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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1924)
Bud Fisher’s Nellie Morse Wins Preakness Handicap; Transmute Runs Second pinner Leads From Start to Finish of Race Mad Play, Rancocas Entry, Finishes in Third Place, 2 1-2 Lengths Behind Winner. Baltimore, Md., May 12.—Nellie Morse won the $55,000 Preakness at Pimlico tills afternoon. Transmute was second and Mad Play, third. Time for the S furlongs was 1:57 1-5. Bud Fisher's Nellie Morse, wjth ,T. Merrimee up. showing a great fond ness for the sloppy going, led from start to finish to win the turf classic in the excellent time of 1:57 1-5. Two lengths back finished Harry Payne Whitney’s Transmute, with I,inns McAtee in the saddle, while a halt length further away finished the Rancocas stable's Mad Play. Jim Bean’s Donaghee took down the fourth money. A $2 mutucl ticket paid the winner $26.20, $15.50 and $7.00; second, $16.10 and $5.20: third, $3.10. When the harrier was sprung the crowd of 30,000 let out a yell. Nellie Morse shot to the front attended by Sun Flag. Cloing around the club house turn Merrimee took back with Nellie Morse and allowed Sun Flag to set the pace. Half way down the back stretch Sun Flag showed signs of weakening and Merrimee sent the filly on top. Mad Play was having a rough jour ney at this stage, but L. Fator finally got his mount straightened out ajid set sail for the leaders. Turning for home Nellie Morse was enjoying a two-length lead, with Transmute, sec ond, and Mad Play, third. The Fisher color bearer simply romped through the slop to the finish, while McAtee had to drive Transmute to the limit to save the place from the fast closing Mad Play. The latter I made a desperate plunge under Fa tor’s urging right as the imaginary wire was reached, but fell short of snaring the place. The plunge was so unexpected that Fator was tossed into the mire, but escaped uninjured. Big Blaze, Apprehension, Rustic, Nautical, Faenza, Revenue Agent, Sting, Thorndale, Modest, Bracadale, Sun Flag also ran. ENTRY LIST IN FOR VALLEY MEET Lincoln, May 12—Preliminary en try lists for the Missouri Valley track • ml field championship *cre received from Iowa State college at Ames, Drake college of Des Moines, la., and < rlnnell college of Grinnell. Ia., this morning, the University of Nebraska athletic department announced today The valley championships will be held at the Nebraska Memorial ata dlurn here May 23-24. The three lists Included the names of 122 athletes. Stomach Trouble Can Be Corrected Quickly and Easily If the Stomach Is Upset and the Digestive Sys tem Is Not Working Properly One Cannot Hope to '‘Feel Well and Strong.. Many Compli cations Have Their Ori gin in an Upset Stomach. TANLAC IS WORLD’S BEST TONIC FOR STOMACH TROUBLE This Great Medicine Will Tone Up the System, Soothe an Inflamed Stomach, Remove Accu mulated Poison and *** Start the Digestive Or gans Functioning Prop erly, Thus Allowing the System to Assimilate the Food One Eats — All Good Druggists Sell TANLAC. Pimples BLOOD Impurities are pumped by the heart into the face. That is what causes that grainy appearance, that muddiness, sal lowness, pimples, blackheads, acne, red spots, and that impos sible “some thing” which n o f a c e cream, mas sage, or face powder can cover up or beautify I The foundation for" a beautiful skin simply is not there, and no face treatment can give it to you. But increase your red blood-cells,—and quickly the ruby tint of purity begins to glow in the cheeks, the complexion be comes venus-like and immdculatet Try it. It will do it every time. S. S. S. builds the red-hlood-cells p you need for st beautiful complex ion. Begin using $. S. S. at once, and give yourself what you have been working for, for years. R. R. R. la told it all good drug atorct Id two tiara. Tilt largtr aiM It more economical. C C World's Beat ‘/flood Mrdldne 4 Reds in First Place in National League Race; Cards Defeat Giants EDDIE’S FRIENDS_ I.ow Spading. Baseball Stains and Standings WESTERN' LEAGUE. Tf«m Standings. W. L. lVt. Win Lose. TU’BA .16 k .St)7 .6 80 .640 Denver .15 m .652 .667 .6*6 On aim .1.1 10 .56ft .MX .54* Wichita .13 10 .645 .665 .6*2 Oklahoma City ...10 It .476 .400 .455 St. Joseph .1U 1 1 .476 .600 .456 Deft Moines . 6 15 .286 .:t!8 .273 Lincoln . 6 15 .286 .211 .271 Yesterday’s Results. Omaha, 12; Ilea Moines, 4. Oklahoma City. 3; lit. Joseph. 4. Tulsa. 8; Wichita, u Lincoln, 3, Denver, 14. Gan>e« Today. Des Moivtea at Omaha. Oklahoma Cliy at St. Joseph. Tulsa at Wichita. Lincoln at Denver. TRISTATE LKAGtE. Ten in Standing*. \V. J*. IN t tv in. Lose Beatrice 4 o l.nou l woo .800 Sioux City . 3 1 .760 .800 .«6i Grand Island .... .1 1 .750 .80a .667 Norfolk . 1 3 .260 .400 .2u0 Hastings . 0 3 .000 .250 .000 Sioux Fall* . 0 3 .000 .250 .000 Yesterday’s Result*. Beatrice, 9, Grand Island. 4. Norfolk, 13; Hioux City, 5. Others not scheduled. (.ernes Today. Norfolk at Hioux City Hioux Falls at Hastings Grand Ird&nd at Beatrice. NATIONAL LEAD I E. Team SI nulling*. W. L. Pet Win Los* [Cincinnati .14.. 7 .66 7’ .682 .636 New York .14 8 .6*.« .652 .400 Chicago .14 11 .560 ...77 .538 .Brooklyn . 1 1 1 1 *600 .5*2 .478 Poston . 8 1 0 .444 .474 .421 Pittsburgh .10 IS .435 .458 .417 St Louis . 8 13 .384 400 .164 Philadelphia . 6 II .333 .368 .316 Yesterday's Result*. Brooklyn, 7; Chicago, 3. Philadelphia. 1; Cincinnati, 4. New York. .1; 8t. J/OUlS. 5 Boston Pittsburgh postponed, rain. Games Today. New York st tit. Louis. Philadelphia at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at Chicago. Boston at Pittsburgh. AMERICAN LRAOm. Standings. W. L. Pet. Win Lose New York .14 6 .7on .714 .£67 Boston .10 8 .556 .579 .626 Detroit .11 9 .560 .571 .524 ft Loula .11 19 .524 .646 .500 . hicago . 9 10 4 7 4 .600 .540 Washington .19 12 .451 .47 8 .4 35 Cleveland . 9 11 4«0 IT*. t.O Philadelphia . . . 6 1 4 .300 .353 *86 Yesterday's Remit*. All games postponed—rain. Game* Today. St. Lnul* at Boston Cleveland at Philadelphia. Detroit at Washington. Chicago at New York. AMERICAN AWMRTATION. Team Standings. W. L. P»-t. Win Lose Indianapolis . 1 5 * .676 .64a 600 Kansas City . ...II 19 .565 .58 3 .54 2 Minneapolis .12 II .5*2 .542 .500 HI. Paul .12 U .522 .542 .500 iLoUtSVllU .1" >2 455 478 .435 Milwaukee . » 11 .459 476 42* Columbus . 10 1 3 .4 36 .458 .4 17 Toledo . 8 12 .4 00 .429 J8l Yesterday’s Results. Columbus, 4, Milwaukee, 5. Louisville, 5. Hf. Paul. 8 Toledo, 8, Kansas City, I. Indianapolis, 8. Minneapolis, 4 (.uine* Today. Toledo st Milwaukee Columbus si Kanes* city. Indianapolis at It. Paul. Louisville at Milwaukee. TEXAS LKAGI E. Dallas, 2, Houston, II. Wlhlta Falls. 4; Galveston. 6 Fort Worth, 4; Han Antonio, 7. .Shreveport, S; Beaumont, 6. SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Memphis. 6; Atlanta, 6 (II innings). Chattanooga, 9, Mobile, 7. LlttieMio'k, 6. Birmingham, 15. IN T PRN ATIONAL I.E AG I E. All games postponed; rain. DEMPSEY WILL •APPEAR IN BENEFIT r,o* Angelea, May 11.—Jack Demp ;iay will appear In a bout here at an all star benefit boxing rnrd late thia month or early In June. It waa nd viaed. Ilia opponent haa not yet been delected, Other boxera on the pro gram are Killy Welle, Kngllah welter weight tltleholrtrr; Uert Colima, pa cific roaat middleweight, and Marty Farrell. -.- * —;-> American Association >- - --- -— J Milwaukee, May 12 — II If FI. Columbus ... 4 11 0 >111 WRukee ... . f# 1 o o Batteries -Ambrose. Handera and Hart ley, Pott. Keefe and Hhlnwult. Ht. rani. May 12—■ • R H K Louisville . & * 2 Hf Paul . * 7 1 Batteries—Tlnrup. Estell and Meyer, Markle and Dixon. Kansas City. May 12— R HE Toledo .*. J i3 i Kansas City .• ■ • ■ ■ • • • • 2 ' flatteries Frey and Heston; ThormAh Vn end Hklff. Minneapolis, Minn., Msv 12— R H FI | Indianspolls . 3 * 1 Minneapolis . 4 1 n 0 Batteries -Pally and Kruegei . Malone [ nnd Mayer. CHURCHILL DOWNS. FI rat race: One mile: Breechloader (Fisher) ...86.60 9 10 4 50 Amith Claim (Thorndyke) . . . 6 6© 8.20 New Beauty (K. Bool) . 3.10 Time: 1:41. Mexican Tea. Bye Hy«. Prl\ Here. Nimrod. March On. The 'Reaper. Cy preme, Mia* Muddock, Leulee Wagner and Quoin also ran. Second race: Four and one half fur long* Maximaneh < . 21 20 16.70 1150 Dutch Girl (Wood) . 1© 10 Bit o’ Money (Stutta) . ,;4" Time: :57. Andnight Rose. Cordon Rouge. Boo Boo, Trifling. Winnie O'Wynn al*n ran. Third rare: Mile and one-alxt eenth: Prime K. (Wallace) .t S© 2 uo 2 70 Kinburn (Harvey) . 3 6© 2 ©0 Carnarvon (Kalaer) . 4 10 Time 1:61 M». Flower Shop, Little Ann. Gath end Flying Prince also ran. Fourth rare: Three quarter mile (sub atitut*. original declared off): The Runt (Harvey) .... 12 ;0 6(0 1 tn Sequel (Wallace) . 10.60 5 2© Napoo (Jon**) .•••• -’.6©! Time: 1:16. Commander McMeektn. Double T., Jack Frost, Repeater and Lady Jane also ran. Fifth rare: *4 mile: Pindar Peel ( McDermott) ... 2 to 2 . 0 out Actuary (Coltllettl) .2 70 out Blue Nose (Carroll).mit Tim* J:.ti 4-6. Brilliant Caat and II B. Coleman also ran Sixth rare: 4 S furlong* _A ,..A Fuo (Ktutts).42 60 21 (ft 1ft 20 fled Seth (Kelsey) .12 -’0 fi in Sam Men gel (l.vke).50 Time: ;6I. Wuhu. Little .Timmy. Bad Luck. Stay On, \a!n Kill# Phyllla Gen try. Afternoon Tea, Requite, Sorline also ran. Seventh rare. 1 mile Pequot (Griffin) .6 10 4 4ft S ift A llle Or ha (Felton) ... .<10 4 20 Ruby (Long) . ■ • Time 1:42. Pastoral Swain Angluru Maid. Bscarpnletti. «*a Court, Georg* Kuffan also tail. PIMLICO. Flrgt rgce: Steeplechase, two miles Adamant (Merglen .13 10 6 30 2 §0 Parleys (Bj era) . 3 60 2.0 Regalia (Deubler) .. 4 40 Time 4 21 Byng. Bon Gan on. Wisest Fool. Mr. Brummel and Cavendiah also ran Second race: Five eight# mile: Parman' henee B (Rcobte) 3 10 3 10 I 30 Crinkle (Dawson) . 6 *0 4 2© Hidalgo (Marlnellt) . i 40 Time: 1.013-R Trigger, Lena wood Crimp and Pedhobit also ran. Third race: \ mile. Scotch Broom (Bond) 2120 10 10 5 2ft Go’den Armor (Hastings) .... 6 20 4.10 Frank O. (Barnes) .* * *•• s^ Time 1:14 1-5 Lestherwood. Mercury. Scoop sn<l Lieutenant IT also ran Fourth rare: Mile and one-eighth: Nellie Morse (Merlmee) 26 20 15 15 1 90 Transmute (MoAtee) . 14.10 i .0 Mad Play <L. Fa*or> . Time: 1:11 1-6. Brackdale. Big Blare. Rustic. Ravenue Agent, Nautical. At prehension, Donaghee. Sting Thorndtle. Keen/.* Modest and Sunflag also ran. Fifth rare: 1 mils: Vankee Prlnceag( Wllllama) ..1 20 1 30 out Ratting Sun (Hasting*) . 4 30 out \nlador (Brothers) .out lime l 43 1*6. Opptrmin also ran Sixth race: 1 rnl!e: Cockney (Ponca) .6 10 3 to out Leonaid G. (Hasting*) .1.00 out Lx ruse Me (Hcobtei .. out Time: 1:46 4-6 Blue Hawk also ran. Seventh race: 1 mile: Wood Lady (Scohle) .24 60 7.70 4 '0 I renxy Sn*ezv <M< Af**i .3 3© 2 *© Jacques (Allen). . 4 1© Time: 1.44 3-6. Broomf ield. Jim Ken nay, uffspting and Kthei Clayton aUo i ait. JAMAICA. First ra- a Five.eights mils Gipsy Flyer (Ralls) ..7 10 1 4 out White Wash (Anderson) . 3-6 l 4 Catherine Douglas iHetandex) 12 Time 1:10 2-6. Little Pal and Charlnat also ran. Perund race- Mile and 70 yards: Aladdin (Thompson) . 1-6 3 6 14 Dandvhnish (Richards) . 3 5 4 6 Superbum (Kelly) .. 3-5 Time: 1.46 1-6. Kgat Indian Lord Baron, Ashburton, Cork Him and Luck Strike also ran Third race Five «lght* mile: Barney Ooogls «B*sch) .96 7 10 14 Mill Winfrey (Mooney) . 7-1 4 6 i’harley Andergon (tmoper) . 4-1 Time: 1:011 5. Contentment. Toung ■ e Easy to reach now and twice a* Interesting a* you ever dreamed. Only 10 dava ion n Canadian Pacific Empreij) to Japan, then to China, and Manila. Cherry Hlnsaom* and WUtarla. The Forbidden Clfv and Qrroi Wall and Temple of Heaven. All manner of quaint costume* and cuaiomt. And luiurloua ease aboard your mrlft Smprau liner. Further Information Irom local afeamahlp agents or R -S. F.lworthy, S .V Gen. Agent, Tl F.. .farhson Hlvd , Chicago, III. For Freight Apply G F Nirhola. I02B W O. W, Bldg Omaha. N«h. Canadian Pacific ^^JT^PANSTHCJAfORLCIj April and Rolrotss also ran Socrates finished first hut was disqualify I. Fourth !»■*•. Three-quartor mile: Ordinance (Pierce) . 7-1 il'%-1 C-l Bwingalong Parke) . t> 6 3-5 Indian Trail (Fields) .. Time: 1:13 1-6 Teeter, Bialnstorm. Peter King. Sun Audience and Polycarp also tan. Fifth race Mile and 70 yards: Fifty-Fifty (G< »rdanlo) ...7-6 11 1-4 InsulHie (Harvey) . * 6 Bonfire (Thompson) . *l -. Time: 1 :4H 2 AParyland Belie. Byron. Black Wand and Clybridge also ran. Sixth race: ** mile: Anna Marrnne 11 (Carter) I I I I «»»t Lady Diana (Thurher) . 1-6 out Idles Wsihk (Parke) . out Time: 1:13 2 5. Priscilla Huiey also ran. _* \\ illtrr Baseball Tram Loses First Game of Season Wilber, N>b., May 12.—The Wilber baseball club, composed entirely of home talent, loet the first game of the season to Hallatn last Sunday. Mayor Aloia Sleploka pitched the first ball, while Sheriff II. A. Greer was at the receiving station. Even If the boys did lose, they will cause opposing teams trouble before the season Is half over. The young sters are being coached by Fred Hhlmerda. Anyone wishing games, communicate with Manager H. F. Magntisson. Central Nebraska Loop Opens Ord, Neb., May 12.—The Ord team of the Central Nebraska league will play Loup City neat Sunday, Ord loet Its first game to Scotia by a score of 11 to 2. There hsa been but one series of games In the league, which resulted In victories for St. Paul, Ashton and Scotia and defeat! for Ord, Arcadia and I.oup City. YOU CAN RIDE FROM OMAHA TO NEW YORK FOR *48« IF your ticket reads via ERIE RAILROAD no. CHICAGO The ecenla passenger raute I Two of the finest through train, daily. Nightly sleeper to Colotnhii.. Ohio Ask roy Ticket Agent mi connecting linos or writ* S. 1.. CLARK, General Agent Woodmen of the World Bldg., Onioha, Neh. A. F. Walnseott, Trov. Foss. Aft., .330 Railway F.xc. Bldg., Kansaa City, Mo. H. C. HO LAB IRD. G. P. A., Chicago G. A. Schroeder Dies at Age of 77 Veteran Columbus Miller Dean of Nebraska Trapshooters. Columbus, Neb., Msv 12,-G. A. Schroeder, 77, dean of Nebraska trap shooters and veteran miller, died Sunday. He had been ill with liver trouhle for two months. He had been a resident of Columbus and vicinity for K5 years, Mr. Schroeder'* life was closely linked with many phases of civic activity and development, first as a farmer, later a* proprietor of the Columbus roller mills and In more-re cent years aa president of the Paxaon Davls wholesule grocery company. Hunting and trapshooting were his hobbles and he had the distinction of having organised the first gun club ever formed at Columbus. Known generally to all the older trapahooter*. He aerved aeveral term* aa secretary treasurer of the Nebraska State Trap •hooters' association. Schroeder was bom In Prussia, Germany. December 11, 1848. and came to the United States at the age of 15. locating flrat in Ohio. Coming to Columbus In 1868. he pre-empted 160 seres in Blsmark township, which he farmed until 1872, when he sold it. The following year he made hia first entry Into local buaineaa circle*, operating. In partnership with his brother, the first machine shop here. He was married here in 1877 to Mr*. Ida E. Hagel, who with daugh ters, Mrs. L. M. Geltxen and Mra. J. J. Mahoney, Andover, Mass., and one son, Walter H. Schroeder of Ren Francisco, survive him. Another daughter by a former marriage, Mrs. Mellissa Eddy, lives at Cortland, O. Jzaak Walton League Holds First State Convention Norfolk. Neb.. May 12—The first state convention of the Nebraska di vision of the Isaak Walton league of America opened here today with a large gathering of delegates from all parts of the state. A bluerock shoot and hsit casting 'contest opened the festivities. A han quet tonight, «t which permanent of ficers are to be elected, will conclude the convention. Francis Hunter of Opinion Tennis Kule In just New York. MaV 12.—Francis T Hunter of Beckley, W. V* , member nf the United States Olympic tennis team and No. 5 ranking star, today Issued a statement asserting his be lief that the tennis player-writer rule Is unluat and urging reconsideration of It by the United States J.awn Ten nlc association. tone « S< UK* City Colorado The Rockies of the old Overland and Oregon trails made famous by Lewis fit Clark and Kit Carson. The country Roosevelt loved. 2000 miles of the most varied and pic turesque mountain and water scenery la the world. 00 Round Trip from = Omaha s including Cheyennt, Echo and Weber Can yarn, Ogden, Great Salt Lake, Yellowstone. Royal Qorgt, Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak and Denver. Pour and a half day motor tour through Yellow ■tone Park Including meals and lodgings at (totals $54 00 additional; at camps $4S.OO. Season June 10 to Sept. 15 Motor side trip Denver to Rocky Mountain National Park and return $10.SQ. (Wife ft As* baab/ele and may a and laf aa be/p poo p/an year tnp PERSONALLY ESCORTED TOURS Ask about our personally escorted, all espense. tarn weeks' tours to Yellowstone and IJocky Mountain Parka. far lafarmatlan, ask— Curts, City Pass. A0.M, u P. SyaUm, 141S Dados it., Omaha. Phana Jaakaaa fS2f Cnnaalldatad Tlekat OStea. 1414 Dadfa it , Phana Atlantia *214. ar * Unlaa Statlan. 10th and Marry itraata Union Pacific '4 Tuesday's Entries. CHl'RCHILL DOWNS. Prat rare: Purse. tl.lOO; claiming; 4 veer rids and up; 6 furlongs Pen Bok .Ill Cobweb .Ill xSway .10$ Ruv of Paaca..ll1 Galuaha .ill Seouei .106 Stamp. Jr.111 xwidgeon .10* MacBith .ill Ruby .10* Rob .HI x.Tsrk Frost ...10* Brunswick .111 Miss Maxi# ...10* xNspoo .111 .xWftlnut Mall .10* Com. McMeekin 111 Second rare. Purse. 1,200; maiden 2 y*ar-61d|; 4*4 furlongs Lee O. Cotn*r H$ Bankrupt .11* Abstract .H8 Tangara .. ...11* Four Cross . ..11* 8on of Tromp..ll* Cup Bearer .... 11* Third race: Purse, 11,400; claiming; I yesr-olda mile Ballot Bruah ..110 Dobson .100 Bonavera .104 King Tut .101 xPolynesla ... ftl Frankman .107 Fourth rare; Purse, $1,400. allowances; J-vear-old* and up. * furlongs: John J. Finn..110 New Gold .104 Msh Jong . 16 Volt . *4 Buster .108 Boya Believe Me.10* Possible .103 RqJd Gold .104 Fifth rac*: Purae. 2.000; allowances: The Derby Trial; 3-year-olds; mile: Princess Doreen.114 Dudley .10* King Gorin 11 . . II* Glide . 114 Black Gold ....lit Cloisterer .10* Wild Aster _lit Col. Gilmore. ..110 Blxth race: Purae. $1,000; claiming; 4 year-nlds and up. 6 furlongs: x Hullo .108 xGiuaeppe .Ill Naughty Niaba 10* xDoctor Glenn 10* Glyn .106 Brother John 116 Bandalwood ...111 Col Winne ...113 n K. Clark ...111 Vanishing Boy ill Theslus .ill Ppoda .Ill xWho Kn'w* Me io* Royal Pelm . ...Ill Ted's Plum ...log xLong Boat ....106 L. Lichtenstein 111 Keventh race Purse, 1,400; claiming; 4-year-olds and up; 1H mile* xKlrk Lev'ton 111 xPraiae .105 Huenoc .Ill xQuesada ...ill I'd 1**0410100 lie xMuior Chikon 106 Atlnka . ..ibR xSppren:! -e allowance claimed. Clear; heavy. JAMAICA. First race: ( (aiming; 3->ear-old fillies; 6 furlongs Spontaneous . ..108 Vulcan Queen...10$ Kxalted Ruler. ..107 xForeat Flower. 107 Barion ..DM x ft »lle Artiste ..106 xMron Drum . 96 Idle Thoughts. ..II1 Anne .110 xApology ..... *6 Radiancy .100 xCuba Bells ...108 Royal Miss ... I0l g*cond race: Claiming; S-year-oids and up; 6 furlongs: Kt. Martin* ...110 Hands Up .....10# Cuerack .,T»ft xAll In All _101 Oran .112 gold Welhourne t *0 xGrenad* . .... 105 On .... 100 B Buchanan ..115 Third rare The Rosedala etak*a, for fillies; 2-vear-olda;. 5 furlongs Gnome Girl ....10* Maud Muller...11* Mother Goota ..112 Wax Lady .10* Swinging .112 Longing .109 Fourth race: The Commonwealth handicap; I yaar-olde and up; 1 1-lfth miles: .1 q line Julian . 98 R#;phri*on!a ... 94 Horologe .114 Barer .10$ >1 is* Cerlna . Ill Fifth race- Claiming; S year-olds and up 6 furlongs xProtocol .105 High ^om'nder 105 Vutcain Quean. .1 #5 ifaimajitti ...10$ PatfDor t .1-0 x.luno .100 Dolly Gaffn**> .10a xt' irnoewr .If2 Sixth race Maiden; 2-year-old*; 5 fur longs ♦ >•*!» n * ...HI Gnome Girl ....112 ' Kirkflrld .lift Miss Babe .112 i'h*o Fa <• ... 115 Candlestick ....1161 x Apprentice allowam* claim d. clear, fast. MKTKOPOI.itAN I liAl.l F. Won I-oat Pet Murphy Did It* . . . 4 « 1 000 Htamlard laundry . 3 1 .760 Schn*id»»r Electric a . l 2 .506 Knight* of Columbus 2 - .50" Woodmen of the World . 2 2 500 Carter Lake Club. 2 2 60v Gins ha Police . l 3 ?50 C P Fngineinen . . . . • 4 ftoe Reds Bunch Hits to Defeat Phils fclnclnnut'. May 12—Cincinnati bunched h <* off Mitchell today and won the ond game of the aerie* from Philadelphia. 4 to 1 Donohue war hit freely, hut kept the eafetiea well *>~at»*red He walked three men. after having gone 3* '■onrecutlve Inning* without parsing a batter Score: PHILADELPHIA CINCINNATI AB. H O A AB H. G A Sand, aa 4 2 2 1 Burn*, rf 3 A 2 a Walker, rf S * t 1 I) b*rt, lb 3 A 12 A Mokan if 5 1 2 a* pkoU*h. cf 4 1 * a I W'llami. cf 2 1 * « Harp#r, If ", 1 2 A Pond. 2b 4 0 2 3 H grav# e 4 1 2 1 Holke. lb 4 A R l Bohne. 2b 3 2 1 S Woehr*. Rh 1 A 2 2' Plnelll. 3h 2 2 4 W tone. 3b 1 0 A a Cavenay, a* 4 1 1 1 Henllne. c 4 1 3 \ Donohue, p 4 1 A i : Mitchell, p 4 l 2 l -' - Total* 31 2 27 13 Total* 38 S 24 10! Philadelphia .aoo A01 aoo—i Cincinnati .1A0 002 Alx—4 Summary—Runa: Henllne. Burn*. Harper, Hargrax* Bohne Error* Walk er. Woehra, Harper Two-bil# hit* Rou*h, Plnelll. Henline, Mitchell Stolen basea; Itooah, Plnelll Sacrifice hit* Daubert. Bohn*. Double plava: Bohne to, Daubert; Walker to Henljne Left on haaea; Philadelphia 11- Gfnclnnatl 8 Base* on ball* Off Donohue iff Mitchell. 2 Struck out: By Donohue. 2. Umpire*: McCormc k and O'Dav. Time’ . <■ Dodgers Defeat Cubs. Chicago, May 12.— Brooklyn hit oppor tunely behind ChUago'n errors and won. 7 to I Wheat'* two double* and High * home run were feature*. Vance had only one bad Inning in whic h the jo-a * hunched four of iheir hit* for three run*. Score BROOKLYN CHICAGO. ABH.OA AB.H.OA Loftu*, cf 4 t' 2 o Sfatz. rf 304; •baton, ** 4 1 2 3 Adam*, **4 1 3 2 Wheat. If 4 2 :t 0 G'tham. :b 4 A 1 1 F’nlar, lb 3 1 10 l1 Grime*. lb 4 111 <• Stock. 3b 3 1 3 1 Frioerg. 3b 4 2 2 . Grif’th. rf 4 1 10 Grlgaby. If 8 0 1 »• High 2b 3 111 H'cote. rf 4 1 0 <• Deberry, c 4 1 4 3 » • F'rell. c 3 1 R " Vance, p 4 0 1. Al'rldge. p 2 0 0 3 -— —| zHoll'cher 1 0 0 0 Total* S3 8 27 J1 rierce. p 0 A 0 0 ! Tofsts S! 117 12 sBatted for Aldridge In eighth Brooklyn . .2"n 100 32A—. Chicago ..030 000 000—3 Summary—Hun*. Loftu*. Johntton <2>. W'heat. Fornier. Stock. High. Grime*- Fri berg. Grlgaby. Er-or* Adam* (2), Gran tham. Friberg. Two-ha** hit* Wheat (2), Home run High. Sacrifice* Grlgaby. Stock Double play*: Gran tham to Adam* to Grime*. Adam* to Grime*. Friberg to Grantham to Grime*. Left on base* Brooklyn. «; Chicago, * Baaeg on ball*: Off Aldridge Vance, l; off Pierce. 1. Struck out By Aldridge. 2: by Vance. 4. by Pierce ; Hita: Off Aldridge. * in eight inning™ off Pierce none in one inning Loam* pitcher: Mdridg* Umpire*. K * m n,j Wilton. Time 1 38 BEATRICE WINS •1 FROM ISLANDERS Beatrice. May 12—The Beatrice | Blue* continued the unbroken string : of victories here today by taking the j the opener from Grand Island, 9 to I. Whitcomb, Grand Island hurler. was driven from the mound at the end of the third by » fierce hatting; rally staged. featuring McCoy, Schaefer and l oser. Score: R lb E. Beatrice . . .. * 11 Grand Island ..4 If 4 Ba?teri*» -Good* and Ung* . V Grl. k and Mriiru*. St. Louis Wins Third Straight From New York Mound City Club Climb# Out of Cellar by \ irtue of \ ic* tory Over MrGraw'* Crew. T. LOUS. May II — The St. Louie Cardi nal® knocked the New York Giant* out of first place In the Na tional league today by feat 1 n g McGrat'i team, 5 to 3, while Cincinnati was win ning from Philadelphia. It was the third straight victory over New York for the Rickey men who thereby t limbed out of the cellar. Home run* by Flack and Bottom!*}*, the former with two on, gave the local* four tuna in the third inning. Score: .NBW YORK ST. LOU 16. A B H.O A AB H O.A. B’ 3 c» 1 Smith.If 4 14 1 riroh .. f. u 0 4 Flack.rf 4 2 I n Fri*<-h.2b 4 12® Hor*ab>,fb 4212 Young.rf 4 1* o Bott’ 4 2 9® Meutei.lf 4 2*'' Mueller ct 313m 4 1 12 1 Kr«ig#U.2b 4 14 1 h .» i 2 Cooney.•• .4014 Hnyder.e 3 2 1 *> Gonaalea.p 3 2 2 0 Howdy.c 1 '» « Vtetter, p 3 1#* 11 o i 1 8h*>rdal.p 0 0 Dfpchg '.p 0 0 1 B**li p # ® " \\ ataon.p o' o o 1 *— —- —- — xBentley 1 0 0 « Total* 32 12 27 1# xTerry 10 0 0; xUearin 4 0 0 0; * xO'Con ell 1 1 0 o Total* 24 11 24 16: xBatted for in fourth x Hatted for Oeachger tn eeventh xHm for *Sn>'l»'r In *ev«nth xfiatted for Wataon In ninth. Sew York. .100 402—1 3t. Lmala .004 0#t I0x—5 Nummary — Run# Southworth. Fri#^ h, VConnaii. Hmlth. Flack. Bottcmley, r.on tal»* Pfeffer T* -has* hit* Jackson. Honaale*. Kelly. Smith Horn* runt; Flack. Bottom lev. Sacrifice; Toun*. houbie play*: Jarkaon to Friaeh tn Kelly, iron to Frl»* h *o Kelly, Watson to Jaek >on to Kelly. Left on base*: New York, I*: S'. Loui*. 4 Bases on balla: Off Wataon, 1: off Pfeffer. 4: off Sherdel. 2 Struck out By Pfeffer. 2 Hlta: Otf Dean. 4 in 3 nn'ngi; of Oeachger. 2 in 3 lt?n‘ng«: off Watson. 3 In 2 innlnea; otf Pfeffer. il in 1* 1-3 innings; off Sherdel. r.nne in *1-3 Inn'na; off Bell, none In 1-2 inning Bik Pfeffer. Winning pitcher, Pfeffer Losing pitcher. Dean Umpire*: Pfirman. Povrell and Moran. Time 2:0a. PADDOCK WILL RESUME TRAINING I.os Angeles. May 1*.—Charles W. Paddock, star .printer, announced l hat muscles of his left leg. which were injured while competing In the Drake relays last month were Improving ispidly and that he would start train ing In a few days for JLhe Olympic : rials to be held here May 24. Benjamin Moore Paints Are Economical Benjamin Moore Paints cover an un usually large area per gallon because they spread to a smooth, even surface. They do not simply “lay" on the sur face, but penetrate naturally into the wood and offer greatest protection against all weather conditions. Ask Your Dealer About Benjamin Moore Paints He’ll gladly show you the superior qualities of Benjamin Moore Paints. And if you are not experienced in the matter of using paints, his advice and counsel will save you many dollars. BUY YOUR PAINT FROM THESE DEALERS: OMAHA. NEB Dupont Pharmacy, 29th and Dupont. Hatmamky A kroupa, 33d and L. John Hunir Hardware Co., 2407 Cuming St, O. K. Hardware Co., 4831 South 24th St. H. Oaoff, 224 North 16th S«. Q St. Pharmacy, 28th and Q Sti. Vandal Pharmacy, 10th and Bancroft. Noting A Hrndirion. 2906 Sherman An. P. Wiig, 1810 Vinton St. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. O. H. Brown G. A P. Co., 525 South Main. Distributor "A Progressive Company In a Progressive City"