End the Transportation Question-Read “Autos for Sale” Today Girl Bobs Hair, Kills Self When She Is Scolded Places Muzzle of Shotgun to Bosom and Pushes Trigger With Yardstick. Specinl ninpntrh to The Omnhn Bee. Falls City, Neb., May 17.—Anna Fupkes, 16, lies dead *at her farm home, six miles northeast of here. She placed the muzzle of a shotgun against her bosom and pushed the trigger with a yardstick while she was alone in the houte at 8 Friday night. Her father, Fred Pupkes, was work ing at the barn. He is somewhat deaf and did not hear the report. Lying on Sofa. Half an hour later when he entered the house he found the body of Anna lying on a sofa, a great hole torn through her heart, the shotgun and yardstick lying by her side, her bobbed hair touseled on the pillow. Mrs. Pupkes was In Falls City at tending the annual county grade spell ing championship contest. Anna went to Falls City a few days ago and had her long tresses shorn In the latest mode. She wanted to he like the other girls, though there had been opposition to her having her hair bobbed. Mrs. Pupkes admitted to county authorities that her daughter had been mildly scolded when she came hack to the farm with her bobbed hair. But she said she didn’t think the girl brooded over this. Good Health, Cheerful. She was In excellent health and cheerful frame of mind the day of the tragedy. But the mother could assign no other reason. No Inquest will be held, County Attorney F. N. 1 rout said. Sunday afternoon at 1:30 In the little church at Werner, Anna’s funeral will be held and she will be burled In the country churchyard. She Is survived by her parents, six brothers and a younger sister. LEISEN LEAVES FOR CONVENTION Theodore A. Leisen, general man ager of the Metropolitan Utilities district, left last night for New York city to attend {he annual meeting of the American Waterworks association. On the homeward trip he will stop in Cincinnati to confer with the Stacey Manufacturing company, which has the contract for the new gas holder whose location was re cently changed, following a protest by property owners. sHT ADVERTISEMENT »mv Rheumatism is gone - ” There’s glorious joy in knowing this.— that more Red-Blood-Cells stops Rheumatism, and that S.S.S. builds Blood-Cells. "There are thousands of you men s and women, just like myself, slaves to rheumatism, muscle pains, Joint pains, and horrible stiffness. I had S.S.S. thoroughly rid* tho body of Rheumatic Impurities. the wrong Idea about rheumatism for 15 years. I didn't realize that Increasing blood-cells had the ef fect of completely knocking out rheumatic Impurities from the sys tem. That is why I began using S. S. S.l Say what you will, I never knew such startling results were possible. Well, folks, besides knocking out my rheumatism it gave me back some of the strength I used to have way back! I've got a better color In my face, my appe tite Is dandy. I don't use my crutches any more. I’m walking around stralght-up on two young legs!” S. S. S. makes people talk about themselves the way it builds up their strength. By building blood-cells It buildfe nerve strength for young folks who ought to have more, and for older people who have little. It stops pimples, bolls, blackheads, eczema, chases away blood Impurities. You can always rely on It? Start S. R. S. today for that rheumatism. You'll feel the difference shortly. S. S. S. Is sold at all good drug stores. The larga size Is the more economical. makes you feet Afaryourtflfagain Men Who Are Making Omaha \ __J I He has been referred to as "the fa ther of the technical feature of Oma ha’s public educational system.” While a member of the board of edu cation, he had a vision which result ed In the establishment of the Omaha High School of Commerce and later developed Into the present extensive school plant known as the Omaha Technical High school. Dr. E. Holovtchlner, native of Rus sia, came to Omaha in 1888 and for a period of nine years served as mem ber of the board of education, being presiding officer for two years. The large number of children who termi nated their education In the element ary schools, and who were compelled tlons, or to enter business colleges by pecuniary circumstances, either to become bread winners In inferior post for short terms, led the doctor to i -.il ize the necessity of vocational educa tion as part of the public school sys tem. After pressing his case before the school brtard, a vocational school on a small scale was started in the old Leavenworth school building. The initial course comprised stenog raphy, bookkeeping and domestic sci ence, and later printing, telegraphy, millinery and dressmaking were add ed. The innovation of vocational training became popular In Omaha. It was soon necessary to build addi tions. V The importance and need of voca tional education was so evident that the people gladly consented to the construction of the magnificent Tech nical High school, which today is the model school, not only In Omaha and “ War Orphan” Adopted by Women of Legion Auxiliary at Bluffs f J-jel e r.v Vasil 1 g n cL ~~] Thin I* Helen Yanhland, 7, "war orphan" adopted by the Counc il llluffn American la-gion auxiliary. Helen's father was killed in the world war and she was placed in the Christian home by her mother, who works to support her. Six Injured in b , Friday Accidents ' V Fremont Man Suffers Three Broken Ribs in Collision With Tram. Six persons were injured In auto mobile accidents Friday. Only one waa seriously hurt. A. F. Bailey. Fremont, Neb., suf fered a fractured left collar bone and three broken ribs, when the truck In which be and Chris Jensen, Fremont, were riding, collided with a street car at Fourteenth and Capitol avenue Frl day afternoon. Jensen auffered a sprained back. Charles Fllipia, 12, 222* South Tenth street, rode his bicycle Into the rear of an automobile belonging to John I.andwerkemp, 105 Stanford Cir cle, at a filling station at Thirteenth and Vinton streets. He received a puncture wound In the right leg and after being attended by police Bur geon was taken home. George Horgador, 13, 2904V4 Farnam street, while riding his bicycle, was hit by an automobile driven by Mrs. Mary Bishop, 2152 Ht. Mary avenue, at the southeast corner of Twenty sixth and Farnam streets. The boy waa cut on the forehead. Sam Gaeta, 17, 1302 South Sixth street, snd Ham Harnpugnaro, received cuts and bruises about the legs when their motorcycle end side car wee struck by a truck at an alloy near Eighth nnd Plerca streets. A. Ranerl. 805 Pierce street, driver of the truck, attempted to turn west Into the alley and tha two men coming from the opposite direction collided with him. Ranerl was not arrested. Highwaymen Get 2 Watches, Cash Four Men in Touring Car Rob Two Motorists U r.st of City. Four men tn a touring car commit ted two robberies west of the city late Friday night, police were Informed. E, B. Marshall, 1«12 Casa street, was held up six miles out on the Dodge road and relieved of 852 nnd a watch. Two »ien remained In the robbers' car while the others did the work. Marshall begged that the watch he returned because It was a keepsake. * "lleat It." said one of the robbers "Don't pull any of that stuff. And keep driving " Half «n hour later at 11:30 E. l'l. Mason, 2201 Sherman avenue, driv ing west on Pacific street, Just a mile south of the other holdup scene, was stopped by the four men nnd robherl of his watch. He, too, argued that the timepiece was a keepsake. Don’t Fail to Read Classification No. 11 Today You’ll be surprised at the sacrifices some peo ple are willing to make in order to sell their cars; some are anxious to get new autos—others must dispose of theirs at any price. The Bargains are all listed under the “Auto for Sale” Classification today, along with the choice buys offered by the various automobile firms. IT WILL PAY YOU to Read “AUTOS FOR SALE” Central Seniors’ f1 Play Is Success _ “Man From Home*’ Admir ably Presented; Another Performance Tonight. The first performance of Booth Tarklngton's "The Man From l-Iome,” presented by the Central High school senior class of 1924, was played to a full house Friday eve ning In the school auditorium. The play Is well adapted to the ability of high school students and was pre sented with great success. “The Man From Home" was pre sented under the direction of Miss Lena May Williams, dramatic In st motor. Two other performances will be given, one tonight and the other May 21. Russell Suhr, who played the part of “the man from home," nnd Dorothy Rutherford, the feminine lead, shared honors. Suhr, in ap pearance and manner, seemed to car ry the role of Kokomo Hoosier natur ally. Miss Rutherford shewed finesse In several delicate bits of acting. Her vocal modulation scored. Edward Albert’s portrayal of Mariano, proprietor of the Hotel Regina Margherita, Is praiseworthy. Albert's broken English and Italian gestures were nearly perfect. The difficult role of the Honorable Almerlc St. Aubyn —was handled well by John Rosenswelg. Although a light role, the mastering of the English ac cent made It a hard one. Virginia Worst, playing Lady Creech; Hawthorne Arey ns Horace Granger Simpson; Dorothy Reuben as Countess de Champigny; Vinton Law son as Earl of Hawcastle, and Me Grew Harris as Grand Duke Vasal! Vaalllvltch, played their respc clive parts well. "The Man From Home" Is dedi cated to Miss Jessie M. Towne, dean of girls, and Edward E. McMillan, dean of boys. _ _CI^ASSIFI CAT 10X._ Funeral Notices . 1 Vaults amt Monuments . 7 Funeral DlftllMI 3 Cemeteries * Florists . 3 Card of Thanks . * I anise Notices • 7 Coming Events 6 Personals 9 lx>st and Found .lo At'TOMOBILES. Automobiles for Hale . 11 i Trucks for Snle .• 12 Automobile Agencies 1J Motorcycles imu llirvrtea .It Automobiles for Exchange 13 Anto .Accessories. Farts 16 Service Stations— Repairing 17 Auto Livery. tiarnge* is Wanted—Automobiles 19 Oarages for Hcnt ... 30 111 SIN ESS SERVICE. lYusineas Sen Ice* Offered 31 llulldlng i ontraetor* . 77 Heating and Plumbing -3 Insurance 21 M llllnerv — Dressmaking 23 Moving—Trucking—Storage .26 Painting and Papering 2* Patent Attornrv* 76 Printing Stationery . 29 Professional Service .. . • 39 Repairing 3* Renox atii g and ID ring . .t* I nnndrlei 33 Tailoring sml Pressing .3» Wanted—Dimness Service . 33 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted—Female 36 Help Al imtoi-Male 3« Help AV'intrd—Mole and Female 36 'talesmen ami Agent* 39 situation'* Wanted—Female .40 Situation* AVantcd—Male .41 FINANCIAL. Business Opportunities . 47 Investment—stock*—Honda . 43 Real Estate Loans .41 Afnney to lout- . 43 Wanted to Itorroxv 46 EDt'CATIONAK Correspondence -Courses . 47 l/ocal Instruction Classes . 16 Musical—Dramatic . 49 Dancing Arndenxlrs 30 Private Instruction . 31 AA'antcd Instruction 37 LIVESTOCK. Dogs. Cst* am* Pets . 33 Hones, t attle. Vehicles . 34 Poultrx* it«il Supplies 33: | AA anted—Livestock . 36 MERCK AN HIRE. Article* for Sale . 37 Business F'.«iulpment .36 llulldlng .Material* . . 39 Farm anil Dalrv Products .60 Fuel n ml F‘erd 61 (•nod Thing* to Fait . 67 •fume-.Aln»l« Tiling* . 03 Household f*« nds 61 Sxvap Column 63 jewelr* and AVatehea .. 66 j Machinery and Tool* . 67 scmls. Plant* and Kloxvera 66 Special* at tile Stores 60 Wu*|rat Instrument* . 79 Radio F«|iil|»mcnt . 71 AA earing Apparel • 77 AA anted to Hiix 73 ROOMS FOR RENT. Room* AVItli Hoard . . 74 Room* AA It limit Hoard . 73 Room* for lloM«ekeetilltg .. 76 Room*, t nfiirnlstK it .*7 AA here to Stop In Town . . .. 76 AA anted — Mo*, me ami Hoard ... 79 REAL KMT ATK—FOR KFiNT. Apartments—FaenUhed .. 60 Apartments—I nfurnlstied .. 61 Itiislmss Plnce* for Rent ..67 ■ Houses for Rent 63 Houses— Famished 61 Of flees ami Desk Room . 63 , Out-of-T« is n Property 66 , ^uhiirbnn for Rent . 67 .Farm lands for Rent 66 '‘iimnier Plitce for Rent 69 AA anted to Rent 9<» l(F AI ESTATE—FOR M ALE. Business Property 91 Real F.state—Investment* . 97 Farm* and land* for Sale 93 I Its Acreage for Sale . 91 lloa*c* for Sale . 1*3 II on* e *—North 96 llnllse*—South . 97 llotise*—AAest . 96 Houses—Henson 99 For Sole—Dundee 190 For Snle—F*1«ren«e . .. DM • or Hwie—Council Bluffs . .191 lad* for Ma.S |»3 Real Estate fin Exchange DM Wanted—Real R. tate 163 Al ( TIOM. Aurllon Sole* 166 Jlcul Estate for Auction . .. 197 FUNERAL FOR CLOTHIER HELD Funeral services for Joseph Carr Thomas. 73, veteran clothing mer chant, who (lied Friday morning at his home, 2019 Binney street, were held Saturday morning at 10. Rev. Ralph Blanning, pastor of the Good Shepherd Episcopal church offi ciated. Burial was at Prospect Hill cemetery. Leaflets for Motorists. Columbus, Neb., May 17.—T.lncoln Highway association is Issuing 10,000 leaflets for automohilists and tourists which constitute a logbook of the towns and distances over the more than 400 miles of highway In Ne braska for distribution along the line of the road to the visitors. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 nr 1 day*. 17c per line ench day. 2 of 6 daya 16c per lino each day. 7 daya. 15o per line ea<~h day, 30 days. ClTBsIfied Ada accepted at the following office*: Main office.17th and Farytam St* Eolith Omaha .N. W. Cor. 2411> and N St*. Council Riuffa. .. .15 Scott 8t l«c per line each day. 1 or 1 daya 15c per line earh day. S or 6 daya. lie per line each day. 7 days or lonffar. CLOSING HOURS rOR CLASSIFIED ADS Morning Edition .II p. m Evening Edition .. 11:00 a m Sunday Edition.... 9 00 p m. Saturday either charge or cash order*. Telephone ATlentlc 1000 THE EVENINO WEB THF. OMAHA MORNING BEB A\X0 tlXCEM E NTS. Funeral Notice*. 1 j WILCOX—George Albert, age 67 year*, died May 1*'. Funeral aervlcea Monday 3 i m First Baptist church. Inquiries may he addressed to Burkett chapel, 3405 Farmim St BA 0090. HAMMOND—Charley u'» f.Q years, died May 16. Funeral services will he an nounced later Inquiries may he ad dressed to Burkett chapel, 3408 Farnam St HA ongo. Vault* and Monument*. 2 i —-----i "Automatic Sealing" concrete burial vaults recommended by .ill leading undertaker*. Mfg. by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co. Futleral Directors. 3 HEAFET A HEAFET Undertakers and Kmbalmera Phone HA. 0265, Office 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE IM2) KOIU8KO FUN ERA I. H08FE 23d and O Sta. 1250 P 13th 8t MA. 06 40,AT. 1173 BRAILEY A DORRANCE. _Is.3 CUMING ST. JA *521_ JOHN A GENTLEMAN 3411 Farnam St. HOFFMAN N AM BU LAN'CK D'dge »r .'4th. Funeral D.reotora. JA. 2101 N 1*. SWAN So.N 17TH AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified Supervision DUFFY A JOHNSTON. •Ill S. 33d n.-w funeral home HA. 0417 C. C. IIALNKS FUNERAL HO.NFk" 392b N 2 4th St.KE 0257 HULSH A RIF.PKN. Funeral directors 2224 Cuming. JA. 1226 LESLIE O. MOORE. -4th ami Wirt. WE. 004L Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN TODAY Make a special trip to Foreat I.awn to day or tomorrow and see the magnificent lilacs. Foreat Lawn has a new beauty with each changing season The green house* contain thousand* of plant* which Will soon be placed on family lota. You are Invited to see them Office at ceme tery (north of city limit*), and 720 Bran ds'.a theater __ Florist*. 6 ROPERS, Florlat. 24th Farnatn. JA. 340C JOHN HATH. 1104 Farnam. JA. 1904! Personal*. 9 THE SALVATION Army Industrial home ■ollctts your old clothing, furniture, magn tinea. \N e collect. We distribute. Phone! JA. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110 1112-1114 Dodge street. WANTED—Tourist party to hoard all or part of summer on ranch beautifully lo cated In mountains For particular* write N. M Grant. Puhols. Wyo ( I WILL not be responsible for any debt* contracted by my wife. Mr* George E \ . i mTss A ge the a T M I: N T. 210 N. KTH l/4**t ami Found. 10 HORARY beads lost. Gold, green rase i>n Dodge tor. Wednesday hetw.-en 3 and s p in. Please return >ind n »- te ward at 3.12 1 N StMh St WE 47 46_ MINT Black shell rimmed glosses 9 30 Thursday a m at 3.1d and ruining or on Harney ,!*reet » at Finder ulease • all JA 1561 nr \VA 3 5? 1 SILVER and black wood rrurlflg, lost fi-om 119 s 3 4th St Reward Mrs Yie ld la Nad *3. * AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles for Sals. 11 NEW u**d car* and truck*. Term*. Trade. GOLD8TROM AUTO SALES CO., 2112 HARNEY ST. AT. 6846 OPEN EVENINGS MURPHY DTD ITS Down town u*ed car atore. 1410 Jackson. AT. 4411 USED CARS. O. N. Bonney Mo or Co. 2664 Fern atm. GOOD USED CARS BUY YOURS AT GUY L. SMITH NA8H-VRIEBEMA AUTO CO. USED CAR STORE. 1*64 Farnarn. AT. 4510. FOR DS—DODG ES—BU1CK8 1701 S. ?4th.Kf A 6090 1920 MAXWELL, good condition, 160.00. Inmn. E-1124. Omaha Bee. DEAN NEI MOYER, 1734 S 27th St. Trucks for Sale. —. FOR SALE. Nine Patriot, one Republle and one I. H. C. )\4-ton truck*. In very good condition. Will aell Patriot* with tank* and al! equipment. Price reasonable. STANDARD OIL COMPANY C*r NEBRASKA, Room 409. Standard OH Bldg. TRUCKS—BARGAINS We have truck* of all kind* In fine condition, but abov* *11 *ee our new Re© Speedwagon. almoat new and at the lowest price. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO . 714-16 South 10th St. AT. 0660. ^_| TRUCKS. Master, 2-ton; *olld tlrea; good condition. 1360 Master. 2-ton dump: good condition. $650. Republic. 3V*-ton dump: rebuilt, $1,250. One 1923 Rw; like new. with practlcallly new oversize cord tlrea at *pecla1 price. ANDREW MURPHY Ar SON. 14th and Jackson St*. 54 Years In Business. 1 4 -TON TRUCK, good candltlon, will consider Omaha property. F D. WEAD AND D. H. BOWMAN 310 So 16th St —Wead Bldg. AT. 0161. ONE to three-ten used truck*: term* eat* be arranged. International Harvester Co. of America. 714-16 S. 10th St. INTERNATIONAL ton truck. ju*t over hauled, good runntng order HA 2640 ' FORT* apeedater 1n very good condition, I bargain If sold at once. HA. 2640. I Auto Accessories, Parts. 16 GUARANTEED new and u**d *uto part* at a special cut price. Nebraska Auto Part*. 1016-1* Harnev St.. JA. 49S1. and ;2©S fuming St . AT 1970 Service Stations, Repairing. 1“ INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINISTS. P.ayfield carburetor and Elaemann mag neto aervice. AT. 2569. ...... P MET,CHOIR.c A BON. 417 8 13TH j BUSINESS SERVICE. i Busin*"** Services Offered. 51 HRNSIIAW BEAl'TT PARLOR JEST OPEN WORK BY APPOINTMENT EXPERIENCED OPERATOR. NEW CLEANERS with attachment, de livered II per day, Mr. Barnee. AT. Hill_ i Millinery—Dressmaking. 55' ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating. | rovered button*, all atyles; hematitchlng: buttonhole*. Write Ideal Button and Pleating Co., sot Brown Block. Omaha. Neb Telephone JA 1124. NEB PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Covered Buttons. 1104 Earn am. Second Floor. JA. $470. Moving—Trucking—Storage 56 FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household good,, office furniture, auto, 11n:-n Howard stja mti. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE PACKING. MOVINO. SHIPPING, STORING Estimate, furnished. AT. 0220 or JA. 4114. BLKINS OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. 14th and Leavenworth Sta Parking, mot Ing, storage, ahlpplng. JA. 4141._ GORDON S FIREPROOF WHSE A VAN 2I» North 11th St. Phon, JA. 1011; mot mg. racking, storage, shipping. Painting and Papering. 27 hON T TAKE A CHANCE Employ a master painter and decorator. Painting and decorating, special discount on wall paper. _ FRED PARKS PAINT STORE. 47*1 S 24th AT 7404._MA "HI. PAINTING end paper hapglng Call WA. 49M WALLPAPER cleaned. Paint washed. JA. 54M_ PATER hanging, low cost. AT 1147. Patent Attorney*. 28 PATENTS Procured Send sketch or model today for examination, prompt report and ad vie# No charge for preliminary ad vice Write for free Booklet and blank f..rm on which to disclose your Idea Highest references. Promptness ae •ured Clarence A O’Brien. Registered Parent Lawyer. 201-0 Security Bank Building Directly acroea the street from Patent Office, Washington. D C. j HK a detective. 15*1100 weekly, travel over world experience unnecessary. Anier-| lean Detective Agency, 791 Columbia. St Loula. | J w~ MARTIN. 524 Peters Trust Bldg.. Omaha; also Washington. Double eervlc*. angle fee Also help eell patent#. Printing—Stationery. 29 COM MERCIA I, TRINTINO Kddr Prlnttn* Co 217 South Uth Wt. «*hone JV 5*41 ! Professional Serrftce. 30 MAGNETIC hatha, violet ray and mas sage treatments for building up overtaxed bodies 1102 Fhrnam. Suite 21« AT. 5177. Repairing. 31 I'WED and new sewing machine#. Sew ing machine# and vletrola# repaired Rent machlnea, |1 per week; 91 per mo MICK EL MUSIC HOUSE 15th and Harney.AT. 4111. Renovating and Dyeing. 32 OMAHA PILLOW CO.—Feather mattresses made from your own feather# We will •Mil and deliver. 19*7 Cuming. JA ’.‘447 KMri.OYMKNT. Help Wanted—Female. 3f» LADIES. PEARS' BEAUTY CULTURE our many new feature# qualifies you for bfhl positions and top wages Day anti evening classes. Short course Constant prat iice and expert Instructions Call or write MVLKK COLLEGE, 101 8. 11th Street W A NTKD Women to paint lamp Shades for us at home. Easy, pleasant work Whole or part time Address Nlleart ,i * t Ft Wayne Inti liARS’ $j $lO weekly copying hitnes Send stamped envelope for patllculsre. Palate Mfg r’o . Toledo. n__ WANTED Elderly woman for lighthouse work in exch rot bd A rm Hit Hevara WANTED A maid for general houeewrorti. references required Mo Edward Updike, t N u th 52d St _ ENROLL st the largest comptometer school. 3*0 Courlncv Bltlg. JA 1411 Help Wanted—Mato. R t’OM 1*081 TOR WORKING FOREMAN UNION SHOP Pin* opportunity with vnoattna and hnnua fur A l man with loose leaf ex perience who can demonstrate ability io manage department properly. State rxperlem e salary and refen nets. Y .'<4 i Ui. a ha lie*. MEN You've alwava a anted big money, biue It ts. |14 to $.13 da*, new patented aluminum < utlery elm ply di*pi»> and write order*, w# deliver and collect; $. bom p*it time free au»> ton. u 1 EMPLOYMENT; Help Wanted—Male. 37 MEN wanted every where to make con fidential credit and character investi gation* for National credit and install ment houses. Year around work lie liability more necessary than experience Write at once (enclosing stamps) for full details. National Credit clearing House, 92o Pavla St , Evanston. 111.__ $100 TO $300 weekly. Men with flight knowledge of motors who can reach car ownera can earn $300 weekly without making a single sale. If they can also make sales, profits may rea« h $25,000 yearly. Only proposition of its kind ever offered. O. Phillips, 235 West 27th, New York. SALESMAN—Manufacturer of a superior lir^ of automobile accessories desires high-grade man to cover restricted terri tory; unlimited possibilities for the right man Must have Ford car. Address, T S.," 810 Broad St.. Newark. N. J. MEN. LEARN BARBERINO. Double your earning power Easy, clean work. Good Jobs watting when competent. Short course completes Day or evening fall or write MOLES BARBER COLLEGE. 109 S 15th. ALL MEN. women, boys, girls, 17 to €5. willing to aeept government poaltlon*. $117-1250 (traveling or stationary). Write Mr ozment, 186, St. i/ouis. Mo.. Im mediately. DETECTIVE AGENCY Licensed and bonded. Operating everywhere Opportuni ties for ambitious men 20 lessons free Clarke System. Box 239. Providence, K I YOU can sell'Fords. Openings for 10 live salesmen. fiee Mr. Watson, nt 3002 Far- j natn St. Sunday morning at 10. FI REMEN. BRA K EM EX. beginners »1»0 $260 (which position?). Railway Y-2635. Omaha Bee. Help Wanted—Male and Female. 38 TYPISTS—Earn $26 to $100 weekly in spar* time copying authors’ manuscripts, send stamped. addressed envelope for booklet. Authors Agent. Root Bldg , Buf falo. N. Y. _ TYPISTS-^-Add materially to your Income by typing authors’ manuscripts in spare time. Easv work: high rate Write K •I. CARNES. Tallapoosa. Ga. Salesmen and Agents. 39 8A LESM AN—EX ECUTIVE. The professional division of the McCaskey Register Co., has a very exceptional opening for a high class specialty salesman executive to sell their systems to physicians, surgeons and dentists in the state of Nebraska as general sales agont and to recruit and organize a sales force to sell under his direc tion. under a very satisfactory commission arrangement wherein the commission is advanced week ly Experience in calling on the meolcal profession very desirable, but not necessarily essentia! This proposition should vield an in come of $7,000 to $16,000 per year to the successful applicant This l* an unusual opportunity to become identified with one of the larger nationally known sa!es organiza tions in a division which is show ing unprecedented sales activities sod offers opportunities (or broad sale* experience and advancement. See O. H Martin, assistant g-neral fsie* manager at the Fontenelle hotel. Omaha Neb . Sunday or Monday. May IS or 1 9 1924. SALESMEN—Only one sale daily means *200 per month1 Five $i • • month »y- Main or sideline. Mar • lous new r, lb adding machine Ret-ula $1 Work equals $3*0 machine. Adds, aut?'racta. multiplies, divides, automati ally Speedy, accurate, durable, handsome. Five-year guarantee. Tremendous d-man I vm»z Ing profits Write quick for 1 heral fr >. 1 offer and protected territory L ghtmng Calculator Co. Dept. 29. Giatid Rapids. Mich 1 CREW MANAGERS AND SALESWOMEN You can make up to $7 50ft a year sell ing our combined hot water bottle, ice bag and fountain syringe a permanent business of your own selling what every woman boys and recommend* to her friends: no experlen* e nor cap 'a’ nerea aary. we deliver, your pay each day: we direct you Just how to proceed Write now. Lobl Mff. Co, Middleboro, Mass. HIG H grade salesmen To represent' u« evrlusively in Nebraska selling our Green Guide publications Straight commissions earning from $125 to |20n p«r month, de iwrndent upon ability. Must call on all drug stores, book at ores and new* stands No object cn to salesman carrying one other line Give record of previous selling experience In d, tall All information held confidential. The Clason Map Cc. 2 SI 5 Tremont PI , Denver. Colo. " ANTED— 7,2ft0 salespeople now make big money selling Watkins nationally advertis ed household products You ran r<-> Established 186* Resources tIS.f'OftOiH< Branches all over U S and Canada Rare chance uat now for city sales dealer* men or women, full or part t.uie in cit\ of Omaha and elsewhere Write todav for TUr _,Pract!r«i. sure money-making plan J R. Watklna Co. Dept. 100. Winona Minn. SALESMEN AT LAST WorM's Grejt»e«t Automobile Accident Policv Si ooo dea'h *25 weekly benefit Sella for I" 50 yearly All automobile accidents covered Long list of claims paid by our company all over your state sent upon reque** You get amazing insults ua ng our I' rect-Bv Mai! selling plan among the auto owners of vour state. Write quick for sp« a! proposition Address Underwriters, 155 Bonn el! Bidg Newark, N J PORTRAIT AGENTS! Get busy on the biggest profit proposition you've ever se**n! The new sensation in the portrait field — ARTOIL PORTRAIT PAINTINGS—exactly I ke oil nairtings Kasv. big seller, great for "repeats** A "clean-up" In comb na tion with famous P A G Fhoto M.-lal liona Write now PUDLIN A- GOLD S'EIV Dept A'. 259 Bowerv. New York AGENTS—WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLER Sell Madison Better-Made Shirt* for large Manufacturer direct to wearer No capital or experience required Manv eji^n llftd weekly and bonus M ADISON MILLS. i 500 Broadway. New York. SAl.KPM^N New York manufacturer offer* Splendid j opportunity to salesmen covering dry good* and general stores to carry con venient sideline about 10 popular priced numbers in Infants Knit Cana Bootees land Sacques Eight per rent commission Mention territory and lines you earn Also references Box C. B S ill West 5«th St . New York City. RELIABLE men wanted everywhere to distribute samples booklets, etc for N’a t.onal Advertisers No selling Year around work No exparlen -e or capital necssaan Permanent business \N rite quickly enclosing stamps for contract and details National Distributers Association. 6168 N Clark St. Chicago SALESMEN—Large old established In diana manufacturer desires tbs services of a high grade salesman to call on their general line trade Is Nebraska and Iowa territory. Permanent connection and large Income assured the right partx Salesman n.uat have car Write '"has II Friday, field superintendent. 2710 East 7th St . Kansas City. Mo SALESMEN house canvassers and stu dents. the Crystal glass kn,fe Is the easy money maker Sella on sight Absolutely new and positively no competition Cop> - righted selling plans an l literature with each outfit Write for particulars Win Chester Sales Co Market Arcade Buffalo. AGENTS*, canvasser* crow mgr* . hlg Profits in vour own hairnet business no invest ; samp . detail*, free tnv quickly. Wraranette 36 S William. New York EMPLOYMENT. Salesmen and Agent* SALESMEN: Sell ro»! In c»rlo«d tot*. JO rn week's pay In an hour Sid# or , main linn Largest firm In United State* -~ exclusively delivering coal from car to * consumer without use of any coal yards. A saving of $1.50 to 13.00 per ton to fka user. No experience necessary. Liberal drawing account arrangement. Washing- * ion Coal Co.. $04 Coal Exchange Building. ” Chicago. _ . ^ SALESMEN—Sideline electrlo decoratle# table lamps, dollar retailer* Protect** territory. Full commission on repeat*. State present line and territory covered, and ether Information. Jersey City farturlng Co., 463 Broome 8t., New York City. _*y ' AGENTS—Make $300 month and frea automobile with new style written guar antee hosiery. Part time and evenime* brings you $2 hour Experience or c a pit 41 unnecessary. We furnish 25 samplff. Jennings Mfg. Co., Line P446. Dayton. #y. SALESMEN—DIAMOND SENSATION! M LAST Amazing discovery of Rajah Gfvi starves Jewelry World $100 weekly in troducing these magnificent gems. Sam ple case free Write quick! RAJAH CO., Dept. A, Salisbury. N. C. !*1 SALESMEN—Inexperienced or experi enced, city or traveling. Writ* for tr4* book. "Modern Salesmanship.'* Big de mand for men. Earn $3,600 to $10,WO vearly. Address National Salesmen'! Tf» As* n , D»*pt. 409. Chicago. I SALESMEN'S greatest money making op portunity; $25 dally taking order* for Walt or- Duplex shirts; new ersation rive* double wear, factory to wearer; pay ad vanced: we deliver. Walton-Duplex (X*.* Brooks Bldg Chicago,. SALESMEN—$20,000 yearly. 8tata d!$ tributor. Amazing newly invented Prid ing system. Retail* $4 $0 only. K® competition. Tremendous demand! MiifJt Mfg , Dept. C-613,, Colonial Bldg, Bol ton, Mars _ ' TAILORING salesmen. Profit* In a4 varce, bigger commissions and bonus. America’s fastest selling line, union mado to measure. All wool suits, overcoat*, $32 60 W. D. Smith A Co., •atab^sbwi 1856, Chicago. SALESMEN—W© have the greatest y*r round line ever offered; part or full tinea; average $50 to $200 weekly; straight to!t misston : weekly remittance; give ref0K •nces; write for particulars now. Ozatk Pencil Co , 4460 Delmsr, St. Louis, Mo. a SALESMAN wanted by a century-t*0 house to call on physicians and dentist*; immediate, permanent, well-paid worjK state age. experience. Address P. O. Bt>$l 121. Philadelphia., SALESMEN, making small town*. *6!1 lace, ladle*' neckwear, all or part tinji Good commissions State experience, refer ence. territory. Moser Co., $74 Broadway, N<■ w York.t j SALESMEN—Earn 115 to $60 daily sefB ing Manchester twill garments, made |o measure. $12 54; write for particular*, Chicago Utility Garment Corp., 1432 AU g-*ld. Chicago _t ? - AGENTS—Sell personal printed atatou cry; nice profits easy sales: vour nara! (brings you complete selling outfit froe. The Ralston Co. 1227 Jackson St., CtU« I cinnati. AGENTS Coining Money applying Mnn4* Itrtms on automobiles: you charge $1 54; profit. $1 40; $15 daii" eaay: experience , unnecessary: free samples. WORCESTER M > »N’< u; RA M i.'i * , Worcester. Mass. AGENTS —Fastest selling necessity dlreq^ to wearer. Your profits large. Positing permanent features Ladies* atylinji shoes. Simplified method. Apply 1mnxj diate’.r Style-Arch Shoe Co., Cincinnati. SALESMEN—State manager. Snv«! subscription, $1.5 ■. agents, newsdealer or direct. C. L. Nept. 2074. I Pukwana. 8, D : AGENTS New wonderful seller, f*o ! i r. fit every dollar sales Deliver on spot# i License unnecessary No competition." 'imp> free Mission Cc . 51$ N H aisled, | Chic ago. 111. AGENTS—Under your own name or brand, sell our laundry tablets Amazing profit*. Samp!**, circular* free with ord**r. Cos ck Products Co . 400 West 23d St.. New York City. AGENTS—I make the best chocolate bars and chewing gum. be my sg*>n! every body will buy from you. write today; fre! samples. Milton Gordon. Cincinnati. ! AGENTS—$14 day easy No experience or capita! ne.'»e«ary. Our big iine of househ'Id articles are steady repeaters. Write Stone Co . Raj t*« Atlanta. Ga. AGENTS—Genuine gold letif letter* any ne can put on store windows guaranteed rf'fr tarnish: large profits: free sample*. (Metallic Letter C , 4“5 N Clark Chicago. ! SAl.ESMEN—Sideline Pocket sample*. I High grad* men only State vour ei r*r1enre Advertising Novelty Co, New ton. Ia. > A I KSMU.N— $2" to $50 !* ,y ' rth sen Isatlonsd new specialty. Quick axles. All retailers Monarch Mfg. Co. Cedar Rapids. Ta j SALESMAN — Resident, for Children s and Misses* Hats salary or commission. Jaffa I A Seakw«v»»l. 24 West 2lst. New York j AGENTS—Bottle Life Tonic fre*; wonder I ful medicine b;g repeater, big profits. Lacassia C<» . Dept. 4'. St l^>ui*. Mo. sc H OOl. B G A R D Salesmen. $?S to $74 I dally. Hugh L. Nich a* 4404 Sheridan. I Chicago Situation* Wanted Female. 40 WHITE "Oman wants cleaning, ironing. WE ffilT Situation* Wanted—Male. 41 IF TOU hav# garage to build or an# carpenter work to do rail Z'tnlk. Walnut I 743? Satisfaction guaranteed FINANCIAL Buainc** Opportunitie*. 45 PISTRIFVTt'R W AVTFP Fx'R OMAHA AM* SI RROI NPIN*; TERRITORY Illinois manufacturer wants a bua r.es* j man to sell and distribute a new specialty now ready for the market This is a rare » cpportunlty for the right man to secorb I control of a specialty with wonderful 1 1 monex making possibilities. Not a house- " ! fo-house or agents proposition but a high j class article that sells to all kins of busi ness Chance to earn flop to tl 000 or mere per month in “ establish a perma nent business of vour o«n t *0 to tl "<•> ! ieposit required for march*nd se Our i representat i\ e will be in Omaha in a few daxs to interview applicant* Write for appointment Tell something abetf’ > ourself m vour reply l.AKKSll'E M V5 I'K ACTl* RINll CO . 441 Fulton 81., Ch ago. Ill _ OOOl> profha made from time to time ;n stork options flPO option returned f profit Rooklet free Wm Herhst. 2# X. Broad *t . New York BEATON HOME Havintr just sold Mr. Boston the McCord home, his present li homo at 401« Davenport is now placed on the market. This is a beautiful house located on the northeast corner of 41st and Davenport, fronting south. ; Flr.t Floor Consists of reception hall. Urea Hv ing room, dining room, breakfast room, sun room on thr cast. kitchen. butlers par,try and open porch on th# wwl. Second Floor Five bedrooms, to-* baths and atreping porch. Ftrvt end second floora have all oak floors and Ivory finish. I Third Floor Two rooms and balh with large storeroom Uesement foundry and stationary tubs end man's room Hot water h*«t. This house was built by K. A. Brogan for his home in 1912. Mr K. A. Henninger was the architect. It is brick and hollow tile construction with shinple roof. A. P. Tukey & Son ! *'TuW#y Sold It** 620 F»r»t National Bunk Bldg. ,IA 4*23 __ I 2 ,