Here’s Real Cooking Economy This National Pressure Cooker Pays for Itself in a short time, in time, labor and fuel saved. And besides it insures better meals and of finer flavor. Come Jn and let us pnove to you the efficiency of this home necessity. PRICES CUT 10-quart, now $16.00 Formerly $23.00 12-quart, now $20.00 Formerly $26.50 17-quart now $24.00 Formerly $30.00 SCHULTZ BROS. 16th and Howard St». _ - ' ... For Baby’s and Your Family’s Sake Install Nature's Water Softener Come in and Jot us demon strate what this wonder ful syst e m means to your f a m i 1 y ’ s health, or write us for partirulars. The i) Refinite REFINITE Company 1023 Harney 5t. Omaha, Neb. Health Foods PECAN ROLLS (20c per Pad) BOHEMIAN RYE j i Body Builder) FARNAM MADE WHITE | fThe Home-Made Kind) ALL KINDS PASTRIES j A-S-K for I hem at All Grocers and at FOOD CENTER West Farnam Bakery I 2804 I arnam St. PLEASE! I V/hen patronizing Practical I' Cookery advertisers, please * intention Practical Cookery. Care of Youngsters In Spring Hi) C. Elizabeth Lyman, M. 1). SPRING months with their vary ing temperatures present dif ficulties for keeping the heat of children’s bodies uniform. Nose and throat infections; coughs and colds predominate when warm days alternate with cold, damp and rainy ones, perplexing the mothers'io know how much clothing must be worn. On warm days the little bodies are damp with perspiration and on cold ones blue and chill. Tn the early months of the year baby's skin bodily resistance should have been built up to withstand the drastic changes. When baby’s blood is circulating freely the skin will feel warm to the touch, a reassuring sign to mothers thaf infactious diseases will not be very easily taken. Too much clothing is had. but there should be wool over abdomen and chest. * Hands and feet should be comfortably warm and ears pro teeted. A cold splash over neck and chest after bathing is simple and effective in increasing resist a nee. Baby should be out of doors ai least three or four hours on sunny days and always when the sun is shining brightest. The eyes should be protected from direct sunshine. No tonic can take the place of fresh air. sunshine, exercise, good food, rest and sleep. Last, but not least, plenty of water to drink. Under three and one-half years tile water should be boiled. Foods, as I have repeatedly men tioned in earlier articles, are pri marily important in building resist ance to disease. Milk shold be given and no lea. coffee, coffee substitutes or iced drinks should be thought of. Natural f r*u i t and vegetable juices are important. Up to the age of sixteen months bread should be * fed very very sparingly. Meal iuiee should be given children whose dentition is delayed or who have weak bony structures. If the child objects to meat juice add it to milk, which should not be heated to more than 100 degrees Farenheit before the addition of the steak iuiee which should be prepared freshly each day. Prepare it as fol lows: One nound of lean steak. broiled and squeezed through a lemon squeezer or press. This provides about three ounces of liquid and mav be slightlv salted. It mav be slightlv warnfed but not suf ficiently heated to coagulate the al bumen. Whan the fresh steak iuiee cannot he obtained Valentine’s Meat Juice may be substituted. For children of two or three years spinach, mashed potatoes or steam ed rice mav he given with the doak juice over them. Spinach is at its best at this sea son and children like it if properly cooked. Asparagus tips either in a sauce in which the cooking water is incorporated or made info a soup is one of the vegetable foods that con tain mineral s;dts in abundance. Beet greens, mashed peas, mashed young carrots, grated corn and cooked lettuce are among the desir able foods. The sauce for creamed vegetables is prepared like Ibis- i level table spoon flour 1 level tablesnoonful of butter, one-half level teaspoon salt, one-half cup liquid, preferably the water in which the vegetable has been cooked. Add the flour to the melted butter and mix tbi.n.1 ghlv then the salt and liquid. The vegetables should be cooked only long enough to make them fen der. Excessive boilino robs.them 1 f their food value. Next month I shall give foods for children from birth until the fourth year. 1 Soft Water for Baby’s Face, Bath and Shampoo Remember the good old days, when mother or grandmoth er would upon a rainy day ‘rush out of the kitchen with pail and pan and place them below a water spout in order to catch up the water? Why did she do it? Because she realized the beautifying qualities of soft water, and you know rainwater is soft. And again, in the winter time, she would melt snow for washing and shampooing, for the same rea son. In these hectic days, the good old way of doing things have been for gotten. But wait, not forgotten al together. There are some who have commercialized grandmother’s soft water idea, in that they furnish soft water by way of filter and refiner, like the Refinite Co., for instance. There is no argument against the “soft water way.” Baby’s skin is tender, and therefore no* hard wa ter shoud be used in its hath, face wash or shampoo. It would he well worth the while for mothers to investigate the “soft water way.” Why not write Prac tical Cookery about it? SQottj £)>eEiie QjoJkz IT’S HERE A deliciously delightful delicacy; two tempting sponge layers made with the finest ma terials front a selected housewife’s recipe; filled with a creamy marshmallow and topped with delicious fruit frostings. Try It, It’s Great—Made in 6 Tempting Varieties ASK YOUR GROCER 214 NORTH 16TH ST. Branches, Central Markets Fit 1890 All the Fa vote LL Batr Win n you buy riagt that is tiiff and finish—one —pleasing to thi push like a heav The new “Llo men' —gray, fro blues, ivory tint priced—an attrai Lloyd” is .... Convenient STYLE WITHOUT [EXTRAVAGANCE Interesting Sp HERZBERG E This new shop is fast winning favo Omaha babies You, too, will find in shopping here. Chic Little Middy Sui Shown in tan, gray, blue. Sailor J^Y0ry Friday Is collars, white braid trimmed. black silk tie— most exceptional Free Photo Day values Sires 2, 3 and 4 Years fP' With each purchase of B^iTd w.F.*iX‘: * PLAY SUITS 1 Free an order for your pw ^ Baby’s Photo C Sleeveless, both knee and Siae 7 *8x1 l1^. Dresden ankle length blue with Photo made by Heyn. red or white trimmed, in Plan to .hop on Friday '■ 2 3 4 Mail Given Pr Ice Cream Hm Enjoy 9 It's Good for Y ou A I)r!icinn,,s\ Xnlrif . Made of purest and fin materia in the handy quail and pin A pack; serving. There is a Delieia dealer in your who will l>e glad to serve you with Ice (' the popular styles and flavors^ ^FairmontCrIame» Established 1884 - Quality Butter Eccs C f 1202 Jones Street Send a postal today for your ropy of "New Ways to Servin