The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, May 04, 1924, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 4-B, Image 16

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    SluilrlijiktT (Nils
Nolnl M;mI ( nr
in Milo Mil rum
lldlti sn I Imi 11•*!*!* I un i
in* Hum,
H#,. In * II,ill ,.f
I rtHMS*'
The tames HHtdthnk 11*1,1 *ts,
whbh |mhl» K»H<4« (wri |i
flM mall <*i,, tag ,,,= . h ,, «if|,«l
h*rs and t» |>l. » • Hi b notable ,*
lll«INH<l ,
11,• .Him .Hw Hlnr Kill full (<l
»'*H MM , .. >, i. it- i U n,
WfVlik, an M»**s ■ d Into a |ii«,nltM*iit
pWlre In Ibe tUieblw.k. i , , iseMUt
Where man, utrl ,1|»,| . ,1* anil
vehicle* will, a imiianm Ilium, an*
, tewed em h yea, |.y I h.Mee.ii.i* ,.f
Thla Mew addlllxn In Ihe iiiiiantm
of lrii„a|a<r|ntlnn In Ihe HI mb-hake,
Administration huildlna „n* mil l.y
Ihe ,’healer N Weaver compuny,
RllMtehaker distributor* nl Fin Fran
Ilnlda Many ttnad Mecord*.
Driven by Unit I. Weaver and
.tamea k\ Hurley nf the ('heater N.
Weaver company, and ncftimpnnled
by nbacrvera, thla car made mad re.
orda between t,na Anitelex and Full
Francisco more than kbrci, years bro
ihat have aloiul tinenualed by tbe off!
ilally observed perforttiamc of any
other Car.
On February 2, 1921. It established
a new round-trip record between Fun
Francisco and I,«s AtiReles, a dlatancc
of 3(54.8 miles, In the senHiitlonal
time of 21 hours nnd 23 minutes. On
the same trip It lowered the coast
louts record between these two cities
by 2 hours, 35 minutes unit 20 sec
onds, the time lielPR 10 hours, 12 min
utes (tnd 30 seconds for the 453.7
Three weeks later this car smashed
the vtllty route record between ihe
Main postofllce at l.os Ample* nnd
Ferry postofllce, nun Franctaeo, run
mntr the distance of 411.1 index In
9 hours, 15 minutes nnd 50 second*.
It ,1s believed that lids time between
tliese two points nvir tills route will
stand forever.
A month lifter then" phenomenal
Half-Skeleton Steel Body of Dodge Brothers
Enclosed Car Will Be Exhibited Here May 4
n Mrlen Davis Antn c<t., the local Dodg* Brother* dealer, was nollfled today by Dodge Hrothera that the half
skeleton steel body which altrncted to much attention In the educational exhibit held by Dodge Brother* in connec
tion with I he New York, Chicago and San Francisco showr*, will he available for local display during the week of
The body l« unique In thgt one hnlf la enameled, trimmed, upholstered and flnlahed like the body of a car reedy
for use, and the other half I* entirely unfinished ahowing clearly every part of the strong, light, safe, all-ateel con
struction, .
The upholstery and trimming are cut at tha center line of the car ahowing the deep cushion springs and tna
genuine lialr padding.
The unfinished half shows how the frame, consisting of pressed steel parts welded and riveted together, fives
maximum strength and stiffness together with light weight and freedom from warping and from squeaks and
rattles. No wood whatever enters Into the construction of the body except the frame* for the removable cushions
and the faw strips to which the trimming materials are talked. Even the moulding around the windows, which,
upon close examination, looks like vnrnlshed hard wood, It of pressed steel finished In baked enamel.
Dodge Brothers have applied steel body eonstructlon to their Type A and Type B sedans as well as to the Busi
ness Coupe, Touring Car and Roadster. The Interior of the body Is more roomy lhan would he the case If wood were
used because the stronger steel supports are less bulky than wood pillars.
These and many other advantages of all-steel body construction. It is pointed out by the dealer, make It obvious
that the life of the body Is greatly prolonged even In th* most severe service.____
run* till* light six covered the 42S
miles of narrow desert trail from Lott
Angeles to Phoenix In 13 hours. 16
minutes, cutting off 2 hours and 2S
minute* from the liest previous auto
mobile record. The railroad time is
The Good Maxwell
Noted For Its
Hugged Strength
*eaftlre *o fn, * 08 * ""‘able
"•lE-beridli t.*00* Max
* ~ -»<•
»" 8 second, ,,*? “ *,0nr
riding and hf-i,. e**e ®f
standing, and Its bwrntvfcT
almost too well L^fUty **
"eed comment WH fo
Farnam at 28th
South Omaha
11 > Broadway, Council Bluff*
Clab Artlan
•1075 .
V. O. I. Date aH
Tax Extra
1 hour, 4 minute* slower than the
record e*tahll*hed by thle light six.
Museum Honor Coveted.
To earn a place in the titudebaker
museum, which Is In reality a record
of transportation In America, Is an
honor much coveted. Singularly,
California contributed the two most
recent exhibits.
The first was the half-million mile
Studebcker big six, which traveled in
midwinter under Its own power from
Cos Angeles to New York and thence
hack to South Ileml after covering a
verified mileage of half a million miles
In five and one half years.
The next and latest addition Is the
filudeljaker light six from Han Fran
Factory Is Open
Philadelphia Plant Starts on
100-Car-a-Day Produc
tion on April 1.
Opening of the new WUlya-Overland
.Minntic company's plant In Philadel
phia on April 1 marked a long Stride
forward towards the realization of
Wlllys-Overlnnd’s aim to build 300,000
motor cara during 1924.
Within a few days the production
at the new factory will reach 100
rars a dsy and before long this mark
will Ire doubled. While the present
schedule colls for the building of
Overland models only. It la thought
that the Willy* Knight line will be
added In the near future.
This new plant I* an actual factory
In the fullest sense of the word,
rather then * mere sssemtdy plant.
Much of the material needed Is being
purchased direct from the vendors. Is
shipped to the new factory snd Is
processed here; All- tops arc pro
duced here; wheels, rims, batlerh*
and other accessories are shipped
direct to the new plant from their
original manufacturer*.
Assembled motors *r- shipped tn
tact from Toledo, but t|jc*e are care
fully block-tested before final assem
bly. Frames are also shipped from
Toledo, but are drilled and riveted
h» re.
On* of the conspicuous develop
men!* of fhe automobile Industry is
the Increase In the numt>er of en
closed cars. This Is liec-anse the en
closed model* sre now regarded es
all season vehicles, according to R
W. J>*\ Isson, Hudson snd Kssex dls
"The man who wanla fresh air and
plsnty of It." he said, "can actually
gat a bstter supply of It In an en
closed car than he can In an open
one. By regulating the window* he
c*n admit as much air as he wants.
By opening certain windows and leav
ing Others dosed, or by opening esch
of them Just a trifle, be can get thl*
supply of fresh air without any draft.”
Within the last week or twoOmaha
doctor* have been added to the list
Of Cadillac owner*.
The** men found that thl* car
cop Id meet the moat exacting require,
merit* In their profession.
In thl# connection, Mr, Hansen
"W# find that men In all line* of
biialnte* and profession*, , who are
most exacting In ttielr demands, never
liilftntfl to give Cadllla'' flr«t consld
nation when purchasing an mitotan
bile. They know that It* <\j. dc
pi ridable performance and exceptional
service I* aura of giving the utmost
In satisfaction."
It. M. filundln, salesman for It. fl.
flayer, jr., Philadelphia distributor of
flake* locks, ba* Iwen awarded s rush
prize of $25 for the best Individual
sale* effort of any flak** salesman
during the month of March .
Thl* t* tli* third prize Rlundln has
eon In the lii»t six month*, hi* prevl
ou* beat effort* coming In the Thanks
I giving and Christina# contests, |
Buick Expects
larger Business
Number of Employe* to Be
I nerea»ed—Factory Be
ing Enlarged.
I’resident Bulck Motor Company
With the Bound financial condl
tlon of the United State*, together
with the more aettied situation
abroad, Bulck look* forward with
every good -reason to a larger busl*
nee* th-in ever befo. for both the
ensuing fiscal and calendar year. At
the present time there are 23,20* on
the payroll of the Rulok factory, and
we expect to soon Increase thl* num
Kxtenaiona and addition* te our en
gine plant, sheet metal plant, body
building plant, gray Iron foundry,
axle plant, forge ehop, tool making
plant and finished stock repartmant,
the work upon which haa recently
somewhat restricted production, are
rapidly approaching completion.
These Improvements will supply fa
cilities for meeting our constantly and
rapld!v Increasing domestic and a*
port business.
It is most satisfying to realize that
we have sold 12,000 more of our
models for the season ending March
20. than we did for the same period
In our best previous sales year, name
ly—that of 1921.
"Keen price competition between
manufacturer* of automobiles of th*
same class prevents them from In
cluding with each car all desirable,
attractive and useful accessories real
!y needed,” -Mr. West, manager of
the Ntewart-Wsrner products service
station, said today.
”.M/tny hundred accessories and car
einlieltishments are offered for sale
by omuha equipment dealers, at tcaa
nnable prices. Buyers of used cars
are the heaviest purchaser*.
"A good used car through a mod
erate expenditure of money can be
sufficiently dressed with Htcwsrt ae
cesxorles to glva It the appearance
of a 1924 model.”
The Packard Motor Car company
lias tvhnt ts known aa the Senior
league, rompoeed of employee who
have been with Packard 10 years or
Mighty such employes were admit
ted recently and following Packard’s
annual custom, wera presented by
Alvnn Macsuley, president, with a
gold watch and a 10 year button.
H. H, Hills, vice president, brought
out the fact that with the present
mehremhlp, over 22 per cent of the
Packard /ores haa been with them
continuously for 10 years or more.
Mongreeslonal blocs are developing
splinters. Washington Post.
Don't your mother know that Cod
Dive, Oil will |,llt pound* of good
healthy fleah on your bone* In Juat «
few week* '
Tell her etery druggist ha* If In
sugar costed tablet form now ao that
you won't Imve to take the nasty,
flshytasting oil (hat I* apt to upart
the atotoarh.
Tell her that Mrt'oy a Cod t.lver Oil
Tablet* are rhork full of vltamlnea
and are the greatest fleah producer*
and h"«ltli lailldcr* ahe can find.
One alrkly, thin kid, aged 9, gained
12 pound* In 7 month*.
She inuat a'k Sherman g McConnell
Drug Co., Beaton Drug Co., Itrandela
Store, or nnjr gortd druggist for Mc
Coy’S Cod IJver Oil Tablet* —** tab
eta, 60 rent*—■» pleasant to fake a*
•■c,rt M-CoCs. >he original *m) gen
uln* Cod Direr Oil Table*.*’
High Urnigrttf
Vkniltli Wits
Lirgr (liir
hllmilrtl lliai fVr I afiila
>«Hnp» in I!>. \tr I
\uln >almati«Mi IV»imI
f ar A+bs>
Tit* »>»»**• wealth e# •'•*) I**'
•an In IM Inlled Plate* n* t**-cm
t«r II, lift, t«w* If.III. *. n-idtwC IN
lit* department of Pmtltffrt* *h*th
It** Jusl announced fNowtt* <>f I’*
!*te*t decennial *u***y
T« I hsHe* M, M**llNt*. pr»*id«nl
■mi gerter*I manager nf Ih* llupit
Mnlnr C*r rorporgllon, INI* infloiIn*
lion o*nerel*ly lllualratea why Ihrr*
at* an many itltafitnWIU, and why j
ih* economic Mturatljin pdni for
molar oar* on Ih* North AmeilMtl
continent may never It* rca< h*d
"Awnmlni that th* average Inn
lly contain* four p*r*ont, IH «verage
Health l« mnr* than 111,000, showing
that It can w*ll afford to own a
motor Ofur," aay* Hr. Ilaetlng*."',rcr
capita wealth Inereaeed 4* * per rent
In th* 10 y*ar* *lnc* December 31,
1112, survey w*a mad*, when II »m
11,160. Tha difference— nearly 14.000
for a family of four—la more than
sufficient to enable th« head of a
household to purchase and maintain
a motor car at all time*.
"WbU* th* department pointed out
that hug* Increase in per capita
wealth la du* principally to th* rise
In price* In recent year*, and not
•ntlrely to a corr**pondlng Increase
In tho quantity of wealth, a* econom
ists figure It, there 1* no nuci
tlon that th* average American fam
ily can afford to maintain a higher
Jiving standard than 10 year* ago.
"Thla la shown In th* heavy buy
ing of motor care. In the greater pro
portion of more pretentious and com
fortable home* being erected the
country over. In the greater travel In
Pullman car*, tn tremendously In
creased road building. In the general
ly better standard of living, and in
every lino of bualne**.
For th* third successive week
Dodge Brothers dealers have broken
all prevlou* retail delivery records.
During the week ending April 5,
S,<94 car* were delivered to purchas
er*. Thl* vii more than 100 In ex
ce** of the greatest prevlou* week *
business In Dodge Brother * hiatory.
Thl* record, however, wa* dt brief
duration, as the very next week *aw
the delivery of *,10* cars at retail.
And now It I* disclosed by official
figure* from the factory that the
week ending April 19 set* still another
and much greater record, with *,570
deliveries to customer*.
In neither rase do these figure*
include car* delivered to purchaser*
| In foreign countries.
Nil'll Motor* Kill I
Plaver* «t ^ork
4 1
llral I **J*M hI I hi*
l l|it III *«f» m(
I III «,
ltnt-tn> *■• nf IM S«ih M«l"i • amm
tMNf •«»4i ha Ml •MM <V> »•**»>
fha N«*h haarhatl I Man MftwIlH H»
H|aniag 14 lha waam hg ihhaliai
• <•***4 Panama *f * "hhagr 1 In *, al
lha h'aah alaAlam »h Kanoaha, 4a4t
i*l*4 hi** o*h*.
I* H |#a*h, t*i*>M nf lha Naah
Mnlni* nnmiwlig. atnl «lh»r nffl.Jal*
h* rltrtlwtM »h lha I*i>«iam, ami
|tt ittt In lha |*|tti fhrtnl grM*»l*il«in
**r* mn*ta hi N**h *«i|4n|H In Ml
hath Managai Walla* Mlllrr aihl Ihn
I* lav nr*
Thl* I* Saah Motor* aaoontt aaaamt
In Ihn MtilttrM l**agtta, nlhnra In Ihn
laageua balng latga** N<tu*t»« and
N inantia nf t'Hlt-ago Ap'lhorta of Maa*
»lllon, o,f Tarmlnala of i*attlnti, O.
I atria* of Ihloll, Wla, HI In It tom1 nf
Knnntha, Wla , and Karin* of llarina.
Wla Many of lha |il*rrr* lit lha Mt*l
tvaal ritrull hava anan anrvlra wllh
tha major Initauaa.*
“The word ‘motor bu*' to many peo
pi* bring* up * picture of a cumber
«on, noisy vehicle thnt Jounce* and
Jolt* along lumbcrlngly,” «aya J. O.
Myers, general truck sale* manager
of the Pierce-Arrow Motor Car com
"It I* not surprising that the pub
lic In general has such a picture In
mind, for the stride* of the last year
or two have been *o rapid that thou
sand* of person* have not yet had
opportunity to become acquainted
with the present-day coach.
“In place of the old-time truck
chawai* and makeshift bus body, I*
the real motor bus, designed and
built aolely for motor bus operation.
"The modern Pierce-Arrow niotor
bu*. for Instance, has * vlbratlonles*.
six-cylinder epgine, which yields a
smooth, silent flow of power. Is cap
able of traveling at a rate of 60
mile* an hour «afe!y.
"Wonderful stride* likewise have
been made In coachwork. The modern
d* lux* bodle* actually provide a more
comfortable ride than a luxurious
limousine.” ;**•'
Ford Runs 57 Miles
On Gallon of Gasoline
A new automatic and sclf regulat
Ing device ha* been Invented with
which automobile* hav* made from
40 to 76 mile* on a gallon of gasoline
It remove* all carbon and prevent*
spark plug trouble and overheating
It can be installed by anyone In five
minute*. I want agent* and am will
ing to send a sample at my own risk.
Write me today.
!5!J 4th St., Puhwarns. South Dakota.
It A AM *t IM Ault"*
Mi* W>» A Wwi i* b»* »*(•«*'
m| fr+m lb* W*t AM t*im
• i | ttM>« Mbb , »H*t* M H+'tt
tfbtl A*t« it M il it !***<••** •**
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Im htt in iM b»M if l*tt
>4 IM« wi.Attb, I A* WW *M hit tt
t*H« I* t«**fc i CM bt tW Ml -•
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L i ti.mUII
,401 4 N**MU IImI
JA .».*«« OMT j
r*#.? r>—i c#vh
I/5J3. 0t Flint
Have a Dort Six Demonstration.
Step in—three inviting doors, wide and easy to
enter; no crawling over or around chairs.
Sit down—wide, deep cushions, comfortable as a
parlor car.
Lean back—plenty of room in this car for five full
grown people. And real leg room, too—stretch out.
Let’s go—the smooth power surge of a six
cylinder motor, oil cushioned; the quiet, solid lux
ury of a rugged chassis and a distinguished body.
There is comfort and beauty and satisfaction here.
Because this is a real automobile, this Dort Six.
Dort Sixes f1095 to 91595, at Flint
Diatribntor* for Nebraska and Weittra Iowa
2421 Farnam Slraal Omafaa
SdanUPeallybalanead. holds
tho road at all apaads. AU
iltd body. Ona-piaca wtnd
skidd. Lmmtrima ganntna j
laatkar mmkiana, lam me has (
drop. Cart lights. Standard (J
nan skid sard It rat. Y
We’ll lend you a car
to compare with other cars at near its price
THIS it an offer to anyone who it considering the
purchase of a car in the $1000 field.
We invite you to take out a Studebaker Light
Sis model for the sake of comparing it with other can
at near its price. This without obligation to buy.
Every maker advances claims for his car. Some are
fair, some superlative; some are borne out by facta,
others not.
You've been told this car, that car or another is ‘‘just
as good” as this famous Studebaker model. Now find
out for yourself. That's the only way to buy lasting
a a a
When you try this Studebaker Light-Six. you will
find an engine of remarkable power and flexibility—an
L-head engine designed and Studebaker; noted
for ita quiet and smooth operation; free from vibration
because ita crankshaft and connecting rods are ma
chined on all surfaces, an exclusive Studebaker feature
on cars at this price.
You will find surprising ease of handling, unusual
comfort, roominess, obvious refinements and all the
visible signs of a quality car. You will find low price
its only contrasting feature.
e • •
Remember. Studebaker is the world’s largest quality
car builder and thus is in position to give you the u*
most for the least.
Buy no car at $500 or more without making this test.
Don't buy blindfolded.
5i>n> n2M»r a ion r
Roadster (3-Pass.) I03S
Coupe-Roadster (2 Pass.) 119$
Coupe (f-Paas.) . . 1395
Sedan ... 141$
f fW //*W n »0H !*•
Touring .... $14*5
Roadetrr (2-Paw) . 1400
Coup* (5-Paw) . . IPS
//w w h » m r
Touring .... II7S0
Speedxer (5-Paw) . IMS
Coupe (S Paw) . . 74*$
Atttntmf. • » TV— »—*»■■> w—»■<—
HA rney 0676 2550 Farnam Street