wfinancial.| litisinesn Opportunities. 4. fOK SALE OR LEASE—-Desirable factory building and site in Fort Dodge. Ta. BrlcK building; 15.000 square feet, well lighted, splendid heating system, sprinkler ayttem. low Insurance rate. Close to freight stations on four railroads. Im mediate possession. Liberal terms. Write Monarch Telephone Manufacturing Co, 1>27 W. Van Ruren St,, Chicago. Til. WANTED—Trustworthy, competent man with 15,000 cash and up, by well known mfg. company, to establish ami manage permanent subsidiary business in Omaha; Willing to pay the right man $350 a month and expenses, with share of profits extra. J. Williams, 510 N. Dearborn, Chl eego. 111. GO INTO business for yourself. Make money marketing proprietary specialties under your own labels. We furnish every thing and show you how. Booklet free. , National Scientific Laboratories, 230 Mon roe Richmond. Va. MONEY IN GRAIN—$12.50 buys guaran tees mono bu. wheat; no further risk; movement Ic opportunity, $500; 4c, $400. Particulars. Market letter free. Investors’ guide. .122 A_ ft R Bldg . Kansas City, Mo. BAKERY and confectionery for sale, lo cated In northeastern part of Nebraska. Selling on account of health, for further Information, call T. F. Nongletln Co.. AT. 2223, |&n DATLY selling randy floss or ma chines; 1 lb. sugar brings $2. Booklet fre^ National Candy Floss Machine, P-236 East 37th, New York. $10 BUYS $1,000 Railroad Rond (default ed). Fine for trades and exchanges. Ev crert. 15 Broad St.. New York. COMMON aense and 1100 or more will ee tabllsh cash business. Dept. 14, Paul Kaye. 149 Broadway. N. Y. VIOLET ray and massage, an established hus ness desirably located. AT. 1637 or B-4 30, Omaha Bee Investment—Stocks—Ronds. 43 CAPITAL raised. Services and facilities extended corporations with stock or bond Issue. New and attractive method. 1215 Commonwealth Trust Bldg, Philadelphia, Pa. LOW RATE on city property, quickly closed; no monthly payments. JA. ISIS. W. T. Oraham. _ M. A. ANDERSON CO.. 8107. Beal estate. Surety bonds and kindred Ins Real Estate Loans. 44 OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB. FARMS. o'kbefp: real estate co.. 1018 Om. Nat, Bk. Bids, JA. Itlt, SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences Cash on hand. Prompt service. E. H. Lougee. Inc.. 638 Keellne Bldg. SECOND mortgagee or contracte pur ehased by Tukey Comnany. 620 Flret Na tlonal Bank. JA. 4221. ^arm Loans on west. Neb. and N. E. Colo. farms. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. X WILL buy mortgages and contracts. Corkln. >48 Om. Nat. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb 6 4 AND 6 PER CENT—No DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 846 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Money to Loan. 45 TRW COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply your money wants In the same way that banks supply the money wants of the business community. Any amount loaned ud to $600 and you ean repay It In easy monthly pavmenta. Our equal payment plan repays the loan and all chargee. We have been In business In Omaha over to venrs and can assure you of a quick, confidential and sauare deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY.. 10$ Varbach Block. TeL JA. tt$B. Southeast corner 16th and Douglas Sts. Omaha Bee._ MONEY TO LOAN On 1st and 2d Mortgages. We buy outright for cash Existing mortgages and land contracts. Prompt Action H A WOLF CO., 682 Baunders-Kennedy Bldg. AT. 8160. DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, buslaess strictly confidential. .The Diamond Loan Co. 1514 Dodge 8t. Established 1894. MONEY to loan on automobiles. Phone WE. 6463. EDUCATIONAL. Correspondence Courses. 47 EARN $110 to $250 monthly, expenses paid as Railway Traffic Inspector. Po sition guaranteed after completion of t months' horns study course or money re funded. Excellent opportunities. Write for Free Booklet, E-271. Stand. Business Training Inst., Buffalo, N. Y. Local Instruction Classes. 48 DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES 8CHOOL Complete course in all commercial branches. bookkeeping. comptometry, ehorthand. typewriting, telegraphy, secre tarial. banking, salesmanship, civil aerv Ice. English. Fou may work for board while attending. Illustrated catalog free. BOYLES SCHOOL. llth and Harr.ey Sts.. Omaha, Neb. JA. 1666 LEARN marcel waving at home; mall $3 for complete Illustrated text hook and learn thia highly profitable profession at once. LI Bijou School of Beauty Culture. 207 South 18th St. Omaha, Neb. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1403 Dodge St. 1808 Douglas St Call or write for Information. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEOE Stenography and Bookkeeping. Weed Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. AT. 7418. RIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 er write American collage. 1»12 Farnam. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Day and Evening Schools SOI B. llth St. JA. 1110 EARN while learning; be beauty special ist. L'Charme Sch'l. 212 Courtney. AT.4811 Bldg. Musical—Dramatic. 49 POPULAR music, filling In "bass,” full harmony and “breake." E. M. Kahn, Mlck el Bldg., AT. 4361. Res. AT. 8210. Dancing Academies 60 Largeet dancing classes la Omaha. “There’s a Reason.* KEEP'S. HOTEL ROME Jeta New. JA. 1470. —— 1 ■■-■■■■l1. - 1 LIVESTOCK._ Dor*. Cat* and Pet*. 53 BOSTON terrier puppies. Only two laft. W. H. Crutcher, 2204 Douglas Bt. Cattle,"Vehicles. 64 DON'T forget the big auction horses and mulea next Tuesday aftarnoon at T. C. Gallup Horse and Mule Co. atables. Stock yards, South Omaha. 1111 1STH AVE.. CO. BLUFFS—Horaes. harness and wagon for sale cheap. Wood aloo. Poultry and Supplies. 66 PURE bred chicks postpaid per 100. les herna. $1.00: Rocks. Reds, Anconas. Ill; Orpington. Wyandotte*. |1J. Prompt de livery. Live arrival guaranteed. Order from ad. Cape Hatchery, Cape Girardeau, Mo. CHICKS—Vigorous, purebrad Barred Rocks. Leghorn*. Rsds. $10 per 100 pre paid del!vsred alive. Oaark Farms, Weat pnalla, Mo. BABY GEESE, and hsn agga for eettlng. for sale. KE. 8662 merchandise” Bua!nM* Equipment*. SB AUCTION flAI.B OF TRI A**ET* OF thk pkkue CONSTRUCTION CO, BANKRUPT. OMAHA. NEB. Moat ill thta «qulpm«nt ta *4 mil* north of City, Neb, ana will be offered for sale at public auc tion. niece at a time, on the Krounni, *A mils north of Elk City, on Monday morning. May 10 1024 at in a. m. This equipment consist* ef the following Items: 1 large Kelly Pprlngfield roller; 1 small Kelly Npringflojtl roller; 2 foot, full length. 21E power. 4-cvcle gas motor spout; 2 Austin finishers 1 Austin sand and gravel loader. 1.850 f*«t Blew rail. 4 Ford son tractors, 14 dump hodlsa on Ford trucks; 6,744 feet, 2*4 imh pipe. 676 feet hose. 1 Rum *ov triplex pump: 1 reversible grader. «- f t. blade; 1 Berber lireen self feeding bucket loader, 1 complete set. 24 buckets, for Aus tin elevator; 2 Western Turn tools; 1 Faultless compressor. 80 «-nl. tnnk. and numerous other Items. . ... I,M|.line of equipment and orrice furniture sod equipment will be sold on Tuesday. May 20. 1824. at H» fi. m at 4117 Commercial Avenue. Omaha. Neb t. i ip- of sale 26 per cent cash on day of eale. balance upon in ft i matlon by the court. I'.y order of the court 13 *4 DUNHAM, Referee p E NEAKU8, Selling Agent. KObS L. SHOTWELL, Trugte*. * Vtf xH. . _ MERCHANDISE. Business Equipments. 58 WE BUY. sell aafea. make deeke. show rasee. etc Omaha Fixture A SuddIv Co.. g. W. cor. 11th and Douglaa. JA. 2724 PRACTICALLY new Nat. cash register for sale or trade for Ford. HA. 8021 Fuel and Feed. 6! KINDLING—$5 truckload, delivered; aaw dust. shavings. Phone JA 5740. Household Goods. 64 BETTER valuee tn new and uaed furni ture. Sales made privately or at sue-? tion. We also buy your furniture and pay cash. A trial of our service will con vince you. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE 1509 CAPITOL AVENUE AT-lanMc 6265 3-PIECE mohair living room set for sale at a sacrifice. Call 2431 Brome. Also 3 rug. Wilton velvet, 8-3x10-6. KE. :!f35. ICE box. 600 lb. government. 175. Suit able for grocery or restaurant. MA. 2829. OIL stove, three-burner, uaed month, $20; refrigerator. <8. WA. 6127. LIVING room set. cane, velour, $85; floor lamp, $5, HA. 2002. Swap Column. 65 FOR SALE—Equity In good brick garage in best residence part of Omaha, now leased, or will trade for residence prop rrty. WA. 4833._ PIERCE-ARROW TOURING CAR $2,000. or trade on home and $500 to $1,000 cash and assume. E-1628. Omaha Pee._ LIKE to trade my beautiful high-grade grand piano against good standard car. Address A-1213. Omaha Bee. $1,000 EQUITY in cottage and 2 lota, trade for Ford coupe. Addresa D-400, ( Mn.i ha Bee. ELECTRIC vibrator with all attachments to swap for camera. WA. 2099 FURNITURE of five rooms to trade for Ford touring and some cash. AT. 1434 FIRST payment on five-room bungalow, swap for lot WE. 5938. FOR trade, cottage equity for 1124 Ford coupe. Will take up payment* on same. Address. A-1226, Omaha Bee Machinery and Tool*. 67 NEW and aecond-hand motors, dynamos. LeBron Electrical Works. $18-20 So. 11th. Mu, Plants and Flowers. 68 LARGE transplanted cabbage. $1.26: to mato. $1.75 hundred; beat aorta cabbage, tomato, sweet potato plants. 76c hundred, prepaid. Copenhagen Market. Bonny Beat. Nancy Hall, others. Northern seed corn. Dents or Flints, at $3.75 buahel. prepaid. Landreth'a 10c alxe garden seeds. 6c. Name or describe. John Wilhelm Alex ander, Klrksvllle, Missouri. Musical Instrument*. 70 STEINWAY GRAND piano. Might eonald er Ford as part payment. Call Harney, 5395. Radio Equipment. 71 CUT prlc, on everything In radio, R. M. Hhla,,. il» N. 16th fit, Wanted to Buy. 73 DESKS, DESKS. DESKS. New desks, used desks, bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam St. AT. 414$. HAVE huyars for mortgage paper or any kind of merchandise rtocks. Box 257, Storm Lake, la. ROOMS FOR JgEXT._ Rooms With Board. 74 2207 MAPLE ST. — Lovely front room with hoard; two gentlemen. private home, block to car. WE. 16<>4 ATTRACTIVE summer room for employed couple or gentlemen, board and garage. WE. 4 089. NEW, large, attractive room for 2. with board; home cooking; garage If desired HA. 3166. GOOD room and board for young men. Walking distance. 88 HA. 632‘V Rooms Without Board. 75 FURNISHED rooma and housekeeping apta. for rent in all parta of the city Free Bureau of Information, 625 Paxton BIk , AT. 4798.j 3427 CUMING—Single and double roome. newly furnished; very desirable, new du plex. 2909 DEWEY AVE—Furnished sleeping rooma, newly decorated, 12.76 tip. AT. 1429._ • 4324 DAVENPORT—Clean room, private home. $3 per week. WA. 6671, NICELY furnished room. 1 gentleman pre ferred. HA. 3054. $16 per month HEM IS PARK—2 rooma. well furnished, in private home. WE. 6238. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, very beat board, a bargain. HA. 6476, 2622 B ST.—Pleasant room, gentleman, private family. MA. 8895. DOUGLAS ST., 2564—Nicely furnished 1 2-rm. apt. FOR RENT—5 rooma. 1612 Dorcaa St. Rooms for Housekeeping. 76 l CLEAN, newly decorated rooma, etrlctly modern; sink, gas range, everything fur nished; laundry done. Reasonable. JA. 0874._ A SUITE of clean, well furnished house keeping rooms, strictly private In modern home. 1010 S. 29th. AT 4096 3159 DAVENPORT—2 large rooma. beauti fully furnished, gaa range, running water I 2128 WIRT ST.-Two large rooma and kitchenette. WE 0381 or JA. 8758. MA 1 560—t modern roome. furnished, housekeeping; no children 1308 8. 25TH AVE—3 nicely furnished hskp. rooms. AT. 1752 620 8 24TH Ave—t rmi. complete, close in; reduced rates. Room*, I’nfuraifilird. 77 31$ N 24TH.—4 unfurnished roome. walk i Ing distance. AT. 6247. Where to Stop In Town. 78 HOTEL. SANFORD— l»th and Farnam. HOTEL. HENSHAW—ENth and Farnam. Special rates to permanent gueata. REAL KaSTATE— FOR RENT. Apartment*—Furnished. 80 207 8 29TH Ave—Hudson Look at fhl* 5 room beautiful apt A bargain for $55 m. month Go look at It today, you may be too late. CaII IIA. 1730 or JA. 0746. HUNTER INN HOME for the traveling man and wife. AT 6960. 24th and Dodge CHEERFUL new decorated two-room and kitchenette apartment. 3839 8 23d Hr WHEN IN NEED OF HELP TRY OMAHA BEE WANT ADS Garages Complete ; $100 Up flood material, flrat clasa work manahlp, Phono for aaleaman to call. MORRISON Lumber and Goal Go. Md and Paul 8ta. WE-MII. REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartments—Unfurnished. Hi DESIRABLE APTS. AT REASONABLE RENTS A convenient, close on location, No. 12 Sweetwoud (between 26th Ava. and 26th St. on Sweet wood Ava.), Living room, beedtoem and kitchen, only $60.00. A well arranged, comfortable apt. In the Klngsborough at 2638 Dodge street, large living room, dining alcove, kitchen, dressing room and bath, No. 4, at $60.00. Available June 1st in the popular Joyce, located at 27th Ave. and California 81. Four rooms with 6-room accommodations. No. 3, at <72 60. No. 17 In the Conamore, 2763 California St., will be available June 1st, the new est. most desirable arrangement of 4 looms. 186.00. A real home with all apt. conveniences at No. b Potter Pleasant, nice sized rooms, . ool for summer, located at 33d and Farnam. At $85.00. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, “Where Omaha Renta" AT. 0541. 17th and Farnam Sts. 2956 HARNEY ST. Choice, 6 rooms. $55. Low rental. GARVIN BROS. C45 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. APARTMENTS and~fiftts Tor rent. W. J. PALMER CO. AT. 8»8« Real Estate Management Specialists. FOR ONE OF DRAKES 1.000 APARTMENTS Cal! Jackson 2K06. PETERS TRUST COMPANY “WHERE OMAHA KENTS" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. WA. 7260 (Tel.) Apt. in home of two apts. Bemls Park district. STEAM HEAT. 4-rooin apta.. $30 and up close In. G. P. Stebblns, lb!9 Chicago St. 114 8. S8TH AVE.—Newly decorated 3 rm. apt. Very desirable. HA. 4614. 3 AND 4 rms. In Selma Terrace. 630 Park Ave. Janitor or Seybold, AT. 8301. Apartments—Unfurnished. 81 LONGFELLOW. 2215 Howard—Rents re duced. New. modern 3-room arts. Very fine. Walking distance, $60, $56. See janitor. 6-RM. modern flat, newly decorated, with sleeping porch; also 2 rms. rented In apt. AT. 3873. Business l'laces for Rent. 82 19TH AND FARNAM 314 8. 19th St.. 23x85. with high, dry basement; street and alley entrance. Very reasonable to desirable line of business. GARVIN BROS. 645 Omaha Nat. Bidg FARNAM St.. 1807, 3056 eq. ft. Thomas F. Hall. 1908 Harney St.. AT. 740$. ---- - -; Houses for Rent. 83 5- R., mod. ex. ht.; garage; 4607 Charles St., $35. 4- R cottage, 200$ Pierce St., $16. 3-R. cottage, 3108 Maple St , $16 3-R. cottage. 2714 Cuming St., $15. 9-R. mod. flat, 2712 Howard St., $50. 6- R. house and 4 lots, $26. F. D. WEAD and H. D. BOWMAN. 310 8. 18th St., Wead Bldg. AT. 0151. An Ideal location for the summer—8 room home at 2020 Spencer St. Reason able rent. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. “Where Omaha Rents." AT. 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts 8 rooms. 401$ Nicholas St. $4 5 5- room duplex, 1145 South $2d Sf . $60 6 room duplex. 4938 Davenport St.... $80 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. “Where Omaha Rente.” AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts 6008 Center St. 6-room house, garage nice yard and garden. $37 GARVIN BROS. 6 4 5 Omaha Nat'l Bldg 5-R. APT . Dunsany. 10th and Pierce. $40. 3-r. apt . 6th and Pierce. $12. 3-r. mod. ex. ht . 2670 Leavenworth. $22 5". ; Omaha Rental Exch. JA 3619 HA. 260U CLOSE in modern 10-rm house. suit able fer roomers, to responsible partiee Inquire 2554 Douglas. Apt 1 FOR RF.NT—Seven-room house modern garage for one car. 4112 Engine. WA 2238 _ FOUR-ROOM house for rent; hath tub, electric light and gas 2635 Rees. 1263 S. 15TH ST.—Small cottage; no '•hlldren, AT. 2843. — - Houses, Furnished. Hi FOR RENT for the summer, an eight room modern house, furnished. 2418 Val ley St AT. 2935. Offices and Desk Room. 8.‘> LARGE Farnam St. store; tile floor end large basement, retail location Good at ore. medium size, in the Wead Bldg. 18th end Farnam Ste. OFFICES Nice 2d floor Farnam Sr front In the Commerce Bldg can be arranged to sum Two offices In the Wead Bldg., 18th end Farnatn Sts. Two offices In the E. O. W\ Bidg, 20th and Leavenworth Sta. F D. WEAD and D H BOWMAN 310 S. 18th St.. Wead Bldg. AT. 0151. BKE WANT AI)S BRING KKSUI.TS MONEY 'Company of Quick Action W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1820 Farnam St. JA. 0504 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Offices and Desk Room. 85 OFFICE suite in front of elevator, also desirable office suites with 2 or 3 private offices and reception room In First Na tional Hank Bldg. Phone AT. 0729. F. H. Grossman._ _ QUALITY chillis. Postpaid 100: Leghorns, $10; Rocks Reds. Anconaa. Orps , \\ yan . $12; Lt Brahmas. $15; Assorted. $7. Cat alog Missouri Poultry Farms. Columbia, Mo Summer Place for Rent. 89 ROCKY mountain cottages. Get descrip tion. photo*, rates for a vacation home In th« heart of the Rockies Address Aaure dale, 631 Mack Bldg.. Denver. Colo. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Farina and Lands for Sale. 93 FOR SALE—2.100-acre ranch and farm at Farks, Neb.. on Republican river; 300 acres Irrigated; railroad station and town on ranch; completely equipped; well stocked; live town; high school; easy terms; must sell to close estate. C. Clyde Barker, 928 Equitable Bldg ., Den ver, Colo. 192 ACRES located close Co. seat, best of school, social and market ndvantagea: well fenced, watered and imp. ; one at beat producing farms of north Mo.; one that pays a profit, priced right, good terms; would consider residence In good school town If suited as firat payment. Box 6, Route 4, Chllllcothe. Mo. FOR SALE—Block 3 sections fine Mon tana land; 640 acres plow, balance graz ing; 20 acres alfalfa; water; some timber; fenced; coal; house on each section. Wonderful stock proposition. $5.75 per acre. $0,000 handle. ^IcBratney, Rialto Bldg., Sheridan. Wyo._ $69 BUYS 10 acres furnish fruit, berries, grapes. Near Potosi. Mo. Terms. Cash price. $58.50. Warranty deed Perfect title Must sacrifice Owner, 725 Wain wright Bldg , St. Louie. 10(111 MAN’S CHANCE $5 down. $5 monthly buys 40 acres grain, fruit, poul try land near town. PrDe $200. Other bargains. Free list. Box 4’25-D, Car thage. Mo. City Acreage for Sale 94 ONE ACRE—WEST DODGE. $1,000—$100 CASH. BALANCE $10 MONTHLY A fine level acre. All In bluegra ss. Wonderful aoll. Plenty of fresh sir. Fin* for the kiddles. Better for grownups Just west of Falracres. Sure of big Increase In value. Restricted district. Equal In area To six Dundee lots. And good Dundee lots sell For $2,500 to $5,000 each. What’s the answer? There’s only one— Buy this acre today. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. JA. 2911. 1811 Farnam St. 9 ACRES. Suitable for subdivision, looking Into Fontenelle park: good set of modern lin ] rovements, considerable fruit. Price $20,000, or will divide and sell sepurate acres at $2,000 to $2,600: terms one fourth cash, balance easy monthly pay ments. i .’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO . Realtors 1015 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 2716. FINE ACREAGE WEST Helra aav sell at cnee, chicken and fruit farm with modern bungalow, electricity, mile to paving, high, sightly location. i northwest See this bargain »t once. ROHRBOUGH At CO. Sun. WA 6998 AT 68«)9 ACRE. Bensoq Gardens, high and sightly; price $500. Terms Cork 1 if, 944 Omaha Nat Bldg , Omaha. Neb Houses for Sale. 95 , BEAUTIFUL Mountain Home Site nenr Denver. Colo 62o acres nicely timbered i with pine l>4 miles trout streams THE KUHLMAN INVESTMENT CO. Denver t ’olo House*—North. 96 FINE OLD MODERN HOME. 1Mb and Locust 10 rooms in excellent ditlon. hot water hen' 2-car gatage. beautiful lot. 84x128. $l,onn will handle. SHEDD INVESTMENT UO Realtors JA 4.‘54 Sunday. HA. 4467. ONE BLOCK TO HOLY NAME PARISH. Five large rooms, attic, full basement, ga | rage. trees and shrubbery planted, by | owner At 4 268 Blnney St WA. 1??2 Takes $1,500 cash. DUNDEE BUNGALOW AGENTS NEED NOT ANSWER Wall built, 5-room, all modern bungalow Oik and white enamel finish, garage, corner lot on paved street. Phone owner, WA 5732 BEST 5-ROOM. (• A K. AT $5,650 In the best part of the north, aid* near 21 st and Sprague All large rooms; lots of closet room, beautiful level yard Poa Ncaston June 1 «*all HA 4?4T I.ovejoy WILL SELL 3202 N" 4Mh S’ far $7,300 New, stucco, on corner P was built by a builder for home so it !a the heat. Terms, t’orkin, 941 Omaha Nat. Bldg, Omaha, Neb,__ *128 PARKER ST.—7-rrrw mod., barn $750 cash bal. mo Extra lot for garden t’relgh 60S Bee. JA 0200. | COZY 5 room cottage from owner, must ■ ic seen to be appreciated. 2515 Bristol I St., near car and school. LAND SALE 80 A. for sale—Cult. No build ings. 10 M. Omaha P. O. 1 li M. North of Papillion, Sarpy county, Neb. NV4 SE'4 Sec. 15 14-12 to be sold at Sheriff’s sale Tuesday, May 27th, 1924. at 10 o’clock A. M. at Court. On Interurban railway and good highway. Papillion has Catholic and German Lutheran Parochial schools. Six churches, good public grade and high school, over mile paving—construction of new improvements, county seat — new court house — best farming community. Over 12 M. gravel roads under way of construction in Papillion pre cinct, connect with Omaha by pavement- - greatest opportunity to make money. Adraped to sub division. Inquire of State Rank of Papillion, Papillion, Neb. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. Housr*—North. 96 t NEW FONTENELLK PARK BARGAINS. PRICE $4,176. If you want to live in a district of In < Teasing values, overlooking beautiful Fnntenelle park, let us show you these fine. well-arranged 6-room bungalows; clear oak floors throughout, full cement ed basement, latest style plumbing fix tures, oak trim in living and dining room, built-in- cablnete, large clothes closets, hot air furnace. best of construc tion throughout. Reasonable cash pay ment down, balance on easy terms. Even ings call Tauiblyn. KE. 62*3. R F. CLARK CO. Realtors 60S Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. AT. 1*7$. 60. A. BIO VALUE SNAPPY BUNGALOW ONLY $5,750. Strictly modern, well-built, best oak fin Ish and floors, large, light rooms. Ideally arranged throughout. Nicely decorated, all r.ewly painted. Hcreened-ln porch, screens and storm windows. Paved street, corner lot; $1,250 cash, balance $4*.60 a month. Do not fall to ree It at 6022 S. 27th St today, for appointment phone D. E. BUCK & CO., Realtors. 742 Omaha Nat. JA. 3643. Salesmen: Paul Box. WE 6372; I.ovgrcn, KE. 0304. Buck. KE. 2834._ 2017 NORTH 21ST STREET. $X0o CASH « ’0 PER MONTH And the owner will paint the house two coats, also paper 4 rooms, or will make you a good allowance If you will do thle work yourself. This is s grand opportu nity to buy a real comfortable 6-rootn nearly modern home on eaay terms See It today and then see us the first of the week. For price today call WE. 67x9. CREIGH. SONS A COMPANY. 60$ Bee nidg ___J A. 0200. 4534 NORTH 40TH STREET. $300 CASH. This * room, part modern, 2-story house on carline and paved street, can be bought right. Terms are easy See today. 334 3 no YD STREET. A 6 room modern except heat bouse that you con buy on payment s This place is near the new North High school. In a good neighborhood. See today. For price Sunday call WE. 57*9 CREIGH. SONS A COMPANY. 603 Bee BldgJA 0206. CHOICE KET.LASTONE BUNGA LOW NEAR NEW NORTH RIDE HIGH. Five rootna and bath; onk finish; extra large living room; strictly up-to-the-minute in every respect. East front lot. $1,000 cash, $50 a month will haodle. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 630 Peters Tmst Bldg JA. 2282. FACING FONTENELLE PARK. On Ames west of boulsvard. Attractive modern 6-room stucco semi-bungalow with garage; newly painted and decorated; beautiful lot and location $6,500. Rea sonable payment SHEDD INVESTMENT CO. JA. 4254. Realtors. Sunday, WA. fill. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME. One of the best built, practically new. X rooms with finished attic, and well equipped homes In this addition. With garage. Price $9,500 for quick sale O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Realtors. 1015 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 2716. NEW mod 4-rm house on easy term*. 1116 N 4 4th Ave. Sey bold. AT. 4201. 1» F. BUCK A CO., buy and sell horn— Houses—South. ®7 1912 SOUTH 16TH STREET. * ROOMS AND SUNROOM HALF BLOCK TO FIELD CLUB. An east front home, very attractive on the inside, frame exterior, garage to match the house; one block to Field Club school Very reasonably priced at $1,000 Sunday caH Huiton, HA. 4762. or Lareon, JA. 6764. A P TUKET A SON. •Tukey Sold It.*’ 626 First Nat. Bk Bldg. JA. 421*. SOUTH SIDE BARGAIN 6 ROOMS -$2,750. All modern. 6-room home on 23d St In excellent neighborhood, close to school, churches, tarline and business district, newly decorated, garage, attractive yard, fruit trees, paved street and alley. Paid in full Yes. It a • Real Bargain Sunday, phone Ted Pitkin. HA. 7546; 'Wal ter Rowley, KE 0206. or Le Roy Gehrls. KE. 6039 METCALFE COM PANT. Ground Floor, 203 So. lfth St. AT $416. NESTLING ON GENTLE SLOPE OVERLOOKING RIVER DRIVE Elegant 6-room, practically new bunga low with garage An Ideal home Priced right. ash or term* 4900 So. 14th St , near An her Ave t'all MA 466*. R all mod . on a lot 41x166. located at 1517 Ultn Ave Very reasonable at $6,100. JOHN YIRAK. 310 S. 18th St. ■ A Home of Individuality Hj M 06U MARCY ST., built 9 fl to last a lifetime, rein- Hj fl forced concrete and steel fl 9 construction, genuine wal- ■ 'Ja nut finish, 6 dandy rooms, H J full length living room, R 9 fireplace, tiled bath with Hp 9 tiled sides, shower, etc. Hf J1 Owner says, "Get me a H Jfl proposition quick." Be sure ■ 9 to see this. N’othing like it IK 9 in Omaha. You will save H 9 big money if you byv this; fl 9 easy terms. S' Attractive Evanston Home Ht S Lora'ed on high, sightly Hj 9 east front lot with double R fl frontage, near the George R 9 H. l'avne residence, brick H fl and stucco construction, 8 ■ fl rooms, including sun room Hi fl and maid’s room in attic, H fl brick fireplace and other B 9 necessary built in features, H '•fl oil burner, 2-car garag'-. R ■||| Priced $2,500 below cost R 9 for quirk sale. Ideal loca- R 9 tion. fl fl Gall KK 4250: HA 6440; fl B ,IA 1426; WA 5254. ■ m Burt C. Fowler Co. 9 Si REALTORS fi •H 1 1 20 City Nat l Bank Bldg. B m JA ckton 1426 |Sj | Sold But Can’t Qualify Deni Ready to Close, Abstract To Date and Examined. Deed ready to deliver. Owner ! I out of city waiting for money. 6 rooms on 1 ' floor, 1 room attic; 2-car garage; paved j street; west location. A wonderful home, $7,500. ('ash. might sacrifice since pur chaser can’t qualify; can close deal in one %j hour ami move in same day. | American Mortgage & Finance Co. | Ke. 1732. 212-16 Courtney Bldp. At. 4066 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. -"TBSi5ggai;r~ FOR QUICK POSSESSION. 91,100 for lovely 8-room, strictly modem home at 1110 So. 18th St. Fine location. Full basement, 4 bedrooms, all In best of condition; two large lote. garage. Terma. Come quirk as this Is one or the best bargains offered on the south side. Parties are moving east C. D. SCHLEICHER 1912 Vinton AT. 0908 (all hra.) 3 HOUSES of 8, 8, and • rooms, all mod urn. located on a nice corner lot 62x146; beautiful Rlvervlew park location; rental 8160 per month. A splendid Investment at 812.000. Terms at one-half caah, bal ance at 6 per cant. JOHN TIRAK. AGENT 110 8. 18th St. AT. 0111. HAN8COM PARK BUNGALOW OWNER MUST SELL. Five-room, strictly modern bunga low with 8 lots close to park and car. 15.000, reasonable terma. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 130 Peters Truat Bldg. JA. 2282. .. .... A . HERE'S WHAT YOU WANT FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Muet eell. partlee are moving weet. Dandy < room bungalow, almost new; strictly modern; large lot. 83,600 takes it. 11,400 cash. C. B. SCHLEICHER. 1912 Vinton. AT. 0906 (All Houre). FIVE-ROOM bungalow, atrlctly modern, fine location. Close to school and csrllne. paved street, full, deep, dry basement. 95,600. C. B. SCHLEICHER. 1912 VintonAT. 0906. Tcsar A Tesar. specialists In 8. Bide homes Houses—West! 98 WE8T FARNAM HOME PRICE •5.760—91.260 CASH. We have Inspected this home and will tiuthfully state thla la a genuine hnrgain. Very well built, and in nice condition; Juat newly painted and some work done on the inside. Has reception hall, living room, library, dining room, kitchen, large pantry on flrat floor; three large bed rooms with extra large closets and bath on second floor. Full cement basement; corner Jot; only one block to car. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, JA. 2911. 1812 Farnam St. CLOSE IN BARGAIN Corner 29th and Jackson Sts <646 South 29 th St.), corner lot. 76x140 ft., and 9-room well built, well arranged modern houne; hard wood finish and floors; email garage. Room at rear of lot for duplex or small apartment. Location will Im prove and lot grow in value. Owner moved to California, anxious to sell Asks ue to secure best offer possible and sub mit. OARVIN BROS . •46 Omaha Natl Bldg. COLONIAL HOME CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. 8 rooms strictly modem: beautifully fin ished; double garage; lot 80x162; located 2 blocks from car. 4 blocks to either parochial or public schools, cathedral and college Price *14.000. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, Realtors. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank B!d* JA 2715. __«• WILL BE COMPLETED JUNE 15TH Drive out and see the bungalow at 4209 Decatur St. For price, terms, etc. call Schmitt, WA. 1232 3811 JONES ST.—7 rooms, all modem, convenient location. Make an offer. JA. 4867. FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy homes List your property with ue for results JA 1426 BURT C. FOWLER CO- Realtors NEW COLONIAL home. • room*. eorn**r i built-in tub. breakfast table, paved street, riots to car 81,400 cash. Eve. WA. 7060 ( WILL build to your order on our beeutl- ! ful lots In Edge weed: very easy term a. Phone AT. 8649 Houses—Benson. 99 ' COUNTRY HOME IN CITY FINE BENSOXHURST HOME Eight rooms and bath, full two story, strictly modern with oak ! finish, on paved street and a lot 42x230 feet. Built by ew-er for I home. Price 86.600, also additional lot same site for fl.lQQ. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. I3« Patera Trust Bldg JA. 2212 # olifrCo^) HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE INVESTMENTS RENTALS AN OPEN LETTER Omaha, Nebraska. May IS, 1924. TO THE SALARIED MEN AND WOMEN OF OMAHA: We are now completing and getting ready for the market a new addition, TWINRIDGE, consisting of 210 lots, adjoin ing the Field club between 42d and 45th streets, Woolworth avenue to Center street. It is the closest addition to the center of the city that has been platted in recent years. Another addition like it may never be platted again, for the reason that there is not avail able a tract of land so near to the center of the city. The addition is close to schools and churches and it is with in the two-mile circle from the postoffice. TWINRIDGE BOULEVARD, with its sunken gardens, will be improved with numerous shrubs and flowers and we are certain that in a short time it will become one of the beauty spots of Omaha. All Improvements are in the process of installation now. Grading is already completed, sidewalks, gas, water and sewer work is now being done, ornamental lights will be installed and paving laid before the end of the summer. We are satisfied that TWINRIDGE will develop as rapidly as did Standard Place, an H. A. Wolf Company project which established a record for speedy upbuilding. Placed by us on the market in June, 1922, a scant two years ago, we have sold the entire addition, some of the lots having been resold at a profit to the original purchaser. There are now 100 homes built and occupied and many more in process of construction. We urge you to go out and look over these lots, as we are satisfied that an inspection will convince you of the desir ability of locating your home in TWINRIDGE. These lots will go on sale the latter part of this month. The lots in TWINRIDGE are priced around $1,000 and will be sold at very easy terms. You can get a plat of the addition by calling at our offices. H. A. WOLF COMPANY By H. A. WOLF, President t REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. For Sale—Dundee. 100 No. II. ON FONTENELLE BLVD. A PERFECT 6-ROOM HOME The five essentials of a perfect home are fine location. good construction, large room* and a fair price Here you have thla happy combination A genuine KeiWi Hfone bungalow. The living room has fue place, centrul light fixture and six wall lights, pannelled living room, extra large bedrooms. Tile bath, bullt-ln tub, pedestal lavatory. Latest bullt-ln kitchen, roomy breakfast nook. Many other features Just the home you are seeking and priced right. Call D E BUCK A CO.. Realtors 748 Omaha Nat. JA. 2000. .Salesmen: Lovgreu, KE. 0304; Faul Box. WE. 6378; Buck. KE. 2134 NEW DUNDEE HOME PRICE $10,000; REASONABLE TERMS. Beautiful two story stucco, seven room home, long living room with fireplace and bookcases. front dining room, breakfast room with cabinets, aple^tlid kitchen, com plete bulltln features Three large corner bedrooms, sewing room and tiled bath with latest plumbing. double garage, lot 60x135, paving paid, owner con tractor. built for home. Moving to Chicago Reasonable terms ' all OSBORNE REALTY CO. 530 Tetera Trust Bldg. JA. 22*2. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME DUNDEE DISTRICT Large, l-room. 2-story home, built by owner for home, with all kinds of bulltln features and conveniences Largs porch across front corner lot, close to carline, double garage. A real home and a bar gain. Sundav phone Mr Metcalfe. WA. 2775; Mr. Pitkin. HA. 7540, or Mr. Oehn*. KE. 6039 METCALFE COMPANY Ground Floor. 203 So. 19th 8t. AT 5415. OLD ENGLISH HOME. Moat charming little place in Dundee. 6 rooms and bath; very large living with vaulted celling; antique fireplace and fixtures; verv unusual throughout; beaut. ful surroundings. A little over a year old. SHEDD INVESTMENT CO. JA. 4254. Realtor*. Sunday, WA. 6196. GOINO away, want offer on my *-room mod. brick homo In Dundee ground 100* 150, N. E. cor. 48th and Capitol Ave. For Sale—Florence. 101 NETHAWAY’S magazine telle everything unmuz*!ed. Hot off the preaa Souvenir copy, 85c. Neweatands, agents or direct. <* L. Nethawav. Florence. Omaha. Neb. Lots for Salt*. 103 FLORENCE FIELD SELLING. Salesmen on grounds every day. C. W, MARTIN A CO.. AT. 0187. DUNDEE BUILDING SITES GEORGE A CO.. REALTORS. 9th Floor City Natl Bk Bi le, AT. *024 GLENN Park lots for sale, east front, $950 cash. B-282. Omaha Bee._____ REAL KSTATK—FOR SALE. I/ot* for .Sale. 1** HAVE eoma cholca Iota on paved etraeta In Dundee at from |?00 to 11.600. Als** or Jackson and Emile Sts near »6tn (Greenlea t, a' *1 760 In *2.000. Sunda), WA. 3106. Week day*. JA 42*4. TWO DUNDEE LOTS Corner Slat and Webster. 100*111 feet Paving for streets and allay paid. Re stricted and most dealrabl* district for home Fine trees *6,000 for both lota. JOHN M. MACFARLAND. ATTY . AT. 4858 *08 Omaha Nat. Bank. Bldg. Real Kstate for Exchange. 104 FOR EXCHANGE—*25,000 first mortgag# secured on Minnesota r e Will e*e. for a good equity in land Schwab Bros., 1021 Plymouth Bldg, Minneapolis. Minn IF you can't sell it let mo trad* it. S. H. Browne Co., *42 Secjrltlea Bldg. FARMS. Gibbons 8tea*. 410 Pater* Truat. Wanted—Real Kstate. 105 CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY Wanted a 6 or -rm home In the Hana com park or f ield club diatrlct. JA 4923 DAYS O T HAMER. Investment Acreage. i506 Farnam. AT. tl40. SERVICE AND RESULTS. Competent aalea force. JA 2860 GLOVER it SPAIN. Realtors. WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH 1*8 FOR RESULTS M’CAGT’E INVESTMENT CO JA. 1*4*. NEW HOME?•—a OUR TERM8. GROVE-HIBBARD CO.. 222 Barker* Reserve BldgAT. 1**2. WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US. HAMILTON & CO.. _ 203-4 Neville Block.JA. 0687. LIST your property with ua or. If you are In the market for acrear*. call Lou<» Cohn for quick sa!e§ MA 0143. MA. *028 ( HAS- W. YOUNG Sr SON. Real Eetate Rental*. Insurance 1402 city Natl BankAT. 2648 CA MPBELL will Bsv* you money on con structing your pome. Best material* and workmanship 637 Keellne. AT. *046. SEE us flrpt. Need listings, any location, s to 1 rooma Shopen A Co™ Raaltora. JA. 4228 216 Keellne Bldg. HAVE buyer, for good bomea Do you want to aell your*? Ll*t It with C. A. Orimmel. Realtor, JA. 1615 LISTINGS wanted at once on 8 and f rooin houaea Wa hav# buyera watting. J. I., HUM. AT. 8800. LIST your property with Chrla Boy*r. notary public. 23d and Cuming Sta "WE BUILD TO PLEASE." TEMPI.E MFAYDEN. 1608 Farnam BtAAT. Hlo C D HUTCHINSON CO.. Rep* Kii’ate Im 1 623 Farnam Ja 841*. WORLD REALTY CO Realtora AT 1482. G. A. SANDELLe Real Eatata. AT. 8332. ■SLA TER A CCl.. Realtora Keellna Bldg WESTERN Real Eat.ta A- 8««? Huette’.maler Real Eatata. AT. 828*. north and south front acre lots facing this street are for sale at $1,500 to $3,000 per acre. Restrictions permit erection of modest homes cost ing $5,000 and upwards. No city taxes. Terms: One-tenth cash: balance 1 r'r per month. GEORGE & COMPANY CITY NATIONAL BANK BUILDING