The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 18, 1924, PRACTICAL COOKERY, Page 16, Image 60

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    .. '1- --
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! 2 cups flour 1% cups milk
4 teaspoons Roval 2 eggs
Baking I’otvder 4 tablespoons melted
Vi teaspoon salt shortening
Put waffle iron on to heat before starting
preparations. Sift flour, baking powder and
salt together: add milk to egg yolks and add
to dry ingredients, beating well; add short
ening which has been cooled; mix in beaten
egg whites. Bake in well greased very hot
waffle iron until brown on one side; turn and
brown other side. Serve immediately with
butter and maple syrup.
i Vi cup shortening 3 teaspoons Royal
l cup sugar Baking Powder
j 2 eggs 1 tablespoon cocoa
; j 1% cups flour I teaspoon cinnamon
% cup milk
Cream shortening; add sugar and yolks of
1 i eggs; best well; sitt together flour, baking
powder, cocoa and cinnamon and add alter
nately with milk; fold in beaten whites of
eggs. Bake in two square greased and
floured layer tins in moderate oven (380°)
35 to 40 minutes. Cut in pieces for serving
and put two layers together and cover top
| with following cocoa whipped cream:
L 4 tablespoons cocoa Vfc teaspoon vanilla
| Vg teaspoon salt extract
i/5cup powdered sugar 1 cup cream
Mix the cocoa, salt and sugar with a little
hot water until well blended. Add vanilla
j and cream and whip until stiff enough *.o
: _)
4 cups flour 4 tablespoons short
j Sj l teaspoon salt ening
j 6 teaspoons Royal l Vi cups milk
Baking Powder
Sift flour, salt and baking powder together.
Add melted shortening to milk and add slow
ly to dry ingredients, stirring until smooth.
Knead until smooth on floured board and
roll one-half inch thick. Cut with biscuit
: | cutler first dipped in flour. Crease each circle
with back of knife one side of center. Butter
I small section and fold larger part well over
small. Place farapart on greasedpar.. Allow to
j stand 15 minutes in warm place. Brush with
melted butter and bake in hot oven (425° I 15
to 20 minutes.
1V2 cups flour 2 tablespoon* sugar
j 4 teaspoons Royal l Vz cups graham flour
I Baking Powder 2 cup* milk
1 1 Vi teaspoons salt l tablespoon melted
\ Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar to
| gether into bowl; add graham flour, milk and
I j melted shortening, and beat thoroughly until
M | smooth; put into greased loaf pan; smooth top
I w ith melted shortening and bake in moderate
oven (375°) about one hour. If this bread is
allowed to cool in pan, it will be much easier
to cut into thin slices for sandwiches.
Makes 1 large or 2 small loaves.
i */. cup shortening 3 teaspoons Royal
j 1y2 cups sugar Raking Powder
i 2 eggs y2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons milk y2 cup chopped
4 Cups flour blanched almonds
1 teaspoon lemon or almond extract
Cream shortening and sugar together; add
i beaten yolk of one egg, three tablespoons milk
j and flavoring; add beaten whites of two eggs
and mix well. Sift together flour, bak
ing powder and salt and add, mixing welt.
Roll half of dough at a time, less than *4 inch
thick, on floured board; cut into bars 1 by 3
inches. Brush with remaining yolk of egg
mixed with one tablespoon milk and sprin' !e
with chopped nuts. Bake in moderate oven
(400*1 about 10 minutes.
, ! All measurements are tn be made level)
!* !
Pineapple Juice — Corn Flakes
Scrambled Eggs with Bacon
Hot Biscuits with Marmalade
Milk, Coffee or Cocoa
Luncheon or
Cream of Pea Soup —
Broiled or Baked Fish j
New Potato Balls with Parsley
String Beans MjaSsM
Parker House Rolls
Cocoa, Milk or Tea *
Spanish Whipped Cream Dessert ■
Moulded Vegetable Salad Jljmnyw. Ilf 1
Cheese Souffle
Graham Bread Sandwiches '||o|jw
Strawberries and Cream —Nut Bars i
When you bake at home you are entitled to the best
possible results. You always obtain such results day
‘ after day, week in and week out, by using
Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes.
Royal makes the good wholesome home-made foods
with which every woman likes to supply her family.
The “ROYAL COOK BOOK ' containing 400 excellent tested
recipes, and the Royal Booklet “MAKING BISCUITS”
with Sunday supper menus and many delightful new biscuit
and muffin recipes, will be sent to you free on request.
, Royal Contains No Alum—Leaves No Bitter Taste