The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 07, 1924, 2D EXTRA, Page 10, Image 10

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    Battling Munroe Arrested for Firing Three Shots at His Estranged Wife
Boxer’s Aim Bad
So Bullets Tear
Holes in Floor
Pugilist Is Arrested at Busi
ness Men’s Gymnasium by
Detective Palmtag Who
Confiscates Gun.
Fortunately for Mr*. Pharron Byrd
there is room for Improvement! n the
mnrksiannship of Battling Munroe.
Battling Munroe knows all about
left hooks and straight rights, hut nis
trigger finger is slightly wohhly and
lie is more familiar with five-ounce
gloves than six shooting revolvers
and how they work.
Which is the reason Mrs. Pharron
Pyrd retains her health and happi
ness todav w hile Battling Munroe s
lawyer is trying to figure out a way
to overcome a charge of "shooting
with Intent to kill.' ’
Tays Social Call.
It all happened this way:
The rignis of training for hi* bout
.May 14 with Battling Siki began to
get tiresome to Battling Munroe,
whose real name is Munroe Byrd, and
ho craved a little excitement. So he
went to call upon the lady who failed
to appreciate his hft.xhandly qualities
and had recently separated herself
from him.
Dropping into ltis wife's home at
?fi?4 ^-Irskine street, Munroe found
Mrs. Byrd and three lady friebds.
Munroe decided that was too many
witnesses so lie invited the three, vis
itors to take themselves elsewhere
while he engaged in a little conver
sation with his wife.
They Houldn’t Move.
But Mrs. Byrd's lady friends got a
peek at the .3X calibre weapon that
Munroe was toting and they remem
bered that "stop, look and listen" was
one of the principal stipulations of
"safety first." Bn they didn’t move.
Thus the Bitu'ation remained for
three hours—or was it four? Then
Munroe decided that lie had had
enough of parlor repartee and decid
ed to punctuate some of his remarks
with bullets. He fired three shots—
which put' three holes in tlie floor.
And then he went a wav from there
while Mrs. Byrd paged the police sta
Three hom-s later Detective Fred
T’almtag found Munroe at the Bus
iness Men's gymnasium.
"Hello, there." quoth Palmtag
merrily. "I’ve been looking for you."
Whereupon Mr. Palmtag removed
Munroe from his revolver,
Good Suits to Order
Reduced From $55
Made of hard finished worsted*,
tli* pcods that wear well.
MacCarthy - Wilson
S. F. Cor. 15th and Harney
oco. u v p*t. op*. "V
Millions Use It - Few Cents buys Jar at Drugstore
Kven oh»tinate, unruly or sham
l ooed hair stays combed all day in
any style you like. "Hair-Groom" is
a dignified cornbii g cream which
gives that natural gloss and well
groomed effect to your hair—that
final touch to good dress both In
business and on social occasions.
Halt < It oorn" is greas«dess; also helps
grow thick, heavy, lustrous hair. lie
ware of greasy, harmful imitations.
• I
There are any number of Bee readers who need such articles of
furniture as you leave in the attic. Why not turn those "rusty dollars"
into something worth while.
Just call Atlantic 1000 where an experienced ad taker will assist
you in writing an attractive ad telling about that extra furniure.
9ke OmaJka. Morning Bee
r i■■ i ■ ■ ™ ~ -a ~ ~ ~r n ~rr« ■ ■■J 1
» <
Cullop’s Hurling Enables Buffaloes to Hand Saints 6 to 2 Trimming
"Tighliu" Fool” Will Exchange Wallops Willi One Harry
Marlonc in Ten-Round Preliminary to Floyd Johnson
Ouintin Rojas Fight This Week-End—Expects to Build
Self I p to Bout W ith Walker in New York.
FKR, O m a. h a'»
leading rontender
for the welter
weight rhampinn
sihp crown that
now adorns the
brow of Mickey
Walker, has been
signed to fight
Harry Martone
in Madison
Square Garden,
rVNMgaBMMBMMHd New York City,
K‘D feHMrzex in the semi-wind
up to the Floyd Johnson-Quintin Ro
jas battle Friday night.
Manager Pat Hoyle received a tele
gram this morning announcing that
terms for three fights for^Schlaifer
were kayoe and that Schlaifer and
his pilot to head for New York, the
goal of all fighters, Schlaifer and .
Boyle leave Wednesday for Gotham. I
•Ins) who Srlilaifer will hnrk up
against in the other two bouts is not
known. Frank Flourney, who is
handling Schlaifer's business in New
York, did not state in his telegram to
Boyle who Schlaifer's other two op
ponents were.
Schlaifpr has a chance now 1n hat
tie his way into a bout with the
champion. Should I he ''Fightin’
Fool” win all three mills in New York
all efforts will be bent toward arrang
ing a scrap with Walker. Manager
Pat ISoyle has been given to under
stand that If Schlaifer makes a good
Impression In his three fights in
Madison Square Garden he will get a
chance to meet Walker.
Then Palmtag and Munroe took
their wall; to the police station.
Boxing Commissioner William Rav
en seemed surprised when a reporter
for The Bee advised him that Mun
roe had run afoul of the police.
Karan I ndeciried.
"I can't say what I will do," said
Kavan. "I'll have to find out just
how serious the* charge against Mun
roe is before ordering his suspension.
I don't want to use snap judgment,
you know. The commission would
have to consider it before taking ac
tion. I don’t want to hurt fne com
ing fight."
George Rosters, head of the state
boxing commission, was reported out
of the city hy his office in I.incoln
Tuesday night so his attitude toward
Monroe’s escapade could not be as
certained. A short time ago Rosters
suspended Ace Hudkins indefinitely
for "ungentlemanly conduct outside
the ring." Rater he lifted the sus
New York, May f>.— .St. .Tame*.
George TV Widener’s crack 3-year-old
‘oit which conquered 7.ev In the
Rancocas star’s 4 year-old debut in
the Paumonok handicap at Jamaica
i week ago, may not go to th^* barrier
n the Kentucky derby, it was learned
St. James lias ranked wi h Wise
’ounsclhq* and Saracen a* a favorite
fop the Kentucky classic but Mr.
Widenor is said to he disinclined to
dart him. The colt has been pointed
for the $50,000 Preaknes* at Pimlico
Text Monday and his showing :n that
am i* expected to determine whether
to will he shipped to Churchill Down*.
Near Riot Marks
Victory of Lewis
Over Toots' Mondt
Champ's Opponent Claims
“Stranplrr" Took Advan
tage of Him—Lrwis Col
lapses After Fall.
Rochester, X. Y., May J.—Kd
(Strangler) Lewis successfully defend
ed Ills title in a match with Jne
(Toots) Mondt of Colorado tonight,
winning the only fall in 1:37:4. The
second fall was called after 17 min
utes because of the time limit set by
I lie state athletic commission.
A near riot followed Lewis' victory.
The challenger made a rush at the
champion at the end of the fall, claim
ing that he had been taken at a dis
advantage when Lewis, apparently all
In and lying si retched out beyond
:iu ropes, rushed quickly end threw
himself against Mondt to throw him to
the mat. Police climbed Into the ring
from sit sides, while Referee Sldell
threw his arms around Mondt and
led him :o the dressing room. Lewis,
after he had won hla fall, collapsed on
the floor of the ring
Vans hooted him, while Mondt was
St. Joseph, Mo., May 5.—"Mur"
Allison, former Weatarn league and
Toledo hurler, who has been a free
agent for almost a year, has signed
with Lincoln of the Western league.
Mac’’ played with St. Joseph three
yearn ago and was purchased bv the
Mudhena. He was with them for h
w Mile but was released.
“Mac" is not hs young as be used
to be but has a good deal of stuff
left in him. He has been working out
ic-gularly her® ami will no douLt le
able to work on the mound a? soon
as arriving in tbe Nebiaaka capital.
Columbus. O., May 5.—Bryan
Downey, Columbus middleweight, t«»
night won the judges’ decision in n
12-round contest over Jack Delaney of
Bridgeport, Conn., conqueror of Paul
Rerlenharh. The Columbus boy nut
■mred his opponent In every round.
In the loth, body blows weakened De
laney who appeared on the verge of
a knockout.
Carpentier to Sail
for America Soon
Paris, May 5. -Meorges Carpentier,
accompanied by his manager. Fran
cois DeMcamps, and Paul Krltsch.
Kuropean lightweight champion, will
sail for the Fnited .Slates next Wed
“So This Is Omaha, Eh?n J
HKfiK S a new arrival at Alt 5ar
Ben field. It doesn't make much
difference what his name hap
pens to be. "We dnnt’ like to be
partial. He arrived at the field Mon
y:;-: _ ____. 1
day afternoon together with about
200 other horses from Tiajtiana, ready
to start preparing for the spring race
meeting which start* here May 21
and continues until June 24.
Notre Dame Gridders
See Nebraska Jinx
m Death of Mascot
Notre Maine, I nil.. May 5.— \
shadow of gloom has been east over
the rumpus at Notre Dame. “Tip
perary Terrence”, holder of »e\eral
national and international champion
‘■hips, and adopted this winter as
the official mascot of tlie “Fighting
Irish” foot hall elevens of future
years, is dead, as the result of in
juries received when he was hit by
an automobile.
“Terry,” ns he was Known to every
Irish athlete, was a thoroughbred
Irish setter, and was presented to
Ixnute lv RoeKne by a campus or
ganization. Students claim that the
old Nebraska jinx came Into play
again in the death of the “Fight
ing Irish” mascot, ns he was hit by
a car hearing a license of the C orn
busker state.
lie will he laid to rest in his Notre
Maine blanket and bright Irish green
tollar. which was In hate been Jjis
r os t lime for his trips to Vrmy,
Princeton, and other points during
the football season next fall.
Chicago, May f. - Warnle Smith
Oklahoma City welterweight, defeated
Harney Adair of New York in a 10
round fight at Fast Chicago tonight,
forcing the fighting In every round
while Adair was guilty of holding
mile “Kid” Hetman of Hus Am tie*,
in the 10 round semi windup out I
|H>lnted Alex Tramhltaa of Portland,
ire. They alao are welterweights.
Hos Angelos, May r,— Rormonds'w
Killy Wells. Fnglish welterweight
litleholder, and Johnny O'ponnell, !
Paul lightweight, will meet in thv
main event of a boxing card her*
l ari Mr \rthur Outpointed
in Bout \\ illi Tremaine
Milwaukee. AVIs., May 5— J<*r
Hatigor, Milwaukee. knocked nut
Mickey McAdams of New York in
Ihe eighth round of a scheduled 10
round bout here tonight.
In the acini windup fail Tremnln*
<-f Cleveland outpointed Karl Me
Arthur of Sioux City, In. Tremaine
outpointed his opponent in every
t-iiiivards ftulHhirit l ho Itrimim nftrr
ii11?•* inm i luie r iif n«a \\ *»ii
■ ■ i tin I u I t*d with Kelp ami vvriit mi li>
UMI HIM Ml \ I .
111IAT tired, w orn
. out feeling that
nek of energy end
imbltlon- that
nervous, run down
■ tate-—are all pi ett \
ertaln indication*
hat jour blood Is
setting thin and
l»nle. Without rich
ed blood, neither your body nor brain
an work right and as a result you
lout seem t«• get anywheie in an
hlng you attempt.
'Ihls l« Ihe time of \t.\r when 'on
diotild hulhl up au Increased strength,
t Itallty and power of rcslstaine
igalnst disease. by getting rmue Iron
Into yotir blood. Hut to take the or
Unary metallic forms of Iron may
l*rove worst* than useless. What you
iteud Is the newer form of iron- or
<anto Iron like the natural iron in
iour blood--which Is now prepared
hi khnpls. «as> to take tablets called
Xuxated Ir"ii
if you feel tired In the morning
r»stless at If > on suiter fiom
•. cakness or hick of vilallly slmpl>
Iry taking two Xuxated Iron Tablet*
with en* h meal f»vi* two weeks and
note the * mazing change In >nin
health vigor, energy and endurance
You should be astonished at the re
■ •lit* In e'en a few ds's time SiM
fiction Is guaiantoed or the druggist
will refund your money.
Larjre Entry
Predicted for
Golf Tourney
Out state golfers are already mani
festing keen Interest In the approach
ing state tournament, according to
Merle C. Rathburn, secretary of the
state association. The tourney will
t>e held the week of July 9.
Secretary Rathburn announced that
If interest in the tourney maintains
present pitch, at time of the
tournament it may he necessary to I
provide two extra out state flights for j
tournament play. According to plans
introduced this year, the leading 321
c ut state golfers who do not qualify
for the top flights will be placed in
a separate division.
"The new scheme means that every
golfer outside of Omaha and Lincoln
will be eligible to play at least three
days of golf at the state tournament
in addition to the one week prior to
the tourney, when the Lincoln Coun
try dub course will Ik* open for prac
tice rounds," Secretary Rathburn
Entries for the state meet are to
rinse June 7. The entry fee has been
set at $4 for Individual entries, $5 for
tive men teams and $2 for doubles.
Chi-'ago, May 6—Tommy Gibbons,
St Paul light heavyweight, begins
preliminary training here today, after
his arrival from home with his wife
and children, for ins bout with Georges
i ’arpentter, the Frenc h boxer, at
Michigan City. Ind,, May 31. He will
begin his regular training while at
his tamp in Michigan City.
Carpentier, due to arrive May IS,
will spend several days here, begin
ning intensive training in Michigan
City, at a camp to be selected by
.In* k Curley, his American representa
tive, who came her* yesterday to
complete details for the match.
Sp#»rl*l |)ii(i|trh t« The Omiha Bee.
Kearney. Neb , May 5.— In the larg
est district track and field meet ever
held in Nebraska here Saturday.
Grand Island won first place in the
c-1 is* \ events with a total of 42 2 3
points, liahn of Grand Island, com
lading In this class with six of the
high ixdnt men »f the state in pre
vious events, war Individual point
winner with 17.
Fairfield won the «hiss * B" event
with a total of 4$ 3 4 points.
Nine schools were represented in
the class "A" events and 14 in the
c lass "I"' sc hedule.
Ca-li'r Br«-akn Hocoril.
Philadelphia. May .> Fred ('. Ber
ger of the Long Island Casting club
was Monday being acclaimed ns the
worlds champion caster. In the
tournament of the Rover Fishing
club in Fall-mount park Sunday, he
heaved his four-ounce sinker 49.V4
fe et by steel tape measurement, break
ing the former record of 462.3 feet,
held by Harold Lentr. of Philadelphia
know A mi Writ* \\ in.
The Know Non Well club baseball
• <in defeat'd Irvington town team
Sunday on the latter s diamond. The
feature uf-the game was the hard
hitting of the c lub team, getting seven
Inane runs; Leo Hussar, Chester Mr
Aullffe, Charles Lyons, two each, ami
Vinton Lawson, one.
\»li to Al(’«-t A ilia.
N, w Vim k, May t> h'r&nkle A.h
of England Monday signed articles to
meet P un ho Villa, World's flyweight
title holder, In a l • round champion
skip tight In i o on May Villa hud j
previously *dgn»<l for the limit.
I I’. 11‘inn I,om\«.
The I nlon Pai iflc* Slme Repart
ment ball team was defeated by th*
Columbus (N>b ) team st Coltsm i
bus Sunday by the scoit of 4 to 1.
Original Date Conflict* With Matches Between American
and Crcat Britain Polo Teams—Champion Asking for
$730,000 for His End of Bout With the Colored Chal
tty DAVIS 4. WAI.SH.
fi,—Actuated by
the fact that
some of our
best customers
might be torn
between c o n
flletlng desires
snd box offices,
it is probable
that Tex Rick
ard will change
the date of the
Dempsey - Wills
frolic, originally
set for Septem
ber, to either
I,abor day or
August 30, according to reporta in
circulation today.
The original date conflicts with the
matches between America and Great
Britain and while there is little in
common between polo snd pugilism,
officials of the Polo association have
pointed out to Mr. Rickard with laud
able truth that box office men the
world over talk the same language.
They insist upon the customers say
ing it with greenbacks and there is
only so many of the latter in this
"I have no desire lo run my bout
as a counter attraction lo the polo
matches," Rickard was quoted as
saying today. "The polo officials have
asked to set forward or set hark the
date of the Dempsey-Wills attraction
and since they have made elaborate
plans to hold I heir first match on the
day I picked originally. I suppose 1
will hare to change it.”
Rickard added that he had made
no decision, but expected to announce
a new date hefnre the end of the pr#s
ent weeks* ]t is understood that I^abur
day is now favored, although Rickard
is noted for his distaste of holidays
as a medium for mlllion-dollar prize
fights, ^hat being the case, it is
possible h« will thumb back through
the calendar to August 70.
The Polo matches are scheduled for
Saturday fi, 1(1 and 13. The fight
is also a Saturday, and therefore
handcuffs our Mr. Uirkard not a
liflle. He entertains a marked arer
slon to scheduling a hig fight after
the second Saturday in September,
owing to the uncertainly of weather
conditions following that date.
ile says that he wants the enter
prise to lie conducted under ideal con
ditions. Customers are somewhat dif
ficult to intrigue on cold or rainy
days, snd our Mr. Rickard must in
trigue many or take the consequences,
to say nothing of a deficit. He must
go at least 3*00,000 "on Ih# nut” he
fore he comes into the financial clear.
The gat# cannot run much ahead of
li.300,000. with 525 as the top price
for a ringside \ iew of the hig moment,
consequently, Rb kard hasn t much to
play around with.
It is understood that Riempsey is
talking in terms of 5750,000 for his
end. This would be quite ail right, if
they held the fight in Central park.
As it is. 3000.000 is about as much as
Rickard can afford to stake the
champion with safety and a clear
Tristate Loop
l ni|)ires Named
Norfolk, Neb., May —Dirk Grott**,
president of the Tri State league, an
noumed todav the appointment of the
following umpires:
Karl Snyder, Sioux City; Herman
Myers. Hastings and W. S. Walton
The new circuit opens the l'*-4 sea
son Thursday.
Detroit. Mich.. May R —Ah* Gold
stein. bantamweight champion, won
a 10-round bout from Clarence Rosen
of Detroit here tonight In th* opinion
of newspaper men. Goldstein scored
thre* knockdowns.
Joe l.ucas of Detroit gained the
newspaper decision over Connie Curry
of Sioux City. la., In a 10-round semi
final. Both fighters went well for the
first five rounds, hut Curry tired In
the last five. They are bantam
weights. N
Jimmie Britt of Montreal was given
i victory over Davie Sutherland of
Detroit by newspaper men in a Id
round match. Kaoh boxer scored a
knockdown, but Britt proved to lie
too hard a puncher for t lie Del roll
bov. They are lir weights
Oklahoma l . ^ ins Meet.
TVs Moines. Msy 5.«—Oklahoma
university defeated Drake university
in a dual track meet here Monday.
‘ “ - .... 1
honors, wim la pmms.
Mathrrr) to Fipht (icnaro.
Hamilton. Ont . May * —toward
Mayherrv, who last week fought
Bohhv Kher, Canadian champion, to
a draw here, will meet Frankie G*
naro. flyweight champion, In Toronto.
(Ai May 22.
Bears \\ allop Oilers.
Denver, May * Denver defeated Tulsa
22 to i ri a alugfest her* today in
which the Oiler* garnered 14 kiIt• and th«
Meat*. Nexen errors were made bv
th* \ tsit ora, the lire re playing ertnrlea*
ball. It waa the eighth conaecutiva vic
tory- for I-enter. The a« ore
iVy, ’f lb « 2 6 : tl'man. 2l> .. 4 s 4
W urn, ib J 3 4 Merger, -a a 3 1 *
Di\i* rr 4 2 u u Ding II 4 . t ••
I. i n t.. «f 3 2 2 " *• Hrien. if t J l 0
Filp'n, aa 4 l 2 I night lb t, . 4 u
i. • .
l/lt. 1b P I 7 t»{ Falk, rf f 3 1 t>
i r.iabv, v ft S * t» Handy, ,1b 4 i «
Fence, p 4 ti i> v Blown, p 4 1 o 1
l’..aiei. p 3 1 ♦» I Hallp I *• u u
Auatlu, if X 1 « "
Total* 4> 2 2 2. It
Total* if 14 24 l«,
Si iii « by inning a.
!'ul ra 51« 7’* *
Denver .."hi 212 ®4v—-t'i
Suintna Run* Fa**' iJ- W**hhU'n
15 iai . Fiosbv (?i. Foster, tlotman <
ile-ger 4 4-. Hlnglardl O Hrien 11 >
Knight it*. Horn* 4 21. Falk (51, Hand
• i. Brown Krrora Washburn, Klip pm
1 *lt\elt t». c/rnabx Two-hat* hi'*
Washburn Berger, O'Brien. Handley i?l.
’roahy. Dorman. Brown, Caaey, Falk
three base hit* Knight (7). Roche
Nome inn Betgei Btalti base |)«
4•’i Sacrifice* Felk, Faaey, Umh t : •
Double pla>* Beiger to tlotman to
knight i » tiormtn to Betget to Knight.
Waehbutn to Kltpptn to t'aaey l eft on
i*si», Denver, f». Tulsa. 12 Base on
t Mils «*ff Hrow ft, 1 off Hall ••(
I'etu l. off Leli\ett, l Struck out:
Hy llrown. 1. bv Hall 4 b\ behvolt i,
Foatei i Hit* x »f f Fen**. 4 tun* .>
lilt* in one third inning, off Brown a
iiilti, 14 hita In * inning* Off Foster,
II tune 1(1 hit* In 4 7 3 inning* Wild
• Itch Foster Fassed ball Roche Wln
ligg pitcher. Brown. Losing pitcher,
I tiue. Fntpiree Harris and H*nderaon.
Min*. 2 ur.
f- A
Pacific Coast League
f.oa Attgtlw, Mav i R H K
%kl«»d . 1714 9
l.o* Angeles 2*2
Batteries Kuna and Baku . Root,
Ra tnae \ and B> let
Sun Ft a net *m. Max 4 R 11 F
V ernnn .. ...» 4 1 0
i , , 1(9
Ratleri** I’snits- *4x d P Mtirphv
(.<-* h-Tf • • d 4 i - aw
■**4*1 le IV a *h . Max • R H F
Pert la nd ... 7 4 1
-xfle III
i |(1 'nr'ngs i
Rattens* F.ckart and Paly. tlUfltftd !
md Baldwin.
Kits ^Misses
to'f Buffaloes
The score:
ah. r h. lb sh. sh. bh po a e.
<filbert. Sh S 10 0 1 o o o S o
Tarri*to©.2h 2 1 a n 1 « 1 3 .1 A
IR Haggm.lf 2A11WA21©©
'filler.rf 3A110AAAQA
'lathes. 1 b S • A 0 «i 0 1 1 I 2 0
Nofer.Jb SWA© 0 1 ©Sow
Corrigan.** S « A » © © « A 2 A
Brooks,r 4 H W A A • A ft A 0
Hois p S A 2 2 © « 1 1 2 I
Totals 2ft 2 4 4 2 1 ft 24 )6 I
hi minr>
ah r b tb ah *b. hh. po. a. e.
Thompson.2b SOI I A A 2 S 2 A
O’Neill.** I 1 I 1 1 © « I S A
Kobmson.rf 4 I 1 1 A A A 2 A a
Bnnowitr.rf t 1 2 4 w a n 2 A n 2I«aao21?a
Wiles*.3b 4 A 2 3 A A © 4 1 1
l.enahnn.lf 3 1 1 2 A o l n o A
Wilder.e 3A11©AO**A
llale.r 1 AAAAAAAAA
( ©Hop p 4 I 3 ft 0 A© 1 ft A
Totals 32 ft 12 18 I Aft 2; 1ft 1
Sr ore hs inning*;
St Joseph tAl Ai*A Aon— 2
Hit* «»1 11© «»in— |
Buffaloes 02© A©! 2 lx— ft
Hit* ©30 013 321—12
Nummary—Home run: Honowiti. Three
hose hit: Culh*p. Two-bnsr hits: Wilcox.
Irnahan. riillop. Hit hy pitched NUI:
'filler. ( orriran Nufer. by Lollop. Mrurk
oat: By Ross. 2. I>rft on bw-e*: M. Jo
seph. 7; Omaha, ft. Implre*: Hate and
(■affney. Time of game. I W.
Misplavs (rive
Indians \ icton
Dei . • | K
?>l plr. an ei or a misjudged I ns drive
us: ".it f«r a doable, and * single, g.sve
Oklahoma «*i i * ib.ft runs In the eighth
nning today ant) a 3 to \ victory over
1 **■» Ho nes The i ay of *he \ sifo-s so
f.*M w»* a feature. The score
ftw’nee.rf b n 1 © Knaupp?b 2 113
M’Ngllv -b 4 114 Ic iars.rf 4 2 1"
Tsie h 4 2 14 Mrl.irn lb 2 ATI 1
Tether if 1 1 Burke 1* 1*2"
4n#nr»r r- 4 12*’ 41 fi !
nitsrip I h 4 A 7 * ft Wheat r 4*1"
R khurn rf 1 « 2 © TV son ih i ! ft 1
KahdA .SS 4 ft 1 3 ’t'Al den i * rt rt
vi!en p '0* Chavez «* 4 " 1
Krueger 1 1 n ft Wilsor r
How**dp ft ft ft ft.lohnaenp ft ' ft 3
Snnger p t ft « * xH’gltng 1 1 ft •*
Toi*:» 3.1 8 2' * 2 To . 3! t ;■
XHat ted fe*- Allen * e gh'h
▼ Bitted for Thompson m ninth.
▼ Batted for Jotmaon In ninth.
Score hy innings
Oklahoma City . . ©A© **>8 R5R—t
Dm Moines Ml M4
Summary— Buna Sweeney McNally.
Nrueger Wilson. Error* Kahdnt. Wil
son Three-base h!• Krueger Two base
bits J*. lber. McNally. Lovelace Sacri
ficea Kelber. Knaupp, Me Larry Stolen
base Tate Left on has" Oklahoma
Lit'. 7 Res Moine« * Struck nut By
Wilgnn 2. bv Allen. Base on balls
t »ff Johnson, 1 ; «'ff Alien. 1. off How ard.
? Earned runs and hits Off W Ison
2 and 4 In seven inn ngstn.-ne out in
eighth): off Johnson, none and none in
two inning* off Allen, 1 and s in seven
innings off Howard, ft and ® in 1-1 in
niftg off Song* r u and 1 in 1 2-1 In
Plugs 1 o*ing pitrhei Wilson U inning 1
tutcher Songer Rouble plays* Allen to |
Khadot t>* Ltuleru* Khadot to McNally!
to l.Atlefu* Tate to M« Nalls to l.uderu*
t mpiri ‘ Shannon and Ronohue Time I
Solon* Luo to \\ itches.
Lincoln May ft— "kbit* pounde«t Rud
• \ and w»>n the sc. ond s r sight gs • e
f*om Lincoln tod a' % to Reck and
McMullen hit home s w h i »n on has*
in »mh instance. HovLk was n I’ouble
• oast of fha time hut tightened at
. rue|*1 ' m«s Each eluh used th’ee pitch
r» The s
Smith • f 4 | 2 *' Moor# ef 1 \ ' ft
Ru le- ss 113“ H it on ** 6 2 ? 7
’ < ntn* • f 4 1 1 ft Men t* lb 4 ft « ft
Be. k 1 h 4 1**' Snv der. e 4 " 1 4
"ales. If 4 14ft K sells «f 1 ft 1 «
Haley. Sb 4 11* McR ld. ;tv I • 1 •
Bolt 'h 1112 Henry© 'f 4 ft ft «
M -M’lon. r 4 2 4 0 Young. ?h 3 ft l 1 ,
llovllk. p J ft ft ? Rudies, p 1 1 1 f ’
Rrsgoiv, p ft ft ft * Allison, p ft ft ft 1
.lolls, p ft * ft A Orover p 1 1 ft ft |
- iConkey 1 ft ft ft
To! a I* 36 11 -’7 f
Total* 3« 7 27 5?
r Bat ted for Klnsella In n’oth
S, ore bv Inning*
Wichita . t»40 1 AO 3AC ' ,
Lincoln . ©A© 031 180—6
Stimmars Run* Smith. Running
Beck, "ales Hales it). Rott M c Muller
Moore. Hamilton. Mol'onald, Rudies Hr
rt»r« Butler. Running, Hales McDaniel*
ftnvder. Young Home runs McMullen
Mo, k Tw.»-hase hits Halev (J), Rutle*
Sacrifices Butler. Holt. Snyder left on
Ishsc Wtchlta. 6. Lincoln 11 Earned
runs Wichita. 7 Lincoln. Struck out
Ms llovllk, 4 bv Jolls. bv Rudies. t
Its drover. 1: bv AUlaon. Raa** on
la H* *>ff llovllk. ft off Rod ley. ♦ Win
ning pitcher llovllk Losing pltchar
I Ridley Ills and tun* Off Hovlk.
(sits and 6 tun* n « inning* inone *>ut It'
i"sbth> off Rtegnry noise an<t none off
lolly none and none In two innings off
Rudies ** hits snd * 'tins Its ft 1 1 In
*' "g» off Allison 1 hit snd no tun* In
' 3 nnlna off tlravei 1 h*t atsd no rut* ;
" t inning Rouble pi*' Roller to B.v*.* j
in Be* k W'Id pilch Rtid w t’rapirea
He’d and t'alllli* T nvs * 14
It h ennUss orlh Md.—Harrs i.reb
o* *,t • » » R * x-smeton V oocke 1
tark'f ('lark 'llentowr- T* 'n th»
• • ”1 rund of a scheduled li rci i'*.
bouv. I
Joe Bonowitz
Hits Ball for
Circuit Drive
Omaha Twirler Has Harr.
Time of It in Karlv In
nings—Also Shines
With Stick.
T took thr»» innings
Rfnr Nick Cullop to
get over hie star*
fright v » a t • r ■
day afternoon, hut
when Ol' Nick,
called the m.ono
Tank beauty, set
tled down to butti
n'!* he went about
hi* work of hurling the Buffaloes to
a s to 2 victory Over the St. Joseph
Saint* in the second gam* of tha
Cullop pitched a good game after
the third Inning, but in the first two
round* he was very much wild and
woolly, hitting no Ire* than three
Saint* and walking four. Through
out the afternoon he allowed only
four hit*, none of them for extra
base*. He kept his hingle* so well
scattered that no two of th«m cam*
in any one inning.
Cullnp Stars at Bat.
And Nick wielded a mean bat. Ha
knocked out a triple, double and a
single nut of four time* up for S
grand and glorious total of *ix ha***.
Hi* triple hit the center field fence
and au«ed great rcund* of *pplau»<
to emerge from the email, wee. crown
of fan* end wive* of the player*. H t
*ingl» In the eighth inning drove i*
hi* bos*. ,*rt Griggs, with the rur
that heat the Saint* *.* the *rnr*
»tood 2 to 2 in favor of the Buffaloes
w hen the akipper trotted home Nick**
double in the eighth put him in a
position to score the sixth Omaha
run when little "Chick" Thompson
came through with a timely single.
For a time In the first three Inning*
it. looked like the shower* for Mr
Cullop. In the first inning Gilbert
reached first on a bobble. Farring
ton then sacrificed and Cullop added
to the Saint rally by walking He
Maggie, He hit Miller, filling the
base* and when Mathes strolled. Gil
bert was forced aero** the home
pbvt®. With the base* still chucked
ant) only one out, Nufer h.t ln’n a
double play. p» Maggie getting
caught at the p’ate and Nufer at
The Buffalo** came hack and took
the lead In the second when Joe
Ronowjtx got his fourth homer of
the horn® season over th* right field
fence Rrook* mad* the following
two Buffaloes g-nund out. hut I.ens i
h*n stirred thing* up with * double
to right field. Wilder * met !v»nahan
with his single to right and the Herd
was In the lead Cullop lined a ho;
on® down to Farrington who mads
a good play on the ball and caught
the Buffalo pitcher at first.
Cullop Wild.
Cullop was still suffering from
stage fright in the third. He walked
the first two Saints to face him and
when Miller singled to center. Far
rington scored the last rut^ and the
tally that tied the score.
The Buffaloes didn't get to Brooks
again until the sixth when GIrggs
walked after Uonowitx was nabbed
between first and second. Wilcox
doubled and Griggs went to third,
laoiahan walked and Wilder sent up
iv high fly to Farrington. Griggs
trotted across th# home plate, but the
"uni|." ruled it an infield fly. al
though it looked very much like the
catch- was made In the outfield.
Grigga scored, however, when C p
smg'ed to left field.
In the seventh. O'Neill, who plave.1
a good gam® *t short, single.! to
renter. Robinson got a one bagger
and after Bonowrx flew out, th#
Ivsse. wer* filled when Griggs got hi*
second walk in ** many inning#. Wil
cox « single allowed both O Neill and
Robinson to score.
Th* final game of th* series will ho
played today.
\DvnrhsEM t.x r.
Lift Off-No Pain!
n»" fn't hurt i fie bit* Prop a 1? U
on an aching corn, in*
*!ui:’\ that «. ’ ' 0« h • • ': »> t then "
shortly >ou 3ft it right oft *ith
Your dnisgiat •♦'IN a tiny hottl# of
Fiergon# for a fen » *»nta, m?fftei#ot
tn ifmoia #\e«> hard corn, acft corn,
M‘ com b#tn #rn th# ».'#« th# foe'
" ' •»' an#*# or
rriuti hn,