL home S room* corner built-in tub. tu.akfaat table. paved street close to car Si *04 esah. Eve WA TSSt g - " '■" Hun***—llriiM*n. 9*j Ho.MRS IN MK\H4'*N 'via-- ng f.-ir an !e.»! five cr \ rosni home in Benson on eas^r 'irmi, 'I have one of each. Call \VA. 5t72. F«r Sale—IMindic. 100 DUNDEE— 111, BRICK AND STUCCO. -i’x * mr • a'ir*'’ e srrsngerrer * : • r - x ! Mom* convenient to car **r' ;'•# garag* and dr p»r Owner must h* . * t'g*r i linme. might trsde. or will sell on easi term*. GT.m F:n % FT A TV. JA 7 ! GOING awe*. went offer on my 9-room mod. v • home tn Dundee ground 199s ' ' N L Mr 4Sth and Capitol Ave ..'■■■■' .i Kop Sill*1—horenrf. 101 NKTHAWAY a# s to while* only, and s Mud EDIToK uf THE CALVARIAS. KK I 149* ' — - 1 1a>Ih for Sal**. 103 FLORENCE FIELD SELLING Salesmen i.n grounds every day. c u MARTIN a Cl. AT. tic. DU SDKS BUILDING SITES GEORGE A CO REA!.TORS. »th 1. ,r > ;■ Natl Hu tti-lg. AT 1924 • i * at line at bargain KE HIT. ICfal 1 -latr l„r Kkrhanp. 191 IF > ou an t ■ eM it let m* t-ade It. S. H. Browne . *41 ?e, .irtties H dg •VRMS. Gibbons Steen 419 Peter* Trust. Wanted—Heal Ratal*-. 1 ft', KAVC ■ hont |J* *•» r,.|i T or « riMth br ir k reatdenc*, goo 1 lnrgtma ! Might cona der choice lot and build Box* I ( 1 4 * £. «Xniaha Be 1 o t lunnt ’ 1 nv *»' nent A : c age. **3 Fsrratr, AT Mil. bTT.TTu’E AND RKFl'l T&. Con.Detent aates for> * ■19 29 34 Cil.< VKR A SPAIN Regltcra. WK bl'l.L HOMES. LIST WITH l > PoH RESULTS M'i’ACUF IN v US IMF NT CP JA 11*9. V .V \1 H > VI K- ■> OUR tFknI g grovk-Hibbard Co.. 212 Banker* Reserve Bldg AT. 1IIL ”~\vk: hell homks list with us. HA Mil ON * CO.. 105 4 Neville BlockJA ***?. j LIST >our property w'th ue or If >oe are In the market for acreage. « ell 1^-na hn for Quuk *.* e* MV 0141. M A 5(3 »■ 1 CHAS W YOUNir” 4~ SON. R*1 Estate Rental*. Insurance ’«o; • nv Natl Bank AT. Ittt CAMPBELL % ill save >•»« money en con structing ' our nome neat uiaterlal* and fling, AT. v ‘ * SEE us f!»t. Need liating*. any location, to ' i ,vm« sv open a Co . Rea’, iota. V 427 9 216 K eel me Bldg._ I HAVE t I'.' i want to sell youret Fiat '.t w th U. A. i nmnul Kealc ■ JV 1 i\ > _ *G\ E Bi ll V'* TO ft r 4IE RMP1.K M FATTEN IS*' Fx nam s g A * * 4 ^_ I~~t> m DM IN SON t\T Real Fatata ln-» 1*75 Farnam la *4.9 1 1ST your propert* with Chr * Bdyer, rota*v public, rid and C ur, •• ( Fta \\ I *lTTD nr ALT Y Cv > R ran ore. A T_S»f 1 « A. SAND1LU Real F^tete AT. *:3» st \ l ER A Ct • , Realtors. Keel ’ e Bldg n Real ihhTaTe ^ v HiieMelmaier Reel >7a'a • vT * ? An experienced solicitor owning car to solicit R. F. B D. routes within a radius of 25 miles of Omaha. B To the man who can give references as to honesty, B faithfulness to his work, and desire to forge ahead. B wo will offer a salary guarantee of M25 per month. B A real solicitor can make at least 1250 per month. 9 Do not write regarding this position. Personal tip- B plications only will he considered. Apply Room 20 1 B Peters Trust Huilding, Omaha. itf %