The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 18, 1924, PRACTICAL COOKERY, Page 9, Image 53

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    Favored Models in
Baby Carrirges
lien you buy a "Lloyd" you have a cai
that is different in construction, design
finish—one that is comfortable for baby
■using to the eye and is not a burden to
like a heavy, cumbersome carriage,
e new "Lloyds” are rich in color treat -
—gray, frosted gold, silver, new browns,
ivory tints, etc., and are moderately
<1—an attractive
yd” is.
mvenient, Easy-to-Pay i crms
njon Outfitting Co.
1519 152!
ng Specials from
inning favor with mothers of
o, will find much satisfaction
Idy Suits
lue. Sailor
4 Y..r.
%nd Long, short or sleeveless,
'ith sires from infants to 2
in years—fine combed cot
ir*. ton-a very special value
^ Given Prompt Attention
us lee ('ream
materials and packed
a package's for home*
in your neighborhood
h Ice ('ream in any of
R Eggs Cheese Poultry
Omaha, Neb.
a In Serving Dr lie in Ire C renin"
Stout? Want to
Reduce? Listen!
\l II) 1 ME I) IIIE
Nr OWADAYS there is loud and much tali:
about reducing; that is, among those that
belong to the sorority of stouts. Some
dance to records to reduce, and others
buy reducing girdles, meanwhile' indulging in
the richest foods and gorging themselves with
them. No use! You, dear reader, can't reduce
in that manner. No garment will reduce your
figure, if you persist in crowding into your
stomach all of the good things you're fond of,
and then some. True, you can camouflage your
self w ith slenderising effects, b rt then it's mere
It camouflage after all. and not reality. Correct
(lifting and correct corseting will bring about
the desired effect.
There-fore, if jot are a t? ifit- stout if y -a
foel a wee bit bunched up—and are just barely
able to skimp into those adorable new spring
suits—O, how 1 sympathize with you. If you have
to push and squeeze and have that terrible
bursting feeling when you are doing nothing
more sinful than trying on the season's mode -
then you better look at the matter squarely ami
honestly and -ay to yourself. "1 imply must
reduce, not pretend." Then tla-re will be the
pros and tlu- argument- of those who tell
you that plumpness suit- you the arguments
of your ow • indulgent mind. Dun'' pay any at
tention to them, but be sensible ,-e your head!
l ust of all. let u- i-omnit-i u- wah th*- sug
gestion, "1 "nl practice self-control 1 know
how t-i reduce, to deny myself everything 1
want I- om of the very he- ways to dcvt-hip
self-eontlol T am corpulent, because day by day
I have been indulging self-control—giving in,
knowing that I should not do so and eating
whatever my appetite demanded.'’ Thus, control
in matters of taring, besides the joy of a .-lendt-i
figure, will lead to control in one’s temper ar-i
control in one's daily mode of living.
Below. 1 am giving one week's menus. These
contain 1,'JOQ caloric cadi 1 have endeavored
to tdmhint them ii - ch a ntatyier that the
change from the usual daily goigif.g will be the
least noticed i- -i still if you adhere to them,
you lose fn-ni time to -even pounds dur
ing hi first two t ci ks arid readily thireafter
at r'-t- rati of two to thret pounds weekly. This
' as last as toll sine Id reduce 1 .'Jim , alori =
per nay U t out limit.
I oi'aiigi sine! " ' sugar . 1 011 . alone.'
1 cup .offer, cicam and sugar . 1 00 calories
■JOO ealol ics
, Lunchcon V
_* link- 'a , apt J00 calories
1 muffin 100 calories
1 pi,; butter ,100 calories
I tup ideal 1,-a. no igat
4 4Ml , aho u s
D i it n e r
■ • . mulct - It ai round st.ak 1S5 caloric
I medium s-zvd puinlo . . . 100 calori. *
I pat butt, i 100 calories
I cup coffee, cream and -ucar 1 00 culprit -
l arge serving uncooked lettuce 15 calories
Mayonnaise m oil, U. dessert spotrn ’*0 calorics
You have not list'd all your calories today, b i
we arc shrinking tout stomach a V
Kir akfail
'-* t si Ills-peon fills erapemifs . 10U , alolu
IV- iimn c ereant . 1 011 caloric■»
I cun enfft e ...... ... 100 , aio'-i,.
too , alt-! 1, s ,
I undiiim
1 > up . ti laid ......... 1 tin , . ,,n .
> gmge. snaps . . 1 no , alot .
.’nil . aim '
It ounces roast beef. . ‘..’00 cah'i its
I sweet potato .... inn ealol it
J tnblespoonfuls turnin . 100 calories
1 pat but let . 100 calories
!’ tnblespoonfuls at .r,am , . ‘J00 calorics
t I ."00 . .dot .-. I
For breakfa.-t this morning «e will have—
2 eggs, poached...160 calories
2 slices toast .100 calories
1 cup coffee. 100 calories
360 calories
And for luncheon it will be rather light—
G portion of pottage cheese salad . 100 calories
1 cup tea. .. .100 calories
200 calories
G cup ground carrot G cup cottage cheese
1 chopped walnut meats .luiee G lemon
Wednesday Dinner
1 lamb chop.100 calories
I medium sized potato . 100 calories
1 pat butter . . 100 calorie -
1 cup coffee .. lOOealorie
2 large tablespoonfuls ice cream 200 calorie
And now Thursday and you are 'J alive and
feeling—well, yes, better—and I'll warrant you
are noticing that stuffy feeling a = .re . arin-r
ju»t a wee bit already.
Thursday Breakfast
3 -mall -lut- crisp bacon. 1 Op cal nn
1 muffin . 1®5 calories
! cup coffee ..100 calorie*
325 calor e
fhursday Luncheon
A rathe' -mall piece of lemon pie _.H> calore-s
Tea with cream and sugar 100 calories
'50 calot les
Thursday Dinner
2 ounces fried ham . 200 calorie
1 slice bread .100 caloric*
1 pat butter . 100 calorie'
1 medium sized potato .#. lOficalorie
Friday Breakfast
G grapefruit . 100 calone
1 cup coffee wi'h cream and sugar 100 calories
200 calorie
Friday Luncheon
*s portion or fruit salad recipe 1 odcaloi:
1 cup tea, cream and sugai 100 caloric
2 tablespoon- ice, cream ilarge • 200 calorie
41•'t . a!. " ie •
1 large orange 2 tablt -pe ■ - 1> : ■
1 average apple juice
1 small banana Stu ikle w • i _ apenut
2 tablespoons -i ga r
Friday Dinner
4 ounce- cod or halibut . Li" aUni*
1 potato . . 100 c .lorO -
1 pat butter . 100 calories
1 glass milk, -kirn . . 100 caloric
1 .. * 50 cal<
Snturday has pilled around and you are -till
ii!tvse and fr lit g f;rn Dieting - c...|‘»- of fn- '
Saturday Breakfast
4 table-poor- grape-rut- gpil caioi . -
1 cup coffee with i ream and - iga- 100 calorie
h tablespoons cream (to hr -ed i
grape-nut s I ml , ilorii
You had 600 calories this nn ruing -low down
l»t lunch.
Saturday Luncheon
1 cup tea. ! mi cal.A-n -
Saturday Dinner
2 ounce- beef tenderloin .... 200 > alone -
I potato .100 calorie
I pat butter . 100 calories
1 cup coffee 100 calorie*
Sunday we will i -e late and have a option,
lion breakfa.-t ami luncheon of course
1 cop of coffee 100 calorie -
G grapefruit .100 caloric—
1 nal butter . 100 calorie;
2 boiled egg-, large 200 calorie—
1 muffin or slice of toast 100 calorics
Now cce have itOO calories let', fie dinner
11 . . ' 1m diet ng grow ing b - ■ - ti •
Sundae Dinner
V. portion of combination salad
ret -pe ...... 100 calorb-s
1 potato . 100 calories
! put butter lOOcalorie?
2 ’ ounces of turkey 200 caloric -
1 -n col ft i- ‘00 i atones
t'OMBIN \T1D\ > \1 \D
1 la ce t-miat " 1 , .It I nl
ti -talk.- chopped . t * r- ' -..tdi-t l*
'.- i lit Utnbi - \ ie liaise
(500 . lor e , i
Vi ii .' -it. ' .ed i\, , k 1 4 ...i \,.
i-i' 1 -k 4 no 1 i\ c kcp; ic - - :. ,
proiM H-ty and iwr.i.l -- . max be
-Ie- ■ i i b . -.11-1 \ g
It'-.Ithe r e.ui f I c--h b pet.. > ’
and though xx c may niter In , -t ' c -r- of t l-.o-c lu xx - it> xx ; h
a'-Ur. ,t .ed I-.,-. Isn't c wi--- ’ Mothi
Hoe is irx rg i also \\ e’ll be g’.ie * - ansxver
“11 U 4Vi i or to care of Fra ’, cal
took- ry
“It makes
such dainty
Pet«-r Pan is a dainty eardw . h
bread. It slice.'; so thin ar.d it
retains it- ftesh n.> i.«t tastiren*
I.ON'G AFTER ordinary breads
hate dried out.
Baked by
Petersen & Pegau
Baking Co.
Cert if ifd
Peter Pan
Your Baby’s I
■ i be of the artistic
kind, which onlv a Baby
Photo artist ran supply
t'oim to thi True-Art
Baby Photographer
lGth and Douglas
Melt In
Your Mouth
V7 KS M a cl a m e.
X our new 1 )ouirh
nut is made so
deliciously it t*airly
melts in \ our mouth.
Made with an auto
matic machine, of
best ingredients.
T h e y are 1 i g h t
creamy and fluffy.
The Best Doughnuts
' or Sale at
Ml Grocers.