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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1924)
Order Your Omaha Bee Want Ad 7 Days-With Cancellation Privilege Agricultural Credit Corpora tion Already Functioning to Relieve Northwest. Chicago, May 20.—Th* 110.000,000 agricultural credit corporation origi nally tentatively formed in Chicago at the suggestion of President Coolldge for the relief of »he agricultural northwest already b*8 come to the relief of more than 150 banka in North Dakota, South Dakota, Mon tana, Iowa and Minnesota, it was dis closed today by James R. Howard, a Vice president of the organization and president of the National Transporta tion institute. The corporation has been In actual operation scarcely more than a month. In addition to the relief of banks, * the credit corporation has established a $1,000,000 fund for th# dlract aid of farmers to purchase dairy cows, sheep or brood sows. In order to pro mote diversified farming In the northwest, Mr. Howard. The nuclei of a diversified farming territory have heen established and it is expected to expand this mixed farming movement as rapidly as ex perience justifies, to cover the whole territory of the northwestern states. The relief extended to banks to date approximates $2,000,000, accord ing to the statement. Additional com mitments for bank loans which will be turned over as soon as details are .attended to amount to nearly $1,000, ^*000 more. These sum# do not Include delinquent tax or Interest relief, seed purchase^ or other direct agricultural appropriations granted or under way, Mr- Howard said. The credit corporation was organ ized last February, and its $10,000,000 fund was subscribed by bankers, manufacturers and business gener . ally. CANDY MEN TOLD OF MEANEST MAN Cleveland, O., May 20.—The store keeper who swindles children out of their pennies in a game of chance where the child has no chance to win was characterized as the meanest man In th# world by Georg# Harvey, New York, addressing th# Associated Retail Confectioners of th# United ptates, In convention here. dr. Harvey declared the association eonfectloners have abated this fraud, the most popular ferm of which Is a large box of chocolates, each plec# of which sells for a penny. If It ha# a pink center ths purchassr gets an extra piece fret; If It has a chocolate center, he gets a pound; but his changes of doing so ar# wrecked hy the manufacturer Inserting a slip tell ing the dealer which pieces are choco late and advising him to remove them, Mr. Harvey said. WILSON HEADS , ' PASTORS’ UNION I Pp-, <\ C. Wilson, Grace Methodist Kpiix-opal church, was elected presi cent of the Omaha Ministerial union Monday. Rev, J. C. Mahaffey, First United Presbyterian church, was named vice president, and Rev. Frank Anderson, Plymouth Congregational church secretary and treasurer. The steering committee Includes Rev. W. I. Guss, St. Mark Lutheran, Rev. R. Yanderlippe, Clifton Hill Presbyterian church, and Rev. G. Yan Winkle, Olivet Baptist church. Members of t lie executive committee ars Rev. George A. Miller, First Christian church; Rev. F. O. Smith, First Con gregational church, and Rev. Donald C. Smith, Dundee Presbyterian church, outgoing president of the union. MAJOR MARTIN’S RETURN DELAYED Bcllineham, 'Wn.h., May 20.—Maj. Frederick L. Martin, round the world flight commander who eicaped death in a crash in Alaaka, will not ar rive here before next Sunday, accord inr to word received today. A wire less message from Capt. W. B. Knight of the steamer Catherine P., laid the ship waa delayed in encountering heavy fog*. Major Marlin la aboard the Catherine P. with hla mechanlr, Serjreant Harvey. Real Estate Transfers. > Mimy« Kck and husband to Emma win. Parker, Ogden Ave., 450 feet e. of 24tli fit.. a. aide, 60x160_f 7.600 Alfred Oleen and wife to Mertle Smith, et al. «8th St.. 145 feet n. of Ohio Ht.. «. aide. 45x163- 1 Mertle Smith And husband to Fred A. Bailey, 68th Sr., J4r> feet n. of Ohio Ft., e aide. 458163 _ I960 Bradford Hllea and wife to Mertle E. Smith. 681U St., 145 feet n. of Ohio Ht . e. aide. 45x163. 1 y red A. Ballev lo Mertle Smith, Bedford Hi., 20u feet e. of 65th St., b. aide. 60x128 1,00ft James tfoClung to Cuclle Krenxer i,s k* St.. i0o feet e of 68tli Ht., n. aide. 100*130 . 100 Herman C. Peter* and wife to Stella O. Pelf*. 3let Ht,, 200 feet n of Woo'.worth Av w. aide. 50x160 . 0.60,0 H*»len H- Hibbard end huaband to Klate E. Bogg*. Cuming St.. 100 foet e. of 4ith St., e. aide. 60x 120 ...•..... . 4, tOO Walter .teroma Green and wife to Marie Dvorak. 17th Ht.. 232 feet n of Spring St., w. aide. 50x210. T80 pa lav M. Mlnlkua and husband to Raymond S. West and wife. 45th St M 2-3 feet n. of Miyberry Sr ! w. aide. 4834x1111* . 6.000 Melvin Curry to Theodore W. Met calfe, Mery St., <3>4 fee* a. of 50th St., a. aide. 42xl2o . #50 H igh W Harper and wife to Ctrl W. Burnap. Pinkney *t., 22J fe#t » of 44th Ave.. aide, 40x138.2 . 475 William P. Norris to Peter M. i *b ri't in naen, Florence Boulevard. - 4h f*et a. of Read St., e. aide, 44x260 1,000 Anna H Grant and husband to Max A. Anderaon. 4iat St., 200 feet a of Pinkney Ht., e. aide, 4Ox J 34 860 Alma E. Anderaon to Edward T Slattery. Howard Ht . 240 feet w of 64th flt„ n. aide, 60x136.. 1,360 r*)Hy A. Hully and wife to Olive Peterson, Mlnne Luba. Ave.. 84 feet a of Vane St., w. aide, 45.94x1 20 .. ...4- *.000 Margaret G. Hlchey to Fanny L. FfArt. Charlee St.. 60 feet w. of 6!at Ft., a. *lde. 60*128 . 1,100 Herman Wlthovakl and wife to Fred Alexander end wife. Slat St. 140 feet n. of Bancroft Hi., W elde. 40x161 3.660 joa*e M. Conley and nuaband to 1 * George C. P^lack, Curtla AV# , 42 f***t w. ef Hat 8t., aouth aide, 4AX102 ... 6,800 josle M. Conley a nd huaband t« „ George C. Flack, a. a corner , ^ Slat and Curtla Ave.. 41x102 .... 8.860 ! t Beniamin F. Marti and wife to Frannea R Rlaxuto. Slat St , 260 feet n. of Poppl ion Av#., w. aide,. *' RnxIBn .. • • is, 125 Baptist to T.ealle Cl Ablott and wifi. Boyd ft.. 260 feet e of ) M Heal, at al. to Abe Snm ” ~mrrn c 1 • 3 Ini.) n a. corner 19th and Dodge fft. • • • H.0§« ■feattnfa A Hoyden to william C. a w. corner Uth and , derwoed Ave., 60x111 .. 4,100 Movie Actress Accuses Dempsey Fight Manager Mrs. Francis M. Emerson. Los Angeles, May 20.—Jack Kearns, manager of Jack Dempsey, Is accused of beating and attacking Mrs. Francis Marlon Emerson, 25, known in the movies as Mary O’Brien, In a Holly wood residence. The charges have caused quite a sensation In Hollywood. AD-SELLERS TOLD MEXICOWEALTHY Natural Resources Almost Un believable, Speaker at Dinner Says. "Mexico has greater natural re sources than all of the rest of North America combined,” declared Dr. Jamea M. Taylor, who haa traveled In every country on earth, speaking be fore the Advetlsing Selling league In the Burgeaa-Nash tea rooms Monday night. "Mexico haa a soil that would sup port 850,000,000 people If It were properly cultivated. It haa 21,000 mlnea, employing 500,000 men. The largest silver nugget In the world was found in Mexico. It weighed mors than 2.800 pounds. One-flfttj of all the ailver in the world today has been dug from Mexican mines. The largeat <tll well In the world, producing more than 220,000 barrels a day, Is In Mexico. "The only thing that keeps Mexico from being a great nation Is that the Mexicans don't believe In work." Dr. Taylor told of his adventures among Mexican bandits, the head hunters of Borneo, the wild men of Africa and Australia. He has travel ed 1,500,000 miles over the earth In the course of his wanderings. He bears a striking resemblance to TV. .1. Bryan and was greeted with salu tations of "Hello, Bill!" when he was Introduced. It was the last meeting of the league for the season and the room was crowded to capacity. A stage was built for the special program of the occasion. Creighton Olee club, Keno Four and orchestra provided music. Sonia and Arlyn, two young girls, danced. British Diplomat Dies. T>ondon, May 20.—Sir William Ed ward Gorschen. one of the foremost diplomats In England, died In his 77th year today. He had held diplo matic posts In Washington, Madrid. Buenos Aires, Rio Janeiro. I.enlngrad Al'etrograd), Lisbon, Belgrade, Berlin and Copehnagen. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES lie per line each day, 1 or 1 daya. 17<• per lihe each day. 3 or t daya 16c par Kna each day. 7 daya. 1 Be par Una each day. 10 daya. Claaslfled Ada aeceptad at the following office*: Main Office.17th and Famam St* South Omaha .N. W. Cor. 14th and N St*. Council B.uffa.IB Scott St l*o per Una each day. 1 or 1 daya. 1 Be per line each day, 1 or • daya. lie per line each dev. 7 daya or longer. CLOSING HOURS FOR CLASSIFIED ADS Homing Edition .* p. m Evening Edition . 11:00 a. m. Sunday Edition.f;O0 r m. Saturday either charge or caah orders. Telephone ATIantlc 14ft THE EVENING BEE THE OMAHA MORNING BEE Funeral Notice* . 1 Vault* ami Monument* . 5 Funeral Director* . 3 Cemeteries . 4, FiSTA ThiniiV:*::: « Ixxlge Notice* . 7 4 urn lug Event* .. I PerxouaU . .. 9 l/o*t an«l Found . 1® \iitomnhl|e* for Sale . II Truck* for Sale . J'! .Automobile Agencle* . 13 Motorcycle* and Iticvrle* . II Automobile* for Ktclmnge . 15 Auto Aoee*aorie*. Part* . I® Service Hint Ion*—Kcpnlrlng . 17 Auto Livery. Garage* . IH Wonted—Automobile* .J® Garage* for Rent. . 2® HI SINES* SERVICE. Hunlnea* Service# Offerrd . 21 R» WtrSZ**, :::::::::::::: | l^Vnery—t»re**making '. Moving—Trucking—Storage . R Fainting and Papering . J7 l Patent, Attorney* . If: Printing Stationery . f® Profe**ional Service . I®, KKlgff,. «« nwiir U taundrlea . I*1 allorlng nnd Preening .34 ranted—flnninea* Mervlec . 35 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female . . Help w anted— Male . *7 Help W•mini—Mule nnd Female .... 34 Hhalewmen nml Agent* . 3® situation* Wanted—Female . 4® Situation* Wanted—Male . 41 FINANCIAL. Itualne*# Opportunities . Invmtmmt—Stock*—Bond* .41 Real Fietute Loan* . 44 Money to lami* . 45 Wanted to Borrow . 44 EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Coursea .47 loeel Instruction Cie**e* ... 44 Mu* Ira I—Dramatic . 49 Dancing Academic* . ft® Private Instruction .... AI Want id Inainictiou .AI LIVESTOCK. . Dog*. Cat* am* Pet* .A3 llorne*, tut tit Vehicle* . At Poultry hn«| Nupplle* .. . AA Wanted—Livestock . A® MERCHANDISE. Artlclea for Sale . 57 Buxine** Etiulpment .. AN, Building Material* .. ft® Farm and Dairy Product^ .. 44 Fuel ami Feed t. 41 Good Thing* to Rat ....».4} Home-Made Tnlng* . 4.7 HMij*eltf>l«| Gr otl* .44 Swap Column ..«.... 44 •lewelr* aim Watrhe* .. 44 CLASSIFICATIONS. Machinery and Tool# . 61 Heed*. Plants and Flower* . 6# Special* at the Store* . 69 Musical Instrument* .. 19 Radio Equipment . 71 Wearing Apparel . . Wanted to Buy . 73 IDIOMS FOR RENT. Room* With Hoard . 74 Room* Without Hoard . 75 Room* for Housekeeping . 76 Room*. 1'nfurnlshi d .77 Where t«» Stop in Town . ** \\ allied— RtM.m* and Hoard . 79 REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. \partment*—Furnished . HO \partment*—Unfurnished . HI Business Place* for Rent . It Hoot* for Rent . H3 House*—Furnished . HI Offices and Desk Room . 95 Out-of-Town Property . Ml Suburban for Rent . H7 Farm land* for Rent . HH Summer Place for Rent .. . HI) Wanted to Rent . 96 REA I ESTATE—FOB SALE. IliiMinesN Property . 91 Real Estate—Investments . 9" l arin* and lands for Sale . 93 <’it> Acreage for Hale . 91 House* for Sale . 9.» Houses—North . 96 Houses—South . 97 ■ louseM—'West .9* lloilNes—HeiiMin ..#..99 For Sale—Dundee .199 For Sale—Florence ..191 For Sale—C 'Ollticil Bluffs .19i l ots for Sale . JJJJ Real FIstate for F^iehange .1«4 Wanted—Real Estate . 19ft AUCTIONS. Auction Sales ..JJjj Real Estate for Auction ..-.107 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Funeral Notice#. 1 KRAHTZ—Sophia Maria, n« 28 year*, beloved wife of Jo*i W. Krahta, passed sway May 19, 1924. She la survived be sides her husband, by an infant daughter and her parents, Mr. snd Sirs N. C. Jen tti of Omaha. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 3 from .V. J\ Swanson chapel 17th and Cuming St. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. TAYLOR—Mrs. Wary, age 87 years, died Saturday at tlis home of her daughter. Mrs. James <*hinn#y, 2620 I# St. She Is survived hy 5 daughters, 4 sons. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p m.< Brewer's chapel. Twenty-fourth end K street*, Dr. K. L. Wheeler officiating. Burial Grace land Park cemetery.__ MILLER—John, age 8 5 year*, passed away May 17. 1924. at family residence, -’211 Mason St. 4 . Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 2 e clock from N. P. Swanson chapel. 17th and Cuming Sts Interment Foreet Lawn carnetery. Friends are welcome. LEE—Mr*. Stella, age 61 yeara, died Sunday. She Is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Lula Leppke* 718 S. I6lh it., and 3 sons. Remain* will be shipped to Alpen#, Mich., Tuesday at 7:80 p. m., via Chicago North western. _____ Vaults and Monuments. 2 "Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vault# recommended by all leading undertakers. Mfg. by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co. Funeral Directors. 3 HEAFEY A H KAFET Undertaker# and Embalm#r# Thon# HA. 0265. Offlc# 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1862) KOKI8KO FUNERAL HOFFB 23d and O St*. 1210 8 llth St. MA. 0680.AT. 1673 BRA1LEY A DORRANCK. 1822 CUMINO ST.. JA. 6616. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam 8t. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE Hedge at 24th. Funeral Director*. JA. 2*01 N. P. SWAN SOnT 17TH AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified Supervision DUFFY A JOHNSTON. 211 9. 13d. new funeral home. HA. 6417. C. C. HAYNES FUNERAL HOME. 3120 N. 24th 8t.KE, 0257. a rif.pen. Funeral director*. 1224 Cuming. JA. 1226 LESLIE O. MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WE. ##47. _ Ometerlea. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN WEST OF FLORENCE Forest lawn Cemetery I* a place of pears where beautiful green lawns and many trees delight the eye snd afford pleasant memories of the last resting plae» of the departed. Lot owners should place their orders for flower beds at the green house now. Offir* at the Cemetery (North of City Limits) and 720 Brands!* Theater Hldg. Florist*. 5 ROGERS, Florist. 24th Firntm. JA. 340C JOHN BATH. 1804 farnam. JA. 1»04 Personals. 9 THU SALVATION Army Industrial hum* solicit* vour old clothing, furniture, mega ainea. \\ # collect. We distribute. Phone JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call ;ind Inspect our new horhe. 1110 1111-1114 i»odge eti set, I WANTED—Tourist party to board all or part of summer on ranch beautifully lo ' ated in mountains. For particulars writ* , N*. NT Grant. Dubois. Wyo. M A Sy AG E TR K A TM ENT. 210 N. 17TH *'r I/>st and Found. 10 LOST—Hammered silver buckle for wo man's shoe, fall WA. 4444. AUTOMOBILES. Automobile* for Sale. II DEPENDABLE USED CARS. 1919 F*. B Chevrolet Sedan, good running condition Tires good. This is a good serviceable car. Special price. $100. Oldamoblle Sedan, vary good mechanically, four nearly new cord tires This is s real buy at $74. Studebaker Tburlng. ntw paint, extra good curtains. Today, $7$. D 44 Bulck Touring. $34. HANNAN-VAN BRUNT. INC, Kamsm at Blvd. HA. 084$. Used Car Dept. CHEVROLET TOURING. Chevrolet touring 1933. in fine shape. See it today aura, $29.'., Terms. WE. 41 $7. FORD sedan make. 1922, like new, 19.4 IP enae and many extras. $120 » a-h I" months to pay balance. 2122 N. 24th Hi. WE. 144 4. MURPHY IDD ITS Amwn town used car store. Min Jj.-ksnn._AT. 44 11 _ USED C*K«. O. N. Bonney Motor Ce. 1484 Feraam. GOOD USED CAR* BUY YOUR* AT _GUY I., SMITH_ NASH VRIESKWA AUTO CO USED CAR STORE. 1054 Farnam _ AT. 45$« Ft) R DS— DO DCIIH—BIUCKH 370) S. Mth Tel \fA 5ftJ»n NEW used rare and trunks Terms Trad GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CQ., 2112 H vllNKY ST AT. 4R««. OPEN EVENINGS NEW and U**d auto parts for all makes of cars at special reduced prices. KAPLAN AUTO PARTS. 2111 Nicholas.JA. 1410 PRACTICALLY new Paige A Lexington. A bargain. VVE 214C. TniclKS for Nnlr. I? FOR * A EE. Nine Patriot, one Republic and one 1 11 c 1 'i ton trucks. In very good condition. Will ai-ll Patriots with tanks and all equipment. , Fries reasonable. , STANDARD *»1L COMPANY OF NEBRASKA. Room 409. Standard Oil Bldg. AUTOMOBILES Trucks fur Sale. 12 ONE to three-ton used trucks: terms can he arranged. International Harvester Co. of America. 714-16 B. 10th St. Auto Arressurles, Parts. 16 GUARANTEE/') new and uaed auto Darta at a apeclal cut price. Nebraska Auto Parts. 1016-1* Harnev St.. JA. 4931. and 22OS Cuming St.. AT. 1970 Service Station*, Repairing. 17 INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. Bayfield carburetor and Eliemann mag neto service. AT. 2650. P. MELCHOIRR A SON. 417 B, 13TH. BUSINESS SERVICE. Business Services Offered. 21 HENSHAW BEAUTY PARLOR JUST OPEN WORK BY APPOINTMENT EXPERIENCED OPERATOR. NEW CLEANERS with attachments de livered. $1 per day. Mr. Barnes, AT. 1011.______ MAS stoves, water heaters connected and pipe fitting by contract. JA. 1779. Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching; buttonholes. Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 30* Brown Block, Omaha, ^Ceb. Telephone JA. 1926. NEB. PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Button*. 1S04 Farnani. Second Floor. JA. 6670. Moving:—Trucking—Storage 26 FIDELITY STORAGE A- VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household goods, office furniture, auto*. 1107-11 HOWARD ST.JA. 028*. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE. PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING, STORING Estimate* furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4338. BEKINS OMAHA VAN At STORAOE. 16th and Leavenworth St*. Packing, raor Ing, storage, ahlpplng. JA. 4142. GORDON S FIREPROOF WH8E. At VAN 219 North 11th St. Phone JA. 2022; n»ov-' ing, packing, storage, ahlpplng. Painting and Papfring. 27 DON’T TAKE A CHANCE Emplsy a master painter and decorator. Painting and decorating, special discount on wall paper. FRED PARKS PAINT STORE. 4701 S. 24th. AT, 7404. MA. 0101. PAINTING and paper hanging. Call WA. 4998. Talent Attorneys. 28 J. W. MARTIN, 626 Petere Truet Bldg., Omaha; alao Washington. Double service, tingle fee. Also help sell patent*. Printing—Stationery. 29 COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Co. 212 South I3th St. pbr»ne J A. 6068 Repairing. 31 USED and new eewlng macninea. Sew ing machines and Vlctrolae repaired. Rent machines, fl per week; IS per mo. MICK EL MUSIC HOUSE 16th and Harney AT^ 4141. Renovating and Dyeing. 32 OMAH A PILLOW CO.—Feather mattraaae* made from your own feather*. We will ••all and deliver. I9»7 Cuming. JA. S46. KM TKOVMENT. Help Wanted—Female. 36 LADIES. LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE Our many new features qualifies yot» for heat position* and top wage* Day and evening iiaaaea Short course. Constant practice and expert Instruction*. Call or write .XPOLER COLLEGE. 109 8. 16th Street. ENROLL at tha largest comptometer school. 300 Courtney Bldg. JA. 1491. Help Wanted—Male. 37 men. LEARN HARBERINO. Double your earning power. Easy, clean work. Good job* waiting when competent. Short Course complete* Pav or evening. Call or write MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE. 109 S ISth. ALL MEN. women, boy*, glrle, 17 t* 46. wi.ling to arept government position* $117 $250 (traveling nr stationary). Writs Mr. Ogment, 114. St. Louis. Mo., lm medlately. __ WANTED—Boy 14. on farm all summer, good home, good wages for right boy. Waite Andrew Haaenyagar. Overton. Neb. FIREMEN. BRAKKMEN, beginnara, lleU $260 (which position?). Railway Y-24IS. j Omaha Bee. MaleAitiPii ami \Kents. 3D attention A larg* manufstturii.g whose product 1* Inteli r» i oicnlzeil as the leader in ituslry and nationally adv- <1 in the Saturday Evening I'oat and other well-known magazines. la enlarging Its aalea force in Omaha. District manager and factory rep resentative will he in Omaha May :<• to 2*. t# Interview several men. We dofc't care whether you have • old nr not If you are munitions 1 *’ succeed We will give complete l*a train ng to th* men wa em ploy. This courae alone la worth hundred* of dollars to any ambi tious man We ar* tnt*r'*:-.| onlv In tnen wllllnr to start wlih an earning Of Shout $.1S per week. Write ua a letter, completely out lining your past experience, pres ent occupation, age, etc All re plies will be considered confi dential. Cost office Bo* 24, Oma ha, Neb. COUNT V D1HTR1 lU'Ti )KS WANTED - Sell New Thermostatic Automatic Car buretor Control Attachment for Ford* Hlg profit*, full or part time. Burn* Hi per cent air Double* Mileage. Attached In two minuter. No drilling, pee* auto matically exactly what Ford Manual aajra do by hand Cadillac mw using Thai moatatlc Carburetor Control under Hlancke license Write today A. C Blam ke A Co.. Dept. UK. CQ2 W I .a ke *e t , Chicago. WANTED—High else*, energetic, capable stove mid warm air heating furnace sal** men fur central western territory. File application In own handwriting, advising •K*\ reference, experience and anlary. Ap plicant* having h*d former retail or rond - 11* experlem a In above line only will i<u considered. Add ice* Y-2644, Omaha line. MACEHMAN— Splendid opportunity for ex perienced man calling on department and • lay goods atore trad*, our* I* *n ev elusive line of Infanta' and « hlldren * wear; terrltorv southwestern Iowa and Nebraska; • <» p*r i*nt established Phone up write -f. (\ |,oo*hrr»i I , raie of Conant lloiel. Qma lia. Mav 22d and 23d MA I.KSMKN- Me11 coal In carload lota. Aide or main line. Experlem* tinner** i m s Week's pmy m an hour Liberal drawing aornunt arrangement. Washing ton Coal Co, $02 Coal Exchange Bldg. ' 'hlca go. HEAD Naths way's Caucasian first In America. Mouvenlr edition*, nearly sold out. copy 2 Be, yearly subscript Ion, $1 fcn. Hgenta, newsdealer or direct. C 1.. Neth iway, Editor, Florence, Omaha, Neb MAt.ENMEN Well acquainted In Omaha House to house men make gnnd mon* Wrlt* today, giving age. experience, ref erences. etc Box E-lf.23. Omaha Me*. flltoatlonii W«nta4—Female. 49 EXPERIENCED laundreaa wants work by i he day. Call WK, 16HB. WHITE woman wants cleaning. Ironing wi: 0111 FINANCIAL 0|t|M.rtuniti.-n. 4? WANTED tu a*ll half Intei cat In one of the leal elect finally equipped meat market* in ateta, \|ust i.c fuel rls** butcher. TIE* market Is clearing $400 »o per iim». Y 2i!4B. Ornsha Be** I'll Ml I fo ■ C» ! I ! .• fj , t • f business properl Ice in IlnMiing*. Neb. nil producing goutl income. Mr* Che* 11. Dietrich, Administratrix ice CREAM, ice and buti»i making plant. Ready to go $t2Vnoti gross busi ness last year $10,pn* < ash «-II handle. Frank o Drennlng. Topeka. Kan nm.KT rev arid massage an eatahttghed business desirably lorated. AT. 144? or B-4ilo, Omaha Rea. FINANCIAL. Investment—Storks—Bonds. 43 I.OW HATH on clt/ property quickly closed; no monthly payments. JA. 3681. W T. Graham. _ M. A. ANDERSON CO.. 6197. Real estate. Surety bonds and kindred Ins. ——————————— Real Katate liOans. 44 OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1015 Pin. Nat, Bk, Hldg. JA. 2716. SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences Cash on hand. Prompt servica. E. H. Lougec. Inc.. 5.38 Kee.!ne Bldg._i >D mortfSOM or contracta pur chased bv Tukev Company. 620 Flrat Na tional Bunk. JA. 4228. ,j Farm Loans on west. Neb. and N. E. Colo. funis. Kloke Divestment Co.. Omaha. t WILL buy mortgages and contracts Oorkin. 948 Om, Nat. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. 6>* AND 6 PER CENT—No DELAY. GARVIN BROS. 645 Omaha Nat. Bids. Money to Loan. 45 THIS COMPANY J8 ORGANIZED To supply your money wants in the same way that banks supply the money wsnts of the business community. Any amount loaned up to 9500 and you can repav It In easy monthly payments. Our equal payment plan ranaya the loan and all charges. We have been In business In Omaha over 30 years and can assure you of a quick, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY.. 606 Karbach Blbck. Tel.. JA. 2296. Southeast corner 16th and Douglas 8ta. Omaha Bee._ MONEY TO LOAN On 1st and 2d Mortgages. We buy outright for cash Existing mortgages and land Contracts. Prompt Action 31. A WOLF CO., 582 Saunders-Kennedy Hldg. AT. SI6G. DIAMOND loans at lowest ratss. business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan i o., 1514 Dodge St. Established 1694. MONEY to loan on automobiles. Phone WE. 6463. KIHCATiONAL. Local Instruction Claase,. 48 8 DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL 'Complete course In all commercial branches, bookkeeping, coraptometry, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy secre tarial. banking, salesmanship, civil serv ice. English. You may work for board while attending. Illustrated catalog free BOYLSfl SCHOOL, llth and Harr.ey Sts.. Omaha, Neb. JA. 1698 TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge 8t. 1200 Douglas St _Call or write for information. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeping. Weal Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. AT. T419 EIGHT to 12 weeka prepara yoa for e fine office poaitlon. Call AT. TTT4 ar write America! college. 1912 Farnaaa. Dancing Academies 50, Largest dhneing classes la Omaha. 'There’s a Reason ’ KEEP’S. HOTEL ROME Join Now' JA. 6470. __ Builnna Equipments. 58 WE BUY. sell safes, make Seeks, abow case*, etc Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. S. W. cor, llth and Douglas. JA. 2724 BARGAIN oak typewriter desk and chair., AT. 697 4j Fuel and Feed. <! KINDLING—95 truckload, delivered; saw dust. shavings. Phone JA 6740. * Household Goods. (4 BETTER value* In new and used furni ture. Bales mads privately or at auc tion. We also buy your 'uraiture and pay rash. A trial of our service will con vince you. STIC PH ENRON AUCTION HOUSE .1101 CAPITOL. AVENUE AT -iani«c. 6286 _ AUCTION! AUCTION! PAXTON AUCTION ROOMS 118 8 14th ftt.. Omaha. Try and attend the big sale Wednesday night. 7:10, AT. 1764. ICE bog. 800 lb government. 178. Rult able for grocery or restaurant. AIA. 2811. ATTRACTIVE furnishing for email apt. AT. 3827 or AT. 8874. Swap Column. 85 NEW six-room bungalow In Standard addition, with 11.500 equity Swap for * heaper home, prefer residence in west part of c11> WA. 8258. Li KB to trade my beautiful high-grade grand piano against good standard car. Address A-1213, Omah a Bee HAVE beautiful IS note player piano, very slightly used, to tradaglor good ue*<l car i1 1431, Omaha Bee. FURNITURE of five rooms to trade for Ford touring and some cash. AT. 1434. Machinery and Tools. 67 SEW and second-hand motors, d)uarnoe, l.eRron JClecttlcal Worke, 811-20 Ho. 12th Musiral Inatrumrnt*. 70 ! K.N'OR and two B soprano saxophones 'or rent. 308 Arlington Blk. IU«lio Equipment. 71 • I T prices on everything In radio. R. M. Shlaes, 218 N, 14th St. Wanted to Buy. 71 nK8KH.~liF.8KSr 11 EH K 8. New desks, used desks bought, gold and traded. J. C. Reed. l.’OT Farnam 8L AT. 414f. BOOMS KOK KENT. Rooms With Hoard. 11 LARUE front room with 4 windows, suit able for two Will serve breakfast and! dinner. |.i.i per month. KK. 2577. ' couple or gentlemen, boa ul end garage. WK. 40*t** IIANHCoM Park distil* t. new large room with board, garage. HA :ilt>8. OOOjJ room anti board for young men. Walking distance |8 HA. 8120 Rooms Without Hoard. 75 FURNISH KH rooms and housekeaplng epts for rent In all pai ta of tHe city. Free Bureau of Information, 621 Paxton Blk. AT 4 718 _ BotJjgKVAKD- I'leaannt Ho. rm. In n»od. home for 1 or 2 gent IIA. 21*44 Oarage 4834 DA VRNPOUT Clean room, private home. 8.1 per week. M A 8171._ i HEM IS PARK — 8 rooms, well furnished, m private heme we 6238. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, very beat hoard, a bargain. HA 8476. LARHK airy room to private family for gentleman. \VA 0068 DOl'Ol.AS ST, 2554 Nicely furnished 1 3 rn» npi. c FOR HUNT rooms. 1813 Dorcas Rt Room. for lloii,rkrr|iinc. 76 l’ARLOH room anti kitchenette on first rioor, nicely furnished; clone In. 1210 llurnoy .IA 4 006. 1128 WIRT HT Two large rnnme and kitchenette WE. (MM or JA. 3768. non m ISTIt WE 3 nicely furnished hakp. rooms. AT. 1 762. Wlicro to Stop In Town. 18 HOTEL HANFt HU*—1 fth and Farnam HOTEL IIENHH AW—16th and Farnam Spec in I I'Mtra to permanent gueals. KRAI. KNT.%1 K—FOR KENT Aimrtinsnts—lumUliril HO O'i S. 2'ITM Ave —Hudson l.o*»k at thie ;• loom touutlful apt A liNrgain for $'<6 e mouth. tlu look at it today, > on may be too tat. tail IIA IT.'.O oi .1 A o 7 4«. 1 * 'll g • itlahed i onma. kitchenette, bath, two dm <>iD Ha. .KM ' IIWKIIKI l< new decorated l wo-rmtfn and A '<! ‘bn I'D') tnan and wife AT 060. 14th end podge CHEERFUL new derm a tad 1 Wo room and kitchenette spaomefit. 46i. R. 2ld Rt. REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—Cnfurnished. 81 220 TKRUACB COURT Park Ave and Manon A 3 room apart ment with 2 Murpny beds. French doors, and all built-in features. You need only 2 rooms of furniture for 6-room accom modation. Kent only $57.50. fall DRAKES. .TA. 2805. 17lh and Howard. FOR ONE OK DRAKE'S 1.000 APARTMENTS Cal? Jackson 2806. PETERS TRUST COMPANY "WHERE OMAHA RENTS'* AT. 05 4 4,17th and Earn am St a. WA. 7269 (Tel.) Apt. In homa of two a of. Hernia Park district. STEAM HEAT. 4-room. apts.. $30 and up cloio in. O. P. Stebhins. 1610 Chicago St SIX-ROOM (duplex, newly decorated, all Up to date, with garage, if desired. Call AT. 03*9. APARTMENTS and flats for rent. W J. PALMER CO. AT. S9$0 Real Estate Management Specialists. 3 ANI) 4 rros. In Selma Terrace. 630 Park Ave. Janitor or Seybold, AT. 8301. Houses for lt*>nt. 83 3107 DORCAS STREET 6 Rma. and breakfast nook In duplex; in best of condition, 2 blks from car, faces into Ilanscorn park. $6,600. J. L. HIATT CO., AT. 9900. 6-R. APT., Dunaany. 10th and Pierce. $40. 3-r. apt.. 6th and Pierce, $12. 3-r. mod. ex. ht.. 2&<0 Leavenworth. $22 60. Omaha Rental Kxch. TA. 3519. HA. 2608. CLOSE In modern 10-rm. house, suit able fer roomers, to responsible parties. inquire 2664 Douglas. Apt. 2. 1 263 SOUTH.15th, small <ottage; no chil dren. AT. 2845 Houses, Furnished. 81 PARTLY furnished residence to reliable couple who de elre real home oppoaite Miller Park. Telephone, KE. lhll. C A. Blake. FOR RENT for the aummer, an eight room modern house, furnished. 2418 Val ley St. AT. 2936. Offices mid Desk Room. 85 OFFICE suite In front of elevator, alao desirable office suite* with 2 or 1 private office* and reception room In First Na tional Hank Bldg. Phone AT. (1*29. F. H. (iroaeman. LARUE desk room with phone ai d desk Good location. Reasonable. ^T. 7980. KE.AL ESTATE—FOR SALK. liiminFM Property. 91 *»• FFET and 2 houses, near postoffice $6,700. JA. 0227. Larins and Lands for Sale. 93 SMALL CLO»K TO TOWN FARMS. 120 acres, improved, an ex-ellent farm; half mil** from town, in Crawford county, j Iowa Nothing better, and priced right H«rea, improv'd, and half mile from Anhiand, Neb., a real farm, and pt iced to aell. If you want a farm worth the juone>. see ua about these. KOKH IKK INVESTMENT, • 401 World ileraid i%l* Ginaha, Neb CANADIAN Farm ter sale Choice 148 acres, under cultivation. Ail new land, eoll rich, black, loam Good buildings protected by groves, good water mile* from a ni« e town and school A dandy mixed farming proposition, tan b*- had with or without equipment, will Require *".<#00 ca*h to handle Apply toVwn*r, V 1.. Christensen, Qu Appalls, Mask , < a nada A HEAL HARO A IN. 4S0-arre ranch in heart* of dairy country, five mile* from flourishing town, $17.*" per acre, $i»0O.(W> rash, terms to autf uu>ar. Writs for particulars. P. O. Box 162. Rapid City. 8 D. ' FOR HALE—20 afres. Hood Hirer orchard Valle'. 4 mile* from town A 7 A. yom* cherry and peath orrhar-. Owner. R. L Noel, Hood River, Ors. City Acreage for Sale 9$ FINK ACREAGE WEST. Heirs say aril at one#, chicken and fruit farm with tnod#m bungalow, electricity, v* mils to paving, high, sightly location, northwest. Nec this bargain at once HOH ft BOUGH A Co. Evenings. WA. <991. AT. 4109 Houses for Salt*. 93 14y H 317 H ST — Beautiful room in West Faruaru distrin. Vary reasouabis HA . Houses—North. 96 A BELVEDERE ADDITION KNAP. Overlooking Minna Lusa. Parkwood and Miller Park—an ill modem extra well constructed 4-rm. t u*y • rues-roofvd bun galow. For sale at bargain price of $4,614 w ih $431 pa) ment down and bal sbcs monthly. For appointment today • all Mr i.swle. WA. 1423 or se# this at 4197 No. 1M Ait. ' 4142 N 2ID ST ( room all .modern bungalow. nearly rewr. Oak floors and finish, built In'refriger ator and kitchen cubboard This home Is a dandy. Pric* is rut to $4,344. Easy term#. Ex swings call KR 4411. GRUF.NIG REALTY CO. Realtor* Jackson 19*6. 1400 First Nat. Bk ONE BLOCK TO 1IOLY NAME PARISH Flv# large r )om», attic, full basement, ga rage tree* and shrubbery planted, by owner At 424ft flinnsv St. WA. 1232. Takes $1,400 < ash WORKING MAN’S OPPORTUNITY Brand new larg*- four room and bath bungalow The price is $3 760. Takes $276 cash, balam** less than rent He turn to ■e# this at once. Evenings call WA. 1282; day*. AT 347ft WILL take * lot as first pa)m#nt on a t room, strictly modern boms. n#ar Miller park. Kant front, pnvrd street Would . onatder an equity in m smaller home. < *arse. JA 1014 LONG SCHOOL DISTRICT All Tm»dein. f>" $4 out*. $26w cash and $1174 per month, call WA 1 432. IMS PARKER BT—7-rm mod.. barn $760 rash bal mo Kxtr* lot for garden »Telgh t.Oft Bee JA. 0201 NEW mod 4-rm house on easy terms, 1414 ■N. 44th Are., Seybold AT 1301. _ O. K. BUCK A CO-. buy and sell shome* Houftfft—South. 97 TRlrK REDUCED TO A BARGAIN. 7 room brick house, modern; largo base ment and large 3 room frame* house on j 40 foot lot; garxge, paved street. #tc#11ent repair, near 17th and Caatalar. $I«0U0 • ash balance to suit. AT. 401*. KB. 1712.: Teear ^ Teaar.'specialist* in S Side homes House*—Weal. 99 NIFTY KDGEWOOD BUNGALOW. Looking Into Elmwood park. Just being completed Has five extia fine room* Large living room with fire nlara. UP to • late, bath room. Purchaser may e*t#ct light fixtures, and Interior decoration* Large int. Shown by appointment. Kve. call Grant A. Henson. Walnut 1410. RENRON A CARMICHAEL. 441 Paxton Block. Atlantic 8440 4»th AND BURT 9T Nearly next kellaston# home living room noroan front uf hounv. French ilmiri Into dining r(Him well aiianaed kitchen. t'X** vet \ iaige bedroom* and bath «*n In*’ floor, uiuiatiallv large c loSel s. oak ami enamel finish. all newly decorated Soum front lot, 1 biks to r*r. a\ unusual bar* K«in at 1*140 $1,160 cash RASP PltOft, til K eel I we Rl-lg AT 0711 iftll .1«»VFS *7’ - 7 rooms, a ron'enient inrailnn Make an offer. JA i 4167. j REAP ESTATE—FOK SALE. Houses—West. 98 MONTCLAIR HOME. This home Is splendidly located on a south fiont lot The downststia has cen tral hall arrangement w*t h large living room nrroMK one sole, with fireplace, dining room anti kit* lien are large. On the aecond floor are four good a*zed well arranged bedrooms with tile bath. The third floor has two nicely finished rooms for maids' quarters. There 1s a double garage Evenings tall Mr. Pitkin,! HA. 7540; Mr Rowley, KE 0208. Mr. i Gehrls. KK. 5039 At ETC A LEE CO M T A N T. Ground Floor. 203 8. Itth 8t. AT. 5415. « ROOMS AND GARAGE, $5,500. .1 large bedrooms and bath upstairs, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and Ice box 1st floor; full basement, laun dry room, fruit and furnace room; soft water piped Into laundry room; large garage, large lot. pa\ed street, south front, near high school. Terms, $1,000. AT. 4064. KE. 17.f2. HERE IS A BARGAIN Six rooms and reception hall, «ul modern, close to. Field club, for only 96.300 This ! In a real ourgain. Owner has reduced tho i price and ar.xious to sell. Has three large looms on first floor and three bedrooms and bath up Also storm window's. Think this ovei only $*..300, with terms. Eve nings call Air. Gehrls. KE 5039; Mr. Pitkin, HA. 7540, or Afr. Rowley, KE. 0206. METCALFE COM PAN Y, Ground Floor. 203 S. 19th 8t., AT. 5415. FONTENELLE PARK EASY TERMS Good big 5-room bungalow In fine repair, with a nice east front on boulevard 1 block north of park. All oak. good baae mcni. large attic. Now vacant, possession at once. $75»i cash, balance like sent. Call Mr. Miller, AT. 9?59. BUILD YOUR HOME. I ran build you a modern borne of five, rooms and bath, full basement, attic, oak floors, Uifcuen cabinet, linen closet, shades, light fixtures, cement work, ready to move Into, and flnam-e same with a small payment down. Further informa tion gladly furnished. LICET Y, KE. 149$. NIFTY new bungalow. Five rooms, large attio and deep basement. 4$th and Web ster street. A most attractive place out side end In. Well arranged Best of con struction and finish. Complete In every detail. Price, $6,400. For appointment to • nspect call Walnut 2 55U. MY TENNANT HAS MOVED I now want to sell iny nearly new colonial home of 5 rooms, oak floors and finish located at 2120 No 45th St. I want >our offer. Bushrnan, office. JA. 0344. Eve. HA. 2297. FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy homes. List your property with us for results. JA. 1 426 BURT C. FOWLER Co., Realtors NICW COLONIAL home. 5 rooms, corner built-in tub. breakfast table, paved street, close to car. 11,000 cash. Eve. WA. 7050 WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots i r* Edge wood; very easy terms Phone AT. 2540. Houses—lifnson. 99 COUNTRY HOME IN CITY FINE B EN SO N HURST HOME Eight rooms and bath, full two story, strictly modern with oak finish, on paved street and a lot ><2x23u feet. Built by owner for home. Puce f».5uv, also additional .ol same size for $!,6*0. fail OSBORNE REALTY Co 530 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 2282. For Saif*—Dundee. 100 DUNDEE DISTRICT. Six-room bungalow, on one floor, all mod ern. b*a r*epla« large rooms, hot water heat, brick foundation, garage and drive. Th;s home ia In excellent condition and real good buy. Evenings call Air. Rowley. Kr. .»»».. Le Ro> < lehr is, Kb 5039. or Air Pitkin. HA 7540. METCALFE COMPANY, Ground Floor, 2*3 19th St. AT. 5415. I GOING away, want offer on my t-room | mod. brick n<>m« in Dundee, ground 100s j l-*°. N. K. tor. 4sth and Capitol Ave. tor Sal#*—Florence. JUi KTJIAH AY S magazine tells everything i unmuxsled. Hot off tne press. Souvenir topy, 25c Newsstands, agents or direct. 1 . L. Nethaway. Florence. Omaha, Neb. Lots fur Sale. 103 ATTENTION BUILDERS: 2 fine lots, N E. cor. 41st and Pinkney, bargain; 1 dandy ;©t, 60x15$. 43d and Decatur, «*• ngn only two lots vacant in this block, good neighborhood. M F HUETTELMAIER A CO. ____ WILL take $1.00* for iv foot lot in good resident* district. Modem improvements m ana paid for. 6* by 12*. AT. 362p FLORENCE FIELD SELLING Salesmen on grounds e\ery day. C \V. MARTIN A CO. AT. fll«7. DUNDEE BUILDING SITES GEORGE A CO. REALTORS. 9th Floor Ci:> Nat; H.» rii if. AT. 1024 GLENN Park iota for sale, east front. $95* cash. B 232. Omaha Pee Heal Kstate for Kxrhange. 104 (FOR EXCHANGE—$25.00* fret mortgage i secured on Minnesota r e. Will esc for a good equity tn lard Schwab Bros.. 1*25 1 I’ivmouth Bldg Minneapolis, Minn I IF you can t sell It let mo trade It. B 1H. Browne i"n , 541 Securities Bldg. FARMS, Gibbons Steel. 411 <*eters Trust. Waited— I M ite 1 ON O T HAMER. Investment Acreage. Fsrnair_ AT. iff* SERVICE AND RESULTS. Competent salee for-'e. JA. mr GLOVER A SPAIN. R-altore WK SELL HOMES LIST WITH US FOR RESULTS. MVAiU’F INVESTMENT CO JA, 1346 NEW HOMFik-A OUR TERMS. GROVE-H1BBAKD CO . 722 Bankers P.eeer\e Bldg AT. 19*2 WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US. HAMILTON I CO„ 301-4 Neville Block.JA. 0l$7 LIST >our property with ua or. If you are In the market for acreage, call Louie Cohn for quick saiea, MA 6143. MA. 30:9 CHAR W. YOUNG A SON. Real Flstate Rental*. insurance. 1601 City Natl BankAT. !46» CAMPBELL will save you money on con structing \our home. Best materia is and workmanship. 537 Keeilne. AT. 1*4*. SEE us first Need listings, any location 5 to 9 rooms Shops* A Co„ Ilea tors JA 42.'* 234 Keeline Bldg_ HAVE buyers for good homes Do you want to sell yours* List It with C. A Grlmmel, Realtor. JA 1416 LAND SALE SO A. for sale—:Cult. No build ings. 10 M. Omaha P. O. l'» M. North of Papillion, Sarpy county, Neb. N l« SE *4 Sec. 15 14-12 to be sold at Sheriff’s sale Tuesday. May 27th. 1924, at 10 o’clock A. M. at Court. On Interurban railway and good highway. Papillion has Catholic and German Lutheran Parochial schools. Six churches, good public grnde and high school, over mile paving—construction of new improvements, county seat — new court house — best farming community. Over 12 M. gravel roads under way of const motion in Papillion pre cinct, connect with Omaha by pavement greatest opportunity to make money. Adapted to sub division. Inquire of State Hank of Papillion, Papillion, Neb. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Want.d—Krai Katatr. 105 -WK HUII.D to' ri.K.ASI." TEMPLE MTATDEN. 4681 r»ra»m 8t*._ AT. 8880. C. D HUTCHINSON CO. Real K.lata 4n« 1823 Kafnam. J« 04t8. LIST your prop»riy with Chrla Bo>.r, notary public, 23*1 and Cumin, Sta WORLD REALTY CO. Hcallora AT. 34»i. O. A, SANDELL, Heal Batata. AT, RiSJ. SI.A TER A CO., K-altora Kccllna Bldg. WESTERN Real Eat.ta .A. 3887. Hurttaimaler R»al Eatata. AT. 8368. CJTA omilAL NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. 12187. An Orillnaii.r •realin. Sewer DlnD-l-t Nn. h8S n the City of Omaha, defining ita limits xml ei/.* "f wer an<l manner of consttucting the same. BE IT ORDAINED BY THK CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Hef t urn 1. Thai S*w*r District No. 18* he. anil hereby is, created m me City of Omaha. . Section 2. That Rsstr District No. *** shall comprise the following lota and tract* of real estate, to-wit; Luta 13. 14. 15. 1».. 17. 18. 15. 7«. 21. 22, 23 and 24. Block 24; Lots 13. 14. 16. 1«. H. 1*. 19. 20, 21, 22 and .3, Block Zf>. Lota 2. J. 4 .7. b. 7, *. 9. 10, U and 12. Block ii. Lota .. *. -. 4. 9. 8. 7. *. 5. 10, 11 and 12. Block 27; Lot l. Block 28, West Side Addition. Section 3. That the Sewer in Sewer District No. 118 chall be constructed as follows: Beginning at a point on propoaed 7-foot no inch sewer In renter of Walnut Street} • - 23 feet Kast of the West line of 60th. Street; thence North along a line 23 feet Kast of the West line of 60th S'reet with an 18-inch pip* to a manhole on the .North line of Walnut Street; thence con- J tinuing North with an 16-inch pipe to a manhole at center of Hickory Street; thence East along center line of Hickory Street with an 18-inch pipe to a manhole 5 L-et West of the East line of 60th Street; thence continuing Hast with a 16 inch pipe to a manhole 26ft feet Kast of » iftth Street; then<« continuing Kast with an 16-inch pip* to a manhole at the cen ter of 49th Street; thence continuing Kasr with an 8-inch pipe to a manhole 236 feet Kast of 49th Street; theme continu ing Kast with an 8-inch pipe to a man hole H*i fe*t West of 4»th Street. The alignment and grad* to be a straight line between ihe points specified as nearly as practicable and according to tha plana and specifications on file ta th* office of the City Engineer. Six-Inch junction pieces shall be placed In said sewer ■■ shown on plans, or as directed in writing by the City Engineer. Section 4. That the City Engineer be, and be is hereby, authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of said sewer according to the plans and specifications for the «Obstruction thereof on file In h;* ioffice, such advertlsenient to be published each day In one daily Issue of the official paper of the City for at least one week. an#l the expiration of the time for filing bida fixed in such advertisement ahail be no less than one we»-k after the first Au thorin'! publication of such advertise ment. The Md* *hail be received and f led in the office of the City Engineer and shall be public!} opened at the precis# time stated in the advertisement; and he shall make an abstract of ail btds received and shall transmit such bida together with the • abstract thereof and his findings and rec ommendations to the City Council at it* •?* next regular meeting after the opening of such bids for Its action thereon. Section 6. That th;s ordinance shall take effect and be In force after fifteen days from and after its passage. Ph seed May 13, 1924 JAMES C. D 4HLMAN, Mayor and Pres*.dent of City Council. Attest. JAMES P. HOCTOK. (SEAL) City Clerk. NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR STREET IMPROVE M ENTS. Sealed nropoaal* are invited and w il be received by the City Clerk of the City »<f otnaha on Tuesday, May 27, 1*24. at lfl o i-lcK k A \1 , in the Council Chamber of the Cry Hall for the following Street Improvements; Vinton s?re**t f om T>eer Park Boule vard to Thirty-second Avenue within | Street Improvement District No. 17*1 ty paling and curbing, in accordance wi’.h Ordinance No. 10**2. ‘D ’ Street from Ninth Street to Thir teenth Street within Street Improvement District No. lit:, by paving and curb ng, in a< < urilnnre with Ordinance No. 1*2*2. Fifteenth Street from Deer Park Boule vard to "B” Street, within Street im provement District No. 2031, by paving ▼ j and curbing. In accordance w "h Ordi j nance No 10711. % * Nineteenth S'reet from P»*r Pa -v j Boulevard to "A” Street, with n Street ‘ Improvement District No t*Sl. hv paving and « orbing. n a <ordance w.*h 1 »rdi i nance No. 1*372. Twenty-second Street f-ons 'TV* Street j to "Q • Street within Sfr»et It*»pr«r»*r nt District No. 2100. by paving and curbing, in accordance with Ord nance No. 10*4* i Thirty-eighth Street from T ’ Street to j Madison Street within Street Improvement ! District No 2132. by paving and curbing, in accordance with Ordinance No. 11*34 Fifteenth Street from Vinton Street Deer Park Boulexard. within Street Im provement District No 2143. by'paving and curbing in accordance with Ordinance No 111*2. **T Street, from Thirteenth Street :o Twentieth Street < Fifteenth, T to W md Berry Ave . Fifteenth to Seventeenth»• North within Street Improvement IHalncB, No 21**. by paving and curb ng la artt toolam c with Ordinance No. 1132®. Alley between Walnut Street and Ceni*rl Street. Thiri>-third Street to Thirty-f f li Street t within Street Improvement Dis trict No 2243. by paving, in accordance with ordinance No 114 3* Twenty-fiat Street. Martha Street to Bancroft Street within Street Improve ment District No 2355, b> paving and curbing in aocordam* with Ordinance No 11*5*1 S Street from T wentv-eighth Street to Thirtieth Street, within Street Improve ment District No. 235* by paving an l curbing, in accordant# with Ordinance No. 11**1. W Street Eighteenth to Nineteen* h Street Eighteenth Street. W Street *o Y” Sire*: w ithin Street Improvement, * • District No. 2377 by pav ng and ^urb'ng. *, in act ordance w th tVdluanca No. 1171*. # Twentx -third Street. Deer Bark B* xP*« * \ * vard to former Pity Limit* North of t ! Sire*! with n Street Improvement D • trlct No 23*1. by paving and curbing n accordance Grd'nanc* N«v 11743 , Sixteenth Street. De*f Park Boulevard, In -i* S*ree» within Street Improver.-,er e# D;*trlct No. 2411 by pevirr *nd ru^"gj. • n accordance with Ordinance No. 117N*7. Twelfth Street, M d Pi tv Avenue td *outh line Mid City Addition, within Street Iniprox eir.ent P at- 't No 2473 by r»' ing and curb*ng in accordance w<rh , Ordinance No 11*1* 1 t'edar Street. Fourth S*re»» »o S t n i Street within Street Improvement D * tr . r No 2*S>. by paving and corb ng n accordance with Ordinance No. 113*7. Seventh Street. Hickory Street to Cen ter Street, within Street Improvement Dis trict No. 244*. by paving anil curbing, n ac< ordance with Ordinance No 11*7* North and South alley between Twen ty -t»fth and Twentv-alxth Street*. "F~ Street to “G” Street witbtn Street Im provement District No 245* by pavtngj in accordance with Ordinance No 113*1 Twenty-seventh Street. *11" Street to "I" Street, within Street Improvement District No. 24M, by navlng and curb ng. in accordance with tNdtnance No. 11**A % Martha Street. Sixth Street to point on We*i i’ne J.ot 31. Flxa'a Add"Ion wlthm Street Improvement District No 24** ’o raving and curbing In accordance with nnl name No 11*15. Fifteenth Street T"' Street to ~W * Street within Street Improvement D* irlct No 23ml. bx paving and curbing, in accordance xxith Or*Lname No 11**7 »■• S' reef Thirteenth Stre-t to Sex-en teenth Street. within Street Imponrm^nt Piatrwt No. 251® by va'ing and nrb*nr. In accordance with Ord nance No lf*aa. AllS' between Nineteenth and T", tv - ielh, "Q-‘ to S Street* withn S • f improvement District Vo 251* by pav ing. n a- ord a sos with Oj din awe No. 1 2**1 Fourteenth Street. M'a*>*irl Avenue to •.* • M" Street, within Street Improvement * District Nc *MI bv raxing and curb eg. in accordance with Ordinance N 12*77 * D" Street Twenty aexepth S,?^*t ta Twentv-eithth Street with a Street Tm• -- prexement District No 781* hv pax leg and curbing. 1n accordant*® w *h Ord'ran • Nix 17*1* Star ng Streat. Sexeefeenth S'reet *0 Eighte-n»h Street, within Street Ittiprut#- ■ men: DUlfCt Vo is 7* bv p»x*ng curbing In accordance with 0-1 nance No. ir*m • a F.a ma*ed coats • • *e pr vlpx' items entering into completed raxemepf; Fat (mated Friee Material and Clse« r*r « t»*re Yard Aarha .t B * 3? \ephaitic t'oncreje. B . . 7 58 Stone Block *A and **R 5** Vitrified Brick. B - 3** Vitrified Brick Block. F ’. * ** V*trifled Prick B»oc\ ’ K . 3 7.A Creoeote»1 Wood Block. *1'**. 8 ** Artificial Stone. 1 * . T Artificial Stone, “B *. J F Macadam *A" .... ........ 2 ** . * Artificial Stone Combined Curb and Gutter v'iaaa "A, |C 7* life ft. , Headers, t* 4* Bn ft tlradin# 3* 33 cubic yard Tilda most be mid* under ar.d in *f< * cords Itce with plan® and rpec* Coat lone • and InstructtoBS for ®a(d work rrepa’^t, b%* and on file In the Offlcs »f the t'ii' Engineer rrxxt>xxaal® muM be ma«te upon paint••■1 llilank* to l«e furniehtsl I ' the t'ltr K«> • j*ineer ax bo will nlao fnrr-»h n» to put d era. together w »th ape*M flea than* atad form* of .Nxntrar* and bond, upon »e* pit-*1*014 at h!» office * rn«|HxMli »>»uat he addreaaed *c lax«xes»* % P lltxotor Oitv Clerk t'oxin> 1 Chan ' jet tx It a lb Omihx Nebraake, and mar*, d ‘ Proposal for Street 1 mproxetxxent ho- *• j No * txg the number ef tbe «« - d sr.> ' he- Cwo*rafl mi\m th* rlfb' ' a r* ai■> er* * Mda Sn«x x Ne^ axVa \U« I* '**4 .x * JAMES r H'crcil city r ♦ ' - a Vsv I* I* ®n* »l.