Bake Cakes While Eggs Are Cheap By MARY /.. BARBER TIME was when the reciDe books called nonchalantly for a dozen eggs and a pound of butter for a single cake. Nowadays, we do not speak of butter and eggs in this casual fashion, but we do still like cake. At this season of the year, eggs are usually at their best and cheapest, so we not only eat more of them poached, scrambled and boiled, but we use them more generously in cooking than has been our custom during the winter months. A letter came to me the other day, asking me for some recipes for "health cakes”. There are several cakes which may be considered under this heading. Plain "butter cake”, served as a des sert, with a single frosting or pudding sauce, is unlikely to upset a normal di gestion. Sponge cakes and angel cakes are delicate and not too sweet, because they are usually served unfrosted. In addition to the plain cake and cakes made without shortening, there are other health cakes—ones made with whole wheat flour or white flour mixed with bran. These are usually flavored with spices, and raisins or dates may be added.* Bran Gingerbread. Cream one-fourth of a cup of butter with a cup of sugar, add one egg and beat well. Then add three quarters of a cup of crumbled bran, then half a cup of sour milk, and half a cup of molasses al ternately with one cup and a half of flour that has been sifted with two teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, one te; spoon each of ginger and soda an one-fourth of a teaspoonful of salt. Bake in a moderate oven. The gin gerbread may be baked in a cal pan or individual pans. Date Cake *2 cup shortening 1 cup sugar Yolks 2 eggs cup crumbled bran *4 rup milk I V* cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon Whites 2 egg? 1 j cup dates (cut in pieces) Mix ingredients in order given. Bake in shallow tins and spread befw-en and on top caramel frosting. Bran Tea Cake 1 2:{ cup sugar 1 cup milk 2 cups flour 5 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup crumbled bran cup walnut meats 1 cup dates or H cup dates and U cup raisins Beat egg. add sugar and milk and the flour, which has been sifted with baking powder and salt; add bran, nuts and dates. Bake in an oven (330° F. to 325® F.) for one hour. TWO LITTLE DINNER RECIPES Cheese Fondue Bread Stick-' or Hot Rolls Vegetable Salad French Dressing Coffee Jelly Whipped Cream Mix l's cups hot milk with 14 cups soft bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon melted butter, *-• pound sharp cheese grated or cut fine, and the yolks of 4 eggs well beaten. Fold in the egg whites beaten stiff and bake 3t> minutes in a slow oven. Serve from baking dish. Mix any cold cooked vegetables, cut in dice, with 4i cup canned peas, tiny lima beans, and beets. Salt and pepper well and add I cup celery or cabbage cut fine. Let stand in 4 tableapoons French dressing *4 hour before serving. Use 1 package of lemon jello, but add 2 cups strong coffee instead of water. Serve with sweet ened whipped cream. A sprinkling of macaroon crumbs over ’he top is good Omaha I.amb Stew Boiled Rice Cucumber Salad Honey Cake Brown 1 pound lean stewing lamb, cut in pieces, in 2 tablespoons olive oil. Add 1 onion cut fine, then add 2 tablespoons flour and let brown. Add 2 cups of canned tomato, 1 can of string beans and their juice, 1 teaspoon salt, teaspoon pepper. ( over and cook very slowly until meat is tender. Serve in rice border. Cover sponge cake thickly with I strained honey and then chopped pecans. Bake slowly for 15 minutes and serve from baking dish or with uT cream. MAY DAY RATIONS Breakfast Sliced Oranges Whole Wheat Cereal and Cream Crisp Bacon Toast Coffee Luncheon Macaroni and Cheese Brown Bread and Butter Asparagus Salad Baked Apples Stuffed with Raisins Tea Dinner Roast Lamb Browned Potatoes Buttered Peas Mint (lelatine and Celerj Salad Parker House Rolls Cherry Pie Coffee A Dandy Little Dinner B««f Tongue Rkiiin Sauce Escalloped Macaroni Buttered Canned Rokebud Beetk Fruit Salad Cheekr Heat a whole canned beef tongue, placing an in boiling water -0 minutes. Turn out on platter and pour over it the raisin sauce. Raikin Sauce Brown two tablespoons butter. Blend with it two tablespoons flour and add one can con somme or bouillon, stir until smooth and Much. Add one half cup of raisins, one fourth cup brown sugar, the juice of half a lemon, three thin slices of lemon and two cloves let aim mer 10 minutes. Boil one half package of macaroni in salted water until tender Put in layers in buttered baking dish with bread crumbs, salt, pepper and paprika. Have buttered crumbs for top layer. Pour over this one cup hot milk and bake IS minutes in moderate oven. Drain a can of fruit salad which comes ready mixed. Arrange on lettuce hearts and serve with mayonnaise thinned with some of the juice front the can of fruit Salads for Spring Indeed in spring one's thoughts turn to greens and -a ads They should be partal-er of freely as they at* a a st.-nulan* to the digestion and the appetite. Mayonnaise 1 egg yolk. • 2 tbsps. lemon juice % c. olive oil 14 tsp. mustard % tsp. salt '4 tsp. powdered suga Speck cayenne Chill the ingredients. Place the egg yolk and the dry in gredients in a cold mixing bowl. Add a few drops of ' vinegar and the lemon juice and then the oil, a few drops gradually at a time. The im portant thing to remember in making mayonnaise is that there must be a good beating space. So it is well to use a bowl smaller at the bottom «o that all of the mixture will b» thoroughly beaten in the be ginnning. A whole egg may be used or just the white if desired. If dressing does not thicken the mixture may be used as oil again, starting with a new yolk. Dressing should be thick enough to stand when finished. Add the remainder of the oil more rapidly. Constant beating is necessary throughout th" entire process. Boiled Dressing. V* c. milk or water. 3 tbsp. butter. 2 tbsp. vinegar 1 egg 2 tsp. sugar. 1 tsp. salt. 1 tbsp. flour. *4 tsp. mustard. ’s tsp. paprika. Add the sifted dry ingredi ents to the beaten egg and mix thoroughly. Add the vinegar and water and cook over hot water. stirring con stantly until thick. Add the butter, salt and pepper. If one wishes, 4 tsp. of ground mustard may be added French Salad Dressing 4 tsp. sugar. 1 tsp. salt. 4 tsp. paprika. 5 tbsp. vinegar. 10 tbsp. olive oil. Mix the dry ingredient" and add the vinegar and olive oil alternately, beating con stantly with a silver fork. Lemon Juice may be u*ed in stead of the vinegar if one wishes. Whipped Creim Salad Dressing 3 egg yolks. 2 tbsp. sugar, 4 tsp. salt. 4 tsp. mustard 4 c. hot vinega 2 tsp. butter. 4 c. heavy cream Beat the egg yolks until thick and lemon-colored. One and one-half eggs may be used instead of the egg yolks Beat in the sugar, salt and mustard, which have been mixed together. Heat the vinegar and melt the butter in it. Combine the two mix tures and cook over hot water until the dressing is thick, 'irring constantly. Add the whipped cream just before serving. Use with fruit salad*. Thousand Island Dressing To 1 cupful of mayonnaise add 6 tablespoonfu!» of chili sauce. 2 chopped pimento* and 4 table poonful chopped chives. Worth Looking For It’s not difficult to imitate the shape ana size of Kraft Cheese, or even the style of package. And it’s being done. But that need not deceive any one, for you have the Kraft trade mark on the tinfoil wrapper to guide you, and you need only look for that. W e put our label on the outside of every package because our reputation for qual ity is on the inside. Faav- »*rar*Nr> frcn—. Pi—cl*. snd feii K tk•• i/k«, *v»*»u ce w