The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 04, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 1-C, Image 23

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    ; The Omaha Sunday Bce ! ™ ™ |
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cA^ty JtLtttey
f 5
Mr. and Mrs. Prank H. Turney announce the betrothal of (heir daughter.
Alice Mary, to Maynard Armstrong ftuchanan son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John T.
The engagement la the culmination of a romance begun when Mias
Turney was a freshman In Central High school, ami continued later In the
1'nlversity of Nebraska, where Miss Turney, nn Alpha fill Omega, was
chosen two years ago as one of the university’s jO most beautiful girls.
Mr. Buchanan la a graduate of Hhattuck Military academy, at Faribault,
Minn., and attended the university where lie was a member of Phi Delta
• • •
Of unusual beauty was the wedding of Miss Dorothy Judson to Wallace
Mirpard which took place Thursday evening at the First Presbyterian church
It was carried out In white and gold of the Raster lilies, which were used
In the decorations.
After two week* In Colorado Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Nhepard will return
to Omaha to make their home. They will spend the summer at the Judson
home In Falrarres.
• • •
One of the week's moat charming hostesses was Mrs. Kdwsrri la>ary,
who was at home yesterday to 150 guests In honor of Velma lads Hutton,
coloratura soprano, who la to appear Haturday evening as soloist for the
Omaha Hymphnny orchestra.
Hprlng flowers In shell pinks added to an already lovely setting. Mrs. I.rary
wore a striking gown of black and white chiffon, Miss'Hntton, one In white;
Mrs. Frank Boyd, whose guest she le, wore blue georgette, and Miss Msry
Munchhoff s soft dress of white.
Assisting Mrs. Leary were Mcsdainee W. E. Martin, A. I. Crelgh, J. W.
Hughes, George Engler, Arthur Coad, J. M. Harding, Nainuel Rees, N. C.
Leary, Misses Helen Hussle, Kleanor Barkley, May I/eary, Nan Murphy.
f -• — — — —V®
Omaha Altrusans Do a
Modern Paul Revere in
Breaking All Traffic Regulations, They Expected a
Night in Jail—Instead, .They Made
Their Train.
T 110815 Altrusa girl* rrom Omaha
war* "Juat the limit" at the na
tional convention at Kalamazoo,
Mich., from which they returned thla
week. They haven't told tha atory on
themselves, but bad news travels fast,
you know, and this is already spread.
Ing over town.
G’onventlonlals had been taken over
to Rattle (.‘reek, about SO miles away,
to sea the sights, and find out the
way to health and why "there's a
reason." They were warned that
they must be at a certain place at a
certain hour to get the Interurhan
back to Kalamazoo that night.
The Omaha delegation had been as
sorted all over the place by a young
gallant, who finally deposited them
at a lonesome-looking spot, ssylng It
was "according to Instructions." Con
stsrnatlon overtook ths girls when
they realized they ware soma distance
from ths station and that the hour
for the train was upon them. Thsy
appealed to a passerby.
"You’ll never make your train.
There It goee now," she said, point
ing down the street. "Rut wait a
minute, maybe you can, If thla man
will help you out."
Rhe halle .» genial appearing gen
tleman who waa driving by.
"Rure, get In," he ordered.
The girls will nevsr be quits aura
what happened. All they recall lg a
dizzy whirl through ths main strssta
of town: not a stop or a stuttsr at
any crossing; no regard, apparently,
for Irafflo regulatlona; only a hagy,
sick feeling as they pictured a night
In jail.
Several miles out at a llltla way
side station, the driver overtook the
train which they bad missed In
"How dared you do It, thsy
breathed hoarsely as they pulled
themselves on to ths car, mutlsrlng a
feeble and frightened thanks.
"Oh, that was all right, girls You
see I'm the chief of police."
THOUGH flowers will always re
twain sympathy's sweetest mes
senger, many popular substi
tutes are being used, especially for
( unfortunates who have to spend sny
considerable lime In s hospital.
Rein Uvea of Miss Virginia Cotton
say that when she, came fsorn the
hospital recently the scene lesemhled
* moving day, for she was preceded,
flanked and followed by phalange* of
gifts. Including a young library of
bonks, » perfect trousseau of neg
llgecs, bracelets, and perfumery
enough to stock a amall shop.
Ths prize for unusual gifts, how
ever, goes to Mrs, H. M. Adams, who
makes a custom of sending a howl
of goldfish to Invalid friends. In thla
connection It la Interesting to notice
that some writers maintain goldfish
are better than ths poppy seed »/.
Induce relaxation. Watclilng Ih*
liquid and leisurely motlona of the
flah In their cryatal ephere la claim
*d to be tha ahort route to dream
land. To be aure It doea not effect a
cat that way, but thla fact may Imply
a entitle comjillment to the recipient
ut the rift.
A modern development of tha old
jelly and cuatnrd therne la entreated by
Mra. Amoe Thomaa, who aenda a
three courae dinner In thermopneka
filled with hot nr cold dnlntlea and
cleverly arranged to tempt an In
valld'a appetite. Mra. Herbert Imnlela
contrlhutea foreign pictorial magn
alnea to the amuaement of her boa
pital-bound frlenda.
"Don't write, eend candy,” la an
unpopular alogan with alck peraona,
(Tarn In Page Two, Column Two.)
7~ Jjnaty
OfWfU- A
photo “
Nebraska Club Women to Go in Special
Cars to National Convention
The biennial convention of the gen
eral federation of women * club* will
be held In Lo* Angela*, June 1 to 14.
A ipeolal train will carry th* Nebra*
ka delegation to th# convention. Thl*
train will leave Omaha May 2H and
will reach Lincoln about «, leaving
IJncoln at did. May 29, th# train
will arrive In llenver where th#
train* from other line* hearing
other delegation* will be met. At
11:30 a. m. tbl* aame day, the women
will reach Colorado Hprlng* where
they will meet the lllfnol* *|>erl*|. At
thla place they will be given time to
Vf#w Pike'* peak, th# Harden of the
Hod* and the Cave of the Wind*. At
9:13 a. m., May 30, th# delegation*
will b# at Hunt* Ke, N. M , the oldeat
capital In the t.’nlted fitaie*. There
will be a three quarter* of an hour
atop. In the afternoon of tbl* earn*
day a atopovar will be made at Al
buquerque, N. M,, where an Indian
mu*#utn will be vlilled. Karly May II
a train will be run direct to the
Hrand Canyon where the women will
' 1.. 1 " 1 *
Three Generations an Attractive Group
jMn.JiM Corny an
Mrs A & Quaker
•Mia JcLn0*Oortttjaii
Hmt'hArt Maarten
Thl* unusually altrartlve three generation* group allow* Mr*. A. K
Boeker with her daughter, Mr*. A. M. Corrigan, and her granddaughter,
•lean. Mr*. Corrigan leave* for her home In Nt. lamia Ihl* week, following a
vlalt here with her parent*. Nhe war formerly 'll** Catherine Keeker, 'll**
•lean, who I* attending llunder sellout. will remain with her grandparent*
until the end of the term. Nhe eame to them when her parent* were moving
from Cleveland to Nt. Iaiul* several month* ago Mr*. Corrigan ha* enjoyed
a renewal of frlend*hlp In Mt Iami* till* winter ullh Mr*. Kraner* Murphy
(Mlta Marlop Waller), who treat there lg January sc • bride.
spend an entire isy. June 1 they will
lake luth-heon at th* Clolater Mlaalon
Inn nt Hlveralde, Cal., and In the aft
ernoon will reach ifc# Angelea,
Th* Nebraska delegation will make
their heud'juartera at the Hotel Clark.
Delegatee representing the elate
will he Mr*. Paul Perryman of Ord,
president: Mr*. John Hlaker, Hastings,
date director; Mr* Kdgar B. Penney,
Fullerton, past slat* president; Mrs
W. K. Mlpler, Oakland, editor ol
"The Mtilleiln." Mrs, A, If, Brooke
will go from Hnallnga.
Among the Mnooln women will be
Mr*. C. I, Halt, Mr*. J H. Johnson,
Mr*. II r. I.uekey, Mr* C. fwVrlendt
Mra. 10. V. Iteil, Mr*. Jntne* 'f. I<eee,
Mr*, i; K. Marty, Mr*. K. C. Yont.
Mr* II T. Oiilnn, Ml»« Annie K. Mil
ler and Ml** Helen Tuttle
Omaha delegate* will Include Mr*
John W Olll, first vl<e president
of the Omaha Woman'# dub, who
will represent Mr* Philip Potter, the
-lull president at Ih# biennial. Mr*.
Olll will vlalt at Ising Ranch, and at
Ogdan tefore returning home
Mia* Knlherln* Worley will go aa a
delegate for the Omaha W'oman'a
club an I will vlalt on th* co*»t fo|
lowing th# convention.
Mr* lanac liougle* of Ontaha Is el
reedy In Cellfomla end will attend
the hlennlel aa an Omaha delegate
Mra, C. L. Hempel of Omaha go#*
I* g Slat* delegate and Mrg. Charter
fturka, aa a representative of the
>un*he Worn*a * club: *l*» Mrs. I,
M laird and Mr*. Kdgar Allen.
Mr* Will W Blackman will repre
e*nt fh# Fremont Woman's club. Ah#
will vlalt In Portland, Ora., and th*
nortwaat before returning home. Mr*,
fllarkman haa a aon In lot* Angeles
and will leave two wek* In ad vane#
of tha convention for a vtalt with
Mr*. Henry Wehnar, president of
th# Fremont dub will b* unahl# to
attend, «* will *lao th* newly alerted
president, Mr#. Arthur O, Christian
For Mr. find Mr*. Henry
^iirti* Swearingen.
Henry Curll* Hwearlnran of Oh!
i**o arrived Hnturday noon to ti.eml
(he weekend wllh Mr*. Hweariiiam
(Helen Hmelle), and her mofher, Mr*
William H, Hmelle
Helm dev avanln* Mr and Mra” C
ir Walrath rev* a dinner for (he
Kwaarlnren* end today Mr end Mr*
W. II, Hmelle will rive a dinner Mr,
Hwearlnaen return* to I'hlram Mon
Additional affaire for Mra Hwear
Inren, Include e Or Ida* luncheon of
three table* Tueaday when Mre
Robert Wade will he hoateaa, and one
on Wedneeday wl*n Mr*. Cel' Jill
chen and Mr« Howard Dunham will
entertain Thuraday there will ha a
lunrheon el the Hrandd* with Mr*
O, W Kldrldre *a hoateaa, and a
dinner at the K Kendall Hammond
horn*. Krlday Mra D K McCuHey
will rive a hrldr* lunrheon and Hatur
dav Ml area Helen Dorothy Hrnllh will
rive * lunrheon al the Omaha d«h,
N**l Hurnlay Mr« Chiu lea Mi
Donald will entertain al dinner
Mr* Kw»»rln«*u will leav* for C'hl J
cego on Mon<U|
1). A, K, May Hrrak
fast and Mutdcal
MMkt I tMipIPf ilttlMM if Ih*.
»*.««*« M*.r|tlHrg *»». ttn.g •
Ml| lll’tnl f«*t |h i B i.i' «l« ti h»(
#*•* M»*t« lx i iw'i.', **. *... a. . Mai
it *t || * • i.~ t
NWiltiM M* I* Im4* Wtlh
Mim iMy* M Tlt.An** * A ittf
Mr* K I* M■>**•***. rr A fill Mi*
ItthN .1 lit>*f*i HA I*ft ii.1 Mr*
ll.wnw l: M<r*tw tt A lilt
|'ii||t.*1t.f IN* I>ir*lf»i1 * IMIltl' lit
wtit Hr IN Ur* *ttAH«rtMig rg lit*
fit'it n.g Mi* ii*n «hi** m,
M"N|r« I* t hnlllN >N if fNI HWtltgl
«Hh Mr* t. •* hiM IN rh»rg* nf th«
|t|*ir TNt |'itm»m l«**lwt*■ i
Ihfil til rtfiAriii *<•!.
11.1*1. ■*Alt*fc MiM
i*l Art ftlrll* Mint lIHrg
iht (slrgtr *tiA •SM*i*t<i.ii ]
rnm %
«*l »Vm«IU*
’Hill | Hian vialt*
M*Mf*-l t *!>*•
ItiiiMui %VMi*h«rw h nfein* •»(***
\ . g|
(ai t Poliloflht
4l»* MaM-iiia*
I' I AHwiu p * | t * I ► i ■
(ill inhg nr April Mart Turner aultyf
Ivarrlatta <*iarli Haitfttn. . nMrai*«
<4 1 ► It! •* I fnM I * M*»i| J
lllll nil iMIptM
<|ii p. i i n.( Mr i. j h«n> ( M< *
manta No I and 41 • »*(•*« Nt. ) '*»
Afi 4 H K Warndnrff firyi puiy
Mn A l» hun* 4»« nnd Juan*.
May Hrrakfa»t.
Thr nn>inl)pr* t.f Ihp Hr*tll**t Mil*
l.ndlrit llolf rlul. will ll'il.l ihrlr nn
min) Mny l<t'*nkfii*t nt IJurar-s* Nath
ten rtmn TuMday, May A, nt 11.
Parents Complete Plans to
Attend Commencements
|‘ .ft* t » ft. *» »» *1* • Or rhMHiH ***d«* to***** *M th* MM wt-hh
• t* •' • WpllWt •• »r4*»it tfttt n |« th* wit |«M fMtt* Mn • mtih»#tp*M In
th* ».»i In If* (Alt u ft nf<«l* pwrAM* «*h*<* thiofaht* f»f tali*** 11
hW««*»' » t. «• t . .til -•*
m»p itut*. |wi. t* will ha antratWnf i»f f#*t■■■■* p*»r t» o*t th* Atlantia
***••1 to attend lit.if t n«n* hopeful*' t.-fu«*i*tf*f.i-iit *»** iwf
Ml* ft.m Ittiint Will la*V* 111* lattet putt of M*» tft th* eaat «*<**•
*ti* will attend th* pf*Kh>*ti.if> .*i*t».. • ••*# *•» her 4* *M*f ttwrharw « ft***
*t Ml** MaatatV *.4n- l*.4ih* Inti Me* !»• • « will ent*» Nmtltt *-It***
p> th* fall
Root fa ml lie# «|t| git 14 W*H**t*>
Mr and Mi* W M It*- r*r |MM th* Mi»l *1 lun* ti t " *H**I* t Thar
WtH tni't' put*it hit tli* itlhllllM nf th»li itui|Mn Jut n il and for htr
tulutruurnt depaitme with * part* nf hrr ihumttM f«f • *«mtw*f at'r**4
finder th* tar* of t*wf. and Mr* Ward nf th* Wetlealey fault)
Mi »tid Mr*, M M l,*u»*lrr wilt meet Ihrir am. lit til a *t,pb»*tt«r* at
It*clfttotlOt, in .III',* and with him will g« to Wetteatey when Ml*. Virginia
tf#n»al*r praiidatea,
Mr* tlfotg* W. IMntnrr will »lao go to W*l|r#|#y f*t»e and h*r 4#
tar J-*p|ihln*i will »i*'tid a month in th* «*•! *ft*r th* gtoduaiion *i*r
Mr ami Mr* K I* Patton will l*at* alrnut Jun* 12 for \Vel|**l*y, to ha
with th*lr daughter. Kruno#*. Ilrr flano*. tUlpli t'amplndl. whom *h* will
w**} nut y#*r, will not b* aMa to ha in W#lt#«l#v for iuinm*n<*maril
l>r and Mr*. II I* Wharry will motor to Otialde III. in Juna for tha
graduation of th*lr mi, Wallar, from Onald* Military a*hool Th* rouAff
man will *nt*r th* t'nlveralty of Nahraaka In th* fall.
Mr, and Mr*. Piank I. Adnma plan to go »a«t In Jun* to attend III*
gradiiu'inn Uf their *<>n, (lurk*, from r'ornell unlvrralty Mr, Adam*, Jr., la
taking a group of hla cla»«m«t*a to Rump* Jun* 21
Mr. and Mr*. A. K Itllrhl* will go *n*t for th* graduation of thalr
daughter, ICmrnn. from Mia* Konttnar*' achool In Waahington, ft, C.
Mr*. Margaret llynoa will go to Hill athrml, Pottntowp, Pa , to ha
with h*r *or, William.*r they will »p*nd the aummer ahrond with
Mr* Nelaon I'pdlk* and Nelaon, Jr.
Former Omaha Girl Writes
From Lucknow, India
From Toil B«Kh Olrl*' achool at
T.urknow, Ml** Jean Bothwell, who
went to India more than a year aicn,
to enter Method!*! rnl**lonary ner
vine In a aecrrtarlal capacity, write*
to Mr*. J, D. Buchanan of Omaha,
under dale of April 2 Hhe haa apent
ecnalderable of her time thu* far in
■tudylna the langnaae. Her letter
aay* In part:
"IcUeknow I* hot, hotter, and rapid
ly Retting hotte*t and then we will
ahut up nhop and no to the hill*. I
will be Kind when It come* time to
climb the hill, a* the wind* are rather
trying. We rl*r early nnd »iart
school at 6:30 these day*, and the
whole thing la over by 12 o'clock. I
have been staying In the office until
..bout 1 o'clock and then come up
here to my room for rest or whatever
I please until tiffin time, about I,
which I* served In our room* Then
one needn't emerge until after sun
down when the winds die and a peace ■“
ful coolness cornea to ease up the
"I.nst year I had five months In
ihe hills because of language study
but this year only si* weeks, as achool
■ gins si^ln In July. We have about
1.'»0 girl* In the boarding department,
l ight now I am training a group for
* drama, aa they rail It, to be given
at the dose of school for a farewell
to the graduating class They are
such nice girls and It Is great fun to
work with them.
"We wear pith helmets everywhere
In the daytime because of the sun.
and there la no beauty about them
unices they are cleverly disguised.
Ho all we need hati for are evenings
and church."
For Recent Bride.
Among affairs of the week honor
ing Mrs. Stephen Brown (Miss Maude
Miller), whose marriage last summer
was recently announced, Included a
shower given by Mrs. Lyman Cross
at her home Friday night. Miss Ar
Una Oarucroas will give a luncheon on
Tuesday and Mlaa Eleanor Una s
luncheon Wednesday at the Athletic
club and Mias Marie Carveth will en
tertain Saturday afternoon
otfiss clstre <jtXiu$h»rly. J(,ss T&rwVfJ*. *?*cktf 9rU>*. <JTtt WtUtct S^ £U*n»r <9mtkky
Leaguers Leave
Mr*. Ot*n Wharton nri'l Mr* Henry
Holding left Krtdav to apand tw«
week* In Denver with Mr and Mr*
Orover Owe, Mr »nd Mr* Haitian
Hi/fhe* and Mr. and Mr*. Dtion V.1
llrdt. While there they will attend
th* national convention of th* Junior
laairoe*, which will he held May T 10.
Delegate* will h* there from *0
cltle* where fh* Junior league ha*
hranrhe*. a chain which alrateh**
from Portland, Me., to Honolulu.
Ml** Marlon Towle. Mr*. A liter t Alb
Iteroaen Mr*. Paul riallaghar. Mr*
I'Otile Meyer. Mi* Jrthn l/ooml* and
Mr* Con rail Voting will leave Tue*
day for Denver
The engagement of Mina Janet
>'hear, of I.lnroln, who I* a gueat of
her aunt, Mr* (’harlr* Murk*, nut
of h*r roiieln, Mr*. Walter C, ftlopp,
thl« t»Mlc*t"l w*« announced today
Ml** f’haaa’a nance, rteorg* Kdwnrd
ttalllgari, Jr, rif I.lnroln la alao a
gue*t here
Mlaa Chn*e I* the daughter of Mr
end Mr* It M, Ch’ie* of I.lnroln Ah*
I* * graduate nf the Vulva-ally of
Met,rank a, »tiei n alia wa* ■ member
•if Kappa Kappa riainma. and Mr.
Aalltgnn ta an nlumnii* of Delta Kap
pa Kpailon of lha Vnivaralty of lilt
pola. 1
. Exhibit at Public Library
During Music Week
I hiring Munir waak, May 4-10, th*
public library will hold an aahlbltlon
on (ha aa<on<t floor of lha library
hullfling of ntuainal hooka and ar
tlrlaa of Intaraat to mua<rlana. Tha
aghlbltlon will ba opan on llunday
from f to 4. and avary waak day from
9 a. rn to 9 p, m
Itoma In lha Kthlhll
A aouara piano, mnntlfoi lurad hy
W, Y' Collard, Ixindon, 1799, formarly
•twnad by Jamaa I,. ralhrart, t'nllad
Ktntaa ronaul to Tripoli Alao haarar
of dlapatrhaa. May 4, 1794, from Vlalr
Haaaan Itnahaw of rrganry of Alglara
10 Oaorga Wnahlngton, praaidant of
tha Hnltad Htntaa Unnatad hy Hr
Jamaa W I’aahody of Omaha grand
•on of Jamaa I,, fathrart
A eholr l>ook of Uragnrlan rhanta
formarly uaad In Milan ralhadral An
lllumlnalad manuarrlpt of tha 18th
Autograph'd Irttara of tha follow
ing: Mayarbaar. (lonnod. Offnnbnrh,
ftarllor, Mandalaiuihn, I'aganlpl Man
rlatta (toning, Arthur Hutltvan, Jo
hum Hlrauaa Haifa, Itaathovan,
fanny Lind, Haalnl, Kiaui Ma»t,
Mar 4a, A doling |*»tu.
A ft ticket for a Jenny Idnd oon
cert In Cleveland, November T, till
and a program for tha name eoncert
which waa aold ai tha door for UH
Book# "A (eneral hltlory of
mualo from the earlier ««*• to the
preaent period," t volume*, by Chari**
Burney, published In 171*. Thla work
allll rank* a* on* of the hlaheet an
ihnrltle* on the htalory of mualc.
"The American musical miscellany
a collection of Ihe newest and treat
approved »cnya, ael to mualc," pub
llabed In till On* song In thla col
lection Is an od* for th# Fourth of
A collection of symphony c oncer I
preyram# coverlna a period of covers!
year*, received from Boston, Phil#
delphla. New Tork and Mlnneapolta,
belonaln* to the Omaha Symphony
orchealra and deposited temporarily
at the puhllc library
The library la tinder obturation to
• he mualc la na of Omaha fer melt
many valuable auaaeaflona rra iilto*
Ihe purchase of letoka of much and
look* relation to tha aubject ut ,
««•!«. |
Miss Emily Burke
Announces Bridal
At an avanln* caramony at All
Raima Rpiempal church. Tuesday •
June S. Mlaa Rmily Rurke. daughter
of Mr and Mra Kdward I. Rurke
will ha wad ta OrenvIUe Tremaine
Andrreon of Maw York City.
The bride to ha hee rhoeen Mre
Richard Mallory a* her matron af
honor Her hrldeematde art!! Include
MWeea Krna Reed. Mary Mcraman,
Winifred Rmlth. Mlae Rurke e migr
Adeline Kent of KentfleM. Cal. with
whom eh* ettended VeeMir Kethar
lt»a. Rchwah of Xnr York City. who
wax a rlaaemete of Mlae Rurke'e at
Veaaar. end Ruth MrOey
Mr An.1era.ine groomsman Will b*
•nimuixwl later He will arrive I*
Omaha the latter part of Mar
KrktfrnilY Kntrrlgin*
Mie# Hllllgann
The Phi Heta Pi fraternity af tfce
I'nlverelly of Netrraaka College of
Medlrlnr will entertain a number of
the end their wires af dirt
nrr U«lay al their twa fraternity
houae. In h* no» at Miaa Derig Wig