Communists Now Fourth Strongest Party in Germany Reds Win 60 Seats in Reich stag as a Result of Recent National Elec tion. By KARL H. VON VV1EGAND, l ntvrr-al Service Staff Correspondent. Berlin, May 5.—The German re public, a bit shaken but still strong in the ring of democratic republics of the world, la tonight trying to realize the significance of yesterday’s elections. The question of monarchy or re public was not an issue In the elec lions, hut it Is nut without interest nd significance that there will be 229 deputies in the new reichstag be longing to parties openly or secretly against the republican form of gov ernment. That is practically half of the whole membership. Of this number, 170 belong to the. various categories of nationalists and about 60 are communists. If to these are added 46 seats won by the Strese mann peoples’ party, the anti-republic elements will have more than a ma jority. The severest shock of the election, which is reverberating strongly from one end of llio country to the other, was the discovery that there are to day in Germany 3,500,000 communists who, with 60 scats in the reichstag, will be fourth strongest party. They are just below the Catholic centrists with twice as many deputies as tho . democrats and a third more than Htresemann's party. Dawes Fate Doubtful. The possible fate of the Dawes re port Ie the chief topic of conversation. The government, in a statement this vening, interprets the election as a ote of a majority of the German peo tle for ratifying the government's ac ceptance of the report, but whether a •wo-thirds majority can he obtained n the reichstag for the necessary hange in the constitution to carry nit the report of the experts with regard to the railways Is considered loejhtful. Tile government is more disturbed >y the enormous growth of commun ism than anything else, and was dis posed to stress that and minimize the mportant gains of the nationalists. The fate of the Dawes report rests almost wholly with the nationalists, whose leaders are Dr. Oscar Hergt and Grand Admiral von Tlrpitz, as llstinguished from the Ludendorff racialists. It ts not wholly clear tonight whether the nationalists, with nearly 100 deputies, or tlie social democrats will he the strongest party In the leichstag. It is officially pointed out l hat tho nationalists have not come out openly against the Dawes report, btlt have merely Mated that it is "not inacceptable hut is unfulfillable.’’ Personnel of Reichstag. The leichstag as elected yesterday will be composed, according to unof Iiclal newspaper estimates', as follows: Socialists, 103. Nationalists. 96. Catholic center. 61. Communists, 0. Htresemann's peoples' party. 46. Ludendorff i .icialists. 30. Democrats, 28. Bavarian peoples’ party, 16 Economic party, 6. Agricultural leagues, C. Each 611,0(10 votes cast elect one member, so tho total membership de ) pends on the total number of votes cast. The indications late tonight arc that it will be about two weeks be fore the present Marx government resigns. The returns will not be of ficially certified- for at least 10 days. There will be 13 parties represented in the new reichstag, with only about - ight of them Important. l-'ear is already being expressed that President Ebert will have ex treme difficulty getting the new gov ernment together, it is considered most feasible to form a coalition of socialists, democrats, centrists and Htresemann's peoples' party, but it is not believed that, such a cabinet would find Itself In control of more Ilian 10 majority. I Mock Oysters ? I f Gut thin slices of veal I jj 2 inches long by I inch I I wide. Dip in egg, then in # .1 cracker crumbs and fry in S I deep fat. Serve with stewed I ■ tomato dressing seasoned I with the famntia ™ LEA&PERRINS' I SAUCE | ^ the owttiHL wowcEsrptsttiseJ a nv f itrisr. \t ent" WOMEN! DYE OLD THINGS NEW _ Sweaters Waists Draperies Skirts loesses Ginghams Coats Kirrjonos Stockings tlach 15-cent package of "Diamon 1 Dyes" contains directions so simple ,iny woman can dye or tint any old. vorn faded tiling new, even If she hn» never dycrl before. Chooae any color at drug store. \ Foreign Film Star and Husband i 11 1 ■' 1 » I < ' v > 1 Russian film star, Valia Venitskya, was brought to the Vnited States on board the liner Franconia by her American husband, H. P. Clawson. They’re picture of happiness. 1 " -'A Nebraska News Nubbins • v--—' Fairbur.v Fail bury friends received word that II. Y. McCloskey. a former resident of FiUrbury and an extensive land owner of Jefferson county, died Sunday night at I .os Angeles, where he located five years ago. lie was formerly a clothing merchant here. Thompson—Five cars of walnut trees, cut from Rose creek, will be "hipped on the Burlinglon Tuesday to Kansas City. The .purchase price ranges from $3a to a thousand l’his shipment cleans up nil the wnt out timber on Rose creek of sufficient and coats each and four took a contln uance until next Saturday. Gretna Defeats Omaha Nine. Gretna, Neb., May fi—Gretna de feated the B. of R. C.. No. 3, of Omaha on the Gretna diamond Sunday, Mav 4, 11 to 1. Gretna team Is open for an engagement from any Class A team that can arrange with them for a game on Sunday. An Interesting and added laughable attraction is scheduled for the Km press, this evening when the choru girls of the eompanjy will lntrodui - what Is known as a "Chorus Girl Contest." This novelty follows the first night performance of the cm rent musical play, "Stolen Sweet* Amateurs are an added feature Fri day evening. "Papa Roves Mamma, with Billy Van Allen appearing as - colored porter, is tlie bill announcci, for tlie week starting Saturday. The current vaudeville bill at tin World theater, headed by tlie A ml" Sherri Revue, with Its chot-us i>: Parisian Models and Ackerman's >h. Strand theater. Council Bluff* Crescent theater, Holdrege. Neb. Among the things that make one feel gratified is to see one's name in print. It is even more thrilling to see one’s name on a motion picture screen and to hear hundreds laughing at our wit. The Omaha Bee wants to determine who are the real jesters of this neck of the woods. To that end, each week a first prize of $5. second of $3. third of $2 and 12 additional prizes of $1 each are offered for the best original jokes. Bend in your jokes to the Local Laf Editor. Limit them to 30 words each. Atlend the movie theater where Local Lafs are being shown and see for yourself what others are doing. Out of those that miss the prize list the Local Laf Editor selects three each day for this column. Today's are: "This In Indeed very sad. sir.” said the physician. "1 greatly regret to tell you that your wife's mind is gone." "I'm not) at all surprised, doctor; she's been giving me a niece of It eTery day for the Inst l.t years *’ Ia»In Chapman. Connell Bluffs. Jack—"They have machine* now that tell w hen a man In lying Lver neen one?" Chan—"Seen one? laird, I married one.” I.aiina Calder. South Bend. Neb. "WJiat’s that niece of cord tied around your finger for?" "My wife nut It there to remind me to post her letter." "And did rou post It?" "No. she forgot to give it to me." Kdwln Blank, Coin. In. Motorists Must Heed All Sirens Arrest Drivers Who Do Not Yield to Fire and Patrol Wagons. Idrense numbers of all driver* who fail to take notice of the police end fire department sirens will be taken and the owners of the machines haled lnlo court, according"'to an order Is sued Tuesday morning by Inspector Jack Pszanowskl. The order followed the delay raused the police emergency car by heedless autoists when it answered a supposed murder tall to 2222 Krs kine street. The call proved un founded. "At the approach of police or fire department engines autoists are to draw as near as possible to the curb and stop until the department has (Kissed. A six-ton fire truck can not he swerved easy and it is an almost irresistible force when It strikes an object at 35 miles an hour. So for your own safety respect the alrens," Pszanowskt warns. IOWA BANK HEAD ENDS OWN LIFE Sioux City, la.. May *.—A Wall l.ske (la.) special to the Journal aays: M. llerric. president of the Farm ers’ Stale hank of Wall I-ake. one of the most substantial hanks In this aer tion of the state, committed suicide list night. For at least four years Mr. Herrlg had been an invalid and much of his time was spent In a hospital. The sudden death of his brother, about a week ago, no doubt was a contribut ing cause. He went to the garage at Ills home and hung himself. He leaves a widow and two daughter*. Shippers to Confer. Columbus, Neb., May «.—Columbus shippers will send a delegation to Grand Island Thursday to participate in a conference of shippers from Hastings. Kearney, Norfolk and Grand Island, called by the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce In preparation for the freight rate meet ing scheduled by the Nebraska state railway commission for May 15. Colombo* High Enter* Meet. Columbus, Neb, May I—A num her of Colupibus High school track men will take part In the district meeting at Stanton, Neb. Friday. Others will be accompanied to the state at I.lncoln by Coarh Jimmie Rich Friday. I r-L| home~or;on thi road T DR. CALDWELL’S' SYRUP PEPSIN _ %Ufahimingood health Clogged-Up? Here’s Quick Aid ? niind what you are a week and in that way keen the using now for constipation. bowels regularly open. Dr. C'ald For all you know there is a better wall’. Syrup Pepsin, unlike harsh remedy! lhe next time vou are physics such ns calomel, “candy clogged up try Dr. (.aldwellg cathartics," aalt waters and pow Syrup Pepsin, • laxative slices*- ders. ia a gjm|>|,. vr*cUlblc laxa fully used for 30 years, the largest live composed c»f Fgyptian aenna selling liquid laxative in the world. and pepsin with tasty aromatics Mrs. John A. (voins of Butlerville, which are entirely harmless. Ind.f constipated all her lifr, her stomach injured from years of This Remedy Guaranteed rail taking, is now functioning J daily since faking Syrup Pepsin; It has barn accurately proven and Mr. David O'Connor of Can- that « constipated person is only Ion, Ohio, suffering steadily for 75 per cent efficient. It slows yon three yesrs, got relief after a few up; makes you dull and liiry. doses. The list of successful users lake Syrup IVpsin the first day of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is >oti Ho not have complete bowel naturally large as over 10 million movement. Take it. guaranteed, ImiIties are sold annually. for constipation, torpid liver, dys Formula on Every Package rr**«. hiUoosncs. aour stomach _ i# t » ** headache, lack of appetite. A t»et yourself a bottle at a drug spoonful at the fust snee/eor sniffle store, the coat being lest than a will kill a cold overnight. Half cent a dose. I aka a apoonful at the ailments of winter start with bedtime for a few mghta and constipation followed by a cold, we guarantee that the most chronic const!- ?••••'!* Wa«« to Try It Fn* Before Buying****, pation will be relieved, • *»*•*«.“ *17 Washington St., or refund your money. ; A few tloSi'S in aucees- • * a laiatir.- nmt wtmlJ tik* tn prm* %rh<%i “ T? : -»»" *“v >>' <«'■*"«» .V.nip /Vp.m kv mttnalI..I sion soon train the ; .s,n«f m» ./r«. in.1koifj. oimi i. stomach muscles to art S for thrmtrlvca. Many. • . however, take it once : .. . . i I D; Not than on. fi«o Irt.l holllo In . family . 1 — —opa i Alyce McCormick,, Career in Omaha t to “Flabbergi Alyce McCormick, once Judged Ne braska's most beautiful girl, is again ready to try her hand at matrimony. This is the latest word from New Tork where fair Alyce is down "look ing ’em over" once more. Alyce has made the front page of the newspapers numerous time*. She tried her hand at matrimony, street singing, maneuvering before the footlights, both amateur and pro fessional, selling pretty things to mer chants, and driving her father's auto mobile through the Jail doors. Her first husband went off on a tangent, look a shot at her and then killed himself. This was years ago. Then she sang on the corners of Omaha for the Volunteers of Ameri ca, in which she now Is a captain and of which her father is a colonel. A beauty contest found her leading (he field. Footlights' Beckon Cools. She heard the call of th^footlights along Broadway and answered. But she soon returned to Omaha, where she portrayed numerous characters in pageant and amateur play. But there wasn't enough of this, so she started selling smart togs to outstate merchants when they came to town, and for a time was torn be tween her love of salesmanship and theatricals. Then one day she tangled with the More Legion Beds Is Plan of Bozell fo Bp One Aim of Omaha Post Membership Campaign. Because of the large number of case* of needy and distressed ex-serv ice men, who need medical and hos pital care, another free hospital ward must be established by the Omaha Poet, of the American Region, Com mander I.eo Bozell eaid Tuesday. One five-bed ward is now being melntalned st St. Joseph hospital, »nd it is more than likely. Command er Bozell said that another ward will be established at the Methodist ! hospital. "It is merely e question of the ex pense," eaid Commander Bozell. "If wa obtain a good increase in member ship during our campaign this week it ia likely that we will be able to hroaden out in our hospitalization work. Rusaell Gentzler, ehairman of the membership committee of legion, which Is conducting the membership i-ampalgn, to he held Thursday. Fri day and Saturday, said that he is strongly In favor of thejnew Bozell plan. "More than 300 legionnaires have volunteered to take part in the mem bershlp campaign. ' aaid Chairman G»ntzler. "From all Indications we will be able to obtain a 100 per cent increase in membership and bring our membership roll up to the 4.000 mark.” A meeting and dinner of the work er# will be held at «:15 p m. Wed nesday night at the new Elks club. Hanford MacNider, former national commander of the American Region, will be the principal speaker. RECEIVER ASKED FOR DRUG FIRM Petition for Involuntary bankruptcy was filed Tuesday morning In federal court against the Merritt Drug com pany. 311 South Sixteenth street, by the Walsh-Elmer company and Rob ert Webb. Harold M. Kelley haa been appointed receiver by Judge Wood rough. Walsh Elme.r company charges that the Merritt company owes them Insur ance, while Webb petitioned for r*nt. Tho petition allege# that the drug store has unlawfully turned certain properties over to eredltora, although the company has been Insolvent for four weeks. Officers of the Merritt Drug com pany ar*: A. E. Merritt, president: John Merritt, vice president: Jesse Merritt, secretary; Joseph Merritt, treasurer. Hanover Defeats Marysville. Hanover. Kan . May 6—In a ba«r ball g-nme here Sunday afternoon the Hanover tram won from the Mr rye villa team by the aonr# of 10 to if ter Dashing ind Gotham, Wants ist” Mason as Mate law while driving her father’s car, and she posed for pictures behind the bars while spending an onerous three hour sentence in Jail for speeding. Now, like a bolt from the blue, comes her anouncement back in Gotham that she's looking for a mate, using the leap year privilege of ali contest beauties. Two Ground Hides. But she has set tip two ground rules under which apiicants must qualify before they may answer her ]L-t of questions. First, "he" must be a Mason. She follows a family tradition in tills, she says. And she must pick from 300, 000 of them. New' Yorkers say. Second, "he" must answer these questions: "!fow many wives, if any, have you at present?" "Do you think that woman's pises is in the home? Whose home?" "Can you support me in the style that 1 d soon get accustomed to at the Rita < 'arlton ?" She will be aided by a corps of psy chologists as the legion suitors an swer these questions, but Alyce will have the last word, it is a safe bet, regardleas of the scientists' opinion as to who will make the best spouse. Somewhere among these 300,000 Gotham Masons, Alyce says she must find some young man who can look well ip knickers, snappy in a bathing suit, and Intelligent when he stands with mouth agape at first sight of her. For whenever Alyce look3 at a young man, he invariably becomes flabbergasted, It i/> said. Burgess Bedtime Stories V- ,J By THORNTON YV. Bl RGESS. Wh'n danger end trouble ere all round about Be cure that somehow you will find a way out. —Danny Meadow Mouse. Danny and Nanny Reach Safely. There »a< no doubt about it, the old log oti which Danny and Nanny Meadow Mouse and Jerry Muskrat were sailing on the Green Meadows was slowly but surely drifting in the wrong direction. That is, it was drifting In the wrong direction for Danny and Nanny. To Jerry Musk rat it made no particular difference. He couldn't understand why Danny and Nanny nn the other end of the log had suddenly become so excited. It was all because Danny had made a discovery. That old log had been drifting past some fence posts, which were above water for half their Dngth. His sharp eyes had discov ered a hole in a poet Just ahead of them. The old log had begun to drift, In toward that post. Danny * and Nanny a hopes had risen high. If that old log would just drift In against tint post they could scramble up to that hole and feel reasonably safe. And then the Merry Little Rreezes had come along and begun to push that old log out away from the post. Tou see they didn't know that Danny snd Nanny wanted to reach that poet. As thev caw the stretch of water between iiu old log and the post be gin to widen Nanny lost heart alto Rfyier, "Oh, dear, ' she sobbed. "Oh bear, we won't be able to set there. " But Danny didn't lose heart. He waited only long enough to be sure that that old log was going to keep on drifting away. Then he turned to Nanny. "We've got to swim for It," said he. “Oh, no!" squeaked Nanny. “No, no! I don’t dare do that!" •All right," said Danny -rather sharply. "You can stay here if you want to. but I'm going If we stay here there is no knowing when we'll reach a place of safety. Here we re right in plain sight of any hawk that inay come this way. If you want to take the chance of furnishing that liawk a good dinner you can stay right here I'm going to get to that fence post." “You don't i»ean you'll leave me, do you, Danny?” cried Nanny. "I mean that I am going to swim for it whether you do or not," re tcrted Danny. Now that sounded very unkind. But Danny knew- Nanny. He knew that though she was afraid to swim fi r that fence post, she would be CaB» ' »«» - Danny kept right on swimming. still more afraid to be left alone with Jerry Muskrat drifting on that old log. So without another word he took a long breath, plunged Into the water and began to ewim with all his might. Nanny fairly danced up and down. Three times she started to plunge in after him and then drew back. Danny kept right on swim ming. He didn't even look back to see if Nanny were coming. "Oh! oh! oh!'' aobbed Nanny. Then she drew a long breath and plunged into the water. Now it wasn't * very long swim. To Jerry Muskrat it wouldn't have Beemed any swim at all. D nny reached the fence post and began to : scramble up. When he was well out j >t water he turned to look. Nanny : was coming as fast as her little feet could paddle. Danny waited. Nanny -cached the fence post and scrambled jp beside him. Then Danny led the > way up to that hole near the top. Inside they found e comfortable nest hat had once belonged to Wineome bluebird. "Safe at last ” cried Danny. Nanny \ -aid nothing. She gave a little sigh ! ->f thankfulness^and snuggled up to ! Danny. As for Jerry Muskrat, he \ ’ontlnued to sit on the end of the old I og alone once more. (Copyright. IBM ( The next story: "Jerry Finds An ither Castaway." $100 Realized for Fund. A program was given et the home f Mrs. Anna Corn!sh Metcalf Sun day afternoon for the benefit of the NfacDowell memorial fund. Those MOTHERFletcher’s Cas toria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants and Children all age*. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of -Prrivfn directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it ■ ■■ .. M See TheWoman on the Jury” at the Rialto Theater~ Free Is your name printed amonp the \\ ant Ads today? I f you can find your name you are en titled to a pair of Rialto Tickets. !!= Remember, a different name is pub lished each day. Have You Found . Your Name Yet? * taking part In the program, which realized Jinn for the fund, were Eugenie Whitmore Oinkin*. Mr». Helen Pearce Turner, Mr*. Harry C. Nicholson, Mrs. Harry O. Steele. Mr • Omaha’s Greater Amusement Center OPEN SATURDAY MAYJOth Direct from New York Fred Hamm’s RENOWNED Dance Orchestra Formerly of Edgpnater j Iteach Ffofel of Chicago ; ‘"'Nr ! Greatest of Dance Orchestra* for Limited Engagement in Ballroom i j Free Moviesj I Every Night I A Last Times Friday jj SHERRI REVUE H ACKERMAN'S ORCHESTRA and Other Features lb SATURDAY 0; Movie’s Famous Villuo I ROBERT McKIM (In Ptrion) « 10 BIG STARS IN Special for Music Week Creighton University Glee Club Direction of Henry Co* ——————————— Lloyd Hamilton In a Gloom Chaser KILLING TIME Rialto Orchestra CECIL B. DEMILLES Production “TRIUMPH” With Leatrice Joy Rod La Rocque BBBBBMBB^BRI^BBBn^^^BB TONIGHT-EXTRA CHORUS GIRLS’ CONTEST Musical Comedy Hit “Stolen Sweets" rfEIGHBDEHDDD THEATERS BOULEV ARD - - Ltd and Laavrawortk BARBARA LA MARR in “THE ETERNAL CITY" GRAND.16th and Binnry TOM MIX lr “EYES OF THE FOREST" LOTH ROD ..... 24th and I othry KENNETH HARLAN and EILEEN Ft RCV m "EAST SIDE. MIST SIDE" I NOW^ | ELINOR GLYN'S ( ‘THREE WEEKS* 1515 |T HOOT GIBSON >n ‘MO HORSI HAWKINS