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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1924)
Walter Johnson Chalks Up 103d Shutout, Allowing White Sox One Hit •- c« Veteran Hurler Whiffs 14 of Pale Hose Team Retires Chicago Batters in Two Successive Innings on Strikes—Hooper Ob tains Lone Single. TP 7 ASHING TON, May 33.—Hooper’* Yf single in llie fourlli was all that prevented Walter Johnson from registering a no-hit game today, when Washington defeated Chirago, I to 0. Johnson struck out 14 of the visitors, twice setting the side down on strikes, and from the second to the fourtli innings tanned six in suc cession. It was the 103d shutout of the csreer of Johnson, who is pitch ing hl*/ 18th season in a. local uni form. Score: CHICAGO. | WASHINGTON. AB.H.OA AB.H.OA. Mo.ilU.if 2 I 2 0 I.iibold.rt 4 2 0 0 xArchde’n 10 0 0; Harris.2b 2 1 2 1 Hooper.rf 2 17" Hire,of 7 2 2ft t'oiiins.2h 3 ft ft 1 Goalin.if 4 1 7 ft 3 ft 7 ft 4 ft f» ft Kamm.Jb 3 ft 2 2 Ruel.e 3 2 14 ft Falk.If 3 ft 4 ft Prothro,3b 2 ft ft ft 3 ft ft 4 P'paugh.aa 3 ft 1 2 Schalk.e. 3 ft 1 1 Johnson,p 3 ft ft 3 l.everett.p 2 ft 0 3 --— x Black 1 0 0 0 Totals 28 8 27 6 Totals 27 1 24 1 1 x Batted for fjeverette In ninth, x Batted for Mostil in ninth. Score by innings: _, Chirago .000 ftftft 000—ft Washington .Ill 010 00x—4 Summary — Rune: Lei bold (3), Ruel. Er rors: Schalk. Two-ba^e hits: Ruel. Lel hold. Stolen bases: Ruel. Rice. Sacri fices: Prothro, Harris (2). Rice. Left on bases: Chicago. 1: Washington. 5. Basra on halls: Off Johnson. 1; off Leverette, 1. Struck oul: By Johnson, 14. Vmplrea: Owens. Moriarty and Holmes. Tim*. 1 :36 Athletic Rook Blanks Browns Philadelphia, May T3. — Roy Sleeker, one of the Philadelphia Americans' young pitchere, today held St. Louis to three scratch hits snd shut out the Browns, R to 0. Three snappy double plays aided in the victory and prevented ony of the visitors from getting beyond first base. A double in the first Inning by Simmons tallied two runs for the Athletics. Danforth was knocked out of the box In the eighth when the home team scored two more runs. The score: ST. LOtHS. I PHILADELPHIA. All.If.O A AB.H.O.A. Tohfn, rf a l 2 0| B'lion. 5b t 2 7 3 Kll'be. 3b 4 0 2 SIH'ornta, 3b 4 2 1 2 Si»t»r, lb 3 0 4 fljWetch, rf 3 1 « 0 Warn*, If 3 a 2 0 Ha'ser. lh 4 A ft 1 M M'n. 2b 3 A 3 2 Sim'ni. If 4 ? 1 1 Ja son, rf 2 I 4 A, Millar, cf 4 12 0 Seercid, c 3 A S AiG'wav, aa 4 12 4 Gerber, **3111 r*rkina, r 2 A •> 0 Pan’fh. p 2 a i i vfeeker. p 3 ft A 7 Kc|p, p r»rt01 -• xKxsns 1 a o o Total* 32 9 27 13 Total* 27 3 24 9, ' Patted for Kojp |n ninth. Score hv Inning*: St Leul* . . . . AAA Afl# 0Aft—ft Philadelphia .2ftn ftfti ft2x—5 j ?jnimnrv — Run* Blahop >2), Rhonda.' * Welch Han**r Error; McMillan Two-1 ha*e hit*. Simmons. Gallowav Stolen ha#*: Biahon. Simmons Poubl* playa: Ellerb* to McMillan to Slsler. Galloway in Rlshop to Hauser (2); Riahop to Heuser to Simmon* to Galloway. Left on bases: St Lout*. 2; Philadelphia, 5. Hrmp* on balls: Off Panfortn. 2: off Meeker, 2. S'rnck out: Hy Danforth. 2; h> Ktdp. l. by Meeker. 2 Hits: Off Danforth. 7 in 7 innings (none out in eighth): off Kolp. 2 in 1 inning. Losing pitch* r: Jtanforth. Umpires: Connelly and Dlnneen. Time: 1:25. Red Sox Defeat Indian*. Boston, May 23,— Ehmke pitched Bos ton to a 6 to 1 victory over Cleveland today, the visitor* making four errors be hind George Uhle. Speaker’s center field ing ami the batting of Boone and O'Neill were features. Score: CLEVELAND. BOSTON*. AB.H.O.A AB.H.O.A. Ja son. If 4 A ii F’tead. cf 3 o 3 0 Hum'H, rf 4 l 4 a Wgans, 2b 3 1 ;i 3 Sp kci. cf 4 •• fi ft Venoh. If 4 13 ft Burns, lb 4 1 9 0 Han Is, lh 3 ill ft J S#|l s* 4 2 1 2 ttiuine, rf 3 2 2 0 M vat t, «• 4 12 ft i lark .lb 3 ft 1 2 K *ter. 2b 3 «i ft » O’Neill, <• l 1 3 ft x Brower 1 0 ft ft Kxxelt. rs 4 ft 1 1 Lake, 3 b 3 1 ft 1 Ehmke, p 4 ft A 1 Title, p 3 1 A 3 - — Totals 31 6 27 7 Totals 3* 7 4 1 ft > Ratted for Dewater In ninth. Score by inning*: t' 1 e v> I a n d ...o ft A ft ft ft ft 01 — 1 Boston .ft03 A2A Aftx—ft Summary Runs Stimma, W»nihsg* nas ( i. Vea«*h. Harris. Ehmke Errors: Sit mm a. Burns, J. Sewell. Lutake Two ba*M hit Suimn*. Three-haae hit: O'Neill. Stolen baae: Lutake. Sacrifice Boone Left on base* Cleveland, A; Boston, 7 Bases on balls. Off Chle, 3 Struck out: By Chle. 2; by Ehrnk*. 3. Hit hy pitched ball: By Chi*. Warn be gan** I'mpire* Nallin and Evans Time; 1 ; 4 ft. A ouk* 13 in ; Ruth Hit* Homer New York. May 23,—The world * cham pion won a 7 to A victory over Detroit today in a thrilling game. f'obb made four hi** and picked a blow from Ruths bat off tha • getter field blear hers after a long run Ruth had previously made his 10th home run with one on. f Hellmann. tin with three on In toe sixth, was called out on strikes and threw his list, which hit Catcher Hofmann. Umpire Rowland put him out of the gam*. Pratt. ne*t at bat. cleared the sacks with a double Dugan hit a home run Inside the Held with one on. Score: DETROIT NEW YORK A B.H.O.A AH II O A Haney. 3b ft I ft 3i Witt, cf 4 2 4 A AJdtoh. cf 5 4 1 ft Dugan. 3b 5 2 11 M ush. If 5 2 3 ft Ruth, rf ; 2 « 0 Ha'm'n, rf 3 7 5 ft Meuael. If J J A Wlngo. rf 1 ft 0 fti Plpp. lb 5 14 1 P/att. 2b 5 2 2 4 Ward. 2b 2 1 1 0 Rlgney. sa 2 ft I 3: Hrott. ss 4 ft ft 3 Blue, lb .3 ft a 2 Job'on, aa ft 0 1 0 Bss'er. c 5 1 2 ft llof'nn. c 4 9 ft Cole, p 3 12 1! Hush p 1 «• 0 1 — - — —•—, Jones, p 10 0 2 Total* II 13x21 131 aHchang 1 A ft ft Hh'key, p 1 0 A ft | Totals 3* 1 2 27 7 xTwn out when winning run acortd. rBatfed for Jones in seventh. Score hv inning#: Detroit.Aftft A33 AAA * New York AAA o-/ft 221—7 Summary Run#: Haney. Gohb (2). Manuah Hellmann. Pole. Dugan (2). Ruth (2) Meuael. Johnson, Hofmann. Error: Cobb. Two has* hits; Witt, Ward. Manuah. Hellmann. Pratt (2). Dugan. Meuael (2). Home run* Ruth. Dugan. Stolen base, Manuah Sacrifice* Rlgnev. Witt. Ward. Doubt# play* Rlgnev to Pratt tn Blue; Jones to Hrott to Plpp. Left on base* New York. A; Detroit. 13 Rase* on balls Off Bush. 3; off Jones. I: off Shawkey. 3; off Cole, 2 Struck out Rv Bush. 1; hy Jones, 3 hv Hhawkev. 1; bv Cole. 1. lilts: Off Rush. 7 In 4 In ring*: (none out In fifth): tiff Jones. 5 In 3 innings, tiff Shawkey. 1* in 2 Innings. Hit hv pitched ball: By Cole. Ward. Win ning pitcher: Hhawkev. I’mpire* Rowland. Or many and Hildebrand. Time: 2:38. -- - \ Pacific Coast League | VJ Oakland. Cal.. May 23— R H K Portland .5 II 2 Oak Inntl ..2 * I Ratterlea; Plllett# and Cochran; Kuoa and Read. Loa Angela*. May 12— HUE ••a III* .7 14 2 Vernon .. J. .4 * 4 Ratterlea: Htsuland. Jone* and E Bald win: Chrlatlan. Sellers. Thomas and M urr hv. Ss H Lake f'llv, Mav 12— R H E Ha n Francisco . ' 4 -»(! :5 He It Lake . . ... I" I * A Ratterlea Burger. G#»rv and Agn*w. Mct ab*. Mulrahv. Thomaa and Patera. Sacramento. May 23 R H I*: Loa A ngeles .. 17 13 ft facramento ... ..... ■ • • ■ • • 1 • , * -—- --- f * , 1 'I Majority of Bangtails Prove Good Mudders Through Inheritance I V By GEORGE W. SCtllM.lNG. IT WAS a • muddy course lliat greeted (lie owners and thorough ~’ bred* yesterday morning, frtr the rains of Thursday night had con verted Ihe racing strip into a sea of mud. But It gave horsemen who own runners with a liking for wet underfooting a chance to tell Just how good their bangtails will be when Jupiter Pliivlua pays these parts another tlsit. There are any number of folks that pay homage to tlie thoroughbred that often wonder why it Is that some horses show bettpr performances In the mud than on Ihe dry. For years I have been asked this same question by people who attend the races and my answer has always been the same—"It comes from the breeding." However this does not hold true 111 every instance, for it frequently lias been the case where a thoroughbred’s parents have been noted mud run ners nnd yet the offspring has not been aJile to run a lick when the track is muddy. Nevertheless iurf 1 history will show in nine cases out of j 10, horse* that botli from their sire and dam side are bred to run in the inud generally run true to their in heritage. Of course, a champion will show his true form on either a wet or dry track. Take the case of Black Gold. A superlative mudder is he, but still in all be was able to beat a crack field of 19 runners in the Kentucky derby over a fast track. Then there is the mighty Exterminator who, de spite his eight years of service, rac ing at, all distances and winning from six furlongs to two miles and a quar I ter, won the admiration of the nation by winning season after season on all sorts of tracks. It was at Tiajuana last winter that Runstar electrified the dockers by working In prepara tion for the rich Goffroth handicap j six furlongs through the mud. which was deep, in 1:14. He accomplished this while racing wide around the "dogs" and horsemen who watched the move proclaimed it the greatest performance ever recorded as a trial. A few days later Runstar triumphed in this big stake over a mile and a quarter course that was as fast as hands could make it. Morvich, like Runstar, is by the California sire Runnymede and again it Is demonstrated that the sire gen erally contributes much to the mud running ability of their get. Mor \ Ich was s mighty horse on the dry hut it Is a well known fact that horses he could beat a length or two! nn a fast track lie rnuld lose to If lie | met them In the mild. Take the rases of such noted mud 1 runners as Mad Hatter and Old Rose bud. Time after time they humbled mighty fields of eastern runners while racing on a fast track. It was their class that carried them o* to victory. As evidence that a horse inherits his mud running ability usually from his sire It can be truthfully said that such stallions as McGee, Star Shot, Broomstick, I'ncle, Martinet, Runny mede, Fair Flay, Sweep, Ballot, Sea King, Transval, Dick Kinnell, Wrack and Harrigan seldom get horses that dislike a floppy, muddy or drying out course. A singular thing has some to my notice of late years and that Is that SO per cent of the Mark horses are ones that show to their best advan tage when they hit the mud. This may he well to remember when trying to pick the winners and if you are in doubt as to whether a runner can stride through the mud if its color is blaek don’t hesitate to assure yourself that he probably is at homo in the going. MARION HOLLINS GAINS IN GOLF MEET Garden City, N. Y.. May 22.—Miss Marion Hollins kept up her victorious march toward the metropolitan wo men's golf championship today when she advanced to the Anal round by derisively conquering Miss Marie Jenney of North Hemstend, R. I., S and 4, in the semi finals at the Cherry Valley club. The former national champion, now carrying the colors of the Westbrook club, East Isllo. R. I., continued to display the brilliant game that has swept asid* ail opposition so far. Miss Jenney, however, did somewhat better than Miss Hollins' other opponents by winning two holes before Stic cumblng. « VALLEY TENNIS MEET POSTPONED I.incoln, May 23.—Play In the an ; nual Missouri Valley conference tennis championships was postponed until SiFurday because of wet courts. There is a possibility some of the matches will lie transferred to the Field cltih courts at Omaha. The Missouri Valley golf tourna ment is being run off regardless of weather conditions. 1 pstprrlay's Result*. WOODBINE. First rs^e Three-fourt hs mil# Mainmast (Scobte) .2.50 2 06 * 10 Skyscraper < M c t a gga rt). . . . 2.1 *> 2 50 Suppliant (Wallace) . 2 40 Time 1:112 5. Delusive. Atlantida. Hillman and Sirius also ran V*w ond race: Steeplechase, two miles Tassel (Renting) .6 10 2 Do 2 06 Oanauue i Bethel) . 2 *0 a.It) Skv Scraper (Hunt). 1 oo Time; 4 27 Madrid. MV Proa n and Aunt Lin also ran Third race: Three-quarter mile: •Toy Smoke (Williams).11.76 4.10 5.10 The Delaware II (Scoble).6.00 1*6 Trapnet (Ambrose) .6.10 Tim* 1:14. Whentetlck, Brush All. Gold Hock. Summer Moon, Tipsy Dance, Gasper also ran. Fourth race: One mile: Beau of t he West (Wilson) 1 2 65 4 45 1 10 Maypole (Sharpe) . 1.00 2 40 P |f (fl« Oh,. . . . . 1 00 Time: 1:41. Honey Dear. Heims. Hearts* of Ho.k and Sir Baron also ran. Fifl h race I t, | • leu ('online i 'i (Ambrose) .<40 4 50 1 4** Yoshimh (Randell) .5.56 1*0 Wedding Prime (P Walla) . 4 06 Time: 1:66 Yorkist, Rouen. Quick Time Htiddugi* and Armgnsa also ran. Sixth rs,e *; mil*. Pennon, (Scohie) . 4 50 1 66 1 00 Snowden (Abel) . 6 66 1 55 Marble (Mariner! .440 Time; 1:14 1-5. Sangradn. Thorn Wav, Turbulent. Trivia* nt. Heavy Artil lery. St. Quentin, Fehrah. Patchwork also ran. Seventh race: 1 1-3 mjl*s Seventh 'ace 1 1-14 mll*a: Norms n% (Stevens) .4 <0 2 65 So It Goes (Wallace) .2 10 Tim* ; I t< -15 June Fly and Blue mondsli alao tan. BELMONT. First race: Four and one half furlong* Hidalgo ( l.egere ) 1 >4.1 6 - 6 T ’ Wlllnirg c. Whitehead (Burke) 4 6 2 -5 Pill Winfrey (Fields) . 2-6 Time ;54 Charlie Anderson. Wax Lady. Tango. Fearnsught, Zero Hour, Galatia. Rodeo, Armorer and Bethpage also ran. Second race; Seven eighths mile Frederlckfowi) (Beach) .4-L * 6 4 5 Buck Pond (Burk*) *-6 4-6 Eecoba d’Oro t B. Rreuitlng > *-6 Time: 1:26 1-6. Pathan, OrmHvale, Bun r.ady. ' inn. Golden Armor, P-aseport and D*mnda alao ran. Third ra - e (ins m-lle: Athelatan (.1. Cullahan) ... 1-1 * 6 nut Thunderclap (L. Fntor). even out Nose Dive (McAt)ee) . out Time 1 .IN 2 6. High Prince also ran Fourth race: 1 mile; Little OR (Ralls).«S 11 out Prince of Umbria (Burke). 12 out Nautical (Shanks) . ... out Time: ) :17 4 6 Check slso ran. Fifth race. One mile: David Hamm (Duma)....... .1*1 4 - 6 1 - 3 Milan (Dawgon) . 11 4-1 Belerosa (I. Callahan)..even Time 1:19 2-5 Orcui, Keenan Si Mar tens, Sw**epy. Our Flag and Bright Lights also ran. Sixth race mile: Polycarp ( Brunner) ..6-1 I 1 even Starhc. k (Smith) ...2-1 even Long Point (Poncaf *-•* Tima. 1:13. Repartee, Magic Call. Sophy, llpeal. Bowman T.ou\erne ft > LI* . Pep To peep, loe Marrone II . Tiapetlck Day Trap, Redskin and Corn Products also ran. CHt'RCHILL DOWNS. First race Three quarer mile skle Hav (Stuns). 21.70 ln 9b- * 5n loyal Palm (Harvey). 6.30 .1 60 Longboat (Thorndyke» ....... 5 4b Time: 1:12 4-5 Macbeth. Rapid Day. ^aughtv Nlsha. Patrician Ballynew, Win aeon, Good Time. Dearie Mpoda Sunny r »u crow. Doctor Glenn and Commander Me Meek In a Iso ran Second race: Four and one half furlongs Cup Bearer (McDarmot().. .8.60 3.40 2 *0 1.ouls fluhenntein (Parke).3*0 2.60 Bolivar Bond (Kelssy).4 60 Time: :64 2-6. Modests. Captain Donan. Annlhllator. Special and Mighty also ran Third race, on* mile Opulent (Fills) .6 90 3 40 2 60 Lurllua (Harvey) .1.60 (50 Hindi of Pleasure (F pool) L’ 10 Time: 1 3*3-5. Ned dam, Htntharly Love and Jack Frost also ran Fourth race: ’4 mile: . Hour bon Bov (Garner) ..Id 70 6 9*' 4 00 | Giblon (llarvev) .i 70 tio Lord Martin (HtUlls) 6 50 Time 1 :2f» 1-5. Dudley. .1 (1 Denny. Delectable, Annie Lyle, Peter Maloney. Hatter Up. Hun Spot, Mill Mischief. Boh’a Ma»v and Nportv M( (!*•• also ran. Fifth race: 4>A furlongs Dress Gouda. 11 h (Pool). .1 00 2 10 2 20 Slat* Girl. J 07 (Martini.2 10 2 40 Ivory. 110 ( llarvev i. 140 Time: 164 Rocking, Kentucky Role alao ran. Sixth rac# 1 mil* Pret t v Poll! I clan (Ora v) ..lift 270 2 30 Ann M (Pa»ke) . 330 ? 70 Mainspring (Harvey) H Time; 1 4b Fmiatn. Roval George Slicker, Ra|>. T.e|*a *nd Glanmnre also ran Seventh ra»e Mile and 1 16 Rockv Mountain (Frnnk) * “0 3 *o 2 <0 Breakfast Bell (Carroll) 2 *0 2 6b Ssn Vicent* (flravi sen Time J 47 1 6 White Star. Extra K4I Hob, U«ut. CoionBl, N’«*» Sold tai Ntw ,m»rkti • rtor Today'* Entrip*. CHI RCIIILl. DOWNS. Firs! rare Purge 11,308; claiming, 4 year-olda and up. mile: xWillow Tree;, Mlatreaa Mary .111 Luga . . 118 HUi** Bird .10| xMaJor Chilton 101 Cautious .lM Repeater .108 The Archer ....110 xRunqoi .101 x Widgeon . 101 xFlying Prim e .101 Nuyaka .10® Huonec .118 Walnut Hall ...108 iKway .101 Naughty Nlaba 101 K**.<,nd ra<e. Purae, II.300. maiden Z ycar-olds; filliea; 4 furlonga. Chinook .115 8weep Park ...115 Aviette .115 aF.iir Vision .115 Miaa lie# Burn* 115 a Cordon Rpuge 115 Probity .115 Donna Santa .115 Booboo .115 Bit O'Honey ...115 Midnight Roa© .115 Atomin .113 all T Chinn entry. Third race. Purae. $1,300; claiming; 3 year-olda; 6 furlonga: laaman ....108 Bugler .ln* l.ampward .... 108 x I vy . 9a x Attractive .98 Coif in ......... 1 03 vHhsnlng Hold 98 Mollie It .10® Fauato ... . . 108 xAnibatika 9a x Poly neaia .... 10® \ Puaty .Mary . 103 xl.ady Marian .108 Climax .108 Hi8xla .108 The Competitor 10* .Maaon Tow!# . 1 OS Quotation ...103, Mexican Tea . !0x Roy al Gent a* ..101 Doublb T.10$ Fourth tare Purae $1.*08, allowances. The Kmminenre, 3 year.olda and up, 8 furlonga Ooahawk .... J0.» Great Jaza ..<.112 Ref ii dd la . 99 Startle . 1*7 V Ud n < i o Uf ...119 Hopelesa .108 Pindar Paal ...112 Rraedalhana H< Alchemy *» Certain .lofc Fifth rare Purae $10,900 added. The Gra fnger Memorial Handicap. 1-year oida and up. 1 •-* mtjea Rarraruda .. lOj aHopelaaa .. .107 hActuary' ....11$ Modaat . 9f> Brau Butler .104 Glide .. 97 Chi l how ©a ...107 Tlptoa Inn .... 17 HKfng Gorin II 97 £>azxler ... 97 a Char ol at ....125 Chittagong ...ill Bdzonl . 9$ Ten Lac .lft* 1 Hal P Headley entry. hAnderaon K©n. die Coyne entry S tfh race Purae II 788, allowance* T> © Kdgexvater. 2 year olda. 4 U furlonga F.lectnr .108 F lying Ebon’- » 1 I ■* Hr Charle* .... 108 Saar ... I"8 Step Along 118 Capl. Hal .ln® Fun .110 Seventh rare Purae $1 488 claiming. 1 v©*i - olda and up 1 1 ■ mile* xRamkin .. .110 xOff Spring .. ion .\Pequot . . b Phidias ln7 Klretoma 104 Qulvera .108 x Amity Claim. *7 xApprentlr# allowance claimed, clear. good. BFXMONT. Flrat race; claiming. 7 jear-olda and up. 1 I -18th: * Mini o. II . .107 HGphrl-.onla ...110 F I ward Gray .103 King Vlbert 11® < *ran ..110 Top Sergeant . .104 lloaeata, it ...107 Arlington . 10* i t day 13th . 100 JnrqTlne Julian.105 Sherman .104 Second car© Steeple cboae. 4 year olda nnd up; about 2 miles Pirlaya .149 Black Fox .1H V'ltumn Bella .144 If 'land . 144 He.l Serpent . .130 R'galia .I'd* H» f.awrtnee.. 11 ** xllerrlard .1 '4 It impnge . . .140 Merrtiriua 144 Third race The Fashion; 2 year old* . flilie*. 8 furlong* Ora genua .to© Swinging ...11? Sony hr© .112 Primrose . H .* M a ud Muller .122 Belecfed ... II? .Vina .!rt9 Mother Goose 112 Fourth rare The Toboggan S 'ear i'M* and up. * furlongs '»fnna » are to® Fluvanna 10; W01 thmora . . . . 11 n Punlln . .. -114 S’londyk© 100 7,©v 133 Hh'iidan .104 Ml** Star ... Ill Mad Hatter 12* Pot 1 Of, \nna M'on© It. $00 Sun Pal .. 100 <un Audience 97 Fifth mi © The Floral handicap; * ti old*, mil# and a furlong llephaiatoa .111 Brine# .fames 12® Home Stretch .117 Sixth race • Maiden; t-vear olda; 4 furlonga: Set. a Ido .115 Skit . ..115 Plua Ridge ...118 Flora Star ,...112 Iasi Mail ...118 Volcano .11* N'edana .IIJ Pail by 115 Crumple I 13 Gala Night 1t8 1 mu glua t Ion 112 Crystal Boer .115 Vnlunl# lil w la«r . . 11 High Binder 115 I.splendor ...113 Alonna Venn# 112 Can't Sav No 118 xAppretiUre illon an> a claimed Clear, faat. [ American Association j Lo'ilavllle, Ky. May ft— R H FI Toledo . • 4 7 I .tmlavllle ..... 5180 Batteries. Senlt end Gaston; Cullop Mid Meyer. Si Paul. Minn . May tl R H T. Milwaukee . ® 11 rt St Paul . ©110 RaP©ri©a Walker. Walberg and Shin suit . Met H» t and PI > on Minneapolis May ?3 Kan**# city Minneapolis game postponed . wet ground* I ndia na poiia. May II.--Columbua«io dlanapolta gam# postponed. raia Grimes’ Hurling Enables Dodgers to Beat Pirates \X liral Celebrates 36lli Birth day hv Poling Four-Base Clout; Loftns Makes Sensational Catch. ITTBBt'RGH, May 13. —Grimes’ masterful pitching enabled the Brooklyn team to win its second game of tile series from the Pirates here to day by a scorn of 3 to 1. Wheat cele brated his 36th birth day by hitting a home run. A sensa tion ratcli in renter by I .of t us. robbing Barnhart of a hit, was a feature of the game. The score: BROOKLYN PITTS Bt’ROH, AH H I '.A All H O A I .oft up. rf r. 2 " Carey, rf t " I * .Toh'on, es 3 0 2 *' Htgbee. If 4 13 0 Worst. If 4 1 2 'I, Wirght.PS 3 0 2 4 F'nior. 1b 4 114 0 B'hnrt. rf 4 2 2 0 Stork. 3b 4 0 (I II T’vnor, 3b 4 0 3 2 O'ffilh. rf 4 t o M'vllle, 21* 3 2 2 4 High. 2b 3 0 ll fo Grimm, lb 3 0 13 0 Taylor, r 4031 riom-h. r 3 0 2 1 Grimes. p 3 2 0 4 M'rrlson. p 2 1 0 3 x Moors inoo Totals 34 « 27 1S1 I.’dgren.p 0 0 0 0 Totals 21 4 27 14 rRnlie/1 for Morrison In eighth. Score by Innlnge: Brooklyn . .Ill 000 000 3 Pittsburgh .010 ^f'O 000—1 Summary—Runs: Loftus Wheat. Taylor. R.',rnhiirt. Errors: Fournier. Maranville. Two-base hits: I.oftua, Griffith, Morri son Three-base hit Rornhorl Home run Wheat Stolen bee* Maranville Ssrrlfire hit: High. Left on baees Brooklyn, 7. Pittsburgh. 4 Bases "n hall. Off Morrison. 2. off Grimes. 1 Struck out Bv Morrison. 1: hv Grime* 1 Hits off Morrison. 7 In « Innings: off Lundgren 1 In 1 Inning. Losing pltrher Morrison I'mp'e»s Powell. Moran ami Pflrman. Time: 1 14 Giants Regain League Lead o Cincinnati, May 23.—New Tork re gained the load in the National league race today by winning the second game of the series from Cincinnati while Chicago lay idle. It wns a c]t«c buttle between Mays and McQuillan until the ninth when the Red defense collapsed and the rhampions scored five runs on four hits and three errors. The defeat forced ths Reds down to fourth place. The score: NEW TURK CINCINNATI. . ,v B II n 1 Burrs rf • - . \ " Young rf 1 " 1 " Dauber!,lb 3 J 11 .’I, '• 2 1 a Hr*s«ler If • » 2 " Swo-thrf S 1 n Harper,If 4 t 1 " 1 2 7 *1 Roush rf 4 1 - J Kep- lb 4 n 1" 04 fjvensv «s « " ■ " it/ksor.s 4 1 1 1 TunalluJb 4 17* >,-r.h 1b 4 1 rt 1 Fonse s 7t> 4 2 0 4 Snidsr e * 4 41 0 wingoo 4 14 M/Qlan.b 400 2 mi-sp s 0 o 4 «L Whson toon Ma'FP * „ , « Wert _0 _• J ?„*>'£ 1 - a - Tot... 41 13 27 1- Telal( iJliTl iSciiil for M-Qulllan in nln’h. aBa tad for Mav in ninth. Scora by Inning*. York. l*1* aah j Cincinnati .,.AM 101—3 Rummary—Hunt: Youof. Frl«ch <2L I 9<tuthworth, Mauaal. KMI), -Tarkaon. f»ioh. lUirn*. Cat*n«y. k ndll FT-’or* Daub- • Harper, Cav*ney, Plnallt. Twfl-b*i§ hit* Hum*. Fonfpt*. Majiacl. Thrae-baag hit*. let kail*. la- k*on. iMUhla Play*; IMnalll to 1 nuhi-rt, Jackson to Friarh to K#lly. Lefi i>n hnacn. N*w York. 10; (Cincinnati, A. ita*a* on ball** Off May*. 1. off McQuil lan, 2. Struck out: By May*, 4 by Mr Qulllaji. 2; by Barngg. 1. Hit*: Off May*, n in « 1 * Inning*, off May. non# In J-S Inning; off McQuillan. A In A Inning*, off Barn**. 2 In 1 Inning. Hit by pitched ball; Hv May* Oroh Winning pltchar: McQuil lan I.naing pltchar: May* Lmplra*: Klam and F. Wllgon. Tim# of faraa» 1 4?. Oklahoma Aggies hail to Land in Conference 1 v__—--—/ Hr PrM*. Unroln, May IS.—The hoard nf the Missouri Salley conference today turned down proposal* that Oklahoma Agrlrullural and Mechanic* Art* rol lego enter the conferenre. The iHinrrt, although giving praise to the athletic proses* of the OKI* hnina Aggie*. decided that nine school* were "just enough" for the valley and that a 10-aehool league would lie too cumbersome. The conferenre went on record ** favoring the admission of boring and golf as minor sport* In the rlrrle and Instructed Its rule* committee to draw up a set of regulation* covering the two newly admitted sports. Minnesota In Harr Iowa. Minneapolis, Minn., May IS The | I’nlveralty nf Minnesota track team, which ha* shown surprising strength against Iowa .stats ami Wisconsin, will leave tonight for Iowa Pity, where Saturday they will race against the I'nlveralty nf Iowa squad. S.S.S. stops Rheumatism V Rheumatism is all gone. I iVl feel a wonderful glory again in the free motion I used to have when my days wera younger. 1 can thank S. S S. for I it all I Do not close your e y e a and think that health, free motion and strength are gone from you forever I It ia not so. g S. S. is waiting to help you. When you increase the number of your red-blood-cells, the entire sys tem undergoes a tremendous change. Everything depends on blood-strength. Blood which is minus sufficient red-cells lesds to a long list of troubles. Rheu matism is one of them." S. S. 8. is (he great blood-cleanser, blood- , builder, system strengthened and nerve invigorator. R S. t. it iftlii at all gaoA drug atoraa in rwn aiitt Tha larger lira ia mora aconMtiical. C C !)hr World'* Beat J.O, 'niood Mrrlidn* Rasoball Pesnl(s and Standings WESTERN LEAH E. Standing*. • W L. Pet. Win Lose Denver .L'3 11 $7$ .$«$ .«67 Wichita .19 14 57$ .5*9 .554 Tulsa .2 f» 125 571 .693 .56# Omaha .1* 15 .531 .545 .515 Okla. City .1$ 1$ .600 .51a 44»* St Joseph .16 17 4$9 4*5 .465 Lincoln .12 19 .397 *o$ .376 Pea Moines . 7 22 2 41 .*.67 .-33 Yesterday's Result*. Oklahoma City. 4. Wichita, 3. Si. Joseph. 15; TtJIaa. 7. J>p* Moinea-l >enw9 < post pored, rain). Omnlia-IJncnln (postponed. rain). (■nines Tnda). Omiilia a( Ilea Moines. Denver at Lincoln. Tulsa at Sf Joseph Oklahoma City at Wichita. NATIONAL LEAH E. (Bandings. W. L. r< ! W in Lose NdF York .19 13 ,59 4 .$0$ ;>7H Chicago .'-ft 14 .56* ,$ftft .571 Brooklyn . 17 14 549 .5$ 3 .631 j Cincinnati . 1* 14 .533 544 .61# Boston .12 14 11 t ‘*1 444 Pittsburgh ... a 1 4 1 9 .439 419 424! 81 r.nul*.Vi; 17 <1* *33 .400! Phlt.d.lphl. I ‘ : U Yesterday’s Results. Brooklyn. S; Ptttaburgn. 1. New Torn. 9. Cincinnati, 3. Boaton-Chicago, postponed, rain Philadelphia -St. Louis, postponed, rain Lames Today. Philadelphia at St Louis. New York at Cincinnati. Boston it Chicago. Brooklyn at Pittsburgh. AMERICAN LEAH E. Standings. W. L. Pot. Win Lose New York .19 9 $67 .579 .$43 Boston .17 11 .K07 $21 .6*$ at Louis .15 12 .871 .669 .562 Detroit .16 16 .600 .61$ .4*4 Washington .13 1$ .44* .467 .433 Chicago .12 15 .4 < 4 464 .429 Cleveland . 12 1 5 .4 44 4$4 429 Philadelphia . 9 19 .321 .345 lo Yesterday's Results. Boston. 5; Cleveland. 1 Philadelphia. 6; St. I*oul«. ft. New York. 7: Detroit, $. Washington. 4: Chicago. 0. (.sin*** Tods’. St. T,oul« *t Philadelphia. Cleveland at Boston. Detroit at New York Chicago at Washington. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Standings. 15' f, Pet Win Lose Indianapolis . 1* 12 $°o $13 .561 gt Paul ... 19 14 .67$ 599 6 5# Kansas City .. 19 14 8$3 .576 .546 Louisville .18 1 ,6fto 81$ 49 4 Minneapolis 18 H 488 471 441 Milwaukee . . 13 1 $ 4 4 £ 4$7 (33 Toledo .13 1$ 44« 4$ 7 4 3.3 Columbus 13 1*> 40$ *24 .394 Yeaterd**’* Results. «t Paul, • Milwaukee « Louisville. -8; Toledo « Kansas City.Minneapo’.is. postponed Columbus-Indisnsro’is j -stponed, ra’n. Lame* Tod a’. Toledo at Louisville Columbus at Indianspnlta. Kansas City st Sf Paul Milwaukee at, Minneapolis TRISTATE leagcf. Standings. W. L. Pet Will I-Ose Beatrice . 12 2 .957 4*7 «00 Grand Island ..7 7 .600 833 ,4$7 Sioux CitV . .. .$ 7 4$2 600 .429 Sioux Falls . 5 7 .417 4$2 395 Norfolk. 6 7 417 4*2 3*6 nn ... 9 J .f?l 333 .2.80 Yesterday’s Results. No games p)as»d (iHtiiM Today. Hasting" a» Sioux Cltv T3eatri'* at Sioux F»41s Norfolk at Grand Island , M1*6l99irPI YALLE1 LEAH F Marshalltown. 10 Ro. K Island. *. Dubuque-Ottumws. rain wsterlon -Cedar Rapids, rain. Moline Burlington, rain SOUTHERN A*«*OCMT10N Mobile. 7 4. Little Rork 0.7 (Second gam* 7 Innings agfe«mer’> New Orleana. 1-1. Memphis 2-6. (Sec ond game 7 inn nge agreement *. Atlanta 1$ F’rmingham * Chattanooga. 4. Nashville. 6. (12 ln n'ngs-. TEA %■ I EAC.rR. ken Antoni* ? Dallas 4 Houston 6 Fort Worth. 1 Galveston. 6 Wichita F> ■ 4 10 Shreveport, I._ CLEAVES TEMPLE DRIVE FOR $12,000 May 19th to June 1st For Home for Children of Colored Mothers Who Work. Won't you send in your subscription today? Name ............. Address .. Amount .... Cleaves Temple C. M. F. Church 1713 North 26th Street J. 8. Blaine, Tastor Don’t Part Them! Cutting a com ia always dangerous. Blue-jay endi coma, kills the pain instantly, then the com loosens and cornea out. No risk, no constant trou. ble. Cet Blue-jay at your druggist. Blue =j ay \ i * \ RRTIKEMRM How This Woman * Got Strength Put Up 300 Quart* Fruit, 500 Glasses Jelly and Took Care of Four Children Norwalk,la. — "I have been mean ing for acme time to write and tell you how mue h good your medi rine has done trie. When 1 started to take it I was al most bed fast and would have been in bed all the time if I had had any one to care for my children. Therewaaaomuch swelling and pain that leould hardly take a step. 1 took seven bottles of Lydia E. rinkham'a Vegetable Com pound and used Lydia E. I’lnkhani’a Sanative Wash, and found that so healing. 1 am not entirely well yet for I was in bad shape when 1 started your medicine, but I am so much bet ter that I am not afraid lo recom mend it, and I think if 1 keep on tak ing it, it will cure me. 1 have dona my work all alone this summer, rar ing for four rhildren, and I canned 80t) quarts of fruit, and made hod glasses of jelly, so you see 1 must l>« better. 1 feel pretty good all the time and 1 am glad to tell others about, thp medicine.”—Mrs. (\J. Wf.NNKR MARK. Hox 141. Norwalk. Iowa Women ran depend upon I .ydia E. rinkhatn’c Vegetable Compound, y Indians" Ninth Inning Rally Defeats Witches Vt icli ita. \\ it It Bases Filled, None Out in Final Frame, Fails to Score—But ler's Error Costly. — KI.AHOMA CITY, May 23. — Oklahoma City made it three out of four front Wichita by taking a hard-fough game here today, 4 to 3. Wichita filled the bases in the ninth with none out, hut failed to score. One run behind in the last round, Oklahoma City staged a hatting rally which, aided by But ler's boot of .McNally's bounder, gave the Indians the two runs needed to win. The score: WICHITA OKLAHOMA CITT AB H O A AB.H.O.A W. 8'h, rf 4 1 6 0 Ha.'is, cf 5 2 1 A B’tler. si 4 2 3 4 M’N’lv, 2b 5 ft 2 3 D'nlnff, rf 5 0 1ft Keger. 3b 3 1 1 2 B*< k. lb 5 1 f» 1 Felber. rf 2 ft 1 ft C’dall. 2b 3 1 2 2i T.u’ru* lb 8 2 15 0 Wale#. If 4 ft 2 ol Ppenc'r, c 4 1 5 1 H* ley. 3b 4 1 2 3 K'adot. **4101 M’M'n, c 3 1 2 0 Ho'ann, If 3 0 2 ft Hovllk. p 4 2 0 4l8ong*r. p 3 1 ft 4 -aTate 1 1 ft ft Total* 34 9x26 14 —--. -• ! Total* 33 9 27 13 xTwo out when winning run aeorrd. xBatted for Song^r in ninth. Poor* by inning* Wichita .002 000 10ft—3 Oklahoma City .Iftl Oftft Aft2—4 Summary — Run*: Haley. McMullin, Hovllk, Haa* m. Khadot. Hoffman Er ror? Butler. Ciandall. M« Nolly, Feller. Two-base hits Bulled. 8ong*r. P*r« Tate Three - base hit- Haas fiacrlflcea Butler Krueger. Luderu** Baa* on halls Off fton?er. 1; off Hovlik. 4 ®,ruwc,k out: By Songer, 2; by Hovlik, 2. Double plays Songer to Spencer to Luderu*. Hov llk to Haley to Berk. Left on ba»»- i Wichita, <. Oklahoma City. *. Time;] 1:45. umpires Donohue and Shannon. ( KANSAS GOLFERS LEAD IN MEET By Associated Pres*. Lincoln, May 28.—Kansas univer sity golfers had the low total gcore at the end of the first round of the Mis souri Valley golf championship here today. The Jay hawks greesrm n scored 715, Drake was second with 722 and Nebraska ranked third with 736. The remaining 36 holes will b« played tomorrow. The golfers were troubled by a high wind that played havoc with long shots. Eddie Held, national public links champion, and a member of the Wash ington university team, turned in the low individual score. 157. Held shot 77 for the first 18 holes. Today's *cor*s follow H*ld Washington . .... 77-10—157 Crewder. Kansas . Sl-M—165 Wtt«. Nebraska . 32*36—16* Henry, KaniaR .. 63-s4—171 Pealr*. Drake .. $:-90—17 J Whitten. Nebraeka . *4-90—174 Behm. A me* .93-65—17* Blanchard, Drake .*6-90—176 Hill. Kar*a- .93-93—134 Morris. Drake . 96.92—1*3 Steven*. Drake .. 92-94—196 Toedtman. Washington .91-101 — V92 Robinson. Kansas . 93-95—193 Henklerp*«t. Nebraska, . •>-Iff—194 Ready, Nebraska ..101*11—200 fieorge Burn*, the Indian*' f|r*f base man. 1* out »ft**r a r**ord for *afe hit ring In consecutive gam*** In the game aaalnst the Yankee* 'Burn* collected three hit*, one of which was a four bagger It was the twenty-flrat eonaecu five game in which he has hit eafely. ■ - Saints Gallop Oilers. 15 to 7 / Tulsa, Ok!., May 2S.—St. Joseph slaughtePed the Oilers In the fourth and concluding game of t'ne series here Friday w hen they fell upon Jack Teaar for 16 hits and 15 runs. It was Teaar's first defeat of the year. Ha previously had won seven games. Yank Davla hit his nth home run of the season. The score: ST. JOSEPH I TULSA I ABHOA AH H O.A. Nufer. 2b « 2 2 4 Stuart. If 5 15 0 Co'gnn, *■ ft 2 5 Jl W'ti'n, 2b 5 1 3 4 Letvan. cf 3 0 2 0 Lavs*. »f 3 11ft P M’fc’io. If r, ! 1 1 Lamb, of 4 1 ft ft IJtlbt. 3b D 3 ft 2 Lfll*. lb 4 ft 12 0 Math**. P» 3 310 ft Sarit't. 3b 4 2 0 ft M*rz**. rf 4 1 2 ft- Oer*v. c 3 2 4ft NT in r**. c f> - 5 2 FU’in, sa 3 2 2 4 Da port, p I 2 0 ft Teaar. p 3 1 ft 4 -i zAuatin 1 ft 0 0 Total* 43 1ft 27 13 -i Tot ala 35 11 27 13 zBatted for Teaar In ninth Score bv inning-* St Joseph . 021 lftft 013—15 Tula* .lftft 201 012— 7 Summer-— Runt Nufer *21 Oorriren. T^ewan. DtVtetio (2). Gilbert. Math** (3). Men z*a. Minetr®* (2). Davenport (2), Wa*hbur*v Davfa <2). Lamb. Sarrept f2t. Cat*’ Errors Nufer Lewrtn. Waahburn. Davit. Fl’rpin. T*--*r Two-bate hits: Nufer (U Lamb. Ssre*nt (2). Gilbert f?L Three -bate bit Corrijtar Horn* runt: Washburn Menze* Math**. Davla Stolen bat* Ma»h*« Sacrifice* L*wan (2), Menze*. Double plays: Nufer to Math**: Nufer to Corrivan to Math* : Filpr>in to Waahburn to L*llv*it. Left on bate: Pt. Jo**>ph 7. Tulsa. 4 Bat* or ball*: Off T*a»r 4 off Davenport. 2 Struck out: bv Davenport 4. by T*tar 2 Hit by Pitrhe'1 ball: By Davenport. Cater Pats*d ball: Minefre* Umpire*: Held and Col l,n*. Time: 2 hour*. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Baltimore. 4; Jeraey City, 6. Reading:. 10: Newark, 8. 8) ram**. 1: Toronto. 7 Buffalo. 2. Rocheater, ft nv-.a-ig—nm -i See These Saturday! SPRING SUITS All Styles j S™* Some With All Colors ^ 2 Pants -*-GET YOURS NOW! STRAW HATS $2 >« $6 - All the Newest Styles - BERG CLOTHING CO. 1415 Farnam St. • ,.— -*** *• • t tm m > .1