The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 18, 1924, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 39

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Distinctively Different, comparable
to the genuine only. Perfectly
reproducing Pearls from Ceylon.
The Red Sea, Persian Gulf. South
Sea and Bahama, that cost from
0250. to 0500.000 a strand.
fore produced m seven qualities:
XXX. A, B, C PO. M; and XL,
a new achievement of our research
staff, lighter m weight and solid
right through.
The buying public b urged to de
mandthe RICHELIEU Guarantee -
tt protects your investment
PEARLOID on Amber Jewel Case
No. 103 serves a IViuianem Use.
and makes an attractive Presentation
lasafactared ia Aacrica ky tke
J. H. ■ UksrsMrias BrMfcty*, N.Y.
In tlie Cascade Mountains,
State of Washington.
I'll a hi by "l in i (Hindi!. I:. rrrlt. II ash.
Mount Rainier, from Par
adise Villey, Mount Rain
ier National Park.
Don t risk blood poisoning
by paring a corn. Apply
Blue-jay, the scientific corn
ender. I he pain will van
ish instantly. Then the
corn loosens and comes
out. Get Blue-jay today
at your druggist.
A party with guide in a
crevasse in Nisqually Gla
cier, a short distance from
Paradise Inn, Rainier Na
tional Park.
Don’t hide them with a Veil; Remove
them with Othine I >otihle Strength
I his preparation for the treatment of
freckles is so successful in removing
freckles and giving .1 clear, U-autiful
complexion that it is sold under guarant *e
to refund the money if it fails
I )on't f ide y >ur freckles under a veil; I |
get in ounce of Othine and remove
them f'.ven the first few applications
should show a wonderful improvement,
some of the lighter freckles vanishing
lie* sure to isk the druggist for the
double strength Othine, it is this that is
sold on the money hack proposition
Typical mountain fishing stream in thi S;..u f Wash
Only a woman
knows what this means
Do you spend I h of your time* in a state
of embarrassment? Of fear, lack of poise
and maybe ill-health ? Then read my advice.
Itv fcLl EN ) HI I'M AM) (jiuifuuir N«r»
^ H 1 > in -i ubject which
I t \en w oman will under
.it-! I spt ,ik < 't M both .In
.lit .t I'horitv and .in a woman.
• ♦ •
M ■ i u m ii m has f.mud a
Intier v\a\ N.tier less i-iuhar
i a - - tie. n11*11 h\ gienn tl»an the
oM turn -.niilal > pad
• • •
It in called KO I I \ Nurses
in war turn I ranee tir>t diNiov
trial it Now 8 m 10 women m
tin In tier walk- ot lift use it I he
had habit of makeshift methods
i- raptdl\ In tug ended
'•O', ot many tils common to
women, according to numerous
mtlmfities are due to improper,
old nn tlnnlN I’hatN w hy d n tors
■ st rough urge K() I I N
What it in
i \ < M I N i s a 11 e w I \ discovered
ii iterial Made of ( ellmottou. it
■ ! o more absorbent than ordt
nar \ < > >t ti m /1 absoi hs |<» timrx
'' • '■ .. • <•’.■' in uh'istut c 11 ern e
n ■ t« .il ■ •! accidents
It i>\ g i nit all\ treati d 1 lem e
d i ii 't invite dangerous get m
1 h to itn iMM and mnltiph tin*
* ansi 4.t many ailments.
No trouble duposin# of
It is as easily disposed ot as a
putt ot tissue simply discard it
N.> embarrassment. no difhcult\
Women who seek daintiness
peace ot mind cxquisitcm-ss and
salt t \ under all circumstances,
me it Once you do no other
method will ever satis|> \nd
millions will tell \on tins
I as> ft' get now
\11 drum and department stores
have kol l \ m plain packages
1 »et it without embarrassment
simph hv say nk Kotex " 1J
• imw v w hite, immaculate folds m
!he medium pat Wane
I want to send you a new hook
lit tor women on this subject
written by a doctor hist write
lor it \nd if uni ha\e ium r
tried h o |'|- \ 1 will he glad to
send \ on a sample Ir ee
W i te lodav tot booklet or
sample tt»
I I I IN I HUM \NP. i, N
( rllut ottnn 1 almr.itolu
I hl< \\ | i. k -nil lilt d , t lu. ij . I !|
K O T e X
♦4 #
see slender women
everywhere /
On Tilth Avenue • • • at Newport • Palm
Heath at every rendezvous ot rehned and lash- ^
lonablc people you see slender women
W ould vou. madamc, be amem^i these slendc i
women who seem, not to follow-. hut to set the
fashion 1 hanks to Marmola Tablets, you on
Marmola 1 ablets harmle ss as the famous p c
si option trorn w hit h the \ ate made ofh r a pie as
ant way to reduee to retain or regain a itraeetui a .
slender figure without e\e reives or diets A |
Mai m ii 1 iHc .'a m at a t'.s it ill dfvt* t '
f from n« * i«« . -a piim »r»ppcf p<»srp*Hl Mam-, a
e > ! i .I mill Mi'int*'a IV ii o 11 Mwh
\f r «f i*«» V * f tl • » < / rfV 11 .4 fit* **»* *<,.* St
M \ I? vl01. \
, ' • :on . 'aKt'tx
Load your camera with
an AGFA FILM and note
its extreme speed -also the
clearness of your picture.
at >our dealers.
ProJm/ct*. *_
**114 tost 13'St rs.\fu )«$