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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1924)
(Jerms Discussed hv Health Head South Omaha Merchants Hear Dr. A. S. Pinto on Immunization. Tn relating the ravage* of con tagious diseases, D. A. S. Pinto, of the city health department, urged im munization as a prevention and means of eradicating the typhu* and diphtheria germs, which he said spread so rapidly if allowed headway. Dr. Pinto, who add-essed the South Omaha merchants at their weekly noonday meeting Monday spoke on “Public Health.” "Omaha until three years age, was afflicted with 75 diphtheria fatalities annually,” he said, "but since the gospel of immunization has been spread, this has been reduced to 37 and will be lower if our people adhere to our rule* of prevention." He urged immunization of children Just entering grade schools as one of the best method* of eradicating diph theria. "We should recognize prevention more strongly than cure," he stated. "Seventy-five hundred children have been Inoculated with antidiphtheria toxin within the last three yeprs, and We have not had one case reported.” Dr. Pinto, declared had not our troops been inoculated during the world war. the death rate from typhoid would have been appalling. The mortality of the American army during the Spanish American war from typhoid fever was more than 30 times the'number slain by Implements of war. This he claimed was due to lack of preventative methods. The water supply and the milk sup f* ply under jurisdiction of the health department also was discussed by Dr. Pinto. "A city hospital, centrally located. Is a thing we sadly lack,” he said, urging organizations such ns the South ‘Omaha merchants to stand be hind such an issue. Dr. H. P. Swoboda, presided and Introduced the speaker. Vo Bobbed-Hair Girl Among Riverton Grads J v_/ Shenandoah, la.. May 20.—Of se\cn girls In Riverton High school grad uating class, not one has bobbed hair. Farm Hand,-Victim of Heart Attack, Leaves $10,000 Estate but No Will Death of William Rudolph, 55, farm hand at the farm of Ham Har der, near Pnplllion, Monday evening, revealed him to be wn'rth $10,000. Rudolph complained of being 111 Mon day evening and retired early. The next morning he waa found lying on the floor, dead, from henrt dlaeaae. Rudolph. Recording to* County At torney K. Collins, who knew him well, waa a man of little education, but conservative by nature. “He came td this section, almosl penniless, 2ft years ago," Collins said, “and had been working as a farm hand ever alnee." “He was known to loan farmers, around Springfield and Tapillion, con siderable sums of money, and his wealth was accumulated by having hts earrings loaned out on Interest. Although lie was unable to read and write little, he had a keen knowledge of the financial end of the farm in dustry.” Certificates of deposit, ndtes and bonds at the American State bank at Springfield and the Clark bank at Papllllon, amounted to over $10,0ft0, Collins said. Rudolph leaves s sis ter. Mrs. Minnie Watteman. Bedford. WIs., who was noilfled Tuesday. Fu neral arrangements are pending her arrival. He left no will. OMAHANS GIVE MIDLAND AWARDS Two Omaha families have con tributed annual prizes to be awarded Midland college students. Dr. and Mrs. A. K, Van Fleet have established an annual award of $25 to be given to the student, maintain ing the highest grade in the de partment of Bible and religious in struction, and the John Hiram Mc Cray Memorial fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. 75. M. McCray in memory of their son, who was killed during the war. This fund is available to students preparing themselves for the min istry. Harvard—County Judge August C Krebs will deliver the Memorial day address here. Children Cry for i | MOTHERFletcher’s Castoria is a pleasant, harm less Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look the signature of ” i Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it I Buy-Rite Stores Are'Cash Carlot Buyers—Your Price Advantage on Quality Foods i Famout _ Beach-Nut |jj| Niahna ^B ^^B „ Peanut mP. Per Ji ^ Jar ■ Wednesday, Thursday Buy-Rite Specials I See the beautiful, red-haired Sunflower Girl telling the delicious Sunflower 3j Oranges. Sold exclusively by the B uy-Rite Stores. Specially priged at 1 per dozen ..W ORANGES-35c Value Sweet Valencia. .Per dozen, 27c I ORANGES—60c Value Sweet Valencia.Per dozen, 49c jg BANANAS—Extra Large, Fancy and Ripe.Per dozen, 37c f| PINEAPPLES—30 size, 2 for 35c; Per dozen, $1.85;...Per case of 30, $3.99 ■ NEW POTATOES—Very Fancy and Good Size.5 lbs. for 33c |g 5000 Assorted Verbenas and Petunias.Per pot, 10c m 5000 Dahlias, African Marigold and Climbing Vincas.Per pot, 15c ■ 3000 Salvias (a wonderful plant and very hardy).Per pot, 20c jj SOOOAssorted Geraniums; per pot, 20c.i.Per dozen pots, $2.25 || THERE IS NOTHINC. MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN A BED FLOWER.*—WHV HOT FEAST 'EM TODAY* B BEANS, RAISINS AND RICE— 5,000 lbs. of large Montana Navy Beans (very de licious and fine flavored), very special, on 3 lbs. for. ““v ■(,000 lbs. of Not-a-Seed (the ever deli- nQ cious raisin), 2 large pkgs. for. C 5,000 lbs. of Fancy Large Grain Heart Rice (usu ally : old at 12'»c a lb.), special, O 1 . 3 lbs. for. “I v I OI.K*'! Don't Overlook ^our Iron Today. SANTA OLAEA PRUNES-La rg* Aac X Santa Clara Sweets, 20c value, 3 lbs. for * V'* 9, Morn Prunes see eonunmed In the Sprin* of the year thnn In the Fell. The renson! A SPRING TONIC. Boj 'om aE. snrl eat. ’em now! « SPOT CASH CARLOAD PURCHASE— fl Campbell’s Celebrated Baked Beans, 12Vjc value, 9 very special at— S 3 29c 6;r 56c 1 A Splpmlifl Item for tlio Coming: Hot ttrathrr Outing*. ^B I +999? $+999 *99 9 * 9999' A FREE SHOPPING BASKET-WITH-~~~~~~ g \ -J Can of Hunt's Supreme RASPBERRIES^ The 3 CanS and Q/5/^ 1 « i I ('an of Hunts Supreme BLAl K RASPBERRIES. _ . . , * ;Sj| !; X fan of Hunt's Supreme BLACKBERRIES. Basket IOr 5 1; THE FINEST OF BERHIES IN HEAVY SYRUP. | ■ TOILET PAPER SPECIALS— * On* Carload Direct from Factory. 10 large rolls of 12',-4c Tissue Toilet QEJq 10 large rolls of 10c Toilet .75c FOR A "SNAPPY BREAKFAST— 5,000 pkgs. of Teco Pancake Flour, OQa* 3 pkgs. for . 65e size of I/og Cabin Maple Sap*. A*it* special at .. HYDRATED LIME—Snowflakt Ash Grove, 10 lb. eack. Wonderful for Yonr Lawns «nd Rhrubbwy—-Rills Buffs »nd Will Dry Cellars of Molsturs, Ete, * BLUE BELL FLOUR— 48 g $1.53 24 g 83c FINE GRANULATED SUGAR— Q-J 10 lbs. of the best. OJl' SOAPS AND SOAP POWDERS— 10 large bars of P. & G. Naptha Soap 49c li Per box of 100 hare.$4.75 Crystal White Soap Chip*, 6 lbs. 78c 1 6-lb. wood box of Kingsford’s Gloss 7Qn» Starch . i VC Haskins' Hardwatrr Castile, * bars 22c I I COME AGAIN AND “GAIN” AGAIN | I ERNEST BUFFETT_WA-0761 SKUPA & SWOBODA MA-1066 B m J D. CREW & SON....HA-0936 LYNAM & BRENNAN.. AT-6096 J§ 13 PROS GROCERY.JA-4970 HANNEGAN & CO.HA-0760 §3 GILES BROTHERS .... WA-5600 JEPSEN BROS.JA-1840 S H4 WILKE & MITCHELL HA-0284 J T. L. BIRD.MA-0728 tfl B A E SNYGG & SON... WA-0570 GEORGE I. ROSS.KE-0402 m Ij E. KARSCH CO.AT-7701 ARMAND PETERSEN .WE-0114 g I KKTIKIRD MEMBERS Olf THE BETTER (.RIMERS' Bl REAU «-:0-'!4 ■ • BJ JMj ' I PEARL WHITE PH5!^N I I THE BIG MEW BAR SWA**™ I K 10 Bars for...45c i>r 0^c I Burgess-Nash Company gSsJ Annual Spring Clearance Sale Store Your Furs in our cold storage vaults and protect them from moths, thieves or loss by fire._ Annual Clearance Sale Notions 5c Darning Cotton, O all colors . . OC 10c Mercerized Darning £• Cotton . I $1.75 9-inch Roller- CQ _ i Bearing Scissors.Oi#V* 10c Many Use Machine C Oil .. 50c Packages Kill-Stain for remov ing spots from any 0^1 - material. 35c Exquisite Shirt *}A Waist Shields .£trX\t 10c Cabinets Scolding Lock Hair Pins, assorted To sizes .• 6c Mercerized Thread, A «-» all colors, spool . 16c Silk Thread, all I O _ colors, 100-yd. spools.IOC 35c Curity Sanitary Napkins, six napkins to each OQ _ package .“•'C $1.25 Cretonne Shoe Bags, fancy patterns, eight 7Q/» pockets .#OC 97c Ironing Board g* Q Pads.. II Main Floor Sale of < ► Shoes $, BLACK BOARDED CALF HAVANA BROWN VICI KID TAN RUSSIAN CALF PATENT LEATHER BLACK VICI KID . TONEY BROWN KID Sizei AAA to D; 3 to 7. Size* AAA to D; 3 to 7. Our Entire Stock Regular $8.50 and $9.00 Values Mail Orders Filled Mmln Floor _ White Bungalow Manicure Aprons Full and Extra Sizes $1.95 • Good quality sheeting fash ions these slip-over styles. Made with loose belt, self-ma terial facings, square neck and kimono sleeves. The quantity is limited. Second Floor. 1,000 Yds. White Cotton Fabrics at 38c yard I Including values up to 75c a yard. 39-Inch Flaxons 36-ineh Dimities 27-inch Poplins 36-inch Pique 36-inch Gabardine 36-inch Nurses’ Cloth Second Floor | Annual Clearance of Silks and Woolens 1 I - $2.50 Tweeds ' and Homespuns 56-inch a 1 1-w o o 1 homespuns in rough weave. In gray, tan and brown. Yard, $1.69 $3.50 Satin Canton Yd. $2.59 39-inch beautiful satin can ton and flat crepe in silver gray, cocoa, almond green, powder blue, tan, jade, brown, navy and white. $4.50 and $5.00 Novelty Velours Yd. $3.45 20 beautiful patterns in checks, plaids, and stripes, in red and tan, brown and tan, red and grav, tan and blue combinations. 54 to 56 inches wide. $2.50 and $3.00 Silka Yd. $1.77 40-inch Printed Crepe de Chine. 40-inch Printed Radium. .15-inch Changeable Taffeta. 40 inch Colored Crepe de Chine. 40-inch Colored Sport Satin. $1.69 Kimono Silks Yd. $1.15 36-inch Japanese kimono silka in beautiful butterfly, floral, and Japanese patterns. Second Floor $4*50 to $€ Novelty Silk* Yd. $3.95 40-inch printed Lenox crepe, chenille figured silk and wool crepe, jacquard crepe, and other charming crepe novelties. The Woolens $7.50 to $12.50 Coatings Yd. $5.85 Rich coatings, including Ge rona, Merzela, Nonette, Mer zetta, Curleen, Chantilly and Veldyne in tan, gray, navy, blue, brown, and black. ... $2.25 Printed Flannels 27-inch printed flannels i n various size checks. In gray, tan, brown and blue. Yard— $1.69 Spring Clearance Sale of Sewing Machines And Sewing Machine Accessories Specially Priced for This Week An Event of Which Omaha Women Should Take Advantage. $24.75 — Special — $24.75 Guaranteed for 10 Yrs. You Save $9.00 1924 model, brand new drop head, high arm machine. Five-drawer case, made of oak and finished in golden. Full set of steel attach ments and guaranteed for ten years. Our regular $33.75 machine. Special at . 824.75 $ “I 00 A WEEK X On Any Article ~ Rebuilt Rebuilt Rebuilt WE DO HEMSTITCHING Singer White Domestic Cotton, yard . . . 12# $16.50 $5.00 $5.00 Silk, yard .15# Draperies Quaker Craft Filet Net 40 to 48-inch filet net in ivory and ecru color*. Reg ularly $1.25. Yard. ... 9 J/C Stock Shades 36x6-ft. guaranteed first qual ity shade* in buff, light and dark green. CQ Each .OVC Silk Marquisette 38-inch silk marquisette, plain or figured, pongee color. Wash able. $1.35 value*. Yard . Drapery Silks 36-inch plain or figured silk in every color. Regu- A Q larly $2.25. Yard. . 1 sHJJ Second Floor Spring Clearance Sale of Household Linens and Domestics Irish Linen Damask Cloths $2 £5 Linen table cloths made of pure flax. The 70x70-inch si*e in several pretty designs. $3.95 value. Irish Linen Damask Napkins 29c 22x22-inch napkins of fine quality with beautiful satin fin ish. Not less than six sold to a customer. 40c salue. Bleached “Pepperell” Sheeting 72 inches wide, made without filling or dressing. A g* Yard . 40C Hemmed Huck Towels 14c The large l$x34-inch towels of fine quality huck with all white or red borders. Limit of ' 12 to a customer. Bleached Turkish Towels 49c 20x3$ and 22x40-lneh towels of heavy weight, two-ply qual ity. In white or with colored borders. Values to 75e. Pillow Cases 42x36 and 45x36-inch pillow cases, finished with 3-inch hems. Excellent qual ity. Each 1. . .It DC Second Flw 1 20-Year Guaranteed Dou arr $12.50 Walton Mahogany Dav enport Table, fl*OQ CA 60-in. size.. . o American Walnut Tea . $19.95 Fourth Floor Canvas Porch Swing in $10.75 Fumed Brown Upholster ed Rocker, ... $8.95 j Annual Spring Clearance of Housefurnishings MHH Pails Id-quart gal vanued pail.’. 25c value— 19c Garbage Pails fl gallon galvanised pail* with cover lock cover. QQ _ ♦1.IB value. OUC Garbage Cans Galvanized can 1tx22-inrh ai/.e, wilh cover, $1.06 £*$1.49 * i» . Boiler Heavy gal vaniitd l> o.i I r r *. stations r y wood han dles, t i n $1.79 Brooms 5-tie corn broom* with full varnished handle* - 69c Canister Sets piece canister sets, blue ja paned with very attractive dr i sign* and stenciling. Consist ing1 of Ian, coffee and OQ sugar ran* .OS/C •SBBSSSKSBS --TT—T- g I Garden Hose 'a-in. molded hose. "Path finder" brand, r ioc Floor Wax O'Cedar floor wax, 1 pound ran*. 7hr val ?.*; ..59c Water Cooler (lalvani/.ed cool er* that fit in any refrigerator, • ‘ 4Qr 8f>r value ■‘'v Psmth Fleet Wash Boards Regular si*« board*, i i i>r rubbing sur face. 85c val “,..49c Tubs G a 1 v anir.ed tub with drop handle. No. »i*e, 85c val ue for CQ only. . Bread Boxes White ianatied boxes with gold stenciled letter*. :l sire*. Value* 89c I Curling Iron ."urlex electric irons, white handle and cord. 11.50 value for, $1.00 Ice Cream Freezer* 2-quart, pal v a n iinl fteeters, tv tinned cans. 1.25 vain. only 95C Hamper* Otnl shape splint hampers. As sorted colored boilers and hinged covers. It.00 . values for only.OafC ----