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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1924)
This Advertisement Appear. Today in the Chicago Tribune. Tear It Out and Mail It to an Out-of-Stat. Friand , # ' ' ' i # ■ l t \ •i m ■ One Automobile to Every Five Persons Leads in Production of Beef Per Capita "iMi 2 tit 1. . To Reach Prosperous Nebraska Effectively and Economically SEND FOR BOOK ^ This frss book contains rtlusblo How tot can roach all of Nebraska, both rural and urban, ai a low con information for ail manufacturers, i is fully explained la the book, "The Buying Power of Nebraska and di*tributor*. *dT#rti*tng manager* sso,ooo Telephones (x to every 5 persons) _ ' - t, »nd agencies. It u a complete (More than England, Scotland and now , *urrey of th* Nebnata market and l>7 • » • tell* how th# publisher* of th* w This book gives a complete survey of the Nebraska market. It tells of Its d»iir new,paper* wtu eip you get population, it* resources, buying power and quick distributing facilities. distribution. Seat: for it today. It explains the uniform co-operation you will receive from the sixteen leading daily newspapers in Nebraska in making your advertising pro duos the most profitable results. It tells you hew the publishers of these newspapers will help you get distribution. Bend for this book now. THE NEBRASKA DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Columbus, Nebraska Beatrice Bus Brand laland Independent Lincoln Star Omaha Be* Columbu* Telegram Hastings Trlbun# Nebraska City Pr*M Omaha World Herald Kalla Cite Journal Kearney Hub Norfolk News * Hoettabluff Tribune Fremont Trlbun* Lincoln Journal North IMatl# Telegraph York News-Time* Total Circulation, 309,090 Total Rate, 9S\gc Per Line -f' Total Families in State, 303,436 < : JIT _0_ The figures Quoted in this advertisement were taken from the l otted State* Canau* bureau reporta, Nebraska Slat* rnlvenity bulletin* , _and the Omaha Chamber of Commerce record*. ' t Leads in Agricultural Production Per Capita 4- -- ■ - ■■— ► • * I , RICH in Farm Production IMPORTANT in Industry * You Gan Sell More Goods In Nebraska Nebraska is rich agriculturally—yet every community is a direct partici pant in industry. Eighty of the ninety-three counties of the state each have from 3 to 600 manufacturing establishments in operation, in fact, 55 per eent of Nebraska’^ population live* in cities and towns. The average value of a Nebraska fartn is $33,771—nearly three times greater than the nation’• average. Nebraska leads all other states in the per capita production of all agri cultural products. The per farm average value of all agricultural prod ucts and live stock \n Nebraska in 1923 was approximately $4,000 as com pared with a per farm average of $2,000 throughout the United States. That is why local bankers will tell you that today money is plentiful in Nebraska and borrowers scarce. In addition to producing more beef per capita than any other state in the union, Nebraska^ean boast of the second largest live stock market in the country. Its peeking and slaughtering industries employ approximately 15,000 people. Nebraska’s dairy cows have increased 17 per cent in number since 19-1, as compared to a 5 per eent increase for the entire country. And the 51 large creameries in the stats produce approxiinately $38,000,000 worth of butter annually. . Thousands of people are employed in Nebraska’s large flour mills, sugar refineries, iron and brass foundries, metal works, railway construction shops, clothing, cap and glove factories, as well as in manufacturing brushes, agftcultural implements, electric fixtures, starch, labels, jewelry, cosmetics and hundred* of other eommoditiee. There is an automobile for nearly every family in the state and a tela phone for little leas than every five people. Rural Nebraska, with its 138,600 eutomobileg and 95,050 telephones, can shop aa quickly and conveniently as the suburbanites in the larger cities. The 80,000 mile# of roada and the 7.242 miles of main line railways fur nish quick distributing facilities to and from tha thousand# of well-rated wholesale and retail establishment* in the state. / Because Nebraska aharea honors with one other state in the lowest per cent of illiteracy—because 87.1 per cent of its population is native white, Nebraskan# are accustomed to buying from the printed page. That Ne braska prefer# to read daily newspaper# is shown in th* book just issued by the Nebraska Daily Newspaper Association. %