The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 07, 1924, 2D EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2

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    Central Names
45 Contestants
Students to Go to Interecho]-:
astic Meeting in
_ i
All contestants to represent the
Omaha Central High school in the
Nebraska Interscholastic contest to
be held in Lincoln, May 10, have been
The mathematics department will
send the greatest number of repre
sentatives to Lincoln. They are:
Algebra II: Charles Gillies, Frank
R. Truesdell, Thomas Gannett,
Georgene Rasmussen; Algebra ill:
Dorothy Deakin, Rex Carden, Ken
neth Shirk; Geometry II: Claude
Mason, Marion Cosmey, Billie Math
ews, Clyde Miller: Solid Geometry:
Jack Adams, John Byron, Richard
Hayden, John Platner; Trigonometry:
Jacob Kosowski, Albert Bartos, Irene
Searson, Wendell Shultz.
History, Latin and English depart
ments send nine contestants each.
Latin and English students announc
ed (his week are: Latin: Jane Leeper,
Ituth Pilling, James Mason, Frames
Elliott, Wilma McFarland, Mary
Race, Eleanor Brown, Helene .Hend
erson and Carol Ray; English:'Neva
Heflin, Gertrude Marsh, Maxine
Boord. Olive Williams, Lester J,apl
dns, Gladys Reynolds. Kenneth Ab
bott, Charlotte Root. Leollne Clarke.
French representatives are Ken
neth Abbott, Anna Jonisrh and
Helene Henderson. Spelling con
testants are Olive Williams. Leonora
Perlmutter. and Harry Goldman.
Lester Lapldtls and Willoughby Con
ner will represent the physics depart
Liberty—Low -Long, little son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan 1-ong. died. Mr.
Long is editor of the Liberty
.loin nal.
iff III lilt I 11 11 Ilf • i III il • • I ■ III • 11II ••••■r "I Ngiif mi ii 11 ii 11111111 ti 111 • 111 11111111 • ••
iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiif ///y/»f linnrHortc jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
■III li 111 I ■ I I I IIII • I 11 III I 11 III I I I I 11 DllV. m J g gg gg J (%# ^••lllll II III 11 I 11 I I III I I I I I I I I I I I | | 11 It
Starting Thursday Morning in
Haas Brothers “Gray Sho^” Fourth Floor
A Marvelous Sale of
Valu es Bevjond Comparison—Ike Newest, Smartest
Silk Dresses {or tko Summer Se ason
Dresses that should be sold at Double and
Treble this Price your Choice Thursday
To see these Dresses is to want
them. Every one of the dozens
of styles have been especially de
signed to render to the wearer
those highly desired slenderiz
ing lines.
Sizes Sid-Moysette
42 to 56 „ . _ ... Pigeon-ette
Plenty of If you requ‘V la.r«V,ze Dfre8*' and,' Fruelle
,, “ you want to share in the moat wonderful .. . 0...
the extreme value event of the season, be here Thurs- \OVelty Silk
large sizes day. There are Dresses for every occa- Knits
All those new summery shades are generously The importance of this sale to the stout wo
induded in this sale as well as Navy, Black "?e" f th" community will be keenly appre
ciated and we are anticipating the most en
and Brown. It will pay you to come many thusiastic buying ever enacted in the Gray
miles to secure one of these Dresses. Shop.
Every Lar^e Woman Will Welcome Vhe News of This Gi*eaV
150 CoaVs in sizes 42 Vo 56, Secured in Our GrcaVesV
Purchase of Vhe Year, and Offered Thursday aV
~ n . Every Coat
ETX Cn ”f «<r»
ff!1 silk length and
hnei width.
Of equal importance to the Dress Sale is this unusual sale of Stout
Coats. Our buyers were most fortunate in consummating this great pur
chase and Thursday we ask you to share our good fortune.
» , .
Twills Blocked Chinchillas Downy Wools Eustrosa
Velvetone Sports Fabrics Hela Cloth Truvenette
V *
Coats of extreme gracefulness, We always believe in conservative
Coats that give to the stout figure advertising and are most exacting
those slenderizing lines so much de- in our claims of values, but for these
sired. Every favored color is here. coats we stake our reputation that
Let nothing prevent you from shar- they are easily the most remarkable
ing in this sale. values Omaha has seen this season.
Cnme DirecV Vo Vhe Gray Sho]p —EourVh Floor —and Come Early
Ha as Brothers
Brown Block Fourth Floor 16th and Douglas
Ml f»l»Mm»l»tf tMIIM MtlMMIII Iff
|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill!lllllllllllllllllll!IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!llllllllllllllll|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIII|llll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|llllll!llllllllllllllll'|lllll!liii,lliilllllllllllll
♦ **M0i • I I MIIIMMSHItllMI MQM lllh> till Mill • " 11 • • I Ml I l| ■ M Ml 11M M III • • • M 11 MIUI111 M 1*1 MIMMI III Ml II11 Mil I
Foul Plav Seen
in Death of Net
Near Lexington
Inquest (her Body of Man
Found on I nion Pacific
Bight of \& aT Post
Ht 1 niterftal SfrtW.
Kearney. Neh.. May fi Inquest
into the death of .Tames TV. Drum
mond, ax service man of Philadelphia,
which was to have been held tonight,
was postponed until tomorrow after
Drummond was pirked up along
the Union Taeific right of way near
Dexlngton, Neb., by the crew of a
passing freight train and taken to
Kearney where he died without re
gaining consciousness. Death was
due to a fractured skull and broken
Aetlng Coroner Bowers, In charge
of the inquest, declared tonight that
all Indications pointed to foul play.
Drummond's clothes were not torn,
and there were no bruises on the
body such as would have been caused
had he met death by falling from a
train. A penny was all the money
that was found in his clothing.
Discharge papers In Drummond's
pocket showed that he had served
in both the army and the navy.
Aljutant DIeghan, department of
Pennsylvania, requested that the body
he sent to Philadelphia.
Authorities at Omaha have been
asked to he on the lookout for a man
said to he traveling in company with
Drummond. This man is reported to
have Inquired as to Drummond's
whereabouts, describing him and de
claring that he lost track of Drum
tnond somewhere tills side of Chey
Covington, Ky., May 6.—Selection
of a jury in the trial of Congressman
John TV. J.angley of Kentucky and
four other defendants, chnrged by In
dictment with conspiracy to defraud
the United States government in con
nection with a liquor transaction In
1921, was completed in federal cour!
here late today.
Mr*. Nye, Iowa Poet. Attends
Pen Woman's League Meeting
Shenandoah, la. May 6—Mrs. Jean:
Palmer Nye, an Iowa poet and writ
er. who Is visiting her son. John Nye,
at Washington, D. C., recently at
tended the annual breakfast of the
Pen .Women's league of which she is
a member. Edwin Markham, the j
poet, and Fannie Hurst, fietion writ
er, were the chief speaker*. A re .
ception was h*ld- at the Whit* House j
with Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, wife of
the preeldent, as hoste*a.
1.600 Delegates Attend
Sunday School Meeting,
Marshalltown, la.. May S —The 59th 1
annual convention of the Iowa state
‘’unday school council convened here I
today, wtth 3.SOP delegatee regtetered.
Dr, Hugh S. Magi)!, Chicago, who was
to have made fhe principal address
tva* unable to he present.
Cooperative tuberculin tests of
dairy Itertle in Douglaa county by
federal, state and county representa
tives, show a decided decrease of re
actors in herds that were tested two
years ago, according to County Agent
K. a. Maxwell.
"We starteil lids tubercular erad
ication work on March 3 of tills year
and have examined 11,450 rattle in
..003 herds. There were 398 trai tors,
nr 3.4 per cent, as against 3.8 pet
cent during the tests two years ago.
Of the herd* affected I hi* season
there weie 14.4 per cent as compared
with 24.7 per cent two year* ago.”
Of the reactors discovered during
the last two months, about. 73 per
rlnt were of herds not tested two
years ago.
Kdwaril liivfvel and Marvin Harp,
both Oklahomans, were sentenced to
10 years in the Iowa state reforma
tory when they entered a plea of
guilty to charges of breaking and en
tering a dwelling in Council duffs
district court Tuesday afternoon.
Sentence was pronounced by Judge J.
S. Dewell.
Marvel and Harp were arrested sev
eral days ago in Oakland, la., for
alleged thefts of chickens in that vi
cinity and were brought to Council
Bluffs for tidal due to an adjourn
ment of diatrict court at Atoca.
The following officer* of the Council
Bluffs High {School Alumni sssocia
tion w'ere elected at a meeting held
thin week in the public library
President, Kenneth Wolfe; vice presi
dent. Ann DeWitt; treasurer. Stuart
Short; secretary, Dorothy Murphy,
and sergeant at-arms, Millard Bryant
I>ute for th© annual alumni recep
tion and dance in honur of graduating
seniors wan act aa June ti. The re
ception will he held in the Masonic
Tenth cane of email pox was re |
ported to the city health department I
Tuesday morning
Kugene Jtfdfleld. son of Mr. and
Mr a. f\ M. Kedfield, North Twen
ty-ninth atreet, is afflicted.
The bov attend.* the kindergarten |
of Miller Park school. Only lower j
grade children of that school will he \
vaccinated, according to Health Com j
mlssioner A. S. Pinto.
Palzig Contract Accepted.
The contract of Monroe Pltzlg of
Dea Moinea. recently appointed pav
ing inapector. with the city of Coun
011 Bluffa waa accepted by the city
council after considerable discussion
over rate* of payment per square
yard of inspection. Pa*zig will be j
paid at a rate of 7 rent* per square j
yard for paving* inspection and 4 I
cents per square yard for curbing in- !
epe« tion.
It was also decided that should the
paving fail to hold tip after inspec
tion by Patzig the contractor should
be held at fault ra?her than »he in
Edward Dohenv’s
Son Before Grand
Jury }{ Minutes
Testimony Held Seeret—Wit
ness Holds Self in Readi
ness to Reappear in
Oil Hearing.
WashlnEton, May fi.— Edward T..
Dohenv. ,ir.. counted upon as a prin
cipal witness for the government in
the nil prosecutions, made a fleeting
appearance today before the federal
grand jury her* investigating crim
inal charges growing out of the sen
ate oil inquiry.
Summoned from I.os Angeles for
questioning about the delivery by him
of 1100,000 in cash to Albert B. Fall
here on November 30, 1321, the son
of the California oil magnate, who
subsequently obtained leas* from
Fall for naval reserve No. 1. was in
the grand jury room just eight min
utes. What occurred In that brief
time naturally i* a closely guarded
I'pon leaving 1 he, Jury room,
Doheny rejoined hi* eowieel, Frank J.
Ifogati, who agreed I lift t he would
return at Hi© call of the ape* ial gov*
ernment counsel In the oil caaea
At lee Pomerene and Owen J Roberta.
Later Mr. ifngan had a conference
with government counsel, but no an
nouncement wan made.
Washington, May 8—An inrreas,
in th» tariff rate «n sodium nltrata
trom 3 rents a pound to 4 12 rent'
a pound ,vas proclaimed tonight hv
President Conlidge, acting under the
flexible provision of the FVirdney
MoCumher tariff act.
The increase, amounting to So per
cent, was the maximum permitted,
tinder the law and had been unani
mously recommended by the tariff
commission after an investigation re
sulting from an application filed by
the American Nitrogen Product* com
pany of Seattle, Wash. The commis
sion in conducting Its Investigation
made a field study in the United
States and in the principal competing
country, Norway .end also in Ger
many. Public hearings also were
Thompson -Ee l Jen .9
Peter Pan Suits
all $-195
styles x
We recommend them to mother* of rollicking
youngsters because these are suits that are
Wa&hable, Sturdy
and Likeable
Thp fabric is a sturdy suiting which will not
fade, the trimmings of real Irish linen. Peter
Pan, middy, and French middy (the little pants i
button to a middv-style blouse) styles.
During the Month
of May . . Only
Puts This Ironer in Your Home
Balance in 24 Easy Payments
This Thor Ironer irons sheets, dresses, children’s clothes, and
even ruffled garments quickly, easily and better than can Hfc done
This new Automatic Ironer is a revelation! All it takes is a
touch of the finger. The roller turns at high or low speed and starts
and stops easily.
You work sitting down. Both hands are free to feed the machine.
Come in today and see this labor saver, operate it, let us explain
this EASY OWNING PLAN and you will have one!
OjlCTJ Washer
T 1 * 1 This Thor Wnhrr it utiifyim
In male* tnur laundry itrvire . 7
1 . *1 . .» ROO.OOO woman right now. It
complete, we art offering the , . . » • . «
/ TL yx, . ■ li 1 • hat the famous beaded Lumi
famous Thor Washing Machine . , ... , . . ...»
noid cylinder which eliminates
all possibility of any damage to
clothes. The cylinder revolves
PA and reverses, is rust proof, self
V I cleaning and safe. The swing
vmr ing wringer will please you. too.
jrv It is a machine built for a life
Sec the Thor and you
Balance in 2/ pay- trill want one for your
merits. next wash-day.
Nebraska rS Power 6.
A Vegetable Relief
For Constipation
Nature'* Remedy (MY Tab
lets) a vegetable laxative
with a pleasant, near-to
nature action. Relieves
and prevents bilioatw.
constipation and nek
htadachmt. Tones and
strengthens the digestion
and assimilation.
Old Block
N? JUNIORS — Little MY*
Th# n«rr»e NY n a*»-th!rd j
doMi, ear.dr-coated. For
cv\ldren and adultv
Mr*. C. P.YYNF.
I Manchester Iowa I am g sit to
have the opportunity to tall of the
great benefit I have reor \ ad br
isking Pr Pierce's Kavorita Preaor'.p
non and (toldan Medical Pis.overv.
rhav a re the iwo finast medicines I
has a aver used. Have taken lot* of
other*, but never gvvt any relief until
I Matted taking these remedies. I bad
been troubled for about four year*
with feminine weakness and nvv feat
B would swell until 1 vv :’l hive to taka
off my shoe*, but aince taking Pr.
Pierce a medicine 1 feel much belter
sleep better, and am beginning to feel
more like np self. I will always praise
Pr. Pierce* medicines —Mrs, C. A.
Payne, K. Butler St
tlet Pr. Pierce's remedies at ane
drug stoic in tablets or iinuid Writ*
Pr. Pierce. President Invalids' Hotel.
Iln Buffalo, N A . for free medical
OM Yll \ BY Y YY \N T \pS
“ -