The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 18, 1924, PART THREE, Page 7-C, Image 31

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    Every Mail Brings Good News to Happyland
(( -w- T LOOKS tn me as though there would he so many new branches of
J the Happy Tribe that you will not be able to count them soon,” is
-L the Cheery message sent to Happyland by Paul Carter of Omaha.
When the mail is opened day after day it seems as though Paul is really a
good prophet.
Russell Sccger of St. Louis sends the Indian names by which his five
Co-Hawks are now known—"Running Crow." "Spotted 101k," "Whitp Wolf."
"Kittle Dog" and "Sitting Bull." These may help some one else who Is
looking for good Indian names.
Twelve membens are now enrolled In John Vierru's tribe in New Bed
ford and more will be heard from them later. Kmily Bates reports eight
members In her tribe In Pottersville, Mass., while Helen Madison sends, word
that every one of her six never fails to read Happyland each Sunday so
they will know what is going on among the Go-Hawks in other parts of the
Mabel Walker, who lives at 4ftD Washington street. I.oogootee, Ind.
would like some suggestions for a good name for her tribe oT eight girls
"Black Eagles" Is the name chosen for John O'Donnell's tribe In Attleboro
Mass, while Helen McKinley, who lives in Uniotiville, Mo., calls tiers "The
Indian Maidens." Aldar Sabo reports that he was chosen chief of a small
ham! in Skelton, Conn.
"I’ve been longing to Join the Go-Hawks because there Isn't a thing 1
wouldn't do to help a bind or animal in distress," is the tine message sent bv
Rosa. Knubley of St. Louis. Every week we have letters proving how many
boys and birls are making a real effort to befriend the birds and animals
about them.
E-” "Good news for you. I've a tribe of 10 started," writes Chief Lilly B.
Zahner of Berlin Heights, O. Each member accepted the pledge and motto
when she pinned on his Go-Hawk button. These ane hut a few of the tnany
good pieces of news. Happyland Is not half big enough to hold all the good
things waiting to be published. The only way Is for
each to wait his turn, for Go-Hawks always play fair.
That means a long wait sometimes, All saving of bird
ind animal life should he reported prointly to
■ ■
P!dit«r S*li i r |#» * wishes In make a trip
with a friend, lint hesitate* to leave hi*
mother alone, .link Carroll, chief of the
Co-Hawks, comes to eall, and Mr. Shirley
tells hi* trouble. That evening Jack eall*
u meeting »f the Co-t!awk«. and it t*
decided they will look after Mr*. Shirley
during the editor's ah*enee. .Ia«*k goes
to see Mrs. Shirley and tell* her their
plan. She agree* it >* a fine one, nnd
lurk *ay* the* wish to call her their
"stiiiaw la«l,v." The editor makes his
(*«» partition* for lii* trip while hi* mother
prepares n room for the hoys, ns each
I o-llawk I* to stay a week at a time.
k Is the first to arrive with h»s doe. he and Mr. Shirley have a little talk
i fore the editor'* departure.
(Continued Prom J.aiit Sunday.)
'.••fora Jack could reply tho moth
•* voice was heard calling, “Come,
it y«, tea is ready. We must hurry,
.'V it will soon lie train time.”
It seemed to Jack but a minute
iore before he and the Squaw Lady
followed Mr. Shirley to the door, and
ith shining eve* be watched him
fold hi* mother close to his heart. It I
rought. a lump to his own throat i
_^ hen he saw their eyes full of tears.
Mr. Shirley laid his hand for a
ver to-be-forgotten moment on the
• y's shoulder. “Don't let her be
nelv, .Tack, and remember all 1 have
told you.”
As he started away from the house
lark -called after hlmCOne thing 1
f» rgot to tell you, even if we are
going to make a squaw lady out of
her. T promise you T will m»t let Rain
in-the fare chop off her hair the way
he did our other squaws."
“I hope not. Jack, for T haven’t a
bit * to spare." Mrs. Shirley closed
w he door, and with her arm aero**
he chiefs shoulders led the way hack
oward the firelight.
Piggy’s Bliss.
Tn less than three weeks every Go
Hawk was devoted to the service of!
he Squaw Lady. As senior member*
■>f th« tribe, .Tack and Donald had
.een the first to spend a week each
in her home. They were so enthusi
astlc, reporting such glorious times,
that Piggy’ and Tinker could scarce
await their turns. Since Piggy had
been a. Go-Hawk longer than Tinker,
it was decided that he should have
ths third week. Tinker consoled him
.self by dreaming of Inventions he
had planned to bestow upon her dur
ing his week.
Neve^ln his life had Piggy been
so contented, for the Squaw Lady
seemed to understand that he was
always hungry. He had never
dreamed that anyone could make
4 Voklea so plump and bulging with
raisins. Tt had not been his experl
ence that a hoy could visit the cookie
jar any time he wished and help him
self without some one warning him
that he would spoil his next meal,
i nokies were not the only thing*
either, as he boasted to his playmate*,
for nothing was hidden in that pantry.
What could he more appropriate
than that Thanksgiving should come
during Piggy * week, and his young
} eaTt was filled with pride when the
Squaw Lady consulted him about
plans for the day.
“X have been wondering What
w 11u111 make the very happiest day for
us, l*lggy." Mrs, Shirley had early
round by using the little nicknames
of the lads that they drew her nearer
III them. They were haxlng their
usual after-dinner talk.
Piggy looked vaguely troubled.
•'Mother sort of thought I'd hett“r
come home for dlnnei if you don't
need me. Of course, 1 will stay If
you do."
"What would you think, dear, of
having our dinner In the exenlng, fi
o'eloek, and lnvlllng all the Go-Hawk
braves, the squaws, and—"
(Copyright, 192* k
(Continued Next Sunday.)
One of the Go-Hawk squnws, I.ttcia
Simmons of Morehouse, Mm, sent m*
a description of the pretty little
flower baskets the children in her
neighborhood make. Probably they
used many of them for Kaster and
May dav. They are just the thing to
make and fill with flowers for others
who may he shut in doors, or for
those of you who love to take flowers
to the hospitals or homes for the
Lucia’a direction* are «« follows:
Take a box about thre* Inches square
or round. Take two colors of crepe
paper, (lather them one shorter than
the other, the longest being as high
as the top. Kor the handle take a
wire and wrap crepe paper around
It. p.end the wire In the shape of
a handle. Make hole in box and
fasten your handle. PETER.
f - “ v
In Field and Forest
This is a good month to become ac
quainted with the ample family of
i trees, particularly the silver and red
maples. In March and early April,
while the red maple flowers ere glow
ing on their red twigs, those of the
silver maple are greenish yellow. Set
on their long. flexible stems. tire
leaves are white beneath the pale
green. If you examine them you will
find they are larger than the leaves
of the red maple, and cleft In a differ
ent way. Thev are always silvery
white underneath In summer and this
♦ urns to yellow in the autumn.
I^nte this month the pairs of two
inch winged keys may be found bang
ing on short stems. Each key is fuzzy
I green until ripe. At tire same time
keys that are only half ns long are
[ripening on the red maple. When the
seeds begin to fall it Is like a shower
| of rain. As each key separates from
its mat® and loosens its hold on tic
twig, the wind catches its thin wing
and round and round it whirls. Then
the heavy seeds fall to earth.
While It is true that the silver and
red maples grow quickly, the hard nr
sugar maple Is of slow growth. This
Is the sugar maple that you love best.
Its trunk is tapped in tire spring itnd
the sap boiled down In great kettles
over an open fire in the woods. When
Hie water ia all evaporated solid
-akes of maple sugar remain In the
kettles Next Nuriday I want le t»?l
you « little mnre about the sugar mu
fi»«. for tills is I he reason you are
cn.joving you i f»c«h maplt •ugn
•akea,. UNCLE JOHN,
f 9
Coupon for
Kvery hoy end elrl reader of
thin paper who wlahe* fo join the
fio-Hawk*. of whleh .lame* Whlt
romb Riley waa
the Flrat Ml te
Chief, can ae
eiire III* official
button by *end
_ _ ' I n e a I cent i
your name. '
' aye and addrea*
• limp with
with thi* coupon. Addrea* your I
letter to "Happy," care thi* paper.
Over 120,000 member*!
“To Make the World a Happier
"I will honor and protect my |
country1* flats.”
"1 promt*® to help aome one |
every day. I will try to protect the j
bird*, all t nb animal*, tree* and
vZ --/
■ x •
r-- "
Letters From Little Folks of Happyland
Missionary Radishes.
The Grubbies class had grown since
Ken had become a member, until now
there were a dozen boys.
One morning a missionary came to
Sabbath school and spoke of the work
in faraway Peru. All the boys were
very much Interested. At the close
of the talk the superintendent said:
“I want each class to pledge a cer
tain amount of money to help the
children in Peru have a Sabbath
school like ours."
Kay was the first class president to
"The Grubbies will promise ten dol
lars,’' he said.
Kveryine In^he room was surprised.
But after the boys' rlaas had made
so large a pledge It was easier for
the other classes to promise a good
sum, and the missionary was much
After Sabbath school, Ray was sur
rounded by the Grubbies, who really
needed to he called grouches from the
way they talked.
"VoU promised ten dollars.’’ said
.Ice. ''Now how are wa going to
get it?"
"I paid my last penny for a window
I broke,” declared Martin Crossby.
"I know," said Ben. "let us meet
over to Ray's house. Monday."
The boys all agreed to this. Mon
day came and the boys were all over
to Ray's home. Ben said:
"Let's all think as hard as we can.
A little V idle. Ben held up his hand
and said. "1 have thought of a plan.
Our name, Grubbies, gave me the
Idea. Let's every one of ns plant a
garden of radishes. They grow fast "
Thev all tluew up their caps and
agreed. They watered and dug and
dug as fast as they could.
Ben said they were ready to sell, for
it took more than four weeks to grow.
They were sweet and crisp. They
washed them clean and tied them In
nice bunches. 1
Ben and Ray were the salesmen:
Then Ray put up a sign he had
painted. It read, "Missionary Rad
ishes—Try a hunch."
When the people saw the tempting
radishes and the fares of the hoys,
they bought of them. A man came
In the store where they were selling
llhem and praised the radishes. Ry
noon not a bunch was left, arid the
boys had nine dollars of the Mission
ary money. The hoys planted mote
radishes and by two weeks they had
sold them and doubled the money. No
other class had done as well as they
had done.—Mary Mason, Islington,
Thw Owl.
r>onr Happy: T lost mv pin and I
am n-ndinp a 2 rent damp and a
rmipnn for another on*.
I mv my l*tl*r In print and aure
aaa glad to *** it.
For p*t* I hav* two dnpa and !h *c
ca t s.
We have s pet owl which alsepa
in our eorncrib. Jt la juat a young
T aure do Ilk# to read the big Hap
py land page
I like to rend the stories. but do
not think I could do an well. Well,
I must close. Good by. I<ojs V 'ink,
youth Bend, Neb.
Will He Kind.
Dear Happy: 1 would like to Join
the Go-Hawk a, ao l am aendlng a 2
rent stamp. I hope to receive mv
badge soon. I am 12 year* old and
V am In the sixth grade at achnol. For
pet* I have two cat a, one dog named
Toby and a. pony named Bird. I
promise kind to all dumb ani
mala. Hoping Mr. Waste Paper
ltet is out pl.ving April fool Jokes I
sill close Ruth Tate, Winnebago.
Dear Happyland: l wish to Join
vour club. 1 lost mv pin and want
to get a new’ one For pets T have
a dog named Tip and two cats. The
cats names are Tommy and Tabby
and I have n little waif named Stock
ing* The reason T call him Stock
ings Is because he has two white feet.
M \ teacher's name is Kdnn. Serrine.
There are 2R pupil* In school and
there are five in my clans Hoping
to receive my pin soon, yours truly.
i.Ioel Preston, Oakland, Neb.
A New Member
Dear Happy: I would like to Join
the Go-Hawks. This Is my first let
ter to you. I nin sending a 2 cent
stamp for a pin. I am 1H years old.
1 like school very much. Mv teacher's
name is Miss Kills. \* this is mv first
letter I will not make it too lonr I
promise to be kind to all dumb snl
tnals. Vour friend, Vernon* Gonseth
Belgrade, .Neb.
The Goose.
Dear Happy: I am sending you a
2 cent stamp and the coupon for mv
pin. 1 promise to be kind to all dumb
animals. 1 have a pet goose. It fol
lows me nil over the yard. I am 8
years old nnd am In the second grade
.\s my letter l« getting long I will
• lose. Vour friend Gladys Dyson,
Herrick, P D.
First letter
Dear Happy: This Is mv first lei
ter to you. I promise to be kind to
dumb animals. Km losing s 2 rent
stamp. Please send me my button.
I am 0 years old nnd In the fifth
grade at school. Yours ^iy frith'.
Dorothy Grobenhronk. I’llger, Neb
To Our < oilntry.
On# should alUMvs he brave Slid
line, to stand fo? our '’’lag the Red
White and Blue member, Get
i rude Btitton, Nthawk.i, Neb.
A Queer Miser.
Once there was a hermit 1hat
1 i\ f*rl in the forest. It was a dark
and gloomy forest. A road ran
through the forest and passed close
by the hermit's hut. On thlc road
people went to and from the village
They thought the hermit a nitser, be
cause they would heal a queer clink,
clink a sound like coins dropping
together and he never spent sny
(hie day a stranger from the city
came to the village and asked where
the hermit lived. A village loafer,
who was sitting In the park on an
old log seat chewing tobacco, pointed
out the hermit's place. He wandered
out there and hung around In the
woods a few days. At last one night
growing bolder he crept up softly to
the hut and listened. Then he peep
ed In at the window—one look was
enough. He ran to the village as
fast as he could. He took the first
train to the city. The next day he
came back with ten strong men.
They hurried out towards the her
mit’s hut. They quietly slipped from
tree to tree until they reached the
door. They quickly opened the
door. They had expected to find the
hermit ready to fight fiercely, hut
to their surprise the room was empty.
They tiled to find some one but could
not. Then they eaw a door in the
back of the room, they tried to open
it but could not. One man was
crowded against a picture hanging on
the wall. With a creak the door
swung open. They heard the clink,
dink. Soon they were to know what
It was. They ruche-1 Into the *ave
which was hack of this, door. And
there—In the dim light at a candle
sat the old hemit cracking walnuts.
Kermit Metxler. Age I, Tekamah,
first letter.
Dear Happy: In this letter you will
find a 2 cent stamp and coupon and
please gend m# a button. I am 6
years old. Dor ptes I have e little
colt named Susie, a pony named Jane,
some little chickens, two dogs named
Shep and Cubby, and one cat named
Binkie. I guess that !s all the pets
I have, I have three sisters and one
brother. I have one sister that
t»srhes school In South Dakota. This
Is my fiist letter to you. I will not
make It any longer. Your friend.
Evelyn Maude Wade, Royal, N>b ,
Box 45,
A New Go-Hawk
Dear Happy: This Is the first time
I hate written to you and I am
sending you a 2 cent, stamp for your
nice pin. I am 10 rears old and have
one pet, he Is a dog, his name is
Reppo, he Is S months old. and I used
to have a rabbit but the dogs got
him one night. I promise to he a
good Ho-Hawk and he good to dumb
animals Hoping that I w II get my
button soon. Tour Mend. Edward
Metthe, 1505 West Koenig street.
Grand Island, N'eh.
A Third Grader.
T>»ar Happy: I am in year* eld and
am In the third grade. My tearh
er'a name !» Miss HI pa and aha Is
a. good one. I have a kitty for a pet
My father ha* a'pet dog; hi* name
Is Jack. Thla la my second letter
to you. I wiah some of the Happy
Tribe would write to me I am *n
fleeing a 2 rent atamp with whlrh I
wiah tn rerelva a button With love
yotir friend, Catherine Anna Elijah.
Wood River, Neb.
will Help
Hear Happy: This la mv flrat letter
tn you. 1 am a Ian sending a 2-cent
stamp for which I wish to he a Go
Hawk. I am 9 year* old and In the
third grade. I have one brother, i
will honor and protert mv country's
flag ’ I promise to help someone
every day. T will fry to protect the
dumb animals, trees and plants
Rene Rarr. Min Hasting avenue. Nor
folk. Neh.
I-oat Hutton
Hear Happy: I Inst my button and
am sending another 2 rent stamp for
another pin.
For pet* I have a dog named shrp
and two cat*. Their name* are
Tabby and Tom.
There are 28 pupil* In mv achool.
16 girls and 13 boy* 1 will close. I
hope 1 get mv button soon. I atn 8
year* old Dorothy Istraon. Oakland
Want* to Join.
Dear Happy: I want to write to
'•Oil as I want lo be a Go-Hawk
Please find a 2 rent stamp for hut
I go in Miller Patk school. T am In
|ths flrat A. 1 am 6 tsar* old, and
my teacher* name I* Mte* Muir I
like her very much Good-bve. PI wood
Rohert Pose, 2823 Crown Point Art
Omaha, Neb.
I,Ikes Ills Teacher.
Dear Happy: I rend about the Go
Hawk* every Sunday and want to be
come a member Please And a 2 cent
stamp for button,
I am 6 rear* old and am In the
first A My teacher a name Is Miss
Muir. I love her \ery much. F.b
wood Robert Pose. 2f.T:i Crown Point
Are , Omaha. Neb.
\ I'omill Grader.
Dear Happy: I would like to Join
the (Jo Hawk club 1 am 19 years
old and in the fourth grade. 1 bore
cite sister and two brothers. fMi
pets we hate a dog, t rat two pig*
and three chickens. I am sending a
" rent stamp for m\ badge I read
Happy 111 nd eiei* - er|t 1" nit i s truh
Wa;ne Griffith, l.auiel, Neh.
Robert snd His l)og Sport.
Robert was 9 years old. Ills
mother eent him to town on an er
i and. As he was walking along he
met some hoys, who were tying tin
cans on the dog's tall. Robert walk
ed up to the boys and said, "What
are you doing to that dog?” The boyB
were so frlgtened they didn't answer.
Robert repeated the question, "What
are you doing to that dog?" Then
tjiey answered very shyly, "We are
tying tin cans to the dog's tail."
Then Robert said, "Why don't you
Join the llappy Tribe." The boys
said they would and the dog wss
given to Robert. He named It Sport.
Cora H. Frankfurt, West Point, Neb.
IJkea Hutton.
Dear Happy: I like my button real
well. I received my button a long
time ago. But I have been tick with
the scarlet fever and couldn't write.
I like my teacher real well. Her
name la Miss Brotherton. For pets I
have two cats and six chickens. I like
to go to school. I go two and three
fourths miles to school. I have one
brother and three alstere. I wish
some of the Go-Hawks would write
to me. I will gladly answer. I will
close ss my letter ie getting long.
Ediths Wade, Royal, Neb.
Ukes Her Teacher.
Deer Happy: I wish to Join the
Go-Hawks. I read the letters written
by other children and also the Happv
land page, every Monday. I espe
rially like the stories snd riddles. I
am 10 years old and In the Fifth
grade. My teachers name Is Mies
Martha Mauch of Bassett, Neb. We
have a good school and I think my
teacher Is very pretty and sweet. I
sm enclosing a 2 cent stamp for a.
Go Hawk tuition. I will writ* again,
but will close for this time Helen
Harter. Burke. 8. D.
A Good (lull.
Dear Happy: I sm getting up a
Go Hawk club, the members are:
Robert Boeok, Billy Musser, Joe
Weatover, Cam David, and myself.
Our rule* are: Be kind to all dumb
animals. Be kind to poor people. Be
kind to one another, work snd play |
toget her.
1 am sending lhc for five pins for'
our club.
We will watch for other girls snd
hoys so thev will not hurt snv dumb
animals. I must close. Eugene Ed
ward French, Jr , Ruehvlll*. Neb. I
A Seventh Grader.
Dear Happy: I wish to Join the j
Go-Hawk club. I sm sending a 2
cent atamp for a pin. I am in the
seventh grade *t school. I am 12
years old. I have two brother* and
two sister*. I ha\» for a pet a little
kitten, I call him Whitewash I
take musle lessons and like to take
them I hope I Will get mv pin soon, j
I wish some of the Go Hawks would ,
write to me Yours truly.—Lola May i
t'nltt, Harrison. N»b.
Will Re Kind.
Pear Happv: This la mv first letter
tn you. T would like to jojn your
Happy Tribe. T promise to h» kind
to all dumb animal* Inc|r*e<1 vott
will find a 2 cent stamp and the
coupon for my* pin. lam* years* old
and in the fifth grade at school. My
feaohers name Is Miss Von Drehle
For p*t* T have two eats. As m>
letter is getting long T will close —
Delma M ddenof Bog €1. Rrunlnr
Kill Re Kind.
Dear Happv: T have encloaed a 2
cent stamp. pleas** send trie on* of
the badges I promise to be good
and kind For my pets I have four
rats, a di*g and some little chickens.
1 have two brothers snd on* little
sis’er. Mv teacher* name is Miss Hub
hell. K\ erv Monday l read Happy
land. I have taken s gieat interest
in it. [ am T rears old snd in the
second grade Mv name is fiyde Dean
Hsvward. Hyannis. Neb
Want* to Join
Dear Happy: I want to be in the
Happv Tribe. Please send me a but
ton. [ Joined the Friends of Hesper
about » month ago. My birthday was
yesterday. 1 was 1.1 years old. I have
a twin brother, his was yesterday
too. I wonder what I will get for
my birthday today? I think T will
• lose. Vo urg truly, Klroer Ix>s*.
Wayne, Neb.
\ KlftlHirader
I>e»i Happy Kmlosod you will find
2 rents for a button. I would like
to join vnur tribe. I read ths page
eveiv Sunday . I sin 10 years old!
and In 11 •• fifth grade Mv teacher's!
name I* Miss Mat y \\ ;lson, l like hei
v erv much I have one brother and
four * 1 • t e r *. If some of the fin
Hawks would writs to me 1 would
answer. From your friend. J.nia
Irvin. Blanchard. Is.
\ New Member
Ire.-ir Happy I want tn Join your
happy tribe I also want a pin for
myself I am enclosing two 2-cent
stamps. V e have one dog. his nam<<
is Topsv I am going to school ever v
day and am in the fourth grade. 1
promise to help someone every day.
I will try to pi of sot the bird* and
nil dumb anlnmls Vera Boessler,
Broken How.
\ New Member.
Dear llappv I am sending my ad
dreg* snd a 2 cent stamp for the pin.
I like my teacher. 1 play marbles
nd someiIm* * I lose and sometimes
I win I want tr* he. om* s Ho iT^wk
1 am 11 vena nil Mv bhthdav is
August 11 1 opr frieml. »’h*r|ep F,i k j
hart, 1001 lfaita St . Boon#, 1%
Our Vacation
Dear Happy: Ted and I went out
in the country near a lake for our va
lation last summer and #t pitched
our tent near the lake. One day we
went out rowing and on the other
side of the lake v.e auw sunie trees
with wild plums on them and we
went on shore to pick some. When
we got back to camp It was near 6
o’clock. Ted said he would get sup
per eu we went Into the tent to get
soma potatoes and other things for
supper. But in a minute he came
running out and said: "lack, the
provsions are gone ' But they can t
tie, 1 told him. "All right" he an
swered, go look for yourself ”
I did, but I found he wss not
fooling. Just *a I came out I saw
a boy walking toward us. "Tarek,
Ted, some one s coming" The boy
came up to us and what should he
hare with him but our provisions.
He said: "I live a short distance from
here and I happened to walk over
here this afternoon and saw your
tent. We are poor and I took your
provisions but mother made me bring
them back." Ted said, "Dick, your
mother surely must belong to the Go
Hawks, because our motto is to make
the world a happier place and you
can do so by truth."
I would like to have some girl 13
years old write to me.—Florence
Koepnick, Bancroft, Neb.
Dikes Billion.
Dear Happy: Received my pin n
long time ago and like it very much.
I could not answer sooner because we
hail the s, ai let fever. My teacher’s
its me is Miss Brotherton. I have
three sisters and one brother. Foi
pels I have one '-at and six Leghorn
chickens. [ am 12 years old and am
In the slxlh grade at school. I am
going to start to school Monday. 1
sure arn glad to. Well. #« my letter
Is getting long, I will close. From
your friend. Kdna Mae Wade. Royal,
Teaches Music.
Dear Happy I wish to join the Go
Hawks. I am 12 vears old and in the
sixth grade at school. My . teacher’s]
name is Opal Minlrk. 1 have one;
s.ster and one brother, my sister a I
name Is Opal, my brother a name is
Louis. I have two pets, nhe is a!
gander, and the other is r baby calf
I have a piano and 1 can play real i
nicely, and I am teaching my little
sla'er to play. I am sending a 2 cent j
stamp for my pin. your friend. Freda
Eschllman, Rising City, Neb.
I irst Letter,
D»ar Happy: This la my first let
ter. I want to join the Go Hawk
Tribe. I have a brother named
Charles Rose. He says he wants to
join the Go Hawk Trihe. I will send
a 2 cent stamp for him and one for
it" se!f. Mv brother is 4 years nM ,
We e>e ’ jetting our grandparents a*
Ttuskin. Neb. My house number fa
3d4f* Boolh avenue. Kanaaa Citv. Kan
Toura very truly, Robert M. Rose,
sge I.
Second Fetter.
Hear Happ: 1 hate a Go Hawk pin
and this is the second letter t hate
written to you I ant nearly 9 year*
old and 1 am in the Fourth R. My
'».!• hei - nun* is Mise Swan i e
her very niuoh. I got a bicycle for
Christmas and T hate lot* of fun
with It. I have not been to school
for a week and I hate had the !
measlo* Vernon I.lerk, 614 VV • at
Ninth street, North Platte, Neb.
Another Go Hawk.
P»ar Happy: I thought 1 would |lk»|
to le a Go-Hawk, too. So I am send ,
it's a ; cant stamp for a button. I|
m 11 years old and will ha in the|
sixth grade next tear. For peta I
hate three kit'ens and a pony. I
promise to be good to all dumb anl
mala and h -a1s Well, my letter is
getting lore. Will close Tours
truly, Mehlm Plm ,e. Kdholm, Neb.
My Goat.
Pear Happy: I am sending you nit
first letter to your paper. I am 11
years old anil In the fourth grade In
m liool Mt teat her s name la Miss
Weaver 1 have a dog, two rats
and a goat for mv pets and I am
very good to them. The goat ran
pull mjr wagon for me I am send
ing yon a stamp for s pin From
Harold 1'tesi h, Columbus. Neb.
Will Hr Kind
Pe-tr Happy: 1 would like to Join
the Go Hawk tribe. I am Bending you
a ? cent stamp One of mv friends
named Sylvia la very- kind to dumh
animals, snd 1 will be kind to thgtn,
’oo. | hate a h other and s atstet
Their names are Marselus snd l ets
t hste a kitten His name Is Fits' ,
leasts Mary Strobm. age a Schuyler
Neh. ,
First letter.
Pear Happy This is mt first let
t»r I am * years old and In the
.Second gis.le I promise to he kind
lo all dumb animals. W« have a
pony named ltob, and we hat* iwn
PUP* and two rats We hate sente
mile chickens and we hate soma lit
lie cnifs Tour friend, Harold Crook,
Paxton, Neb
\ Fourth Grader
Pear Happy: 1 yvitut to Join vour
Go Hawks. I am sending you s "
cent stamp anil hope 1 wilt receive
a pin. I a min the fourth grade and
I am 9 years old T hate three
brothers and three al«leis We live
on a farm The schorl that 1 go to is
lust across the toad from mt home I
Vs mt Irlirt [« get log !<>■-, I will1
close Maty Milder. Rosalie, Neh
By H A P P T.
-a JfAT flower* smiling In the *un.
lVi I mutt not pick you tv'ry'ont,
But Juet enough for my bouquet,
Art til that I will take today.
To pick you all would not be kind,
Another child will hope to find
Tou watting here and she will know
I wanted you to live and grow.
"How aweet the flower* are today,” 4
Thit otheo child will aoftly say.
But *he will only take a few—
Then there will be some left for you.
. ___~_^ . .
iecipe that I am sure some of you
will enjoy trying, just as I did.
Two cups of light brown sugar, two
tablespoon* of lemon juice, two table
spoons of butter.
('ream butter and sugar. Add
lemon juice, ('ook until it forms a
soft ball in water, then pour in a but
tered pan and dent it before letting
it cool. Fe sure to watch it closely
»s it cooks very qub Kb and is eas>
to burn.
A lewis writes that her recipe was
given her by her home economics
teacher and when she tried it #she
found it so good she thought she
would share it with me. Wasn’t that
nice of her" POLLY.
Maty. Ruth and George ha\e two
big brother* who sing in the choir.
On* evening when the brothers had
gone to choir practice George said
“When I ge» big. ! m going to join
the choir so I can sing the hymns
Mary looked up snd then said
“When I get big I’m going to join
so I can sing the her*.”
T lo\e you very much dadtG said
4 year-old Ruth as *he climbed on her
fathers’ knee.
* I love you. too. dear when you
are a good girl.** replied her father
But. daddy.” exclaimed Ruth. I
love you when you ain’t no good."
Live to Good (Nd \ge.
Did you ever know that most os
triehes live to be from 70 to $0 \cais
old? Well, they do. As they speed
across the .sand’, plains they eat a
large amount of grass and gram.
And what do you suppose they like
for dessert" Why. pebbles, glass even
iron or anv other scraps of metal they
can find It is said that this all aids
them to digest their food lust as grp
is necessairy for the diet of your
chickens in the back void.
F*aul Wanien of I’olumhus. O . s S
\ear* old and has his Go Hawk rules
framed and over his desk.
One ,,f our Massachusetts Go
Hawk* sends us «<-me nuts this week.
Owne and join vour friend. Billy*
Squirrel, and *&e how many we ran
What kind of a sickle \m most so^n
in* winter’
Answer—An icicle
Why is an old maid 11k* a had .
lemon ?
Answer—Because neither is worth
When doo« the sin r*aemhl* * hen'
Answer—When seMfng
Why is a buckwheat cake like %
r ate! pillar'
Answer—Because it makes the but
I live upon my own substance and
died when I have devoured myself?
Answer—A candle.
What is the longest word in th*
Answer: Bmiie bemuse it h** a
mil# in it.
What doe« s woman look for, but
does not wish to find’
Answer \ h^le in her s‘ooking.
Good Book* for Children f
fbon«» on. o? fh... hook, to
.«<’h w.*k r.rhapp you hart b*tt.r
rut th. !iPt out .*.-h tlm. arrt tak«
it with voti to your city library. It, .
ip pr.parM for th. Happvlaort bo..
and cirls hv Mua Alloa M. Jorrtan,
aupprvipor of ohilrtr.n'p *"rk. Bop.
top public library. Thl* » .«k ab*
tiiaswti; -» -
Blahop, Barn ham. Story of thA. .
Suhmarln.. ’
t'anfi.ld, Dorothy, ‘'T'pd.rptood
Pol*. X. H , Th* AAhit* Dunk
}la»ihcnn*, Xatanl*). Tar.*’*
"oort Tal*p
Rolort.. Thoortor*. ‘ Th* R.J
AA'avp., For D*’a ant.
Dai a."
A inl.t. \r. AA akrning
All Ov.r Kappa lanrt.
; .ummm.....■■.. ...oli
Annual *pring cleaning 1n Janet «
• nil house The mean* that tha ruv
ritr« ara down and tha rng* p and
'tx* furnltii'* nut \1| tha doll* tax*
had to Rit 1n a r<'W Along tha window
*aR{ except V int t lot a (tha colored
dollh who h^R had to e«Rt*t in tha
• leaning. Sha got ao tirad v»«;arda>
afternoon that *h# hivkf tw-> of tha.
pink flow 01 ad doll diihfR and w.«s
xerelx scolded bv .lanat It i« to ha
hoped that tha house cleaning will hr
over hv Tueedax night, than tha doll*
ran mova In again
Invitation* ha\e haan issued hx .
Mir Stiff Back Paper Poll and bar
two daughter*, Mehitable and Teahel,]
for an afternoon tan to ha six at* next
Krldax In tha furniture catalog wheiv
they now make their home Ml the
paper doll* in th* to»r*-*tv an wHl r*
three from the h-'U*.< a< rose the
• treat are a*pe« ted
Cuddle Pown the x *" \ *m-*!la*'
Tedd' hear, n s* | **t 1 .-x♦ • ex riling
That a xx ir notch ht—x utk and s.
rxing around tha nureetx and ht
poor nmth*r ri tad and trruit|r hor
hand* and aaid Oh. whv d!d t
loato rpv htld all aloro whtl* I wont
down atalr* to *o» tf tanoi had oonto
h onto f >m a. pool' At l*»t nft»
looMns In *v*r> nook and oortto,,
I'.ntdl* Down waa found h*hlnd th*
", dia tor IVar m* how th* nttran v
f”".* all hticcr l him and t on hotto
h*ho\* h* w,a (lad to «ot ha ok hom*
again. too
Tom and Nod Pin hnldtor hat * (on*
aw tv to «pond two w,wk*. hut on
pool to h* took In lint* for th*
M*tnoi ial dm rmrad* Titov both hopo
to hat* n*w unlfornt* to w**r, * *
' ' 1 N -
Inolhrr IJ n\ to fir n
(it*ocf (’O-Hoiih
\ cmal <o> ll.n >k ti i<~* tort hatd
tit "It,no a Ntttil* in ht« ndo*
11»-** moan* hi* anno i* ptoaNAit, .
and rhowrj to tan*, just t It* kind
of tttlir or all ltkt to hom ho S
r*tnonih*f tltia »a, to h* a food ’
II* M k
,>- ■ ■ *