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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1924)
■ 1 AT CHURCH RITES w c . — Special Services in Omaha Mark Annual T)av to Her. The hallowed name of "mother” was breathed with special respect and reverence In the churches of Omaha vesterday. i Different creeds, colors, languages marked the hundreds of services, hut that name inspired the same emotions everywhere. Wm-s-uper* wore the flowers symbolic of the day and min isters preached upon Hip virtues, nf love, patience, kindness and self-sac rifice which have pnshrined mens mothers in their hearts throughout - the generations. It was the one day of the 'ear when the quiet, worth of woman was ‘'officially” recognized. Special Autos Bring Mothers. In many churches special provision was made to hring the mothers to I church. The aged and the Invalids were taken by automobile to the houses of- worship. At the First Cehtrot Congrega tional ehurch the members of two fraternities attended in- a body and occupied space reserved for them. In many churches the subject was so big that pastors spoke both morn ing and evening on the mother topic. And choirs sang the "songs that mother loved to sing.” "The Mother Heart” was the sub ject of Dr. George Miller at the First t Christian church. He declared It is Spec he shrine of patience and boundless love which nothing the child can do ever kills. In his morning sermon on “Mother,” Dr. James Wagner In the First Methodist ehurch asserted that “great men of every nation have pub licly end thankfully declared that what they were they owed to their mothers.” Mothers Makers of Nations. "Mothers ato Makers of the Na tion” was the topic of Rev. A. A. DeLarme at th# First Baptist church in the morning. He cited a number of the mothers of the nation's great men. * "The real origin of Mother's Day is to emphasize the fact that the mother's care of the home counts for as much as the things father is ®doing in the world," said Rev. Frank G. Smith, pastor of the First Central Congregational church In his ser mon, "Things Transient and Things Eternal." Rev. A. F. Ernst,. *pastor of the II.owe Avenue rresbyterian ehurch delivered a sermon on the "Teaching of Thy Mother.” A tribute to the Pilgrim mother, l he pioneer mother and the patriotic mother was made by Rev. Frank H. Anderson, pastor of the Plymouth Congregational ehurch. Special invi tations by letter were sent to ail mothers of the church by Rev. Mr. Anderson. Rev. Arthur Ataek, pastor cf the Hanscom Park Methodist ehurch spoke of the religious education by the mother as it bears on th# home. ►-« Are w» making tt possible for the children to respect us?" he ssked. Religious teaching is necessary training in the home. Home is the center in the plastlo year* and the teacher is the mother.” Mothers, grandmothers, step mother# and mothers-in-law were In cluded in the sermon of Rev. C. N. Dawson, pastor of the Walnut Htl! Methodist church. Rev. Howard C. Whitcomb, pas tor of the Calvary Baptist church in hi* sermon spoke of tbe world em bracing Influence of motherhood. He pleaded with the young people of the church to realize that mother hood la the greatest heritage of clvl llzatlon. Special Creighton Program Mother’s day program under the auspices of the sodalities of Creigh ton university, held Sunday after noon on the campus nf the universi ty, was in honor of the virgin Mary, who Is revered in the Catholic church as the patroness of ail motnerhnod. Participating in the program were ; the Catholic Daughters. Knights of I oiumhue Choral rluh. Creighton uni- ! versify hand, Holy Name society and sodalities of various parishes. Fol lowing the campus services, the audience went to St. John ehnreh where the benediction was pro nounced. The address was delivered by Rev. M. A. Stagno of st. Ann church. Twenty-fourth street and Poppleton w venue. Florists and candy shops reported enormous business Saturday and Sun day, most of the nice things being de livered to mothers as remembrances . fiom their sons and daughters. More than 3.200 telegrams were sent '• mothers over the Western Union, wording to Mrs. I.enore Higdon, manager. Patti (iniincr, Dies. Taut Cramer, jr.. 0, di»d late Sat today afternoon at the home of his I'.1 rents st Child Crossing, Fort Crook boulevard. Resides bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raul D. Cramer, sr., he is survived In one sister and four brothers. He Is also survived by HI* grandmother, Mrs. A. Delaney, and hie grand I .irrnts. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cramer. Funeral services will b«* held Mon ii-v afternoon nt 2 at tbe residence, tlien to St. Agnes church at 2:20 p. Ml. Burial will he In Holy Sepulcher ci inetery. Haines Funeral Held. Funeral services for John W| Haines, prominent Omaha druggist, who died May fi In Winchester, Va., were held this morning nt II o'clock at the Stack funeral home. Thirty third and Fnrnam streets. Services were private and conducted by Rev. J. K. Wagner, pastor of the First Methodist church. There were no pallbearers. Burial was nt Forest Lawn cemetery. f ~ FefU'igs l" Flirnpe. Mr. and Mrs. E. M F. I.eflang and Mrs. Hattie House of’ Lexington, Neb., leave today for a trip to Kii rope, They will sail next Monday on the Majtstle. They intend tn visit, France Italy. Switzerland end other parts of southern Europe. The paitv , will be-back August i. Ex-Kountze Memorial Pastor in Old Pulpit V ▼/ ffietK John S 'MuitimoH. 1 Rev. Joh K. Hummon, pastor of the Kountze Memorial Lutheran church from 1904 to 1911, preached front his old pulpit Sunday. Rev. Mr. Hummon is now pastor of the Lutheran Memorial church, Chicago. The present Kountze Memorial church at Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets was dedicated during Hum mon's pastorate here. While In Omaha Rev. Mr. Hummon was a guest at the home of Mra. Van Fleet, 1112 South Eleventh street. Draft Dodger Admits Burying $270,000 Somewhere in United State*. Eberbach, Baden, May 12.—"Find ers keepers,” says Grover Bergdoll, Amerlean draft dodger, with reference to the gold he buried In 1917 when his game of hide and seek with the United States authorities began. All told, he says, there was exactly *d70, 000. In nice shiny $10 gold pieces. He declares the gold Is burled In the United States, but that Is about all he will say about it. "If I should die," lie remarked, "the gold will never be found. That's how securely It Is hidden. No one was with me when I put It away and no one will ever find it until I go for it myself." He realized that he has lost a fortune In Interest, but he added. "It's worth a great deal—especially to me —to have a lot of cash which I can put my hands on wh»n I want to. If 1 ever get hack to the stales," Food and Water Arp Paired Through Hole Made With Diamond Drill. — Oilman, Colo., May 12—Five men, cut off by a rave in on the 1,900 foot level of the Black Iron mine of the Umpire Zinc company here Saturday, will he brought out safely before noon, A. H. Buck, superintendent of tile mine, predicted early today. Communication was established with the-men last night when s diamond drill was driven through the 25 feet of debris Working the passage to the Imprisoned men. Food and water were passed In. Superintendent Burk talked tn the men through the opening si * o'elock this morning and found them to h» in good health, he stated. Itescue crews, which have been working continuously since the cave in Saturday, have made rapid pro glees, according to the superinten dent and are experted tn open a pass ageway large enough to perflt tho removal of the men eome time this forenoon. Talk on Holy I .and—I)r. if. H. Mr Clanahan spoke on hla trip through the Mediterranean and the Holy Band at the noon meeting of the Profee slonal Men's club at the Hotel Fonte nolle. BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES Me p*r line ea h day, 1 or J dava !7e ]jm> each'da;. 3 or day*. 1'> par line each d;*y, 7 da «. Me p#r line d*v, 30 day*. Ulat*>fl*d Adi arrapted at tho followlnt office* Main Office .17th ond F»in»m Fta South Omaha N. W. Cnr. 24th and N F*a Council Bluff*..II Fcott Ft Mr rcr linn each day. 1 nr 1 daya. lie per l!n» each day. I nr 4 dava. Ilo per line ea^h dav. 7 day# or longar. ULOSINO HOURS rrtR CFASfHFTEP ADS Ifornlnr Edition . 4 p. m Evtnlng Edition .11:00 a m Sunday Edition . ... 9*00 p. m. 'Katurday • Hher charge or cash order*. Telephone ATlanttc 1440 TIT E EVEVTVO BEE THE mMAHA MtiRNlXfl BEE C I. VSSII |( \TION. Funeral Notice* I A milt* ami Monument* . '! Funeral Director* . M f rmcterle* . 1 V I or I at a .. . ft t urd of Thunk a ft Moire Notice* . . . 7 | Coming Event* M Wmotiiil* . . .. tt 14»*t it ml l-‘<>uitd .... Iw 4ITOMOHII.M. Automobile* for Hale II Trin k* tor Mule I’* \ .Affencip* Ft Motored ole* mui Itictclc* . II Automobile* for l^diitni* . I ft Auto Arceaanrle*, I'arf* . HI I Men In* Mttttlmi*—Repairinu .... 17 ! \ ii t«» l.lver.*, fiarnee* .... IK 'A noted—Automobile* .... 19 I • it ruffe* for lient 20 III Ml N EMM MlltA IFF. It ii • I of** Met* lie* Offered .... *• I j Huildinir < oiitroctor* . " lleitlbut nod IMunibloir 715 I os uni me 71 A| miner*—Hres.*mukliitf . ?5 Mo* i n it —Trill k I ii k—Mfornffe .... *'> FiilnHiiff mu I I’liperlng w« Ratent Attorney* -’H Print lr»ar MMtlnnen 70 r*rofe**7nnal Mervlee 30 •tepalrlna 31 j nennwitli * and Dyeing 3‘J I LaundHei < ' Tjiilorlni and Pre**lnr 31 AAanted—Uuuurti ItivUa .»MM *oA I CLASSIFICATIONS. EMPLOY MKNT. | Help Wanted—Female .M 'Help \\ unfed— Mule K | Help W infrd—Mule and lemnle 38 ! N«le*.mei» kiuI Agent** :t» i Mtimtion* W iinted—Female . 40 Situation* Wanted-—Mule . 41 FINANCIAL. IlmlnrM Opportunities . 42 Im estnieiit—Stocks—Bond* . 43 Real Estate Loan* . 41 Monei to 14i*i t' 47 Wanted In Borrow.!...»!!• 4H KIM'CATION A1., Correspondence ("nurse* . 4 7 Local Instruct ion Classes 48 M listen I—Oraniatir . 4!l Doming Aeaijeniies 7(» Private Inst rint inn . I Wanted Instruction .;,•* LIVESTOCK. Dors. Cats am’ Pets . 53 Homes. < aftle. Vehicles . 74 Poultry and supplies . 75 Wanted — Livestock 78 M EKCH AN DISK. Articles for *»alc . 57 Hdsiuess Epiiipment 7M Building Materials . . . 79 Farm and Dairy Product* . no Fuel ami Feed HI Hood Things to Fat . H2 lleme-Midi Things H3 Household <.* i ds HI Swap Column . H.» •tewelr* and WaDlies HH Machinery and Tools H7 *eeds. Plant*, and Mowers . H8 * per in I* nl the Mores r,9 Musical Instrument* 70 Karlin Knuipment .71 Wearing Apparel 72 Wanted to Buy . 73 ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms With Board . . 74 Rooms Without Board . . 75 Room* for Housekeeping . 78 Rooms, Unfurnished .7 7 Where to Stop In Town.78 Wanted — Room* and Board . 71) REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Apartment*—Furnished .. 80 Apartments—1 iifurnished . HI Business Places for Rent . 82 Houses for Rent 83 Houses—Furnished . HI Offices and Desk Room .. a7 Out-of-Tow 11 Properly . 80 Suburban for Kent . 87 Farm l4«ridN for Rent 88 Summer Place for Kent 89 Wanted to Rent 90 REAI. ESTATE—FOR SALE. Business Property . . 91 Real Estate—Investments .92 Farms and Minds for Sale . 93 Cit> Acreage liir Sale .94 Houses for Safe . 87 Houses—North . 9b Houses—South . 97 Houses—W est . .. 98 Houses—Itenson . 99 For Sale—Dundee . I an For Sale—Florence .101 For Sale—Council Bluffs .102 Eots for Sale .103 Real Estate for Exchange .104 Wanted—Heal Estate .105 AUCTIONS. A action Sales .108 Real 8.state for Auction .107 1 ^ ANN^IJXrENIENTS. ~ Funeral Notices. I R E DM ON - A n n 1# 1C.. May 11. 19 2 4. aged 70 years 6 days. 1« survived by hor hus band. Marlon F.; one daughter, Mrs. R. (*. (’lark; on# son. Eugene T., and five grandchildren, all of Omaha. Funeral service* will be held at her daughter'* residence, 3312 Hickory street, Tuesday, May 13. at 3:30 p m . with In terment In Forest Lawn cemetery. Osceola and Cedar Rapids. Is . papers please ropy. BLACKMAN'—Anna E . aged 69 years, May 11. Residence, 4121 NT. -*th Funeral. May 13, 2 p. m . from C. c. Havnea Funeral Home. 3920 N. 24th. Burial Forest Lawn cemetery. SANFORD—C. M., age 51 years, a former resident of South Omaha, at hla home in Detroit. Mich., May 8. Funeral from Brewer’s chapel Tuesday 1ft a. m. Burial Laurel Hill. Vault* anil Monument*. ? "Automatic Seeling" concrete burial vault* recommended by all leading undertaker*. Mfg. by Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co. Funeral Directors. .1 HEAFKY At HEAFEY Undertakers and Kmbalmere Phone HA. 0265. Office 2611 Farnam ( ESTABLISHED SINCE IMP_ KORTBKO FUNERAL HOOTS 23d and O Sts 1250 8 13th 8* MA. 0 6 <ftAT. 167 3 HULSE At RIEPEN. Funeral director*. 2224 t urning, JA. 1 224 1 a C. HA1NK3 FUNERAL HOME .3920 N. 24th St.K K 0257 | DUFFY Ac JOHNSTON 111 8. 23d. ruw funeral home. HA 0417 ( CROSBY- MOORK __24*h and Wirt. WE 0047 HP.AIT.KT * DOnRANTE. _n;a st . ja <isj« JOHN A GENTLEMAN 34 11 Farnam 8* HOFFMANN AMBULANCE IVdgs ar 24th. Funeral Directors. JA. 2901 N. P. SWANSON. 17TH AND CUMING Quiet. Dignified Supervision Cemeteries. 4 VISIT FOREST LAWN TODAY Make a special trip to Forest I.awn to day or tomorrow and see the magnificent lilacs. Forest I.awn haa a new beauty with each (hanging season Tha green houses contain thousands of plan a *hi. h will anon be placed on family lots. You are Invited to n** them Office st ceme tery (north of city llmita), and 72u Bran defa theater. —j— - -•*- - - - - Florists. ;* ROGERS, Florist, 24th Farnam. JA, 14bt JOHN path. HQ4 r.irnam, JA 190* I’ersenals. 9 THE SALVATION Army Industrial homi aollclta vour old clothing, furnltura. maga zines VV e collect. Wo diatribu'e Phone JA. 4136 and our wagon will call ('all and impact our raw home 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street. MASSAGE TREATMENT. HO N. 17TH ST Lost and Found. 10 LOST—Sunday, sn amethyst rosary. Re ward HA. i»374. Automobiles for Sale. 11 HERE ARE A FEW GOOD USED TARS THAT TOU WILL NOT BE ASHAMED TO DRIVE 1923 Bulck Coupe 1923 Dodge Touring 1922 Kaaax Coach. 1921 Jewett Touring H22 Jewett Tmir^pg. 192.1 Rulck Touring Sedan All of the** are in good nv hin cal condit Inn and ready to go We ha’* •*(•*»! ftfhera nnf »jy|*s aa good that w* will sell at bargain prices. ('ASH OR TERMS NEBRASKA PAIGE «o , 2*‘47 Farnam Street. Tet AT 2120. orr v srvda vs. 9 to 2:30. GOOD USED CARS BUY TOURS AT __GUY L. SMITH NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO USED CAR STORE, lor,4 Farnam \ j | USED CARS O. N. Bonney Motor Ca. 2664 Farnam. ‘ FORDS--DODGES- HlUt.'ks 1701 R "1th Tel St A 6090 r.—. —■ —...■— Trtirlis for Snip. I ! UNI.' to thre# Ion need irncka leime can i b nrrenr.d. Inlernnt ional llarvestnr l'« 1 nf America 714 ir. s loth St \ufci AnrsHorir*, I'nrH. Hi *»U A It A N'TKKh now and u-jed auto narta ai a aneclal rut price Nehrg«ka Auto Parta l»!*i IA IjUinev Mt J A 4911. and ' ■ !1i‘ • s| vr i 9_to tsn i - * m era. complete ft 7*- Kaplan Auto Part* CO "111 Mr hols a Si ___________ V ETC Rudd Wire -heels for O erland (t'xi't ix 4 6 H I’ motor, steel frame, rip 14*. MA. 4130. Service Stations, Repairing. Ii INDUSTRIAL AUTO MACHINIST? Rayfleld carburetor and Eisemann mag neto service. AT. 2660. P. MEI.CHOIRS * SON. 417 S J3TH Business Services Offered. 21 HKXSHAW BEAUTY PARLOR 11ST OPEN lY'tRK BY AITolNTMKNT EXPERIENCED OPERATOR. CLEANERS »viih attachments. SL ft day; delivered Mr. Raines AT. 1011. CARPENTER and cement work, sit kinds. H. Hansen. JA. 9*6*. Millinery—Dressmaking. 25 ACCORDION, side, knife, bo* pleating, covered buttons, all styles; hemstitching; buttonholes. Write Ideal Button and Pleating dn., 30* Brown Block, Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA. 1926, NEB PLEATING CO. Hemstitching. Cover* d Buttons 1S04 Farnam. Sec ond Floor I A. Ef>70. DRESSMAKING- Mrs. Broad. 2040 Far nam. AT. 7510. Moving—Trucking—Storage 26 FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household goods, office furniture, autos. 1107-n Howard st..ia. 02** 01,0B E _V A N A N D STOR AOE. PACKING, MOVING. SHIPPING. STORING Estimates furnished. AT. 0230 or JA. 4336. BEKINS OMAHA VAN Sc STORAGE. 16th and Leavenworth Sis Packing, mov ing. storage, shipping. JA. 4162. GOB DON’S FIREPROOF WHSE. A VAN. 219 North 11th St. Phone JA. 3032; mov ing. packing, storage, shipping; MOVING, hauling ’it* ■ mnt.V; ashes, rubbish removed Black diet wB * GENERAL hauling. McFarland express WE. 290 i. Painting and Papering. 27 DON’T TAKE A CHANCE Employ a master painter and decorator. Painting and decorating, sueviul discount on wall paper. FRED PARKS PAINT STORE. 4708 S. 24th. AT. 7401. M A. 0101. WALLPAPER cleaned satisfactorily. AT. 4076. Patent Attorney*. t8 J. \V. MARTIN. 526 Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha; also Washington Double service, slngla fee. Also help sell patents. Printing—Stationery. 20 COMMERCIAL PRINTING Eddy Printing Co. 213 Scuth 13th St »*>nn» JA. f.0f.8 Professional Service. 50 OSATO STUDIO A portrait that pleaaes. 5 06 Lyric Bldg . 19th and Farnam. AT. 4155 Repairing. 31 USED and new sewing ma« hines S»w ing mschines snd Victrolas repaired Rent machines, tl per week; $3 per m© MICK EL MUSIC HOUSE 15th and Harney. AT. 4361. Renovating and Dyeing. 52 OMAHA PILLOW t’O Feather matLf ease a made fr mm > mir o \ fe.-i'n-.s. W# will call and deliver. 19*G Cuming. JA. 24n7 I Mi l ON MKM Help Wanted—Pcnialc. 56 WANTED two waitreaaea for main < afe. no no breakfasia served. Must have good references Salary $40 mnpjh «nd board Apply at Hotel Pathfinder. Fremont. Neb. Wm Pram el. Prop BE A BEAUTY SI F< I A LIST Short • ourse. Best paying work a lady • n le^rn Poult ions a? nig wages waiting L»a' or evening classes Call or write. MOI.KR COLLEGE. DO * 1F. t h. GIRL wanted for stenographic and detail office work. Fair aala > ’.n start. Wi * stating qualification*. Bo* A-1969, * 'm A >i;i |fgg WANTED—l.sdiea In tills locality to cm j broider linens for u* at home during ihetf: lejaure iiionienta. Write st once. 'Fash | on Embroideries" *»«’. Lima Ohm WANTED head wa rr-, fr "main rut* m j breakfasts served \fo*t have good refer , en-*« Salary $*.5 month and board Appi at Hotel Pathfinder. Fremont. Neb. Win. I>fe,,«elt Prop SALESLADY Must b* experienced in I drug* and toilet gr>od«, refe-encee reatllr- I ed Harley Drug Co. 11*1 «* St. Lin coln. Neb OFFICE CLERK $50 per month. Busi ness Men » Reference, 1063 NY. O. W Bldg. i Help Wanted—Male. • 37 MEN WANTED TO LEARN HARDER INU. Our short method day or evening. •|Uilrf|eA you for beat pav n* John fall m writ* f.. . atnlog Ah M.KU HA It Mi;ft Coi. I.KOK. ms s i&th sr ALL men, women. hoy*. girls, 17 to 45. * lling to a< • epi C > ^r'i■»»«••»t i'o*i* >r*s. till IJ50 itrave|ing or atat mar>>. Writ. Mr O tnent IS*;, St. Louis. Mo., tmuit lilately. ( M At’ll IN I STS and at gam fillers an-.1 for rnainiennnce work. t>dsr Rapid*. 1*. flood wage.* *reaily - round Job* Address Hox Y-244*t. Omaha R**e RKOISTBRKD drug clerk must he to#! salesman and a competent preacripf ior. man Reference required Harley Drug Co. 1101 O Sr. I.‘twain. Neh. M I LT.WRIfJ HTS wanted for maintenance I a-erk. good wage* stead*’ g|’ ea»- round .Ini.* Applv Penh k A- l or*!. Cedar Rapid*. toys MIDDLE ACE I > MAN 'or nth* manager g.«rage $125 Rua*neaa Men a Reference. J0O.1 W. O AV Hide FIREMEN. RRAKKMKy hev nners $l $- .*) (whi.h pnai!ion',> Railway T-J63L ' Mt'Sh r Her --- - —-i EXPERIENCED chef ,»nd I'd rook a* once Apply Mr Till, D1! i Kontanells hotal AV ANTED—C impotent druggist at once. Phone 1 #* 1, Council Rluffs tlflp Wanted—Male and Icinale. VOENTB- . .enr |15 le la" a day f'arn E-7.. Wheaton Lab. I.a Crosae. AVI* Salesmen and Agent*. 3!» ‘'ALES MEN Auto ai <easnrle*: $!’.t> »n<l ’*peni*u; Husiiree* Men r Referent *•. lvhi'. AN O AA Hldg. Situations Wanted—Female. 40 HOME laundrv rough drv «»r finlshni •peelsi on curtain** M V J.'ivr IV111TI S'tii.ilituis Wanted—M«l«\ tl ’ gX PKRle.nCKD grocery Clark wtnfa pot linn, age ?*. married Small town nr*' fered. Oood trf' ’’m*. 1-2*117, Omaha ! V e h I llu,iilF» Opimrliiiiilir*. 42 F»>R SALK Small modern cleaning plan* n town of over 1 h 00 Iternard C Monnlrh. llooper, Neh DR CO STdllK, good paying, must hr *old on s* count ..f# alrknSs** Cell AA'A $it l, AVILL RENT frilly equipped reatsursot i eny«.tinh|e Hood Intuition APA t R1 2. r;ii< H-1mTv a \TT . mnFTa thvnV:nr~ V M VL« IAIN! < .,11 at 4 A me. FIN WTI M.. I ti \ c*st it i cut—Stork*—Bond*. 4.1 f. on city property, quickly lost* 1. no monthly payments J A. 11* J j W. T. Ora ham M. A. ANDERSON CO. M07 ffeni i • «■ r n t e Unifi v bonds and kin Led Ins flcltl 1 <ii, I ms. I l OMAHA HOMES— KA8T Nl It. FARMS o’KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 10L. Dm Nut, lik Hldg JA J71R SIX p«*r tent losns on Oinatis raaldea* Cash *m hand Prompt «< t v ten E II ! I ousco, Inc. 1>::$ Kce.lue Hldg SECOND tnurtgogra or contracts uur itii.-cd i.v Tukcv CniniLtriv t,^tt Kira! Na i root* I Hunk J A. i.’.' J I*.mu Loup* on weal Neh, up 1 \ K t'o'o f'irm* UloUt* Investment •'» . Omaha l AA 11 L hut mortgage** and contracts Cork.n 944 Orn Nat. Hldg . iimnh i Neh , AND * PI f .1 No DEI.At «; A RAIN RHOW MS Omaha Nat Hldu M«ifte> to I ,n:Di I DIAMOND loans at lowest rates. business •triefh rnnf'dential Th* Diamond Loan Co., 1*14 Dodgs st, Xsisbllshtd U$4. 4 FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. 45 THIS COMPANY 13 ORGANIZED To supply your money wants In the same way that banks supply the money wants f th” business community. Any amount loaned on to 1500 and vou an repay It fn •'«»' monthly payments Our *qual payment plan reoav* the loan and nil chorees. W> have be**n In business In Omaha over in vara and can assure vou of a quick t onfidentiul and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY .'<16 Ktirbiieh Block Tel. JA 2296 Southeast corner 15th and Douglas Sts Omaha Bee. ___ MONEY to loan on automobiles. Phone WE 64-63. EDUCATION AL Loral Instruction Classes. 48 DAY SCHOOL. NTGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL iOompleta course in all commercial branches. bookkeeping. comptometry. shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, aecre. tarial. hanking. *» legman-hip, civil eerv 'rc. English. You may work for hoard .while attending. Illustrated catalog free BOYLES SCHOOL. 18th and Harney Sts Omaha. Neb. JA. 1566__ TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE 1402 Dodge St 1306 Douglas St rail or write for InformaUo* _ iMVORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and Bookkeeoine. Weed Bldg , Dth and Farnam. AT. 7416 EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for s fin# office poaltion. Call AT. 7774 or writ# American college. 1912 Farnam. COMPTOMETER school, 360 Courtney Bldg. Dancing Academies 50 Largest dancing claaiee In Omaha. “There a a Reason * KEEP S. HOTEL ROME . . Join Now. «JA. 54,0. 1.1 XT'STIM |\. Poultry and Supplies. 53 THOROUGH BP.ED J arred rock exhibi tion and utility Eggs, !•» hundred 11 A. 4 6.U. _Mh»{< HAN ^ ; ILisine** Equipment*. 58 j NVE BUY. »**ll safe*, make doik«. shoe cases, et*' Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. ( ri. W. cor, 11th and Dougin.*--. JA. 2 7 *i4 Fuel ami Feed. 6! KINDLING —15 truckload, delivered; aaw- 1 du;t, shavings, Phone J A 5741*. Iltiuseliold Good*. 64 AUCTION TONIGHT PAXTON Auction Room.- »1 4 So. 14th Paxton Hoted Bldg A wonderful assort ment to he offered at tonight * Rale—If you need furniture don't m *<* On* sale, TUPPER AND FROST, A IT ION ERRS Lei ua «ell your furniture. AT. 9764. BETTER value* :n new and used furni ture. Sales made privately or at auc tion. We also buy your furniture and pay cash. A trial of oqr service will con vince you. STEPHENSON AUCTION HOUSE 1509 CAPITOL AVENUE AT-lanUc r*2tS ANTIQUES 3-piece mohali living room aet fur »»!', ! at 2111 Browne St. Call from 9 to 6. K E 11; i f_ . Swap C olumn. 65 NICE 6-room bungalow for rent and good furniture for sale. Will ink? late Fold coupe and roadster sa part payment. Lo-I • atlon HA. 6t,4m. _ SANITARY couch and pad. k«r oven, for - eg . I*- *!, apribg and mattress. 161.1 j I,must WE 4<H5,_ GOOD furniture for five room* Swap for] Ford Touring and rash. AT. 1434. _j MAXWELL *ed»n body, will fit Ford car j fo* s.ile or trad* for Ford touring body, nr \\ ha; have \ ou ' KK. 47 03__ 1 4 47 North 17th—1’, .ton truck to trade for Ford muring i»r WANTED to swap' piano Tor car, 125 No ■;.d .*» __! Machinery and Tool*. 4* NEW and second-hand motors. d> names. { LePron EleMtr»| Wmk" J1 *-?« So l?’h 1 Ktrlio Equipment. 71 , f’CT prices - » everything In radio. R. M ( Shlacs. 2! 4 N 16th *St. j \\ toted I# Bui 73! ’ DESKS !De’skV. DESKS New desks used •'.•ska. bought, eold and faded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam St. AT 4 ‘« ROOMS FOR RKXT._ Room* With Hoard. 71 :'!!(, .v mu ST.- Suiiubli! (ur - or S j- <-nt Uiucn. with or without board. Set> u t eh t fume, nr'uu* f.tflHy AT 497. 2324 I M > I Hi K ST I. \ HOF, S'i( Til KtniM WITH TXM\ MKDS. H«»T AND ft. ID lll'.Wl.MI WAFER IN IbH'M N EW . large, atlitttlve room for 2. with j Imiue cooking, ga;.«gt if desired HA. 3 UK._ K teen# -o share our home with tin J ployed couple or ;• girls Ex- client meal* t VV,\ j 9*1, '■‘•2 MAHON St.—Huitah.n for 2 |i • men. private family, n'-at i car line# HA 7147,___ N'f«‘E f’ont room, carafe board If de si fed, reasonable HA .774 Rooms Without Board. 75 PLEASANT room block* from ■ ar. pr|v -■! e family, IT o for one $4 "'i for 5, per week WE 1**4 ■) Mkitplai •lt« f..r rent in all parta rf ?he city ! Hhnau *‘f Information, Paxton Elk . AT 471* 1 MEM TIFIE rlom n West larnam loca tion, vet reasnniibV; ideal surroundings HA. 2370.•* cool, mom for summer for i or •• gentle men, on t ar line, it-a*tun;tMo 11 X 2*44. HKM TlKl'l.l.Y furnished loom. walking illstance. 3330 Harney #!, HA 6*14 ■!ve room with sleeping porch. MA 1237. JA €191. nicely furnished room In pri vate home. Hiivvaid Si. Hum mm for llotiHf kerpini: 7fi . M- ETH ST. — | or 4 mu. apt nlcelv fuipiehecl- new ly decorated, sleeping AT fill L'll I'.illK AVK Nlcelv furnished rooms newlv d orated. axerything furnished H\ tny.y__ 2 ST MAHY- Nit e 2-room apt., reason able Close to rarltne a r»m (ILAS Eight h'Kr and sleep log rooms, newlv ripe ora tad. ft* wk and up M4 Harney St I.laht housekeeping rooms everything furnished lls 79€1 ^ XV f> 4 H Mg newlv decora? ed. furn, or unfurnished M4 N 23d f*f 1ST Fl.OOR. front room sink, prlvste i < 'nr ,,n • a r line lfA R3ag Kooiiih, l tifiirtiishrd. 77 Slog VINTON- Four room* private en Trane#. Hghlg, ym, heat It A Ijtti \\ hrrp to sfoft In Town. 7H 111 mil. "Alil'O It n — 1 9; h anft f-'n mum II *T KI, HUNSHAW — KN'lh ..n.t lainim rkvi. kstatkZ-kor HIM Vpartmrnl<t—tiirnlshrd. Rd l".t S ?tlh Si rnnm nn<1 kitchen stte, finished In rmthoguny abd ivory, gas an 1 light, to couple, JA. 0192 llUNTFll INN ItpM K for the traveling mi nod wife AT *9*n. 4th and Dodge 2**9 FAUNA M- I and 2 room apt#. »ner> 11 had ft and up. 1 ill. fm or unfur, 2-rm and kit'h ciiett# apt 3k:t7 S L'.Ul Ht \ part limits I iifurniahml Hi 12 TIMTIXN \ large t loom apaiimcpt to walking • i. •* i ai i •* • 2* s 2l*i Hi Summer t * i * to' Mull DRAKE S, JA 2 ME. t Tt li i i A I'A It I M I ..NTH and flats for rent X\ J I* X1 M I- Is tT> A 1 *l«s Re*) |«tAt* Management gpec|aMe(a FOR ONE "1 DRXKEr I nnn APART M P7N T A Tal' Ja<k*nn 2401, I* ETERI* T RI' 3 T COMPANY WHERE OMAHA RENTS' AT. t ft A 4, x,^ lith and >ainara Bis. REAL ESTATE—FOR KENT. Apartment*—Infurnished. 81 ST MAM HKAT, 4-rooni apt*.. S3 0 and up ■ lose in G. IV Stebhin*. n;i» Chicago 8t i AND 4 rms in Selma Terrace, r.30 Park V. e .tun, tor or Hey bold. AT. N 301. ■M l-.— ■ IIoumm* for Kent. 83 3 r, is.;:;'., n l:M Colored, • l '■r aid I ni ns art ioth .uni Pierce. $49 ;-r. ant., 6th and Pierce. $12. r mod i \ hi 2570 Leavenworth. $22.50 1 >m a ii ,i IL-ntal Lx* li. JA. 2T, 1». HA. 260S. 1 250 8. 1STH ST Small cottage, no hildren, VT .*.4 . * 270R No. 26th St., 6-room house fin# con | dltton $25. Phone Webster 3019 211 j FMNKNKY. $65. h ,™nis. WE. 16T7. Hou*e*( Furni*lied. 84 3019 PACIFIC ST —\ icej v furnished ; 1"11■ ■ '*■ "-si-in-:! h: panic* «'all H A. ! " 4 Oflit rs mill I )***!% Kootn. 85 FOR UBNT, office in front of elevator. $34 per month also desirable office amte in First Nat'l Hank building. Phone AT. "729. V. II. Gross (dan. Summer Place (or Hi nt. x!i FC*11 RENT for the eumm-rr 'Gion, very attractive and compie’ely furnished 8 Hiory house in north* -iM harbor, Maine. Beautifully aituated with view of t h# ocean; near Clifton Hotel; 4 >.»th roomt^ 5 large Master bedrooms. 4 servant rooms For terms and drtfaila j.pnly to Mias Anna Dodge. 695 Third St.. Council Bluffs, la. COTTAGE, fin# grounds and lawn, with pul lie garave, oil station, tourist camp, chicken dinner and barbecue atand poaai bUltl. \VA, oi JA. 25*5. - \tp:—-IOK S \ 1.1.. Business Property. 91 FOR RALE. Good drug store. Located on Broadway, m-ar street mr junction, in Council Bluffs. Will sell at Invoi. e price on stock and agree on fixtures. Will invoke between $10,000 and $12,000. WALLACE BENJAMIN & COMPANY. 1$ North Main St Council Bluffs, Iowa Telephone 295. Farm* and I.and* for Salt*. 93 CASH FOR YOUR LAND Sale# made In five a’ate* and 60 routl’lH of Nebraska Mark Carraher. real estate auctioneer. Central City, Neb. Houses for Vile II NORTH PLATTE. NEB. For Sale—Four-room furnished bungalow; garage and shed; lot 60x16" $4 000. JOs South Willow Y-2641, Omaha Bee 4306 BROWN St.—For aal*. 6-rm houae, , lota, 3 blocks from and school. Houses—North. 96 NEAR NORTH SIDE HIGH. PRICK ONLY $4,200 REASONABLE TERMS. Dandy five-room atrlctly modern home, all on one floor; full ba«* rnent divided into partitions, lot 50x130, with new paving, all paid; grapea, cherries, chicken houae, fine garden spot. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO. 636 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 2262. YOUR vacant lot or equity !n your old house taken as down payment on this 5-room, all modern bungalow on art eaat front, corner lot, with garage Hous* only one year old. Call Mr. Cale, WA. 7644, eve. or AT. 7412 days. FIVE ROOM houae. part modern; lot 76x 120 Lois of fruit and shrubbery. Iaj *'*<1 a( §520 Spencer 8 Pr •• $2 000. Inquire after 3 p. m. NEW mod 4-rm house on easy terms. $616 N. 44th Ave 8* y bold AT. 4301._ S»2 x PARKER 8T.—7-rm mod., barn $750 cash. bal. mo. Extra lot for garden Creigh. 60s Bee. JA. 0206. D K BUCK "a CO . buy and aell homi* House*—South. 97 Teaar A T#sar, apecialfata In 8 Sida homes H onve*—West. 98 No !4 $400 CASH. PRIC E ONLY J« «00. I R CLAIRMOKT BUNGALOW A »rr!!v modern hurfi'^w 1n one of Omaha .* finest districts; hardwood fioo-» throughout, c*k and *h *• »n»m» f n a large east front lot, cjn## to car ime. public and parochial schools Immediate i * a* be dup '-atad f- the price asked Call I K BUCK A CO , Rea tor* 742 orraha Nat «TA S54I Salesmen l<o'gr#n. KB 0304 Paul Box, WE. 4372; Buck. K E. J*S4 I WEST SIDE OPPORTUNITY. I .r the working man who wants to got ahead and la lookinc ahead 6 year* from ti'-w w.Il dhow you a neat little profit it >ou 1 uy this now, and to convince • unraelf you only need to look back at th ■ district a ahort 2 years,, 1 haxe o offer at reasonable terms a neat little no* lae and twin iota t»u corner of 36th and Walnut »4r*eta The »n*at idee * :i «• n the weet aide dletrict. Call AT. 4i*#v. KK. 17 3 2. STANDARD PLACE BUNGALOW. Just a dandy, al! modern bun a-»l<»w Huh oak floor*. oak and white enamel finish. HH bath, base tub nita kitchen cabinet*. Paved alley. Orly $ 50©. Evening* phone Ted Plik n, HA 764b. Ws'ter Row lev. KK er l.e Ron Gehrig. KK 50S» MWTC.ALFE COMPANY Ground floor, 2"2 South lfth St. AT $41$ VGUR \* ant r»t is an expense B ; d >nur heme on It ryrw and pay rent to xnuraelf. Your clear lot and a little cash will handle Call HA. 6465 toda>. Tana free to purchasers. NKW COf.oNiAL home, 6 rooms, corne* built In tub. breakfast able. pav*d urpft, < lose to car 51,000 cash Eve. WA 7050 *11 JONES ST — 7 rnnmi, all mod*rn. • ornament location Make an offer JA. 4*57. FOWLER FINDS FOLKS who buy pome*. List your property with ue for results JA 1 426 BURT C Ft iWl.BU CO.. Rea 11 o r e M ILL build to your order on our beauti ful lota in Fdgcwood; very easy term* Phone AT. 1640 I t 8 \lt I Nitidf l §9 DUNDEE BUNGALOW BARGAIN $5 460 •EASY TERMS S-ronm. ail modern bungolow with built in features, laree air' rooms In the very beat of condition. Evenings phone Ted Pitkin, H A 7640, W < iter Howie). RL "206. L* R«»y Gehri*. KK 6034 METCALFE COMPANY Ground foot. .03 South UMh Si AT 6415 tB 4 IN G a wax want offer on mv *>r»om mod. brl v homo in Dundee g*ound JOOs 4 ‘ • < V fe I or Snip—KlorfRtf, iOl NKTHA" AY * magaalne tell# exerx 'hlng ■i"* uxsled Hbt off *he prhu Ronvtnl cm 7Sc Newsstand*, agent* or direct. C l. .\>ihaw*\ Florence Omaha, Neb N1 I HAWAY aella to whites only, and I* • cf EDITOR Of THE CAUCASIAN RK 14 * Lot* for Saif. 103 FI.Ol.KNi L FIELD milling! Salesmen on ic<>unda every da* _c \\ MARTIN V OO AT 01*7 D1 NDE-: nilUMNU SITES c.EOiUtR A C<». REALTORS. 9th Floor CR> Nati >**< 111 Ig. AT 3624 Itral I sf.itp for F\«h:iitcr. 104 K*'R KXt’HAN'tlK, Sale or Rent— Audi torium at Excelsior Springe. Mo. 70x120— elorleH with equipment • •o«l*ting of opera chatra 13 billiard and pool tables t bowling alley# cigar atand, soda foun tain, pi. turn allow room, hall and office* This p’operty • oil Id be converted |m»* hotel «part menta, stores or rooming I Mulhalf, Pious City, la. IF >ou isn’t sell u let mo trade It, M H. Itiowne Cp, 4f Securttlee Bldg I" H SU foi v-Cf. Field club botnc W ik taka car w«» p.m payment |i \ I HP'S litl.t n* Siret. 4in iVte.s Tiu«t \\ nnlt tl -|{r.i| I Mute lo . "i: M.»Ct> AND ' llt'OM IliiMKS » M L I S NOW FOR INSPKi lltPN AND I ISIINGS .M I; \l HERS op MILTIPI »* I. IM'IM: l'X*jU.NiJK Ml. GI\E SERV U’C » \ 1-'NINO* KK nil n»t KK 4.1 Gill KNI'5 REALTY REALTORS IV 1966 14"0 FIRST \ v 1 BANK ' ' T iTa vTrI In'eaimaat Acreagw. 1665 Fa* na t»» AT •$«" PER VIt F AN D RIN«UIT* CoitiP'*tent *a?e* for**e JA 2160. oLUYBH A f< A12S, iUa.tor# REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Wanted—Real Estate. 105 THE FORIIIER INVESTMENT CO you «o list your property with them; we can finance our own d ♦*.»!« If you have a bou.*p or Income property you feel you must dixpoae of, see ua at once, nr if you have an Iowa or Nebraska farm that 1* mot i leaked and you want Home thing In ex-hang'- for > mir «<tuil-. tome in or write us \W can help you 606 WorldHerald Bldg, Omaha. WE SELL H U M E S LIST WITH US FOR RESULTS M' (' A < i U E ! N V EST M F NT CO JA. 1346 NEW HOME.’t-t ril R TER M& OROVE-HIBBARD CO. 222 Banker" Reaerve Bldg AT. 1662. CAMPBELL will lave you money on con atructing vour home R' at material* and workmanship 627 Keellne. AT 6»46__ SEE it" f ret. Need Matings, any location h to -A rooms. Sliopen o- Co.. Realtor* JA. 47L» 236 Keellne Bldg HAVE buyer.* for rood home* Do you rent to »ell yours? Lift It with C. A [ Orimrnel. Realtor. JA 1616._ LISTINGS »x anted at onre on 5 and 6 ; room house* We ha a buyer* waiting jj. L. Hiatt. AT. 8800_ WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US. HAMILTON 4^ CO.. 393-4 Neville Blotfkja. 06*. LIST vou* property with us or. tf you are In the market for acreage. «a 11 L«ut* Cohn for quick "ales MA. 9143. MA. 30.3 (HAS W. YOUNG A- SON. Real Estate Rental*. Insurant:#. 1602 City Natl. BankAT. 2463 i LIST your property with Chris Boyer. notary public, 23d and Cuming St*_ ‘•WE BUILD TO PLKASB.** TEMPLE M'FATDEN. 1606 Fa roam St A _ __AT. >>€<# c D HUTCHINSON CO Rea! Estate. Ins 1623 Farnam Ja 0411 WORLD* REA LTY CO. Realtors AT 3482 C, A, SANPELL. R«-r~E**ate AT 8-,32 SLA run Ar CO.. Realtors. Keellne Bldg W i'.STERN Real Fatal* JX. 3497. 11 u ct t*?inia.»T Real l tijt1* xT '-'7.Q _ t i i X m » 14 I XL NOlM fcS. NOTICE. To the owner* of all lots. land", tract* and parcels of land* within *treet lr{J“ pi ovement Diatrict No. 2*®*. and to the owners of all lot*, tract* a.n.i parcel • of land*, abutting on ur adjacent to that part of 60 th Street from 1 edWic Street to Center Street. In the City of Omaha. Nebraska Noli e Is hereby given that there h»» been filed with the City clerk of the City! ..f oinaha. a petition for thV improve men t of that part of 60th Street from Pacific Street to Center Street, by pa\ing and curbing, said petition being In word* and figures a* follovs - , . Petition for Improving fOth Stree , from! Pa- fi( street to Center Street. To the Honorable City Council of the Cjtv of Omaha We, the undersigned owner* of toti or and" abutting upon that part of 69th Sir#**' from Pacific Street to Center Street n Mild Street Improvement Diatrict No. 2552 in the City of Omaha, be ng record owners of a majority of th* feet frontage on said part of *nld atfeet. as shown by th# generally rerogmted maps of "aid ty, do hereby petition that the »am# be improved by Paving and Curbing. And wre do further petition the Council to ord<*r such Improvement and taut* it( to be made and ihat thirty day* be al-i lowed to the property owners in said Dis trict within which to designate the ma ter al to be used in the of sa d *treet. Suren Lund. April 19. 1824. Lot 8 Block 1. Homewood Park. 40 feet front by 116 feet deep. Martha M Ramer. April 10, 1824. Lot 20. Elmwood Acre*. 125.6 feet front by 310.4 feet deep Florence l* Slater. April 10. 1924. Lot 1, BlO'-k 1. Homewood Park. 40 feet front by 115 fee1 deep. _ Israel Iaraelson, AprlT 19, 1824, I.ot 30, Center View, 4- feet front i>y I4U feel, deep Anna Cole, April 10. 1824. Lote 10 and, 11 Elmwood View Addition, each 101.75 feet front by 2 7« feet deep Paul Kampaiek, April 10. 1824, Lota 19 and 11. Cutnmlngs Height#, each 87 5 feet front b> 276 feet deep. Elmer Pearson, April 1 1, 1824. Lot 2 Bio* k 1. Homewood Park, 49 feet fror.t by 115 feet deep Herman Lmenzen, April 1 1. 1824. Lote 6 and 6 Bloc* J, Homewood Park, each 49 feet front by 116 feet deep Blench A Ron.n. April 11 1 824, I^ot 7, Block J. Homewood Park, 49 feet front by 118 feet deep. Bankers Mortgage Loan Company by Geo C Flack. Free , Blanche A. Ron.n, Apr,l 1 1. 1 824 !>jt I. Block 1. Home 's ood r*rk, 49 feet front by 111 feet deep P G Meverpeter. April 3? 1874 L©4* 3 and 4 Block 1. H« m**w od Park, ><** feet front hv 116 f**et deep Vic*or T Kiotx. April 12. 1 824. Lot 14 Center View Addition. 45 feet front by 149 fee: deep D B 'Arman April 1? 1924. Lot IS enter V ** Addlv^n, 4 fee* f-«n». by '14*'* feet deep M*rg A Mahon#**, April 4 2 1 824. Lots 74 and 29 Center View Ad 1 t'.cn, each 45 '#*' front by 149 feet deep •v 7 * • . ‘ II enter View Addl;oi». «l feet front by 149 feet deep George c Flack. April 3 4 ’ 824 Lot 2. Block 3. Homewood Park. 49 feet front by 116 feet deep. Edward H v urpenter, April -4. 1824, Lot 4. Elmwood A re#. 125 6 feet front by 128 feet deep. Mary * arj>ent*r. April 1 4. 1824. Lot 4 Elmwood Acres, 1 26 6 feet front by 121 feet deep w f Mulligan. April 14. 1124. iJot 12. Elmwood Vl*n, 101 .5 feet front by 27* feet deep. - ather.t e E and Thoa D li*dan Apr.l 14, 1»24. I.ot 1 1 Cummin** Heights, Six feet front by 2 76 feet deep Fred#fit k K Marih, April !5 1824 Lot ,4. Elmwood v .ew, 1-1 7- feet f.unt by 2 7?, fret deep Katherine K. Ej Hen. April 15. i$u Lot 16 Eitnw nod \ iew. 191 .6 feel f:or»t or 2,6 feet Ue»-p. . r A *fdlac#k. M D April 1$, 1 524. I.ot 13, Elmwood X lew. 191 75 fee? front oj 2,* feet deep Theodore \v Metcalf. \rr f 15. South ’* of Northwest of Northwest of Sect • n 3*» row neh p i. N rth ut Range 13, 4*9 feet front. Mr* Msrv L Busch April IS. s-ui'h 4 of Nor hweat >* of the No*-th we*t iA of Section 3". Townsh p 16. North of Range 1#. f' > foe? front ^rned April 17. 1824 at 8 59 o clock. You are further noflf ed that you and e*ch of x ou will hax* fifteen day* from M«v 1: ’924 the f,r*t da> of pubic at or. her-o ‘n wh« fi to f-.e projej- !n the i!f,r* «f the .*»ty Clerk agansr the *eg i i« r 1f y. legality or sufficiency of said pe -1'ton o? »oj * f n.t’ure thereon Published in acrordan e with Retolu tion No 2sl2. Serjoe ]s*.4 . * noticb. To tn-* n«j.o of all ;ot« land* -rana «nd ,.f land, auhln Slraai Iri ITOT.menl I' .trin s , ,n^ . h, own.ra of all Iota. and of ‘V *hutlln* on or-adtaornt io iha: part of Win airrot. «nrh io cd. t:d. Korth "in. io th« Mouth nn» Wirl, "in tba City of Omaha. K.hraaka Noth'* la harabv (Iv.n that thyfy haa t>*.-n filed with the City Olyrh of thy t Itr of Omaha, a petition f..r the im pruiement of that part of Wirt oih to «i.t 4-it N In. Wirt K to .Oonih ) n> 'X irt \\ e*t by paving and t urbine * .1 in s (tun being In words and figure* *a follows' • 1 etition cf Improving Wirt, 49fh t 42d; 42«i N. iin* XN !rt. E ;o South line Win XX est To the Honor* Me City Council of the < it x* of t »ni a ha " Ihe undersigned, owners of !„•« or •9nUs abutting upon that tart of Wirt* SI 49th St. to 4 2d Si . 4j?l North W • *■ ► to South Fn* Wirt W est m Street Imorp? ement District No 25.’*. in the Cii\ of Omaha, being t --. ». I *vAfr4 of a ma iorii % nf ?he fe^t f'-ontage on es d tan of "aid street, a* shown bv the *e»-ej n \ ro p|itli#d m*na of sud tv do herebx heiiiion that the same he im proved hv Paving and Curbing A-'1 «e dn further ret ' . n the t'nurirlJ to order *urh improvement and e*use it tn i# ni*de end that thirty dais he al j lowed -i th» properlx owners n ss d l» oi> e? within *h -h to des.gnate the •■ •'er . : <|e* ted to h* used in the ; s> ng of * , i street ' Led R and ! uella Gibson Ms rh 14 \\%u- ’ At^ 9 *hd • Rio, k 7. Ltnrnlp u ' gh's ea' h 9 feet front b% 12* fee* uvs and a in Block 7. each 59 ■ f- * hv ioi feet d. ep. Lot » H’o, k I * 4f-et front h\' 109 fee' deep sod | i o* Bk** k ♦;. Lincoln Height*. 69 feet ftun! hi 191 feet «1eep I Kmi, amt Khaalwth l.ew.a Mar-h 14 i '■* 4 Lot 4 Hi«K-k 5. ! mcnln Heights, ! 19 feet front bx 102 feet deep Xuaust «nil Htidur Dahlbeck, March * 4t h. 4 0 .'4. Ia>ts I, ? ami 3. Block S, I i im oln Height*, each 60 fe*t front by i ! "7 feet deep ; Guv A and Kxa M XV in*. March IS 1924 Lot* 7 and S. Block S, Lincoln Height*, each 50 feet front bx 129 feet deep Gabor Ko. March 16 1824 I^t* 5 and 6. Bio* k s. Lincoln Height*. 100 feet front by 120 feet deep ! Ashford tl Gradv. March 15. 1824 Lot* 3 end 4 Block > Lincoln Height* 190 feet front by 120 feet deep. I J* *•-!»• Nod"k* X and Marls Nodskov |Mar*h 17. I9i‘4 Lot * Block 6, ltn,o«n Height* 60 feet front b\ 101 feet Prep . llarrx and M.xnaant Dolan M.uh IX * 1 Lot t* Block 7. Lincoln lb shts, i feel front bx 174* fee! deep, I • x \i W arm-1 Mn. li 1 1* 4 l.oi I ' Blink . Lmx-oln IbicU's 7,9 f»et f . » bx 1 ill f rt «|C( |> Ellen Sam«»!«on. M»nh 1« 18’4. 1 «*■« 4 and Bt«n 1 Lincoln 11 ■ « u • . r« i fee- front l»x 101 feel deep «' »t « and Lin, si l**h he M«i h 1* lot s Block « Lincoln Height* ♦« I fe. t front bx .191 feet deep Lefor Velchw * Ma'- h ?f 1*74 \ - « I 1 t» ' « B k 7 t .*n- oln li# (hi* \ •** Ifxei fron* hx l '0 feet deep 4n?>a J G-ad* >U*h *t^4 1ms 1 and 4 Riot i 4 I in. ,»!i? Heigh * fee- feon* h» 1 '9 feet deep Xtaren G ! pmb Sprit 4 ts*4 | »t I R'ock< pip Heights. 69 fen Iron* I bv i!'. * t+91 d#*P CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES._ Filed April 17. 1924. at 9 60 o clock a ni You are further notified that you and ea.n of you will have fifteen days from Mav \i. 1924. the first day of publica tion hereof in which to file protest tn tho utrii *■ of the »'itv Clerk against the rer ul.irltj. ieg.Uif or auffb u*ru V of »aid petition or anv aignatur* thereon. Published in accordance with Resolu tion NO. 2911. Eerie* 1924. _ JAMES P HOCTOR. M-13-11-14 _ City Clerk. ** NOTICE. To the owners of all lota, land*, tract a and parcel* of lands, withm Sties' Improvement Dla'riel No. 2499. and tr* the owner* of ail iota, tiaets and parcel* of land*. abutting on or ad lacent to that part «>f Huntington A \ enu* from 3ftfh Street to Hat Ave nue m the City of Omaha, Neorask*. Notice ia hereby given tha’ there has I.een filed With the city Clerk of the city of Omaha, a petition for the 1m* p-»>vemejit of that part of Hunr,ng?on Avenu*- from 20th Street to I1#» A'enue by paving »n«l rtirblng. aai.l petition he ir In word* and figures .«* follow* Pm t|on for Improving Huntington Avepue from 20th Street to Hat Avenge. I i, tip* Honor*!- • t'jty t uuiictl uf toe . * City of Omaha: \\ r ’he undersigned owner* ef lot* nr land* abutting Upon that part n Huntington Avenue from 30th Street t *> '' 71at Avenue, in Street Improvement Pi#- * trlct No. 2499. in the City of Omaha, be mg record owners of a majority of the feet frontage on raid part of said street. a* shown by the genet ally rn< ogmred I map* of said city, do petition ’hat the j same be improved by paving and curb- j ing. . « And we do further petition the f oun cll to order au-h Improvement and cause j* to he made, and that thirty day* be a .lowed to th* property owners in aaid District within which to designate the material dea’red to be used in the pev ng of aald atreet. j Frank A Venhaur and Marie K van- I haur February *>th. 3224. Weet 40 fee* of the North 4 of Lot 22. I pland Ter- s race 40 feet front by 140 feet deep Will am A and Lena Ogden, February 4th. 19j4, East 40 feet tf the North 4 f Wi‘j> t so feet of Lot 22. Upland Ter- , j rare. 4U feet front by 140 feet deep. , Aleen D. Hansen, February S. Ea*t 4ft feet of the North 4 of Lot 22. "pland Terrace. 40 feet front oy 140 feet deep. B Jurgen M Hansen, February I South i, ,>r Lot 15 Upland Terrace, 124 feet front by 14k feet deep ** Anna M Madlll, February »'h. l|outh U «f I.ot 36. Upland Terrace, 124 Dat front by 140 feet deep. William J- Sellner. April 11th, Let II 2 Upland Terrace, 240 feet front by 140 ■ feet deep Pearl T. Young, March II, iouth 4 , of i.ot 18. Upland Terrace. 124 feet frent by 140 feet deep. Nellie M Rhode* April 14th. We*t 40 feet of the North 4 of Lot 20. Upland Terrace, 40 feet front by 140 feet d*ep. Neli Johnson. March. 14*4, N'#rfh 4 of Lot 21, Upland Terrace. 120 f*tt front j by 140 feet deep f Filed. April lCtb, 1924, at 2:24 o'eleck M P M. . ■ / 1 9 You are further notified that you and each of you will have fifteen days from May 12’h 1924, the first day of publics t.on hereof In which !e file pro'e*t In *he office of the City Clerk egalnet the regularity, legality o’- aufflmen :y of eaJd pe’itlon or any signature thereon Published in accordant* with Reeolu tlon No. 21*4, Series 1924 om*ha, Nebraska May 12th, 1024. JAMES F. HOCTOR. M 12-12-14O’y Cle-fc. NOTICE To the owners of *11 lots '.and*, tract* and parrel# of lands within Street Improve- . ment District So. 2394, and to tha sj owners of all lota, tract* and parcel# f ? lands, abutting en or adjacent to that part of 28th Street from Am*i Avenue to Grand Avenue, in the City of Omaha. Nebraska. Not! e i* hereby given that there ha* been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Omaha a petition for the Improvement of that part of 31th Street from Amee I . Avenue to Grand Avenue, by pavjag and curbing said petition being m words aad figures as follows Pen:.on f <r improving Slth Street from Ames Avenue to Grand Avenue To he Honorable C:ty Council of the « 1 ty of umahe We the undersigned, owners ef lota or lands abutting upon that part of ISth Street from Amee Avenue to Grand Avenue 9 - 0 Street Improvement District No. 2394, ^ 'he «' i t v rf Omaha being record owner# of # mat or y of th* feet frontage on id - • part of ** id atreet. as shown by th* gen eral'- recognized map# of said c'.*y, de here: • pet ’ on that’the same be Improved by paving end curbing j And w e do further petition th# Council to o-der *u *h np-cvement and cause t to be mi'U and 'hat thirty days he ai- X lowed tn tha property owners in aa'd Die- » trlct W.thla which to dealer*’* th* ma- 9 ten# - *d to r# used .n th* paving w of said street H John V and Fmrr.e A k gler. September pe 19th •!>:; Lot f pork 1. To k* view VI Add.*'n* 'ft f*»t fro-* nr 'ft d»*p 1) W Jnha r - • - Grt be- ! 192» Lot ^ 1 Bio--1.- Lak«- Add • *n. 6ft feet | front bv 12* f#e* deer < 'targa-e’ha tohan n*ren. 3, \lt: t.o-« ’ft and B k ' Like view j A ^ ■ ' : * n 'ft e^c - h'- !!' feet deep Magdalena R*4bctj-k. Ocieber 3. 3921. .. Let 7. Block 1, Lakeviesr Add'.tlea, lu feet front hr 127 feet de*r. R H Nf >rt©*» March * !«24. Lot «. Glenw d Heigh’a 69 feet front by III feet deep Edward W FntitM March 9. 1424 Lot Glen wood Heights. 6ft feet front he II? feet deep Dora A UIJich, March I 3 924. Lota I and 9 Glenw <>od Heigh'*. 147 feet front by 133 feet deep. James M. a * March • 1424 Let I. Bit . k 2. Van Buten He’gh'a. 114 feet front by 22 feet deep t* V Peterson March • 1424. Let I. Glen wood 11-ightA £f* feet front. M ’ r ii#«k n Nfa- h tor-. Let 2. Glenw.>Ad Height* 60 f*rt front by 111 fe* t »1eep L H. Lake M P March Hat 1924. I.ot 1 Block 3. I jikevlew Addition. 64 feet front by 3 27 fe-i reop Hu’h Kftch Lot •. HI." k 9. Lakeriew Addition Tp feet f*^ont bv 12’ feet deep. Motile C Clary. April 2d. 1924. I^t 33. B)owk 1. Lakwiew Addition. 64 fe4t front b\ 127 f-et deep Ralph M and Grace K Staple April 3*. 1*J4. : he Weal 1-3 N'crtb* 4ft feet of and the Wear 1-1 of Lots 25 a-d 24. Bier k 2 M oea Sub. 142 feet front by 44 *, -3 feet deep J*me# T. r*" • ev* Ap ! 1». 1974. North • f 2 t fear of Lot 7, Blerk 1 Van P’i'«n Height* i« 2.5 'eat front k*v 21 feet df*r Harry M Wyrick. Apr l Iftfh. 1924. 5 x>d Heights 5* feet front he 132 feet deep j Korh Apr’ 1 >*b 1*7* T^»»a ■ and * Blo<-k !. Van Ruren Addition. 16* feet front hv 44 feet deep \pnnte K-*fter April ISth. 1 924. L«t It B’o k 2 Moe* Subdivision. |ft feat '’-ont hv 153 feet deep r !*.l Ar-.l :Tih J»J«. •• * »* p r'-ck V "J «r» funb*r nf ( ‘4 th*' you »n4 e* of no w SI h*' e fifteen da>* from Mov ,17th 1424 the first day of public* * office of the City Clerk against the regu larity. legality or sufficiency of aatd p#ti« t:on or anv «!gnature thereo^ # Tub' shed tn nemrdanc* with Resoltt* tlon No 2*79. Seri** 1924 Omaha Nebraska Ma 17th '9.4. JAMES P HOCTOR lovkrnmfnt notick_ OFFICIAL PROPOSALS. B.da May 2ft. 1434 GRAVE! ROAD ANT* I F.VF.E OR EM BANKMENT, RIFLE RANGE, ASHLAND. NEB 1 ffea'ed Fr.> * w he -e eived at the I .'ft - of the United t*t*tea Proprvy and » D-si'uratng Officer. 144^ N Ht l inco.n, Nebraska until 1<* 4* A M , of the 2Pih ,la\ .f May 1924 for the construction f approximate v • fee- «'f gra'el road ,-r..| approximately U94 fr*et of levee or embankment. A ' npiete • bed ve of F» o w«»rk Spec - fcaOoas snd proposal# b’anks eon h« bad , •he off » * ?ha V” ted * *• Prop- ^ f r'> and Dt#hur*1ng Off > e« Bid* must be mftde on th«* prone**' blank seated and - J.» ess-d *e Mater H C Stein. U>.P * A DO Nebraska, 1446 N St Ijnoeln, Ne braska »* 1 Th • ofe- - #*p»/'**‘ r reset'** the right to award contract* hr item e* out helnw fn- both “cm* a* a who* mr o reiect ai-' or all h d* for atthar or he-h , t »m> l ent 1 Construction of •rr'ex'mat* e f «-• feet f grave! mad 'r accord**? • "■•h plan# and Spec If Id*»! on* attached, per lineal fool complete in place Item Construction of app-oxlmate t • e*o fee* ef levee or embankment In *•■*• ioordftnce with plan* and »rMf c* tfts« at- ’ •ftihed per Vine* foot. emoD o »n t> * e. * % H C STEIN t* S Pro party and D1# huralng Off en Net *. ftt * R J I v • Th# A! ’an! »5er. - .al, j Mt.7.9 5 14.11 II Nebraska —— ■■ i ... i. -■ ■ COUNTY OFFICIAL NOTICES. •NOTICE TO GRADING CON TRAC- . TORS •* *11 NOTICE TO GRADING CONTRACTORS Notice l# hereby given that Frank w Dewe> County Clerk Court House. Om aha Nebraska, will receive SEALED BIDS un to and until 14 0ft o‘cl*rh A M i re -dav. Mat ?< lftf* for the grading of ?,ll! c ygrda, -nr# or !»**. on «»1th Street. «ov?1on If-14-11 \ Mdi must be made «»n Icdding . _ • ■ * f»« • -• bi U R v.U, • oagiv Surv.'oc and n ac-.'-ftaare tUB ^ «pe. f..« iOm pietutteM bv hnw u»- -d 4»> a i • d» n ie "pc' 1 at* n- hour of j'ft ft* ni-Uwk A V .m Tim.1v May • u be Con'-o ** -H<* I'hwtf t, i omi* House Omaha Neh’SaVa ' F ft \ ^« **»■# . teaeive to (iifi'it'ut ■ h# ’ «M <e *U*ja^t an- or e> hid* »* etve.1 | Av order of »ne 4 ef C*’>ely ••4 < .